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Unit Lesson Plan 3

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3: Lesson Planning Form for Accessible Instruction Calvin College Education


Sarah Hartwell (Mrs. Culver)


Subject/ Topic/ Theme


Grade __Second _

I. Objectives
How does this lesson connect to the unit plan?
This lesson builds on lesson plan two because we are finishing the book and the
postcards. The students are learning more about who the Pilgrims were and what they
did in America.
Learners will be able to:

cognitive- physical
R U Ap An E development


Describe what they think it would be

like to have straw or feather mattress
out loud in a group discussion.


Answer questions posed throughout

the book reading of The Pilgrims of
Plimoth out loud in a group or with a
elbow partner.

Describe an aspect of the Pilgrims

lives through the writing of a
postcard. (Continued if not finished
by the students.)

Common Core standards (or GLCEs if not available in Common Core) addressed:
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.2.4.A Use sentence-level context as a clue to the meaning of
a word or phrase.
Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and how to
demonstrate understanding of key details in a text. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.2.7
Use information gained from the illustrations and words in a print or digital text to
demonstrate understanding of its characters, setting, or plot. CCSS.ELALITERACY.SL.2.1.B Build on others' talk in conversations by linking their comments

to the remarks of others.

(Note: Write as many as needed. Indicate taxonomy levels and connections to
applicable national or state standards. If an objective applies to particular learners
write the name(s) of the learner(s) to whom it applies.)
*remember, understand, apply, analyze, evaluate, create
II. Before you start
Identify prerequisite
knowledge and skills.

What persuasive writing is. Who the Pilgrims are and how
they came to America. What the Pilgrim men during the
Pre-assessment (for learning):
Review shortly what happened in each section previously
read. The KWL.
Formative (for learning):
Outline assessment
Participation on answering questions.
(applicable to this lesson) Formative (as learning):
Summative (of learning):
What barriers might
this lesson present?
What will it take
emotionally, etc., for
your students to do this

Provide Multiple
Means of

Provide Multiple
Means of Action
and Expression

Means of
Provide options for Provide options for Provide options
perception- making
physical actionfor recruiting
increase options
for interaction
Pilgrim coloring
page. Visual
pictures of items.
Coloring page,
the students are
very into art.
Provide options for Provide options for Provide options
expression and
for sustaining
communicationeffort and
expressions, and
increase medium
persistencesymbols- clarify &
of expression
connect language Answering
Pictures of
questions posed
uncommon objects. throughout the
masteryreading. Reading.

Provide options for

comprehensionactivate, apply &
Comparing some
of the aspects of
the Pilgrims life to
our own.
Writing the
postcard to
highlight what
facts the students
materials (books,
handouts, etc) do you
need for this lesson and
are they ready to use?

How will your

classroom be set up for
this lesson?

Provide options for

functionscoordinate short &
long term goals,
monitor progress,
and modify
Students ability to
finish their
postcards and
coloring page.

Provide options
for selfregulationexpectations,
personal skills
and strategies,
& reflection
Students make
sure that they
are listening
and selfregulating
while listening
to the reading.
The Pilgrims of Plimoth book written by Marcia Sewall.
Picture examples of pewter, pipkin and pottle (bring in half
a gallon milk jug) Students postcards from previous lesson.
Pilgrim coloring page.
Normal set up. Main focus of the lesson in the carpeted
area. Then moving back to the desks at the end of the

III. The Plan


3 mins


Describe teacher activities

student activities
for each component of the lesson. Include important
higher order thinking questions and/or prompts.
What types of games do you
Students respond as
like to play during recess?
(Wait for responses) What kind
of clothes do you wear? Do
you make your clothes and if
they get holes in your clothes
do you fix them? (Wait for

responses) In todays reading we

are going to find out how the
Pilgrims would answer these
Development We have already read the
(the largest
sections titled The Pilgrims and
component or Menfolk. Today we are going
main body of
to finish the book and read
the lesson)
about the Womenfolk, Children
and the Plantation.

15 mins
10 mins
in total

Page 28: Talk briefly about it

would be like to sit, sleep or
live in the houses that are
described. (describe that pewter
is a type of tin with copper
mixed in it. It can be used for
utensils. Show the picture
Page 30: Raise your hands if
you sleep on a straw or feather
mattress? Now, raise your hand
if you sleep in a nice comfy
bed that isnt made out of straw
or feathers? What do you think
it would be like to live on a bed
made out of straw or feathers?
Show the example of what a
pipkin is. Define that a pottle is
a measure for liquids equal to a
half a gallon.
Page 34: Brewing an infusion
or a decoction is their type of
Children and Young folk:
(Choose what one to talk about
for page 36)
Page 36: What do you think it

Students respond when

needed, otherwise they
should be sitting in the
carpeted area listening.

would be like if you didnt have

school? (Take three answers from
What kinds of things do you do
before going to school? Do you
just wake up and drive to school?
Or do you do chores before going
to school? (Take three student
Page 38: Tares are a type of
weed. I know how these children
feel, I hate pulling weeds from
my garden!



Page 39: Blind mans bluff is

where a person who is
blindfolded tries to catch the
other players. Sounds like a hard
All right, its time to wrap up
Students should put away
whatever you are writing or
their work and get ready
coloring. Hold up your written for the next activity.
or colored work, I want to see
what you made. Wow! You are
great artists and writers! You
can put your work in your

under construction folder if you

arent done, or in the turn in bin
if you are. Make sure your names
Your reflection about the lesson, including evidence(s) of student learning and
engagement, as well as ideas for improvement for next time. (Write this after
teaching the lesson, if you had a chance to teach it. If you did not teach this lesson,
focus on the process of preparing the lesson.)
I did not teach this lesson. After teaching lesson two I realized that this book was too
long and had hard vocabulary for my class. I also noticed that the students had trouble
staying focused during lesson two. The class likes to color and write, I think they
would have enjoyed coloring the Pilgrims. The questions that I prepared would have
been good for the students to think about. I could have incorporated partner
sharing/talking to answer some of the questions. The problem with having so many
questions throughout the book is that its hard to bring back the students focus back to
the reading of the book.

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