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Bucket Filler Lesson Plan

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Department of Elementary Education Lesson Plan Format



Grade level

Geraldine Perez


2nd grade

Subject Area & Topic

Language Arts

Single-day lesson
Multi-day lesson

English Language Development levels of students in the class or group:

ELD 1 (Beginning)
ELD 2 (Early Intermediate)
ELD 3 (Intermediate)
ELD 4 (Early Advanced)
English Only
ELD 5 (Advanced)
IFEP (Initially Fluent English Proficient)
RFEP (Redesignated Fluent English Proficient)

Whole-class lesson
Small-group lesson
Name of instructional model
Direct instruction
Inquiry or problem-based lesson
Formal lesson evaluation ? (rubric, criterion list)

Lesson Objective(s): The students will understand how kindness and respect are important in their school, at
home, and in their community. They will value the importance of being kind to their peers, their family, and
other adults. Furthermore, by recalling examples from the text they will share, in a whole class and small group
conversation, ways that they can show kindness and respect to others. Finally, they will write about what they
can do, or have done, to be a bucket filler and why it is important to show kindness and respect.
Lessons language objective: The students will be able to comprehend and retell examples of kind gestures that
a bucket filler shows and unkind gestures that bucket dipper does. They will also be able to write at least
three sentences describing what they can do, or have done that is kind and why it is important.
Common Core or Content Standard(s):
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.2.2 Recount or describe key ideas or details from a text read aloud or information
presented orally or through other media.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.2.3 Ask and answer questions about what a speaker says in order to clarify
comprehension, gather additional information, or deepen understanding of a topic or issue.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.2.1 Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about grade 2
topics and texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.2.2 Write narratives in which they recount a well-elaborated event or short sequence
of events, include details to describe actions, thoughts, and feelings, use temporal words to signal event order,
and provide a sense of closure.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.2.1 Write opinion pieces in which they introduce the topic or book they are writing
about, state an opinion, supply reasons that support the opinion, use linking words (e.g., because, and, also) to
connect opinion and reasons, and provide a concluding statement or section.
California English Language Development Standard(s):
Second Grade: Interacting in Meaningful Ways
Collaborative: Exchanging information and ideas with others through oral collaborative conversations on a
range of social and academic topics.
Expanding: Contribute to class, group, and partner discussions, including sustained dialogue, by
listening attentively, following turn-taking rules, asking relevant questions, affirming others, and adding
relevant information.
Collaborative: Offering and supporting opinions and negotiating with others in communicative exchanges

Expanding: Offer opinions and negotiate with others in conversations using an expanded set of learned
phrases (e.g., I agree with X, but X.), as well as open responses, in order to gain and/or hold the floor,
provide counterarguments, and the like.
Collaborative: Adapting language choices to various contexts (based on task, purpose, audience, and text type)
Expanding: Adjust language choices (e.g., vocabulary, use of dialogue, and so on) according to purpose
(e.g., persuading, entertaining), task, and audience (e.g., peers versus adults), with moderate support
from peers or adults.
Interpretive: Listening actively to spoken English in a range of social and academic contexts
Expanding: Demonstrate active listening to read-alouds and oral presentations by asking and answering
detailed questions, with oral sentence frames and occasional prompting and support.
Interpretive: Reading closely literary and informational texts and viewing multimedia to determine how
meaning is conveyed explicitly and implicitly through language
Expanding: Describe ideas, phenomena (e.g., how earthworms eat), and text elements (e.g., setting,
events) in greater detail based on understanding of a variety of grade-level texts and viewing of
multimedia, with moderate support.
Productive: Writing literary and informational texts to present, describe, and explain ideas and information,
using appropriate technology.
Expanding: Write short literary texts (e.g., a story) and informational texts (e.g., an explanatory text
explaining how a volcano erupts) collaboratively with an adult (e.g., joint construction of texts), with
peers, and with increasing independence.
Materials, including technology and visual aids:

White board and dry erase markers and eraser. (One per class)
Poster with a happy bucket image and a sad bucket image (One per class)
Prewritten post it notes of other examples of kind and unkind gestures. (in case students cannot come up
with examples from the story, they will be given the option to identify the pre-written note as a kind or
unkind action.)
Blank post it notes, 25. (for whole class and small group discussion; colorful ones for positive examples,
standard color post its for negative behavior examples)
Pencils (25, one for each student)
Bucket filler worksheet for writing. (25, one for each student)
Bucket filler worksheet for students that may have difficulty completing the general worksheet. (25, one
for each student)
Bucket filler word search puzzle for early finishers. (25, one for each student)
Vocabulary words on index card. (One per class)
Tape (in case the post-it notes dont stick well enough)
Blank white paper (25, for optional drawing)

Classroom Management Strategies, including room arrangements and student grouping plan: Students
will be sitting in the rug while the teacher reads the story, Have You Filled a Bucket Today? A Guide to Daily
Happiness for Kids by Carol McCloud. They will be encouraged to participate in a whole class discussion,
identify examples from the text, and share their own ideas in a small group in the rug. Also, they will be
expected to raise their hands before they speak during the whole class conversation and must show respect to
their peers by patiently wait their turn, listening to their classmates when it is their turn to speak, and keep their
hands to themselves. The early finishers will be given a word search puzzle related to the story theme to work

Strategies for Differentiation, Modification, Adaptation, SDAIE, and varied Communication Mode to be
implemented: During whole class discussion on the story, students that cannot give examples from the text will
be asked to give their own example, if they cannot provide their own example, the teacher will read one prewritten post it note out loud to the student, and the student will then tell the teacher if he or she thinks that it is
an action that a bucket filler or a bucket dipper would do.
During small group discussion, the teacher will walk around to help the students that need extra help
getting their ideas across, by going over visuals from the story. Students that may be struggling to express their
ideas, will also be given the option to make a drawing instead before they share their idea.
During whole class discussion:
After reading the story with the students, they will be asked to recall examples from the story that make a
person a bucket filler and a bucket dipper. As they raise their hand, the teacher will call on a student, the
student will share their text example and as the student says the example, the teacher will give the post it to the
student to put in the appropriate bucket poster. During this time the teacher will also review the vocabulary
words and will also put them up on the poster. The students will raise their hands to share what they think each
vocabulary word means and discuss them in class.
List Academic Language to emphasize
Invisible: something that you cannot see, but exists (air, oxygen, etc.)
Purpose: what something is used for
Bucket filler: Someone who is loving, kind, and says or does nice things to make someone feel special.
Bucket dipper: someone that says or does mean things that make others feel bad.
Ignore: to give little or no attention
Bully: someone who tries to hurt others on purpose
Assessment Plan: The teacher will observe student participation and responses during the story and class
discussion. Also, after the discussion, the students will do a small activity where they will write what is
something kind that they can do or have done to be bucket filler in the classroom, in their community, or at
home and why it is important to be a bucket filler or to do kind things for others. The writing assignment will
be graded with the attached rubric.
Sequence of Lesson Procedures
Opening: (Approximately 10 minutes)
The teacher will have the students sit in the rug. Introduce the lesson objective and introduce the book.
Then, students will be asked where the title, author, illustrator, front cover, spine, and back cover of the book
are. The teacher will then read the story; Have You Filled a Bucket Today? : A Guide to Daily Happiness for
Kids by Carol McCloud. While reading the story, frequent stops will be made to ask students about vocabulary
terms and to engage students in the lesson. The teacher will do an informal assessment on the students during
this time based on their listening skills, participation, comprehension through small group discussion at their
desks, and through their responses during rug time.
Body of the Lesson: (Approximately 30 minutes)
After the story, the teacher will ask the students to share some examples from the story of bucket
fillers and a bucket dippers. As each student raises his or her hand, the teacher will call on the students, listen
to what the students share and write their responses on a Post-it note. The students will then be allowed to put
the Post-it note with their response on the appropriate bucket on the poster. The teacher will also ask students
what they think each vocabulary word means and as a class work on figuring out the definition of each.
(approximately 10 minutes)
The students will break up in small groups at their desk, which consist of approximately five tables with
five students each. Each student will be given a blank Post- it note to write or draw ideas during this time. They

will take turns to share with each other what they have done or what they want to do to be a bucket filler at
home, school, or in their community and explain why the think it is important to do kind things for other people.
Each student will have about 2 minutes to share his or her idea or experience. The teacher will walk around to
help students that need extra help. (Approximately 10 minutes)
After the students have shared with each other, the student will call on several students to share their
ideas to the class. (5-10 minutes)
Closing: (approximately 20 minutes)
After sharing their own ideas with each other and the class, the students will be given a worksheet where
they will independently write down in their best handwriting what they have done or plan to do to be a bucket
filler in school, at home, or in their community and why it is important to be a bucket filler. After they have
finished, they will have the option to draw a picture related to what they wrote about.
Lesson Reflection Notes (made after teaching)
1. What was most effective about this lesson?
2. What is the evidence of student learning?
3. For students who did not fully accomplish the learning objective, what next steps might you design
to help
clarify or reinforce the key skill/concept?
4. For students who were successful in meeting the learning objective, what next steps might you design
to challenge or logically move to the new skill/concept?
5. What will you change the next time you teach?

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