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The Drug Manufacturers Guide To Site Master Files ExecSeries

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The Drug Manufacturers

Guide to Site Master

Foolproof Methods for
Validation 2013
The Executive Briefng Series
From the Editors of
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& Drug Letter (ISSN 0362-6466), is an in-depth analysis of regulations and issues affecting the pharmaceutical and biologics
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The Drug Manufacturers Guide to Site Master Files
Table of Contents
Focus of Recent Update (PE 008-4) ......................................................................................................4
Regulatory Requirements .......................................................................................................................5
Appendices ...........................................................................................................................................16
A. Explanatory Notes on the Preparation of a Site Master File
B. Explanatory Notes for Pharmaceutical Manufacturers on the Preparation of a Site Master File
C. Sample Document: SMF Appendix 8 Equipment and Devices for Production and Quality
D. Sample Site Master File
About the Author
Cornelia Wawretschek is a pharmaceutical technical assistant with GxP Services in Germany and
a freelance consultant for quality assurance. Prior to her consulting work, she worked for Schering AG
Berlin in its department of pharmaceuticals as an analyst, chemical development and quality assurance,
responsible for GMP optimization, SOP systems, manufacturing documentation, preparation and execu-
tion of audits and inspections by authorities, training programs, qualifcation and validation.
Before competent regulatory authorities conduct an inspection, they will ask for a drug manufac-
turers current Site Master File to become familiar with the company.
The Site Master File is a company description compiled by the drug manufacturer that contains all
good manufacturing practice (GMP) aspects.
It is also a regulatory requirement. You can fnd the Explanatory Notes for the Preparation of a Site
Master File (Appendix A) in Part III of the EU GMP Guideline, which was republished in December
2010. The format and structure of the document correspond to F.5 PIC/S PE 008-4: Explanatory Notes
for Pharmaceutical Manufacturers on the Preparation of a Site Master File, which can be found in Ap-
pendix B. The Site Master File document is also explicitly required in Part I of the EU GMP Guideline
in Chapter 4: Documentation (revised version of January 2011).
The company description should meet all documentation requirements according to GMP standards.
The authorities will examine the Site Master File and all references and appendices for accuracy (plau-
sibility), completeness and actuality. So the Site Master Files becomes part of the quality assurance
system of a company.
A Site Master File has two purposes. First, it is intended for submission to the authorities. Second, it
is expected to be a part of the management of suppliers and service providers. The Site Master File plays
a further important role in project and company audits in connection with purchase and sale of share-
holdings (due diligence audits).
This management report will explain the purpose of the Site Master File, why it is needed, how it
is structured, its scope, the associated chapters of the EU GMP Guideline that comprise the Site Master
File and what information is expected in each chapter.
The Drug Manufacturers Guide to Site Master Files
In April 1993 the Pharmaceutical Inspection Convention (PIC) published Guideline PH 4/93, a de-
tailed guidance for preparing a Site Master File in the form of a recommendation.
In November 2002 Pharmaceutical Inspection Co-Operation Scheme (PIC/S) published a revision
of this document under the new title PE 008-1. The paper was supplemented with two important points:
First the chapter on production updated the section Reprocessing and Reworking to include a topic on
reworking processes. Secondly, the tasks and responsibilities of quality assurance versus quality control
were clarifed. In addition to these two major changes, the editors coordinates were updated in the PE
008-2, July 2004 and PE 008-03, September 2007 revisions.
The Drug Manufacturers Guide to Site Master Files
Focus of Recent Update (PE 008-4)
The Annex shaping the format and structure of contents of the Site Master File was completely
revised (Chapter F.5) in version PIC/S PE 008-4 of January 2011. In addition, the contents of individual
chapters were restructured, adapted to the current requirements and supplemented by numerous innova-
tions, including:
Quality management system (QMS) of the manufacturer;
Release procedures;
Quality Risk Management (QRM);
Product Quality Review (PQR);
Dealing with suppliers and service providers;
Compliance with Transmitting Animal Spongiform Encephalopathy (TSE) guidelines;
Use of modern control strategies such as Process Analytical Technologies (PAT) or parametric
Traceability of batches in the supply chain; and
Protection against counterfeiting and falsifcation.
It more closely examines the pharmaceutical quality system based on GMP regulations. As a conse-
quence the version is less detailed. In addition, some topics are no longer listed in chapters. For example,
training, health and personnel hygiene are not explicitly listed in Chapter 2 Personnel and qualifcation,
validation and calibration are no longer mentioned in Chapter 3 Premises. However, these omissions do
not mean that drug manufacturers can neglect these topics.
Version PIC/S PE 008-4 was the frst guideline to be included in the newly created Part III of the EU
GMP Guideline. The document was published under the title Explanatory Notes on the Preparation of a
Site Master File. The supplement for Pharmaceutical Manufacturers was omitted.
The Drug Manufacturers Guide to Site Master Files
Regulatory Requirements
The Site Master File as a document describing the GMP-related activities of the manufacturer is
mentioned in Chapter 4 of the EU GMP Guideline in the section Required GMP Documentation. A
companys obligation to answer questions and provide information to regulatory authorities is fxed in
national legislation, as for example in 66 of the German Act on Medicinal Products (AMG).
As for the European Medicines Agency (EMA), the Guideline on the Compilation of Community
Procedures on Inspections and Exchange of Information (February 2011) makes a number of references
to the necessity of consulting a Site Master File. It is a document aimed at standardizing inspections by
regulatory authorities within the EU (Chapter C.10)
The document structure of PIC/S PE 008-4 (Chapter F.5) is similar to the previous versions:
1. Introduction
2. Purpose
3. Scope
4. Content of Site Master File
5. Revision history
6. Annex
In the following sections, italicized text indicates changes, followed by author thoughts and analysis.
The Site Master File is prepared by the pharmaceutical manufacturer and should contain specifc
information about the quality management policies and activities of the site, the production and/or quality
control of pharmaceutical manufacturing operations carried out at the named site and any closely inte-
grated operations at adjacent and nearby buildings. If only part of a pharmaceutical operation is carried
out on the site, a Site Master File needs only describe those operations, e.g., analysis, packaging, etc.
The pharmaceutical manufacturer is responsible for the preparation of the Site Master File. In prac-
tice it is left to the respective drug manufacturer to decide who actually prepares the document. The
contents of the Site Master File should refect actual processes and procedures and must not confict with
the corresponding documentation. Therefore it makes sense to entrust the process to an interdisciplinary
team of all divisions concerned with the preparation of the Site Master File. In many cases the head of
quality assurance will coordinate this process.
When submitted to a regulatory authority, the Site Master File should provide clear information on
the manufacturers GMP related activities that can be useful in general supervision and in the effcient
planning and undertaking of GMP inspections.
PIC/S PE 008-4 guidelines are primarily intended for submission to the regulatory authority. If the
document is used for other purposes, the manufacturer shall decide whether to shorten the document or
include other information.
The Drug Manufacturers Guide to Site Master Files
A Site Master File should contain adequate information but, as far as possible, not exceed 25-30 pages
plus appendices. Simple plans, outline drawings or schematic layouts are preferred instead of narratives
An inspector does not expect narrative but rather short texts with references to appendices, simple
plans, drawings and schematic layouts in DIN A4 format instead of detailed text. If necessary, he or she
will ask questions. However, the complete Site Master File including lists, appendices and references may
depending on the size of the site and particularities of the mode of operationreach a considerable length.
The Site Master File, including appendices, should be readable when printed on A4 paper sheets.
The Site Master File must not necessarily be available in printed form. A transmission in electronic
form is also possible. However, inspectors should be able to read the Site Master File, particularly plans,
schematic layouts or comprehensive tables, when printed on A4 (or 8 1/2 by 11) paper sheets.
The Site Master File should be a part of documentation belonging to the quality management
system of the manufacturer and kept updated accordingly. The Site Master File should have an edition
number, the date it becomes effective and the date by which it has to be reviewed. It should be subject to
regular review to ensure that it is up to date and representative of current activities. Each Appendix can
have an individual effective date, allowing for independent updating.
The manufacturer should prepare and administer the Site Master File according to GMP require-
ments and update it at defned intervals. I recommend an interval of two years. Its also helpful to estab-
lish a change history to ensure transparency of changes and amendments made.
In conclusion, it takes considerable effort to prepare and maintain a Site Master File. However, the
document is so important for the authorities and other external interested parties that it justifes the effort
In addition, if manfacturers use the Site Master File as a checklist, it allows them the possibility of re-
considering all operations and procedures. They can then close gaps and optimize quality management.
The purpose of a Site Master File is to fulfll the European regulatory requirements. The document
provides a good overview of the products, processes and organization of a drug manufacturing site. In
addition, it is also helpful and valuable for internal transparency.
Manufacturers should refer to regional/national regulatory requirements to establish whether it is
mandatory for manufacturers of medicinal products to prepare a Site Master File.
Although there is no general obligation to prepare a Site Master File, the European Commission
notes: These Explanatory Notes are intended to provide guidance on the recommended contents of a
Site Master File. The need for a Site Master File is mentioned in Chapter 4 of the EU GMP Guideline.
In Germany, the German Ordinance on the Production of Pharmaceuticals and Active Substances
(AMWHV) points to the EU GMP Guideline in its Article 3 on the interpretation of the Principles of
GMP, the latter thus becoming legally binding. PIC/S PE 008-4 goes on to say:
These Explanatory Notes apply for all kind of manufacturing operations such as production, pack-
aging and labeling, testing, relabeling and repackaging of all types of medicinal products. The outlines of
The Drug Manufacturers Guide to Site Master Files
this guide could also be used in the preparation of a Site Master File or corresponding document by Blood
and Tissue Establishments and manufacturers of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients.
With the inclusion into Part III of the EU GMP Guideline and reference being made to Chapter
4, Part I the Site Master File becomes binding for the felds of application mentioned. If an inspec-
tor asks a pharmaceutical ingredient manufacturer for its Site Master File, the frm should adjust the
document correspondingly.
Content of Site Master File
See section on the Annex.
Revision history
Changes in Version PE 008-4 are justifed as follows: Simplifcation of the document and imple-
mentation of requirements related to quality risk assessment policy.
The Annex contains information on the format manufacturers should use and provides the content of
individual sections based on this structure.
The structure is based on the content of the EU GMP Guideline:
1. General information on the manufacturer
2. Quality management system of the manufacturer
3. Personnel
4. Premises and equipment
5. Documentation
6. Production
7. Quality control (QC)
8. Distribution, complaints, product defects and recalls
9. Self inspections
The manufacturer provides further information on the Site Master File in references to Appendices.
The advantage of putting the information into the Appendices is that the company can update them inde-
pendently of each other and of the master document.
Each Chapter refers directly to the required Appendices:
Appendix 1: Copy of valid manufacturing authorization;
Appendix 2: List of dosage forms manufactured including the INN-names or common name (as
available) of active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) used;
Appendix 3: Copy of valid GMP certifcate;
The Drug Manufacturers Guide to Site Master Files
Appendix 4: List of contract manufacturers and laboratories, including the addresses and
contact information, and fowcharts of the supply chains for these outsourced activities;
Appendix 5: Organizational charts;
Appendix 6: Layouts of production areas, including material and personnel fows, general fow
charts of manufacturing processes of each product type (dosage form);
Appendix 7: Schematic drawings of water systems; and
Appendix 8: List of major production and laboratory equipment. A sample document can be
found in Appendix C of this report.
For a sample Site Master Plan, see Appendix D.
The following sections will describe each chapter of the Annex in more detail. Text in italics
indicates the most important changes and innovations compared to version PIC/S PE 008-3 and will
be followed by author thoughts and analysis at the end of the corresponding section. Text that shifted
to other paragraphs or were completely omitted will be discussed at the end of the chapter.
1. General information on the manufacturer
This chapter contains general information on the company or the premises to be described.
1.1 Contact information on the manufacturer
Name and offcial address of the manufacturer;
Names and street addresses of the site, buildings and production units located on the site;
Contact information of the manufacturer including 24-hour telephone number of the contact
personnel in the case of product defects or recalls; and
Identifcation number of the site, such as GPS details, D-U-N-S (Data Universal Numbering
System) Number (a unique identifcation number provided by Dun & Bradstreet) of the site or
any other geographic location system.
Note on 1.1: It is not necessary to mention the corresponding Internet address(es), but I recom-
mend it. The D&B D-U-N-S number) is a nine-digit fgure code that clearly identifes companies
worldwide. Companies may thus be assigned to their parent companies, branches, subsidiaries
and head offces.
1.2 Authorized pharmaceutical manufacturing activities of the site
Copy of the valid manufacturing authorization issued by the relevant Competent Authority in
Appendix 1; or when applicable, reference to the EudraGMP database. If the Competent
Authority does not issue manufacturing authorizations, this should be stated;
Brief description of manufacture, import, export, distribution and other activities as authorized
by the relevant Competent Authorities including foreign authorities with authorized dosage
forms/activities, respectively; where not covered by the manufacturing authorization;
The Drug Manufacturers Guide to Site Master Files
Type of products currently manufactured on-site (list in Appendix 2) where not covered by
Appendix 1 or the EudraGMP database; and
List of GMP inspections of the site within the last fve years; including dates and name/country
of the Competent Authority having performed the inspection. A copy of current GMP certifcate
(Appendix 3) or reference to the EudraGMP database should be included, if available.
Note on 1.2: The changes now make it mandatory for companies to submit a copy of the manu-
facturing authorization and mention the EudraGMP access codes. The EudraGMP database run
by the EMA contains data on manufacturing and import authorizations, manufacturing and import
permits, and GMP Certifcates to indicate compliance with the principles of GMPs. Parts of the
database are publicly available and provide information about the manufacturing practice of the
manufacturer, import licenses and GMP certifcates.
1.3 Any other manufacturing activities carried out on the site
Description of non-pharmaceutical activities on-site, if any.
Figure 1 shows where you can fnd the contents of former paragraph C.1 in the new structure of the
Site Master File.
Figure 1: Notifcation of changes to former paragraph C.1
PE 008-3 Topic PE 008-4
C.1.4 Contact information Chapter 1.1
C.1.5 Current products Chapter 1.2; 6.1
C.1.6 Description of the company Chapter 1.1; 1.3; 4.1
C.1.7 Number of employees Chapter 3, para 2
C.1.8 Use of external support Chapter 2.3, para 5
C.1.9 Quality management Chapter 2
2. Quality management system of the manufacturer
Quite a bit of information has been added to this chapter. A manufacturer should provide a detailed
presentation of its quality policy and a description of the quality assurance system. The following list
shows the individual aspects, which a manufacturer must describe in the Site Master File:
The quality management system of the manufacturer;
Release procedure of fnished products;
Management of suppliers and contractors;
Quality risk management (QRM); and
Product quality review (PQR).
2.1 The quality management system of the manufacturer
Brief description of the quality management systems run by the company and reference to the
standards used;
The Drug Manufacturers Guide to Site Master Files
Responsibilities related to the maintaining of quality system including senior management; and
Information of activities for which the site is accredited and certifed, including dates and
contents of accreditations, names of accrediting bodies.
Note on 2.1: If your company follows other standards (i.e., the DIN ISO standard series) in
addition to GMP, you should mention it here. Explain the role of senior management in
maintaining the quality system as well as the extent of managements involvement in quality
assurance procedures.
2.2 Release procedure of fnished products
Detailed description of qualifcation requirements (education and work experience) of the Autho-
rized Person(s)/Qualifed Person(s) responsible for batch certifcation and releasing procedures;
General description of batch certifcation and releasing procedure;
Role of Authorized Person/Qualifed Person in quarantine and release of fnished products and
in assessment of compliance with the Marketing Authorization;
The arrangements between Authorized Persons/Qualifed Persons when several Authorized
Persons/Qualifed Persons are involved; and
Statement on whether the control strategy employs Process Analytical Technology (PAT) and/or
Real Time Release or Parametric Release.
2.3 Management of suppliers and contractors
A signifcant amount of information has been added to the former chapter C.7 Contract Manufacture
and Analysis (PIC/S PE 008-3):
A brief summary of the establishment/knowledge of supply chain and the external audit program;
Brief description of the qualifcation system of contractors, manufacturers of active pharmaceu-
tical ingredients (API) and other critical materials suppliers;
Measures taken to ensure that products manufactured are compliant with TSE guidelines;
Measures adopted where counterfeit/falsifed products, bulk products (i.e., unpacked tablets),
active pharmaceutical ingredients or excipients are suspected or identifed;
Use of outside scientifc, analytical or other technical assistance in relation to manufacture
and analysis;
List of contract manufacturers and laboratories including the addresses and contact
information and fow charts of supply chains for outsourced manufacturing and Quality
Control activities; e.g., sterilization of primary packaging material for aseptic processes,
testing of starting raw materials, etc., should be presented in Appendix 4; and
Brief overview of the responsibility sharing between the contract giver and acceptor with
respect to compliance with the Marketing Authorization (where not included under 2.2).
The Drug Manufacturers Guide to Site Master Files
Note on 2.3: The paragraph on the use of outside assistance (bullet point 5) was also contained in
paragraph C1.8 of the preceding version of the document. The current version recognizes the fact
that outsourcing has long since been the current practice in companies.
2.4 Quality risk management (QRM)
Brief description of QRM methodologies used by the manufacturer; and
Scope and focus of QRM including brief description of any activities which are performed at
corporate level, and those which are performed locally. Any application of the QRM system to
assess continuity of supply should be mentioned.
2.5 Product quality reviews
Brief description of methodologies used.
The company should describe the implementation of regular product quality reviews (PQR) as
required by the EU GMP Guideline, Part I, Chapter 1.4. A summary of the other changes concerning
former paragraph C.2 can be found in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Notifcation of changes to former paragraph C.2
PE 008-3 Topic PE 008-4
C.2.3 Training has been omitted
C.2.4 Health of Personnel has been omitted
3. Personnel
Compared to the former paragraph C.2, this version is much shorter. The new chapter no longer
discusses the topics of training, health requirements and personnel hygiene requirements. Instead, the
chapter is limited to:
Organization chart showing the arrangements for quality management, production and quality
control positions/titles in Appendix 5, including senior management and Authorized Person(s)/
Qualifed Person(s); and
Number of employees engaged in the quality management, production, quality control, storage
and distribution respectively.
Bullet point 2 corresponds to former paragraph C. 1.7 as noted in Figure 1.
4. Premises and Equipment
4.1 Premises
Short description of plant; size of the site and list of buildings. If the production for different
markets, i.e., for local, EU, USA, etc., takes place in different buildings on the site, the buildings
should be listed with destined markets identifed (if not identifed under 1.1);
Simple plan or description of manufacturing areas with indication of scale (architectural or
engineering drawings are not required);
The Drug Manufacturers Guide to Site Master Files
Layouts and fow charts of the production areas (in Appendix 6) showing the room classifcation
and pressure differentials between adjoining areas and indicating the production activities (i.e.,
compounding, flling, storage, packaging, etc.) in the rooms;
Layouts of warehouses and storage areas, with special areas for the storage and handling of
highly toxic, hazardous and sensitizing materials indicated, if applicable; and
Brief description of specifc storage conditions if applicable, but not indicated on the layouts.
4.1.1 Brief description of heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems)
Principles for defning the air supply, temperature, humidity, pressure differentials and air
change rates, policy of air recirculation (%).
4.1.2 Brief description of water systems
Quality references of water produced; and
Schematic drawings of the systems in Appendix 7.
4.1.3 Brief description of other relevant utilities, such as steam, compressed air, N2, etc.
Note on 4.1: The new chapter omits the description of maintenance (formerly C.3.6). Previously,
the focus was on manufacturing areas. Now there is a focus on storage areas as well. Appendix 6
requires classifcation of rooms and pressure differentials between adjoining areas for all produc-
tion areas. The purpose of the required layouts is to allow the inspector a rapid and structured
overview of the premises and related equipment.
Layouts and site plans should be in DIN A4 format and should only be larger in exceptional cases.
Identify the author and the date of creation (version) of the plans. Choose names of buildings and rooms,
as well as numberings, so that they correspond to the designations on site and in other documents (e.g.,
SOPs, documentation on cleaning and manufacturing documentation).
4.2 Equipment
4.2.1 Listing of major production and control laboratory equipment with critical pieces of equip-
ment identifed should be provided in Appendix 8.
4.2.2 Cleaning and sanitation
Brief description of cleaning and sanitation methods of product contact surfaces (i.e., manual
cleaning, automatic Clean-in-Place, etc.).
4.2.3 GMP critical computerized systems
Description of GMP critical computerized systems (excluding equipment specifc Program-
mable Logic Controllers (PLCs)).
Note on 4.2: The list of equipment is new in Appendix 8. The description of qualifcation,
validation and calibration is no longer required. The same applies to the validation of cleaning
procedures. Further changes to former paragraph C.3 are shown in Figure 3.
The Drug Manufacturers Guide to Site Master Files
Figure 3: Notifcation of changes to former paragraph C.3
PE 008-3 Topic PE 008-4
C.3.2 Construction and Finishes has been omitted
C.3.4 Special areas Paragraphs 4.1; 6.1
C.3.6 Maintenance has been omitted
C.3.9 Qualifcation, validation has been omitted
5. Documentation
Description of documentation system (i.e., electronic, manual); and
When documents and records are stored or archived off-site (including pharmacovigilance
data, when applicable), list of types of documents/records, name and address of storage site and
an estimate of time required retrieving documents from the off-site archive.
Note on 5: The description of the documentation system should include the following topics:
Classifcation of documents and approval procedures for instructions, records and reports;
Responsibilities for the preparation, revision and distribution of documents;
Access rights and storage;
Control of documentation;
Retention periods; and
Arrangements for archiving and data backup.
6. Production
6.1 Type of products
References to Appendix 1 or 2 can be made here. This chapter calls for:
Type of products manufactured including
list of dosage forms of both human and veterinary products which are manufactured on the site;
list of dosage forms of investigational medicinal products (IMP) manufactured for any
clinical trials on the site, and when different from the commercial manufacturing,
information of production areas and personnel;
Toxic or hazardous substances handled (e.g., with high pharmacological activity and/or with
sensitizing properties);
Product types manufactured in a dedicated facility or on a campaign basis, if applicable; and
Process Analytical Technology (PAT) applications, if applicable: general statement of the
relevant technology and associated computerized systems.
The Drug Manufacturers Guide to Site Master Files
Note on 6.1: In previous versions of the Site Master File, Chapter C.1.5 described the handling of
toxic or hazardous substances. The use of modern technologies is considered in bullet points 3 and 4.
6.2 Process validation
Reprocessing and reworking may infuence validated processes. For this reason former paragraphs
C.5.3 and C.5.5 have been combined:
Brief description of general policy for process validation; and
Policy for reprocessing or reworking.
6.3 Materials management and warehousing
Former paragraphs C.5.2 and C.5.4 have been combined:
Arrangements for the handling of starting materials, packaging materials, bulk and fnished
products including sampling, quarantine, release and storage; and
Arrangements for the handling of rejected materials and products.
Further changes concerning former paragraph C.5 are shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4: Notifcation of changes to former paragraph C.5
PE 008-3 Topic PE 008-4
C.5.2 Handling of starting materials Chapter 6.3
C.5.3 Reprocessing and rework Chapter 6.2, para 2
C.5.4 Rejected materials Chapter 6.3, para 2
C.5.5 Process validation Chapter 6.2, para 1
7. Quality Control (QC)
Description of the Quality Control activities carried out on the site in terms of physical,
chemical, and microbiological and biological testing.
Note on 7: This chapter should contain a brief description of elements of the quality control
system and activities carried out. Further changes concerning former paragraphs C.6 and C.7 are
shown in Figure 5.
Figure 5: Notifcation of changes to former paragraphs C. 6 and C. 7
PE 008-3 Topic PE 008-4
C.6.1 Procedures for the release of fnished products Chapter 2.2, para 2
C.7.1 Contract manufacture and analysis Chapter 2.3
8. Distribution, complaints, product defects and recalls
8.1 Distribution to the part under the responsibility of the manufacturer
Types (wholesale license holders, manufacturing license holders, etc.) and locations (EU/EEA,
USA, etc.) of the companies to which the products are shipped from the site;
The Drug Manufacturers Guide to Site Master Files
Description of the system used to verify that each customer/recipient is legally entitled to
receive medicinal products from the manufacturer;
Brief description of the system to ensure appropriate environmental conditions during transit,
e.g., temperature monitoring/ control;
Arrangements for product distribution and methods by which product traceability is
maintained; and
Measures taken to prevent manufacturers products to fall in the illegal supply chain.
8.2 Complaints, product defects and recalls
Brief description of the system for handling complaints, product defects and recalls.
Note on 8: This chapter focuses on how to ensure full batch traceability from the manufacturer to
the customer. It deals with the topic areas complaints, product defects and recalls with respect to
batch traceability.
9. Self-inspections
Short description of the self-inspection system with focus on criteria used for selection of the areas
to be covered during planned inspections, practical arrangements and follow-up activities.
The Drug Manufacturers Guide to Site Master Files
A. Explanatory Notes on the Preparation of a Site Master File
B. Explanatory Notes for Pharmaceutical Manufacturers on the Preparation of a Site Master File
C. Sample Document: SMF Appendix 8 Equipment and Devices for Production and Quality
D. Sample Site Master File
Appendix A: Explanatory Notes on the
Preparation of a Site Master File

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Public Health and Risk Assessment


The Rules Governing Medicinal Products in the European Union

Volume 4
Good Manufacturing Practice
Medicinal Products for Human and Veterinary Use

Explanatory Notes on the preparation of a Site Master File

These notes are intended to provide guidance on the recommended content of the Site
Master File. A requirement for a Site Master File is referred to in Chapter 4 of the GMP

Status of the document: New

Commission Europenne, B-1049 Bruxelles / Europese Commissie,
B-1049 Brussel - Belgium
Telephone: (32-2) 299 11 11


1.1 The Site Master File is prepared by the pharmaceutical manufacturer and should
contain specific information about the quality management policies and
activities of the site, the production and/or quality control of pharmaceutical
manufacturing operations carried out at the named site and any closely
integrated operations at adjacent and nearby buildings. If only part of a
pharmaceutical operation is carried out on the site, a Site Master File need only
describe those operations, e.g. analysis, packaging, etc.

1.2 When submitted to a regulatory authority, the Site Master File should provide
clear information on the manufacturers GMP related activities that can be
useful in general supervision and in the efficient planning and undertaking of
GMP inspections.

1.3 A Site Master File should contain adequate information but, as far as possible,
not exceed 25-30 pages plus appendices. Simple plans outline drawings or
schematic layouts are preferred instead of narratives. The Site Master File,
including appendices, should be readable when printed on A4 paper sheets.

1.4 The Site Master File should be a part of documentation belonging to the quality
management system of the manufacturer and kept updated accordingly. The Site
Master File should have an edition number, the date it becomes effective and the
date by which it has to be reviewed. It should be subject to regular review to
ensure that it is up to date and representative of current activities. Each
Appendix can have an individual effective date, allowing for independent


The aim of these Explanatory Notes is to guide the manufacturer of medicinal products
in the preparation of a Site Master File that is useful to the regulatory authority in
planning and conducting GMP inspections.


These Explanatory Notes apply to the preparation and content of the Site Master File.
Manufacturers should refer to regional / national regulatory requirements to establish
whether it is mandatory for manufacturers of medicinal products to prepare a Site
Master File.

These Explanatory Notes apply for all kind of manufacturing operations such as
production, packaging and labelling, testing, relabeling and repackaging of all types of
medicinal products. The outlines of this guide could also be used in the preparation of a
Site Master File or corresponding document by Blood and Tissue Establishments and
manufacturers of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients.


Refer to the Annex for the format to be used.

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1.1 Contact information on the manufacturer
- Name and official address of the manufacturer;
- Names and street addresses of the site, buildings and production units
located on the site;
- Contact information of the manufacturer including 24 hrs telephone
number of the contact personnel in the case of product defects or recalls.
- Identification number of the site as e.g. GPS details, or any other
geographic location system, D-U-N-S (Data Universal Numbering
System) Number (a unique identification number provided by Dun &
Bradstreet) of the site

1.2 Authorised pharmaceutical manufacturing activities of the site.
- Copy of the valid manufacturing authorisation issued by the relevant
Competent Authority in Appendix 1; or when applicable, reference to the
EudraGMP database. If the Competent Authority does not issue
manufacturing authorizations, this should be stated.
- Brief description of manufacture, import, export, distribution and other
activities as authorized by the relevant Competent Authorities including
foreign authorities with authorized dosage forms/activities, respectively;
where not covered by the manufacturing authorization;
- Type of products currently manufactured on-site (list in Appendix 2)
where not covered by Appendix 1 or EudraGMP entry;
- List of GMP inspections of the site within the last 5 years; including
dates and name/country of the Competent Authority having performed
the inspection. A copy of current GMP certificate (Appendix 3) or
reference to the EudraGMP database, should be included, if available.

1.3 Any other manufacturing activities carried out on the site
- Description of non-pharmaceutical activities on-site, if any.


2.1 The quality management system of the manufacturer
- Brief description of the quality management systems run by the company
and reference to the standards used;
- Responsibilities related to the maintaining of quality system including
senior management;

A D-U-N-S reference is required for Site Master Files submitted to EU/EEA authorities for
manufacturing sites located outside of the EU/EEA.

5 of 8

- Information of activities for which the site is accredited and certified,
including dates and contents of accreditations, names of accrediting

2.2. Release procedure of finished products
- Detailed description of qualification requirements (education and work
experience) of the Authorised Person(s) / Qualified Person(s) responsible
for batch certification and releasing procedures;
- General description of batch certification and releasing procedure;
- Role of Authorised Person / Qualified Person in quarantine and release
of finished products and in assessment of compliance with the Marketing
- The arrangements between Authorised Persons / Qualified Persons when
several Authorised Persons / Qualified Persons are involved;
- Statement on whether the control strategy employs Process Analytical
Technology (PAT) and/or Real Time Release or Parametric Release;

2.3 Management of suppliers and contractors
- A brief summary of the establishment/knowledge of supply chain and the
external audit program;
- Brief description of the qualification system of contractors,
manufacturers of active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) and other
critical materials suppliers;
- Measures taken to ensure that products manufactured are compliant with
TSE (Transmitting animal spongiform encephalopathy) guidelines.
- Measures adopted where counterfeit/falsified products, bulk products
(i.e. unpacked tablets), active pharmaceutical ingredients or excipients
are suspected or identified.
- Use of outside scientific, analytical or other technical assistance in
relation to manufacture and analysis;
- List of contract manufacturers and laboratories including the addresses
and contact information and flow charts of supply-chains for outsourced
manufacturing and Quality Control activities; e.g. sterilization of primary
packaging material for aseptic processes, testing of starting raw-materials
etc, should be presented in Appendix 4;
- Brief overview of the responsibility sharing between the contract giver
and acceptor with respect to compliance with the Marketing
Authorization (where not included under 2.2).

2.4 Quality Risk Management (QRM)
- Brief description of QRM methodologies used by the manufacturer;
- Scope and focus of QRM including brief description of any activities
which are performed at corporate level, and those which are performed
locally. Any application of the QRM system to assess continuity of
supply should be mentioned;

2.5 Product Quality Reviews
- Brief description of methodologies used

6 of 8

- Organisation chart showing the arrangements for quality management,
production and quality control positions/titles in Appendix 5, including
senior management and Qualified Person(s);
- Number of employees engaged in the quality management, production,
quality control, storage and distribution respectively;


4.1 Premises
- Short description of plant; size of the site and list of buildings. If the
production for different markets, i.e. for local, EU, USA etc takes place
in different buildings on the site, the buildings should be listed with
destined markets identified (if not identified under 1.1);
- Simple plan or description of manufacturing areas with indication of
scale (architectural or engineering drawings are not required);
- Lay outs and flow charts of the production areas (in Appendix 6)
showing the room classification and pressure differentials between
adjoining areas and indicating the production activities (i.e.
compounding, filling, storage, packaging, etc.) in the rooms.;
- Lay-outs of warehouses and storage areas, with special areas for the
storage and handling of highly toxic, hazardous and sensitising materials
indicated, if applicable;
- Brief description of specific storage conditions if applicable, but not
indicated on the lay-outs;

4.1.1 Brief description of heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems
- Principles for defining the air supply, temperature, humidity, pressure
differentials and air change rates, policy of air recirculation (%);

4.1.2 Brief description of water systems
- Quality references of water produced
- Schematic drawings of the systems in Appendix 7

4.1.3. Brief description of other relevant utilities, such as steam, compressed air,

4.2 Equipment

4.2.1 Listing of major production and control laboratory equipment with critical
pieces of equipment identified should be provided in Appendix 8.

4.2.2 Cleaning and sanitation
- Brief description of cleaning and sanitation methods of product contact
surfaces (i.e. manual cleaning, automatic Clean-in-Place, etc).

4.2.3 GMP critical computerised systems
- Description of GMP critical computerised systems (excluding equipment
specific Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs)

7 of 8

- Description of documentation system (i.e. electronic, manual);
- When documents and records are stored or archived off-site (including
pharmacovigilance data, when applicable): List of types of
documents/records; Name and address of storage site and an estimate of
time required retrieving documents from the off-site archive.

6.1. Type of products
(References to Appendix 1 or 2 can be made):
- Type of products manufactured including
list of dosage forms of both human and veterinary products which
are manufactured on the site
list of dosage forms of investigational medicinal products (IMP)
manufactured for any clinical trials on the site, and when
different from the commercial manufacturing, information of
production areas and personnel
- Toxic or hazardous substances handled (e.g. with high pharmacological
activity and/or with sensitising properties);
- Product types manufactured in a dedicated facility or on a campaign
basis, if applicable;
- Process Analytical Technology (PAT) applications, if applicable: general
statement of the relevant technology, and associated computerized

6.2 Process validation
- Brief description of general policy for process validation;
- Policy for reprocessing or reworking;

6.3 Material management and warehousing
- Arrangements for the handling of starting materials, packaging materials,
bulk and finished products including sampling, quarantine, release and
- Arrangements for the handling of rejected materials and products

- Description of the Quality Control activities carried out on the site in
terms of physical, chemical, and microbiological and biological testing.

8.1 Distribution (to the part under the responsibility of the manufacturer)

- Types (wholesale licence holders, manufacturing licence holders, etc)
and locations (EU/EEA, USA, etc) of the companies to which the
products are shipped from the site;

8 of 8

- Description of the system used to verify that each customer / recipient is
legally entitled to receive medicinal products from the manufacturer
- Brief description of the system to ensure appropriate environmental
conditions during transit, e.g. temperature monitoring/ control;
- Arrangements for product distribution and methods by which product
traceability is maintained;
- Measures taken to prevent manufacturers products to fall in the illegal
supply chain.

8.2 Complaints, product defects and recalls

- Brief description of the system for handling complains, product defects
and recalls


- Short description of the self inspection system with focus on criteria used
for selection of the areas to be covered during planned inspections,
practical arrangements and follow-up activities


Appendix 1 Copy of valid manufacturing authorisation
Appendix 2 List of dosage forms manufactured including the INN-names or
common name (as available) of active pharmaceutical ingredients
(API) used
Appendix 3 Copy of valid GMP Certificate
Appendix 4 List of contract manufacturers and laboratories including the
addresses and contact information, and flow-charts of the supply-
chains for these outsourced activities
Appendix 5 Organisational charts
Appendix 6 Lay outs of production areas including material and personnel
flows, general flow charts of manufacturing processes of each
product type (dosage form)
Appendix 7 Schematic drawings of water systems
Appendix 8 List of major production and laboratory equipment
Appendix B: Explanatory Notes for
Pharmaceutical Manufacturers on the
Preparation of a Site Master File
P 008-4 1 of 8 1 December 2010

PE 008-4
1 Annex
1 January 2011
PIC/S January 2011
Reproduction prohibited for commercial purposes.
Reproduction for internal use is authorised,
provided that the source is acknowledged.
Editor: PIC/S Secretariat

web site:
PE 008-4 2 of 8 1 January 2011
1. Document History.................................................................................................. 2
2. Introduction ........................................................................................................... 2
3. Purpose ................................................................................................................ 2
4. Scope.................................................................................................................... 3
5. Content of Site Master File.................................................................................... 3
6. Revision History .................................................................................................... 3
Adoption by the PIC Committee of Officials of PH 4/93 22-23 April 1993
Entry into force of PH 4/93 April 1993
Entry into force of PE 008-1 1 November 2002
2.1 The Site Master File is prepared by the pharmaceutical manufacturer and
should contain specific information about the quality management policies and
activities of the site, the production and/or quality control of pharmaceutical
manufacturing operations carried out at the named site and any closely
integrated operations at adjacent and nearby buildings. If only part of a
pharmaceutical operation is carried out on the site, a Site Master File need only
describe those operations, e.g. analysis, packaging, etc.
2.2 When submitted to a regulatory authority, the Site Master File should provide
clear information on the manufacturers GMP related activities that can be
useful in general supervision and in the efficient planning and undertaking of
GMP inspections.
2.3 A Site Master File should contain adequate information but, as far as possible,
not exceed 25-30 pages plus appendices. Simple plans, outline drawings or
schematic layouts are preferred instead of narratives. The Site Master File,
including appendices, should be readable when printed on A4 paper sheets.
2.4 The Site Master File should be a part of documentation belonging to the quality
management system of the manufacturer and kept updated accordingly. The
Site Master File should have an edition number, the date it becomes effective
and the date by which it has to be reviewed. It should be subject to regular
review to ensure that it is up to date and representative of current activities.
Each Appendix can have an individual effective date, allowing for independent
The aim of these Explanatory Notes is to guide the manufacturer of medicinal products
in the preparation of a Site Master File that is useful to the regulatory authority in
planning and conducting GMP inspections.
PE 008-4 3 of 8 1 January 2011
These Explanatory Notes apply to the preparation and content of the Site Master File.
Manufacturers should refer to regional / national regulatory requirements to establish
whether it is mandatory for manufacturers of medicinal products to prepare a Site
Master File.
These Explanatory Notes apply for all kind of manufacturing operations such as
production, packaging and labelling, testing, relabelling and repackaging of all types of
medicinal products. The outlines of this guide could also be used in the preparation of a
Site Master File or corresponding document by Blood and Tissue Establishments and
manufacturers of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients.

Refer to Annex for the format to be used.
Date Version Number
1 November 2002 PE 008-1 Revision of format (in line with SOP on
SOPs) and introduction; delete reference to
the Site Master File as being Part B of the
PIC/S inspection report; new point C.5.3 on
reprocessing/rework; better distinction
between Quality Assurance and Quality
Control; explanation of abbreviations; minor
editorial changes. All changes adopted at
PIC/S Committee meeting on 8 October
1 July 2004 PE 008-2 Change in the Editors co-ordinates
25 September 2007 PE 008-3 Change in the Editors co-ordinates
1 January 2011 PE 008-4 Simplification of the document and
implementation of requirements related to
quality risk assessment policy
PE 008-4 4 of 8 1 January 2011
Annex to
PE 008-4

1.1 Contact information on the manufacturer
- Name and official address of the manufacturer;
- Names and street addresses of the site, buildings and production units
located on the site;
- Contact information of the manufacturer including 24 hrs telephone
number of the contact personnel in the case of product defects or
- Identification number of the site as e.g. GPS details, D-U-N-S (Data
Universal Numbering System) Number (a unique identification number
provided by Dun & Bradstreet) of the site or any other geographic
location system
1.2 Authorised pharmaceutical manufacturing activities of the site.

- Copy of the valid manufacturing authorisation issued by the relevant
Competent Authority in Appendix 1; or when applicable, reference to the
EudraGMP database. If the Competent Authority does not issue
manufacturing authorisations, this should be stated;
- Brief description of manufacture, import, export, distribution and other
activities as authorised by the relevant Competent Authorities including
foreign authorities with authorised dosage forms/activities, respectively;
where not covered by the manufacturing authorisation;
- Type of products currently manufactured on-site (list in Appendix 2)
where not covered by Appendix 1 or the EudraGMP database;
- List of GMP inspections of the site within the last 5 years; including
dates and name/country of the Competent Authority having performed
the inspection. A copy of current GMP certificate (Appendix 3) or
reference to the EudraGMP database should be included, if available.
1.3 Any other manufacturing activities carried out on the site

- Description of non-pharmaceutical activities on-site, if any.


2.1 The quality management system of the manufacturer

- Brief description of the quality management systems run by the
company and reference to the standards used;

A D-U-N-S reference is required for Site Master Files submitted to EU/EEA authorities for
manufacturing sites located outside of the EU/EEA.
PE 008-4 5 of 8 1 January 2011
- Responsibilities related to the maintaining of quality system including
senior management;
- Information of activities for which the site is accredited and certified,
including dates and contents of accreditations, names of accrediting
2.2. Release procedure of finished products

- Detailed description of qualification requirements (education and work
experience) of the Authorised Person(s) / Qualified Person(s)
responsible for batch certification and releasing procedures;
- General description of batch certification and releasing procedure;
- Role of Authorised Person / Qualified Person in quarantine and release
of finished products and in assessment of compliance with the
Marketing Authorisation;
- The arrangements between Authorised Persons / Qualified Persons
when several Authorised Persons / Qualified Persons are involved;
- Statement on whether the control strategy employs Process Analytical
Technology (PAT) and/or Real Time Release or Parametric Release.

2.3 Management of suppliers and contractors

- A brief summary of the establishment/knowledge of supply chain and
the external audit program;
- Brief description of the qualification system of contractors,
manufacturers of active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) and other
critical materials suppliers;
- Measures taken to ensure that products manufactured are compliant
with TSE (Transmitting animal spongiform encephalopathy) guidelines.
- Measures adopted where counterfeit/falsified products, bulk products
(i.e. unpacked tablets), active pharmaceutical ingredients or excipients
are suspected or identified;
- Use of outside scientific, analytical or other technical assistance in
relation to manufacture and analysis;
- List of contract manufacturers and laboratories including the addresses
and contact information and flow charts of supply-chains for outsourced
manufacturing and Quality Control activities; e.g. sterilisation of primary
packaging material for aseptic processes, testing of starting raw-
materials etc, should be presented in Appendix 4;
- Brief overview of the responsibility sharing between the contract giver
and acceptor with respect to compliance with the Marketing
Authorisation (where not included under 2.2).
2.4 Quality Risk Management (QRM)

- Brief description of QRM methodologies used by the manufacturer;
- Scope and focus of QRM including brief description of any activities
which are performed at corporate level, and those which are performed
locally. Any application of the QRM system to assess continuity of
supply should be mentioned.
PE 008-4 6 of 8 1 January 2011
2.5 Product Quality Reviews
- Brief description of methodologies used


- Organisation chart showing the arrangements for quality management,
production and quality control positions/titles in Appendix 5, including
senior management and Authorised Person(s) / Qualified Person(s);
- Number of employees engaged in the quality management, production,
quality control, storage and distribution respectively.

4.1 Premises

- Short description of plant; size of the site and list of buildings. If the
production for different markets, i.e. for local, EU, USA, etc. takes place
in different buildings on the site, the buildings should be listed with
destined markets identified (if not identified under 1.1);
- Simple plan or description of manufacturing areas with indication of
scale (architectural or engineering drawings are not required);
- Lay outs and flow charts of the production areas (in Appendix 6)
showing the room classification and pressure differentials between
adjoining areas and indicating the production activities (i.e.
compounding, filling, storage, packaging, etc.) in the rooms;
- Lay-outs of warehouses and storage areas, with special areas for the
storage and handling of highly toxic, hazardous and sensitising
materials indicated, if applicable;
- Brief description of specific storage conditions if applicable, but not
indicated on the lay-outs.
4.1.1 Brief description of heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems
- Principles for defining the air supply, temperature, humidity, pressure
differentials and air change rates, policy of air recirculation (%).
4.1.2 Brief description of water systems
- Quality references of water produced;
- Schematic drawings of the systems in Appendix 7.
4.1.3. Brief description of other relevant utilities, such as steam, compressed air,
4.2 Equipment

4.2.1 Listing of major production and control laboratory equipment with critical pieces
of equipment identified should be provided in Appendix 8.

PE 008-4 7 of 8 1 January 2011
4.2.2 Cleaning and sanitation

- Brief description of cleaning and sanitation methods of product contact
surfaces (i.e. manual cleaning, automatic Clean-in-Place, etc).

4.2.3 GMP critical computerised systems

- Description of GMP critical computerised systems (excluding equipment
specific Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs)).

- Description of documentation system (i.e. electronic, manual);
- When documents and records are stored or archived off-site (including
pharmacovigilance data, when applicable): List of types of
documents/records; Name and address of storage site and an estimate
of time required retrieving documents from the off-site archive.

6.1. Type of products
(references to Appendix 1 or 2 can be made):

- Type of products manufactured including
list of dosage forms of both human and veterinary products
which are manufactured on the site
list of dosage forms of investigational medicinal products (IMP)
manufactured for any clinical trials on the site, and when different
from the commercial manufacturing, information of production
areas and personnel
- Toxic or hazardous substances handled (e.g. with high pharmacological
activity and/or with sensitising properties);
- Product types manufactured in a dedicated facility or on a campaign
basis, if applicable;
- Process Analytical Technology (PAT) applications, if applicable: general
statement of the relevant technology, and associated computerised
6.2 Process validation
- Brief description of general policy for process validation;
- Policy for reprocessing or reworking.
6.3 Material management and warehousing

- Arrangements for the handling of starting materials, packaging
materials, bulk and finished products including sampling, quarantine,
release and storage;
- Arrangements for the handling of rejected materials and products.
PE 008-4 8 of 8 1 January 2011

- Description of the Quality Control activities carried out on the site in
terms of physical, chemical, and microbiological and biological testing.


8.1 Distribution (to the part under the responsibility of the manufacturer)

- Types (wholesale licence holders, manufacturing licence holders, etc)
and locations (EU/EEA, USA, etc.) of the companies to which the
products are shipped from the site;
- Description of the system used to verify that each customer / recipient is
legally entitled to receive medicinal products from the manufacturer;
- Brief description of the system to ensure appropriate environmental
conditions during transit, e.g. temperature monitoring/ control;
- Arrangements for product distribution and methods by which product
traceability is maintained;
- Measures taken to prevent manufacturers products to fall in the illegal
supply chain.

8.2 Complaints, product defects and recalls
- Brief description of the system for handling complains, product defects
and recalls.

- Short description of the self inspection system with focus on criteria
used for selection of the areas to be covered during planned
inspections, practical arrangements and follow-up activities.
Appendix 1 Copy of valid manufacturing authorisation
Appendix 2 List of dosage forms manufactured including the INN-names or
common name (as available) of active pharmaceutical ingredients
(API) used
Appendix 3 Copy of valid GMP Certificate
Appendix 4 List of contract manufacturers and laboratories including the
addresses and contact information, and flow-charts of the supply-
chains for these outsourced activities
Appendix 5 Organisational charts
Appendix 6 Lay outs of production areas including material and personnel
flows, general flow charts of manufacturing processes of each
product type (dosage form)
Appendix 7 Schematic drawings of water systems
Appendix 8 List of major production and laboratory equipment
Appendix C: Sample Document: SMF
Appendix 8 Equipment and Devices for
Production and Quality Control
Maas & Peither
Pharma GmbH
SMF Appendix 8
Equipment and devices for produc-
tion and quality control
Page 1 of 2
2011 Maas & Peither AG GMP-Verlag
Sample documents SOP collection for the pharmaceutical industry
The equipment used for production and quality control is listed in the follow-
ing. Critical equipment parts are underlined. Further critical equipment parts
have been identified in the context of equipment qualification and may be
found in the risk analyses of the corresponding qualification documentation.
In 4.2.1 the Site Master File Guideline requires a list of key produc-
tion and quality control equipment wherein critical elements have to
be identified. Unfortunately there is no practical definition as to
what critical means in this context. By its very nature almost every
device to be qualified during qualification comprises more or less
critical device parts, which deserve particular attention during qual-
ification and later on in the life cycle of said device.
A list of all these device components would by far exceed the
framework of the present Annex to the Site Master File and would
compared to other aspects of Good Manufacturing Practicegive too
great a significance to the criticality of single components.
Maas & Peither Pharma GmbH have therefore decided to only mark
the CIP system as critical and to otherwise refer to the qualification
Production equipment and devices
Weighing instruments, partly with connected printers
Laminar flow
Dust extraction
Lifting devices
Drum blenders, intensive mixers and free-fall blenders
Sieve machines
Fluid bed dryers/coaters/granulators with CIP system
Spray dryers with CIP system
Moist granulators
Granulate mixers
Passing sieve
Cabinet dryers
Eccentric press
Rotary tablet presses (pilot and high performance machines)
Deburring machines/dedusters
Metal detectors
Colloid mill
Air jet mill
Suspension tanks
Maas & Peither
Pharma GmbH
SMF Appendix 8
Equipment and devices for produc-
tion and quality control
Page 2 of 2
2011 Maas & Peither AG GMP-Verlag
Sample documents SOP collection for the pharmaceutical industry
Stirring vessel with integrated heating/cooling system
Coating pan
Coating and film coating systems
Automatic screw dosing unit
Capsule filling machines (manual, pilot and high performance ma-
Capsule deduster
Capsule polishing machine
Capsule weighing system
Blister mashines with control camera
Cartoning machines with camera, weighing unit and bar code reader
Stamping tool
Sealing machine
Label printer
Blister labeling unit
Blister emptying machine
Quality control equipment and devices*
Weighing instruments with connected printers
Breaking strength tester
Decomposition tester
Dissolution tester
Abrasion tester for tablets (friability tester)
Automatic volumetric analyzer
Automatic sieve analyzer
Particle size measuring instrument (laser diffractometer, dry disper-
Chromatographic systems (HPLC, DC)
Spectrophotometer (UV/VIS, IR, NIR)
pH meter
Conductivity meters
Melting point apparatus
Titrators for conventional/potentiometric/Karl-Fischer titration
Infrared dryer for determination of water content
Device for differential thermal analysis
Semiautomatic testing system for tablet hardness, weight, thickness
and diameter
* Devices partly in the IPC laboratory
Appendix D: Sample Site Master File
Maas & Peither
Pharma GmbH
Site Master File Page 1 of 25
Version: 02 Valid from:
2011 Maas & Peither AG GMP-Verlag
Sample documents SOP collection for the pharmaceutical industry
Next check by: 31.12.2012
Site Master File created
Site Master File checked
Site Master File approved
1 General information on the manufacturer ................................... 3
1.1 Manufacturer contact information ..................................................... 4
1.2 Approved pharmaceutical manufacturing activities of the business........ 4
1.3 Other manufacturing activities undertaken in the production site.......... 5
2 Manufacturer's quality management system............................... 5
2.1 The manufacturer's quality management system................................ 5
2.2 Approval process for finished products .............................................. 6
2.2.1 Qualification requirements for the expert ....................................... 6
2.2.2 Batch certification and approval .................................................... 7
2.3 Management of suppliers and contractors.......................................... 7
2.3.1 Supplier qualification ................................................................... 8
2.3.2 Conformity of the medicinal product with the TSE guidelines ............ 8
2.3.3 Measures for (suspicion about) falsification of raw materials and
products .................................................................................... 9
2.3.4 Use of external service partners in connection with manufacture and
quality controls........................................................................... 9
2.4 Quality risk management (QRM)......................................................11
2.5 Product quality reviews ..................................................................12
3 Personnel .................................................................................. 12
4 Rooms and equipment............................................................... 13
4.1 Rooms .........................................................................................13
4.1.1 Brief description of the air conditioning system..............................13
4.1.2 Brief description of the water system............................................14
4.1.3 Brief description of other supply systems ......................................15
4.2 Equipment....................................................................................15
4.2.1 Key production and quality control equipment................................15
4.2.2 Cleaning and disinfection.............................................................15
4.2.3 GMP-critical computerized systems...............................................16
Maas & Peither
Pharma GmbH
Site Master File Page 2 of 25
Version: 02 Valid from:
2011 Maas & Peither AG GMP-Verlag
Sample documents SOP collection for the pharmaceutical industry
5 Documentation.......................................................................... 16
6 Production................................................................................. 17
6.1 Type of products ...........................................................................17
6.2 Process validation..........................................................................17
6.2.1 Reworking and reconditioning ......................................................18
6.3 Materials management and storage .................................................18
6.3.1 Handling raw materials and packaging materials ............................18
6.3.2 Handling intermediate, bulk and finished products..........................19
6.3.3 Handling rejected materials, products and market returns...............19
7 Quality control (QC) .................................................................. 19
7.1 Sampling and reference samples .....................................................20
7.2 Checking materials and products .....................................................20
7.3 Reagents and reference standards, chemicals and solutions................21
7.4 OOS results ..................................................................................21
7.5 Validation of analytical methods ......................................................21
7.6 Stability tests................................................................................21
8 Sales, complaints, product faults and returns............................ 22
8.1 Sales (if the responsibility of the manufacturer) ................................22
8.2 Complaints, product faults and recalls..............................................23
8.2.1 Complaints and product faults......................................................23
8.2.2 Recalls......................................................................................24
9 Self-inspections......................................................................... 24
10 Appendices................................................................................ 25

Maas & Peither
Pharma GmbH
Site Master File Page 3 of 25
Version: 02 Valid from:
2011 Maas & Peither AG GMP-Verlag
Sample documents SOP collection for the pharmaceutical industry
A word in advance...
In a joint project the European Commission and Pharmaceutical In-
spection Convention/Pharmaceutical Inspection Co-operation
Scheme (PIC/S) have thoroughly revised and supplemented the
content of the recommendations on creating a Site Master File,
which was last modified in 2002. After PIC/S published the new
document PE 008-4 at the end of 2010/start of 2011 on its website,
the corresponding, virtually identical Directive of the European
Commission was published in February 2011 for information pur-
poses as the first document in the new Part III of the EU-GMP
Guidelines. This was followed in January 2011 by the publication of
the revised Chapter 4 of the guidelines. The Site Master File is listed
there as one of the compulsory quality documents for pharmaceuti-
cal manufacturers; all pharmaceutical manufacturers are now
obliged to maintain a Site Master File.
Two major issues are covered by the Site Master File.
Modern quality management
Quality management has its own chapter with comprehen-
sive tasks not only on the quality management system but
also on batch approval, supplier management, quality risk
management and product quality checks. As a result, the ICH
guidelines ICH Q9 and ICH Q10, which were also published
as the new Part III of the EU GMP Directive, are now also
found in the Site Master File.
Globalized markets and the resulting increase in falsification
and the illegal sale of medicinal products and active sub-
Even if the focus of the SMF remains unchanged in terms of
its purpose in the description of the operational issues and
local processes, the networks between companies along the
whole delivery chain are much more detailed and specific
than they were before. The relevant information in Chapters
2 and 8 of the SMF range from references to raw materials
via the participation of contract manufacturers and laborato-
ries right up to the sale of bulk and finished products.
1 General information on the manufacturer
Maas & Peither Pharma GmbH and all of the processes described
here are imaginary. Any agreement with or similarity to existing or
former companies is therefore pure chance or due to the general
nature of the applicable GMP rules. For this reason this sample Site
Maas & Peither
Pharma GmbH
Site Master File Page 4 of 25
Version: 02 Valid from:
2011 Maas & Peither AG GMP-Verlag
Sample documents SOP collection for the pharmaceutical industry
Master File also does not contain all of the necessary appendices,
such as the manufacturing authorization, location, room and equip-
ment plans, etc.
1.1 Manufacturer contact information
Maas & Peither Pharma GmbH,
Pharmastrae 123, 60000 Pharmahausen, Germany
Telephone: +49 (0)60 - 12 34 - 0
Fax: +49 (0)60 - 12 34 - 99
24-hour hotline:
Poison Information Centre for the States of Rhineland Palatinate and Hesse,
+49 (0)6131 19 24 0
GPS coordinates:
99 9' 99.9" N
9 99' 99.99" O
Information that allows the unique identification of the affected
company may include the GPS coordinates and the so-called D-U-N-
S number. The D-U-N-S number (D-U-N-S = Data Universal Num-
bering System, introduced by Dun & Bradstreet in 1962) is a nine-
digit numerical code that enables companies around the world to be
uniquely identified. The D-U-N-S number is assigned centrally by
Dun & Bradstreet.
1.2 Approved pharmaceutical manufacturing activities of
the business
All information on the pharmaceutical activities carried out in line with the
approval of the relevant authority and the type of products manufactured
can be seen from the copy of the manufacturing authorization in Appendix
Maas & Peither Pharma GmbH is subject to regular inspections by the Re-
gional Board Darmstadt pursuant to Section 64 of the German Pharmaceuti-
cals Act (AMG); the last inspection took place on 01.04.2011; the corre-
sponding GMP certificate is located in Appendix 3.
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1.3 Other manufacturing activities undertaken in the
production site
Only the pharmaceutical manufacturing activities stated in the manufactur-
ing authorization are carried out.
Any other pharmaceutical or non-pharmaceutical activities must be
stated here. Non-pharmaceutical manufacturing activities include
the manufacture of cosmetics, food supplements or cleaning agents.
Quality risks may emanate from such manufacturing activities (e.g.,
cross-contamination, increased microbiological loads, increased
vermin occurrence) for medicinal products produced at the same
locations and these must be countered by suitable measures. The
manufacture of certain substances (e.g., pesticides and herbicides)
is completely prohibited in rooms used to manufacture medicinal
2 Manufacturer's quality management system
2.1 The manufacturer's quality management system
Maas & Peither Pharma GmbH has implemented a quality management sys-
tem that is based the European GMP regulations. The aim of this quality
management system is to manufacture medicinal products such that they
are suitable for their planned use, comply with the approval requirements
and have a guaranteed level of security, quality and effectiveness. The fo-
cus is on the safety and protection of the patient.
This aim is achieved using a comprehensive process-oriented quality con-
cept that covers both the quality-related internal processes (especially the
warehousing, production and quality control processes as well as documen-
tation and training) and effective control and monitoring of the quality re-
lated external processes (in particular supplier management, contract man-
ufacture and order analysis).
The basis for this quality concept is the adequate utilization of resources
guaranteed by business and departmental management. This affects the
premises and equipment and in particular the availability of expert, ade-
quately experienced and appropriately qualified employees. Their tasks and
responsibilities are defined in written job descriptions.
All processes are executed as per the written instructions for trained em-
ployees and documented in full. This data is used to assess the product
quality during batch release and is also assessed periodically to assess the
efficiency of the quality management system.
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Any variances from approved processes must be documented, approved by
authorised employees and studied with the appropriate involvement of the
responsible employees (LdH, LdQ, expert) and quality assurance (potential
adverse effect on product quality of the affected and other batches, neces-
sary corrective and preventative measures).
The effectiveness of the quality management system is monitored continu-
ously. To achieve this, regular self-inspections are carried out as are others
when the need arises. The appropriateness of all of the preventive and cor-
rective measures undertaken is also assessed on a regular basis. Maas &
Peither Pharma GmbH is also subject to regular inspections by the Regional
Board Darmstadt pursuant to Section 64 of the German Pharmaceuticals Act
(AMG) and is audited regularly by its customers.
It is explicitly desired that various standards (e.g., EU/US GMP, DIN
EN ISO 9001, DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025 etc.) are stated. This also ap-
plies to the list of any available accreditations or certifications asso-
ciated with this matter.
2.2 Approval process for finished products
2.2.1 Qualification requirements for the expert
The qualification requirements for the expert match the requirements of
Section 15 of the German Pharmaceuticals Act (AMG). Maas & Peither
Pharma also has the following minimum requirements:
Several years of experience in a company producing solid forms of
medicinal products
Good knowledge of the regulatory requirements and the current sta-
tus of science
Comprehensive knowledge relating to pharmaceutical product de-
velopment and approaches for clinical studies
In-depth technical knowledge
High level of quality awareness
These and any other additional requirements as well as limiting the respon-
sibility between the two experts at Maas & Peither Pharma GmbH form part
of the relevant job description.
The expert must be stated with the qualification requirements de-
manded. Information on the role of the expert in connection with
quarantines and releasing finished products and in assessing com-
pliance of the manufacturing process with the relevant approval
documentation is required. If there are several experts, describe
their responsibility limits.
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2.2.2 Batch certification and approval
After completing batch manufacture the production and packing reports are
to be checked for completeness and correctness by an authorized person
from the production department; the LdH then undertakes the final check
and approval of the manufacturing documentation. The process of analytical
approval or rejection of the products, including the approval of the test re-
port by the LdQ, is described in Point 7, Quality control (QC).
The manufacturing documentation approved by the LdH and the test log
approved by the LdQ is passed on for checking initially to quality assurance
and then to the expert. The documented check of the batch documentation
by quality assurance explicitly also covers the check on the agreement with
the dossier in the relevant destination country.
The expert decides on the approval or rejection of the relevant batch on the
basis of their final check on all of the documentation. On approval the ex-
pert signs the certificate of compliance and thus approves the batch and
then also releases it for use in LOGIFIXX. The release or rejection is docu-
mented directly in the batch list.
If finished medicinal products or test preparations are produced or tested on
the basis of contracts (with Maas & Peither Pharma GmbH as the client
and/or contractor), the processes, documentation and responsibilities are
laid down in the responsibility limitation agreements. This also applies to
any participation of other experts. If the responsibility is with Maas & Pei-
ther Pharma GmbH the process follows information provided here while
considering the documentation specific to the contract.
The process described here is regulated in an SOP.
Such processes as Process Analytical Technology (PAT), Real Time Release
or parametric release are not used.
2.3 Management of suppliers and contractors
The company's networks across the whole supply chain must be
The raw materials used are the focus of the supplier qualifications
and the audit programme, supplemented by information on the
measures to be taken if there is (the suspicion of) falsification. The
now compulsory information for TSE compliance concerns the safety
of the materials used.
The necessary information on any contract manufacturers and la-
boratories goes far beyond the usual list: Detailed flow diagrams
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that specifically show the interactions between activities that are
outsourced and carried out by the company itself are to be located
in a separate appendix. The limitation of responsibility between the
client and contractor in guaranteeing approval compliance must also
be explained.
2.3.1 Supplier qualification
The manufacturers and suppliers of goods and services that are relevant to
quality as well as contract manufacturers and laboratories are qualified un-
der the responsibility of quality assurance in cooperation with the LdH or
LdQ and with the involvement of the relevant affected departments with the
aim of maintaining the quality stipulated in the specifications and contracts
for products and services.
The qualification program covers the following steps:
Setting the requirements for suppliers or service providers;
Pre-selection of (new) suppliers or service providers;
Assessment of the supplier or service provider;
Contractual agreements;
Approval of the supplier (potential" supplier) or service provider;
Ongoing monitoring of the supplier or service provider and, if appro-
priate, further qualification to become a "qualified" or "certified"
The scope of the relevant qualification measures, including any audits to be
carried out, is set using the risks and a grade concept. For this, suppliers of
active substances, primary packaging, printed packaging or critical re-
sources as well as contract manufacturers and laboratories are audited re-
peatedly as part of the initial assessment and during ongoing monitoring.
If the ongoing or specific monitoring gives rise to areas of concern for quali-
ty problems, these are investigated and assessed, and appropriate correc-
tive measures are agreed with the suppliers or service providers as re-
quired. If the problem continues the supplier or service provider may be
downgraded or blocked.
2.3.2 Conformity of the medicinal product with the TSE guide-
All medicinal products are produced in agreement with the applicable TSE
guidelines. In order to guarantee this the relevant EDQM certificates are
requested for the raw materials used if possible. If there is no EDQM certifi-
cate, the necessary scientific information is put together for materials from
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species that are relevant for TSE and these provide evidence for compliance
with the TSE guidelines. These include:
Stating the species and animals' country of origin;
Health status and age of the animals;
Tissues and organs used (including the assessment of potential
cross-contamination from other organs during and after death);
Description of the manufacturing process, including all data on a re-
duction in any TSE pathogens during manufacture and information
on the batch size and cleaning the production equipment; and
Documents on the ability to trace the materials
2.3.3 Measures for (suspicion about) falsification of raw ma-
terials and products
The approach if there is a justified suspicion of product falsification is de-
scribed in 8.2.1 Complaints and product faults. The approach for suspicions
about falsified raw materials is similar and also involves all participants in
the legal sales chain of the affected material.
2.3.4 Use of external service partners in connection with
manufacture and quality controls
The necessary information on using external scientific, analytical
and technical assistance must be supplemented to include a list of
contract manufacturers and laboratories (in Appendix 4). This list
should contain all of the essential (contact) information for the ap-
pointed companies and flow diagrams on the logistics of the out-
sourced activities (see Appendix 4).
Maas & Peither Pharma GmbH works on the basis of contracts with the fol-
lowing stipulated service partners. Contract manufacturers and laboratories
are to be indicated by underline; the necessary flow diagrams to show the
logistical interactions for cooperation with these contractors are found in
Appendix 4. Contract manufacturer and external warehouse
Lohnhersteller GmbH: Packaging of clinical trial drugs
Packstrae 45, 70007 Packstadt,
Tel.: 0707 - 12 34 56 - 0, Fax: 0707 - 12 34 56 - 9
Lohnlager GmbH: External warehouse
Logistikstrae 11, 60001 Pharmahausen-Neuhausen,
Tel.: 060 - 90 12 34 - 0, Fax: 060 - 90 12 34 - 9
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Laboratory A GmbH: Clean room monitoring
Laborstrae 1, 12345 Laborhausen,
Tel.: 0100 - 12 34 56 - 0, Fax: 0100 - 12 34 56 - 9
Laboratory B AG: Stability storage
Laborstrae 2, 23456 Laborhausen,
Tel.: 0200 - 12 34 56 - 0, Fax: 0200 - 12 34 56 - 9
Laboratory C GmbH & Co. KG: GC, TLC (test must be notified under Section
67 AMG) and AAS, DSC, elementary analysis, ICP, MS, NMR, x-ray diffrac-
Laborstrae 3, 34567 Laboranger,
Tel.: 0300 - 12 34 56 - 0, Fax: 0300 - 12 34 56 - 9
Laboratory D GmbH: Microbiological analysis
(Test with manufacturing authorization pursuant to Section 13 AMG)
Laborstrae 4, 45678 Labordorf,
Tel.: 0400 - 12 34 56 - 0, Fax: 0400 - 12 34 56 - 9 Technical services
Technical service A: Workplace medical service
Technikstrae 5, 60000 Pharmahausen,
Tel.: 060 - 23 45 67 - 0, Fax: 060 - 23 45 67 - 9
Technical service B GmbH: Laundry
Technikweg 6, 60000 Pharmahausen,
Tel.: 060 - 34 56 78 - 0, Fax: 060 - 34 56 78 - 9
Technical service C GmbH & Co. KG: Maintenance and calibration of the
clean room
Technikstrae 7, 78901 Technikberg,
Tel.: 0500 - 12 34 56 - 0, Fax: 0500 - 12 34 56 - 9
Technical service D GmbH: Cleaning service for warehouse, manufacturing
areas and laboratories
Technikpfad 8, 60000 Pharmahausen,
Tel.: 060 - 56 78 90 - 0, Fax: 060 - 56 78 90 - 9
Technical service E GbR: Advice on workplace safety/fire protec-
tion/environmental protection
An der Technik 9, 60000 Pharmahausen,
Tel.: 060 - 78 90 12 - 0, Fax: 060 - 78 90 12 - 9
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Technical service F GmbH: Pest control
An der Wiese 10, 60000 Pharmahausen,
Tel.: 060 - 22 33 44 - 0, Fax: 060 - 22 33 44 - 9
Technik G GmbH: Auditing suppliers and GMP service providers
Auf der Wacht 11, 60606 Pharmastadt,
Tel.: 061 - 11 33 55 - 0, Fax: 061 - 11 33 55 - 9
In addition to the service providers stated here, some of the manufacturers
of the production and laboratory devices are used to maintain and calibrate
these devices.
2.4 Quality risk management (QRM)
Maas & Peither Pharma GmbH uses the quality risk management (QRM)
process systematically in all GMP-relevant areas with the aim of detecting
and assessing risks relating to the safety, effectiveness and quality of the
medicinal products over their complete lifecycle. The QRM process is there-
fore also applied to the supply chain processes in order to guarantee the
appropriate and continuous provision of approved medicinal products from
Maas & Peither Pharma GmbH as defined by Section 52b AMG.
The QRM process covers the following process steps and sub-steps (the
specific approach is defined in an SOP):
QRM 1 Risk Assessment
Risk Identification
Risk Analysis
Risk Evaluation
QRM 2 Risk Control
Risk Reduction
Risk Acceptance
QRM 3 Risk Communication
QRM 4 Risk Review
During the risk assessment (QRM 1), potential risks are identified (risk iden-
tification) and graded according to the likelihood of their occurrence and
effects, as well as the likelihood of their discovery (risk analysis). As part of
the risk evaluation, the previously identified and analyzed risks are graded
(semi-)quantitatively for the need of further analysis during the next pro-
cess stage (risk control). As part of this risk control (QRM 2) the options for
reducing the risk are checked and if necessary appropriate measures are
defined and a decision is taking on accepting the remaining (residual) risk.
The work in QRM steps 1 and 2 is documented and provided to the relevant
functions identified during the QRM process as part of Risk Communication
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(QRM 3). The fourth step of the QRM process, risk review (QRM 4) ensures
if necessary that the requirements for the risk assessment undertaken apply
on a continuous basis or that new assessments are made if there are
2.5 Product quality reviews
For each approved product a product quality review (PQR) is conducted at
least once a year as per the requirements of the EU-GMP guidelines. All
product batches produced since the previous assessment are included in
this; an SOP regulates the specific approach. If the collection and assess-
ment of data on the individual points stated above is undertaken by con-
tract manufacturers or laboratories, the details must be laid down in a con-
tract. The final assessment of all data on a product is made by the respon-
sible expert at Maas & Peither Pharma GmbH; the PQR report is approved
by the expert and management.
If corrective and preventive measures are derived from the PQR, checks are
always made on whether these are also relevant for clinical test prepara-
tions. The preventive or corrective measures stipulated under the PQR are
tracked using the CAPA system.
3 Personnel
The Maas & Peither Pharma GmbH organizational chart is found in Appendix
Maas & Peither Pharma GmbH employs 293 people as of 01.06.2011. Of
these 246 employees work in the departments stated above, as classified
Quality assurance: 8.5 FTE (of which three are academics);
Production: 119 FTE (of which 12 are academics; 18 FTE on a tem-
porary basis);
Quality control: 23.5 FTE (of which five are academics);
Warehousing 15 FTE (of which one is an academic);
Sales: 74 FTE (of which 28 are academics); and
Technical service: 6 FTE (of which one is academic)
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4 Rooms and equipment
4.1 Rooms
Maas & Peither Pharma GmbH is located at the Pharmahausen-Sd Indus-
trial Area; the company's premises are protected from unauthorized access.
The premises cover 16,500 m
with the buildings described below, which
are owned by the company:
Administration (built in 1965, last renovation 2004);
Warehouse (built in 1965, 2,150 m
, last renovation 1995);
Production (built in 1965, last renovation 2006, 2,400 m
); and
Quality control (built in 1965, last renovation 1986, 1,100 m
The warehouse and production are connected to each other.
The following plans of the production areas and warehouses are found in
Appendix 6:
6/1 Operations plan
6/2 Building plan production ground floor
6/3 Building plan production 1st floor
6/4 Building plan production 2nd floor
6/5 Building plan warehouse
If applicable, the production building plans include information on room
classification and the pressure differences between neighbouring areas and
the warehouse plans contain information on special storage conditions. Very
poisonous, hazardous or sensitive materials are not used in the production.
Information on personnel and material flows as well as on the manufactur-
ing activities carried out in the individual rooms is found in the following
overview plans in Appendix 6:
6/6 Production Personnel/material flows
6/7 Production Assignment of manufacturing activities rooms
4.1.1 Brief description of the air conditioning system
All areas for openly handling raw materials and/or products are qualified
with reference to clean room class D (RKD) The secondary packaging takes
place in clean room class E (RKE).
No room classes are defined in the EU-GMP guidelines for manufac-
turing non-sterile solid forms; so it is an individual decision by Maas
& Peither Pharma GmbH to carry out production in rooms of a simi-
lar class to clean room D. Here "similar" means that the ventilation
system is designed to comply with the particle limit values stated
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for this clean room class in Annex 1 of the EU-GMP guidelines but
other limit values and intervals have been established for microbio-
logical and particle monitoring.
The air conditioning system's design is purely for external air (two-channel
system with variable control of the air volume flows). The air feed is a tur-
bulent air flow via twisting inletsthe air suction uses non-short circuiting
covers and floor air suction devices. The details are summarized in the fol-
lowing table:
AC design parameters
Range Temperature Humidity Filter combina-
Overpressure Air change
E range 21 C 2 C* 4065 % r. F. F7 F9 Refer to plans
(Appendices 6,
8 times
D range F7 F9 H14 20 times
* Summer compensation 3 C
Temperature, humidity and pressure are monitored and recorded continu-
ously; the relevant optical and acoustic alarm systems have been installed.
4.1.2 Brief description of the water system
The water preparation system is used to create purified water, which is used
in production as well as to clean the devices. The quality of the purified wa-
ter is specified as per Ph. Eur.
The quality of the feed water (Pharmahausen town drinking water) meets
the requirements of the drinking water regulations. Purified water is pro-
duced from this drinking water using ion exchangers, reverse osmosis,
membrane degasification and electrodionisation (EDI). Cold storage is used
and the distribution is via a ring pipe system. The storage container and
ring pipe system are made of stainless steel. The storage container is per-
manently ozonized; a UV lamp is installed ahead of the ring pipe system.
The regular sanitisation is hot (water heating device) or cold ozone sanitiza-
tion (distribution system).
Continuous monitoring and control of the water system is provided using
the following parameters:
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Fill level measurement storage container (capacitive limit level
Flow speed (volume flow measurement for return);
Temperature measurement on storage container;
Ozone measurement (before UV, after UV, in return); and
Measurement of pressure, conductivity, temperature and TOC
Detailed information on the design and execution of the system (including
system capacity and material specifications for the container, ring pipe,
valves, filters etc.) and the location of all measurement and sampling points
and the limit values specified for the measuring and testing parameters can
be seen in the overview plans in Appendix 7:
7/3 Overview plan water system;
7/4 Overview plan material specifications;
7/5 - Overview measuring and sampling locations, measuring and
testing parameters, specifications; and
7/6 Overview sampling points
4.1.3 Brief description of other supply systems
Details about media supply are found in the summary plan in Appendix 6
stated below:
6/8 Production Media supply
4.2 Equipment
4.2.1 Key production and quality control equipment
A list of the key equipment for production and quality control, including lists
of critical elements, is found in Appendix 8.
4.2.2 Cleaning and disinfection
The cleaning of all devices, equipment and machines is exclusively conduct-
ed by Maas & Peither Pharma GmbH employees and takes place in line with
the regulations verified in the cleaning validation process. This covers the
proper disassembly, cleaning, drying and re-assembly and also defines the
permitted resting periods after use until cleaning starts and after cleaning
up to repeat use.
Cleaning is undertaken with drinking water using acid and alkaline deter-
gents by hand or using a dishwasher if a CIP system is not listed in the de-
vice list in Appendix 8. The final rinse always takes place using purified wa-
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4.2.3 GMP-critical computerised systems
The GMP-relevant, computerised systems stated below are used at Maas &
Peither Pharma GmbH:
Chromatography data system
5 Documentation
If external archiving is used, the following information must be pro-
List of externally archived documents and records (including
any externally archived pharmacovigilance documentation);
Name and address of the external archive; and
Time required for obtaining documents from the archive.
The documentation system is a key element of quality management at Maas
& Peither Pharma GmbH. It covers on the one hand requirement documents
for controlling quality-relevant processes and on the other records that pro-
vide all quality-related processes and each batch to be tracked seamlessly
and uniquely.
The creation/revision, checking, approval and distribution of all GMP instruc-
tion documentation is controlled by quality assurance as per the relevant
SOP regulations. The GMP-compliant creation, checking, analysis and ap-
proval of records are also regulated in SOPs. The original instruction docu-
ments and all records are stored securely. Access rights, archiving locations
and storage periods are regulated in an SOP.
Product-related instruction documentation, such as master manufacturing
regulations, specifications and test instructions are created, checked and
approved in agreement with the release and in the case of test preparations
in agreement with the SOP requirements that match IMPD. Changes to
these documents are subject to the Maas & Peither Pharma GmbH change
control process.
Batch-specific manufacturing and packaging instructions as well as test in-
structions and specifications are checked and issued in documented form as
authorized copies of these master documents by quality assurance; this
process is regulated in an SOP.
Paper-based quality documentation is managed manually.
All documents are archived internally at Maas & Peither Pharma GmbH.
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6 Production
6.1 Type of products
Maas & Peither Pharma GmbH specializes in creating solid forms and the
following processes are mainly used for this:
Powder mixture
Dragee manufacture
Hard gelatine capsule filling
Primary packaging (glass, plastic, aluminium, composite films)
Secondary packaging
Sample flow diagrams of the key production processes are found in Appen-
dix 6:
6/9 Production General flow diagrams of the manufacturing pro-
cesses for each prescription type
The product types manufactured can be viewed from the copy of the manu-
facturing authorization in Appendix 1. Poisonous, hazardous or sensitizing
substances are not used in production. Such processes as Process Analytical
Technology (PAT), Real Time Release or parametric release are not used.
The production of small batches of clinical test preparations takes place un-
der the responsibility of the LdH by employees from the "provision of clinical
test preparations" group.
6.2 Process validation
Process validation aims to check production processes and their critical pro-
cess parameters to see whether they effectively and reproducibly result in
the expected specified results under routine production conditions. The re-
quirements for process validation are qualified and calibrated equipment,
validated computer systems, validated analysis methods, approved manu-
facturing instructions and test requirements and the appropriate training of
the participating employees.
Process validation follows a lifecycle model as a homogeneous concept,
starting with the analysis of development data as a requirement for plan-
ning the scale-up and conformity batches and ending in an ongoing verifica-
tion of the process suitability up to the end of a product's routine produc-
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tion. The validation scope in the various validation phases is based on writ-
ten risk analyses.
The details on implementing process validations are regulated in the valida-
tion master plan and in SOPs.
6.2.1 Reworking and reconditioning
Reconditioning (product processing using a production process that varies
from the release) does not take place.
Any reworking is carried out and documented on a risk basis using approved
manufacturing and test instructions. The reworking is assessed as part of
the product quality review; a decision is taken on including the reworked
batch in the ongoing stability program based on the risk. The details are
described in an SOP.
6.3 Materials management and storage
6.3.1 Handling raw materials and packaging materials
On delivery, the items delivered and the accompanying documentation are
checked for completeness and correctness; all containers are also checked
to ensure the packaging and closures are in perfect condition and they are
cleaned externally if necessary. After entry into the ERP system (LOGIFXX)
each container is marked.
The sampling of all batches to remove analysis and reference samples is
undertaken by authorized and specially trained employees as per the SOP
regulations and approved sampling plans. Only single-use tools and con-
tainers are used for this; sampled containers are marked accordingly.
The material is then stored in the quarantine area of the warehouse for raw
materials and packaging materials, which is where they remain until a deci-
sion on quality (approval or rejection, for details refer to Point 7.2, Checking
materials and products) is made. Only released material may be used for
Raw materials are weighed and picked using the relevant production order
by trained employees while complying with the necessary regulations for
cleaning, line clearance and labeling; printed packaging materials are issued
exclusively by specially authorized people.
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6.3.2 Handling intermediate, bulk and finished products
The production and packaging are undertaken by trained employees as per
the approved production and packaging instructions and while complying
with the regulations that must be applied relating to line clearance, clean-
ing, labeling and invoicing.
The sampling of all batches to remove analysis and reference samples is
undertaken by authorized and specially trained employees as per the SOP
regulations and approved sampling plans.
The storage of intermediate products and bulk goods (containers and label-
ing as per production/packaging instruction) until further processing takes
place in the buffer warehouse within the production area (D-area). Only ap-
proved products may be processed. Packaged products are stored until ap-
proved in the warehouse's quarantine area for primary packaged bulk goods
and finished products. Only products with approval for use (for details refer
to Point 2.2.2, Batch certification and approval) may be dispatched. Picking
for dispatch takes place as per the requirements of the shipping order.
6.3.3 Handling rejected materials, products and market re-
Rejected materials or products are to be marked as blocked and stored se-
curely in the blocked warehouse. Rejected materials are then either sent
back to the supplier orlike rejected productsdestroyed after documenta-
tion. The details are described in an SOP.
Goods rejected by the marketplace are never re-used. Such goods are to be
marked as blocked and stored securely in the blocked warehouse until de-
struction has been documented.
7 Quality control (QC)
The current guidelines on the Site Master File require the following
information in this chapter: "Description of the Quality Control ac-
tivities carried out on the site in terms of physical, chemical, micro-
biological and biological testing."
This information is part of the manufacturing authorization so in
principle reference to Appendix 1 of the Site Master File would be
adequate. But such a reference on its own provides little infor-
mation in terms of work correctly carried out by quality control. Vice
versa, a detailed list of this work would go beyond all reasonable
limits and may be very detailed in terms of the necessary, regular
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With this background Maas & Peither Pharma GmbH has chosen the
following compromise: The reference to the manufacturing authori-
zation related to analytical activities was supplemented by the de-
scription of additional key quality control tasks.
Information on the type of quality control work carried out can be taken
from the manufacturing authorization in Appendix 1. Additional details on
the activities and responsibilities of quality control are described below.
7.1 Sampling and reference samples
Raw materials and packaging materials, intermediate products, bulk goods
and finished products are sampled as per the approved sampling plans by
authorized and specially trained personnel. The details are regulated in
SOPs. The sample quantities specifically required for a particular product
are determined within the framework of the analytical method valida-
tion/establishment and process validation and laid out jointly with the de-
tails on representative sampling in the approved sampling plan.
The required quantities of reference samples (reference and other samples)
are stored for the statutorily stipulated periods of time in an air-conditioned,
separate, locked area of the warehouse as per the SOP.
7.2 Checking materials and products
Analysis samples of materials and products are checked as per the ap-
proved test regulations, the raw data collected is documented in full and
checked for completeness and correctness by a second employee. If analy-
sis results are collected by external laboratories their analysis certificates
are checked carefully as per the SOP regulations. At each time during pro-
cessing the results received are checked by the relevant employee to en-
sure they match the specification and if the results do not comply with the
specifications an OOS process is started.
The LdQ decides on the basis of the available (internal and if appropriate
external) analysis data (test protocol) on the approval or rejection of the
relevant material or product and approves the test report. The process of
approval for use by the expert is described in Point 2.2.2, Batch certification
and approval.
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7.3 Reagents and reference standards, chemicals and
Reagents andif not from an official sourcereference standards are char-
acterized carefully according to their purpose. The characterization, han-
dling and marking of these substances is described in the relevant SOPs.
The characterization of the company's own primary standards and the deri-
vation of secondary work standards takes place in collaboration with a
qualified contract laboratory (refer to Point, Contract laboratories
and analytical-scientific services).
Reagents, reference standards, chemicals and solutions are marked clearly.
Solutions are created and documented in line with the approved regulations.
7.4 OOS results
The investigation of OOS results follows a staged concept; the details are
described in an SOP. An OOS test covers checks for
Obvious laboratory errors;
Laboratory errors that are not obvious;
Sampling errors; and
Manufacturing errors.
(In the case of a proven, obvious laboratory error no other checks are car-
ried out.)
Batches with confirmed OOS results are blocked. Corrective and preventive
measures derived from OOS checks are tracked via the CAPA system.
7.5 Validation of analytical methods
Analytical methods are validated as per the regulations of the ICH Q2(R1)
guidelines. The detailed approach is described in an SOP.
The maintenance of the validated status of all methods is ensured with the
aid of the change control system and a regular check of the validation sta-
tus (including as part of the PQR).
7.6 Stability tests
Stability tests are undertaken on the basis of the ICH guidelines (ICH Q1)
and the EU-GMP guidelines. The specific approach is described in an SOP by
which the product-specific stability plans and reports are also created. As
per the SOP regulations bracketing and matrixing designs can be applied
based on the risk pursuant to ICH Q1D.
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The air-conditioned storage of stability samples in their commercial packag-
ing is undertaken by a qualified service provider as per the requirements for
air conditioning zones I and II. Stability samples are checked by Maas &
Peither Pharma GmbH quality control as per the requirements of the test
methods and specifications stated in the approved stability plan.
The requirements for labeling, storing and transporting all products are set
based on the approved stability reports for the initial and follow-up stability
storage. The approved stability reports from the ongoing stability program
flow into the PQR.
8 Sales, complaints, product faults and returns
As was the case for Chapter 2.3, Chapter 8 is also heavily character-
ized by the protective measures required in the age of global mar-
kets to prevent the falsification of medicinal products and illegal
sales. The focus here is on the following aspects:
Where are the shipments going?
Who are the recipients (wholesalers, manufacturers etc.)?
Where are the recipients (EU/EEC, USA, other countries
Security measures in terms of
ensuring that the recipients of the products are legally au-
thorized to receive them andif necessaryhave the rele-
vant authorization;
appropriate transport conditions (e.g., controlling and
monitoring the temperature);
Ability to track the products; and
Preventing illegal sales
This content matches the changes to medicinal product legislation
as a result of modifying the Directive 2001/83/EC on preventing the
falsification of medicinal products and protection from illegal sales.
This means that in future most prescribed medicinal products (and
also some OTC preparations yet to be defined) must in future have
appropriate security featuresand other such measures. To date
the details on this have not been defined but without doubt all
pharmaceutical companies will be confronted with comprehensive
changes in terms of packaging, labeling, transport and sales.
8.1 Sales (if the responsibility of the manufacturer)
The Maas & Peither Pharma GmbH products are sold in Germany, the Euro-
pean Union and Switzerland via wholesalers. All supplied wholesalers have
the necessary authorization; a copy of this authorization must be presented
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to Maas & Peither Pharma GmbH before the first delivery. Qualified pharma-
ceutical advisors prepare the technical information for doctors including any
samples. Each shipment of products is documented in full so that it is possi-
ble to track the batch if necessary. The transportation of products from
Maas & Peither Pharma GmbH is undertaken exclusively using qualified
freight forwarders who have a quality management system and appropriate
track and trace systems in place. The uniquely labeled transport containers
are also protected from unauthorized access during transportation by a seal.
The intact seal and the delivery papers are checked as part of the incoming
goods inspection by the wholesaler.
The transport conditions and measures for checking and monitoring them
are laid down in writing while considering the following parameters:
Available stability data;
Planned transport route; and
Planned transport time.
If critical parameters are identified here these are checked and recorded.
Quality-critical transport processes are validated.
Decisions will be taken in good time by establishing additional security ele-
ments to protect against illegal sales (verification of the genuine nature of a
product, identification of the individual packaging) on the basis of new, fu-
ture statutory requirements from the revision of Directive 2001/83/EU.
8.2 Complaints, product faults and recalls
8.2.1 Complaints and product faults
Each complaint received is documented and passed on immediately to quali-
ty assurance no matter how it is received. Quality assurance records all in-
coming complaints and undertakes initial groupingpharmaceutical-
technical or medical complaintand a risk assessment. Medical complaints
are then processed further by the qualified person for pharmacovigilance;
pharmaceutical-technical complaints are coordinated with quality assurance.
As part of the ongoing process, on the basis of the initial risk assessment,
checks are always made on whether other batches may be affected and
whether the complaint may have been caused by falsification. All of the
measures laid down during processing are tracked using the CAPA system.
The management and the expert are informed regularly about all justified
complaints and annually about all complaints received.
If there is justified suspicion of falsification the management, qualified per-
son for pharmacovigilance and expert are informed immediately; the quali-
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fied person for pharmacovigilance informs the relevant authority (also with-
out delay). The complaint is then processed in close cooperation with the
relevant authority.
An SOP regulates the detailed process, tracking and documentation of com-
8.2.2 Recalls
If there is justified suspicion of the need for a recall, the management, qual-
ified person for pharmacovigilance and expert are informed immediately;
the qualified person for pharmacovigilance informs the relevant authority
(also without delay). This is then processed in close cooperation with the
relevant authority as per the regulations in the alarm and action plan.
SOPs regulate the implementation of recalls including the return, accounting
and destruction of recalled products; all potentially affected batches and
their sales routes are determined. All of the measures laid down during a
recall are tracked using the CAPA system. Each recall is documented in full
and the associated final reports are approved by quality assurance, the ex-
pert, the qualified person for pharmacovigilance and the management as
well as any other responsible people as required by the alarm plan.
9 Self-inspections
All quality-related areas of the company are subject to regular self-
inspection; the details are described in an SOP. The self-inspection program
is produced annually by quality assurance in cooperation with the specialist
departments and approved by the responsible people; modifications to the
self-inspection program during the year to meet current requirements are
Within this framework all GMP-relevant departments are generally inspected
at least once a year; shorter or longer intervals may be set on the basis of
the risks, e.g., depending on compliance with previous self-inspections or as
a result of important changes to rooms, equipment, processes or numerous
variances etc.
The results of each inspection are documented in self-inspection reports
that are available to the inspected department and the responsible person.
With the aid of the CAPA system, appropriate follow-up measures are de-
fined and their implementation is tracked. The results of the self-inspections
flow into the PQR.
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10 Appendices
Maas & Peither Pharma GmbH is a virtual company; so Appendices
1, 3, 6 and 7 have not been created.
Appendix 1: Copy of the valid manufacturing authorization (not included in
the available sample SMF).
Appendix 2: Not applicable. The list of prescription forms can be taken from
Appendix 1.
Appendix 3: Copy of the valid GMP certificate (not included in the available
sample SMF).
Appendix 4: Contract manufacturers and laboratorieslogistics.
Appendix 5: Organizational chart.
Appendix 6: Overview plans of the production and warehouse departments,
media supplies and general flow diagrams from the manufac-
turing processes (not included in the available sample SMF).
Appendix 7: Overview plans of the ventilation systems and the water sys-
tem (not included in the available sample SMF).
Appendix 8: List of key devices and equipment in production and quality

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