Federico Serra V. The Hon. Court of Appeals and Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation G.R. No. 103338 January 4, 1994 Facts
Federico Serra V. The Hon. Court of Appeals and Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation G.R. No. 103338 January 4, 1994 Facts
Federico Serra V. The Hon. Court of Appeals and Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation G.R. No. 103338 January 4, 1994 Facts
G.R. No. 103338 January 4, 1994 "If, for any reason, said parcel of
land is not registered under the
aforementioned ten-year period,
Disputed in the present case is the the LESSEE shall have the right,
efficacy of a "Contract of Lease with upon termination of the lease to
Option to Buy," entered into between be paid by the LESSOR the
petitioner Federico Serra and private market value of the building and
respondent Rizal Commercial Banking improvements constructed on
Corporation (RCBC). said parcel of land.”