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Partial Replacement of Cement With Marble Dust Powder in Cement Concrete

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com Volume 5 Issue V, May 2017

IC Value: 45.98 ISSN: 2321-9653
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering
Technology (IJRASET)
Partial Replacement of Cement with Marble Dust
Powder in Cement Concrete
Raghvendra1, Prof. M. K. Trivedi2
Civil Engineering Department, Madhav Institute of Technology & Science, Gwalior, M.P.

Abstract : In this study, the investigation of performance on the strength parameter of concrete mix by partial replacing the
cement with marble powder is done. Since marble powder employed in the various type of construction work, therefore
depending upon its properties, the marble powder is taken as partial replacement of cement as a material test were performed to
examine the strength and durability performance of concrete mix with marble powder with different proportion varrying from
5% to 25% the test results shows that the strength parameter of concrete mix is improved. Marble dust replaced at the concrete
with 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% & 25% of cement and then compared with Conventional concrete. Then analyze the variation between
values of results with conventional concrete.
Keywords: Marble powder, Partial Replacement, compressive strength, concrete material.

Now a day’s marble powder is the source that causes of environmental troubles in the world. Therefore, maximum utilization of
marble waste in various inpowderrial sectors, especially the construction, agriculture, glass and paper inpowderries would help to
protect the environment. Concrete generally used in construction projects in the civil construction work because of its large
structural strength and constancy. Concrete mixture contains of cement, aggregates and water. Aggregate can not only manage the
potency of concrete but also influence the strength and performance of concrete. The development of concrete can decrease the
utilization of environment resources and energy basis which sequentially further decrease the load of pollutants on the atmosphere.
One of the reasonable means for decrease of the waste marble masses is by employing them in construction. Waste powder of
Marble can be used to enhance the mechanical and physical functions of the conventional concrete. The chance of utilizing waste
powder of marble as cementitious material in the preparation of concrete will also induce a relief on waste disposal issues. Currently
the requirement for cement is quite high in developing countries because of rapid infrastructural enlargement which consequences in
supply shortage and augment in the rate of material.
Before this study, different investigations are found the solutions on concrete composite materials. Natural resources are decreasing
from the earth and increasing wastes from inpowderries generated simultaneously. The eco friendly and consistent enhancement for
construction includes the utilization of non conventional and unusual waste materials, and use of waste material for reducing
emissions in environments and decreasing the utilization of environmental resources. Sand is ordinary form of fine aggregate used
in concrete production. In this experiment, and mixed with Marble powder is employed as fractional replacement with Cement.
Marble powder is the waste which is generated from Marble finishing Inpowderries in construction which has similar physical and
chemical actions of sand and utilized as replaced with cement.


A. Materials
The materials used in the projects for making concrete mixture are cement, Fine aggregate, coarse aggregate, Marble powder, are
detailed describe below:
1) Testing of Cement: Cement is by far the primary element of concrete, in that it presents the binding material for the discrete
elements. Cement naturally generating from raw supplies and sometimes blended or interground with in powderrial wastes. The
cement used in this experiment was Pozzolana Portland cement (PPC).
Table 1: Test of Cement
Tests Performed Test process Results
Consistency Vicat Apparatus (IS: 4031 Part - 4) 32%
Initial setting time (min) Vicat Apparatus (IS: 4031 Part -5) 110 min

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved Volume 5 Issue V, May 2017
IC Value: 45.98 ISSN: 2321-9653
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering
Technology (IJRASET)
Final setting time Vicat Apparatus (IS: 4031 Part -5) 180 min
Specific gravity Specific. gravity bottle (IS:4031 Part - 3.03
Fineness Sieve test on sieve no.9 (IS: 4031 Part – 2%
Compressive strength (IS: 4031 Part-6)
7days 22 N/mm2

2) Fine Aggregate: The fine aggregate used of a river sand that is, clear from all styles of natural contamination was utilized in this
investigational plan. The fine aggregate was moves through 4.75 mm sieve; the sand was most dried and without from any
external material and had a specific gravity 2.6. The grading zone of fine aggregate was zone II as per IS specifications.
However, it's currently well recognized that physical, chemical and thermal properties of aggregates considerably influence the
properties and performance of concrete.
Table 2: Test of Fine aggregates
S. No. Test Result
1. Zone II
2. Specific gravity 2.6
3. Fineness Modulus 3.75
4. Water Absorption 0.6%

3) Coarse Aggregate: Coarse aggregate is a substitute of concrete mixture used for building concrete material. They can be within
the variety of unequal broken stone or naturally occurring gravel. Materials that are large to be maintained on 4.75mm sieve
size are named coarse aggregates. Its highest size shall be up to 20 mm.
Table 3: Test of Coarse aggregates
S. No. Test Result
1. Water absorption 0.22%
2. Specific gravity 2.94
3. Fineness Modulus 7.17

4) Water: Water is a main element of concrete because it actively contributes within the chemical Process with cement. While it
assists to execute the strength of cement mixture, the number and quality of water is important to be appeared into very
cautiously. Portable water is regularly measured satisfactory.
5) Marble powder: Waste generated in the stone manufacturing industries during, shaping, cutting and cleaning of marbles stones.
Through this process, about 20-25% of the procedure marble is turn into the powder variety. India being the third (about 10%)
Prime most exporter of marble in the world, every year million tons of marble waste forms processing plants is released.
Because of the accessibility of huge amount of waste formed in the marble plant, this assignment has been intended and
Table 4: Physical properties of marble dust powder

S. No. Properties Result

1. Specific gravity 3.03
2. Colour white
3. Form Powder
4. Odour Odourless
5. Fineness 3%

6) Concrete mix Design: M 20 design mix of concrete has been used for the present work. The concrete mix proportion was
1:1.925:3.547 and water cement ratio was 0.50.

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved Volume 5 Issue V, May 2017
IC Value: 45.98 ISSN: 2321-9653
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering
Technology (IJRASET)
The estimation of concrete with marble powder and Fine aggregates used as substitute of aggregate materials is completed during
concrete specimen testing. Concrete include cement, water, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate. Concrete is replaced with alternative
materials by varying percentage of replacement. The waste powder of marble is used as partial replacement for Cement in the range
of 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, and 25% by cement as per its weight and its optimum level is to be found. For analyzing the power of
normal and other variation mix totally 54 cubes of size 150x150x150mm were casted for compression strength test. Then 6 beam of
size 700x100x100mm is casted for flexural strength testing. Once 24hours completed from casting the concrete specimens are
opened and allowed for continuous curing in a tank with portable water. The specimen are taken and tested at required 3rd day, 7th
day & 28th day from curing for compression test at 3rd day, 7th day & 28th day and flexural test at 28th day from curing. Then
compare the Strengths of M20 design mixes.


In this study the casted concrete is related to different tests to calculate the strength and other properties of the casted concrete. The
main aim of the project is to monitor the developed strength attained by the concrete at various testing days from curing. Generally
proper casting and curing of concrete will augment the strength of the concrete. For this project each test is carried out with 3
samples for every mix ratio and tested at required curing time. Then the average values are used for the investigations. The series of
testing actions are detailed below:
Slump Cone Test: This experiment is executed to confirm the workability of newly casted concrete. This test independently
executed on newly casted concrete and the Cement replacing with marble dust to find the workability. The slump is very valuable in
identifying variations in the consistency of a mix of given nominal proportions; it is a measure of consistency of the fresh concrete.
This test is conducted immediately after the concrete has been made.
Table 5: Slump value of Concrete Mix
% Replacement Slump Value
0% 29mm
5% 28mm
10% 28mm
15% 27mm
20% 26mm
25% 26mm

Slump Value in mm

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25%

% Replacement of Marble dust

A. Compressive Strength Test

Concrete is weak in tension and strong in compression so the concrete should be strong to attain high compression. In this study for
each mix 3-samples were tested and the average strength is compared with nominal mix of M20 Mix. Compressive strength test
finds out the high amount of compressive load a material can bear below facture limit. The results of compressive strength at the

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved Volume 5 Issue V, May 2017
IC Value: 45.98 ISSN: 2321-9653
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering
Technology (IJRASET)
age 3rd day, 7th day & 28th day are shown in table 6.
Table 6: Compressive Strength on Concrete M20 Cubes
Percentage Replacement Compressive Strength (N/mm²)
of Marble powder 3 Days 7 Days 28 Days
0% 12.50 18.9 28.10
5% 14.12 19.21 28.90
10% 14.37 21.77 30.15
15% 15.71 23.83 31.27
20% 13.76 20.24 29.38
25% 11.10 17.35 26.00

Graph.1 Compressive Strength of Concrete M20

Compressive Strength (N/mm²)


3 Days
7 Days
28 Days

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25%

% Replacement of Marble dust

B. Flexural strength
Flexural strength also called as modulus of rupture. In concrete flexure is the bending moment caused by the applied load, in which
a concrete beam has compression at top and tensile stress at the bottom side. Beams on testing will fail in tension due to its property
and shear will appear on concrete. In this experimental works totally 6-beams of size 700 x 100 x 100 mm are casted of M20 design
mix concrete and other percentage of replacements as for 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% and 25% by weight of Marble powder with cement.
Then compare the values of both design mixes. The flexural values of various mixes are displayed in Table.7.

Table.7: Flexural Strength of Concrete at 28 days

Percentage Replacement of Flexural Strength
Marble powder (N/mm²)
0% 3.8
5% 3.84
10% 3.87
15% 3.94
20% 3.85
25% 3.6

Graph.4 Flexural Strength at 28 Days

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved Volume 5 Issue V, May 2017
IC Value: 45.98 ISSN: 2321-9653
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering
Technology (IJRASET)


Flexural Strength (N/mm²)


3.7 M-20



0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25%

% Replacement of Marble dust

1) Waste Management: Marble powder or dust is mixed in the concrete as replacement material of Cement. It is the waste product
of marble stone produces from surface finishing or stone in construction buildings or industries. The safe disposal of this waste
requires sufficient area which is costly and will cause environmental pollution. The construction industry is the only area where
the safe use of Marble powder or dust is possible. When it is introduced in concrete as a replacement material, it reduces the
environmental pollution, space problem and also reduces the cost of concrete. Many researchers had already establish, Marble
powder or dust achievable use as a replacement material in concrete. In this Experimental study Marble dust is used in concrete
in the form of replacement material of Cement. For this study, M20 grade of concrete is prepared and the test are conducted for
various substitute of cement using Marble dust as 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% & 25% in concrete ready with Cement.

A. A Marble dust is a type of waste mixed as a substitute to cement in concrete.
B. From this investigation, the Marble dust particles are waste of low cost material which would help to resolve solid waste
disposal problem and protect environment from pollution.
C. Cost of Concrete production reduces when Marble dust is used as a bonding material with cement in concrete.
D. Marble dust behaves similar to cement as it contains Silica (SiO2) similar to cement.
E. Addition of Marble dust increases the density of concrete thereby increasing the Self-weight.
F. The Compressive Strength of Concrete material with fractional substitution of cement with Marble dust up to 15% can be
comparable with conventional Concrete.
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IC Value: 45.98 ISSN: 2321-9653
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering
Technology (IJRASET)
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