The document provides information about the Pool of Siloam in Jerusalem and its significance in the Bible. It discusses how Jesus healed a blind man by telling him to wash in the Pool of Siloam. It also summarizes the history of the pool and mentions that Pool of Siloam Reiki is offered as a complementary healing modality focused on eye problems and conditions. However, it strongly advises that Reiki should not replace professional medical treatment for eye issues.
The document provides information about the Pool of Siloam in Jerusalem and its significance in the Bible. It discusses how Jesus healed a blind man by telling him to wash in the Pool of Siloam. It also summarizes the history of the pool and mentions that Pool of Siloam Reiki is offered as a complementary healing modality focused on eye problems and conditions. However, it strongly advises that Reiki should not replace professional medical treatment for eye issues.
The document provides information about the Pool of Siloam in Jerusalem and its significance in the Bible. It discusses how Jesus healed a blind man by telling him to wash in the Pool of Siloam. It also summarizes the history of the pool and mentions that Pool of Siloam Reiki is offered as a complementary healing modality focused on eye problems and conditions. However, it strongly advises that Reiki should not replace professional medical treatment for eye issues.
The document provides information about the Pool of Siloam in Jerusalem and its significance in the Bible. It discusses how Jesus healed a blind man by telling him to wash in the Pool of Siloam. It also summarizes the history of the pool and mentions that Pool of Siloam Reiki is offered as a complementary healing modality focused on eye problems and conditions. However, it strongly advises that Reiki should not replace professional medical treatment for eye issues.
Pool of Siloam Reiki For gentle healing and relief of minor eye problems or infections and to promote healing and recovery from eye injury or following professional treatment for conditions such as cataract or glaucoma. Please read the disclaimers in this manual before treating self or others. Alasdair Bothwell Gordon Second Edition 2010 Alasdair Bothwell Gordon EdD, DMin, PhD, DD, FWMSC, RM (WMA), MPWR The Pool of Siloam is a rock-cut pool on the southern slope of the City of David, the original site of Jerusalem, located outside the walls of the Old City to the south east. The pool was fed by the waters of the Gihon Spring, carried there by two aqueducts. The Pool of Siloam is mentioned several times in the Bible. The Old Testament Book of the Prophet Isaiah mentions the Pool's waters, and also contains a reference to the construction of Hezekiah's tunnel, which was built to feed additional water into the Pool. For Christians and others who respect the person and work of Jesus, the Pool has additional significance. It is mentioned in the Gospel of John as the location to which Jesus sent a man who had been blind from birth, as part of the act of healing him. This event is discussed in John, chapter 9, verses 1 12 and is placed during the Festival of Tabernacles, about six months before Jesus Passion. Jesus stated categorically that the man's blindness was not because either the man or his parents sinned. Jesus mixed spittle with dirt to make a mud mixture, which he placed in the man's eyes. Jesus then invited the man to wash his eyes in the Pool of Siloam. This done, the man was able to see. This is certainly not the only instance of Jesus restoring sight to the blind but it is one of the best known. A substantial remodeling of a nearby pool, mistakenly thought to be the Siloam Pool, took place in the fifth century AD, under the direction of the Byzantine Empress Aelia Eudocia. This pool, having been somewhat abandoned and left to ruin, partly survives to the present day. It is surrounded by a high wall of stones on all sides, apart for the arched entrance to Hezekiah's tunnel, which was only rediscovered in the nineteenth century. Ancient records report that during the Second Temple period (roughly 516 BC to 70 AD) there was also a Lower Pool. In 2004, Alasdair Bothwell Gordon EdD, DMin, PhD, DD, FWMSC, RM (WMA), MPWR workers making excavations for a sewer uncovered stone steps. Archaeologists believed that these steps were likely to have been part of the pool dating from the time of the Second Temple. Excavation subsequently confirmed the initial assessment. This rediscovered pool is less than seventy yards from the edge of the Byzantine reconstruction of the pool that was previously thought to be the Siloam Pool. The latter pool collected some of the water as it emptied at the southern end of Hezekiah's tunnel. The water continued on through a channel into the rediscovered Pool of Siloam. The source of the water is from the Gihon Spring located at the northern end of Hezekiah's tunnel on the eastern side of the City of David. An ancient pool (Upper Pool) existed in ancient times near the Gihon Spring but was no longer used after King Hezekiah redirected the waters to the western side of the city. The Lower Pool is not perfectly rectangular, but a soft trapezoid. There are three sets of five steps, two leading to a platform, before the bottom is reached. It has been suggested that the steps were designed to accommodate various water levels. The Pool is stone lined, but underneath there is evidence of an earlier version which was merely plastered, to help to retain water. The Pool of Siloam has been regarded as sacred by a variety of faiths since ancient times. Jews used water from the pool for purification rituals in the Temple during the Feast of Tabernacles. It was probably the site of the pagan Shrine of the Four Nymphs built by the Roman Emperor Hadrian in 135 AD. Christians were naturally attracted to the pool because of Jesus' miraculous cure and its healing properties are mentioned in the journals of the earliest pilgrims. Healing water is a recurrent theme not only in Jewish and Christian Scriptures but in many other holy books. Water is seen as a great Alasdair Bothwell Gordon EdD, DMin, PhD, DD, FWMSC, RM (WMA), MPWR healer of negative emotions and a washing-away of past wrongs, sometimes represented in dreams. We often speak of waves of emotions and feelings. In many faith traditions, water represents cleaning out of the old self as in baptism and a moving forward. Jesus spoke of the new life he was offering as living water. Problems with vision can be much wider than actual physical problems. People may be able to see and have very health eyes yet not be able to perceive. There is a proverb that there none as blind as those that will not see. Blindness can be taken in a much wider context than the organic or physical. One of the most remarkable cases on vision recorded was that of Maria Theresa von Paradis a young woman living in Vienna in the 18 th century. She came from a wealthy and influential family and grew up to be an accomplished pianist. As a child, she witnessed her father raping a female servant in their home. Having seen such a terrible and frightening spectacle, she immediately became psychosomatically blind. To put this another way, there was nothing wrong with her eyesight. Her subconscious had completely blocked her vision. Her case came to the attention of the famous Anton Mesmer, the father of modern hypnotherapy. It is often forgotten that Mesmer was a remarkable healer. He was actually able to persuade the young lady to see. However, she decided to go back to being blind again. At the time when she lived, there were many young women in Vienna who were accomplished pianists. What set her apart was her blindness, which had also given her the patronage of Maria Theresa, the Holy Roman Empress, after whom she was named. To stay blind was Marias choice. She could have seen. She chose not to. It may be a clich, but everything has a pay-off. In any kind of healing work, the healer needs to keep an eye open (if youll forgive the metaphor!) for the secondary gain that the client wants to hang Alasdair Bothwell Gordon EdD, DMin, PhD, DD, FWMSC, RM (WMA), MPWR on to. Illness or handicap can bring sympathy and care. People will make allowances that they would not make otherwise. The client may be unaware that his/her subconscious actually wants to hang on to these secondary gains. Naturally, this needs to be dealt with sensitively by the therapist. Pool of Siloam Reiki is offered as a complementary healing modality. Eyesight is very precious. The eyes are, indeed, the window of the soul. Eye conditions are not something that amateurs should meddle with, no matter how well intentioned. Nothing in this manual should lead anyone to medically self-treat eye conditions, even if they appear relatively minor. Equally, nothing in this manual should lead anyone to neglect seeking professional advice or help for themselves, dependents or children. It should not lead anyone to suggest no action as an appropriate response to a clients condition under any circumstances. (This also applies to animals.) Any change in vision should be checked out immediately with a specialist as a matter of urgency. Similarly, regular sight checks are recommended for people of all age-groups. Look after your eyes. If you are prescribed glasses, use them as directed. The same goes for any medication prescribed. Regular eye checks are highly recommended. Many people today live and work in centrally heated premises which can cause the eyes to become unduly dry. Avoid over-bright lights and never look directly at the sun. Similarly, ensure that you have adequate light for working and reading. Pool of Siloam Reiki does not claim in any way to be a cure and should never be used in place of any treatment prescribed by a qualified specialist. It does not constitute medical, optical or psychological treatment. It is particularly offered for the relief of tired, inflamed or strained eyes and to promote healing after Alasdair Bothwell Gordon EdD, DMin, PhD, DD, FWMSC, RM (WMA), MPWR infections and on recovering from injury or after professional treatment for conditions such as cataract or glaucoma. All complementary and alternative therapies should be used with common sense. None of the procedures described above is meant to be a substitute for proper medical diagnosis, treatment or care from your medical practitioner or oculist. If you are currently taking medication or undergoing any other treatment prescribed by a medical doctor or oculist, please do not stop taking or using it without your doctors specific advice and direction. If you have any concerns regarding your medical condition or the suitability of any alternative or complementary therapy for your condition, please speak with your professional adviser first. No responsibility is accepted for any loss or damages caused as a direct or indirect result of the use or misuse of any information contained in the manual. It is assumed that anyone requesting attunement is at least 18 years of age and, by making such a request is deemed to have warranted accordingly. Passing the Attunements As with many forms of Reiki, this system is offered at three levels: Level 1 this is for use on self, family and domestic animals. Level 2 this is the Practitioner Level whereby you may offer Pool of Siloam Reiki to members of the public. It is very strongly recommended that you should already be attuned to Usui Reiki at least at Level 2 and preferably at Master / Teacher Level. Level 3 this the Master / Teacher Level that allows you to attune others into this system at Levels 1, 2 and 3 as appropriate. Alasdair Bothwell Gordon EdD, DMin, PhD, DD, FWMSC, RM (WMA), MPWR All three levels may be passed in person or over a distance. They can be passed separately or at the same time. There are no special words required for taking or passing on any of the attunements. Just go with your intuition, whether giving or receiving. Giving Treatments If self-treating, you may find it helpful to cover one or both eyes with your hands. Take as long as you like. If giving a treatment to another person, suggest s/he covers his/her eyes. You may also wish to lay your own hands gently on the clients shoulders or head if (and only if) this is appropriate. There are clearly some professional situations where physical contact of any kind is not appropriate. The use of a partly darkened room may be helpful, accompanied by suitable gentle music. It is perfectly possible to send Pool of Siloam Reiki for distant healing and you would do this in exactly the same way as with any other system. Some people like to use a photograph or some item belonging to the client to assist. This is not necessary but some people do find this to be both helpful and effective. Eye problems can often prove slow and even resistant to healing. Be patient and encourage your clients to be patient as well. Feedback from experienced practitioners suggests that many of them have found this energy to be both slow and gentle. Please be aware of that and avoid impatience or haste. This energy can be freely shared with anyone. It is also in order to charge for providing a personalized attunement if you offer attunements as part of your Reiki or healing practice. Please keep any such charges to a reasonable and affordable level. Obviously if you are a healing practitioner, you are entitled to charge a fee. Alasdair Bothwell Gordon EdD, DMin, PhD, DD, FWMSC, RM (WMA), MPWR Experienced Masters / Teachers are encouraged to work with and develop Pool of Siloam Reiki in their own individual way. I wish to express my deepest thanks and appreciation to all the kind friends who voluntarily gave this system its initial test drive and provided valuable feedback and comments in the light of their own experience. It is my earnest hope that Pool of Siloam Reiki will prove a useful system and a valuable addition to the professional toolbox. At the risk of sounding repetitive I do want to ask everyone to use this Reiki responsibly and please, please, not to take risks with your own eyesight or that of anyone else. Above all, ensure that you and any clients, friends or family members are familiar with all of the disclaimers. One kind friend sent me the under-noted comments that I have decided to reproduce in full: Eye infections/minor problems etc. all need following by a professional. Nothing could be worse than losing your eyesight due to refusing an antibiotic or medical treatment. Each person will have a specific response due to individual varied factors. Reiki in general speeds recovery, but Spiritual/energy healing is not consistent and often positive results are not outwardly manifest in the physical body. It is true that our body has miraculous healing ability and given time and good lifestyle support, we heal many physical afflictions naturally without help. What troubles my peace of mind is the "lets wait and see if this gets better" attitude that can worsen conditions. Especially with children parents need to be alert to changes in conditions requiring quick medical help. I think these are wise words and I am full agreement with all of them. Alasdair Bothwell Gordon Multiple Healer and Teacher Scotland (UK) Alasdair Bothwell Gordon EdD, DMin, PhD, DD, FWMSC, RM (WMA), MPWR