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Marquez Vs Elisan

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G.R. No.

194642, April 06, 2015

1. On December 16, 1991, Nunelon R. Marquez (petitioner) obtained a (first loan) from
Elisan Credit Corporation (respondent) for fifty-three thousand pesos (Php 53,000.00)
a. The petitioner signed a promissory note which provided that it is payable in weekly
installments and subject to twenty-six percent (26%) annual interest. In case of nonpayment, the petitioner agreed to pay ten percent (10%) monthly penalty based on the total
amount unpaid and another twenty-five percent (25%) of such amount for attorney's fees
b. To further secure payment of the loan, the petitioner executed a chattel mortgage 7 over a
motor vehicle. The contract of chattel mortgage provided among others, that the motor
vehicle shall stand as a security for the first loan and "all other obligations of every kind
or which
Both the petitioner and respondent acknowledged the full payment of the first
3. Subsequently, the petitioner obtained another loan (second loan) from the respondent for
fifty-five thousand pesos (P55,000.00) evidenced by a promissory note 10 and a cash
voucher11 both
4. The promissory note covering the second loan contained exactly the same terms and
5. When the second loan matured on December 15, 1992, the petitioner had only paid
twenty-nine thousand nine hundred sixty pesos (P29,960.00), leaving an unpaid balance of
6. Due to liquidity problems, the petitioner asked the respondent if he could pay in daily
installments (daily payments) until the second loan is paid.
a. The respondent granted the petitioner's request.
7. Thus, as of September 1994 or twenty-one (21) months after the second loan's maturity,
the petitioner had already paid a total of fifty-six thousand four-hundred forty pesos
principal. 13redarclaw
8. Despite the receipt of more than the amount of the principal, the respondent filed a
complaint for judicial foreclosure of the chattel mortgage because the petitioner allegedly
failed to settle the balance of the second loan despite demand.redarclaw
a. The respondent further alleged that pursuant to the terms of the promissory note, the
petitioner's failure to fully pay upon maturity triggered the imposition of the ten percent
b. The respondent prayed that the petitioner be ordered to pay the balance of the second
9. Before the petitioner could file an answer, the respondent applied for the issuance of a
writ of replevin.
10. MTC issued the writ and by virtue of which, the motor vehicle covered by the chattel
mortgage was seized from the petitioner and delivered to the respondent. 16redarclaw
b. MTC: plaintiff Elisan Credit Corporation to return/deliver the seized motor vehicle to the

possession of the defendant and in the event its delivery is no longer possible, to pay the
defendant the amount of P30,000.00 corresponding to the value of the said vehicle; the
bonding company People's Trans-East Asia Insurance Corporation to pay the defendant the
amounts of P20,000.00 and P5,000.00 representing the damages and attorney's fees; and
plaintiff is likewise directed to surrender to the defendant the originals of the documents
evidencing indebtedness in this case so as to prevent further use of the same in another
b.1. found for the petitioner and held that the second loan was fully extinguished as of
b.2. when an obligee accepts the performance or payment of an obligation, knowing its
incompleteness or irregularity and without expressing any protest or objection, the
obligation is deemed fully complied with.
b.3. noted that the respondent accepted the daily payments made by the petitioner without
b.4. The second loan having been fully extinguished, the MTC ruled that respondent's claim
for interests and penalties plus the alleged unpaid portion of the principal is without legal
11. RTC: except for MTC's order directed to the bonding company, initially affirmed the
ruling of the MTC.
12. MR with RTC: reversed itself.
a. Citing Article 1253 of the Civil Code, it held that "if the debt produces interest, payment
of the principal shall not be deemed to have been made until the interests have been
b. also sustained the contention of the respondent that the chattel mortgage was revived
when the petitioner executed the promissory note covering the second loan.
c. ordered the defendant to pay plaintiff: a) P25,040.00, plus interest thereon at the rate of
26% per annum and penalties of 10% per month thereon from due date of the second
promissory note until fully paid, b) 25% of the defendant's outstanding obligation as and for
attorney's fees, c) costs of this suit;
d. also ordered the foreclosure of the chattel mortgage dated December 16, 1991 and the
sale of the mortgaged property at a public auction, with the proceeds thereof to be applied
as and in payment of the amounts awarded in a and b above.
13. CA: affirmed the RTC's ruling with modification. Denied petition for lack of merit.
a. The CA observed that the disparity in the amount loaned and the amount paid by the
petitioner supports the respondent's view that the daily payments were properly applied first
b. if the respondent truly condoned the payment of interests as claimed by the petitioner,
the latter did not have to pay an amount in excess of the principal.
c. believed the petitioner knew his payments were first applied to the interests due.
d. Article 1253 of the Civil Code is clear that if debt produces interest, payment of the
principal shall not be deemed made until the interests have been covered. Even if the official
receipts issued by the respondent did not mention that the payments were for the interests,
the omission is irrelevant as it is deemed by law to be for the payment of interests first, if
e. reduced the monthly penalty from ten percent (10%) to two percent (2%) pursuant to
Article 1229 of the Civil Code which gives the courts the power to decrease the penalty
when the principal obligation has been partly or irregularly complied with by the debtor.
14. Petitioner: seeks reversal of the CA decision. Claims he fully paid respondent and so
the respondent has no right to foreclose the chattel mortgage.

a. The petitioner insists that his daily payments should be deemed to have been
credited against the principal, as the official receipts issued by the respondent
were silent with respect to the payment of interest and penalties.
b. Cites Article 1176 of the Civil Code which ordains that [t]he receipt of the principal by the
creditor without reservation with respect to the interest, shall give rise to the presumption
that the interest has been paid.
c. Invokes Article 1235 of the Civil Code which states that "[w]hen the obligee accepts the
performance of an obligation, knowing its incompleteness or irregularity, and without
expressing any protest or objection, the obligation is deemed fully complied with."
d. denies having stipulated upon and consented to the twenty-six per cent (26%) per
annum interest charge, ten percent (10%) monthly penalty and twenty-five percent (25%)
attorney's fees.
f. disclaims receiving any demand letter from the respondent for the alleged balance of the
second loan after he had paid fifty-six thousand four-hundred forty pesos (Php56,440.00) as
of September 1994
g. further argues that the chattel mortgage could not cover the second loan as it was
annulled and voided upon full payment of the first loan.
15. Respondent: claims that the daily payments were properly credited against the interest
and not against the principal because the petitioner incurred delay in the full payment of the
a. argues that pursuant to the terms and conditions of the promissory note, the interest and
penalties became due and demandable when the petitioner failed to pay in full upon
b. Article 1253 of the Civil Code which provides that if the debt produces interest, payment
of the principal shall not be deemed to have been made until the interests have been
c. Maintains that the chattel mortgage could validly secure the second loan invoking its
provision which provided that it covers "obligations...which may hereafter be incurred."
Whether the application of payment to the interest, instead of the principal, was proper.
We find the petition partly meritorious.
We rule that: (1) the respondent acted pursuant to law and jurisprudence when it credited
the daily payments against the interest instead of the principal; and (2) the chattel
Rebuttable presumptions; Article 1176 vis-a-vis Article 1253
There is a need to analyze and harmonize Article 1176 and Article 1253 of the Civil Code to
determine whether the daily payments made after the second loan's maturity should be
Article 1176 provides that:LawlibraryofCRAlaw
"The receipt of the principal by the creditor, without reservation with respect to
the interest, shall give rise to the presumption that said interest has been paid.
On the other hand, Article 1253 states:LawlibraryofCRAlaw
"If the debt produces interest, payment of the principal shall not be deemed to
have been made until the interests have been covered."

The above provisions appear to be contradictory but they in fact support, and are in
conformity with, each other. Both provisions are also presumptions and, as such, lose their
Thus, the settlement of the first issue depends on which of these presumptions prevails
There are two undisputed facts crucial in resolving the first issue: (1) the petitioner failed to
pay the full amount of the second loan upon maturity; and (2) the second loan was subject
to interest, and in case of default, to penalty and attorney's fees.
As aptly observed by the RTC and the CA, the promissory notes securing the first and second
loan contained exactly the same terms and conditions. They were mirror-image of each
other except for the date and amount of principal Thus, we see sufficient basis to believe
that the petitioner knew or was aware of such terms and conditions even assuming that the
entries on the interest and penalty charges were in blank when he signed the promissory
Moreover, we find it significant that the petitioner does not deny the genuineness and due
execution of the first promissory note. Only when he failed to pay the second loan did he
impugn the validity of the interest, penalty and attorney's fees. The CA and the RTC also
noted that the petitioner is a schooled individual, an engineer by profession, who, because
of these credentials, will not just sign a document in blank without appreciating the import of
his action.24redarclaw
These considerations strongly militate against the petitioner's claim that he did not consent
to and stipulated on the interest and penalty charges of the second loan. Thus, he did not
only fail to fully pay the second loan upon maturity; the loan was also subject to interest,
penalty and attorney's fees.
Article 1176 in relation to Article 1253
Article 1176 falls under Chapter I (Nature and Effect of Obligations) while Article 1253
falls under Subsection I (Application of Payments), Chapter IV (Extinguishment of
Obligations) of Book IV (Obligations and Contracts) of the Civil Code.
The structuring of these provisions, properly taken into account, means that Article 1176
should be treated as a general presumption subject to the more specific presumption under
Article 1253. Article 1176 is relevant on questions pertaining to the effects and nature of
obligations in general, while Article 1253 is specifically pertinent on questions involving
application of payments and extinguishment of obligations.
A textual analysis of the above provisions yields the results we discuss at length
The presumption under Article 1176 does not resolve the question of whether the amount
received by the creditor is a payment for the principal or interest. Under this article the
amount received by the creditor is the payment for the principal, but a doubt arises on
whether or not the interest is waived because the creditor accepts the payment for the
principal without reservation with respect to the interest. Article 1176 resolves this doubt by
presuming that the creditor waives the payment of interest because he accepts payment for
the principal without any reservation.
On the other hand, the presumption under Article 1253 resolves doubts involving payment
of interest-bearing debts. It is a given under this Article that the debt produces interest. The

doubt pertains to the application of payment; the uncertainty is on whether the amount
received by the creditor is payment for the principal or the interest. Article 1253 resolves
this doubt by providing a hierarchy: payments shall first be applied to the interest; payment
shall then be applied to the principal only after the interest has been fully-paid.
Correlating the two provisions, the rule under Article 1253 that payments shall first be
applied to the interest and not to the principal shall govern if two facts exist: (1) the debt
produces interest (e.g., the payment of interest is expressly stipulated) and (2) the principal
remains unpaid.
The exception is a situation covered under Article 1176, i.e., when the creditor waives
payment of the interest despite the presence of (1) and (2) above. In such case, the
Since the doubt in the present case pertains to the application of the daily payments, Article
1253 shall apply. Only when there is a waiver of interest shall Article 1176 become relevant.
Under this analysis, we rule that the respondent properly credited the daily payments to the
interest and not to the principal because: (1) the debt produces interest, i.e., the promissory
note securing the second loan provided for payment of interest; (2) a portion of the second
loan remained unpaid upon maturity; and (3) the respondent did not waive the payment of
There was no waiver of interest
The fact that the official receipts did not indicate whether the payments were made for the
principal or the interest does not prove that the respondent waived the interest.
We reiterate that the petitioner made the daily payments after the second loan had already
matured and a portion of the principal remained unpaid. As stipulated, the principal is
subject to 26% annual interest.
All these show that the petitioner was already in default of the principal when he started
making the daily payments. The stipulations providing for the 10% monthly penalty and the
additional 25% attorney's fees on the unpaid amount also became effective as a result of
the petitioner's failure to pay in full upon maturity.
In other words, the so-called interest for default25 (as distinguished from the stipulated
monetary interest of 26% per annum) in the form of the 10% monthly penalty accrued and
became due and demandable. Thus, when the petitioner started making the daily payments,
two types of interest were at the same time accruing, the 26% stipulated monetary
interest and the interest for default in the form of the 10% monthly penalty.
Article 1253 covers both types of interest. As noted by learned civilist, Arturo M. Tolentino,
no distinction should be made because the law makes no such distinction. He
"Furthermore, the interest for default arises because of non-performance by the debtor,
and to allow him to apply payment to the capital without first satisfying such
interest, would be to place him in a better position than a debtor who has not
incurred in delay. The delay should worsen, not improve, the position of a
debtor."26 [Emphasis supplied.]
The petitioner failed to specify which of the two types of interest the respondent allegedly
waived. The respondent waived neither.
In Swagman Hotels and Travel Inc. v. Court of Appeals,27 we applied Article 1253 of the Civil

Code in resolving whether the debtor has waived the payments of interest when he issued
receipts describing the payments as "capital repayment." We held that,
"Under Article 1253 of the Civil Code, if the debt produces interest, payment of the principal
shall not be deemed to have been made until the interest has been covered. In this
case, the private respondent would not have signed the receipts describing the
payments made by the petitioner as "capital repayment" if the obligation to pay
the interest was still subsisting.
"There was therefore a novation of the terms of the three promissory notes in that the
interest was waived..."28 [Emphasis supplied.]
The same ruling was made in an older case 29 where the creditor issued a receipt which
specifically identified the payment as referring to the principal. We held that the interest
allegedly due cannot be recovered, in conformity with Article 1110 of the Old Civil Code, a
receipt from the creditor for the principal, that contains no stipulation regarding interest,
extinguishes the obligation of the debtor with regard thereto when the receipt issued by the
creditor showed that no reservation whatever was made with respect to the interest.
In both of these cases, it was clearly established that the creditors accepted the payment of
the principal. The creditors were deemed to have waived the payment of interest because
they issued receipts expressly referring to the payment of the principal without any
reservation with respect to the interest. As a result, the interests due were deemed waived.
It was immaterial whether the creditors intended to waive the interest or not. The law
presumed such waiver because the creditorsaccepted the payment of the principal without
reservation with respect to the interest.
In the present case, it was not proven that the respondent accepted the payment of the
principal. The silence of the receipts on whether the daily payments were credited against
the unpaid balance of the principal or the accrued interest does not mean that the
respondent waived the payment of interest. There is no presumption of waiver of interest
without any evidence showing that the respondent accepted the daily installments as
payments for the principal.
Ideally, the respondent could have been more specific by indicating on the receipts that the
daily payments were being credited against the interest. Its failure to do so, however, should
not be taken against it. The respondent had the right to credit the daily payments against
the interest applying Article 1253.
It bears stressing that the petitioner was already in default. Under the promissory note, the
petitioner waived demand in case of non-payment upon due date. 30 The stipulated interest
and interest for default have both accrued. The only logical result, following Article 1253 of
the Civil Code, is that the daily payments were first applied against either or both the
stipulated interest and interest for default.
Moreover, Article 1253 is viewed as having an obligatory character and not merely
suppletory. It cannot be dispensed with except by mutual agreement. The creditor may
oppose an application of payment made by the debtor contrary to this rule. 31redarclaw
In any case, the promissory note provided that "interest not paid when due shall be added
to, and become part of the principal and shall likewise bear interest at the same rate,
Hence, even if we assume that the daily payments were applied against the principal, the
principal had also increased by the amount of unpaid interest and the interest on such
unpaid interest. Even under this assumption, it is doubtful whether the petitioner had indeed
fully paid the second loan.

WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing findings and legal premises, we PARTIALLY

GRANT the petition. We MODIFY the May 17, 2010 Decision and the November 25, 2010
Resolution of the Court of Appeals in CA G.R. SP No. 102144.
ACCORDINGLY, petitioner Nunelon R. Marquez is ORDERED to pay:LawlibraryofCRAlaw
1. Twenty-five thousand forty pesos (P25,040.00) representing the amount of the unpaid
balance of the second loan;chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary
2. Interest of two percent (2%) per annum on the unpaid balance to be computed from
December 15, 199248 until full payment;
3. Penalty of two percent (2%) per annum on the unpaid balance to be computed from
December 15, 1992;chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary
4. Attorney's Fees of two percent (2%) of the total amount to be recovered.
The total amount to be recovered shall further be subject to the legal interest rate of six
percent (6 %) per annum from the finality of this Decision until fully paid. 49redarclaw
Respondent Elisan Credit Corporation, on the other hand, is ORDERED to return/deliver the
seized motor vehicle with Plate No. UV-TDF-193, subject of the chattel mortgage, to the
possession of the petitioner; in the event its delivery is no longer possible, to pay the
petitioner the amount of P30,000.00 corresponding to the value of the said vehicle. No
pronouncement as to costs. SO ORDERED.cralawlawlibrary

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