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Validation of Aseptic Processes: Recommendation On The

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The key takeaways are the recommendations on validating aseptic processes for pharmaceutical products based on process simulation testing and other factors.

The purpose of the document is to provide guidance on validating aseptic processes. The scope includes liquid, powder, suspension and other sterile pharmaceutical products manufactured through aseptic processing.

Important factors in validating aseptic processes discussed include container/closure integrity testing, equipment cleaning and sterilization, filter validation, and staff training.



PI 007-6
1 January 2011




© PIC/S January 2011

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Editor: PIC/S Secretariat

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PI 007-6 1 January 2011


1. DOCUMENT HISTORY .............................................................................. 1

2. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................ 1
2.1 Purpose ...................................................................................................... 1
2.2 Scope ......................................................................................................... 1
2.3 General information .................................................................................... 1
3. DEFINITIONS............................................................................................. 2
4. PROCESS SIMULATION TEST PROCEDURES ....................................... 4
4.1 General Comments .................................................................................... 4
4.2 Liquid Products........................................................................................... 4
4.3 Injectable Powder Products ........................................................................ 5
4.4 Suspension Products.................................................................................. 5
4.5 Freeze Dried (Lyophilised) Products........................................................... 5
4.6 Semi-Solid Products (e.g. sterile ointments) ............................................... 6
4.7 Clinical Trials Materials and Small Batch Size Products ............................. 6
4.8 Biological and Biotechnology Products ....................................................... 6
4.9 Sterile Bulk Pharmaceuticals ...................................................................... 6
5. PROCESS SIMULATION TEST CONDITIONS .......................................... 7
5.1 Test Performance....................................................................................... 7
5.2 Selection of Growth Medium....................................................................... 7
5.3 Incubation Conditions ................................................................................. 8
5.4 Reading of the Test .................................................................................... 8
5.5 Test Frequency .......................................................................................... 8
6. INTERPRETATION OF DATA.................................................................... 9
7. ENVIRONMENTAL AND PERSONNEL MONITORING ........................... 10
7.1 Air Borne Microbial and Non-Viable Particle Monitoring............................ 10
7.2 Non-viable monitoring............................................................................... 10
7.3 Microbial Monitoring.................................................................................. 10
7.4 Intervention Monitoring ............................................................................. 11
8. STAFF TRAINING .................................................................................... 11

PI 007-6 -i- 1 January 2011



MANUFACTURING .................................................................................. 12

9.1 Container/Closure Integrity Testing .......................................................... 12

9.2 Container/Closure Sterilisation ................................................................. 12
9.3 Equipment Cleaning and Sterilisation ....................................................... 13
9.4 Disinfection............................................................................................... 13
9.5 Filter Validation......................................................................................... 14
9.6 Vent Filters ............................................................................................... 14
9.7 Equipment Maintenance and Testing ....................................................... 14
9.8 Blow Fill Seal/Form Fill Seal ..................................................................... 14
9.9 Sterility Test.............................................................................................. 15
10. REVISION HISTORY................................................................................ 15


PI 007-6 - ii - 1 January 2011


Adoption by the PIC/S Committee 7 September 1999

Entry into force of version PR 1/99 1 January 2000
Entry into force of version PI 007-1 1 September 2001
Entry into force of version PI 007-4 1 March 2009
Entry into force of version PI 007-5 1 July 2009


2.1 Purpose

2.1.1 The aim of this document is to provide guidance to the current practice in this
field by giving recommendations for the validation of aseptic processes. In
particular, the document should provide guidance for GMP inspectors both for
training purposes and in preparation for inspections of company premises.

2.2 Scope

2.2.1 This document applies to all manufacturers involved in aseptic processing of

finished dosage forms (human and veterinary) as well as manufacturers of
sterile labelled bulk drug substances (active pharmaceutical ingredients).

2.2.2 At the time of issue this document reflected the current state of the art. It is
not intended to be a barrier to technical innovation or the pursuit of
excellence. The advice in this recommendation is not mandatory for industry.
However, industry should consider this recommendation as appropriate.

2.3 General information

2.3.1 The basic principles and application of process validation are described in
Annex 15 to the EU/PIC/S Guide to GMP and are further elaborated in PIC/S
Document PI 006 (Recommendations on Validation Master Plan, Installation
and Operational Qualification, Non-Sterile Process Validation, Cleaning
Validation) and apply also to aseptic processing. Annex I to the EU/ PIC/S
Guide to GMP provides the basic requirements for the manufacture of sterile
products including those aseptically processed. The Annex includes
requirements, standards and recommendations, for example, for monitoring
of the environment and of personnel.

2.3.2 Validation of aseptic processes relies upon prospective, concurrent and

retrospective validation as well as re-validation.

2.3.3 Prospective studies would include installation and operational qualification for
a new or renovated facility as well as product simulation studies and a
prospective process validation with the original product according to PIC/S
Document PI 006.

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2.3.4 Concurrent validation includes a process validation with the same
requirements as for prospective studies, but performed during routine
production on qualified equipment.

2.3.5 Retrospective validation uses the data of earlier manufactures, but is not a
recommended technique for aseptic processes.

2.3.6 Re-validation includes:

 Regular performance of process simulation studies

 Monitoring of environment, disinfection procedures, equipment cleaning
and sterilisation (including containers and closures)
 Routine maintenance and re-qualification of equipment, e.g. autoclaves,
ovens, HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) systems, water
systems, etc.
 Regular integrity testing of product filters, containers, closures and vent
 Re-validation after changes

2.3.7 It is the sum total of all validation data that provides the necessary level of
assurance for aseptically produced products.

2.3.8 Process simulation studies (media fills) are simulating the whole process in
order to evaluate the sterility confidence of the process. Process simulation
studies include formulation (compounding), filtration and filling with suitable
media. Simulations are made to ensure that the regular process for
commercial batches repeatedly and reliably produces the finished product of
the required quality. However, each process simulation trial is unique and so
it is not possible to extrapolate these results directly to actual production
contamination rates.

2.3.9 The methods for simulating an aseptic process vary according to the process
used for the various types of products, i.e. liquid, semi-liquid and solid dosage

2.3.10 In these Recommendations the term “should” indicates requirements that are
expected to apply unless shown to be inapplicable or replaced by an
alternative demonstrated to provide at least an equivalent level of quality


Action level: Established criteria, e.g. microbial or particulate levels,

requiring immediate follow-up and corrective action if exceeded.

Alert limits (environmental monitoring): Established microbial or

particulate levels giving early warning of potential drift from normal operating
conditions which are not necessarily grounds for definitive corrective action
but which require follow-up investigation.

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Alert limits (media fill): Established levels or numbers of positive media
filled units, the cause of which should be investigated, but which are not
necessarily grounds for definitive corrective action.

Aseptic filling: Operation whereby the product is sterilised separately, then

filled and packaged using sterilised containers and closures in critical
processing zones.

Bioburden: Total number of viable microorganisms on or in pharmaceutical

product prior to sterilisation.

Compounding: A process wherein bulk drug substance is combined with

another bulk drug substance and/or one or more excipients to produce a drug

Environmental monitoring programme: Defined documented programme

which describes the routine particulate and microbiological monitoring of
processing and manufacturing areas, and includes a corrective action plan
when action levels are exceeded.

Growth promotion test: Test performed to demonstrate that media will

support microbial growth.

High efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter: Retentive matrix designed to

remove a defined percentage of particulate matter of a defined size.
HVAC: Heating, ventilation and air conditioning

Integrity test: Test to determine the functional performance of a filter system.

Media fills: Method of evaluating an aseptic process using a microbial growth

medium. (Media fills are understood to be synonymous to simulated product
fills, broth trials, broth fills etc.).

Sampling frequency: Established period for collecting samples.

Shift: Scheduled periods of work or production, usually less than 12 hours in

length, staffed by alternating groups of workers.

Sterile: Free of any viable organisms. (In practice, no such absolute

statement regarding the absence of microorganisms can be proven, see

Sterilisation: Validated process used to render a product free of viable

organisms. Note: In a sterilisation process, the nature of microbiological
death of reduction is described by an exponential function.

Therefore, the number of microorganisms which survive a sterilisation

process can be expressed in terms of probability. While the probability may
be reduced to a very low number, it can never be reduced to zero.

Sterility assurance level (SAL): Probability that a batch of product is sterile.

(SAL is expressed as 10 -n).

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Sterility test: Test performed to determine if viable microorganisms are

Vent filter: Non-shedding porous material capable of removing viable and

non-viable particles from gases passing in and out of a closed vessel.


4.1 General Comments

4.1.1 The media fill should emulate the regular product fill situation in terms of
equipment, processes, personnel involved and time taken for filling as well as
for holding.

4.1.2 Where filling takes place over extended periods, i.e. longer than 24 hours, the
process simulation test should extend over the whole of the standard filling
period. In order to prevent excessively high numbers of units being filled it is
usually acceptable to just run the machine for a reasonable time, if the validity
of the simulation is not diminished by this procedure.

4.1.3 It should be considered that inert gases will prevent the growth of aerobic
microorganisms. Therefore for process simulations sterile filtered air should
be used instead of inert gases, also for breaking a vacuum. Where
anaerobes are detected in the environmental monitoring or sterility testing,
the use of an inert gas should be considered for a process simulation, as inert
gas is supporting the growth of anaerobes.

4.1.4 Before enumerating the different process simulation test procedures some
preliminary explanations are necessary for the preparation of liquid media as
it is used for the majority of the process simulation tests. Where a liquid
nutrient medium is used it should be prepared in a similar manner to the
product. The medium should be dissolved in Water for Injection in a standard
manufacturing vessel. If heat is required to dissolve it then only minimal heat
should be used. The pH of the medium should be measured and, if
necessary, adjusted to bring it into the required range. The medium should be
aseptically filtered into an aseptic holding vessel using the normal production
filter and processing procedure. In justified cases it may be also acceptable to
sterilise the media. All aseptic holding vessels should be covered by a
process simulation test on a regular basis unless a validated, pressure hold
or vacuum hold test is routinely performed.

4.1.5 The following chapter illustrates the test procedures for the various simulation
tests for aseptically produced solutions, lyophiles, suspensions, ointments
and powders and summarises the considerations to be made.

4.2 Liquid Products

4.2.1 Vial Products The liquid growth medium for the simulation test is prepared as above and
kept in a sterile holding vessel for the maximum permitted holding time before
starting the simulation test. If the bulk solution is stored under refrigerated

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conditions during the holding time then this should also be performed for the
medium. Vials and closures should be prepared as in regular production.

4.2.2 Sterile Products in Plastic Containers Ear and eye drops are typically marketed in plastic containers. Containers,
inserts, closures and where applicable overseals are washed and sterilised as
in regular production. Instead of sterilisation with heat, irradiation or ethylene
oxide are used. Whilst clear plastic containers are frequently used for process simulation
trials, the plastic is usually slightly opaque and thus hinders identification of
contaminated units that show only a slight haze. In such case examination
under natural or room lighting would not suffice. Where opaque containers
are used for process simulation trials the whole contents should be removed
for examination.

4.2.3 Ampoule Products Open or closed ampoule types may be used. They should be sterilised by dry
heat and afterwards used in the simulation test as per the regular production
run. Ampoules should be prepared as in regular production.

4.3 Injectable Powder Products

4.3.1 There are two possibilities for simulation of this process. Either by filling a
sterilised liquid growth medium into the sterile container or adding a powder
(inert or growth medium) before or after a sterile diluent (WFI or growth
medium). Inert materials commonly used include: polyethylene glycol 8000
and carboxymethyl cellulose. These materials are usually sterilised by

4.4 Suspension Products

4.4.1 This procedure is comparable to the filling of liquid products, except for the
process step of maintaining suspension of the ingredients. The stirring or
recirculation should be part of the simulation. If aseptic additions are made to
the bulk solution these should be simulated by the use of inert sterile

4.5 Freeze Dried (Lyophilised) Products

4.5.1 Crystallisation of the medium should be prevented because it may reduce the
likelihood of recovery of organisms.

4.5.2 Two simulation methods are commonly used. In the first one a dilute medium
is subject to a cycle that removes water until a determined medium strength is
obtained, but is not subject to freezing. The second method uses full strength
medium and requires only a partial vacuum be drawn whilst the chamber
should be kept at ambient temperature. There is a risk that the medium may
boil over and contaminate the chamber unless conditions are tightly

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controlled. The absence of boiling under the defined cycle conditions should
be confirmed.

4.6 Semi-Solid Products (e.g. sterile ointments)

4.6.1 For this simulation test the liquid growth medium is thickened to the
appropriate viscosity, used as in the routine production procedure. Suitable
thickening agents are agar and carboxymethyl cellulose. Other agents would
need to be validated with regard to lack of their bacteriostatic and fungistatic
properties. Metal and plastic ointment tubes prevent the examination of the
medium in-situ. Usually the whole content of the tube should be examined
and this is usually achieved by squeezing the contents into a plate (petri
dish), and after whirling it is examined for turbidity and fungal colonies under
defined light conditions or by performing a sterility test. If properly validated,
an alternative method for detection of contamination of semi-solid products
could be the use of media which changes colour in the presence of

4.7 Clinical Trials Materials and Small Batch Size Products

4.7.1 As processes for smaller quantities (less than 3000 units) do not allow an
interpretation according to chapter 5 of these Recommendations, any
presence of microbial contamination should be regarded as an alert limit.
Monitoring and test conditions, like incubation or media selection remain the
same as for commercial production runs.

4.7.2 The size of media fills for small batch size products should at least equal the
number of containers filled for the commercial product.

4.8 Biological and Biotechnology Products

4.8.1 The manufacture of these products varies, such that there is not one single
process. It may be more practical to validate the various segments of the
process individually. The frequency of the revalidation should relate to the
one of regular, commercial production.

4.9 Sterile Bulk Pharmaceuticals

4.9.1 Whenever possible a growth medium should be used and the process should
be simulated as closely as possible to the normal route of manufacturing the
sterile bulk drug substance.

4.9.2 The aseptic manufacture of sterile bulk drug substances is a difficult process,
which may have numerous individual segments that need to be validated. The
possibility of microbial ingress into the system has to be considered after
each step of the routine production.

4.9.3 The validation may include segments, where the use of growth media is not

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5.1 Test Performance

5.1.1 The process simulation test should follow as closely as possible the routine
aseptic manufacturing process and include all critical subsequent
manufacturing steps. All equipment should remain the same wherever
practicable as for the routine process. Appropriate combinations of container
size and opening as well as speed of the processing line should be used
(preferably at the extremes).

5.1.2 The process simulation test should represent a “worst case” situation and
include all manipulations and interventions likely to be represented during a

5.1.3 Worst case conditions are often thought to be the largest container with the
widest mouth as it is exposed longer to the environment. However, there are
exceptions to this and one of them is small ampoules run at the highest
speed as the ampoules may be unstable and cause frequent jams thus
necessitating frequent operator intervention.

5.1.4 The fill volume of the containers should be sufficient to enable contact of all
the container-closure seal surfaces when the container is inverted and also
sufficient to allow the detection of microbial growth.

5.1.5 If batches smaller than 3000 units are produced, the minimum number of
containers used for the process simulation should be equal to that of the
commercial batch size.

5.1.6 Simulation tests should be performed on different days and hours during the
week and not only at the beginning of a work day.

5.1.7 If the same process is conducted in a separate clean room, this should also
be validated.

5.1.8 In order to find the possible source of contamination it may be a good advise
to video tape the aseptic fill and also number the individual vials or segregate
vials in chronological order during incubation.

5.2 Selection of Growth Medium

5.2.1 The criteria for the selection of growth medium include: low selectivity, clarity,
medium concentration and filterability.

5.2.2 Low Selectivity: The medium selected should be capable of supporting a wide
range of microorganisms, which might reasonably be encountered and be
based also on the in house flora (e.g. isolates from monitoring etc.).

5.2.3 Media used in the evaluation must pass a growth promotion test. The control
organisms used should include those relevant strains of test micro-organisms
identified by relevant Pharmacopoeias as being suitable for use in the growth
promotion test.

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5.2.4 Growth promotion tests should demonstrate that the medium supports
recovery and growth of low numbers of microorganisms, i.e. 10-100 CFU/unit
or less.

5.2.5 Growth promotion testing of the media used in simulation studies should be
carried out on completion of the incubation period to demonstrate the ability
of the media to sustain growth if contamination is present. Growth should be
demonstrated within 5 days at the same incubation temperature as used
during the simulation test performance.

5.2.6 Clarity: The medium should be clear to allow for ease in observing turbidity.

5.2.7 Medium Concentration: Recommendations of the supplier should be followed

unless alternative concentrations are validated to deliver equal results.

5.2.8 Filterability: If a filter is used in the aseptic manufacturing process, the

medium should be capable of being filtered through the same grade as used
in production.

5.3 Incubation Conditions

5.3.1 It is generally accepted to incubate at 20-25°C for a minimum of 7 days

followed immediately, or after a first reading, by incubation at 30-35°C for a
total minimum incubation time of 14 days. Other incubation schedules should
be based on supporting validation data.

5.3.2 Prior to incubation the containers with the microbiological growth medium
should be inverted or otherwise manipulated to ensure that all surfaces,
included the internal surface of the closure, are thoroughly wetted by the
medium. The containers should not be completely filled with medium in order
to provide sufficient oxygen for the growth of obligate aerobes. Similarly,
containers should not be overlaid with inert gases even though the product
may be (see also general comment in Chapter 3.1).

5.3.3 The microorganisms present in the containers of the simulation test should be
identified to genus but preferably species level to aid determination of the
possible sources of the contamination.

5.4 Reading of the Test

5.4.1 When inspecting the containers they should be compared to a known sterile
container for comparison as some microbial growth shows up as a faint haze
which is difficult to detect unless there is a control container to compare
against. Personnel should be trained for this task.

5.5 Test Frequency

5.5.1 The manufacturer based on his individual circumstances should ultimately

decide if more or more frequent tests are required than requested in this

5.5.2 It should be distinguished between “start-up” and “on-going” simulation tests.

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5.5.3 A “start-up” simulation test consists of three consecutive satisfactory
simulation tests per shift and should be carried out before routine
manufacturing can start.

5.5.4 “Start–up” simulation tests are performed for example for new processes,
new equipment or after critical changes of processes, equipment or
environment as for example significant personnel changes (a new shift),
modifications in equipment directly in contact with the product or
modifications in the HVAC system.

5.5.5 An “on-going” simulation test consists of one satisfactory simulation test per
shift and is mainly performed for the periodic monitoring of aseptic conditions
during routine manufacturing but also for example after less critical changes
of processes, equipment or environment or if processing lines stand idle for
more than 6 months.

5.5.6 “On-going” simulation tests should be performed with each shift of each
process line at least twice per year under the condition that there were no
changes in the normal production procedures and no action limits were

5.5.7 Exceeding an action level demands a re-validation. Depending on the result

of the follow-up investigation this re-validation may require the inclusion of
one to three satisfactory process simulation tests.


6.1 After the incubation period of the media-filled containers they are visually
examined for microbial growth. Contaminated containers should be examined
for evidence of container/closure damage which might compromise the
integrity of the packaging system. Damaged containers should not be
included as failures (positives) when evaluating results.

6.2 The number of containers used for media fills should be sufficient to enable a
valid evaluation. For small batches, the number of containers for media fills
should at least equal the size of the product batch. The target should be zero
growth and the following should apply:

 When filling fewer than 5000 units, no contaminated units should be


 When filling 5,000 to 10,000 units:

a) One (1) contaminated unit should result in an investigation,
including consideration of a repeat media fill;
b) Two (2) contaminated units are considered cause for revalidation,
following investigation.

 When filling more than 10,000 units:

a) One (1) contaminated unit should result in an investigation;
b) Two (2) contaminated units are considered cause for revalidation,
following investigation.

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6.3. For any run size, intermittent incidents of microbial contamination may be
indicative of low-level contamination that should be investigated. Investigation
of gross failures should include the potential impact on the sterility assurance
of batches manufactured since the last successful media fill.

6.4 All contaminating microorganisms whether or not an alert or action limit has
been exceeded should be identified to at least genus and preferably species
where practicable to determine the possible source of contamination.

6.5 If a process simulation test fails then due account should be taken of
products filled between the last successful test and the test failure. Recording
of any deviations during the simulation test is important to trace later on the
exact cause and to evaluate the consequences. The investigation should
identify batches that could be affected during this time period and the
disposition of the affected batches should be re-assessed.


 Annex I of the EU/PIC/S Guide to GMP provides the basis for

environmental and personnel monitoring requirements and recommendations.

 Some specific additional guidance is given below on air borne microbial

and non-viable particle monitoring, intervention monitoring and staff training.

7.1 Air Borne Microbial and Non-Viable Particle Monitoring

7.1.1 It is important to state that the monitoring activity itself should not
compromise the product quality. Worst case scenarios of simulations tests
should also include monitoring activities.

7.2 Non-viable monitoring

7.2.1 The location chosen for monitoring should be checked to ensure that the
positions reflect the worst case. For room monitoring, the counts should be
performed in locations where there is most operator activity. For the filling
environment the counts should be performed adjacent to the filling zone and
where components are exposed in such way as to detect operator activity
within these areas. Monitoring with sampling probes located in such a way
that they monitor the air from the HEPA filter rather than the air immediately
surrounding the critical zones should be avoided. However the location of the
sample device should not compromise the laminarity of the air flow in the
critical zone. Initial validation should be checked to confirm that worst case
positions have been adequately identified. These may be reconfirmed during
process simulation tests.

7.3 Microbial Monitoring

7.3.1 It is usually expected that a combination of the methods identified in the

Annex 1 of the EU/PIC/S GMP guide for monitoring microbial levels is used in
environmental monitoring programmes where appropriate.

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7.3.2 Microbial monitoring should be performed in and around areas of high
operator activity. It is not unusual to see settle plates and air sample locations
well away from such areas. A typical example is where settle plates are
located well to the rear of the filling machine where there is little or no
operator activity. The same may be true for air sampling. It is important,
therefore, to observe operator activity over a period of time and ensure that
the monitoring sites are so located as to monitor operator activity.

7.3.3 The process simulation test provides an ideal opportunity to confirm that worst
case locations have been identified by the use of additional monitoring during
the test.

7.3.4 A useful monitoring technique is to monitor the filling needles at the end of the
filling session.

7.3.5 Additional monitoring around the affected area prior to disinfection may
provide useful information as to the cause.

7.4 Intervention Monitoring

7.4.1 It is essential to include in a simulation test the various interventions that are
known to occur during normal production runs, e.g. repair or replacement of
needles/tubes, replacement of on-line filters, microbial sampling by
monitoring personnel and sampling device, duration of stops on the line, filling
and handling of stoppers etc.

7.4.2 The process simulation test should last long enough to accommodate all
possible interventions and a “worst case scenario”, which may include several
unfavourable conditions which are occurring during routine processing.


8.1 The routine training of personnel who work in a controlled environment needs
special emphasis as people are potentially one of the main sources of micro-
organisms in the environment.

8.2 Included are not only operators but also other personnel working in a
controlled environment as staff responsible for monitoring, equipment
maintenance, engineering, washing and preparation.

8.3 A formal personnel training programme is needed for all activities in each
clean room. This means the programme has to be planned, documented and
repeated at adequate intervals to ensure that the once trained individual
meets the ongoing requirements for the work in a controlled environment.

8.4 This training encompasses subjects like basic microbiology, good

manufacturing practice principles, hygiene (disinfection and sanitisation),
aseptic connections, alert and action limits, and gowning procedures.

8.5 Environmental monitoring personnel need a thorough understanding of the

sources of contamination risks (e.g. inadequately disinfected / sterilised
sampling equipment) that are involved with the sampling methods.

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8.6 Periodic process simulation tests (for frequency see Chapter 4.5) are
required to ensure that the training of the personnel in charge of filling is
effectively maintained.

8.7 The competence of an individual should be formally assessed after attending

the training courses and active participation of a process simulation test.

8.8 The evaluation of filled containers of a simulation test should be done by

personnel who are especially trained. They should have routine eye sight
tests. This training should include the inspection of filled containers
interspersed with contaminated units.

8.9 Staff responsible for equipment maintenance, washing and preparation

require regular retraining.


 Beside the elements already described in the previous chapters

validation of aseptic manufacturing includes, but is not limited to other
important factors described in this chapter.

9.1 Container/Closure Integrity Testing

9.1.1 The integrity of particular container/closure configurations should be assured


9.1.2 Validation of the closure system by filling the container with sterile growth
medium and inserting the container in a broth containing approx. 106 cfu/ml of
a suitable micro-organism. The container is removed after submersion for a
recognised period of time, disinfected and then incubated for 14 days. Growth
would indicate a failure of the closure system.

9.1.3 The container/closure integrity test is normally checked during assessment of

the marketing authorisation. The machine set-up is however a critical factor.
For vials, the set-up of the capping machine may be critical as the operation
can cause distortion of the stopper if the capping force is not adequately

9.2 Container/Closure Sterilisation

9.2.1 Problems are rarely encountered with sterilisation of containers. However

sterilisation of stoppers might cause problems:

9.2.2 Lack of air removal and adequate steam penetration: stoppers should not be
packed too densely into trays or bags since this may prevent adequate air
removal during the vacuum phase of the autoclave cycle.

9.2.3 During the vacuum phases of the autoclave cycle stoppers may clump
together to form a tightly bound mass. Pairs of stoppers may become
attached to each other with the base of one stopper becoming attached to the
top of the other stopper.

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9.3 Equipment Cleaning and Sterilisation

9.3.1 Manual cleaning (see PIC/S Document PI 006, Cleaning validation) and
sterilisation. Manual cleaning of equipment rarely is a problem but procedures should be

checked to ensure that O-rings and gaskets are removed during cleaning
otherwise there can be a build up of product residues and/or dirt. If equipment is steam sterilised in an autoclave then the following points

should be addressed: Equipment should be wrapped and loaded into the autoclave in such a way to
facilitate the removal of air from items in the load. Sterilisation of filters, housings and tubing might cause problems. Problems are usually identified by slow heat up times inside the equipment
compared to the chamber temperature. If there is a temperature lag of
several minutes then this is usually indicative of entrapped air. The steam will
heat up the entrapped air but sterilising conditions will not be obtained as
saturated steam will not be present. Only porous load steam autoclaves with a vacuum system to withdraw
entrapped air should be used for sterilising equipment. Passive displacement autoclaves (no vacuum to withdraw entrapped air)

would normally not be appropriate because of the difficulties in air removal
from the load.

9.3.2 Clean-in-place/sterilise-in-place (CIP/SIP). Validation of these systems may be difficult because of the potential

incompatibilities in requirements for the design of CIP and SIP facilities. All
systems have dead legs to a greater or lesser extent and the required
orientation of the dead legs differ for CIP and SIP. The orientation for CIP
dead legs is slightly sloping so that the cleaning solution can enter and also
drain away. The dead leg for SIP is vertically up so that steam can
downwardly displace the air.

9.4 Disinfection

9.4.1 There should be documented procedures describing the preparation and

storage of disinfectants and detergents. These agents should be monitored
for microbial contamination; dilutions should be kept in previously cleaned
containers and should only be stored for defined periods unless sterilised.
Disinfectants and detergents used in Grade A and B areas should be sterile
at the time of use. If spray bottles are used they should be sterile before
being filled and have a short in-use shelf life.

9.4.2 Sporicidal agents should be used wherever possible but particularly for
“spraying-in” components and equipment in aseptic areas.

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9.4.3 The effectiveness of disinfectants and the minimum contact time on different
surfaces should be validated.

9.5 Filter Validation

9.5.1 Whatever type of filter or combination of filters is used, validation should

include microbiological challenges to simulate “worst case” production
conditions. The selections of the microorganisms to perform the challenge
test (e.g. P. diminuta) has to be justified. The nature of the product may affect
the filter and so the validation should be performed in the presence of the
product. Where the product is bacteriostatic or bacteriocidal an alternative is
to perform the test in the presence of the vehicle (product without the drug
substance). It may be possible to group similar products and just perform the
test on one. The filter integrity test limits should be derived from the filter
validation data. The filter manufacturer should also evaluate the maximum
permitted pressure differential across the filter and this should be checked
against the batch documentation to ensure that it is not exceeded during
aseptic filtration.

9.5.2 In addition to the validation of the filter type the integrity of each individual
product filter used for routine production should be tested before and after

9.6 Vent Filters

9.6.1 It is important that the integrity of critical gas and air vent filters is confirmed
immediately after the filling and if it fails, the disposition of the batch
determined. In practice vent filters fail the integrity test more frequently than
product filters as generally they are less robust and more sensitive to
pressure differentials during steam sterilisation.

9.7 Equipment Maintenance and Testing

9.7.1 Aseptic holding and filling vessels should be subject to routine planned
preventive maintenance. Gaskets and O-rings should be checked regularly.
Sight-glass gaskets are rarely checked routinely and after a number of
autoclave cycles may become brittle and allow bypass of room air. All vessels
should be subject to regular leak testing (pressure hold or vacuum hold).
Where glass vessels are used an alternative leak test method should be

9.7.2 Standard Operating Procedures should be checked so as to ensure that any

faults or failures of equipment identified by examination, testing or during
routine cleaning of equipment are notified immediately to Quality Assurance.

9.8 Blow Fill Seal/Form Fill Seal

9.8.1 Where these machines are used for aseptic processing, the following
validation aspects should be taken into account:

9.8.2 On most machines there are three critical zones: parison formation, parison
transfer and the filling zone. An open parison is equivalent to an open
container in traditional terms. On most machines only the filling zone is
protected by Grade A air showers.

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9.8.3 Thermocouples should be placed in those parts of the SIP pipework liable to
blockage (steam traps and orifice plates) and where condensate may
accumulate (vertically down dead legs).This point however should be dealt
with during IQ (Installation Qualification).

9.8.4 Concerning leak testing it has to be considered that some of the techniques
are subject to limitations. For example manually performed pressure tests
sometimes lack of sensitivity or marginal leakers may not be detected when
using the dye bath method, because the use of vacuum post autoclaving will
not always detect seam leakers especially at the base of the unit. Therefore a
close examination of leaker reject rates is called for. If process simulation
leak test rates are significantly higher than production rates this may indicate
a higher level of surveillance for the simulation.

9.9 Sterility Test

9.9.1 The sterility test can provide useful information on the validation status of
aseptic process. It is important to compare the retest rate for aseptically
processed products against that for terminally sterilised products. If
aseptically processed products have a higher rate then this may be indicative
of sterility problems not identified during validation. This is not an unusual
situation as validation cannot take into account all the possible permutations
and combinations in equipment, personnel and processes. A typical example
of where the sterility test can identify a problem is in the case of damaged O
rings on aseptic holding vessels.

9.9.2 However the number of retests should decrease due to the revised Sterility
Test in the European Pharmacopoeia. The revision has been made in order
to have a harmonised method in the European, the United States and the
Japanese Pharmacopoeias. It means that retesting only is allowed if it can be
clearly demonstrated that the sterility test was invalid for causes unrelated to
the product to be examined. The conditions for considering the method invalid
are given in the method. If retesting is allowed it should be made with the
same number of containers as in the first test.

9.9.3 Provision should be made to sample a sufficient amount of product from the
same location of the load in case of retesting is performed.


Date Version Number Reasons for revision

17 April 2000 PE 002-2 Copyright statement inserted
31 July 2001 PI 007-1 Document adopted as a guidance
document for inspectors by PIC/S
Committee on 22 May 2001. As a result,
the document reference number was
changed. Other changes: “editor” (cover
page), “purpose” (para. 1.1), “scope” (1.2),
cross-references to other documents, new
page and paragraph numbering.

PI 007-6 Page 15 of 16 1 January 2011

1 July 2004 PI 007-2 Change in the Editor’s co-ordinates
25 September 2007 PI 007-3 Change in the Editor’s co-ordinates
7 February 2009 PI 007-4 Amendment of paragraph 5.3.1 (incubation)
6 May 2009 PI 007-5 Revision of section 6 (interpretation of data)
based on revised Annex 1 to the PIC/S
GMP Guide
9 November 2010 PI 007-6 Amendment of paragraphs 5.2.2 and 5.2.3

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