AMA Pazooki PHD
AMA Pazooki PHD
AMA Pazooki PHD
Technische Universiteit, Delft, promotor
Technische Universiteit, Delft, copromotor
Technische Universiteit, Delft
Technische Universiteit, Delft
Technische Universiteit, Delft
Technische Universiteit, Delft
Tata Steel, RD&T, IJmuiden M.J.M. Hermans, heeft als begeleider in belangrijke mate aan de totstandkoming van het proefschrift bijgedragen.
Key words: Welding Distortion, Residual Stress, Thermal Tensioning, Side Heating,
Numerical Modelling;
c 2014 by A.M.A.Pazooki
All rights reserved. No part of the material protected by this copyright notice may
be reproduced or utilised in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system,
without written permission from the author.
Printed in The Netherlands.
The research described in this thesis was performed in the department of Material Science
and Engineering, Faculty of 3mE, Delft University of Technology, Mekelweg 2, 2628 CD,
Delft, The Netherlands.
This research was carried out as part of the innovation program of the Materials innovation institute (M2i) (formerly, the Netherlands Institute for Metals Research) on Distortion
Control during Welding, project number MC8.06252.
1 Introduction
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Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Thermal analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.2.1 Basic equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.2.2 Modelling of the welding heat source . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.2.3 Modelling of heat losses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.2.4 Thermal material properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.2.5 Element and mesh study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.2.6 Modelling of filler wire addition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.2.7 Modelling of additional heat sources . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.2.8 Subroutines in the thermal analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Microstructure analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.3.1 Reconstructive phase transformations . . . . . . . . . . .
3.3.2 Displacive phase transformations . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.3.3 Modelling of phase transformation . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.3.4 Implementation of phase transformation . . . . . . . . . .
Mechanical analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.4.1 Basic equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.4.2 Modelling of clamps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.4.3 Temperature dependant mechanical material properties .
3.4.4 Modeling of filler wire addition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.4.5 Interactions of mechanical and phase transformation fields
3.4.6 Simplified mechanical models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Concluding remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4 Experimental investigations
. . . . . . . .
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. . . . . . . .
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Distortion measurement results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
5.1.1 Measurement of the initial deformation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
5.1.2 Experimental results of the out-of-plane deformation after
welding and welding with additional heating of AISI-316L (Case
I-B) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
5.1.3 Experimental results of the out-of-plane deformation after
welding and welding with additional heating of DP600 (Case
II-B) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
5.1.4 Experimental results of the out-of-plane deformation after welding and welding with additional heating of AH36 (Case III) . . 125
5.1.5 Plate deformation during welding and welding with
additional heating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
Temperature measurement results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
5.2.1 Thermal field during conventional welding . . . . . . . . . . . 129
5.2.2 Heating source characterisation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
5.2.3 Thermal field during welding with additional heating . . . . . 140
5.2.4 Temperature change of the clamps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
Microstructure analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
5.3.1 Influence of welding and welding with additional heating on the
microstructure of AISI-316L (Case I-B) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
5.3.2 Influence of welding and welding with additional heating on the
microstructure of DP600 (Case II-B) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
5.3.3 Influence of welding and welding with additional heating on the
microstructure of AH36 (Case III) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
Residual stress measurement results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
5.4.1 Residual stress measurement results and discussions for AISI316L and DP600 plates (Case I-B and Case II-B) . . . . . . . . 156
5.4.2 Residual stress measurement results and discussions for AH36
plates (Case III) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
Concluding remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
7 Industrial implementation
Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Numerical and experimental approaches
7.2.1 Numerical approach . . . . . . .
7.2.2 Experimental approach . . . . .
Experimental results and discussions . .
7.3.1 Distortion measurement results .
Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8 General discussions
. . . . . . . . . 225
. . . . . . . . . 229
9 General conclusions
c1 , c 2
c , Cp
C1 and C2
Forth order elasticity tensor
Half width of Goldaks double ellipsoid model
Depth of Goldaks double ellipsoid model
Length of the burners
Band width of the additional heating
Length of Goldaks double ellipsoid model
Temperature rate
Heat capacity
Heat capacity matrix
Material constants
Hardening slope
Grain size
Strain rate tensor due to phase transformation
Distance between the (hkl) lattice-planes
Stress free lattice spacing
Strain rate tensor
Elastic strain rate tensor
Plastic strain rate tensor
Thermal strain rate tensor
Phase transformation strain rate tensor
Nozzle diameter
Effective power
Fourth order elasticity tensor
Fraction of heat deposited at the leading part
of the heat source
Fraction of heat deposited at the trailing part
of the heat source
Plancks constant
Heat transfer coefficient by radiation
Heat transfer coefficient by conduction
Heat transfer coefficient due to contacts
[K s1 ], [o C s1 ]
[J kg1 K1 ]
[J kg1 K1 ]
[K Pa1 ]
[s1 ]
[s1 ]
[s1 ]
[s1 ]
[s1 ]
[s1 ]
[m2 kg s1 ]
[W m2 K1 ]
[W m2 K1 ]
[W m2 K1 ]
H, H1
q , qf
qf ront , qrear
rf lame
Sx1 , Sx2 , Sz1 ,
t, thkl
TA 1
TA 3
Enthalpy rate
Enthalpy of system
Welding current
Number of nozzles
Hall-Petch constant
Thermal diffusivity
Spring stiffness
Plastic viscosity
Distance to the centre of the heat source
Initial length
Additional heat source length
Distance from source to sample
Distance from sample to detector
Visco-plastic exponent
Neutron mass
Exponent of phase kinetics, Avrami exponent
Inter-distance of the nozzles
Plastic strain
Heat flux
Heat loss by radiation
Heat loss by convection
Heat loss by contact
Heat flux per volume
Peak value of the Gaussian heat flux distribution
Heat flux vector
Power of heat source
Total power in welding with additional heating
Additional heating power
Radius of Gaussian distribution
Saturation exponent
Flame radius
Hardening saturation
Parameters used to control the gradient of the
heat flux at the side heater edges
Initial temperature
Ambient temperature
A1 temperature
A3 temperature
Martensite start temperature
Peak temperature
[J kg1 s1 ]
[J kg1 ]
[Pa m0.5 ]
[m2 s1 ]
[N m1 ]
[Pa s]
[W m2 ]
[W m2 ]
[W m2 ]
[W m2 ]
[W m3 ]
[W m2 ]
[W m2 ]
[W m3 ]
[mm1 ]
[o C]
[o C]
[o C]
[o C]
[o C]
[o C]
[o C]
, T
T hermal
s , R
Arc voltage
Displacement vector
Thermal expansion coefficient
Thermal strain
Strains related to plane (hkl)
Strain tensor
Elastic strain tensor
Plastic strain tensor
Thermal strain tensor
Phase transformation strain tensor
Width factor
Heat source efficiency (side heating
sources/welding torch)
Matrix for coefficients of thermal conductivity
Thermal conductivity
X-ray wavelength
Poisson ratio
Material density
Density of phase fraction i
Stefan-Boltzmann constant
Cauchy stress tensor
Yield stress
Ultimate residual stress
Hall-Petch constant
Residual stress level 1 or 2 or 3
von Mises effective stress
Mean stress
Time constant related to phase growth
Diffraction angle
Distance of the heaters to the weld line
Phase fraction rate
Volumetric fraction of the considered phase
Volumetric equilibrium phase fraction
Volumetric initial phase fraction
Volumetric fraction of austenite present at
TM s
Volumetric fraction of martensite
Volumetric fraction of phase i
[o C1 ]
[m2 ]
[W m1 K1 ]
[W m1 K1 ]
[m s1 ]
[kg m3 ]
[kg m3 ]
[Wm2 K4 ]
[o ]
[s1 ]
[o ]
Alternating Current
Advanced High Strength Steel
American Welding Society
Body Centre Cubic
Critical Buckling Load
Continuous Cooling Transformation
Conventional welding
Direct current
Digital Image Correlation
Deutsches Institut f
ur Normung
Damen Schelde Naval Shipyard
Electronically Discharge Machining
Edison Welding Institute
Face Centre Cubic
Finite Difference Method
Finite Element Model/Modeling
Full Width at Half Maximum
Gas Metal Arc Welding
Gas Tungsten Arc Welding
Heat Affected Zone
Koistien and Marburger
Laboratoire Leon Brillouin
Neutron Diffraction
Numerial Modelling
Paul Scherrer Institute
Plastic Strain Reset
Submerged Arc Welding
Side Heating
Time Of Flight
Thermal Tensioning
Transient Thermal Tensioning
Time Temperature Transformation
Ultimate Tensile Stress
Chapter 1
The locally introduced heating and cooling cycle of welding generates residual stresses
and distortion [1]. During the Second World War, more than 1000 structural failures,
related to welding, were found in over 5000 merchant ships built in the USA [2]. The
fracturing of the Schenectady T-2 tanker is an example of such a failure, which is
shown in Figure 1.1 [3]. This oil tanker was the largest navy oiler at that time.
The cause of the failure was the poor weld quality, combined with the presence of
stress concentrations and low fracture toughness. After the Second World War, especially in the 1950s and 1960s research on welding residual stress and distortion was
intensified to obtain a better understanding of these phenomena [2]. Later the advent
of computational systems and the development of new computational methods, gave
a boost in welding stress and distortion analysis. Nowadays, new techniques are being
developed and introduced to industry, which are able to reduce and/or redistribute
residual stress and mitigate distortion.
Residual stresses are those that exist in a material without any external load. A common classification of welding residual stresses is based on their direction with respect
to the weld centre line. In this regard, longitudinal, transverse and through thickness
residual stresses can be defined. Welding distortion is the final permanent plastic
deformation (or instability) due to processing of the workpiece by welding. Some
examples of such deformations are bending distortion, buckling, longitudinal shrinkage and transverse shrinkage. Residual stresses and distortion are strongly linked as
depicted in Figure 1.2 [4]. In the case in which the distortion of a work piece is
restricted by constraints (i.e. clamps or the construction), the residual stress levels
will generally be high, whereas if the workpiece is allowed to move freely and distort,
stresses will relax and will be lower.
Figure 1.2. The relationship between the level of stress and distortion and degree of
clamping, adopted from [4].
Many methods have been proposed and demonstrated by researchers [5-14] to control
both residual stress and distortion, most of which are focused on distortion reduction.
The selection of a suitable distortion mitigation method depends on the type of distortion.
A number of different classifications exists for distortion mitigation methods, but
one of the most commonly used is based on the time during the manufacturing process when the technique is applied; i.e. pre-welding methods, post-welding methods
and in-situ welding techniques.
Thermal Tensioning (TT) describes a group of in-situ methods to control welding
distortion. In these methods local heating and/or cooling strategies are applied during welding. Additional heating and/or cooling sources can be implemented that are
either stationary or transient. In static methods, a pre-set temperature distribution
is imposed on the workpiece, while in transient methods, the temperature depends
on position and time.
Although, many investigations related to thermal tensioning during welding (either
with stationary or with moving sources) have been performed [15-17], a clear and
uniform classification of different thermal tensioning methods is absent and not formalized. The names used and the classifications are mainly based on the mechanisms
of distortion reduction in thermal tensioning.
In thermal tensioning with a cooling source, an active cooling source trails the welding
heat source at a short fixed distance. The mitigation of residual stresses and distortion by means of active cooling during welding has been studied and demonstrated by
van der Aa [18]. The results of the research showed that active cooling during welding
changes the temperature profile around the weld. This modifies the stress state in
such a way that the compressive stresses near the plate edges are reduced, thereby
decreasing buckling distortion in welded plates considerably. A significant reduction
of distortion upon welding of stainless steel sheet was achieved. Although the understanding of the phenomena related to the development of residual stresses in and
around the weld and the influence of active cooling on the stress level and distribution has been improved, cooling can induce significant instability in the heat source,
rendering the weld quality unacceptable. Thermal tensioning can be applied using
additional heating sources or a combination of both heating and cooling sources. This
latter method is known in the shipbuilding industry, where flame heating is combined
with water cooling, causing mitigation of longitudinal residual stresses after welding
The focus of the research presented in this thesis, is on Thermal Tensioning using
additional heating sources and can be classified into two types, Transient Thermal
Tensioning (TTT) and Side Heating (SH). The position of the heat sources in TTT
is close to the weld centre line. The thermal field generated by the additional heaters
in TTT influences the thermal field generated by the arc. In contrast, in side heating
the additional heaters are located further away from the weld and the thermal field
induced by welding is not affected by the field generated by the additional heat sources.
Although, it is shown experimentally and numerically that thermal tensioning using
additional heat sources is capable of producing welded plates with reduced distortion,
the mechanisms of the process are still not completely understood.
Industrial valorisation
Over the past decade, designers in the transport industries have developed thinner
lightweight steel structures to reduce weight and thereby reduce the consumption of
energy. A good example can be found in the shipbuilding industry, where Figure
1.3 shows the percentage of thin steel (10 mm or less) to thick-plate structures for
vessels built at Northrop Grumman Ship Systems as a function of time [17].
Welding is a vital joining process in shipbuilding for a number of reasons including the ease of obtaining water and oil tightness and structural integrity using welded
joints. The use of thinner sheets increases the production rates and results in a significant reduction in hull weight [20].
However, thin sheets deform more easily during welding. Welding distortion is a
real quality concern for manufacturers of naval ships since welding distortion directly
influences the performance (e.g. radar cross section) of the ship. Therefore, costly
post weld treatments like flame straightening are often required and applied. Any
possibility to avoid or reduce welding distortion will lead to cost-savings and thus
to a clear economic advantage and will improve competitiveness. As an example,
Romero [21] reports that rework can involve up to 20% of personnel time in the total
metal working activities in shipbuilding, see Figure 1.4 [21].
Figure 1.3. The percentage of thin steel (10 mm or less) to thick-plate structures for some
vessels built at Northrop Grumman Ship Systems [17].
Figure 1.4. Metalworking time required for building a large ship [21].
Figure 1.5. Ford Motor Company usage of Advanced High Strength Steel (AHSS) in the
Ford 500 model [22].
The motivation for this research is the need for a better understanding of what takes
place in thermal tensioning using additional heating sources and what mechanisms are
responsible for the reduction of welding distortion in this process. The main objective
of the research is:
to increase the general understanding of distortion reduction mechanisms using
thermal tensioning with additional heat sources during welding of steel;
To gain knowledge concerning distortion reduction mechanisms, the following subtasks are defined:
- to construct and develop two and three dimensional numerical models for the
prediction of the thermal, metallurgical and mechanical behaviour of welds with
thermal tensioning;
- to validate the models by experiments; in this sub-task, the development of a
welding arrangement with thermal tensioning using additional heat sources is
- to investigate the influence of thermal tensioning on the microstructure and
residual stress state of the welded samples;
- to investigate the mechanisms responsible for distortion reduction in thermal
tensioning with additional heat sources using validated models.
The knowledge obtained is used for an industrial case.
Research approach
Due to the complex nature of welding and welding with additional heat sources, the
experimental investigation of the processes cannot provide enough information about
what is really going on, and the main reasons for distortion reduction. Moreover,
a large number of experiments are required to cover all aspects involved in the processes. Experimental information related to stress and strain development during
both conventional welding and welding with additional heating is limited. For such
reasons, a numerical approach combined with experimental validation has been used
in this thesis. The numerical approach involves the modelling of thermal, microstructural and mechanical fields during conventional welding and welding with additional
heat sources. This numerical approach has been validated by some dedicated experiments such as temperature measurements, distortion measurements, microstructure
and material related analysis and residual stress determinations.
As the project is closely related to industrial partners (Damen Schelde Naval Shipyard
[23] and Tata steel [24]), three case studies are defined for laboratory tests and one for
industrial demonstration. The cases are selected in such a way that the complexity
of the problem is disentangled. The cases are summarized as follows:
- Case I, Set A and B (AISI-316L): The two sets involve AISI-316L stainless
steel sheets with the dimensions of 2001001.5 mm3 and 5002502 mm3
respectively. The first set (set A) is used for preliminary welding (bead on
plate) with additional heating experiments. The final tests were carried out
using the larger plates (set B) and the Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW)
process was applied. The benefit in this case is that the material does not
undergo any solid state phase transformations.
- Case II, Set A and B (DP600): Two different plate dimensions were used for
the experiments on dual phase steel: 200100 1.5 mm3 and 5002502 mm3 .
The effects of solid state phase transformations on the residual stress and distortion were investigated numerically and experimentally in set A. Welding with
additional heating experiments were performed with set B. The main difference
between Case I and II is related to solid state phase transformations which occur
in dual phase steels during the heating and cooling cycles. For all situations,
the GTAW process was used.
- Case III (AH36): In this case, AH36 steel plates with dimensions of 5002506
mm3 were used. Similar to Case II, solid state phase transformations occur
during welding of the plates. The use of filler metal is required and Gas Metal
Arc Welding (GMAW) is employed.
- Industrial implementation case: In order to investigate the welding with additional heat sources in a real industrial environment, AH36 plates with dimensions of 36006006 mm3 were used. The experiments were performed at
Damen Schelde Naval Shipyard (DSNS), where Submerged Arc Welding (SAW)
was used to produce the welds.
The results of the investigations described in this thesis, span 9 chapters. Following
this introductory chapter, the state-of-the-art with regard to the origins of stresses,
welding residual stresses, welding distortion and methods to control residual stress
and distortion, in-process methods and thermal tensioning processes are described
in Chapter 2. The modelling approach adopted is described in Chapter 3. This
chapter contains a description of the three fields involved in the simulations; i.e. the
thermal, the microstructural and the mechanical fields. The experimental set-up used
in both conventional welding and welding with additional heat sources is discussed
in Chapter 4. In Chapters 5 the experimental results for thermal, microstructure,
distortion and residual stress fields are shown. The results are not only useful to investigate the parameters involved in the processes (conventional welding and welding
with additional heating), but are also used to validate the numerical models. The
modelling results are compared to the experimental results in Chapters 6. The validated numerical models at this stage are used to understand both processes and to
predict the out-of-plane deformation of plates in different situations. After comparing the conventional welding model and the welding with additional heating model,
mechanisms responsible for distortion reduction in thermal tensioning are then proposed. The industrial implementation is presented in Chapter 7. A detailed general
discussion is provided in Chapter 8 and finally in Chapter 9 general conclusions
are presented including a number of recommendations for future research.
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[15] P. Michaleris, and X. Sun, Finite Element Analysis of Thermal Tensioning Techniques Mitigating Weld Buckling Distortion, Welding Journal, Vol. 76, No. 11, pp.
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[18] E. M. van der Aa, Local cooling during welding: Prediction and control of residual
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Chapter 2
Residual stresses are the stresses existing in a material, when no external loads act on
the material [1]. These stresses are often referred to as internal stresses or inherent
stresses [2]. It is important to note that internal stresses are already introduced by
fabrication processes. Subsequent treatments like welding and peening may redistribute and alter the stress state. When, no external loads are present, the resultant
forces and the moments of these forces should be zero for any cross section in the
Residual stresses can be classified according to the length scale over which they are
acting. Three types of stresses, shown schematically in Figure 2.1 [3], can be distinguished being:
- Type I or first order stresses ( I ) cover residual macro-stresses. The length
scale in this category should be large enough to cover all phases present in the
material and should contain a sufficient number of crystallites. Releasing this
type of stress causes macroscopic shape changes of the material [3].
- Type II or second order stresses ( II ) act between adjacent grains and are
referred to as micro-stresses. In the case that there are deformation gradients
introduced between neighbouring grains, this type of residual stress will be
generated. The release of this type of stress also causes macroscopic distortions
- Type III or third order stresses ( III ) act on an inter-atomic level within individual grains. Substitution atoms, vacancies, dislocations or coherent precipitates generate such stress fields. The release of this type of stress will not result
in a macroscopic distortion [3].
Figure 2.1. The classification of residual stresses based on length scale, adopted from [3].
The classification mentioned above is based on the length scale and not on the magnitude of the stresses. The ultimate residual stress ( R ) in a material is the sum of
I , II and III stresses:
R = I + II + III .
Residual stresses will also develop in materials during welding, i.e. residual welding
stresses, where the classification mentioned above is also valid. Apart from the order,
a common classification of residual welding stresses is based on the direction of the
residual stresses compared to the welding direction, as can be seen in Figure 2.2. If
the residual stresses are parallel to the welding direction, they are called longitudinal
residual stresses, while traverse residual stresses are the residual stresses perpendicular to the welding direction and in the plane of the workpiece. Normal stresses (or
through-thickness stresses) are perpendicular to both the welding direction and the
plane of the workpiece. The through-thickness stresses are assumed to be of minor
importance in thin material, since both top and bottom surfaces of the material experience more or less a similar thermal cycle during welding. For thick plates, normal
stresses are responsible for deformation, due to a significant temperature gradient in
the thickness direction.
Figure 2.2. Schematic representations of longitudinal (L), transverse (T) and normal (N)
residual welding induced stresses. A positive sign indicates tensile and a negative sign
indicates compressive stresses. Adopted from [1].
The origin of welding induced residual stresses is the misfit between different regions
[3]. The misfits act over different length scales and are due to temperature gradients,
deformation gradients and material defects.
The origin of the residual welding stresses is complex and results from the interaction
of (i) the temperature distribution, (ii) plastic deformation and (iii) microstructural
A non-uniform temperature (i.e. the temperature distribution) in the workpiece due
to welding results in non-uniform expansion and contraction of the material. If a
material is heated and then cooled to room temperature homogeneously, it will be
free of macroscopic stresses. When the heating is non-uniform, the cooler parts of the
workpiece constrain the expansion and stresses are generated. Upon cooling a similar
behaviour occurs. Apart from the internal constraints, (i.e. the cooler parts of the
workpiece) external constraints can be applied to the workpiece.
When the elastic limit is exceeded during the thermal cycle, plastic deformation will
take place and residual stresses will be introduced. As the workpiece experiences a
thermal gradient, the material softens locally and plastic deformation shows a gradient. Due to softening of materials at elevated temperatures, which is the case during
welding, non-uniform plastic deformation will take place.
Finally, material related phenomena such as grain growth, solid-state phase transformations, re-crystallization and aging may occur by temperature changes. These
changes will have an effect on the stress state.
The origins of residual welding stresses in steels are explained in more detail in the
subsequent sections.
th =
T dT ;
where is the density. The temperature dependant thermal expansion coefficient can
be obtained experimentally by dilatometer experiments, in which the dilatation l
over a certain measuring length l0 is measured as a function of the temperature. It
should be noted that also volumetric changes related to solid state phase transformations will be included in the dilatometer results, see Figure 2.3 [4].
Plastic deformation
Under constrained conditions the thermal strains due to temperature changes in the
material may produce elastic or plastic stresses. In welding this constrained condition is present as the heated area is constrained by the surrounding cold base metal.
Moreover, the construction or a clamping system induces additional constraints on
the workpiece.
The temperature dependency of the mechanical material properties determines the
stress and strain fields in welding. The mechanical material properties which affect
the residual stresses are the yield stress, Youngs modulus, Poissons ratio and the
work hardening behaviour. The yield strength of materials decreases with increasing
temperature. Figure 2.4 [5] depicts the yield strength of carbon steels as a function
of temperature. As a result, plastic deformation will more easily occur near the fusion
The effect of microstructural changes during welding on the stress/strain
As mentioned in the previous sections, the temperature distribution and the induced
plastic deformation affect the stress state in the workpiece. However, the temperature
cycle in combination with the stresses generated, will also affect the microstructure.
This effect is mutual.
Solid state phase transformations in steels are accompanied by specific volumetric
changes, as was already shown in Figure 2.3. During heating, the material expands
and therefore the thermal strain increases. At approximately 770 o C, the ferrite to
austenite (BCC to FCC) transformation takes place, upon which the strain decreases.
In the cooling stage, the austenite to ferrite, pearlite, bainite or martensite transformation occurs. These phase transformations are accompanied by an increase in volume.
Figure 2.4. Flow stress of carbon steels with different carbon content as a function of the
temperature [5].
In steels, the new constituents formed depend critically on the chemical composition
of the steel and the thermal cycle applied during welding, in particular the peak
temperature reached and the cooling rate. Table 2.1 [3] shows the volume changes
of different solid state phase transformations, including the effect of the carbon content
of the steel. This will affect the residual stress levels and distribution.
Table 2.1. Volumetric changes of different solid state phase transformations in steels,
indicating the dependency of the carbon content of the steel [3].
Phase transformation
Pearlite to Austenite
Austenite to Upper Bainite or Pearlite
Austenite to Lower Bainite
Austenite to Martensite
Volume change
4.64 2.21 wt.%C
4.64 2.21 wt.%C
4.64 1.43 wt.%C
4.64 0.53 wt.%C
Apart from the volumetric changes, the constituents formed upon solid state phase
transformations, change the material mechanical properties. For example, the formation of hard phases like martensite increase the yield strength of a material. Figure
2.5 [6] shows the change in the yield strength and ultimate tensile stress (UTS) as
function of volume fraction of martensite in dual phase steel.
Transformation plasticity
Transformation induced plasticity is the increased plasticity due to stresses present
during a phase transformation. Figure 2.6 [7] shows the dilatation curve for free
expansion, labelled = 0, but also includes the effects of external stresses on the
strain changes during a thermal cycle. This plastic deformation can occur even for
external stresses smaller than the yield stress of the material [8]. The transformation
plasticity should be taken into account to obtain a correct estimation of residual
stresses and distortion in welding. However, it is not yet clear how much the influence
of transformation plasticity contributes to residual stress levels (compared to the
volume change effects) [9].
Grain size and re-crystallization
Due to the thermal cycle, especially near the fusion zone, grain growth may occur.
The Hall-Petch [10] relationship expresses the variation in yield strength with grain
size as:
y = 0 + ky d;
where y is the yield stress, 0 and ky are constants for a particular material and d
is the grain size. At elevated temperature grain growth occurs to reduce the Gibbs
free energy by reduction of grain boundaries.
During welding, different locations experience different thermal cycles. Regions close
to the fusion line are heated to very high temperatures. For steels that do not experience solid state transformation (such as AISI-316L), re-crystallization and growth
of the generated grains occur based on the temperature. For a material exhibiting
solid state transformations, the grains close to the fusion line transform to austenite. Since the temperature is very high, the austenite grains grow and form a coarse
grained region. As the peak temperature reduces with distance to the fusion line, a
fine grained zone is formed close to the coarse grained region. The region next to
the fine grained zone is only partially transformed to austenite. Other regions do not
transform into austenite and become tempered or remain unaffected. The formation
of different regions with different microstructures is schematically shown in Figure
2.7 [11]. It is obvious that such changes in grain size and microstructure will have an
influence on the stress and strain fields.
Figure 2.5. The relation between stress increase (yield strength and UTS) and the
martensite volume content in a dual phase steel [6].
Figure 2.6. Free dilatometer and transformation plasticity test [7]. Phase transformations
in the presence of stresses can result in plastic deformation.
Stresses introduced by the factors discussed in the previous sections, will alter during
the welding cycle. In this section the transient behaviour or development of stresses
is described, starting from simulated heating cycles in hypothetical situations to real
welding conditions. For the latter case the development of stresses is presented in the
longitudinal, transverse and through thickness directions.
Stress development under constrained condition
The effect of a thermal cycle during welding on the stress state can be simulated by
the Satoh test. In the Satoh test, a constrained bar is uniformly heated using induction heating, Figure 2.8a [12]. The axial stress formation in this bar is comparable
to the welding induced stresses in the heat affected zone (HAZ). The clamps (i.e. the
walls) simulate the surrounding cold material. In this test, the heating, expansion
and softening of the surrounding material are ignored [5]. During testing, temperature (Figure 2.8b) as well as the axial force per unit area (Figure 2.8c) is measured.
If the material undergoes solid state phase transformations the effects on the axial
Figure 2.8. Schematic representation of (a) the Satoh test, (b) schematic temperature
profile applied on the sample (the discontinuity indicates the thermal effect of a solid state
phase transformation) and (c) the stress development as a function of temperature, adopted
from [12].
Figure 2.9. Longitudinal stress development during welding for a simple case. An
elementary volume element (h.dx.dy) in the heat affected zone is selected and the stress and
strain development is described for this arbitrary element following a specific temperature
profile [13].
As can be seen from the temperature profile T (t), the total thermal cycle takes t5
seconds. Heating takes place up to t2 , after which the cooling starts. The thermal
strain profile T is plotted on the left side of the temperature profile. During the
heating cycle, the element expands. Therefore the thermal strain increases. The
maximum thermal strain is reached at point 2. During cooling, the thermal strain
is reduced until it reaches zero at room temperature. The thermal strain consists of
elastic and plastic strains. The relationship between the strain and stress is plotted
above the thermal strain profile. Until t1 (point number 1), the material behaves
elastically, after which the perfect plastic deformation starts. At t2 the cooling cycle
starts, accompanied by contraction of the material. The compressive elastic stress
turns into tensile stresses until point 4. From point 4, yielding occurs in the contraction cycle. Finally, when the temperature reaches room temperature at point 5,
an internal stress is generated in the material. The longitudinal stress as a function
of time x is plotted above the temperature profile. During the heating cycle, the
element expands. However, this expansion is limited by the surrounding material. A
compressive stress is generated in this part of the cycle. In the cooling stage, contraction occurs in the element, which is again constrained by the surrounding material.
Therefore, the absolute value of the compressive stress is reduced until it reaches zero
(t3 ). The stress becomes tensile in nature with decreasing temperature. At point 4,
the maximum tensile stress is reached.
This figure is only valid in a certain area of the welded plate, if the elementary
volume is selected further away from the weld, plastic deformation will not occur
and only elastic strains will be present upon heating. Even further away, the cold
elementary volume will not experience a change in temperature, but will be affected
by the fact that an equilibrium situation has to be maintained. Therefore, in this
region compressive force might be present.
The plastic deformation zones during welding are shown in Figure 2.10 [13, 14].
The temperature of the region leading the heat source (in the figure left of the curve
indicated by Tmax ) increases when the welding arc approaches and thus the yield
stress reduces. This region experiences a compressive stress, because the surrounding
material limits the expansion of this region. The region very close to the welding heat
source has temperatures very close to or above the melting point of the material. In
this region softening is apparent. The region trailing the heat source (in the figure
right of the curve indicated by Tmax ) is in the cooling stage. After the heat source
has passed, this region is still at elevated temperature and has a low yield stress. The
contraction of this region is limited by the surrounding materials and therefore this
region will finally experience tensile stresses. Plastic deformation occurs locally and
is non-uniform.
Apart from the cold material surrounding the weld, the application of clamping
devices constrains the plates to be welded even further and prohibits distortion of
the plate during welding. The larger the constraining forces, the larger the residual
stresses. The build-up of large stresses locally generates plastic deformation. After
releasing the clamps the workpiece will distort in order to achieve equilibrium. However, less distortion is observed when plastic deformation has occurred. The level of
the residual stresses remains relatively high. The clamping distance to the weld line
is an important issue with respect to welding distortion. The closer the clamps are
situated to the weld centre line, the less final distortion is observed [15].
Figure 2.10. Plastic tensioned and compressed zones during welding [13, 14].
Usually, when the plate thickness is over 25 mm, residual stresses in the thickness
direction can become significant [1]. Despite the importance of these stresses in thick
welded material, limited information is available especially for multi-pass welds. The
main difficulty is the availability of measurement methods. As an example, Figure
2.13 shows the distribution of stresses along the thickness direction of a low carbon
steel butt joint obtained by hole drilling [1]. The welds were made with covered
electrodes and the welding operations were conducted from both sides.
Figure 2.13. An example of the distribution of stresses along the thickness direction of a
low carbon steel butt joint [1].
Welding distortion
Rotational distortion
Angular distortion
Angular distortion, which is also referred to as butterfly distortion, is the change in the
out-of-plane angle between the materials to be joined [13]. This type of deformation
occurs because of the non-uniform temperature distribution in the through-thickness
direction of the plate. The mechanism of angular distortion has been studied by
Pilipenko [13] and is shown schematically in Figure 2.16.
Similar to Figure 2.15, three regions can be distinguished according to the temperature reached. In region 1, the temperature is higher than in regions 2 and 3. During
the heating cycle, the temperature in regions 1 and 2 increases, while the temperature
in region 3 remains at room temperature. The material at high temperature is very
weak, ductile and will deform easily. In region 1 of the cross section with thickness
dx, the material tries to expand when the welding arc approaches, but the colder
regions (2 and 3) limit this expansion. Therefore, this region deforms significantly.
As the temperature at the top surface is higher than the bottom surface, the contraction during the cooling stage is much larger for the top surface compared to the rear
surface. This finally leads to an out-of-plane (angular) distortion.
As there are always through-thickness temperature variations in welding, this type
of deformation appears in the majority of welding processes. The angular distortion
depends to a large extent on the plate thickness and the heat input as shown in
Figure 2.17 for steel [24]. As can be seen from the figure, thinner plates show less
angular distortion than thicker plates until a critical thickness is reached, because of
the more uniform temperature profile in through-thickness direction of thinner plates
compared to thicker plates. By increasing the plate thickness from this critical point,
the stiffness of plate increases and the angular distortion reduces.
Bending distortion
Figure 2.17. The angular distortion of steel plates with different thicknesses, the lines
represent the heat input (W), adopted from [24].
Buckling is a distortion mode resulting from an instability of a structure under compressive stresses. The structure buckles and collapses when these compressive stresses
reach the critical buckling stress. Buckling differs from other types of distortion because buckling is an instable type of deformation and usually there are more than one
deformation modes [1]. The critical buckling load depends on the material properties
(Youngs modulus, Poissons ratio), boundary conditions and the dimensions of the
Many methods are proposed and demonstrated in industry to control both residual
stress and distortion. However, most of these techniques aim to reduce distortion.
Any change in distortion reflects a change in the residual stress level. Some methods
can reduce welding distortion significantly, whilst the residual stress level in the workpiece is increased. It should be mentioned that the selection of a suitable distortion
reduction method depends on the type of distortion to be reduced.
A classification of mitigation methods is based on when they are applied during the
manufacturing stage [14]:
- Pre-welding methods,
- Post-welding methods,
- In-situ welding techniques.
Appropriate welding design considerations before welding can be very helpful to reduce welding distortion. The design of the groove cross section [14] should be as
narrow as possible in order to minimize heat input. For good welds, sufficient heat
input is required. However, high heat inputs cause more welding distortion. In this
respect, the U-groove shape is much more preferred to a V-groove shape.
Pre-shaping is another method which can be applied prior to welding. The design of
a structure is altered in such a way that after welding distortion, the preferred final
shape will be achieved. Figure 2.18 shows two common methods used in design
modification named pre-setting and pre-bending [16].
Pre-heating can reduce both welding residual stress and distortion. This method
reduces the high temperature gradient in welding. Preheating can also be applied
for material with low thermal diffusivity [14]. For materials such as steel which can
produce unwanted hard constituents like martensite upon welding, pre-heating can
be used to reduce the cooling rate.
Figure 2.18. Pre-setting and pre-bending methods used in distortion reduction, the dashed
lines indicate the initial state [16].
Rolling can be applied during welding either on top of the weld (direct rolling) or
alongside of the weld (roller tensioning). This method has been investigated by many
researchers [25-33]. Research in this topic was focused on the control of residual stress
(and distortion) but also on associated issues like the prevention of hot cracking and
improvement of mechanical properties of the weld. An example of the application
of rolling in welding engineering was shown by Wen [33] for the friction stir welding
process. Two types of rolling conditions were used, as shown Figure 2.20a. The
longitudinal residual stress profile after rolling is shown in Figure 2.20b. For both
cases, significant reduction of residual tensile stresses can be seen, mainly because of
plastic deformation of the weld.
One of the methods which can be used for mitigation of residual stress and distortion
during welding is mechanical tensioning. In this method (as can be seen in Figure
2.21), a load is applied uniformly before clamping of the plates prior to welding. The
tensioning load is present during welding and is released together with the clamps
after welding. The experimental and numerical investigation of mechanical tensioning in friction stir welding has been presented by Richards et al. [34].
The development of the longitudinal, transverse, normal and von Mises stresses as
a function of the distance to the tool centre along the weld centre line is predicted
by numerical modelling for mechanical tensioning of 3 mm aluminium AA2024-T6
friction stir welded plates and is shown in Figure 2.22 [34]. The investigated conditions were: (a) un-tensioned (b) 35% tensioned (of the room temperature yield point
of the material) and (c) 70% tensioned (of the room temperature yield point of the
material) welds. As can be seen, mechanical tensioning affects both the compressive
yielding ahead, and tensile yielding behind the friction stir tool. The imposed tensile
stress reduces the amount of compressive yielding that occurs ahead of the weld and
the resultant misfit formed. Behind the tool, tensioning encourages increased longitudinal tensile straining of the cooling material in the softened (hot) zone. The tensile
misfit thus generated, can either decrease the magnitude of the tensile stress (for
tensioning levels less than 40%) or introduce significant compressive residual stresses
(for tensioning levels greater than 40%). A further observation is that tensioning in
the welding direction has hardly any influence on the other stress components.
Figure 2.20. Application of rolling in friction stir welding (a) using roller tensioning and
direct rolling and (b) the final longitudinal residual stress profile generated by these two
types of rolling and conventional welding [33].
Figure 2.21. Schematic representation of mechanical tensioning method used for friction
stir welded plates [34].
Figure 2.22. Development of the longitudinal (11 ), transverse (22 ) and normal (33 )
and von Mises stresses with distance from the tool centre along the weld centreline predicted
by numerical modelling, for (a) un-tensioned (b) 35% tensioned and (c) 70% tensioned
welds in AA2024-T6 3 mm plates, the arrow indicates the welding direction [34].
In the previous section, the effects of mechanical tensioning on the stress state of a
weld were described. Tensioning can also be achieved by heating the specimen, i.e.
thermal tensioning. Thermal tensioning, first applied by Burak et al. [35] and later
patented by Guan [36, 37], describes a group of in-process methods to control deformation. In these methods local heating and/or cooling strategies are applied during
welding. Generally speaking, two types of thermal tensioning can be distinguished:
1. Thermal tensioning with stationary heating and/or cooling sources (static thermal
2. Thermal tensioning with moving heating and/or cooling sources (dynamic thermal
In the static methods, there is a pre-set temperature distribution in the workpiece,
while in the dynamic or transient methods no pre-set temperature is applied. In both
cases, different heating and/or cooling sources are used, such as gas flames, electric
arcs, high energy density beams, solid CO2 -snow, water or liquid nitrogen.
Although, many studies have been performed related to the thermal tensioning either
with stationary or with moving sources [35-40], a clear classification of the different
thermal tensioning methods is not present. The adopted names and the classifications
are mainly based on the mechanisms of distortion reduction.
The mechanisms of distortion reduction in thermal tensioning are complex. The
complicated nature of welding stress and strain fields is increased by large number of
parameters involved in thermal tensioning. Type, intensity and characteristics of the
additional heating and/or cooling sources play an important role in the development
of the stress and strain fields during welding with thermal tensioning. The positioning
of the additional sources with respect to the weld centre line and the welding torch
are other critical parameters involved in thermal tensioning.
In this thesis, a classification of thermal tensioning is adopted as shown in Figure
The stationary thermal tensioning technique includes pre-stretching the weld area
along the entire weld length by means of heating and cooling blocks. In this way a
Usually, solid CO2 -snow, water or liquid nitrogen is used as a cooling medium. The
main disadvantages of this method are the interaction of the cooling source with the
welding arc and the high cooling rates which may result in the formation of hard
constituents such as martensite in some types of steel.
Figure 2.26, schematically shows the dynamic thermal tensioning in which two additional heating sources are applied together with the welding torch to reduce welding
As shown in Figure 2.23, thermal tensioning using additional heating sources is
classified into two types, Transient Thermal Tensioning (TTT) and Side Heating
(SH). The position of the heat sources in TTT is close to the weld centre line in
comparison to that of Side Heating. The thermal field generated by the burners in
TTT influence the thermal field generated by the arc. The thermal field of the weld
zone is not affected by the generated temperatures by the burners in SH.
Figure 2.26. Schematic presentation of dynamic thermal tensioning using heat sources.
As stated before, dynamic thermal tensioning can be divided into two main strategies;
TTT and SH. In this section both methods are discussed in more details.
The distortion reduction can be achieved during welding with TTT based on a thermal
tensioning or stretching effect. It is provided by establishing a required specific temperature gradient in a localized area near the welding arc zone. This stretching effect
depends on material and process parameters. Influencing factors are: the material
and thickness of the welded plate, the welding related parameters, the shape, size,
intensity, location and velocity of the additional heat sources.
The TTT was studied and further developed at the Edison Welding Institute (EWI)
from 1990 [38]. The technique was first tested at Northrop Grumman Ship Systems
in 1999 for lightweight ship panel application on U.S. Navy vessel class DDG-51. Deo
and Michaleris [40] presented the elimination of welding-induced bowing distortion in
welded T-type stiffeners by TTT at the stiffener web plate. The effectiveness of using
numerical analysis and optimization to design the TTT process has been presented
by Michaleris et al. [41]. Preston et al. [16] used a finite element analysis with shell
elements to model the optimum parameters of TTT by means of laser heating. Angled
heat sources were predicted to provide a better solution than conventional orthogonal
heat distributions. With orthogonal heat distributions the longitudinal and transverse strains act over the same area, resulting in beneficial high levels of longitudinal
tension, but also in transverse compression which is undesirable. With the angled
heat source, the transverse expansion is accommodated over a fairly large area. Most
of the plate is still cool and capable of supporting the expansion without permanent
deformation, and thus limiting the localized transverse compression, whilst still concentrating the longitudinal expansion in a small area around the arc.
In a Japanese patent, a technique to prevent buckling distortion in the welding of
thin metal sheets using Side Heating (SH) is described [42]. This method is not only
based on the thermal tensioning effect but is mainly based on the additional heatinginduced plastic strains near the edges of the plate. A suitable contracted zone is
formed in the areas away from the weld to level out the incompatible plastic zone in
the welded area [43].
Yanga and Juang [44] reported that plate edge waves were eliminated by the SH
method, due to tensile stresses introduced in the areas near the edges. Figure 2.27
shows a comparison of distortion after welding with and without Side Heating (SH).
Nagy et al. [45] applied SH during welding of 500 12 4 mm3 DH36 ship panel to
eliminate buckling distortion. It is claimed that in the SH method the compressive
residual stresses are reduced and that is the main reason for reduction of buckling
distortion [46].
Figure 2.27. Side Heating (SH) technique used in shipbuilding application [44].
Published literature agrees that dynamic thermal tensioning using additional heat
sources can reduce welding distortion significantly. However, literature does not fully
agree on how this method works. The relevant literature proposes three different
mechanisms of distortion reduction by these methods:
(A) The redistribution and not a reduction of longitudinal residual welding stresses
increase the critical buckling load. Therefore, buckling distortion is prevented
[43, 48].
(B) The compressive longitudinal welding stresses are reduced by means of the heat
sources [16, 46].
(C) Thermal tensioning generates tensile stresses, which increase the tensile stress
level in the weld zone. The stresses reach the yield stress of the material and
therefore local plastic deformation occurs. During cooling the final residual
stresses are reduced due to this plastic deformation [48, 49].
In addition to the welding arc, two additional heat sources are applied in either TTT
or SH. In the literature three main types of heat sources are reported for transient
thermal tensioning or side heating experiments: flames [50-53], resistance heaters [54]
and laser beams [16]. Most of the reported results are based on experiments using
flames, which is also adopted in this study.
A wide range of oxy-gas combinations can be used for welding with additional heating, in which oxygen is combined with different fuel gases like acetylene, natural gas,
propane and hydrogen. The combustion of the fuel gasses create flames with different
maximum temperatures, based on the chemical reactions taking place.
In Table 2.2 [55], four different oxy-fuel and air-fuel gases combination are compared.
Table 2.2. Some properties of oxy-fuel and air-fuel gases [55].
Density [kg m3 ]
Boiling temperature [o C]
Max flame temp.
with air [o C]
with O2 [o C]
Power of flame[kJ cm2 s1 ]
C2 H 2
C3 H 8
The most common type of flame used in welding with additional heating is the oxyacetylene flame. The combustion of oxygen and acetylene produces a flame with a
maximum temperature of approximately 3200 o C. Figure 2.29 [55] shows different
regions in a neutral oxy-acetylene flame.
In the flame, acetylene is combusted with oxygen in the torch nozzle and the mixture
flows at a high speed. The oxygen from the surrounding air then reacts with the
mixture. These chemical reactions can be summarized as [14]:
C2 H2 + O2 = 2CO + H2 + Q1 (Q1 = 0.021Jmm3 ),
2CO + H2 + 1.5O2 = 2CO2 + H2 O + Q2 (Q2 = 0.027Jmm
The heat produced is mainly transferred to the plate by convection. The size of the
flame depends on the nozzle diameter and the velocity of the gas mixture. According
to reference [14], the effective heat output of the flame is influenced by the following
1. the mixing ratio of oxygen and acetylene (maximum heat is generated when the
ratio CO
is 2.0 to 2.4);
2 H2
2. the velocity of the gas and the nozzle size (maximum heat is obtained with a
high velocity and a small nozzle size);
3. the distance between the nozzle and the plate (maximum heat with decreasing distance, but the workpiece should not be within the primary combustion
4. the speed of the flame over the material surface;
5. the thickness of the plate;
6. the thermal conductivity or thermal diffusivity of the plate material.
This effective heat flow has a Gaussian distribution. The maximum value of heat
distribution is localized in the centre and decreases sharply towards the edges mainly
due to the rapid decrease of flow velocity.
Concluding remarks
The heating and cooling cycle in welding, produce high tensile stresses in and around
the weld zone, which are balanced by compressive stresses further away from the weld.
Different types of welding distortion may occur simultaneously after welding, when
constrains are released.
Control of residual welding stresses and distortion are significant topics in welding
engineering. Several techniques have been proposed to reduce welding distortions.
Thermal tensioning is a group of in-process techniques to reduce welding distortion
using heating and/or cooling strategies. The main focus of this thesis is on thermal
tensioning using additional moving heat sources. Although promising results are obtained, the mechanisms of these methods are still not completely understood. This is
the main reason why the method has not been widely adopted by industry.
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Chapter 3
structural/mechanical determination).
The effect of the mechanical field on the thermal field (path 4, Figure 3.1) is generally ignored [3]. The main reason for such an assumption is that the heat generated
by the welding heat source is much greater than the heat generated by plastic deformation of the material.
Many models exclude the effects of the microstructure changes on the thermal (path 2,
Figure 3.1) and mechanical fields (path 5, Figure 3.1) [4-5], while it is also reported
that these effects cannot be ignored [6-7]. The effect of latent heat of transformation
on the thermal field is often ignored, again, this is mainly due to the high amount of
heat generated by the heat source compared to the heat associated by transformations. The effect of solid state phase transformations on the mechanical field depends
to a significant extent upon the type of material and the type of transformation.
Figure 3.1. The interaction among three modelling fields in welding. The meaning of the
numbers is as follows: (1) Microstructure evolution depends on the temperature, (2) Latent
heat of phase transformation and thermal material properties depend on the microstructure,
(3) Mechanical properties depend on temperature, (4) deformation changes thermal
boundary condition, (5) phase transformations generate stress and strain and (6)
Microstructure evolution depends on deformation [2].
In this study a de-coupled analysis is employed. The thermal field is calculated first
ignoring the heat generated by plastic deformation and the results are used in the
mechanical field (path 3, Figure 3.1). If there are solid state phase transformations
in the material, the fraction of phases is calculated based on the thermal field output
(path 1, Figure 3.1) and the results are used to evaluate the mechanical field (path
5, Figure 3.1). Figure 3.2 shows the modelling approach as well as the validation
experiments used throughout this thesis. In all calculations the fluid behaviour is
excluded. The effect of mechanical field on the microstructure is also ignored (path
6, Figure 3.1)).
3.1 Introduction
Figure 3.2. The modelling approach used in the simulations as well as the validation
experiments. The dashed lines indicate that the phase transformation is modelled only for
dual phase steel (DP600). The effects of the mechanical field on the thermal field have been
Nowadays, software makes it possible to solve the thermal, microstructural and mechanical problems numerically. Two methods are generally applied to obtain approximate solutions of the differential equations: the Finite Difference Method (FDM) and
the Finite Element Method (FEM). Although using the FDM analysis can explain
cases on physical principles, it is difficult to use for complicated weld geometries.
The finite element method is the dominant technique used in welding simulations [8].
Modelling of the welding process is difficult, due to the complex interactions of many
In this study, the Finite Element Method (FEM) is used to simulate both conventional
welding and welding with additional heating. All finite element models described in
this thesis were run on an HP Proliant ML 570 workstation with four Intel Xeon
64EMT processors. The commercial finite element code M sc.M arc was used in the
simulations. T hermocalcT M software was used for thermo-dynamical calculations.
An in-house M atlab code was written to calculate the phase fractions. All subroutines were written in F ortran77.
Figure 3.3 shows the coordinate system used in the models throughout this thesis.
The welding direction is defined as the longitudinal or x-direction. The in-plane direction perpendicular to the welding direction is defined as the transverse or y-direction.
The z-axis is the through-thickness direction. The origin in the numerical calculations
is selected at the edge of the plate in the x-direction at the centre of the plate in the
y-direction. The origin of the z-axis is at the top surface of the workpiece. SI units
(kg, m, s) are employed in the models.
The Lagrangian formulation or the Eulerian formulation can be adopted. The Lagrangian formulation uses finite element meshes which are attached to the materials
and move along with the material. In the Eulerian approach the finite element mesh is
fixed and the material flows through the mesh [9]. The Eulerian approach is very suitable for steady state processes [10-16]. The generality and availability of Lagrangian
codes lead to the selection of the Lagrangian formulation as a more or less common
choice in welding simulation [1] and is adopted in this study. Two classifications of the
Lagrangian approach are the total Lagrangian and the up-dated Lagrangian method.
In the first method the original un-deformed state of the workpiece is set as the reference, while in the latter approach, the current configuration (frequently updated)
is used as reference state. Since, excessive deformation occurs during welding, the
up-dated Lagrangian formulation is preferred and adopted in this investigation. The
main reason is that when excessive deformation occurs, mesh elements are distorted
significantly and therefore re-meshing of these elements is required.
Thermal analysis
Thermal analysis includes the heat flow in the electrode, the weld pool, the arc and the
solid workpiece. Both arc and weld pool phenomena are necessary for the development
of a numerical model of the arc welding process, because there is close interaction
between the electrode, the arc plasma and the weld pool. A unified numerical model
accounting for the weld pool, the arc plasma and the electrode is under development
for predicting the properties of the weld [18]. Experimentally, it is difficult to perform
temperature measurements within the weld pool and the arc. In order to simplify the
analysis, the thermal analysis throughout this study assumes a volumetric heat input
in the workpiece excluding all physical phenomena taking place in the arc and the weld
pool. This approach was used by other researchers [19-21]. Satisfactory agreements
between temperature measurements and the numerical predictions have been reported
using such approach [22]. Using such simplifications, the thermal analysis can be
classified into two main parts: a heat input model and the modelling of heat losses.
Basic equation
The basic equation in the heat transfer analysis is the energy conservation law. The
energy conservation law leads to a balance between a change in stored energy and
heat flux as:
H = Q 5q;
where is the material density, H is the enthalpy rate, Q is the power of the heat
source per unit volume and q is the heat flux. The enthalpy rate is related to the
temperature rate by the heat capacity c:
=c ;
where q is the heat flux vector, is a matrix of thermal conductivity coefficients and
T is the temperature. The thermal conductivity coefficient depends on the chemical
= Q + 5( 5 T ).
As stated before, a part of the heat generated in the arc is transferred to the workpiece. The term heat source efficiency or process efficiency is defined as the fraction
of the heat transfer from the heat source to the workpiece to the nominal power of
the heat source [24]. The process efficiency can be measured with a calorimeter [25],
but this is rather difficult and incorporates relatively large errors. Different values
have been reported for the process efficiency [22, 26]. In this investigation, the process efficiency is used as a fitting factor and was varied until a good agreement with
experimental results was obtained.
Table 3.1 shows values for the process efficiency for GTA and GMA welding from
the literature and includes the values adopted in this study. The process efficiency
for GMAW is higher than GTAW. The main reason is that in GTAW heat is lost to
the cooled tungsten electrode, while in GMAW the heat entering the wire electrode
is transported to the weld pool by the transferring droplets.
Table 3.1. Values for the process efficiency for GTA and GMA welding from the literature
and this study.
This thesis
The effective power of the arc (E), which is transferred to the workpiece is determined
by the welding current (I), the arc voltage (U ) and the efficiency of the process ():
E = U I.
Several heat input models have been introduced in the literature such as point, line,
plane and volume heat source models [28]. Rosenthal [29] assumed a point heat source
model with the steady state heat flow and neglected the heat of fusion and heat losses.
These assumptions made it possible to derive an analytical solution to the differential equation. Many other analytical models have subsequently been derived for two
and three dimensional welding heat flow [28]. Some disadvantages such as inaccurate
temperature predictions near the fusion zone and the heat affected zone limit the
application of these models to the cases where solutions are sought far from the weld
fusion line. The main source of the inaccuracies is the assumptions of a point heat
source and the use of temperature independent material properties.
An early suggestion for a distributed heat source model was made by Pavelic et
al. [30]. In this model a Gaussian distribution of a surface heat flux was proposed.
Such a distributed heat flux model predicts the temperature of the weld pool and the
heat affected zone better than the older models. However, the presented temperature
distribution in the through thickness direction below the surface of the workpiece was
inadequate. This led to the introduction of the first volumetric heat source models
One of the most commonly used volumetric heat source models in welding simulations nowadays was proposed by Goldak [32]. The Goldak model, also called the
double ellipsoid heat source model, defines two volumetric heat fluxes in front and
behind the arc centre, as shown in Figure 3.5.
The volumetric heat flux with a Gaussian distribution is expressed for the region in
front of the arc centre as:
6 3f1 E 3( y )2 3( z )2 3( x0c+vt )2
qf ront =
e a e b e
abc1 ()3/2
and for the region trailing the arc centre the heat flux is expressed by:
6 3f2 E 3( y )2 3( z )2 3( x0c+vt )2
qrear =
e a e b e
abc2 ()3/2
in which E is the effective power of the arc (see Equation 3.5), v is the travel speed
along the x-direction (welding direction), f1 and f2 are the fractions of heat deposited
at the leading and trailing side of the heat source, respectively (with the centre of
x0 , y0 , and z0 ). As can be seen from the equations, the shape of the volumetric heat
flux is defined by arbitrary parameters a, b and c. The fusion zone geometry in the
experiments is used as a starting point for selection of these parameters.
In general, the boundary of the heat flux is set as the location where the flux has
dropped to 5% of its maximum value. Outside of this volume, no heat flux is assumed. The parameters used in the Goldak model are derived from experiments.
Good agreement between predicted and measured temperatures of both GTAW and
GMAW processes have been reported using this model [1, 27, 33].
In order to ensure the continuity of the heat input at the centre the following condition, as presented in [27], is used in the simulations.
qf ront = qrear .
The values of the parameters of the Goldak model used in the simulations of this
study are described in Chapter 6.
The heat generated in the workpiece is lost to the backing plate, the clamping system and the surroundings. The mechanism of heat losses by contacting bodies (i.e.
backing plate, clamping system) is based on conduction and can be described by:
qcontact = hcontact (T T0 );
in which hcontact is the heat transfer coefficient to the contacting body, T is the surface temperature of the plate, and T is the ambient temperature.
Since there are contacts between the clamps, the workpiece and the backing plate; the
temperature of the plate changes at the location of the contacting bodies. The heat
flow is determined by two factors: (a) the interface thermal resistance between the
workpiece and the contacting bodies and (b) the heat conductivities of the contact
bodies. The thermal resistance of the interface depends on the degree of clamping.
When there is a very good contact, the heat transferred across the interface can
be comparable to the conductive heat flow within the plate. In many studies these
clamping condition effects are neglected [6, 34-36]. However, it was shown in [27 and
33] that the heat transfer conduction into the backing plate is the dominant heat loss
mechanism during welding. Van der Aa [22] used a parameter study to fit the models
with different heat transfer coefficients due to the contact bodies ranging from 25 to
100 W m2 K1 to the experimental temperature measurements. It appeared that a
Figure 3.6. Effects of heat transfer coefficient due to the contacting bodies on the
temperature profile for different positions from the weld centre line (Material: AH36).
The heat is also lost by convection and radiation to the surroundings. The heat lost
by convection is described by:
qconvection = hc (T T0 );
where hc is the convective heat transfer coefficient and T is the ambient temperature. The flow of a liquid or gaseous medium over a heated surface causes heat transfer
by convection. The convection heat transfer coefficient is difficult to measure. The
main reason is that it depends on fluid temperature, fluid and surface properties. For
non-forced cooling in air, the range for the convective heat transfer coefficient is often
selected to be between 1 to 10 W m2 K1 [33]. However, values as high as 30 W
m2 K1 are reported [23].
As stated before, the heat transfer coefficients are temperature dependent. However,
it has been reported in [22] that there is no real benefit using temperature dependent
heat transfer coefficients. Therefore, a temperature independent value of 10 W m2
K1 is used for the convective heat transfer coefficients in this study. This value was
also reported in [22, 37].
Heat lost by radiation is described as:
qradiation = m B (T 4 T
Detailed information on the heat transfer coefficients used in the simulations as well
as the temperature of the clamps for the selected cases can be found in Chapter 6.
Thermal material properties used in the simulation include solidius and liquidius temperatures, latent heat of solid state phase transformations and fusion, specific heat,
thermal conductivity, and density.
Solidius and liquidus temperatures have been calculated based on the chemical composition (see Chapter 4) of the materials used in this study using T hermoCalcT M
and are shown in Table 3.3.
Table 3.3. The solidius and liquidus temperatures used for different materials in the
Solidius Temperature [K]
Liquidus Temperature [K]
Options for the implementation of the release of latent heat of fusion in the models
are shown in Figure 3.7. The latent heat of fusion can be released uniformly in the
temperature range between the solidius and liquidus temperature of the materials,
Figure 3.7a. Another option is to define the temperature-dependent latent heat,
if sufficient experimental data is available, and to implement this in Msc.Marc, see
Figure 3.7b. Table 3.4 shows the latent heat of fusion for different materials used
in the simulations. The latent heats of some solid state phase transformations in
steel are shown in Table 3.5. Comparing the values mentioned for the latent heat
of fusion for different materials (Table 3.4) with the values of latent heat of solid
state transformations (Table 3.5), it can be concluded that the latent heat of fusion
is much higher. The latent heat of solid state phase transformations is therefore often
ignored in modelling of the thermal field in welding [1]. In Figure 3.8 temperature
dependant specific heat data in which latent heat of fusion is included for dual phase
steel DP600 is shown, whereas for AH36 and AISI-316L this data is not available.
Figure 3.7. Different modelling methods for the release of latent heat: (a) uniform release
of latent heat between solidus and liquidus and (b) temperature dependant release [9].
Table 3.4. The latent heat of fusion for different materials used in the simulations.
[kJkg 1 ]
330 [22]
See Figure 3.8
270 [40]
Table 3.5. Latent heat of solid state phase transformation for some phase transformations
in steel.
Phase transformation
Latent heat [kJkg 1 ]
Ferrite to
75 [41]
Austenite to
92 [42]
Austenite to
83 [42]
Figure 3.8. Specific heat of AH36 [23], DP600 [22] and AISI-316L [22] as a function of
the temperature. This data is used in the simulations.
Figure 3.9. Thermal conductivity of AH36 [43], DP600 [22] and AISI 316L [22] as a
function of the temperature.
Density is another material property which should be defined in the thermal analysis.
Again, this property is temperature dependent. As stated in reference [22], density
is assumed to be a constant material property in Msc.Marc. Table 3.6 shows the
values used for density of the materials in the simulations.
Table 3.6. Density of different materials at room temperature used in the simulations.
Density [kgm3 ]
AISI- 316L
8030 [22]
8020 [22]
7860 [40]
Important considerations in finite element modelling are related to selecting an appropriate element and the mesh for the calculations. In this section, first different
aspects of element selection in the thermal analysis are described. This is followed by
consideration of meshing issues.
Element type is the first issue. There are a large number of element types available for finite element calculations. Continuum and shell elements are mainly used in
arc welding simulations.
In welding the heat flow can be described as either a two or a three dimensional problem, mainly depending on the dimensions of the workpiece. Two dimensional models
are generally used when the thickness of the material is much less than the length.
It can be assumed that the temperature gradient (as well as the stress gradient) in
the through thickness direction of the plate can be neglected. For this condition,
shell elements are used. For thicker materials this boundary condition is not valid
and the use of 2-D models would overestimate the temperature especially in the weld
zone and HAZ. The main reason is the heat flow in the through thickness direction.
This limitation of two dimensional modelling is usually compensated by reducing the
process efficiency, but the 3-D problems are better described by continuum elements.
The order of the element indicates the order of the polynomial used to express the
element behaviour [33]. The higher the order of an element the greater potential
variation of the properties across the element. For example, in a first order element,
a linear variation is allowed, while in a second order element a quadratic variation is
possible. Although the accuracy is improved using high order elements, the calculation time will also increase.
In elements with a reduced integration, the calculation is done at a lower number
of integration points. Thus the accuracy will be less, although the computational
time is reduced. In this study, it was found that in the thermal analysis, the predictions of the temperature distributions by reduced or full integration are in close
In this investigation, the modelling has been performed using two dimensional (Cases
I and II) and three dimensional (Case III) models. Therefore, different element types
have been used in the thermal analysis.
For two dimensional modelling, a four-node heat transfer shell element (Element 85)
with temperature as nodal degree of freedom has been used. Bilinear interpolation is
applied to calculate the temperature in the plane of the shell and either a linear or
a quadratic temperature distribution is assumed in the shell thickness direction [9].
This element uses four integration points. Figure 3.10 shows the shell element used
in two dimensional models.
Figure 3.10. Shell element used in two dimensional modelling. The element is defined
geometrically by the (x,y,z) coordinates of the four corner nodes and local orthogonal
surface directions (V1, V2, and V3) [9].
In the three dimensional models two types of elements have been used: Element 123
and Element 71. Element 123 is an eight-node isoperimetric arbitrary hexahedral
element for three dimensional heat transfer applications using reduced integration. A
single integration point at the centre of the element is used in the calculations [9].
Element type 71 is a 20-node, isoperimetric, arbitrary quadrilateral element used for
three dimensional heat transfer applications using reduced integration. The linear
variation of the thermal gradients allows a realistic prediction of temperature field.
There are eight integration points in this element. These two elements are shown in
Figure 3.11.
Figure 3.11. Solid elements used in 3D modelling: (a) Element 123 with 8 nodes and 1
integration point and (b) Element71 with 8 nodes and 8 integration points [9].
The mesh size should be fine enough to capture the peak temperature and the steep
thermal gradients during welding. A fundamental guideline expressed in reference [1]
indicates that the model should use finer meshes wherever needed and coarse meshes
elsewhere. Therefore, the elements around the weld centre line (weld and HAZ of
welding) are smaller than those at the plate edges (base material) shown in Figure
Figure 3.12. The models used in the simulations with (a) 200 1001.5 mm3 (b)
5005002 mm3 and (c) 5005006 mm3 (The cross section is shown on the left side).
The adaptive meshing criteria for thermal analysis in Msc.Marc [9] are classified into
two methods: temperature gradient based criterion and the node in box criterion. In
the latter case, nodes that fall in a defined box are refined during the analysis. This
criterion was used in the fusion zone and the HAZ.
In order to check the effects of element size and meshing style on the predicted temperature profiles, some case studies were conducted. In the first trial, three models
were used with different element size, but similar meshing style. The first model
uses elements with dimensions of mm3 , while the element size for the
second and third model is 111 mm3 and 222 mm3 , respectively. Figure 3.13
shows the maximum temperature predictions and the calculation time for these three
models. It is clear that by increasing the element size, the maximum temperature
prediction increases and the computational time decreases. However, the trends are
not linear.
Figure 3.13. Relations among number of elements, maximum temperature prediction and
the calculation time.
Another issue in the thermal modelling is the meshing style. For this purpose some
case studies are compared. In this exercise, the models are meshed with different
element sizes in the plane of the plate. The models have a similar element size of 1
mm (1 element) in the through-thickness direction, see Figure 3.14.
Figure 3.14. Different models used in the simulations in order to investigate the effect of
the mesh style in the plane of the plate on the maximum temperature predictions and the
calculation time.
The results of this study are summarized in Table 3.7. The different meshing styles
lead to a difference in the predicted maximum temperature of around 214 K. This
indicates that the element size and the meshing style play an important role in the
calculation of the thermal field. It can also be concluded that homogeneous meshing
does not improve the temperature prediction and the calculation time.
Table 3.7. The calculation time and the predicted maximum temperature for different
cases with different meshing style in the plane of the plate (see Figure 3.14).
No. of
time [s]
temp. [K]
Min element
size [mm3 ]
0.625 1.6 1
2.5 2.5 1
1.25 1.25 1
2.5 2.5 1
In the GMAW process a consumable wire electrode is used. Droplets detached from
the tip of the wire and are transferred towards the weld pool via the arc. For the case
described in Chapter 1 where the GMAW process is applied, the addition of filler
wire should be adopted in the models. In this section the approach of modelling the
metal deposition in the thermal analysis is described.
There are two approaches to model the addition of filler wire in numerical simulations [44]: (a) the quiet element method and (b) the deactivated element method.
In the quiet element method, filler elements are initially present in the model with
scaled down material properties. By default the scaling factor in Msc.Marc is 105
[9]. When the heat source approaches, the thermal properties of the filler elements
are restored. This method is often applied in welding simulations [27, 45-47]. Since
the geometry of the weld to be made is included in the model from the beginning,
the implementation of this method is relatively easy.
In the second method, filler elements are initially not present (deactivated) in the
analysis. When the heat source approaches the elements are created. This approach
was used in [23, 48-49].
The first method was adopted in the simulation of the GMAW process in this investigation.
qf = qmax er ;
in which qf is the heat flux at the position with a distance r to the centre of the
heat source, qmax is the peak value of the Gaussian distribution and is the width
factor of the Gaussian heat flux distribution. The total heat can be calculated as the
integral of the distribution by:
Qtotal =
qf rdrd.
Usually, a term (flame radius, rf lame ) is defined for the proper selection of the flame
width . The flame radius is the distance where q is reduced to 1% of qmax . Therefore,
it can be expressed by:
ln 100
rf2 lame
Figure 3.15 shows the Gaussian heat flux distribution explained above. The heat
flux can be calculated from temperature measurements during heating.
Circular heat sources are not the only types of heaters. Rectangular heaters can
also be applied in thermal tensioning. Song et al. [53] used an averaged heat flux
distributed over a rectangular area shown in Figure 3.16 with dimensions of Bs Ls
by defining two functions to control the heat flux at the edges of the side heater as:
q =
Mx =
Mx Mz ;
Bs Ls
(tanh Sx2 (x + 2 +
2 ))
(tanh Sx1 (x + 2
2 ))
(tanh Sx1 (x 2 +
Mz =
(tanh Sz1 (z
2 ))
2 ))
(tanh Sx2 (x 2
(tanh Sz2 (z +
2 ))
2 ))
in which Qs is the side heating flux, is the side heating efficiency, Bs is the band
width of the side heating, Ls is the length of the side heating, x and z are local
coordinates, 2 is the distance of the heaters to the weld line and Sx1 , Sx2 , Sz2 and
Sz1 are parameters used to control the gradient of the heat flux at the side heater
Figure 3.16. An averaged heat flux distributed over a rectangle in order to model transient
thermal tensioning burners [53].
In this study, preliminary experiments have been conducted with a single flame while
in the final experiments a burner consisting of eight flames with a separation distance
of 30 mm is applied, as will be described in Chapter 4. For this reason, the flames
have been characterized by a Gaussian heat flux distribution in the models. In the
final series of experiments, a set of eight Gaussian heat flux distributions have been
used, as shown in Figure 3.17.
Several calculations by FE thermal analysis have been carried out to determine the
most suitable power density distribution, which matches the experimental results.
The power density distribution is varied (by changing the heat input) until a good
fit is achieved to the measured temperatures at the rear surface of the plate. The
parameter values used in the modeling of the thermal tensioning heat sources are
discussed in Chapter 6.
Figure 3.17. The burners have been modelled by eight circular Gaussian heat flux
distributions with radius r and separation distance of M in this thesis. The maximum heat
flux for each flame is the same.
Microstructure analysis
Material properties are altered when new phases are created. Microstructural changes
in the welded area due to thermal cycling should be considered when modelling the
stress field. Solid state phase transformations may occur in steels during the heating
and cooling cycle of the welding process and might also take place in the side heated
areas, depending on the temperature reached. The effects of phase transformation on
welded structures are the result of [54, 22]:
* changes in the material properties when new phases are formed,
* changes in specific volume when new phases are formed and
* transformation plasticity which may occur in the presence of stresses.
In this section, the procedures of phase transformation modelling adopted in this study
are presented. A phase diagram presents the equilibrium fractions of the phases in an
alloy (or a pure metal) at a given temperature. The two steels used in this study which
undergo phase transformations are dual phase steel (DP600) and mild steel (AH36).
They nominally contain 0.09 wt.% and 0.12 wt.% carbon, respectively. Depending on
the heating and cooling rates either diffusion controlled (reconstructive) or displacive
phase transformations occur resulting in different constituents (see Figure 3.18). In
the Sections 3.3.1 and 3.3.2 these groups of transformations are described. The
implementation of these effects in the models is discussed in subsequent sections.
on the ratio between nucleation rate and growth rate. The parameter k, the Avrami
coefficient, depends on the absolute values of the nucleation and the growth rate
[55-58]. The values of k and n are usually calculated either from Time Temperature
Transformation (TTT) or Continuous Cooling Transformation (CCT) curves or determined experimentally. Rather than using the Avrami coefficient k, it is preferable
to use a time constant . Both n and are functions of the temperature T . The
phase fraction as a function of time can then be expressed as:
(t) =
where r is the saturation exponent depending on the growth mode [58] (lineal, planar,
or spherical). Generally, this saturation exponent is also temperature dependent.
The Johnson-Mehl-Avrami-Kolmogorov (JMAK) expression for diffusional phase changes
is obtained by integrating Equation 3.20 over time. This equation was corrected by
Leblond and Devaux [59] to account for incomplete transformations, i.e. full saturation is not achieved:
t n
(t) = 0 + ( 0 )(1 e( ) );
where is the volumetric equilibrium phase fraction, 0 is the volumetric initial phase
During isothermal transformation, is the time required to produce a certain fraction
of a phase. In a TTT diagram, can be used to indicate the start of a reaction, the
end of the reaction or any constant phase fraction curve in between.
Figure 3.19. Different phase transformations for three thermal paths with similar starting
and ending time and temperature [60].
The additivity rule proposed by Scheil [60] can be used for this purpose. The concept
is extended later to solid state phase transformations by Cahn [61] and generalized
by Christian [62]. According to Scheils additivity rule, if 1 is the isothermal time
required to reach a certain amount of transformed phase , the same transformation
amount will be reached under non-isothermal conditions when the following Scheils
sum equals to unity [60]:
Z t1
= 1.
1 (T )
Assuming the additivity rule holds, the following rate equation is valid:
= (1 ) ( ln(1 )) n .
n n1
n .
1 (T )
= 1.
1 (T )
For a small variation in the temperature rate (dct ) and temperature (dT1 ) the following
equation can be obtained:
1 =
where Ms is the fraction of austenite present at Ms , the martensite start temperature and is usually set to 0.011 [58]. The martensite-start temperature depends
on the austenization conditions (carbon enrichment), stress state and prior plastic
deformation. It should be noted that also the prior austenite grain size affects the
martensitic transformation.
an orientation. Grains are then determined by clusters of points with identical orientations. To simulate grain growth and re-crystallization, grid points are given a
probability of changing orientation within a time step. The main drawback of this
method is that in the calculations there is no inherent coupling to real time. The relation between the real time and the simulation time is dependent on the assumption
that the material follows the classical grain growth law. Since the grain growth laws
are derived for isothermal conditions, it is questionable if it can be used as the basis
for coupling measurement time and simulation [63].
In the Cellular Automaton method a lattice of contacting cells is defined as a domain.
The cells can be in one of a finite number of states. Transitions which determine the
cell evolution are defined according to the neighbours states. Although this method
is faster than other methods, it has to be applied to the spatial and temporal temperature gradient during welding [64].
In the Phase Field method, a state variable is defined over the entire computational
domain. This state (or phase-field variable) can be dependent on variables such as
composition, orientation, long-range order and lattice structure. A diffuse border is
represented as the region where the state variable can vary between two extreme values. This method has been used for many simulations of phase transformation.
The implicit method consists of empirical models, which are based on a large number of experiments for different welding processes and controlled heating or cooling
stages. The main models commonly used in welding simulation are Continuous Cooling Transformation diagrams, the Johnson-Mehl-Avrami-Kolmogorov equation and
the Koistien-Marburger equation. In previous sections the details of such models
were presented. The main drawback of these methods is that the methods are composition and peak temperature dependent. The grain size of austenite above A3 plays
an important role, which is not captured in all equations. Above A3 the austenite
grains continue to grow. The coarseness of austenitic grains affects the nucleation
and causes a delay of the ferrite nucleation upon cooling, which cannot be neglected.
The implicit method is widely used in the modelling of welding and is adopted in this
The temperature history calculated in the thermal analysis is used in the microstructure calculations. The phase fraction of the different phases is calculated. This
information is used in the mechanical analysis in order to calculate the residual stress
and deformation fields after welding. Different subroutines can be used before and at
the end of each pass of the thermo-mechanical analysis.
The analysis starts with a thermal analysis. As stated before, the effect of solid
state phase transformation on the thermal field is ignored due to the high amount
of heat generated by the welding arc and also because of the high values of latent
heat of fusion compared to the latent heat of solid state phase transformations. The
temperature profile for any point at any time is read by an in-house code written in
F ortran77 to calculate phase fractions.
The literature concerning the microstructural evolution is often available in the form
of time temperature transformation and continuous cooling transformation diagrams.
In welding continuous cooling takes place and therefore CCT diagrams are generally
used. In this study, the phase fractions are calculated at each position in the workpiece as a function of time using the appropriate CCT diagrams. The mechanical
analysis is performed after the thermal analysis and phase fraction calculations. The
stresses and strains due to solid state phase transformations for the area where such
transformations take place, are added to the other stresses/strains in the mechanical
field. Detailed information regarding interactions of mechanical and microstructural
fields are discussed in Section 3.4.5.
Mechanical analysis
The mechanical analysis uses the results from the thermal analysis as input files.
The meshes used in the thermal analysis are also used in the mechanical analysis.
The main outputs of the mechanical model are the residual stress and deformation
fields. In this section, the mechanical analysis of the weld employed in this thesis
is discussed. The principles of the mechanical analysis apply both to the cases of
welding and welding with side heating.
Basic equations
where is the Cauchy stress tensor. The stresses depend on the strains and the
strains are displacement dependent:
(u 5 + 5 u);
where is the strain tensor and is u the displacement vector. It can be assumed that
the strain includes a number of independent terms:
= elastic + plastic + phasetrasnf ormation + thermal ;
where is the total strain tensor, elastic is the elastic strain tensor as a result of mechanical loading, plastic is the plastic strain tensor as a result of mechanical loading, thermal is the thermal strain tensor due to thermal loading and
phasetransf ormation is the phase transformation strain tensor. The elastic part can
be summarized as:
elastic = ;
where E is the fourth order elasticity tensor. From Equation 3.31, the strain rate
tensor (d) can be defined as:
d = delastic + dplastic + dphasetrasnf ormation + dthermal ;
where d is the total strain rate tensor, delastic is the elastic strain rate tensor,
dplastic is the plastic strain rate tensor, dthermal is the thermal strain rate tensor and
dphasetransf ormation is the phase transformation strain rate tensor. The thermal
strain rate tensor depends on the thermal expansion coefficient and the temperature
dthermal = T 1;
Modelling of clamps
In almost all welding applications the workpiece is restrained. This can either be by
the whole construction or by clamping devices. The plates are welded in clamped
condition and after welding, the clamps/restraints are released. When the plates are
fixed, the residual stresses are high, while the residual distortion is low. When the
plates are allowed to move freely, the residual stresses are low and the resulting distortion is high. The influence of clamps and restraints on the welding residual stress
and distortion is studied extensively [65-67]. Some critical points concerning the influence of clamping on residual stresses and distortion and the modelling of clamps
are addressed below.
(i) The clamping position: Positioning of the clamps closer to the weld centreline
leads to a reduction in both welding residual stress and distortion [27]. In the experimental conditions adopted in this study the position of the clamps were situated at
locations that also allowed the application of side heaters. The effect of the clamp
positions on the residual stress and distortion was not the scope of this investigation.
A detail explanation of the clamp positions is included in Chapter 4.
(ii) The releasing time of the clamps: It is reported by Roeren et al. [36] that if
a plate is clamped outside of the heat affected zone, the releasing time of clamps has
application of this method. These drawbacks include the more expensive computational time, the unknown friction coefficient between the surfaces of the workpiece
and the contact body and problems related to numerical convergence. In the present
study the clamping is modelled by applying spring links as shown in Figure 3.20a
for small plates and in Figure 3.20b for large plates.
Figure 3.20. Modelling approach for the clamping system for (a) small plates of
2001001.5 mm3 and (b) large plates of 5005002 or 6 mm3 .
The user subroutine USPRNG is used to manipulate the spring stiffness during and
after welding. The spring stiffness applied in the calculation is based on comparison
of the calculations to the experimental results. The best value which gives a close
prediction to the measurement is selected. In the clamped condition a value of 2107
Nm1 for the spring stiffness in all directions is used. In the clamp release stage,
the spring stiffness Ks is defined as a function of the releasing time (t) and can be
expressed as follows:
Ks = 2 107 (1 t7 ).
Figure 3.21. Mechanical material properties used in the simulations: (a) Youngs modulus
as a function of temperature, (b) Thermal expansion coefficient as a function of
temperature and (c) Poissons ratio as a function of temperature for AISI-316L [22],
DP600 [27] and AH36 [27].
Figure 3.22. Stress-Strain relationship of (a) AISI-316L [22], (b) DP600 [27] and (c)
AH36 [27] as a function of temperature.
The work hardening behaviour of the material has been represented by two different
hardening models:
Isotropic hardening: In an isotropic hardening model, it is assumed that the centre of
the yield surface is fixed in stress space, while the size of the yield surface increases.
In Figure 3.23a, a stress-strain curve of a uniaxial loading history is shown, while in
Figure 3.23b the corresponding points are plotted in the stress space. From the origin to point 1, the material behaves elastically. From point 1 to point 2 the material
is plastically deforming and the size of the yield surface is increased. During releasing
of the tensile load and reversing to compression, elastic deformation will occur from
point 2 to point 3. By plastically loading the material from point 3 to point 4, the
size of the yield surface is further increased [71].
Figure 3.23. Isotropic hardening model: (a) uniaxial loading history and (b) the
corresponding points in the stress space [71].
In the Kinematic model, the size of the yield surface is constant while the work
hardening is represented by translating the centre of the yield surface. As can be
seen from Figure 3.24, the material behaves elastically until the yield surface is
reached at point 1. From point 1 to point 2 the material is plastically loaded and the
yield surface now moves from point 1 to point 2 in the corresponding stress space.
However, the size remains constant. Upon reversing the loading direction at point
2, elastic unloading and reloading occurs. Due to the work hardening in the loading
stage, the compressive yield stress at point 3 is reduced. By plastically loading the
material from point 3 to point 4, the yield surface now moves in the opposite direction
Figure 3.24. Kinematic hardening model: (a) loading history (b) corresponding points in
stress space [71].
As stated in Section 3.2.6, filler wire is modeled using the quiet element method.
This means that filler elements are initially available in the model with scaled down
material properties [9].
During phase transformation, new phases with new material properties are created,
which is accompanied by changes of the specific volume of the material (transformation strains). The new phases like martensite can increases the strength of the
material. In the first part of this section the effects of phase transformation on the
stress field is presented. The modification of the kinetics of the phase transformation
in the presence of stresses will be discussed subsequently.
Transformation strains
The mass density of a material with different phase fractions can be expressed by [58]:
i i ;
where is the mass density of the material, i is the mass density of a specific phase
i, i is the phase fraction of that phase while n is the number of phases present in
the material. The mass density of the phases is a temperature dependent property.
The rate of change of the mass density can be written as:
d X
(i i +
T i );
where t indicates the time and T is the temperature. The term i i is the density
change due to the phase transformations.
Kinetics modifications
Both hydrostatic pressure and deviatoric stresses alter the kinetics of phase transformation. If the positive hydrostatic pressure is positive, both TA1 and TMs are
lowered [73]. Moreover, the pearlitic transformation as well as the martensitic transformation is enhanced by deviatoric stresses.
Stress effects of pearlitic and ferritic transformations Most of the approaches used
to model the effect of stress on the ferritic and the pearlitic transformation are based
on modifications of the JMAK equation and Scheils additivity rule. The influence
of stress on the kinetics of the pearlite transformation during cooling is present as a
stress dependent time constant in the Avrami equation [73]:
(T, eq , p) = f (eq , p) (T ) = (T )eA eq +B p .
The first simplification in an analysis is related to the model symmetry. This means
that only half of the model is created and included in the analysis. The second simplification is related to the material properties. In general, material properties used
in analyses are specified to a certain temperature (cut-off temperature) [72]. The
mechanical properties of the steels are not implemented above this temperature. The
main reason for such an assumption is related to the reduction of the elastic modulus
of steel to low values above this temperature. Therefore, strains acquired, when the
temperature exceeds the cut-off temperature, do not contribute significantly to the
final residual stress state [79].
In this study, shell models have been used for the large sheets of less than 6 mm thickness. It is assumed that due to the full penetration welds obtained, the bottom surface
of the plates experiences the same temperatures as the top surface. Through-thickness
stresses can therefore be ignored. For thick plates solid elements were applied.
Concluding remarks
The finite element modelling background and procedures used to investigate the
thermal, the microstructural and the mechanical fields in both conventional welding
and welding with additional heating are presented in this chapter. The assumptions
used in all three fields are explained in more detail. It should be mentioned that
the models and the procedures explained here result in a reasonably good agreement
with the experimental measurements. Since the main goal of these models is the
investigation of additional heating during welding, the current models are satisfactory. The results of numerical modelling are presented and experimentally validated
in Chapter 6.
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Chapter 4
Experimental investigations
This chapter starts with an introduction to the base materials used in this study. It
was indicated in Chapter 1, that three case studies are defined for the laboratory
tests and one case study is set for industrial implementation. This industrial case
study is the topic of Chapter 7. For the three cases of the laboratory tests, different
sets of experiment are defined related to specific types of steel as shown in Table 4.1.
Table 4.1. Weld and joint design for preliminary and final stages.
Case I-A
Case I-B
Case II-A
Case II-B
Case III
1. BOP=Bead On Plate.
The welding equipment and set-up are discussed in Section 4.2. The arrangement for
welding with additional heating experiments is explained in the subsequent section.
The experimental procedures of additional laboratory tests, i.e. distortion, temperature measurements, microstructure investigation and residual stress measurements,
are explained in the last part of this chapter.
Three different types of steel were selected: an austenitic stainless steel AISI-316L, a
dual phase steel DP600 and a fine grained construction steel AH36.
AISI-316L is an austenitic stainless steel with approximately 4 to 6 wt.% -ferrite.
Experimental investigations
The material properties of such steel are well known and the temperature dependent mechanical properties have been measured by van der Aa [1]. During the weld
thermal cycle, this material does not undergo any significant solid state phase transformations. Table 4.2 shows the typical chemical composition of AISI-316L stainless
Table 4.2. Typical chemical composition of AISI-316L stainless steel [2], Fe balance.
Max wt.%
DP600 steel is a dual-phase steel, commonly used in thin sheet automotive applications, due to its strength and formability properties. This alloy consists of a matrix of soft ferrite (approximately 90%) with islands of martensite 10%. A specific
inter-critical annealing heat treatment is applied to produce this microstructure with
optimum mechanical properties.
During welding dual phase steel, the material undergoes solid state phase transformations. Therefore, the engineered microstructure is destroyed and the amount of hard
constituents like martensite increases in the fusion zone (FZ) and the Heat Affected
Zone (HAZ). The typical chemical composition of DP600 is shown in Table 4.3.
Table 4.3. Typical chemical composition of DP600 steel [3], Fe balance.
Max wt.%
AH36 steel is a grade of ASTM A131 steel. This is a moderate strength hot rolled
steel, mainly used in shipbuilding [4]. The steel has a ferritic-pearlitic microstructure.
The material undergoes solid state phase transformations during welding. Table 4.4
shows the chemical composition of such steel.
Table 4.4. The chemical composition of AH36 steel [4], Fe balance.
Max wt.%
The experimental welding arrangement and equipment are adjusted for the defined
cases and sets. However, three main units can be identified for all of the experimental
welding experiments:
the welding power sources,
the clamping systems and
Max wt.%
Cr, V, Mo, Ni
In order to achieve a fully penetrated weld in Case III (6 mm thick AH36 steel), a
Y-groove joint was employed with dimensions shown in Figure 4.1.
Figure 4.1. The Y-groove joint design used during welding of 6 mm thick AH36 steel.
A ceramic strip with a rounded groove was used for backing during GMA welding
and is shown schematically in Figure 4.2.
Figure 4.2. Ceramic backing strip with rounded groove used in GMA welding.
Experimental investigations
The shielding gas used for GMA welding was 85% Ar-15% CO2 . This mixture of
shielding gasses provides a stable arc, low spatter losses and acceptable weld bead
profile. The shielding gas flow rate was 15 l min1 .
The clamping system prevents movement of the samples during welding and is released after the cooling stage. The releasing temperature of the clamps plays an
important role in the final deformation [7]. In all experiments of this study, the
clamps were released when the temperature of the plate had reached room temperature. The clamping unit for Case I-A and Case II-A (Table 4.1) consists of a 20 mm
thick steel grooved backing plate with a width of 220 mm and a length of 330 mm
and four toggle clamps on each side. Two copper strips (425280 mm3 ) were used
to evenly distribute the clamping pressure to the work piece. Figure 4.3 shows the
clamping system for this configuration.
Figure 4.3. The clamping system used for thin sheets of 2001001.5 mm3 (Case I-A
and Case II-A).
For the larger plates (Case I-B, Case II-B and Case III, Table 4.1), the clamping
system consists of a steel backing frame with dimensions of 735120030 mm3 with
a top plate with a thickness of 4 mm. A 30 mm deep and 20 mm wide groove is
located at the centre of the backing plate in order to apply the backing gas (and the
ceramic backing) as shown in Figure 4.4 and Figure 4.5. Four steel strips with
dimensions of 6603210 mm3 were used to evenly distribute the clamping pressure
to the workpiece.
Figure 4.4. The clamping system used for the larger plates of 5002502 (and 6) mm3
(Case I-B, Case II-B and Case III).
Figure 4.5. Schematic drawing of the positions of the clamps for large plates.
In addition to the groove at the centre of the backing plate, a similar groove was made
at 250 mm (125 mm for Case I-A and Case II-A) from the starting point of welding,
perpendicular to the welding direction, to allow temperature measurements by means
of thermocouples at the underside surface of the workpiece. During welding, the thin
plates (1.5 and 2 mm thick plates) could move, even though clamps were used. The
movement of the plates leads to partially penetrated welds and gap opening. To
prevent the plate movements, tack welds were used at the starting and the finishing
Experimental investigations
500 250 2 mm3
W-2 wt.%ThO2
W-2 wt.%ThO2
85% Ar+ 15% CO2
Welding process
Weld type
Joint type
Welding electrode
Electrode diameter [mm]
Electrode tip angle [o ]
Electrode stick out [mm]
Arc length [mm]
Contact tube to workpiece [mm]
Averaged welding current, [A]
Averaged welding voltage [A]
Welding speed [mm s 1 ]
Wire feed speed [mm s 1 ]
Shielding gas
Shielding gas flow rate [l min 1 ]
Shielding cup diameter [mm]
Backing gas
Backing gas flow rate [l min 1 ]
/ Parameters
Experimental investigations
The first trials were based on simple single nozzle oxy-acetylene burners. AISI-316L
stainless steel sheets, with dimensions of 2001001.5 mm3 (Case I-A), were tested
using two oxy-acetylene burners. The burners have a single nozzle with a diameter
of 0.5-1 mm. Figure 4.6 shows the experimental set-up for both conventional bead
on plate welding (Figure 4.6a) and welding with additional heating (Figure 4.6b).
Two oxy-acetylene burners were installed above the top surface of the plate at different positions to the weld torch and to each other using simple fixtures. Neutral
flames (in which the amount of oxygen is suitable for burning, and neither oxidation
nor reduction occurs) were used in the experiments. In all experiments throughout
this study, the burners are symmetrically placed. Several tests were conducted with
different maximum burner induced temperatures, distances to the weld torch (side
heating and transient thermal tensioning), burner separations and distances of the
burner to the plate. The burners were ignited and installed manually during the experiments. The welding torch and the heaters remained stationary, while the clamped
plate moved underneath the heat sources at a desired speed. The temperature was
measured on the underside surface of the plates.
The main problem in the experiments was the repeatability of the tests. Setting
similar flame characteristics for both burners and the precise positioning of the burners were difficult. Welding distortion was reduced occasionally. Figure 4.7 shows
one of these samples.
The burner induced temperature is defined as the temperature of the underside surface of the plate at the location of the burner. If the burners are located in such a
way that the plate is heated first by the burners and then by the arc, the situation
is called leading. In the trailing situation, the burners are located in such a way that
the arc is heating the plate first and followed by the burners.
Figure 4.6. (a) Set-up for conventional welding and (b) welding with additional heating
used in the first series of the experiments.
Figure 4.7. (a) Out-of-plane deformation after conventional welding and (b) after welding
with additional heating using two single nozzle burners.
Experimental investigations
Figure 4.8. Maximum out-of-plane deformation after conventional welding and welding
with additional heating for different situations using two single nozzle burners.
The first series of experiments were successful for just a few samples. This may be
attributed to the heat flow pattern as shown in Figure 4.9. The figure shows schematically the heat flow pattern for a single nozzle burner with a circular shape and a
multi-nozzle burner with a rectangular shape. The heat flow in the case of a single
nozzle burner is in all directions, while in the elongated burner, it is mainly in the
direction of the burner width.
In welding with additional heating, the burners can be installed either parallel or
perpendicular to the weld centre line [8]. It was practically impossible to test the
burner assembly perpendicular to the weld centre line due to geometric limitations.
Therefore, in all experiments the burners were installed parallel to the weld centre
line. Beside the practical limitation of perpendicular burners, it is mentioned in literature [8] that the burners perpendicular to the weld centre line are not suitable
for distortion reduction. The process parameters involved in welding with additional
heating, shown schematically in Figure 4.10, can be summarized as:
1 Maximum temperature of the underside surface of the plate beneath the flame;
2 Burner separation (BB);
3 Burner distance to the welding torch (BT);
4 Burner distance to the plate (BP).
Figure 4.9. (a) Schematically representation of heat flow for a single burner and (b) for
an elongated burner.
Figure 4.10. A schematic drawing of the positional process parameters involved in welding
with additional heat sources: Burner separation (BB), Burner distance to the welding torch
(BT) and Burner distance to the plate (BP).
The new set-up is based on the rectangular LINDOFLAMMr [9] special short lance
burners, shown in Figure 4.11.
Experimental investigations
Figure 4.11. LINDOFLAMMr special short lance burner used in the series of
experiments for Case I-B, Case II-B and Case III [9].
The burner operates according to DIN EN ISO 5172 [10] with compressed air and
acetylene. Basically, it consists of a burner head, a mixing pipe, a mixing chamber
with a pressure regulator and a handle. The total length of the burner is 240 mm
and includes 8 nozzles with 30 mm separation distance. The width of the burner is
27 mm. The working pressure at the burner inlet is 0.5 bar for acetylene and 1.5-4.0
bar for compressed air. This gives a consumption of 0.3-3.2 m3 h1 for acetylene
and 2.1-22.4 m3 h1 for compressed air. The burners were adjusted by turning the
acetylene and oxygen valves on the regulator to control the gas flow and to obtain
the required flame for welding with additional heating.
The welding with additional heating experimental set-up with the rectangular burners is shown in Figure 4.12a. In order to investigate the process parameters such as
the distance of the burners to the weld centre line, large sheets are required. For this
reason the size of samples was changed to 5002502 mm3 (Cases I-B and II-B) and
5002506 mm3 (Case III). The burner parameters (like the distances to the weld
centre line and the distance of the nozzle tips to the plate) are adjustable (Figure
Figure 4.12. (a) Welding with additional heating set-up for larger plates (5002502
mm3 and 500 2506 mm3 ) and (b) fixture with adjustable height.
The first step in the experiments is the setting of the burners for different peak temperatures. The maximum temperatures for different burner settings were measured
at the underside surface of the plate by means of thermocouples (see Chapter 5). A
series of trials was performed for a number of pressurised air-acetylene flame settings,
i.e. different peak temperatures. In this way, the mixtures were calibrated for different peak temperatures. These tests were repeated for the different base materials.
Table 4.7 shows the range of the maximum temperatures obtained and position
Table 4.7. The range of process parameters used in the experiments for different materials.
Cases / Sets
Separation of burners [mm]
Welding torch to burners distance [mm]
Maximum temperature at the
underside surface of the plate [o C]
Case I-B
177 to 367
-220 to 220
Up to 520
Case II-B
177 to 407
-185 to 195
Up to 520
Case III
227 to 427
-220 to 220
Up to 400
The distance of the burners to the plate (BP) was set to 50 mm for AISI-316 and
DP600 in all experiments. This distance was then reduced to 40 mm for AH36 sheets
in order to increase the heat input.
An example of the final out-of-plane deformation of a plate after welding with additional heating compared to the conventional welding is shown in Figure 4.13.
Experimental investigations
One of the practical challenges in welding with additional heating using pressurised
air-acetylene burners is the difference between the maximum temperatures obtained
for the two burners. With the same burner settings, differences in maximum temperature were always observed for the two. Figure 4.14 shows one of these examples in
which the maximum temperature deviates by approximately 50 o C. This asymmetric
heating may reduce the effectiveness of distortion mitigation.
Figure 4.14. Temperature profiles for two burners with similar settings, heating a 2 mm
thick AISI-316L sheet (Case I-B).
Another practical challenge is the movement of the plate during the heating cycle by
pressurised air-acetylene multiple burners, even using tack welds and in a clamped
condition, as shown in Figure 4.15. During heating, the regions beneath the burners
are locally deformed. The higher the maximum temperature, the more deformation
will occur. This localized deformation can change the final deformation mode of the
Figure 4.15. An example of plate movement during welding with additional heating
beneath the burner in the clamped condition.
Devices to measure distortion can be classified into two main groups: contact and noncontact methods. Examples of contact measuring tools are mechanical dial gauges
and Linear Variable Differential Transducers (LVDT). Laser scanning and Digital Image Correlation (DIC) are two examples of non-contact measuring tools. The contact
measurement method should not be placed close to the weld because high temperatures near the weld may damage the tool and will affect the experimental results.
The DIC method is a full-field image analysis method, which can determine the
contour and the displacement of a plate in three dimensions. The method is based
on the principle of stereovision. The three dimensional measurement is carried out
using two cameras. A speckle pattern is applied on the plate surfaces. The stereo
correlation between the images of the left and right camera allows the measurement
of the geometry and the position of the plate [11].
The out-of-plane distortions of the plates before and after welding and welding with
additional heating were measured by means of the DIC method with an accuracy of
50 m. In this study speckle patterns were applied on all plates before and after
welding. Figure 4.16a shows one example of such pattern for an AISI-316L plate
before welding. The experimental arrangement is shown in Figure 4.16b.
During the distortion measurements, no external loads are applied on the samples.
The results of the measurement are the relative out-of-plane deformations. The relative deformation of the plate is defined as the difference between the initial shape
(before welding) and the final shape (after welding). In order to make the comparison
of the experiments simple and fast, a distortion index is defined based on the result of
DIC measurements. The distortion index is the difference between the maximum and
Experimental investigations
Figure 4.16. (a) An example of a speckle pattern used for distortion measurement of
AISI-316L plate before welding and (b) the experimental arrangement.
The temperature of the workpiece during both conventional welding and welding with
additional heating was measured by means of thermocouples. Standard 0.25 mm (diameter) glass insulated k-type thermocouples (Chromel-Alumel) were used to measure
temperature. These thermocouples measure temperatures within a temperature range
of -270 o C to 1372 o C. The measurement accuracy is 2.2 o C [1]. The thermocouple
wires were welded to the cleaned surface of the workpiece at different positions at
the underside surface of the workpieces using a Labfacility L60+ electric discharge
thermocouple welder. In order to isolate the thermocouple wires, ceramic tubes were
used. The thermocouples were installed along or perpendicular to the heating (or
welding) line. The exact position of thermocouples was measured after welding.
As stated earlier, the burner induced temperature is defined as the temperature at
the underside surface of the plate beneath the burner.
Microstructure investigation
The microstructure of the weld metal, the heat affected zone of the weld (HAZwelding), the base metal and the heated area beneath the burners (HAZ-welding
with additional heating) were studied at a cross section perpendicular to the weld
and in the middle of the plate for all materials.
For AISI-316L, after mounting and polishing, the microstructures were revealed using
Kallings No.2 etchant for 25 s. In DP600, Marder and Benscoter was used as the
etchant solution. The micrograph of the AH36 samples was obtained using a 5% Nital
etching solution for 10 s.
Hardness profiles were also taken across the welds, the heat affected zones and the
heated areas beneath the additional heating burners, for different materials using
Vickers micro hardness measurements with an indentation load of 300 g.
Residual stress measurements were performed on AISI-316L and DP600 steel plates
by means of the neutron diffraction (ND) method at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI)
Switzerland. At the Laboratoire Leon Brillouin (LLB) France the stress profiles of
AH36 plates were measured by ND.
The principle of residual stress measurements by means of diffraction is based on
measuring the lattice strains. Lattice strains can be derived from shifts in the diffraction peaks. The diffraction occurs when an incident beam with a certain wavelength
interacts with the lattice planes. The diffraction condition for X-rays or neutrons in
crystalline materials is described by Braggs law [12, 13]. If the incident radiation
with a specific wavelength (r ) is diffracted by the lattice (see Figure 4.17), the
relation between the lattice plane spacing and the diffraction angle is expressed by:
r = 2dhkl sin;
where dhkl is the distance between the (hkl) lattice-planes and is the diffraction
Figure 4.17. Diffraction of incident radiation by a set of lattice planes with spacing dhkl .
When residual stresses are present in a material, the lattice spacing (dhkl ) deviates
from its stress free value (d0,hkl ). This deviation will be reflected as shifts of the
diffraction peak positions [14]. Therefore, measuring these peak positions can be
used to calculate the residual strains (hkl ):
hkl =
dhkl d0,hkl
Experimental investigations
The measurement of the lattice spacing is in the direction of the scattering vector,
which is the difference of the diffracted and the incident vectors. This means that the
measurements are always in the normal direction to the lattice plane. The intersection of the incident and the diffracted beams is usually called the sampling volume or
gauge volume. From this volume, the diffraction signal is obtained.
In many cases, the peaks can be fitted with a simple Gaussian distribution. When
there is significant peak broadening due to defects, other peak profile functions can
be involved. To obtain the peak position accurately, numerous peak fitting programs
are available which yield the reflection position, and the full width at half maximum
(FWHM) of the reflection. The FWHM of the reflection profiles depends on the
experimental conditions, especially the divergence of the beam and the state of the
material. Small grain size and micro-strains lead to a broadening of the reflection
profiles [15].
In the above equations, there are two material dependent elasticity constants; Youngs
modulus and Poissons ration. These two parameters can be obtained experimentally
from tensile tests. However, the results of such tests generate bulk elasticity constants,
expressing the macroscopic material behaviour. The strain measured in the diffraction experiments depends on specific crystallographic planes. To calculate stresses,
the elastic constants of these planes are required. Therefore, the bulk elasticity constants cannot be used. The measurements of elasticity constants for each plane are
based on both diffraction and tensile tests. There are also analytical and numerical
approaches to derive these constants [16, 17].
The neutron source and the detectors cannot move. Therefore, the sample is moved
or rotated in order to measure the strains in different directions. Figure 4.18 shows
two situations in order to measure longitudinal and transverse residual strains. The
width of the incident and diffracted neutron beams is selected according to the desired
spatial resolution and the thickness of the plate.
Preferred diffraction angles for residual stress measurement by neutrons is as close as
possible to 90o and preferably not outside of the range 60o to 120o [14]. The longitudinal direction is defined as the direction parallel to the welding direction, while the
direction perpendicular to the welding direction is defined as the transverse direction.
The stresses determined by diffraction methods are the sum of macro and microstresses calculated from peak shifts. Micro-stresses can also lead to peak broadening.
Inter-granular micro-stresses have different influences on different lattice planes due
to the elastic anisotropy of the crystallites [15]. It is recommended to avoid certain
reflections for the determination of macroscopic stresses and use reflections for which
the influence of inter-granular strains is small [15]. In FCC and BCC materials the
use of the (200) reflection is strongly discouraged; instead the use of the (111) or (311)
reflections for FCC and the (110) or (211) reflections for BCC is recommended.
Figure 4.18. Measurement geometries for (a) longitudinal residual stresses, and (b)
transverse residual stresses.
Figure 4.19. Sample geometry for the neutron diffraction measurements at PSI.
Experimental investigations
A neutron beam with a flux of approximately 6106 neutrons s1 cm2 passes the
neutron guide. The size of the incoming beam is defined by the horizontal and vertical
incoming beam slits. The diffracted beam passes the radial collimator and is detected.
The diffraction measurements were performed on the Fe(311) and (211) planes for
AISI-316L and DP600 respectively. As stated before, these two planes are known to
be the least sensitive to the inter-granular stress effects. The gauge volume was set
to 1.511 mm3 .
Figure 4.21. Overview of the set-up for the neutron diffraction measurements at PSI. The
numbers indicate: (1) Neutron guide, (2) the diaphragm, (3) the sample and (4) the radial
which is situated on the G5 cold guide of the Orphee reactor. Orphee is a swimming
pool type reactor with a thermal power of 14 MW and a neutron flux of 31014 neutrons cm2 s1 . The monochromator is a pyrolytic graphite single crystal (using the
(002) or the (004) reflection) providing a continuous wavelength spectrum between
A and 5
A. Different sized cadmium masks, ranging from 0.3 mm to 25 mm in
width, just before and after the sample, are available to define the size and the shape
of the gauge volume, according to the different experimental requirements [11].
The samples were welded conventionally and with additional heating. The diffraction
measurements were performed on the Fe(211) planes. An overview of the arrangement
for the measurements at LLB is shown in Figure 4.23.
Experimental investigations
Figure 4.23. Overview of the set-up for the neutron diffraction measurements at LBB.
The numbers indicate: (1) Neutron guide, (2) the sample and (3) the collimator.
Finally, for AH36 plates in the clamped conditions, the residual stresses were obtained
from portable X-Ray equipment.
Concluding remarks
This chapter described the experimental procedures for conventional welding and
welding with additional heating. The produced welds are characterised in-situ (i.e.
temperature) and ex-situ (microstructure, residual stresses and distortion). A welding
arrangement has been developed, which can be used for both conventional welding and
welding with additional heating. The LINDOFLAMMr special short lance burners
were used to apply the heating profile during welding with additional heating. The setup was extended to cover larger sheets. Increasing the plate size makes the problem
of welding distortion more pronounced. The repeatability of the experiments is of
some concern; however the set-up mentioned above can be used to successfully reduce
welding distortion.
[1] E. M. van der Aa, Local Cooling during Welding: Prediction and Control of Residual Stresses and Buckling Distortion, PhD thesis, Delft University of Technology,
[2] Engineering Properties of Steel Handbook, ASM International, 1982.
Chapter 5
Several experiments have been conducted to realize a distortion reduction after welding with additional heating by varying the parameters involved in the process, i.e.
the intensity of the burners, the burner separation distance and the burner distance
to the welding torch.
The initial distortion of the plate plays an important role in the final deformation
both in the experiments and the numerical simulations [1]. Although for many of the
plates used in this investigation, the initial out-of-plane deformation was found to be
near zero, there were some plates with considerable initial deformation. Figure 5.1
shows the maximum initial out-of-plane deformation measured for AISI-316L, DP600
and AH36 plates (Case I-B, Case II-B and Case III). For example for the DP600 plate,
the initial deformation of the plate exceeds 3 mm. The initial deformation of a plate
can have different sources related to the production process such as rolling, coiling,
and cutting. In this study, the initial deformation of the plates was measured for all
Figure 5.1. The initial out-of-plane deformation for different materials (with considerable
deformation). The scale is -5 to 5 mm.
weld torch. A systematic series of experiments was carried out with respect to these
parameters, as the situation in which the out-of-plane deformation after welding with
additional heating was reduced, compared to that of conventional welding.
The starting point was based on the literature. It was reported by Nagy et al. [2]
that the distortion of welded steel plates can be reduced significantly in welding with
additional heating when the burners are located far from the weld centre line with a
burners induced temperature of approximately 270 o C. The burners induced temperature is defined as the measured temperature at the underside surface of the plate at
the location of the burner. In this study, the same temperature was used and the burners were located at the farthest possible position with respect to the weld centre line
as starting point. The experiments were repeated with different burners induced temperatures, burner separation distances and the welding torch distances to the burners.
In first instance, the effect of the burner induced temperature on the distortion index
was evaluated for AISI-316L (Case I-B) at a fixed position of the burners as shown in
Figure 5.2. The burners are located 143.5 mm to the weld centre line and a leading
distance of 145 mm to the welding torch.
The result of conventional welding is also included in the figure, being welding with
additional heating with a burner induced temperature of room temperature. As can
be seen from the figure, by increasing the burner induced temperature, the distortion
index decreases after which again it increases. The suitable burner induced temperature was found to be around 380 o C. This temperature is found to be a suitable
temperature and not the optimum temperature. In other words, it might be possible
that the distortion is minimized at a different temperature between 250 to 550 o C. It
can also be seen that the distortion is still high, but slightly reduced in comparison to
that of conventional welding. This is attributed to high thermal expansion coefficient
and low thermal conductivity of AISI-316.
Figure 5.2. The effect of the burner induced temperature on the distortion index for
AISI-316L plate (Case I-B).
Figure 5.3 shows the effect of the separation distance of the burners on the distortion
index of AISI-316L after conventional welding and welding with additional heating.
The burners were positioned leading and trailing to the welding torch. In the leading situation the burners are positioned in front of the welding torch in the welding
direction while in the trailing situation the burners are located behind the welding
torch. The burner induced temperature is set to 380 o C.
It can be seen that when the burners are close to each other, the distortion is large.
By increasing the burner separation, the distortion index first decreases and then it
increases again. The experimentally obtained minimum distortion is achieved where
the burners are located approximately at the middle of each plate (143.5 mm from
the weld centre line). Although welding with additional heating for both leading and
trailing burners can reduce the distortion index, it can be seen from the figure that
the experimentally obtained minimum distortion condition is obtained by the welding
with the burners in the leading position.
The effect of the position of the burners to the welding torch, i.e. leading or trailing,
on the distortion index is shown in Figure 5.4 where the burner separation was set
to 287 mm and the burner induced temperature was 380 o C.
The trend of distortion change as a function of the burner distance relative to the
welding torch is non-linear. The strain (distortion) field in conventional welding is
very complex in nature. There are many parameters involved, which contribute in
the strain field. Small variations in the parameters may change the strain field significantly; for example, the clamping forces. Although the clamping system and the
positions of the clamps were all the same in the experiments, the clamping forces can
vary in different experiments. Another example is the temperature of the burners
in the welding with additional heating experiments. A small deviation between the
temperature of the burners (left and right side of the welding torch) in different experiments can have an influence on the strain field and the distortion of the plate. In
welding with additional heating experiments, new parameters are added compared to
conventional welding, which make process reproducibility even more difficult. From
the figure, the experimentally obtained minimum distortion index can be obtained
where the burners are located 145 mm leading to the weld torch.
From the experimental results mentioned above, the case with the experimentally
obtained minimum distortion is selected for AISI-316L (Case I-B) plates where the
burners are located 145 mm leading the weld torch with a 287 mm separation distance
and burner induced temperature of 380 o C. The out-of-plane deformation of this plate
is measured and compared with that of conventional welding shown in Figure 5.5.
It should be mentioned that the initial out-of-plane deformation of the plates before
welding (and welding with additional heating) in the figure is subtracted from the
out-of-plane deformation of the plate after welding.
As can be seen from the figure, the out-of-plane deformation of the plate is reduced
when welding with additional heating is applied, compared with the conventionally
welded plate. However, the deformation of the plate after welding with additional
heating is still relatively high.
Figure 5.3. The effect of the burner separation distance on the distortion index for
AISI-316L (Case I-B) plate after conventional welding, welding with leading and trailing
additional heating.
Figure 5.4. The effect of the burner distance to the weld torch on the distortion index for
AISI-316L (case I-B) plate after welding with additional heating.
Figure 5.5. The out-of-plane deformation of AISI-316L (Case I-B) plate after (a)
conventional welding and (b) welding with additional heating for the case with the
experimentally obtained minimum distortion. The weld is located in the centre of the plate.
Similar experiments performed on AISI-316L were applied to dual phase steel DP600
(Case II-B). The effect of the burner induced temperature on the distortion index
for DP600 plate is shown in Figure 5.6. The results show a similar trend to the
stainless steel AISI-316L plate. By increasing the burner induced temperature, the
distortion index of the plate is decreased first after which it increases. The case with
experimentally obtained minimum distortion is obtained when the temperature at the
underside of the plate is around 320 o C. The results of the other process parameters
on the distortion index are tested using this burner setting (temperature).
Figure 5.6. The effect of the burner induced temperature at the underside of the plate on
the distortion index for DP600 plate (Case II-B).
Figure 5.7 shows the effect of burner separation distance on the distortion index for
DP600 after conventional welding and welding with additional heating. The burners
were positioned 145 mm leading and trailing to the welding torch. It is seen that for
both leading and trailing situations when the burner separation distance is increased
the distortion index is reduced. The best position of the burners in this case is the
area close to edge of the plate edge 193.5 mm from the weld centre line. This difference between the position of the burners in DP600 and AISI-316L is related to
the material properties of the steels. In DP600 steel, the thermal diffusivity (8.73
mm2 s1 ) is more than twice of AISI-316L (3.35 mm2 s1 ). Therefore, in order to
reduce welding distortion in the same way as shown for AISI-316, the burners need
to be placed further from the weld centre line. Both the leading and the trailing
situations can reduce welding distortion. However, the leading situation leads to less
out-of-plane deformation.
The effect of the position of the burners relative to the welding torch for a burner
separation distance of 387 mm (leading and trailing) on the distortion index is shown
in Figure 5.8. The trend of distortion change here is non-linear. The experimentally
obtained minimum distortion case is obtained, where the burners are located 193.5
mm from the weld centre line and 145 mm leading to the welding torch.
Figure 5.7. The effect of the burner separation distance on the distortion index for DP600
(Case II-B) plate after conventional welding, and welding with leading and trailing
additional heating.
The result of the final out-of-plane deformation measurement after welding is compared to that of welding with additional heating in the experimentally obtained minimum distortion case for DP600 in Figure 5.9. The out-of-plane deformation after
welding with additional heating has been decreased significantly for DP600. Nevertheless, the plate is not flat. Angular deformation can be seen after welding with
additional heating. Again, the initial out-of-plane deformation of the plates is subtracted from the out-of-plate deformation after welding (and welding with additional
Figure 5.8. The effect of the burner distance to the welding torch on the distortion index
for DP600 (Case II-B) plate after welding with additional heating.
Figure 5.9. The final out-of-plane deformation of DP600 plate after (a) conventional
welding and (b) welding with additional heating for the case with experimentally obtained
minimum deformation.
The temperature effect of additional heating on the distortion index for AH36 plate
is shown in Figure 5.10. The conventional welding has a distortion index of 5.5 mm.
Figure 5.10. The effect of the burner induced temperature on the distortion index for
AH36 plate (Case III).
Figure 5.11. The effect of the burner separation distance on the distortion index for AH36
(Case III) plate after conventional welding and welding with additional trailing heating.
Figure 5.12. The effect of the burner distance to the welding torch on the distortion index
of AH36 plate after welding with additional heating.
Figure 5.13. The final out-of-plane deformation of AH36 plate after (a) conventional
welding and (b) welding with additional heating with experimentally obtained minimum
During both welding and welding with additional heating, plate movements were observed experimentally. It was indicated in Chapter 4 that for all welding experiments
(with and without additional heating), tack welds were employed. It was observed
that the plate can move during both conventional welding and welding with additional heating even after using tack welds and clamping. Figure 5.14 shows the
plate movement during welding and welding with additional heating because of heat
introduced by the welding arc and the burners. The movements are mainly due to
the constraints and thermal expansion of the heated material. These effects are also
visible after releasing the clamps.
Figure 5.14. Plate deformation during welding and welding with additional heating by (a)
the welding arc and (b) the additional heating burners.
Welding involves localized heating of the workpiece. Each position within the workpiece experiences a specific thermal cycle, which can be defined by a heating rate,
a peak temperature and a cooling rate. The heat generated by the arc is partially
transferred to the workpiece. Heat is conducted away from the weld to the base material and supporting structure.
Numerous process and material parameters determine the thermal field during welding including the thermal material properties (thermal conductivity, specific heat),
welding heat input, the latent heat of fusion and the cooling boundary conditions.
The temperature distribution leads to formation of residual stresses, solid state phase
transformations and permanent deformations (distortion). Therefore, an accurate
description of the thermal field is necessary in order to analyse (or predict) the microstructural evolution and the stress fields.
In this section the results of temperature measurements during conventional welding and welding with additional heating sources are presented for the condition of the
experimentally obtained minimum distortion. The thermal field during conventional
welding is explained in the first part. The second part shows the results of heating
trials by the burners, while the thermal field during welding with additional heating
is presented in the third part. Since, the temperature of the clamps changes, the temperature measurements were also carried out on the clamps. The detailed position of
thermocouples together with the results are described in Section 5.2.4.
The first set of measurements was made during conventional welding of AISI-316L,
DP600 and AH36 steel plates. The welding parameters and conditions were listed in
Chapter 4. Room temperature was 20 o C at the time of all measurements. Figure 5.15 shows the temperature as a function of time at different positions from the
weld centre line for conventional welding of AISI-316L samples (Case I-B). Temperature was measured at the underside surface of the plate. The results of temperature
measurements for DP600 (Case II-B) and AH36 (Case III) steel plates with the same
dimension as AISI-316L plates are shown in Figure 5.16 and Figure 5.17 respectively.
Figure 5.16. Temperature as a function of time for conventional welding of DP600 plates
(Case II-B) at several positions from the weld centre line.
Figure 5.17. Temperature as a function of time for conventional welding of AH36 plates
(Case III) at several positions from the weld centre line.
The burners used in the additional heating experiments were introduced in Chapter
4. In this section the results of temperature measurements during heating by the
burners are shown. In order to characterize the heating sources (the burners), the
heating source was passed over the plates (materials) with the same speed as the
welding speed (see Table 4.6). There were no welds made in these heating trials.
In the first series of the experiments, the plates were heated by the burner and the
temperature of the underside surface of the plates was measured along the heating
line. Figure 5.18 shows a schematic picture of the experiment and the position of
Figure 5.18. Schematic picture of (a) the temperature measurement experiments during
heating by the burner (The plate is clamped and the thermocouples are attached at the
underside surface of the plate) and (b) the position of the thermocouples.
The centre point is defined at the centre of the plate along the heating line. Figure
5.19a shows the temperature contour plot during heating of AISI-316L plate at a
speed of 2.5 mms1 . In this experiment, the maximum temperature obtained was 485
C. In Figure 5.19b the temperature profile at different positions from the centre
point along the heating line is plotted, while the maximum temperature for these
points is shown in Figure 5.19c. The same experiments were repeated for DP600
and AH36 plates. Two examples are shown in Figure 5.20 and Figure 5.21. Note
that the burner was set to have a maximum induced temperature of 350 o C for DP600
and 250 o C for AH36 in the figures.
Figure 5.19. (a) Contour plot (temperature as function of position and time), (b) the
temperature profile at different positions along the heating line and (c) maximum
temperature obtained during the heating process of AISI-316L plate using a burner. The
thermocouples were attached at the underside surface of the plate along the heating line.
Figure 5.20. (a) Contour plot (temperature as function of position and time), (b) the
temperature profile at different positions along the heating line and (c) maximum
temperature obtained during the heating process of DP600 plate using a burner. The
thermocouples were attached at the underside surface of the plate along the heating line.
Figure 5.21. (a) Contour plot (temperature as function of position and time), (b) the
temperature profile at different positions along the heating line and (c) maximum
temperature obtained during the heating process of AH36 plate using a burner. The
thermocouples were attached at the underside surface of the plate along the heating line.
It can be seen from the figures that there are eight peaks in the temperature profiles.
The burner contains eight nozzles. It is seen that the temperature increases when
the burner approaches. Once a nozzle has passed, a slight decrease in temperature
is observed, before the temperature continues to rise until the 8th nozzle has passed.
From this data the maximum peak temperature at each thermocouple position is derived. These peak temperatures are not constant over the plate length, especially for
AISI-316L and DP600 steel plates. This may be due to the thermal distortion of the
plate, which can alter the local heat transfer coefficient or to asymmetric distribution
of gas between the nozzles in the burner. Since the thickness of AH36 plate is 6 mm,
the out-of-plane movement of the plate is much less than that of AISI-316 and DP600
plates. Therefore, for this plate, the deviation of maximum temperature over the
heating line is smaller than for the other two plates.
In the second series of the experiments, the plates were heated by the burner and
the temperature of the underside surface of the plates was measured perpendicular
to the heating line, see Figure 5.22. Three examples of the experimental results for
different materials are shown in Figure 5.23 to Figure 5.25. Note that the burner
setting is not the same for these materials. It is clear that the maximum temperature is reached for all cases underneath the heat source (location 0 mm) where again
temperature fluctuations are visible due to the passage of the different nozzles. The
peak temperature decreases when the distance to the heat centre line is increased and
the fluctuation in temperature due to passing of the nozzles diminishes. Furthermore,
it can be seen that the positions with the same distance to the flame, reach different maximum temperatures. This may be due to the asymmetric distribution of gas
between the nozzles in the burner.
Figure 5.22. Schematic picture of (a) the temperature measurement experiments during
heating by the burner (The plate is clamped and the thermocouples are attached at the
underside surface of the plate) and (b) the position of the thermocouples.
Figure 5.23. (a) Contour plot (temperature as function of position and time), (b)
temperature profile at different positions across the heating line and (c) maximum
temperature obtained during the heating of AISI-316L plate using a burner. The
thermocouples were attached at the underside surface of the plate transverse to the heating
Figure 5.24. (a) Contour plot (temperature as function of position and time), (b)
temperature profile at different positions across the heating line and (c) maximum
temperature obtained during the heating of DP600 plate using a burner. The thermocouples
were attached at the underside surface of the plate transverse to the heating line.
Figure 5.25. (a) Contour plot (temperature as function of position and time), (b)
temperature profile at different positions across the heating line and (c) maximum
temperature obtained during the heating of AH36 plate using a burner. The thermocouples
were attached at the underside surface of the plate transverse to the heating line.
Figure 5.26 shows the results of temperature measurements during welding with
additional heating of AISI-316L plate (Case I-B) for the case with experimentally
obtained minimum distortion in which the burners are located at 143.5 mm from the
weld centre line, 145 mm leading to the weld torch and the maximum temperature
of the burners is 380 o C. The burners are coupled to the welding torch, therefore the
speed of welding and heating are the same.
Figure 5.26. Temperature measurements for welding with additional heating of AISI-316L
plates (Case I-B) at different positions from the weld centre line.
It is clearly seen that at the position of the burners, the temperature increases significantly. The temperature profiles for the point located at the weld region or the
HAZ (of welding) are similar to that of conventional welding shown in Figure 5.15.
For DP600 steel plate (Case II-B), it was found that the experimentally obtained
minimum distortion can be obtained where the burners are located 193.5 mm from
the weld centre line 145 mm leading to the weld torch with a maximum temperature of
around 320 o C. Figure 5.27 shows the temperature profile during welding with additional heating for this plate. Again, the temperature of the positions located beneath
the burners is increased significantly compared to that of conventional welding.
Figure 5.27. Temperature measurements for welding with additional heating of DP600
plates (Case II-B) at different positions from the weld centre line.
The same trend can be seen for AH36 plate (Case III). Figure 5.28 shows the
temperature profile during welding with additional heating for AH36 plate. It was
found that the experimentally obtained minimum distortion condition for such a plate
can be obtained where the burners are located 193.5 mm from the weld centre line
at 180 mm trailing to the weld torch with a maximum temperature of 240 o C. The
speed of the welding process and the additional heating was 4.5 mms1 .
Figure 5.28. Temperature measurements for welding with additional heating of AH36
plates (Case III) at different positions from the weld centre line.
The temperature of the clamps is not constant. In the conventional welding process,
the temperature of the clamps close to the welding torch increased while the temperature of the clamps near the edges of the plate did not change. During welding
with additional heating, the temperature of the clamps near the edges of the plate
significantly increased.
The temperature change of the clamps close to the welding torch for both conventional welding and welding with additional heating depends on the welding heat input
and the thermal material properties of the plate and the clamps. These clamps have
a constant distance to the welding torch.
The temperature change of the clamps located near the edges of the plate when
welding with additional heating depended on the heat input of the burner, the distance of the burner to the clamps and the thermal material properties of the clamps
and the plate. An example of temperature change of the clamps during welding with
additional heating of AH36 plate where the burners are located 30 mm from the
clamps is shown in Figure 5.29a. Two thermocouples were attached to the clamps
as shown in the Figure 5.29b. As can be seen, the temperature of the clamp increases. These measurements are used as the boundary conditions in the thermal
modelling in Chapter 6.
Figure 5.29. (a) The temperatures change of the clamps located close to the edges of the
plate during welding with additional heating of AH36 steel and (b) the position of
thermocouples in the measurements.
Microstructure analysis
In the previous section, the temperature cycle and distribution of conventional welding and welding with additional heating were measured for a number of conditions.
The welding thermal field as well as the welding with additional heating temperature
may change the microstructure of the materials, depending on the peak temperature
reached and the cooling rate at that position. Any changes in the microstructure may
alter mechanical properties and will have an influence on both the residual stress and
the distortion fields.
The microstructure of the as-received materials used, described in Chapter 4. In
this section the results of the study on the microstructural changes due to welding
and welding with welding with additional heating are discussed.
Stainless steel plates (Case I-B) were welded as described in Chapter 4. The experimentally obtained minimum distortion situation among the welding with additional
heating experiments was obtained with the burners located 143.5 mm from the weld
centre line and 145 mm leading to the welding torch. The burner induced temperature was found to be 380 o C at the underside of the plate.
This steel does not exhibit substantial solid state phase transformations during both
conventional welding and welding with additional heating. Some ferrite may be
formed in the weld metal and in the HAZ close to the weld. However, the heated
areas beneath the burners in welding with additional heating are expected to have a
large grain size.
Figure 5.30 shows the micrographs of the welded plates for different regions (at
0.5 mm from the top surface of the plate). The micrographs of the conventionally
welded plate and the plate welded with additional heating for both weld zone and
HAZ (of welding) were similar. The region located beneath the burner shows a larger
grain size in the case of additional heating.
The grain size of the base material was approximately 20 m. In the coarse grained
HAZ of the weld, the grain size increases to approximately 100 m. The heated area
beneath the burner in the welding with welding with additional heating has a grain
size approximately two times larger than that of the base material, i.e. 40 m.
Figure 5.30. Micrographs of the AISI316L stainless steel samples showing (a) weld metal,
(b) coarse grained HAZ (of welding), (c) fine grained HAZ of welding, (d) base metal for
both conventional welding and welding with additional heating and (e) the heated area
beneath the burners in welding with additional heating. All micrographs are taken at 0.5
mm from the top surface of the plate.
DP600 steel contains approximately 80-90% ferrite and 20-10% martensite. This section shows the results of microstructure analysis of conventionally welded material
and material welded with additional heating for DP600 steel plates (Case II-B). The
experimentally obtained minimum distortion in the welding with additional heating
experiment was obtained with the burners located 193.5 mm from the weld centre
line and 145 mm leading to the welding torch. The burner maximum temperature
was 320 o C.
During welding of DP600, the base material that consists of martensite in a ferrite
matrix, will transform to austenite when the temperature exceeds the Ac3 -temperature.
Depending on the cooling rate, the austenite transforms back into acicular products,
bainite or martensite [3].
For the transformation of austenite during cooling, a CCT diagram from [4] was
selected with a chemical composition close to that of the material used in the present
study, Figure 5.31. In order to use the diagram in calculations, this CCT diagram
was parameterized using the procedure explained in Chapter 3. Results of phase
fraction calculations are reported in Chapter 6.
Figure 5.32 shows the cooling cycle for two positions located 3 and 6 mm from
the weld centre line during conventional welding of DP600 steel plate together with
the parameterized CCT diagram. As can be seen from the figure for these two points,
the formation of hard constituents (bainite and martensite) is expected.
Figure 5.31. Selected transformation diagram during continuous cooling of DP600 steel
Figure 5.32. Cooling cycle during conventional welding for two points located 3 and 6 mm
from the weld centre line together with the parameterized DP600 CCT diagram.
It was shown in the temperature measurement that the temperature profiles of the
HAZ (of welding) and the weld zone for both conventional welding and welding with
additional heating are the same, i.e. the heat of the burner does not influence the
weld. Therefore, the development of microstructure in these regions should be very
similar. Figure 5.33 shows the micrographs of the weld, coarse grained HAZ (of
welding), fine grained HAZ (of welding) and base metal of conventionally welded
DP600 steel.
The areas beneath the burners have a similar microstructure to the base metal
(Figure 5.33d). Figure 5.34 shows a SEM photograph of the base material and
the heated area beneath the burners in welding with additional heating experiments.
Figure 5.33. Micrographs of the DP600 samples showing a close-up of the (a) weld metal,
(b) coarse grained HAZ (of welding), (c) fine grained HAZ (of welding) and (d) base metal.
Figure 5.34. SEM display of (a) base metal and, (b) the area beneath the burner in
welding with additional heating experiments of DP600 plates.
Hardness profiles were taken across the weld, the heat affected zone and the heated
area beneath the additional heating burners. The locations of the measurements are
shown in Figure 5.35 and the hardness profiles are shown in Figure 5.36.
Figure 5.35. The locations of hardness measurements of conventionally welded and welded
with additional heating of DP600 plates. The measurements were performed for (a) HAZ
(of welding) and weld zones and (b) beneath the burners.
Figure 5.36a shows the hardness profile for the weld, HAZ (of welding) and base
metal regions. The base metal hardness was approximately 200 HV. The maximum
hardness in the conventional weld was around 250 HV. The hardness level of the weld
with additional heating is more or less the same as for the conventional weld. In both
cases, softening zones can be seen further away from the weld. The results indicate
that additional heating does not affect the hardness levels around the weld.
Figure 5.36b shows the hardness profile of the heated area beneath the burners
as a function of distance to the heating line. The figure includes the hardness of the
base material. As can be seen from the figure, tempering of the martensite of the
original base metal during additional heating, causes a reduction of hardness for the
areas beneath the both burners.
Figure 5.36. The hardness profile for (a) both conventional welding and welding with
additional heating and (b) the hardness profile in the side heated zones beneath the burners.
The experiments showed that the experimentally obtained minimum distortion case
for AH36 occurs when the burners are positioned 193.5 mm from the weld centre line,
180 mm trailing to the welding torch with a maximum burner induced temperature
of around 240 o C. In this section the micrographs of the conventional weld and weld
with additional heating for the experimentally obtained minimum distortion case are
Figure 5.37 shows the micrograph of the weld metal, coarse grained HAZ (of welding), fine grained HAZ (of welding) and the base metal of both conventionally welded
material and welded material with additional heating. The heated areas beneath the
burners in case of welding with additional heating for both the top and underside
surfaces of the sample are shown in the figure.
Welding with additional heating has no influence on the microstructure of the weld
metal and the HAZ (of welding). This is again because of the similar thermal histories
of the weld and HAZ (of welding) for both cases. It can be seen that the top surface
of the heated area beneath the burners has a re-crystallized microstructure, while the
underside surface has a microstructure close to the base metal.
Hardness profiles were measured at locations shown in Figure 5.38. The hardness
profile of the weld, HAZ (of welding) and the base metal for conventional welding
and welding with additional heating is shown in Figure 5.39a, while the hardness
of the heated area beneath the burners is shown in Figure 5.39b. The hardness of
the heated area beneath the burners is slightly reduced. It is expected that such a
reduction is due to the re-crystallization and reduction of internal energy.
Figure 5.37. Micrographs of the AH36 samples showing a close-up of the (a) the weld
metal, (b) coarse grained HAZ (of welding), (c) fine grained HAZ (of welding) and (d) base
metal, (e) the top surface of the heated area beneath the burner after additional heating and
(f ) the underside surface of the heated area beneath the burner in additional heating.
Figure 5.38. The cross section of the welds in conventional welding and welding with
additional heating.
Figure 5.39. The hardness profile for (a) both conventional welding and welding with
additional heating and (b) the hardness profile in the side heated zones beneath the burners
for AH36.
The as-received condition of AH36 steel contains 15.5% pearlite and 84.5% ferrite.
In large regions of the heat affected zone austenization will occur, but not enough
time is available for homogenization. Figure 5.40 shows the CCT diagram used
for austenite transformations in AH36 steel [5]. The temperature profiles, for two
points located at underside surface of the plate, 3 and 4 mm from the weld centre
line are shown together with the parameterized CCT diagram in Figure 5.41. The
temperature profiles are related to the points at the underside surface of the plate. As
can be seen from the figure, at these two locations, the formation of hard constituents
(like bainite) is expected.
Figure 5.40. Selected CCT diagram for transformation of austenite during cooling in
AH36 steel [5].
Figure 5.41. The cooling cycle during conventional welding for two points located 3 and 4
mm from the weld centre line at the underside surface together with the parameterized CCT
This section deals with the results of residual stress measurements for the conventionally welded AISI-316L (Case I-B), DP600 (Case II-B) and AH36 (Case III) sheets and
material welded with additional heating. For the welds with additional heating, the
results presented are related to the cases with the experimentally obtained minimum
distortion as described in Section 5.1.
The measured values are in good agreement with the reported values of 1.084050.0001
reasonable assumption that the measurement directions are aligned with the principle stress directions. It is shown in [3] that the bi-axial and uni-axial stress state
assumption show similar longitudinal residual stresses. Therefore, the stress state is
assumed to be uni-axial here.
In the calculation of the residual stresses, the elastic constants for Fe(311) and (211)
planes are listed in Table 5.2.
Table 5.2. Elastic constants used in the calculation of residual stresses in this thesis (Data
from [6]).
E (GPa)
The residual stresses were measured on AISI-316L stainless steel samples that were
welded conventionally and with additional heating. It was assumed that the stresses
in the thickness direction of the plate are negligible. The origin is set at the plate
centre. The rolling direction of the material is along the longitudinal direction. The
diffraction data was analysed using two programmes: Poldiausfit8 and Poldilattfit8.
Poldiausfit8 is the general POLDI fitting routine. Here all diffraction peaks are fitted
independent of each other. Poldilattfit8 is a fitting routine using Pawley refinement.
The diffraction peaks are fitted simultaneously in this programme assuming a certain
crystal structure [7]. In the available beam time, the transverse stresses were not
measured and the longitudinal residual stresses were determined from a longitudinal
measurement only.
The longitudinal residual stress distributions for conventionally welded AISI-316L
plates and after welding with additional heating are shown in Figure 5.42. The
longitudinal residual stresses were measured for the weld with additional heating, the
experimentally obtained minimum distortion. Figure 5.42a shows the results of conventional welding while the results of welding with additional heating are shown in
Figure 5.42b. In the both cases, the longitudinal residual stresses are measured after
releasing the clamps. The releasing of the clamps took place when the temperature
of the plate had reached room temperature.
Figure 5.42. Longitudinal residual stress measurement results for AISI-316L (Case I-B)
after (a) conventional welding and (b) welding with additional heating.
It can be seen from the figure that the maximum tensile stresses in the HAZ (of welding) for both cases are similar. This is also the case for to the maximum compressive
stresses, present at approximately 25 mm from the fusion line. Welding with additional heating induces tensile stresses beneath the burner positions in the order of
200 MPa. The thermal conductivity of AISI-316L is relatively low (25 Wm1 K1
at 500o C) and therefore, the heat introduced by the burners, remains localized. The
thermal expansion and contraction of the additional heated areas cause the formation of stresses beneath the burner positions. It is also visible from the figure that
the distribution of compressive residual stresses changes when additional heating is
applied during welding.
The DP600 (Case II-B) steel plate undergoes solid phase transformations in the weld
zone and the HAZ (of welding) during welding and welding with additional heating.
Solid state phase transformations have a significant effect on the diffraction peaks.
The diffraction peaks outside the HAZ (of welding) are of good quality, while in
the HAZ (of welding), the peak intensity is reduced [3]. Figure 5.43 shows the
Full Width at Half Maximum (FWHM) of the diffracted peaks for both conventional
welding and welding with additional heating. The FWHM increases in the weld zone
and the HAZ (of welding). This can be attributed to microstructural changes, as it
is also reported by van der Aa [3]. It can be seen that this increase is the same for
conventional welding and welding with additional heating, indicating that the microstructure in the weld metal and the HAZ (of welding) is not different. The FWHM is
somewhat larger for conventional welding compared to welding with additional heating. This can be ascribed to more deformation generated during conventional welding.
The microstructure investigation of conventional welding and welding with additional
heating was discussed in Section 5.3.
The measured longitudinal residual stress profiles for both conventionally welded
plates and plates after welding with additional heating are shown in Figure 5.44.
Figure 5.43. FWHM for conventionally welded plates and the plates welded with
additional heating as a function of distance from the weld centre line.
Figure 5.44. Longitudinal residual stress measurement results for DP600 (Case II-B)
after (a) conventional welding and (b) welding with additional heating.
It is clear that welding with additional heating induces tensile stresses underneath the
burner positions. The maximum tensile stresses at the weld and HAZ (of welding) for
the conventional weld and welding with additional heating are more or less similar.
The left most three points in Figure 5.44a and two points in Figure 5.44b demonstrate that the microstructure affects the tensile stresses. By approaching to the weld
centre line, a drop can be seen in the residual stresses. This drop is attributed to
the effects of solid phase transformations on the residual stresses in both cases. The
maximum compressive stress for conventional welding occurs at a larger distance from
the weld centre line compared to welding with additional heating. The level of the
maximum compressive stresses is more or less similar for both processes. The area
between the HAZ (of welding) and the heated area shows a significant difference in
the stress levels.
The longitudinal residual stresses were measured perpendicular to the welding direction as a function of distance from the weld centre line. The origin is set at the plate
centre. The rolling direction of the material is along the longitudinal direction. The
position of the measurement in the through thickness direction is shown in Figure
5.45. A gauge volume of 222 mm3 was used here.
Figure 5.45. The measurement position through thickness direction in AH36 plates.
The longitudinal residual stress distributions for conventionally welded plates and
after welding with additional heating are shown in Figure 5.46a and Figure 5.46b
respectively. The longitudinal residual stresses are measured for the weld with additional heating with experimentally obtained minimum distortion. In both cases, the
longitudinal residual stresses are measured after releasing the clamps. The releasing
of the clamps takes place when the temperature of the plate had reached room temperature. It can be seen from the figure that the maximum tensile stresses of the
welds in both conventional welding and welding with additional heating are at the
same levels. However, the maximum compressive stresses in the case of welding with
additional heating are slightly higher than that of conventional welding. By increasing
the distance from the weld centre line to the plate edge, the compressive stresses in
welding with additional heating decrease and change to tensile stresses. In Chapter
6, a detailed discussion is presented regarding the prediction of residual stresses after
welding with additional heating of AH36, sources of deviation and expectations.
The longitudinal residual stresses were also measured for both the conventional weld
and the weld with additional heating in the clamped conditions. In Figure 5.47a
the result of the stress measurement for conventional welding for the plate in the
clamped condition is shown and compared to the plate after releasing the clamps. It
is seen that the absolute values of both tensile and compressive stresses are higher
when the plate is in the clamped condition. The stress measurement for the plate
before and after releasing the clamps in the case of the weld with additional heating
is shown in Figure 5.47b. The tensile stresses are higher in the clamped condition. However, the compressive stresses in the clamped condition are close to the
un-clamped cases. In order to interpret the results, numerical models for both cases
are used and discussed in the next chapter. Only from the experimental point of view,
such deviations (between clamped and clamped release stress measurements) can be
attributed to errors in the measurement. The results of the stress measurement for
the clamped conditions were obtained from portable X-Ray equipment. Therefore,
different measurement methods are compared in the figure.
The main sources of errors in the measurements can be summarized as:
1. For thick material, an error is introduced by the simplification of the 3D stress
tensor to in-plane stress condition;
2. Human related errors: Sample positioning, alignment, reading and typing errors,
3. Sample positioning errors: Definition of the origin, Sample deformation, etc.
4. Data analysis errors: Peak fitting errors, Elastic constants, Stress free lattice
parameter, etc.
5. Measurement errors: errors from neutron source, errors from measurement system (displacement), etc.
6. Errors from sample: Texture, Grain size, Shear stresses, Out-of-plane stresses,
Figure 5.46. Residual stress measurement results for AH36 (Case-III) after (a)
conventional welding and (b) welding with additional heating.
Figure 5.47. Residual stress measurement results for AH36 (Case III) in the clamped
condition for (a) a conventional weld and (b) a weld with additional heating.
Concluding remarks
This chapter shows the experimental results of distortion, temperature, microstructure and residual stress measurements for both conventional welds and welds with
additional heating.
The measured results of the out-of-plane deformation of the workpiece after conventional welding and welding with additional heating were presented first. The cases
with experimentally obtained minimum distortion for different materials were defined
and then the temperature measurements, microstructure investigation and the residual stress measurements were performed for conventionally welded plates and these
defined additional heating experiments.
Welding with additional heating can successfully reduce out-of-plane deformation.
The plate with experimentally obtained minimum distortion after welding with additional heating was obtained for AISI-316L (Case I-B) at the position 143.5 mm
to the weld centre line and with a burner induced temperature around 380 o C. The
burners were located 145 mm leading the weld. For D600 (Case II-B), the case with
low distortion is obtained, when the burners are located 193.5 mm from the welding
centre line and 145 mm leading the welding torch. The burner induced temperature
was around 320 o C. The case in which the burners are located 180 mm trailing the
welding torch was selected as the case with experimentally obtained minimum deformation for AH36 (Case III). The burners were located 193.5 mm from the welding
centre line and produced a temperature of around 240 o C for the latter case.
The out-of-plane deformation of the plate has been reduced after welding with additional heating in comparison with conventional welding for AISI-316L. However, the
deformation of the plate after additional heating is still high. The main reason for
such high deformation is related to material properties of AISI-316L. The thermal
thermal diffusivity of AISI-316L (3.35 mm2 s1 ) is rather low, the generated heat is
localized and the deformation of the heated area is much greater than other regions.
For all materials studied, it was found that the closer the burners were to the weld
centre line the higher deformation is obtained. Moreover, the trend in distortion as a
function of the distance between the burner and the welding torch was non-linear.
The temperature was measured for all materials during conventional welding and
welding with additional heating. It was seen that for all materials, the temperature
field around the welds is not changed by additional heaters when the temperature
of conventionally welded plates is compared to that of welding with additional heating with experimentally obtained minimum distortion. In the temperature profile of
welding with additional heating cases, eight peaks for the points beneath the burners
were observed.
The effects of conventional welding and welding with additional heating on the microstructure of AISI-316L, DP600 and AH36 were shown. It was found that for all
cases the microstructure of the weld and the HAZ (of welding) in conventional welding is the same as the weld with additional heating. The areas beneath the burners
in AISI-316L plates show larger grain sizes. These areas in DP600 show a lower
micro-hardness than the base metal, mainly because of tempering the martensite.
For AH36 steel plate, the top surface of the heated areas beneath the burners shows
a re-crystallized microstructure while the microstructure of the underside surface is
not affected. The hardness for these areas is reduced slightly compare to the base
metal. Such hardness changes could be due to stress relieving.
As explained in the Chapter 2, when the burners are far from the weld centre
line the process of welding with additional heating is called side heating. The results
explained in this chapter showed that successful distortion control can be obtained
when the burners are not thermally influencing the welding process. In other words,
side heating can reduce distortion compared to the transient thermal tensioning (with
burners close to the welds). Since the implementation of additional heating during
welding does not change the thermal field for the weld and HAZ (compared to conventional welding), the term side heating is used instead of welding with additional
It was seen that the maximum tensile residual stresses in the HAZ (of welding) for
both the conventional weld and the weld with side heating on AISI-316L were similar.
This was also true for the maximum compressive stresses. Welding with side heating
induces tensile stresses beneath the burner positions of the order of 200 MPa. The
thermal diffusivity of AISI-316L is relatively low (3.35 mm2 s1 ) and therefore, the
heat generated by the burners, remains localized. The thermal expansion and contraction of the side heated areas cause the formation of stresses beneath the burner
positions. For DP600, the maximum tensile stresses at the weld and HAZ (of welding)
for conventional weld and weld with side heating were again similar and there was
a peak of tensile stress for the area beneath the burner. In the region beneath and
close to the burners, the compressive residual stresses are reduced in welding with side
heating compared with that of conventional welding of AH36. However, the tensile
peak is not observed in AH36. It is expected that the stress relieving phenomenon is
responsible for reduction of this tensile peak.
[1] T. Schenk, Modelling Welding Distortion, the influence of clamping and sequencing and sensitivity analysis, PhD thesis, Delft University of Technology, 2011.
[2] T. Nagy, S. Williams, P. Colegrove, C. Ikegu, I. Fafiolu, Distortion mitigation
in welded ship panels, Proceedings of 2nd International Workshop on Thermal
Forming and Welding Distortion IWOTE 2008, Bremen, pp. 265-275, 2008.
[3] E. M. van der Aa, Local Cooling during Welding: Prediction and Control of Residual Stresses and Buckling Distortion, PhD thesis, Delft University of Technology,
[4] P. Seyffarth, B. Meyer and A. Scharff, Groer Atlas Schwei-ZTU-Schaubilder,
Dusseldorf, DVS-Verlag, 1992.
[5] S. A. Tsirkas, P. Papanikos, Th. Kermanidis, Numerical simulation of the laser
welding process in butt-joint specimens, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, No. 134, pp. 59-69, 2003.
[6] W. Reimers, A. R. Pyzalla, A. Schreyer and H. Clemens, Neutron and Synchrotron
Radiation in Engineering Material Science, WILEY-VCH, 2008.
Chapter 6
Additional heating temperature [o C]
Burner separation distance [mm]
Burner distance to the welding torch [mm]
Case I-B
Case II-B
Case III
In the first part of the chapter, the temperature predictions during conventional
welding and welding with side heating for AISI-316L, DP600 and AH36 plates are
described. The out-of-plane deformation, phase fraction and the effects of phase
transformation on distortion are shown and discussed in the subsequent sections. Finally the results of the residual stress prediction are addressed.
The results of temperature predictions during conventional welding and welding with
additional heating sources are presented. The thermal modelling input parameters are
defined (based on experiments shown in Chapter 5) and the results of the predicted
temperature of some points are compared to the measured results.
Table 6.2. Parameter values for the heat input model used in the simulations. See Figure
3.5 for the parameters definition.
a [mm]
b [mm]
c1 [mm]
c2 [mm]
Figure 6.1. Different regions for heat loss modelling at (a) the top side, (b) the underside
and (c) thickness side surfaces of the plates.
Table 6.3. The heat transfer coefficients of the different regions defined for the heat losses
of the top, underside and other surfaces of the plates in the modelling of conventional
3.10, 3.11
3.10, 3.11
The heat input and heat loss model parameters have been set by comparing the results of the simulations with the experimental temperature measurements. Therefore,
a trial and error method has been used to fit the numerical output to the experimental
results by variations in the parameters shown in Table 6.3. The predicted temperature profile during conventional welding of AISI-316L (Case I-B), DP600 (Case II-B)
and AH36 at different positions from the weld centre line are shown in Figure 6.2
to Figure 6.4.
Figure 6.2. Predicted temperatures for conventional welding of AISI-316L (Case I-B)
plates at the underside surface for different positions from the weld centre line.
Figure 6.3. Predicted temperatures for conventional welding of DP600 (Case II-B) plates
at the underside surface for different positions from the weld centre line.
Figure 6.4. Predicted temperature profiles for conventional welding of AH36 plates (Case
III) at the underside surface for different positions from the weld centre line.
The maximum temperature predictions are compared to the measurements for AISI316L, DP600 and AH36 steel plates in Figure 6.5.
Figure 6.5. Predicted maximum temperatures at different positions from the weld centre
line are compared to the experimental temperature measurements for conventional welding
of (a) AISI-316L (Case I-B), (b) DP600 (Case II-B) and (c) AH36 (Case III) steel plates.
The prediction is shown for the underside surface.
Table 6.4. Comparison of numerical and experimental results at specific positions in the
thermal field. The positions are from the weld centre line. The heating rates are from room
temperature to the maximum temperature. The cooling rates are from 800 o C to 500 o C.
Heating rate
[o C s1 ]
Max Temp
[o C]
Cooling rate
[o C s1 ]
Chapter 3 (Section 3.2.7) describes the modelling approach for the additional heat
sources. It was stated that the burners have been modelled by a Gaussian heat flux
distribution. Eight circular Gaussian heat flux distributions have been used to model
the nozzles for welding with additional heating. In Section 5.2.3, the temperature
profile during heating was shown using one burner for different materials. These
temperature measurements are used to define the necessary parameters (intensity of
the heat source and the dimensions) for the model. The model is shown again in
Figure 6.6, where M is the inter-distance of the nozzles.
In the model the power is distributed over a circle with a radius of r with a cut-off
radius were the power is reduced to 1% of qmax . In order to find a suitable power
density distribution, several FEM calculations were preformed until a good agreement
between the temperature prediction and the temperature measurement was observed.
Figure 6.7a shows typical power density distributions used in the simulations with
different maximum values. The result of the temperature prediction at the underside
surface of the plate from the centre point of the heat source toward the edges is
compared to the temperature measurements for both AISI-316 (Figure 6.7b) and
DP600 (Figure 6.7c). The values for the parameters in the heat source model that
gave the best results are listed in Table 6.5. The speed of the heat source was set
to 2.5 mm s1 for both cases. It can be seen that the results from the model and the
experiment are in good agreement. The same strategy was employed for AH36.
Figure 6.7. (a) The different power density distributions used in the simulations. The
temperature predictions are compared to the measurements for two examples: (b)
AISI-316L and (c) DP600 steel plates.
Table 6.5. The values for the parameters in the heat source model in different materials.
qmax [kW m2 ]
r [mm]
M [mm]
In the modelling of welding with additional heating, the heat input is modelled exactly similar to that of the conventional welding model. Since the burners increase
the temperature of the clamps, the cooling boundary conditions deviate from the conventional welding simulation. Table 6.6 shows the values used for the heat transfer
coefficients in modelling of welding with additional heating. Different regions were
defined here similar to the conventional welding models as shown in Figure 6.1.
Table 6.6. The parameter values of the different regions defined for the heat losses of the
top, underside and perimeter surfaces of the plates used for the modelling of welding with
additional heating.
3.10, 3.11
3.10, 3.11
The prediction results of the temperature profile during welding with additional heating are shown for different materials in Figure 6.8 to Figure 6.10. It is seen that
the maximum temperature, the heating and the cooling rates are predicted close to
the measurements as shown in Table 6.7 for some points. The eight peaks observed
during the experiments cannot be modelled by the approach adopted in this thesis.
However, the predictions are in a good agreement with the temperature measurements.
Figure 6.8. Temperature prediction results for welding with additional heating of
AISI-316L (Case I-B) plates at different positions from the weld centre line. The
temperature cycles are shown for the underside surface.
Figure 6.9. Temperature prediction results for welding with additional heating of DP600
(Case II-B) plates at different positions from the weld centre line. The temperature cycles
are shown for the underside surface.
Figure 6.10. Temperature prediction results for welding with additional heating of AH36
(Case III) plates at different positions from the weld centre line. The temperature cycles
are shown for the underside surface.
Table 6.7. Comparison of numerical and experimental results at specific positions in the
thermal field. The positions are from the weld centre line. The heating rates are from room
temperature to the maximum temperature. The cooling rates are from 800 o C to 500 o C.
Heating rate
[o Cs1 ]
Max Temp
[o C]
Cooling rate
[o Cs1 ]
Figure 6.11 shows the predicted through thickness temperature distribution of AH36
plate (Case III) beneath the burner during welding with additional heating. The
burners are located 193.5 mm from the weld centre line. The maximum predicted
temperature at the top surface of the plate beneath the burners when welding with
additional heating for this material is 610 o C.
Figure 6.11. Temperature distribution across the cross section of AH36 (Case III) steel
during welding with additional heating at the position of a burner. The burner is located
193.5 mm from the weld centre line. The temperature is in degrees Celsius.
Up to now, the results of thermal modelling for different materials and conditions
(conventional welding and welding with additional heating) were shown. The validated thermal fields are used for prediction of out-of-plane distortion and residual
stresses of the defined cases. However, temperature changes cause microstructural
changes. Therefore, the next step is the prediction of phase fractions. The result
of phase fraction predictions of different phases are shown and compared to the microstructure investigation of a conventionally welded DP600 (Case II-A) sample in
this section. This model is used to investigate the effect of phase transformation on
distortion and residual stresses.
Since the temperature changes cause solid state phase transformations, the first step
is validation of thermal field for this case. Figure 6.12 shows the temperature profile at different positions from the weld centre line during conventional welding of the
plate. The measurements are compared to the numerical predictions.
Figure 6.12. The predicted and the measured temperature profiles at different positions
from the weld centre line at the underside surface during conventionally welded DP600
(Case II-A).
Cross sections of the welded sample were etched with different solutions (2% Nital
solution, 5% Nital solution and LePera solution) to reveal the microstructure. A
quantitative analysis of the phase fractions was performed using the point counting
method with a 55 m grid. The accuracy of this method is around 6%.
The fraction of phases obtained experimentally is compared with the numerical results in Figure 6.13. Since it is difficult to differentiate bainitic ferrite from Widmanst
atten ferrite, the fraction of acicular products has been used to compare with
the numerical results. As can be seen, the ferritic fraction is reduced from 80% in the
base metal to below 20% in the fusion zone.
Figure 6.13. The comparison of the predicted acicular products and experimental
As can be seen from the figure, the predicted phase fractions are close to the measurements especially in the weld region. There are some deviations in the HAZ around
3 mm from the weld centre line. Since, the predicted temperatures for these points
are close to the measurements, the main source of deviations is related to the CCT
diagram employed, which was constructed for a material with a chemical composition close to that of the DP600 used here, but is not the same. Moreover, the CCT
diagrams are obtained for heat treatments with lower heating and cooling rates compared to welding. The parameters (explained in Section 3.3) used in the simulations
are summarized in Table 6.8.
Table 6.8. The used parameters in the simulation of solid phase transformations.
Austenite Ferrite
Austenite Bainite
Austenite Ferrite
Austenite Bainite
exp(0.1027(T 910.3)) + 32
6.318 + 2.587 109 1.037(T 273)
Distortion prediction
This section deals with the numerical results of the de-coupled models described in
Chapter 3 for the out-of-plane deformation of the plates used. The numerical results
are presented for conventional welding and welding with additional heating for the
experimentally obtained minimum distortion plates.
Figure 6.14 shows the numerical results for the out-of-plane deformation of AISI316L (Case I-B) after welding and welding with additional heating.
Figure 6.14. The predicted final out-of-plane deformation of AISI-316L (Case I-B) steel
plate after (a) conventional welding and (b) welding with additional heating for the
experimentally obtained minimum distortion condition. The scale is -8 to +8 mm.
Table 6.9 shows a comparison between the numerical results and the experimental
results of the distortion index, after welding and welding with additional heating
of AISI-316L. The welding with additional heating was modelled using the burners
located 143.5 mm from the weld centre line and a burner induced temperature of 380
Table 6.9. The simulation results compared to the experimental results for AISI-316L
Conventional welding
Welding with additional leading heating
Welding with parallel additional heating
Welding with additional trailing heating
Distortion index
It can be seen from the table above that the predictions approximate the experimental
measurements very well. The predictions and the experiments show that the leading position of the burners results in a higher distortion reduction. The deviations
between the model results and the measurements can have several reasons. For example, the uncertainty in the mechanical properties at elevated temperature and the
clamping pressure.
The distortion index gives a global representation of the distortion of the plate. To
obtain a better comparison, a distortion scan over the cross section of the middle of
the plate is presented in Figure 6.15. The line scan was performed from one edge
to the other edge of the plate along a line perpendicular to the weld centre line. The
results are shown for conventional welding in Figure 6.15a and for welding with
additional heating in Figure 6.15b. In both numerical results and measurement,
the distortion reduction by welding with additional heating is visible. The prediction
results are close to the measurements for conventional welding. However, there is a
deviation between the measurements and the predictions for the welds with additional
heating. In welding with additional heating, two heaters are used and therefore the
effects of uncertainties such as material properties at high temperature and clamping
behaviour (and pressure) on the final deformation are more significant than for conventional welding. It should be mentioned here that the room temperature releasing
of clamps are different in practice compared to that in the numerical model. The
clamps are released manually in practice. In the modelling activities, they are released all at once in both conventional welding and welding with additional heating.
Moreover, in conventional welding (one heat source) the two clamps close to the welds
can have a big influence on distortion but in welding with additional heating (three
heat sources) all four clamps and their releasing manner can influence final distortion
of the plate.
Figure 6.15. Comparison between the predicted and measured out-of-plane deformation for
points located at the middle part of an AISI-316L plate (Case I-B) from one edge to the
other edge along a line perpendicular to the weld centre line for (a) conventional welding
and (b) welding with additional heating.
In the models used for DP600 (Case II-B) and AH36 (Case III) plates, solid phase
transformations occur during welding and welding with additional heating, which may
have significant effects on the out-of-plane deformation. In order to check this influ-
ence, a smaller plate of DP600 steel with dimension of 2001001.5 mm3 (Case II-A)
was conventionally welded and modelled. The simulation includes the effects of solid
phase transformations occurring during the cooling cycle on the welding distortion
and residual stress. The predicted phase fractions together with temperature profiles
were shown in Section 6.2. Table 6.10 shows the results of the maximum predicted
out-of-plane deformation normalised to the experimental value for the model with and
without phase transformation together with the calculations time for different cases.
Table 6.10. Normalised maximum out-of-plane deformation and the computational time
for the model including solid phase transformations.
No phase transformation (Isotropic hardening)
Only yield strength increase
(Isotropic hardening)
Only volume change (Isotropic hardening)
Both yield increase and volume change
(Isotropic hardening)
Mixed hardening model with phase trans.
Normalized Max
deformation [mm]
Calc. time
It can be seen that the phase transformation modelling increases the computational
time significantly. The model without phase transformation predicts a higher out-ofplane distortion than the models with phase transformation. The isotropic hardening
models predict a greater distortion in the out-of-plane direction compared to other
model. The effects of solid phase transformations on the maximum out-of-plane deformation are predicted to be around 9%. However, these deviations can be adjusted
by using different spring stiffnesses. The risk of computational instability and divergence is very high when phase transformation is implemented. For such reasons,
solid phase transformations were excluded in all simulation tasks. In the subsequent
sections, models for both conventional welding and welding with additional heating
exclude the effect of solid state transformations.
Figure 6.16 shows the numerical results for the out-of-plane deformation of DP600
(Case II-B) steel after welding and additional heating. The welding with additional
heating was modelled using the experimentally obtained minimum distortion. The
results of the models are compared to the measurements for different burner positions
in Table 6.11.
Figure 6.16. The predicted final out-of-plane deformation of DP600 (Case II-B) steel
plate after (a) conventional welding and (b) welding with additional heating in the
experimentally obtained minimum distortion. The scale is -8 to +8 mm.
Table 6.11. The simulation results compared to the experimental results for DP600 plates,
where the burners were positioned 193.5 mm from the weld centre line.
Conventional welding
Welding with additional leading heating
Welding with parallel additional heating
Welding with additional trailing heating
Distortion index
In this set of experiments for DP600, leading burners reduce welding distortion better both in predictions and the measurements. The sources of deviation explained for
AISI-316L (Case I-B) are valid here as well.
To obtain a better comparison, a distortion scan over the cross section of the middle
plate is presented in Figure 6.17. The results are shown in Figure 6.17a for conventional welding and Figure 6.17b for welding with additional heating. In both
numerical results and measurement, the distortion reduction after welding with additional heating can be seen. The sources of deviations and explanations (especially for
additional heating) are the same as for the AISI-316L plates. Besides them, another
deviation source between the experimentally obtained results and predictions in the
case of welding with additional heating is related to the fact that the temperature
gradients beneath the burners (through thickness direction) due to welding with additional heating are not captured in the model. Such gradients may cause angular
deformation and after releasing the clamps, these localized deformations may change
the final deformation of the plate.
Figure 6.17. Comparison between the predicted and measured out-of-plane deformation for
points located at the middle part of a DP600 (Case II-B) plate from one edge to the other
edge along a line perpendicular to the weld centre line for (a) conventional welding and (b)
welding with additional heating.
Figure 6.18 shows the numerical results for the out-of-plane deformation of AH36
steel (Case III) after welding and welding with additional heating. The welding with
additional heating was modelled using the experimentally obtained minimum distor-
tion (trailing case). It is clear that the out-of-plane deformation of the plate is reduced
using additional heating. However, as the plate is thicker than for the other steels,
the out-of-plane deformation in this case is less.
Figure 6.19 shows the predicted and the measured out-of-plane deformation for
points located across the middle part of an AH36 plate from one edge to the other
edge along a line perpendicular to the weld centre line for conventional welding and
welding with additional heating. Comparing the numerical results and the measurements for conventional welding, it is seen that the predicted deformations are close
to the experimental measurements for the points at the middle part of the plate. At
the edges of the plates, there is a small deviation. Since, the thermal field was predicted to be close to the measured field, the main source of the deviation is related to
the mechanical field. This includes the material properties and the clamping model
explained before for the other two materials. Although, the sources of deviations are
valid here as well, there is another issue for AH36, which is less significant for the
other materials. The modelling of clamps consists of series of springs with different
stiffnesses. When the plate is thin (for example in the case of DP600 or AISI-316L),
the springs can control the movement of plates (shell elements have been used) and
the results are close to practice (through thickness strains can be ignored). If a plate
is thick (like AH36), the constraints at the top and at the underside surfaces have an
influence on the final distortion. The main reason for the different behaviour of the
surfaces is related to the temperature gradient in the through thickness direction. In
this situation, the clamps can control the movement of the underside surface in the
numerical model. By releasing the clamps, the residual stresses are redistributed and
the plate distorts to its final shape. For better modelling of clamps in thick materials,
the constraint should be modelled using contacts at both the top and the underside
Figure 6.18. The predicted final out-of-plane deformation of AH36 (Case III) steel plate
after (a) conventional welding and (b) welding with additional heating in the experimentally
obtained minimum distortion. The scale is -8 to +8 mm.
Figure 6.19. Comparison between the predicted and measured out-of-plane deformation for
points over the cross section across the middle of a AH36 (Case III) plate for (a) a
conventional weld and (b) a weld with additional heating.
Table 6.12 shows the numerical results of the out-of-plane deformation of AH36 steel
plate for different burner positions. It can be seen that the trailing situation provides
the minimum distortion index both in the numerical and measurement results. The
predictions are in agreement with the experiments.
Table 6.12. The simulation results compared to the experimental results for AH36 plates,
where the burners were positioned 193.5 mm from the weld centre line.
Conventional welding
Welding with additional leading heating
Welding with parallel additional heating
Welding with additional trailing heating
Distortion index
No data
The main goal of the residual stress measurements is the validation of the constructed
finite element models. The models were described in Chapter 3. In Chapter 5, the
residual stress measurement procedure and the results were shown and discussed. In
this section, the experiments are used to validate the models. The validated models
are used to evaluate the stress evolution during welding and welding with additional
heating for some critical positions and times. As explained in Chapter 5, the longitudinal residual stress is selected for all materials.
The modelled and experimentally measured longitudinal residual stresses for both
conventional welding and welding with additional heating of AISI-316L after the release of the clamps are presented in Figure 6.20. It can be observed from the residual
stress profiles that additional heating during welding does not have a significant effect
on the residual stress level in the weld and HAZ of the weld.
Figure 6.20. Comparison between the modelled and the measured longitudinal residual
stress results for AISI-316L (Case I-B) after (a) conventional welding and (b) welding with
additional heating.
Although, the predictions are in good agreement with the measurements, there are
several discrepancies between the modelled and the experimental results for both conventional welding and welding with additional heating. As presented in Section 6.1,
the temperatures closely matched. Therefore, the deviations from experimental data
in the residual stress fields are mainly due to the mechanical material properties at
elevated temperature, the modelling of the clamps using spring links and the stress
annealing. For the weld with additional heating, there is a good agreement between
the predictions and the experiments for the longitudinal residual stresses underneath
the burner position. This shows that the assumptions used for the modelling of the
burners are valid.
In order to obtain a better understanding of welding with additional heating, the
stress development during conventional welding is compared to welding with additional heating. In this comparison, three different burner positions with respect to
the welding torch (leading, trailing and parallel situations) are considered. The longitudinal stress development along a line in the middle of the plate transverse to the
welding direction is displayed for four time steps and is shown in Figure 6.21. These
time steps represent a situation where (a) the welding torch has not yet reached the
middle line of the plate, (b) the welding torch has reached the middle line (c) the
welding torch has passed the middle line and (d) the final residual stress profile when
the work-piece has reached room temperature, and is still clamped.
For the conventional weld and the trailing configuration, the welding torch has not
reached the middle line, the weld is under compressive stresses and the stress state
far from the weld is negligible, Figure 6.21a. The material in front of the welding
heat source already experiences the effects of the advancing arc. The material directly
surrounding the arc will try to expand, inducing compressive stresses in these areas.
In the parallel configuration, the welding torch has not reached the middle line, while
the burners are already passing this line; because the burners have a length of 240
mm. Compressive stresses are introduced underneath the burners. These compressive
stresses induce tensile stresses in the areas around the heated zone. In the leading
configuration, the burner has passed the line completely and therefore the heated area
already cools and compressive stresses in this area begin to fall.
Figure 6.21b shows the situation in which the welding torch has reached the middle
line. Since the material is molten on the weld centre line in all cases, the stress state
is zero up to the fusion line located 2.5 mm from the weld centre line. Due to the high
temperatures near the fusion zone, the points located close the weld zone experience
high compressive stresses accompanied by relative small tensile stresses outside the
HAZ (of welding) for conventional welding. In the case of trailing heating, the effects
of the additional heat sources are now experienced on the middle line. In the leading
case, the burners have passed the middle line and the material has cooled causing a
transition from compressive to tensile stresses.
Figure 6.21c shows the situation in which the welding torch has passed the middle
line. The temperature of the weld zone is decreasing and therefore the compressive
stresses at the weld centre line change to tensile stresses. For the leading and the
parallel case, the temperature is also decreasing while for the trailing case the burner
is still heating the material at the middle line area.
Figure 6.21d shows the stress profile when the plate has cooled to room temperature
in the clamped condition. Tensile stresses are formed in all cases in the weld and HAZ
(of welding). Along the track of the burners, tensile stresses are formed when welding
with additional heating, while the stresses in this area are negligible for conventional
welding. At the edges of the plate, tensile stresses are formed. These are in the order
100 MPa for welding with additional heating and approximately 30 MPa for conventional welding. During the cooling stage, the tensile stresses generated between the
HAZ (of welding) and the areas heated by the burners become compressive due to
redistribution and balancing of the stresses.
The stress development profiles and the final residual stresses for conventional welding
and welding with additional heating indicate that additional heating does not reduce
the compressive stresses ahead of the weld zone, nor does it increase the tensile stress
in the weld zone during cooling. The tensile stresses generated by the burners redistribute the final residual stresses.
Figure 6.21. The calculated stress development for conventional welding and welding with
additional heating (Case I-B) when the welding torch (a) is approaching the plate centre
line, (b) has arrived at the centre line, (c) has passed the plate centre line and (d) after
cooling in clamped condition.
The effects of solid state phase transformations on the residual stresses were investigated on a 2001001.5 mm3 DP600 (Case II-A) steel plate. The numerical procedure
and the implementation of phase transformations have been discussed in Chapter 3.
The experimental procedure and the welding parameters were shown in Chapter 4.
The temperature profiles of the points located at different positions to the weld centre
line and the phase fractions were shown experimentally and numerically in Chapter
5 and Section 6.2 respectively.
Two effects of solid phase transformations have been modelled: the increase of the
yield strength due to formation of hard phases and the volume change during phase
temperatures are high and the mechanical properties at high temperature have low
values. However, work hardening should be included. The mixed hardening model is
able to predict residual stresses more accurately than isotropic hardening, but they
need additional parameters which are difficult to obtain.
Figure 6.24 shows a comparison between the prediction and the measured results
of longitudinal residual stresses for DP600 (Case II-B). Similar trends to the experiments are found in the numerical calculations. There is good agreement between the
modeled and the experimental results. The model, however, excludes the effects of
phase transformations.
Figure 6.22. Longitudinal residual stress predictions for four different cases: model with
phase transformation, without phase transformation, with only the effect of volume change
and with only the effect of yield strength increase due to martensite formation.
Figure 6.23. The longitudinal residual stress profile for the model with isotropic hardening
and the model with mixed hardening (both including phase transformation) compared to
Figure 6.24. Comparison between the modelled and the measured longitudinal residual
stress results for DP600 (Case II-B) dimension after (a) conventional welding and (b)
welding with additional heating.
The stress development during conventional welding is compared to that when welding
with additional heating. In this comparison, three different burner positions (leading,
trailing and parallel situations) are considered. The longitudinal stress development
in the line in the middle of the plate is displayed for four time steps as shown in
Figure 6.25. These time steps represent when (a) the welding torch has not yet
reached the middle line of the plate, (b) the welding torch is positioned at the middle
line (c) the welding torch has passed the middle line and (d) the final residual stress
profile when the workpiece has reached room temperature, but is still clamped.
Figure 6.25a shows a situation in which the welding torch has not reached the
middle line. As can be seen, for the conventional weld and the welding with burners
in the trailing configuration, the weld line is under compressive stresses and the stress
state for the positions located at or near the plate edge is negligible. This means that
the material in front of the welding heat source already experiences the effects of the
advancing arc. The material directly surrounding the arc will try to expand resulting
in compressive stresses in these areas.
In the parallel configuration, the welding torch has not reached the middle line while
the burners are already passing this line, because the burners have a length of 240
mm. Again compressive stresses are introduced underneath the position of the burners as the expansion is counteracted by the surrounding materials. These compressive
stresses induce tensile stresses in the areas around the heated zone.
In the leading configuration, the burner has passed the middle line completely and
therefore the heated area already cools and the compressive stresses present in this
area begin to decrease. Figure 6.25b shows the situation in which the welding torch
has reached the middle line. Since the material is melting at the weld centre line in
all cases, the stress state is zero for the points up to a distance of 2.5 mm from the
centre line (i.e., the fusion line). Due to the high temperatures near the fusion zone,
the points located close the weld zone experience high compressive stresses. These
compressive stresses are balanced by tensile stresses outside the HAZ (of welding) for
conventional welding. In the case of trailing heating, the effects of the additional heat
sources are now experienced by the material. In the leading case, the points at the
position of the burner are cooled even further and a transition from compressive to
tensile stresses has taken place.
Figure 6.25c shows the situation in which the welding torch has passed the middle
line. The temperature of the weld zone is reducing and therefore the compressive
stresses at the weld centre line change to tensile stresses. For the area where the
burner is located, the temperature is also reducing for the leading and the parallel
case while for the trailing case the burner is still heating. Figure 6.25d shows the
stress profile when the plate is at room temperature in the clamped condition. Tensile
stresses are formed in all cases in the weld and the HAZ (of welding). Near the edges
of the plate, tensile stresses are formed when welding with additional heating, while
the stresses in this area are compressive for conventional welding. At the edges of
the plate, compressive stresses are formed in welding with additional heating. In this
area, compressive stresses are formed for conventional welding with higher absolute
Figure 6.25. The predicted stress development during conventional welding and welding
with additional heating with different burner positions for three time steps when (a) the
welding torch has not yet reached the middle line of the plate, (b) the welding torch reaches
the middle line (c) the welding torch has passed the middle line and (d) the final residual
stress at room temperature in the clamped condition.
Welding with additional heating does not reduce the compressive stresses ahead of
the weld zone, nor does it increase the tensile stress in the weld zone during cooling.
The positions of the burners are far from the weld zone and thermal influences hardly
change the stress state in this zone during heating or cooling. The tensile stresses
generated by the burners at or near the plate edges redistribute the final residual
stresses upon release of the clamps.
Figure 6.26 shows a comparison between the prediction and the measured results of
longitudinal residual stresses for AH36 (Case III) plate. In Figure 6.26a the results
of conventional welding are presented while in Figure 6.26b, the results of welding with additional heating are shown. In both cases, the clamps are released after
welding. In the numerical results, it is predicted that after welding with additional
heating, a tensile stress region is formed at the location of the burners (193.5 mm
from the weld zone). This area has a very low stress level in conventional welding. It
can also be seen that the predictions indicate the same level of stresses in the weld
and its HAZ in both conventional welding and welding with additional heating. However, the experimental results show a significant lower residual stress for the region
beneath the burners in welding with additional heating. The main deviations between
the numerical results and the experiments are attributed to the following:
1. There is a possibility that the heat generated by the burners causes stress relieving. The temperature of the top surface beneath the burners is predicted
to be around 600 o C. The time of heating depends on the length of the burner
(240 mm) and the heating speed (4.5 mm s1 ). Both temperature and time
needed for stresses relieving are available. Therefore, it is expected that two
competing phenomena are occurring here: (1) stress build-up by the burners
and (2) stress reduction by stress relieving. The winning term determines the
final level of residual stresses. In the numerical model, phase transformations
and microstructure changes have been excluded. In the predicted results such
tensile stress peaks at the position of the burners are expected. Implementation of these small changes in the numerical models is difficult. It should be
noted here that the hardness measurement does not show significant change for
the region beneath the burners. Full stress relieving needs more time than the
heated time in the experiment. It is expected that stress relieving phenomenon
occurs partially for this experimental heating time. Similar results have been
observed in [3].
2. The experimental source of errors explained in Chapter 5 should be taken into
account in the interpretation.
3. The numerical models exclude the phase transformations. However the experimental results show lower stress in the region close to the weld in both
conventional welding and welding with additional heating. Since the residual
stresses are in a balanced condition, a change of these stresses somewhere in a
plate causes a change somewhere else.
4. All errors in material related properties and the way of clamping in the numerical
models explained for previous materials are valid here as well.
Figure 6.27 shows a comparison between the prediction and the measured results
of longitudinal residual stresses for AH36 plate before releasing the clamps. In Figure 6.27a the results of conventional welding are presented while in Figure 6.27b,
the results of welding with additional heating is shown. It is believed that the material properties contribute the most to the differences between the measured and
the modeled residual stresses. Finally, it should be mentioned that the stresses have
been measured only in the longitudinal direction. If more information for residual
stresses in other directions were available for this thick material, it may be possible
to determine more appropriate model parameters and obtain a better match between
predictions and experiments.
Figure 6.26. Predicted longitudinal residual stresses after releasing the clamps for AH36
plates compared to the measurements for (a) conventional welding and (b) welding with
additional heating.
Figure 6.27. Predicted longitudinal residual stresses before releasing the clamps for AH36
plates compared to the measurements for (a) conventional welding and (b) welding with
additional heating.
Concluding remarks
This chapter deals with the predicted results of temperature, phase fractions, out-ofplane deformation, stress development and residual stresses of AISI-316L, DP600 and
AH36 steels conventionally welded and welded with additional heating.
The first part of the chapter describes the thermal field during conventional welding and welding with additional heating of AISI-316L, DP600 and AH36 steel plates.
For the conventional welding process, close matches between the models and the measurements were observed. The burners were modelled using a Gaussian power density
distribution on the top surface of the plates. Although, the presented model cannot
predict the observed eight peaks in the temperature profiles of welding with additional
heating at the location of the burners, the maximum temperature and the heating
and the cooling rates modelled are close to the measurements. The main sources of
deviation in the modelling of both conventional welding and welding with additional
heating are related to the thermal material data at elevated temperature and the
heat transfer coefficients. The essential feature of the weld with additional heating is
the creation of a temperature peak at the location of the burners. The temperature
distribution in the weld zone and the HAZ (of welding) remains unchanged.
The phase fractions were validated only for one case. Although, the predicted phase
fractions were in an acceptable range compared to the experiments, it was found that
the model with solid phase transformations predicts an out-of-plane deformation 9%
lower than the model excluding the effects of the transformations. However, the risk
of computational instability and divergence is high when phase transformations are
included, therefore, for other cases the microstructure field was ignored.
The out-of-plane deformation of the workpiece after conventional welding and welding
with additional heating were predicted and distribution was compared using different
criteria: i) a distortion index, ii) an out-of-plane deformation contour and iii) a scan
along a line perpendicular to the weld centre line. For all materials the predictions
of conventional welding are in a good agreement with the experiments. Minor deviations are related to the material properties at high temperatures, the change of
material stiffness during heating and cooling and the way that the clamps are models.
In welding with additional heating these deviations are greater than for conventional
welding. Besides the deviations sources explained before, which play a role here as
well, there are some other possible sources. For example, the angular deformation due
to the temperature gradient in the through thickness of thick materials may change
the deformation of the plates upon clamp releasing. This type of deformation is not
captured fully in the thin plate model. Another example is related to the phase transformation or stress relieving or being material related phenomena not captured in the
models which may change the final deformation of the plates.
The predicted residual stresses are close to the measurements for both conventionally
welded plates and plates after welding with additional heating. The characteristic of
additional heating from a numerical point of view is the creation of tensile residual
stresses at the location of burners. This prediction is experimentally demonstrated
for AISI-316L and DP600. The tensile peaks are not seen in the experimentally obtained results for AH36 and relieving is expected to be the main reason for this model
The stress development profiles and the final residual stresses in conventional welding
and welding with additional heating indicate that (from numerical models), welding
with additional heating does not reduce the compressive stresses ahead of the weld
zone, nor does it increase the tensile stress in the weld zone during cooling. The
tensile stresses generated by the burners redistribute the final residual stresses.
These validated models are used in Chapter 8 to investigate the mechanism responsible for distortion reduction using additional heating and thermal tensioning.
The models developed and validated here have been simplified and used in an industrial application at Damen Schelde Shipyard. The results of both experiments and
numerical models are explained in the next chapter.
[1] J. Goldak, M. Gu, Computational weld mechanics of the steady state, Mathematical Modelling of Weld Phenomena 2, The Institute of Materials, pp. 207-225,
[2] E. M. van der Aa, Local Cooling during Welding: Prediction and Control of Residual Stresses and Buckling Distortion, PhD thesis, Delft University of Technology,
[3] M. N. IIman, R. Ismail, S. Iswahyudi, M. R. Muslih, An experimental study of
movingly localized heating based stress relieving for control of residual stress and its
beneficial effect on fatigue crack growth rate of steel welded structure, Proceedings
of 64th annual assembly and international conference of International Institute of
Welding, Chennai, pp. 583-591, 2011.
Chapter 7
Industrial implementation
The results obtained in the previous chapters showed that distortion reductions can
be achieved using welding with additional side heaters. The mitigation technique is
based on a redistribution of residual stresses in the welded plate, by a specific heating
strategy by means of flames on the material surrounding the weld. Experiments were
carried out on laboratory scale specimens. If distortion could also be reduced in large
scale steel panels, a straightening step could be omitted and production speed could
be increased.
In this chapter, the technique is applied in an industrial environment at Damen
Schelde Naval Shipyards (DSNS). Large panels were submerged arc welded and the
effects of additional heating investigated. During welding, temperature measurements
were conducted and the initial and the out-of-plane deformation of plates measured.
The numerical modelling knowledge is used to estimate suitable process parameters. The predicted position was then used as the starting point in the experiments.
The main goal is a feasibility study on side heating of large panels together with the
application of developed numerical models in the shipbuilding industry.
Weld distortion is a real quality concern for manufacturers of naval ships, since weld
distortion directly influences the performance (e.g. radar cross section) of the ship.
Costly post weld heat treatments, like flame straightening, are often needed to control
weld distortion. Any possibility to avoid or reduce weld distortion can lead to costsavings and to increased competitiveness. For example, as reported in [1], re-work
can encompass up to 20% of personnel time in the total metal working activities in
shipbuilding, see Figure 1.4.
Figure 2.27 shows a comparison of out-of-plane deformation with and without side
heating during welding. It was reported that the plate edge waves were eliminated
Industrial implementation
by side heating due to tensile stresses added by this technique in areas adjacent to
the plate free edge.
The work presented in this chapter reports on a feasibility study of side heating during welding of large panels at DSNS using the lessons learned, which were described
in the previous chapters. This chapter shows the numerical and the experimental
approaches of the tests carried out at DSNS together with the results.
According to the available experimental facilities at DSNS, for both numerical and
experimental activities, two AH36 plates with dimensions of 36006006 mm3 were
welded using Submerged Arc Welded (SAW). The welding was conducted in two runs,
the first applied on one side of the plates and the plates were turned over, and the
second run applied on the other side of the plate.
Numerical approach
The main goal of the numerical models presented in this chapter is to find the position of the burners with respect to the weld centre line to achieve minimum distortion.
The Case III in this thesis shown in Chapter 1, deals with AH36 welded plates
with dimension of 5002506 mm3 using GTAW. The numerical approach was introduced in Chapter 3 and the measurements and the simulation results were shown
in Chapter 5 and 6 respectively. The modelling was based on solid elements. The
same approach is used here. However, in order to reduce the computational time,
some assumptions are made. The model here is based on shell elements. The welding
process is modelled only for one run. The addition of filler wire is not modelled. The
solid state phase transformations are ignored. The speed of welding and side heating
is set according to practice at 9.6 mm s1 . The mesh used in the numerical models
is shown in Figure 7.1. In both regions of the weld and the heated area by the side
heaters, elements are re-meshed (as explained in Chapter 3).
Based on the simulation approach mentioned above, it was calculated that the distortion index for conventional welding is 41 mm and for welding with side heating
in the minimum distortion case is 13 mm. These values were obtained after 10 computational runs with different input parameters. The minimum case here is the case
in which the burners are located 490 mm from the weld centre line. The simulation
is more sensitive to the position of the burners relative to the weld centre line compared to the position of the burners relative to the welding torch (heat source). The
parameters for the minimum distortion case were adopted as the starting point for
the experiments.
Experimental approach
Industrial implementation
Heating 200012006 mm3
with burners parallel to the welding direction
plate with burners parallel to the welding direction
Heating 200012006 mm3
plate with burners perpendicular to the welding direction
Heating 200012006 mm3 plate
with burners with 45o to the welding direction
Conventional welding of 36006006 mm3 plates
at both sides of the plate
Side heating during welding of 36006006 mm3 plates
with burners parallel to the welding direction
during both passes
Side heating, only during the first pass,
while welding both sides of the
36006006 mm3 plates
with burners parallel to the welding direction
Side heating during welding of 36006006 mm3 plates
with burners with 45o to the welding direction at both sides of the plate
The second and the third tests were similar to the first one. The differences were
related to the burner direction with respect to the welding direction. In the second
test the burner was perpendicular to the welding direction while in the third test it
was at an angle of 45o .
For conventional welding, two plates with dimensions of 36006006 mm3 were tack
welded at different positions in order to prevent movement prior to submerged arc
welded (SAW) with the parameters shown in Table 7.2. After the first pass (run),
the plate was turned over and a second weld was made on the other side.
The plates were painted in order to measure the out-of-plane deformation with a
3D laser scanner (with accuracy of 40 m) before and after welding, Figure 7.3 and
Figure 7.4. The out-of-plane deformation was always measured at the side of the
plate that was being welded, and the thickness of the plate was subtracted for comparison.
Averaged welding current [A]
Averaged welding voltage [V]
Averaged welding speed [mms1 ]
Figure 7.3. Two plates of AH36 with dimensions of 3600 600 6 mm3 used in the SAW
process. The plates are painted, in order to measure the out-of-plane deformation.
Figure 7.4. (a) High resolution 3D laser scanner (EXAscan [2]) used for distortion
measurements before and after welding and (b) measurements in progress.
For test 4, temperature measurements were carried out at the underside surface of
the plate at different distances from the weld centre line as shown in Figure 7.5.
Industrial implementation
After welding the first pass, the plate was left to cool to room temperature, the
clamps were released and then the other side of the plates were welded with the same
welding conditions and parameters. The initial out-of-plane deformation of the plate
was measured. These measurements were repeated after both weld passes. Since the
welding parameters and conditions were the same for both sides, the temperature was
measured just for the first pass.
It was mentioned in the numerical approach section that the simulations showed
the minimum distortion case in which the burners are located 490 mm from the weld
centre line. This point was used as the starting point for the side heating experiments. However, during experiments it was clear that, due to the clamping situation,
the burners could not be placed more than 475 mm from the weld centre line. Otherwise, the burners heat the clamps.
In test 5, during welding of both sides of the plate, side heating was performed as
shown in Figure 7.6. The burners were located along the welding direction 475 mm
from the weld centre line and 380 mm leading the welding torch. Test 6 is similar to
test 5. The only difference is that side heating is only applied during the first pass.
For both tests 5 and 6, initial and final out-of-plate deformations were measured after
each pass. The temperature measurements were performed just for one side in tests
5 and 6 at several positions as schematically shown in Figure 7.7.
Figure 7.7. Thermocouple positions for test 5,6; see Table 7.1.
Finally, in the last test (test number 7), side heating during welding of both sides of
the plate was performed using burners oriented 45o to the weld centre line located
320 mm leading the welding torch and 360 mm from the weld centre line (from the
centre of the burner) as shown in Figure 7.8.
Figure 7.9 shows the initial plate deformation as well as the final out-of-plane deformation after conventional two pass welding. After the first pass, the distortion
index of the plate reaches 29 mm. After the second pass the deformation stayed more
or less the same.
The out-of-plane deformation of the plate after side heating during welding is shown
in Figure 7.10. Figure 7.10a shows the initial plate deformation while the deformation after the first pass and the second pass is shown in Figure 7.10b and Figure
Industrial implementation
7.10c respectively. The final deformation of the plate after both passes is at the level
of the initial deformation of the plate. The plate has low distortion after side heating.
Figure 7.11 shows the initial plate deformation together with the final deformation after side heating of the first pass. As mentioned in this experimental approach,
the second pass at the underside of the plate was conventionally welded without side
heating. It is clear that when side heating is applied the plate deformation is in the
level of the initial plate deformation. After the second pass without side heating, a
distortion index of 15 mm is found. Although this amount of deformation is much
higher (7 mm) compared to the case where side heating is applied during both passes,
it is still much less than the conventionally welded plates.
As mentioned in the experimental approach, the final test employed side heating
on both sides of the plate using burners applied at an angle of 45o to the welding
centre line. The initial and the final out-of-plane deformation of the plate are shown
in Figure 7.12. The distortion index is around 29 mm, which is same as that of the
conventionally welded plate. This means that the burners with the mentioned configuration are not able to reduce welding distortion. Figure 7.13 shows test plates
4 to 7.
Figure 7.9. The out-of-plane deformation of AH36 plate for conventional welding in test
4: (a) the initial deformation after tack welds, (b) the out-of-plane deformation after
conventional welding of the first pass and (c) the final out-of-plane deformation after
conventional welding of the second pass. The scale is -25 mm to +25mm.
Industrial implementation
Figure 7.10. The out-of-plane deformation of AH36 plate for welding with side heating in
test 5: (a) the initial deformation after tack welding, (b) the out-of-plane deformation after
side heating during welding of the first pass and (c) the final out-of-plane deformation after
side heating during welding of the second pass. The scale is -25 mm to +25mm.
Figure 7.11. The out-of-plane deformation of AH36 plate for several stages of production
in test 6: (a) the initial deformation after tack welding, (b) the out-of-plane deformation
after side heating during welding of the first pass and (c) the final out-of-plane deformation
after conventional welding of the second pass (without side heating). The scale is -25 mm
to +25mm.
Industrial implementation
Figure 7.12. The out-of-plane deformation of AH36 plate for different situations in test 7:
(a) initial deformation after tack welds, (b) the final out-of-plane deformation after side
heating during conventional welding of the two passes with burners with 45o to the weld
centre line. The scale is -25 mm to +25mm.
Figure 7.13. AH 36 plates after Test 4, Test 5, Test 6 and Test 7. The red circles show
the position of the maximum out-of-plane deformation of the plates.
7.4 Conclusions
[1] P. Romero, N. Otero, A. Lopez, J. Otero, Experimental comparison and analytical
modelling of different industrial heating sources for thermal forming, Proceedings of 3rd International Workshop on Thermal Forming and Welding Distortion
IWOTE 2011, Bremen, pp. 121-132, 2011.
Chapter 8
General discussions
In the previous chapters, conventional welding and welding with additional heating
were studied experimentally and by means of numerical models. In this chapter, the
information already given is combined in a discussion of general features of welding
with additional heating.
The first part of the chapter evaluates the experiments and the experimental results, while the numerical methods and results are discussed in the second part. The
validated models are used to check the influence of process parameters for welding
with additional heating on the final out-of-plane deformation. The results of these
predictions are shown and considered in the third part of the chapter. The effects
of the material properties on the final deformation are discussed in the subsequent
sections. Transient Thermal Tensioning is compared to Side Heating during welding
and different mechanisms of distortion reduction are explained in the last section of
the chapter.
It was explained that during conventional welding, non-uniform expansion and contraction of the weld and the surrounding material caused a permanent change in
shape of a component (or instability), which is called welding distortion (or deformation). Different types of welding distortion may occur at the same time. One of
the in-process strategies to reduce welding distortion employs two additional heating
sources together with the welding source which is referred to as welding with additional heating. If the additional heaters are located close to the welding torch and
contribute to the thermal field of the welds, the process is called Transient Thermal
Tensioning. If there is no interference to the thermal field of the weld, the process is
called Side Heating.
As shown in Chapter 1, three case studies were defined for laboratory tests and
General discussions
one case study was arranged for industrial implementation. The experiments consisted of two main tracks: conventional welding and welding with additional heating.
All welding tests were performed in a consistent manner. For example, the positions
of the tack welds and the clamping bars together with the way of clamping and releasing of the clamps (the time and the sequence of clamp releasing) were the same
throughout all the experiments. Therefore, it is expected that the deviations in the
clamping forces are low, although the clamping forces during both conventional welding and welding with additional heating experiments were not measured. The results
showed sound welds both in the conventional welding and the welding with additional
heating tests.
During welding with additional heating, many tests were performed to find cases with
distortion reduction in comparison to the distortion after conventional welding. The
starting point of the trials was based on previously published literature. The detailed
information of the experiments is given in Chapter 5. The out-of-plane deformation
of the plates was measured before and after conventional welding and welding with additional heating in order to find the minimum distortion conditions. The out-of-plane
deformation of welded plates was investigated using a distortion index, defined as the
difference between maximum and minimum out-of-plane deformation of a plate. This
definition makes the comparison between conventionally welded plates and welding
with additional heating easy. However, as depicted schematically in Figure 8.1, for
both cases A and B the distortion index is the same but the deformation modes are
completely different. Therefore, other criteria (distortion contour) are used to gain a
better understanding of the distortion modes.
Figure 8.1. Schematic presentation of similar distortion index, but different deformation
For the minimum distortion conditions obtained (for different materials), the temperature was measured using thermocouples on the underside of the plate during
conventional welding and welding with additional heating. The errors in the temperature measurements related to the position of the thermocouples are small because
the exact position of the thermocouples was measured before and after the experiments.
Since it is not possible to measure the temperature of the positions beneath the
burners on the top surface (due to practical limitations, such as the attachment of
thermocouples), the exact maximum temperature is not determined during welding
with additional heating for the region beneath the burners. However, numerical models developed in this investigation can be very useful for this purpose.
In some experiments with additional heaters, the temperature of the plate at the
underside surface beneath the burners is different for the right and left burners. The
maximum deviation is around 50 o C. A slight change in the acetylene and air mixture
or the distance of the burners to the plate can lead to such variations. With the
experimental facilities shown in this investigation, it was very difficult to eliminate
such variations.
Comparing the thermal field during conventional welding and welding with additional
heating, it is clear that the main characteristic of the thermal field of welding with
additional heating is the creation of two hot zones at positions beneath the heaters.
Results showed that the temperature of the weld is not influenced by the heaters
for the cases with minimum distortion during welding with additional heating for all
three materials. Figure 8.2 shows schematically the maximum temperature obtained
during welding (Figure 8.2a) and welding with side heating (Figure 8.2b) for different positions from the weld centre line. As shown in Figure 8.3, if the burners
are very close to the welding torch, the two thermal peaks are close and contribute
to the thermal field of the weld.
General discussions
Figure 8.3. Schematic representation of the thermal field during welding with additional
heating where the burners are moved from (a) the edges toward (b) the region close to the
welding torch for single nozzle burners.
Figure 8.4 shows a schematic representation of the temperature profile for a point
beneath the burners during welding with additional heating. The maximum temperature obtained during the process is Tmax and the heating time to reach this
maximum is defined by tH . The maximum temperature depends on the burner settings (gas flow, pressure), the heating speed, the distance of the burners to the plate
and the thermal material properties. The heating time (tH ) depends on the length of
the burners, the travel speed and the material properties.
Figure 8.4. Schematic representation of the temperature profile for the points beneath the
burners during welding with additional heating.
The temperature of the weld region (including the HAZ) remained unchanged when
additional heating is applied for all materials. For the regions beneath the burners,
microstructural changes may occur depending on the materials welded. In DP600, a
hardness reduction was observed, which is attributed to tempering of the martensite.
In the case of AH36 steel, a slight reduction of hardness (around 5%) was seen. It
is expected that such a reduction is due to the re-crystallization phenomenon. The
temperature measurement at the underside surface of the plate showed a temperature
of 240 o C. Since the thickness of this material is 6 mm, a high temperature is expected
at the top surface of the plate beneath the burners (610 o C in the simulation). The
two factors required for re-crystallization, the high temperature and the heating time
(53 s), are both available during welding with additional heating.
The thermal history of conventional welding results in longitudinal residual stresses
in the weld zone and compressive stresses further away. The thermal history of welding with additional heating results in the formation of tensile stresses along the line
beneath the burners with compressive stresses in the surrounding area.
The samples used for residual stress measurements were exactly the same as the
samples used for temperature measurements and the distortion measurements. Residual stress measurements were performed on the plates by means of the neutron
diffraction. The uncertainties in the residual stress results are related to many factors
summarized as:
The errors in the sample positioning;
The material texture and the grain size;
The errors in the calculation of the residual stresses (like the plane specific
elastic constants and the fitting equations);
The assumption of a bi-axial stress state;
The errors involved in the stress free lattice spacing and
Human related errors.
Although there were many sources of errors in the measurements and challenges in the
burner fuel mixture settings; the results of the experiments showed that distortion can
be reduced by welding with additional heating. It was observed that the thermal field
of the welds are not influenced by the heat generated by the additional heaters. It was
also found that welding distortion can not be reduced when the additional heaters are
located close to the welding heat source (using the burners shown in Chapter 4).
General discussions
in Chapter 3 and the results of the models were compared with the experimental
results and discussed in Chapter 6.
The starting point of the simulation was conventionally welded plates and the cases
where a minimum distortion after welding with additional heating was obtained experimentally.
In the thermal modelling of conventional welding of all materials, the main sources
of uncertainties were classified as:
The thermal material properties at elevated temperatures;
The heat transfer coefficients by convection and contact;
The emissivity of the material as a function of temperature and surface condition
The efficiency of the welding process.
The predicted temperatures of the conventionally welded plates were in good agreements with the measurements for all three materials. Therefore, it is concluded that
the assumptions used in the models are valid.
Beside the parameters addressed above, in the thermal modelling of welding with
additional heating of all materials, the main sources of uncertainties are classified as:
The efficiency of the burners and
The power distribution by the burners.
The only difference between conventional welds and welds with additional heating in
the thermal models was the simulation of the heat sources. As explained in Chapter
6, eight circular Gaussian heat flux distributions have been used to model the heat
flux during welding with additional heating. The use of such an assumption showed
a small deviation from the measurements. The eight peaks observed experimentally
in the temperature profile of the points beneath the burners are not captured in the
models, but the maximum temperature obtained, the heating and the cooling rates
are in acceptable agreements ( 15 o C and 14%).
The microstructure modelling is very challenging due to the presence of many material parameters which are very difficult to obtain experimentally, i.e., the parameters
related to the solid state phase transformations when internal and external stresses
are present. The effects of solid phase transformations on the welding distortion were
investigated for conventional welding of DP600 plate and it was found that such effects
are around 9%. The calculation time and the risks of divergence were considerably
higher (by factor of 3.35, for calculation time) for the models including those effects.
The modelling of solid state phase transformations deals with micro scale phenomena, while the effects of those transformations on residual stress and distortion are on
a macro scale (in this study). For other situations (DP600 welding with additional
heating, AH36 conventional welding and welding with additional heating), the simulations excluded the microstructure modelling part. Since the temperature of the
heated area by the burners is not high enough for significant solid state transformations and the volume (at the weld region and the HAZ of welding) in which solid state
transformations take place is small compared to the volume of the rest of the plate,
such assumptions do not lead to significant deviations between the predictions and the
measurements. It should be added that the errors in the residual stress measurement
for the area with solid state phase transformations are increased and therefore such
measurements are not very reliable for validation.
It was seen from the measurement results that the side heating of AH36 plate does not
lead to visible tensile peaks at the positions beneath the burners in the longitudinal
residual stress profile. This was attributed to the microstructural phenomenon like
re-crystallization. Such microstructural phenomenon cannot be represented by the
models adopted in this investigation (Section 3.3). For such a purpose, for example,
a model including re-crystallization should be developed.
The sources of errors in the microstructure modelling are classified as:
The transformation temperatures;
The amount of volume change due to solid phase transformations;
The change of material strength due to the formation of hard phases and
The phase fraction equations.
As stated in Chapter 3, the mechanical analysis uses the results from the thermal
analysis as input files and the main outputs are the residual stress and the distortion
In the mechanical field for all materials studied, the following sources of errors are
The mechanical material properties at elevated temperatures;
The plastic strain reset;
The work hardening of the material at elevated temperatures and
The clamping pressure and the manner of releasing the constraints.
The predicted results of the residual stresses in conventional welding of AISI-316L are
close to the measurements ( 50 MPa) but for welding with additional heating, there
are some deviations between the measurements and the predictions. The deviations
General discussions
are attributed to the number of errors involved in welding with additional heating,
for example the effects of the mechanical material behaviour at high temperature and
the clamping behaviour (and pressure) on the final deformation are more significant
in welding with additional heating than in conventional welding. Besides these errors, another deviation source between the experimentally obtained results and the
predictions in the case of welding with additional heating is related to the fact that
the temperature gradients beneath the burners are not captured in the models (shell
elements used in the model). Such gradients may cause angular deformation and after
releasing the clamps, these localized deformations may change the final deformation
of the plate.
Comparing the numerical results and the measurements for conventional welding of
AH36, it is seen that the predicted deformations are close to the experimental measurements for the points at the middle part of the plate. At the plate edges, there is a
deviation. Since, the predicted thermal field was in good agreement with the experiments and the microstructural field is excluded from the model, the main source of
the deviation is related to the mechanical field. Although, the sources of deviations
explained for AISI-316L are valid here as well, there is another issue for AH36 which
is less significant for AISI-316L. The modelling of clamps consists of series of springs
with different stiffnesses. When the plate is thin (for example in the case of DP600 or
AISI-316L), the springs can control the movement of plates (shell elements have been
used) and the results are close to practice (through thickness strains can be ignored).
If a plate is thick (like AH36), the constraints on the top and on the underside surfaces
influence the final distortion. The main reason for different behaviour on the top and
on the underside surfaces is related to the temperature gradient in the through thickness direction. In this situation, the clamps constrain the movement of the underside
surface. By releasing the clamps, the residual stresses are redistributed and the plate
is deformed to its final shape. For better modelling of clamps in thick materials, the
constraint should be modelled using contacts at both top and underside surfaces.
As indicated in previous chapters, the main focus of this study was on the longitudinal residual stresses. It was explained that these stresses are the greatest when
compared with other directions. However, using only the longitudinal residual stress
can lead to some deviations between the measurements and the predictions, as explained in Chapter 5 and Chapter 6. Since the models were also validated based
on the distortion field and the thermal field, such deviations are small.
The models developed in this study show a good agreement with the experimental
results and are used to study the mechanisms responsible for distortion reduction
when additional heating is used.
In this section, a developed and validated model is used to investigate the influence of
process parameters during welding with additional heating on the final out-of-plane
deformation. Since the distortion reduction was significant in the experiments for
DP600 steel plates and the calculation is fast for this material, all calculations in this
section are performed for DP600 steel. The effect of solid state phase transformations
is excluded from the calculations. The welding parameters as well as the clamping
conditions are kept constant.
The main parameters involved in welding with additional heating can be summarized as (see Figure 8.5):
The distance of the burners to each other;
The distance of the burners to the welding heat source;
The parameters related to the shape of the burners, such as:
The length of the burners, the width of the burners, the radius of the nozzles,
the inter-distance of the nozzles, the number of the nozzles;
The maximum power of the burners and the distance of the burners to the plate.
It was shown in the previous chapters that the burners contain eight nozzles of 20
mm diameter with inter distance of 30 mm. The total length of the burners was 240
mm while the total width of the burners was 27 mm. For modelling purposes, it is
assumed that the width of the burner is twice the radius of the nozzles.
A very rapid method for predicting residual stresses is shown by Van der Aa [1]
using 1D bar models. Selecting an appropriate number of bars and spring stiffnesses
between the bars, result in a very good approximation of the residual stresses compared to the experiment and very short computational time compared to 2D and
3D FE models. However, the model cannot predict the distortion of the plates after
welding. In this section, in order to study the effects of the process parameters involved, the 2D numerical model developed for stress and strain predictions in DP600
steel plate after conventional welding and welding with additional heating explained
in Chapter 3 is again used.
General discussions
Figure 8.5. The parameters involved in side heating and (b) the shape of the side heaters.
Figure 8.6 shows the influence of the separation distance of the burners on the final
distortion index for DP600 steel plate. The burners are positioned 145 mm leading
the welding torch. Other process parameters are the same for different points in the
figure (for example, the intensity). In the figure the results of the predicted distortion
index are shown as a function of the separation distance of the burners; moreover,
the figure also shows the experimental results.
Figure 8.6. The effect of the burner distance to the weld centre line on the distortion
index for DP600 steel plate.
When the burners are close to each other, the maximum distortion index is obtained.
This is mainly because of the contribution of the generated heat by the burners to
the welding thermal and mechanical fields. In this case the distortion index is higher
than that of conventional welding.
By increasing the distance between the burners, the distortion index decreases first
and then it starts increasing again. When the burners are located 118 mm from the
weld centre line, the distortion index is reduced because of the cooling influence of the
clamps. In the thermal model, the clamps are modelled as heat losses by a contact
heat transfer coefficient. The generated heat by the burners in this region is thus
reduced by the clamps and therefore the predicted distortion index is close to the
conventional welding case.
If the distance between the burners increases, the thermal contribution of the burners
to the thermal field of the weld zone is reduced and therefore, the main reason of
distortion reduction is not related to manipulation of the thermal field of the weld
zone. For the case shown in Figure 8.6, the optimum position for the burners is
predicted to be around 183.5 mm from the weld centre line. In the experiments, the
lowest distortion was found when the burners were located at 193.5 mm from the weld
centre line.
Further increasing the distance between the burners increases the distortion index.
The main reason is that the edges of the plate are able to move freely. When the
burners are applied, the plate beneath the burners can move more easily in this case
compared to the other situations.
In this section a case study is performed in order to find out the effects of the distance
of the burners to the welding torch on the distortion index for DP600 steel plate. All
process parameters and the numerical inputs are the same as the case explained in
previous chapters. The burners are located 193.5 mm from the weld centre line at
different positions relative to the welding torch in the numerical models. The results
of the predictions are shown and compared to the experimentally obtained results.
Figure 8.7a shows the effects of the burners distance to the welding torch on the
distortion index both in the experiments and the numerical models. It is clear from
the numerical results that if the burners are located far behind or in front of the
welding torch, the distortion index increases and the locations close to the welding
torch are the best places to install the burners. However, for all points distortion
reduction can be seen.
When the burners are located far behind the welding torch, the weld has enough
time to cool. When the weld has been cooled, the welding tensile stresses have been
formed at the weld centre line and the compressive stresses have been created at the
plate edges. In this situation, during side heating when the burners arrive, the com-
General discussions
pressive stresses generated by the burners are added to the compressive stresses of
the welding process and can reach the yield point of the material. Therefore, the final
out-of-plane deformation of the plate increases. This is also true when the burners
are far in front of the weld, in which the compressive stresses due to the weld are
added to the pre-existing compressive stresses due to the burners.
Figure 8.7. (a) The effect of the burner distance to the welding torch on the distortion
index for DP600 steel plate and (b) the stresses along the weld centre line for different
burner positions (A:Trailing, B:Parallel and C:Leading burners).
It can be seen from the figure that minimum distortion index can be obtained where
the burners are placed in front of the welding torch. In order to check if the stresses
along the weld centre line are different for burner positions relative to the welding
torch, three points are selected (A: Trailing, B: Parallel and C: Leading burners, see
Figure 8.7a). The stresses along the weld centre line for these points are plotted
in Figure 8.7b. It is clearly seen that there is no influence of the burner locations
relative to the welding torch on the stresses along the weld centre line. In Chapter
6 (Figure 6.21), it was shown that there are some slight changes on the tensile
longitudinal residual stresses at the position beneath the burners for different burner
locations relative to the welding torch. The higher the peak, the less distortion is
obtained. Therefore, the distortion index differences for different burner locations are
attributed to the residual stress distribution for the regions beneath and adjacent to
the burners (and not the stresses of the weld zone).
It is concluded that side heating is more sensitive to burner separation distance than
the distance between the burners and the welding torch. When side heating is applied
at the appropriate position to the weld centre line during welding, the distortion of
plates can be reduced. It should be added that if the burners are applied (in a suitable
location) before or after welding, the final deformation of the plate is reduced but not
as significant as for the case in which the burners are applied during welding. This is
attributed to the tensile peaks that form at the location beneath the burners. When
such peaks are present in the longitudinal residual stress profile, the plate distortion
is reduced regardless of the position of the burners relative to the welding torch. All
results are valid if the plates are in the clamped condition when welding and side
heating are applied. When the weld has been cooled, it is recommended to place the
burners on the weld centre line (also reported in [2]). Since, for the regions beneath
the burners, compressive stresses are formed during the heating cycle, tensile stresses
in the weld will be reduced and therefore less residual stresses will remain.
Burner shape
in which j is the number of the nozzles, ND is the inter-distance of the nozzles and D
is the diameter of the nozzles. The width of the burners is assumed to be the same
as the diameter of nozzles.
A change in the shape of the burners causes a change in one of the parameters in
the Equation 8.1. As stated before, the eight peaks in the temperature profile during side heating experiments at the place of the burners cannot be modelled using the
strategy explained in Chapter 3. Therefore, a 20% change of the distance between
the nozzles will not change the out-of-plane deformation of the plate.
When the number of nozzles is constant, any change in the length of the burners
means a change either in the diameter of the nozzles or in the distance between the
General discussions
When the generated heat for each nozzle is constant and the diameter of the nozzles
increases, the heat flux is reduced. The maximum temperature will decrease and in
the residual stress profile, the width of the tensile zones at the position of the burners
will change. A 20% change in the nozzle diameter can change the heat flux by a
factor of 1.5. Table 8.1 shows the effect of 20% variation of the width of the burners
on the final out-of-plane deformation of DP600 steel plates. If the diameter is very
wide then the heat flux is reduced and the effect of the side heating burners (tensile
stress peaks) is reduced and the final deformation is increased. When the diameter
is reduced, the generated heat is localized and at that location beneath the burners
high plastic deformation takes place and the final deformation increases again.
Table 8.1. The effect 20% variation of the burners shape on the out-of-plane deformation
of DP600 steel plate.
Conventional welding
Side heating - reference
Side heating 20% larger D
Side heating 20% smaller D
Table 8.2 shows the effect of the number of nozzles on the final out-of-plane deformation of DP600 steel plate. By increasing the number of the nozzles and keeping
the heat flux density of each burner constant, the total heat generated is increased.
This means the maximum temperature obtained is increased. Another point here is
related to the heat pattern by the nozzles. When just one nozzle is used the heat flow
is almost identical in all directions. However, using an eight nozzle burner produces
a rectangular heat flow. The heat in this case flows more in the width direction of
the burner than the length direction.
Table 8.2. The effect of the number of nozzles on the out-of-plane deformation of DP600
steel plate.
Conventional welding
Side heating eight nozzles
Side heating four nozzles
Side heating one nozzle
It was shown in the experimental and the numerical results that when side heating
during welding, the tensile peaks generated for the region beneath the burners lead
to distortion reduction. In order to create such peaks, a specific temperature profile has to be obtained on the plate beneath the burners. Figure 8.4 shows such
a temperature profile schematically. In that profile, a heating time and a maximum
temperature are required. If the heating time and the maximum temperature are
enough then the number of nozzles or the length of the burners or the distance of the
burners to the plate do not play a role in the distortion reduction. This is also true
for the power of the additional heaters. If the heating power of the burners leads to
such a temperature profile, distortion can be reduced. If the power is too high, more
plastic deformation can occur and distortion increases. If the power is too low, the
maximum temperature required is not achieved.
Since it is easier in the numerical models to vary the position of the burners compared
to the experiments, a series of calculations was run in order to find a suitable position
for a single nozzle burner. For this purpose, a similar heat flux to the eight nozzle
burners was used in which a single nozzle burner and the distance of the burners to
the welding torch and the weld center line were changed until a distortion reduction
similar to the eight nozzle burners was achieved. The results are shown in Table 8.3.
Table 8.3. Comparison between eight and single nozzle burners.
Eight nozzle burners
Single nozzle burners
Burners separation
387 mm
80.2 mm
It can be seen from the table above that it is possible to reduce welding distortion
using single nozzle burner. However, in this situation the burner should be located
close to the welding torch and therefore the final residual stress distribution for this
situation is not similar to the eight nozzle burner configuration explained in previous
chapters. For the single nozzle burner located close to the welding torch, the thermal
field of the weld is affected by the heat generated by the burners. An example of
such localized burners can be achieved by the use of laser beams. Preston et al. [3]
demonstrated the use of laser heating during welding to reduce welding distortions.
Sensitivity analysis
In this section, the effects of the thermal diffusivity (ka ), the thermal expansion coefficient () and the yield stress (y ) on welding distortion and the effects of side heating
are discussed, followed by the role of the plate thickness and the initial plate deformation on the final out-of-plane distortion.
In the developed 2D model, the material properties are changed by factors of 0.5
and 2 and the out-of-plane deformation of the plate (W ) is compared as shown in
Figure 8.8. When changing of one of these parameters, the other parameters remained unchanged.
General discussions
Figure 8.8. The effects of the thermal diffusivity, the thermal expansion coefficient and the
yield stress on the final out-of-plane deformation of a plate.
As can be seen from the figure, a material with a high thermal diffusivity, has a lower
final distortion compared to a material with a low thermal diffusivity. During welding
with side heating of this material (with high thermal diffusivity) the temperature obtained (when the burner power is constant) is lower and therefore, the burners should
be placed closer to the weld centre line compared to a material with lower thermal
A material with high thermal expansion coefficient, expands more during heating
(and shrinks more during cooling) and the final distortion is higher than a material
with a lower thermal expansion coefficient. During side heating of such a material
(high thermal expansion coefficient), more expansion occurs beneath the burners during heating and plastic deformation can occur at the heated region. The reduction
of distortion using side heating in this situation is challenging and needs less heating
The higher the yield stress of the material, the lower is the distortion. A higher
yield stress makes higher residual stresses possible. Materials with a low yield stress
deform more easily than materials with a high yield stress. During side heating of a
material with a lower yield point, the power of the burners should be set in such a
way that excessive plastic deformation does not occur.
In a thicker plate, the generated heat (either by welding heat source or additional
heaters) dissipates faster than in a thin plate. In general, the out-of-plane distortion
of thick plates is less than of thin plates; however, this depends on the type of deformation. One of the main deformation types for thick plates is angular distortion.
During side heating of thick material a higher power is needed.
Table 8.4 shows the effects of the initial deformation of a plate on the final out-ofplane deformation after welding. The calculations are based on the model developed
and validated for DP600, excluding the microstructure field. In the model, the plate
is bent with a deflection height of 0.5 mm and 1 mm and is clamped before welding. The results of the distortion index after welding are compared to that of a plate
without any initial distortion (flat plate). It can be seen that the pre-deformation
of the plates increases the final plate deformation after welding. In this study only
bending deformation was considered. In general, the type of distortion of the initial
plate is as important as the magnitude of the initial deformation. As shown in Figure 2.18, the initial distortion of a plate can be such that after welding, the final
distortion is reduced.
Table 8.4. Effect of the initial deformation of a plate on the final out-of-plane deformation
after welding and side heating.
Initial distortion of 0 mm - Flat plate
Initial distortion of 0.5 mm (Bending)
Initial distortion of 1 mm (Bending)
General discussions
The specific and essential feature of TTT is to provide a desired tensioning effect
during welding to prevent welding distortion. Efforts for this method [4-8] mainly
focused on buckling distortion. It has been reported that the higher the tensioning
stress on the weld, the better the results of buckling distortion control. The tensioning effect becomes stronger as the temperature gradient increases, while the distance
of the additional heating sources to the weld centre line decreases [8].
Figure 8.9 shows the longitudinal stresses along the weld centre line during conventional welding and transient thermal tensioning when the burners are located in
front of the welding torch. As can be seen from the figure, in transient thermal tensioning, the weld is under tensile stresses. These stresses are formed by the leading
burners. The transient compressive stresses along the weld centre line are reduced
and when the weld has cooled, relative low tensile stresses have been formed. The
mechanism of distortion reduction in this case is related to lower transient compressive
stresses along the weld centre line. This is also valid for the parallel burners.
Figure 8.9. The longitudinal stresses along the weld centre line during conventional
welding and transient thermal tensioning using leading burners.
Figure 8.10 shows the longitudinal stresses along the weld centre line during conventional welding and transient thermal tensioning when the burners are located trailing
the welding torch. As can be seen from the figure, the weld is under tensile stresses
during cooling. Those stresses are more pronounced in transient thermal tensioning.
The transient tensile stresses along the weld centre line are increased until yielding
occurs. The mechanism of distortion reduction in this case is related to the increase of
the transient tensile stresses along the weld centre line to the yield point and yielding
of the weld metal during cooling.
For all burner locations, the distortion reduction mechanism in transient thermal
tensioning is based on manipulation of the welding induced stresses (increase or decrease). It was mentioned in Section 2.4.3, that the relevant literature proposes
three different mechanisms of distortion reduction by thermal tensioning methods:
(A) The redistribution and not a reduction of longitudinal residual welding stresses
increase the critical buckling load. Therefore, buckling distortion is prevented
(B) The compressive longitudinal welding stresses are reduced by means of the heat
sources [3, 8].
(C) Thermal tensioning generates tensile stresses, which increase the tensile stress
level in the weld zone. The stresses reach the yield stress of the material and
therefore local plastic deformation occurs. During cooling the final residual
stresses are reduced due to this plastic deformation [10-11].
According to this classification, the responsible mechanism of distortion reduction for
transient thermal tensioning using leading (and parallel) burners can be classified as
category B, while for trailing burners category C is applicable.
Figure 8.10. The longitudinal stresses along the weld centre line during conventional
welding and transient thermal tensioning using trailing burners.
General discussions
Side Heating
In 1990 a Japanese patent was filed [12] involving a method to prevent buckling distortions in welding of thin metal sheets using transient heating sources parallel to
the welding torch (side heating). The method looks similar to transient thermal tensioning, but it reduces buckling by an entirely different mechanism. As indicated
in Chapter 2, it was claimed that in this method the compressive residual stresses
further away from the weld are reduced, which is the main reason for reduction of
buckling distortion [8]. The reduction of buckling distortion using side heating has
also been reported by Feng [9] and Yang [13]. Nagy [10] reported that when welding
and side heating are applied simultaneously, opposite rotations of the plate occur and
produce tensile stress peaks at the location of the burners. These additional tensile
regions reduce buckling distortion.
In this study, it was shown that in side heating, the position of the burners relative to the weld centre line is more critical than the position of the burners relative to
the welding torch. Moreover, the transient stresses along the weld centre line are not
influenced by the stresses generated by the side heaters. During side heating, the plate
is heated locally beneath the burners. These areas expand and shrink non-uniformly
and therefore stresses are formed. Tensile stresses are formed at the positions beneath the burners. The area with tensile residual stresses (at the position beneath
the burners) with side heating during welding tends to increase the strain required
for out-of-plane deformation. The redistribution of final stresses (stresses formed due
to the welding process in combination with the stresses formed due to the additional
heating) reduce the final deformation of the plate.
Figure 8.11a schematically shows the plate rotations during conventional welding
(No 1), and welding with side heating (No 2 and 3) in the heating cycle of the weld.
In the conventional welding case, the fusion zone is expanding. In side heating during welding, the heated areas beneath the burners are either heating and expanding
(No 2) or cooling and contracting (No 3), depending on the location of the burners.
If the heated area is expanding together with the expansion of the weld region (No
2, for example side heating with parallel burners), the rotations of the plate at the
weld zone and the two heated zones are in the same direction. Plastic deformation
can take place in three regions, the weld region and the heated regions beneath the
burners. The plastic deformation of the weld zone is much greater than in the other
regions. If the heated areas beneath the burners are contracting during the expansion
of the weld zone (No 3, for example side heating with leading burners), the rotations
are opposite. Although the plastic deformation may occur in all three regions, the
expanding of the plate during heating in this case is less than that of the conventional
weld (No 1).
Figure 8.11b schematically shows the plate rotations during conventional welding
(No 1), and welding with side heating (No 2 and 3) in the cooling cycle of the weld,
depending on the location of the burners. In the conventional welding case, the fusion zone is contracting. In side heating during welding, the heated areas beneath the
burners are either heating and expanding (No 2) or cooling and contracting (No 3).
If the heated area is expanding during the contraction of the weld region (No 2), the
rotations of the plate at the weld zone and the heated zones are opposite, therefore,
the out-of-plane deformation of the plate is reduce because of these opposite rotations.
If the heated areas beneath the burners are contracting during the contracting of the
weld zone (No 3), the rotations of the plate at the weld zone and the heated zones
are in the same direction. Since the plate beneath the burners has been plastically
deformed in the heating cycle, the out-of-plane deformation of the plate is less than
that of conventional welding.
In conventional welding, the welded area is the only region where plastic deformation
takes place. In welding with side heating, the weld region and the region beneath
the burners are plastically deforming. The rotation of the plate in the weld zone and
the heated zones during heating and cooling stages can be in the same or opposite
It is shown by Masubuchi [4] that the Critical Buckling Load (CBL) for a welded
plate with a non-uniform load depends on the width of the tensile region. The larger the width of tensile region, the larger the CBL becomes. During side heating,
there are three regions with tensile peaks, two more than in conventional welding.
Therefore, the width of tensile region is increased after side heating and the CBL
will be larger than that of conventional welding. In other words, side heating reduces
buckling deformation by increasing the CBL and not by the reduction of compressive
stresses. This is in agreement with the results reported by Nagy [10].
The main focus of this study is on the out-of-plane deformation in general (combination of different types of distortion) and not on buckling distortion only. It was
shown that the out-of-plane distortion can be reduced by the side heating. According
to the classification presented before, the responsible mechanism of distortion reduction for side heating is under category A. The dimensions of the plates used in the
industrial implementation experiments, shown in Chapter 7, are such that buckling
is the dominant distortion type. Significant distortion reduction was shown in that
case. If the dominant distortion type is buckling, the distortion reduction mechanism
is still classified as category A.
General discussions
Figure 8.11. The rotations of the weld and the heated zones during conventional welding
and welding with side heating for (a) weld heating and (b) weld cooling cycles.
[1] E. M. van der Aa, Local Cooling during Welding: Prediction and Control of Residual Stresses and Buckling Distortion, PhD thesis, Delft University of Technology,
[2] D. Radaj, Heat Effects of Welding: temperature field, residual stress, distortion,
Springer-Verlag, 1992.
[3] R. V. Preston, Modelling of residual stresses in welded aerospace alloys, PhD
thesis, University of Cambridge, 2000.
[4] K. Masubuchi, Analysis of welded structures: residual stresses, distortion and their
consequences, Oxford: Pergamon Press Ltd., Edition anonymous. 1980.
[5] Y. I. Burak, L. P. Besedina, Y. P. Romanchuk, A. A. Kazimirov and V. P. Morgun, Controlling the Longitudinal Plastic Shrinkage of Metal during Welding, Avt.
Svarka (Automated Welding), Vol. 3, pp. 27-29, 1977.
[6] Q. Guan, A Survey of Development in Welding Stress and Distortion Controlling
in Aerospace Manufacturing Engineering in China, Welding in the World, Vol. 43,
No. 1, pp. 64-74, 1999.
[7] Q. Guan, D. L. Guo, C. Q. Li and R. H. Leggatt, Low Stress Non-Distortion
(LSND), Welding - a New Technique for Thin Materials, Welding in the World
(UK), Vol. c33(3), pp. 160-167, 1994.
General discussions
Chapter 9
General conclusions
Thermal tensioning using heating strategies (welding with additional heating sources)
is one of the more promising in-process welding distortion control techniques and can
be classified into two groups: Transient Thermal Tensioning (TTT) and Side Heating
(SH). In this work, the process of welding with additional heating sources has been
extensively investigated using numerical and experimental approaches. The thermal,
microstructural and mechanical fields during conventional welding and welding with
additional heat sources were examined by means of finite element models, and validated by comparison with experimental observation of temperature, distortion and
residual stresses and microstructure investigations. The combined numerical and experimental approaches used in this thesis provide a better understanding of thermal
tensioning using heating strategies during welding. The main conclusions of the investigation presented in this thesis are summarized here:
The mechanisms of distortion reduction in side heating during welding are based
on the formation of tensile stresses in the workpiece at positions beneath the
burners. Such areas act as specific stiffening supports against possible deformation. The areas with tensile stress peaks in side heating during welding tend to
increase the strain required for out-of-plane deformation. In other words, side
heating during welding does not reduce but redistributes the residual stresses.
Moreover, buckling deformation can be reduced by increasing the critical buckling load and not by the reduction of compressive stresses in side heating.
From numerical predictions, it was found that the main mechanism of distortion reduction in transient thermal tensioning is based on the manipulation of
the transient stresses along the weld centre line. The responsible mechanism
for distortion reduction during transient thermal tensioning using leading and
parallel burners is the reduction of the transient compressive stresses along the
weld centre line. In the transient thermal tensioning using trailing burners,
the responsible mechanism for distortion reduction is related to the increase of
General conclusions
the transient tensile stresses along the weld centre line to the yield point and
yielding of the weld metal during cooling.
Due to the complexity of stress and strain fields during conventional welding
and welding with side heating (or transient thermal tensioning) and due to the
number of parameters involved in these methods, in order to estimate the most
appropriate position of the burners and the most appropriate process parameters, numerical modelling is required. Finite element models were constructed
for simulation of thermal, stress and strain fields for both conventionally welded
plate and plate welded with side heating (or TTT). The assumptions made in
the high temperature material properties, plastic strain resetting and modelling
of clamps and the side heaters resulted in some discrepancies between models
and measurements but generally provided a good agreement.
The important process parameters in side heating or transient thermal tensioning are the position of the heat source with respect to the weld centre line and
the welding torch (leading, parallel or trailing), the heat source shape, size and
intensity. In side heating during welding, a burner position relative to the plate
edges can always be found at which distortion is at minimum. The position
of the burners with respect to the welding torch (leading, parallel or trailing)
in side heating is not as critical as the position of the burners relative to the
weld centre line. By increasing the burner induced temperature in side heating,
the out-of-plane deformation of the plate decreases. However, if the material is
overheated during side heating the final out-of-plane deformation is increased.
The thermal field generated by the welding process is not affected by the thermal
field of the side heaters in side heating during welding of AISI-316L, DP600 and
AH36 for the case with the experimentally obtained minimum out-of-plane deformation. The essential feature of welding with side heating is the creation
of a temperature peak at the location beneath the burners. The temperature
distribution in the weld zone and the HAZ (of welding) remains unchanged.
Therefore, minor changes in microstructure and mechanical properties are observed. For example, the areas beneath the burners in DP600 showed a lower
micro-hardness than the base metal. For AH36 steel plate, the top surface of
the heated areas beneath the burners showed a re-crystallized microstructure,
while the microstructure of the underside surface was not affected.
A model was constructed to investigate the effects of solid phase transformations
on the residual stress and distortion for conventionally welded DP600 steel.
Two main effects of phase transformation are included: volume change and the
increase of the yield strength due to the formation of hard phases. It was seen
that the effect of volume change counteracts the effects of the strength increase.
Phase transformations tend to reduce the tensile residual stresses in the fusion
zone. The model including solid phase transformations predicts less out-ofplane deformation than the model excluding phase transformations and is in
closer agreement with experiments. However, phase transformation modelling
increases the computational time and the risk of divergence.
Although significant distortion reduction was obtained using side heating during welding (by oxy-gas burners) of large plates in the shipbuilding industry, it is recommended
to use induction heaters in order to have repeatable and robust heating strategies with
more control on the generated power. Moreover, the development of simplified models is suggested to predict the position of the additional heaters to reduce welding
Distortion Control during Welding
The local material expansion and contraction involved in welding result in permanent
deformations or instability i.e., welding distortion. Considerable efforts have been
made in controlling welding distortion prior to, during or after welding. Thermal
Tensioning (TT) describes a group of in-situ methods to control welding distortion.
In these methods local heating and/or cooling strategies are applied during welding.
Additional heating and/or cooling sources can be implemented either stationary or in
a transient state. In static methods, a pre-set temperature distribution is imposed on
the workpiece, while in transient methods, the temperature depends on the position
and the time.
The mechanisms of distortion reduction in thermal tensioning are complex. The complicated nature of welding stress and strain fields is increased by the large number of
parameters involved in thermal tensioning. Type, intensity and characteristics of the
additional heating and/or cooling sources play an important role in the development
of the stress and strain fields during welding with thermal tensioning. The positioning
of the additional sources with respect to the welding centre line and the welding torch
are other critical parameters involved in thermal tensioning. In this work the focus
is on dynamic method using heating strategies (welding with additional heating) and
can be classified into two types, Transient Thermal Tensioning and Side Heating. If
the additional heaters are located close to the welding torch and contribute to the
thermal field of the welds, the process is called transient thermal tensioning. If there
is no interference to the thermal field of the weld, the process is called side heating.
In this study, the thermal, the microstructural and the mechanical fields for both
conventional welding and welding with additional heating were investigated by means
of numerical models and by experimental methods including temperature, distortion
and residual stress measurements and by microstructural investigations. The usage
of both experimental and numerical work has provided valuable insight into welding
with additional heating.
Three case studies were defined for laboratory tests (with different materials: AISI253
316L, DP600 and AH36 steels) and one case study was set for industrial implementation (AH36 steel). The experiments consisted of two tracks: conventional welding
and welding with additional heating. Welding parameters were selected to obtain
a sound weld. The parameters concerning the additional heating sources were systematic investigated. The conditions where deformation was reduced, referred to as
experimentally obtained minimum distortion were used for further study and to validate numerical models.
For the experimentally obtained minimum distortion (for different materials), temperature was measured using thermocouples at the underside of the plate during
conventional welding and welding with additional heating. The out-of-plane distortions of the plates before and after welding and welding with additional heating were
measured by means of the digital image correlation method. The microstructure of
the weld metal, the heat affected zone of the weld (HAZ-welding), the base metal
and the heated area beneath the burners (HAZ-welding with additional heating) were
studied at a cross section perpendicular to the weld and in the middle of the plate for
all materials. Residual stress measurements were performed on AISI-316L and DP600
steel plates by means of neutron diffraction (ND) at the Paul Scherrer Institute. At
the Laboratoire Leon Brillouin, the residual stress profiles of AH36 plates were also
measured by ND.
It was found from the experiments that transient thermal tensioning using the burners applied in this study cannot reduce welding distortion (with the materials and
experimental conditions employed in this study), while side heating can successfully
reduce out-of-plane deformation for the selected materials. In order to apply transient
thermal tensioning, the heating source should be localized, for example by laser heating. In side heating, for all of the materials studied, it was found that the closer the
burners were to the weld centre line the higher deformation obtained. Moreover, the
trend in distortion as a function of the burner positions (leading, parallel or trailing)
relative to the welding torch was non-linear. The results of distortion measurements
indicated that the distortion of the plates is less sensitive to this parameter.
Experiments showed that side heating temperatures in the range of 200-400 o C,
defined at the underside of the plate, can reduce deformations for all materials. Higher
temperatures cause severe plastic deformation and with lower temperatures no visible
change will occur. The best temperature for welding with additional heating depends
on many factors such as the position of the burners, the thermal and the mechanical
material properties, the clamping system around the weld, the area heated by the
burners, the geometry of the plate, the welding process and so on. It was seen that
for all materials, the thermal field around the welds is not changed by additional
The introduction of the additional heat by the burners is limited. Although at the top
surface of the plate, higher temperatures are obtained. This causes minor changes in
microstructure and mechanical properties. For example, the areas beneath the burners in DP600 showed a lower micro-hardness than the base metal. For AH36 steel
plate, the top surface of the heated areas beneath the burners showed a re-crystallized
microstructure, while the microstructure of the underside surface is not affected.
It was seen that the maximum tensile residual stresses in the HAZ (of welding) for
both the conventionally welded plates and AISI-316L plates welded with side heating
were similar. This was also true for the maximum compressive stresses. Welding with
side heating induces tensile stresses beneath the burner positions in the order of 200
MPa. For DP600, the maximum tensile stresses at the weld and HAZ (of welding)
for conventional welds and welds with side heating were again similar and there was
tensile stress peaks at the areas beneath the burners. In the region beneath and close
to the burners, compressive residual stresses are reduced in welding with side heating
compared with those of conventional welding of AH36. However, the tensile stress
peak was not observed in AH36.
Finite element models were constructed to simulate and investigate the thermal, the
microstructural and the mechanical fields in both conventional welding and welding
with additional heating (both for side heating and transient thermal tensioning). The
assumptions made in the high temperature material properties, plastic strain resetting, modelling of clamps and the additional heaters resulted in some discrepancies
between the models and the measurements.
For the conventional welding process, close matches between the temperature, residual stress and distortion measurements and the numerical predictions were observed.
The main sources of deviation in the thermal modelling of both conventional welding
and welding with side heating are related to the thermal material data at elevated
temperature and the heat transfer coefficients. The essential feature of the welding
with side heating is the creation of a temperature peak at the location of the burners.
The temperature distribution in the weld zone and the HAZ (of welding) remains
The effect of phase transformations on residual stress and distortion was studied
only for DP600. The phase fractions were validated. Although, the predicted phase
fractions were in an acceptable range compared to the experiments, it was found that
the model with solid state phase transformations predicts an out-of-plane deformation
9% lower than the model excluding the effects of the transformations and closer to
the measured values. However, the risk of computational instability and divergence
is high when phase transformations are included; therefore for other cases, the microstructural field was ignored.
The out-of-plane deformation of the workpiece after conventional welding and welding
with side heating was predicted and the distributions were quantified using different
criteria: i) a distortion index, ii) an out-of-plane deformation contour and iii) a scan
along a line perpendicular to the weld centre line. For all materials the predictions
of conventional welding are in a good agreement with the experimental measurements.
The predicted residual stresses are close to the measured values for both conventionally welded plates and plates after side heating. The characteristic of side heating
from a numerical point of view is the creation of tensile residual stresses at the location of the burners (even for AH36 steel, tensile peaks were observed in the numerical
results for the regions beneath the burners).
The predictions of the numerical models developed in this study showed a good
agreement with the experimental results and were used to study the mechanisms
responsible for distortion reduction when additional heating (side heating or transient thermal tensioning) is used. The results of the simulations indicate that the
responsible mechanism of distortion reduction for transient thermal tensioning using
leading and parallel burners is the reduction of the transient compressive stresses
along the weld centre line. In transient thermal tensioning using trailing burners, the
responsible mechanism of distortion reduction is related to the increase of the transient tensile stresses along the weld centre line to the yield point and yielding of the
weld metal during cooling. In side heating, it was found that the transient stresses
along the weld centre line are not influenced by the stresses generated by the side
heaters. The area with tensile residual stresses (at the position beneath the burners)
tends to increase the strain required for out-of-plane deformation. The redistribution
of final stresses (stresses formed due to the welding process in combination with the
stresses formed due to the additional heating) reduce the final deformation of the
plate. During side heating, there are three regions with tensile peaks, two more than
in conventional welding. The total width of tensile stress regions is increased due to
side heating and the critical buckling load will be larger than that of conventional
welding. In other words, side heating reduces buckling deformation by increasing the
critical buckling load and not by the reduction of compressive stresses.
The implementation of side heating during welding of large plates in the shipbuilding
industry showed that side heating can significantly reduce welding distortion.
A.M.A.Pazooki, Apeldoorn, October 2014.
Vervormingsbeperking tijdens lassen
Het plaatselijk uitzetten en krimpen van materiaal als het gevolg van lassen resulteert in permanente vervorming of instabiliteit, met andere woorden in lasvervormingen. Om vervorming te beheersen voor, tijdens of na het lassen zijn aanzienlijke
onderzoeksinspanningen verricht. Thermal Tensioning (TT) is een groep van in-situ
methoden om lasvervorming te beheersen. Bij deze methoden wordt tijdens het lassen
plaatselijk aanvullende warmte of koude strategieen toegepast. Deze extra warmte of
koude bronnen kunnen zowel op een statische als op een tijdsafhankelijke manier
worden gemplementeerd. Bij statische methoden wordt het werkstuk onderworpen
aan een bepaalde temperatuurverdeling, terwijl voor de tijdsafhankelijke (dynamische) methode de temperatuur afhangt van positie en tijd.
De mechanismen van vervormingsvermindering bij thermisch spannen/rekken zijn
complex. De gecompliceerde aard van spannings- en rekvelden ten gevolge van lassen
neemt toe door het grote aantal parameters dat betrokken is bij thermal tensioning. Het type, de intensiteit en de karakteristieken van de aanvullende warmte en/of
koude bronnen spelen een belangrijke rol in de ontwikkeling van de spannings- en
rekvelden tijdens het lassen. De positionering van deze aanvullende bronnen ten
opzichte van de las en de lastoorts is tevens een kritische parameter bij het thermisch spannen/rekken. In dit onderzoek ligt de nadruk op de dynamische methode
waarbij gebruik wordt gemaakt van warmtebronnen. Deze methode kan onderverdeeld worden in twee typen. Als de aanvullende warmtebronnen dicht bij de lastoorts
geplaatst worden en bijdragen aan de temperatuurverdeling rond de las wordt het
proces transient thermal tensioning genoemd. Indien er geen invloed is op de temperatuurverdeling ten gevolge van de lasbron wordt het proces side heating genoemd.
In het vervolg van deze samenvatting zal de Engelse benaming voor de processen
gebruikt worden: transient thermal tensioning en side heating. In deze studie zijn
het thermische, het microstructurele en het mechanische veld voor zowel conventioneel lassen als het lassen met aanvullende warmtebronnen onderzocht met behulp van
numerieke modellen en experimenteel door middel van temperatuur-, spannings- en
vervormingsmetingen en door microstructuur onderzoek. Het gebruik van zowel ex257
perimentele als numerieke methoden heeft een waardevolle bijdrage geleverd aan het
inzicht ten aanzien van lassen met aanvullende warmtebronnen. Drie casussen zijn
gedefinieerd voor de laboratoriumproeven (met verschillende materialen AISI-316L,
DP600 en AH36 staal) en een casus is opgezet voor industriele implementatie (AH36
De lasparameters zijn zodanig gekozen dat goede lassen worden verkregen. De parameters van de aanvullende warmtebronnen zijn systematisch onderzocht. De condities waarbij de vervorming werd gereduceerd, wordt aangeduid als experimenteel
behaalde minimale vervorming, en zijn in de verdere studie gebruikt voor het valideren van numerieke modellen.
Temperatuurmetingen aan de onderkant van de plaat zijn uitgevoerd door middel
van thermokoppels voor de situatie met de experimenteel behaalde minimale vervorming (voor de verschillende materialen) voor conventioneel lassen en het lassen
met side heating. De vervorming uit-het-vlak van de platen voor en na het lassen en
voor lassen met side heating is gemeten met behulp van de digitale beeldcorrelatie
methode. De microstructuur van het lasmetaal, de warmtebenvloede zone van de las
(WBZ-las), het basismetaal en het verwarmde oppervlak onder de branders (WBZside heating) is voor alle materialen bestudeerd aan een dwarsdoorsnede loodrecht
op de las en in het midden van de plaat. Restspanningsmetingen zijn uitgevoerd
aan AISI-316L en DP600 staalplaten met behulp van neutronendiffractie (ND) aan
het Paul Scherrer Instituut te Villigen, Zwitserland. Aan het Laboratoire Leon Brillouin te Saclay, Frankrijk, zijn de restspanningsprofielen van gelaste AH36 platen
gemeten door middel van ND. Uit de experimenten is gebleken, dat transient thermal
tensioning voor de experimentele omstandigheden en materialen van dit onderzoek,
lasvervorming niet kan reduceren, terwijl side heating voor de geselecteerde materialen wel een verlaging van de vervorming geeft. Om transient thermal tensioning
succesvol te kunnen toepassen moet de warmte over een kleiner oppervlak worden
ingebracht, door bijvoorbeeld een laser. Bij side heating werd voor alle materialen
vastgesteld dat als de branders dichter bij de las worden geplaatst, de vervorming
toeneemt. Tevens blijkt dat de trendmatige vervorming als functie van de afstand
van de branders tot de lastoorts (voorafgaand, parallel of volgend) niet lineair is. De
resultaten van de vervormingsmetingen laten zien dat de vervorming van de platen
minder gevoelig is voor deze parameter.
Experimenten hebben aangetoond dat side heating aan de bovenzijde van de plaat
waarbij aan de onderzijde temperaturen in het bereik van 200-400 o C worden bereikt
de vervorming voor alle gebruikte materialen kan reduceren. Hogere temperaturen
resulteren in ernstige plastische vervorming en bij lagere temperatuur treden geen
zichtbare veranderingen op. De optimale temperatuur voor het lassen met side heating hangt van vele factoren af zoals de positie van de branders, de thermische en
mechanische materiaaleigenschappen, de kleminrichting rond de las, het oppervlak
dat door de branders verwarmd wordt, de geometrie van de plaat, het lasproces, en-
zovoort. Het is vastgesteld dat bij het toepassen van side heating het thermische veld
rond de las niet merkbaar verandert.
De introductie van extra warmte door de branders is beperkt. Hoewel het bovenoppervlak van de plaat een hogere temperatuur bereikt, veroorzaakt dit slechts kleine
veranderingen in de microstructuur en de mechanische eigenschappen. Voor DP600
heeft de zone onder de branders een lagere hardheid dan het basismateriaal. Bij AH36
treedt rekristallisatie op aan het oppervlak onder de branders, terwijl aan de onderkant van de plaat de microstructuur niet merkbaar wordt benvloed.
Er is geen verschil geconstateerd in de grootte van de maximale residule trekspanning
in de WBZ van de las tussen conventioneel gelast AISI-316L platen en platen gelast
met side heating. Dit is ook het geval voor de maximale drukspanningen. Lassen
met side heating genereert trekspanningen op de locaties van de branders in de orde
van grootte van 200 MPa. Voor DP600 zijn de maximale trekspanningen in de las en
haar warmte benvloede zone voor conventioneel lassen en het lassen met side heating
wederom gelijk en ontstaan pieken in het verloop van de trekspanning in de gebieden
van de branders. In de regio van de branders worden in het geval van AH36 drukspanningen verlaagd als side heating wordt toegepast. De piek in de trekspanning
wordt voor AH36 echter niet gemeten.
Eindige elementen modellen zijn geconstrueerd voor het simuleren en het onderzoeken
van het thermische, het microstructurele en het mechanische veld voor conventioneel lassen en lassen met additionele warmtebronnen (zowel side heating als transient
thermal tensioning). De aannamen ten aanzien van de materiaaleigenschappen op
verhoogde temperatuur, het resetten van de plastische rek, het modelleren van de
kleminrichting en additionele warmtebronnen resulteerde in enige afwijking tussen de
resultaten van modellen en metingen.
Voor het conventionele lasproces is een goede overeenkomst waargenomen tussen de
temperatuur-, de restspanning- en de vervormingsmetingen en de numerieke voorspellingen. De belangrijkste bron van afwijking in het modelleren van het thermische veld voor conventioneel lassen en het lassen met side heating is gerelateerd aan
de data van de thermische materiaaleigenschappen op verhoogde temperatuur en de
warmteoverdracht coefficienten. Een essentieel kenmerk van lassen met side heating
is het creeren van een temperatuurpiek op de locatie van de branders, terwijl de temperatuurverdeling in de zone van de las en de warmte benvloede zone van de las niet
merkbaar verandert.
Het effect van fasetransformaties op de restspanningen en vervorming is alleen onderzocht voor DP600. De fracties van de aanwezige fasen zijn gevalideerd. Hoewel
de voorspelde fracties van de fasen in een acceptabele range in vergelijking tot de
metingen liggen, voorspellen de modellen de vervorming uit het vlak 9% lager dan
de modellen die het de transformaties niet meenemen. Deze metingen liggen dan ook
dichter bij de gemeten waarden. Het risico van numerieke instabiliteit en divergentie
is groot als fasetransformaties in de modellen worden opgenomen; daarom is voor de
andere casussen het microstructurele veld genegeerd.
De uit-het-vlak vervorming van het werkstuk na conventioneel lassen en lassen met
side heating is berekend en de mate van vervorming is gekwantificeerd met behulp
van verschillende criteria: i) een vervormingsindex, ii) een uit-het-vlak vervormingscontour en iii) een scan over een lijn loodrecht op de centrale lijn van de las. Voor
alle materialen zijn de voorspellingen in goede overeenstemming met de metingen.
De voorspelde restspanningen liggen in de buurt van de gemeten waarden voor zowel
de conventioneel gelaste platen als de lassen waarbij gebruik is gemaakt van side
heating. Het karakteristieke van side heating vanuit een numeriek standpunt is het
creeren van residuele trekspanningen op de locatie van de branders (zelfs voor AH36
staal worden trekspanningen waargenomen in de numerieke resultaten in de regio onder de branders).
De voorspellingen van de in deze studie ontwikkelde numerieke modellen toonde een
goede overeenkomst met de gemeten resultaten en werden gebruikt om de mechanismen verantwoordelijk voor vervormings vermindering bij het gebruik van aanvullende
verwarming (side heating of transient thermal tensioning) te bestuderen. Uit de resultaten van de simulaties blijkt dat het mechanisme verantwoordelijk voor de reductie
in vervorming voor transint thermal tensioning met leidende en parallele branders de
vermindering van de transinte drukspanningen langs de hartlijn van de lasnaad is.
In transient thermal tensioning met volgende branders, is het mechanisme voor vervormingsvermindering gerelateerd aan de verhoging van de trekspanningen langs de
lasnaad tot de vloeigrens en het deformeren van het lasmetaal tijdens afkoelen. Bij
side heating, bleek dat de transiente spanningen langs de lasmiddellijn niet benvloed
worden door de spanningen die door de aanvullende verwarming wordt gentroduceerd.
Het gebied met residuele trekspanningen (ter plaatse onder de branders) neigt de rek
die nodig is voor deformatie uit-het-vlak van het werkstuk te verhogen. De herverdeling van spanningen (spanning ten gevolge van het lasproces in combinatie met de
spanningen ontstaan door side heating) vermindert de uiteindelijke vervorming van
de plaat. Tijdens lassen met side heating ontstaan drie gebieden met een piek in de
trekspanning, twee meer in vergelijking tot conventioneel lassen. De totale breedte
van de trekspanningsgebieden neemt toe door side heating en de kritische kniklast is
groter ten opzichte van die bij conventioneel lassen. Met andere woorden, side heating vermindert knikvervorming door het verhogen van de kritische knikbelasting en
niet door de reductie van drukspanningen. Implementatie van side heating tijdens
het lassen van grote platen in de scheepsbouw heeft aangetoond dat side heating vervorming ten gevolge van lassen aanzienlijk kan reduceren.
A.M.A.Pazooki, Apeldoorn, Oktober 2014.
The last few years, I have enjoyed every moment of my time during my PhD research
and there are a lot of great people who I would like to thank. First and foremost, I
would like to express my sincere gratitude to my daily supervisor M.J.M. Hermans for his guidance, advises and supports. I would like to extend my thanks to my
promoter Prof.Dr. I.M. Richardson for providing me the opportunity to work on my
thesis in his group. I have learned a lot from him, especially clear scientific writing.
It was a great pleasure to work with both Marcel and Ian.
Many thanks go to all of my colleagues of the former Joining and Mechanical Behavior group (JMB); Anneke van Veen, I would like to explicitly express my great
appreciation to your supports and wishes. Special thanks also go to Frans Bosman
and Jurriaan van Slingerland without whom my experiments never worked.
My sincere thanks are due to my neutron diffraction measurement team conducting experiments at LLB and PSI: Marcel Hermans, Dr. Murugaiyan Amirthalingam,
Rangan Kaushik Dutta, and He Gao.
I would like to thank the industrial partners of the project for their interest and
their collaborations. Special thanks go to Ellen van der Aa for her supports
and constructive comments especially on numerical modelling of welds. I thank M2i
for the financial support for the project.
I extend my thanks to my friends in the Netherlands for their supports during my
stay in Delft. I will never forget the joyful times being together.
Not in the last place, I would love to express my deepest gratitude to my family.
Dear Mom and Dad, I am very grateful for all your love, support, encouragement and
patience. I would also like to express my gratitude to my parents-in-law for their care,
concern and encouragement. I am particularly thankful to my lovely wife, Maryam,
for her understanding and supports.
A.M.A.Pazooki, Apeldoorn, October 2014.