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Chemical Medicine in The Writings of Arnau de Vilanova PDF

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The author is examining Arnau de Vilanova's medical writings to understand if he was aware of and utilized new chemical techniques being developed in the late 13th century.

The author is trying to establish that Arnau's Medicationis parabole were finished in 1300, his Repetitio was completed in 1301, and his Antidotarium was composed around the same time based on similarities to the Repetitio.

The author provides that the Antidotarium repeats two anecdotes told by Arnau in his Repetitio, supporting his authorship and suggesting a date in the early 14th century for its composition.


Over the last few years I have been increasingly interested in the applica-
tion to medieval medical practice of what I think of as a new chemical tech-
nology in the late thirteenth century; I have come to perceive a growing en-
thusiasm among medical and surgical writers of that day for medicines
produced by techniques they had learned from Arabic medical writings, tech-
niques of distillation and sublimation in particular. When this Trobada was
proposed, it seemed natural to me to extend my interest to Arnau de Vilano-
vas work, to see whether Arnau was aware of these recent developments and
whether he put them to use in his practice, and that is the goal of this paper.
I must insist that I am not looking ahead, to try to see whether one can con-
nect this knowledge with a later alchemical tradition; I am deliberately at-
tempting to look at Arnau as a medical figure, against the background of ear-
lier medical thought, and within the context of the knowledge of some of his
contemporaries at Montpellier.
First, however, I would like to present and defend certain assumptions
about the chronology of Arnaus medical writings during the last decade of
his life, because this chronology is the scaffolding for my argument about his
intellectual development. It has been well established, to begin with, that his
Medicationis parabole were finished at the end of 1300, when they were pre-
sented to Philip IV of France.
It has also been established that his Repetitio
or commentary on the first Hippocratic aphorism, Vita brevis, ars vero
longa, was completed at Montpellier in 1301.
I would like to suggest that
the Antidotarium, or at least its first part, was composed at about the same
1. ARNAU DE VILANOVA, Medicationis parabole, ed. J. A. PANIAGUA, Arnaldi de Villanova
Opera Medica Omnia [hereafter AVOMO] vol. 6/2 (Barcelona, 1993), pp. 251-252.
2. Arnaus summary of the first two books of GALENs De interioribus (inc., Quoniam di-
versitas) was completed in May 1300 (see AVOMO 15 [Barcelona, 1985], p. 32). But in the
Repetitio, Arnau speaks of this version as having been finished anno preterito (M.R. MC-
VAUGH, The authorship of the Galenic compendium de interioribus, Quoniam diversitas in Dy-
namis, 1 [1981], 228; the Repetitio must thus date from 1301.
time. At the I Trobada, ten years ago, I contended that this work is, at its
core, genuinely Arnaldian.
Some would accept the genuineness of the entire
treatise; my own belief is that the first portion of the Antidotarium is Arnaus
own draft of an unfinished work, but that the second portion, a list of recipes
for compound medicines that implies the authors familiarity with the Anti-
dotarium Nicolai, may have been added later by a disciple. I propose that the
first portions repetition of two anecdotes told by Arnau in his commentary
on Vita brevis (one about a dead toad in a cistern, one about clothing con-
taminated with verdigris) not only supports his authorship of this part of the
work but suggests that it too should be dated to the opening years of the four-
teenth century.
On this view, the Antidotarium would have had the same fate
as the works that Arnau intended to accompany the Parabole, the ,aphorismi
particulares and the commentary on the Parabole- -they are all works that he
began but did not have the time to finish.
It is still more important to establish a date for Arnaus Speculum medicine
if we are to understand the development of his medical thinking in the last
years of his life. Here it is crucial to study the language of two famous letters.
At the beginning of July 1308, King Jaume II wrote to Arnau to ask him
that you send us the new work you have completed, called, Speculum medicine,
to preserve our health we ask that you pass on to us the aforesaid work, the
Speculum medicine, so that we may maintain our health, which you must surely de-
3. Two Texts, One Problem: The Authorship of the Antidotarium and De venenis attributed to
Arnau de Vilanova, in Arxiu de Textos Catalans Antics, 14 (1995), 75-94. [Also published
as Actes de la I Trobada Internacional dEstudis sobre Arnau de Vilanova, 2:75-94.]
4. Vita brevis: Alii contingit medico quod propinavit decoctionem capil. ve. cuidam pati-
enti et qualibet vice vomebat cum terribilibus accidentibu et tandem plus diligens scrutinium
invenit quod capil. ve. fuerat collectum in quadam cisterna communi et antiqua et modicum
in fundo continente. Ivit ergo illuc quia curiosus erat et fecit sibi ostendi locum collectionis et
cum diligenter aspexisset invenit cadaver buffonis sub illo loco in fundo cisterne ex quo infi-
ciebatur non solum humiditas qua planta nutriebatur sed aer circum positus ei.
Aliud etiam contingit cuidam medico qui fecerat de consilio cuiusdam alterius fieri col-
lirium ad delendum albuginem oculorum; et prima nocte qua stillavit oculus pacientis, ob-
talmiam incurrit ita quod eminentia et timore ac intolerabili dolore vexatus fere amisit oculos.
Cucurrit ergo mater et notificavit medico principali, qui respondit quod non erat propter nat-
uram collirii, et in testimonium huius precepit quod recepta eiusdem collirii faceret iterum
cum diligentia, quod in domo sua taliter et taliter prepararet ipsum sicut aliquis fuerat infor-
matus et de secundo fuit instillatum oculis patientis eiusdem et in nullo vexavit eum, et de
primo fuit per diligentem inquisitionem inventum quod ille qui preparaverat pridie pulver-
izaverat multam quantitatem viridis eris et eisdem vestibus indutus quibus pulverizaverat
illud preparavit collirium. Opera Arnaldi (Lyons, 1520), fol. 281rb. All my subsequent refer-
ences to Arnaus Opera will be to this edition.
Antidotarium: Compertum est etiam quod colirium suaviter dolorum mitigativum oculo-
rum tritum ab apothecario induto veste qua die precedente indutus trituerat viride eris in-
missum occulo pacientem cruciabat. Et aqua decoccionis capillorum ven. collecti in cisterna in
qua buffo submersus putruerat potanti terribiliter sincopim inducebat. Opera, fol. 244.
sire; and be certain that we will show that work to no one, except that with your
prior consent we will disclose it to our physician, Master Marti de Caliga Rubea,
who cares assiduously for our bodys health.
Six weeks later, the king repeated the request:
we ask that you send us the Speculum medicine, since we are anxious to hav eit,
and we promise that we will show it to no one unless you wish it and tell us so.
In my view, these letters show that in the summer of 1308 Arnau had fin-
ished a new work (,novellum opus) which was titled Speculum medicine, per-
haps on the model of Vincent of Beauvais famous trilogy, and that the king
knew of it by this title, which he used three times. The king wanted it sent
to him in case it might be of use to his health. It was not written ,for the
king, who certainly does not express the feeling that he deserves to have it-
rather, he thinks that he has to promise not to show it to anyone except his
personal physician if he has a chance of receiving it. On the surface, it would
seem that these letters are speaking of the very work that we know today as
the Speculum medicine, and that it therefore dates from 1308.
But Juan Antonio Paniagua has presented serious arguments for rejecting
this identification. Let me give you his words:
Ce livre que le roi rclame si avidement devait tre un crit dallure pratique,
prophylactique comprhensible et strictement personnel: ce sont des qualits
quon trouve au Regimen sanitatis ad regem Aragonum, ouvrage qui, selon le t-
moignage de son traducteur hbreu, fut ralis vers ces dates [1307-8]. Il ne sem-
ble pas possible quun trait si thorique et systmatique que le Speculum aurait
t intelligible pour un profane en mdecine, ni quil puisse donner de rponses
aux proccupations de celui qui le demandait; peut-tre le roi la-t-il appel ainsi
pour tre gnrique cette dnomination ou par confusion avec le trait tendu.
Si lon admet cette distinction, je ne vois aucune difficult pour avancer la
date du Speculum medicinae jusqu la fin de la priode de ddication universitaire
du Matre: 1300 ou 1301 Je pense quun volume si dense et structur que le
Speculum medicinae ne semble pas faisable dans ces annes au cours desquelles lau-
teur est pris par dautres proccupations; il est mieux de le placer la fin de cette
autre priode pleine de production scientifico-mdicale, le connecter donc avec
5. Ut ad nos novellum opus per vos conditum, medicine speculum nuncupatum, pro
conservatione salutis nostre mittere debitis precamur quatenus opus predictum seu specu-
lum medicine ad nos pro conservacione nostre salutis, quam ut tenemus certissime tenere cu-
pitis transmitatis, scituri nos opus ipsum nemine communicaturos nisi previo consensu ve-
stro magistro Martino de Caliga Rubea nostro phisico id pandamus, qui de salute et sanitate
corporis nostri sollicitam curam gerit. Antoni RUBI I LLUCH (ed.), Documents per a la Histria
de la Cultura Catalana Medieval, vol. 1 (rpt. Barcelona 2000), p. 45; doc. 36
6. Rogamus ut mitatis nobis speculum medicine cum ipsum habere affectemus, pol-
licemur etenim vobis quod nulli persone illud ostendemus nisi eum cui volueritis et nobis
duxeritis intimandum. Ibid., p. 49; doc. 38.
ces autres crits de mme genre qui sont cits dans son texte et ne pas lloigner
deux par une parenthse de sept ans.
I have thought long and hard about these arguments, and I recognize their
force. They could perhaps be bolstered still further by pointing out that in
chap. 25 of the Speculum Arnau uses the same examples of the toad in the cis-
tern and the verdigris that I have shown above were fresh in his mind in
Yet I have eventually come back to the conclusion that the comple-
tion of the Speculum should be dated to 1308.
To begin with, we have testimony from Arnau himself that bears upon the
matter. In chap. 77 of the Speculum he speaks of three obstacles to medical cer-
tainty that he says were described by Hippocrates in his first aphorism, as
(Arnau goes on) is explained in [our] exposition of that aphorism ,iam diu
That exposition, we have just seen, was published in 1301, so
the Speculum was written after that,long (diu) after. How much time is
meant by diu we cannot of course say, but I would think certainly more than
a year or two is implied, and that means that all the difficulties Paniagua has
identified must come into play: from what we know of Arnaus career after
1301, I find it hard to believe that he could have had the time to write a dense
and structured work like the Speculum before 1305 or 1306, which makes it
much more plausible that King Jaume had that work in mind in 1308.
And if we look carefully at the kings letters, I think Paniaguas other
doubts can be answered. There is really no reason to believe from the kings
language that he thought of the Speculum medicine he refers to as a practical
work meant strictly for him; it need have been no more than a work that he
hoped might prove to be of use to him (it is not hard to believe that Arnau
had spoken of his Speculum with pride, and that King Jaume could have had
great expectations of it, even knowing that it was a work on medical theory).
It does not seem to be a book that he plans to read personally, rather it is one
that he says his learned physician Master Mart will study for him and apply
to the governance of his health.
I am arguing, therefore, that the Speculum medicine as we have it is indeed
a witness to Arnaus medical thinking as of 1308, and I will use it that way
in the study that follows. Nevertheless, I do not want to minimize its occa-
sional echoes of his earlier academic life, which for Paniagua were a further
indication that it had been written in 1301, and I would suggest cautiously
that, while the Speculum was certainly finished in 1308, it might have been
7. Juan A. PANIAGUA, Arnau de Vilanova, Matre-rgent lcole de Mdecine de Montpellier, in
110e Congrs National des Socits Savantes, Montpellier, 1985, reprinted in Studia Arnal-
diana (Barcelona, 1994), p. 312.
8. Speculum, in Opera, cap. 22, fol. 12rb.
9. Hec autem tria impedimenta certitudinis acquirende Ypo. comprehendit in primo am-
phorismo sub vita brevi et arte longa et ideo in expositione illius amphorismi iam diu com-
municata plenius istud elucidatur. Ibid., cap. 77, fol. 22rb.
begun in 1301it might have been one more of the many projects we know
Arnau had in hand in his last year at Montpellier (like the Parabole-commen-
tary or, on my argument, the Antidotarium). It would not be surprising, then,
if this had been the work he was most concerned to complete in what little
time he had for medical writing, if he had sacrificed the other projects in
order to bring the Speculum triumphantly to an end.
Let us begin by looking at Arnaus Antidotarium, which, as I have already
said, contains a discursive introduction followed by a list of recipes for com-
pound medicines; the list may not be genuinely his, but the introduction
seems authentic. This first, assuredly Arnaldian, portion of the Antidotarium
is organized around a discussion of the kinds of circumstances that can cause
variability when a medicine is compounded out of simples, and the circum-
stances to which Arnau gives most attention are the factors that can alter the
basic properties of those simples. He first explains how medicines properties
vary depending on how they have been stored, and on how old they are. Then
he discusses a series of procedures that can be applied to these medicines in
order to change their behavior: he describes at some length washing a medi-
cine; steeping it in a liquid like water or vinegar; grinding it to a powder in
a mortar; boiling it; and roasting it (,assatio).
He not only explains the pro-
cedures, however, he also describes the effects they have on individual simples
(most of those he mentions are vegetable drugs, though a few are mineral
remedies). Some things, like lettuce, are rendered harmful by washing; other
substances, like ,es ustum, spuma argenti, calx, et similia, lose something of
their harshness when they have been washed. Grinding can intensify a drugs
effect, or it can cause it to act more rapidly. Boiling a medicine like squill or
scammony can concentrate its purgative powers in the resulting liquid.
Roasting a medicine has a particularly wide range of effects: it can make a
drug easier to administer (as happens with hazelnuts or gum arabic); it can
reduce its ,acuitas (as is the case with ,rubeum seu realgar and ,viride seu
capparos) or its ,iniquitas (roasting scorpions in a luted vessel heated in a
furnace for a day and night, and then injecting them, mixed in oil, into the
bladder, renders them capable of destroying bladder or kidney stones imme-
diately). Let me emphasize that it is the different techniques that hold
Arnaus attention, techniques that can be applied to change the properties of
any kind of substance, whether animal, vegetable, or mineral; he shows no
particular interest in changing the properties of mineral substances per se.
10. Antidotarium, in Opera, fol. 245ra-va.
This list of procedures, which concludes the first portion of the Antidotar-
ium, closes with two brief chapters each of which is devoted to a technique
used to produce what Arnau seems to consider a new medicine, not a quali-
tative modification of an old one. The first, very short, concerns ,distillatio:
Of medicines, some are distilled; so that from old red wine an ,aqua ardens
is distilled, powerfully dispelling paralysis, lessening plethora, and rapidly heals
fresh wounds. Sometimes a variety of drugs is put into the alembic, as required
by the illness being treated.
The second describes ,sublimatio, providing a little more detail about the
processabove all as it applies to arsenic, though Arnau says that ,sal armo-
niacum, ,sulfur, and ,argentum vivum can be sublimed as well. He explains
that, to make sublimate of arsenic, a combination of yellow arsenic, ,sal
gemma, iron shavings, and quicksilver is to be mixed with vinegar and al-
lowed to dry, and the resulting material is to be sealed into an alembic (of the
kind, he says, that rose water is made in), heated for a day, and allowed to
cool; the white powder that has sublimed and has collected on the top of the
alembic, Arnau explains, is an extremely effective cauterizing agent.
somewhat different character of these two chapters as compared with the pre-
ceding ones, and their position tacked on at the end of what I believe was
Arnaus unfinished composition, suggests to me that distillation and subli-
mation were aspects of the new chemical technology that he knew about, cer-
tainly, but that he was still unsure how to integrate with traditional pharma-
cy as he knew it.
There is some evidence to suggest that Latin awareness that these proce-
dures could have medical applications had originated in the surgical tradi-
tion. By the middle of the thirteenth century, surgical writers were revealing
their knowledge that the works of Avicenna and Rhazes described procedures
11. Distillantur quedam ex medicinis unde ex vino rubicundo antiquo distillatur aqua
ardens pellens potenter paralysim plectoria diminuta et vulnera recentia celeriter sanat, in
cuius alambico immittuntur aliquando medicine varie prout invitat necessitas morbi curandi.
Ibid., fol. 245va.
12. Ibid., fol. 245va-b.
13. Antoine CALVET, Mutations de lalchimie medicale au XV
siecle, in Micrologus, 3
(1995), 209, uses this passage to suggest Arnaus interest in aqua ardens, whereas my point
will be that because it is virtually unique in his writings one cannot generalize from it to a
wider interest in the material.
of medicinal preparation which seemed to create new drugs.
Bruno of Lon-
goburgo, writing in his Chirurgia in 1252, is the first Western author to de-
scribe a caustic medicine that can be used in treating fistulas and cancers; he
calls it ,sublimated arsenic and explains how to make it in the following
Take sal ammoniac, yellow arsenic, sulphur, and flowers of copper, one and
a half drachms of each; iron filings, vitriol, alum, antimony, two ounces of each;
quicksilver, one ounce; quicklime, one-half pound; grind them up together thor-
oughly, and add the mercury. Then combine with sea water or water from ashes,
make tablets and dry them in the sun or in an oven. When they are dry, powder
them again, put the powder in an aludel and sublime it, and collect the sublimate
in a glass vessel. This medicine cauterizes as well as fire does.
Bruno has built up this account from material in both Avicennas Canon
and Rhazes Almansor.
Sublimate of arsenic very soon established itself as a
valuable addition to a surgeons technical repertoire. In the 1260s Teodorico
of Cervia extolled its value in treating fistulas of the tear duct
or the jaw,
cancer, herpes estiomenus, and nolimetangere.
Teodorico, like Bruno,
thinks surgeons need to know for themselves the procedures involved in the
preparation of such medicines (the techniques would probably still have been
unfamiliar to apothecaries), and he waxes quite ecstatic when he explains how
the sublimate is to be prepared. You are to grind up arsenic, burnt brass, sal
gemma, and cerusa, mix them in vinegar, and, as he tells us in technical de-
... put the whole mixture in a vessel (that is in an aludel on a saucer). When
the sublimation begins, increase the heat of the fire as much as you are able for
14. What follows is based on my unpublished study, The Potential Cautery, delivered
to the Fifth Annual Conference, Southern Association for the History of Medicine and Science,
Durham-Chapel Hill, NC, 21 February 2003.
15. Recipe salis armoniaci, arsenici citrini, sulphuris uiui, floris eris, ana dr. i et semis;
limature ferri, draganti, aluminis iameni, antimonii, ana unc. ii; argenti uiui unc. i; calcis uiue,
id est non extincte, libram semis; omnia terantur, et subtilissime puluerizentur et argentum
uiuum extinctum in saliva eis amisceatur; deinde conficiantur cum aqua maris uel aqua ciner-
is et fiant inde trocisci; deinde ad solem uel ad clibanum desiccentur, et cum desiccati fuerint
iterum puluerizentur; et puluis eorum ponatur in aluthel et sublimetur; et quod ex eo subli-
matum est in uase uitreo recondatur. Huiusmodi quidem medicamen erit tanquam ignis cau-
terium. BRUNO, Chirurgia I.15; S.P. HALL, ed., The Cyrurgia Magna of Brunus Longobur-
gensis: A Critical Edition (dissertation; Oxford, 1957), p. 115. Cf. AVICENNA, Canon
IV.4.3.11 (Venice 1507, fol. 456ra-b) and RHAZES, Almansor VII.5; Opera parva Arasi (Lyons
1511), fol. 113v.
16. Eldridge CAMPBELL and James COLTON, tr., The Surgery of Theodoric, vol. 2 (New York,
1960), p. 19.
17. Ibid., p. 22
18. Ibid., p. 26; herpes or lupus is treated similarly on pp. 35-36.
six hours in summer and nine in winter, or thereabouts. And when you see that
the arsenic is sublimated and the distillation is ceasing, remove the alembic with
its saucer. Then close up the neck of the aludel with a bit of natron in quantity
adequate to the neck. Then build up the fire a little for one hour, so that the ma-
terial may not harden. Having done this, remove the vessel and allow it to cool
all night. Then gently disengage it from the vessel; and as for the sublimate that
remains in the aludel, put it to one side. Then take the dregs that are in the bot-
tom of the lower vessel and grind them up very vigorously with the water called
distilled. Do all things just as before, and repeat this with the residue five times...
Then take ,all the white material [that has been produced], and grind it up... and
put it back on a very low fire until it is all sublimated, as before. This makes its
sharpness soft and gentle, like the sweat of the Blessed Virgin when she gave birth
to Christ.
This is not Avicennas recipe for arsenic sublimate, passed on by Bruno,
but just where Teodorico found it is uncertain; in any case, it again makes
clear how technical knowledge was spreading among later thirteenth-centu-
ry surgeons.
Perhaps a speculative parenthesis is justified here. Retrospective interpre-
tation of medieval chemical procedures, like retrospective diagnoses of me-
dieval diseases, is rarely easy to defend, but there is enough detail in the ac-
counts by Teodorico and Bruno to let us at least guess at what they were
doing. Yellow or citrine arsenic, orpiment, ,auripigmentum, is arsenic trisul-
phide, As
(,realgar is the disulphide, As
). What I think was happening
is that they were carrying out a reaction that produced arsenic trioxide, which
does indeed sublime as a white powder, and has produced skin lesions in
twentieth-century workers exposed to much smaller quantities than a me-
19. Arsenicum sublimatum secundum dominum Hug. sic fit. Re. arsenicum et exfolia,
lib. s., deinde accipe aeris usti, salisgemmae, cerussae, ana lib. s. Deinde arsenicum exfoliatum
tere fortissime,et passa per tamisum grossum. Quod remansit in tamiso tere donec totum sit
passatum; postea fiat idem per omnia, de aere usto separatim, idem de salisgemma et cerussa
separatim. Postea omnia sic trita commisce fortiter in aceto forti super marmor cum lapide suo;
deinde totum commistum pone in vase, id est in disco cum alutel. Da sibi ignem quanto po-
teris pleniorem. In signum sublimationis sunt vi. horae in aestate et ix. in hyeme vel circa; et
quando videris arsenicum sublimari, et distillationem cessare, remove alambicum [!] cum suo
recipiente. Deinde foramen alutelli claude cum modico nitri quantitatis conformis foramini;
deinde modicum vigora ignem per unam horam, ne materia aduratur. Quo facto remove, et
vasa infrigidari tota nocte permitte; post suaviter vasa disiunge, et quod remansit sublimatum
in alutello ad partem pone. Post accipe faeces, quae sunt in fundo vasis inferioris, et fortissime
tere cum aqua dicta distillata fac omnia sicut prius. Hoc reitera de faecibus quinquies, post fae-
ces reiice, et vasa munda; post accipe totum album, et tere tantum salisgemmae ad spissi-
tudinem unius digiti pone in fundo disci, post folium papyri eidem foramini superius pone,
dando ei lentissimum ignem donec sublimetur totum sicut prius. Hec acus fiat mitis et suavis
sicut sicut sudor beate mariae virginis quando peperit Christum; TEODORICO, Chirurgia,
IIII.8, in Ars chirurgica (Venice, 1546), fol. 183va; translation from Campbell and Colton, vol.
2, pp. 213-214.
dieval patient was.
But the precise chemical processes involved are not real-
ly essential to our story.
Like sublimation, distillation was a technical process that thirteenth-cen-
tury surgeons learned from their new Arabic sources; but unlike sublimation,
distillation led them to discover a new product.
These developments began
in the early 1260s, when the works of Rhazes in particular led writers like
Peter of Spain and Teodorico Borgognoni to take a sudden new interest in the
production of medicinal oils, especially ,oleum benedictum, the ,blessed oil
distilled from bricks.
Now when these writers of the 1260s and 1270s are describing the pro-
duction of the exciting new ,oleum benedictum, they consistently make the
analogy with the production of rose water (or, in Teodoricos case, to rose oil).
Rose water was a fundamental drug for Western (and Eastern) apothecaries
and physicians; it was a valuable medicament in its own right, but it was also
widely used as a vehicle for applying other medicines. It had been produced
in Islam for a very long time by distillation. The apparatus used for its pro-
duction consisted typically of an open vessel, a cucurbit, over which was in-
verted another vessel, the alembic, containing an internal gutter draining out
through an opening in its side; water and rose leaves were placed in the cu-
curbit, its contact with the alembic was luted with rags or clay, and the water
was boiled; the steam and essential oils condensed in the alembic and ran out
into a collector.
But what is the history of rose water in Western Europe? It is not at all
certain that it was a distilled product there, at least in the twelfth and early
thirteenth centuries. I have argued elsewhere that in early thirteenth-century
Europe it may normally have been prepared by steeping or boiling rose leaves
or flowers in the fluid, not by distillation properly speaking, but that the in-
creasing assimilation of the medical translations from Arabic convinced
Western apothecaries and physicians that it might be desirable to prepare
rose water by distillation rather than by decoction, and they began to do so;
and that in the 1260s they were beginning to recognize that the new tech-
nology allowed them to produce other tempting drugs that they had begun
to encounter in the Arabic literature, like the blessed oil of bricks.
20. M.E. VAHTER, Metabolism of Arsenic in Biological and Environmental Effects of Arsenic,
FOWLER, B, ed., Elsevier Science, 1983.
21. Part of what follows is drawn from my paper, Alcohol, Rose Water, and the Blessed
Oil of Bricks, to conference on The Rising Dawn: The Contribution of Alchemy to Medieval
Medicine and Intellectual Life, University of East Anglia, Norwich (England), 21 March
2002. See also my Alchemy in the Chirurgia of Teodorico Borgognoni, in Chiara CRISCIANI and
Agostino PARAVICINI BAGLIANI, ed., Alchimia e medicina nel Medioevo (Firenze: Sismel, 2003),
22. In the Middle East bitumen was used as a binder for the light clay from which bricks
were made, and so when the bricks were heated or distilled, petroleum was driven off: it is this
that burns so easily, and acts as a warming liniment.
The developments in the 1260s can be further illuminated, I think, by the
Tractatus mirabilis aquarum attributed to Peter of Spain that was incorporated
into his Liber de oculo. Here Peter described the production of five marvelous
waters useful to the eyes. The first was prepared by putting certain herbs and
white wine in campana in qua fit aqua rosata and distilling it; the second
was a distillation of sal gemma; the third was a decoction or steeping of herbs
in wine, not involving distillation; the fourth was a distillation of herbs
steeped in hot water; and the fifth, a mixture of metallic compounds steeped
successively in a virgins urine, white wine, fennel juice, egg white, mothers
milk, red wine, and egg white again, and then distilled. Some historians have
taken Peters treatise as one of the earliest Latin recognitions of the existence
of alcohol, but I think this is to misinterpret its meaning: Peter does not ap-
pear to think that the distillation of wine is of any more intrinsic interest
than the distillation of hot water or of urine, and he does not suggest that any
of these marvelous fluids is to be drunkthey are all to be dropped into the
eye. His analogy to the production of rose water from its petals or leaves is
what is significant: in each of these waters, Peters interest is focused on the
substances whose virtues are being extracted by the process involved (which
is not necessarily distillation)the herbs, the metallic compounds-and not
the particular liquids into which they are passing.
Within ten years or so, the technology of rose-water distillation under-
went other modifications that did at last permit the ready production of ,aqua
ardens. From a technical point of view, the crucial innovation in the distilla-
tion of alcohol was the introduction of the ,serpentinum, a long tube leading
from the alembic to the receiver that could be externally cooled, thus ma-
king possible for the first time the collection of low-temperature distillates,
including alcohol. (A slow fire and a succession of distillations were other im-
portant innovations.) Once the rose-water technology was modified, once the
,serpentinum was introduced into the system, men like Peter and Teodorico
would have been ready to profit from the innovation. In fact, Peter did not
live long enough to do sohe was elected pope in 1276 and died a year later.
But Teodorico lived another twenty years and saw the promise of the new
technology fulfilled, as described in the De aqua vite ascribed to him. Ex-
tending the new distillation of rose water to the distillation of bricks and of
other substances led medical practitioners to recognize that the distillation of
wine produced a substance of great physiological power independent of the
herbs that had been placed in the original wine. In Teodoricos Bologna this
seems to have happened in the period 1275-85.
Against this background, the knowledge of ,aqua ardens displayed by
Arnau de Vilanova around 1300 seems neither particularly impressive nor sur-
prising. The apparent sum total of his informationthat the medicine was dis-
tilled in an alembic from old red wine to which other simples were sometimes
added, and that it was good for treating wounds and for preventing paralysis
does not necessarily bespeak any direct familiarity with the drug. These facts
could be found in the many treatises on the subject that were beginning to ap-
pear: for example, they are all reported in Teodorico Borgognonis De aqua vite.
Arnaus description of arsenic sublimate comes closer to suggesting personal
experience with the procedure: he describes with some explicitness not only the
ingredients necessary but the stages in the process, identifying the moment
when the alembic is to be sealed up and converted into what Teodorico and
Bruno knew as an aludel (though Arnau does not seem to be acquainted with
the latter term). Still, this level of detail about the process of sublimation was
already widely available in medical texts of the day, so that Arnaus knowledge
of the process is no more obviously personal than his knowledge of distillation.
How did Arnaus awareness of chemical medicines and their production
compare with that of his contemporaries at Montpellier? We can begin to un-
derstand this by looking at the Lilium medicine of Bernard Gordon, composed
at Montpellier in 1305. This is a work concerned more with medical practice
than with drugs and their production, so it is not entirely comparable with
Arnaus Antidotarium; but in the Lilium Bernard regularly allows himself re-
flections on the theoretical and technical issues that underpin practice, and
we might therefore hope to see him comment on the utility of chemical pro-
cedures like distillation and sublimation in creating effective medicines. And
as it proves, Bernard was by no means oblivious to the usefulness of minerals
or, indeed, of a chemical technology. His list of mortifying medicines (,mor-
tificantes) that can be used in treating a fistula includes cerusa, litharge, ,es
ustum, ,viride eris, vitriol, tartar, ,argentum vivum extinctum, iron sha-
vings, quicklime, ,sulphur vivum, sal ammoniac, orpiment, alumen, ,realgar
repressum, ,sal nitrum, ,plumbum ustum, ,sal tostum... and it ends with
,aqua ruthe distillata per elambicum. As he goes on, he describes a second
distillation in greater detail:
When a chronic fistula has penetrated deeply, let this water be prepared:
take equal quantities of sal ammoniac, vitriol, red and yellow orpiment, and es
viride: grind them up, place them in a glass alembic, well-sealed, over a slow fire.
Discard the liquid passing over until the alembic becomes red, and keep it in a
closed glass vessel; otherwise it will evaporate.
23. Quando autem fistula antiqua est in profundo, fiat talis aqua. Rx salis armoniaci vit-
rioli auripig. rubei et citrini viridis eris ana. pulverizentur et ponantur in elambico de vitro
bene lutato et fiat lentus ignis et prima aqua abiiciatur donec elambicum fiat rubeum et serve-
tur in vase vitreo obturato aliter exalaret. Bernard GORDON, Practica dicta Lilium (Venice,
1498), fol. 12va.
It is striking, however, that Bernard does not recommend sublimate of ar-
senic for fistula, even though the compound was by now well known in me-
dicine as a powerful caustic; indeed, as far as I have been able to determine,
he makes no reference to any medicinal sublimates at all in the Lilium.
Bernard describes one other chemically produced medicine, an oil of the
sort that Peter of Spain had been so interested in, but the importance of his
discussion goes well beyond the procedure he lays out. The oil is oil of tartar,
to be produced by distillation in the original medieval sense of the term, that
of dripping out slowly from a mixture.
Oil of tartar is made as follows: tartar crystals are calcined in a calcinating
oven, and then are laid out on marble, and what seeps out will be a very clear oil;
let it be kept in a glass vessel and let [the sore] be anointed with it, and without
any doubt it will be cured. But only alchemists know this procedure, because the
alchemical approach is useful in medicine in many ways, but in others it is trou-
bling because so many die on that road.
In early exponents like Peter and Teodorico, medical practitioners had ea-
gerly pursued the processes themselves, but now Bernard seems to be indi-
cating that by 1300 medicine has lost its active involvement with chemistry,
that new craftsmen, alchemists, have taken over from physicians and now
have control over these techniques, which are too complicatedand too dan-
gerousfor the ordinary medical practitioner to master.
This indication is reinforced by Henri de Mondevilles comments in book
V of his Chirurgia (written about 1319), an ,antidotarium in some respects
not unlike Arnaus. Like Arnau, Henri devoted attention to technical proce-
dures that physicians or apothecaries could use to alter the properties of me-
dicine, describing various techniques of combustion and lavage in even more
detail. To increase the drying action of copperas (ZnSOq?), for example, you
crush it, place it on a tile over a charcoal fire, and increase the heat with a bel-
lows until it melts and turns green. For tutty, you heat it until it turns red,
add wine or vinegar, allow it to cool, and repeat the process. Most of this,
Henri adds, is usually done by apothecaries, yet the detail in his accounts sug-
gests that he was familiar with the procedures and could have carried them
out himself. Again, however, there was a limit to his knowledge: this is
enough about how to prepare medicines useful to surgeons, though I have left
out... certain delicate and difficult procedures unknown to the ordinary sur-
geon, procedures like the sublimation of arsenic, which, being rarely needed
24. Oleum autem de tartaro sic fit: Tabule tartari calcinentur in furno calcinationis, et
postea ponantur supra marmore et quod distillabitur per filtrum erit oleum clarissimum et re-
servetur in vase vitreo et locus iungantur, et curat [morpheam] proculdubio. Sed iste modus
non est notus nisi alchimistis, quia modus alchimicus in multis est utilis in medicina, sed in
aliis est ita tristabilis quod in eius via infinitissimi perierunt. Ibid., fol. 17ra.
by surgeons, are left to alchemists.
Elsewhere, speaking of the medicinal
oils whose production had launched the new medical technology, he declared
that preparing some of these can be difficult and painstaking, even danger-
ous, like making ,oleum benedictum... and they are better left to the al-
chemists, who are accustomed to it; they can be better prepared in the shops
of craftsmen who do this sort of thing routinely than by us ourselves.
deville wrote this in Paris, when he was virtually on his deathbed; his remarks
may well reflect the situation in that city in the teens, but they may also be
a memory of his professional experiences in Montpellier, where he had stu-
died and had been teaching at about the time that Bernard began to write the
Lilium. In either case, they show, again, that the enthusiasm of medical prac-
titioners for the new technology they helped to create (sublimation and dis-
tillation) had waned, that they had turned it over willingly to a new craft spe-
ciality, and that as a result their knowledge of the craft itself was not
especially high.
Perhaps this can help us clarify Arnaus well-known criticism of ,al-
chemists in the Speculum. He is describing the action of subtiliative medi-
cines, which he says are medicines between the first and second degrees of
hotnessbut, he goes on, this is not a hard-and-fast rule. His commitment
to a medical instrumentalism leads him to insist that the physician must
judge medicines, not by their complexion, but by their effect on the body to
be healedand in this way, he concludes, ignorantia detegitur fatuorum
alchimistarum qui, de potentia applicabilis ad mineralia, non aliter iudicant
quam determinetur a medicis corporum humanorum.
Is he perhaps im-
plicitly acknowledging that alchemists are trying to claim control over mi-
neral medicines, and insisting that their production of those medicines must
still be subordinated to the needs and knowledge of physicians? If so, Arnaus
attitude towards the new chemical medicines, as well as his knowledge of the
subject, seems quite typical of his contemporaries.
25. Praedicta sufficiant de praeparationibus medicinarum pertinentium quantum spectat
ad cyrurgicos mediocres exceptis praeparationibus medicinarum pertinentium ad aegritudines
oculorum et quibusdem aliis praeparationibus subtilibus et laboriosis ignotis cyrurgicis com-
munibus, sicut est sublimatio arsenici et multa similia, quibus etiam parum indigent cyrurgi-
ci, quae alchemistis relinquuntur. HENRI DE MONDEVILLE, Chirurgia, in J.L. PAGEL, ed., Die
Chirurgie des Heinrich von Mondeville (Berlin, 1892), p. 514.
26. Modi conficiendi olea sunt quidam difficiles, artificiales, laboriosi et quandoque pe-
riculosi, sicut modus faciendi oleum benedictum, oleum de terebinthina, de stercoribus hu-
manis et de similibus et isti modi et eorum similes alchemistis relinquantur qui ut plurimum
in talibus consumuntur, et quia melius forum habetur de talibus in apotheca et ab artificibus
qui faciant supradicta, quam si nos ipsi hujusmodi olea faceremus. Ibid., p. 515.
27. Speculum, cap. 34; Opera, fol. 26rb. Cited in J. A. PANIAGUA, Notas en torno a los escritos
de alquimia atribuidos a Arnau de Vilanova, in Archivo Iberoamericano de Historia de la Me-
dicina, 11 (1959), 417; reprinted in Studia Arnaldiana, p. 462.
We have already seen from his Antidotarium that Arnau was at least
vaguely aware of distillation and sublimation, but we have not yet asked to
what extent he might have used the new medicines produced by these tech-
niques in his practice. Take sublimation, for example, so highly praised by
Bruno and Teodorico for its production of sublimate of arsenic. Bernard Gor-
don, we have seen, made no use of sublimate of arsenic in his Lilium, and
Henri of Mondeville shows no particular enthusiasm for it. Was Arnau any
readier to administer it to his patients? Here we might consider his remarks
in the Speculum medicine, a work that was loosely composed around the frame-
work of Johannitius Isagoge; a standard of academic medicine, Johannitius
work dealt with the naturals, non-naturals, and contra-naturals in turn. But
Arnaus treatment is distinctly idiosyncratic: his lifelong fascination with
medicines and medicinal action has here induced him to move from com-
plexion (among the naturals) into a disproportionately long account of the
qualities of medicinesnot just their primary ones of hot and cold, dry and
moist, but also their secondary and tertiary ones, which (as in the Antidota-
rium) he exemplifies with not only vegetable but mineral drugs: ,capitello vel
aqua nitrosa (chap. 41), ,attramentum nigrum quod dragagantum vocatur
(chap. 49).
Yet in the Speculum Arnau is still notably restrained in his account of me-
dicines produced by what I see as the ,new chemical technology of sublima-
tion. He mentions only in passing that the whitest arsenic sublimate is often
used as a cautery and corrosive... It is the strongest of all cauterizing
The Speculum once more gives the impression that by the end of his
life Arnau was perfectly well aware that metallic sublimates were entering the
contemporary armamentarium, and he supposed that other practitioners
might find them useful, but that they were relatively unimportant to his
practice, just as they seem to have been to Bernard Gordons.
And distillation? Are there references in Arnaus works (besides the pas-
sage from the Antidotarium with which I began) to the usefulness of distilled
products, like ,aqua ardens? There are some hints, but they do not suggest
that these products played an important part in his medical practice. In a
practically-oriented work that was apparently more or less contemporary
with his draft of the Antidotarium, the Medicationis parabole drawn up for
Philip IV in 1300, Arnau speaks of the effectiveness of ,aqua ardens in lan-
guage that is very similar to his account in the Antidotarium: Recentia vul-
28. Ibid., fols. 17va, 18rb.
29. Arsenico sublimato quod est albissimum frequenter utitur pro cauterio et corrosivo
omnium autem cauterizantium medicinarum potior est arsenicum sublimatum. Ibid., fol.
nera cum aqua ardenti lota sanationis effectum citissime consequuntur.
does not go on at greater length, which leads me to think, again, that by
1300 this was a medicine he was becoming aware of but did not employ
widely. In the Speculum, later in the same decade, Arnau mentions briefly that
in applicatis exterius... aqua ardens oculum calefit,
and says nothing
more about its properties. Such modest praise of ,aqua ardens does not en-
courage us to believe that Arnau made much use of it, though he was evi-
dently interested in trying to explain or understand it: lecturing to his stu-
dents in 1301, he offered ,aqua ardens to illustrate the principle that the
subtler the material, the more penetrative it was:
the ,aqua ardens that is produced by distillation from wine is subtler than
ordinary water, and so too is red choler; for while they do contain a certain ear-
thiness, the strength of the lighter elements in them is such that as regards this
effect, that is, [the ability] to penetrate narrow openings quickly, their earthiness
is insignificant and does not impede their penetration.
Such remarks certainly show an intellectual curiosity about the new sub-
stance, but no particular excitement about its possible role in medicine.
Can the judgments of his contemporaries be of help in interpreting
Arnaus attitudes towards ,aqua ardens? Was their enthusiasm for the dis-
tilled product of wine any less tepid than his? Bernard Gordon, like Arnau,
was certainly aware of its existence and possible medical role. In his Tractatus
de gradibus, written in 1303, Bernard discussed the variable properties of dif-
ferent wines, among which he included
,aqua ardensthat is, wine distilled in an alembic; since it rapidly heats the
body and rises to the head unless it is diluted with plenty of water, it would seem
to be hot in the fourth degree.
30. Likewise, the other property mentioned in the Antidotarium, its effectivness in cases of
paralysis, is signaled in Parabole IV. 70: AVOMO 6/1:107, 71.
31. Speculum, cap. 18; Opera, fol. 7vb.
32. Hoc autem convenit rei pro tanto quia per suam substantiam appropinquat ad natu-
ram levium elementorum, et ideo aqua ardens que per distillationem fit ex vino subtilior est
quam sit aqua simplex, et similiter colera rubea; quia licet participent aliquod terrestreitatis,
tamen tantum est dominium in eis levium elementorum quod comparatione huius effectus qui
est cito penetrare per strictos meatus nulla est terrestreitas vel insensibilis nec inpediens pe-
netrationem. MS Munich, CLM 14245, fols. 23v-24r; Repetitio super Vita brevis, Opera, fol.
278ra. I am preparing an edition of this work for AVOMO.
33. Aqua ardens, hoc est vinum distillatum per alembicum, quoniam cito inflammat cor-
pus et ascendit ad caput nisi cum multa aqua reprimatur, et ita videtur calidum in 4
. [Julius
Leopold] Pagel, Ueber die Grade der Arzneien nach einer bisher ungedruckten Schrift des Bernhard
von Gordon aus dem Jahre 1303, in Pharmaceutisches Post, 28 (1895), 260.
Evidently Bernard was not convinced that its therapeutic usefulness out-
weighed its problems, when administered internally: quite aside from the
hangover he seems to be referring to, by classifying it among the medicines
hot in the fourth degree (like mustard, quicklime, or vitriol) he is implicitly
placing it among drugs that are not to be taken internally unless [the doc-
tor] is a man highly experienced in controlling their dangers, as the De sim-
plicibus attributed to Arnau warns,
and then only in the most desperate
cases. Perhaps it is not altogether surprising that two years later ,aqua ardens
did not appear in the Lilium medicine at all. In the Antidotarium, Arnau at least
mentioned that ,aqua ardens was supposed to be of value in washing wounds
and in treating paralysis; but the Liliums chapters on these subjects (I.26,
II.27) contain no hint whatsoever of the new remedy. Indeed, more than a
decade after Arnau and Bernard wrote, Henri de Mondeville too could still
find relatively little therapeutic application for alcohol, which he called ,aqua
vite: he mentioned it briefly as one of a number of treatments for scrofula,
for ear abscesses (along with a number of oils), and for fistula,
but he showed
no signs of believing that it was a particularly useful treatment for any of
these conditions, and he never referred to it at all in his Antidotarium.
What are we to make of all this? Why, after the initial medical excitement
over sublimates and distillates in the 1260s and 70s, did Arnau and his
Montpellier contemporaries around 1300 seem so little interested in their
use? After all, within a short time thereafter they would be staples of medical
practice. I have several suggestions to make. For one thing, they may still
have been relatively difficult to come by at the beginning of the fourteenth
century. They were discovered by medical practitioners who could produce
them themselves and put their products directly into use, but by Arnaus day
they were becoming the product of the alchemists laboratory, and if a prac-
titioner wanted to experiment with them, to learn their use and their limita-
tions, he had to have a competent craftsman at hand who had learned the new
procedures and could supply him with trustworthy, standardized materials.
We have no statistics, of course, but I wonder how widespread the production
of these materials was in 1300; how many suppliers were there in contempo-
rary Montpellier?
A second factor, which perhaps applies more to Bernard and Arnau than
it does to Henri, is the functional division between medicine and surgery, bet-
34. Non sunt approximande ab intus nisi sit vir valde expertus in emendando periculum
earum. De simplicibus, in Opera, fol. 234vb.
35. MONDEVILLE, Chirurgia, ed. Pagel, pp. 471, 488, 495.
ween academic medical masters like Bernard and practicing surgeons like
Henri. Generally speaking, the former took as their province the internal
physiological body, the latter the external body: to oversimplify and over-
generalize, surgeons applied ointments externally (often incorporating mi-
neral materials), physicians administered drugs orally, almost always vegetable
in origin. Thus in his later life Arnau himself came to believe strongly in the
power of coriander, dried and powdered and taken internally in combination
with other medicines, as a panacea for treating almost all illnesses.
But the
evidence we have suggests that both arsenic sublimate and ,aqua ardens were
perceived by all our witnesses as primarily surgical medicines, useful when
applied to the skin but potentially dangerous when taken internally. Arsenic
sublimate, of course, was strictly surgical in use, a caustic medicine capable
of searing the skin and used therefore in healing ulcers and fistulas, but fatal
if taken internally. More surprisingly, ,aqua ardens too seems to have been
viewed as essentially an external remedy: Arnaus references to it stress its
value in external application to the eyes and skin and in cleansing wounds, as
well as in cases of paralysis (and he may have believed it should be applied ex-
ternally in the latter condition too); Henri acknowledges its potential in
treating abscesses and fistulas; while Bernard seems rather suspicious of its
internal effects. If both these medicines were seen as primarily relevant to sur-
gical practice (and both, after all, had emerged out of a surgical rather than a
medical tradition), Arnau and Bernard, as physicians, would have had less
reason to use them. To be sure, as I have pointed out elsewhere, there was no
impenetrable barrier between the two kinds of practice, and both these
learned physicians certainly treated surgical cases occasionally, but that was
not what they usually did or how they thought of themselves. When they
wrote, they wrote about medical rather than surgical conditions, conditions
for which external remedies had little relevance; and their comparatively li-
mited exposure to surgical cases meant that they could have only restricted
opportunities to become familiar with the strengths and weaknesses of the
new medicines when applied to wounds and ulcers.
But there may have been one other element that contributed to Arnaus
lack of enthusiasm in particular, namely, the intellectual conservatism of age.
I feel a little heretical calling Arnau a conservative of any kind: he has been
an innovative, creative figure to me for so long. We are so used to thinking
of him as defined by the given body of his writings that we forget that they
were shaped by the trajectory of his biological life, and I think we should re-
member that in 1300 Arnau was the oldest of the three witnesses I have
drawn on, a man probably about sixty-five years old. As it happens, that is
my present age, and I am increasingly aware of how difficult it is for me to
36. Coriandri bulliti in aceto et exsiccati. An Arnaldian touchstone?, in Arxiu de Textos Cata-
lans Antics, 21 (2002), 659-663.
embrace new ideas, to begin new projects, to adopt new tools and techniques:
I am becoming intellectually conservative. I dont mean by that that I am
hostile to these innovations, merely that I already have so much that I want
to do that I am resistant to spreading myself still thinner. My younger uni-
versity colleagues are eagerly taking up new computer software applications,
for example; there is scarcely anyone under the age of fifty who doesnt use
PowerPoint in giving lectures to classes, or presenting papers to conferences
like this one, but it is nothing I have the least interest in learning; I have
given talks without PowerPoint with reasonable success for forty years and I
dont want to take the time to learn how to use it for an uncertain gain. I am
content with what I know and have used successfully for decades, and I see
no need to change my approach now. This is only speculation, of course, and
you may think it fanciful and unworthy of our hero, but may not Arnau have
reacted in much the same way to the new chemical medicines? Let others use
them, but not him; he knew of them, and did not deny their possible effica-
cy, but he preferred to stay with his time-tested favoriteslike the dried and
powdered coriander for which he expressed such enthusiasm in his last years.
However: if we feel compelled to try to maintain an image of Arnau as a
man still open to new ideas at the very end of his life, we have to turn to the
De vinis attributed to him and to make a case for its authenticity.
I confess
that I am deeply uncertain as to whether this work is genuinely his. Juan An-
tonio Paniagua has already emphasized some of the difficulties in believing
that it was written by Arnau;
all have great weight, yet none is entirely con-
clusive. First, the manuscript tradition is not particularly early and is extra-
ordinarily variable: the work circulated under four very different openings,
and its conclusion is equally inconsistent. Against this, one might point out
that Montpellier seems to have understood him to be the author by the later
half of the fourteenth century.
Second, its internal references are atypically
37. I regret that I have not yet been able to consult the dissertation of Maria Aparecida PI-
LEGGI PERASSOLLO, Fragmentos do universo cultural valenciano na montagem da obra alquimica de Ar-
naldo Vilanova (Sao Paolo, 1992) and its discussion of the Liber de vinis.
38. Juan A. PANIAGUA, El maestro Arnau de Vilanova, mdico, 2
ed., corregida, p. 71; in
Studia Arnaldiana, p. 121. This judgment from 1994 represents a change from his seeming ac-
ceptance (in 1959) of the authenticity of the De vinis: Notas en torno, 416-417; Studia Arnal-
diana, pp. 461-462.
39. The text is included in MS Leipz. Univ. 1183, which seems to have been produced at
Montpellier: see Michael MCVAUGH, Two Montpellier Recipe Collections, in Manuscripta, 20
(1976), 175-190.
numerous and seem different from those in Arnaus genuine writings, many
of them being to Latin, Greek, and Arabic authors whom he seldom or never
mentions elsewhere (Macrobius repeatedly, Rufus, Maimonides, Avenzoar).
Yet one of De vinis references which it seems strange to find cited in an aca-
demic medical workPalladius De agriculturais in fact to a treatise that
had actually been of great importance to Arnau when he composed his De hu-
mido radicali. Indeed, the author of De vinis shows his familiarity with a num-
ber of older Arnaldian themes: the ,humidum radicale for one, the concept
of ,proprietas for another; and yet, to go back to the other side of the argu-
ment, the De vinis-author never refers back to his own earlier writings on
those subjects, as the historical Arnau tended increasingly to do in later life.
And finally, as we will see, there is a certain discontinuity between a number
of the ideas that are central to De vinis and the ideas of the ,real Arnau; yet
there are some suggestive correspondences, too.
De vinis can usefully be compared with the Antidotarium, for both are con-
cerned with applying technical processes to the preparation of medicines.
Like the Antidotarium, De vinis begins with a short general introduction be-
fore moving on to particulars: it starts with a discussion of the merits of wine
per se, explains that medicinal simples heated with wine will pass on their
own properties to the wine, and concludes by describing three procedures by
which medicinal wines are prepared.
Then it turns to an account of a num-
ber of individual wines, an account that takes up more than three-quarters of
the work. This process of infusion was well known to Arnau, and it is one of
the techniques he describes in the Antidotarium: infunduntur interdum
medicine quatenus virtus que queritur extrahatur (fol. 245ra). But it is
striking that the Antidotariums discussion of infusion does not mention the
value of infusion into wine at all: here we find esula infused into vinegar,
fresh mirabolans infused into hot water, turpeth infused into cucumber juice,
melons infused into cold water, and so forthbut wine is never mentioned
as the vehicle of an infusion. It is also striking that the two texts exhibit quite
different attitudes towards the role of heat in preparing medicines. The An-
tidotarium is matter-of-fact about the use of heat in ,coctio and ,assatio, of-
fering practical insights about its use (in ,coctio the fire should not have a
high flame, because that destroys medicinal ,virtus);
De vinis, on the other
hand, expresses what might almost be called a metaphysical celebration of the
power of fire. The former work certainly better suggests the pragmatism or
instrumentalism so characteristic of Arnaus mature scientific thought than
does the latter.
Exactly the same contrast is apparent in the case of the Speculum. Here we
find the same kind of attempts at down-to-earth description and practical
40. De vinis, in Opera, fols. 262rb-263ra.
41. Antidotarium, fol. 245rb-va.
discrimination that we have noted in the Antidotarium, when Arnau lays out
for his readers the different ways in which heat can change the qualities of
medicinal substance: quod autem per ignem alteratur, aut coquitur aut adu-
ritur; que vero coquuntur, aut elixantur aut assantur...
(distillation and
sublimation, perhaps significantly, are not among the specific heat-based pro-
cedures he goes on to describe). The author of De vinis, on the other hand,
speaks of heat in uncritical, all-embracing terms as a virtually universal and
all-powerful agent: quidam Hermetis filii appellaverunt ignem solem, et
quidam caloris naturalis renum vicarium; et dixerunt eorum aliqui in eorum
quibusdam secretorum libris quod istud quod operatur calor solis in vis-
ceribus terre et mineris in centum annis possibile est fieri posse per ignem die
It is not easy to recognize the author of this transcendent praise in the
passages of specific, concrete information where the historical Arnau tried to
explain how and why certain kinds of heating had certain restricted and well-
defined kinds of effects.
The reason why the question of authenticity matters so much to us here
today, of course, is because one of the wines praised in the second part of De
vinis is a ,vinum extinctionis auri, prepared by steeping (extinguishing)
sheets of gold four or five times in wine. Its account of this wine links the
work with the tradition of an elixir for the preservation of life going back to
Roger Bacon and on to John of Rupescissa.
It is the gold that is the essen-
tial ingredient, of course: aurum quidem est res archana perfectissima tem-
peramento equali compositum mirabili proportione elementarium virtu-
tum... et propter istud quod habet de virtutibus ex proprietate a natura
insunt ei ex influentia celi specifica virtutes alie.
The procedure is merely
a way to transfer the power of the gold into the wine, et breviter omne
vinum suscipit virtutem et operationem rerum que exvirtuantur
in eo se-
cundum modos iam dictos. Anyone can do it, alchemist or no: prelates are
boiling it up in their own kitchens, says our author. Indeed, he suggests that
holding gold in ones mouth and swallowing the saliva, or consuming gold
shavings, is just as healthful as drinking the auriferous wine.
42. Speculum, cap. 22, fol. 11ra.
43. De vinis, fol. 262ra.
44. Chiara CRISCIANI and Michela PEREIRA, Black Death and Golden Remedies, in A. PARA-
VICINI BAGLIANI and F. SANTI, eds., The Regulation of evil: Social and cultural attitudes to epidemics
in the late Middle Ages (Sismel, 1998), esp. pp. 13-22.
45. De vinis, fol. 263vb.
46. Exvirtuare is an unusual word several times used by the author of De vinis (fols.
260va, 263vb) but which I have not found yet in Arnaus genuine writings, even though, as
we have seen, the historical Arnau often discussed the process by which the powers in one ma-
terial could be extracted from it and communicated to another.
47. Antoine CALVET, Mutations de lalchimie mdicale au XV
sicle. propos des textes au-
thentiques et apocryphes dArnaud de Villeneuve, in Micrologus, 3 (1995), 201, seems to be-
lieve that the De vinis-author is making fun of these practices, but as I read the text I am not
But the authors rapturous enthusiasm for the medicinal virtues of gold
(which is expressed at still greater length) is another feature of De vinis that
is a little difficult to reconcile with Arnaus authorship. Gold does not appear
to have played an important part in his therapeutics, even for wealthy pa-
tients (the Parabole for Philip IV refer to it only briefly, and traditionally, as
a cordial medicine,
and the Regimen for Jaume II does not mention it at all).
Nor does it seem to have had an important role in shaping his theoretical pre-
suppositions. The historical Arnau certainly understood gold to be of special
benefit to the heart, as we have seen. In the Speculum he cites gold as an ex-
ample of a medicine that acts directly on the body, and not through its com-
plexion: quamvis [aurum] non mutet complexionem corporis manifeste
tamen confortat cor et letificat sumptum.
But it is not the only one to do
so. Jacinth, he goes on, is another cordial medicine that acts in the same way
as gold, namely, through its ,proprietas; letificat et confortat cor hiacyntus
grossa et electa si teneatur in ore preter quod transmutetur.
Here jacinth,
not gold, is the medicine Arnau recommends that his patients suck on for
the health of their heartin implying that gold is a less effective medicine
than jacinth, he may be echoing the judgment of Avicennas treatise on cor-
dial medicines, a treatise that he himself had translated.
In any case, it is
worth underscoring the fact that the historical Arnau always appears to have
thought of gold as essentially a cordial medicine, not as the great panacea that
De vinis would celebrate so fervently. The auriferous wine described in the lat-
ter work strengthens the heart, to be sure, but it also preserves the blood from
corruption, conserves youth, encourages urine to flow, and heals epileptics,
madmen, and lepers.
Perhaps I should add that this supposed ability to cure
the insane is not mentioned in Arnaus own De parte operativa, even though
that work includes an unusually long and thoughtful discussion of the way in
which ,proprietas acts.
It might, I suppose, be suggested that the ,vinum extinctionis auri is to
be identified with the cryptic elixir briefly mentioned by Arnau at the very
sure that he is doing more than simply saying that they are less effective than making potable
gold. Another practice mentioned here is taking doses of the compound medicine dy-
aciminum, which contained silver and gold shavings, a recipe for which is found much earlier
in the Antidotarium Nicolai, from which it is taken up virtually verbatim in the second part of
the Antidotarium ascribed to Arnau.
48. Medicationis parabole, II.27, AVOMO 6/1:39.
49. Speculum, cap. 18, fol. 6vb.
50. Ibid., fol. 7ra.
51. Aurum iudicatur inter iudicium argenti et iudicium hiacynthi, et est quidem infra
hiacynthum et supra argentum; cuius quidem complexio temperata est aliquantulum vicina
calori, et est eius operatio a proprietate. De viribus cordis II.3, in AVICENNA, Liber canonis
(Venice, 1507; rpt. Hildesheim 1964), fol. 549ra.
52. De vinis, fol. 263va.
53. De parte operativa, in Opera (1520), fol. 127ra-b.
end of the Practica summaria, whose authenticity seems by now reasonably
well established; some manuscripts indicate that this short work on practical
therapeutics was drawn up by Arnau for Pope Clement V, which would date
it after 1305.
The bulk of its prescriptions and general recommendations
stress the effectiveness of herbal medicines in treating a series of specific con-
ditions, beginning with headache and ending with fevers. The very last chap-
ter (chap. 29) of the work describes a method for driving venomous reptiles
out of their lairs, and then without any transitional material launches abrupt-
ly into a very different kind of material, a miscellaneous list of simple medi-
cines whose peculiar ,proprietates render them suitable as treatments for par-
ticular illnesses. And Arnau begins this concluding section by saying
inter simplicia a proprietate valentia primum et ultimum est elixir maioris
operis alkymie si ad ultimam ducatur perfectionem
a medicine even better, he goes on, than the stone that grows in the head
of a dead asp ,ad preservationem continuam.
Could this alchemical elixir be
the ,vinum extinctionis auri, and therefore a kind of authentication of Arnaus
authorship of De vinis? I think it is premature to say so. Quite apart from the
absolute vagueness of the language here (and ,elixir was at this moment a very
fluid term anyway),
we would need to be sure that these final lines of the
Practica summaria were original with Arnau; they are so unlike the rest of the
work that they might very well have been attached to its end by copyists mak-
ing use of Arnaus name and reputation for alchemical engagement.
We will
need to wait for a critical edition before deciding what kind of elixir Arnau
was recommending to the popeor if he recommended one at all.
One other perplexing feature of De vinis deserves to be mentioned here.
The fifty or so medicinal wines it describes are all produced by infusion, but
on three occasions the author goes on to say something about a distilled pro-
duct. Speaking of wine into which rosemary has been infused, he refers to
aqua vite vel ardens facta de vino in quo remollita fuerit dicta herba as a
res experta et a me visa that can be applied topically to cure salt phlegm,
scabies, cancer, fistula, and paralysis.
Again, towards the end of the work he
54. Sebasti GIRALT, Entorn de la tradici textual de la Practica summaria dArnau de Vilano-
va, in Dynamis, 24 (2004), 269-80.
55. Practica summaria, fol. 207rb.
56. Michela PEREIRA, Teorie dellElixir nellalchimia latina medievale, in Micrologus, 3
(1995), 103-48.
57. Giralts detailed account of the twenty-one manuscripts known of the work reveals that
in at least one of them (Paris, BN n.a.l. 343) the final chapter on venemous animals ends with
the words de quarto in quartum diem post occasum solisthat is, the material about the
elixir which concludes the work in the printed editions is not present in the manuscript; En-
torn de la tradici, 277.
58. De vinis, fol. 263va.
describes a wine to which ginger and cinnamon are added which is then dis-
tilletur ad modum aque rosate, which whitens and freshens a womans skin
and is especially good against paralysis.
Finally, a little further on, he ex-
plains that herbs can be steeped in aqua vitis que dicitur aqua ardens seu
aqua vite and the product drunk in wine ad multas res medicinales.
These three passages, which is all that De vinis has to say about distilla-
tion and ,aqua ardens,
are, like so much in this work, equivocal in their sig-
nificance for Arnaus authorship. The ,aqua ardens distilled from rosemary
wine is to be used topically, exactly in the wayand for those limited pur-
posesthat the historical Arnau recommended (in the Parabole and else-
where), and the second is also presented as an external medication or lotion.
Yet the third ,aqua ardens, which is to be drunk, is used in a way that is not
recommended at all in Arnaus other works.
These discontinuities, or inconsistencies, that I perceive between the
thinking in De vinis and that in Arnaus other works mean that I continue to
feel hesitant to accept the formers authenticity. And yet I suppose it is con-
ceivable Arnau could have had a kind of alchemical-medical epiphany at the
end of his life that altered his thinking and left these traces in De vinis. The
Hebrew translation indicates that the work was dedicated to Robert of
Naples, which suggests thatassuming Arnaus authorship for the mo-
mentit would have been a product of the same exposure to the Neapolitan
court c. 1309 (and thus after the Speculum was finished) that I have suggest-
ed may be glimpsed in De venenis. Perhaps the Arnau of 1309-11 had begun
to believe in a different kind of medicine from the Arnau whose earlier works
of 1291-1308 we are beginning to know well, but I still find the possibility
psychologically somewhat unconvincing. In any event, the question of the
origin of the work is not likely to be resolved until the work has been care-
fully edited, which will not be soon, for it will be an enormous task: I know
of fifteen copies that begin with the dedication to the king, Sacre et semper
victoriose regie...; fifteen more that begin Cum instat tempus...; twenty-
59. Vinum aromaticum ad ornatum mulierum dealbans et subtilians et abstergens et in-
colorans. Pone de zinzibere et cynamomo in vino et distilletur ad modum aque ros.. Valet
etiam contra omnes frigidas complexiones et maxime contra paralysim. Ibid., fol. 265rb-va.
It is sometimes assumed that Arnald of Villanova, The Earliest Printed Book on Wine (tr.
Henry E. Sigerist; New York, 1943), is a translation of Arnaus De vinis; but in fact it is a
translation of a fifteenth-century German reworking of the Latin. Of the three references to
distilled wine in the original, only this one remains in the German text as translated by
Sigerist, at p. 41.
60. De vinis, fol. 265va.
61. Michela Pereira says La storia della tecnica distillatoria lunga e complessa, ed il ruo-
lo del Liber de vinissia o no opera autentica di Arnaldonon quello di un testo innovatore
ma di una testimonianza della diffusione dei distillati come farmaci fra XIII et XIV secolo.
Indagine, p. 126 n. 136. I am here trying to contribute a little more to this understanding of
the medical diffusion of alcohol about 1300.
two that begin Laudamus inquit vinum de bone vite; and twenty that
begin [Quoniam] vinum album inter cetera [mirabile]. No doubt there re-
main many others for a future editor to locate.
Fernando Salmon began the discussion of the papers of the II Trobada by
asking whether there might have been a fourth reason why Arnau de Vilano-
va did not enthusiastically accept the emerging alchemical medicine of his
day, in addition to the three proposed in my paper: he suggested that the
problem of supplying an intellectual rationale for the new procedures and
medicines might have kept Arnau from endorsing them. This intriguing idea
deserves more attention than we gave it in our discussion, and I want to ex-
plore it further here.
As I first thought about this question, I applied it to Arnau himself, and
decided that it did not really apply. To begin with, Arnau could have offered
explanations as to why and how the new medicines worked: for example, as I
showed in my paper, he ascribed the effectiveness of ,aqua ardens in treating
wounds or paralysis, externally applied, to the subtlety of its particles, which
allowed it to penetrate readily into the body. This explanation was physical-
ly plausible, but it was not grounded in natural philosophy, to be sure. Might
Arnau have hesitated to endorse ,aqua ardens because he could not prove
how it worked? The answer, I think, has to be ,no. The guiding principle of
Arnaus medical thought all through his career was what I have elsewhere
called a medical ,instrumentalism,
a conviction that medical truth might
differ from absolute philosophical truth: ,truth, for a physician, referred to a
reasoned knowledge that could be shown to be effective in bringing about
health, whether or not it conformed strictly to the necessary truth of natural
philosophy. This is an empiricist doctrine, in a way, but it is not a pure em-
piricism; indeed, Amau denounced pure empirics who claimed discoveries
but had no explanation at all for them. ,Aqua ardens was of course not a dis-
covery of this sort: Arnau believed he did have an explanation that made sense
of its action.
A lengthy exposition of this ,instrumentalism is the burden of what was
probably Arnaus first medical work composed during his decade of teaching
at Montpellierthat is, his De intentione medicorum, probably written not
much after 1291and the principle seems to have been in his mind even ear-
62. Introduction to Arnau de Vilanova, De intentione medicorum, ed. Michael R. MC-
VAUGH; Amaldi de Villanova Opera Medica Omnia V.1, Barcelona, 2000.
lier. In another paper I have argued that in his Introductio in librum de semine
scripturarum Arnau gave expression to just such a medical instrumentalism.
Towards the end of that work, he enumerates the spheres of secular learning,
the liberal arts and the subjects of the other university faculties, to assert that
in this cycle of the world each of these subjectsmusic, geometry, astrono-
myattains to a kind of certain knowledge that possesses, ,misterialiter, a
still deeper prophetic significance. But when he speaks of medicine, he ad-
mits that knowledge in ,this field is not absolute but relative, and is deter-
mined by the physicians role of restoring health:
Hic salutis amator accedit ut conferat sanitatem, uidelicet medicus, qui
rerum naturalium, non naturalium et contra naturam diuersitatem enumerans,
tantum in ipsis profundat indaginem intellectus quantum adquisitioni salutis
misterialiter est necesse, iuxta illud Apostoli: Non plus sapere quam oportet,
Josep Perarnau has concluded that Arnau wrote these words entorn el
that is, slightly before he composed De intentione medicorum, and his
language is obviously expressing the same instrumentalist position that he
would expound more fully in the latter work, though here he is using Romans,
xii, 3 to provide a scriptural basis for his philosophy of medicine: unlike the
geometer or the astrologer, the physician need know no more than is neces-
sary to treat his patient. The similarity of the views expressed in these two
nearly contemporary works is indeed striking, and makes it clear that Arnau
had arrived at this epistemological position very early in his career. A deeply
rooted, long-standing instrumentalism of this sort is not at all incompatible
with a belief in alchemical practice, as I implied above. In fact, it might make
it easier to accept the efficacy of alchemical procedures and products, since
they would not need to be reconciled with established natural-philosophical
principles (and laws). The lack of a theoretical rationale for them would not
have been an obstacle to employing them.
But we should not stop here. As Fernando has subsequently pointed out
to me, Arnau would not just have had to convince himself, as an instru-
mentalist, that alchemical medicines could work. As a practicing physician,
he would also have had to convince his patients that these unprecedented
remedies could help them. Would his clients have been able to believe that
these novel medicines, so foreign to the Galenic system, could really help
63. Michael R. MCVAUGH, Moments of Inflection: The Careers of Arnau de Vilanova, in Peter
Biller and Joseph Ziegler, eds., Religion and Medicine in the Middle Ages (York, 2001), 47-
64. Arnau de VILANOVA, Introductio in librum De semine scripturarum, ed. Josep Perarnau;
Amaldi de Villanova Opera Theologica Omnia III, Barcelona, 2004, 117, ll.712-16.
65. Ibid., p. 79.
them, if no intellectual rationale for their effectiveness was forthcoming?
Physicians in any age have to win the confidence of their patients before they
can successfully treat them. In the first years of the fourteenth century, when
alchemy had still not yet captured a wide audience, would the people Arnau
treated have been prepared to accept the possibility that these inexplicable,
radically different drugs would help them? Would they have been sophisti-
cated enough to adopt an open-minded instrumentalism? Might they not
have rejected the new medications, preferring to take the familiar medicines
they believed in? I argued in my paper that Arnaus neglect of alchemy might
have resulted from his conservatism in therapeutics; but patients can be con-
servative too, and their physicians have to take this into account. In Arnaus
case, their conservatism would simply have complemented his own.
Inspired by the exciting debates in the II Trobada... and Michael Mc-
Vaughs quotation from Practica summaria where the author (most probably
Arnau) mentions the elixir as the greatest product of alchemy and as the ul-
timately preservative medicine even better than the stone that grows in the
head of a dead asp, I started a preliminary codicological enquiry into this trea-
One of the fundamental conclusions of the II Trobada... was to high-
ligh the urgent need to embark on a full codicological study of treatises con-
taining alchemical references in Arnaldian and Pseudo Arnaldian texts. Only
such an examination may enable us to chart and understand the way and the
rationale by which alchemical texts came to be attributed to Arnau, who
posthumously became an alchemical authority. In the particular case of Prac-
tica summaria, if all earlier versions of this probably authentic Arnaldian trea-
tise included this short, but favourable reference to alchemy, we would have
a clear indication (not a proof) that later in his career Arnau may have aban-
doned his earlier suspicious and critical attitudes to this art. The printed edi-
tions include this alchemical remark, as do two fifteenth-century manuscripts
consulted by Michael McVaugh. I checked the three, to my knowledge, ear-
liest manuscripts containing this treatise. Conveniently they are all located
today in Erfurt.
1. Erfurt, MS CA Fol. 303, fols 89r-91v, is to my knowledge the earliest
of all extant versions of Practica summaria.
The scribe was Peter of Bonn, a
German who copied the text in Montpellier in the late 1330s or early 1340s.
The text, entitled Experimenta seu secreta magistri arnaldi de villa nova, contains
no allusion to the fact that it was composed for Pope Clement V. It is pre-
ceded by two short practical treatises on the cure for gout (,artetica) and
epilepsy, and a list of recipes all attributed to Arnau. Up to the discussion of
defective appetite and immoderate thirst the the treatise in the manuscript is
structured identically to the printed version (up to chapter 27; the only dif-
ference is that the manuscript version unites chapters 26 and 27 into one
paragraph). But then chapter 28 and the beginning of chapter 29 dealing
with antidotes to poisons and the method for driving venomous reptiles out
1. For a full list of manuscripts see Sebasti GIRALT, Entorn de la tradici textual de la Prac-
tica summaria dArnau de Vilanova, in Dynamis, 24 (2004), 269-280.
2. Beschreibendes Verzeichniss der Ampolonianischen Handschriften-Sammlung zu Erfurt, ed. W.
Schum, Berlin, 1887, 207-211 (209).
of dwelling places is missing. Also absent is the reference to the elixir and al-
chemical medicine. The treatise ends with a discussion of simple medicines
effective against particular diseases and medical conditions: epilepsy,
apoplexy, colic, diarrhoea (,fluxus ventris), diarrhoea accompanied with nau-
sea, toothach, and bad breath.
2. Erfurt, MS CA Quart. 217, fols 65r-72v, is a mid fourteenth-century
This version is entitled Practica viatici arnaldi de villa noua, and
here too Pope Clement does not figure as the one who commissioned the trea-
tise or received it. The text is structured like the version in MS CA Fol. 303,
though occasionally long chapters are divided into smaller independent sec-
tions. It includes chapter 28 and the first part of chapter 29 about driving
venomous reptiles out of houses, but it drops the reference to alchemical
medicine and the concluding discussion of simple medicines curing particu-
lar diseases. Instead, the concluding chapter deals with laxative and purging
herbal medicines applied to the stomach and the spleen.
3. Erfurt, MS CA Fol. 236, fols 224v-227v, was completed in Montpelli-
er on the Wednesday after Quasimodo Sunday 1361.
Its structure is identical
to the version printed in the 1520 Lyons edition of Arnaus Opera and it is en-
titled in the explicit only: Practica arnaldi de villa nova scripta domino pape
clementi. The manuscript contains other treatises attributed to Arnau (includ-
ing Liber de vinis copied also in 1361, Antidotarium copied in 1360, and short
treatises on the causes of sterility and on theriac, presumably apocryphal).
The alchemical reference appears there on fol. 227v, thus:
Inter simplicias a proprietate contra venena valentia primum et ultimum est
elexir maioris operis alqimie si ad ultimam ducatur perfectionem, deinde lapis
qui in fronte surde aspidis, scilicet serpentis, adgeneratur, deinde cornua ipsius
polipemenon tormentilia vicem toxicum gentiana yreos, sed in proposito nulla
melior que dicta est ad preseruationem continuam.
The fact that two of the earliest versions of Practica summaria do not con-
tain the alchemical reference greatly reaffirms the doubts expressed by
Michael McVaugh as to whether it ever was part of the original version of the
treatise. But when examined together with the emergence of the alchemical
connection in the 1361 version, it shows the chronological pattern according
to which Arnau became associated with alchemy, and alchemical texts start-
ed to be attributed to him. This pattern is perfectly compatible with the pre-
3. Beschreibendes Verzeichniss der Ampolonianischen Handschriften-Sammlung zu Erfurt, ed. W.
SCHUM, Berlin, 1887, 473-474 (473).
4. Beschreibendes Verzeichniss der Ampolonianischen Handschriften-Sammlung zu Erfurt, ed. W.
SCHUM, Berlin, 1887, 143-148 (147).
liminary conclusions emerging from the debates of the II Trobada... and
suggesting the years around 1350 as the time when Arnaus alchemical image
took off. The earliest indications of Arnaus presumed deep involvement in
medical alchemy
seem to fall between the production of the first two manu-
scripts mentioned above and the third one which contains the alchemical al-
lusions. The testimony of Giovanni dAndrea in his Additiones in Speculum by
William Durant (c. 1346/7) that Arnau was also a great alchemist who was
working in the papal court on the production of gold through alchemical
transmutation; the recurrent assertions of Giovanni da Rupescissa in his Liber
lucis (c. 1350) that Arnau is a major alchemical authority on the production
of the elixir; the attribution of Rosarius philosophorum to Arnau - all appear
around 1350. Ten years later, an alchemical touch is added to the Practica sum-
maria, an element which may have not been there originally. This is a plausi-
ble working hypothesis explaining the appearance of an alchemical reference
in Practica summaria, but it can only be proved after a full examination of the
other manuscripts of the text. Such an examination will deliver the final ver-
dict concerning the authenticity of the text.
10. Michela Pereira, Arnaldo da Villanova e lAlchimia. UnIndagine Preliminare, in Actes
de la I Trobada Internacional dEstudis sobre Arnau de Vilanova, ed. J. PERARNAU, vol. II,
Barcelona, IEC 1995, 114-121.

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