Atok Vs CA
Atok Vs CA
Atok Vs CA
Whether the individual private respondents may be held solidarity
liable with Sanyu Chemical under the provisions of the Continuing
Suretyship Agreement, or whether that Agreement must be held null
and void as having been executed without consideration and without
a pre-existing principal obligation to sustain it.
and existing at that time. Of course, a surety is not bound under any
particular principal obligation until that principal obligation is born.
But there is no theoretical or doctrinal difficulty inherent in saying
that the suretyship agreement itself is valid and binding even before
the principal obligation intended to be secured thereby is born, any
more that there would be in saying that obligations which are subject
to a condition precedent are valid and binding before the occurrence
of the condition precedent.
Ps. Pwede ra di ninyo kopyahon ang red just for the sake of
comprehension lang.TY
Comprehensive or continuing surety agreements are in fact quite common place in
present day financial and commercial practice. A bank or a financing company
which anticipates entering into a series of credit transactions with a particular
company, commonly requires the projected principal debtor to execute a continuing
surety agreement along with its sureties. By executing such an agreement, the
principal places itself in a position to enter into the projected series of transactions
with its creditor; with such surety agreement, there would be no need to execute a
separate surety contract or bond for each financing or credit accommodation
extended to the principal debtor. As we understand it, this is precisely what
happened in the case at bar.
Yes respondents are liable under receivables assigned to atok
finance under the terms of such receivable.
Article 1629 of the Civil Code invoked by private respondents and
accepted by the Court of Appeals is not, in the case at bar, material.