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Bovine Surgery and Lameness (Second Edition)

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Second Edition

A. David Weaver
BSc, Dr med vet, PhD, FRCVS, Dr hc (Warsaw)
Professor emeritus, College of Veterinary Medicine,
University of Missouri, USA, and Bearsden, Glasgow, Scotland

Guy St. Jean

Professor of Surgery, Former Head, Department of Veterinary
Clinical Sciences, School of Veterinary Medicine,
Ross University, St. Kitts, West Indies

Adrian Steiner
Dr med vet, FVH, MS, Dr habil, Dipl ECVS, Dipl ECBHM
Professor and Head, Clinic for Ruminants, Vetsuisse-Faculty of Berne,
© 2005 David Weaver, Adrian Steiner and Guy St Jean
Editorial Offices:
Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford OX4 2DQ, UK
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First published as Bovine Surgery and Lameness in 1986 by Blackwell Scientific
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Weaver, A. David (Anthony David)
Bovine surgery and lameness / A. David Weaver, Guy St. Jean, Adrian Steiner. – 2nd ed.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN-10: 1-4051-2382-6 (pbk. : alk. paper)
ISBN-13: 978-1-4051-2382-2 (pbk. : alk. paper)
1. Cattle–Surgery. 2. Lameness in cattle. I. St. Jean, Guy. II. Steiner, Adrian,
1959– III. Title.
SF961.W43 2005
ISBN 10: 1-4051-2382-6
ISBN 13: 978-14051-2382-2
A catalogue record for this title is available from the British Library
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Preface to First Edition v

Preface to Second Edition vii
Acknowledgements ix

1 General Considerations and Anaesthesia 1

2 Head and Neck Surgery 54
3 Abdominal Surgery 75
4 Female Urinogenital Surgery 140
5 Teat Surgery 158
6 Male Urinogenital Surgery 168
7 Lameness 198

1 Further Reading 259
2 Abbreviations 260
3 Useful Addresses 262

Index 269
Preface to First Edition

This book aims to give the nuts and bolts of practical bovine surgery and
The text is directed to veterinary students in the clinical years of their
undergraduate courses, and to recent and older veterinarians, who experi-
ence a limited amount of cattle surgical material. In the interests of com-
pression and simplicity, a single procedure is described in some detail, while
the alternatives, known to be equally good in the hands of others, are briefly
listed. No apology is made for such dogmatism.
The text includes frequent reference to specific types and sizes of instru-
ments and suture materials. In view of the current move to the metric system,
albeit late in the Anglo-American world, all figures are metric, but a com-
parative scale is included.
All surgery presents a series of challenges, and this accounts for the
popularity of the discipline in both the veterinary and medical professions.
The challenges in bovine surgery differ from those met by the companion
animal surgeon. The first is the economic question: is surgery economically
justified? The balance of a judgement to perform a caesarean section on a
heifer with dystocia rather than to salvage the animal may be a fine one. This
is rarely so in the companion animal field. Humane considerations often
complicate an otherwise simple problem.
Other challenges include the anatomical knowledge pertinent to the proce-
dure, the method of restraint and analgesia or anaesthesia, the demands of
manual dexterity, and the physical stress imposed on patient and surgeon
alike, when surgery must be performed in a sub-optimal environment, which
may be the corner of a field or a dark spot in a dusty cowshed.
The inevitable lack of experience in bovine surgery of a young veterinary
graduate may persist as a result of a certain apathy among colleagues in
the practice group. This apathy is reflected in the difficulties of maintaining
equipment necessary for emergency surgery, and results in impatience at
the overall time required to complete a bovine operation. The axiom ‘time
is money’ applies as much to the bovine surgeon as to anyone and, since
proper instrumentation, asepsis, effective anaesthesia and basic techniques
are the keystones to effective craftsmanship, these points are discussed in
the first section.
vi Preface to First Edition

Succeeding chapters logically pass from the head and neck to the abdomen,
thence to the female urinogenital system and teat surgery, the male urino-
genital apparatus, and finally to lameness. No attempt can be made to treat a
subject in depth. The further reading list is similarly selected purely as a basic
literature guide.
The reader will often have to consider ethical implications of proposed pro-
phylactic or curative surgery. Animal welfare considerations are becoming
increasingly important in many countries. Is castration justified? Is it justified
in older cattle, either on humane, economic or management grounds? The
relevant veterinary literature is sparse and the conclusions are conflicting.
Responsibility rests with the veterinarian.
Why does a farm experience an ‘epidemic’ of left abomasal displacement
cases? The veterinarian may search for further advice on prophylaxis. Such
an investigation will often involve other disciplines. A multi-disciplinary
approach is particularly needed in herd lameness problems, and the check
lists (see pp. 236–238) should stimulate objective recording of herd data
and take the emphasis away from repetitive back-breaking treatment of the
individual cow.
Serving as a prophylactic, diagnostic and therapeutic instrument, bovine
surgery therefore fits into the concept of a herd health programme.

A. David Weaver
Columbia, September 1985
Preface to Second Edition

After an interval of nearly 20 years it seemed appropriate to consider an

update. The first edition, translated into 6 languages, appeared to fulfil
a need, and a minisurvey of UK veterinarians graduated 2– 40 years ago
showed unanimous support for such a revision, all emphasising the need for a
compact text (‘not too many words on a page’, ‘ more simple illustrations’) of
the standard surgical techniques used in cattle on the farm.
The publishers welcomed the suggestion that two outstanding bovine
surgeons, from Switzerland and North America, be invited to add their
personal expertise and to provide a wider perspective. As a result this edition
has been considerably expanded and has many more line drawings. The style
and format have remained strictly instructional, sometimes even dogmatic.
Only rarely are alternative techniques discussed, a notable exception being
abomasal surgery.
We consider this book should help students in their clinical training,
especially when experiencing farm animal practice for the first time, as well
as new graduates, inevitably inexperienced, and those veterinarians in
mixed practice who may only occasionally be called out for bovine surgical
More emphasis is placed on animal welfare, for example in suggestions
for peri-operative analgesia and anti-inflammatory medication. The authors
are all too well aware of the problematic national (EU, other European and
North American) regulations on permissible drug usage, and also appreciate
that each veterinarian has his or her own preferences.
Effective local, regional or occasional general anaesthesia is demanded
today for all painful interventions in cattle. The general public, and not
only the involved dairy or beef farmer, also demands that more attention
be paid to food safety, and to the replacement of costly therapeutic drugs
(often unavailable in developing countries) by prophylactic antimicrobials,
and preferably zero drug usage. Such demands necessitate an enhanced
need for good antisepsis and sterility.
Surgery may only be carried out when the condition of the patient permits
it. The correct decision may be difficult, for example in right-sided abomasal
disease, severe dystocia and digital surgery. Economical considerations and
farm facilities must also be evaluated in each potential case.
viii Preface to Second Edition

The ever increasing risk over the last 20 years of litigation involving the
veterinarian has resulted in more emphasis on the avoidance of potential
disasters such as accidental injury to the animal or attendants, or unexpected
sequelae to standard surgical procedures. The farm manager or attendant
should always be informed beforehand of possible problems, and, we believe,
could well occasionally be shown relevant sections of our text on the farm. No
veterinarian should undertake any intervention when lacking the necessary
confidence or knowledge. We believe bovine surgeons must understand
their important role in the worldwide cattle industry today.
The authors trust that this pocketbook will again provide a handy
vademecum and a valuable and practical tool in daily practice.

A. David Weaver, Guy St. Jean, Adrian Steiner

February 2005

Permission again to reproduce illustrations from the first edition was gra-
ciously given by several authors and publishers (Dyce, Pavaux, Cox, Smart),
while new illustrations came from several sources as below.

Figs. 1.7, 2.5, 3.2, 3.22 Dr. K.M. Dyce, Edinburgh and W.B. Saunders
‘Essentials of Bovine Anatomy’, 1971 by Dyce and Wensing

Figs. 2.4, 2.9, 3.1, 3.4, 3.5 Professor Claude Pavaux, Toulouse, and Maloine
s.a. editeur from‘Colour Atlas of Bovine Anatomy: Splanchnology’ 1982

Fig. 3.15, Dr. John Cox, Liverpool, and Liverpool University Press ‘Surgery of
the Reproductive Tract in Large Animals’ 1981

Fig. 3.24, Dr. M.E. Smart, Saskatoon and Veterinary Learning Systems,
Yardley, PA, USA from‘Compendium of Continuing Education for the Practicing
Veterinarian’ 7, S327, 1985

Fig. 3.17, Dr. H. Kümper, Giessen and Blackwell Science from ‘Innere Medizin
und Chirurgie des Rindes’ 4e 2002 edited by G. Dirksen, H-D. Gründer and
M. Stöber fig. 6.125)

Fig. 4.6, Dr. R.S. Youngquist, Columbia, Missouri and W.B. Saunders from
‘Current Therapy in Large Animal Theriogenology’ 1997 (fig. 57.2)

Fig. 7.12, Dr. M. Steenhaut, Gent, and Blackwell Science from ‘Innere Medizin
und Chirurgie des Rindes’ 4e 2002 edited by G. Dirkson, H-D. Gründer and
M. Stöber (fig. 9.159)

Jan Huckin, Newbury, produced many new illustrations from rough sketches
by the first author, as did also Don Connor in Missouri. Many others come
from the hand of Eva Steiner. John Sprout, Castle Douglas, not only com-
mented usefully on the entire manuscript but also supplied some excellent
sketches (Figs. 1.14, 1.15 and 2.2)
x Acknowledgements

Several practising veterinarians have given useful advice including Keith

Cutler (Immobilon), Simon Bouisset of Toulouse (analgesics and anti-
inflammatories), Bob Miller of Columbia, Missouri, Rupert Hibberd, David
Noakes, David Ramsay, and Jan Downer. David Pritchard (DEFRA) and
Vincent Molony (Edinburgh) advised on certain aspects of animal welfare
legislation pertinent to the UK situation. The RCVS Library helped with
some literature sources, and David Taylor checked on the ever-changing
microbiological nomenclature, while Lesley Johnson (Veterinary Medicines
Directorate) commented on several contentious tables in chapter 1. Appendix
4 was critically assessed for accuracy by Maureen Aitken, Newbury.
The entire manuscript was typed by Christina McLachlan of Milngavie,
who deserves thanks for both her accuracy and patience.
Finally thanks are given to all at Blackwell Publishing for their cooperation
and advice, including Susanna Baxter, Samantha Jackson, Sophia Joyce,
Emma Lonie, Sally Rawlings and Antonia Seymour, also to their copy-editor
Liz Ferretti.
Guy St. Jean thanks his mentors Bruce Hull, Michael Rings and Glen
Hoffsis, not only for their earlier advice and encouragement during his
residency, but also for their continuing friendship. He also thanks Kim Carey
for secretarial help and his wife Kathleen Yvorchuk-St. Jean for continual
support. Adrian Steiner would like to dedicate the book to Christian.

A. David Weaver, Guy St. Jean and Adrian Steiner,

April 2005

The authors have made every effort to ensure that drugs, their dosage
regimes and withdrawal periods are accurate at the time of publication.
Nevertheless, readers should check the product information provided by the
manufacturer of each drug before its use or prescription.
Drug authorisation by regulatory authorities varies from country to coun-
try, and drug withdrawal times, dependent on maximum residue limits
(MRL), which are derived from residue depletion studies, can also vary from a
parent (proprietary) product to a generic equivalent. Withdrawal times vary
within member states of the EU, North America and elsewhere in the world
(shown in Table 1.15).
The reader should exercise individual judgement in coming to a clinical
decision on drug usage, bearing in mind professional skill and experi-
ence, and should at all times remain within the regulatory framework of the
Bovine Surgery and Lameness, Second Edition
A. David Weaver, Guy St. Jean, Adrian Steiner
Copyright © 2005 David Weaver, Adrian Steiner and Guy St Jean


General considerations and


1.1 Instrumentation 1 1.9 General anaesthesia 36

1.2 Asepsis 5 1.10 Shock 40
1.3 Sutures and suturing 6 1.11 Fluid therapy 42
1.4 Pre-operative assessment 10 1.12 Anti-microbial chemotherapy 44
1.5 Restraint 11 1.13 Wound treatment 47
1.6 Premedication and sedation 13 1.14 Cryotherapy 49
1.7 Local analgesic drugs 16 1.15 Coccygeal venepuncture 51
1.8 Regional analgesia 18 1.16 Hereditary defects 52

1.1 Instrumentation
Instruments should be maintained in good condition and, for common proce-
dures, in sterile surgical packs (caesarean section, laparotomy, teat surgery,
orthopedic surgery).

Instruments should preferably be sterilised by one of the first two methods
listed below:

• autoclaving by steam, 750 mm/Hg at 120°C for 15 minutes or at 131°C

for three minutes for non-packed instruments, or for a shorter time in
high vacuum or high pressure autoclaves; 30 minutes for packs at 120°C,
or 11 minutes at 134°C.
• gas sterilisation by ethylene oxide followed by air drying for several
days to avoid diffusion of residual gases from the materials into animal
tissues – some acrylic plastic materials, polystyrene and certain lensed
instruments may be damaged during this process. Note that ethylene
oxide is cancerigenic.
• cold (chemical) sterilisation in commercially available solutions, how-
ever prolonged immersion is necessary. Health and safety problems exist
with products such as glutaraldehyde (Rapidex® Arnolds Vet).
• simple boiling of instruments is a poor, slow and tiresome means of
sterilisation particularly liable to cause damage. The minimal period of
boiling is 30 minutes, longer at altitudes over 300 m. Addition of alkali
2 Chapter 1

Table 1.1 Suitability of various surgical materials for sterilisation.

Dry heat Autoclave Boiling water Ethylene Liquid

oxide chemicals

PVC (e.g. no yes yes yes doubtful

Polypropylene no yes yes yes yes
(e.g. connectors)
Polyethylene no no yes* yes yes
(e.g. catheters, no†
packing film)
Nylon (e.g. no yes yes no doubtful
i.v. cannulae)
Acrylic (e.g. no no doubtful yes yes
Silicon rubber yes yes yes yes doubtful

*high density

low density

Table 1.2 Efficiency of different methods of sterilisation.

Bacteria Dry spores Moulds Fungi Viruses

Autoclaving + + + + +
Gas sterilisation + + + + +
Chemical antiseptics + — + (+) +
Boiling + — + + +

Abbreviations: + = effective; (+) = limited efficacy; — = not effective

to the steriliser increases bactericidal efficiency and boiling time may

be safely reduced to 15 minutes. Corrosion is avoided by the addition of
0.5–1% washing soda (Na2CO3), while accumulation of lime in serrations
or joints is removed by leaving instruments in 5% acetic acid overnight,
then brushing off.

Basic instruments for caesarean section or laparotomy

The following is a suggested list of equipment to cover most eventualities.

• towel clamps (Backhaus) × 4, 8.8 cm

• haemostatic forceps (Spencer Wells) × 4 straight 15.2 cm, (Criles) × 2
curved 14 cm, (Halsted) × 2 mosquito straight 12.7 cm
General considerations and anaesthesia 3

Figure 1.1 Basic instruments for caesarean section or laparotomy.

1. Allis tissue forceps; 2. McPhail’s needle holder; 3. Gillies combined scissors and
needle holder; 4. plain forceps; 5. rat tooth forceps; 6. Mayo scissors (blunt/blunt),
slightly curved; 7. Mayo scissors (pointed/blunt), straight; 8. straight haemostatic
forceps; 9. curved haemostatic forceps; 10. scalpel handle no. 4 and no. 22 blade;
11. scalpel handle no. 3 and no. 10 blade; 12. towel clip (Backhaus).
4 Chapter 1

• scalpel handle (Swann-Morton® or Bard-Parker®) × 2, P (no. 4, blades

no. 22, or handle no. 3 and blade no. 10)
• rat tooth dissecting forceps (Lane) 15.2 cm
• plain dissecting forceps (Bendover) 15.2 cm
• straight scissors (Mayo) 16 cm
• slightly curved scissors (Mayo) 16.5 cm
• needle holder (McPhail’s or Gillies), right- or left-handed 16 cm
Allis tissue forceps × 4, 15 cm
• sterile nylon calving ropes for caesarean section × 4

Figure 1.2 Suture needles (shown full scale).

1. and 2. 3/8 circle cutting-edged 4.7 and 7 cm; 3. 3/8 circle round-bodied (taper cut)
4.5 cm; 4. 1/2 circle cutting-edged 4.6 cm; 5. 1/2 curved cutting-edged 6.7 cm;
6. intestinal straight round-bodied (Mayo) 6.3 cm; 7. straight cutting-edged
(Hagedorn) 6.3 cm; 8. double-curved postmortem needle 12.5 cm.
General considerations and anaesthesia 5

• embryotomy finger knife (for incision into uterine wall which cannot be
brought near body wall)
Also needed are suture needles, which should include two each of the follow-
ing types and sizes (see Figure 1.2):

• 3/8 circle cutting-edged 4.7 cm and 7.0 cm

• 3/8 circle round-bodied (taper cut) 4.5 cm
• 1/2 circle cutting-edged 4.6 cm
• 1/2 curved cutting-edged 6.7 cm
• swaged-on curved round-bodied needle 4.5 cm
• intestinal straight round-bodied (Mayo) 6.2 cm
• straight cutting-edged (Hagedorn) 6.3 cm
• double-curved post-mortem needle 12.5 cm

1.2 Asepsis
Bovine surgery involving regions where adequate skin preparation is feasible
(i.e. with avoidable microbial contamination of tissues or sterile materials)
should be performed under aseptic conditions. Instruments and cloths should
be sterile.
Preparation of operative field (e.g. flank):

• close clip wide area, minimum 60 cm cranial-caudal and 90 cm vertically

(preferable to shaving)
• alternatively shave operative field after application of disinfectant, soap
and water (Schick model razor is suitable)
• wash area with soap and water twice, then scrub with povidone-iodine
solution (e.g. Betadine®, [Purdue Frederick], Pevidine, C Vet, Proviodine®,
[Rougier] ), dry off, wash with 70% alcohol and rescrub
• repeat this procedure three times before respraying with diluted povidone-
iodine solution
• large impervious sterile towels, or disposable drapes (rubber or plastic) are
useful for placing on the site
• place sterile towel on suitable flat surface for instruments, use sterilised
gauze swabs, instruments and suture materials, and sterile gloves

Hand disinfection (‘scrubbing up’)

Hands are kept in contact with the disinfectant for at least five minutes.
Effective hand sterilisation procedures include:

• chlorhexidine ‘scrub’ (Novasan [Fort Dodge] or Vlexascrub [Vetus] )

• 0.5% chlorhexidine concentrate in 90% ethyl alcohol with 1% glycerine
as emollient (cheapest), in which 10 ml is first applied to clean dry
hands and permitted to dry, before further application and five minutes’
6 Chapter 1

Table 1.3 Properties of three common antiseptic compounds.

Generic name Povidone-iodine Chlorhexidine Benzalkonium

gluconate or acetate chloride

Proprietary name Pevidine®, Savlon® (Schering- Marinol® (Berk)

Iodovet® Plough) Zephiran®
Povidone® (Berk) Nolvasan® (Fort (Winthrop)
Betadine® (Purdue Chlorhexidine (Butler,
Frederick) Aspen)
Bactericidal + + (+)
Fungicidal + + +
Virucidal + — —
instruments undiluted (5%, 10% diluted 1:500
7.5% or 10%)
skin (‘scrub’) undiluted (0.75%) 4% or 15 ml of 7.5% 10% diluted 1:100
solution + 485 ml
of 70% alcohol
wound lavage 0.1% 0.05% —
Disadvantages brown skin when incompatible with incompatible with
dry soap and anionic soap and anionic
detergents detergents; fails to
kill spore-bearing
Advantages not inactivated by not inactivated by —
organic matter organic matter

Abbreviations: + = active; (+) = limited activity; — = no activity

• commercially available povidone-iodine soap

• hexachlorophane suspension applied first dry then wet, but after scrub up
(5 minutes) must be fully rinsed off (pHisoHex®, Zalpon)
• sterile surgical gloves should be worn whenever practicable

1.3 Sutures and suturing

Few topics produce such outspoken opinions and dogma as the ‘best’ suture
material and pattern for specific surgical procedures in domestic animals,
including cattle. Suture materials are constantly being improved and new
products come onto the veterinary market at regular intervals (see Tables 1.4
(a) and (b) and 1.5). This section selects a limited number of materials and
methods of usage, and attempts to justify the selection. In few cases can the
cost of the material be considered an important factor in selection.
General considerations and anaesthesia 7

Table 1.4(a) Equivalent gauges for suture materials (metric gauge in this text).

Metric (also Ph. Eur. = European Pharmacopoe) BP USP

1 5/0 5–0 (6–0)

1.5 4/0 4–0 (5–0)
2 3/0 3–0 (4–0)
2.5 2/0 —
3 0 (3/0) 2–0 (3–0)
3.5 −(2.0) 0 (2–0)
4 1 (0) 1 (0)
5 2 or 3 (1) 2 (1)
6 3 or 4 (2) 3 & 4 (2)
7 5 (3) 5 (3)
8 6 (4) 6 (4)
9 7 (5) 7 (–)
10 8 (6) 8 (–)
11 9 (7) 9 (–)
12 10 (8) 10 (–)

Values for absorbable suture materials (e.g. multifilament polyglactin 910 [Vicryl] catgut and
collagen) are given in brackets
Multifilament polyglycolic acid or PGA Dexon, is also classified as non-absorbable in the above
BP = British Pharmacopoeia USP = United States Pharmacopoeia

Table 1.4(b) Equivalent gauges for hypodermic needles (metric gauge in this text).

Metric mm BWG/G
external diameter UK /North America

2.10 14
1.80 15
1.65 16
1.45 17
1.25 18
1.10 19
0.90 20
0.80 21

Metric internal diameter is 0.05–0.1 mm less than the external diameter above

Suture materials
Non-absorbable suture materials:

• monofilament nylon (e.g. Ethilon) – skin, linea alba

• monofilament polypropylene (e.g. Prolene) – skin, linea alba
8 Chapter 1

• pseudomonofilament polyamide polymer (e.g. Supramid®) – skin, linea

• mono or multifilament surgical steel – skin, linea alba
Absorbable suture materials:

• chromic catgut – subcutis, muscle, peritoneum, bowel, bladder, uterus,

• multifilament polyglycolic acid or PGA (e.g. Dexon®) – bowel, muscle
including teat muscularis
• multifilament polyglactin 910 (Vicryl®) – subcutis, muscle including teat
muscularis, bowel, bladder
• monofilament polyglyconate (e.g. Maxon™) – subcutis, bowel, teat
(except skin) bladder, uterus
• monofilament polydioxanone (PDS) – bowel, muscle including teat
muscularis, linea alba
• ‘soft’ gut (Softgut™) – muscle, bowel, teat muscularis

Selection of suture material should be based on the known biological and
physical properties of the suture, wound environment and tissue response to
the suture.
Monofilament nylon remains encapsulated in body tissues when buried,
but the inflammatory reaction is minimal. It has great size-to-strength ratio
and tensile strength. It is somewhat stiff and is therefore not particularly
easily handled, an important point when operating in sub-optimal conditions
of poor light and awkward corners, where the surgeon is bent down. Knot
security is only fair.
Multifilament polyamide polymer, encased in an outer tubular sheath
(pseudomonofilament), has good strength and provokes little tissue reaction
unless the outer sheath is broken, but it loses strength when autoclaved. It is
therefore usually drawn from a sterile spool as and when required. It is very
easily handled.
Surgical steel has the greatest tensile strength of all sutures, and retains
strength when implanted. It has the greatest knot security and creates little
or no inflammatory reaction. Surgical steel however tends to cut tissue, has
poor handling and cannot withstand repeated bending without breaking. It
is sometimes used in tissues that heal slowly (e.g. infected linea alba).
Of the six absorbable materials listed, chromic catgut is still commonly
used, but has been replaced by synthetic absorbable material in cattle prac-
tice. Catgut has relatively good handling characteristics, but also the dis-
advantages of relatively rapid loss of strength in well vascularised sites (50%
in the first week) and poor knot security (tendency to unwrap and loosen
when wet). The potential minute risk of the transfer of infectious prion
material into food-producing animals (e.g. cattle) and thence into the human
Table 1.5 Comparative qualities (graded undesirable to desirable, + to +++), of nine selected suture materials for cattle.

Generic name Origin Tensile Knot Tissue Resistance Absorption without Cost
(trade name) strength security Handling reaction to infection inflammation after
tissue repair

Chromic catgut collagen (+) + ++ +++ + + low
Coated braided PGA glycolic acid polymer, ++(+) ++ ++(+) ++ ++ ++ high
(PGS), (Dexon Plus®2) coated surfactant
Polydioxanone polymer of +++ ++ ++ + +++ + high
monofilament (PDS1) paradioxanone
Coated braided glycolic-lactic acid ++(+) ++ + ++ ++ ++ high
Polyglactin 910 copolymer
(coated Vicryl®1)
Monofilament copolymer of glycolic +++ ++ + +++ + high
polyglyconate acid & trimethylene
Polypropylene polymerised polyolefin +++ (+) +(+) (+) +++ NA low
monofilament (Prolene®, hydrocarbons
Surgelene®, Prodek®)
Surgical steel alloy of iron +++ +++ + + +++ NA low
Monofilament nylon polyamide filament ++(+) + + + + NA low
(Dermalon®, Ethilon®,
Polyfilament polyamide polymer ++(+) ++ +++ + ++ NA low
polyamide polymer
(Suprylon®, Vetafil®,
General considerations and anaesthesia 9


NA = not applicable
1Ethicon 2Davis and Geck
10 Chapter 1

food chain has led to a ban on the use of chromic catgut in some countries
(vCJD risk).
Multifilament polyglycolic acid (PGA) has greater strength which is lost
evenly, provoking much less tissue reaction than chromic catgut. PGA is
non-antigenic, has a low coefficient of friction and therefore requires multiple
throws to improve knot security, but is easily handled.
Monofilament polydioxanone (PDS) is very strong, retaining its strength
for many weeks (58% at four weeks), is easily handled, has good knot secu-
rity, and has the sole disadvantage of provoking an initial tissue reaction
which recedes during suture absorption.
‘Soft’ catgut is undoubtedly the most easily handled absorbable material
for delicate bowel anastomoses, its quality even exceeding that of PGA, but
it is not yet widely available. Plain or soft catgut is absorbed quickly and
maintains its strength for a short time. In coming years PDS and PGA are
likely to slowly replace chromic catgut, which will retain its place as a general
purpose material. Vicryl® in its coated form is very easy to handle, has
minimal tissue reaction and tissue drag. It is stable in contaminated wounds.
Polyglyconate monofilament (Maxon™) has three times the strength of
Vicryl® at day 21 of wound healing.

Suture needles
Suturing can only be performed efficiently with needles which are rust-free,
sharp, and strong enough for insertion through the specific tissue. A selection
of needles may be conveniently maintained on a rack in a metallic sterile

Suture patterns are discussed under the specific procedures. Skin under
considerable or potential tension at certain sites, such as the vulval lips and
peri-anal region (e.g. following replacement of prolapsed uterus, vagina or
rectum), is usually sutured with sterile woven nylon tape 3–5 mm diameter.

1.4 Pre-operative assessment

Assessment should include numerous factors apart from the physical condi-
tion of the subject:

• potential duration of productive life

• insurance status
• surgical risk regarding complete recovery
• future breeding prospects
• pathology of other body systems directly or indirectly related to primary
General considerations and anaesthesia 11

General physical examination is essential before emergency or elective


Laboratory tests
Under farm practice conditions laboratory tests may not be performed, but
the major parameters very simply estimated with minimal apparatus are:

• packed cell volume: microcentrifuge, microhaematocrit apparatus

• total protein: refractometer
Normal haematological and biochemical parameters of cattle are listed in
Table 1.6.
In some abdominal conditions (abomasal torsion or volvulus, intestinal
obstruction) estimation of plasma electrolytes (e.g. chloride) is valuable in
assessing prognosis and calculating requirements for fluid replacement.
Fluid therapy is discussed in Section 1.11, p. 42.

1.5 Restraint

Restraint is necessary for:

• administration of drugs for (a) premedication and sedation, (b) infiltration

of local analgesic drugs, and (c) induction of general anaesthesia
• examination and minor interferences carried out without sedation or
• prevention of movement in surgical intervention
Restraint may involve physical manipulation of tail, head or nares, or involve
application of halter and ropes.

Physical restraint by stockman includes:

• halter
• nose grip (fingers or nose tongs)
• tail elevation
• skin grip of crural fold
Rope restraint includes:

• hock twitch
• hindlimb elevation by rope above hock and round an overhead beam
• Reuff’s method of casting or sidelines
Many forms of cattle crush or squeeze chute are available with excellent
head restraint, which are suitable for surgery of the head and cranial neck
(e.g. tracheotomy) and of the perineum. (An essential feature of these crushes
12 Chapter 1

Table 1.6 Reference ranges (haematology and plasma biochemistry) in cattle.

Units Average (%) Range (± 2SD)

Erythrocytes ×1012/l 7.0 (5–10)
Haemoglobin g/dl 11.0 (8–15)
PCV (haematocrit) 1/l 35.0 28–38
Fibrinogen g/l 4.0 (2–7)
Leucocytes ×109/l 7.0 (4–12)
Neutrophils (non-segmented bands) ×109/l 0.02 (0.5%) 0–1.12 (0–2%)
Neutrophils (segmented mature) ×109/l 2.0 (28%) 0.6–4 (25–48%)
Lymphocytes ×109/l 4.5 (58%) 2.5–7.5 (45–75%)
Monocytes ×109/l 0.4 (4%) 0.02–0.8 (2–7%)
Eosinophils ×109/l 0.65 (9%) 0–2.4 (0–20%)
Basophils ×109/l 0.05 (0.5%) 0–0.2 (0–2%)
Neutrophil: lymphocyte ratio — 0.45:1 —
Plasma biochemistry
Urea mmol/l 4.2 2.0–6.6
Creatinine mmol/l 100 44–165
Calcium mmol/l 2.5 2.0–3.4
Inorganic phosphate mmol/l 1.7 1.2–2.3
Sodium mmol/l 139 132–150
Potassium mmol/l 4.3 3.6–5.8
Chloride mmol/l 102 90–110
Magnesium mmol/l 1.02 0.7–1.2
Total protein g/l 67 51–91
Albumin g/l 34 21–36
Globulin g/l 43 30–55
Glucose mmol/l 2.5 2.0–3.2
Alkaline phosphatase iu/l 24 20–30
AST SGOT iu/l 40 20–100
ALT SGPT iu/l 10 4–50
Lactate deydrogenase (LDH) iu/l 700 600–850
Bilirubin mmol/l 4.1 0–6.5
Cholesterol mmol/l 2.6 1.0–3.0
Creatine phosphokinase mmol/l 3.0 0–50

The above values refer to healthy adult (> 3 years old) cattle, and have been compiled from various
sources. Interpretation of possible deviations from the above ranges should consider variations
due to the laboratory technique, breed, lactational and nutritional status, and should always be
related to the presenting signs and symptoms of the individual or group. Units are given as SI units

or chutes is the ability to release the head rapidly should the animal collapse.)
Many are unsuitable for flank laparotomy, caesarean sections or rumeno-
tomy, however manufacturers will modify sides of crushes (lowering hori-
zontal bar and with a greater space between vertical bars) to improve access
to the paralumbar fossa. A veterinary practice may find it advantageous to
have such a crush available for surgery on the practice premises or to be
General considerations and anaesthesia 13

transported to the farm. Many crushes have poor facilities for the elevation
and restraint of hind- or forelimbs for clinical examination and digital
surgery. An exception is the Wopa crush, which is excellent for teat and feet
surgery. Suitable crushes may easily be made on the farm and tilted either by
manual means or by power.
The use of a crush/squeeze chute should never replace adequate analgesia
for surgical procedures.

1.6 Premedication and sedation

Premedication and sedation (see Table 1.7) have five aims:

• to improve handling and restraint

• to enhance analgesic effect produced by other anaesthetic agents
• to reduce the induction and maintenance doses of general anaesthesia
(GA) agents
• to reduce the possible disadvantageous side-effects of anaesthesia
• to promote smooth post-operative recovery
Very few anaesthetic drugs are approved for use in farm animals. Those
known to the authors include azaperone, lidocaine, methoxyflurane and
thiamylal (USA). Xylazine is approved for use in cattle in Canada and the
UK, and acepromazine is also approved for use in cattle in Canada.
Although not approved for use in cattle in many countries (including the
USA), several analgesic drugs (e.g. flunixin meglumine, dipyrone 50% and
phenylbutazone, in addition to xylazine) are beneficial as adjunct therapy
both pre- and post-operatively in cattle with obvious somatic pain and dis-
comfort. Pre-operative use of analgesics reduces the degree of operative
discomfort and post-operative pain. For any medication for cattle in the
USA it is the veterinarian’s responsibility to consult the Animal Medical Drug
Use Clarification Act for guidelines for the extralabel use of drugs, and the
Food Animal Residue Avoidance Databank (FARAD) for withdrawal times.
(See Appendix 3, pp. 267, legal and professional bodies, for contact details
of FARAD).

Xylazine (Rompun® [Bayer])

Very useful analgesic and sedative. Xylazine also causes muscle relaxation.

Causes ruminal stasis, increases salivation, and effects of higher dose rate are
somewhat unpredictable as animal may or may not become recumbent.
Xylazine is unsuitable as the sole agent for minor surgery when more than a
Table 1.7 Activity and dosage of selected analgesic, anti-inflammatory and sedative drugs in cattle.
14 Chapter 1

Analgesic NSAID Sedative Dosage (mg/kg)

i.m. i.v.

Butylscopolamine bromide/metamizole
(Buscopan® Boehringer) + + — 5 ml/100 kg2
(Metacam® Boehringer) + + — 0.51 0.5
(Rimadyl® LA soln, Pfizer) + + — 1.41 1.4
(Rompun® 2% Bayer) + — + 0.05–0.3 0.03–0.1*
Diazepam (Valium®)* + — + 0.5–1.0 0.2–0.5
Flunixin meglumine
(Finadyne®, Banamine®Schering-Plough) + + — — 2.2
(ACP® Novartis) — — + 0.03–0.1 0.03–0.1

*not authorised for use in cattle in UK and EU, may only be given ‘off label’
1by s.c. route, not i.v.
not authorised in lactating cattle
General considerations and anaesthesia 15

single painful stimulus is anticipated (e.g. unsuitable as method of analgesia

in teat surgery; lancing and drainage of large flank abscess is suitable indica-
tion). Xylazine is contra-indicated in the last trimester of pregnancy due to
its stimulation of uterine smooth muscle (risk of abortion). It may be used
if a uterine relaxant is given before xylazine. Xylazine is contra-indicated in
extreme heat, as hyperthermia may result. Avoid accidental intra-carotid
injection! Violent seizures and possibly temporary collapse are likely.

Dosage and antagonists

For anaesthetic premedication 0.1 mg/kg xylazine i.m., 0.2 mg/kg i.m. for
minor procedures in combination with local analgesia. A faster and more
predictable effect is seen following i.v. use (not authorised) at 0.1 mg/kg.
Xylazine sedation, analgesia, cardiopulmonary depression and muscle
relaxation are reversible. Also xylazine overdosage (e.g. by inadvertent use of
the equine preparation) may be antagonised by different drugs including:

• atropine (100 mg s.c.) to counteract bradycardia and hypotension

• doxapram HCl (Robins) or doxapram 4-aminopyridine (Sigma Chemical
Company, St. Louis) respectively 1 mg/kg and 0.3 mg/kg i.v. significantly
reduces recovery period
• mixture of doxapram (1 mg/kg i.v.) and yohimbine (Sigma Chemical
Company, St Louis) (0.125 mg/kg i.v.)
• yohimbine alone (0.2 mg/kg i.v.)
• tolazoline (4 mg/kg i.v.) – fast onset
• atipamezole (Antisedan® [Pfizer] ) 0.02–0.05 mg/kg i.v.
Doxapram acts by direct action on aortic and carotid chemoreceptors and
medullary respiratory centre, while yohimbine antagonises xylazine seda-
tion by blocking central α2-adrenergic receptors.

Chloral hydrate
Long established sedative is given orally (30–60 g as 5% solution but bull
requires 120–160 g) or i.v. (5–6 g/50 kg bodyweight as 5% solution). The
solution is irritant, and perivascular injection is likely to lead to necrosis and
severe skin slough. Infusion (total volume about 1 litre for adult cow) should
be made slowly via i.v. catheter over a minimal 5 minute period, since narco-
sis continues to deepen after completion of injection. Chloral hydrate is not an
analgesic. Concentrations required to produce general anaesthesia cause
severe, possibly fatal respiratory and circulatory depression.

Atropine sulphate
Drug reduces quantity and increases viscosity of saliva. Premedicant dose in
adult cow is 60 mg s.c.
16 Chapter 1

Table 1.8 Properties of four local analgesic drugs (all hydrochloride salts).*

Generic name Lignocaine Procaine Bupivacaine Cinchocaine

(trade name) (Lidocaine®) (Ethocaine®) (Marcain®) (Dibucaine®)

Main indications
surface analgesia % 2–10 NS NS 0.25
infiltration % 0.5–1 2–3 0.25 0.25–0.5
Nerve block % 2–3 3–5 0.5 0.5
Epidural block % 2–3 3–5 0.5–0.75 0.5
Rate of diffusion fast slow fast slow
Duration of action 60–90 mins < 60 min ⬄8 hours ⬄8 hours
Analgesic potency + + + +++
Toxicity + + + ++
Tissue irritation low low low low
Stability at boiling point ? good ? ?
Cost (low → high:
+ → +++) ++ + +++ ++
Other properties good safety vasodilator, — decomposes
margin, no used with if mixed with
vasodilator adrenalin alkalis

* several of these drugs are not authorised or licensed for use in certain countries, e.g. only procaine
is authorised in UK for use in cattle (unless used in cattle not intended for human consumption)
NS = not suitable

1.7 Local analgesic drugs

The four drugs of greatest value today are the hydrochloride salts of ligno-
caine, procaine, bupivacaine and cinchocaine (see Tables 1.8 and 1.9).

Lignocaine (Lidocaine/USP) has largely replaced procaine as it has the
advantage of:

• extreme stability
• more rapid diffusion
• longer duration of action
• useful surface analgesic activity on mucous membranes and cornea
It is however no longer authorised for cattle in the UK and EU states, as it has
no MRL.
Proprietary names include Lignodrin 2% (Vétoquinol), Lignol (Arnolds),
Locaine 2%, (Animalcare), Locovetic (Bimeda).
Toxic effects are rarely encountered (e.g. inadvertent intravascular injec-
tion); they include drowsiness, muscle tremors and respiratory depression,
General considerations and anaesthesia 17

Table 1.9 Selected analgesics for cattle.

Generic name Proprietory name Dosage (mg/kg)

i.v. i.m. oral

Ketoprofen Ketofen® 10% (Merial) 3 3 NS

Carprofen Rimadyl® (Pfizer) 1.4 NS NS
Meloxicam Metacam® (Boehringer
Ingelheim) 0.5 0.51 NS
Xylazine Rompun® 2% (Bayer) 0.03–0.1 0.05–0.3 NS
Flunixin meglumine Banamine®, Finadyne®
(Schering-Plough) 2.2 NS NS
Phenylbutazone *various 2–5 NS 4–8

NS = not suitable; * not authorised for cattle use in UK/EU; 1 by s. c. route

convulsions and hypotension. Toxicity depends on the venous concentra-

tion, which in turn depends largely on the rate of absorption. Concentrations
for cattle are 2–3%, although 1% is probably adequate for infiltration, nerve
block and epidural analgesia.
Proprietary products often contain adrenaline (epinephrine) (concentra-
tion 1:200 000). Adrenaline prolongs the activity of lignocaine and reduces
the possibility of toxic side-effects.
Lignocaine is also available as:

• 1% or 2% gel with chlorhexidine gluconate solution 0.25%, or hydro-

benzoates in a sterile lubricant water-miscible base
• aerosol spray (lignocaine 10%) with cetylpyridinium chloride 0.1%
• 5% cream (Xylodase® [Astra]).

Procaine (novocaine) largely replaced cocaine, and has in turn been dis-
placed by lignocaine. However procaine may have economic advantages
over lignocaine. Proprietary brands include Planocaine®, Novutox® and
Combined with adrenaline hydrochloride, procaine absorption is slow,
solutions may be sterilised by boiling and there is minimal tissue irritation.
Metabolite para-amino benzoic acid inhibits action of sulphonamides.

Bupivacaine, marketed as Marcain® (Astra) with and without adrenaline
(1:4 000 000) as a 0.25, 0.5 and 0.75% (plain) solution, has the following
18 Chapter 1

• analgesic potency and speed of action of lignocaine

• considerably longer (× 4) duration of activity
• very well tolerated by tissues
• indicated where prolonged epidural or perineural analgesia is required
• no MRL in EU
It costs considerably more than lignocaine. The product will doubtless find
more widespread use.

Cinchocaine and Carbocaine®-V

Cinchocaine (Nupercaine™, Dibucaine®) is more toxic than procaine, but
concentrations for epidural block and surface analgesia are lower (0.5%).
Other properties include:

• longer analgesia than with procaine

• drug readily decomposed by action of alkalis and therefore syringes and
needles should, if not sterile, be boiled in bicarbonate-free water
Carbocaine®-V or Mepivacain (Pharmacia and Upjohn), 2% solution is
sometimes used for infiltration and epidural block, is equivalent to lignocaine
and has several hours duration of activity.

1.8 Regional analgesia

Regional analgesia is the preferred method of anaesthesia for many surgical
procedures in cattle. Its advantages over general anaesthesia (GA) (see
Section 1.9, p. 36) include:

• relatively simple technique

• general availability
• minimal apparatus, e.g. syringe, needles and drug
• little risk of toxic side-effects
• safety

Cornual block

Sensitive horn corium is largely innervated by the cornual branch of the
zygomatico-temporal division of the maxillary nerve (from cranial V).
Caudally a few twigs of the first cervical nerve make a variable contribution to
innervation. The cornual nerve leaves the lacrimal nerve within the orbit,
passes through the temporal fossa and around the lateral edge of the frontal
bone, covered by fascia and thin frontalis muscle. The nerve is blocked a little
below the lateral ridge of the frontal crest, about halfway between the lateral
canthus of the eye and the horn (bud) base. The cornual artery and vein are
close to the site of block.
General considerations and anaesthesia 19


Figure 1.3 Site for cornual nerve block. A. rostral view; B. lateral view; 1 cornual
branch of zygomatico-temporal nerve. Note angle of insertion of needle, and also
line of cut in skin at horn base in dehorning (see Section 2.1, p. 57). X site on skull for
captive bolt euthanasia.

Disposable syringe, 10 ml for adults, 5 ml for calves, 2.4 cm 20 gauge hypo-
dermic needle, 2% plain lignocaine or 5% procaine solution (2–8 ml depend-
ing on size).

• insert needle, with syringe attached, midway along lateral edge of crest of
frontal bone, directing needle at 30° angle through skin towards horn
base (see Figure 1.3)
20 Chapter 1

• draw back plunger to ensure that needle is not inadvertently intravascular

• inject solution in arc just below edge of frontal bone over distance of 1 cm
in adults, and 0.5 cm in young calves
• repeat procedure on other side of head
• time to analgesia 3–5 minutes, shown by skin analgesia and upper lid

Failures are due to:

• imprecise location of site, i.e. injection made subcutaneously

• significant innervation from caudal aspect to horn base, particularly in
bulls, which require extensive subcutaneous infiltration of caudal aspect
of horn base
• inadvertent intravascular injection

Infratrochlear block
Exotic breeds sometimes have an additional nerve supply from the
infratrochlear nerve to the medial aspect of the horns (similar to that seen
in goats). It is blocked by subcutaneous infiltration across the forehead,
transversely and level with the site of the cornual block.

Supra-orbital block

Surgery of upper eyelid, trephination of frontal sinus.

• palpate supra-orbital process to identify foramen midway between dorsal
and ventral borders, and dorsal to medial canthus, from which nerve
emerges (branch of cranial V)
• produce insensitive skin wheal over foramen
• insert 1.1 metric 2.5 cm long needle into foramen to depth of 1.5 cm and
inject 5 ml of 2% lignocaine (see Figure 1.4)
Alternative technique for regional anaesthesia is local infiltration.

Nerve supply to ocular structures

Innervation of ocular structures is complex:

• eyelids: motor supply – auriculopalpebral branch of facial

sensory supply – ophthalmic and maxillary branches of trigeminal
• straight and oblique muscles of eyeball: motor supply – oculomotor,
abducens and trochlear
• eyeball: sensory – ciliary branch of ophthalmic
General considerations and anaesthesia 21


Figure 1.4 Supra-orbital nerve block. Oblique diagrammatic view of right side of
head. Foramen is palpable about 3 cm dorsal to upper bony margin of orbit. Long dotted
line is midline; dotted line is horn base. A. supra-orbital foramen; B. median line;
C. margin of bony orbit; D. orbit; E. frontal bone; F. right ear; G. horn base; H. poll.

The oculomotor, trochlear, ophthalmic and maxillary branches of the

trigeminal and abducens nerve emerge from the foramen rotundum orbitale.

Retrobulbar block

• intra-ocular neoplasia (e.g. SCC)
• severe trauma (see p. 68)

• produce topical analgesia of cornea with butyn sulphate or proparacaine
• insert forefinger into lateral canthus between eyeball and conjunctival sac
• alongside finger pass 1.25 metric 7.5–10 cm curved needle through
fornix of conjunctiva until point is retrobulbar (see Figure 1.5)
• ensure that needle point does not enter optic foramen (risk of intrathecal
{CSF} injection), and attempt aspiration check
22 Chapter 1


Figure 1.5 Retrobulbar block. Two methods are shown:

(a) needle insertion at four points (black circles) through conjunctiva under careful
digital guidance (4 × 8–10 ml);
(b) needle insertion at lateral or medial (×) canthus, again perforating conjunctiva to
deposit solution at orbital apex (20–30 ml).
Use 18 gauge needle 15 cm long with marked curvature, advancing tip slowly.

• inject 20–30 ml 2% lignocaine solution, which blocks nerves to ocular

muscles causing paralysis of the eyeball and analgesia
• do not attempt to anaesthetise optic nerve, since this may stimulate
animal sufficiently to cause fatality
• anaesthetise upper and lower lids by local infiltration as required
Another technique of retrobulbar injection involves placement at four
sites (medial, lateral, dorsal and ventral canthi) through the conjunctiva of
10 ml solution at each site, followed by infiltration of the eyelid margins (see
Figure 2.8).

Proximal paravertebral block

Laparotomy, omentopexy, rumenotomy, caesarean section (flank incision);
ruptured bladder in calves (midline incision: bilateral paravertebral).
General considerations and anaesthesia 23

Disposable 20 ml syringe, 3 × 1.25 metric 10 cm needles, such as Howard
Jones type without stilette, 2% lignocaine with adrenalin. Total volume of
solution is 60 ml (three sites) or 80 ml (four sites).
Fat beef cattle may require needle length up to 12–15 cm to reach correct

• block dorsal and ventral branches of spinal nerves emerging from thoracic
13, lumbar 1 and 2 (for most laparotomy procedures excepting caesarean
section) or L1, L2 and L3 (caesarean section alone)
• ensure good head restraint and, depending on temperament of cow, stand
on opposite side to that to be blocked, leaning over back
• clip and scrub skin from last rib to tuber coxae along a band 15 cm wide, to
left or right of dorsal midline as appropriate
• block L2 first: identify its transverse process by counting forwards from
last palpable process (L5) which is just cranial to sacral tuberosity of ilium
• locate point (adult Friesian cow) precisely 5 cm from midline and level
with caudal lateral edge of L2 transverse process (see Figure 1.6)
• punch needle vigorously through skin and longissimus dorsi musculature,
directed almost perpendicularly but with shaft inclined 10° medially
• advance needle firmly to contact and pass over caudal border of L2
transverse process, through intertransverse ligament (dense fibrous tissue

Figure 1.6 Paravertebral anaesthesia: horizontal diagrammatic view of left lumbar

vertebrae 1–4 to show course of last thoracic (T13), first three lumbar nerves, and
position of needle. Black arrows indicate the direction in which the vertical needle
point is ‘walked off’ the transverse process in the proximal technique. White arrows
show the area of infiltration above and below the tips of processes 1, 2 and 4 in the
distal technique.
24 Chapter 1

offering momentarily more resistance to needle point) and advance

1 cm further. Needle point now lies where dorsal and ventral branches
of L2 spinal nerve have just emerged and separated adjacent to spinal
• attach syringe with 20 ml solution and after applying negative pressure
(check needle is not in blood vessel) inject 15 ml solution in an area about
1 cm below ligament, moving shaft and needle point around very slightly
• inject remaining 5 ml solution during first stage of withdrawal of needle
above level of ligament to block aberrant dorsal cutaneous fibres
• remove needle while pushing skin down firmly to avoid development of
subcutaneous emphysema
• block L1, (see Figure 1.6) site found by measuring distance between two
lumbar transverse processes, and again inserting needle 6 cm from mid-
line and directing needle point over the caudal edge of L1 transverse
• block cranial site (T13) by advancing needle off cranial edge of L1. Insert
needle through skin about 5 cm cranial to previous insertion point.
Distance travelled by needle shaft is usually slightly more than for preced-
ing sites
• in case of caesarean section, one may block L3 in similar manner to L2,
but omit T13

Field of analgesia
Commencing analgesia is noted by convex curvature of spine (scoliosis) on
injection side resulting from relaxation of longissimus dorsi and flank mus-
culature. Analgesia is complete within 10–15 minutes.
Field of analgesia runs slightly obliquely ventrally and caudally to midline.
Innervation of the individual dermatomes overlaps so that a block of single
nerve produces a very narrow (1–4 cm wide) analgesic skin band over the
flank. T13 innervates skin over middle of last 1–2 ribs (12–13), while L3
block causes analgesia as far caudal as os coxae. Dorsal ramus innervates skin
over upper one third of flank skin, the ventral ramus the remainder of the
flank (see Figure 1.7).

• T13: dorsocranial flank, ventrally to umbilicus

• L1 (n. iliohypogastricus): dorsal midflank abdominal wall
• L2 (n. ilioinguinalis): caudal flank skin over stifle and inguinal region,
scrotum and prepuce, or udder
• L3 (n. genitofemoralis): caudal flank, especially ventrally, stifle, inguinal
region, scrotum and prepuce, or udder
Variations of technique have included production of insensitive skin wheal
prior to insertion of a longer needle, and insertion of a stout 2.1 mm diameter
needle to infiltrate the musculature, later replaced by a finer and longer
General considerations and anaesthesia 25

L1 L2 L3 L4

13 L2


Figure 1.7 Diagram of innervation of left flank: paravertebral anaesthesia.

Horizontal bars indicate width of skin analgesia from block of individual nerves.
Note degree of overlap of dermatomes and caudal displacement of analgesic
field relative to the particular nerve root. (Modified from Dyce & Wensing,

Block is easier in cattle in poor body condition. Analgesic technique in
exceptionally large-framed and fat cattle may require a needle 12 cm long.
Successful block results in moderate convexity of the spine on the analgesic
side (scoliosis), together with localised hyperthermia.
Block of L4 may sometimes cause mild ataxia. Advantages of paravertebral
block over flank infiltration include:

• minimal volume of anaesthetic solution

• absence of anaesthetic solution in surgical field
• large area of desensitisation
• rapid onset of action
26 Chapter 1

Distal paravertebral block

As for proximal paravertebral block.

Disposable 30 ml syringe, 0.9 metric 3.75 cm, 18 gauge hypodermic needles,
2% plain lignocaine; total volume about 60 ml.

• nerves to be blocked and field of analgesia see above
• insert needle 3 cm dorsal to the tip of transverse processes of L1, L2 and L4
for nerves thoracic 13, lumbar 1 and 2 respectively
• inject 10 ml in a fan-shaped area
• inject a further 10 ml of lignocaine ventral to the transverse process

Flank anaesthesia (line block, T block or inverted L7 pattern)

Anaesthetic infiltration at or around incision site can produce adequate
analgesia. It can also be used following unsuccessful paravertebral block. Its
advantage is simplicity. Its disadvantages include:

• large volume of solution, local oedema and haemorrhage

• distortion of tissue layers
• poor analgesia of peritoneum
• poor muscle relaxation
• increased post-operative swelling
• increased risk of wound infection

• infiltrate subcutaneous tissues, muscularis and the sub-peritoneal layers
in three distinct movements
• insert needle at point where horizontal and vertical bars of imaginary ‘T’
join (see Figure 1.8). This point forms dorsal commissure of intended flank
• pass needle (1.1 metric 10 cm) cranially to full extent subcutaneously,
and infiltrate with 2% lignocaine (plain) during slow withdrawal
• detach syringe and, without removing needle from skin, direct point
caudally and advance, and likewise infiltrate during withdrawal
• repeat with infiltration of deeper tissues (total of about 60 ml in horizontal
• insert needle 10 cm ventral to previous point and similarly infiltrate pro-
posed incision line (another 60 ml, i.e. total about 120 ml in adult cow)
Note that needle is only inserted through skin twice in entire infiltration.
General considerations and anaesthesia 27


Figure 1.8 Method of infiltration of body wall of flank in ‘T block’; technique can also
be used in ‘reverse 7 block’. Note that the needle is only inserted through skin twice in
whole analgesic procedure.

‘Reverse 7 block’
A slight variation in the linear infiltration of the flank is the ‘reverse 7 block’,
or ‘inverted L block’ which are self-explanatory (see Figure 1.8).

Epidural block

Caudal epidural: intravaginal and intrauterine manipulations (e.g. embry-
otomy), dystocia (block abolishes tenesmus), replacement of vaginal and
uterine prolapse, rectal prolapse, perineal and tail surgery.
Cranial epidural (same site, larger volume of analgesic solution): flank
laparotomy, surgery of hindlimbs and digits, penis, inguinal surgery, udder
and teat surgery.
Solution is injected into epidural space which caudally contains branches
of spinal nerves (cauda equina) invested with epineurium (dura mater), small
dorsal and ventral venous plexuses, and variable amount of fatty tissue.

• 10 ml (caudal epidural) or 30 ml syringe (cranial)
• short bevelled 5 cm 1.25 metric needle
• 2% lignocaine without adrenaline
• 2% xylazine
Preparations containing preservatives such as chlorocresol and sodium
metabisulphite (e.g. Locovetic [Bimeda]) are unsuitable for epidural injection.
28 Chapter 1

Figure 1.9 Caudal epidural block at coccygeal 1–2 interspace.

s = sacrum; shaded area is spinal canal with cauda equina.

• locate first intercoccygeal space (Co1–Co2) which undergoes signific-
ant movement when tail is elevated (sacrococcygeal space is virtually
immobile). It measures about 1.5 cm transversely and 2 cm craniocaud-
ally (see Figure 1.9)
• aseptic procedure, so clip site with scissors and disinfect. Entry of infection
is a serious problem, and can lead to permanent paralysis of tail resulting
in persistent faecal contamination of perineal skin and udder, and sub-
sequent culling
• insert needle precisely in midline, directed very slightly cranially, shaft
forming angle of 15–20° with vertical in standing animal. Note structures
penetrated are skin, fat and interarcuate supraspinous and interspinous
• appreciate at depth of about 2 cm that point of needle is freely moveable
• inject 5 ml of lignocaine solution slowly
• an audible sound (‘whoosh’) may be appreciated
If resistance is encountered, the needle has been inserted too deeply and has
entered cartilagenous tissue of intervertebral disc (point cannot be moved
from side to side) or, though free in epidural space, needle lumen may be
blocked by fibrous tissue. In either case remove needle and repeat with new
Caudal (low) block – dose is 5–10 ml of lignocaine in adult cows, 10–15 ml
in bulls, 1–3 ml in calves (approx 1 ml/100 kg). Field of analgesia with caudal
block extends from tail base to ventral perineal skin and approximately
25–30 cm lateral to midline. Increased dosage to 30 ml invariably causes
ataxia, with recumbency in many individuals.
General considerations and anaesthesia 29

Cranial (high caudal) block – dose is 40–80 ml in adult cattle, 5–25 ml in

calves. Hindlimb function is affected by desensitisation of L6 and sacral (S) 1
and 2 nerves (sciatic supply) L5 and L6 (obturator and femoral) and more
cranial nerves. Dysfunction, depending on the degree of involvement, ranges
from mild ataxia and slight spasmodic flexion and extension of stifle and hock
joints to complete posterior paralysis.

Major disadvantage is the risk of injury during onset (ataxia) or recovery
phase (e.g. hip dislocation). Recovery to standing takes several hours, and
animal should not be permitted to attempt to stand until tail sensation
has returned. Keep in sternal recumbency with hind legs roped together
above hock, or sedate with xylazine or acetylpromazine to prevent attempts
to stand. Consider moving to straw-bedded box or yard.
Factors affecting extent of epidural block include volume, bodyweight,
pregnancy and position of cow.

Xylocaine-lignocaine combinations
Analgesia after epidural administration of xylazine (0.05– 0.1 mg/kg body-
weight of 2% solution, diluted to total volume of 5–10 ml with sterile 0.9%
NaCl solution or distilled aqua; alternatively 0.03 mg/kg diluted with 2% lig-
nocaine to 5 ml total volume for adult cow) lasts twice as long (four hours) as
after equivalent use of lignocaine HCI (0.2 mg/kg) alone. Very useful in cows
with chronic tenesmus (see Section 3.19, p. 138). Extent of perineal anaes-
thesia is more variable than with lignocaine, but has been reported to include
the entire perineal region, including udder and flank. Side-effects include
marked transient sedation, hindlimb ataxia, bradycardia and hypotension,
and can be reversed by i.v. tolazin (Priscoline HCI, 0.3 mg/kg) without affect-
ing analgesia.

Pudic (internal pudendal) block

Penile surgery distal to sigmoid flexure, examination of prolapsed penis in
standing animal.

1.65 metric 12 cm needle, 30 ml syringe.
2% lignocaine

Larsen method involves block of the pudic nerve (fibres of ventral branches of
S3 and S4) and anastomotic branch of middle haemorrhoidal nerve (S3 and
S4) via an ischiorectal fossa approach.
30 Chapter 1


S4 D


Figure 1.10 Pudic (internal pudendal) nerve block. Diagram shows nerves (from
sacral 3 and 4), and injection sites A and B on medial surface of right pelvic wall and
floor of cow (pelvic viscera removed).
A. is just dorsal and lateral to sacro-sciatic foramen; B. is slightly more caudal and
dorsal; C. sacrum and coccygeal vertebrae 1–3; D. anus through which hand is
inserted only to wrist level; E. internal pudic artery (pulsation!) lies just ventral to sites
A and B.

• scrub perineal region clean and insert gloved hand in rectum to locate
nerve lying on sacrosciatic ligament immediately dorsal and lateral to
sacrosciatic foramen, which is less than a hand’s breadth cranial to anal
• note pulsation of internal pudic artery just ventral to nerve
• insert needle forward at deepest point of ischiorectal fossa, directed slightly
downwards for a distance of 6 cm (see Figure 1.10)
• check position of needle point by rectal digital control and inject 20–25 ml
solution (2–3% lignocaine) around nerve
• inject a further 10–15 ml slightly more caudally and dorsally
• inject 10–15 ml slightly cranially and ventrally, at cranial border of fora-
men, for more effective block of ventral branch of the pudic nerve
• repeat procedure on other side of pelvis, reversing position of hands
Manipulation of a long needle is easier if a short stout (2.1 metric 2.4 cm)
needle is inserted through skin, producing analgesic skin wheal and serving
as canula for the longer needle. Alternatively caudal epidural block (5 ml)
rapidly desensitises the area of intended needle insertion.
Pudic block is effective after 30–40 minutes, and persists several hours.
The main advantage is that subject remains standing, while volume of
drug necessary to block nerve supply to penis by epidural technique almost
invariably causes posterior paralysis. Cleanliness and experience of the pelvic
General considerations and anaesthesia 31

landmarks are the main criteria for success with pudic block. Technical
failures are common in inexperienced hands, and delay before onset of anal-
gesia is a further drawback.

Block of dorsal nerve of penis

The alternative technique to pudic block for penile relaxation and analgesia
involves analgesia of the dorsal nerve of the penis as it passes over the ischial

• infiltrate skin 2.5 cm from midline adjacent to the penile body
• insert needle, advancing to contact pelvic floor and withdraw 1 cm (see
Figure 1.11)
• check that needle is not intravascular (dorsal artery of penis)
• infiltrate 20–30 ml 2% lignocaine (plain) into region
• repeat procedure on opposite side of penis
Onset of analgesia in about 20 minutes, duration one to two hours.


Figure 1.11 Block of dorsal nerve of penis at ischial arch.

A. insertion of needle horizontally 2.5 cm from midline where penile body is palpable
below level of tuber ischii; B. tuber ischii; C. retractor penis muscles and penis;
D. point of insertion of retractor penis muscles; E. ductus (vas) deferens.
32 Chapter 1

Teat block
Teat analgesia is required for repair of teat lacerations (perforating fistula
and severe lacerations), polyps, sphincter damage causing obstruction, and
supernumerary teats. Analgesia is also needed for teat endoscopy (not dis-
cussed further).

20 ml syringe, 1.10 metric 2.4 cm needle, catapult elastic and large curved
artery forceps.
2% lignocaine

• inject sedative drug into cow or heifer
• perform local infiltration of teat base after removing any obtruding hairs
from udder
• insert needle subcutaneously transverse to direction of teat, and make
subcutaneous injection of 10–20 ml solution as a peripheral (ring) block
(see Figure 1.12)
• accidental injection of anaesthetic into teat cistern or the circular veins at
teat base is not harmful but is ineffective in producing analgesia
• analgesia develops in 5–10 minutes
• place tourniquet or Doyen intestinal clamp (with rubbers) on teat base to
reduce bleeding and dripping of blood and milk


Figure 1.12 Teat ring block: 10–20 ml of 2% lignocaine are evenly distributed
around base of teat.
General considerations and anaesthesia 33

Infusion of the teat cistern is not recommended. Even cases of polyps and
stenosed teat orifices prove difficult to block in this way because only the
mucous membrane becomes desensitised, presumably because subcutane-
ous and muscularis layers are also involved in the surgical trauma.
The entire teat is anaesthetised distal to the site of injection. An alternative
technique is by i.v. injection of any superficial teat vein distal to a tourniquet.
This produces analgesia throughout the teat. This technique is virtually only
possible in a recumbent cow.

Intravenous regional analgesia of digit

This technique is simple and effective and supersedes the cumbersome local
infiltration or nerve block procedures. It is indicated in any painful interfer-
ence distal to hock and carpus, and is ideal for digital surgery. No tourniquet
is required for foot surgery on a cow in a Wopa crush (see below).

Tourniquet of stout rubber tubing, metal clamp to fix tourniquet, two rolls of
muslin bandages (or similar padding material), 20 ml syringe and 1.1 metric
4 cm needle.

Cow in lateral recumbency:

• restrain animal in lateral recumbency, preferably after i.v. or i.m. injec-

tion of xylazine (0.1 mg/kg) for sedation, with affected limb uppermost
• wrap rubber tourniquet firmly around limb proximal or distal to hock or
carpus (see Figure 1.13)
• in hindlimb place a rolled bandage in depression on either side of limb
between Achilles tendon and tibia to increase pressure on underlying
• clip (or shave) hair over any convenient and visible superficial limb vein
distal to the tourniquet. The lateral saphenous or lateral plantar digital
vein is a suitable site in the hindlimb (see Figure 1.13)
• insert 1.10–1.65 metric (16–19 BWG) needle with syringe attached,
either in proximal or distal direction, into the vein and inject 20–30 ml 2%
lignocaine, with or without adrenaline, as rapidly as possible
• remove needle from vein and massage site well for one minute to prevent
development of subcutaneous haematoma
• in forelimb tourniquet is placed around distal radius or proximal meta-
carpus and make injection into superficial vein medially, e.g. cephalic
over distal radius, or medial superficial metacarpal distal to carpal joint
over deep flexor tendon
34 Chapter 1


Figure 1.13 Intravenous regional anaesthesia. Lateral aspect of left hind limb of cow
showing two possible positions for tourniquet (A) and sites for injection into lateral
digital vein (B) and dorsal common digital vein (C, lying deep, at pastern between the
proximal phalanges).

Cow standing in Wopa crush:

• elevate limb using strap and buckle, fixed overhead (strap is efficient
• note lateral saphenous vein prominent in proximal quarter of metatarsus
(see Figure 1.14)
• push vein sideways to make it more prominent and relatively immobile
• guide loaded syringe proximally towards vein using ball of thumb to
steady syringe (see Figure 1.15)
• analgesia develops in entire limb distal to tourniquet after about five
minutes and is optimal in ten minutes, persisting for at least 90 minutes
if the tourniquet is left in place
General considerations and anaesthesia 35

Figure 1.14 IVRA in standing cow in Wopa crush. Strap forms efficient tourniquet to
occlude lateral saphenous vein.

The speed of onset is governed by the volume, since higher intraluminal
pressure causes more rapid diffusion of the solution (e.g. 30 ml versus 20 ml).
The tourniquet may safely be left for two hours, although few surgical proce-
dures ever require this length of time. Usually surgery is finished in 10–30
minutes, when the tourniquet may be safely released. Sensation returns
within five minutes. Lack of success is generally due to slackness of the
tourniquet which has failed to occlude the vascular drainage of some deeper
vessels. Analgesia occurs latest in the interdigital region.
Toxic signs have rarely been reported in cattle if the tourniquet has
remained in place for over 20 minutes. Signs of toxicity can include drowsi-
ness, minor convulsions and seizures, trembling and profuse salivation with
hypotension. Lignocaine is rapidly detoxicated in the liver.
36 Chapter 1

Figure 1.15 Close-up view of injection of anaesthetic solution into lateral saphenous
vein. Thumb pushes sideways to fix vein while simultaneously steadying syringe

1.9 General anaesthesia

General anaesthesia (GA) is rarely indicated in cattle. It is practised if the
usual techniques of regional and local analgesia either cannot be adopted, or
fail. Specific indications include extensive surgery of the head, neck, chest
and abdomen, as well as the body wall and intra-abdominal experimental
manipulations, (e.g. embryo transfer), as well as most long bone fractures
when maximum relaxation is desired. GA has a relative surgical indication
General considerations and anaesthesia 37

when complete asepsis is essential, such as in umbilical hernia repair in

calves. For GA, food should be withheld for 6–12 hours in calves and for up to
36 hours in adult cattle. Restriction of water is not indicated in calves, and
should not exceed 12 hours in adults.

Disadvantages of GA
Risks of GA in cattle include regurgitation, ruminal tympany, poor oxygena-
tion and skeletal injury.
(a) Risk of regurgitation and subsequent aspiration of ruminal contents
and saliva into the trachea, bronchi and alveoli with potential lethal
consequences (necrotic laryngotracheitis and necrotising broncho-
pneumonia with pulmonary oedema). Endotracheal intubation is there-
fore essential to avoid this problem.
Factors affecting regurgitation include:
• depth of anaesthesia (see Table 1.10) – light level provokes active regurgi-
tation, deep level passive regurgitation
• degree of ruminal distension or tympany
• fluidity of ruminal contents
• body and head/neck position
• body movement as in struggling and repositioning of animal
• volume of saliva
• duration of anaesthesia
(b) Risk of severe ruminal tympany (see above and below).
(c) Risk of severe compromise of the effective expansion capacity of
lungs as a result of:
• increased abdominal size following development of ruminal tympany
causing pressure on diaphragm
• relatively poor oxygenation of the dependent lower lung due to
inadequate circulation and pressure (ventilation-perfusion mis-
match). Poorly oxygenated blood from ventral lung mixes with better
oxygenated blood from upper dorsal lung, giving lowered systemic
oxygenation and increased CO2 retention (hypercapnia).
(d) Risk of skeletal injury in induction and recovery, involving possible
dislocation, myositis and nerve paralyses.
(e) Expense and size of gaseous anaesthetic equipment, and appropriate
expertise in its use.

Apparatus for GA of cattle older than three to six months is similar to that
available for horses. Endotracheal intubation is essential in bovine GA.
Equipment for volatile and gaseous agents is of circle and to-and-fro pat-
tern, incorporating soda-lime canister and re-breathing bag with either an
38 Chapter 1

Table 1.10 Main signs for assessing anaesthetic depth.

Surgical anaesthesia Excessive depth*

Cardiovascular system
Heart rate and rhythm tachycardia bradycardia, impending
Muscous membrane colour pink cyanotic
Capillary refill time < 2 sec > 3 sec
Respiratory system
Respiratory rate near normal shallow, irregular,
gasping, apnoea
Tidal volume slightly reduced more reduced
Character regular irregular
Ocular signs
Position and size of pupil moderately constricted, very dilated, centrally fixed
possibly rotated down
Palpebral reflex present very slow or absent
Corneal reflex present slow
Musculoskeletal system
Muscle tone
(lower jaw, limbs) moderate poor or absent
Other signs
Swallowing reflex absent absent
Salivary flow present, profuse absent
Lacrimal secretion present absent

* Action to take in case of excessive depth:

• note time
• check patency of airway
• stop any volatile anaesthetic administration, give oxygen and artificial respiration
• check heart rate (for five seconds)
• check respiratory rate and character (for five seconds)
• check other vital signs (see above)

uncalibrated or calibrated vaporiser (0–5%) to volatilise halothane (Fluothane®

[Schering-Plough, Mallard Medical]), isoflurane or sevoflurane) by means
of oxygen delivered by a preset flowmeter. Minimum internal diameter of
airways in such apparatus should be 4 cm.
Equipment for GA of calves with volatile or gaseous agents is similar to that
for larger breeds of dog, e.g. Boyle’s circle absorber. The airway diameter,
although theoretically inadequate, is unlikely to produce disadvantageous
side-effects. Endotracheal tubes for calves should have an internal diameter
of 12–16 mm, while those for adult cattle should be about 2.5 cm. Tubes
of siliconised PVC are approximately one quarter the price of rubber endo-
tracheal tubes (adult cattle).
General considerations and anaesthesia 39

List of equipment for GA by gaseous or volatile agents:

• anaesthetic apparatus – circle or to-and-fro system

• endotracheal tubes (calf-adult: 12–25 mm)
• syringe for inflation and clamping-off of cuff
• mouth gag (e.g. Drinkwater model)
• laryngoscope (e.g. Rowson pattern) optional
• nasogastric tube to act as guide, over which endotracheal tube is passed
• halothane, isoflurane or sevoflurane and oxygen supply
• ruminal trocar and cannula

Intravenous drugs
Intravenous agents for GA of cattle include:

• thiopentone sodium – give as 10% solution by rapid i.v. injection, dose

1 g/100 kg 10 minutes after xylazine premedication or 1.2 g/100 kg if
unpremedicated. Perivascular injection is irritant, therefore following
such an accident, infiltration of 500 ml saline with hyaluronidase is
essential to prevent perivascular necrosis and skin slough. Duration of GA
5–8 minutes. Recover to stand in 30–60 minutes. Unsuitable for very
young calves.
• ketamine and xylazine – xylazine is given i.v. (0.1 mg/kg) or i.m.
(0.2 mg/kg), followed 10 minutes later by i.v. ketamine (10 mg/kg). GA
lasts 15–35 minutes. Recovery is fairly rapid. The two drugs may be mixed
in one syringe and given i.m.
• chloral hydrate – unsuitable for GA of cattle, but remains an inexpensive
sedative (see p. 15).
• ketamine and guiafenesin: 1 g of ketamine is added to a 1 litre bag or
bottle of a 5% guaifenesin solution. This combination is administered to
effect at about 0.2– 0.5 ml/kg/hour and produces satisfactory anaesthesia
which can be maintained for several hours.
In any such intravenous GA technique endotracheal intubation should
be carried out as soon as possible after injection. The tube should only be
removed following a demonstrable cough reflex or swallowing movement.
Extubation is performed with the head lower than the trunk and with the cuff
inflated until it reaches the pharynx, preventing material moving between
tube and tracheal mucosa, dribbling towards the bifurcation of the bronchi
and causing a necrotic bronchotracheitis.

Immobilon™/Revivon™ – large animal product

A reversible neuroleptanalgesia (narcosis) with analgesia can be attained for
restraint and surgical procedures with LA Immobilon™, the active principle
of which is etorphine, combined with acetylpromazine. It is not licenced for
use in cattle, but is sometimes used in exceptional circumstances where other
40 Chapter 1

methods of restraint are considered too hazardous. The drug is extensively

used in various species in tropical Africa, but rarely now in the UK except for
restraint of dangerous animals, e.g. a bull or steer amok in public places.
Warning: etorphine can be life-threatening to the operator if absorbed by
any route. Extreme care should be taken. Before any use of Immobilon™ the
appropriate dose of the antagonist Revivon™ (contained in the same pack)
should be drawn up first into a second syringe, which should then be kept
close at hand for immediate intravenous use in the event of an accident. A
second person should always be instructed clearly beforehand what action
should be taken with the reversing agent, which should then be injected
before calling medical assistance.

Use with a dart gun (i.e. intramuscular injection) for restraint of dangerous
and uncontrollable cattle.
0.5–1 ml Immobilon™ per 50 kg bodyweight i.m. by dart syringe. Cattle
become recumbent some minutes later, and remain immobile for about
45 minutes. Generalised muscle tremors and poor muscle relaxation are usu-
ally apparent.
To reverse the drug an equal volume of Revivon™ (diprenorphine HC1)
should be injected i.v. Recovery generally occurs with minimal disturbance
and noise. A second half dose of Revivon™ may be given s.c. after the initial
i.v. dose if required.
Operator warning (from UK data sheet of LA Immobilon™/Revivon™)
To avoid accidental self-injection two sterile needles should be used, one to
fill the syringe, the second to inject the patient. After the calculated dose
has been withdrawn from the vial, the syringe should be removed from the
needle. The syringe should be connected to a second needle immediately
before delivery. Both needles should be discarded into a closed labelled con-
tainer. Operator should wear rubber gloves and should not pressurise vial
contents. Veterinarian should fully brief assistant on accident procedure
and administration of the reversing agent (LA Revivon™) should any
Immobilon™ be inadvertently absorbed through skin, mucous membranes
(mouth, eyes) or through injection.
Immobilon is highly toxic, causing dizziness, nausea, pinpoint pupils,
rapidly followed by respiratory depression, hypotension, cyanosis, loss of
consciousness and cardiac arrest.
The reader should consult specialised textbooks (see Further Reading sec-
tion, pp. 259– 60) for further details of bovine GA.

1.10 Shock
A state in which there is inadequate perfusion of tissues. Shock lesions result
General considerations and anaesthesia 41

• failure of homeostatic mechanisms to maintain adequate perfusion

• homeostatic mechanisms themselves reduce perfusion by eliciting exces-
sive production of various vasoactive hormones, amides, peptides and
Shock may eventually become refractory to treatment. Inadequate perfusion
is due to failure of blood flow, not of blood pressure. Changes are due to
hypoxia and accumulated metabolites from defective perfusion. Basic patho-
logy: necrosis of cells and tissue, haemorrhages and fibrin thrombi in venous
circulation (Shwartzman). Almost every organ displays lesions.
Shock in bovine practice may be due to various states, for example:

• hypovolaemic shock as a result of massive haemorrhage, namely reduc-

tion of circulating blood volume to less than 80% (reduction to less than
65% in critical)
• dehydration, e.g. 10–12% is severe, and over 15% is critical
• burns, e.g. third degree burns over more than 25% of body surface
• infection – septic shock, especially gram-negative bacteria liberating
endotoxins (e.g. generalised Shwartzman reaction)
• peripheral vascular disease with gangrene
• spinal anaesthesia (cranial or epidural, see Section 1.8, pp. 27–29)
• acute haemolytic conditions
A fall in blood pressure as a result of shock due to severe systemic blood loss
triggers off a sequence of events in which the animal attempts to maintain an
adequate blood supply to the brain and coronary vessels, but which may
compromise other tissues (see Figure 1.16). Prompt fluid therapy is often the
most important corrective measure in such cattle.

Baroreceptors in carotid
and aortic vasculature

Stimulation of
sympatheticosuprarenal system

Catecholamine release

Vasoconstriction in organs with Blood supply maintained

alphacatecholamine receptors to the cerebral and
(e.g. intestine, kidney, skin) coronary vessels

Renal tubular necrosis

and intestinal mucosal ischaemia

Figure 1.16 Summary of some reactions following severe blood loss and shock.
42 Chapter 1

1.11 Fluid therapy

Correction of fluid and electrolyte deficits may be critical in severe shock and
blood loss, in conditions such as right abomasal volvulus (see Section 3.7,
p. 110) and in severe, protracted toxic cases of bovine dystocia. A water
deficit can result from anorexia, dysphagia, diarrhoea and hyperosmolality.

Dehydration is expressed as a percentage of total reduction of body fluids and
is estimated as follows:

• persistent skin fold for > 3 seconds

• prolonged capillary refill (> 4 seconds)
• sunken eyeball or enophthalmos e.g. 7 mm recession indicates about 12%
Volume of fluid required for replacement is calculated very simply: litres
required = bodyweight in kg × % dehydration. For example, a 500 kg cow
with 10% dehydration requires 50 litres of fluid to cover her deficit.

Intravenous catheters are usually placed into the jugular vein following skin
preparation (Cathlon® IV, Johnson & Johnson, Intracath®, Becton Dickinson
16 G or 19 G for calves, 10 G or 12 G for rapid infusion in cows).

Hypertonic saline (HS) (see Table 1.11)

Hypertonic saline (HS) is a major advance in fluid therapy for haemorrhagic
shock (massive blood loss) involving severe dehydration, hypovolaemic
shock and in endotoxic shock (e.g. following correction of right abomasal

• i.v. dose of 7.2% sterile saline, 4 ml/kg over five minutes (i.e. 2–3 litres to a
600 kg cow) via 10G (Intracath®)
• avoid perivascular injection (tissue necrosis)
• ensure immediate access to unlimited fresh water (most cows will drink
20– 40 litres in the next 10 minutes)
• if patient does not drink within five minutes, give 20 litres of water by
stomach tube or i.v. isotonic saline
• i.v. HS may be repeated once after 24 hours
HS is useful as emergency treatment for severely diarrhoeic and (> 8%)
dehydrated calves, combined with oral electrolytes or followed by i.v. isotonic
saline (dosage as above).
General considerations and anaesthesia 43


Ideally, the solution is selected after determining the individual animal’s
needs by laboratory evaluation. However on the farm this is not practical. In
general cattle have rather consistent acid base and electrolyte abnormalities
associated with surgical disease. Dehydrated cattle are twice as likely to have
metabolic alkalosis as metabolic acidosis. Alkalosis is treated by giving a solu-
tion rich in chloride and potassium. Given adequate circulatory volume and
electrolytes, the kidneys can usually correct the alkalosis.
Oral rehydration can be achieved rapidly (e.g. 20 litres of dextrose and/or
saline in less than three minutes) using a stomach pump attached to an
oesophageal tube, which is protected from damage by the cow’s teeth by a
straight outer sleeve, one end of which has nose tongs attached for insertion
into the nostrils. Dehydration is easily corrected in adult cattle if combined
with i.v. therapy (see below) or sometimes alone to prevent, for example, bor-
derline ketosis.

Replacement rules (see Table 1.11)

• K is reduced in abomasal volvulus (see Section 3.7, p. 111) and is associ-
ated with metabolic alkalosis: it should be replaced with KCl
• K is also reduced in diarrhoeic conditions: replace with K2CO3
• Na is reduced in abomasal torsion, and involves metabolic acidosis;
replace with 0.9% NaCl or KCl

Table 1.11 Composition of six fluids given as replacement therapy to cattle.

Electrolyte concentration (mEq/litre)

Na+ K+ Ca++ NH4− Cl− HCO3− Lactate−

Normal plasma 140 4 5 0 103 25 5

0.9% NaCl 154 0 0 0 154 0 0
Ringer solution 145 4 6 0 155 0 0
Lactated Ringer 130 4 3 0 109 0 28
Hypertonic saline (7.2%) 120 17 70 0 144 0 0
Ammonium KCl solution* 0 75 0 75 150 0 0

* Whitelock, R.H., et al. (1976) Proceedings of the International Conference of Production

Diseases of Farm Animals, 3 edn. Wageningen, The Netherlands, pp. 67–9
0 if CaCl
44 Chapter 1

Calculation of electrolyte quantities

(a) Calculate total extracellular fluid (ECF) volume: ECF (litres) = body-
weight in kg × 0.3. For example, a 500 kg cow has 150 litres ECF
(b) Deficit of Na+ and/or Cl− is estimated by laboratory biochemistry; the dif-
ference between normal and calculated values is the deficit per litre
(c) The deficit of K+ is unreliable if calculated from plasma K, but twice this
calculated deficit may be safely administered if:
• renal function is satisfactory
K+ is given as K2CO3 or KCl well diluted in other fluids, at 10–20
• mEq/litre and infusion rate per hour does not exceed 100 mEq K+ in
adult (500 kg) cow. K+ may often be easily given in drinking water
later (about 40 mEq/litre as K2CO3 or KCl).

1.12 Anti-microbial chemotherapy

Anti-microbial drugs are no substitute for sound and aseptic surgical
technique in sterile aseptic procedures, neither can they be expected to
control deep-seated necrotic and purulent foci. These drugs should be con-
sidered as adjuncts to the natural defence mechanisms of the host. The
primary aim is to improve these mechanisms by proper preparation of the
surgical field, surgeon and the instruments, appropriate débridement,
excision of necrotic tissue, drainage and lavage, together with the prompt
re-establishment of the nutritional fluid, electrolyte and acid-base balance of
the patient.
One example is septic arthritis where joint lavage with saline is indi-
cated (see Section 7.27, p. 257) and may sometimes be replaced by more
radical open joint surgery, supported by systemic and local anti-microbial
chemotherapy. Antibiotic prophylaxis is not required during clean surgical
procedures in cattle (e.g. LDA abomasopexy, entropion surgery).
Prophylactic antibiotic therapy is however indicated in extensive
abdominal surgery, open fracture repair and non-sterile invasive procedures.
This therapy should start before the surgical intervention, the therapeutic
concentration should already be adequate at the start of surgery and the
intravenous route is preferable. The dose rates of prophylactic and therapeu-
tic antimicrobials are similar.
In contaminated sites, such as caesarean hysterotomy following prolonged
unsuccessful vaginal manipulation and a dead fetus, rectal tears requiring
extensive suturing, or in surgical sepsis, an adequate tissue concentration of
antibiotic should be rapidly established and therapy should continue for at
least three to five days after surgery. Initial anti-microbial drug selection is
usually arbitrary (broad spectrum) and may be altered following results of
sensitivity testing.
General considerations and anaesthesia 45

Table 1.12 Some guidelines for the antimicrobial sensitivity of certain drugs against
common bovine pathogens (see footnote).

Antimicrobial drug
Organism First choice Alternative choice (s)

Arcanobacterium pyogenes Amoxicillin (c) Penicillin G (c)

Staphylococcus aureus
nonpenicillinase Penicillin G (c) amoxy/clav (c)
penicillinase Oxacillin (c) amoxy/clav (c)
Clostridium spp. Penicillin G (c) Tetracycline (Cl. tetani)
Escherichia coli Marbofloxacin (c) Ampicillin (c)
Fusobacterium Ceftiofur Penicillin G (c)
Tetracycline (s)
Enterobacteriaceae Aminoglycosides Carbenicillin (c)
Marbofloxacin (c)
Klebsiella Marbofloxacin (c) Cephalosporin (c)
Pasteurella Ceftiofur, Enrofloxacin‡ Tetracycline† (s)
Trimethoprim + sulpha
Proteus mirabilis Ampicillin (c) Marbofloxacin (c)
other Proteus Marbofloxacin (c) Carbenicillin (c)
Salmonella Trimethoprim + sulpha (s&c) Ampicillin (c)
Streptococcus Penicillin (c) amoxy/clav (c)

Note: enormous variations exist between different laboratories and countries, also antibiotic
legislation is very variable, therefore obtain advice from nearest veterinary laboratory!
(c) = bactericidal; (s) = bacteriostatic; (s/c) = bactericidal in high concentrations only
† widespread resistance of Pasteurella spp. to tetracycline is recognised; alternative drugs are

sulfachlorpyridazine or erythromycin
‡ use in USA restricted to beef cattle

The most common bovine pathogens and their sensitivity are shown
in Table 1.12. The sensitivity may be variable depending on the area and
Reasons for a failure of sensitivity testing are listed in Table 1.13. A failure
of response to anti-microbial therapy can be due to a variety of other reasons
(see Table 1.14).
The problem of milk withdrawal times in lactating dairy cattle must be kept
in mind (see Table 1.15). Currently ceftiofur HCL (e.g. Excenel RTU® sterile
suspension, [Pfizer] ) is a very popular systemic antimicrobial as it has a nil
milk withdrawal time.
46 Chapter 1

Table 1.13 Failure of sensitivity testing (susceptibility) to predict outcome of therapy:

some possible factors.

Impaired absorption
Accelerated elimination
Adverse drug interaction(s)
Inadequate penetration/drainage
Reduced phagocytosis
Drug antagonism
Impaired normal host defences
Underlying disease
Genotypic or phenotypic drug resistance

Table 1.14 Failure of response to antimicrobial therapy: list of possible factors.

Absence of concurrent surgical/mechanical measures, e.g. drainage

Inappropriate drug selection or dosage
Sensitivity testing: organism resistant in vitro
Predisposing and management factors remaining uncorrected
Misdiagnosis, as condition not of bacterial origin
Impaired immune function
Fluid electrolyte, acid-base imbalance, nutritional defects
Inflammation, with release of mediators, cellular breakdown products, oedema, tissue
destruction, coagulation, impaired perfusion and penetration
Poor management of mixed infections involving anaerobes
Toxin elaboration before antibacterial concentration is obtained at infection site
Drug resistance, therapeutic, prophylactic, growth promotion use
Underlying disease or concurrent medication
Adverse reactions: toxicity

In summary, in cattle anti-microbial selection should be based on the

organism’s sensitivity, predicted drug tissue levels, confidence in drug safety
and cost, and approval of extra-label use in each country.
Post-surgical analgesia may be improved by flunixin meglumine
(Finadyne®, [Schering-Plough] Ketoprofen® [Rhone Merieux] ), or meloxi-
cam (Metacam®, Boehringer Ingelheim). Flunixin meglumine, when used at
label dose, incurs ten days of meat withholding and three days’ milk with-
holding in the United States (respectively 5 and 1 days in UK).
General considerations and anaesthesia 47

Table 1.15 Effective therapeutic period and withdrawal times of chemotherapeutic

agents in UK and USA (2004/2005). Since drugs are given in various forms and
strengths, milk discard times and withdrawal times will vary accordingly: drug labels
should always be checked!

Effective Withdrawal times (days)

period (days) Milk discard Slaughter (meat)

Ceftiofur Na (Naxcel®) 1 0 0 0 0
Ceftiofur HCl (Excenel®) 1 0 0 8 0
Trimethoprim/Sulphadiazine 1 6.5 2.5 34 5
Oxytetracycline 100 1 4 4 21 7–22
Oxytetracycline LA 4 7 4 14 28
Procaine penicillin G 1 2–5 2 3–4 10
Procaine penicillin G
+ streptomycin 1 2.5 2 23 30
Ampicillin 1 1–7 2 18–60 6
Erythromycin 1 2 3 7 14
Amoxicillin 1 1–7 NP 18–42 25
Framycetin 1 2.5 NA 49 28–38
Cefalexin sodium 1 0 4 19 4
Florfenicol (Nuflor®) 2 NP NP 30–44 28–38
Clav. acid/amoxicillin (Synulox®) 1 2.5 — 42 —
Enrofloxacin (Baytril®) 1 3.5 NP 14 28

NA = not available, NP = not permitted

British readers are referred to the current data sheets and the current NOAH Compendium.
US readers should refer to the Center for Veterinary Medicine, see Appendix 3 (p. 267)

1.13 Wound treatment

Successful surgical treatment of wounds depends on:

• thorough débridement
• meticulous haemostasis
• elimination of dead space
• proper use of instruments
• judicious insertion of drains
• proper placement of sutures
Since the healing process is basically similar in all species (see Figure 1.17),
these points all apply to cattle. Bovine wounds fortunately heal without
production of exuberant granulation tissue which is commonly seen in
the horse.
Débridement is essential, especially when the wound (e.g. teat) is to be
sutured and in areas when gross contamination is commonplace.
48 Chapter 1



débridement contraction
resistance to
infection macrophages
granulocytes proteoglycan
new vascular


Figure 1.17 Basic process of wound healing.

Haemostasis prevents haematoma formation in dead space which would

potentially offer an ideal culture medium for bacterial growth.

Dead space may be packed with sterile gauze swabs for 24– 48 hours to pre-
vent haematoma formation (see Section 2.7, pp. 69–70).

Drains are rarely indicated in cattle except for certain long bone fractures,
the thorax or subcutaneous or deep infected wounds (e.g. laparotomy inci-
sions) where:

• irrigation is required several times daily

• the outflow of infected material may be ensured without the need regu-
larly to reopen the lower end of the incision

Sutures in wounds:

• do not suture infected wounds

General considerations and anaesthesia 49

Irrigation of wounds:

• large volume of clean non-sterile fluid (e.g. mains water) is more valuable
than small volume of sterile physiological saline
• ensure all pockets of deeper wounds are reached by irrigation fluids
• judicious use of 3% hydrogen peroxide, or 1% chlorhexidine solution
speeds removal of pus and tissue debris
• development of dead space may be prevented by judicious closed active
drainage (suction drainage, Redon type drain)
Skin sutures: single or interrupted mattress sutures of sheathed polyamide
polymer multifilamentous material (e.g. Vetafil®, Supramid® [Braun]),
monofilament nylon or polypropylene (see Table 1.5, p. 9)
Deep sutures in infected wounds: PGA, PDS

• Penrose
• sialastic
• polypropylene, flexible and thin-walled with multiple openings in deeper

1.14 Cryotherapy

Advantages of this technique include:

• frequently faster than knife surgery

• little or no haemorrhage
• relative absence of post-operative complications
• phenomenon of cryo-immunity may delay or prevent neoplastic regrowth
Disadvantages are few:

• objectionable odour resulting from tissue necrosis

• risk of uncontrolled freeze resulting in destruction of vital tissues
Materials, termed cryogens, are:

• liquid nitrogen (N) (boiling point −196°C)

• nitrous oxide (N2O)(−89.5°C)
• carbon dioxide (CO2)(−35.5°C)

Equipment may be small and readily portable (special vacuum flask), or
can be rather large and heavy, e.g. Frigitronics CE-8. Operator should wear
50 Chapter 1

disposable protective plastic gloves and avoid any possibility of cryogen con-
tacting the skin of involved personnel. General anaesthesia may be necess-
ary for delicate cryotherapy, since the affected area must be kept immobile
during treatment.

• wash and dry area and apply a little paraffin jelly or vaseline (e.g. KY®
jelly) for improved initial adhesion
• if spray is to be used, mask off surrounding area with piece of plastic sheet
or with thick layer of vaseline
• select suitable probe head (e.g. flat, 10 mm or 20 mm diameter) or spray
attachment (2.36–1.25 metric needle, depending on desirability of coarse
or fine spray)
• if necessary attach flexible extension piece to keep apparatus vertical and a
short distance from operating site
• if available, and working near vital structures, insert thermocouples: drop
of reading to −20°C is critical and indicates need to arrest cryotherapy at
• in absence of thermocouples and in most situations in cattle, digital assess-
ment of size and position of iceball is quite reliable
• produce rapid freeze and permit slow thaw cycle; two cycles necessary for
N, three for N2O or CO2
• assess extent of iceball by digital palpation. Probe is removed after natural
thaw, or after activating automatic defrosting device
• do not repeat freeze until area is completely thawed. Effectiveness of proce-
dure depends on sequence of rapid freeze-slow thaw cycles
• warn owner or stockperson to anticipate tissue necrosis and slough in
seven–ten days, leaving a healthy granulating surface, which should be
kept clean as epithelialisation proceeds from periphery inwards

Factors affecting degree of cryonecrosis include:

• probe temperature – liquid nitrogen is capable of freezing any tissue in the

• size of probe tip – the greater its diameter the greater the volume of frozen
• size of spray orifice – the larger the orifice, the greater the concentration of
cryogen applied to lesion, resulting in very rapid freeze and larger volume
of frozen tissue. With liquid nitrogen, spray orifice penetrates much deeper
and faster than probe tip, though latter is more precise
• duration of freeze – at temperatures below −20°C for 1 minute or more
virtually all living tissue undergoes cryonecrosis. The longer the freeze,
the larger the iceball.
General considerations and anaesthesia 51

1.15 Coccygeal venepuncture

Collection of venous samples (volume up to 10 ml) with minimal restraint
and little or no assistance. Obvious advantages over collection from jugular
or subcutaneous abdominal (milk) vein (latter not recommended). Minimal
risk of infection and sporadic haematoma formation insignificant, so tail
paralysis is virtually unknown.

Collect into evacuated blood collection tubes containing edetic acid
(EDTA), heparin etc., or without coagulant (Vacutainer® [Becton Dickinson,
Rutherford, NJ]) via 0.9 metric 4 cm needle which is screwed into plastic
holder into which collection tube is inserted. Alternatively collect via 0.8
metric 2 cm needle into polypropylene syringe (5–10 ml) with negative

• restrain head in stall by chain or halter, or in squeeze chute or head gate

(manual restraint rarely required)
• grasp tail in middle third and slowly elevate to almost vertical position
(‘tail jack’ Figure 1.18)

Figure 1.18 Method of restraint for obtaining blood samples from coccygeal vein.
52 Chapter 1

• cleanse tail site of gross faecal contamination with paper towel or cotton
• with free hand locate palpable vein in midline, just caudal to insertion of
skin folds of tail at level of coccygeal (Co) vertebrae 6–7
• insert needle just cranial to bony protuberance of haemal process in mid-
line to depth of about 8–12 mm (in Vacutainer® system, insert needle into
tube), and withdraw slightly until bloodflow starts
• if initially unsuccessful, reduce tension of tail slightly and continue at
same site, otherwise attempt at Co 5–6
• do not massage puncture site after venepuncture
Other reports claim that sites of Co 3–5 are preferable, but anatomical studies
show the vein lies to the right of midline in the ventral sulcus of the vertebral
body at the more cranial site.
Insignificant haematoma develops in a small number of cases, but dis-
appears in a few days. Procedure does not cause thrombophlebitis or total
occlusion of vein, and repeat samples are easily obtained some days or weeks

1.16 Hereditary defects

Until the 1960s congenital defects in cattle were thought to be largely herit-
able. There has been a slight but perceptible change in this attitude of veter-
inarians, cattle breeders and geneticists. ‘Congenital’ is not synonymous
with ‘heritable’ or ‘genetic’. There remains a great paucity of information. A
limited number of conditions can be corrected surgically, and where it is
likely that the condition is inherited, steps should be taken (e.g. castration,
sterilisation, or crushing of teats) to avoid breeding from such stock.
Incidence of congenital defects in cattle is 0.2–3%, with 40–50% born
dead. Most defects are visible externally. Congenital defects reduce the value
of affected calves, and frequently of their normal relatives too. Economic
losses are particularly severe when congenital losses are combined in a
syndrome involving embryonic and fetal mortality. Such losses are often
increased by longer calving intervals resulting from dystocia and subsequent
infertility. Breeding programme changes subsequent to such incidents may
require the introduction of less popular and profitable stock.
Close collaboration between veterinarians, farmer and geneticist is essen-
tial. Good breeding records are a vital tool.

Examples of the more common defects of each body system are:

• skeletal – single and isolated defects include spinal abnormalities such as

scoliosis, kyphosis, tibial hemimelia, polydactyly, syndactyly
General considerations and anaesthesia 53

• systemic skeletal defects – chondrodysplasia (dwarfism), osteopetrosis

• joint defects – arthrogryposis and congenital muscle contracture (‘ankylo-
sis’), hip dysplasia, bilateral femorotibial osteoarthritis
• muscular – arthrogryposis, congenital flexed pastern and/or fetlocks,
muscular hypertrophy
• spastic paresis
• CNS – internal hydrocephalus, spina bifida, Arnold Chiari malformation
(herniation of cerebellar tissue through foramen magnum into cranial cer-
vical spinal canal) cerebellar hypoplasia, cerebellar ataxia, spastic paresis,
spastic syndrome
• skin – epitheliogenesis imperfecta, entropion
• cardiovascular – ventricular septal defect, patent ductus arteriosus
• digestive – atresia of ileum, colon, rectum and anus
• hernias – umbilical, scrotal/inguinal, schistosomus reflexus
• reproductive – testicular hypoplasia, intersex (hermaphrodite and
freemartin), ovarian hypoplasia, rectovaginal constriction ( Jerseys) and
prolonged gestation
Many of the above musculoskeletal defects (e.g. muscular hypertrophy or
double muscling in the Belgian Blue) can give rise to dystocia.
Surgical correction of several of these defects is considered elsewhere:
umbilical hernia (see Section 3.13, p. 122), rectal and anal atresia (see
Section 3.18, p. 133), and spastic paresis (see Section 7.21, p. 246).
Bovine Surgery and Lameness, Second Edition
A. David Weaver, Guy St. Jean, Adrian Steiner
Copyright © 2005 David Weaver, Adrian Steiner and Guy St Jean


Head and neck surgery

2.1 Disbudding and dehorning 54 2.5 Neoplasia of eyelids 65

2.2 Trephination of frontal sinus 2.6 Ocular foreign body 67
(for empyema) 60 2.7 Enucleation of eyeball 68
2.3 Entropion 63 2.8 Tracheotomy 70
2.4 Third eyelid flap 64 2.9 Oesophageal obstruction 73

2.1 Disbudding and dehorning

• improve stock management
• prevent potential aggressive behaviour towards other members of herd
and stock personnel
• reduce traumatic damage to such persons and other individuals and stock,
especially udder and skin injury resulting in eventual lowered hide value

Selection of technique
In the UK all calves over one week old may only be disbudded or dehorned
under anaesthesia or analgesia (Animal Anaesthetics Act 1964). In some
other countries (e.g. Switzerland), regardless of age, anaesthesia is manda-
tory. Under proposed animal welfare guidelines, it is suggested that dehorn-
ing (not disbudding) may ultimately be outlawed. The veterinarian should
strive, under Herd Health Plans, to convince farmers to disbud at an early
Very young calves (< 1 week old) may be disbudded by application of a local
caustic compound (NaOH, KOH, collodion). Wear protective gloves. Clip hair
from horn buttons. Protect surrounding skin with petrolatum, and apply thin
film of paste. Confine calves for 30 minutes. Use of caustic preparations may
be forbidden in some countries (e.g. Switzerland).
The ideal age for disbudding is one to two weeks old, when horn buds
project 5–10 mm, are easily palpable, and a disbudding iron can be used
alone (see Figure 2.1a,c). Haemorrhage is nil.
From about one to four months (horn length 3–5 cm) a Barnes dehorning
gouge (see Figure 2.1b,d), Roberts dehorning trephine, or double action
hoofshears may be applied, followed by a disbudding iron for haemostasis.
Alternatively the Danish debudding gouge is available. The bud and peripheral
Head and neck surgery 55



Figure 2.1 Two disbudding and dehorning instruments (not to scale).

A. head of electrical or gas-powered calf disbudding iron; B. Head of Barnes dehorner;
C. and D. are cross-sections of effect in C burning a circular trough around bud; in
D. blades cut away horn and rim of adjacent skin.

skin may be removed by forceps and scissors following trephination. Older

animals (older calves, yearlings, adults) are dehorned either by embryotomy
(Gigli) wire, Barnes gouge, dehorning (butcher’s) saw or dehorning shears.
Analgesia: block of cornual nerve (see Section 1.8, pp. 18–20).
Calves may be adequately handled in pens. Stock over nine months (e.g.
200 kg) are preferably put through a crush/chute, a group of 10–20 being
blocked and marked in sequence before carrying out the dehorning.
Some breeds have a significant proportion of polled stock (e.g. Hereford) or
are all naturally polled (e.g. Aberdeen Angus).

Technique of disbudding
• restrain calf with hindquarters in corner and head held by thumb and
fingers placed between and below jaws, assistant leaning against shoulder
• place hot (electrical or gas-powered) disbudding iron on bud and rotate
several times, angling the instrument so that the edge burns the skin
around the periphery of the bud to include adequate germinal epithelium
(see Figure 2.1c)
56 Chapter 2

• pressing and moving head laterally, scoop and flick off the horn bud,
leaving a crater, in the middle of which is a small cartilaginous protusion,
which may be left since it is not germinal epithelium
• operate on older calves by placing blades of Barnes dehorner precisely
around base of horn bud and removing small (3–5 mm) strip of skin at same
time as bud is guillotined off. Effect haemostasis with hot disbudding iron
• alternatively remove horns as short as 5 cm rapidly with embryotomy
wire (more physical effort but minimal haemorrhage due to heat)

Comparison of instrumentation
In yearling and adult cattle the preferred method is embryotomy (obstetrical,
Gigli) wire, disadvantages being the considerable physical effort and
relatively slow speed. Advantages include neat appearance and lack of
Saw method is more unsightly and control of haemorrhage takes longer.
Dehorning shears (e.g. Keystone dehorner) is the most rapid method but
causes considerable haemorrhage and has a major disadvantage in that, if
analgesia is absent or poor, sudden violent movement of the head (avoided by
firmly anchored halter!) during closure of the guillotine blades can cause a
shear fracture of the frontal bone and secondary wound problems including
frontal sinusitis. In addition the shears method raises questions of acceptable
animal welfare if analgesia is not confirmed before its application.
Dehorning of cattle without demonstrable analgesia is an unethical and
unprofessional act.

Technique of dehorning
• sedation occasionally indicated
• cornual nerve block (see Section 1.8, p. 19). In adult cattle infiltrate
further anaesthetic solution at caudal border of horn base
• wait five to ten minutes
• check with needle that skin adjacent to horn is painless
• obtain adequate restraint of head in gate of crush and position head
straight forward so that considerable weight can be exerted on embryotomy
wire during sawing movement (see Figure 2.2). Likewise, when using
saw, ensure that operator’s position is optimal
• first cut is made with wire or saw on lateral aspect
• place wire and saw so that instrument passes through skin about 1 cm
from skin-horn junction
• ensure that direction is correct, especially with saw, since change of
direction brings greater difficulties in moving blades
• ensure that blade or wire emerges dorsally through skin lateral to midline
of poll. In Friesian/Holstein cows width of skin left in midline should be
5– 8 cm
• avoid interrupting sawing movement in middle of dehorning process
Head and neck surgery 57

Blade of
dehorner must
Centreline of be below, or at,
shears should base of horn
be 30–45° from
line of head

Crush gate

Halter to pull head

away from crush gate

Figure 2.2 Position of cow’s head and of dehorning shears (Keystone) or saw.
Note that (a) haltered head is pulled forwards away from crush gate, and to side;
(b) cutting angle should be 30–45°; (c) blade or wire is placed onto skin of
horn-skin junction.

Relatively narrow diameter horns (< 5 cm) may be removed using long-
handled dehorning gouge (Barnes pattern). This instrument may also be
useful in removing additional protruding lips of horn where the initial
procedure has been too conservative.

• torsion or torsion/traction on the 2–3 major vessels in the medial aspect
(ventral crescent) of the peripheral skin; they are easily identified and
picked up by artery haemostatic forceps, six to eight turns are optimal
• rubber tourniquet or string around the two horn bases (such as rubber
bands made from cross-sections of car inner tubes or baling twine) applied
in pattern to exert pressure on dorsal horn border as well
• alternatively push wooden toothpick into bone canal from which con-
siderable blood can spurt (remove toothpick the next day)
• cautery, e.g. hot iron, electrocautery, is often disappointingly ineffective
• liberal use of bacteriostatic (e.g. non-sterile furazolidone or sulphanilamide)
or haemostatic powder (Fe salts, tannic acid, alum)
58 Chapter 2

• ensure dehorned cattle are checked regularly for 24 hours after surgery
for any recurrence of bleeding which may result from local irritation and
pain leading to rubbing the cut surface against a wall

Technique of cosmetic dehorning

This technique is often used in show cattle in North America. It is an uneth-
ical procedure in some countries.
Cosmetic dehorning gives an improved appearance following surgery, as
the wound is closed by apposition of skin edges over horn base. The procedure
is carried out aseptically with the aim of primary healing. Cosmetic dehorn-
ing should decrease the risk of post-operative sinusitis.

• clip band 8 cm wide over poll and around base of each horn
• routine skin preparation
• cornual nerve block and local analgesic infiltration caudal to horn base
and in midline
• make transverse incision over poll and laterally in curved fashion passing
0.5 cm from horn-skin junction, the two wounds joining lateral to horn
base and continued towards mandibular joint for 5 cm (see Figure 2.3)
• undermine skin peripherally from incision far enough to avoid skin
damage when horn is removed by saw or Barnes dehorning gouge
• remove more horn if necessary (sterile bone chisel and hammer, Barnes
gouge) until cut is exactly flush with frontal bone
• clean surface with sterile swabs and effect haemostasis
• undermine skin further to enable edges to be apposed across bone surface
without excessive tension, then check cosmetic appearance
• appose edges with interrupted sutures of monofilamentous polypropylene
• clean surface of all blood and debris, and apply antibiotic powder
• remove sutures in 14 days

Complications and discussion

Complications of disbudding and dehorning include:

• side-effects caused by inadvertent i.v. injection of analgesic solution in

young calves (excessive salivation, mild ataxia, temporary collapse)
• failure to remove the horn bud completely in calves (inadequate depth of
cauterising activity) results in regrowth or ‘scurs’
• in older cattle frontal sinusitis (pneumatisation of the horn starts at eight
to nine months) and empyema caused by entry of infection and fly strike in
summer and autumn. Therefore avoid dehorning in the major fly season
(e.g. in UK May to late September). Also avoid feeding hay or straw from
overhead racks to reduce risk of frontal sinusitis.
Crude surgical technique results in prolonged local irritation and increased
tendency for cut surface to be rubbed against dirty surfaces (e.g. soil, bedding,
Head and neck surgery 59


Figure 2.3 Incision and nerve supply for cosmetic dehorning. (A) Rostral view;
(B) lateral view.
1. zygomatico-temporal nerve; 2. frontal nerve; 3. infratrochlear nerve; --- skin

walls). Most infected wounds can be cleaned easily, but infection extending
into the frontal sinus can cause chronic discharge of pus (often A. pyogenes) to
pass into the maxillary region, sometimes with systemic illness (e.g. pyrexia,
anorexia, loss of condition, head tilt, localised swelling and pain). Drainage
by sinus trephination may then be indicated (see Section 2.2 below).
60 Chapter 2

11 5

12 4
10 8
13 6
15 7

16 X

Figure 2.4 Median section through head, left half. (From Pavaux, 1983.)
1. caudal frontal sinus; 2. medial rostral frontal sinus; 3. sphenoidal sinus; 4. nasal
cavity; 5. nasal septum; 6. hard palate; 7. root of tongue; 8. soft palate; 9. isthmus
faucium (oral part of pharynx, oropharynx); 10. nasal part of pharynx (nasopharynx);
11. pharyngeal septum; 12. nasopharyngeal meatus; 13. laryngeal part of pharynx
(laryngopharynx); 14. entrance to larynx (laryngeal aditus); 15. vestibule of
oesophagus; 16. oesophagus (cervical part); 17. cavity of larynx.
X shows common site of oesophageal obstruction; long arrow shows hand passed
into pharynx, and short arrow the retrograde pressure on oesophagus. (From Pavaux;

2.2 Trephination of frontal sinus (for empyema)

Frontal sinusitis with considerable volume of pus occupying the multi-
loculated structure and with chronic discharge through the horn base.

Anatomy (Figures 2.4 and 2.5)

The frontal sinus is comprised of several compartments (see Figures 2.4
and 2.5). The large caudal frontal sinus is completely divided by an oblique
partition into a rostromedial and a caudolateral portion. The former has a
narrow nasofrontal opening and a post-orbital diverticulum. The latter has
Head and neck surgery 61

X 4


Figure 2.5 Diagram of longitudinal and rostral sections through skull to show extent
of sinuses.
1. frontal sinus; 2. maxillary sinus; 3. position of orbit; 4. rostral compartments of
frontal sinus; X trephine sites for empyema of frontal sinus. (Modified from Dyce &
Wensing, 1971.)

the cornual diverticulum and nuchal diverticulum which ends by also exca-
vating the parietal, occipital and temporal bones. Two or three small cham-
bers lie level with the rostral part of the orbit.
The borders of the frontal sinus are from the rostral part of the orbit to a
transverse line drawn through the midline of the orbit, laterally to the frontal
crest, and caudally to the nuchal crest (poll). A midline septum separates
the two frontal sinuses. The normal small communication of the frontal
sinus with the ethmoid sinus and the nasal cavity is usually occluded due to
thickening of the mucosa and purulent discharge.
For clinical signs of frontal sinus empyema see section on complications
of dehorning (see Section 2.1, p. 58). Some cases result from horn fracture,
usually a direct result of uncontrolled movement of the head (poor anaes-
thesia). Sinusitis is often confined initially to caudal part of sinus.
62 Chapter 2

• restrain animal adequately in crush/chute and give sedative
• clip hair around horn base and over whole of frontal region, cleanse and
• produce local analgesia by supra-orbital block (see Section 1.8, p. 20) or
infiltration over site of proposed trephine opening. The trephine opening
may be located 5 cm dorsal to the line joining the two supra-orbital pro-
cesses and about 5 cm from midline. Further landmark: 2–3 cm abaxial at
the level of a horizontal line joining the axial parts of both orbits. Some-
times a soft area of bone presents a suitable site. A ventral site is preferable
if the horn sinus is still patent, permitting flushing from one opening to the
other. Avoid the supra-orbital foramen and vein (see Figure 1.4)
• remove circular area of skin, subcutaneous tissue and cutaneous muscle
3 cm diameter by scalpel and forceps
• elevate periosteum with periosteal elevator and remove it with scalpel
• trephine bone over sinus using 2.5 cm diameter Galt or Horsley pattern
• flush sinus cavity initially with warm water using enema pump, then with
hydrogen peroxide (3%, i.e. 10 vol, diluted with equal volume of water)
• insert enema pump (Higginson’s syringe) to direct the irrigating mixture
into the various compartments
• continue irrigation through horn sinus orifice
• irrigate finally with dilute chlorhexidine hydrochloride solution (10 ml of
5% solution made up to 1 litre with water), flushing from top to bottom
• pick up any major bleeding points with artery forceps and maintain
trephine opening patent for daily flushing by stock person
• avoid feeding hay/straw from overhead rack

In chronic cases repeated lavage or a permanent through-and-through

lavage system may be needed.
The wound usually heals in three to four weeks. Parenteral medication
(five to ten days with broad spectrum antibiotics) is indicated in animals
with systemic signs and in all longstanding and severe cases. As trephine
opening closes over, irrigation should be continued with a flexible polypro-
pylene or PVC catheter attached to the syringe. It is a good idea to suture
the catheter in place. Prognosis is favourable (acute cases) to guarded
(chronic cases). Infection rarely extends to the opposite side of the skull or
to the CNS.

In consideration of the possible and safe sites for trephination, note that
the site for euthanasia using a captive bolt gun is midline at the junction of
diagonal lines joining the medial canthus of the orbit to the ventral border of
the opposite horn base (see Figure 2.3a).
Head and neck surgery 63

2.3 Entropion

Incidence and signs

• low incidence, more common in some beef breeds

• involves and lower lid more frequently than upper lid
• often bilateral to varying extent
• occasionally congenital, usually acquired
• signs include mild blepharospasm, conjunctivitis, keratitis, and corneal
ulceration if not corrected early
• conservative non-surgical treatment often successful e.g. manual eversion,
injection of saline into lid, horizontal mattress tacking suture in eyelid

• correction of congenital or acquired inversion of upper or lower lid

Technique (Hotz-Celsus procedure)

• estimate length and width of skin to be resected by pinching to produce
approximate skin fold to correct inversion of lid margin
• linear s.c. infiltration of anaesthetic solution parallel and 2 mm distant to
lid margin
• scalpel incision to remove ridge of skin previously measured (see Figure 2.6)
• close wound margin with single continuous or mattress absorbable suture
e.g. PDS (avoiding need for later removal)
• complications unlikely, though under-correction may necessitate second

Left eye


medial lateral


Figure 2.6 Entropion correction involving lower lid of left eye with skin incision 2 mm
below lid margin.
64 Chapter 2


Figure 2.7 Third eyelid flap in right eye. Shaded area is third eyelid A. sutured into
dorsolateral fornix; B. by suture through skin; C. supported by 1.5 cm long plastic stent
D. Note that suture does not penetrate full depth of third eyelid, therefore does not
contact corneal surface.

2.4 Third eyelid flap

A suture placed in the third eyelid (nictitating membrane) is passed through
the dorsal lateral conjunctival fornix to emerge through the skin. When
tightened the third eyelid is drawn across the corneal surface.

Cases of extensive corneal ulceration and of traumatic damage, often in
which antibiotic medication has failed to achieve early resolution of the

Technique (Figure 2.7)

• inject 2 ml 1–2% lignocaine into third eyelid initially grasped by fine Allis
tissue forceps, and 5 ml into area of skin sutures
• thread PGA (Dexon®) or PDS 0 gauge suture material onto half-curved
cutting needle (see Figure 1.2 (5) )
• grasp edge of third eyelid with Allis forceps again and place suture
through palpebral surface of lid about 5 mm from edge. Suture should not
penetrate bulbar surface of third eyelid (as this could result subsequently
in corneal abrasion)
• now insert each end of suture in turn through lateral dorsal conjunctival
fornix to emerge through skin about 2–3 cm above lateral commissure
of eyelids
Head and neck surgery 65

• insert 1 cm polypropylene stent onto suture over skin, and tie in ‘quick
release’ fashion with sufficient tension for third eyelid to cover entire
visible surface of cornea, including the lesion
• inspect eyelid suture daily (stockperson), apply any local medication and
perhaps slacken off suture to inspect cornea for assessment of healing
• leave suture in place for two to three weeks, then remove with scissors

Complications and their reasons

• early tearing out of suture from third eyelid, resulting from insufficient
• failure to pull flap sufficiently laterally due to incorrect placement of
conjunctival and skin suture, usually too medial in position
• pulling out of sutures through skin due to absence of stent
• mechanical irritation of corneal surface from suture material (suture
perforated entire depth of third eyelid, or was too slack, failing to pull third
eyelid completely across corneal surface)

No comparative studies are available on the success of this simple and
common technique. Results are generally good as bovine cornea has great
powers of healing.

2.5 Neoplasia of eyelids

Neoplasms of the upper and lower lids and nictitating membrane (third
eyelid) include squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) or ‘cancer eye’, and rarely
other tumours such as papillomata, and fibrosarcoma. SCC is most signific-
ant in terms not only of incidence but also of economic importance and
prognosis. SCC occurs more frequently on the globe (65%) than upper and
lower lids (30%) or third eyelid (5%), is very invasive locally, and may meta-
stasise to the local lymph nodes (parotid, atlantal or retropharyngeal and
the anterior cervical chain).

Clinical signs
SCC is largely confined to Hereford and Simmental breeds and their crosses,
where the non-pigmented area is liable to develop neoplastic lesions under
the influence of ultraviolet radiation from sunlight. Affected cattle are usually
four to nine years old. About 85% of cattle with SCC lack pigment in the
affected area.
The lesion is often an obvious proliferative irregular mass which may
ulcerate through the skin to cause moderate distress and blepharospasm.
66 Chapter 2

Early lesions appear either as rice-grain-like plaques on the sclera or corneal

surface, or as small firm nodules in the dermis. This precursor of a greyish-
white plaque at the nasal and temporal limbus develops into a papilloma
and carcinoma in situ. Lid lesions often start as a dirty brown, horn-like

Treatment is indicated in early lesions without evidence of secondary spread
to adjacent structures (e.g. bone) or metastases to the drainage lymph nodes.
Several techniques are available and include:
(a) excisional surgery
(b) cryotherapy
(c) hyperthermia
(d) radiotherapy (rare)
(e) immunotherapy (rare)
(f) combinations of a+b, a+d or c+e

Excisional surgery of third eyelid

• in standing or recumbent animal induce analgesia by local infiltration
(5 ml of 2% lignocaine) of base of eyelid after instilling topical anaesthetic
solution (e.g. 0.5% proparacaine) into conjunctival sac
• draw third eyelid out by traction with forceps
• excise eyelid deep to cartilage with curved scissors
• control haemorrhage with adrenaline-soaked swab, or cryotherapy

Cryotherapy (see Section 1.14, p. 49) is particularly advantageous since
the technique avoids haemorrhage and is simple and relatively fast. The
small liquid nitrogen flask (Nitrospray® [Arnolds] ) is adequate for lesions up
to 5 cm diameter and 1 cm deep.

• protect eye from inadvertent freezing by inserting ‘Styrofoam’ strips or

acrylic between lid and corneal surface. Apply water-soluble lubricants or
vaseline to skin of surrounding healthy area
• clip and wash affected area and put on disposable rubber gloves
• freeze the area twice (liquid nitrogen) or three times (nitrous oxide, carbon
dioxide) initially using a spray tip
• include at least 5 mm width border of clinically healthy tissue
• evert tissue lying close to cornea by grasping with towel clips or Allis tissue
forceps, before applying probe head which is designed to deal with lesions
of the third eyelid
• use thermocouples if available, inserting points 5 mm from margin of
lesion and stopping freeze when they indicate a temperature drop below
Head and neck surgery 67

Advantages of cryotherapy over knife surgery in treatment of SCC are:

• simple, cheap and rapid method

• good post-operative analgesia
• minimal pre-operative preparation and usually no post-operative medica-
tion necessary
• procedure may be repeated if there are multiple lesions
• no bleeding
Disadvantages of cryotherapy are:

• lesions > 2.5 cm diameter require relatively prolonged application of probe

head for complete iceball formation
• lesions exceeding 5 cm must be treated in two stages, alternatively an
initial surgical debulking procedure
• initial instrumentation cost is high, but treatment cost per lesion is
then low

Other techniques
• excisional surgery: often indicated in large lesions to reduce size (‘debulk’)
prior to cryotherapy
• radiofrequency hyperthermia: application of heat (50°C for 30 seconds)
to various surface points of tumour and surrounding skin using probe
head. Penetration is limited to 0.5–1 cm, therefore inappropriate for large
• radiotherapy: radon and gold seed implants have both been successfully
used in valuable cattle. Penetration is again only 0.5–1 cm
• immunotherapy: local infiltration of mycobacterial cell wall fraction
immunostimulant (Regressin® [Ragland], USDA-approved drug for immuno-
therapy). Dose rate is 0.5 ml for each centimetre of tumour diameter, i.e.
5 cm diameter mass is given 2.5 ml. It is claimed that untreated sites often
undergo spontaneous regression
• Prognosis: recurrence possible

2.6 Ocular foreign body

Foreign bodies such as particles of chaff, burrs and thorns may lodge on
the corneal surface, particularly in lateral or medial canthus, and provoke
a reactive keratoconjunctivitis. Signs are obvious in recent cases with
epiphora, ptosis, blepharospasm and discomfort. Chronic cases show corneal
scarring and pigmented keratitis. Such material may often be removed with-
out local analgesia. Suitable topical analgesics include amethocaine (e.g.
Minims® Amethocaine HCL, [Smith & Nephew Pharmaceuticals] ), xylocaine
(4% eyedrops – Astra®), or Proparacaine (Ophthaine®, Ophthetic®).
68 Chapter 2

• hold head firmly and tilted in good light so that material is, as far as
practical, in midfield of orbital fissure
• spray sterile saline through 22 gauge needle hub tangentially at foreign
body to dislodge it
• if unsuccessful then attempt dislodgement and removal with fine dis-
secting forceps or with fine flat surface such as blunt surface of large
scalpel blade
• assess superficial corneal damage subsequent to removal, following
instillation of one to two drops of fluorescein stain (Minims® Fluorescein
sodium 1% or 2% [Smith & Nephew Pharmaceuticals] )
• insert local broad spectrum antibiotic (e.g. cloxacillin, Orbenin®, [Beecham] )
four times daily for three days after removal. Ointments are more suit-
able than drops. Topical 1% atropine b.i.d. or to effect to maintain pupil
dilatation. Corticosteroids may be contra-indicated as they hamper repair
of any residual ulcer.

2.7 Enucleation of eyeball

• intra-ocular neoplasia and gross damage to bulb, usually with severe
primary or secondary infection, e.g. infectious bovine keratoconjunctiv-
itis (Moraxella bovis ± Neisseria spp.) associated with trauma or rupture
of globe, resulting in anterior staphyloma or panophthalmitis, and risk of
ascending infection up the optic stalk.
Enucleation is rarely indicated in cattle. Cosmetically satisfactory appear-
ance is not so important as in equines and small animals.

Technique of transpalpebral enucleation (exenteration)

• anaesthesia: preferably GA, but alternatively standing or recumbent
under xylazine sedation and retrobulbar block (see Section 1.8, p. 21), or
ophthalmic nerve analgesia and local infiltration of lower lid and medial
• clip and cleanse peri-orbital area
• place continuous suture through upper and lower lids
• perform lateral canthotomy (2 cm) to aid exposure
• using traction with towel clips or Allis tissue forceps, make circumferential
incision 1 cm from skin – conjunctival junction, or as appropriate depend-
ing on the distribution of non-viable or neoplastic skin (see Figure 2.8)
• continue towards orbital ridge down to, but not through, conjunctiva
• exerting some traction on eye muscles, dissect the extra-ocular muscles
bluntly with Mayo scissors from lateral and medial canthus. Avoid exces-
sive traction on optic nerve.
Head and neck surgery 69

Figure 2.8 Exenteration of eye (longitudinal diagrammatic section). Dotted line (A)
starts in the lids, passes through the peri-orbital structures and results in removal of
globe, all orbital contents, eyelid margin and conjunctiva. B. optic nerve and vessels;
C. muscles. Shaded areas above and below are frontal and zygomatic bones.

• grasp eyeball and use further traction to dissect it free from surrounding
retrobulbar tissue (excluding conjunctival sac) and optic nerve
• leave the maximal amount of healthy retrobulbar tissue
• clamp ophthalmic vessels, optic nerve and retractor bulbi muscle with
slightly curved, long-handled artery forceps (Roberts 23 cm, or Kelly
25 cm)
• ligate vessels with 7 metric chromic catgut
• remove third eyelid and Harderian gland
• check site for complete removal of all neoplastic or infected tissue
• meticulous haemostasis during enucleation is time-consuming and in
most cases not necessary
• pack the orbital space for a few minutes with sterile gauze while subcut-
aneous layer of simple interrupted sutures of chromic catgut is inserted,
or insert absorbable gelatinespmges
70 Chapter 2

• place initial sutures in deepest point of wound

• remove packing and all gauze swabs before subcutaneous tissues are
completely closed and irrigate with aqueous antibiotic solution (20 ml)
• appose skin edges of lids by interrupted vertical mattress sutures of mono-
filament nylon, the pressure of the suture incision almost always being
adequate to stop haemorrhage
• give systemic antibiotics for five to seven days, NSAIDs for three days, and
tetanus prophylaxis as required
• remove any packing after two days
• remove sutures two to three weeks later
The resulting ankyloblepharon is cosmetically acceptable. Some cows
become more nervous due to restricted field of vision.

Complications include failure or inability to remove all neoplastic tissue (SCC),
massive intra-orbital haemorrhage, abscess formation, excessive dead space,
and failure to appose the skin margin without excessive tension on sutures
(relieving sutures may help).

2.8 Tracheostomy

Necrotic and purulent laryngitis (caused by Fusobacterium necrophorum infec-
tion and Arcanobacterium pyogenes abscessation respectively) secondary to
intra- or retro-laryngeal foreign bodies, or other mechanical irritants (dust,
repeated coughing due to Haemophilus somnus and other pathogens).
Indications for tracheostomy rarely involve pharyngolaryngeal neoplasia,
retropharyngeal abscessation, foreign bodies in upper respiratory tract, or
persistent laryngospasm. Surgical conditions of head involving haemorrhage
and potential aspiration of blood and infected tissue should be managed with
an endotracheal tube in position. Tube should only be removed after return of
cough and swallow reflexes.

Clinical signs
Signs indicative of need for tracheostomy, which is often an emergency pro-
cedure, include progressive dyspnoea, stridor, and mild cyanosis. Some
animals have fetid breath (F. necrophorum), and pharyngeal lesions which
can be both seen and palpated. In all cases a mouth gag should be inserted
and a long-bladed laryngoscope or endoscope used to aid examination of the
affected area.

Tracheal rings are readily appreciated on deep palpation of upper part of
neck. Diameter is narrow compared with equine trachea. Depth is slightly
Head and neck surgery 71

15 6
5 3
7 1 2 8
10 9

Figure 2.9 Cross-section of neck at level of fifth cervical vertebra, ventral part,
looking caudally.
1. trachea; 2. oesophagus; 3. right common carotid artery; 4. right external jugular
vein; 5. right internal jugular vein; 6. right vagosympathetic trunk; 7. right recurrent
laryngeal nerve; 8. left common carotid artery; 9. left external jugular vein; 10. left
internal jugular vein; 11. left vagosympathetic trunk; 12. left recurrent laryngeal
nerve; 13. sternohyoid and sternothyroid muscles; 14. sternocephalic muscle;
15. brachiocephalic muscle. (From Pavaux, 1983.)

greater than width. Trachea is related at junction of upper and middle thirds
of neck to oesophagus on left side, and to carotid sheath, enclosing common
carotid artery, vagosympathetic trunk and internal jugular vein on the right
and to a lesser extent on the left. The trachea is approached through the two
bellies of the bulky sternomandibular muscles and the finer sternothyrohyoid
muscles, which are fine muscular bands on the ventral tracheal surface
(see Figure 2.9 which is a cross-section somewhat distal to preferred tra-
cheostomy site).

• perform surgery on standing, haltered animal (in crush/chute) under
local infiltration of analgesic solution (2% lignocaine with adrenaline)
• premedicate difficult animals with xylazine, but avoid premedication in
animals with signs of severe cardiovascular and respiratory dysfunction
• maintain head and neck in extension
• identify midline in upper half of neck at level of tracheal rings 4– 6
• clip and disinfect skin over this area and make longitudinal incision 6 cm
long through skin and subcutis directly over the tensed trachea
• separate the paired sternomandibular muscles in midline by blunt dis-
section, followed by sternothyrohyoid muscles
72 Chapter 2

Tracheal ring cartilage


Figure 2.10 Diagram of a tracheostomy incision to show portion of two adjacent

rings resected to permit insertion of a tracheotomy tube.

• insert self-retaining wound retractor (West or Gossett model)

• incise tracheal annular ligament and grasp adjacent tracheal ring with
• resect two half-moon shaped segments of adjacent tracheal rings corres-
ponding to size of the tracheal tube (see Figure 2.10). This form of tracheal
incision maintains the lumen of the adjacent trachea
• insert tracheal tube. Various models are available. A small size (25 mm
diameter) steel equine tube may be used in emergencies. In an immature
animal (calf) the maximum diameter may be 13 mm; these are commer-
cially available (39 FG). Some tubes are up to 14 mm diameter (Portex
Blue Line®) and have external tapes for fixation
• anchor tube to skin at a minimum of two points to prevent rotation
In emergency situation, with no other equipment available, insert a
50–70 cm length of vinyl stomach tubing, 16 mm or 19 mm (external dia-
meter) and suture in place around tracheotomy wound and also tape over
parotid region.
In cattle any tracheotomy tube requires frequent (minimum twice daily)
cleaning of both tracheal lumen and external surface. The relative quantity of
debris and inflammatory discharge is greater than in horses.

• remove tube after alleviation of primary condition, which may require

systemic antibiotherapy alone, or combined surgery (drainage of laryngeal
abscess in calves) and antibiotherapy
• do not suture the wound
• avoid hay dust in the immediate environment to reduce likelihood of
iatrogenic bronchopneumonia
Head and neck surgery 73

Sometimes a major complication is the extension of granulation tissue

from the wound edge to partially occlude the tracheal lumen. Resect such
proliferative tissue by electrocautery.
Prognosis remains guarded in all cases.

2.9 Oesophageal obstruction

Oesophageal obstruction is usually due to round or irregular pieces of food
material, e.g. potato, turnip or sugar beet, rarely to sugar beet pulp (cf. horse).
It can usually be relieved by medical means (e.g. tranquillizers such as
phenothiazine derivatives, relaxants) and manual retrograde manipulation.
Site of obstruction is usually the proximal cervical oesophagus, often in the
first 20 cm (see Figure 2.4, (x) ) and rarely the distal cervical or thoracic
Distal thoracic oesophageal obstruction is sometimes seen in calves due to
‘broken’ stomach feeders following oral rehydration therapy. Rarely oesophageal
obstruction results from external compression (thymic lymphosarcoma,
mediastinal lymphadenopathy) and neurogenic dysfunction (rabies).
Oesophageal obstruction is rarely life-threatening as long as care is taken
to control development of rumenal tympany. Insert temporary rumenal
canula. Oesophagotomy should be a last resort procedure.
Oesophagotomy is only practical in proximal two-thirds of the cervical
part, where organ is relatively accessible, lying in deep fascia to left of the
trachea and overlaid by the left jugular vein and the carotid sheath enclosing
the carotid and vagosympathetic trunk.

Oesophagotomy (for anatomy see Figure 2.9)

• identify site of obstruction and, if not palpable, ascertain by gently passing
stomach tube
• delay radical surgery a minimum of 24 hours, pending medical relief
(e.g. xylazine)
• perform surgery under GA or with sedated animal in right lateral
• infiltrate local anaesthetic solution after routine skin preparation
• carry out surgery with strict aseptic precautions
• keep tissues tense and surgical field convex, elevated by underlying pad or
by sterile assistant, and attempt again to move FB retrograde into pharynx
• incise skin adequate length (twice the length of foreign body) and bluntly
dissect down to oesophageal wall
• carefully reflect jugular and carotid trunk dorsally
• incise thin oesophageal wall longitudinally and carefully remove obstruc-
tion, using gauze swabs to avoid contamination of surgical field by saliva
and food debris
74 Chapter 2

• close oesophageal wall (unless necrotic) with interrupted absorbable sutures

attached to swaged-on curved round-bodied needle
• place sutures 5 mm apart through mucosa and muscularis
• oversew muscularis in second layer of simple continuous PGA sutures,
including fascia for increased strength
• irrigate area well with sterile saline before routine skin closure
• insert Penrose drain along external oesophageal wall to emerge at ventral
(caudal) commissure of skin wound in cases where contamination is
thought likely to lead to infection and secondary healing
• remove drain after 48 hours
• do not suture oesophagus in cases of full depth mural necrosis, but leave as
open fistula
Though lying adjacent to oesophagus, it should be easy to avoid damage to
the common carotid artery (dorsolateral) and jugular vein (ventrolateral).
Cattle with reversible neurogenic oesophageal dysfunction may be supported
by alimentation through a rumen fistula.
Distal oesophageal obstruction (‘broken’ stomach feeders, see above) is
treated by removal via rumenotomy incision.

It is difficult to ensure the primary healing of oesophageal incision, but
chances are increased by keeping animal on fluids for two days, followed by
three days of mash and short-cut fodder.
Bovine Surgery and Lameness, Second Edition
A. David Weaver, Guy St. Jean, Adrian Steiner
Copyright © 2005 David Weaver, Adrian Steiner and Guy St Jean


Abdominal surgery

3.1 Topography 75 3.10 Intestinal intussusception 118

3.2 Exploratory laparotomy, left 3.11 Other forms of intestinal
flank 79 obstruction 120
3.3 Exploratory laparotomy, right 3.12 Peritonitis 121
flank 85 3.13 Umbilical hernia and
3.4 Rumenotomy 88 abscess 122
3.5 Temporary rumen fistulation 96 3.14 Alimentary conditions
3.6 Left displacement of involving neoplasia 127
abomasum 98 3.15 Vagal indigestion (Hoflund
3.7 Right dilatation, displacement syndrome) 129
and torsion (volvulus) of 3.16 Abdominocentesis 130
abomasum 110 3.17 Liver biopsy 132
3.8 Other abomasal conditions 114 3.18 Anal and rectal atresia 133
3.9 Caecal dilatation and 3.19 Rectal prolapse 135
dislocation 115

3.1 Topography
Topography of the forestomachs and abomasum (see Figure 3.1) is incor-
porated in descriptions of approach (e.g. left flank laparotomy, traumatic
reticulitis). The complex topography of the intestinal tract is considered in
this introduction.

The intestinal tract

The small intestine includes the duodenum (cranial, descending and ascending
parts), jejunum, and ileum. The large intestine is comprised of the caecum,
ascending colon (proximal loop, spiral loop [centripetal and centrifugal coils],
distal loop), transverse colon, descending colon and rectum.

Position and course

The muscular pylorus lies fairly fixed in position supported by the origin of
the lesser omentum dorsally and the greater omentum ventrally, and situated
level with the costochondral junction of ribs 9 and 10 on the right side (see
Figures 3.2, 3.3 and 3.24). The cranial duodenal loop passes craniodorsal,
76 Chapter 3

7 6


11 15
15 13
4 11
14 14

3 12


Figure 3.1 Horizontal section of trunk at mid-height of thorax and thighs, looking
1–5. rumen: 1. atrium (cranial sac); 2. dorsal sac; 3. caudodorsal blind sac; 4. ventral
sac; 5. caudoventral blind sac; 6. reticulum; 7. spleen; 8. liver; 9. caudal vena cava;
10. omasum; 11. jejunum; 12. caecum; 13–15. ascending colon: 13. proximal loop;
14. spiral loop; 15. distal loop; 16. urinary bladder; 17. uterine horns. (From Pavaux,

initially freely mobile, but with the next portion firmly adherent to the vis-
ceral hepatic surface. It curves in an S-shaped manner near the bile and pan-
creatic duct openings, and becomes the descending loop, which is suspended
dorsally by the mesoduodenum, and the loop passes caudally in the dorsal
and right lateral part of the abdominal cavity (see Figure 3.2). Superficial and
deep parts of the greater omentum attach to the ventral surface of the
descending loop of the duodenum.
Abdominal surgery 77

1 1

7 9

Figure 3.2 Distribution of greater omentum, viewed diagrammatically through a

vertical section of abdomen, about lumbar vertebra 3.
1. parietal peritoneum; 2. insertion into left longitudinal groove of the rumen of the
superficial layer of the greater omentum; 3. duodenum; 4. mesoduodenum (cranially
the lesser omentum); 5. deep and superficial layers of greater omentum; 6. intestinal
mass in supra-epiploic recess; 7. rumen; 8. left kidney; 9. deep layer of greater
omentum inserting onto right longitudinal groove of rumen. (Modified from Dyce &
Wensing, 1971.)

The duodenum turns craniad at the caudal flexure, where it is attached

to the descending colon by the duodenocolic ligament, and becomes the
ascending loop to pass cranial to the left side of the mesenteric root. It turns
to the right side of the root to become the jejunum.
The jejunum, 35–50 m long, comprises a mass of tight coils at the edge of
the mesentery. The greatest intestinal mass is formed by these heaped coils of
jejunum. The mesentery of the proximal and middle sections is short, that
of the distal part and that attached to the ileum are longer, forming a mobile
section which lies caudal to the supra-omental recess. The ileum comprises
a convoluted proximal segment and a distal straight part. The junction of
jejunum and ileum is the point where the cranial mesenteric artery ends, and
the cranial limit of the ileocaecal fold. The ileum is attached to the caecum
ventrally, the orifice lying obliquely on the ventral surface of the caecum, and
readily identified in adulthood due to the fat pad overlying it.
The caecum is a mobile sac, with the blind end directed caudally. Cranially
the caecum is continuous with the proximal loop of the ascending colon. The
78 Chapter 3

short caecocolic fold attaches the caecum to the colon dorsally. The caecum
often extends caudal to the limits of the supraomental bursa.
The proximal loop of ascending colon passes cranial to the level of T12 then
turns caudally to pass dorsally to the first segment. It again turns craniad, but
now to the left of the mesentery, and then ventrally to become the spiral loop
of the ascending colon. The arrangement comprises two centripetal, followed
by two centrifugal coils (see Figure 3.3). The central flexure is the mid-point
and the change in direction of the spiral colon. The distal portion of the spiral
colon is normally adjacent to the ileum. The distal loop of the ascending colon
passes caudad along the left side of the mesentery, around which it turns
to run craniad again, adjacent to the proximal colon. It then becomes the
transverse colon, which passes from the right to the left side, around the
cranial edge of the cranial mesenteric artery.
The descending colon proceeds caudad along the dorsal surface of the
abdomen, attached by the mesocolon. The mesocolon is rather elongated
at the level of the duodenocolic ligament, affording it some mobility. The
descending colon terminates in the rectum, which lies entirely intrapelvic.
The relative shortness of the mesentery means that exteriorisation of
intestine is difficult in many areas. Vessels and lymph nodes within the
mesentery are hard to identify due to the fat deposition. The ascending


8 7 4

Figure 3.3 Diagrammatic representation of small and large intestine, viewed from
right side.
1. pylorus; 2. descending limb of duodenum; 3. ascending limb of duodenum;
4. proximal jejunum; 5. distal jejunum and ileum; 6. caecum; 7. proximal loop and
centripetal gyri of colon; 8. centrifugal gyri of colon; 9. ascending terminal colon;
10. descending colon; 11. rectum. Length (in adult) of small intestine is 40 m, that of
the large intestine is 10 m.
Abdominal surgery 79

duodenum, proximal and distal loops of ascending colon, and the cranial
portion of the descending colon lie close to one another due to the near-fusion
of their mesenteries. The cranial mesenteric vessels supply the small and
large intestine, except for parts of the duodenum and colon.
The greater omentum passes from its origin on the duodenum, pylorus and
greater curvature of the abomasum, encircles the intestinal mass, and inserts
on the left longitudinal groove of the rumen (superficial part), while the deep
part passes similarly ventral and to the left, to attach to the right longitudinal
groove of the rumen. These two parts are fused caudally forming the caudal
fold. The lesser omentum extends from the oesophagus along the reticular
groove and omasal base to attach to the lesser curvature of the abomasum,
and covers most of the parietal surface of the omasum.

Abdominal viscera (see also Fig. 3.7)

Viscera which contact left abdominal wall (see Figures 3.1, 3.2, 3.4 and 3.5):

• cranially and ventrally: reticulum

• laterally ribs 10–12 dorsally, ribs 7–8 ventrally: spleen
• laterally: rumen covered ventrally by greater omentum from left longit-
udinal groove
• laterally and (sublumbar) dorsally: perirenal fat
• ventrally and caudally: sometimes coils of jejunum and ileum
Viscera which contact right abdominal wall:

• cranially and ventrally: reticulum and abomasum

• laterally and cranially (ribs 7–12): liver
• laterally (rib 7 ventrally, rib 12 dorsally); descending loop of duodenum
and small intestine covered by greater omentum
Viscera which do not normally contact body wall:

• omasum at level of ribs 8–11, lying ventrally to right of midline

• caecum and ascending colon (caudal mid-abdomen), transverse and
descending colon
• left kidney (level with vertebrae 2–4), and right kidney (thoracic vertebra
13–lumbar 2)
• uterus and ovaries: uterus in advanced pregnancy (gestation month seven)
may contact lower left and/or right flank

3.2 Exploratory laparotomy (celiotomy), left flank

Specific indications are suspected left displaced abomasum (LDA) (see Sec-
tion 3.6), rumenotomy, traumatic reticulitis (see Section 3.4), or caesarean
80 Chapter 3


6 7





Figure 3.4 Cross-section of thorax through body of seventh thoracic vertebra,

looking cranially.
1. body of seventh thoracic vertebra; 2. spinous process of sixth thoracic vertebra;
3. seventh rib; 4. sternum; 5. thoracic duct and aorta; 6. left lung; 7. right lung;
8. caudal vena cava; 9. liver; 10. reticulum; 11. apex of heart; 12. accessory lobe of
right lung; 13. central tendon and sternal part of diaphragm. (From Pavaux, 1983.)

section (see Section 4.1). LDA is evident on opening into peritoneal cavity.
Traumatic reticulitis may be suspected on exploration of area between
cranial aspect of ruminoreticulum and the diaphragm-body wall area. In
positive cases specific surgical correction is performed.
Indication is often not clearcut. Some cattle show persistent abdominal
pain apparently localised to ruminal area. Left flank exploratory laparotomy
Abdominal surgery 81

1 8





Figure 3.5 Cross-section of trunk through body of ninth thoracic vertebra, looking
1. body of ninth thoracic vertebra and head of ninth rib; 2. eighth rib; 3. seventh rib;
4. xiphoid process of sternum; 5. sternal part; 6. thoracic aorta (thoracic duct, to right,
and left azygos vein to left, coursing along it dorsolaterally); 7. left lung (caudal lobe);
8. right lung (caudal lobe); 9. liver; 10. caudal vena cava; 11. omasum; 12. atrium
(cranial sac) of rumen; 13. reticulum. (From Pavaux, 1983.)

is rarely as useful or as practical as right flank approach and is not recom-

mended if a small or large intestinal surgical disorder is suspected.
Laparoscopic surgery is being developed in cattle for abdominal exploration
and treatment of LDA but is currently mostly confined to referral clinics.
82 Chapter 3

L3 L4
T13 L1 L2

1 2
5 4

Figure 3.6 Position of various left flank incisions (see also Figure 1.7, p. 25).
1. paracostal (18–25 cm), cranial in sublumbar fossa: rumenotomy (essential to be
as far cranial as possible in large-framed cow and short surgeon);
2. left flank abomasopexy (Utrecht technique) or exploratory laparotomy (25 cm);
3. low flank incision in recumbent cow or heifer for caesarean section, where it is
anticipated that it will be difficult to bring uterine wall to flank (35 cm);
4. standard caudal left flank (35–40 cm) and
5. oblique flank incision (35–40 cm) for caesarean section in standing animal.

• paravertebral analgesia (T13, L1 and L2, see Section 1.8, pp. 22–26) or
local infiltration (see Section 1.8, pp. 26–27)
• clip, scrub and surgically prepare a wide area of left flank including at least
30 cm around proposed incision site (see Figure 3.6)
• drape with sterile cloths or rubber drape with appropriate window
• make paracostal incision 15 cm long about 5 cm behind last rib, starting
10 cm below lumbar transverse processes
• incise skin in single movement and continue scalpel incision through sub-
cutaneous fat and fascia to expose abdominal wall musculature
Abdominal surgery 83

• insert blade of straight scissors at angle of 45° to surface and into external
oblique abdominal muscle, which is separated by blunt dissection
• make 7 cm long scalpel incision through internal oblique muscle to expose
underlying transverse fascia
• make small incision with scissors through this fascia to reveal parietal
peritoneum beneath a variable amount of loose fat
• pick up parietal peritoneum with rat-tooth forceps and make small vertical
incision with scissors
• extend incision through internal oblique, transverse fascia and peritoneum
with scissors to correspond to length and direction of skin incision. Air rushes
audibly into abdominal cavity at this point creating pneumoperitoneum,
and contact surface of ruminal wall (unless adhesed) drops away as
abdominal wall moves laterally. (Occasionally some pneumoperitoneum
is present before surgery, e.g. in traumatic reticulitis.)

Left side of abdominal cavity and part of right side may now be explored (see
Figure 3.7).

abdominal floor (fluid)

parietal peritoneum
4 2
rumen LEFT RUMINAL WALL left kidney
spleen descending colon uterus & ovaries

reticulum body of caecum bladder

diaphragm coils of jejunum (ureters)

left lobe liver lymph nodes

cardiac impulse inguinum

(apex beat)

Figure 3.7 Flow diagram of left flank exploratory examination. As in right flank
approach (see Figure 3.8) entire accessible part of abdominal cavity should be rapidly
checked in any abdominal disease. Start from left ruminal wall with palpation of
parietal peritoneum (1), then caudal abdomen (2) and the right side structures
(3), before concentrating on left flank and left cranial and ventral regions (4).
84 Chapter 3

Visible features
• check volume and colour of peritoneal fluid; normal colour is pale yellow.
A slight pink tinge may be due to contamination of some blood from
incision site. Presence of any floccules, usually purulent, is abnormal and
indicates an infective focus in the visceral or parietal peritoneum. Possibly
also an associated objectionable odour.
• run fingers over surface of both parietal and ruminal (visceral) peri-
toneum adjacent to incision: surface should be smooth. Irregularities may
be in form of discrete adhesions or generalised lesion (‘sandpaper-like’)
consistent with chronic peritonitis.

Palpable features
• introduce the right hand and arm to make systematic examination of the
abdominal cavity (see Figure 3.7)
• pass right hand ventrally to check for possible LDA, and also cranially for
adhesions between reticulum and diaphragm or liver, or (rarely) between
rumen and abdominal wall, suggestive of traumatic reticulitis
• presence of abdominal adhesions may be of recent origin and significant, or
may be longstanding and purely an incidental finding. Recent adhesions
(less than one week) tend to be broken down easily, though this may cause
localised pain. Older adhesions tend to be difficult or impossible to break
down and pain is absent
• assess texture of peritoneal surface in different areas at early stage of
exploration before repeated movement causes iatrogenic roughening
• structures palpated on left side (see Figure 3.1) should include: rumen,
reticulum, spleen, left border of liver, diaphragm, apical beat of heart, left
kidney through perirenal fat, path of ureters (normally non-palpable unless
thickened), bladder including bladder neck, uterus, left and right ovaries,
and descending colon
• pass right hand and arm to right abdominal wall by directing it caudal to
the attachment of the ruminal wall to the abdominal roof, and ventral
to left kidney and descending colon, thereby avoiding possible iatrogenic
spread of infection from left side of abdomen
• structures now accessible include: left kidney, spiral colon, duodenum,
jejunum and ileum, and caecum (see Figures 3.1–3.3).

Structures too distant for palpation by veterinarian of average stature in
adult Holstein Friesian cow include: abomasum, much of the visceral surface
of liver and gall bladder, and parts of the omasum, some of the small intestine
(jejunal loops) and large intestine (colonic coils).
Abdominal surgery 85

3.3 Exploratory laparotomy, right flank

Right laparotomy site is corresponding position to that of left paralumbar
fossa (incision 2 in Figure 3.6). Ensure that ventral commissure of incision is
in upper half of flank, otherwise spontaneous prolapse of greater omentum
and some small intestinal (jejunal) coils is almost inevitable. Take special care
in peritoneal incision as descending duodenum is immediately below!

Visible features
Note greater omentum below incision, with descending duodunum passing
caudally in the omentum.

Palpable features
• pass left hand and arm ventrally to palpate abomasum, note some mobil-
ity is possible and abomasum may be grasped and pulled upwards towards
• appreciate cranially visceral surface of liver (note any rounded edges,
abscesses or surface irregularity) with dependent gall bladder (normal
size up to 10 × 6 × 4 cm), and insert hand between liver and diaphragm to
palpate cranial hepatic surface, e.g. discrete abscessation
• pass hand along lateral body wall with palm outwards and ventrally locate
reticulum (note any adhesions, or foreign bodies) beyond abomasum and
greater omentum
• check contact area of reticulum with diaphragm (possible adhesions)
• note mesoduodenum is dorsal to duodenum, and deep to this area is the
perirenal fat (right kidney)
• palpate, caudal to right kidney, the right surface of left kidney, both
structures being slightly to right of midline due to pressure from rumen.
Right kidney is dorsal to cranial part of descending duodenum, to right
of mesoduodenum. Left kidney lies adjacent to middle part of descending
duodenum entirely within the supraomental recess
• pass hand caudal to caudal edge of greater omentum which runs approx-
imately midway between last rib and tuber coxae
• palpate structures in this space, which include numerous coils of
jejunum and ileum, as well as spiral colon, caecum, which is very vari-
able in size, and dorsally ascending colon and descending colon (see
Figure 3.3)
• some intestine which may be exteriorised for examination includes much
of jejunum (except cranially), apex and body of caecum, and more ventral
loops of ascending spiral colon
• note, suspended from midline (palpable but cannot be exteriorised),
descending colon and part of ascending colon, passing into pelvic cavity
together with bladder, uterus and ovaries
86 Chapter 3

kidneys (left and right)

bladder perirenal fat (left)

uterus and perirenal fat (right)

rectum descending mesoduodenum
coils of

root of body of 3
mesentery caecum abomasum visceral surface
of liver
spiral colon
gall bladder
abdominal wall

cranial surface
diaphragm of liver

cardiac impulse (apex) diaphragm

Figure 3.8 Flow diagram of right flank exploratory laparotomy. Entire accessible
abdominal cavity should be checked in any case of suspected abdominal disease.
In a case of LDA the abomasum is not found on right side (step 1), but against left
abdominal wall. Nevertheless steps 2 and 3 should be followed to rule out co-existing
traumatic reticulitis or liver abscessation. In suspect cases of small or large intestinal
disease or displacement, step 4 should be followed, but exploration of remainder of
abdominal cavity should be carried out at a later stage.

Closure of flank laparotomy incision

• close the incision in three layers (see Figure 3.9a)
• appose peritoneum and transverse fascia with continuous suture of 4 metric
PDS on 3/8 circle round-bodied needle
• commence suture at ventral commissure and tie off dorsally
• close external and internal oblique abdominal muscles separately or
together with similar single layer
• appose skin with Ford interlocking suture of monofilament nylon or
Supramid® inserted with cutting-edged semi-curved needle. A relatively
fine needle about 5 cm long requires less effort to insert through 5–7 mm
thickness of skin than a larger needle
Abdominal surgery 87



Figure 3.9 Transverse section through flank (diagrammatic) showing two methods
of closing laparotomy wounds. (A) Recommended three layer closure; (B) single layer
figure-of-eight closure.
1. peritoneum; 2. transverse fascia/muscle, 3. internal and external oblique muscles;
4. skin.

• close ventral 5 cm with interrupted sutures which may be removed later

for drainage of any wound infection
• note that in all three layers sutures should be just tight enough to appose
the wound edges. In the muscle layers suture should be spaced about one
every 2 cm, while in the skin slightly more are advised
• single layer closure (see Figure 3.9b) is faster but less cosmetically pleas-
ing, and any wound infection is liable to be more severe
• avoid leaving any dead space

The above technique achieves optimal apposition of peritoneum, muscula-
ture and skin, and the cosmetic result is pleasing. Any buried deep sutures
should be of absorbable material in view of probable human consumption of
the carcass.

Intra-abdominal and systemic antibiotherapy

Routine intra-abdominal medication is unnecessary. Peritonitis is controlled
by systemic medication if the animal is not salvaged at once. Drainage of
purulent exudate is unlikely to help control of an active process.
Intra-abdominal medication should be considered only if infection has
been introduced into the peritoneal cavity. Suitable drugs include antibiotic
aqueous solutions or oleaginous suspensions as carriers. Intramammary
cerate preparations should not be inserted into the abdominal cavity or
body wall. The most effective prophylactic medication is systemic injection
of ceftiofur, penicillin, oxytetracycline hydrochloride or a single injection of
long-acting oxytetracycline (see Section 1.12, p. 44).
88 Chapter 3

Complications of exploratory laparotomy

• intra-operative collapse: occasionally a weak subject undergoing a
‘last-ditch’ exploratory laparotomy collapses during intra-abdominal
exploration causing gross peritoneal contamination. Such cattle, usually
thin cows, are unsuitable subjects for surgery, and should be excluded
on pre-operative clinical examination (see Section 1.4, pp. 10–11)
• wound dehiscence: results from non-sterile, excessively fine material,
material traumatised by forceps before or during insertion, massive
wound swelling causing tearing out of sutures, and development of a
subcutaneous or subperitoneal abscess, or emphysema
Treatment of wound dehiscence: in such cases any remaining (non-
functional) suture material should be removed and the wound cleansed,
débrided and resutured if no infection is present, leaving a 3–10 cm
opening in the ventral commissure for drainage purposes.
Cases with copious purulent discharge involving a still relatively intact
wound should be opened slightly, both dorsally and ventrally, to permit
vigorous irrigation with dilute chlorhexidine gluconate solution (10 ml of
5% solution made up to 1 litre with clean tap water). The incision is then left
to heal by secondary intention.
In the presence of considerable necrotic tissue, preliminary irrigation with
dilute H202 (3%) may be useful. (N.B. this solution may spread infection
between tissue layers.) See Section 1.13.

3.4 Rumenotomy

• removal of foreign body in traumatic reticulitis or reticuloperitonitis
• gross severe rumen overload (‘grain overload’) involving acidosis follow-
ing sudden ingestion of large volume of concentrates (barley etc.), and
rarely, recent ingestion of toxic plant material (e.g. yew). Latter is usually
• exploratory surgery, e.g. in chronic intermittent rumen tympany

Traumatic reticulitis

Traumatic reticulitis is usually encountered sporadically in cattle over
two years old, though occasionally farmers may experience a series of
cases in a few weeks or months, associated with ingestion of particular
batch of feed. Cases are more common in indoor winter feeding period on hay
or silage.
Abdominal surgery 89


Figure 3.10 Sagittal section at diaphragmatic area, seen from left.

1. diaphragm; 2. reticulum; 3. cranial part of ventral sac of rumen; 4. rumen;
5. heart.

Most foreign bodies ingested by cattle fail to penetrate rumino-reticular wall
and remain in rumen (small stones etc.) or are eventually voided in faeces.
Long metallic foreign bodies such as pieces of wire, needles or nails (typically
chopped wire strands from decomposing lorry or car tyres, or rusting fencing)
and rarely broom bristles etc., are thrown forwards by ruminal-reticular con-
tractions into the honeycombed reticulum which contracts and the foreign
body may penetrate the mucosa. Common site is the cranial and ventral
reticular wall. Penetration to depth of 5–7 mm results in perforation of the
visceral peritoneum, and point then traumatises opposing parietal peritoneum,
usually the diaphragm and occasionally the abdominal wall, spleen or liver
(see Figure 3.10).
Pain arises from irritation to peritoneum and may be temporary, the
foreign body dropping back loose into the reticular wall or lumen, either
to repenetrate at another point or to pass further down the alimentary
tract where further trouble is most unlikely. At site of penetration an acute
localised inflammatory reaction with exudate becomes slowly organised
as an adhesion, or abscess. In others cases the foreign body slowly advances
further, persistent pain is apparent for several days, and the foreign body
may eventually enter the thorax and heart, liver, spleen or abdominal wall.
Sequelae of reticular foreign body penetration and their signs are multiple,
potentially fatal, and are discussed on page 91.
90 Chapter 3

Clinical signs

Acute stage
Sudden onset of complete anorexia, dullness and slightly apprehensive appear-
ance, severe drop in milk yield, stiff gait, slightly hunched back, mild ruminal
tympany, possibly some pneumoperitoneum, and slight expiratory grunt.
Many cases are in early post-partum period. Animal may prefer to stand with
forequarters relatively elevated. On lying down there may be obvious grunt.
When forced to move animal may show stiff gait, abducted elbows and tucked
up abdomen. Faeces are hard and reduced in volume. Rectal temperature
initially elevated to 39.7–41.1°C then falling to 39.2–39.4°C with little or
no ruminoreticular activity. Urination may be initially suspended due to
pain in adoption of appropriate stance, followed later by passage of large
volume of urine. Ballottement or percussion of cranioventral abdomen
may be markedly resented, and pinching of withers may elicit a grunt and
reluctance to depress the spine.

Chronic stage
This starts five to seven days after acute stage and is not striking or charac-
teristic. Appetite is improved but not normal, often preferring concentrates
to roughage. Slight ruminal tympany is evident. Stance is almost normal
although slight stiffness is possible, while ruminal movements are present but
of reduced intensity.

Usually easy in early stages of acute case and is based on sudden onset of
pyrexia, localised pain and ruminal stasis. In chronic cases diagnosis is often
difficult. Sporadic episodic flare-ups occur with persistent moderate pyrexia,
abdominal pain, anorexia and lowered milk yield. Such recurrent attacks
justify exploratory laparotomy and rumenotomy. Sixty per cent of reticular
punctures completely recover spontaneously, 30% remain as localised areas
of chronic peritonitis, and 10% develop serious sequelae.
Radiography, ultrasonography, laparoscopy, peritoneoscopy, abdomin-
ocentesis, haematology (leucocytosis with left shift) and metal detector are
ancillary aids to diagnose traumatic reticulitis. Such specialised diagnostic
methods have obvious limitations even in the difficult chronic case:

• ultrasonography permits visualisation of fibrin and exudate in the abdominal

cavity and reduction of the rate and intensity of ruminal contractions
• laparoscopy – expensive, time-consuming and difficult as it requires the
cow to be in dorsal recumbency
• radiography – powerful equipment required and interpretation may be
• abdominocentesis nonspecific as any elevated protein and WBC count
may be due to other causes of peritonitis
Abdominal surgery 91

• metal detector – non-specific for penetration, only positive with ferrous

material, and false positives with cobalt and magnesium, bullets, slow
release anthelmintics
• haematology – raised white cell count possibly due to other causes

Conservative treatment
Often, as signs are assessed over a few days, conservative medical treatment
is instituted; forequarters should be elevated 45 cm with boarding or earth,
and systemic antibiotic therapy given for three days. Magnetic probangs
(Eisenhut model) and magnets have given disappointing therapeutic results.
Many cases respond completely, some temporarily, to any conservative

Signs resulting from sequelae of traumatic

• intrathoracic penetration: quite common, usually causing traumatic
pericarditis (see Figure 3.10). Obvious illness about one week or more
after episode of vague indigestion. Signs of congestive cardiac failure (CCF)
include ventral oedema, fast pulse, distended jugular veins and localised
pain. Such cases usually die within one to two weeks. Less commonly,
intrathoracic foreign body causes localised abscessation in one lung
lobe with chronic suppurative pneumonia and localised thoracic pain.
Occasional entry into pleural space leads to fibrinopurulent pleuritis.
Rarely reaction occurs in the mediastinum, and if extensive can cause
pressure on heart sufficient to cause CCF (i.e. pericarditis may not be
the cause of CCF)
• intra-abdominal penetration: results in hepatic, reticular, omasal or
abomasal wall adhesions and a more or less localised peritonitis. Signs
are vague with dullness, pyrexia and anterior abdominal pain. Splenic
abscession may cause septicaemia and pyaemic spread to other organs.
In rare cases abscess develops over lower body wall and penetrates skin,
discharging foreign body as well as pus
• chronic reticular adhesions and abscesses: may be very extensive and
involve vagal nerve supply to rumen. Usually animal returns to near-
normal health, but some cases develop syndrome of chronic ruminal
distension or Hoflund syndrome (see Section 3.15, pp. 129–130).

Technique of rumenotomy
Rumenotomy is the preferred treatment for acute traumatic reticuloperitonitis,
and is also indicated in suspicious cases of chronic disease which are non-
responsive to conservative treatment including chemotherapy, administration
of a permanent magnet, and management change.
Site is in left flank as described in exploratory laparotomy (see Section 3.2,
pp. 79–84). Length of incision should be 18–25 cm, but varies somewhat
92 Chapter 3

with the particular technique selected to control possible contamination by

ruminal contents:

• Weingart frame – incision as above

• McLintock cuff – incision length 16 cm
• suture of ruminal wall to parietal peritoneum – no critical length. Ensure
in all cases that dorsal commissure of incision is about 8 cm ventral to
lateral extremity of lumbar transverse processes.
Having entered abdominal cavity (see Section 3.2, pp. 79–84 for technique)
and before making rumenotomy incision check several points:

• appearance of visible parietal and visceral (ruminal) peritoneum, e.g.

roughening indicative of acute or chronic peritonitis
• explore right side of abdominal cavity first
• presence of excessive abdominal fluid: pass hand ventrally, and excessive
abdominal fluid is easily obtained in handfuls, i.e. repeated volumes of
20–50 ml. A greyish-yellow colour with floccules of pus is evidence of
acute or chronic peritonitis
• presence of adhesions between reticulum, and diaphragm and adjacent
viscera: indicative of past or present foreign body penetration. For assess-
ment of age of adhesions see p. 84.
To avoid potential contamination of the abdominal cavity by ruminal
contents, the ruminal lumen is either exteriorised (Weingart frame or
McLintock cuff) or the abdominal cavity is sealed off from the rumen by
temporary insertion of a continuous suture. The preferred method is the
Weingart frame.

Weingart frame method (Figure 3.11)

The stainless steel frame (size 27 × 18 cm) is used with two vulsellum
forceps (23 cm) fixed with single hooks near the junction of blade and handle,
and with six small (7 cm) tenaculum hooks. Having entered abdominal

• screw the Weingart frame into the dorsal commissure of the skin incision
• push ruminal contents inwards at intended rumenotomy incision
• grasp rumen wall dorsally and about 15 cm ventrally with the two pairs of
forceps, exteriorise and fix to two rings at top and bottom of frame. This
brings out the rumen but does not yet prevent contamination
• place a sterile cloth or rubber drape or shroud completely around the
exteriorised rumen between the frame and the abdominal wall
• incise the rumen just below the dorsal forceps
• insert one of the small ruminal hooks into the ruminal mucosa near the
edge, pull back and clip the rumen onto edge of the frame at eleven o’clock
position, followed by another at one o’clock
Abdominal surgery 93

Figure 3.11 Weingart frame placed to exteriorise and fix ruminal wall with six hooks
and two vulsellum forceps.

• extend ruminal incision ventrally to an appropriate length for entry of the

arm and attach rumen to frame with four further hooks at nine, three, then
seven and five o’clock positions. The ruminal lumen is now effectively
isolated from the abdominal cavity

McLintock cuff method

This method is equally efficient but presents greater problems with sterilisa-
tion of equipment, and rubber components eventually perish.

• a special rubber cloth with everted stiff cuff surrounding the abdominal
incision is placed over the flank
• exteriorise rumen and make 2.5 cm incision in upper position
• insert rubber-covered hook which is held temporarily by a non-sterile
• extend incision ventrally to 10–11 cm length
94 Chapter 3

• insert rim of stiff rubber cuff through the incision, whereupon the lips
of the ruminal incision will grip it tightly, and pull of rumen draws rim
against skin of flank
• place a thin rubber sheet with 15 cm elliptical hole between rumen and skin
• place another, similar sheet over the rim and double back the edge of
ruminal cuff to form a seal

Suture method
• suture ruminal wall to skin by simple continuous suture of non-absorbable
material (4 metric) on cutting needle and to rumen with Cushing-type
• after suturing, check site for a good seal between rumen and skin
• incise rumen starting 2.5 cm ventral to dorsal commissure and ending
3 cm dorsal to ventral commissure
• if rumen is not relatively empty and flaccid, these sutures can possibly tear
out, and in such doubtful cases suture ruminal wall to edge of parietal
peritoneal incision
• for easy handling when working alone, dorsal and ventral parts of
exteriorised rumen may be temporarily fixed to skin by towel clips (13 cm)
for suturing purposes
Regardless of method, the next steps are similar:

• siphon off any excessive fluid with wide bore (3 cm internal diameter)
plastic tubing filled with water, and remove any obstructing solid material
• pass arm cranially and ventrally over U-shaped ruminoreticular pillar and
explore reticulum methodically. Evidence of adhesions already palpated
during intra-abdominal exploration may lead hand to a particular area
otherwise make initial rapid examination of the reticular floor, then of
cranial wall
• identify and examine the cardia, oesophageal groove, and the reticulo-
omasal opening as well as the medial wall: touching of reticulo-omasal
orifice should provoke contraction
• remove loose reticular foreign bodies, but search specifically for pointed
longitudinal foreign body lodged in secondary reticular cells between the
secondary crests which characterise this organ
• search with fingertips as only 1 cm or less length of foreign body may
protrude into lumen. In other cases it can subsequently be confirmed that
the foreign body has passed right through the reticular wall
• it may be helpful to elevate the reticular wall with fingers to assess the
presence of adhesions out of reach on parietal surface, e.g. right side
• palpate reticular wall also for discrete abscesses
• if penetrating foreign body is found, and before its removal note depth
and direction of penetration to consider the likely structures damaged at
this time. This aids prognosis. The wisdom of puncturing and draining
Abdominal surgery 95

reticular or ruminal wall abscesses from the ruminoreticular lumen should

be carefully assessed
• use a magnet to retrieve loose ferrous material more easily
• consider placing permanent magnet into reticulum
Difficulty in reaching furthest points for exploration due to physical size of
the animal or surgeon may be partially overcome by elevation of the fore-
quarters, causing reticulum to drop back slightly, or indirect pressure on
reticular area by upward pressure on the xiphoid region by an assistant (or
two, using a wooden plank).
Ruminal medication may be given after exploration of the reticulum.
Although awkward to obtain (unless from slaughterhouse) fresh ruminal
contents quickly normalise the flora.

Treatment of adhesions
• chronic adhesions: there is usually little or no benefit from breaking down
chronic adhesions, which tend to reform very rapidly
• recent adhesions: do not break down since they may mask and surround
an abscess cavity

Closure of ruminal incision

Method varies slightly with the method of fixation, but in all instances two
layers of inversion sutures should be placed. These should be:

• continuous Cushing inversion suture of 4 metric PDS

• continuous Lembert inversion suture of similar material

Weingart frame method

• remove the small ruminal clips and clean the peritoneal surface before and
after placing the two suture layers, and clean again before releasing large
forceps, permitting rumen to drop back into abdominal cavity

McLintock cuff method

• remove the two rubber sheets, avoiding contamination, pull out rumen
and internal cuff further from body wall and apply foam-rubber edged
special rumen clamp under rim of tube which is then removed
• clamp then rests on flank with ruminal edges safely fixed and the con-
taminated surfaces may be easily cleaned, and the two layer suture (Cushing
or Lembert type) placed in position

Suture method
• after initial cleansing of exposed ruminal surface insert two layers of
sutures and then carry out thorough cleansing of the surfaces
• débride any contaminated tissue from the body wall musculature
• remove the circumferential peritoneal suture
96 Chapter 3

Intra-abdominal medication is not specifically indicated. Closure of abdominal

wall has been previously described (see Section 3.3, pp. 85–88). All cases
should receive systemic antibiotic therapy for three to ten days.

Prevention of traumatic reticulitis

Prevention may be difficult to achieve. However, advent of plastic bale twine
and disappearance of wire has removed a major source of potential foreign
bodies. Encourage at-risk farms to remove ferrous and other potentially
hazardous materials from field and lane edges (e.g. during hedge-trimming).
Consider, where economically justified (especially AI centres and pedigree
stock farms), use of permanent magnets (Bovivet® ruminal magnet, Kruuse)
given orally, from one year old onwards. Best type is cage model in which a
plastic case surrounds magnet so that most ferrous material lies within the
grooves, avoiding any contact with the reticular epithelium (Hannover model
cage magnet super 11). Magnet appears an effective prophylactic measure.

3.5 Temporary rumen fistulation

Chronic recurrent ruminal tympany usually occurs in calves of three to nine
months. Condition causes unthriftiness resulting from reduced feed intake.
Fistula affords symptomatic relief and is rapidly produced. Alternatively,
self-retaining disposable calf trocar (Buff spiral model, 11 cm Kruuse) may be
used for a few days, but requires to be cleaned regularly with metallic trocar
to avoid blockage.

Aetiology of recurrent tympany in calves

Often caused by inadequate fibre intake and poor rumen development.
Occasionally there is obstruction of thoracic oesophagus and/or cardia by
external pressure by mediastinal lymphadenopathy, which may be sequel to
chronic pneumonic pathology. Stomach tube can often be passed without
any difficulty, so excluding possibility of mechanical stricture or stenosis.

Slight but progressive loss of condition associated with more or less per-
manent overdistension of rumen. Many such calves eventually recover
spontaneously. Rumination is usually unaffected.

• paravertebral analgesia (T13, L1, see Section 1.8, pp. 22–24) or local
infiltration analgesia (see Section 1.7, pp. 26–27). Site is upper left para-
lumbar fossa, one third of distance from last rib to external angle of ilium
• clip skin over site 10 × 7 cm and disinfect
• pass stomach tube to relieve any tympany
Abdominal surgery 97


Figure 3.12 One technique of suturing rumen to body wall to create ruminal fistula.
A. four mattress sutures from ruminal wall to skin; B. eight simple sutures to overlap
rumen over skin edges; Fistula of appropriate size may then be made.

• remove oval section of skin 4 × 2 cm, and split muscularis by blunt dis-
section (scissors)
• pick up peritoneum with Allis forceps, incise, and grasp
• exteriorise underlying ruminal wall with second Allis forceps
• place sutures (polyamide) between skin and rumen using interrupted
horizontal mattress pattern or simple continuous stuture for initial fixation
(see Figure 3.12a)
Alternatively, a screw trocar (Buff model) may be inserted through
flank for several weeks as needed. Problems can occur: lumen blockage,
displacement out of rumen, peritonitis
• incise rumen (3 cm) and place four or eight simple sutures to overlap
rumen and skin margin (see Figure 3.12)
• if thought necessary, convert slit into oval by removing portion of wall
slightly smaller than the previously resected skin
This ruminal incision usually heals in three to five weeks following fibrous
tissue proliferation and stricture. A permanent fistula requires a ruminal
incision at least 6 cm long.

Chronic ruminal tympany in adult cattle

Causes include:
• chronic reticulitis commonly with adhesion formation, with signs reflect-
ing poor ruminal contractility subsequent to vagal nerve injury (see
Figure 3.22)
98 Chapter 3

• tetanus
• cancer of oesophagus, oesophageal groove or cardia (alimentary lymph-
osarcoma) is rare cause
• mediastinal lymph node enlargement, nodes resting dorsal to oesophagus
and effectively preventing erutcation, due to chronic systemic lymph-
adenopathy, e.g. pneumonia, or actinobacillosis
• visceral actinobacillosis of oesophageal groove, reticulum or cardia, usu-
ally in cattle between one and a half and three years old
• thymic lymphosarcoma in cattle aged twelve to eighteen months

Usually difficult. Non-response to antibiotherapy usually eliminates actinoba-
cillosis. Some cases recover spontaneously, but many persist and exploratory
laparotomy and rumenotomy may sometimes be justified, i.e. valuable cattle
with considerable future breeding potential.

Treatment and prognosis

Apart from actinobacillosis (iodides and/or antibiotics, e.g. streptomycin)
treatment of chronic ruminal tympany in adult cattle is usually unsuccessful.
Creation of semi-permanent ruminal fistula generally fails to alleviate prim-
ary condition. Prognosis is poor.

3.6 Left displacement of abomasum

The abomasum normally lies on the abdominal floor, and its relations depend
on the degree of distension of rumen, reticulum and omasum, and their con-
traction. The abomasum has the fundic and pyloric regions. The distinction
between fundus and corpus (body) is imprecise and of no clinical interest. The
narrower pyloric part passes transversely and possibly slightly craniad along
the right body wall, to pass into the pylorus which lies caudal and lateral to
the ventral part of the omasum beneath ribs 11–12.

Left displacement of abomasum (LDA), right dilatation and displacement
(RDA), and abomasal volvulus probably have a common aetiology despite
differing symptomatology. LDA aetiology involves abomasal fundus hypo-
motility and hypotonicity resulting in delayed emptying. Factors include:

• over-conditioning (fat) at parturition

• diet – high concentrate intake, often with high fat and/or protein, and
relatively low percentage of fibre in diet
• overeating or sudden change of feed, (e.g. absence of roughage at night),
other stress factors (e.g. dystocia)
• inherited factors in some strains
Abdominal surgery 99

• rearrangement of viscera associated with parturition

• concurrent diseases (e.g. fatty liver and ketosis, metritis, mastitis, hypo-
calcaemia) are often associated with abomasal displacement

• dairy cattle, winter-housed period and usually within six weeks of parturi-
tion, increasing incidence today in calved heifers and calves
• relatively sudden drop in yield and selective anorexia, refusing most
• reduced or absent ruminal movements and reduced rumination
• animal fairly bright and without abdominal pain except in rare case
(with peptic ulceration, perforation and acute localised peritonitis)
• mild constipation initially
• afebrile (except with secondary peritonitis or concurrent disease)
• frequently secondary ketonuria with positive Rothera’s test (milk) and
sweet smell in expired air
• mild hypochloraemia, hypokalaemia and slight metabolic alkalosis possible
• possible recent history of dystocia, milk fever, metritis or mastitis
• progressive and accelerating loss of condition

Auscultation of left flank pathognomonic: high-pitched metallic tinkling
sounds from left flank over middle area bounded by ribs 10–13. Corres-
ponding area of resonance detected by applying stethoscope and by flicking
forefinger against rib cage; echo-like sound ‘steelband effect’ or ‘ping’ is
quite different from dullness appreciated with rumen closely applied to left
body wall. In doubtful case ballotte ventral ruminal sac with right knee while
auscultating left flank over ribs 10–12 (greater frequency of abnormal
Occasionally a slight distention of dorsocranial part of left paralumbar
fossa just behind rib 13 results from severe abomasal tympany.
Rarely can LDA be detected on rectal examination as a tympanitic viscus
between left dorsal sac of rumen and left flank.

Differential diagnosis
Differential diagnosis of left flank resonance: hypotonic form of vagus indiges-
tion may reveal peritoneal fluid and gas
In rare difficult cases a ‘liptac test’ can be used to confirm the diagnosis.
An 8 cm 14 gauge needle is pushed through the body wall into the centre
of the area defined by a ‘ping’. Centesis is used to collect some fluid. A pH
less than 3.5 indicates a displaced abomasum; a pH greater than 5.5 suggests
the ‘ping’ comes from the rumen. An orogastric tube can also be passed
into the rumen to help differentiate a rumen ‘ping’ from that due to LDA. By
ultrasonography the LDA can be visualised as a fluid- and gas-filled viscus
covering the rumen.
100 Chapter 3

Conservative technique
Indicated in recent cases where economic factors (cost of surgery) are import-
ant. Treatment is primarily replacement by rolling.

• cast cow on right side (Reuff’s method, one person restraining head, two
on ropes)
• turn over on to left side and while turning ballotte ventral abdominal wall
firmly in an attempt to move abomasum into midline position, using knee
to push anti-clockwise
• alternatively cast cow on back in dorsal recumbency and move from
45° right lateral to 45° left lateral position, ‘shaking’ abomasum back into
normal position
• finally, in either rolling method, turn cow into left lateral recumbency and
maintain in this position for five to ten minutes to permit organ to evacu-
ate excessive gas
• check absence of abomasum from left side on auscultation and finger
• inject calcium and dextrose i.v.
• re-introduce concentrates slowly over one week period to cows corrected
of LDA by rolling
• encourage maximal exercise in this period
Some cases of LDA corrected by rolling may at once or soon become cases of
RDA. Many others have a recurrence of LDA within 48 hours and require
rolling again or surgery. Success rate of rolling is about 20%.

Surgical technique (LDA)

Numerous methods of surgical correction have been described since the first
reports of LDA, around 1948, in Scotland.
Some options of sites and fixation techniques include:

• standing or recumbent surgery

• left or right, or bilateral flank incision
• paracostal, paramedian or midline incision
• fixation of abomasum to right flank or ventral body wall by intra-abdominal
• left flank laparoscopic approach and right paramedian fixation (not
discussed further)
• percutaneous fixation from abdominal cavity (Utrecht technique)
• midline percutaneous fixation through ‘blind’ suture, or (popular) toggle

Advantages and disadvantages of various surgical sites are listed in

Table 3.1. Personal preference varies enormously.
Table 3.1 Surgical correction of left displaced abomasum: different methods.

Incision site Right flank Left flank Right and Midline/paramedian Paracostal Percutaneous
(Utrecht) left flank fixation (toggle)

Anaesthesia paravertebral or paravertebral or paravertebral or sedation (xylazine + sedation (xylazine sedation

local infiltration local infiltration local infiltration local infiltration) + local infiltration (xylazine)
Ease of + ++ ++ (+) (+) N/A
Ease of reposition ++ + ++ (+) (+) (+)
Area of abomasal pylorus fundus fundus or pylorus fundus fundus fundus
Remarks relatively technical problems 2 surgeons; possible restraint haemorrhage and good, assistant
unphysiological in inexperienced added time problems; good wound healing needed, fast
position of hands; and expense; wound closure problems cheap, but risk
fixation, rumenotomy rumenotomy essential of misdirected
minimal stress also possible also possible fixation (e.g.
Personal preferences of authors
(ADW) 1 2 3 5 6 4
(GSJ) 1 3 5 2 6 4
(AS) 1 2a 3b 0 3b 0 4c

Abbreviations (+) = usually spontaneous decompression and reposition following recumbency

= antepartum LDA; b = long standing LDA, c = low value cow
Abdominal surgery 101
102 Chapter 3


Figure 3.13 Diagram of right flank of cow to show site of laparotomy incision for right
flank abomasopexy.
1. rib 13; 2. abomasal fundus and body; 3. flank incision; 4. abomasopexy site (x)
sutured to body wall.

Right flank approach

• paravertebral analgesia T13, L1 and L2
• skin preparation for aseptic surgery and drape
• paracostal skin incision 15–20 cm long starting 10 cm below tip of L2
transverse process and 4 cm behind last rib (see Figure 3.13)
• entry into abdomen as previously described (see Section 3.2) with blunt
separation of muscle layers and incision of transverse fascia and peri-
toneum, extended to permit comfortable entry of one hand (13 cm)
• make thorough manual exploration of abdominal cavity (see Figure 3.8);
then insert the left hand, passing it behind the caudal edge of the greater
omentum and over to the left side of the abdominal cavity, directed initi-
ally towards the lower part of the wing of the ileum, ventral to descending
colon and mesocolon and the left perirenal fat mass
• appreciate the displaced abomasum interposed between a relatively small
rumen and the left body wall (abomasum may extend two-thirds or often
further up the left flank)
• check the palpable area of the abomasum for any roughness (peritonitis)
and adhesions to the left flank. Peritonitis is probably due to a perforated
peptic ulcer. It may prove difficult to reposition the abomasum, either by
pushing it down or pulling on the greater omentum from the right side,
before evacuating most abomasal gas
Abdominal surgery 103

• decompress the abomasum by inserting wide bore needle (2.1 metric,

approximately 2 mm internal diameter), 45° to abomasal wall firmly
attached to plastic tubing, into the dorsocaudal part of the abomasum
with the free end of the tubing (length approximately 2 m) held outside the
animal and evacuate air
• maintain needle firmly in place while gently pushing the viscus ventrally
with palm of hand
• anticipate that gas will be evacuated over five minutes (volume 5–15 litres)
until the abomasal wall is relatively flaccid and almost out of reach, low
down on the left side
• remove needle and tubing, carefully avoiding contamination of abdominal
cavity by abomasal fluid in tubing
• place left hand onto dorsal aspect of abomasum and push it down towards
• pass left hand along right body wall with palm against rib cage to midline,
midway between xiphisternum and umbilicus
• turn hand through 180° in clockwise direction, and grasp the greater
omentum and abomasum now lying in midline
• hold this mass firmly and pull upwards, if necessary in a series of gentle
jerking movements, and identify abomasum through right flank wound
• identify the abomasal pyloric region visually: pale pink-grey and well
delineated from adjacent insertion of greater omentum, it is firm and
cannot be easily traumatised by the fingers
• if not visible through flank incision repeat midline grasping process;
abomasum is easily drawn into right flank using this technique
• release abomasum and greater omentum temporarily for confirmatory
manual check of left side for absence of abomasum
• check remainder of cranial abdominal cavity (liver, reticulum, diaphragm)
by rapid manual exploration
• suture greater omentum to parietal peritoneum and transversalis muscle
in closure of flank
• pull suture tight and tie off, ensuring that no small intestine inadvertently
becomes trapped. Place second suture about 3 cm dorsal to the first
• alternatively suture lateral pyloric wall of abomasum and several
centimetres of adjacent omentum to body wall. Needle should be about
4.5 cm long, semi-curved and round-bodied, threaded with 5 metric
monofilament nylon
• close abdominal incision in routine manner (see Section 3.3, pp. 86–87)
• give systemic antibiotic therapy for one to three days.

Improvement is usually seen after two to three days with an increased

appetite for concentrate. Prognosis in uncomplicated cases is excellent
104 Chapter 3

Post-operative complications include:

• peritonitis due to non-sterile technique or leakage of abomasal fluid

causing peritonitis or abscessation in the flank wound
• recurrence resulting from breakage of the abomasal flank pexy site suture
before development of adhesion formation
• wound dehiscence, usually ventrally
• functional stenosis possible after tacking pyloric part of abomasum instead
of greater omentum

Left flank approach

Thought not widely practised in the UK and North America, this (Utrecht)
technique deserves greater recognition for its simplicity.

• make left paracostal incision as for exploratory laparotomy (incision 3,

Fig. 3.6)
• explore abdominal cavity and identity LDA
• evacuate gas from abomasum with needle as previously described, or by
simple pressure (some surgeons prefer to place suture first, then evacuate
• thread 1.5 m length of non-absorbable suture material (polyamide
polymer 4 gauge) onto straight triangular 8 cm needle, and insert needle
through greater omentum and wall, but not lumen of abomasal body in
series of five to six continuous sutures, each 3 cm apart (Ford interlocking)
(see Figure 3.14)
• push semi-flaccid abomasum down towards midline
• insert needle through body wall slightly right of the abdominal midline,
midway between xiphisternum and umbilicus (site indicated by assistant’s
finger pressure on skin)
• ensure needle is pulled through skin to exterior by assistant, and that
end of suture material is retained in artery forceps dangling beneath the
abdominal wall
• with second needle threaded from distal end of same suture material push
needle through ventral body wall 3–10 cm caudal to first point; assistant
can again indicate correct site
• assistant then ties suture on skin of ventral abdominal wall, (placing roll
of bandage below suture) while surgeon ensures that abomasum is held
firmly against ventral parietal peritoneum so preventing interposition of
greater omentum or jejunal loops
• close abdominal flank in routine manner and give systemic antibiotics for
one to three days
• remove abomaso-omental skin sutures with scissors after two weeks,
when firm adhesion of greater omentum and abomasum to body wall has
Abdominal surgery 105

Figure 3.14 Abomasopexy from the left side using Utrecht method. Continuous
suture has been placed through greater omentum at insertion onto abomasum in left
flank. Suture is then pushed through ventral body wall just right of midline using a long
straight needle.

Midline approach
Reposition and fixation present few difficulties. Surgery may be performed
under sedation (xylazine, i.v. or i.m.) and local analgesia, or under GA. Animal
should be supported by straw bales laterally, and hind legs should be roped
away from operative site. A stockman, restraining head, keeps forelegs away
from surgical field, operator’s head and hands.

• incision is midway between umbilicus and xiphisternum approximately

15 cm long if visual exploration is required, or 11 cm if manipulation and
deep sutures are to be inserted by palpation alone
• incise skin, subcutaneous fat and linea alba (approximately 7 mm thick)
with scalpel (see Figure 3.15)
• note small amount of subperitoneal fat overlying peritoneum, which is
incised with scalpel and lengthened with straight scissors
• explore abdomen thoroughly with sweeping movement
• pass hand to left side to identify displaced abomasum or (if reposition has
already occurred, which is likely) ventral sac of rumen
• follow greater omentum from insertion onto left longitudinal groove of
rumen over towards midline to identify body of abomasum
• briefly exteriorise abomasal body for identification
106 Chapter 3

5 2

Figure 3.15 Diagrammatic cross-section of ventral midline of abdominal wall.

1. skin; 2 linea alba; 3. peritoneum; 4. external sheath of rectus muscle; 5. rectus
muscle; 6. internal sheath of rectus muscle; 7. external oblique muscle; 8. internal
oblique muscle; 9. transverse muscle. (From Cox, 1981.)

• suture abomasum to peritoneum and vental abdominal musculature

enclosing with each suture about 2 cm width of abomasal body (using
polyamide polymer 4 metric or PDS)
• ensure that sutures do not penetrate lumen (danger of fistula or tearing
out with risk of fatal peritonitis) but include serosa and muscularis
• continuous peritoneal suture, carefully tightening whole length before
tying off
• suture linea alba (most important supporting layer of abdominal wall) with
simple interrupted sutures of PGA 5 or 6 metric on semi-curved cutting
edge needle 5 cm long
• bury this layer with continuous layer of subcutaneous sutures of PGA
4 metric
• suture skin in horizontal everted mattress pattern with monofilament nylon
• systemic antibiotics for one to three days
• remove skin sutures after ten days.

Percutaneous fixation (toggle or bar suture)

A rapid and simple technique of abomasal fixation avoiding the need for
expensive laparotomy which has found widespread acceptance over the last
twenty years. Following diagnosis of an uncomplicated LDA the steps are:

• clip and disinfect the ventral abdomen to right of midline between xiphoid
and umbilicus, marking position of right abdominal vein
• give 45–50 mg xylazine i.v. and cast cow (e.g. by Reuff’s method) on right
• turn quickly into dorsal recumbency and extend and tie hind legs, place
straw bales against flanks for stability
Abdominal surgery 107

• assistant kneels in front of udder from left side while surgeon confirms by
auscultation the presence of tympanitic abomasum ventrally
• trocar and cannula (Kruuse UK Ltd, Jorgensen Labs, Colorado, USA)
are inserted firmly through skin, musculature and peritoneum about a
hand’s-width caudal to xiphoid and similar distance right of midline (see
Figure 3.16)
• pull out trocar and insert toggle, having confirmed entry into abomasum
(gas always escapes and acidic pH can be checked with dipstick)


8 cm


Figure 3.16 Abomasal ‘toggling’ procedure through skin of ventral cranial body wall.
A. ventral view showing puncture sites distal to xiphisternum (B), and to right side
between midline and right mammary vein (D).
108 Chapter 3

Figure 3.16 (cont’d) B. puncture by trocar and canula with first toggle in place;
C. removal of trocar and insertion of toggle through canula; D. tying together of
sutures from each toggle with space for insertion of two fingers.
Abdominal surgery 109

• assistant holds toggle suture with forceps

• remove cannula and rapidly repeat trocarisation and toggle insertion two
fingers’-width caudal or cranial to first site
• permit most gas to escape
• tie two sutures together allowing several centimetres of play (see Figure
• turn cow onto sternum slowly and allow to stand
• prophylactic systemic antibiotic cover
• post-operative visit about two to five days later to check abomasal position
and any concurrent disease problems.
This percutaneous procedure requires two assistants and must be performed
quickly as the abomasum can rapidly deflate once the cow is on her back.
If unsuccessful, a standing surgery can be done. The major hazards, apart
from personal injury from poor restraint, are the risk of puncturing rumen,
fixation of abomasum too close to the pylorus and tearing of the abomasal
wall by the suture, all potentially resulting in peritonitis.
The easiest cases tend to be cows with obvious ‘pings’ in the left flank
at first clinical examination, since abomasum remains gas-filled relat-
ively longer. The technique clearly does not permit examination of other
abdominal viscera for concurrent disease (e.g. chronic adhesions, hepatic

Discussion of surgical techniques

Some surgical problems and their proposed solutions are:

• inability to locate abomasum – if encountered during right flank approach

it may be necessary to perform left flank incision, especially in case of
inexperienced surgeon
• inability to break down left flank adhesions of abomasum to body wall
– adhesions may be out of reach in right flank approach, again necessitat-
ing left flank laparotomy, or they may be too firm to break down due to
their longstanding and extensive nature. Beware of breaking down recent
adhesions which may result in exposure of abomasal lumen through a
perforated ulcer. Such complications are rare (< 5%)
• inability to replace abomasum from right flank approach – as long as
midline structures are firmly grasped in palm of hand, avoiding risk of
puncturing abomasum or of tearing omentum with finger tips, repeated
gentle traction is harmless. Check that hand is grasping structures about
20 cm caudal to xiphisternum
• inability to identify pyloric region – identify caudal portion of abomasal
wall adjacent to greater omentum, then pass hand dorsally, and eventu-
ally area can be identified where abomasum is about 3 cm wide and where
110 Chapter 3

small lobes of greater and lesser omental fat overlap the abomasal border.
Abomasum is thicker and denser at this point (pyloric antrum), which is
the pylorus, located below rib 10, about half-way down body wall

3.7 Right dilatation, displacement and volvulus of


Right dilatation and displacement of abomasum probably have common

aetiology with LDA. Incidence is lower and RDA is not so closely related
to early post-partum period. RDA can result from rolling of LDA cases, in
which dilated organ is displaced a variable distance into the right flank. In
some cases a cow may apparently have alternately LDA and RDA, the organ
‘swinging’ from one flank to the other over a period of several days. Right
dilatation occasionally occurs in younger cattle and in steers.

Signs and diagnosis of RDA

• selective anorexia and gradual weight loss
• distension of low and mid right flank where auscultation reveals high
pitched splashing and sometimes ringing sounds
• RDA case usually has relatively more fluid than LDA animal
• ballottement of low right flank causes loud splashing sounds but rarely
any pain
• cows may show profuse watery diarrhoea
• rectal examination may reveal a smooth distended viscus on the right
side cranial to pubic brim, though only the caudal and dorsal surfaces can
be reached. At any time an RDA can develop into a right-sided volvulus
with or without severe compromise of the local vasculature. Few cases
of RDA rapidly develop volvulus but, once it occurs, condition is acute
and prognosis becomes guarded within some hours. Surgery is then an

Animals with RDA may make spontaneous recovery but many become
progressively duller, and some develop bradycardia. Prognosis is guarded.

Conservative treatment of RDA

Turn animal out to grass or into yard for increased exercise and maintain
access to bulky fodder as high priority. Some cases respond well to general
symptomatic treatment, others to metaclopromide. Recently calved cows may
be given calcium borogluconate both i.v. and s.c.. Non-responsive cases of
RDA remain at risk of developing abomasal volvulus. Many cases of volvulus
have a retrospectively elicitable history of chronic abomasal disease. Perform
surgery in valuable animals as soon as possible, i.e. before volvulus occurs.
Abdominal surgery 111

Signs of abomasal volvulus

• abdominal emergency: cow is in shock, collapsed, with tachycardia, mild
to severe cyanosis
• weakness, possible recumbency depending on chronicity, severe abdominal
distension, especially on right side, with loud splashing sounds on ballotte-
ment of right flank
• rectal examination reveals large, smooth and tense-walled viscus ven-
trally on right side
• (optional) abdominocentesis may reveal large volume of reddish-brown
• severe hypochloraemia and hypokalaemia, increased PCV, increased total
• metabolic alkalosis due to abomasal sequestration of acidic gastric secre-
tion, later possibly metabolic acidosis
• abomasum may contain up to 50 litres of fluid
• volvulus causes severe and potentially fatal impairment of venous drainage
of abomasum, and the wall becomes ischaemic, dark red, then blue and
black, at which stage rupture is likely

Differential diagnoses include caecal dilatation and dislocation, small

intestinal obstruction following volvulus or invagination, functional abomasal
In most cases mechanical movements initially involve dorsal displacement
of the greater curvature followed by counter-clockwise 180°–360° torsion of
the abomasum (see Figure 3.17). Postmortem (PM) examination often fails to
reveal exactly what displacement was the primary movement. Pathology
reveals severe constriction of both venous and arterial supply at the junction
of omasum and abomasum, as well as between reticulum and omasum. The
descending duodenum is completely occluded as a result of severe stenosis
following external pressure and a degree of displacement. Direction has been
described as clockwise or counter-clockwise when viewed from the right side.
When viewed from the rear, it has a ‘spiral corkscrew-like’ counter-clockwise

Surgical treatment of RDA and abomasal volvulus

• correct right abomasal dilatation by right flank surgery after giving
fluids and electrolytes (see Table 1.11) e.g. i.v. infusion of 10–50 litres
0.9% NaCl with dextrose or Ringer lactate to any severely deficient cases.
Early case of volvulus has metabolic alkalosis, late stage is acidotic.
• make right flank paracostal incision, starting 10 cm below lumbar trans-
verse processes
• explore abdomen to determine form of displacement and any other
112 Chapter 3

Figure 3.17 Three forms of right abomasal displacement and torsion and their
manipulative correction. (From Dirksen, Gründer & Stöber, 2002.)
A. left (anti-clockwise from rear view) 360° torsion and direction of manual correction;
B. left 180° torsion, and correction; C. simple right-sided abomasal displacement
(possibly with up to 90° rotation). (From Dirksen, Gründer & Stöber, 2002.)
Abdominal surgery 113

• decompress gas from abomasum. If necessary, especially in case of

volvulus, fluid can be removed from the abomasum by first placing a
4–7 cm diameter circular purse string dorsally in the serosal surface of
the abomasum
• make a stab incision in the centre of the purse string and insert a stomach
tube quickly in the abomasum while the purse string is tied
• tighten purse-string suture which may be oversewn by one or two mattress
• examine evacuated organ carefully for signs of abomasitis (diffuse hyper-
aemia) and ulceration (thickened areas, superficial fibrin deposition)
• locate pylorus for orientation
• correct displacement by pushing greater curvature cranially and ven-
trally with flat palm of hand or with forearm
• confirm that position of pyloric region and descending duodenum are
normal (fundus, pyloric region, pylorus and proximal duodenum all against
right abdominal wall)
• perform pyloromyotomy (optional and of controversial benefit) by lon-
gitudinal 3– 4 cm incision through muscular coats of the pylorus (about
1 cm deep). If lumen is inadvertently entered, several chromic catgut
sutures should be placed to bury this incision
• suture greater omentum (caudal to pylorus) to body wall (see p. 103).

Surgery of abomasal volvulus may not be indicated in cows with long-

standing abomasal volvulus that are unable to rise and remain standing.
Such animals should be sent to emergency slaughter on humane grounds.
They often fail to pass meat inspection as the carcass may not set as the
animal is usually toxic. If surgery is attempted in advanced cases, fluid
therapy with i.v. lactated ringer or isotonic bicarbonate is essential before
and during surgery (see Table 1.11), due to massive abomasal sequestration
of Cl− , K+ and H+ ions and subsequent metabolic acidosis. The prognosis is
guarded or good in cases with a heart rate < 90/min, serum urea < 10 mmol/l
or serum Cl− > 85 mmol/l. Cows with abomasal volvulus of chronic nature
with heart rate > 120/min and 12% dehydration have a poor prognosis
for survival. The sooner abomasal volvulus is diagnosed and surgically
corrected, the better the prognosis.
Surgery may be reserved for good risk standing cases and cattle where
systemic antibiotic treatment has already rendered the carcass valueless
for human consumption. Following the operation 20 litres of warm water
containing 60 g NaCl and 30 g KCl should be given twice daily by stomach
tube. It appears that abomasal torsion (up to 180°) must be distinguished
from abomasal volvulus (180°–360°). The former has in the USA a guarded
prognosis, when serum Cl remains above 85 mmol/l. The latter is the form
usually experienced in the UK and affected cows are often recumbent at
first clinical examination (see Figure 3.17).
114 Chapter 3

3.8 Other abomasal conditions

Other surgical conditions of the abomasum include:

• impaction
• abomasal tympany and volvulus in calves
• ulceration (with or without perforation)

Abomasal impaction

Impaction may be primary, as in calves following incorrect feeding with
excessive roughage and an inadequate water intake. Impaction may also be
secondary to surgical correction of abomasal volvulus, or to lymphosarcoma
and adhesion formation in the cranial part of the abdominal cavity.

• perform exploratory surgery through a right midflank incision
• break down abomasal contents manually
• give paraffin oil (5 litres, with 20 litres of water) by an orogastric tube
once, or repeated 24 hours later
Some cases may slowly resolve. Abomasotomy through a right paramedian
incision may be necessary in advanced cases.

Abomasal tympany and volvulus in calves

Seen in calves typically at six weeks to three months shortly after bucket milk
feeding, signs include obvious discomfort with head extended, mild colicky
signs and right flank tympany, later depression and spread of tympany to
involve the left flank. Systemic signs rapidly become severe and calves can die
within a few hours.
Differential diagnosis: rumen tympany (unlikely in this age group), caecal
dilatation and dislocation, jejunal volvulus or intussusception

Recumbent calves with circulatory collapse should generally be euthanised.
Less severe cases:

• i.v. fluids, right paracostal or paramedian incision under local anaesthesia,

in left lateral or dorsal recumbency
• exteriorise abomasum, evacuate contents by slow release of gas (tympany)
or fluid
• replace organ after correction of displacement
Abdominal surgery 115

Abomasal ulceration

Common condition in slaughterhouse statistics, both in calves and adults.
Younger cows tend to be affected within four weeks of parturition. Abomasal
ulcers rarely cause significant clinical disease.

• type 1: non-perforating, minimal bleeding

• type 2: ulcer causing severe blood loss
• type 3: perforating ulcer with acute localised peritonitis
• type 4: perforating ulcer with diffuse peritonitis
Type 1 is often subclinical, while types 2 and 4 usually show clinical signs
and may be fatal. In mature cows concurrent disease is often present such
as mastitis, metritis and pneumonia. Abomasal ulceration tends to occur in
recently calved cows (corresponding to LDA incidence) and is related to stress
e.g. overcrowded yards and cubicle houses.

• abdominal pain, which is not only associated with peritonitis
• calves show abomasal dilation with ulceration (painful palpation)
• melaena and pale mucous membranes (type 2)
• pyrexia and tachycardia in cases with peritonitis
• abdominocentesis (see Section 3.16, p. 130) useful to confirm peritonitis
e.g. acute fatal cases involving ruptured omental abscessation

• type 2 ulcers require whole blood transfusion if PCV drops below 15 vols%
• treatment of peritonitis requires systemic antibiotics
• i.v. fluids
• exploration in left flank LDA: correction of left abomasal adhesions, rarely
is surgical resection of ulcer necessary
• correction of primary disorder
• pyloromyotomy may improve prognosis in calves with abomasal dilation
and ulceration

3.9 Caecal dilatation and dislocation

Definition and anatomy (see Figures 3.3 and 3.5)

The term dislocation refers to any twist, torsion, volvulus or retroflexion of
the caecum which has a blunted round apex projecting caudally from the
omental recess. Position varies with the volume of contents, floating dorsally
if gas-filled or sinking with ample fluid contents. Normal caecum cannot be
identified on rectal palpation.
116 Chapter 3

Incidence and signs

• usually seen in adult dairy cows > 4 years old with signs rather similar to
RDA for caecal dilatation and ressembling abomasal volvulus in caecal
• causes not understood and may involve hypocalcaemia and inhibitory
effect of high volatile fatty acid concentrations in caecum on caecal motility
• selective anorexia (refusing concentrates) in housed or pastured cow,
more frequently seen during production phase than in early lactation
• vague abdominal discomfort and pain, mild in caecal dilatation, severe in
caecal dislocation
• some distension of right caudal abdominal cavity, and ballottement of
upper right flank (more dorsal and caudal than in RDA and abomasal
volvulus) produces sounds of fluid and gas
• faeces reduced in volume, dark, possibly covered with mucus
• rectal examination reveals little or no faeces and a mass like end of ‘cob’
loaf of bread 15–20 cm diameter in dilatation (see Figure 3.18a,b)
• position is relatively high on right side (dilatation), or as a distended organ
(retroflexed caecal body) cranially in right ventral quadrant, or painful
palpation of ileocaecal ligament (dislocation)
• dislocation of caecum produces more severe systemic signs, but disease
progress is slower than in RDA and abomasal volvulus

Figure 3.18(a) Caecal torsion and retroflexion: diagrams of rectal findings.

Longitudinal section through abdomen: apex of caecum and tense ileocaecal fold are
palpable in caecal torsion.
Abdominal surgery 117

Figure 3.18(b) Transverse section through abdomen: (1) dilated body of caecum,
(2) distended loops of spiral colon, and (3) sometimes also small intestine are
palpable in caecal retroflexion; (4) rumen and (5) left kidney

• haematology and biochemical parameters usually normal in caecal dilata-

tion; in caecal dislocation blood biochemistry is also normal or occasionally
shows metabolic alkalosis with ↓Cl− and ↓K+ caused by intestinal stasis
• differential diagnoses: RDA, abomasal volvulus, intestinal torsion around
Confirmation of diagnosis depends on right flank laparotomy.

Medical management may be indicated in some cows with dilatation.
Surgical approach:

• site of incision upper right flank, and relatively more caudal than for RDA
• exteriorise caecum and examine carefully for necrosis and commencing
118 Chapter 3

• correct dislocation after drainage at apex (typhlotomy, purse-string suture

placed before insertion of scalpel blade or wide-bore needle)
• massage firmer material out from intra-abdominal portion of caecum and
proximal loop of ascending colon
• inspect the caecal apex for ischaemia: the easiest surgical technique is to
invert such areas into caecal lumen and to oversew the area
• peri- and post-surgical systemic antibiotics, possibly i.v. or oral fluids

Prognosis is good (dilatation) or guarded (dislocation) and recurrence rate
is up to 20%. Typhlectomy (partial caecectomy) is rarely indicated but
relatively simple to perform. Cow copes well with caecum of reduced capacity.

3.10 Intestinal intussusception

Intussusception (invagination or telescoping of bowel) occasionally affects
small intestine ( jejunum, ileum). Predisposing causes are unknown but the
condition is not always associated with hyperperistalsis, enteritis or diarrhoea.
Any age group, from calves to older cows, may be affected, but calves appear
predisposed. Complete bowel obstruction results. Sometimes a double intus-
susception (five layers of bowel wall superimposed on each side) develops.

• sudden onset of acute abdominal pain
• groaning, kicking at belly, alternately lying and standing, paddling of hind
• within 12 hours acute signs are succeeded by dullness, anorexia, pre-
cipitous drop in milk yield (as in traumatic reticulitis)
• initial tachycardia (heart rate 120/min) disappears, while melaena may
be replaced by total absence of faeces
• stance may be persistently abnormal after 24 hours, animal adopting
rocking-horse position, or may lie down and groan
• site is usually distal jejunum, or rarely jejunoileal junction with invagin-
ated section (intussusceptum) passing into caecum or into proximal colon
Condition may last five to eight days, with slow deterioration and death from
metabolic effects of total obstruction in which plasma chloride progressively
falls, with haemoconcentration and dehydration.

Diagnosis depends on rectal palpation of several distended small bowel
loops, about 5 cm diameter, or possibly a firm, painful and slightly mobile,
fist-shaped mass relatively low on right side or just cranial to pelvic inlet. In
Abdominal surgery 119

calf bilateral abdominal palpation may suggest a firm irregular abdominal

mass. Mass may be out of reach and diagnosis then depends on right-sided
exploratory laparotomy. However, severely distended small bowel on rectal
palpation or on ultrasound may be a case of small intestinal ileus.
Differential diagnosis: intestinal volvulus, mesenteric torsion. Both have
rapid clinical course, and distention of lower right flank with splashing sounds
on auscultation.

It is alleged that some cases recover spontaneously after sloughing the intus-
susceptum, but this has never been seen by the authors.

• i.v. fluids e.g. hypertonic or isotonic saline

• right flank laparotomy under paravertebral analgesia (see Section 1.8,
p. 23) and topical analgesia of affected bowel segment and mesentery, pos-
sibly also systemic analgesic; alternatively under GA
• standing surgery preferable except in calf < 12 months
• exteriorise affected bowel, and attempt manual reduction in early case
• in case of intestinal wall devitalisation, and where manual reduction is
impossible, isolate with clamps, resect bowel segment and mesentery and
perform end-to-end or less optimal side-to-side anastomosis
• note that traction on mesenteric root is very painful and may cause
animal to collapse, therefore first infiltrate lignocaine into affected segment
of mesentery
• suture technique should avoid production of bowel stenosis: single layers
of Cushing pattern, interrupted once, is suitable. Some surgeons may
oversew with Lembert or Cushing suture (PDS 2 metric with swaged-on
• manage differing pre- and post-stenotic luminal diameters by 45– 60°
angled incision line in (smaller) post-stenotic bowel
• initial single sutures in the anti-mesenteric and mesenteric borders facilit-
ate manipulation
• closure of mesenteric defect is essential to prevent possible herniation
• preferred material is fine absorbable suture (e.g. 7 metric Softgut® (Davis
& Geck) ) on 45 mm 3/8 circle round-bodied needle or 3.5 metric PGA
• leakage at suture line is rarely a problem
• maintain strictly aseptic procedure, otherwise massive local peritonitis
may result in multiple bowel adhesions
• wash visceral peritoneal surface of bowel with copious volume of sterile
physiological saline before closing the abdominal incision
• aftercare should comprise antimicrobials for five to seven days, hay and
laxative feeds (e.g. bran) for one week
Successful surgery is evident in passage of loose dark faeces 24– 48 hours
120 Chapter 3

Caecal invagination is a specific entity seen predominantly in younger

calves. Often reducible manually, they often recur, so amputation is pre-
ferable (p. 118).

3.11 Other forms of intestinal obstruction

Intestinal obstruction is occasionally caused by other abdominal abnormalities

• large pedunculated fatty masses (lipomata)

• large intra-mesenteric areas of fat necrosis
• adventitious fibrous bands
• scrotal hernia, volvulus and incarceration in traumatised vas deferens

Incarceration in traumatised vas deferens (‘gut-tie’)

Obstruction, rarely strangulation, may follow passage of bowel through tear
of peritoneum between vas deferens and abdominal wall, following castra-
tion procedure in which excessive traction on, and recoil of, spermatic cord
results in adhesion of cord or peritoneal fold around bowel (‘gut-tie’). Jejunum
is usually involved and condition develops slowly with signs related to
gradual lumenal occlusion (see Figure 3.19).

• anorexia, dullness, reduced passage of faeces and distention of flank
• ballottement of flanks and palpation inconclusive
• rectal palpation often permits easy diagnosis by recognition of distended
small intestine and one or more abnormal cord-like structures near inguinal
ring (see Figure 3.19)
• diagnosis depends on exploratory laparotomy following suggestive history
and signs
• problem is usually located near internal inguinal ring and (due to anatom-
ical distribution of small intestine) on right side

• gentle rectal traction on adhesed spermatic cord stump is fairly simple
to perform and may lead to rapid recovery (90% success) but can be
hazardous and not recommended for inexperienced persons who should
appreciate the risk of tearing the bowel wall
• perform right flank laparotomy in standing or left laterally recumbent
• section or resect the adhesed spermatic cord or vas deferens with scissors
using blind palpation
Abdominal surgery 121


Figure 3.19 ‘Gut-tie’ involving recoiled stump of ductus (vas) deferens adhesing
around and occluding lumen of small intestine, resulting in bowel obstruction
(compare with Figure 1.11).
A. abnormal stump of ductus (vas) deferens; B. normal position of ductus (vas)

• exteriorise bowel and check for viability

• resection and anastomosis required in exceptional cases
• routine closure of flank laparotomy incision (see Section 3.3 pp. 86–87).
• post-operative systemic antibiotics for three days, especially if bowel resec-
tion was performed

3.12 Peritonitis

Peritonitis is usually secondary to a diffuse or localised primary condition.
Causes may be perforation of an abomasal ulcer, rupture of a reticular wall or
hepatic abscess, reticular perforation of a foreign body, infection following
uterine rupture, or the introduction of infection at caesarean section. Some
cases follow a breakdown of surgical asepsis.
122 Chapter 3

Signs and diagnosis

Early cases have signs of diffuse abdominal pain and may grunt spontane-
ously. The acute reaction causes pyrexia (to 40.5°C), tachycardia, arched
back, anorexia and reduced ruminoreticular activity. Chronic cases, in which
peritoneal exudate has organised to form extensive adhesions, are generally
characterised by chronic weight loss and unthriftiness.
Diagnosis is usually easy, based on history, classical signs, rectal palpation
(adhesions possible) and in doubtful cases abdominocentesis (see Figure 3.23
– possibly retain sample for antibiotic sensitivity testing).

Specific problems arise in treatment of peritonitis, which involves infection
in a transcellular space where antibiotics cannot reach the concentrations
found in tissues and serum. Generalised purulent peritonitis has a hopeless
prognosis, and the animal should be euthanised.
Apart from appropriate antibiotics (see below), treatment in early acute
cases may include:

• supportive i.v. fluids

• flunixin meglumine or corticosteroids to counter endotoxic shock and
stabilise membranes
• heparin 5000 units, i.m., b.i.d. for three days in early cases
• intermittent peritoneal lavage (5–10 litres, t.i.d. or q.i.d.) with lactated
Ringer solution (dorsal flank entry port, ventral midline exit). Peritoneal
lavage is not very effective in cattle due to blockage by fibrin clots.
Drugs of choice include:

• tetracyclines, e.g. oxytetracycline (22 mg/kg daily)

• sulphonamides (sulphadimidine, sulphadiazine, or triple sulphas).
See Section 1.12, p. 47, Table 1.15 for extra-label drug use and withdrawal

3.13 Umbilical hernia and abscess

Umbilical herniation is a very common surgical condition in the Holstein
and other cattle breeds. It may be inherited by a dominant character with
incomplete penetrance, or be conditioned by environmental factors. It is
unlikely to be sex linked.
Complication of herniation is frequently coexistent with umbilical abscessa-
tion. Sometimes abscess may be involved in primary aetiology. Surgery may
be contra-indicated in large simple (i.e. non-infected) umbilical herniae of
animals intended as breeding stock (e.g. bulls), because evidence suggests
the condition is inherited (see Section 1.16, pp. 52–53).
Abdominal surgery 123

An exceptionally large umbilical hernia is evident at birth, but the majority
are first noticed a few weeks later. The peritoneum-lined hernial sac may
measure 3–12 cm diameter. Corresponding hernial ring is typically about
1–7 cm long and 1–3 cm wide.
Contents of hernial sac are peritoneal fluid, greater omentum, and in larger
cases, the abomasum. Small or large intestine is sometimes involved.

Diagnosis is based on the history, palpation of the swelling and the adjacent
ventral abdominal wall for signs of intra-abdominal involvement. Pain on
palpation is suspicious of a septic process (see Figure 3.20) or incarceration.
Ultrasound investigation may be considered to define the contents of an
umbilical swelling and intra-abdominal involvement.

Indications for surgery

Calves under four weeks old should only be operated as an emergency, since
stress of anaesthesia may be critical to survival, and abscess capsule may not
be thick enough for safe resection.
Otherwise, indications include:

• irreducible (incarcerated or strangulated) hernial contents irrespective of

age, size and intended use of calf
• increasing hernial size



Figure 3.20 Three sites of umbilical infection with intra-abdominal involvement.

A. umbilical vein (purulent omphalophlebitis); B. umbilical artery (purulent
omphaloarteritis); C. urachus (purulent urachitis); D. liver; E. bladder.
124 Chapter 3

• calves aged three to six months with hernia still present, possibly enlarg-
ing, since spontaneous resolution is now unlikely
Pre-operative complications:

• an encapsulated abscess makes surgery more awkward and potentially

hazardous, but contamination of wound is not inevitable
• treat discharging umbilical sinus by repeated local irrigation and débride-
ment, and possibly systemic antibiotics for three to five days. If still not
resolved, discharging umbilical abscess cavity should be packed with
swabs and overlying skin tightly sutured before starting surgery

Surgical technique
• reduce ruminal volume in older calves by 24 hours’ starvation to reduce
post-op pressure on surgical wound, also to reduce degree of ruminal
tympany during surgery, both during GA and LA
• obtain deep sedation and perform local analgesic infiltration of area
with or without anterior epidural analgesia, or use GA (see Section 1.9,
pp. 36–39)
• place calf in dorsal recumbency, preferably raised from ground, and
positioned with straw bales laterally, and with legs fixed cranially and
caudally remote from surgical field
• in male calf irrigate and pack preputial cavity
• clip extensive area of ventral abdominal wall, scrub and disinfect three
• ensure availability of sterile prosthetic mesh material for hernias where
ring exceeds 10 cm diameter (see below)
• make elliptical skin incision around hernial base, continue along midline
well cranial and caudal to limits of hernial ring
• dissect subcutaneous tissue bluntly to expose the hernial sac
• continue blunt dissection down to reveal edge of hernial ring, carefully
incise hernial sac at junction of body wall and sac and insert finger into
abdominal cavity
• resect sac, and circumferentially a thin strip of the hernial ring, as long as
there are no adhesions of gastro-intestinal organs to parietal peritoneum
and umbilicus
• attempt gently to break down any adhesions between hernial sac and
abdominal contents. If sac cannot be incised without damaging contents,
incise longitudinally through linea alba cranial to ring and remove sac
together with herniated viscera after any necessary enterectomy
• bring together longitudinal edges of opening for suturing
• avoid undue tension by lengthening the ring cranially and caudally,
converting the oval shape into a long ellipse
• if ring closure is likely to result in excessive suture tension, make
longitudinal incision through external sheath of the rectus sheath, about
Abdominal surgery 125

3 cm lateral to left and right of midline. Incision should not extend into
longitudinal muscle fibres or the internal rectus sheath
• close body defect wall by simple interrupted sutures of absorbable material
such as polyglactin 910, PGA or PDS starting at commissures of the wound
• use a near-far-far-near pattern in large hernias
• if approximation for tying knots is difficult, preplace sutures and secure
ends loosely with haemostatic forceps, and then use steady traction on all
the sutures finally to close the ring
• internal hernial sac may alternatively be reduced into abdomen and edges
of ring apposed in same manner but without penetrating peritoneum
(closed herniorraphy), but recurrence common
• ensure sutures are well covered by subcutaneous tissues closed by PDS 5
metric in continuous pattern. It is essential to bury the deep suture layer
and to avoid leaving potential dead space
• appose the skin edges by vertical mattress sutures (monofilament nylon)
• eliminate dead space by resecting excessive skin tissue
• give systemic antibiotics for three to five days
• clean skin wound with warm dilute povidone-iodine solution after 24
hours, or preferably abdominal wrap for 24 hours confining calf in box for
one to two weeks
• give only water and a little concentrate for the first two days, after which
normal diet is resumed
Vital points in surgical procedure include:

• do not penetrate any encapsulated infection (e.g. umbilical abscess)

• aseptic technique
• careful haemostasis
• gentle handling of relatively friable tissues

Prosthetic material repair

Prosthetic repair of umbilical hernias and other abdominal wall defects
is seldom necessary in cattle. Indications include large hernias, cases in
which repair has been unsuccessfully attempted by simple closure, and
incisional hernias following abomasopexy or caesarean section (see Figure
Suitable materials for mesh include:

• woven plastic or polypropylene mesh – strong, inert, easily handled, and

cheap, e.g. Mersilene® (Ethicon), Marlex® (Dowd Inc., Providence, RI,
USA), Proxplast® (Goshen), preferably inserted doubled or absorbable
Vicryl® (Ethicon)
Rarely used are stainless steel gauze (very strong, inert, less easily handled
and expensive), and tantalum (Fansteel Metals, Chicago) which has prop-
erties as for plastic or polypropylene, but is also expensive.
126 Chapter 3

2 1


Figure 3.21 Mesh implant in large umbilical hernia.

A. skin and subcutaneous tissues; B. linea alba and internal rectus sheath;
C. peritoneum (sac dissected away); D. mesh sutured with 1 cm overlap onto
peritoneum and internal rectus sheath/linea alba; (inset shows suggested order of
insertion, 1 being cranial).

It is frequently impossible to avoid inserting the material into the abdominal
cavity, although ideally the internal hernial ring and parietal peritoneum
should be left intact, the hernial sac inverted, and the mesh should be buried
underneath the parietal peritoneum.

• ensure that the size of mesh prepared is slightly larger in area than the
• suture initially to four equidistant points of circumference e.g. caudal,
cranial, left lateral, right lateral. Normally distal contact surface will be
greater omentum
• trim to precise size
• place interrupted simple or vertical mattress pattern sutures into firm
fibrous tissue of hernial ring (see Figure 3.21)
• bury mesh with layer of connective tissue. Mesh must not lie
• avoid any residual dead space by resection of excessive skin before inser-
tion of interrupted vertical mattress skin sutures
Abdominal surgery 127

Complications of umbilical hernia repair

• seroma formation and eventually infection of this fluid with abscessation
• haematoma: should be left untreated but if subcutaneous tissues then
become infected, drainage must be provided at once and the cavity flushed
twice daily (with povidone-iodine), also start systemic antibiotics
• breakdown of hernial repair (dehiscence) with prolapse of omentum to
occupy subcutaneous space: early re-operation imperative to avoid incar-
ceration, adhesions and early development of diffuse peritonitis

Treatment of encapsulated umbilical abscessation by surgery

• extra-capsular dissection is essential to avoid gross contamination and
• at early stage any tract should be followed into abdominal cavity by palpa-
tion and/or ultrasonography to establish direction, i.e. cranially towards
liver if umbilical vein (septic thrombophlebitis) or caudally towards bladder
vertex (septic urachus, or septic arteritis) (see Figure 3.20)
• careful exploration with a sterile probe is often helpful
• paramedian laparotomy at level of umbilicus permits inspection and dis-
section of such infected tracts

Infection of the umbilical vein is serious, as sepsis may extend into the
liver, permitting haematogenous spread to lungs, joints (‘joint ill’) and other
organs. Resection is then contra-indicated. If no spread has occurred, and
the vein is involved in septic thrombophlebitis, marsupialisation through
the ventral abdominal wall under GA may be attempted in valuable stock.
In most cases of septic thrombrophlebitis and septic urachitis, resection is
simple under GA. Surgical excision of the infected urachus, arteries or vein
should be complete. The stumps of healthy tissue can, at the surgeon’s discre-
tion, be oversewn with greater omentum. Sometimes small area of bladder
wall continuous with pervious urachus is resected and the opening closed by
continuous inversion suture.
Post-operative treatment: systemic antimicrobial therapy for five days.

3.14 Alimentary conditions involving neoplasia

Alimentary tract neoplasms are, with the exception below, uncommon. Some
are seen in the oral cavity (fibroma, sarcoma) requiring differential diagnosis
from actinobacillosis and actinomycosis. Intestinal neoplasms have occasion-
ally been incriminated in the pathogenesis of intussusception, and are then
amenable to removal via bowel resection and anastomosis. Lipomata are
sometimes the cause of vague indigestion and weight loss in adult cattle,
especially the Channel Island breeds, and are rarely treatable.
128 Chapter 3

Squamous cell carcinoma

Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), has the highest incidence of any cancer
in the world in certain upland areas and, since alimentary tract signs may
be seen, this problem is discussed briefly. SCC develops in any part of the
alimentary tract (oropharynx, oesophagus, oesophageal groove, rumen) as
a proliferative, scirrhous, and often ulcerating series of masses, sometimes
preceded by squamous papillomata.
Occurrence is exclusively in upland areas where older cattle (exceeding
eight years, usually beef types) have had prolonged exposure for several years
to bracken (Pteridium aquilinum). The toxic factor is ptaquiloside. There is a
history of acute bracken poisoning in about 50% of cases of SCC.
Its relationship to papilloma virus, which produces non-infiltrating sessile
warts, is not yet precisely established. About one third of affected cattle have
lesions of enzootic haematuria.

Clinical signs
These may have four forms:

• oropharyngeal – loss of condition, drooling of saliva, coughing, halitosis,

enlarged submandibular lymph nodes, nasal discharge containing ingesta,
and diarrhoea. A large fungating mass may involve the tongue base,
pharynx and palate, or several smaller lesions may exist
• oesophageal – progressive weight loss for one to three months, cud
dropping, palpable oesophageal mass, mild halitosis, drooling saliva,
coughing, gurgling sounds from oesophagus, diarrhoea, resistance to
passage of stomach tube and oropharyngeal papillomata
• chronic ruminal tympany – mild, or less commonly relatively sudden
and severe onset with loss of condition for one to six months, profuse
diarrhoea, possible resistance to passage of stomach tube due to papillo-
mata in oropharynx
• wasting diarrhoea – loss of condition and chronic diarrhoea for one to
nine months, initially profuse and watery, later leaving fibrous mass in
ruminoreticulum possibly also oropharyngeal papillomata

Careful inspection is made of oropharynx with mouth gag (Drinkwater
pattern), torch and manual exploration. Endoscopy of oesophagus if available.
Some cases with clinical signs, including chronic tympany referable to
ruminoreticulum, undergo exploratory laparotomy (no significant findings)
and, more usefully, rumenotomy when one or more large fungating and
ulcerating masses up to 12 cm diameter may be detected in or near the
oesophageal groove and cardia.
Complete removal of ruminoreticular lesions with resolution of the clinical
signs is impossible due to extensive mural infiltration. Biopsy material may
Abdominal surgery 129

be taken for diagnostic pathology. Such cases are almost invariably found
retrospectively to have lesions in the oropharynx.
The prognosis is hopeless and affected cattle should be slaughtered.

3.15 Vagal indigestion (Hoflund syndrome)

Vagal (vagus) indigestion is a chronic ruminoreticular condition of increas-
ing abdominal distension and low-grade ruminoreticular activity, thought
to be associated with dysfunction of vagal nerve branches supplying the
forestomachs. Dysfunction involves hyper- or hypomotility, and often results
in a secondary abomasal tympany.

The left and right vagus nerves (see Figure 3.22) form dorsal and ventral
oesophageal trunks and supply direct branches to the ruminoreticular wall,
including the sulcus and reticulo-omasal orifice, omasum and abomasum.
Section of both trunks completely abolishes motor activity of the fore-
stomachs. Section of the dorsal branch alone results in almost complete, but
not inevitably permanent, paralysis of the rumen, with lesser effects on the
reticulum. The effects of section of the ventral branch are less predictable and
range from little to almost complete forestomach paralysis.



Figure 3.22 Vagal trunk innervation of bovine stomachs, viewed from right side.
1. dorsal sac or rumen; 2. reticulum; 3. omasum; 4. abomasum; 5. cardia; 6 & 7 dorsal
and ventral trunks of vagus lying alongside oesophagus at cardia.
Note that abscessation in reticular wall (x) is liable to interfere with innervation,
particularly of the omentum and abomasum. Dorsal vagal trunk (6) primarily
innervates rumen. (modified from Dyce & Wensing, 1971.)
130 Chapter 3

Clinical signs
Signs develop following alleged injury to the vagal nerves either in the
thoracic mediastinum or in the cranial abdominal cavity, commonly due to
extensive peritonitis secondary to traumatic reticulitis.

• movement of ingesta from rumenoreticulum into the omasum and

abomasum is grossly disturbed due to a functional stenosis and hypo-
motility of the omasum
• bradycardia often present (< 60/min)
• usually adult cows with a history of weight loss and increasing abdominal
distension often around pasturition
• frequently history of an episode of acute traumatic reticulitis
• viewed caudally, animal has a ‘ten-to-four’ or ‘papple’ (pear right, apple
left) distension, i.e. upper left flank and lower right flank
• ruminal distension possibly associated with hypomotility or atony, reduced
feed intake, and scanty faeces. Other cattle show hypermotility but abnormal
rumen contents
• careful deep palpation through left flank reveals the ruminal contents to
be completely mixed and not triple-layered (gas/firm solid material/fluid)

Exploratory laparotomy and rumenotomy are indicated to check abdominal
cavity between cranial surface of reticulum and diaphragm. Rumenotomy
may rarely reveal lesions of actinobacillosis, which is amenable to treatment:
sodium iodide i.v. streptomycin and dihydrostreptomycin (Devomycin D®,
Norbrook), on days one, three, five, seven and nine or broad spectrum antibi-
otics (tetracyclines) systemically.
Cases with massive adhesion formation involving vagal nerves: any treat-
ment is purely palliative but fluids may be given for some days. Lancing of
perireticular abscess may temporarily or completely solve problem.
Prognosis in most adult chronic cases is poor.

3.16 Abdominocentesis
Abdominal fluid may be collected (‘belly tap’) for diagnostic purposes,
generally for confirmation of a suspected peritonitis or abdominal bleeding
(e.g. perforated abomasal ulcer).

• clip and surgical scrub (diluted povidone-iodine) right ventral abdominal
wall cranial to umbilicus over most pendulous part (cranial quadrant) or
medial to the fold of the flank and ‘milk vein’ (caudal quadrant), in each
case 5 cm from midline (see Figure 3.23)
Abdominal surgery 131


Figure 3.23 Possible site for abdominocentesis on right side of abdominal wall in
angle between right abdominal (‘milk’) vein (1) and stifle fold (2). Arrow shows site of
needle puncture; (3) shows level of umbilicus.

• tail restraint with animal in crush

• insert 16 gauge 3.7–5 cm needle through skin, and slowly advance to
‘pop’ through fascia and parietal peritoneum
• needle tip is palpably free in abdominal cavity
• if no fluid drips, first rotate needle and slightly change angle
• attach 5 ml sterile syringe and slowly withdraw plunger (rarely
• normal fluid is pale yellow (volume < 5 ml, odourless)
• if abdominal viscus such as omental fat is entered, another site should be
selected with new needle

Fluid may be collected in EDTA tubes for a total white blood cell count,
or sterile tubes for culture. Visual inspection should alone differentiate
conditions such as diffuse peritonitis, haemoperitoneum and uroperitoneum
from normal fluid.
132 Chapter 3

Transudate: clear, colourless, low protein (< 2.5 g/litre), low cell count
Exudate: discoloured, turbid, high protein (> 2.5 g/litre) high cell count,
frothy on shaking

3.17 Liver biopsy

Estimation of Cu, and trace element concentration; diagnosis of fatty liver
and other hepatic pathology.

• clip and disinfect area 15 × 15 cm, centred on 11th (10th in very
long-backed cattle) right intercostal space and 20 cm ventral to vertebrae.
Check site by percussion for area of hepatic dullness (see Figure 3.24)
• produce local analgesia of skin and intercostal musculature by infiltration
of 5–10 ml 2% lignocaine
• make 1 cm stab incision in skin and musculature


R10 5

Figure 3.24 Diagram of right side of abdominal wall of cow, showing site of hepatic
dullness. Cranial boundary is usually around rib 9. In severe hepatomegaly caudal
border may be palpable behind last rib. Site for hepatic biopsy is about one third of
distance down rib cage. (From Smart & Northcote, 1985.)
1. lung; 2. liver; 3. right kidney; 4. gall bladder; 5. phrenico-costal line; X site of liver
Abdominal surgery 133

• insert trocar and cannula (20 cm long, 6 mm external diameter, see

Appendix 3 for manufacturers) through incision, through intercostal
• perforate parietal peritoneum (palpable sensation, also pain reaction
likely in animal) to contact liver surface
• withdraw trocar and advance cannula at angle of 70° to horizontal and
20° cranially (i.e. slightly downwards and forwards, aiming towards left
elbow) using slightly rotating action
• if necessary, partly withdraw cannula and repeat in slightly changed
direction: characteristic soft grinding sensation is appreciable on passage
through liver
• attach adapter and syringe (tight fit essential), and using continuous
negative pressure, twist and then withdraw cannula and contained tissue
• expel tissue (typical specimen 4 cm × 4 mm diameter) onto dry gauze swab
by positive pressure, or reinsertion of trocar
• dress skin wound with dry antibiotic powder, suture unnecessary. Pro-
cedure may be safely repeated at weekly intervals. Manufacturer of biopsy
instrument is given in Appendix 3, pp. 262–265.

• accidental entry into hepatic vessel – immediate bleeding from cannula.
Avoid by stopping advance of cannula should any firm structure (namely
perivascular fibrous tissue) be encountered, and changing direction slightly
• accidental entry into hepatic abscess with gross peritonitis
• localised peritonitis – dirty technique
• wound infection – dirty technique

3.18 Anal and rectal atresia

Anal and rectal atresia (imperforate anus) in the calf are rare, anal atresia
being more frequent. Inheritance of this lethal defect in cattle is not estab-
lished. Other defects e.g. taillessness and spinal dysraphia may co-exist.

Usually made at two to three days old unless stockman has made meticulous,
neonatal examination. Absence of faeces draws attention to calf which may
have slightly distended abdomen.
Perineum has a scar indicative of anal orifice. In anal atresia scar may
overlie a slight bulge of the subcutaneous tissues, and becomes more pro-
nounced on increased intra-abdominal pressure, applied by pushing on the
flanks or by spontaneous tenesmus. Absence of such a bulge suggests that
rectal atresia may also be present.
134 Chapter 3

Investigation of differential diagnosis between atresia involving anus

alone and both anus and caudal rectum depends on surgical exploration.

• operate as soon as possible under caudal epidural analgesia (1 ml 2%
lignocaine plain)
• cleanse and clip area 10 cm diameter around anus
• remove 1 cm diameter circle of skin over anal scar
• retract skin edges with Allis forceps held by assistant
• in anal atresia a distended blind-ended rectum is easily located by digital
exploration in pelvic midline
• attempt to suture rectal wall to skin at this stage
• otherwise gently break down surrounding connective tissue and attempt
to exteriorise the caudal portion of rectum
• place four stay sutures dorsally, ventrally and bilaterally into rectum to
maintain in position and then incise this vertically for 1–2 cm; meconium
will spurt from lumen
• suture rectal margin to skin in simple interrupted sutures of 4 metric
chromic catgut, starting with two dorsal sutures at eleven o’clock and
one o’clock positions, followed by two ventrally at seven o’clock and five
• add additional sutures laterally
• avoid as far as possible contamination of subcutis and, more important,
the pelvic cavity
• remove extra-rectal meconium with damp swabs and do not irrigate
wound which could flush infection cranially
• inject systemic antibiotics (five days)
• maintain a lumen, minimum 2 cm diameter, which may require dilata-
tion several weeks later as initial healing results in localised fibrosis
• milk diet for two weeks
• do not use for breeding

Rectal atresia

Calves with additional atresia involving the rectum may prove difficult to
assess, and impossible to correct without the creation of a low flank caecal
fistula (preternatal anus) which, though possible experimentally, cannot
be justified on economic, practical and animal welfare grounds. Cicatricial
stricture is a common post-operative result.
Slight rectal atresia, with the rectum terminating 2 cm cranial to the anus,
is treated by careful blunt dissection dorsally involving the mesorectum;
suture to skin as for anal atresia.
Abdominal surgery 135

Unfortunately in many cases the integrity of the blood supply is seriously

impaired by inadvertent tears and stretching of the mesorectum, causing
mural necrosis followed by rupture of the rectal wall and fatal faecal peri-
tonitis extending from the pelvic cavity into the abdomen. Euthanasia is
therefore advisable in cases of anal and rectal atresia which involve absence
of at least 3 cm of terminal rectum.

3.19 Rectal prolapse

Rectal prolapse seen in young calves, yearling cattle and rarely adults
may be:

• incomplete – prolapse of mucosal layer only, with local oedema

• complete – total eversion of caudal rectum with serosal rectal surfaces in

Aetiology and signs

• prime sign is marked tenesmus, usually as a result of severe localised pain
• severe enteritis involving passage of sloughed epithelial debris and blood,
as in severe acute salmonellosis or coccidiosis
• sudden high protein intake with diarrhoea
• rarely due to other causes, e.g. urolithiasis (severe straining), severe
ruminal tympany, high oestrogen intake (causing relaxation of ischio-
rectal fossa), following a vaginal prolapse or rabies

Diagnosis is easily made. Degree of contusion and laceration should be estab-
lished when cleaning the prolapse after inducing caudal epidural analgesia
(see Section 1.8, pp. 27–29).

Three forms can be distinguished. All may be performed under epidural
anaesthesia (1–2 ml of 2% lignocaine):
(a) Recent incomplete prolapse without mucosal injury:
•replacement and purse-string suture in subcutaneous peri-anal skin
•insert needle ventrally, emerging dorsally to expose minimum length
of non-absorbable material (e.g. sterile nylon tape) to possible
•suture should be tied in bow ventrally to permit gradual controlled
•suture should permit adequate passage of faeces but prevent re-
prolapse, and in a one-month-old calf should permit entry of two digits
136 Chapter 3

(b) Recent incomplete prolapse with mucosal injury:

•suture tear, or if impossible, perform rectal amputation or sub-
mucosal resection (see below)
(c) Complete prolapse:
•attempt replacement if not severely traumatised. Bathing with dilute
Epsom salts or tannic acid solution may reduce size of oedematous
If replacement is impossible two procedures are available, laborious sub-
mucosal resection and amputation.

Submucosal resection
• make two circular incisions around circumference of the rectum, through
mucosa to the submucosal tissue. The first incision is at the point where
the rectum is reflected on itself, the second is about 1 cm from mucocut-
aneous junction
• join two incisions by another dorsal incision at right angles, and longit-
udinal in direction
• dissect and remove ‘sleeve’ of rectal mucosa between the two circular
• effect haemostasis by swab pressure and ligation of large vessels
• appose mucosal edges in row of interrupted simple sutures of 4 metric
• insert purse-string suture as described above

Two techniques are available.
Technique 1 Stairstep amputation:

• initially put plastic syringe casing into lumen of rectum and insert cross-
pin fixation with two hypodermic needles to stabilise the prolapsed rectum
during suturing procedure (see Figure 3.25)
• make circumferential incision cranial to necrotic area, but do not cut
inner mucosa and inner submucosa
• create stairstep and amputate 3 cm caudal to initial circumferential
• use extra tissue (inner mucosal layer) to reduce tension on the circum-
ferential suture
• remove hypodermic needles and syringe casing and insert purse-string
suture, as above
Abdominal surgery 137

Figure 3.25 Stair-step amputation of the prolapsed rectum A and suture of

mucosa B.

Technique 2 Termed ‘rectal ring’ method (see Figure 3.26):

• take plastic syringe case, open at each end, or proprietary product, and
anchor with circumferential monofilament nylon suture at the most
proximal part of the prolapse
• blood supply is effectively occluded to distal rectum, which sloughs about
10 days later
138 Chapter 3

A 1

B 4 3

C 5

Figure 3.26 Repair of prolapsed rectum utilising syringe case or plastic tubing.
A. lumen of rectum; 2. prolapsed wall. B Sutures are placed through skin-rectal
mucosal junction and through holes (4) in the side of plastic tube (3). Second sutures
are placed at 180° to first suture. C Sutures are pulled tight over skin as tube is
inserted appropriately within rectal lumen. Sutures are then tied around the
circumference to occlude blood supply to prolapsed section (5). Prolapsed rectum
and tube drop off some days later as a result of ischaemic necrosis.

Careful check must be made at frequent intervals, following technique 2, to
ensure that the plastic case has not become dislodged, and that defaecation
can proceed normally through lumen of case. The method is simple but
messy, and fails if the casing is dislodged for example by contact with pen wall
or other cattle.
Post-operative tenesmus is delayed if the epidural block is made with a
xylazine-lignocaine mixture (see Section 1.7, p. 29) or a longer acting anal-
gesic drug (e.g. Bupivacaine®).

• immediate excessive stenosis – resuture placing larger diameter hollow
casing into lumen
• excessive haemorrhage – oversew vessel including full thickness of wall
• severe continuous postoperative tenesmus – repeat long-acting epidural
block, produce pneumoperitoneum (insufflating through needle placed
in left paralumbar fossa and attached to Higginson’s syringe), slacken
purse-string suture
Abdominal surgery 139

• anal stricture due to excessive fibrosis – incise anus dorsally and ventrally
through depth of fibrous tissue, and suture cranial commissure to caudal
commissure of wound
Prophylaxis involves attention to the underlying causes (e.g. diet) for the
initial development of the rectal prolapse, especially important in cases where
there are several affected individuals.
Bovine Surgery and Lameness, Second Edition
A. David Weaver, Guy St. Jean, Adrian Steiner
Copyright © 2005 David Weaver, Adrian Steiner and Guy St Jean


Female urinogenital surgery

4.1 Caesarean section 4.3 Uterine prolapse 149

(hysterotomy) 140 4.4 Perineal laceration 152
4.2 Vaginal and cervical prolapse 146 4.5 Ovariectomy 155

4.1 Caesarean section (hysterotomy)

• excessive fetal size (immaturity of dam, double muscling, genetic mis-
matching, and prolonged gestation)
• fetal deformity (e.g. schistosoma reflexus)
• relative or absolute narrowness of pelvic canal (immaturity of dam,
traumatic pelvic deformity)
• fetal malpresentation or posture
• irreducible uterine torsion, uterine rupture, non or incomplete dilatation
of cervical os
• atresia or hypoplasia of maternal vagina or vulva
• certain valuable pedigree breeding programmes where safe delivery of a
viable fetus is paramount, and where management precludes the risks
associated with natural delivery
Until recently hydroallantois and hydroamnion were further indications for
two-stage caesarean section (day one: slow drainage of uterine fluids; day
two: caesarean section). Such cases today have a better prognosis if treated
before onset of recumbency with corticosteroids or prostaglandins, followed
several days later by an i.v. oxytocin drip in refractory cases.

• cattle in very poor bodily condition (cachectic)
• emphysematous fetus
• most cows with uterine infection

Caesarean section may still be preferable to embryotomy (fetotomy) in cases

of general debility and prolonged dystocia despite the presence of dead fetus.
Female urinogenital surgery 141

Advantages of caesarean section over embryotomy include:

• potential fetal survival

• usually faster and safer procedure
• feasibility where embryotomy would be impossible (cervical non-dilatation)

Surgical technique: Flank

Xylazine premedication is contra-indicated due to induced increase of
myometrial tone. If permitted a uterine relaxant (e.g. clenbuterol HCl 300 μg)
should be given i.m. or slowly i.v. to facilitate rotation and partial exteriorisa-
tion of the uterus.
Operate if possible on standing cow or heifer under lumbar paravertebral
block (T13, L1–3, see Section 1.8, p. 23), but weak debilitated and ataxic
cattle should be cast before surgery, and in such cases cranial epidural block
is a feasible alternative analgesic method (60–80 ml 2% lignocaine).
Another possibility is a 30 ml caudal epidural block and inverted ‘7’ or ‘L’
flank analgesia (see p. 26); tie tail to hind leg.
Left flank site is preferred to right flank unless specific indication for right
side exists (e.g. over-sized fetus in right flank, grossly distended rumen). On
right side small intestinal loops are more liable to prolapse through wound to
become traumatised and infected.

• give caudal epidural block (e.g. 5 ml 2% lignocaine) to any cow which is

straining considerably, as tenesmus hampers precise incision of uterus,
and can even provoke ruminal wall prolapse through flank incision
• clip, scrub and disinfect entire paralumbar fossa (last rib to hip) and apply
sterile drapes
• make 30–35 cm vertical incision in middle or caudal third of left paralum-
bar fossa (see Figure 3.6(4) and effect careful haemostasis of flank vessels
• insert hand into abdomen pushing rumen forward and feeling ventrally
and caudally
• make rapid assessment of fetal position and condition of uterine wall
• attempt to bring greater curvature of gravid horn towards abdominal
incision by always grasping uterine wall over protruding part of fetus (e.g.
limb, hock in anterior presentation)
• attempt to exteriorise greater curvature of gravid horn
• note that, unless there is severe intra-uterine infection (e.g. grossly
emphysematous fetus), entry of uterine fluid to contaminate abdominal
cavity is rarely hazardous
• grasp fetal leg (e.g. digits or point of hock) through uterine wall and
maintain firmly in flank section
• incise uterine wall (see Figure 4.1) along greater curvature adjacent to the
limb and towards the tip of the horn with scalpel blade or finger embry-
otomy (fetotomy) knife starting below digits and extending to hock (or car-
pus in forelimb, if in posterior presentation)
142 Chapter 4

Figure 4.1 Uterine incision (greater curvature) over right hind metatarsus and foot,
having partially exteriorised fetus.
A. uterine incision; B. exteriorised horn; C. left flank incision.

• avoid incising maternal caruncles (see Figure 4.1)

• extend incision very carefully caudally until the limb can be exteriorised
for application of obstetric chain or rope
• instruct assistant to maintain very gentle traction on rope/chain sufficient
to maintain uterine wall in flank incision
• lengthen uterine incision to permit entry of hand into uterus to locate
second limb, which is similarly exteriorised and a rope/chain applied
• manipulate head best by a thumb and finger grip in each orbit
• if very large fetus or uterine horn tip cannot be brought to flank wound for
incision under direct vision, make blind incision over fetal extremity,
which is then grasped and brought to flank in similar manner
• ensure that fetal traction is applied gently and in appropriate direction,
usually initially upwards, and lengthen uterine incision, if required, with
knife to avoid any tearing of uterine wall
Female urinogenital surgery 143

• practise careful and slow fetal manipulation during extraction especially

in cases of schistosoma reflexus, muscle contracture and emphysematous
• in case of gross fetal oversize or ankylosis the skin incision may, occasion-
ally, require enlargement to 40 cm
• permit umbilical cord to rupture naturally
• after delivery hold uterine incision in flank wound and remove any loose
protruding portions of placenta, leaving remainder in situ
• do not attempt to separate placenta from maternal caruncles
• with little or no assistance available, non-crushing uterine clamps (vulsel-
lum forceps) can be used to hold uterus in position
• check for a second fetus in all cases
• intra-uterine medication is unnecessary
• while fetus is being revived and umbilical cord is checked, undertake
uterine repair rapidly
• wash uterine wall with saline if needed
• close uterus with continuous Cushing suture, followed by continuous
Lembert, or a modified Cushing (Utrecht uterine suture with buried knots)
• suture of uterine wall: start at caudal ventral commissure of wound if a
single layer closure is intended or cranially if two layers are to be inserted.
Suture material is either 5 or 6 metric PGA, polyglactin or 7 metric
chromic catgut (see Figure 4.2)
• in some cases uterine contraction, tone and turgidity permit only simple
apposition as sutures tear out when inversion is attempted
Evacuation of fetal and other contaminating fluids from abdominal cavity
is usually unnecessary. In case of grossly infected fluids, removal must be
attempted by swabs and aspiration. Give intra-abdominal antibiotic or par-
enteral medication as required. Flank wound is closed in routine manner.
Inject oxytocin (50 iu) parenterally to promote uterine contraction.

Post-operative care
Continue parenteral antibiotics for five days especially if a dead calf was
delivered, as prophylaxis against infection from retained placenta. Assess
patients in severe shock and recumbency by following parameters: general
appearance, rectal temperature, heart rate and character, colour of visible
membranes, capillary refill time, and willingness to attempt to stand (see p. 41).
In severe cases not only will flunixin meglumine and massive antibiotic
medication be required, but such animals also need large volumes of intra-
venous fluids (e.g. 25 litres).
The calf should be given maternal colostrum as soon as possible by bottle
(teat), or oesophageal feeder. The dam should be encouraged to stand to
permit suckling as soon as possible.
Placenta is usually released and discharged within 24 hours of surgery,
and is a good prognostic sign. Cases with persistent infected discharge at this
144 Chapter 4

Figure 4.2 Utrecht uterine closure method with knot burial. Needle is inserted at
slight angle towards incision and does not penetrate uterine lumen. Sutures are
placed sufficiently close to prevent leakage of uterine fluid. Care is taken to avoid

time should receive systemic antibiotics. Farmer should check rectal temper-
ature and recall veterinarian if cow is febrile.
Healing of the flank wound may occur by secondary intention as a result of
intra-operative contamination, and excessive blood and fluid accumulation
between suture layers.
Death rate following caesarean section is low (approximately 10%, even
lower if cows with poor prognosis are not operated), and is due to:

• endotoxaemic shock
• chronic severe intra-uterine haemorrhage (via vulva)
• septic metritis and peritonitis

Surgical technique: Midline

Ventral midline is a good surgical approach in young beef heifers and in case
of large distended and septic uterus; it requires excellent restraint involving
more manpower.
Female urinogenital surgery 145

• cast at oblique angle between right lateral and dorsal recumbency and
restrain legs
• clip and scrub operative field from 12 cm cranial to umbilicus caudally to
udder, and cover body with sterile drape with 30 cm window
• incise skin caudally from 5–7 cm cranial to umbilicus as required
• incise fat, fascia, linea alba and peritoneum longitudinally
• push free edge of greater omentum cranially and exteriorise gravid horn
by traction on fetal limb
• proceed then as for flank incision. Omentum can be drawn over uterine
incision before closing body wall
• suture peritoneum and linea alba with simple continuous or interrupted
appositional mattress eversion suture of PGA or monofilament nylon
(7 metric)
• bury this layer with simple continuous layer of chromic catgut
• suture skin and subcutis with monofilament nylon in interrupted mattress

Discussion of other sites for caesarean section

Numerous other sites have been used, and have major disadvantages and
certain advantages:

• an oblique mid-left flank incision (ventrolateral or ‘Liverpool approach’)

may improve access to a large gravid uterus. Start 8–10 cm cranial and
vertical to tuber coxae ending just caudal to last rib (see Figure 3.6(5) )
• oblique low flank incision, medial to fold of stifle, about 20 cm dorsal to
attachment of udder skin (Hannover approach, lateral recumbency) with
less difficult manipulation of uterus in cases of marked fetal oversize,
it avoids well vascularised musculature of flank; good restraint essential if
in lateral recumbency (ropes, straps); wound in unfavourable position
if complications develop in healing process (see Figure 3.6(3) )
• left or right paramedian incision: advantages and disadvantages as for the
preceding approach (e.g. easier fetal removal, but restraint problems likely
on farm)
It is claimed, but not proven, that uterine adhesions to abdominal viscera are
commonly associated with the exposed suture material, especially the knots.
The suggested remedy of buried chromic catgut sutures (see Figure 4.2) pro-
posed by the Utrecht school requires confirmation in a controlled study.

Post-operative fertility
Post-operative fertility following caesarean section is lower than fertility
following normal parturition (about 72% compared with 89%). Repeat
operation is relatively common, though the indication is rarely the same.
Comparative data for large series on fertility following embryotomy and
caesarean section is lacking.
146 Chapter 4

4.2 Vaginal and cervical prolapse

This condition is typically seen in late gestation or the early post-partum
period in fat beef (especially Hereford and Santa Gertrudis) and dairy breeds
(Holstein and Channel Island).
The chronic case which starts about the eighth or ninth month of gestation
presents quite different problems from the post-parturient form, and salvage
after parturition is the best solution, as it will recur in the succeeding gestation.

Predisposing factors
• excessive fat deposition in perivaginal connective tissue
• relaxation of sacrotuberous ligaments due to hormonal influence
(endocrine imbalance)
• increased intra-abdominal pressure following greater abdominal size in
late pregnancy
• high roughage intake
• severe cold weather and poor conformation (large flaccid vulva)
• severe post-partum tenesmus due to vaginal injury
• inheritance is postulated in some Hereford bloodlines, but not proven

Treatment of pre-parturient chronic case

Caudal epidural analgesia is followed by thorough cleaning and replace-
ment of vagina.
Moderate cases of vaginal prolapse in pregnant cows not near to term (e.g.
seven months gestation) are best treated by a modified Caslick’s operation
to close the dorsal vulvar commissure, which is then cut at parturition to
avoid vulvar tears. Severe cases near term can be managed in two ways.
Technique 1 Perivulvar suture using Bühner’s method (see Figure

• surgical scrub of perivulvar area, and careful cleansing of exposed vagina

• place subcutaneous suture of nylon tape in deep tissues around vulva with
long vulvar needle (Gerlach pattern, Arnolds, Jorgensen)
• insert needle, threaded with 45 cm sterile nylon tape about 0.6 cm wide,
approximately 3 cm below ventral vulvar commissure and directed
dorsally through deep connective tissue, to emerge midway between
dorsal commissure of vulva and anus
• leave one end of tape hanging from the lower incision, remove the other
end from the needle eye, and withdraw the needle
• re-insert unthreaded needle in similar manner along the other edge of the
vulvar lip, to emerge adjacent to the original exit point, rethread and pull
tape out ventrally (see Figure 4.3)
• tie tape so that adjustment in tension can easily be made
Female urinogenital surgery 147



Figure 4.3 Pattern of Bühner suture in vulvar lips. The Gerlach-type needle,
threaded with umbilical tape, is inserted below ventral vulvar commissure, and is
passed through dense fibrous tissue to emerge above dorsal commissure. It is
unthreaded, and needle alone is passed up the other side in similar manner. It is
rethreaded, and tape pulled back ventrally. A quick release and adjustable knot is tied.
Suture material is only visible at the commissures.

Vulvar lumen should permit easy entry of four fingers. Only about 1 cm
length of tape is in contact with vulvar skin dorsally and ventrally. Sutures
may be completely buried by two 1 cm long horizontal incisions sutured in
mattress pattern, and placed dorsally and ventrally, if more than one month
prepartum. If inserted during late gestation, the suture is cut near the knot
and removed at term, therefore it is vital to watch carefully for first signs
of calving.
There is commonly vulvar oedema for several days. Local drainage of pus
frequently occurs. A sphincter-like band of connective tissue occasionally
results and may prevent future prolapse, but occasionally can cause dystocia,
necessitating dorsal episiotomy (see Section 4.4, pp. 154–155).
Technique 2 Transverse sutures:
An inferior modification of the above method involves nylon tape which is
inserted in two or three deep horizontal mattress sutures across the vulvar
lips. It can produce more severe local reaction, pain and irritation, leading
to continued tenesmus after analgesia wears off. There is inevitably an
increased risk of sutures tearing through skin.
148 Chapter 4

• insert needle with tape just lateral to the ‘hairline’ beside the vulvar
• thread suture material through or simply tie the sutures over short length
of rubber or plastic tubing (‘quills’), reducing risk of suture tearout

Treatment of post-parturient case

Technique 1 above is suitable. Initially in a recently calved cow, simple re-
placement under a long-acting (up to eight hours’ duration, see Section 1.7,
p. 28) epidural block is successful in most instances. Tenesmus may be
further prevented by production of pneumoperitoneum (see Section 3.19
p. 138).
Technique 3 Modified Caslick’s operation:
After vaginal replacement the vulvar lumen is surgically occluded over its
dorsal three-quarters:

• resect vulvar mucous membrane dorsally over an area measuring about

5 cm long and 1.5 cm wide
• suture apposing surfaces with fine nylon or caprolactan (Vetafil®), sup-
ported by two deeper mattress sutures of similar non-absorbable material
• remove these sutures after two to three weeks
• incise suture line shortly before imminent parturition
Technique 4 Cervicopexy (see Figure 4.4)

A radical method for preventing further vaginal prolapse, very effective
if properly performed in the valuable non-pregnant cow. Via a left-flank
laparotomy incision a suture is placed through ventral portion of cervix and
prepubic tendon just lateral to midline.

• select large full-curved cutting needle and thick, non-absorbable
multifilamentous suture material (polypropylene 7 metric)
• instruct assistant to apply uterine vulsellum forceps to ventral part of
cervical os per vagina, pushing forceps cranially to aid identification,
which is essential for correct placement, and for avoidance of urethra and
• after inserting ventral cervical suture pass double length of suture mater-
ial through prepubic tendon 5 cm cranial and lateral to pecten of pubis
(see Figure 4.4)
• throw knots outside abdominal cavity and carry them along suture
material with thumb and fingers to avoid entrapment of small intestine
• ensure minimum of four throws to each knot
• cut suture material with scissors, leaving 3 cm ends
Female urinogenital surgery 149




Figure 4.4 Cervicopexy through left flank laparotomy (vertical view).

A. suture through ventral part of cervix (B) which is fixed and manipulated by assistant
holding long-handled uterine forceps (E) in vagina; C. point of insertion of suture
through prepubic tendon; D. pubis and ventral part of pelvis (shaded); F. rectum;
G. uterus; H. flank incision and suture throw; J. bladder.

This modified Winkler cervicopexy is easier and safer than the original
vaginal approach.

4.3 Uterine prolapse

Uterine prolapse occurs not infrequently (0.5% of calvings) following third
stage labour, and usually involves complete inversion of the gravid cornu.
Some cases follow an assisted second stage of labour. Almost unknown
following caesarean section. Nearly all cases occur within fifteen hours of
Prevalent both in multiparous dairy cows in good condition (high protein
intake prepartum), and in cases of malnutrition and chronic disease. Some
cases predisposed by high oestrogen intake.
Aetiology unclear but uterine inversion and prolapse appear to be associ-
ated with onset of uterine atony during third stage labour. Many cows have
concurrent hypocalcaemia and clinical signs of milk fever.
150 Chapter 4

Instruct farmer on phone or mobile to wrap prolapsed uterus in clean moist
sheet to prevent further contamination if cow is recumbent. If standing, and
sufficient help is available, uterus should be supported in slightly elevated
position in clean cloths until veterinary assistance arrives. The cow should be
kept quiet.

• inject calcium borogluconate s.c. or i.v. as soon as possible

on arrival induce caudal epidural analgesia (5 ml lignocaine 2% + 0.5 ml
• xylazine 2%) to eliminate straining
• cleanse viscus initially with warm water and then warm saline and Epsom
salts, and remove fetal membranes if already detaching spontaneously
• inspect uterus for tears and for the possible presence, within it, of a dis-
tended bladder which should be drained either by manual pressure
through uterine wall, or by catheterisation
• if down, put cow into sternal recumbency with hind legs in caudal
extension, to tilt perineal region at an angle of 45° with the ground, a posi-
tion which considerably facilitates replacement (see Figure 4.5)
• place uterus and underlying cloth on a board placed across both hocks in
recumbent cow

Figure 4.5 Optimal position for replacement of prolapsed uterus. Both hind legs are
extended caudally. Pelvis is tilted downwards about 30° in this position. In standing
cow a high epidural block may be given to facilitate manipulation.
Female urinogenital surgery 151

• with the organ elevated, so that its lower edge is level with the ischium,
start replacement by gentle pressure, using the palms of the obstetrically
lubricated hands (KY® jelly) over the areas nearest to the vulvar lips,
working in a circular manner around the mass
• practise gentle massage to avoid uterine perforation!
• after initial partial reposition, maintain reposed part by ensuring that the
remaining prolapsed uterus is kept above vulvar lips
• progressively replace whole organ in this manner and ensure that it
moves cranial to the cervix to its normal position
• if reposition is impossible after several minutes’ manipulation locate the
opening into the non-pregnant horn (usually about level with the vulva)
insert the closed fist and apply firm pressure into the pelvic cavity
• check there is no residual inversion of the cornu (e.g. use empty Ca bottle
as arm extension)
• if complete inversion is still impossible, fill uterine lumen with normal
saline, and then siphon off through disinfected stomach tube
• after reduction inject oxytocin (50–100 iu, i.m.) to speed involution
Limited vaginal trauma can be ignored, but a large deep laceration should be
sutured with catgut. Cows with extensive areas of vaginal epithelial necrosis
and trauma require submucosal resection which is a haemorrhagic, slow
procedure indicated only in selected cases.

Recurrence of the prolapse following return of sensation to the perineal
region is uncommon. The usefulness of a Bühner pattern vulvar suture (see
Section 4.2, pp. 146–147) inserted for two to three days to avoid this hazard,
is controversial. Follow-up visit advisable 12–24 hours later to check vagina
and cervix.
Other complications include haemorrhage, metritis, toxaemia, septicemia,
paresis, and uterine rupture with bladder or intestinal eventration.
Chronic cases present problems; through and through sutures of tape
or steel wire from vaginal lumen and lesser sciatic notch to skin, secured by
bandage or sponge have been attempted (Minchiv method).
Prognosis for rebreeding is good and recurrence of prolapse at next parturi-
tion is inexplicably uncommon.

Amputation of the uterus (hysterectomy)

Major surgery with rare indications, amputation is performed in cows
in which the organ is so severely damaged (lacerations, necrosis, freezing,
gangrene) that reposition would result in death, and in cases of prolonged
prolapse in which replacement proves impossible. Amputation is sole
152 Chapter 4

alternative to salvage. The prognosis is guarded or poor. Major problems are

haemorrhage and shock. Pre-operative whole blood or hypertonic (7.2%)
saline may be advisable (see Section 1.11 p. 42). Surgery is again performed
under epidural block.
Wash and prepare operative field. Two techniques are available.
Technique 1

• insert several transfixing and circumferential sutures of nylon tape just

caudal to the cervix
• resect uterus about 5–10 cm caudal to this point, placing further haemo-
static sutures throughout margin
Technique 2

• make dorsal incision through uterine wall to bifurcation

• identify and fan out left and right mesometrium
• ligate vessels in series, larger vessels individually, smaller vessels in groups
(chromic catgut 7 metric)
• incise mesometrium 1 cm distal to sutures
• permit stumps to retract intra-abdominally
• insert mattress suture line just cranial to cervix
• amputate uterus 1 cm distal to mattress sutures
• return stump and vagina into pelvic cavity
• give systemic antibiotics for three days

Post-operative problems
Haemorrhage from uterine vessels, shock. Milking cows may remain pro-
fitable for one to two years as long as ovariectomy (see Section 4.5, p. 155) is
performed at hysterectomy.

4.4 Perineal laceration

• first degree: involves mucosa of vulva/vestibule/vagina
• second degree: involves full thickness of vulva/vestibule/vagina wall, but
not rectal wall or anus
• third degree: involves full depth of vulva/vestibule/vaginal walls, as well
as rectovaginal tears, including anal sphincter or rectovaginal fistula
This section considers primarily third degree perineal lacerations, i.e. the
most severe form.

Clinical signs
Injury is almost always a result of damage from fetal head or limbs at parturi-
tion. If possible injury can be anticipated, a veterinarian attending a dystocia
Female urinogenital surgery 153

case may perform dorsal episiotomy (10 o’clock or 2 o’clock position) to

prevent such severe lacerations. Repair of such a surgical episiotomy wound
is relatively simple (see p. 154).
Surgery is essential if breeding is to be resumed, since the severe ragged and
irregular tear soon becomes oedematous and grossly contaminated by faeces.
Faeces in the vagina starts a chronic inflammatory process which soon
spreads to involve the cervix. At oestrus infected material may result in
distortion of the shape and direction of the vaginal lumen, permitting urine
pooling in cranial vagina.
Delay surgery until defect is completely epithelialised, possibly four to six
weeks postpartum. Some surgeons prefer immediate surgery (not longer
than four hours postpartum), but existence of inflammation and infection
often leads to failure.

• keep off feed for 12–24 hours
• caudal epidural analgesia in standing animal
• cleanse surrounding area and irrigate vagina with warm disinfectant
solution (povidone-iodine) and pack rectal lumen cranial to the defect
with absorbent cloths
• instruct assistant to retract the lateral borders of the cloaca to expose
cranially the shelf, formed by the rectal and vaginal mucosa dorsally and
laterally, and supporting the underlying muscular layers
• incise transversely along caudal edge of rectovaginal shelf, and extend
incision laterally to skin edge of original dorsal vulval commissure (see
Figure 4.6)
• completely separate the vaginal mucosa from the edge of this shelf to a
depth of about 5 cm
• suture the musculofibrous bridge, starting cranially, in a transverse plane
to appose left and right surfaces (e.g. 5 or 6 metric PGA)
• start suture in the vaginal lumen and also include the four edges of vaginal
• ensure sutures are placed tight, and that their distance apart is such that it
is not possible to insert a digit between them
• avoid suturing skin edges caudally (contra-indicated) since it could
increase the difficulty in defaecation
• give systemic antibiotic prophylactic cover for 5 days

• inadequate mucosal undermining (a technically difficult procedure),
results in an inadequate thickness of bridge
• poor placement of sutures with excessive space, permitting faecal material
to pass into vagina
• sutures tearing out
154 Chapter 4

Figure 4.6 Repair of third degree perineal laceration with interrupted modified
Lembert suture in dorsal layer (rectum to dorsal vagina), and continuous horizontal
mattress suture in the vestibular mucosa. (From Youngquist, 1997.)

• inadvertent suture of anal skin margin causing stricture

• gross wound infection
All these problems result in partial or complete wound breakdown. Such
events may necessitate a second operation. Guarded prognosis.
Dystocia is not an increased risk at any succeeding parturition.


When vulva and vestibule are liable to be torn at parturition due to fetal
oversize, small or immature vestibular region, or excessive friction resulting
from inadequate lubrication of area. Surgical incision is preferable to a
ragged, uncontrolled and bruised iatrogenic tear.

• make simple oblique incision through skin, and also vestibular mucosal
layer if necessary
Female urinogenital surgery 155

• avoid lengthening dorsally to anal sphincter, or cranially to damage

caudal branches of vaginal artery: oblique incision should be made at
10 o’clock or 2 o’clock position
• suture incision in two layers after delivery: continuous chromic catgut in
mucosa, interrupted monofilament nylon in skin
• antibiotics unnecessary
Primary healing is usual.

4.5 Ovariectomy

Alleged prolongation of lactation in mature cows as well as improvement in
feed efficiency compared with non-spayed heifers. Convenient husbandry
measure permitting spayed heifers and cows to run within herd with bull
without risk of pregnancy. Occasionally unilateral surgery in case of ovarian
pathology or persistent luteinised cyst.
Little comparative data is available regarding lactation and feed efficiency
in spayed and non-spayed cattle, and much of it is contradictory.
Not widely practised in Europe, but common in parts of both South, Middle
and North America, where a single surgeon, working at a restraint chute
with a well-organised team, can spay 40–60 heifers an hour. Operated
animals should be permanently identified.

The site for ovariectomy in a heifer (six to twelve months old) is the flank
(standing) or midline caudal abdomen (recumbent). In the cow it is the
vagina (colpotomy) or flank (standing).
Prior to surgery starve animal for 24 hours, no water restriction.

Flank approach
• clip left flank, wash, scrub and disinfect paralumbar fossa
• paravertebral analgesia (L1–2) or local infiltration (‘T-block’, ‘reverse 7’),
(see Section 1.8, pp. 26–27)
• practise aseptic technique: instruments and hands cleansed with quater-
nary ammonium disinfectant in repeated operations
• make vertical incision 10–13 cm long in left flank ventral to lumbar trans-
verse processes 3– 4
• separate muscles with scissors and incise peritoneum
• insert hand to enlarge peritoneal incision and locate ovaries
• remove ovaries with small effeminator (since ovarian pedicle is not
anaesthetised by paravertebral block, swab soaked with local anaesthetic
solution should be applied to pedicle for 1 minute before using effeminator).
Important: do not drop either ovary into abdominal cavity!
156 Chapter 4

• check that structure removed is entirely ovary

• suture abdominal wall routinely
• give systemic antibiotics for one to three days. Fly-repellant spray with
residual action is indicated in warm months
• remove non-absorbable sutures in 10–14 days

Vaginal approach (cows only)

• epidural anaesthesia
• make stab incision about 5 cm long through vaginal wall at 10 o’clock or
2 o’clock position just caudal to cervix with sheathed knife (take care to
avoid aorta and rectum)
• insert two fingers to locate one ovary, and draw it back into vagina
• apply local anaesthetic soaked swab to pedicle for 1 minute



3 cm

Figure 4.7 Ovariectomy with the Willis instrument inserted through vaginal stab
wound under rectal guidance. Ovary is manipulated through notch for transection of
ovarian pedicle. With K-R device inner sleeve cuts ovarian pedicle while retaining
ovary in lumen (see smaller illustrations).
A. sleeved arm in rectum; B. Willis instrument directed through vaginal fornix to ovary;
C. bladder; D. uterine body; E. Willis instrument and close-up; F. K-R instrument.
Female urinogenital surgery 157

• insert long-handled chain ecraseur or spaying shears and remove ovary

(no ligation required)
• repeat on second side. No vaginal suture
• give systemic antibiotics for one to three days, possibly also analgesic

Untoward sequelae include excessive hemorrhage from the ovarian stump
especially from a granulosa cell tumour, and peritonitis.
In the USA specialized spay instruments (K-R: Jorgensen Laboratories,
Loveland, CO. and Willis: Willis Veterinary Supply, Prehso, SD) (see Figure 4.7)
have been developed for the colpotomy (vaginal) technique in pre-pubertal
heifers (see Further Reading, Appendix 1, p. 259).
The Willis technique (see Figure 4.7) involves bilateral intra-abdominal
ovariectomy via a stab incision in the vaginal fornix, using rectal palpation
firstly to locate the site of proposed penetration and secondly to manipulate
each ovary in turn through the sharp-edged lumen of the spay device. The
ovaries are left in the abdominal cavity. With the K-R (Kimberley-Rupp)
instrument, the ovary is retained in its lumen until the second ovary has been
removed. Various complications have been reported (haemorrhage, bowel
perforation, peritonitis).
Bovine Surgery and Lameness, Second Edition
A. David Weaver, Guy St. Jean, Adrian Steiner
Copyright © 2005 David Weaver, Adrian Steiner and Guy St Jean


Teat surgery

5.1 Introduction 158 5.5 Traumatic lacerations of teat 163

5.2 Stenosis of teat orifice 160 5.6 Imperforate teat 165
5.3 Teat lumen granuloma 161 5.7 Incompetent teat sphincter 165
5.4 Teat base membrane 5.8 Teat amputation 165
obstruction 163 5.9 Discussion 166

5.1 Introduction
Intensification of dairy farming has led to earlier culling of cows with many of
the teat problems discussed in this chapter (‘hard milker’, see Section 5.2, teat
lacerations, see Section 5.5), which fail to respond to simple management
such as a topical spray. In many countries treatment may be uneconomic.
But in the developing world with small herds the individual cow remains a
valuable resource and the owner demands maximum care and attention to
teat conditions.
Significant teat injuries commonly affect the orifice, and less commonly
the teat sinus wall. Teat surgery is a demanding test of the skill of the
Restraint and anaesthesia (see Chapter 1): xylaxine alone is very effective
for minor procedures, but it is contra-indicated in advanced gestation.
Beware possible recumbency! Wopa crate with one leg lifted is ideal restraint
method. Local anaesthesia at the teat base, with or without sedation, and
with the cow restrained in lateral recumbency, is another option.
Economic loss results from a loss in milk yield (take care with antibiotic-
treated milk; possible loss of quarter if there is a necessity to dry off ).

• teat orifice or ostium papillare
• streak canal or ductus papillaris
• Furstenberg’s rosette
• teat sinus, pars papillaris or lactiferous sinus (teat part)
• lactiferous sinus (glandular part), milk cistern or pars glandularis
• teat canal: longitudinally folded stratified squamous epithelium
Teat surgery 159





A 2

Figure 5.1 Teat anatomy and sites of stenosis.

1. teat orifice (ostium papillare); 2. teat or streak canal (ductus papillaris);
3. Furstenberg’s rosette; 4. teat sinus (pars papillaris); 5. lactiferous sinus or milk
cistern (pars glandularis); 6. venous plexus.
Sites of teat obstruction: A. tight streak canal; B. obstruction at Furstenberg’s rosette;
C. milk cistern obstruction (proximal stenosis); D. teat sinus obstruction.

• teat sinus: superficial columnar, deeper cuboidal epithelium; below

mucosa is layer of embryonal-type cells capable of rapid proliferation
• muscularis, subcutis and skin
160 Chapter 5

Figure 5.2 Teat instruments.

A. milk catheter for passive milk drainage; B. Hug lancette for opening or dilating the
streak canal; C. Teat alligator forceps for the removal of ‘milk stones’, either free or
attached to teat mucosa, through the streak canal.

5.2 Stenosis of teat orifice, streak canal or Furstenberg’s


Common problem. Partial obstruction (‘hard milker’) due to local trauma,
possibly secondary to milking machine malfunction (e.g. excessive vacuum
Teat surgery 161

pressure) or microtraumatic wounds sometimes permitting the development

of Fusobacterium necrophorum infection (‘blackspot’).

Quarter milks out slowly, or ‘valve’ is evident, and vicious cycle may develop
as remaining quarters tend to be overmilked, resulting in bruising and ever-
sion of teat orifice and development of mastitis. Some cases are inoperable.

Controversial, and there are no controlled studies on efficacy of method.
Non-infected case (i.e. no mastitis) and non-inflammatory teat orifice

• in mild cases consider simple insertion of self-retaining canula (Naylor®

teat dilator) for five days, without surgery, alternatively insert Larsen®
teat tube
• alternatively tense orifice between finger and thumb, cleanse with
iodophor solution
• insert Maclean’s® teat knife, D-D (Dyakjaer-Danish), Hug® (see Figure 5.2),
or Lichty® (blunt point) knife once and withdraw rapidly
• check adequacy of milk flow and if poor, re-insert knife at 90° to original
• if flow is still poor, insert teat bistoury and thereby cut out plug of teat canal
• insert self-retaining teat canula for five days; initially rotate canula gently
every few hours to avoid development of excessive granulation tissue
• as alternative to teat canula, tie cow up and remove milk from the quarter
several times every two to three hours for the first two days
• give intramammary antibiotics prophylactically for five days (N.B. milk
• instruct stockman to roll end of teat regularly before applying machine
Infected case (i.e. with mastitis and/or severe inflammatory reaction):

• treat with intramammary antibiotics and local application of antibiotic

cream before attempting surgery
Treatment of choice: remove obstructing tissue in Furstenberg’s rosette
or streak canal during thelotomy, or, if available, with theloresectoscope (see
Figure 5.3). Return to normal machine milking in 75% of cases

5.3 Teat lumen granuloma

Also known as ‘pea’ or ‘spider’, this lesion is a discrete proliferation of granu-
lation tissue covered by mucosa and caused by trauma, which initially causes
a submucosal haematoma projecting into teat cistern.
162 Chapter 5

Figure 5.3 Theloresectoscopy. Scope is introduced into teat sinus through lateral
teat wall incision. Stenotic tissue around Furstenberg’s rosette is removed with the
cautery sling.

Often asymptomatic but can eventually cause interference with free passage
of milk, is rarely pedunculated, but painless.

Complete removal is often difficult, and recurrence rate is high!

• attempted blind removal via mosquito or long alligator forceps, teat

bistoury, or fixation and traction by Hudson’s spiral, often causes further
• logical approach in case producing clinical signs is open surgery (thelo-
tomy) in lateral recumbency following ring block: vertical incision in teat
wall opposite mass, and resection by scalpel. Suture in three layers,
mucosa with fine continuous absorbable material, then wall, finally
skin. Teat wound heals well if careful, sterile technique is adopted
• milk daily using sterile teat cannula (passive milk drainage)
Teat surgery 163

• return to machine milking of quarter on day eleven

• drying off quarter is often best option

5.4 Teat base membrane obstruction

Congenital form occurs in some heifers; acquired form is in cows, usually at
start of new lactation, aetiology unknown, possibly inflammation of basal
annular membrane.

• teat lance or Hug’s knife (see Figure 5.2b) is inserted in attempt to break
down the annular membrane
Prognosis is very poor and treatment usually hopeless.

5.5 Traumatic lacerations of teat

Factors affecting outcome and prognosis include:

• involvement of streak canal

• direction of wound: longitudinal wounds heal better than transverse
• integrity of blood supply
• presence of infection
• amount of skin loss

Superficial wounds: basic surgical principles apply and all wounds must
be regarded as contaminated.

• thorough gentle cleansing with non-irritant dilute antiseptic, e.g.

povidone-iodine or chlorhexidine
• leave superficial wounds unsutured, but dress with bland antiseptic
cream, e.g. chlorhexidine gluconate (Savlon™, Schering-Plough) or pro-
prietary mixture of propylene glycol and organic acids (Dermisol® cream,
Pfizer) after débridement of traumatised and avascular tissue with fine
sharp scissors and rat-tooth forceps
• some cases benefit from taped dry dressing (e.g. Elastoplast® Smith &
Nephew) to appose wound edges
Deeper wounds involving muscularis and skin:

• suture after cleansing, irrigation and débridement

• insert continuous sture into muscle layer with monofilament absorbable
metric 2
• insert skin sutures, simple interrupted of metric 2 polypropylene
• cover wound over with Opsite® (Smith & Nephew) after spraying with
Leukopor® (‘New Skin’ spray)
164 Chapter 5

Local antibiotics: apply only to skin suture line, never to wound surfaces,
where they delay healing. Use penicillin + streptomycin (Streptopen®
Schering-Plough) or oxytetracycline hydrochloride (Terramycin® Pfizer) in
powder, cream or aerosol preparations.
Use of routine intramammary antibiotic is controversial.
Passive milk drainage for ten days before resuming machine milking
Problems include excessive suture tension, which causes puckering and
skin necrosis, and poor healing resulting from inadequate débridement or
cleansing of lesion.

Teat laceration involving teat sinus

Fistulae are usually acquired. Treat recent (< 12 hours) fistulae by immediate
surgery (primary wound healing). Repair older wounds by tertiary wound
healing, (e.g. 10–14 days post-trauma or during dry period). Prognosis is
Work in good operating facilities, with adequate light, cleanliness and
efficient analgesia. Ensure stockman understands post-operative care.

Surgical technique
• cleanse with non-irritating antiseptic
• trim off devitalised skin, muscularis and mucosa
• appose or invert mucosal edges, but suture submucosa and muscularis
with interrupted sutures of 3 metric PDS on swaged-on needle. Do not
suture mucosa!
• suture skin with simple non-absorbable (e.g. polyamide 2 metric) inter-
rupted mattress sutures to produce precise apposition of edges
• use of protective bandage and self-retaining impregnated cannula for sev-
eral days is controversial, and lacks comparative studies (e.g. ‘Opsite’®)
• perform passive milk drainage every one to two days (depending on
quarter yield), and insert intramammary preparation every second day
• healing takes about ten days, when sutures are removed. Cases of wound
breakdown should be re-operated at the earliest possible moment in the
dry period.

Causes of breakdown
• severe post-operative oedema
• poor suture technique
• excessive suture tension
• necrosis of wound edges
• infection
Local non-surgical treatment with organic acid, butter of antimony and,
most recently acrylics and electrocautery, usually fails to close a teat fistula.
Teat surgery 165

5.6 Imperforate teat

Aetiology is congenital in heifers, or acquired as a result of trauma in adult
Assess whether milk is present in teat sinus; surgery is only indicated in
positive case. Proceed as for teat stenosis (see Section 5.2, pp. 160–161).

5.7 Incompetent teat sphincter

Aetiology is invariably traumatic in case of a single teat, which constantly or
intermittently leaks milk.

• difficult and indicated only in chronic case (> 3 weeks) as fibrosis of granu-
lation tissue repair may correct condition spontaneously
• inject minute volume of irritant drug (e.g. sterile Lugol’s iodine) with
tuberculin syringe around teat orifice (e.g. 4 × 0.1 ml) to stimulate discrete
circumferential fibrosis
Technique is hazardous and results unpredictable.

5.8 Teat amputation

Supernumerary teats

Congenital and inherited condition. The teats tend to be small, are commonly
caudal, but sometimes are attached to the normal teat. Remove when one to
nine months old, and never within one month of parturition (oedema, wound
breakdown, infection, mastitis). Up to three months old, removal may be
performed by unqualified but trained person, but under anaesthesia. UK
law requires that surgery in calves over three months old be performed
by veterinary surgeon under anaesthesia. Swiss law requires all ruminant
surgical procedures to be performed by veterinarian under anaesthesia.
Many countries have no legislation to cover this, and many other specific

• carefully identify supernumerary teats
• small calves: resect with scissors
• in older calf crush at base with small Burdizzo® (Emasculatome) and resect
with knife along inner edge of blades
• line of section should be cranial to caudal, not transverse, so that sub-
sequent scar merges into natural folds of udder skin
• suture only if wound edges separate
166 Chapter 5

Amputation due to disease

Indicated in severe purulent or gangrenous mastitis of one quarter to permit
drainage, also following irreversible teat damage.

• analgesia of teat base and application of good restraint
• place Burdizzo® at junction of middle and distal thirds of teat, amputate
with scalpel distal to jaws
• retain teat lumen by continuous sutures in wall (skin to mucosa) using
interlocking mattress suture to maintain drainage
Haemorrhage is usually slight.
Quarter will eventually dry off as a result of secondary infection and mastitis.

Amputation due to injury

Teat amputation may also be indicated in cows with severe teat damage
where reconstructive surgery and return to normal function cannot be
expected, e.g. loss of distal portion of teat, or long, oblique or transverse tears
into teat canal. Amputation and closure of teat sinus is only successful in the
absence of infection.

• amputation site is 1–2 cm distal to udder-teat junction
• transect teat by scalpel, resecting the mucous membrane 1 cm below the
cut surface
• invert mucosa by continuous suture in submucosa (see Figure 5.4)
• insert horizontal mattress sutures to close musculature and appose skin
edges with simple sutures or metal clips (Michel)
• infuse antibiotics into the quarter before final sutures are placed.
In gangrenous mastitis, following teat amputation at the junction with
udder, a cruciate incision is made into udder skin to permit optimal drainage
and exposure to atmosphere to inhibit anaerobes. Irrigation with dilute H2O2
is useful.

5.9 Discussion
Meticulous care to details of technique is vital in surgical repair of severe
traumatic teat lesions. A multiplicity of suture patterns illustrates the unsat-
isfactory results obtained in certain hands, but this is more likely to be a result
of deficiencies and breakdowns in basic surgical principles, than to any defect
in the suture configuration itself.
Teat surgery 167

Figure 5.4 Teat amputation with primary closure: cut surfaces for closed teat

Dedicated aftercare by stockman and veterinarian is of major importance

for success.
Aftercare of teat surgery includes passive milk drainage for ten days,
frequency depending on yield, intramammary antimicrobials every second
day, a clean environment for wound and cow, and removal of sutures about
day eleven.
Apart from wound breakdown and local infection, mastitis remains the
major hazard, and up to 40% of teat-traumatised cows are culled for mastitis
within, or at the end of, that particular lactation. Amputation of accessory
digits (prophylactic) preventing teat injury is discussed in Chapter 7 (see
Section 7.12 p. 225).
Bovine Surgery and Lameness, Second Edition
A. David Weaver, Guy St. Jean, Adrian Steiner
Copyright © 2005 David Weaver, Adrian Steiner and Guy St Jean


Male urinogenital surgery

6.1 Preputial prolapse 168 6.6 Epididymectomy 185

6.2 Penile haematoma 172 6.7 Congenital penile
6.3 Urolithiasis 175 abnormalities 187
6.4 Prevention of intromission 181 6.8 Penile neoplasia 191
6.5 Vasectomy 183 6.9 Castration 191

6.1 Preputial prolapse

A mild degree of intermittent preputial prolapse or eversion is considered
normal in some breeds, notably the polled Hereford and Aberdeen Angus in
the UK, together with the Brahman and Santa Gertrudis breeds (Bos indicus)
in North America.
Prolapse develops during normal non-erectile movement of the penis
within the preputial cavity. Pathological prolapse is more likely in individuals
exposed to trauma.

Predisposing factors
• pendulous and long sheath
• large preputial orifice with limited ability to contract
• poor development of the preputial and retractor penis muscles in some
polled breeds (see above)

Preputial trauma
Pathological prolapse is more likely in individuals at range or pasture exposed
to trauma, which may involve irritation from foreign bodies such as vegeta-
tion, dust or earth, and which are secondary to penile injury.
Common site of injury is the mucosa adjacent to skin-prepuce junction.
Frostbite can cause major problems in certain areas in the winter. All cases
of preputial prolapse should have complete physical examination of the
external genitalia.
Sequence of events following injury is:

• severe localised oedema and hyperaemic congestion

• extensive fibrosis with secondary infected fissures and cracks
• areas of granulation tissue develop in the cracks with secondary infection
Male urinogenital surgery 169

• as a result, penile erection may be abnormal, with only the glans tip
passing through this damaged region
Another common site of preputial trauma leading to prolapse, is the
reflection of parietal prepuce on to the body of the penis. It may be sustained
during natural or artificial service.

Conservative treatment
Recent injury to prolapsed mucosa may be treated conservatively:

• carefully cleanse the area with non-irritant dilute antiseptic solution

• soak damaged prepuce in swabs containing 25% magnesium sulphate
solution to reduce oedema
• apply emollient dressing (e.g. zinc and castor oil ointment) and replace
• place purse-string suture in preputial orifice or if the prepuce is too
oedematous to be reduced a polyvinyl tube (2.5 cm diameter and 15 cm
long) is placed in the preputial lumen and wrapped firmly with elastic
• tape is applied directly to the tube and the skin on the sheath beginning
at the preputial orifice and extending toward the abdominal wall
• placement of tube decreases oedema and permits escape of the urine
• systemic antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs for five days, as well as
local antibiotic irrigation
• dress any prolapsed preputial mucosa with lanolin-based ointment and
keep covered to prevent further trauma

Radical surgery: circumcision

Cases with secondary diffuse fibrosis and excoriation require surgery in lateral
recumbency, under sedation and ring block local analgesic infiltration, or
general anaesthesia (see Section 1.9, p. 36). A rubber band tourniquet may
be applied proximally to decrease haemorrhage.
Two circumcision techniques are used commonly in bulls:

• resection and anastomosis, also known as posthioplasty or reefing

• surgical amputation, resulting in the loss of equal amounts of external and
internal lining of the prolapsed portion of prepuce, performed using suture
or ring technique
Four potential post-operative complications must be recognised before sur-
gery is attempted:
(a) prepuce can be made too short for breeding: this depends on the breed
but, as a general criterion, the usable prepuce must be twice as long as
the free portion of the penis
(b) surgeon should remove only the diseased prepuce
170 Chapter 6

(c) circumferential scar (cicatrix) contraction can result in phimosis

(d) post-operative haemorrhage can lead to dehiscence and infection

1 Resection and anastomosis technique

• close clip and shave the hair from the distal portion of the sheath and
preputial orifice
• if penile extension is possible, place towel forceps in the apical ligament or
alternatively have an assistant hold the penis
• scrub and prepare the prepuce and penis
• place two marking sutures proximal and distal to the area of prepuce to be
removed to ensure that the prepuce is aligned anatomically when sutured
• examine the prepuce and make circular incision through the epithelium
of the prepuce proximal to the area to be resected
• deepen this incision until normal tissue is observed
• make a second circular incision distal to the area to be removed. In Bos
indicus bulls, it usually is necessary to resect at least 15 cm of prepuce to
prevent recurrence of the prolapse. In Bos taurus bulls, as much prepuce as
possible should be salvaged
• connect these two circular incisions then with two longitudinal incisions
• remove the pathological portion of prepuce by sharp dissection. It is
important to control any haemorrhage, because even small haematomas
could induce wound dehiscence
• ligate any large veins or arteries
• lavage the surgical site copiously with saline solution
• extend and retract the penis until the two incisions are in apposition thus
ensuring that the penis is freely movable. The two marking sutures also
should be aligned
• if the elastic tissue has been incised appose it using interrupted sutures
• close the epithelium with a simple interrupted pattern
• suture a 4 cm diameter Penrose drain to the free portion of the penis with
three or four interrupted sutures of catgut; place sutures superficially
to avoid the urethra. The Penrose drain will direct urine away from the
incision line during the healing period
• insert a gas-sterilised 15 cm section of 2.5 cm polyvinyl tube into the
prepuce with the Penrose drain through it
• attach the tube to the sheath with elastic adhesive tape and completely
enclose the incision. The adhesive tape can be sutured to the skin to
prevent premature dislodgement of the tube. Presence of tube decreases
oedema formation and aids in the prevention of stenosis
• inject antibiotics for a minimum of five days after surgery
• remove the bandage and tube five to seven days after surgery
• replace the tube and bandage if penile prolapse occurs. Vigorous attempts
to extend the penis and inspect the surgical site should not be made until
three weeks after surgery
Male urinogenital surgery 171

• do not remove the preputial sutures because such attempts may damage
the surgical wound
• keep the bull from breeding for at least 60 days when, if possible, the
animal should be evaluated to make sure the penis is extendable with-
out restriction of the prepuce. Oedema of the prepuce usually persists for
ten days after surgery. NSAIDs and diuretic agents can be used if oedema
is excessive

2 Technique of surgical amputation

• often performed when penile extension is not possible because of phimosis
or adhesions
• clip and prepare aseptically the area of the end of the sheath
• attach two Backhaus towel clamps to the distal end of the prepuce
• place a finger inside the prepuce
• insert horizontal mattress sutures full thickness around the prepuce
immediately proximal to the area of amputation: these mattress sutures
should overlap one another through both layers of the prepuce to control
bleeding; tie tightly
• amputate prepuce through an oblique line to create an oval orifice
• appose the edges of the prepuce with a simple interrupted pattern
• suture a Penrose drain to the penis and insert a tube into the prepuce and
attach with elastic tape
The post-operative management is similar to the first technique. A v-shaped
incision at the ventral aspect of the preputial orifice can be made to reduce the
risk of phimosis.
A modification of the amputation technique has been described in which
as much as possible of the unaffected inner aspect of the prolapsed prepuce
is left and only the external aspect affected by the inflammatory process is
removed. This is especially crucial in Bos taurus breeds.

3 Preputial amputation with ring

Preputial amputation using the ring technique involves the insertion of a
plastic ring into the preputial cavity. This technique can be advantageous to
the practitioner with limited facilities. The ring and sutures act as a tourni-
quet, and the prepuce distal to the ring will necrose in about 14 days. The ring
is made from a tube 5 cm long and 4 cm in diameter with 1 mm holes drilled
through the wall spaced 5 mm apart at the midpoint. The ends of the tube
should be smooth, and the tube should be sterilised.

• place the bull in lateral recumbency

• place the plastic ring into the preputial cavity so that the holes are located
at the desired point of amputation
• put a ligating suture pattern around the prepuce through the holes in the
ring using non-absorbable suture material and tie every suture tightly
172 Chapter 6

• amputate the prepuce 5 mm distal to the suture line. Minimal haemor-

rhage is observed if all sutures have been tightened sufficiently
• extend the penis through the plastic ring and suture a Penrose drain to it
• return the penis, prepuce and ring to the preputial cavity and place a
purse-string suture at the preputial orifice to prevent prolapse
• after two weeks remove purse-string suture and pull the ring out; necrotic
tissue and sutures are often still attached to the ring. The ring may slough
spontaneously during this period
• sexual rest is recommended for 60 days after treatment

Intra-preputial adhesions

Intra-preputial adhesions present problems in exposure, evaluation and
management. Exposure may be very difficult and accompanied by tearing of
the adjacent preputial mucosa.
Degree of mechanical hindrance caused by the adhesions may be hard to
evaluate since, though some adhesions will be palpable, others will not.
Adhesions are frequently obliquely longitudinal rather than circumferential.

• remove mucosa overlying the adhesions between circumferential
• resect all fibrotic adhesions down to the tunica albuginea (TA)
• carefully appose mucosal edges, as in the first technique (see p. 170)
Bull should be rested for two to three weeks, depending on degree of
post-operative oedema, and can then be teased with increasing frequency
(initially every three days, later daily) to prevent recurrence of fibrosis and
Prognosis is guarded or poor depending on area resected.

6.2 Penile haematoma

Condition is more accurately termed rupture of the corpus cavernosum penis
(CCP) with a rent in the tunica albuginea (see Figure 6.1), through which blood
explodes into the surrounding tissues.
Vigorous, over-enthusiastic thrusting at intromission, or possibly spontan-
eously during masturbation. Penis may undergo severe downward bending
leading to tear in tunica albuginea (TA). Alleged higher incidence in horned
English breeds (e.g. Hereford).
Male urinogenital surgery 173


Figure 6.1 Cross-section of penis just distal to distal flexure (sigmoid) to show
haematoma site.
1. deep veins of penis; 2. artery of penis; 3. tunica albuginea; 4. corpus cavernosum
penis; 5. corpus cavernosum urethrae; 6. usual site of penile haematoma, with blood
from corpus cavernosum penis escaping through dorsal tear in tunica albuginea;
7. urethra.

Site is immediately prescrotal and usually dorsal, close to insertion of the
retractor penis muscles near the distal flexure of the sigmoid. Rupture of CCP
causes immediate haematoma which may grow over a few days to a variable
extent as a result of slow leakage. Lesion may be strictly localised or relatively
diffuse. Secondary preputial oedema and preputial prolapse may occur,
rarely with some penile protrusion. Compression of lymphatic and venous
drainage may cause secondary preputial prolapse.
The natural course of penile haematoma is a gradual reduction of the
swelling, as oedema disappears and the haematoma is slowly organised into
fibrous tissue. A significant proportion of cases of penile haematoma however
develop a serious complication – an abscess at the site (often Arcanobacterium
pyogenes) and a fibrous adhesion – and the prognosis is then grave.
Abscessation usually leads to a fluctuating swelling to one side of penis,
separate from penile body. Avoid exploratory paracentesis, which can result
in iatrogenic infection of a sterile haematoma.

Differential diagnosis
• preputial prolapse of primary origin
• penile injury of other aetiology
• urethral rupture due to occlusion by calculus
174 Chapter 6

Conservative treatment
Small haematoma rapidly reduces in size, is often hard to detect ten days
later, and requires no treatment.
A larger haematoma may resolve following medical treatment:

• remove bull from herd and ensure sexual rest for 60 days
• give systemic antibiotics for seven days
• apply hot packs, cold water sprays, or possibly ultrasound; all these
methods lack controlled studies but have allegedly reduced the healing
period, but also increase the degree of fibrosis
• after 30 days manually extend penis and check sensation of free portion.
Lack of sensation indicates bilateral nerve damage and bull will neither
breed nor ejaculate into artificial vagina

Due to the possibility of infection entering the haematoma and causing
abscessation, surgery is often advisable for all cases, except smaller
haematomata (< 20 cm) that rapidly resolve.

• place bull on systemic antibiotics as soon as possible following injury

• note that long-term systemic chemotherapy (oxytetracyclines, sulphon-
amides) has been alleged adversely to affect fertility
• operate with aseptic technique under GA (preferable to sedation and local
infiltration analgesia)
• starve for 48 hours, and no water for 24 hours
• place bull in lateral recumbency
• aseptic preparation of affected area which should be draped throughout
• incise laterally through skin of sheath into lateral aspect of CCP over
• carefully evacuate haematoma of all clotted blood by blunt dissection with
fingers and gentle curettage (Volkmann’s double curette, or spoon curette)
• exteriorise penis proximal to haematoma to inspect distal part of sigmoid
flexure, where source of haemorrhage may sometimes be identified
• remove any superficial blood clots from region and bluntly dissect through
elastic tissue to identify rent
• if possible, suture tear in TA after débridement of edges with simple
interrupted sutures of 5 metric PGA
• irrigate haematoma cavity with three mega crystalline penicillin G dis-
solved in 20 ml normal saline, and appose wall of haematoma cavity
• similarly close subcutaneous tissues in simple continuous pattern with
PGA after assistant has grasped and extended penis to maximum degree
• close skin incision with interrupted non-absorbable simple or mattress
• maintain bull on systemic antibiotics for five days after surgery
Male urinogenital surgery 175

• avoid insertion of drains in attempt to reduce post-operative accumula-

tion of serum
Tease bull after three weeks to discourage development of scar tissue and
adhesions of subcutaneous tissues to the penile body. The bull may be
returned to service after 60 days. The prognosis is guarded, but about 75%
return to natural breeding with surgery.

Temporary seroma formation, abscessation, adhesions to sheath, nerve
damage, (with desensitisation of glans penis) vascular shunt formation,
recurrence of injury, and preputial injury from secondary prolapse.

6.3 Urolithiasis

Calculus is a clinical problem in entire but more frequently in castrated male
cattle. Triple phosphate calculi are found in cattle on concentrate feed; and
silica calculi (e.g. North America) in cattle on high silica pasture grass or hay.
Urolithiasis is not a problem in female cattle due to their relatively larger
urethral diameter, though severe cystitis occasionally results from a bladder
packed with calculi.

Clinical signs
• lodgement at proximal or distal part of sigmoid flexure, distal 30 cm of
penis, or over ischial arch
• initial straining with partial or complete urinary obstruction
• clinical cases are dull and feed intake is reduced, and after the initial
24 hours of obstruction straining ceases
• pressure necrosis of urethral mucosa and eventual urethral rupture with
seepage of urine into subcutaneous tissues of the ventral body wall and
possibly scrotum is possible
• rupture of bladder, often in dorsal cranial part of fundus but occasionally
near bladder neck, and gradual accumulation of intra-abdominal urine is
another possibility (‘water belly’)
• subcutaneous accumulation of urine, which should be treated by inci-
sional drainage, eventually results in skin slough as blood supply is
impaired, leaving moist area of granulating tissue (30– 40 cm diameter)
in which the penis may be identified and from which urine drips (mild
• following complete urinary obstruction, and bladder rupture, cattle
remain comparatively bright; blood urea increases after three days at a
rate of about 10 mmol/litre/day, with death from uraemia and associated
metabolic problems after seven to ten days.
176 Chapter 6

Emergency surgery may be undertaken in uraemic cattle, with the aim of
economic salvage several weeks later when there is no metabolic abnormal-
ity and the surgical wounds have healed. In rare cases an attempt is made to
preserve the breeding capacity of a valuable bull by urethrotomy, but surgery
is seldom successful for several reasons:

• precise location of calculus may be difficult to establish

• several calculi may be present at different sites, necessitating multiple
• suture of the urethral wall is awkward, as attempts at simple apposition, with
minimal stenosis, frequently result in urinary seepage through the incision
Resuturing is unlikely to be more successful:

• fibrosis and chronic stenosis are common sequelae, eventually leading to

recurrence of blockage by several smaller calculi
Intra-urethral insertion of a polypropylene catheter to a site proximal to
the incision and protruding through the glans, has been attempted. In this
technique urethral sutures pass through the muscularis and outer serosal
layers only. Catheter is removed five to seven days later.
Urethral obstruction caused by one or more calculi lodged in the sigmoid
region should be relieved by a midline incision in the caudal dorsal aspect of
the scrotum, i.e. the ventral perineal region. The sigmoid, which is relatively
mobile, may be exteriorised for palpation and surgery.

Ruptured bladder
Diagnosis is based on:

• rectal palpation – bladder cannot be appreciated

• abdominal ballottement for fluid thrill
• abdominal paracentesis (midline, most ventral site, 2.1–1.65 metric needle)

As a first step abdominal urine is drained slowly (approximately 2 litres/
5 minutes) via ventral abdominal cannula attached externally to wide-bore
tubing and screw clips (to adjust flow rate). This drainage may start before
preparation for laparotomy. Rapid reduction of intra-abdominal pressure
imposes unnecessary cardiovascular stress as abdominal venous bed dilates.
If general condition permits, left flank laparotomy is done standing, other-
wise in right lateral recumbency.

• paravertebral analgesia L1–3 (see Section 1.8, pp. 22–24)

• make vertical left flank incision 20–30 cm long in caudal paralumbar
Male urinogenital surgery 177

• grasp bladder with right hand and explore surface with left hand – rupture
is frequently found dorsal and cranial. Rupture more caudally, involving
bladder neck and trigone area, is extremely difficult to repair surgically
• evert bladder and examine mucosa especially of neck, to assess severity of
cystitis and to remove any calculi
• calculi detected in peritoneal cavity are harmless
• confirm patency of distal urinary tract (i.e. urethra) by flushing saline via
catheter inserted through bladder neck, around ischial arch; in case of
urethral obstruction further surgery is indicated (see above and below)
• place continuous inversion suture (Lembert or Cushing pattern) in
bladder wall using 7 metric chromic catgut
• close body wall routinely (see Section 3.3, Closure of flanklaparotomy
Incision p. 86), disregarding residual abdominal urine
• ensure good flank wound apposition, removing blood and urine from
flank musculature
Alternative technique for salvaging steer or bull with dorsal and cranial
bladder rupture relies on spontaneous healing of this wound (see Figure 6.2).

Figure 6.2 Implantation of Foley catheter into urinary bladder for temporary
drainage in urolithiasis in male cattle. Catheter exits the abdominal cavity to the right
of the prepuce.
178 Chapter 6

• perform right flank laparotomy

• pass mushroom-headed rubber (Foley) catheter from outside through
ventral body wall, following stab incision through skin to grasp catheter
tip with forceps within abdomen
• make stab incision in vertex of bladder
• insert catheter through stab incision and inflate balloon with 15 ml NaCl
to keep catheter in place
• ensure that catheter is slightly curved within the abdominal cavity to
avoid possible displacement during movement such as standing up, and
to allow for some growth
• anchor catheter to skin
• remove catheter only if normal urine later passes through the urethra,
otherwise leave in place until salvage some weeks later
• give systemic antibiotics to all cases following ruptured bladder – poor risk
cases benefit from i.v. fluids (10–20 litres)

Complications of bladder surgery

• death from circulatory failure and metabolic disturbance
• bladder wall breakdown resulting from poor surgical technique
• severe chronic haemorrhagic cystitis
• blood-borne or ascending infections leading to pyelonephritis
• urethral stenosis and renewed bladder rupture
• atony of bladder
• diffuse peritonitis


Urethrostomy, i.e. a permanent urethral fistula, is indicated in complete

urethral obstruction at level of, or distal to, the ischial arch. It is a salvage

• caudal epidural analgesia
• routine skin preparation from anus to scrotal neck and about 10 cm to
each side of midline
• midline skin incision from dorsal aspect of ischium distally for 15–20 cm
• blunt dissection around distal part of root and proximal body of penis; the
crura are surrounded by the ischiocavernosus muscles which meet in a
midline raphé (see Figure 6.3)
• incise penis longitudinally, precisely in midline (otherwise urethra
will be bypassed), separating bulbo-urethral and ischiocavernosus
Male urinogenital surgery 179



7 11

Figure 6.3 Horizontal section through perineal region of steer to indicate structures
in perineal urethro(s)tomy.
1. corpus cavernosum; 2. tunica albuginea; 3. urethra; 4. corpus spongiosum;
5. tunica albuginea of corpus spongiosum; 6. perineal fascia; 7. retractor penis
muscle; 8. dorsal artery, vein and nerve of penis; 9. deep artery of penis; 10. medial
muscles of thigh; 11. skin.

• enter urethral lumen 0.5–1.5 cm deep to muscular surface, after incising

the surrounding corpus cavernosum urethrae. Inevitably some haemor-
rhage occurs from the related venous bed. Cattle with a grossly distended
bladder and a patent pelvic urethra void urine through the incision at
this point
• extend incision distally 2–6 cm, depending on patient size
• suture urethral mucosa and minimal depth of fibrous tissue component of
erectile tissue to skin with 5 metric PGA attached to swaged-on needle
• place initial sutures dorsally and ventrally, then suture laterally
• place indwelling catheter (flexible polypropylene with large lumen,
5–10 mm external diameter) into bladder and suture to skin through
encircling tape
• flush bladder via catheter daily with dilute povidone-iodine solution
(0.1%) and remove catheter after three days
Incision site is very dorsal and avoids problem of catheter tip impinging on
distal orifices of the ducts of the bulbo-urethral glands, which lie dorsolater-
ally in urethral mucosa. Size of urethrostomy should prevent significant
stenosis resulting from scar tissue contraction.
180 Chapter 6

Penile amputation
Involves creation of a permanent perineal urethrostomy from the prox-
imal part of the transected penis. The distal penis is resected. It is a salvage

• caudal epidural analgesia, and prepare skin as for previous technique
• skin incision 15–30 cm long, midway between caudal aspect of scrotal
neck and ischium
• isolate penis from surrounding structures, pulling penis forcibly through
skin incision
• identify the fine pink retractor penis muscles, and clamp proximally with
artery forceps before sectioning distally
• continue upward direction of traction on the penis and dissect bluntly,
with fingers around the sigmoid flexure to facilitate easy exteriorisation of
this portion; penis still remains attached to prepuce
• either continue traction to tear down the preputial attachment to skin
at the preputial orifice, or incise the preputial tissues with scalpel and
scissors just caudal to skin-preputial junction; leave preputial orifice
• transect completely exteriorised penis after ligation at a point estimated to
permit about 10 cm protrusion of the penile stump through the skin
• ligate dorsal artery and vein of penis, situated cranially in stump, with
7 metric chromic catgut
• incise urethra proximally from cut end for 3 cm to produce a flared spatu-
late end to hinder stenosis
• place PGA sutures through each side from external fibrous coat into
urethral mucosa for haemostasis
• suture penis into skin edges so that stump protrudes about 5 cm at angle of
30° to horizontal
• appose remaining subcutaneous tissues and skin by monofilament nylon
• give systemic antibiotics for five days. Clean the penile stump twice
daily for three days.
Further haemorrhage occasionally requires additional ligation.

Ventral abdominal subcutaneous accumulation of urine resulting from
urethral rupture can be drained via multiple stab incisions.
Complications include slow continuing haemorrhage and development of
stenosis. In some cases a misdirected flow of urine causes soiling of the skin
of the hind legs.
Male urinogenital surgery 181

6.4 Prevention of intromission

Various methods have been developed to prevent intromission (insertion of
the penis into the vulva and vagina of the female) in cattle. One method,
penile translocation, is outlined as a possible surgical technique (see below).
Several techniques may be unlawful in some countries, and unethical in
Other surgical techniques to prevent intromission include:

• penectomy: penis transected and exposed in perineum

• phallectomy: penis shortened by removing distal extremity, but organ
remains in preputial cavity
• penopexy: penis transfixed to abdominal wall ventrally or to ventral
perineum via sigmoid flexure
• preputial obstruction: prosthetic device fixed in orifice, preventing extru-
sion of penis, or insertion of purse-string suture at the preputial orifice
with creation of a preputial fistula ventrally for the urine to escape
Reference to these specialised techniques may be found in Appendix 1
pp. 259–260.

Penile-prepuce translocation

Translocation (or transposition) of the penis is used in production of teaser
bulls. Operation is combined with vasectomy or epididymectomy to render
the animal sterile. Translocation avoids the hazards of possible spread of
venereal disease by preventing intromission. It is claimed that libido is main-
tained. Surgery should be done well before the breeding season in animals
ideally 250–300 kg. Operation creates a new preputial opening into which
the penis and prepuce are sutured. Surgery is performed in dorsal recum-
bency under GA or deep sedation with local analgesia.
This form of surgery on normal cattle has been forbidden in the UK under
the Welfare of Livestock (Prohibited Operation Regulations) Act 1982.

• the aim being to redirect the penis 30° laterally, usually to the right, mark
the proposed site on the skin in the standing bull. The place is usually
at the level of the fold of the flank (see Figure 6.4)
• following anaesthesia and turning bull into dorsal recumbency, clip and
disinfect the new site and the preputial region for an aseptic procedure
• irrigate preputial cavity with a dilute (1%) povidone-iodine solution and
close orifice with purse-string suture (infection risk!)
182 Chapter 6


Figure 6.4 Penile and preputial translocation in young bull (‘teaser bull’), ventral
view, lines of skin incisions around prepuce, penis and new body wall site are shown
as interrupted lines ( ).
A. umbilicus; B. skin-prepuce junction in midline; C. penis; D. scrotum; E. level of
sigmoid flexure; F. fold of right flank.

• remove 8 cm diameter circle of skin from the new site and cover tempor-
arily with a moist sterile swab
• make corresponding incision around preputial orifice, having marked
(e.g. with temporary suture) cranial midline point, and continue dissec-
tion close to midline caudally
• elevate the preputial coat from the body wall and ligate the extensive
vascular supply
• stop dissection at distal part of the sigmoid flexure; this tunnel may be
advantageously started with long-handled straight scissors
• cover prepuce with sterile glove before pushing it into subcutis
Male urinogenital surgery 183

• carefully avoiding any torsion on the penis or prepuce and noting cranial
midline point previously marked, place preputial skin in new site and
move penis into appropriate position along abdominal wall (see Figure 6.4)
• insert a series of interrupted chromic catgut sutures in the subcutaneous
• suture skin with simple interrupted sutures of monofilament nylon
• close midline skin defect similarly, but include several deeper sutures into
linea alba and rectus sheath to avoid creation of potential dead space
• five-day course of systemic antibiotics
• perform epididymectomy (see Section 6.6, pp. 185–186) or vasectomy
(see below).
Three weeks after surgery several ejaculates (approximately three) should be
evaluated to ensure that bull is safe for use as ‘teaser’.

6.5 Vasectomy

A portion of ductus deferens is removed from the spermatic cord on the
cranial aspect of the scrotal neck (see Figure 6.5). This technique is practised

2 4
8 7

Figure 6.5 Diagrammatic cross-section of scrotal neck (left side) showing

relationship of vas deferens, vascular supply including pampiniform plexus, and
cremaster muscle, to vaginal tunics.
1. vas deferens enclosed in internal tunica vaginalis; 2. vasculature (pampiniform
plexus and spermatic artery) in internal tunica vaginalis; 3. cremaster muscle;
4. external tunica vaginalis; 5. internal tunica vaginalis; 6. skin; 7. scrotal septum
(tunica dartos); 8. internal and external spermatic fascia.
184 Chapter 6

to produce a teaser bull. Intromission is unaffected, giving the risk of trans-

mission of venereal disease.
Surgery may be attempted in the standing animal (if it is not combined
with penile translocation procedure), but is easier if bull is recumbent
with the hind legs extended caudally, or in lateral recumbency with the upper
hind leg held well forward, (as for equine castration). The risks of GA in bulls
should be borne in mind.

Standing method: xylazine sedation (low dose range, i.e. 0.1– 0.15 mg/
kg i.m.) followed by local infiltration with 10 ml 2% lignocaine injected
subcutaneously around proposed incision site, carefully avoiding possible
injection into pampiniform plexus.

Recumbent method: xylazine sedation (high dose range, i.e. 0.2 mg/kg
i.m.) supplemented by local infiltration.

Surgical technique
• clip hair from entire upper half of the scrotum and scrotal neck
• scrub and thoroughly prepare scrotum and adjacent skin for aseptic
• apply povidone-iodine twice to the scrotal skin
• make vertical incision 5 cm long on caudolateral (if standing) or
craniomedial (cast) aspect of lower part of scrotal neck over tensed cord
structures. In standing position the skin must be rotated through 90°
• grasp spermatic cord between thumb and first two fingers and gently
rotate to identify ductus deferens as very firm thick string or wire-
like structure about 4 mm diameter (it is the hardest structure in the
• carefully make small nick in vaginal tunic over the ductus deferens and
place hook beneath it, or grasp in Allis tissue forceps
• bring ductus through skin incision and clamp across with two pairs of
artery forceps about 5 cm apart (see Figure 6.6)
• resect intervening section of ductus with scissors and place silk ligatures
(3 metric) below each forceps
• release forceps; ligature avoids possible recanalisation
• retain ductus for identification (e.g. examine for semen) and possible
histopathology, as potentially useful evidence in eventual litigation
• close skin incision with interrupted horizontal mattress sutures of
monofilament nylon
• repeat surgery through second incision on other side
• give systemic antibiotics for five days
• check bull for absence of semen by teasing once weekly for three weeks
• remove skin sutures after 10–14 days
Male urinogenital surgery 185


Figure 6.6 Vasectomy in recumbent bull. Vertical incision in lower scrotal neck and
cord structures elevated by scissors (see also Figure 6.5).
A. cord-like ductus (vas) deferens in internal tunica vaginalis, held by Allis forceps;
B. non-absorbable sutures ligating ductus before resection of 5 cm; C. adjacent
pampiniform plexus; D. cremaster muscle; E. fold of external tunica vaginalis incised
to expose A. and C.

6.6 Epididymectomy

The tail of the epididymis is resected. Resected tissue must be checked for
semen, since, inadvertently, only fat and connective tissue may be removed.
Surgery can be done in standing bull under xylazine sedation and local
infiltration. Strict asepsis is essential.
186 Chapter 6

Figure 6.7 Location of head, body and tail of epididymis in relation to testicle. Arrow
indicates direction and site of incision in an epididymectomy.

• clip, wash and disinfect entire scrotal surface; dry and repeat disinfection
• push testicle distally with one hand so that epididymal tail is readily
• incise into epididymis at most ventral point, avoiding testicular substance
(see Figure 6.7)
• grasp large portion of tail with Allis forceps and place large artery forceps
transversely proximal to this tissue, which is then resected
• place firm suture of PGA (7 metric) proximal to the artery forceps which is
then removed
• insert two to three horizontal mattress sutures to appose skin edges
• give systemic antibiotics for five days
• remove sutures in 10–14 days
• tease bull weekly for three weeks when no live sperm should be seen; bull is
then suitable for work

Again portions of epididymis removed at surgery should be retained as a
precautionary measure should litigation materialise, based on a claim that a
bull has remained fertile. Recanalisation is impossible following the above
techniques, in which the lumen of the ductus and epididymis are occluded by
encircling ligatures.
Sclerosing agents have also been injected into the testicle and epididymis of
bulls to produce fibrosis and to abolish spermatogenesis and sperm transport.
They are less reliable than surgical methods.
Male urinogenital surgery 187

6.7 Congenital penile abnormalities

Corkscrew penis or spiral penis

This congenital defect, involving the apical ligament, occurs in bulls older
than one year. Many affected bulls are known to have served successfully,
and have sired progeny. Any breed can be affected, but polled breeds such as
polled Hereford have a higher incidence. Inheritance is questionable.

• seen just before or immediately following extrusion of the penis from the
• in severe cases the penile tip is caught in distal part of preputial cavity and
may only be extruded naturally with some difficulty
• extruded penis spirals to left or right through 30° angle, viewed from the
right side, and 180–270° when viewed (theoretically) from the rear
• glans penis tends to hit right perineal region of cow, about 20–30 cm from
the vulva
Spiralling action may be variable in degree; in intermittent cases bulls
may maintain a low level of fertility in the field. In normal bulls, occurrence
of deviation and complete spiralling after intromission increases the
contact area between the penis and vagina, and may therefore increase
tactile stimuli and so promote ejaculation. In affected bulls the deviation
or complete spiralling occurs prior to intromission and prevents coitus.
Anatomical explanation involves slipping of the dorsal apical ligament across
to the left and ventrally. The penile integument in affected bulls is then
fully stretched over the penis and produces spiralling early in the process of
As long as the inheritance remains questionable, surgery should only be
undertaken after consideration of the ethical position, and then reserved for
valuable bulls required for natural service.

Surgical techniques
Two techniques are given, one using penile tunica albuginea (TA) the other
with fascia lata from the thigh region.
Technique 1 Penile tunica albuginea (see Figure 6.8):

• GA, lateral or dorsal recumbency

• extend penis, avoiding accidental spiral rotation, and apply rubber tourni-
quet at base
• grasp glans with forceps or tie with bandage, and maintain penis in full
188 Chapter 6

1 2
2 1

Figure 6.8 Surgical correction of spiral deviation of penis (‘corkscrew penis’).

A. dorsal surface of penis with epithelium incised and two strips (each 10 cm × 2 mm)
of apical ligament freed from tunica albuginea (TA) except proximally
B. cross-section of penis showing (from dorsal): 1. incision through penile epithelium;
2. two sections of dorsal ligament (shaded); 3. incision in TA; 4. corpus cavernosum
penis and urethra ventrally
C. enlarged cross-section showing position of sutures fixing strips of apical ligament to
TA; 1. sutures from strips to TA; 2. suture closing TA over strips; 3. closure of penile
D. interrupted sutures closing penile epithelium.

• make dorsal midline incision through penile mucosa from just cranial to
reflection of prepuce forwards to just caudal to glans
• expose underlying dorsal ligament of penis
• incise longitudinally through middle of ligament into TA
• incise 3 mm laterally to left and right, parallel to previous incisions
• incise transversely and distally across distal end of previous three incisions
so creating two strips (2 mm wide) of ligament and TA
• resect about 1 cm of strip length and re-attach strips to distal end of dorsal
ligament with alternate sutures of 6 metric chromic catgut and 3 metric
stainless steel (respectively to provoke a tissue reaction and for strength)
Male urinogenital surgery 189

• strip is tacked on to underlying fibrous coat with interrupted sutures every

6–7 mm, ensuring firm contact and deep insertion into TA
• close penile epithelium with 4 metric chromic catgut interrupted sutures
• irrigate wound with aqueous solution of penicillin G and release tourniquet
• give antibiotics systemically for five days
• close preputial orifice temporarily by encircling muslin bandage for some
hours until bull has recovered from anaesthesia and can retain penis in
preputial cavity
• irrigate preputial cavity daily with oleaginous antibiotic preparation from
day four to day ten
• sexual rest for eight weeks, then tease bull to ascertain new position of
erect penis
Technique 2 Fascia lata graft:

• general anaesthesia
• fix the bull in right lateral recumbency
First collect the fascia lata graft as follows:

• clip and prepare a liberal area from the proximal tibia to the tuber coxae for
• make an incision beginning 8 cm dorsolateral to the patella and continued
for 20 cm toward the tuber coxae, continue the incision to the fascia lata of
the vastus lateralis muscle
• collect a 3 cm wide and 20 cm long rectangular strip of the deep fascia
lata. Remove connective tissue from the strip, and keep graft in saline;
(homogenic fascia lata preserved in 70% ethyl alcohol also has been used
successfully to reduce surgical time and avoid a second incision on the
• close fascial layers in a simple continuous pattern and appose skin with
non-absorbable suture material in routine fashion
• extend the penis manually, and prepare the penis and prepuce for aseptic
• make a 20 cm skin incision on the dorsum of the penis starting about
2.5 cm proximal to the tip
• deepen the incision to the white fibrous apical ligament
• reflect the apical ligament laterally in both directions, exposing the TA
• do not incise the two veins on the right ventral aspect between the
ligament and the TA
• place the fascia lata graft between the apical ligament and the TA on the
dorsum of the penis
• insert four interrupted sutures of 2 metric polyglactin 910 through the
fascia lata and into the TA under the ligament, near its origin
• then place interrupted sutures along the lateral margin of the graft at
2.5 cm intervals to stretch the implant
190 Chapter 6

• trim the implant to fit the distal end of the penis and suture under tension
in an interrupted pattern
• return the apical ligament over the implant and suture it with a simple
interrupted pattern of the same material; the thickest portion of the
ligament should be on the dorsum of the penis
• close the last layer with 3 metric polyglactin 910
• insert a tube into the preputial cavity and secure to the sheath with elastic
tape to maintain the penis in a retracted position
• give systemic antibiotic agents for three to five days
• maintain sexual rest for 60 days
In some cases (resulting from over- or under-correction) a second operation is
required. The prognosis remains guarded.

Persistent frenulum

Congenital anomaly. Persistence of embryonic ectodermal lamella connects
penis to the penile part of prepuce, which usually splits after the calf is two
months old, and in which completion is hormone-dependent, but may be
delayed until eight months. Excessive thickness of ventral bridge (= frenulum),
perhaps containing blood vessels, may be an aetiological factor.

Band of fibrous tissue runs from close to penile tip to near junction of penile
part of prepuce and sheath, causing marked ventral deviation of erect penis.
This prevents intromission.
In the USA it is most common in Aberdeen Angus and Shorthorn bulls, but
has low incidence.

• ligate blood vessels in frenulum and section fibrous structure with scissors
Good prognosis. Condition possibly inherited, therefore ethics of surgery are

Other congenital anomalies of bovine penis

These include:

• congenitally short penis (infantile)

• congenitally short retractor penis muscle
• congenitally tight penile adnexa
All three conditions have a low incidence. The main sign is that penis fails to
reach vulva despite normal erection. No surgical correction possible.
Male urinogenital surgery 191

6.8 Penile neoplasia

Penile tumours occur in two forms, papillomatosis or fibropapilloma, and
malignant squamous cell carcinoma.

Occurs in young bulls, reared in groups. Aetiologically a host-specific
Papovavirus, (BPV1).

• haemorrhage from penis, often on turning out to cows or at breeding
• located on free portion of penis; generally multiple and sessile, but chronic
cases may have pedunculated mass
• phimosis or paraphimosis is possible

• slow spontaneous regression can occur
• autogenous wart vaccine usually unsuccessful
• surgical removal (knife or Burdizzo®), electrocautery or cryosurgery
• unless simple procedure, patient should be in lateral recumbency to
facilitate precision
• sedation with xylazine
• analgesia by local infiltration of dorsal nerves of penis (see Section 1.8,
p. 31) or subcutaneous ring block
• care required not to open urethra (potential fistula formation)
• ligate or cauterise significant bleeding vessels
• close epithelial defect with 0 metric chromic catgut (not essential)
The prognosis is good.

Malignant squamous cell carcinoma

Malignant SCC is a rare condition in adult bulls, usually rapidly invasive
and involving multiple ulcerating and proliferating masses. Histopathology
for confirmation? Surgery usually impossible and prognosis correspondingly

6.9 Castration

Need for castration has been increasingly questioned on scientific, economic
and humanitarian grounds. Two forms of castration are available: bloodless
and open surgical (scalpel).
192 Chapter 6

Bloodless methods

Rubber ring method

This method should not be used, nevertheless this technique is becoming
more common in some areas. The technique has been ethically condemned
in the UK and is illegal without anaesthetic in some countries (e.g. Germany,
Switzerland). Legally in the UK a rubber ring, without anaesthetic, is only
permitted in the first week of life.
Application of tight-fitting rubber ring to scrotal neck in calves appears to
cause considerable post-operative discomfort and marked setback to growth.
Some sepsis is not uncommon at site following skin necrosis. Careless applica-
tion can fail to position both testes below rubber ring, resulting in induced
(iatrogenic) inguinal cryptorchidism. It also carries a risk of tetanus, probably
as the duration of pressure necrosis is much greater than in other bloodless
In the USA rubber band tubing has even been used, especially in feedlots,
for the castration of large bulls. The ring is applied with the EZE® Bloodless
Castrator (Wadsworth Mfg., Dublin, MT). As in the calfhood method a vascu-
lar necrosis of the scrotum and testes results. The authors have no experience
of this technique which is alleged to result in ‘minimal stress’.

In the UK, legislation (Animal Anaesthetics Act 1964) makes it obligatory
that castration of calves over two months old be performed under anaesthesia
or analgesia.
In Switzerland castration without anaesthesia is forbidden.

• 10 ml syringe and 2% lignocaine (with adrenaline)

• testicle is grasped between thumb and first two fingers and drawn to
ventral part of scrotal sac
• needle is introduced in horizontal or vertical position, upwards into
substance of testicle, and 3 ml solution is injected
• testicle is released and 2 ml is deposited in subcutaneous position during
• procedure is repeated on the second side
An alternative technique involves subcutaneous infiltration at scrotal neck,
injection of a further 3–5 ml into each cord, because one author (AS) believes
that intratesticular injection is painful, minimally effective and should there-
fore be avoided. Maximum dose rate of lignocaine is 4 mg/kg bodyweight.

Burdizzo® method
The Burdizzo® instrument is 30 or 40 cm long, and has cord stops. It
is used on calves one to twelve weeks old, depending on breed and
Male urinogenital surgery 193

Figure 6.9 Diagram of vertical section through scrotum, showing correct position for
application of Burdizzo® (bloodless) emasculator. Cord is pushed laterally to produce
minimal skin trauma. Area of undamaged skin is left in midline and maintains blood
supply to ventral part of scrotal skin. The instrument is applied remote from penis.
1. testicle; 2. spermatic cord; 3. penis.

• surgeon stands beside the calf, keeping the hindquarters against a suitable
pen wall with the head placed and tied or held in a corner by assistant
• surgeon controls the correct application of the Burdizzo® (see Figure 6.5):
the instrument is applied laterally onto the scrotal neck by assistant
behind calf
• cord is held laterally in scrotal neck by first finger and thumb of surgeon
• the second hand controls position of the jaws; instruct assistant initially to
close the jaws slowly until they are about 8–10 mm apart and are about to
clamp skin and cord firmly
• with cord precisely located between the jaws, order rapid closure
• maintain closed for 5–10 seconds, during which operator checks that
cord is correctly crushed
• characteristic crushing sound accompanies the closure. Cord-stops on
the emasculator blades help to prevent displacement of the cord during
• separate jaws 1 cm, slide them 1 cm distally, and close a second time on
the same side. In contrast to the first crushing, there is minimal pain
• repeat the procedure on the second side
• ensure that the crushed lines in the skin are offset (see Figure 6.9) and
do not form a continuous band around the scrotal neck which could
otherwise lead to skin necrosis with infection. Do not crush the median
(scrotal) raphé.
Another Burdizzo® model has a knee grip. In this technique the assistant
restrains the hindquarters, while the surgeon holds the cord in position with
194 Chapter 6

one hand while closing the instrument by moving one handle against the
knee-fixed second handle. A certain dexterity is required.
The effect after four weeks (young calf) or six weeks (older calf) is atrophy
of the testicular tissue, which forms a fibrous knob or knot-like structure
approximately the diameter of the spermatic cord.

Problems are infrequent but can include:

• inadvertent crushing of the penis by inexperienced lay operator, as jaws

are applied too high, causes urethral blockage and rupture with s.c. urine
seepage. Salvage procedure is only possible solution
• gross bruising of scrotal tissues due to slackness of jaws, therefore equip-
ment should be regularly overhauled and the instrument should be stored
in the open position. Burdizzo® should be capable of cutting piece of string
inserted between two pieces of cigarette carton card when functioning
• necrosis of scrotal skin (see above)
• oedema of caudal abdominal wall and scrotum due to slack jaws
• unilateral absence of testicular atrophy, as cord was inadvertently com-
pletely or partially missed

Surgical (scalpel) method

This technique involves removal of the testicles and haemostasis of the
spermatic cord vessels by:

• traction on spermatic cord

• torsion and traction on spermatic cord
• crushing using an emasculator
• crushing and ligation of spermatic cord

• perform surgery in standing position with stockman restraining head and
hindquarters and holding tail laterally
• induce local analgesia, as described above
• wash and cleanse scrotal skin with dilute (0.5%) povidone-iodine solu-
tion, and preferably wear disposable gloves
• stand or crouch behind calf to make vertical incision through caudal
scrotal skin into testicular substance, holding testicle tensed and pulled
distally, and continue incision along distal, i.e. ventral border of scrotum
(ensuring subsequent drainage)
• scrotal incision should be slightly shorter than testicular length.
Initial scrotal incision may be made with Newberry® knife (Newberry®
castrating knife, Jorgensen Labs, Loveland, CO. USA), a 24.5 cm long
instrument with steel-bladed clamp) which is placed transversely across
Male urinogenital surgery 195

Figure 6.10 Newberry castration technique. View from rear, showing testes pushed
upwards, scrotum pulled down by hand, and Newberry knife being applied across
scrotum for transverse incision, before being pulled quickly downwards. Dotted lines
represent the position of the tunica vaginalis, through which the testes are then extracted.

the base of the scrotum, closed, and immediately pulled ventrally to open
both scrotal sacs without removal of any scrotal tissue (see Figure 6.10).
Both testicles may then removed with the emasculator.
• testicle prolapses through skin wound, is grasped, and vascular and non-
vascular portions of the cord are identified (vascular: cranial including
pampiniform plexus and vas deferens)
• insert first finger through tunica vaginalis proximal to the epididymis, and
between vascular and non-vascular parts.
Technique now varies depending on method of haemostasis:

• small calf (one week to two months): emasculator, torsion, traction are
possibilities in descending order of preference
• large calf (two to six months): emasculator, torsion. Traction is contra-
indicated as excessively painful
• small bull: emasculator, possibly with ligation
All other methods carry a risk of severe haemorrhage.
196 Chapter 6

Emasculator method
• apply after separating vascular and non-vascular parts of cord
• brief period (10 seconds) to crush non-vascular position just proximal to
• longer period (20–120 seconds depending on size of cord and the age of
the animal), crushing proximal part of vascular portion of cord, using
traction on distal structures to separate them from jaws of instrument

Torsion method
• break down non-vascular part of cord by traction
• twist vascular portion several (five to six) times in proximal part of cord,
then use gentle traction to break cord distal to torsion point

Traction method
• break down non-vascular part, then grasp vascular portion proximally,
increasing steady traction until cord ruptures and undergoes considerable
elastic recoil (see Section 3.11, p. 120)
• repose any tissue protruding from wound, or resect protruding length of
ductus deferens
• do not handle tissue unnecessarily
• do not become involved in calf restraint
• maintain scalpel and emasculator in bucket with antiseptic and have
second bucket of antiseptic solution for washing scrotum
• local medication is unnecessary

Technique for small bull

Emasculator and ligation; strict aseptic precautions and antiseptic prepara-
tion of skin are essential. Use sterile emasculator and suture material.

• incise as above, caudally, into substance of scrotum, continuing incision

• apply emasculator to non-vascular part of cord, then to vascular portion,
close tightly and remove testis
• leave instrument in place for minimum of 1 minute
• place circumferential ligature around cord 1 cm proximal to blade, as
extra security against haemorrhage
• place artery forceps on edge of cord proximal to ligature but not across
cord, remove emasculator, and check for haemorrhage
• release artery forceps
Ensure clean bedding. Some exercise is advisable for one week.
Male urinogenital surgery 197


Figure 6.11 Emasculator castration (diagrammatic). Scrotum has been incised

distally into testis which has then been expressed from scrotum. Parietal tunica
vaginalis has been sectioned by scalpel and has retracted into scrotum.
A. Emasculator placed across cord structures with cutting edge of blade distal and
crushing edge proximal (‘nut’ to ‘nut’); B. pampiniform plexus and spermatic artery;
C. ductus deferens; D. testicular incision; E. site for application of artery forceps to
retain stump for a few seconds’ inspection if warranted.

• infection – gross contamination at surgery, (rubber gloves!) dirty bedding
• severe swelling – infection, oedema, poor drainage due to small incision
• haemorrhage
• preputial oedema – invariably from extension of scrotal swelling
• tetanus is rare (prophylaxis in at-risk calves)
Bovine Surgery and Lameness, Second Edition
A. David Weaver, Guy St. Jean, Adrian Steiner
Copyright © 2005 David Weaver, Adrian Steiner and Guy St Jean



7.1 Incidence 198 (b) tendon resection without

7.2 Economic importance 199 amputation
7.3 Terminology 200 (c) resection of distal
7.4 Interdigital necrobacillosis 202 interphalangeal joint
7.5 Interdigital skin hyperplasia 204 (d) removal of interdigital
7.6 Solear (solar) ulceration 206 hyperplastic skin
7.7 Punctured sole 208 7.14 Hoof deformities,
7.8 White line separation and overgrowth and corrective
abscessation 209 foot trimming 231
7.9 Laminitis (coriosis) 210 7.15 Footbaths 234
7.10 Other digital conditions 212 7.16 Check lists for herd problems 235
(a) digital dermatitis (Mortellaro) 7.17 Infectious arthritis (‘joint ill’)
(b) verrucose dermatitis in calves 238
(c) interdigital dermatitis 7.18 Contracted flexor tendons 240
(d) heel erosion (‘slurry heel’) 7.19 Tarsal and carpal hygroma 242
(e) longitudinal (vertical) or 7.20 Patellar luxation 243
transverse (horizontal) 7.21 Spastic paresis 246
sandcrack or fissure 7.22 Hip luxation 248
(f) fracture of distal phalanx 7.23 Stifle lameness 250
(pedal bone) 7.24 Nerve paralysis of limbs 251
7.11 Deep digital sepsis 219 7.25 Limb fractures 251
7.12 Digital amputation 220 7.26 Use of acrylics and resins in
7.13 Other digital surgery 225 orthopaedic problems 255
(a) tendon resection following 7.27 Antibiotherapy of bone and
amputation joint infections 257

Systemic infections such as Foot-and-Mouth disease (FMD) and clostridial

diseases, metabolic conditions such as ketosis and hypomagnesaemia, as well
as nutritional diseases (e.g. hypovitaminosis E), are not considered in this
book although they may lead to signs of lameness.

7.1 Incidence
Veterinary practice figures (UK) indicate an average annual incidence of
4– 6% lameness in dairy cows. If treatment carried out by the farmer is
included, however, the true incidence increases to 25 –30%. The incidence
Lameness 199

may range from 3–100% on individual farms. Any farm with an incidence
over 15% should be considered to have a lameness problem which requires
systematic investigation (see Section 7.16). In the intensive agricultural
enterprises common in western Europe and North America:

• 95% of lame cattle are dairy breeds

• 80% of cases involve the digits
• 80% of digital lameness is located in the hindlimbs
• 50% of digital lameness involves the horny tissue and 50% the skin,
mostly digital dermatitis
• 70% of the horny lesions involve the outer claw
In the UK today the three major digital lameness problems with rather similar
incidence rates, are digital dermatitis, sole ulcer, and white line disease. The
latter two may sometimes be related to a previous incident of laminitis.
Essential equipment for investigation of bovine lameness problems includes:

• facilities for good restraint and ready elevation of hind- or forelimbs ideally
purpose-built for foot work e.g. Wopa crush/chute or a rotating model
• good lighting, hosepipe, water, bucket, brush, and ropes
• left- and right-handed hoof knives
• double action hoof cutters
• hoof rasp
• hoof testers
• straight grooved probe
• grinder for large-scale (i.e. herd) trimming with electrical cut-out in case
of short-circuiting

7.2 Economic importance

Only infertility and mastitis cause greater economic losses than lameness in
most intensive dairy units in the UK, western Europe (Netherlands, Denmark,
Belgium, Germany) and North America. The 2004 estimate of UK losses due
to cattle lameness is well over £100 million (US $180 million). In develop-
ing countries infectious diseases and malnutrition are of more economic

Economic losses
The direct cost of each lameness case is about £150 ($270), but if such factors
as prolonged calving interval, replacement costs and culling losses are
included, the figure rises to approach £300 ($540) for each lame cow in a
national herd of about three million dairy cows (UK). Losses are similar in USA.
Losses result from:

• reduced milk yield

• weight loss
200 Chapter 7

• disposals, deaths, replacement cost

• infertility, prolonged calving interval
• veterinary expenses, drugs
• additional stockman’s time
A major loss is reduced milk yield, including discarded antibiotic-treated
milk during therapy period. This accounts for about a quarter of all losses due
to lameness. Lameness is primarily in the early lactation period (one to three
months postpartum) and in the immediate prepartum week. This time of
maximum incidence results in greater economic losses than lameness in mid
or late lactation. Several studies have shown that higher yield cows tend to
have an increased risk of lameness, also that a reduction in yield actually pre-
cedes lameness onset. No satisfactory explanation has been found for these
two (UK) facts. Cash loss due to a lameness successfully cured within 24
hours of onset may represent 1% of lactation yield. If treatment is delayed,
loss may be 20% or more of lactation yield.
Weight loss may be 10% or, in cows eventually culled due to continuing
deterioration and poor yield, may reach 25%.
Disposals as ‘lame cow culls’ in the UK are about 2– 4% annually, but such
lame cows are often also affected with mastitis and/or metritis leading to
infertility. The replacement cost for culls is considerable.
Infertility attributable to lameness results from:

• failure of oestrus detection (cow often recumbent, unwilling or unable to

mount neighbouring cows) or delayed return to oestrus
• anoestrus
• poor body condition postpartum (negative energy balance)
• concurrent low grade metritis
These losses are subtle, and often not fully appreciated by the dairy farmer,
but are the greatest source of cash loss (see Figure 7.1).
Veterinary expenses and drugs form a small proportion of total costs. The
additional labour costs, often ignored, are high since treatment usually
involves two or three people, and each case requires several minutes’ atten-
tion, often on a daily basis (see Figure 7.1).

Hoof traits
Variations in hoof traits relate to survival rates, reproductive performance,
and increased yield from first to subsequent lactations (see Section 7.14
pp. 231–232).

7.3 Terminology
Terms have been introduced to give an acceptable terminology to forms of
lameness common to various countries, where a variety of words have been
Lameness 201

E 13 A

D 6 34

Figure 7.1 Economic losses in dairy cattle due to lameness: A. infertility;

B. reduced milk yield and sales; C. deaths, disposals and replacements;
D. weight loss; E. veterinary expenses, drugs; F. cost of extra labour.

in use. The Latin terms are listed beside the English language equivalent (and
illustrated in Figure 7.2).
Interdigital skin:

• digital dermatitis – dermatitis digitalis

• interdigital necrobacillosis – phlegmona interdigitalis
• interdigital skin hyperplasia – hyperplasia interdigitalis
• interdigital dermatitis – dermatitis interdigitalis
• verrucose dermatitis – dermatitis verrucosa
Horny tissues:

• solear ulceration – pododermatitis circumscripta septica

• punctured sole – pododermatitis septica (traumatica)
• white line separation – pododermatitis septica diffusa (disputed)
• laminitis – pododermatitis aseptica diffusa
• longitudinal (vertical) or transverse (horizontal) sandcrack – fissura ungulae
longitudinalis et transversalis
• heel erosion – erosio ungulae
For further details see Further Reading, pp. 259–260.
202 Chapter 7


1. Digital dermatitis 5. Heel erosion

4. Interdigital necrobacillosis
2. Solar ulceration 6. Interdigital dermatitis
7. Laminitis

3. White line separation 8. Interdigital hyperplasia

+ abscessation
9. Punctured site

10. Toe ulcer

Figure 7.2 Important conditions of the bovine digit.

1. digital dermatitis; 2. sole ulceration; 3. white line separation and abscessation;
4. interdigital necrobacillosis; 5. heel erosion; 6. interdigital dermatitis; 7. laminitis/sole
haemorrhage; 8. interdigital hyperplasia; 9. punctured sole; 10. toe ulcer.

Claw zones
The bearing surface of the claw has been divided into six zones to aid record-
ing (see Figure 7.3). Thus white line separation and abscessation tends to be
in zones one or two, sole ulcer in zone four, and laminitic changes predomin-
antly in zones four and five.

Lameness scoring (LS)

Many numerical scales (e.g. 0–3, 1–6, 1–10) have been devised and utilised
in recording the severity of lameness in an individual cow. The simplest
appears adequate, viz. 0 = not lame; 1 = slightly lame; 2 = moderately lame,
and 3 = severely lame/often recumbent (e.g. LS2).

7.4 Interdigital necrobacillosis

Synonyms: phlegmona interdigitalis, ‘foul-in-the-foot’, ‘clit ill’, ‘foot rot’,
interdigital pododermatitis. A peracute form, colloquially ‘superfoul’ has
been encountered in some countries recently.
Definition: acute inflammation of subcutaneous tissues of interdigital space
and adjacent coronary band, spreading to dermis and epidermis.
Lameness 203


Figure 7.3 Zones of the sole.

1. white zone at toe; 2. abaxial white zone; 3. axial groove zone; 4. apex of sole;
5. junction of sole and bulb (heel); 6. bulb (heel).

• mild to severe lameness (LS 1–3) of sudden onset, all ages
• interdigital swelling, later involving coronet and pastern
• toes spread apart due to interdigital swelling, initially with unbroken skin
for first 24 hours of lameness
• sometimes more proximal spread, and a secondary interdigital necrosis
very common
• little pus but characteristic foul smell and pain with split in interdigital
Aetiology: interdigital microtrauma and infection with Fusobacterium
necrophorum, Bacteroides melaninogenicus and other organisms.
Pathology: cellulitis and liquefactive necrosis of interdigital skin, with
fissure formation and later, if untreated, development of granulation
tissue, eventually resulting in interdigital granuloma. Advanced cases
can develop digital septic arthritis and other deeper complications. The
disease course is much more rapid in ‘superfoul’ where cows may have to
be culled 48–72 hours after disease onset, due to the extent of destructive
Differential diagnosis: interdigital foreign body, acute laminitis, solear
penetration by foreign body, severe interdigital dermatitis, interdigital
changes from BVD/MD, FMD, distal interphalangeal septic arthritis, distal
phalangeal fracture.
204 Chapter 7

• ceftiofur, ampicillin, LA oxytetracycline, penicillin, sulphonamides (e.g.
trimethoprim-sulpha) systemically
• clean affected necrotic area with disinfectant and apply a topical oxytetra-
cycline or copper sulphate, or BIPP paste (bismuth subnitrate, iodoform
and petrolatum)
• do not bandage, but put on to dry floor or straw bedding, preferably
isolated to avoid spread of infection
• daily cleansing with disinfectant if feasible
• ‘superfoul’: early cases respond well to 6 g oxytetracycline, more
advanced cases to tylosin, careful local débridement under analgesia and
local antibiotic dressing. Isolation is important.

• check and improve drainage in areas where interdigital trauma can arise
(e.g. gateways, tracks, stubble)
• improve dry conditions underfoot (straw yard) and increase frequency of
scraper removal of slurry from passageways
• footbaths of zinc sulphate (5–10%) copper sulphate (5%) or formalin (4%)
(see Section 7.15, pp. 234–235)
• antibacterial feed additive: sulphabromomethazine in feedlot outbreak, or
ethylenediamine dihydroiodide for prophylaxis, though results have been
conflicting (North America)
• spread quicklime in muddy tracks or around water troughs

Frequent form of digital lameness (e.g. 15% of total), but of relatively lesser
economic importance since the 1980s. Outbreaks of interdigital necrobacil-
losis require methodical investigation of aetiology to develop appropriate
prophylactic measures. Emphasis on major areas for digital trauma (from
yard to parlour to farm tracks) and for potential contamination. Review claw
trimming needs.

7.5 Interdigital skin hyperplasia

Synonyms: hyperplasia interdigitalis, corn, interdigital granuloma, interdig-
ital vegetative dermatitis, fibroma, ‘wart’.
Definition: proliferative reaction of interdigital skin and/or subcutaneous
tissues to form a firm mass.
Incidence: usually sporadic, common in certain beef breeds (e.g. Hereford)
and in bulls at AI centres. Occasionally follows severe interdigital disease in
Lameness 205

dairy cows, then is unilateral. May start in yearling bulls, but most clinical
cases (with lameness) are in adults of four to six years.
Predisposition: inherited in some breeds (e.g. Hereford, Holstein Friesian).
Severe interdigital dermatitis or sole ulcer often precedes involvement of
single limb. Frequently associated with poor conformation e.g. splayed toes
with wide interdigital space.

• slight or no lameness (LS 0–1) depending on size and mechanical interfer-
ence in simple case
• large lesions develop superficial digital traumatic ulceration, and contact
interdigital axial skin may undergo pressure necrosis
• both forms readily become secondarily infected with Fusobacterium
• more or less symmetrical in hindlimbs of beef breeds, especially in bulls,
possibly with bilateral forelimb involvement, which suggests inherited
• single abaxial hindlimb involvement suggests secondary response to
recognised previous insult involving interdigital swelling and sometimes
sole ulcer
Pathology: skin hyperplasia with secondary ulceration. Variable degree of
hyperkeratosis (misnamed papillomatosis).
Differential diagnosis: interdigital foreign body, interdigital necrobacillo-
sis, digital dermatitis.

• none if small and asymptomatic
• local caustic (e.g. silver nitrate, copper sulphate) if small and causing
• most clinical cases require resection by knife surgery electrocautery or
cryosurgery: ideally in Wopa crush under IVRA (intravenous regional
analgesia), bandage (e.g. Vetrap®) after applying sulphadimidine powder.
Remove bandage after one week.

Acquired cases develop suddenly in middle of interdigital space; while
congenital cases, manifest as slight swelling in yearling and steadily enlarg-
ing with adulthood, start as fold in the axial skin of the abaxial digit.
Theoretically, breeding policy should be altered to reduce the inheritance
risk of such cases of multilimb hyperplasia. Inheritance may be related to skin
thickness, an alleged slackness of the interdigital cruciate ligaments and the
amount and distribution of body fat.
206 Chapter 7

7.6 Solear (solar) ulceration

Synonyms: pododermatitis circumscripta, sole ulcer, Rusterholz ulcer.

Definition: circumscribed limited reaction of the pododerm (deep sensitive

tissues) often characterised by an erosive defect typically at the sole-heel
junction of the lateral hind claw.

Incidence: high (up to 40% of digital lameness cases) and widespread in

dairy breeds, from calved heifers to mature cows in good body condition.

Aetiology: disputed, possibly excessive weight-bearing by lateral claw

following horn overgrowth. Associated almost invariably with abnormal
claw (poor trimming), and frequently with laminitis. Primary and secondary
causes are difficult to distinguish.

Predisposition: inherited factors such as stance, which may also be

acquired, and deviations from normal hoof shape (e.g. severe overgrowth),
loose housing with small (narrow, short) cubicles, giving tendency for cows
to stand with hind feet in passageway, overgrown digits, acidotic rations.

• moderate degree of lameness (hesitant, wary gait, slightly arched back,
LS 1) typically up to three months postpartum, masking the frequently
bilateral nature of the lesions, i.e. lateral claw of both hind legs, one more
painful than the other
• severe lameness (LS 2–3) when granulation tissue protrudes and in pres-
ence of deeper purulent infection (osteomyelitis, septic arthritis)
• under-run heel horn exposes sensitive laminae
• contralateral claw: check for similar changes!
• at typical site (see Definition) granulation tissue may protrude through
undermined horn
• under-running commonly extends cranially and peripherally to abaxial
white line

Bacteriology: none in primary condition.

Pathology: horn defect originates from damaged pododerm, which may be

secondary result of laminitis (coriosis, pododermatitis aseptica diffusa), poor
trimming, and heel horn deformity. Caudal border of distal phalanx and
insertion of deep digital flexor tendon (see Figure 7.4) both lie below typical
site and are involved in complicated cases (see Section 7.11, p. 219 on deep
digital sepsis).
Lameness 207


3 2

Figure 7.4 Typical site of sole ulcer of lateral hind claw with adjacent structures
that may be affected by deep sepsis: 1. distal phalanx; 2. deep digital flexor tendon;
3. distal sesamoid (navicular bone); 4. navicular bursa; 5. distal interphalangeal joint.

Differential diagnosis: solear abscessation due to foreign body penetration,

aseptic pododermatitis (solear haemorrhage) elsewhere in weight-bearing
surface, simple heel erosion, subacute laminitis.

• trim all feet initially or at end
• IVRA (intravenous regional analgesia, see Section 1.8, p. 33)
• remove under-run horn, trim horn of wall and heel so that weight-bearing
by affected claw is minimal
• possibly apply block (hoof resin) to sound claw which should be minimally
trimmed, if weight-bearing cannot otherwise be reduced
• remove protruding granulation tissue, leaving healthy pododerm and
apply tetracycline spray, and bandage (waterproof) for five days
• alternatively, put on sulphadimidine powder, bandage (Vetrap®), and
spray oxytetracycline over bandage to prevent wicking by mud into
• broad spectrum antibiotics in septic cases
• confine to box and straw bedding for five days

• avoid overgrown claws by emphasising need for routine trimming (see
Section 7.14, p. 232)
208 Chapter 7

• avoid factors predisposing to laminitis (see Section 7.9, p. 210) and inter-
digital dermatitis (e.g. excessive moisture)
• do not breed from affected young cows

7.7 Punctured sole

Synonym: pododermatitis septica (traumatica), septic (traumatic) pododermatitis.
Definition: diffuse or localised septic inflammation of solear corium, causing
moderate to severe lameness if purulent.
Incidence: sporadic.
Predisposition: thin solear horn from preceding laminitis (coriosis) exces-
sive abrasion from rough concrete, rough tracks, any tendency to hustle herd
along inside passageways or outside tracks.
Corium (pododerm) has no fatty tissue in toe area, making entry of infec-
tion into distal phalanx easier.

• sudden onset of lameness (LS 2), usually in hindlimb, with solear
• site often near toe or adjacent to white line
• defect in horn extends to solear pododerm, with variable under-running
and pus production (black colour)
• localised pain
Aetiology: often iatrogenic following removal of excessive horn during
trimming; also see Predisposition above. Foreign bodies (FB) include stones,
often flints, nails, wire and thorns.
Bacteriology: secondary infection often mixed, including Arcanobacterium
Pathology: see Definition; Secondary complication is osteomyelitis of distal
phalanx or distal interphalangeal joint (see Figure 7.4).
Differential diagnosis: subacute laminitis, solear ulceration, toe ulcer
interdigital necrobacillosis.

• primarily surgical: identify and remove FB; drain after exposure of
under-run horn
• local astringent dressing
• curette distal phalanx if involved
• possibly elevate sole by block on other digit
Lameness 209

• single injection of long-acting oxytetracycline if soft tissue (corium) is

severely damaged
• tetanus prophylaxis indicated in known tetanus environment

• avoid predisposing causes contributing to poor quality of solear horn, i.e.
laminitis (coriosis)
• good hygiene (foreign body disposal)
• if track to pasture is hazardous due to flints, consider installation of
‘friendly’ cow track

7.8 White line separation and abscessation

Synonym: white line disease.
Definition: abaxial, or less commonly axial, wall separation from laminae at
sole-wall area extending proximally, with cavity impacted with mud, faeces;
or with development of abscess cavity at deepest part (abscessation).
Incidence: high and in some areas is major cause of digital lameness.
Predisposition and pathogenesis:

• abnormal horn production resulting from laminitic insult (coriosis)

• insufficient hoof trimming
• related to peripartum events some months previously

• moderate lameness (LS 1–2)
• white line wider than usual, and in early stages has series of pinpoint dark
marks, later obvious foreign material impacted in white line
• separation evident on paring, no pain
• cases of white line abscessation are lame and have pain localised to wall
• internal wall abscess, without obvious track distally, also very sensitive to
pincers pressure
• advanced cases have supracoronary septic sinus discharge (see Section
7.11, p. 219)
Aetiology: see Predisposition.
Bacteriology: Arcanobacterium pyogenes in abscessation.
Pathology: pressure necrosis of wall laminae, possibly also of solear laminae,
following under-running and septic laminitis tracking progressively more
proximally after entry of purulent micro-organisms, with absence of natural
drainage distally due to impacted material.
210 Chapter 7

Differential diagnosis: solear foreign body, laminitis, small coronary


• routine trimming of all digits
• pare off wall over impacted and septic area to achieve drainage and
prevent further impaction
• also remove all under-run sole (some cases have a large ‘false sole’)
• apply local antiseptic dressing (e.g. oxytetracycline spray) and firm
• pare horn to normal shape of claw
• consider block on ipsilateral claw
• in septic cases give broad spectrum antibiotics for three days
Radical surgery, possibly amputation, is required in involvement of coron-
ary tissues and distal interphalangeal joint (see Sections 7.11 and 7.12,
pp. 219–225).

Avoid predisposing factors for laminitis (coriosis) (see Section 7.9 below), and
ensure regular hoof trimming.

7.9 Laminitis (coriosis)

Synonym: Pododermatitis aseptica diffusa, coriosis, ‘founder’.
Definition: diffuse acute, subacute, subclinical or chronic inflammation
of pododerm, usually in several digits. Chronic cases without acute stage
(subclinical) are often seen.
Incidence: sporadic acute cases, widespread subacute, subclinical and
chronic cases commonly in dairy units, high incidence in recently calved
heifers and younger cows around parturition. Acute form occasionally pre-
sents as outbreak in barley beef units. Common in beef feedlots.

• inherited factors (proven in Jersey)

• parturition
• feeding stress (ruminal lactic acidosis, subacute ruminal acidosis or
SARA) from change of dry cow concentrate diet to high production
rations, with potentially dangerous reduction of roughage intake
• exacerbation by trauma (overburdening), as in excessive standing due to
reluctance to use cubicles (inexperience, bullying by herdmates)
Lameness 211

• acute stage: painful hot digit, digital arterial pulsation, general depression,
severe lameness, abnormal stance, possibly recumbent (LS 2–3)
• subacute: less painful but persistent stiffness, stilted gait, solear and white
line haemorrhages (LS 1)
• chronic: stiff gait or not lame (LS 0–1), ‘slipper foot’ malformation with
horizontal lines on wall, concave dorsal wall, widened white line and
evidence of old solear amd white line haemorrhages. See section on
pathology below
Aetiology: see Predisposition and Pathology.
Bacteriology: none.
Pathology: blood and serum exudation in acute stage, later (chronic)
grooves on hoof wall, concave profile, widened white line and flat sole.
Significant sinking of distal phalax due to peripartum slackening of the
connective tissue support structures has been proved; thin sole or ulceration
near tip of distal phalanx (‘toe ulcer’) is evident as haemorrhage (‘bruising’)
as toe tip has no fat layer in its corium. White line lesions may develop into
white line disease (see Section 7.8, p. 209); sole lesions at sole-heel junction
may develop into solear ulceration (see Section 7.6, p. 206).
Histopathology: oedema, haemorrhages and thrombosis in acute stage,
fibrosis and chronic thrombosis in later stages.
Differential diagnosis: bruised sole, white line disease, punctured sole,
solear ulceration all of which may be present (see Figure 7.2).

• acute stage: give systemic NSAIDs (flunixine meglumine or meloxicam) or
possibly corticosteroids (only if non-pregnant) and diuretics
• ensure exercise (to improve local circulation and further reduce develop-
ing oedema), preferably by turning on to soft ground, e.g. field
• remove any precipitating dietary causes
• feed no concentrates until acute phase is over
• in recumbent case consider digital nerve block to get heifer or cow to
stand, then forced exercise
• subacute stage: as in acute case
• chronic case: hoof trimming

• avoid large amounts of prepartum concentrates (‘steaming up’ ‘lead
feeding’), which should not exceed 2 kg daily
• avoid high intake of concentrate in early lactation, and aim at peak yield
about six weeks postpartum
212 Chapter 7

• ensure ready access to roughage immediately before and after concentrate

intake, or consider change to complete diet feeding (TMR, total mixed
rations) if problem persists
• improve buffering capacity of rumen fluid (avoid lactic acidosis or SARA)
by increasing saliva production: give iodide or rock salt, grass or lucerne
nuts in concentrate
• consider adding 1% sodium bicarbonate to concentrate ration, which
should be fed as three to four daily portions
• accustom down-calving heifers gradually to concrete yards and cubicles
several weeks beforehand, but ensure plenty of exercise in both pre- and
post-partum weeks
• avoid exposure to excessive sole wear from long stony tracks, rough
• high fibre diets should be used in rearing dairy heifers in long term
• ensure regular claw examination and trimming

Excess lactic acid production alters rumenal bacterial flora, and causes
release of bacterial endotoxins involving histamine release and stagnation of
blood in laminae of digital horn, with consequent hypoxia and functional
ischaemia. Ischaemic necrosis of the corium and laminae heals by fibrosis.
These tissues then inevitably produce defective (soft, poor quality) horn in
aberrant manner, resulting in signs seen in subacute and chronic stages.
Toxic conditions (mastitis, metritis) may also contribute to development of
laminitis in some dairy cattle.

7.10 Other digital conditions

(a) Digital dermatitis (Mortellaro)

Synonym: dermatitis digitalis, ‘hairy warts’, PDD, papillomatous dermatitis.

Definition: circumscribed superficial ulceration of skin bordering coronary

margin at heels, occasionally more dorsally. Can develop into mass of verru-
cose fronds (see Verrucose dermatitis, p. 214).

Incidence: Widespread in many dairy farms in western Europe (UK,

Netherlands, Germany, etc.) and North America (California, New York State,
etc.), where incidence can reach 100% and prevalence 20%. Often the major
lameness problem.
Lameness 213

Major sites

Minor sites

Figure 7.5 Major and minor sites of digital dermatitis.

• predisposition is not known, but disease affects adult cattle causing vari-
able and often severe lameness (LS 1–3)
• white epithelial border and signs of surrounding chronic dermatitis
• caudally in skin adjacent to heel horn, also occasionally anterior interdig-
ital space, coronary band or in granulation tissue on sole (see Figure 7.5)
• apparently contagious, mostly introduced into ‘clean’ farm by bought-in
heifers which may not themselves show clinical lesions
• role of skin microtrauma as permitting entry of organisms is speculative.
Bacteriology: believed to involve a Treponema genus spirochaete, possibly
also a longer filamentous organism. Other postulated organisms include
Borrelia burgdorferi, Dichelobacter nodosus and Campylobacter spp.
Differential diagnosis: possibly interdigital dermatitis, heel horn erosion,
plantar eczema, but lesions are usually unmistakable.

• treat all but most severe lesions in milking parlour
• cleanse with water spray, wait one minute, and apply topical aerosol
antibiotic, e.g. oxytetracycline, daily for three days (long angled nozzle
facilitates spray direction)
• drugs have included oxytetracycline, lincomycin, erythromycin and
lincomycin/spectinomycin, and tylosin
• severe proliferating masses (‘hairy warts’) should be resected through
epidermis (not subcutis) under local anaesthesia (e.g. IVRA, see Section
1.8, p. 35) in crush/chute.
214 Chapter 7

• keep feet as dry as possible improving cubicle bedding
• increase use of scraper or equivalent (e.g. 3 times, not twice daily) to
reduce slurry
• check indoor and outdoor tracks for sites of possible microtrauma to heels
• footbath with lincomycin (1 g/litre), mixed lincomycin/spectinomycin (at
33 g and 66 g respectively in total 150 litre water), tiamulin (0.5 g/litre)
or tylosin (1.2 g/litre).
The efficacy of these antibiotics (none of them licensed in the UK and all
forbidden in Dutch footbaths) appears to be decreasing: initially footbathed
through such a mixture once daily for three to five days, the trend is now to
alternate drugs and to use daily for a minimum one week.

• most mixtures lose therapeutic effect after about 300 cow passages (see
Section 7.15, p. 234)
• various other chemical mixtures have also been used with variable results
• isolate any newly purchased heifers for three weeks and check for overt
digital dermatitis lesions, and treat or cull if affected
• disinfect all foot paring instruments (knives, clippers, crush/chute) after
working with an infected herd

(b) Verrucose dermatitis

Synonyms: dermatitis verrucosa, heel warts, ‘hairy warts’.
Definition: moist proliferation of the dorsal and/or plantar/palmar skin,
later developing wart-like proliferations, a common form of digital dermatitis
(see Section 7.10a, p. 212) especially in parts of USA (CA, NY).
Microbiology is similar to the more ulcerative type seen commonly in

Signs treatment and prophylaxis: see Digital dermatitis p. 212. Histo-

pathologically the lesion mass appears to be a papilloma.

(c) Interdigital dermatitis

Synonyms: dermatitis interdigitalis.
Definition: inflammation of interdigital skin without extension to deeper
tissues, and variable associated disturbance of horn growth.
Incidence and predisposition: widespread in certain moist housing
systems and wet climates, in all age groups.
Lameness 215

• mild inflammatory lesions of interdigital skin causing little or no lameness
(LS 0–1)
• bulb horn clefts can lead to contusion of corium and sometimes eventually
to solear ulceration. Lameness may be severe and chronic in such cases.
Aetiology: chronic mild irritation in moist conditions where bacterial infec-
tion is important and significant.
Bacteriology: Dichelobacter nodosus consistently recovered in some areas.
Fusobacterium necrophorum also present.
Pathology: dermatitis characterised by polymorphonuclear cell infiltration
of dermal structures damaged by associated bacterial invasion of germinal
Hyperkeratosis and parakeratosis can follow. Disintegration of epidermis
may spread to heel horn with contusion of corium and secondary ulceration.
Differential diagnosis: interdigital necrobacillosis, heel erosion, digital

• pare off any diseased horn
• single severe case: interdigital spray with oxytetracycline or copper
• multiple cases: formalin or copper sulphate footbath (see Section 7.15,
pp. 234–235)
• regular foot paring
• put into dry housing and dry grazing
• consider formalin footbath for herd control

Dry housing and grazing, regular footbaths and foot paring.

Interdigital dermatitis has low incidence in UK, despite frequency of heel
erosion (see below). D. nodosus has (1985) been recovered from typical
lesions in the USA.
Relationship of interdigital dermatitis to digital dermatitis is hotly disputed.

(d) Heel erosion (‘slurry heel’)

Synonym: erosio ungulae.
Definition: irregular loss of bulbar horn in form of multiple blackish pit or
pock-like depressions or later deeper oblique grooves, usually affecting hind
digits more severely than fore.
216 Chapter 7

Incidence: widespread in winter-housed cattle from yearlings to adults,

usually disappears at grass.
Predisposition: wet environment, long-term exposure to slurry, possible
sequel to interdigital dermatitis, unrelated to parturition.

Slight or no lameness (LS 0–1) except in deep chronic cleft formation, which
may damage corium, cause mild lameness, and lead to under-run heel.
Aetiology: chronic irritation, bacterial infection, interdigital dermatitis.
Bacteriology: Dichelobacter nodosus and Fusobacterium necrophorum.
Pathology: imperfect horn production and destruction. Corium traumatised
by exposure to contusion on edges of clefts. Loss of much heel horn allows foot
to rotate backwards and predisposes claw to sole ulcer as pedal bone increas-
ingly compresses corium at ‘typical site’.
Differential diagnosis: interdigital dermatitis.

• single case: pare away diseased and under-run horn, spray topical oxyte-
tracycline gentian violet aerosol on to any exposed corium and transfer to
dry floor
• multiple cases: foot paring, footbaths (formalin) at twice weekly intervals
• if feasible, transfer to dry environment
• if not feasible, put lime into cubicles to disinfect and dry out heel horn

(e) Longitudinal (vertical) or transverse (horizontal)

sandcrack or fissure

Synonym: fissura ungulae longitudinalis et transversalis.
Definition: fissure of horny wall parallel to dorsal wall or parallel to coronet.
An uncommon form is an axial wall crack or fissure.
Incidence: low in dairy breeds, but high incidence (prevalence 37%) found
in some Hereford beef cows in Canada.
Predisposition: transverse form predisposed by overgrowth of digital horn
and severe chronic laminitic horn rings (hardship lines or grooves). Longit-
udinal form predisposed by dry environment, trauma at coronary band.

• transverse form usually cosmetic blemish only, no lameness
Lameness 217

• single claw form indicates local stress; multiple claws (e.g. all eight) indi-
cates systemic insult e.g. parturition, diet change, altered environment
• pododerm rarely exposed
• longitudinal form may be gross and involve whole length of coronet to
bearing surface
• in other longitudinal cases diagnosis is difficult when fissure is limited to
small and extremely painful coronary lesion, which is partly obscured by
hairs. Such cases have severe trauma to pododerm and early entry of
• axial wall fissure is also hard to identify and can extend to coronary band
causing severe pain
Aetiology: see Predisposition.
Bacteriology: no role in primary lesion.
Pathology: see above.
Differential diagnosis: transverse form – none. Longitudinal form – often
missed at initial superficial examination of muddy claw. Distinguish inter-
digital necrobacillosis and punctured sole.

• transverse form: pare distal section of horn, especially when it forms hinge
with more proximal portion and can cause pain on underlying laminae
when flexed upwards: shorten toe and bearing surface to avoid movement
of fractured portion
• longitudinal form: remove any excessive granulation tissue (pododerm)
protruding through sandcrack
• cleanse well, local astringent, local antibiotic spray, bandage and rest,
possibly with block on adjacent claw especially with painful involvement
of coronary band
• in severe case clean fissure well with grinder or Dremel drill, drill hole at
proximal end of crack and fill with resin, and block other digit
Guarded prognosis in vertical fissures.

Regular foot trimming, use of oils on at-risk cattle in dry environment.

(f) Fracture of distal phalanx (pedal bone)

Unless involving pathological fracture (as in osteomyelitis, see Toe Ulcer
p. 208) this fracture is almost invariably intra-articular (see Figure 7.6).
218 Chapter 7

Figure 7.6 Common sites of distal phalangeal (pedal bone) fractures:

A. intra-articular to distal surface; B. occasionally involving extensor process;
C. tip of distal phalanx, often secondary pathological fracture following toe ulcer and

Incidence: uncommon, usually in one to five year olds, no breed preval-

ence. Associated with trauma such as bulling activity in a concrete yard or
following first turnout into a rock-hard pasture, broken slatted floors, fluorosis,
subclinical osteoporosis, and pathological fractures in osteomyelitis.

• sudden onset lameness (usually medial claw) in fore leg (LS 3), occasion-
ally hind leg
• rarely bilateral
• medial digit of forelimb commonly involved; limb is typically carried
across midline of body to minimise weight-bearing; occasionally cross-
legged stance or leg held forward in stall or cubicle
• no digital swelling, possibly slight heat
• pain on percussion, or pincer pressure and extension (see Figure 7.6)
• flexion of digit resented
• diagnosis on medio-lateral radiograph of affected medial digit (plate
inserted interdigitally), usually intra-articular
Differential diagnosis: acute laminitis, foreign body penetration, bilateral
foreclaw sole ulcers, acute interdigital necrobacillosis, infected vertical
fissure of hoof wall.

• untreated animals remain lame for many weeks, as intra-articular
fracture heals slowly
• block sound hoof (see Section 7.26, pp. 255–257), resulting in immediate
improvement and accelerating healing rate
Lameness 219

• also useful to wire toe of affected digit in flexed position to wooden block on
sound digit
• digital amputation rarely indicated

7.11 Deep digital sepsis

Conditions described in preceding sections involve superficial structures (see
Sections 7.5 and 7.10) and/or the sensitive pododerm (see Sections 7.6–7.9).
Deep digital sepsis can result from the spread of several conditions, listed

Solear ulceration (see Figure 7.4):

• necrosis of deep flexor tendon (upward tilting of digit)
• osteomyelitis of distal phalanx and distal sesamoid
• septic navicular bursitis
• distal interphalangeal septic arthritis
• ascending septic tenosynovitis of common digital flexor sheath

Coriosis (laminitis) white line sepsis, punctured sole:

• solear abscessation
• osteomyelitis of distal phalanx and septic navicular bursitis
• distal interphalangeal septic arthritis
• septic spread to coronet, possibly partial or total secondary exungulation

Toe ulcer:
• distal phalangeal osteitis

Interdigital necrobacillosis:
• distal interphalangeal septic arthritis
• septic tenosynovitis of digital flexor tendon sheath
• retro-articular abscess of bulb

Sandcrack (fissure) at coronary band (infected):

• distal interphalangeal joint
• distal sesamoidean (navicular) bursa
• common digital flexor tendon sheath
• surrounding soft tissues including retro-articular heel bulb
Organism of greatest importance is Arcanobacterium pyogenes. Ascending
infection usually travels primarily via synovial fluid along digital flexor
sheath, eventually infecting the fetlock joint by bursting through sheath.
Fetlock joint capsule, common to all the fetlock articular surfaces, is large and
mobile. The pastern joint capsule has limited capacity and is relatively less
mobile, with no connection between the two digits.
220 Chapter 7

Progressively severe lameness (LS 3), possibly leading to recumbency,
pyaemia, weight loss, poor appetite, swelling and erythema around coronet
and pastern, later involving flexor tendon sheath, and extensive distal limb
oedema. Most cases develop a fistulous track.


Medical and conservative surgical methods

Systemic antibiotics alone are most unlikely to control infection, since the
blood supply does not extend to septic foci in the osteomyelitic bone or tendon
sheath, and the antibiotic fails to penetrate these infected areas.
Conservative methods include:

• application of cast (fibreglass, resin etc). The aim is to permit infection to

be walled off by fibrosis, with eventual development of ankylosis of septic
joint. The technique is simple. The disadvantages are prolonged disease
course, considerable pain and discomfort, and risk of pyaemia, death or
cull, with condemnation of carcass
• conservative surgical drainage and irrigation of septic foci. The advantage
is preservation of the digit. Several disadvantages in chronic cases include:
need for good anatomical knowledge, several visits and possibly daily
irrigation, it is expensive, and eventually may fail due to spread
• surgical drainage and irrigation with curettage, often leading to facilitated
Advantages and disadvantages are as for preceding technique, but there is
less risk of failure from spread.

Radical surgical techniques

These involve resection of diseased structures:

• amputation of digit (see Section 7.12 below)

• resection of distal sesamoidean part of deep flexor tendon (see Section
7.13, p. 225)
• resection of deep flexor tendon from site proximal to fetlock joint (see
Section 7.13, p. 226).

7.12 Digital amputation

Indications, in descending order of frequency are:

• septic arthritis of distal interphalangeal joint

• septic tenosynovitis of deep flexor
Lameness 221

• osteomyelitis of distal sesamoid

• osteomyelitis of distal phalanx
• severe digital trauma, e.g. exungulation, loss of much coronary band
• sepsis of coronary band and supracoronary soft tissues.
Frequently several of the above indications are present.

• immediate removal of potentially lethal material (reducing risk of pyaemic
• relief of pain
• relatively rapid return to thriftiness and production with improved con-
dition and milk yield
• simple surgical technique compared with alternatives

• potential failure if case selection is poor and infection is present above
amputation site
• persisting poor gait in some heavy cows and bulls due to altered stance
and strain on remaining digit, especially in difficult terrain
• lowered market value
• few cows with amputated digits are retained for more than eighteen

Sedate animal (xylazine 0.1–0.2 mg/kg i.m. or acepromazine 0.1 mg/kg
i.m.) and cast with affected digit uppermost (often lateral hind), or work
with cow standing in Wopa crush (see p. 35). Produce suitable analgesia

• intravenous regional analgesia (IVRA) (see Section 1.8, p. 33) which is

preferred method, or ring block above fetlock
• examine digits to check that infection has not reached level of fetlock joint,
and that sepsis is confined to distal part of proximal phalanx and more dis-
tal structures
• clip hair from level of fetlock distally to coronet over affected side and over
median line, i.e. interdigital space
• remove caked faeces, use stiff brush, run bandage through interdigital
space, and give surgical scrub to area

Amputation through distal third of proximal phalanx

Method of amputation obliquely through distal third of proximal phalanx
(see Figure 7.7), without preservation of skin flap, is preferred method:
222 Chapter 7

Figure 7.7 Sites for digital amputation or disarticulation.

1. amputation with oblique cut in distal third of proximal phalanx (open or skin flap
technique both possible); 2. exarticulation through proximal interphalangeal joint;
3. exarticulation through distal interphalangeal joint.

• apply tourniquet above fetlock or hock, if not already in position for IVRA
• incise interdigital space close to affected digit along whole length, continu-
ing proximally 3 cm dorsally, and 2.5 cm at plantar aspect
• insert embryotomy (obstetrical) wire into incision and adjust to a level
1–2 cm above axial aspect of proximal interphalangeal joint
• with assistant firmly holding digit down towards ground, saw rapidly at
an oblique angle so that cut emerges 2–3 cm above abaxial joint level,
continuing through skin
• trim off protruding interdigital fat pad
• twist off any major vessels e.g. dorsal digital artery lying axially
• examine cut surface meticulously for signs of s.c. abscessation and
necrosis, peritendinous infection and septic tenosynovitis
• massage distally along deep flexor tendon sheath to check synovia (see
Table 7.1)
• purulent synovia should be irrigated out of tendon sheath (male dog
catheter, 50 ml syringe and saline), and reconsider need for resection of
part of deep flexor tendon
• dress wound with oxytetracycline or sulphadimidine powder (not essen-
tial), apply gauze swab or paraffin-impregnated tulle, and hold in place by
Lameness 223

Table 7.1 Some characteristics of normal and pathological synovia.

WBC Protein Mucin

Diagnosis Turbidity Clotting × 109/l %N (g/l) precipitate

Normal 0 0 < 0.25 < 10 < 1.5 tight, ropy

Septic or +++ +++ > 20 80 >3 very abnormal
Aseptic + variable 3 < 30 <3 abnormal
Osteoarthritis 0 or + 0 < 0.2 < 10 <3 normal or almost
(degenerative) normal
Hydrops 0 or + 0 < 0.35 < 10 <2 normal

0 = negative; +, ++ and +++ indicate increasing degrees of severity, N = Neutrophils; WBC = White

pressure bandage and possibly protect by waterproof covering (e.g. duct

• in bandaging avoid pressure necrosis around accessory digits
• remove tourniquet
• inject single prophylactic dose of ceftiofur or long-acting oxytetracycline
and, in known risk areas, tetanus antitoxin

• change dressing after two days, when cut surface should be cleaned and
checked for residual infection
• foul odour suspicious
• apply new dressing for six days
• surface may then safely be left exposed for granulation and epithelialisation
• rinse wound with water once daily until healing well
Animal should be kept in dry surroundings, either housed (preferably) or
outdoors on dry level ground, during the three week recovery period.

Alternative amputation techniques

(see Figure 7.7)

Exarticulation at proximal interphalangeal joint

Advantages are:

• end result of surgery is hollow cavity ideal for pressure packing by

bandage or swabs
• avoids exposure of medullary cavity of proximal phalanx which could
allegedly become focus of post-operative infection
224 Chapter 7


• lengthy procedure
• difficult to locate joint level axially for incision to expose articulation
• liability to break scalpel blades in this awkward site
• preferable use of ‘sage knife’ (a curved solid two-edged instrument) and a
small curette

Amputation through coronary band

Involves subsequent removal of extensor process of distal phalanx, proximal
part of middle phalanx and the distal sesamoid.
This technique is laborious, but was developed to retain potential for
growth of a weight-bearing horny wall after surgery. Surgery preferably in
recumbent patient.

• groove is made 1 cm distal to horn-skin margin of coronary band

• obstetrical wire saw cut to remove claw, passing through distal interpha-
langeal joint
• removal of extensor process of distal phalanx, transecting extensor tendon
at insertion
• removal of proximal part of middle phalanx and distal sesamoid
• curettage of distal articular cartilage of proximal phalanx
• sharp dissection of any septic or otherwise discoloured soft tissue, or
radical curettage

Skin flap preservation

Skin flap may be preserved and placed over amputation surface, following
removal of digit through distal one third of proximal phalanx. Advantage is
cosmetic improvement and faster healing.
Disadvantages include:

• inability to inspect amputation site when dressing is changed

• suture tear out due to post-operative swelling
• risk of skin necrosis
• good case selection is essential (no phlegmon present)
Skin flap is created initially by semicircular incision from 5– 6 cm above inter-
digital space on dorsal and plantar aspects, passing down to the coronary
band. Ensure this flap is large and thick, and is then reflected proximally.
Amputation is done in conventional way and skin flap, trimmed as needed, is
then sutured over stump.

Average survival period following digital amputation in commercial dairy
herds ranges from 12–24 months. Exceptions survive for years. Eventual
reason for disposal is further digital disease in over half of these cattle. In
majority of cases digital amputation has no effect on yield in the lactation
subsequent to the one in which amputation is performed.
Lameness 225

Amputation of accessory digits (‘dewclaws’)

Prophylactic surgery on medial accessory digits of hindlimbs to prevent
self-inflicted teat trauma. Ethical as well as scientific objections to technique
in Europe, therefore forbidden in many countries including UK and
Switzerland. Common routine procedure in many North American dairies.

• remove at two to eight weeks old in recumbent calf
• clean and disinfect area
• local infiltration analgesia (2 ml 2% lignocaine plain)
• push digit proximally to move away from joint space and major vessels
• resect through skin margin and dewclaw base with large scissors or
Barnes dehorner, remaining superficial and so avoiding deeper digital
• suture any wounds with significant haemorrhage
• apply topical antibacterial powder, dry swab and adhesive tape dressing
for one week

7.13 Other digital surgery

(a) Resection of digital flexor tendon and their sheaths

following digital amputation

Extension of infection above level of proposed amputation, without involve-
ment of fetlock joint, is indication for resection of part of deep and superficial
flexor tendons and their sheaths.


Resection of superficial and deep flexor tendon after amputation

• identify common digital flexor tendon sheath, and insert straight metal
probe proximally about 6 cm
• incise through skin, tendon sheath and part of annular ligament down to
superficial flexor tendon
• remove superficial and deep tendon by cutting transversely at proximal
• remove any exposed, purulent or necrotic sheath
• dress wound and leave to heal by granulation tissue
• alternatively, suture skin only
226 Chapter 7

Alternative method, using approach above fetlock

• incise skin 3 cm proximal to accessory digit immediately over proximal
border of flexor digital sheath
• continue this vertical incision down to superficial flexor tendon
• transect both flexor tendons at this point and pull out tendon from
amputation site
• remove any septic areas of sheath, which are less well exposed in this

(b) Resection of deep and superficial flexor tendons and

sheaths (see Figure 7.8)

Septic tenosynovitis complicating deep digital sepsis.

Sometimes removal of deep digital tendon is adequate. Other possible pro-
cedures are removal of deep and superficial tendons with or without partial or
total removal of digital sheath. Precise procedure depends on extent of sepsis
at surgical investigation.

• useful instruments include a blunt-ended curved tenotome and long
slightly curved scissors
• tourniquet at mid-metatarsal (-carpal) region and IVRA (see Section 1.8,
pp. 33–36)
• trim back accessory claws
• surgical skin preparation to mid-metatarsus (-carpus)
• skin, subcutis and horn of heel bulb are incised over deep flexor tendon
from affected distal area (e.g. sole-heel junction), keeping incision axial to
accessory digit to point 5 cm proximal to fetlock joint
• open sheath along plantar (volar) aspect
• cut through superficial flexor tendon longitudinally over fetlock (where it
encloses deep flexor)
• section deep flexor transversely, just distal to bifurcation (5 cm proximal to
• retract tendon from incision and transect distally at insertion into distal
• check any severe involvement of superficial tendon and, if necessary,
resect proximally at same level as deep flexor and at insertion to middle
• dissect free and resect any infected tendon sheath and areas of sub-
cutaneous abscessation including curettage as required
Lameness 227

Figure 7.8 Surgical anatomy for removal of superficial and deep digital flexor
tendons following proximal spread of deep infection.
A. incision 12 cm long from proximal to fetlock distally into heel horn; B. sectioned
fetlock ligament; C. opened common digital sheath; D. superficial flexor tendon;
E. deep digital flexor tendon; F. distal cruciate ligament superficial to distal sesamoid
and distal interphalangeal joint.

• note that minimal amount of tissue should be resected

• dress wound with povidine-iodine-soaked gauze, pack wound, and close
proximal half (to below dewclaws) with simple interrupted skin sutures
• keep wound open distally for drainage and removal of gauze packing;
bandage firmly
• apply block to sound claw, and wire toes together
• systemic antibiotics for seven to ten days
• change dressing at two, seven and fourteen days, or more frequently if
228 Chapter 7

(c) Resection of distal interphalangeal joint and distal


Purulent infection of joint and osteomyelitis resulting from spread of
solear ulceration, interdigital necrobacillosis and heel abscess in cases non-
responsive to local débridement and several days high dosage of systemic
antibiotics, and when digital amputation is either not permitted or desirable.
Typically it is a neglected case of solear ulceration (abscess) with severe distal
interphalangeal joint sepsis and osteomyelitis of distal phalanx and distal

Technique (see Figure 7.9)

• tourniquet at mid-metatarsal (-carpal) region
• intravenous regional analgesia (see Section 1.8, pp. 33–36)
• surgical skin preparation
• carefully probe after removing all visible granulation tissue
• 3–3.5 cm circular incision through horn of sole-heel junction
• remove distal sesamoid bone
• drill out infected cartilage and subchondral bone of distal interphalangeal
joint surfaces (‘apple core procedure’)
• resect any remains of insertion of deep flexor tendon with ‘sage’ knife
(double-sided, slightly curved solid scalpel)
• if skin and subcutis of coronary border are not involved in sepsis, pack
cavity with sterile bandage soaked in povidine-iodine
• if coronet is involved, remove skin (2 cm diameter) surrounding any
fistula or incipient abscess with low speed drill, make track 0.8–1.2 cm
diameter from sole up through coronary defect
• evaluate usefulness of irrigation tube into cavity and fixed along
• insert bandage as above (unless twice daily irrigation is planned)
• put block on sound digit
• wire toes to prevent over-extension of operated digit
• high dosage of systemic antibiotics for ten days
• change dressing at two days, then weekly intervals, until granulation
tissue has filled defect
• remove block and wire at six to twelve weeks
Intensive post-operative care is essential. If infection spreads nevertheless,
digital amputation may be only alternative to cull (carcass condemnation
due to antibiotic residues!)
Lameness 229

Figure 7.9 Resection of distal interphalangeal joint in deep digital sepsis (right hind
A. plantar skin incision (compare Figure 7.8); B. deep digital flexor tendon, resected
distal portion; C. distal sesamoid; D. plantar margin of distal interphalangeal joint.

(d) Removal of interdigital hyperplastic skin (see Section 7.5)

Methods include knife surgery, electrocautery and cryosurgery (see Sec-
tion 1.14, p. 49).

• give sedative (xylazine or acepromazine, see Section 1.6, pp. 13–16 and
Section 7.15, pp. 204–205)
• restrain in crush/chute (e.g. Wopa crate, see Section 1.8, pp. 35–36)
• IVRA, ring block or local infiltration (poor analgesia)
• cleanse area thoroughly, clip and disinfect
230 Chapter 7

• apply tourniquet (unnecessary for cryosurgery) if not already in place for

• assistant should separate digits manually with length of bandage

Knife method
• grasp mass with Allis tissue forceps or Backhaus towel clamp (see Figure
• remove whole mass in wedge-shaped pattern by two incisions
• keep fine lip of skin along axial borders from which re-epithelialisation
will start
• remove protruding interdigital fat, avoiding distal cruciate ligaments
(which are easily palpated) and adjacent coronary band
• apply oxytetracycline or sulphadimidine powder, interdigital pressure pad
and figure of eight bandage
• release tourniquet
• wire toes together, especially in heavy animals, with drill holes 2.5 cm
behind point of toe to prevent separation
• no systemic antibiotics, but tetanus antitoxin may be indicated
• do not change bandage unless site becomes infected, or bandage is blood-
• remove bandage after one week

Electrocautery method
Although a hot iron may be used, the instrument must be small and precise
to reach the interdigital mass without damaging surrounding tissues.
Apply electrocautery loop as in knife surgery above, ensuring integrity of
neighbouring structures especially cruciate ligaments. Advantage is reduced
post-operative haemorrhage, disadvantage is slower healing. Toes should be
wired together after dressing wound with powder

Cryosurgery method
Advantages include absence of haemorrhage and avoidance of post-
operative bandaging and dressing.

• depending on size of lesion, some hyperplastic tissue may first be resected

(‘debulked’) by knife
• apply probe to tissue to create ice ball (e.g. 3 cm diameter) in rapid freeze,
followed by slow thaw cycle
• repeat at other sites, often totalling three, until whole area has been
frozen once
• repeat freeze of each area once (with liquid nitrogen) or twice (N2O or
• do not bandage or dress the region. Wiring of toes contra-indicated
• mass will become necrotic in seven to ten days, and drop off a few days
later leaving a granulating bed which will slowly epithelialise
Lameness 231

Recurrence is likely whichever technique is used. Consider foot conforma-
tion, possible inheritance, and trim claws at time of surgery and regularly
thereafter. Recurrence rate may be reduced by keeping wire in place for one
to two months

7.14 Hoof deformities, overgrowth and corrective foot

Hoof deformities may be inherited, or acquired as a result of insufficient wear,
or claw diseases such as laminitis. Studies by McDaniel (see Appendix 1,
pp. 259–260), working on dairy cows in North Carolina, have been based on:

• length of dorsal hoof wall from coronet to toe (measured with pair of
commercial dividers)
• angle of dorsal wall to ground (protractor)
• heel depth (pair of dividers) (see Figure 7.10)
It was found that:

• cows surviving for three or four lactations had shorter hooves and steeper
angles than non-survivors, based on measurements made during the first
• heritability of hoof length, employing sire comparisons, increased from
first to fourth lactation
• increases in milk yield from first to second lactation were greater in cows
with short, large-angled hooves in the first lactation


Figure 7.10 Diagram of vertical section through normal digit of adult dairy cow.
A. dorsal wall: length 75–80 mm (approximately 3 inches); B. bearing surface: length
130 mm (approximately 5 inches); C. dorsal wall angle: 50° forelimb, 55° hindlimb;
D. heel height: 30–40 mm (approximately 11/2 inches).
232 Chapter 7

• first lactation cows with above features had shorter calving to conception
interval following the second lactation
• high yielding cows tend to have longer and lower-angled hooves after
their second parturition
• calving to conception interval within the same lactation was greater in
cows with longer, smaller-angled hooves than in those with shorter,
steeper-angled hooves.
Hoof traits of young cows are associated with their future economic worth.
Since measurements were made from progeny of bulls high on milk yield,
the variations of hoof traits are associated with survival rates, reproductive
performance and increased yield from first to later lactations.
These facts emphasise the necessity to take corrective measures, including
routine chiropody and to review breeding policy in herds where digital over-
growth is a major problem.

Corrective and preventative hoof trimming

Trimming is essential for the maintenance of healthy normal feet on most
dairy farms as well as on artificial insemination centres where dozens of bulls
are kept in confined conditions. Increasingly hoof trimming is being done
well by full-time professional trimmers who have their own specialist equip-
ment (e.g. purpose-built crushes/chutes, including the Wopa crate, or other
models of turn-over devices, most mechanically powered). Trimmers often
prefer to use powered metal disk grinders (angle grinders). Farm staff gener-
ally have insufficient time to deal with the feet of 150+ herd members and
inevitably lack the expertise.
Since, certainly in the UK, foot problems tend to be managed by these
trimmers, it is vital that good communication is established and maintained
between trimmer, farmer or stock manager and the vet, who will be called in
to treat cows where deeper structures are affected. Good written records (ID,
lameness score, diagnosis, treatment, need for revisit) should be maintained
for stockkeeper, farm veterinarian and trimmer.

• single or double action (Hauptner) hoof pincers or ‘nippers’
• right and left hoof knives, Swedish or German pattern
• rotary disk grinder (angle grinder, 10 cm disk)
• hoof rasp
• ropes and hobbles for restraint, hobbles preferably with Velcro® fastening
• appropriate crush/chute, standing or turn-over tilting type
• disinfectant bucket for instruments between cows
• protective goggles (horn particles and dust from grinder), possibly face
mask, gloves and wrist protectors
Lameness 233

• supply of prosthetic blocks and acrylic (Technovit®, Cowslip®, Shoof ®,

rubber block)

Timing of trimming
Ideally at drying off, and again, assuming twice yearly job, at winter housing
or not later than one month before spring turnout but often done when time
is available.

Site of trimming
• preferably under cover, but good light essential
• site should have easy route from collecting area and to outside yard for
later inspection, and be easily cleansed

Technique (see Figure 7.11)

Standing behind a normal cow, an imaginary perpendicular line drawn
through the hip joint should pass through the point of the hock and through
the interdigital space. An abnormal stance of toe produces an inward turning
of the hocks and outward pointing of the claws, indicating current or impend-
ing digital problems and lameness.

• check gait (possibly lameness score) and stance when going into crush
• raise hind limb, fix, and clean off mud and slurry with sawdust, straw or
cloth (not water)
• start with minimal trim of medial claw using hoof pincers to shorten
length with vertical cut (‘dumping’) to correct length or height (ideally
7.5 cm length of dorsal wall, but 8 cm acceptable in big-framed cows =
length of cigarette packet) (see Figures 7.10, 7.1[1])


5 5


Figure 7.11 Steps in routine foot trimming of dairy cow with overgrown claws.
234 Chapter 7

• effect is a square-ended toe 5–7 mm thick

• remove excess horn from sole surface near toe, correcting the square or
stub toe appearance, and preserving heel horn [2]
• remove any excessive axial overlapping horn flap [3], [4]
• constantly check sole surface and white line, particularly abaxially, for
haemorrhage or granulation tissue
• pare bearing surface slightly concave, with special attention to sole heel
area but retain most heel horn [5]
• repeat technique on lateral claw, which almost invariably requires more
• continue with contralateral limb, and finally check forefeet
• lifting of forefeet seems more likely to lead to hindquarters collapse of cow,
and is best prevented by belly band
• if sensitive corium is accidentally entered, and likely to result in lameness,
consider putting block on ipsilateral claw

Many dairy cows have grossly abnormal weight distribution of 70:30 on lat-
eral and medial claws respectively. Recent (2003) studies on weight-bearing
have shown that even after the above standard (Dutch method) trimming,
balance has not been restored to the (theoretical) ideal of 50:50, but merely to
60:40. It is vital therefore that minimal amount of horn should be taken from
medial claw.
Pare sole of lateral claw to same level as medial claw, and try to reduce heel
depth to that of medial claw too.
Look at two heels from rear, or lay flat surface (e.g. hoof knife handle)
transversely across heels to confirm their equal height
Ideal dorsal wall angle is 55° (hind) and 50° (forelimb). Ideal dorsal wall
measures 7.5 cm (7–8 cm) from coronet to toe (see Figure 7.10).

7.15 Footbaths

The purpose of footbaths is:

• inhibition or destruction of bacteria (e.g. Fusobacterium necrophorum)

involved in interdigital skin diseases
• washing action, cleansing of digits
• hardening of sole horn, reducing wear rate and incidence of bruising and
sole penetration
• control of digital dermatitis and heel erosion

Preferably two footbaths, in tandem, with first containing water or a mild
detergent mixture, the second the active solution.
Lameness 235

Bath should be made of concrete (permanent), glass-reinforced concrete,

or be a sheet-steel tray (portable). A tough sponge floor mat can much reduce
the necessary fluid volume. Alternatively some straw is not only ‘cow
friendly’ but tends to separate the claws so that fluid better soaks the inter-
digital cleft.
Dimensions of bath: minimum 3 m long; minimum 85 cm wide, depending
on breed; 15–25 cm high, permitting fluid depth of 10–12 cm with non-
slip floor.
Site the footbath in passageway or race at exit from milking parlour,
preferably under cover, where dilution by rainwater can be avoided.
Bath fluid can be 2.5–5% formalin solution, alternatively 2.5% copper
sulphate or zinc sulphate. Disadvantages exist. Formalin may irritate eyes
and its disposal is viewed with suspicion by environmental health authorities
e.g. UK Health and Safety Executive. Never exceed 5% formalin concentra-
tion, as 10% solution soon causes a severe localised chemical reaction and
lameness. Ingested copper sulphate may cause acute copper poisoning.
Antibiotic footbaths for control of digital dermatitis: see Section 7.10a,
p. 214.
The bath contents should be emptied into an appropriate collection facility,
not to a watercourse or ground water.

Ideally, stand lame cows (e.g. cases of interdigital necrobacillosis, interdigital
or digital dermatitis, heel erosion and possibly solear ulceration) in bath for
20 minutes twice daily. This is rarely practical as it is too laborious on larger
units today.
For preventative treatment walk cattle through after four successive
milkings over a two-day period, then empty, clean and refill with water for
five days. Repeat weekly throughout the year, except when frozen. Note that
a standard bath is inactivated (i.e. bactericidal effect is lost) after 800 cow
passages (e.g. 200 cows × 4 passages, viz. one week recommended usage).
Recent Dutch studies suggest the figure of 800 should be reduced to 300.

Regular formalin footbath usage should be practised in herds with an
unacceptably high incidence of interdigital disease, heel erosion and solear
ulceration. The lameness incidence will be reduced, and the severity of lesions
will tend to be less, reducing further the economic losses.

7.16 Check lists for herd problems

Check lists for systemic and logical examination of herd digital lameness
problem are useful aids. Tables 7.2–7.6 cover:
236 Chapter 7

Table 7.2 Herd details: Name Address Reference Vet/Trimmer.

1. Number of cows: milking _________

dry _________
total _________
2. Breed ________________
3. Self contained or flying herd ________________
4. AI or own bull(s), or both ________________
5. Calving pattern (months) ________________
6. Average yield (litres): cows _________
heifers _________
herd average _________
7. Current daily yield for herd: actual _________
target _________
8. percentage of first calf heifers in herd _________
percentage of second calf cows _________
percentage of older (remaining) cows _________
9. Culling rate, as average of last two years: _________ individuals = _________
Number of culls for: lameness _________
infertility _________
mastitis _________
mixed reasons, including lameness _________
other _________

Table 7.3 Description of lameness problem.

1. Are records of lame cows kept? Examine! __________

2. Total (or estimated) lame cows in last 12 months __________
Total (or estimated) lame cows in preceding 12–24 month period __________
3. Total lameness treatments by farmer and vet in last 12 months __________
4. Maximum percentage of lame cows at any one time (prevalence) __________%
5. Dominant age group for lameness (first calf or second calvers
or older cows) __________
6. Number of weeks before or after calving when most lameness
cases appear __________
7. Forelimb or hindlimb problem __________
Horn or soft tissue (skin) involvement __________
Lateral or medial claw __________
8. Commonest diagnoses for lameness in last 12 months: digital
dermatitis, interdigital necrobacillosis/solear bruising or
penetration/solear ulceration/white line separation or
abscessation/heel necrosis or separation under-running/other __________
Lameness 237

Table 7.4 Herd investigation.

1. Prevalence of lameness today in milking herd _____________

2. Conformation (for lame and sound cattle):
Relative weight and size ______ ______
Size of digits ______ ______
Angle of hock (from lateral and caudal views) ______ ______
Outward angulation hind feet (°) ______ ______
Angle of dorsal wall (°) ______ ______
Height of heel ______ ______
Overgrowth of digits (nil, moderate, severe) ______ ______
Body score 1–5 (emaciated-fat) ______ ______
3. Housing system:
Cowshed/cubicles/straw yard ______________
Cowshed: size of standings ______________
surface characteristics (e.g. mats) ______________
bedding material ______________
exercise area ______________
passageway surface ______________
slats ______________
slurry quantity and quality ______________
Cubicles: cubicle size (length, width, step height) ______________
surface characteristics ______________
Concrete age and condition ______________
Doorways and passageways ______________
Overall cow concentration indoors (m2 per cow) ______________
Distance travelled on cow tracks, surface and smoothness,
roughness and wetness ______________
4. Nutrition:
Grazing, nature and conditions of herbage or crop ______________
Concentrate composition (% crude protein) _______
Concentrate maximum intake (kg): before calving
at peak yield _______
Duration of steaming up (weeks) _______
Period from calving to peak yield (weeks) _______
Concentrate feeding: number of times per day where fed _______
Roughage composition: % crude protein _______
% crude fibre _______
Silage composition: % dry matter _______
acidity _______
palatability ______________
Roughage intake (kg dry matter):
maximum intake before calving peak ______________
where fed ______________
whether fed with concentrates ______________
Supplements (salt, sodium bicarbonate, zinc, other):
in concentrates ______________
fed separately ______________

238 Chapter 7

5. Prophylaxis:
Foot-trimming: practice: none, self, visiting trimmer, vet ______________
frequency/year ______________
technique (e.g. grinder) ______________
Footbath: site ______________
composition ______________
concentration ______________
frequency of replenishment ______________
usage ______________
Quality of stockmanship (including weekend and holiday staff) ______________

Table 7.5 Individual cow investigation.

1. Identification ______________
2. Number of calves bred ______________
Pregnancy (mo)/number of weeks postpartum ______________
Current yield/expected lactation yield (L) ______________
Current concentrate consumption (Kg) ______________
Body score 1–5 (emaciated-fat) ______________
3. Degree of lameness: severe/moderate/slight/non lame (3–0) ______________
Affected leg(s) LF RF LH RH ______________
Site: upper limb tissue primarily involved ______________
digit (interdigital or horn, lateral or medial claw) ______________
Estimated duration of lameness (weeks) ______________
Previous treatment (medical, surgical, trim) ______________
Diagnosis: major and/or minor ______________

• herd details
• description of lameness problem
• herd investigation
• individual cow investigation
• action recommendations
Numerous factors play interrelated roles in causing this ‘production disease’.
Investigation of herd problem should be done if lameness incidence exceeds

7.17 Infectious arthritis (‘joint ill’) of calves

Joint ill (neonatal polyarthritis) is usually caused by haematogenous
spread of septic infection from the umbilicus, less commonly lungs or liver.
Lameness 239

Table 7.6 Action recommendations.

1. Individual cow treatment:

Surgical ______________
Medical ______________
Prophylactic (paring, footbath, etc) ______________
2. Herd treatment and advice:
Nutrition: alter amount and type of supplements? ______________
alter ratio of roughage to concentrate? ______________
Housing, e.g. give more exercising space ______________
Bedding, e.g. change bedding material ______________
Hygiene, e.g. scrape walkways and yards more often ______________
Foot-paring, trimming and technique ______________
3. Further investigations:
Feed analysis and amounts fed ______________
Examine and record more digits and limbs or more cows ______________
Investigate housed behaviour, walkways and pasture
conditions ______________
Investigate footbath construction, solution and usage ______________
Investigate breeding records for familial predisposition ______________
Revisit in four weeks, three months re progress ______________

Organisms may be E. coli, Salmonella spp. Streptococcus spp. and Arcanobacterium

pyogenes, Major factors contributing to disease include the environmental
pathogen load (i.e. cleanliness of parturition area) and the immune status
of calf.

• depression, lameness or recumbency, anorexia, dehydration
• joint swelling and pain within 24 hours of onset of infection
• common sites include hock, stifle, carpus and fetlock (hip, shoulder rarely)
• umbilicus may show obvious signs of infection, with pain on deep palpa-
tion (see Section 3.13, p. 123 for routes of spread)
• later nervous signs (e.g. head tremors, opisthotonus) develop in some calves
• ancillary aids: arthrocentesis (cytology, culture!), radiography, ultrasound

Swelling and pain in several joints (rarely with symmetrical involvement) in
depressed calf are usually diagnostic

Treatment and prognosis

• cleanse umbilicus, consider removal later of septic umbilical focus
• systemic antibiotherapy e.g. ceftiofur for seven to ten days
• improve immune status with whole blood transfusion, other intravenous
240 Chapter 7

• immediate joint lavage (see Section 7.27, p. 257)

• valuable calves with severe joint destruction may benefit from radical
surgery via arthroscopy or arthrotomy with aim of joint ankylosis
Prognosis guarded or poor unless intensive nursing is undertaken.

Meningitis occurs in a minority of neonatal calves, usually in the first week,
and is rapidly fatal. In slightly older calves septic physitis (e.g. of distal radius
or distal tibia) may complicate the initial signs, and radiography then
valuable. ‘Joint ill’ is an emergency requiring rapid control and good nursing,
as well as prompt review of the possible predisposing factors.

7.18 Contracted flexor tendons

Most frequently observed congenital anomaly in dairy breeds, and rarely
acquired, congenital flexed tendons (CFT) are usually primarily in the forelegs
and generally bilateral.

Mild cases have slight carpal flexion and intermittent knuckling of the fore
fetlocks, then bearing weight on the dorsum of the fetlock.
More severe cases can bear weight only on the flexed fetlocks. Advanced
cases, with severe contracture, are often recumbent and, when encouraged
to stand, tend to fall down immediately. Such calves are usually colostrum
deficient, dehydrated and very weak, having failed to suck since birth.
Palpation reveals excessive tension and tautness in both the super-
ficial (SFT) and/or deep flexor tendons (DFT), when attempts are made
to straighten the leg. No pain is evident on extension, and joint swelling is
absent (compare ‘joint ill’ see Section 7.17, p. 238).

• in mild congenital cases check immune status and general condition (give
colostrum in first 12 hours postpartum) if doubt exists as to whether calf
has taken maternal milk
• keep with dam for first 24 hours observation in well-bedded loose box or at
pasture, as exercise encourages progressive correction of the milder cases
of flexion of carpus and fetlock joint
• in mild case consider elongation of claw toes with piece of wood glued
to sole
• in more severe case initially correct any systemic problem and consider
applying splint on palmar aspect of limb: from pastern to midmetacarpus
(fetlock flexion) or up to proximal radius (in carpal flexion)
Lameness 241

• select lightweight splint material e.g. split PVC piping. Pad limb (bandage)
meticulously before fitting splint. Lift calf if unable to stand up initially
• alternatively consider casting limb over padding (e.g. Lightcast), ensur-
ing its easy removal for examination of flexion status after one to two

In severe cases of fetlock and carpal flexion (CFT) surgical correction may be
attempted (see Figure 7.12).

• perform surgery in sedated calf (xylazine 0.2 mg/kg i.m.) restrained in

lateral recumbency, and either IVRA or local infiltration of 2% lignocaine
• routine skin preparation along entire length of metacarpus
• make 10 cm longitudinal incision laterally over SFT and DFT in mid-
metacarpal region
• carefully dissect through fascia, identifying and avoiding damage to lat-
eral palmar digital nerve and adjacent vessels lying plantar to metacarpus
both medially and laterally
• elevate SDF by inserting slightly curved Mayo scissors (see Figure 1.1,
p. 3) transversely between SDF and DFT and transect SDF
• check degree of fetlock flexion again and if inadequate elevate DFT and
section similarly
• finally, if necessary, section the suspensory ligament (interosseus muscle)
in the proximal third of metacarpus
• close peritendinous fascia in continuous pattern with non-absorbable
material, and skin with interrupted sutures
• apply light bandage and use splint if flexion still inadequately corrected
by surgery and additional extension is needed, also in event of iatrogenic
secondary over-extension of fetlock
• in congenital carpal flexion section of the ulnaris lateralis and flexor carpi
ulnaris tendons is performed through a 7–8 cm incision, the distal com-
missure of which lies over the accessory carpal bone
• lightly bandage limb
• prophylactic antibiotics are not needed, but analgesics are advisable for
several days (e.g. NSAID such as flunixin meglumine)
• remove splint and/or cast after 7–10 days to assess improvement

The prognosis for CFT is good in calves with a mild deformity, i.e. sporadic
knuckling of fetlocks. Severe fetlock and carpal deformaties often fail to be
corrected despite the tenotomy procedures described above, flexion persists
and locomotion is impossible.
Scrupulous management of splints in neonatal calves ensures avoidance of
skin necrosis at potential pressure sores (see Figure 7.16).
242 Chapter 7


2 1

Figure 7.12 Tenotomy of superficial and deep flexor tendons and suspensory
ligament over left metacarpus (palmar view).
1. superficial part of superficial flexor; 2. deep part of superficial flexor; 3. deep flexor;
4. superficial part of suspensory ligament (interosseus muscle); 5. deep part of
suspensory ligament; 6. medial vein, artery and nerve; 7. palmar metacarpal veins.
(From Dirksen, Gründer & Stöber, 2002.)

7.19 Tarsal and carpal hygroma

Synonyms: tarsal cellulitis, carpal/tarsal ‘bursitis’.
Definition: firm or fluctuating swelling involving pre-carpal bursa and
acquired subcutaneous bursa over lateral aspect of hock.
Lameness 243

Incidence and aetiology: high in housed cattle on hard floors with little

• usually no lameness, no pain, and presents purely as cosmetic blemish
• sometimes skin contusion, break in integument, with seropurulent dis-
charge and invasion by Arcanobacterium pyogenes
• distension of joint capsule, heat, pain and lameness indicate further
localised spread.
Differential diagnosis: precarpal abscessation, septic carpitis, septic tarsitis.

Treatment and prophylaxis

• transfer to soft bedding or turn outside
• broad spectrum antibiotics in cases involving lameness and systemic signs
• do not open cavity or inject local corticosteroids (risk of gross contamination)
• check stall dimensions relative to breed, and any behavioural abnormal-
ities which can be corrected
• surgical excision of a large non-infected carpal bursa with primary wound
closure and pressure bandage is a possible and surgically hazardous pro-
cedure in clinic (not on-farm) situation, as wound breakdown commonly
occurs despite good aftercare

7.20 Patellar luxation

Three forms exist:

• dorsal patellar luxation or fixation in adults; sporadic incidence

• lateral patellar luxation; congenital, uncommon
• medial patellar luxation; congenital, rare

Dorsal patellar luxation or fixation

Temporary or permanent fixation of patella on upper part of medial femoral
trochlear ridge.

• stiffness, later jerky action with leg extended caudally for longer than
normal, followed by forward jerk (temporary fixation)
• action sometimes intermittent and limb may become fixed in rigid exten-
sion, dragging claws (permanent fixation)
• position evident on patellar palpation, and manual reposition possible.
Differential diagnosis: displacement of biceps femoris muscle, spastic paresis,
acute gonitis.
244 Chapter 7

9 2


7 8
12 13


Figure 7.13 Lateral view of left stifle joint of cow.

1. femur; 2. patella; 3. and 4. medial and lateral menisci; 5. tibia; 6. fibula; 7. and
8. medial and lateral trochlear ridge; 9. patellar fibrocartilage; 10. tibial tuberosity;
11. medial straight patellar ligament (sectioned distally in patellar desmotomy);
12. and 13. middle and lateral straight patellar ligaments; 14. tendon of biceps
femoris muscle; 15. lateral femoropatellar ligament; 16. lateral collateral ligament.
X indicates site for femorotibial arthrocentesis.

Spontaneous recovery occurs in some individuals, especially cattle at grass.
Complete recovery follows medial patellar desmotomy:

• sedate subject and produce local analgesia over lowest palpable point of
medial straight patellar ligament (see Figure 7.13[11] ), just proximal to
insertion into tibial tuberosity
• clip and disinfect circular area 15 cm in diameter
• make vertical incision 3 cm just cranial to cranial edge of medial patellar
• insert curved tenotome or bistoury (Hey-Groves pattern) through incision
in vertical manner, into triangular space bounded by middle and medial
ligaments and tibia
Lameness 245

• turn tenotome through 90° and section ligament by short sawing move-
ment and percutaneous pressure with finger
• withdraw tenotome in vertical position, after snapping and separation of
ligament is appreciated
• appose skin edges with two simple sutures
Do not use disposable scalpel blade and handle, due to risk of accidental
breakage and loss of blade, into periarticular area or joint. Check success of
surgery immediately by observing gait; recurrence has not been reported.
Surgery is best performed in standing position, though access to site may be
more difficult in heavy lactating cow than in lateral recumbency.

• accidental entry into femoropatellar joint (rare)
• accidental section of middle straight patellar ligament (disastrous)
• gross iatrogenic infection of site
• severe haemorrhage

Lateral patellar luxation

Complete or incomplete lateral displacement of patella. Femoral paralysis
caused by dystocia (oversized fetus in anterior presentation, possibly ‘hip-lock’)
may be involved in some cases, therefore check skin sensation over lateral
thigh. Hypoplastic lateral trochlear ridge has been postulated but remains

• gross uni- or bilateral flexion of stifles and hocks
• limb collapses when weight is taken
• patella forms obvious bulge on lateral aspect of joint, and lateral femoral
trochlear ridge is clearly palpable
• manipulative replacement sometimes possible
Differential diagnosis:

• femoral paralysis, in which a secondarily induced lateral patellar luxation

may occur, but in which a discrete loss of skin sensation and quadriceps
atrophy is evident (neonatal, following dystocia)
• quadriceps femoris muscle rupture, which is rare and accompanied by
• gonitis, with evidence of increased synovial fluid and other joint signs
• distal femoral epiphyseal (supracondylar) separation with limb malalign-
ment and crepitus
246 Chapter 7

• joint overlap operation: joint capsule incised medial to patella and closed
by vertical mattress sutures in overlap procedure
• if patella fails to remain in trochlear groove, split fascia of thigh dorsally
from patella
• create new medial patellar ligament by suturing patellar cartilage and
femoral periosteum and fascia, followed by imbrication of joint capsule
medially by simple interrupted absorbable sutures

Medial patellar luxation

Introduction and signs

• rare congenital condition
• complete or incomplete, permanent or intermittent
• limb flexed with patella freely moveable
• manual reposition sometimes possible

Lateral capsular overlap procedure (see above). Prognosis is poor.

7.21 Spastic paresis

Definition: progressive condition characterised by contraction of gastrocne-
mius and related calcanean tendons and muscle bellies, leading to severe
over-extension of hock.
Predisposition: upright stance; certain breeds (e.g. Friesian, Aberdeen
Angus) have hereditary predisposition.
Aetiology: an over-active stretch reflex is present in the gastrocnemius, with
over-stimulation or lack of inhibition of motor neurons. Electromyogram
(EMG) studies indicate increased electrical activity in the gastrocnemius
muscle, and to a lesser extent in other muscles. CSF studies have suggested an
extra-pyramidal dopaminergic central disorder.

• first seen typically at two to nine months old, rarely congenital or older
• initially unilateral, later often bilateral hindlimb stiffness and increasing
rigidity with heel bulbs raised off ground
• intermittent backward jerking of limb, later over-extension of hock
• raised tail head with occasional upward movement
• leg is readily and painlessly flexed manually, but immediately resumes
over-extended position
Lameness 247

• weight increasingly transferred to forequarters, and progressive atrophy

of hindquarters
• radiographic tarsal joint changes after several months are characteristic
of chronic over-extension
Differential diagnosis: dorsal luxation of patella, septic or aseptic gonitis or
tarsitis, fracture dislocation of calcaneus, joint-ill, luxation of biceps femoris

Tenotomy of gastrocnemius tendon or tibial neurectomy. Tenotomy often
only temporarily successful in young calves (< 9 months).

Tenotomy (see Figure 7.14)

• operate on standing calf under local analgesia
• shave and disinfect area over calcanean tendon 10 cm proximal to point
of hock
• incise skin 6 cm long vertically over caudal aspect of tendon
• identify gastrocnemius tendon and either section transversely, or remove
2 cm portion




Figure 7.14 Neurectomy and tenotomy sites for alleviation of spastic paresis.
1. incision site for tibial neurectomy; 2. incision for caudal approach for gastrocnemius
tenectomy; 3. incision for lateral approach for gastrocnemius tenectomy; A. sciatic
nerve; B. tibial nerve; C. peroneal nerve; D. popliteal lymph node.
248 Chapter 7

• section through half of transverse diameter of adjacent superficial digital

flexor tendon
• suture skin
The effect is a marked dropping of hock on weight-bearing. Some operated
calves develop fibrous union in operated area, leading to recurrence 1.5–3
months later. Guarded prognosis.

Neurectomy of tibial nerve (see Figure 7.14)

Tibial nerve supplies gastrocnemius muscle.

• identify and mark on skin the groove between two heads of biceps femoris
in standing calf
• operate in lateral recumbency under epidural or GA
• make aseptic surgical approach between two heads of biceps femoris
muscle; popliteal lymph node is useful landmark adjacent to both tibial
and peroneal nerves
• insert wound retractor
• identify the two nerves by electrical nerve stimulator (e.g. cattle goad);
tibial nerve causes digital flexion and hock extension, while peroneal
causes digital extension and hock flexion
• remove 2 cm length of main trunk of tibial nerve, as precise identification
of gastrocnemius branches is difficult or impossible
• suture subcutaneous tissues and skin
• encourage limited exercise for two weeks
Good prognosis follows this neurectomy.

• continuing muscle atrophy
• temporary or persistent peroneal paralysis
• wound breakdown
• gastrocnemius rupture in heavy cattle one to five days after neurectomy,
possibly due to overstretching of denervated muscle

7.22 Hip luxation

Relatively common condition in younger cows (two to five years), femoral
head usually moving in cranial and dorsal direction.

• standing animal is obviously lame
• limb appears shortened (in dorsal dislocation)
• characteristic asymmetry of greater femoral trochanters
Lameness 249


Figure 7.15 Lateral view of left half of bony pelvis showing directions of hip
(femoral head) dislocation or luxation:
1. craniodorsal (frequent); 2. cranioventral; 3. caudoventral into obturator foramen

• possible rotation of femoral shaft appreciable

• crepitus on femoral abduction and rotation
• rectal examination may reveal femoral head in obturator formen (caudal
ventral dislocation) or cranial to pubic brim (cranial and ventral) (see
Figure 7.15).
Aetiology: severe trauma (e.g. fall, knock, slipping), secondary to obturator
paralysis postpartum, or to hypocalcaemia.
Differential diagnosis: obturator paralysis, pelvic fracture, fracture of
femoral neck, fracture of femoral greater trochanter.

Manipulative or surgical reduction within 24 hours has a good prognosis.
The method varies with the direction of dislocation.

Craniodorsal dislocation
Attempt reduction under deep sedation and muscle relaxation (guaifenesin

• cast with dislocated limb uppermost

• fix cow to immoveable object (e.g. stanchion, tree trunk)
• place heavy block between ground and medial femoral region to act as
• simultaneously exert force in three directions: longitudinally by rope
on digit of affected limb, medially by pressure on lateral aspect of stifle, and
caudally on greater trochanter by operator’s hands
250 Chapter 7

• relaxation improves with duration of anaesthesia and prolonged

• open reduction with reinforcement of the acetabular joint capsule has
been described with a success rate of 75% (clinic facilities).

Dislocation in other directions (see Figure 7.15)

Difficult or impossible reduction. Success rate of 30% for ventral luxation is
claimed. After successful reduction keep cow recumbent for one to two days
by tying together hindlimbs above hock to avoid likelihood of immediate
recurrence, and keep in box for two months. Surgical methods of reduction
and fixation often unsuccessful.

7.23 Stifle lameness

The stifle is often the site of non-digital joint problems in adult cattle,
specifically degenerative arthritis. Bilateral spontaneous osteoarthritis may
sometimes be inherited in Holstein and Guernsey cattle, possibly through
a single autosomal recessive gene. Patellar abnormalities are discussed
elsewhere (see Section 7.20, p. 243).
Injuries may primarily affect:

• cranial, and rarely also the caudal cruciate ligament (rupture)

• menisci, usually medial (tear)
• articular cartilage of femoral condyle, especially medial (erosion)
The intimate relationship of these structures in a major weight-bearing joint
explains the speed of secondary changes.

Signs and gross pathology of traumatic gonitis

• sudden onset of relatively severe lameness
• increased synovial fluid (joint capsule easily appreciated) and periarti-
cular swelling
• pain and crepitus in stifle on manual flexion, extension, rotation, abduc-
tion, and adduction
• instability possibly evident in stifle on medial to lateral movement of os
calcis with limb elevated
• synovial fluid (sterile puncture between medial and middle straight
patellar ligaments) blood-tinged, some debris, no evidence of sepsis (see
Table 7.1)
• rapid development of secondary damage following primary injury: severe
erosion of cartilage, eburnation of bone, meniscal cartilaginous erosion,
tearing and displacement, extensive periarticular fibrosis, secondary
cruciate rupture
Lameness 251

Cull cases with cranial cruciate rupture except for purebred or valuable cattle
where surgery may be attempted in a surgical clinic. In other conditions
ensure absolute rest and systemic anti-inflammatory drugs for seven to ten
days. Prognosis is poor.

7.24 Nerve paralysis of limbs

Five different nerves may occasionally be paralysed. The aetiology, signs,
diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of obturator, peroneal, femoral, sciatic
and radial paralysis are summarised in Table 7.7 page 252.

7.25 Limb fractures

Fractures can affect many bones in cattle including:

• ribs – commonest bovine fracture

• tail – likewise common, and insignificant
• vertebrae – potentially fatal
• pelvis – dystocia, involving separation of pubic symphysis in heifers;
trauma (e.g. during oestrus or passing through narrow gateway) result-
ing in fracture of tuber coxae
Limb fractures involving the appendicular skeleton, including epiphyseal
separation in growing stock, are relatively common.
Specific features in cattle include:

• economic considerations: in many cattle salvage may be preferable to

prolonged recovery period
• humane handling and recovery facilities: often sparse compared to those
for other species, and may affect proposed treatment

Long bone fractures

Common sites in descending order of incidence: metatarsus, metacarpus,
tibia, femur, radius/ulna, humerus.

• external fixation: plaster of Paris (Gypsona®, Cellona®), polyurethane
resin on polyester-cotton fabric (Baycast®, Cuttercast®) or fibreglass
(Deltalite®, Scotchcast®), fibreglass on cotton base (Crystona®) or
polyester polymer on cotton base (Hexcelite®), hanging splint with per-
cutaneous fixation (Thomas splint or walking cast), see Figure 7.16
Table 7.7 Common paralyses of cattle.

Obturator Peroneal Femoral Sciatic Radial

Aetiology Dystocia Falls, postpartum Large neonatal calves Pelvic fractures Prolonged lateral
recumbency unique stretch injury recumbency in GA;
252 Chapter 7

(dystocia) some humeral

Signs Often bilateral Knuckling of fetlock Partial weightbearing Non-weightbearing Dropped elbow, knuckled
Hindlimbs abducted possible lateral fetlock, inability to
patellar luxation, advance limb
discrete quadriceps
atrophy in one week
Diagnosis Confirmatory signs of Loss of skin sensation Specific neurogenic Loss of all distal Signs and some sensory
pelvic injury dorsally atrophy, possibly skin sensation loss over elbow
limited skin analgesia laterally
Differential Adductor rupture, Dorsal patellar luxation Femoral, pelvic fractures Femoral fracture Humeral fracture, elbow
separated pubic hip dislocation infection
symphysis (dystocia) muscle
tendon rupture
Treatment In all five forms of paralysis only supportive treatment can be given: soft bedding, non-slip surfaces, analgesics, and vitamin
B complex injection
Prognosis Good, but risk of a Good Guarded Guarded Good if not sectioned
secondary hip (humeral fracture
dislocation in ends)
struggling (keep hocks
together in ‘figure of 8’
rope until able to
Lameness 253

Figure 7.16 Walking cast for stabilisation of a comminuted metacarpal (MCIII/IV)

fracture with two pins inserted into distal radius.

• internal fixation: steel or titanium plates and screws, Kirschner-Ehmer

device, transfixation pins with overlaid resin bridge holding pins (see
Figure 7.16), Kuntscher nail, Steinmann nail (and possibly multiple
parallel nails or ‘stack pinning’).
Common problems of bovine long bone fractures:

• high incidence of comminuted fractures, often grossly displaced

• frequently compound with gross contamination
• often severe muscular contraction, increasing difficulty in manipulative
For methods of internal and percutaneous fixation, reader should refer to
standard textbooks (see Further reading, pp. 259–260).
254 Chapter 7

Tibial shaft fractures

This fracture type is taken as an example of problems which are liable to be
met in attempts at treatment.

Common long bone fracture, occasional cases are in neonates, traumat-
ised by dam, others are in growing cattle, less common in mature cows and

Most fractures are in proximal or mid-diaphyseal region of tibial shaft,
oblique and comminuted, with over-riding of the fracture ends. Most are
closed. Compound fractures (open) tend to have wound on medial aspect.
Lameness is severe, with obvious mobility of the distal limb and marked
crepitus at fracture site.

While the preferred management is usually transfixation pinning (3 prox-
imal, 3 distal), connected externally by methylmethacrylate side bars
or fibreglass cast, such surgery usually requires referral to a specialist
clinic where controlled traction, sterile facilities, general anaesthesia and
radiology are available. Animals should have stall rest for some weeks. The
transfixation pins should be removed in six to eight weeks, ideally after
radiographic check to confirm fracture healing is appropriate. Minor com-
plications include suppuration around the pin holes. Major problems are
continuing inability to bear weight, leading to severe lateral bowing of the
contralateral hind leg, and failure of adequate callus formation.
Thomas splint cast management is not easy. The device must be ‘made to
measure’ and well-padded over the major pressure points in the inguinum.
Some cattle find it difficult to stand up initially with such a splint.
The use of a resin or fibreglass cast alone in an attempt to immobilise a mid-
or proximal diaphyseal tibial fracture is doomed to failure as it is impossible to
immobilise the stifle joint. This does not apply to fractures of lower limb bones
(e.g. metatarsus/metacarpus), where external immobilisation with a cast is
usually the treatment of choice.

Immediate immobilisation on-farm for transport to clinic

It is imperative to minimise movement at the fracture site during transport,
as a simple fracture can so easily be converted into a compound disaster.
A Robert Jones bandage, with lateral support proximally to the level of the
tuber coxae in tibial fractures, is a good insurance policy against further iatro-
genic injury.
Lameness 255

Physeal separation (Salter-Harris fracture)

Since affected tissue is the cartilage of the growth plate, separation is a more
accurate term than fracture. Majority occur at 0–12 months old. Common
sites include proximal and distal femur, proximal tibia, and distal metatarsus
and metacarpus. The last two forms have recently increased in incidence as a
result of forced traction in beef breed heifers with dystocia caused by absolute
fetal oversize. The latter has a poor prognosis due to severe bruising and
failure of blood to reach the separated epiphysis, which has no nutrient
artery. Osteomyelitis is common sequel.

Signs and treatment

• slight or no displacement causes mild lameness, slight crepitus, swelling,
and little or no abnormal mobility
• marked displacement causes considerable movement and crepitus at
fracture site, and little weight-bearing, though pain may not be marked
• prognosis is good following reduction and immobilisation of fracture
under sedation or anaesthesia of lower limb
• poor prognosis for external coaptation in proximal tibial and any femoral
epiphyseal separation with marked displacement, due to the difficulty of
adequate immobilisation
• if external immobilisation is impossible, the choice is referral to specialist
clinic or immediate slaughter

7.26 Use of acrylics and resins in orthopaedic problems

These products are useful in several ways:

• external fixation of long bone fractures

• to fill in cracks in hoof wall, giving support to potentially weak area
• to bind toes together (as alternative to wire) to reduce post-operative
trauma to interdigital space following resection of hyperplastic tissue, and
secondly to prevent dorsiflexion of digit in which deep flexor tendon action
has been lost by rupture or surgical resection of tendon
• in digital prosthetic blocks

Application to long bone fractures

Comparable strength of product is important in selection: (least → greatest)
plaster of Paris (Johnson & Johnson), resin plaster, thermoplastic polymers
(Hexcelite®), resin-bonded fibreglass (Deltalite®, Johnson, Scotchcast®, 3M).
Weight of cast is important in considering desirability of limited mobility for
256 Chapter 7

patient. Strength:weight ratio is more favourable for resin and fibreglass

products than plaster. Products may also be used in layers, e.g. plaster of Paris
overlaid with thin layer of fibreglass, which is also water-resistant.
Padding (Soffban®, bandages) should be covered with brightly-coloured
flexible bandage (Vetrap®) before being overlaid with fibreglass resin casting
material (Dynacast Pro®). The bright colour ensures that when it is time to
remove the cast, the correct depth of cut can be seen when using the electrical
cast saw.
Padding (muslin bandage 3 mm thick) should be applied in growing
animals. External supports should immobilise joints immediately proximal
and distal to fractured long bone, e.g. midshaft fracture of metacarpus should
have the cast from the proximal radius to the hoof.
Cases of recent compound fractures of metacarpus/metatarsus in small
calves should be cleansed very thoroughly, and treated by external coaption
with a cast or external fixator with sidebar for treatment by irrigation of the
infected focus. Cows with compound fractures of > 6 hours duration should
be managed with an external fixator, or be culled, depending on value of
animal. Drains should never be left in place in such areas due to danger of
ascending infection. Compound fractures carry a poor prognosis.

Application to digit
Surfaces should be prepared before application of resin

• clean off all loose foreign material

• trim any excessive horn from toe, bearing surface, and wall
• apply fat solvent with swabs
• groove bearing surface to increase contact area of resin (grinder very
useful and efficient)
• dry hoof with electric hair drier in damp weather
• carefully observe manufacturer’s instructions regarding mixing of
product (hoof compound, Technovit [Heraeus-Kulzer] ).
Other wooden blocks are produced by Demotec (Nidderau, Germany), plastic
block (e.g. Podobloc®) by Agrochemica, Bremen.
Note that nowadays a wood shoe is usually put on to resin surface (which
acts as glue), elevating digit further and saving much resin material, (e.g.
Technovit). In using resin to elevate digit, material should be applied as an
enveloping moccasin slipper to include part of abaxial and axial wall and toe.
In one type of shoe (Cowslip®, Giltspur) which functions as a slipper – two
lengths, 110 mm and 130 mm are available – the liquid resin is placed within
the shoe before its application.
In cold weather place container of hardener in warm water before use.
Also use hair drier (or even electric paint-stripper on ‘low’ setting) to cure
Lameness 257

Other uses of resin include the maintenance of toes in close apposition,

and for protection of a vertical fissure or sandcrack. A specific indication is
treatment of fracture of the distal phalanx (see Section 7.10f, pp. 217–219).
The resin material is extremely hard-wearing but can shatter on sudden
impact with stone or brick. After four to six weeks it can be removed by
hammer blows, or with electric grinder.
Metal and rubber shoes are also available to be nailed onto claw.

7.27 Antibiotherapy of bone and joint infections

Treatment of osteomyelitis, bone abscess and septic arthritis with systemic
antibiotics presents major problems due to difficulties of penetration, especi-
ally of discrete foci of purulent infection walled off from vascularised tissues.
Appropriate choice (see also Table 1.12 p. 46), based on first examination, is
as follows:

• streptococci: penicillin G, ceftiofur

• salmonellae: oxacillin ampicillin
• penicillinase-producing staphylococci: cephalosporin and trimethoprim
and sulpha, ceftiofur
• gram negative organisms: aminoglycosides (streptomycin, kanamycin,
neomycin, gentamicin)
• Arcanobacterium: amoxycillin
Treatment of acute osteomyelitis should be continued for two to three weeks
after signs of lameness have disappeared. In chronic conditions of bones and
joints specific indications for surgery include abscessation with a fistulous
track into bone marrow, or subperiosteal sequestrum formation.

Joint drainage procedures for cattle include:

• needle aspiration (usually inadequate)

• joint lavage through separate entry and exit portals (14 gauge needles)
• distension irrigation
• arthrotomy with and without synovectomy.
• arthroscopy
Surgery has been more effective than medical treatment for septic arthritis in
Delay in treatment reduces the prognosis by allowing further periarticular
fibrosis and articular damage. Systemic and intra-articular administration
of antimicrobial agents is indicated. If given intra-articularly, the dose rate
should not exceed the once daily systemic dose rate. Treatment should start
258 Chapter 7

before sensitivity results are available. Ceftiofur Na is often the selected drug
and should be given for two weeks after the joint has returned to normal func-
tion. In cases where the primary source of infection is the umbilicus, surgical
resection is indicated (see Section 3.13, p. 127).
If antibiotics and synovial aspiration do not bring improvement within
36 hours, joint lavage is indicated:

• insert two or more 14 gauge needles aseptically into different joint

pouches with animal under deep sedation or light anaesthesia (e.g.
ketamine) before intra-articular fibrin has developed (very acute cases)
• infuse lavage solution (polyionic) under pressure to distend joint synovial
membrane and break down adhesions
• periodically block outflow needle to promote distension
• one to four litres usually used in septic joint
• arthroscopy permits large ingress and egress portal, larger volumes of
solution (eight to twelve litres per session), removal of fibrin and visual
inspection of the articular cartilage
• when inflammatory process becomes chronic, remove fibrin clots and
abnormal synovial membrane by arthroscopy
• alternatively perform arthrotomy, and protect open joint from environ-
mental contamination by a sterile bandage until the incision heals by
secondary intention
Bovine Surgery and Lameness, Second Edition
A. David Weaver, Guy St. Jean, Adrian Steiner
Copyright © 2005 David Weaver, Adrian Steiner and Guy St Jean


1 Further Reading
Anderson, D.E. ed., (March 2001) ‘Lameness’, Veterinary Clinics of North
America: Food Animal Practice, 17, 1, 1–223 (multiple topics)
Andrews, A.H. ed., (2000) The Health of Dairy Cattle: Chapter 10 ‘Internal
cattle building design and cow tracks’ (J. Hughes); Chapter 11 ‘Dairy
farming systems: husbandry, economics and recording’ (D. Esslemont &
M.A. Kossaibati), Oxford: Blackwell Scientific
Blowey, R.W., & Weaver A.D., (2003) Color Atlas of Diseases and Disorders of
Cattle, 2nd edn. London: Mosby
Brumbaugh, G.W., (ed.) (November 2003) ‘Clinical Pharmacology update’
in Veterinary Clinics of North America: Food Animal Practice, 19, 3,
55 –726 (multiple topics)
Cox. J.E., (1987) Surgery of the Reproductive Tract in Large Animals, 3rd edn.
University of Liverpool Veterinary Field Station, Neston, Wirral (clinical
notes, detailed surgical anatomy, line drawings)
Dirksen, G., Gründer H.D., & Stöber, M., (2002) Innere Medizin und
Chirurgie des Rindes, 4th edn. Berlin: Blackwell (German ‘bible’, formerly
Dyce, K.M., & Wensing, C.J., (1971) Essentials of Bovine Anatomy,
Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger
Dyce, K.M., Sack, W.O., & Wensing, C.J., (1987) Textbook of Veterinary
Anatomy, Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders
Espinasse, J., Savey, M., Thorley, C.M., et al., (1984) Colour Atlas on Disorders
of Cattle and Sheep Digits: International Terminology, Paris: Point Vétérinaire
Fubini, S.L., & Ducharme, N.G., eds, (2004) Farm Animal Surgery,
Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders
Greenough, P.R., & Weaver, A.D., (1997) Lameness in Cattle, 3rd edn.,
Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders
Hall, L.W., & Clarke, K.W., (1991) Veterinary Anaesthesia, 9th edn. London:
Baillière Tindall
Hickman, J., Houlton, J., & Edwards, G.B., (1997) Atlas of Veterinary Surgery,
3rd edn. Oxford: Blackwell
Kersjes, A.W., Nemeth, F., & Rutgers, L.J.E., (1985) Atlas of Large Animal
Surgery, Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins (excellent colour photographs)
260 Appendices

Leipold, H.W., Huston, K., & Dennis, S.M., (1983) Bovine congenital defects,
Adv. Vet. Sci. & Comp. Med., 27, 197–271
McDaniel, B.T., & Wilk, J.C., (1990) ‘Lameness in dairy cattle’ in Proceedings
of British Cattle Veterinary Association 1990–1991 (from VI Symposium
on disorders of the ruminant digit, Liverpool, July 1990) 66– 80.
(Inheritance of conformation of bovine digit and related longevity of
dairy cows).
National Office of Animal Health Ltd. (NOAH), Compendium of Data Sheets
for Animal Medicines 2005 (UK)
Noakes, D.E., (1997) Fertility & Obstetrics in Cattle, 2nd edn. Oxford:
Blackwell Science
Noakes, D.E., Parkinson, T.S., & England, G.C.W., (2001) Arthur’s Veterinary
Reproduction and Obstetrics, 8th edn. London & Philadelphia: W.B.
Pavaux, C., (1983) A Colour Atlas of Bovine Visceral Anatomy, London: Wolfe
St. Jean, G., (ed.), ‘Advances in Ruminant Orthopedics’ in Veterinary
Clinics of North America: Food Animal Practice, 12, 1–298 (March
1996) (multiple topics)
Toussaint Raven, E., (1985) Cattle Foot Care and Claw Trimming, Ipswich, UK.
Farming Press (Dutch method of trimming)
Tyagi, R.P.S., & Singh, J., (1993) Ruminant Surgery, Delhi: CBS Publishers
and Distributors (p. 484, paperback, includes camel and buffalo)
Veterinary Pharmaceuticals and Biologicals (VPB), 2001–2002 12th ed.,
Veterinary Healthcare Communications, 8033 Flint St., Lexena, KS
66214 (index of drugs and US manufacturers and suppliers)
Westhues, M., & Fritsch, R., (1964) Animal Anaesthesia, Vol. 1 Local
Anaesthesia, Bristol: Wright (details of nerve blocks e.g. retrobulbar p. 83
pudic pp. 174–179)
Whitlock, R.H., et al., (1976) Proceedings of the International Conference
of Production Diseases of Farm Animals, 3rd edn. Wageningen, The
Wolfe, D.F., & Moll, H.D., (1999) Large Animal Urogenital Surgery, 2nd edn.
Baltimore & London: Williams & Wilkins (penile surgery, ovariectomy)
Youngquist, R.S., ed., (1997) Current therapy in large animal theriogenology,
Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders (pp. 429–430 ovariectomy techniques)

2 Abbreviations
ABPI Association of British Pharmaceutical Industry
AI artificial insemination
ALT/SGPT alanine aminotransferase/serum glutamin-pyruvic
AST/SGOT aspartate aminotransferase/serum glutamic-oxaloacetic
b.i.d. bis in die (2 times/day)
Appendices 261

BP British Pharmacopoeia
BVD/MD bovine viral diarrhoea/mucosal disease
BWG British wire gauge
CCF congestive cardiac failure
CCP corpus cavernosum penis
CNS central nervous system
Co coccygeal
CSF cerebrospinal fluid
ECF extracellular fluid
ECV extracellular volume
EDTA ethylene diamine-tetra-acetic acid
EMG electromyogram
FARAD Federal Animal Residue Avoidance
FG French gauge
GA general anaesthesia
HS hypertonic saline
i.m. intramuscular
i.v. intravenous
L lumbar
LDA left displaced abomasum
mEq milliequivalent
MRL Maximum Residue Limit
NOAH National Office of Animal Health
NSAID non steroidal anti-inflammatory drug
PCV packed cell volume
PDS (monofilament) dioxanone
PGA polyglycolic acid
PM postmortem
PVC polyvinylchloride
RDA right displaced abomasum
RTA right torsion of abomasum
S sacral
SARA sub-acute ruminal acidosis
s.c. subcutaneously
SCC squamous cell carcinoma
T thoracic
TA tunica albuginea
t.i.d. ter in die (3 times/day)
TMR total mixed rations
USDA United States Department of Agriculture
USP United States Pharmacopeia
vCJD new variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
262 Appendices

3 Useful addresses
This short reference list is divided into:

• instrument makers and suppliers

• manufacturers and suppliers of suture materials, needles, dressing, etc.
• legal and professional bodies, press, and farming and breed societies
Drug houses are omitted since the list would be unwieldy, and their addresses
are more readily available elsewhere.
Each list is subdivided geographically into the UK, North America, and others.

Instrument makers and suppliers

Alfred Cox (Surgical) Ltd., Edward Rd, Coulsden, Surrey (01668 2131)
Arnolds Veterinary Products, Ltd., Cartmel Drive, Harlescott, Shrewsbury,
SY13 SJ (01743 44 1632, fax 01743 462 111)
Becton Dickinson Vacutainer Systems, 21 Between Towns Road, Cowley,
Oxford (01865 748 844)
Brookwick Ward & Co. Ltd., 8 Shepherds Bush Road, London W6 7PQ (0870
1118610, fax 0870 1118609),
Centaur Services, Centaur House, Torbay Road, Castle Cary, Somerset BA7
7EU (01963 350005) (Trucutliver biopsy)
Genusexpress (formerly Veterinary Drug Co.) (veterinary wholesalers)
Common Road, Donnington, York, YO19 (01904 487 487, fax 01904
487 611)
Holborn Surgical Instrument Co., Dolphin Works, Margate Rd, Broadstairs,
Kent CT10 2QQ (0843 61418)
Medichem International, P.O. Box 237, Sevenoaks, Kent, TN15 OZJ (01732
763 555, fax 01732 763 530), email:
Surgical Systems Ltd., 5 Lower Queens Road, Clevedon, North Somerset,
BS21 6LX, email: www.

North America
American Medical Instrument Corp., 133–14 39th Ave, Flushing, NY
11354 (212 359 3220)
Baxter Healthcare Corp., Pharmaceutical Divn., Valencia, CA (cat. no 9135S
Tru-cut biopsy needle)
Becton Dickinson, Sandy, Utah, UT 84070 (catheters)
Dandy Products, 3314 Route 131, Goshen OH 45122
Ethicon Inc., Route 22, Somerville, NJ 08876
Haver-Lockhart Laboratories, P.O. Box 390, Shawnee Mission, KS 66201
Ideal Instruments, 401 North Western Ave, Chicago, IL 60612
I-STAT Corporation, East Windsor, New Jersey 08520
Appendices 263

Jorgensen Laboratories, 1450 Van Buren Ave, Loveland, CO 80538 (800

525 5614),, email:
Lane Manufacturing Co., Denver, CO (K-R spey instrumentation)
Linde (Cryosurgery), 270 Park Ave, New York, NY 10017
V. Mueller, Division of American Hospital Supply Co., 6600 W. Touhy Ave,
Chicago, IL 60648
NASCO Farm & Ranch, 901 Janesville Ave., Fort Atkinson, WI 53538-0901
Parks Medical Electric Inc., 19460 SW Shaw, Aloha, OR 97007
Pitman Moore Surgical Instruments Division, P.O. Box 344, Washington
Crossing, NJ 08560
Shamrock Scientific Speciality Systems, Inc., 34 Davis Drive, P.O. Box 143,
Bellwood IL 60104
Storz Instrument Co., 3365 Tree Court Industrial Boulevard, St Louis, MO
United States Surgical Corporation, Norwalk, CT 06850 (Autosuture TA-90,
stapling instrumentation)
US Surgical, Tyco Health Care, Norwalk, CT 06850
University of Saskatchewan, Engineering Dept., Sasakatoon, Canada S7N
5B4 (liver biopsy trocar)
Vet. Surgical Resources, Darling, MD 21034
Willis Veterinary Supply, Chamberlain, SD 57325 (Willis ovariectomy

Aesculap Werke AG, 7200 Tüttlingen, West Germany (specialist veterinary
AMICO GmbH, D7200 Tüttlingen, P.O. Box 65, Trossinger Str. 7, West
Germany (subsidiary of American Medical Instrument Corp.)
Barbot-Génia, 5 rue des Clouzeaux, Parc de la Vertone 44120 (0240302417,
fax 0240031471) email:
Concept Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd., 159 C.S.T. Road, Santacruz (East),
Bombay 400-098, India (veterinary instruments)
Coveto, Avenue Louis Pasteur 85607 Montaigu Cedex, France (02 51 48 80
Crepin Sarl, 29 avenue de Saint-Germain des Noyers, Z1 BP 77402, Saint-
Thibaud des Vignes, France (01 64 30 01 33, fax 01 64 30 40 73)
Equipement Vétérinaire: (anesthesie) Zone Industrielle Rue de I’Aube,
51310 Esteray, France (03 26 42 50 15, fax 03 26 42 50 16) email:
General Surgical Co., 1541 Bhagivath Palace, P.O. Box 1745, Chaudni
Chowk, Delhi 110006, India (veterinary instruments)
H. Hauptner, Kuller Str. 38-44, Postfach 220134, 5660 Solingen, West
Germany (02122 50075) (specialist veterinary instrument maker and
264 Appendices

S. Jagdish & C., 12/21 West Patel Nagar, New Delhi 110008, India (instru-
Jorgen Kruuse Denmark, DK-5290, Marslev, Denmark (459 951511)
Medvet, Ludwig Bertram GmbH, Postfach 644, Spielhagenstr. 20, 3000
Hanover 1, Germany (0511 812081) (specialist bovine instruments,
protective clothing)

Manufacturers and suppliers of suture materials, needles,

dressings, etc.
Arnolds Veterinary Products, Ltd., Cartmel Drive, Harlescott, Shrewsbury,
SY13 TB (01743 441 632 fax 01743 462 111)
Becton Dickinson Vacutainer Systems, 21 Between Towns Road, Cowley,
Oxford (01865-748 844)
Berk Pharmaceuticals Ltd, St Leonards House, Eastbourne, East Sussex BN21
3YG (01323 641144)
Brookwick Ward & Co. Ltd., 8 Shepherds Bush Road, London W6 7PQ (0870
1118610, fax 0870 1118609),
Centaur Services, Centaur House, Torbay Road, Castle Cary, Somerset BA7
7EU (01963 350005),
Cryoproducts, Wass Lane, Sotby, Market Rasen, Lincs, LN8 5LR (01507
343091, fax 01507 343092)
Davis & Geck, Cyanamid of GB Ltd, Fareham Rd, Gosport, Hampshire PO13
0AS (01329 236131)
Davol International Ltd, Clacton-on-Sea, Essex
Duncan Flockhart & Co. Ltd. 700 Oldfield Lane North, Greenford, MX UB6
OHD (01 422 2331)
eBiox Ltd, Enterprise House, 17 Chesford Grange, Woolston, Warrington,
WA14SY (0800 612 0431), email:,
Ethicon Ltd., 14–18 Bankhead Av., Sighthill, Edinburgh (0131 453 5555,
fax 0131 453 6011) (suture manufacturers)
Genusexpress (formerly Veterinary Drug Co.) (veterinary wholesalers),
Common Road, Donnington, York, YO19 5RU (01904 487 487, fax
01904 487 611)
Holborn Surgical Instrument Co., Dolphin Works, Margate Rd, Broadstairs,
Kent CT10 2QQ (01843 61418)
Johnson & Johnson Ltd, Brunel Way, Slough, Berks SL1 1XR (01753 31234)
Kruuse UK Ltd, 14a Moor Lane Industrial Estate, Sherburn-in-Elmet, N.
Yorks LS25 6ES (01977 681523, fax 01977 683537), email:,
Medichem International, P.O. Box 237, Sevenoaks, Kent, TN15 OZJ (01732
763 530), email:
Appendices 265

Pal Wear Ltd, P.O. Box 144, Protection Works, Oadby, Leics LE2 5LW (dis-
posable gloves, overshoes, oversleeves, trousers, coveralls, etc.)
Portek Ltd., Bleaze Farm, Old Hutton, Cumbria LA8 OLU (01539
722628, fax 01539 741282) email: (cow blocks
and glue)
Reckitt & Coleman, Pharmaceutical Division, Dansom Lane, Hull HU8 7DS
(01482 26151)
Smith & Nephew Healthcare, Healthcare House, Goulton Street, Hull HU3
4DJ (01482 222200, fax 01482 222211)
Surgical Systems Ltd., 5 Lower Queens Road, Clevedon, North Somerset,
BS21 6LX email:, www.surgi-
Teisen Products Ltd., Bradley Green, Worcs B96 6RP (01527 821488, fax
01527 821665) (hoof tape, teat bandage, tar hoof dressing)

North America
American Giltspur Inc., P.O. Box 49433, Sarasota, FL34230 (‘Cowslips’,
3 sizes)
AVSC (American Veterinary Supply Company), P.O. Box 9002, Knicker-
bocker Ave., Bohemia, NY 11716
American Hospital Supply Co., 6600 W. Touhy Ave, Chicago, IL 60648
Baxter Healthcare Corp., Pharmaceutical Div., Valencia, CA (cat. no. 9135S
Tru-cut biopsy needle)
Becton Dickinson & Co., Lincoln Park, NJ07035, also Sandy, Utah, UT84070
Davis & Geck, American Cyanamid Company, Pearly River, New York, NY
Davol Inc. ( Johnson & Johnson Company) (1 800 332 2761), www.
Dispomed, 1325 DeLanuadiere Joliette, Quebec J6E 3N9, Canada
Ethicon Inc., Route 22, Somerville, NJ 08876
Haver Lockhart Laboratories, P.O. Box 390, Shawnee Mission, KS 66201
Johnson & Johnson, 501 George St, New Brunswick, NJ 08903
Jorgensen Laboratories, 1450 Van Buren Av., Loveland, CO 80538 (800
525 5614),,
Monoject Divison, Sherwood Medical, St Louis, MO 63103
NASCO Farm & Ranch, 901 Janesville Ave., Fort Atkinson, WI 52538 0901
Pfizer Animal Health, 812 Springdale Drive, Exton, PA 19341
Provet, P.O. Box 2286, Loves Park, IL 61131 (815 877 2323)
Purdue Frederick Co., 50 Washington St, Norwalk, CT (manufacturer of
Betadine surgical scrub)
Sigma Chemical Co., P.O. Box 14508, St Louis, MO 63178
Smith & Nephew, Memphis, TN
Travenol Laboratories Inc., 1425 Lake Cook Rd, Deerfield, IL 60015
266 Appendices

US Surgical, Tyco Health Care, Norwalk, CT 06850

3M Animal Care Products, St. Paul, MN 55108-1000 (resin-impregnated
foam padding)

Alcyon, 41 rue des Plantes, 75014 Paris (01 53 90 39 39, fax 01 53 90 39
Barbot-Genia, 5 rue des Clouzeaux, Parc de la Vertone 44120 (02 40 03 24
17, fax 02 40 03 14 71) email:
B. Braun, Melsungen, Germany (supplied by Arnolds)
B. Braun medical S.A.S., 204 avenue du Marechal Juin, F92107 Boulogne,
France Cedex (01 41 10 53 00 fax 01 41 10 53099)
Centravet Materiel, ZA des Alleux, BP 360, 22106 Dinan, France (02 96 85
80 64, fax 02 96 85 80 65) email: materiel
Coveto, Avenue Louis Pasteur, 85607 Montaigu Cedex, France (02 51 48 80
Equipement Vétérinaire: (anesthesie) Zone Industrielle Rue de l’Aube, 51310
Esteray, France (03 26 42 50 15 fax 03 26 42 50 16) email:
Demotec (Siegfried Demel) Brentostr. 21, D61130 Nidderau, Germany (49
6187 21200, fax 49 6187 21208); (FuturaPad,
Easy Bloc, claw-cutting discs)
Medvet, Ludwig Bertram GmbH, Lübeckerstr. 1, 30880 Laatzen, Germany
(49) 5102 917 590, fax (49) 5102 917 599, email:, (cage magnet ‘CAP-Super-11’)
Sigma Chemie GmbH, Am Bahnsteig, D8028, Taufkirchen, Germany

Legal and professional bodies, press, and farming and

breed societies
British Cattle Veterinary Association, The Green, Frampton-on-Severn, Glos,
GL2 7EP (01452 740816, fax 01452 741117)
( journal ‘Cattle Practice’)
British Veterinary Association, 7 Mansfield St., London WIG 9NG (020 7636
6541, fax 020 7637 0620)
Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux International (CABI), Nosworthy
Way, Wallingford, Oxon OX10 8DE www:
Dairy Farmer, CMP Information, Sovereign House, Tonbridge, Kent TN9
1RW (01732 377273) email:
European Medicines Agency (EMEA): (for authorised
products for ueterinary use)
Holstein UK, Scotsbridge House, Scots Hill, Rickmansworth, Herts WD3 3DB
HSE Books: Video: Deal with the danger: safe cattle handling, Health and Safety
Executive, HSE Books, P.O. Box 1999, Sudbury, Suffolk CO10 2WA
Appendices 267

(01787 881165, fax 01787 313995), (ISBN

07176 2512 5)
National Office of Animal Health (NOAH) Ltd., 3 Crossfield Chambers,
Gladbeck Way, Enfield, Middlesex EN2 7HF (020 8367 3131), email:,
RCVS Wellcome Library & Information Service, Belgravia House, 62– 64
Horseferry Rd., London SW1P 2AF (020 7222 2021, fax 020 7222
2004, email:
Veterinary Defence Society Ltd., 4 Haig Court, Parkgate Estate, Knutsford,
Cheshire WA16 8XZ
Universities Federation for Animal Welfare (UFAW), The Old School, Brew-
house Hill, Wheathampstead, Herts, AL4 8AN, UK (01582 831818, fax
01582 831414) (quarterly Animal Welfare journal)

North America
American Association of Bovine Practitioners (AABP), P.O. Box 1755, Rome
GA 30162 1755 email: (706 232
2220, fax 706 232 2232)
American College of Veterinary Surgeons, 11N. Washington St., Suite 720,
Rockville, MD 20850 email: (301 610
20 00, fax 301 610 0371)
American Veterinary Medical Association, 1931 N. Meacham Rd, Suite 100,
Schaumburg, IL 60173 4360 (1 847 925 8070, fax 1
847 925 1329)
AVMA Professional Liability Trust, email: richard.
(800-228-7848 ext. 4669) or rodney.johnson@avmaplit (ext. 4645)
Bovine Practitioner, 3404 Live Oak Lane, Stillwater OK 74075, USA
Center for Veterinary Medicine, USDHHS, 7519 Standish Place, Rockville,
MD 20855-0001 (307 827 3800 or 1 888 INFO FDA)
Cornell University Online Consultant:
consult.asp from College of Veterinary Medicine, Cornell University,
Ithaca, NY 14853 6401 (607 253 3000, fax 607 253 3701)
FARAD enquiries: or or
Food Safety & Inspection Service, USDA, Washington, DC 20250 (202 720 7025, fax 202 205 0158)
FDA/CVM: drugs: 888-FDA-VETS (888 332 8387)
Food Animal Residue Avoidance Databank (FARAD):; (888
USFARAD (919) 829 4431 or (916) 752 7505)
Hoof Trimmers Association Inc., 4312 Wild Fox, Missoula, MT 59802-3607
(866 615 4663, fax 406 543 1823), (quar-
terly newsletter)
USDA Meat & Poultry hotline: 800 535 4555
USDA National Animal Health Monitoring Systems (NAHMS), Fort Collins,
CO 80523
268 Appendices

VPB Veterinary Pharmaceuticals and Biologicals, 12th Edition 2001–2

Veterinary Healthcare Communications, 8033 Flint St., Lenexa, KS66214
(913 492 4300), (drugs, manufacturers etc)

European College of Veterinary Surgeons (ECVS) Office, University of Zürich,
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Equine Hospital, Winterthurerstr 260,
CH8057 Zürich, Switzerland (41 1 635 8404 or 41 1 313 0383, fax 41
1 313 0384) email: (monthly
Veterinary Surgery)
Federal Veterinary Office, Schwarzenburgstr. 161, CH-Bern Switzerland
Federation of Veterinarians of Europe (FVE), 1 Rue Defacqz, B-1000 Brussels,
Belgium email: (32 2 533 7020; fax 32 2
537 28 28)
Société Francaise de Buiatrie, BP 11 F-31620 Castelnaud’estrefonds, France
(05 62 14 04 50, fax 05 62 14 04 69) email: (rubrique SFB)
Swissmedic., Erlachstr. 8, CH-3000, Bern 9, Switzerland (equivalent to FDA)
World Association for Buiatrics Secretariat, Dr. G. Szenci, Secretary General,
Szent Istvan University, Faculty of Veterinary Science, P.O. Box 2, H1400
Budapest, Hungary email:

4 Conversion factors for old and SI units

Multiplication factors

Old uniits to SI SI units to old

Old units units units SI units

RBC millions/mm3 106 10−6 × 1012/l

PCV % 0.01 100 1/l
Hb g/100 ml None None g/dl
WBC thousands/mm3 106 10−6 × 109/l
Total serum protein g/100 ml 10 0.1 g/l
Albumin g/100 ml 10 0.1 g/l
Bilirubin mg/100 ml 17.1 0.0585 μmol/l
Calcium mg/100 ml 0.25 4.008 mmol/l
Chloride mEq/l None None mmol/l
Creatinine mg/100 ml 88.4 0.0113 μmol/l
Globulin g/100 ml 10 0.1 g/l
Glucose mg/100 ml 0.0555 18.02 mmol/l
Inorganic phosphate mg/100 ml 0.323 3.1 mmol/l
Magnesium mg/100 ml 0.411 2.43 mmol/l
Potassium mEq/l None None mmol/l
Sodium mEq/l None None mmol/l
Urea mg/100 ml 0.166 6.01 mmol/l
Bovine Surgery and Lameness, Second Edition
A. David Weaver, Guy St. Jean, Adrian Steiner
Copyright © 2005 David Weaver, Adrian Steiner and Guy St Jean


Page numbers in italic refer to figures, those in Acetylpromazine 14

bold to tables Acidosis, metabolic 113
Acrylic use in orthopedics 255–7
Abbreviations 260 –1 Actinobacillosis 98, 130
Abdominal ballottement 176 Action recommendations, lameness 239
Abdominal fluid 132 Addresses for information 262–8
Abdominal lipomata 120 Adhesions
Abdominal urine chronic abdominal 84
drainage 176 intra-preputial 172
Abdominal viscera treatment 95
anatomy 75–9 Adhesions, abdominal 84
Abdominal wall treatment 95
anatomy 79–80, 82, 83, 84 –6, 106 Adverse reactions, toxicity 46
ventral 101, 105–07, 106 Alimentary tract neoplasia 127–9
Abdominocentesis 90, 130 –2, 131, 176 Amputation technique
Abomasal fixation, techniques 109–10 advantages 221, 223
complications 104, 109–10 disadvantages 221– 4
left flank 104 Amputation, digits
midline (blind) 101, 105–6 accessory digits 167, 225
right flank 101, 102–03 advantages 221
toggling 101, 106–07, 107–08 discussion 224
Utrecht (left) 101, 104, 105 indications 221
Abomasal impaction 114 exarticulation 219, 223
Abomasal sequestration 113 distal 224, 219
Abomasal torsion, prognosis 113 proximal 223, 219
Abomasal tympany 114 proximal phalanx 222, 219
Abomasitis 113 technique 221–5
Abomasotomy 114 Anaesthesia, general 36 – 40, 38
Abomasum Analgesia, post-surgical 46
impaction 114 Analgesics 17
left displacement 98–110 Anatomy
abomasopexy, left 105 apex of heart 80
aetiology 98 ascending colon 76, 77
anatomy 98 caecum 76, 77
conservative treatment 100 cervical 71
diagnosis 99 colon 78, 78
signs 99 diaphragmatic region 89
surgical problems 109 duodenum 75 –7
surgical treatment 101, 100 –10 large intestine 78
right dilatation 110 –12 lungs 80, 81
right displacement 110 –02, 112 rumen 76, 77, 89
abomasopexy, right 102, 102 sinuses 60 – 61
right volvulus 110, 111–13, 112 small intestine 78
conservative treatment 110 thoracic 80, 81
signs 111 trunk 76, 77
surgical treatment 111–13 Animal legislation 54, 181, 187, 192, 225
volvulus 111–13 Ankyloblepharon 70
volvulus in calves 114 Antibiotherapy
ulceration 115 intra-abdominal 87
Accessory digits, amputation 225 systemic 87
270 Index

Antibiotic footbaths 235 Bone infection, chemotherapy 257

Antimicrobial chemotherapy 44–7, 257–8 Borrelia burgdorferi 213
Antimicrobial sensitivity 45 Bos indicus breeds 169
Antimicrobial therapy, failure 46 Bos taurus breeds 171
Antiseptic compounds Bowel adhesions 119
properties 6, 6 Boyles circle absorber 38
Antiseptic dilution 6 BP gauge 7
Apple core procedure 228 Bruising in laminitis 211
Arthritis, aseptic Bühner suture 146–7, 147, 151
stifle 250 Bulbo-urethral glands 179
Arthritis, infectious Bupivacaine, properties 16, 17–18
calfhood 238 Burdizzo emasculator
Arthrocentesis, femorotibial 244, 250 application 193, 193
Arthroscopy 257–8 maintenance 194
Arthrotomy 257–8 teat amputation 165
Asepsis 5– 6 Burns 41
Assessment, pre-operative 10–11 Butorphanol 14, 17
Atresia Butylscopolamine 14
anal 133– 4
rectal 134–5 Caecal dilatation
Atropine sulphate 15 prognosis 118
Autoclaving (steam) 1–2, 2 signs 116–17
treatment 117–18
Bacteria, sterilisation 2 Caecum
Backhaus towel clips 3 dilated body 115–16, 117
Baroreceptors 41, 41 dislocation 115–18
Belly tap see Abdominocentesis invagination 120
Benzalkonium chloride 6 rectal findings 116
Betadine 5, 6 torsion and retroflexion 116
Biochemistry, normal values 12 Caesarean section 140– 4
Bistoury in desmotomy 244 contra-indications 140
Blackspot 161 indications 140
Bladder surgery post-op fertility 145
complications 178 surgery 141–5
rupture 176 flank 141–3
Blepharospasm 67 midline 144–5
Block other sites 145
Carbocaine 18 uterine closure 143, 144
Cinchocaine 18 uterine incision 141–2, 142
cornual 18, 19 Utrecht suture 143, 144
dorsal nerve of penis 31 Calculi 175
epidural Calculi urinary 176–7
caudal 27–9, 28 Canula, self-retaining teat 161
cranial 29 Carbon dioxide 49
infection 28 Carotid artery 71
infratrochlear 20 Carprofen 17
internal pudendal 29, 30 Case selection for anaesthesia 10–11
IVRA 33– 6, 34, 36 Caslick operation 146, 148
paravertebral Cast padding 256
proximal 22–5, 23 Cast strength, comparative 255– 6
distal 23, 26 Castration 191– 6
pudic 29, 30 bloodless 192
regional analgesia 18–36 analgesia 192
retrobulbar 21, 22 Burdizzo 192–3
reverse 7, 27, 27 complications 194
supra-orbital 20, 21 intratesticular analgesia 192
teat 32–3, 32 rubber ring 192
T block 27, 27 surgical 194–7
Block in digital fracture 219 complications 197
Blood loss, reactions to 41 emasculator 196–7, 197
severe haemostasis 195– 6
blood valves, normal 12 ligation 196
Boiling 1–2, 2 Newberry 194, 195
Index 271

small bull 196 Dart gun 40– 41

torsion 196 Dead space, wounds 48
traction 196 Débridement 47
Catecholamine 41 Debulking interdigital hyperplasia 230
Catgut 8–10, 9 Decompression of abomasum 103– 04
Catheter, in bladder 179 Deep flexor tendon
Cattle crush 11–13, 11 resection 225–7, 227, 229
Cauda equina 28, 28 sepsis 219, 221
Caustic compounds Defects
disbudding 54 cardiovascular 53
CCF see Congestive cardiac failure CNS 53
CCP see Corpus cavernosum penis digestive 53
Celiotomy see Exploratory laparatomy hernial 53
Cervical muscles 71, 71 muscular 53
Cervicopexy 148–9 penile 187–90
flank incision 149 reproductive 53
prepubic tendon 149 skeletal 52
suture 149 skin 53
Check lists for lameness herds 235–8 spastic paresis 53
Chemotherapeutic drugs, withdrawal periods 47 Dehorner, Barnes 55
Chloral hydrate 15 Dehorning 54, 55, 56–60, 57, 59
Chlorhexidine gluconate 6 analgesia 55
Chromic catgut 9 complications 58
Chronic vaginitis (faecal) 153 cosmetic 58, 59
Cicatrix contraction frontal sinusitis 60
prepuce 170 haemostasis 57
Cinchocaine, properties 16 legislation 54
Circumcision, preputial 169–70 technique 56–9
Claw dimensions, recording 231–2, 234, 237 trephination 60
Claw zones 202 Dehydration 41
Clenbuterol 141 Dermatitis digitalis 201, 213–14
Clit ill 202 Dermatitis interdigitalis 201
Coccygeal venepuncture 50–1, 51 Dermatitis verrucosa 214
Cold (chemical) sterilisation 1–2, 2 Detomidine 14
Colon 118 Dew claws see Accessory digits
Collagen synthesis 48 Dexon 8, 9
Compliance 46 Diaphragmatic region 89
Compound fractures, calves 256 Diazepam 14
Conformation 237 Dichelobacter nodosus 213–16
Congenital defects see Defects Digit
Congestive cardiac failure (CCF) 91 normal dimensions 233– 4, 231
Conjunctiva 69 Digital amputation
Coriosis see Laminitis sites 219
Cornual block 18–20, 19 Digital dermatitis
Corpus cavernosum penis rupture 172–5 footbaths 214
differential diagnosis 173– 4 prevention 214
management 174 –5 signs 213
pathology 173 sites 213
surgery 174 –5 synonyms 212
Cosmetic dehorning 58–9, 59 treatment 213–14
Cow passages through footbath 235 Digital sepsis deep 219–21, 229
Cow survival conservative treatment
digit conformation 231 cast 220
Cremaster muscle 183 curettage 221
Crush gate 57 drainage 221
Cryogens 49 sandcrack 220
Cryonecrosis 50 solear ulceration 219
Cryosurgery see Cryotherapy toe ulcer 220
Cryotherapy 49–50, 66–7 treatment options 220–24
Cubicles, description 237 Digital tendon and sheath
Culls see Disposals resection 226– 8
Cyanosis, in general anaesthesia 38 resection after digit amputation 225– 6
Cystitis 175 Digital trimming 233
272 Index

Digits Ethylenediamine hydrobromide 204

important conditions 202 Etorphine see Immobilon
zones of sole 202, 203 Euthanasia, skull site 62, 19
Disbudding Exenteration, ocular 68–70
complications 58–9 Exploration
instruments 55 left flank 83, 84
technique 54 – 6 right flank 85, 86
Disk grinders 232 Exploratory laparotomy
Disposals, lameness 200 closure 86
Distal interphalangeal joint complications 88
amputation 221– 4 instrumentation 2– 4
deep sepsis 203, 206, 208, 219–21 left flank 79– 84
resection 228, 229 right flank 85– 6
Distal phalanx Exenteration of eye 68–70, 69
deep sepsis 206–10, 207 Extra-label use 46
fracture 217–19, 218 Eyelid surgery 63, 63
Distal sesamoid
deep sepsis 207 Failure of responses 46
resection 224, 228, 229 Failure of sensitivity testing 46
Dorsal nerve of penis 31 Fascia lata graft technique 189–90
Doxapram 15 Fat necrosis, intramesenteric 120
Drain, Penrose 49 Femoral paralysis, differential diagnosis 245,
Drains 47– 8 252
wounds Fetal manipulation
use in penis 175 caesarean surgery 143
Drinkwater gag 39 Fetlock joint sepsis 220
Drugs, antimicrobial Fibroblast contraction 48
choice 44 –7 Fibroma 204
effective therapeutic period 47 Figure of eight suture 87
failure 46 Fissure see Sandcrack
withdrawal times 47 Fistula formation, penis 191
Drugs, local analgesic 16–18, 16 Fixation, patellar 243–5
Ductus (vas) deferens 31, 121 Fixator, external 251, 253, 256
Duodenum Flexor tendons, surgery 240– 42
anatomy 75–7 Fluid therapy 42– 4
Dutch method, claw trimming 234 Fluids
composition 43
Economic loss hypertonic saline 42
lameness 199–200 Flunixin meglumine 14, 17
teat injury 158, 167 Fluorescein stain 68
Electrocautery Fluids, replacement volume
dehorning 54 – 6 calculation 42
interdigital skin 230 rules 43
Electrolyte composition 43 Foley catheterisation 177– 8, 177
Electromyogram (EMG) Foot rot 202– 04, 202
spastic paresis 246 Foot trimming 233, 233– 4
Emasculators Footbaths 234 –5, 238
application 196 Forceps, different 2–4, 3
Embryotomy wire Ford interlocking suture 86
amputation technique 222 Foreign body
Empyema intra-abdominal penetration 91
frontal sinus 60 intra-thoracic penetration 91
Entropion surgery 63, 63 ocular 67– 8
Enucleation, eyeball 68–70 reticular 89
Epididymectomy 185–7 Formalin footbath 235
anatomy 186 Foul-in-the-foot see Interdigital necrobacillosis
possible litigation 186 Founder see Laminitis
Epidural block, caudal Fractures
Epiphora 67 distal phalanx 217–19
Epiphyseal separation 255 incidence 218
Episiotomy 154–5 resin block 257
Erosio ungulae see Heel erosion signs 218
Ethics of surgical procedures 54, 181, 187, 190, sites 218
192, 225 inter-articular 218
Index 273

metacarpal Hip luxation

walking cast 251, 253 signs 248–9, 249
ribs 251 treatment 249–50
tail 251 craniodorsal 249–50
Fractures 251–5 other directions 250
long bones Hoof
external fixation 251 block 207
healing problems 253 deformities 231
internal fixation 253 overgrowth 231
sites 251 pincers 232
tibial 254 resin compounds 255–7
Frenulum, persistent 190 traits, young cows 232
Frontal sinus Hoof trimming
anatomy 60– 61, 61 corrective 232– 4
infection 58–9 equipment 232–3
trephination 62 preventative 232
Furstenberg’s rosette 159, 162 technique 233– 4
Further reading 259– 60 Horn fracture
dehorning complication 60
Gas sterilisation 1–2, 2 Hotz-Celsus
General anaesthesia 36– 40 entropion surgery 63
disadvantages 37 Hudson’s spiral 162
equipment 37–9 Hug lancette 160, 161
Immobilon 39– 41 Hydroallantois, hydroamnion 140
indications 36–7 Hydrops ( joint) 223
intravenous agents 39 Hygroma, tarsal and carpal 242–3
Gerlach needle 147 Hyperplasia interdigitalis 201
Globe, removal of 69 Hyperthermia 66
Gonitis, traumatic 243, 250 Hypertonic (7.2%) saline, composition
Greater omentum 77 43
Grinder, for trimming 199, 232 Hypertonic saline
Guiafenesin 39 uterine amputation 152
Guidelines for antimicrobials 45 Hypodermic needles, equivalent gauge 7
Gut-tie 120–21, 121 Hypovolaemic shock 41
Hysterectomy see Uterine amputation
Haemostatic powders 57 Hysterotomy see Caesarean section
Haematology, normal values 12
Haematoma, penile 172–5, 173 Ileum, intussusception 118–19
Haemostasis 48 Ileus 119
Hairy warts 212–14 Immobilisation for fractures 254
Hand disinfection 5– 6, 6 Immobilon 39– 40
Handling quality, sutures 9 Immunotherapy 66
Hannover site Imperforate anus 133
caesarean section 145 Incisions, flank
Hard milker 160– 61 caesarean site 82, 141–2
Head, anatomy 60– 61 left abomasopexy 82
Healing, wounds 48 paracostal 82
Heel height, normal 231 rumenotomy 82, 82– 4
Heel erosion 215–16 Infertility due to lameness 119–20, 201
pathology 216 Inflammatory reaction 48
signs 216 Innervation, left flank 24, 25
treatment 216 Instrumentation
Heel warts 214 basic 1–5, 3
Hepatic biopsy 132–3 disbudding 54 – 6, 56
Hepatic dullness 132 dehorning 56– 8, 55
Herd details, lameness problem 236 Intra-articular medication 257– 8
Herd investigation 237 Interdigital dermatitis 214–16
Herd lameness prophylaxis 238 definition 214
Herd problems, check lists 235– 8 differential diagnosis 215
Hereditary defects 52–3 signs 215
Hernia, strangulated 123 treatment 215
Hernial ring , internal 126 Interdigital necrobacillosis 201, 202–04
Hip dislocation see Hip luxation diagnosis 203
Hip lock presentations 245 pathology 203
274 Index

Interdigital necrobacillosis (cont’d) terminology 201

synonyms 202 weight loss 200, 201
treatment 204 Lameness investigation 238
Interdigital skin hyperplasia 201, 204 –05 Lameness problems 236
predisposition 205 Laminitis 210–12
signs 205 pathology 211
surgery 229–31 predisposition 210
cryosurgery 230 prophylaxis 211
electrocautery 230 signs 211
knife 230 toe ulcer 211
synonyms 204 treatment 211
treatment 205 Laparoscopic surgery 81
Internal pudendal block 29–30, 30 Laparotomy
Intestinal ileus 119 left flank for bladder rupture 176
Intestinal tract closure 86–7, 87
anatomy 75– 8 Laparotomy, exploratory
intussusception 118 left flank 79– 84, 83
diagnosis 118–19 right flank 85, 86
signs 118 Laryngeal nerve 71
treatment 119 Laryngitis necrotic 70
obstruction 120 Larynx 60
anastomosis 119 Lavage technique 257– 8
Intra-articular medication 257– 8 Legislation 54, 165, 192, 225
Intravenous regional anaesthesia Lid, entropion 63– 4, 63
limb 34, 36 Lidocaine see Lignocaine
toxicity 35 Lignocaine 16–17
Intromission Lignocaine, properties 16, 16–17
failure 187 Lipomata, abdominal 120
prevention of 181–3 Liquid nitrogen 49
Intubation, endotracheal 38–9 Liver biopsy 132–3
Inversion of lid see Entropion site 132
Irrigation of wounds 48–9 trocar and canula 133
Ischaemia, abomasal volvulus 111 Liverpool site
IVRA see Intravenous regional anaesthesia caesarean section 145
Local analgesia 16–18
Jejunum Longitudinal (vertical) or transverse
anatomy 76, 77, 78 (horizontal) sandcrack – Fissura
intussuseption 118–20 ungulae longitudinalis et transversalis
Joint ill, calves 238– 40 see Sandcrack
Joint lavage 257– 8 Lymphadenopathy 73
Joint overlap procedure 246 Lymphosarcoma, thymic 98

Magnet, reticular 91, 95– 6

Keratoconjunctivitis 67–8 Manipulative correction, LDA 112
Ketamine 39 Marsupialisation 127
Ketoprofen 17 Mastitis after teat injury 161, 164–5, 167
Keystone dehorning shears 56, 57 Maxon, 8, 9
Knot security, comparative 9 McLintock cuff 93– 4, 95
Kuntscher nail 253 Meat withdrawal periods 46, 47
K-R instrument 156 Meconium, extra-rectal 134
Meloxicam 14, 17
Laboratory tests 11 Meningitis, neonatal 240
Laceration Menisci, stifle 250
perineal repair 153 Mesh implant 126
Lactated ringer 43 Mesh, polypropylene 125
Lameness Metabolic balance
economic importance 199–200, 201 abomasal volvulus 111
equipment 199 Metacarpal fracture 253
examination checklists 200– 02 Metal detector 90
incidence 198 Milk catheter 160
infertility 200, 201 Milk discard times 47
labour costs 200, 201 Milk stones 160
milk yield 200 Milk yield, reduction 160– 61, 200
scoring 202 Misdiagnosis 46
Index 275

Monofilament suture 9 Paralysis, nerve 251, 252

Mortellaro see Digital dermatitis Paramedian laparotomy
Muscle tone, in anaesthesia 38 umbilical 127
Muscles, abdominal wall 106 Paravertebral anaesthesia 22– 6, 23
proximal 23– 4
Neck, anatomy 70–71, 71 distal 26
Needles, suture 4 analgesic field 24
Neoplasia discussion 25
alimentary tract 128 Patellar luxation
eyelids 65–7 dorsal 243–5
oropharyngeal 128 lateral 245– 6
papillomatosis 191 medial 246
penile 191 Pathogens, sensitivity 45
squamous cell carcinoma 191 PDS 8, 9
Neoplasms see Neoplasia Pedal joint see Distal interphalangeal joint
Nerve blocks see Block 229
Nerve supply hindleg Penectomy 180
Neurectomy, in spastic paresis 247 Penetration, intrathoracic FB 91
Neuroleptanalgesia 39 Penile abscess 173
Newberry knife 195 Penile damage by Burdizzo 194
Nictitating membrane see Third eyelid Penile stenosis, secondary 176
Nitrous oxide 49 Penis
Nutrition 237 amputation 180
Nylon 2 anatomy 173, 188
congenital short 190
Obstruction, oesophageal 60 corkscrew 187–90, 188
Obturator foramen fascia lata graft 189–90
femoral head impaction 249 signs 187
Obturator nerve paralysis 252 surgery 187–90
Ocular muscles, anatomy 20 haematoma 172– 4, 173
Oesophageal obstruction 60, 73– 4 translocation 181–3, 182
Oesophagotomy short retractor penis muscles 190
anatomy 71 spiral deviation 188
Penrose drain 74 tight penile adnexa 190
technique 74 Penis, spiral see Penis, corkscrew
Oestrus detection failure 200 Percutaneous abomasal fixation
Omentum 102– 04, 127, toggle 106– 07
Omphaloarteritis 123 Utrecht method 104
Omphalophlebitis 123 Perfusion, inadequate 41
Operative field, preparation 5 Perineal laceration 152– 4
Optic nerve 69 classification 152
Osteoarthritis, degenerative 223 episiotomy 152–3
Osteomyelitis, digital problems 153
amputation advantages 221 repair 154
indications for amputation 221 technique 153
Osteomyelitis, long bones 257 Peritoneal fluid 84
Ovariectomy 152, 155–7, 156 Peritoneoscopy 90
discussion 157 Peritonitis 119, 121–2
effeminator 155 Persistent frenulum 190
flank technique 155– 6 Peroneal nerve paralyis 252
K R instrument 156–7 Pevidine 5, 6
vaginal technique 156–7 Phallectomy 180
Willis instrument 156–7 Phenylbutazone 17
Overconditioning risk 98 Phlegmona interdigitalis 201– 02
Overgrown claws 233 Physeal separation 255
Overlap operation Pinning, transfixation 254
patellar laxation 246 Plastic ring
Oxytocin 143 preputial amputation 171–2
Pneumoperitoneum 83, 90, 138, 148
Palpation, abdominal cavity Pododerm 208
left side 83, 86 Pododermatitis aseptica diffusa see Laminitis
right side 83, 86 Pododermatitis circumscripta septica 206– 08
Papovavirus neoplasia 191 Polydioxanone 9
Papillomatosis, penile 191 Polyethylene 2
276 Index

Polypropylene suture 2, 9 Recurrent tympany

Position adults 97
uterine replacement 150 calves 96
Posthioplasty 169–71 Reefing see Posthioplasty
Postoperative analgesia 14, 17, 46 Regional analgesia 18–36
Povidone-iodine 6 Renal tubular necrosis 41
Precautions in cryotherapy 49–50 Replacement fluids 43– 4, 43
Premedication 13–16 Resection
Preputial prolapse 168–72 distal interphalangeal joint 228–9, 229
conservative therapy 169 distal sesamoid 228–9
predisposition 168 flexor tendons 227
radical surgery 169–72 interdigital hyperplasia 229–31
amputation 171 Resins 255–7
amputation with ring 171–2 Restraint 11–13
circumcision 169–70 Restraint for blood sampling 51
resection and anastomosis 170–71 Reticular wall abscessation 89, 129
trauma 168–9 Reticuloperitonitis see Traumatic reticulitis
Prepuce Retractor penis muscles 31
adhesions 172 Retroflexion of caecum 116, 117
fibrosis 160 Reuffs method 11
foreign bodies 168 Reverse 7 block 27, 27
translocation 182 Revivon 39– 40
Preternatal anus 134 Right displaced abomasum see Abomasum
Procaine 16, 17 Ring block, teat 32
Production disease 236 – 8 Ringer solution, composition 43
Prolapse Rolling for LDA 100
cervical 146– 8 Rompun see Xylazine
preputial 168–72 Rumen fistulation 96
rectal 135–9 permanent 97
uterine replacement 150 semipermanent 97
vaginal 146– 8 Rumenotomy
Promazine 14 frame 93
Prophylaxis indications 88
Prosthetic blocks 233 technique 91– 6
Prosthetic mesh 124 – 6 Ruminal magnet 96
Proteoglycan synthesis 48 Ruminal tympany 37, 73
Pudendal, internal, see Pudic calves 96
Pudic nerve block 29–30, 30 chronic 97, 128
Punctured sole – Pododermatitis septica Ruminocentesis 99
(traumatica) 208– 09 Rusterholz ulcer 206– 08, 207
aetiology 208
synonyms 208 Sage knife 228
treatment 208– 09 Saline solution, composition 43
Purse-string suture Salter-Harris fracture 255
anus 135 Sandcrack 216–17
vulva 147 predisposition 216
PVC 2 transverse 216–17
Pylorus 78, 98, 101, 103– 04 treatment 217
vertical 216–17
Quadriceps atrophy 252 SARA see Sub-acute ruminal acidosis
SCC see Squamous cell carcinoma
Rabies 73 Sciatic nerve paralysis 252
Radial nerve paralysis 252 Sclerosing agents 186
Radiotherapy 66 Scoliosis in paravertebral block 24
RDA see Abomasum Screw trocar 97
Reading 259– 60 Scrotal neck
Rectal atresia 134 –5 anatomy 183
Rectal prolapse 135–9 Burdizzo use 193
amputation 138 Scrubbing up see Hand disinfection
stair step 136, 137 Sedation 13–16
rectal ring 136–7 Seroflurane 38
complications 138–9 Sensitivity antimicrobial 45
submucosal resection 136 Sensitivity testing, failure of 46
Index 277

Separation, physeal 255 Suture needles 4, 5

Septic arthritis 44, 238– 40, 257– 8 Suture, ruminal 94–5
Septic metritis 144 Sutures in wounds 48
Septic peritonitis 144 Sympathetico-suprarenal system 41
Septic shock 41 Synovectomy 257– 8
Septic tenosynovitis 219–20 Synovial fluid,
Sequestration, abomasal 111 characteristics 223
Shears, dehorning 57
Shock 40– 41 Tarsal ‘bursitis’ 242–3
Shute, see Crush Tarsal cellulitis see Hygroma
Sinuses, anatomy 60– 61, 60, 61 T-block 27
Siphon, for ruminal fluid 94 Teat alligator forceps 160
Skin analgesia, left flank 24, 25 Teaser bulls 181, 182, 184
Skin flap preservation Teat
amputation 224 amputation 165–7, 167
Skin ‘scrub’ 6 anatomy 158–9, 159
Skull, anatomy 61 block 32
Slipper foot 211 imperforate 165
Slurry heel see Heel erosion incompetent teat sphincter 165
Small intestine instruments 160
obstruction 121 lumen granuloma 161–2
‘Softgut’ 8, 10, 119 sinus laceration 164
Solear (sole) ulceration 206– 08 stenosis 160– 61, 159
deep sepsis 207 supernumerary 165
differential diagnosis 207 traumatic laceration 162– 4
puncture 208– 09 teat sinus 164
signs 206 wound breakdown 164
site 207 Teat obstruction 160– 61
synonyms 206 Teat knife
treatment 207 D-D 161
Spastic paresis 246– 8 Hug 161
Splenic abscessation 91 Lichty 161
Splinting limb 240– 42 Macleans 161
Squamous cell carcinoma Teat management 166– 8
eye 65–7 Tendon surgery 227
Squeeze chute see Cattle crush Tendons, contracted flexor 240– 42
Steaming up 211 Tenesmus, post-operative 138
Stenosis, rectal 138 Tenotome 244
Stent, plastic 64 Tenotomy
Sterilisation methods, efficacy 1–2, 2 flexor tendons 240– 41, 242
Stifle joint anatomy 244 suspensory ligament 241, 242
Stifle lameness 250 Terminology, digital 200– 01, 202
Stomach feeders, broken 73 Theloresectoscope 162, 162
Subacute ruminal acidosis (SARA) 210, Thelotomy 162
212 Thiopentone sodium 39
Submucosal resection Third eyelid flap 64–5, 64
rectal 136 Three layer closure 87
Superficial flexor, resection 226–7, 227 Tibial neurectomy 247, 248
Superfoul 204 Tissue reaction, sutures 9
Supernumerary teat removal 165 Toe ulcer 211
Supramid 8, 9 Toggling canula and trocar 108
Supra-orbital nerve block 20–21, 21 Toggling procedure (LDA) 107– 08
Surgical anaesthesia 38 Tolazoline 15
Surgical materials, sterilisation 2 Total mixed rations 212
Survival period Tourniquet
post amputation 224 dehorning 57
Suture materials 6–10 Tracheal rings 72
absorbable 8 Tracheal tube 72
comparison 8–10, 9 Tracheostomy 70–73, 72
equivalent gauges 7, 7 anatomy 70
filament composition 7– 8 emergency 72
non-absorbable 7– 8 introduction 70
selection 8 technique 71
278 Index

Tracheotomy see Tracheostomy Vacutainer samples 51

Translocation, penile-prepuce 181–3 Vagal indigestion 97, 129–30
Transpalpebal enucleation 68 signs 130
Traumatic reticulitis Vagal innervation 129
aetiology 89 Vaginal prolapse
diagnosis 90–91 postparturient 146, 148
prevention 96 preparturient 146– 8
sequelae 91 Vulvar closure 147
treatment Vas deferens trauma 120
conservative 91 Vasectomy 183–5, 183
surgical 91– 6 recanalisation 184
Trephination surgery 185
frontal sinus Vasoconstriction 41
chronic 62 Vein, lateral saphenous 34, 36
technique 62 Velcro hobbles 232
Trephine site 61 Venepuncture, coccygeal 51, 51
Treponema in digital dermatitis 213 Ventilation-perfusion mismatch 37
Trimmers, claw 232 Vicryl 8, 9
Trimming method 232– 4 Viscera, abdominal
Trocar and canula 107– 08 body wall contact 79
Tunica albuginea surgery 188 Volvulus
abomasal 110, 112, 114
Ultrasonography 90 caecal 116–18
rumen 99
Umbilical haematoma 127 Warts 49–50, 191
Umbilical hernia 122–7 Water belly 175
abscess 122, 124–5, 127 Weight-bearing
diagnosis 123 normal and abnormal 234
mesh repair 126 Weingart frame 92–3, 93, 95
prosthetic repair 125–7 Welfare 54
signs 123 White line separation and abscessation 209–10
surgical indications 123– 4 pathology 209
Umbilical infection 123, 239 signs 209
Umbilical sinus 124 treatment 210
Umbilical tape 147 Willis instrumentation 156
Umbilical vein 123 Winkler cervicopexy 148–9
Urachitis 123 Withdrawal periods of drugs
Uraemia 175–7 milk discard 14, 47
Urethral blockage post Burdizzo 194 slaughter 14, 47
Urethrostomy 178–9 Wood blocks 256
Urethrostomy, perineal Wopa crush restraint 35
anatomy 179 Wound breakdown, umbilical 127
Urine pooling 153 Wound healing process 48
Urine, subcutaneous 180 irrigation 49
Urolithiasis 175– 6 lavage 6, 6
ruptured bladder 176–7 retractor 72
surgery 176 treatment 47–9
treatment 177
Useful addresses 262– 8 Xylazine 13–15, 14, 17, 39
USP gauge 7 Xylazine antagonist 15
Uterine amputation 151–2 Xylocaine-lignocaine mixtures 29
Uterus, prolapse 149–51
complications 151 Yohimbine 15
treatment 150–51
Utrecht abomasopexy 82, 101, 104, 105 Zones of sole 202, 203

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