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Cep Lesson Plan

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CEP Lesson Plan Form

Teacher: Ms. Sierra Adams

11, 2016
E.A. Laney High School
Area: English

Date: December
Grade Level: 12th grade

Title: Impressions of Betrayal and Bullying

of 15

Content Standard(s) addressed by this lesson:

directly from the standard)

Lesson #: 7

(Write Content Standards

Key Ideas and Details

2. Determine two or more themes or central ideas of a text and analyze their
development over the course of the text, including how they interact and build on
one another to produce a complex account; provide an objective summary of the
Research to Build and Present Knowledge
9. Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection,
and research.
Comprehension and Collaboration
1. Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-onone, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grades
1112 topics, texts, and issues, building on others ideas and expressing their own
clearly and persuasively.
Understandings: (Big Ideas)
The big understanding I hope students take away from the lesson today is that your
actions affect other people. You are responsible for your actions period. Bullying and
betrayal can be extremely hurtful and impactful to another person. Students
understanding of empathy should have developed.
Inquiry Questions: (Essential questions relating knowledge at end of the unit of
instruction, select applicable questions from standard)
How are you? How have you ever been affected by bullying or betrayal? How
did these situations make you feel?
Evidence Outcomes: (Learning Targets)
Every student will be able to: (Create your own lesson objectives from the
standard, follow the ABCD format, using student voice)
I can:

I can accurately convey the voice of a character from the literature

I actively participate in designing an art piece of my own choosing
I recognize how detrimental acts of bullying and betrayal can be for people.
I understand expectations for the book talk assignment

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CEP Lesson Plan Form

This means:
1. I am selective about word choice to accurately depict the characters personality;
Ive deducted their character traits from the reading in Wonder.
2. I participate in the art activity to the best of my abilities.
3. I realize the impact my actions can have on others.
4. The expectations for the book talk assignment have been clearly communicated.
List of Assessments: (Write the number of the learning target associated with
each assessment)
Character Interview - 1
Discussion on themes of bullying and betrayal - 3
Art Creation Activity - 2
Book Talk Rubric - 4

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Planned Lesson Activities

Name and Purpose of Lesson
Should be a creative title for you and the
students to associate with the activity.
Think of the purpose as the mini-rationale
for what you are trying to accomplish
through this lesson.
Approx. Time and Materials
How long do you expect the activity to
last and what materials will you need?

Impressions of Bullying and Betrayal

Anticipatory Set
The hook to grab students attention.
These are actions and statements by the
teacher to relate the experiences of the
students to the objectives of the lesson,
To put students into a receptive frame of
To focus student attention on the
To create an organizing framework
for the ideas, principles, or
information that is to follow
(advanced organizers)
An anticipatory set is used any time a
different activity or new concept is to be

I will hook students by introducing the bullying and betrayal activity by

making connections between the literature and students personal
Kids that are different are almost always bullied in some way. How does
Auggie know the first time he meets Julian that he will be a bully? In
what subtle way does Julian bully Auggie? What purpose does Julian
have in bullying Jack? What power does Julian have to force the other
students to join in his cruelty toward Auggie and Jack? What prompts
the seventh graders to attack and bully Auggie? In general, what is
Auggies response to the bullying?
Auggie and Jack are great friends; they laugh together, they talk about
anything and everything, and they feel comfortable together. So why
does Jack betray Auggie by talking badly behind his back? How does
Auggie feel when he hears what Jack has said? At the same time Auggie
is experiencing betrayal by his friend, Via is also feeling betrayed by
her two best friends, Miranda and Ella. How do Miranda and Ella betray
Via? What is Vias response? How do Via and Auggie resolve their

90 minutes
1. DEAR time (15 minutes)
2. Free write in daily journal (10 minutes)
3. Class discussion on themes of bullying and betrayal in Wonder
(15 minutes)
4. Interview a character activity (20 minutes)
5. Art creation activity (20 minutes)
6. Introduce Book Talk assignment due in 2 weeks (10 minutes)

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individual conflicts and cope with the pain or betrayal?

(Include a play-by-play account of what
students and teacher will do from the
minute they arrive to the minute they
leave your classroom. Indicate the length
of each segment of the lesson. List actual
Indicate whether each is:
-teacher input
-questioning strategies
-whole-class practice
-group practice
-individual practice
-check for understanding

Those actions or statements by a teacher
that are designed to bring a lesson
presentation to an appropriate conclusion.
Used to help students bring things
together in their own minds, to make

Teacher Actions
- I will be making sure
everything is prepared for
our discussion. I will mostly
be making sure everyone is
on task. Doc Cam is ready,
white board is all set up.
(Announcements, homework,
objectives and so on are
listed on the board, etc.)
- I will lead a class discussion
on themes of bullying and
betrayal in Wonder
- Explain how students will
select a character to
interview and they will write
a dialogue for the activity
- Explain directions for the
creative art activity
- Introduce Book Talk
assignment due in 2 weeks in
the last five minutes, hand
students rubric before they

Student Actions
- Students will Drop
Everything And Read for 15
- Next students will free write
in daily journal (10 minutes)
- Students will understand I expect
them to be participating a
minimum of 3 times in each class
discussion. If students select not
to participate they will be docked
on their overall participation
grade, this will encourage student
- Students will complete character
interview assignment in class.
- Students will select the creative
art activity they would like to
complete and they will have time
to start and possibly finish in class
if they are productive.
- Students will take book talk
rubric on their way out the door
and are suppose to come with
questions next class period.

We will do a quick review of everything weve gone over today. I will

cold-call 3 students to share a take-away from todays lesson.
Before the bell rings I will remind students that the homework thats
due next class period. Pages 156-180 in Wonder

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sense out of what has just been taught.
Any Questions? No. OK, lets move on is
not closure. Closure is used:
To cue students to the fact that
they have arrived at an important
point in the lesson or the end of a
To help organize student learning
To help form a coherent picture and to
To modify: If the activity is too advanced
for a child, how will you modify it so that
they can be successful?
To extend: If the activity is too easy for a
child, how will you extend it to develop
their emerging skills?
How will you know if students met the
learning targets? Write a description of
what you were looking for in each

Students have the freedom to choose which character they want to

write the activity as. By allowing students the ability to choose who
they want to embody in their writing gives them more of a voice in their
learning. Additionally, this is exercising differentiation because students
might connect with one character in a different way their classmate
I will be writing down participation points throughout the discussion
over themes of bullying and betrayal. I want students to participate no
less than 3 times individually in the discussion. I will also be assessing
students interpretation of the novel Wonder through how they perform
on the art activity creation.

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Post Lesson Reflection

1. To what extent were lesson objectives achieved? (Utilize
assessment data to justify your level of achievement)
I would say the lesson objectives were mostly achieved if not all. The
learning objectives I set were attainable and realistic based on the activities I
had laid out for this lesson.
2. What changes, omissions, or additions to the lesson would
you make if you were to teach again?
If I were to teach this lesson again I would try to synthesize the activities so
they build off of one another more so. Scaffolding is one of the most
amazing teaching tools that I need to improve.
3. What do you envision for the next lesson? (Continued practice,
reteach content, etc.)
At the start of next class we will briefly review what we covered in todays
lesson. For next class We will be revising our Narrative Essay during the next
class period. Workshop revising can be incredibly useful when the time is
utilized in the right way.

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