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prEN ISO 15614-5 2002 (E)

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CEN/TC 121/SC 1 – Specification and qualification of welding

procedures for metallic materials

CEN/TC 121/SC 1 N 557

Secretariat CEN/TC 121/SC 1
Contact: Vincent CHAPELAIN

Tel : +33 1 42 91 57 49

E-mail: vincent.chapelain

Our ref: CHV/PJB

prEN ISO 15614-5

Specification and qualification of welding
procedures for metallic materials – Welding
procedure test Part 5 : Arc welding of titanium
zirconium and their alloys
de Normalisation
Tour Europe
Cedex 7 Note of the secretariat:
92049 Paris La Défense
This updated draft contains the modifications decided during the last meeting
held in Voorschoten on 2002-09-16/17 and is proposed to be sent for formal
Accès : La Défense 2
vote according to resolution CEN/TC 121/SC 1 - 181/2002.
Parking Les Corolles

Tél. : 33 (1) 42 91 55 55

Télex : AFNOR 611 974 F

Télécopie : 33 (1) 42 91 56 56

Minitel : 3616 AFNOR

CEN/TC 121
Date: 2002-10

EN ISO 15614-5:2002

CEN/TC 121

Secretariat: DS

Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic

materials — Welding procedure test — Part 5: Arc welding of titanium,
zirconium and their alloys (ISO/FDIS 15614-5:2002)
Anforderung und Anerkennung von Schweißverfahren für metallische Werkstoffe — Schweißverfahrenprüfung —
Teil 5: Lichtbogenschweißen von Titanium und Zirconium

Descriptif et qualification d'un mode opératoire de soudage pour les matériaux métalliques — Epreuve de
qualification d'un mode opératoire de soudage — Partie 5 : Soudage à l'arc sur titane, zirconium et leurs alliages



Document type: European Standard

Document subtype:
Document stage: Parallel Formal Vote
Document language: E

M:\dms\dgie\xdom020\doc\CEN-TC 121-SC 1\Réunion Septembre 2002\15614-5\EN_ISO_15614-5_(E).doc STD

Version 2.1aa
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prEN ISO 15614-5:2002

Contents Page

Foreword .......................................................................................................................................................4
1 Scope ................................................................................................................................................5
2 Normative references .......................................................................................................................5
3 Terms and definitions ......................................................................................................................6
4 Preliminary welding procedure specification (pWPS) ....................................................................6
5 Welding procedure test....................................................................................................................6
6 Test piece .........................................................................................................................................6
6.1 General..............................................................................................................................................6
6.2 Shape and dimensions of test pieces .............................................................................................6
6.2.1 Butt joint in plate with full penetration ............................................................................................7
6.2.2 Butt joint in pipe with full penetration .............................................................................................7
6.2.3 T-joint................................................................................................................................................7
6.2.4 Branch connection ...........................................................................................................................7
6.3 Welding of test pieces......................................................................................................................7
7 Examination and testing ................................................................................................................10
7.1 Extent of testing .............................................................................................................................10
7.2 Location and taking of test specimens .........................................................................................11
7.3 Non-destructive testing..................................................................................................................15
7.4 Destructive testing .........................................................................................................................15
7.4.1 Transverse tensile test...................................................................................................................15
7.4.2 Bend test.........................................................................................................................................15
7.4.3 Macro/micro-examination ..............................................................................................................16
7.5 Acceptance levels ..........................................................................................................................16
7.6 Coloration .......................................................................................................................................16
7.7 Re-testing .......................................................................................................................................16
8 Range of qualification ....................................................................................................................16
8.1 General............................................................................................................................................16
8.2 Related to the manufacturer ..........................................................................................................16
8.3 Related to the parent material........................................................................................................17
8.3.1 Parent material grouping ...............................................................................................................17
8.3.2 Parent material thickness and pipe diameter................................................................................18
8.3.3 Angle of branch connection...........................................................................................................19
8.4 Common to all welding procedures...............................................................................................19
8.4.1 Welding process.............................................................................................................................19
8.4.2 Welding positions...........................................................................................................................19
8.4.3 Type of joint / weld .........................................................................................................................20
8.4.4 Filler metal, designation.................................................................................................................20
8.4.5 Type of current ...............................................................................................................................20
8.4.6 Interpass temperature ....................................................................................................................20
8.4.7 Post-weld heat treatment ...............................................................................................................20
8.4.8 Backing gas ....................................................................................................................................20
8.5 Specific to processes.....................................................................................................................20
8.5.1 Process 131 ....................................................................................................................................20
8.5.2 Process 141 ....................................................................................................................................21
8.5.3 Process 15 ......................................................................................................................................21
9 Welding procedure qualification record (WPQR)..........................................................................21
Annex A (informative) Welding Procedure Qualification Record form (WPQR) ......................................22
Record of weld test.....................................................................................................................................23
Test results .................................................................................................................................................24
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Annex ZA (informative) Clauses of this European Standard addressing essential requirements or other
provisions of EU Directives. ..........................................................................................................25
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This document EN ISO 15614-5:2002 has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 121 “Welding”, the
secretariat of which is held by DS, in collaboration with Technical Committee ISO/TC 44 “Welding and allied

This document is currently submitted to the parallel Formal Vote.

This document has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission and the European
Free Trade Association, and supports essential requirements of EU Directive(s).

For relationship with EU Directive(s), see informative Annex ZA, which is an integral part of this document.
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prEN ISO 15614-5:2002

All new welding procedure tests are to be in accordance with this standard from the date of its issue.

However, this standard does not invalidate previous welding procedure tests made to former national standards or

Where additional tests have to be carried out to make the qualification technically equivalent, it is only necessary to
do the additional tests on a test piece which should be made in accordance with this standard.

1 Scope
This standard is part of a series of standards, details of this series are given in EN ISO 15607, Annex A.

This standard specifies how a welding procedure specification is qualified by welding procedure tests.

This standard defines the conditions for the execution of welding procedure tests and the range of qualification for
welding procedures for all practical welding operations within the range of variables listed in clause 8.

Tests shall be carried out in accordance with this standard. Additional tests may be required by application

This standard applies to the arc welding of titanium, zirconium and their alloys in all product forms.

Arc welding is covered by the following processes in accordance with EN ISO 4063.

131 - metal inert gas welding, MIG welding

141 - tungsten inert gas welding, TIG welding

15 – plasma arc welding

The principles of this standard may be applied to other fusion welding processes.

2 Normative references

This European Standard incorporates by dated or undated reference, provisions from other publications. These
normative references are cited at the appropriate places in the text and the publications are listed hereafter. For
dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of these publications apply to this European
Standard only when incorporated in it by amendment or revision. For undated references the latest edition of the
publication referred to applies (including amendments).

EN 439, Welding consumables – Shielding gases for arc welding and cutting.

EN 571-1, Non destructive testing – Penetrant testing – Part 1 : General principles.

EN 895, Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials – Transverse tensile test.

EN 910, Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials – Bend tests.

EN 970, Non destructive examination of welds – Visual examination.

EN 1321, Destructive tests on welds – Microscopic and macroscopic examination of welds.

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EN 1418, Welding personnel – Approval testing of welding operators for fusion welding and resistance weld setters
for fully mechanised and automatic welding of metallic materials.

EN 1435, Non destructive examination of welds – Radiographic examination of welded joints.

EN ISO 4063, Welding and allied processes – Nomenclature of processes and reference numbers (ISO 4063:1998)

EN ISO 6947:1997, Welds – Working positions – Definitions of angles of slope and rotation. (ISO 6947:1993)

EN ISO 9606-5, Approval testing of welders - Fusion welding - Part 5: Titanium and titanium alloys.
(ISO/FDIS 9606-5:1999)

EN 12062, Non-destructive examination of welds - General rules for metallic material.

prEN ISO 15607, Specification and approval of welding procedures for metallic materials – General rules.
(ISO/DIS 15607:1999)

CR ISO/TR 15608, Welding – Guidelines for a metallic material grouping system.

prEN ISO 15609-1, Specification and approval of welding procedure for metallic materials – Welding procedure
specification – Part 1 : Arc welding. (ISO/DIS 15609-1:1999)

prEN ISO 15613, Specification and approval of welding procedures for metallic materials – Approval by a pre-
production test. (ISO/DIS 15613:1999)

prEN ISO 25817, Arc-welded joints in steel – Guidance on quality levels for imperfections. (ISO 5817:1992)

3 Terms and definitions

The terms and definitions given in prEN ISO 15607 apply.

4 Preliminary welding procedure specification (pWPS)

The preliminary welding procedure specification shall be prepared in accordance with prEN ISO 15609-1

5 Welding procedure test

The welding and testing of test pieces shall be in accordance with clauses 6 and 7 of this standard.

The welder or welding operator who undertakes the welding procedure test satisfactorily in accordance with this
standard is qualified for the appropriate range of qualification according to EN ISO 9606-5 or EN 1418 providing
that the relevant testing requirements are met.

6 Test piece

6.1 General

The welded joint to which the welding procedure will relate in production shall be represented by making a
standardized test piece or pieces, as specified in 6.2. Where the production/joint geometry requirements do not
represent the standardized test pieces as shown in this standard, the use of EN ISO 15613 shall be required.

6.2 Shape and dimensions of test pieces

The length or number of test pieces shall be sufficient to allow all required tests to be carried out.
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Additional test pieces, or longer test pieces than the minimum size, may be prepared in order to allow for extra
and/or for re-testing specimens (see 7.5).

For all test pieces except branch connections (Figure 4) and fillet welds (Figure 5) the material thickness, t, shall be
the same for both plates/pipes to be welded.

The thickness and/or pipe outside diameter of the test pieces shall be selected in accordance with to

The shape and minimum dimensions of the test piece shall be as follows :

6.2.1 Butt joint in plate with full penetration

The test piece shall be prepared in accordance with Figure 1.

6.2.2 Butt joint in pipe with full penetration

The test piece shall be prepared in accordance with Figure 2.

NOTE The word “pipe”, alone or in combination, is used to mean “pipe”, “tube” or “hollow section”.

6.2.3 T-joint

The test piece shall be prepared in accordance with Figure 3.

This may be used for fully penetrated butt welds or fillet welds.

6.2.4 Branch connection

The test piece shall be in accordance with Figure 4. The angle α is the minimum to be used in production.

This may be used for fully penetrated joints (set-on or set-in or set-through joint) and for fillet welds.

6.3 Welding of test pieces

Preparation and welding of test pieces shall be carried out in accordance with the pWPS, and under the general
conditions of welding in production which they shall represent. Welding positions and limitations for the angle of
slope and rotation of the test piece shall be in accordance with EN ISO 6947. If tack welds are to be fused into the
final joint they shall be included in the test piece.

Welding and testing of the test pieces shall be witnessed by an examiner or examining body.
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1 Joint preparation and fit-up as detailed
in the preliminary Welding Procedure Specification (pWPS)
a minimum value 150 mm
b minimum value 300 mm
t material thickness

Figure 1 — Test piece for a butt joint in plate with full penetration
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1 Joint preparation and fit-up as detailed
in the preliminary Welding Procedure Specification (pWPS)
a minimum value 150 mm
D outside pipe diameter

Figure 2 — Test piece for a butt joint in pipe with full penetration

1 Joint preparation and fit-up as detailed
in the preliminary Welding Procedure Specification (pWPS)
a minimum value 150 mm
b minimum value 350 mm
t material thickness

Figure 3 — Test piece for a T- joint

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prEN ISO 15614-5:2002

1 Joint preparation and fit-up as detailed
in the preliminary Welding Procedure Specification (pWPS)
a minimum value 150 mm
D1 outside diameter of the main pipe
t1 Main pipe material thickness
D2 outside diameter of the branch pipe
t2 Branch pipe material thickness
α Branch angle

Figure 4 — Test piece for a branch connection

7 Examination and testing

7.1 Extent of testing

Testing includes both non-destructive testing (NDT) and destructive testing which shall be in accordance with the
requirements of table 1.

An application standard may specify additional tests, e.g. :

 longitudinal weld tensile test ;

 all weld metal bend test ;

 hardness test

 impact test
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 corrosion tests :

 chemical analysis.

NOTE Specific service, material or manufacturing conditions may require more comprehensive testing than is
specified by this standard in order to gain more information and to avoid repeating the welding procedure test at a
later date just to obtain additional test data.

Table 1 — Examination and testing of the test pieces

Test piece Type of test Extent of testing Footnote

Butt joint with full Visual 100 % -

penetration – Figure 1 Radiographic testing 100 % -
and Figure 2
Penetrant testing 100 % -
Transverse tensile test 2 specimens -
Transverse bend test 4 specimens a
Macro/microscopic 1 specimen b

T- joint with full Visual 100 % c

penetration - Figure 3 Penetrant testing 100 % c
Branch connection with Radiographic testing 100 % c
full penetration -
Macro/microscopic 2 specimens b and c
Figure 4 examination

Fillet welds - Figure 3 Visual 100 % c

and Figure 4 Penetrant testing 100 % c
Macro/microscopic 2 specimens b and c

For bend tests, see 7.4.2.
For microscopic examination, see 7.4.3.
Tests as detailed do not provide information on the mechanical properties of the joint. Where these properties
are relevant to the application an additional qualification shall also be held e.g. a butt weld qualification.

7.2 Location and taking of test specimens

Test specimens shall be taken in accordance with Figures 5, 6, 7 and 8.

Test specimens shall be taken after all non-destructive testing (NDT) has been carried out and which has passed
the relevant inspection criteria for the NDT method(s) used.

It is acceptable to take the test specimens from locations avoiding areas which have imperfections within the
acceptance limits for the NDT method(s) used.
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1 Discard 25 mm
2 Area 1 for :
- 1 tensile test specimen ;
- bend test specimens.
3 Area 2 for :
- additional test
specimens if required.
4 Area 3 for :
- 1 tensile test specimen ;
- bend test specimens.
5 Area 4 for :
- 1 macro/micro test specimen.
NOTE Not to scale.

Figure 5 — Location of test specimens for a butt joint in plate

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1 Top for fixed pipe
2 Area 1 for :
- 1 tensile test specimen ;
- bend test specimens.
3 Area 2 for :
- additional test
specimens if required.
4 Area 3 for :
- 1 tensile test specimen ;
- bend test specimens.
5 Area 4 for :
- 1 macro/micro test specimen.
NOTE Not to scale.

Figure 6 — Location of test specimens for a butt joint in pipe

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1 Discard 25 mm
2 Macro/micro
3 Macro/micro
4 Welding direction

Figure 7 — Location of test specimens in a T- joint

1 Macro/micro to be taken
in position A
2 Macro/micro only in position B

Figure 8 — Location of test specimens for a branch connection or a fillet weld on pipe
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7.3 Non-destructive testing

All non-destructive testing in accordance with 7.1 and Table 1 shall be carried out on the test pieces prior to cutting
of the test specimens. Any post-weld heat treatment that is specified shall be completed prior to non-destructive

Depending upon joint geometry, materials and the requirements for work, the NDT shall be carried out as required
in table 1 in accordance with EN 970 (visual examination), EN 1435 (radiographic testing), and EN 571-1
(penetrant testing).

7.4 Destructive testing

The extent of testing shall be as required by table 1.

7.4.1 Transverse tensile test

Specimens and testing for transverse tensile testing for butt joint shall be in accordance with EN 895.

For pipes > 50 mm outside diameter, the excess weld metal shall be removed on both faces to give the test
specimen a thickness equal to the wall thickness of the pipe.

For pipes ≤ 50 mm outside diameter, and when full section small diameter pipes are used, the excess weld metal
may be left undressed on the inside surface of the pipe.

The tensile strength of the test specimen shall not be less than the corresponding specified minimum value for the
parent metal unless otherwise specified prior to testing.

For dissimilar joints the tensile strength shall not be less than the minimum value specified for the parent material
having the lowest tensile strength.

7.4.2 Bend test

Specimens and testing for bend testing for butt joints shall be in accordance with EN 910.

For thicknesses <12 mm two root and two face bend test specimens shall be used. For thicknesses >12 mm four
side bend specimens are recommended instead of root and face bend tests.

For dissimilar metal joints or heterogeneous butt joint in plates, one root and one face longitudinal bend test
specimen may be used instead of four transverse bend tests.

The diameter of the former or the inner roller shall be 6 t except for group 51 when 4 t shall be used. The bending
angle shall be 180° for parent metal with elongation A > 20%. For parent metal with elongation A < 20% the
following formula shall apply:

d = (100ts)/A - ts


d is the diameter of the former or inner roller

ts is thickness of the bend test specimen

A is the minimum tensile elongation required by the material specification

The test specimens shall bend uniformly and the weld, HAZ and parent metal areas will each conform closely to the
radius of the forming tool. This will indicate that any gas pick-up during welding has not reduced the ductility of the
weld and that the welding has not adversely affected the formability of the parent metal.

During testing, the test specimens shall not reveal any one single flaw > 3 mm in any direction. Flaws appearing at
the corners of a test specimen during testing shall be ignored in the evaluation.
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7.4.3 Macro/micro-examination

The test specimen shall be prepared and examined in accordance with EN 1321 on one side to clearly reveal the
fusion line, the HAZ and the build up of the runs.

The macro-examination shall include unaffected parent metal and shall be recorded by at least one macro-
reproduction per procedure test.

The acceptance levels stated in 7.5 shall apply.

Care should be taken when etching alloys to provide crack like indications.

7.5 Acceptance levels

A welding procedure is qualified if the imperfections in the test piece are within the specified limits of quality level B
in prEN ISO 5817 except for imperfection types as follows : excess weld metal, excess convexity, excess throat
thickness and excessive penetration, for which quality level C shall apply.

NOTE The correlation between the quality levels of prEN ISO 5817 and the acceptance levels of the different NDT
techniques are given in EN 12062.

7.6 Coloration

Accepted colours on the weld metal surface: silver and straw. A narrow band of intensive colours close to the limits
of the gas shielding is acceptable. Darker brown, purple and blue colours and grey or flaky white are not acceptable.

7.7 Re-testing

If the test piece fails to comply with any of the requirements for visual examination or NDT specified in 7.5, one
further test piece shall be welded and subjected to the same examination. If this additional test piece does not
comply with the requirements, the welding procedure test has failed.

If any test specimens fails to comply with the requirements for destructive testing in accordance with 7.4 but only
due to weld imperfections, two further test specimens shall be obtained for each one that failed. The additional test
specimens can be taken from the same test piece if there is sufficient material available or from a new test piece.
Each additional test specimen shall be subjected to the same tests as the initial test specimen that failed. If either
of the additional test specimens does not comply with the requirements, the welding procedure test has failed.

If a tensile test specimen fails to meet the requirements of 7.4.1, two further test specimens shall be obtained for
each one that failed. Both shall satisfy the requirements of clause 7.4.1.

8 Range of qualification

8.1 General

Each of the conditions given in clause 8 of this standard shall be met in order to comply with this standard.

Changes outside of the ranges specified shall require a new welding procedure test.

8.2 Related to the manufacturer

A qualification of a pWPS by a welding procedure test according to this standard obtained by a manufacturer is
valid for welding in workshops or sites under the same technical and quality control of the manufacturer.

Welding is under the same technical and quality control when the manufacturer who performed the welding
procedure test retains complete responsibility for all welding carried out to it.
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8.3 Related to the parent material

8.3.1 Parent material grouping

In order to minimise the number of welding procedure tests, titanium, zirconium and their alloys are grouped
according to CR ISO/TR 15608.

Separate welding procedure qualifications are required for each parent material or parent material combinations not
covered by the grouping system.

If one parent material belongs to two groups or sub-groups, then it shall always be classified in the lower group or

NOTE Minor compositional differences between similar grades arising from the use of national standards do not need re-
qualification. Titanium

The ranges of qualification are given in table 2. Zirconium

The ranges of qualification are given in table 3.

Table 2 — Range of qualification for titanium groups and sub-groups

Material group(s) of test piece Range of qualification

51-51 51-51
52-52 52-52
53-53 53-53
54-54 54-54
51-52 51-52, 51-51
51-53 51-53, 51-51
51-54 51-54, 51-51
52-53 52-53, 52-52
52-54 52-54, 52-52
53-54 53-54, 53-53

Table 3 — Range of qualification for zirconium groups

Material group(s) of test joint Range of qualification

61 - 61 61-61
62 - 62 62-62
61 - 62 61-62, 61-61
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8.3.2 Parent material thickness and pipe diameter General

For single process qualification the thickness, t, shall have the following meanings :

a) For a butt joint :

the parent material thickness.

b) For a fillet weld :

the parent material thicknesses. For each thickness range qualified as in Table 4 there is also an associated
range of qualification for throat thicknesses, a, for single run fillet welds as given in

c) For a set-on branch connection :

the parent material thicknesses.

d) For a set-in or set-through branch connection :

the parent material thicknesses.

e) For a T-joint in plate with full penetration:

the parent material thickness

For multi process procedures, the deposited metal thickness of each process shall be used as a basis for the range
of qualification for the individual welding process. Range of qualification for butt joints, T- joints and branch connections

The qualification of a welding procedure test on thickness t shall include qualification for thickness in the following
ranges given in Table 4.

Table 4 — Range of qualification for thickness

(dimensions in mm)

Range of qualification b
Thickness of the test piece, t a Butt, T-joint and branch Butt, T-joint and branch
connections for single run connections for multi-run
or single run from both welding and all fillet welds

t≤3 0,7t to 1,5t 0,7t to 2t

3 < t ≤12 0,7t to 1,3t 3 to 2t

12 < t 0,7t to 1,1t 0,5t to 2t

For multi process procedures, the deposited metal thickness of each process shall be used
as a basis for the range of approval for the individual welding process.
For fillet welds and branch connections, the range of qualification shall be applied to both
parent materials independently.
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prEN ISO 15614-5:2002 Range of qualification for throat thickness of single run fillet welds

In addition to the requirements of Table 4, the range of qualification of the throat thickness “a” shall be “0,75a” to

Where a fillet weld is qualified by means of a butt weld test, the throat thickness range qualified shall be based on
the thickness of the deposited weld metal. Range of qualification for the diameter of pipes and branch connections

The qualification of a welding procedure test on diameter D shall include qualification for diameters in the following
ranges given in Table 5.

Qualification given for plates also covers pipes when the outside diameter is > 500 mm or when the diameter is >
150 mm welded in the PA or PC rotated position.

Table 5 — Range of qualification for pipe and branch connection diameters

(dimensions in mm)

Diameter of the test

piece D a, mm Range of approval

D ≤ 25 0,5D to 2D

D > 25 ≥ 0,5D (25 mm min)

D is the outside diameter of the pipe or outside diameter of the branch

8.3.3 Angle of branch connection

A welding procedure test carried out on a branch connection with angle α shall qualify all branch angles α1 in the
range of α ≤ α1 ≤ 90°.

8.4 Common to all welding procedures

8.4.1 Welding process

Each degree of mechanization shall be qualified independently (manual, partly mechanized, fully mechanized and

The qualification is only valid for the welding process(es) used in the welding procedure test.

For multi-process procedures the welding procedure qualification may be carried out with separate welding
procedure tests for each welding process. It is also possible to make the welding procedure test as a multi-process
procedure test. The qualification of such a test is only valid for the process sequence carried out during the multi-
process procedure test.

NOTE It is not allowed to use a multi-process procedure test to qualify any single process unless the testing carried out on
the process conforms to this standard.

8.4.2 Welding positions

Welding of a test in any one position (pipe or plate) qualifies for welding in all positions (pipe or plate)except for PG
and J-L045 where a separate welding procedure is required.
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8.4.3 Type of joint / weld

The range of qualification for the type of welded joints is as used in the welding procedure test subject to limitations
given in other clauses (e.g. diameter, thickness) and additionally:

a) Butt welds qualify fully and partial penetration butt welds and fillet welds. Fillet weld tests shall be required
where this is the predominant form of production welding;

b) Butt joints in pipe also qualify branch connections with an angle ≥ 60°;

c) T joints butt welded only qualify T joints butt welded and fillet welds (see a );

d) Welds made from one side without backing qualify welds made from both sides and welds with backing;

e) Welds made with backing qualify welds made from both sides;

f) Fillet welding qualifies fillet welding only;

g) It is not permitted to change a multi-run deposit into a single run (or single run on each side) or vice versa for a
given process.

8.4.4 Filler metal, designation

Filler materials cover other filler materials as long as they have equivalent mechanical properties , same nominal
composition according to the designation in the appropriate European standard for the filler material concerned.

8.4.5 Type of current

The qualification is given for the type of current (alternating current (AC), direct current (DC), pulsed current) and
polarity used in the welding procedure test.

8.4.6 Interpass temperature

The upper limit of qualification is the highest interpass temperature reached in the welding procedure test.

8.4.7 Post-weld heat treatment

Addition or deletion of post-weld heat treatment is not permitted.

The temperature range validated is the holding temperature used in the welding procedure test ± 20oC unless
otherwise specified. Where required, heating rates, cooling rates and holding time shall be related to the product.

8.4.8 Backing gas

Welding without backing gas qualifies for welding with backing gas, but not vice versa.

8.4.9 Welding in a chamber

Welding outside a chamber qualifies for welding in a chamber, but not vice versa.

8.5 Specific to processes

8.5.1 Process 131 The qualification given to the shielding, trailing and backing gas are restricted to the symbol of the gas
according to EN 439. Shielding gases not covered by EN 439 are restricted to the nominal composition used in the
test. The qualification given is restricted to the wire system used in the welding procedure test (e.g. single-wire
or multiple-wire system
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prEN ISO 15614-5:2002 For solid wires, the qualification using short circuiting transfer (dip) qualifies only short circuiting transfer
(dip). Qualification using spray or globular transfer qualifies both spray and globular transfer.

8.5.2 Process 141 The qualification given to the shielding, trailing and backing gas are restricted to the symbol of the gas
according to EN 439. Shielding gases not covered by EN 439 are restricted to the nominal composition used in the
test. Welding with filler material does not qualify for welding without filler material or vice versa.

8.5.3 Process 15 The qualification given is restricted to the plasma gas composition used in the welding procedure test. The qualification given to the shielding, trailing and backing gas are restricted to the symbol of the gas
according to EN 439. Shielding gases not covered by EN 439 are restricted to the nominal composition used in the
test. Welding with filler material does not qualify for welding without filler material or vice versa.

9 Welding procedure qualification record (WPQR)

The welding procedure qualification record (WPQR) is a statement of the results of assessing each test piece
including re-tests. The relevant items listed for the WPS in prEN ISO 15609-1 shall be included, together with
details of any features that would be rejectable by the requirements of clause 7. If no rejectable features or
unacceptable test results are found, a WPQR detailing the welding procedure test piece results is qualified and
shall be signed and dated by the examiner or examining body.

A WPQR format shall be used to record details for the welding procedure and the test results, in order to facilitate
uniform presentation and assessment of the data.

An example of WPQR-format is shown in Annex A.

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prEN ISO 15614-5:2002

Annex A

Welding Procedure Qualification Record form (WPQR)

Welding Procedure Qualification Record form - Test certificate

Manufacturer’s WPR No.: Examiner or examining body

Manufacturer : Reference No. :
Address :
Code/Testing Standard :
Date of Welding :

Range of qualification
Welding Process(es) :
Type of joint and weld :
Parent material group(s) or sub group(s):
Parent Material Thickness (mm) :
Weld Metal Thickness (mm) :
Outside Pipe Diameter (mm) :
Filler Material Designation :
Filler Material Make
Designation of Shielding Gas/Flux :
Designation of Backing gas:
Type of Welding Current and polarity :
Mode of metal transfer:
Welding Positions :
Preheat temperature :
Post-Weld Heat Treatment:
Other Information (see also 8.5) :

Certified that test welds prepared, welded and tested satisfactorily in accordance with the requirements of
the code/testing standard indicated above.

.................................. ................................................. ..................................................................

Location Date of issue Examiner or examining body

Name, date and signature
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prEN ISO 15614-5:2002

Record of weld test

Location : Examiner or examining body :

Manufacturer’s WPS Method of Preparation and Cleaning :
Manufacturer’s WPAR No : Parent Material Specification :
Manufacturer : Material Thickness (mm) :
Welder’s Name : Outside Pipe Diameter (mm) :
Mode of Metal Transfer : Welding Position :
Joint Type and Weld :
Weld Preparation Details (Sketch)* :
Joint Design Welding Sequences

Welding Details
Run Welding Size of Filler Current Voltage Type of current/ Wire Feed Travel Heat
Process Material A V Polarity Speed Speed* input*

Filler Material Designation and Make : Other information* e.g.:

Any Special Baking or Drying : Weaving (maximum width of run) :
Gas/Flux : shielding Oscillation : amplitude, frequency, dwell time
backing : Pulse welding details :
Gas Flow Rate - Shielding : Distance contact tube/ workpiece:
Backing : Plasma welding details :
Tungsten Electrode Type/Size : Torch angle :
Details of Back Gouging/Backing :
Preheat Temperature :
Interpass Temperature :
Post-Weld Heat Treatment:
Time, Temperature, Method :
Heating and Cooling Rates* :

.............................................................................. .............................................................................

Manufacturer Examiner or examining body

Name, date and signature Name, date and signature
* If required
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prEN ISO 15614-5:2002

Test results

Manufacturer’s WPQR No: Examiner or examining body

Visual Examination : Reference No.
Penetrant Testing* Radiography* :
Tensile Tests Temperature :
Type/No. Re Rm A % on Z % Fracture Location Remarks
2 2
N/mm N/mm

Bend Tests Former Diameter :

Type/No. Bend Angle Elongation* Results

Examination :
Examination* :

Other Tests :
Remarks : ..............................................................................
Tests Carried out in accordance with the
requirements of : Examiner or examining body
Laboratory Report Reference No. : Name, date and signature
Test results were acceptable/not acceptable
(Delete as appropriate)
Test carried out in the presence of :

* If required
EN ISO 15614-5:2002 (E)

Annex ZA

Clauses of this European Standard addressing essential requirements or

other provisions of EU Directives.

This European standard has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission and
the European Free Trade Association and supports essential requirements of EU Directive 97/23/EEC.

WARNING : Other requirements and other EU Directives may be applicable to the product(s) falling within the
scope of this standard.

The following clauses of this standard are likely to support requirements of Directive 97/23/EEC.

Compliance with the clauses of this standard provides one with means of conforming with the specific
essential requirements of the Directive concerned and associated EFTA regulations.

Table ZA.1 – Relation between this European standard and the Directive 97/23/EEC

Clauses/Paragraphs of this European Essential requirement of the Directive Comments/Notes

standard 97/23/EEC
All clauses Annexe I, 3.1.2 Permanent joining

EN ISO 15614-5:2002 (E)


List of ISO standards conforming to European standards quoted in clause 2

European standard given ISO standard Title of the ISO standard

in clause 2 corresponding
EN 439 ISO 14175 Welding consumables — Shielding gases for arc welding and
EN 571-1 - Non destructive testing - Penetrant testing — Part 1 : General
EN 895 ISO/DIS 4136 Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials — Transverse
tensile test
EN 910 ISO/DIS 5173 Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials — Bend tests
EN 970 ISO/AWI 17637 Non destructive examination of welds — Visual examination
EN 1321 ISO/AWI 17639 Destructive tests on welds — Microscopic and macroscopic
examination of welds
EN 1418 ISO 14732 Welding personnel — Approval testing of welding operators
for fusion welding and resistance weld setters for fully
mechanised and automatic welding of metallic materials
EN 1435 ISO/AWI 17636 Non destructive examination of welds — Radiographic
examination of welded joints
EN 12062 ISO/AWI 17635 Non-destructive examination of welds — General rules for
metallic material
EN 25817 ISO 5817 Arc-welded joints in steel — Guidance on quality levels for


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