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Do Read This Note, Prior To Starting The Finance & Banking Fundamentals Masterclass Program

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Do read this note, prior to starting the Finance & Banking Fundamentals MasterClass Program.

1 The entire program will be conducted via live online sessions. You WILL need a laptop with Excel - and a bas
2 The program assumes that you are, at least a graduate/in your final year of graduation.
3 This program needs you also, to be involved – read, ask questions and complete the assignments. Do NOT h
4 A WhatsApp group for queries will be formed; all queries regarding the Program, not covered in the session
5 You must attend all, or at least 14 of the 16 sessions; this includes all the Quiz sessions; and clear the evalua
Class Program.

ed a laptop with Excel - and a basic knowledge of Excel!

f graduation.
plete the assignments. Do NOT hesitate to participate.
ogram, not covered in the sessions, will be responded to on the WA group
uiz sessions; and clear the evaluation with 60%, (see sheet 'Evaluation Details), to earn the completion Certificate.

FLIP has discontinued its online courses. However, the promoters of FLIP - – are offering this live, o
Finance & Banking Fundamentals E.Learning course , it will be conducted by:
Anjali Mullatti: IIML ’93, Bank of America, FLIP:
H. Jaishankar: IIMB ’91, Citibank, Deutsche Bank, FLIP:

Interactive and practical , it builds a strong foundation to the world of finance and banking. A completion certificate will be g
successfully complete the program. See next sheet 'Evaluation Details'. A WA group for query support will be created, for th
Enrolment details:
• Each batch is for 10-15 participants.
• The fee is INR 7,000 plus 18% GST, payable to Catalyst Consulting.
• The first ten participants who respond, will be sent the schedule and payment details. There will be a waitlist.

Upon payment, you will receive a receipt , login details to the Web class platform and a preliminary prep note. For any quer

# Topic

1 What is Money?

2 Time Value of Money

Accounting overview
and Financial

It's Quiz Time. Live. This Quiz carries 20% weightage in

5 Understanding RISK

Raising Capital &

6 Financial Instruments
Financial Markets:
7 Generic Framework

Financial Markets:
8 Equity

Financial Markets:
9 Bonds

Financial Markets:
10 Currencies
It's Quiz Time. Live. This Quiz carries 25% weightage in your ove

The Financial System -

11 Framework

12 The World of Banking

13 Structure of a Bank

14 Retail Banking

15 Corporate Banking
16 Other Divisions
17 Summary, Final Quiz and Wrap up Discussion. This Quiz carries 20% weig

Catalyst Consulting is a high end Corporate Training firm, founded by H. Jaishankar (IIMB '91) & A Catalyst Consulting offers live online and offline training mainly to corporate clients

ued its online courses. However, the promoters of FLIP - – are offering this live, online Masterclass program. Wit
Fundamentals E.Learning course , it will be conducted by:
’93, Bank of America, FLIP:
B ’91, Citibank, Deutsche Bank, FLIP:

ctical , it builds a strong foundation to the world of finance and banking. A completion certificate will be given by Catalyst Consulting (m
ete the program. See next sheet 'Evaluation Details'. A WA group for query support will be created, for the program duration.

for 10-15 participants.

7,000 plus 18% GST, payable to Catalyst Consulting.
articipants who respond, will be sent the schedule and payment details. There will be a waitlist.

u will receive a receipt , login details to the Web class platform and a preliminary prep note. For any queries, you can call 90192.89040


In which we understand the concept of Money, what 'Interest' is; Simple and Compound Interest.
And a relevant economic concept - Inflation! - The Nominal Rate and Real Rate.

Money changes value with time. Understanding NPV, IRR and its applications; calculating both on Excel
With money, comes the need to account for it. A quick overview, of key Generally Accepted Accounting
Principles, with examples:
Accrual, Conservatism. The concepts of Depreciation and Amortisation. How accounts are recorded - and
that's it! No debit/credit stuff.
Key Terms, Financial Statements - What perspectives do the P&L, Balance Sheet and Cash Flow
statements give./done in next session

The P&L explained; real life examples.

Discussion of your observations; The cash flow statement explained, with examples, The Balance sheet
explained - assets
It's Quiz Time. Live. This Quiz carries 20% weightage in your overall grade

Bal sheet - Liabilities and Owners' Equity, Quiz 1

Risk is inevitable in the world of finance; the different types of risk for a financial institution. The concept of
risk-return; how an FI manages risk and the role of the regulator- a quick understanding of the Basel Norms

Raising Capital: The broad ways of raising capital for a business.

Equity and Equity Instruments: The types of equity instruments and key attributes (such as redeemability,
convertibility etc.).
Debt: Sources of debt; the concept of debt securities.
Issuance of Debt Securities: The issuance process; key features of Debt Securities such as, Face Value,
Maturity Period etc.
Classification of debt instruments: Classification , basis tenor & Issuer.
Bonds & Debentures: Key Terms with repsect to Bonds like Coupon, Yield, etc
Money Market Instruments: Types of Money Market Instruments
In which we enter the world of Financial Markets: Classification of Financial Markets.
Trade Life Cycle: Issuance, Pre-trade, Trade, Post trade, and Asset servicing.
Issuance: Types of Issues & the entire Issuance Process.
Pre-Trade Analysis & the Trade: The systems needed for pre-trade; trading process followed in different
Post-Trade: The stages of Post Trade - Clearing, Settlement, Settlement Conventions.
Asset Servicing: Income collection, Corporate actions, etc.

Working of a Stock Market: A basic understanding of how stock trading works.

Stock Market Participants: The participants of a stock market and their roles, such as: Brokers, Custodian
Banks, Depositories, and Clearing Firms; understanding a Demat account.
Stock Indices: What indices are; Key markets and their indices (Nifty/Sensex of India, DAX of Germany
etc.). Determination of share prices and market sentiment.
Stock Valuation: Calculating the value of a stock basis Mark to Market (MTM); estimation of Realised and
unrealised losses.

Bond Markets: Various participants & their roles: Government/corporation, commercial banks, investment
managers/mutual funds, depository & clearing corporation, regulators.
Bond pricing and valuation of bonds: Based on Present Value. Understanding Coupon, bond price and yield.
Money markets - Bank rate and repo rate: Money Market Instruments - the difference from Bonds.

Foreign Exchange Markets: Players, traded currencies etc.

Exchange Rates and its key drivers: Factors determining the Exchange Rate, Quoting of Exchange Rates.
Valuation of currencies: Valuation of currencies, with an illustration.
It's Quiz Time. Live. This Quiz carries 25% weightage in your overall grade/Thursday 23Jul
The Financial Framework: The players in the world of finance - Market Players, Regulators etc.
Role of Banks for Corporates and Individuals
NBFCs: What is an NBFC?, What is the difference between a bank and an NBFC.
Regulators: Who is the regulator of financial markets? About RBI and NHB

Categories of Banks in India

Cost of Funds for a bank: Weighted Average Cost of Capital, Spread, Net Interest Income, Margin

What are the broad divisions of a bank? What are the roles and functions of front, back and middle office
Brief overview on overall structure of a bank.
Support Functions: Audit, HR, Marketing, IT etc.
An overview of banking channels

Retail banking division: Branch Banking, Consumer Lending

Liability Products: Types of liability (deposit) products -Saving Accounts, Current Accounts, Term Deposits,
and NRI deposits.
Asset Products: Categorization basis security, repayment, disbursal and interest rate; Concept of Margin
and MCLR.

Classification of Products: Fund and Non-Fund based products, basis Purpose, Maturity, Revolving and
One-Off etc.
Funded & Non Funded Facilities: Types of Funded Facilities such as Working Capital Loans, Long Term
Loans; Non funded facilities such as LCs & Cash Management.
International Trade - Overview of the process , Role of Banks
The concept of the ALM function in a bank
Investment Banking: An introduction to Investment Banking, its purpose and its functions - Mergers &
Acquisitions, Loan Syndication, Issue Management, etc.
Financial Markets and Treasury: An overview of the Financial Markets and Treasury division.
Private Banking and Wealth Management: An introduction to Private Banking and Wealth Management; the
typical Private Banking workflow.
Rural and Agricultural Banking: A discussion on Rural Banking; agricultural credit across the value chain.
Summary, Final Quiz and Wrap up Discussion. This Quiz carries 20% weightage in your final grade/S

atalyst Consulting is a high end Corporate Training firm, founded by H. Jaishankar (IIMB '91) & Anjali Mullatti (IIMB '93) - wh Catalyst Consulting offers live online and offline training mainly to corporate clients globally, including the Cent

Masterclass program. With the same coverage as FLIP’s hugely popular

by Catalyst Consulting (managed by FLIP’s promoters), to those who

ogram duration.

ou can call 90192.89040

(hrs) Assignment/ Discussion items

1 1. Figure out CAGR , via given examples.

2. Research inflation rates and therefore the
real rates, in 3 different countries
2 1. Figure out a real life application of NPV
and IRR



Look at a real life P&L, Balance Sheet, from

2 a company's website. List down your
1.5 Look at the cash flow, for the same company
as above. Any observations?
r overall grade

1.5 Look at the CAR norms for India, and what

any one bank maintains currently

Look up Issuance of one IPO and one Debt

instrument. List down points you understood.


Research 2 indices - Dow and Nikkei - what

are the differences? List a few stocks in

List down the RBI policy rates. What was the
last change made and why?
Preread: List down the exchange rates of
be ready to answer questions during the
grade/Thursday 23Jul2020


1.5 Find out the NIM and CASA ratios for one
PSB and one Pvt Sec Bank

Find out the %age break up of branch

banking vs other channels, for banks as a
1.5 whole;OR the number of branches for any
bank; OR rank , in terms of fixed cost and
operational cost, each of the channels

How do you think COVID 19 has affected
retail lending and why?


ge in your final grade/Sat 1 Aug 2020

i Mullatti (IIMB '93) - who are also the promoters of FLIP:

bally, including the Central Bank of Sri Lanka's Center of Banking
The evaluation criteria with weightages are as follows:

Assignments 20%
Quizzes 1-3 65%
Class participation 15%
Total 100%

ONLY participants who score a minimum of 60%, earn a completion certificate.

The top scorer gets a LinkedIn recommendation from one of the Faculty
A detailed, confidential evaluation record will also be maintained. This can be shared with any required entity (e.g.
d with any required entity (e.g. overseas University recommendations), basis your request, for a period of two years from the program co
wo years from the program completion

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