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AASTEX LATEX Macros For Manuscript Prparation

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A The AASTEX L TEX 2 Macros for Manuscript Preparation Contents 1 Introduction 2 AASTEX Article Markup 2.1 Preamble . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1.

1 Getting Started . . . . . . . 2.1.2 Dening New Commands . 2.1.3 Editorial Information . . . 2.1.4 Short Comment on Title Page 2.1.5 Running Heads . . . . . . . 2.2 Starting the Main Body . . . . . . 2.3 Title and Author Information . . . 2.4 Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5 Keywords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.6 Comments to Editors . . . . . . . . 2.7 Sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.8 Figure and Table Placement . . . . 2.9 Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . 2.10 Facilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.11 Appendices . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.12 Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.13 Citations and Bibliography . . . . 2.13.1 The thebibliography Environment . . . . . . . . . . 2.13.2 Specifying Bibliographic and Citation Information . . . . 2.13.3 The references Environment 2.13.4 Abbreviations for Journal Names . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.14 Figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.14.1 Electronic Art . . . . . . . 2.14.2 Figure Captions . . . . . . 2.15 Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.15.1 The deluxetable Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.15.2 Preamble to the deluxetable 2.15.3 Content of the deluxetable 2.15.4 The table Environment . . 2.15.5 Table End Notes . . . . . . 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 10 11 2.16 Supplemental Materials . . . . . . 2.16.1 Machine-readable Tables . . 2.16.2 Online Color Figures . . . . 2.16.3 Online-only Figures . . . . 2.16.4 Animations . . . . . . . . . 2.17 Miscellaneous . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.17.1 Celestial Objects and Data Sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.17.2 Ionic Species and Chemical Bonds . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.17.3 Fractions . . . . . . . . . . 2.17.4 Astronomical Symbols . . . 2.17.5 Hypertext Constructs . . . 2.18 Concluding the File . . . . . . . . 3 Style Options 3.1 Manuscript Style . . . . . . . . 3.2 Preprints . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2.1 Single-column Preprint . 3.2.2 Two-column Preprint . 3.3 The eqsecnum Style . . . . . . 3.4 The flushrt Style . . . . . . . 4 Additional Documentation 5 Acknowledgments 1. Introduction 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14

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The American Astronomical Society (AAS) has developed a markup package to assist authors in preparing manuscripts intended for submission to AAS-aliated journals, as well as to other journals that will accept AASTEX manuscripts. The most important aspect of the AASTEX package is that it denes the set of commands, or markup, that can be used to identify the structural elements of papers. When articles are marked up using this set of standard commands, they may then be submitted electronically to the editorial oces and fed into the electronic production of the journals. This guide contains basic instructions for creat-

ing manuscripts using the AASTEX markup package. Authors are expected to be familiar with the editorial requirements of the journals so that they can make appropriate submissions; they should alA TEXfor instance, so have a basic knowledge of L A knowing how to set up equations using L TEX commands. A number of useful publications about A TEX (and TEX) are listed in the reference secL tion of this guide. Authors who wish to submit papers electronically to the ApJ, AJ, or PASP are strongly encouraged use the AASTEX markup package as described in this guide. 2. AASTEX Article Markup

Other substyles are available. They are discussed in 3. 2.1.2. Dening New Commands

AASTEX allows authors to dene their own A TEXs \newcommand. (Authors commands with L should not use the plain TEX \def command in AAS journal submissions.) Authors \newcommand denitions must be placed in the document preamble. In general, author-dened commands that are abbreviations or shorthands, for instance,
\newcommand{\lte}{local thermodynamic equilibrium}

This section describes the commands in the AASTEX package that an author might enter in a manuscript that is being prepared for electronic submission to one of the journals. The commands will be described in roughly the same order as they would appear in a manuscript. The reader will also nd it helpful to examine the sample les that are distributed with the package and to consult the information available on the AASTeX Web site located at Authors are also reminded to review the instructions to authors and electronic submissions guidelines for the specic journals to which they submit their papers. 2.1. Preamble

, are acceptable and can be easily handled by journal oces and publishers during data conversion. However, abbreviations that attempt to deA TEX commands for ne new symbols by using L repositioning text tend to cause problems in the publication process and should be avoided. In particular, author-dened commands that use any of the commands listed below are apt to cause problems during data conversion. \hskip, \vskip, \raise, \raisebox, \lower, \rlap, \kern, \lineskip, \char, \mathchar, \mathcode, \buildref, \mathrel, \baselineskip Consequently, authors are strongly discouraged from using them. Extra symbols are dened for AASTEX, some specically for an astronomical context, others more broadly used in math and physics. In particular, the AMS has additional symbol fonts that are A TEX package (amssymb). available in a standard L All of these symbols are depicted in the additional symbosl tables supplied with the package and on the AASTEX Web site. Before dening a new symbol command, authors are advised to consult these tables to see whether the symbol they need already exists. If it does, they should use the corresponding markup command. Authors should not redene existing command names. When one of these commands is encountered in an electronic manuscript submitted to a journal, an authors redenition will be ignored and the originally-dened command used.

A TEX manuscripts, the preamble is that porIn L tion of the le before the \begin{document} command.


Getting Started

The rst piece of markup in the manuscript declares the overall style of the document. Any commands that appear before this markup will be ignored.

This species the document class as aastex with the default style (manuscript). The paper copy produced by this style le will be double spaced. Any tables included in the main body of the manuscript will also be double spaced.


Editorial Information

A number of markup commands are available for editorial oce use in recording the publication history for each manuscript. These commands should be used by the editorial and production oces only.
\received{ receipt date } \revised{ revision date } \accepted{ acceptance date } \ccc{ code } \cpright{ type }{ year }

\shorttitle{ text } \shortauthors{ text }

Copyright information should be specied with the commands \cpright and \ccc. The type of copyright and the corresponding year are given in \cpright. Valid copyright types are as follows. AAS Copyright has been assigned to the AAS ASP Copyright has been assigned to the ASP PD The article is in the public domain none No copyright is claimed for the article

Two dierent kinds of data are generally supplied in running heads. The left head contains an author list, (last names, possibly truncated as et al.), while the right head is an abbreviated form of the paper title. This running head information will A TEX-printed page but will be not appear on the L passed through to copy editing sta for inclusion in the published version. Editors and publishers impose varying requirements on the brevity of these data. A good rule of thumb is to limit the list of authors to three or else use et al., and to limit the short form of the title to 4045 characters. The editors may choose to modify the author-supplied running heads. 2.2. Starting the Main Body

The preamble is a control section. None of the markup that appears in the preamble actually typesets anything. The author must include a

The copyright type is case sensitive, so the type string must be entered exactly as given above. The Copyright Clearing Center code may be given in the \ccc command. The code is taken as regular text, so any special characters, notably $, must be escaped as appropriate. 2.1.4. Short Comment on Title Page

command to identify the beginning of the main, typeset portion of the manuscript. 2.3. Title and Author Information

Authors who wish to include a short remark on the title page, such as the name and date of the journal to which an article has been submitted, may do so with the following command.
\slugcomment{ text }

Authors should use the \title and \author commands to specify title and author information and the \affil command to indicate the authors primary aliation. Each \author command should be followed by a corresponding \affil and optional \email command.
\title{ text } \author{ name(s) } \affil{ aliation } \affil{ address } \email{ e-mail address } \and

In the manuscript style, these comments appear on the title page after the title and authors; in the preprint style, they are placed at the upper right corner of the title page. 2.1.5. Running Heads

Authors are invited to supply running head information using the following commands. 3

Line breaks may be inserted in the title with the \\ command. (Long titles will be broken automatically, so the \\ markup is not required.) If the title is explicitly broken over several lines, the preferred style for titles in AAS and ASP journals is the so-called inverted pyramid style. In this style, the longest line is the rst (or top) line, and

each succeeding line is shorter. The text of the title should be entered in mixed case; it will be printed in upper case or mixed case according to the style of the publication. Footnotes are permissible in titles. Be careful to ensure that alternate aliations (see below) are properly numbered if a footnote to the title is specied. Authors names should be entered in mixed case. Names that appear together in the author list for authors who have the same primary aliation should be specied in a single \author command. Each author group should be followed by an \affil command giving the principle aliation of those authors. Physical and postal address information for the specied institution may be included with \affil. The address can be broken over several lines using the \\ command to indicate the line breaks. Usually, however, postal information will t on one line. When there is more than one \author command, the nal one should be preceded by the \and command. Authors often have aliations in addition to their principle employer. These alternate aliations may be specied with the \altaffilmark and \altaffiltext commands. These behave like the \footnotemark and \footnotetext comA TEX except that they do not take opmands of L tional arguments. \altaffilmark is appended to authors names in the \author list and generates superscript identication numbers. The text for the individual alternate aliations is generated by the \altaffiltext command.
\altaffilmark{ key number(s) } \altaffiltext{ numerical key }{ text }



A papers abstract should be marked with the abstract environment.

\begin{abstract} abstract text \end{abstract}

If an author is using the preprint2 style, and the abstract is too long to t on the title page, the longabstract option may be used in the documentclass to break the abstract to a new page.

Note that authors should use the longabstract option only in preprint2 mode and only when the abstract is too long to t on the title page. 2.5. Keywords

Keywords, or subject headings, are accommodated as a single piece of text.

\keywords{ text }

If authors supply keywords, they must be delimited by whatever punctuation is required by the journal. They should be specied in alphabetical order. The \keywords command will print the proper leading textKeywords:, Subject headings:, etc.according to journal style. 2.6. Comments to Editors

It is up to the author to make sure that each key number in his or her \altaffilmark matches the numerical key for the corresponding \altaffiltext. When there is a lengthy author list, all author names may be specied in a single \author command with aliations specied using the \altaffilmark mechanism. In these cases, no \affil commands are used, and in print, the afliations would all be listed in a footnote block at the bottom of the title page.

Authors may make notes or comments to the copy editor with the \notetoeditor command.
\notetoeditor{ text }

This command behaves like a footnote. Output to the printed page is produced only in the manuscript style. 2.7. Sections

AASTEX supports four levels of section headings.

\section{ heading } \subsection{ heading } \subsubsection{ heading } \paragraph{ heading }

Section headings should be given in upper case or mixed case, depending on the style of the journal. Note that these commands delimit sections by marking the beginning of each section; there are no separate commands to mark the ends. 2.8. Figure and Table Placement

Observatory. A facilities keyword list is available through a link at the AASTeX Web page, The facilities list should appear after the acknowledgments section.
Facilities: \facility{ facility ID }, \facility{ facility ID }, \facility{ facility ID }, ...

When preparing a manuscript for submission to an AAS journal, gures and tables do not generally need to be placed in the text of the document where an author would like them to appear but rather may simply follow the main body of the text. However, authors may indicate to the editors the preferred placement of these items by use of the \place* commands.
\placetable{ key } \placefigure{ key }

As part of the facility ID argument, the author may also include the name of the instrument in parentheses, e.g. \facility{HST(WFPC2)} or \facility{MMT(Blue channel spectrograph)}. There is no limit to the number of facility keywords that may be included in a paper. 2.11. Appendices

The \place*{ key } commands are similar to the \ref command in LaTEX and require corresponding \label commands to link them to the proper elements. When used in the manuscript style, the \place* commands will print a short message to the editor about gure or table placement. In the other styles, nothing is printed. 2.9. Acknowledgments

When one or more appendices are needed in a paper, the point where the main body text ends and the appendix begins should be marked with the \appendix command.
\section{ body section } \appendix \section{ appendix section }

AASTEX supports an \acknowledgments section.

\acknowledgments acknowledgments text

The \appendix command takes care of a number of internal housekeeping concerns, such as identifying sections with letters instead of numerals, and resetting the equation counter. Note that the \appendix command takes no arguments. Sections in the appendix should be headed with \section commands. 2.12. Equations

In the AASTEX styles, acknowledgments are set o from the conclusion of the body with vertical space. Note the acknowledgments command takes no arguments. 2.10. Facilities

A TEX in a Display equations can be typeset in L number of ways. The following three are probably of greatest use in AASTeX.

\begin{displaymath} \end{displaymath} \begin{equation} \end{equation} \begin{eqnarray} \end{eqnarray}

To help organizations obtain information on the eectiveness of their telescopes, the AAS has created a group of keywords for telescope facilities. Using a common set of keywords will make searches for this information signicantly easier and more accurate. In addition, the use of facility keywords will be useful for linking papers that utilize the same telescopes together within the framework of the Virtual 5

The displaymath environment will break out a single, unnumbered formula. The equation environment does the same thing except that the

A equation is autonumbered by L TEX. To set several formul in which vertical alignment is required, or to display a long equation across multiple lines, use the eqnarray environment. Each line of the eqnarray will be numbered unless a \nonumber command is inserted before the equation line deA TEXs equation counter is not inlimiter (\\). L cremented when \nonumber is used. Authors may occasionally wish to group related equations together and identify them with letters appended to the equation number. When this is desired, such related equations should still be set in equation or eqnarray environments, whichever is appropriate, and then grouped within the mathletters environment.


Citations and Bibliography

\begin{mathletters} equation or eqnarray \end{mathletters}

A It is possible to override L TEXs automatic numbering within the equation or eqnarray environments using

Two options are available for marking citations A TEX and formatting reference lists: the standard L thebibliography environment, and the AASTEX references environment. Authors are strongly encouraged to use thebibliography in their electronic submissions. Please note that the bibliographic data supplied by the author in the reference list must conform to the standards of the journal. Many of the journals that accept AASTEX agreed to reduce typographic overhead, bold, italic, etc., in reference lists (Abt 1990), and the AAS has elected not to burden authors with tedious markup commands to delimit the bibliographic elds. Instead, citations will be typeset in roman with no size or style changes. It is the responsibility of the author to arrange the required bibliographic elds in the proper order with the correct punctuation, according to journal style. 2.13.1. The thebibliography Environment

\eqnum{ text }

When \eqnum is specied inside an equation environment or on a particular equation within an eqnarray, the text supplied as an argument to A TEXs \eqnum is used as the equation identier. L equation counter is not incremented when \eqnum is used. \eqnum must be used inside the math environment. If, as a consequence of the use of \eqnum or A TEXs equation counter gets out of \nonumber, L synch with the authors intended sequence, the counter may be reset to a particular value.
\setcounter{equation}{ number }

The preferred method for reference manageA TEXs thebibliography environment is to use L ment, marking citations in the body of the paper with \citep or \citet and associating references with them using \bibitem. The \cite\bibitem mechanism associates citations and references symbolically while maintaining proper citation syntax within the paper. In the \bibitem command, the author should specify citation data inside square brackets and a citation key in curly braces for each reference. (The \bibitem command is described in detail in the next section.)
\begin{thebibliography}{ dummy } \bibitem[ cite data ]{ key } bibliographic data . . \end{thebibliography}

The equation counter should be set to the number corresponding to the last equation that was formatted; therefore, it is most appropriate for this command to appear immediately after an equation or eqnarray environment. The command must be used outside the math environments. The eqsecnum style le can also be used to modify the way equations are numbered. See 3 for details.

Note that the argument dummy to the start command of the environment is not used in the AASTEX package, but it is included to be consistent with the syntax of standard A TEX. It is acceptable to simply insert an L empty pair of curly braces at the end of the \begin{thebibliography} command.


Specifying Bibliographic and Citation Information

AASTEX uses the natbib package (Daly 1998) for citation management. The natbib package A TEXs \cite command, oering re-implements L greater exibility for managing citations in the author-year form. When using natbib, bibliographic data are dened in \bibitem commands.
\bibitem[ author ( year )]{ key } bibliographic data

will print the full author list instead of the abbreviated form. The syntax discussed above should be sucient for the vast majority of cases; however, AASTEX does use the full natbib implementation, so many more syntax options are available. For details on the full range of natbib citation options, see the section on using natbib on the AASTEX Web site and the natbib package documentation. It is not possible to use \bibitem within AASTEXs references environment ( 2.13.3), nor will \cite commands work properly in the main body if \bibitem commands are absent. 2.13.3. The references Environment

The square-bracketed argument of the \bibitem contains the author portion of the citation followed by the year set o in parentheses. The parentheses are importantnatbib uses them to determine the year portion of the citationso be sure to include them. The argument key in curly braces is the code name by which the citation is referenced in the text. When placing citations in the text, the author should use either a \citep or a \citet command.
\citep{ key(s) } \citet{ key(s) }

Some authors might prefer to enter citations directly into the body of an article. If so, the references environment may be used to format the reference list. The references environment simply sets o the list of references and adjusts spacing parameters.
\begin{references} \reference{ key } bibliographic data . . \end{references}

The \citep command produces a citation that is entirely set o by parentheses, e.g. (Cox 1995), while \citet permits the authors name to form part of the text, e.g. Cox (1995). The plain A TEX \cite command behaves like \citet. L The citation key must correspond to the key in a \bibitem command. During processing, information from the square-bracketed argument of the keys \bibitem is inserted in the text at the location of the \cite command. Multiple citation keys are separated by commas, e.g., \citep {knuth84,cox95,lamport94}. \citep and \citet each take optional arguments that specify extra text to be appended to the citation label. Text in the rst set of square brackets will appear before the cite while text in the second set will appear after it. For instance, \citep[chap. 2]{jon90} would produce the citation (Jones et al., 1990, chap. 2), \citep[see][]{jon90} would produce (see Jones et al, 1990), and \citep[see][chap. 2] {jon90} would print (see Jones et al., 1990, chap. 2). In addition, the * form of the cite commands 7

While the references environment remains supported in AASTEX, we anticipate that authors will prefer the stronger capabilities of the standard A TEX thebibliography commands as extended L by natbib. 2.13.4. Abbreviations for Journal Names

AASTEX commands are available for many of the mostfrequently-referenced journals so that authors may use the markup rather than having to look up a particular journals abbreviation. In principle, all the journals should be using the same abbreviations, but it is fair to anticipate some changes in the specic abbreviations before a system is nally settled on. If authors use the journal macros, they need not worry about changes to journal style governing abbreviations in citations. A listing of the current abbreviation macros appears in Table 1.

2.14. Table 1: Abbreviations for Journal Names

\araa \actaa \ao \aj \azh \aap \aapr \apj \apjl \apjs \aplett \apspr \apss \aaps \baas \bain \caa \cjaa \fcp \gca \grl \iaucirc \icarus \jcp \jgr \jcap \jqsrt \jrasc \memras \memsai \mnras \na \nar \nat \nphysa \physscr \pra \prb \prc \prd \pre \prl \physrep \planss \procspie \pasa \pasj \pasp \qjras \rmxaa \skytel \solphys \ssr \sovast \zap Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics Acta Astronomica Applied Optics Astronomical Journal Astronomicheskii Zhurnal Astronomy and Astrophysics Astronomy and Astrophysics Reviews Astrophysical Journal , Letters to the Editor , Supplement Series Astrophysics Letters and Communications Astrophysics Space Physics Research Astrophysics and Space Science , Supplement Series Bulletin of the AAS Bulletin Astronomical Inst. Netherlands Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics Chinese Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics Fundamental Cosmic Physics Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta Geophysics Research Letters IAU Circular Icarus Journal of Chemical Physics Journal of Geophysical Research Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics Journal of Quantitative Specstroscopy and Radiative Transfer Journal of the RAS of Canada Memoirs of the RAS Mem. Societa Astronomica Italiana Monthly Notices of the RAS New Astronomy New Astronomy Review Nature Nuclear Physics A Physica Scripta Physical Review A Physical Review B Physical Review C Physical Review D Physical Review E Physical Review Letters Physics Reports Planetary Space Science Proceedings of the SPIE Publications of the ASA Publications of the ASJ Publications of the ASP Quarterly Journal of the RAS Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrosica Sky and Telescope Solar Physics Space Science Reviews Soviet Astronomy Zeitschrift fuer Astrophysik

Figures Electronic Art


If an author wishes to embed graphics in a manuscript, it is necessary that the graphics les conform to the Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) standard (Adobe 1999). The author must also have an appropriate DVI translator, one that targets PostScript output devices. (Detailed information on preparing and submitting electronic art is available in the submissions instructions for the journals.) Several commands are available for including EPS les in AASTEX manuscripts. They should be placed within the figure environment.
\begin{figure} \figurenum{ text } \epsscale{ num } \plotone{ epsle } \plottwo{ epsle }{ epsle } \caption{ text } \end{figure}

When \figurenum is specied inside the figure environment, the text supplied as an argument to \figurenum will be used as the gure identier. A TEXs gure counter is not incremented when L \figurenum is used. \figurenum must be used inside the figure environment. \plotone inserts the graphic in the named EPS le, scaled so that the horizontal dimension ts the width of the body text; the vertical dimension is scaled to maintain the aspect ratio. \plottwo inserts two plots next to each other. Scale factors are determined automatically from information in the EPS le. The automatic scaling may be overridden with the command \epsscale{ num }, where num is a scaling factor in decimal units, e.g., 0.80. The \plotone and \plottwo macros are invocations of the graphicx \includegraphics command. In most instances, using \plotone or \plottwo should work for placing gures in AASTEX documents. However, if more exibility is needed, the \includegraphics command may be invoked directly. For instance, to rotate an image by 90 degrees, use
\includegraphics[angle=90]{ epsle }

See the graphicx package documentation or the 8

AASTEX Web site for a complete list of the available arguments to \includegraphics. Authors are strongly encouraged to use \plotone, \plottwo, or \includegraphics to place their EPS gures. However, as of the current release, the old \plotfiddle macro from v4.0 has been reintroduced and may be used if the desired gure placement cannot be achieved with one of the methods above. The syntax of the command is
\plotfiddle{ epsle }{ vsize }{ rot }{ hsf } { vsf }{ htrans }{ vtrans }

there is no need to key this information. There is an upper limit of seven gure captions per page. Footnotes are not supported for gures. 2.15. Tables

where the arguments are epsfile name of the EPS le vsize vertical white space to allow for A TEX dimension) plot (L rot rotation angle (degrees) hsf horizontal width of scaled gure (PS points) vsf vertical height of scaled gure (PS points) htrans horizontal translation (PS points) vtrans vertical translation (PS points) PostScript points are 1/72 inches, so an 72 moves the graphic 1 inch to the right. the vtrans argument is discarded in plented macro and is included only for compatibility with AASTEX v4.0. 2.14.2. Figure Captions htrans of Note that the reimbackward

There is support in the AASTEX package for taA TEXs standard table bles via two mechanisms: L environment, and the deluxetable environment, which allows for the formatting of lengthy tabular material. Tables may be marked up using either mechanism, although use of deluxetable A TEX is preferred. Authors should not use the L tabbing environment when preparing electronic submissions. 2.15.1. The deluxetable Environment

Authors are encouraged to use the deluxetable environment to format their tables since it automatically handles many formatting tasks, including table numbering and insertion of horizontal rules. It also provides mechanisms for breaking tables and controlling width and vertical spacing A TEX tabular envithat are unavailable in the L ronment. The deluxetable environment is delimited by A TEXs familiar \begin and \end constructs. The L content consists of preamble commands and table data, the latter delimited by \startdata and \enddata.
\begin{deluxetable}{ cols } preamble commands \startdata table data \enddata \end{deluxetable}

Regardless of whether an author includes electronic art in a manuscript, gure captions, or legends, should be provided. If art is included in the document, use the \caption command within the figure environment. If electronic art is not included, gure captions may be grouped together at the end of the document using \figcaption.
\figcaption[ lename ]{ text \label{ key }}

The argument cols species the justication for each column. An alignment token, l, c, or r, is given for each column, indicating ush left, centered, or ush right. 2.15.2. Preamble to the deluxetable

The optional argument, lename , can be used to identify the le for the corresponding gure; text refers to the caption for that gure. The author may provide a \label with a unique key for cross-referencing purposes. When the \figcaption command is used, the gure identication label, e.g., Figure 1, is generated automatically by the command itself, so 9

There are several commands in the deluxetable environment that must be given in the preamble.
\tabletypesize{ font size command } \rotate \tablewidth{ dimen } \tablenum{ text } \tablecolumns{ num }

\tablecaption{ text \label{ key }} \tablehead{ text }

\colhead commands in the \tablehead as there are data columns.

\tablehead{ \colhead{ heading } & \colhead{ heading }}

If a table is too wide for the printed page, the font size of the table can be cahnged with the \tabletypesize command, which takes as an argument one of the the font size change commands: \small (11pt), \footnotesize (10pt), or \scriptsize (8pt). To force a table to be set in landscape orientation, use the \rotate command. Note that most DVI previewers will not properly render rotated deluxetable output, so in order to see what the table looks like, it must be output to PostScript and viewed there. The width of a deluxetable is dened by \tablewidth. If this command is omitted, the default width is the width of the page. The table can be set to its natural width by specifying a dimension of 0pt. Long tables may have a natural width that is dierent for each page. The natural width for each page will be printed to the log le during processing. Authors may then use this log information to dene a xed table width in order to give the table a more uniform appearance across pages. A TEXs automatIt is possible to override L ic numbering within the deluxetable environment. When \tablenum is specied inside a deluxetable preamble, the text supplied as an argument to \tablenum will be used as the table A TEXs equation counter is not increidentier. L mented when \tablenum is used. The caption (actually, the title) of the table is specied in \tablecaption. The text of \tablecaption should be brief; explanatory notes should be specied in the end notes to the table (see 2.15.5 below). If the caption does not appear centered above the table after processing, then specify the width of the table explicitly with A TEX on the \tablewidth command and rerun L the le. If an author supplies a \label for crossreferencing purposes, this, too, should be included in the \tablecaption. Column headings are specied with \tablehead. Within the \tablehead, each column heading should be given in a \colhead, which will ensure that the heading is centered on the natural width of the column. There should be a heading for each column so that there are as many 10

If more complicated column headings are required, any valid tabular command that constiA TEX table may be tutes a proper head line in a L used. For example, the \multicolumn command below would create a table head with text centered over ve columns.
\multicolumn{5}{c}{ text }

Consult Lamport (1994) or Kopka and Daly (1999) for further details on the available table commands. The \tablecolumns{ num } command is necessary if an author has multi-line column headA TEX comings produced by \tablehead or other L mands and is using either the \cutinhead or \sidehead markup (see below). The num argument should be set to the true number of columns in the table. The command must come before the \startdata command. 2.15.3. Content of the deluxetable

After the table title and column headings have been specied, data rows can be entered. Data rows are delimited with the \startdata and \enddata commands. The end of each row is indiA TEX \\ command. Data cated with the standard L cells within a row are separated with & (ampersand) characters.
\startdata data line \\ cell & cell & cell \\ more data lines \\ \enddata

Column alignment within the data columns can be adjusted with the TEX \phantom{ string } command, where string can be any character, e.g., \phantom{$\arcmin$}. A blank character of width string is then inserted in the table. Four commands have been predened for this purpose. \phn \phd \phs \phm{ string } phantom numeral 0-9 phantom decimal point phantom sign generic phantom

Extra vertical space can be inserted between rows with an optional argument to the \\ command.
\\[ dimen ]

\begin{table} \end{table}

The argument is a dimension and may be specied A TEX. in any units that are legitimate in L In a table, it may happen that several rows of data are associated with a single object or item. Such logical groupings should not be broken across pages. In these cases, the \tablebreak command may be used to force a page break at the desired point.
table row \\ \tablebreak next table row \\

The table environment encloses not only the tabular material but also any title or footnote information associated with the table. Titles, or captions, for tables are indicated with a \caption command
\caption{ text \label{ key }}

A table label, e.g. Table 2, is generated automatically by \caption. The author may provide a \label in the caption with a unique key for cross-referencing purposes. The table body should appear within the tabular environment.
\begin{tabular}{ cols } \end{tabular}

This command can be used any time that the default deluxetable page breaks need to be overridden. Journals often require that table cells that contain no data be explicitly marked. This is to dierentiate such cells from blank cells, which are frequently interpreted as implicitly repeating the entry in the corresponding cell in the row preceding. Table cells for which there are no data should contain a \nodata command.

Within the deluxetable body, two kinds of special heads are allowed, \cutinhead and \sidehead. A cut-in head is a piece of text centered across the width of the table. It is spaced above and below from the data rows that precede and follow it and will appear set o by rules in A TEX output. Similarly, the command for a the L side head produces a row spanning the width of the table but with the text left justied.
\cutinhead{ text } \sidehead{ text }

The alignment tokens in cols specify the justication for each column. The letters l, c, or r is given for each column, indicating left, center, or right justication. Consult Lamport (1994) for details about using the tabular environment to prepare tables. Each tabular table must appear within a table environment. There should be only one tabular table per table environment. If the journal requests manuscripts with only one table per page, the author may need to insert a \clearpage command after especially short tables. Use the \tableline command to insert horizontal rules in the tabular environment. \tableline The use of vertical rules should be avoided. As with the deluxetable environment, it is A TEXs automatic numbering possible to override L within the table environment using \tablenum. \tablenum must be used inside the table environment. 2.15.5. Table End Notes

Table footnotes (more properly, table end notes ) may also be used in the deluxetable environment. Their use is described in detail in 2.15.5. 2.15.4. The table Environment

Authors may also compose tables using the table environment. 11

AASTEX supports footnotes and end notes within tables; this support applies to both the A TEX deluxetable environment and the standard L table environment.

Footnotes for tables are usually identied by lowercase letters rather than numbers. Use the \tablenotemark and \tablenotetext commands to supply table footnotes. As with \altaffilmark and \altaffiltext, a note label, usually a letter, is required.
\tablenotemark{ key letter(s) } \tablenotetext{ alpha key }{ text }


Machine-readable Tables

The key letter of the \tablenotemark should be the same as the alpha key for the corresponding text . It is the responsibility of the author to make the correspondence correct. Sometimes authors tabulate materials that have corresponding references and may want to associate these references with the table. Authors may also wish to append a short paragraph of explanatory notes that pertain to the entire table. These elements should be specied with the commands below.
\tablerefs{ reference list } \tablecomments{ text }

Online-only tables submitted to AAS journals are converted to a machine-readable format for presentation in the electronic edition. Machinereadable tables have two parts: the formatted ASCII data and a metadata header that provides format, units, and short explanations of each column of data. This structure is designed to provide maximum exibility and ease of use for readers who wish to further manipulate the data with their own computer programs or with software like Excel. For each machine-readable table, the author should include a short sample version of the taA TEX submission. This sample ble in his or her L version will appear in the print edition as well as in HTML in the electronic edition. The sample table should be 5 to 15 lines long. It should include a table note at the end with text indicating that a machine-readable version will be available in the electronic edition. For instance,
\tablecomments{Table 1 is published in its entirety in the electronic edition of the Astrophysical Journal. A portion is shown here for guidance regarding its form and content.}

The \tablenotetext, \tablecomments, and \tablerefs commands must be specied after the \end{tabular} or \enddata and before the closing \end{table} or \end{deluxetable}. 2.16. Supplemental Materials

For many years now, authors have been taking advantage of the AAS journals ability to post supplemental materials with their papers in the electronic editions. Even though each paper must stand on its own scientically without the supplements, these materials are reviewed in the peer review process and should be included in initial manuscript submissions. As with regular gures and tables, papers with online only data must reference each electronic object in the main text and include an explanation of what the reader will nd in the electronic edition. The four most popular types of supplemental materials are machine-readable tables, online color gures, online-only gures, and animations. Please see each journals Web site for details on what types of supplemental materials are acceptable, how to submit these materials, author tools for preparing them, and their associated costs.

Each example table must be cited and numbered as if it were a fully printed table. 2.16.2. Online Color Figures

For some journals, authors may submit gures that will appear in black and white in the print edition of a journal but in color in the electronic edition. In these cases, authors must submit separate black and white and RGB color versions of each gure labelled according to the le-naming conventions required for the publication. For the benet of print journal readers, gure captions should be written with the color information placed inside parentheses, for instance, The dotted line (colored blue in electronic edition) is the Ho = 75 km s-1 Mpc-1 model, and should include a note directing the reader to See the electronic edition of the Journal for a color version of this gure.



Online-only Figures

This feature is mainly useful for articles that contain large compendia of identication charts and other supplemental graphic material that need not be printed in full in the paper journal. Onlineonly gures are intended to provide supplemental information that is not critical to the scientic content of the article but that might nonetheless be of interest to the reader. Online-only gures must be mentioned explicitly by number and appear in correct numerical order in the body of the text. At least one gure in a series must be displayed as an example gure for the print edition. The caption should carry a message indicating that more gures are available in the electronic editionfor instance, Plots for all sources are available in the electronic edition of the journal. Enough information must be included in the gure caption for readers of the print edition to determine what is contained in the online-only gures. 2.16.4. Animations

paper and will serve as a link anchor in the electronic edition. The catalog ID given as an optional argument will be carried through as the identication key in the link to a data center. Note that links will only be activated if the name provided in the argument is recognized by a participating data center. It is the authors responsibility to use the correct identier. Similar markup is available for linking to data sets hosted at participating data centers.
\dataset[ catalog ID ]{ text }

Currently, only animations in the MPEG format are accepted by the AAS journals. Authors must supply a still frame from the animation in EPS format marked up like a regular gure that will serve as an example for the reader. They should include text in the caption for the still frame indicating that an animation is available electronically. For instance, This gure is also available as an mpeg animation in the electronic edition of the Astrophysical Journal. As with online-only gures, authors must include enough information in the gure caption for readers of the print edition to determine what the animation illustrates. 2.17. 2.17.1. Miscellaneous Celestial Objects and Data Sets

In the paper, the text in the required argument will be printed while the the catalog ID value will be passed through to form links to data centers. When an article contains \object or \dataset commands, the publisher will be able to use the markup to pass along a list of objects and data sets used in the paper to database personnel. Software can then be used to construct links to those databases. Please check with each journals Web site for instructions on how to determine the object and data set identiers, the location of verications tools, and information on where in the paper these macros can best be used. 2.17.2. Ionic Species and Chemical Bonds

When discussing atomic species, ionization levels can be indicated with the following command.
\ion{ element }{ level }

The ionization state is specied as the second argument and should be given as a numeral. For example, Ca III would be marked up as \ion{Ca}{3}. For single, double, and triple chemical bonds, use the following macros.
\sbond \dbond \tbond

Authors who wish to have the most important objects in their paper linked to a data center in the electronic edition may do so using the
\objectname[ catalog ID ]{ text }



macro, or its alias \object. The text contained in the required argument will be printed in the

AASTEX contains commands that permit authors to specify alternate forms for fractions. A L TEX will set fractions in displayed math as builtup fractions; however, it is sometimes desirable to use case fractions in displayed equations. In such instances, one should use \case rather than 13

\frac. Note, however, that authors submitting manuscripts electronically to AAS journals should generally nd it unnecessary to use any markup A TEX \frac. other than the standard L Built-up Case Shilled 2.17.4. \frac{1}{2} \case{1}{2} 1/2 1 2
1 2


command, which must appear after all the material in the paper. This command directs the formatter to nish processing the manuscript. 3. 3.1. Style Options Manuscript Style


Astronomical Symbols

As mentioned earlier, the AASTEX package contains a collection of assorted macros for symbols and abbreviations specic to an astronomical context. These are commonly useful and also somewhat dicult for authors to produce themselves because fussy kerning is required. See the symbols pages provided with the package distribution. Most of these commands can be used in both running text and math. However, \lesssim and \gtrsim can only be used in math mode. 2.17.5. Hypertext Constructs

The default style option is the manuscript style. This style will produce double-spaced pages printed in a single column at the width of the page. 3.2. Preprints

Two preprint styles are available. The preprint style is similar to the manuscript style, but it is single-spaced and fully justied. The preprint2 style produces a two-column preprint. 3.2.1. Single-column Preprint

A single-column preprint format may be specied with the preprint style option.

The \anchor command is a general-purpose hypertext link tag, associating text in the manuscript with the specied resource ( href ).
\anchor{ href }{ text }

The size of the typeface used is under author conA trol by way of L TEXs nn pt class options (where nn is 10, 11, or 12). Use of 10 point type is not recommended with the preprint style. 3.2.2. Two-column Preprint

href should be specied as a full URI, including the scheme: designator (http:, ftp:, etc.). The \url command supports the special case where an author wishes to express a URL in the text.
\url{ text }

The preprint2 style has the principle function of providing two-column formatting.

The \email command is used to identify e-mail addresses anywhere in the manuscript. The text of the argument is the e-mail address. Please do not prepend the mailto: part.
\email{ address }

This command should be used to indicate authors e-mail addresses in author lists at the beginning of manuscripts. 2.18. Concluding the File

The last command in the electronic manuscript le should be the 14

It is important to remember that text lines are considerably shorter when two columns are typeset side by side on a page. Long equations, wide tables and gures, and the like, may not typeset in this format without some adjustments. The expenditure of great eort to adapt copy and markup for two-column pages is counterproductive. Remember that the main goal of this package is to produce draft-, or referee-, format pages. It is the responsibility of the editors and publishers to produce publication-format papers for the journals. The preprint2 style sets the articles front matterthe title, author, abstract, and keyword materialon a separate page at full text width.

The body of the article is set in a two-column page grid, the appendices in a one-column page grid, and the bibliography in a two-column page grid. (This manual was prepared using the preprint2 style.) A TEXs \twocolumn The author may supply L or \onecolumn commands whenever desired. Be aware, however, that using explicit columnswitching commands can cause formatting problems. 3.3. The eqsecnum Style

The eqsecnum style le can be used to modify the way equations are numbered.

Normally, equations are numbered sequentially through the entire paper, starting over at (A1) if there is an appendix. If eqsecnum appears in the documentclass command, equation numbers will be sequential through each section and will be formatted (sec-eqn), where sec is the current section number and eqn is the number of the equation within that section. 3.4. The flushrt Style

A flushrt style option is available for authors that prefer to have their margins left and right justied.

In table.tex, a complex but short example of the deluxetable environment demonstrates some of the techniques that can be used to generate complex column headings and to align variableA TEX \multicolumn width columns. Here the L command is used to span a heading over several columns. When \multicolumn is used along with the \cutinhead command, the \tablecolumns command must be used to specify the number of columns in the tableotherwise the \cutinhead command will not work properly. This table also makes use of the \phn command to better align some of the columns. This user guide (aasguide.tex) is also marked up with the AASTEX package, although it is not exemplary as a scientic paper. Many of the markup commands described in A TEX comthe preceding sections are standard L mands. The reader who is unfamiliar with their A TEX references works syntax is referred to the L cited in the bibliography, in particular Kopka and Daly (1999) and Lamport (1994). Authors who wish to know the ins and outs of TEX itself should read the TEXbook (Knuth 1984). This resource contains a good deal of information about typography in general. Many details of mathematical typography are discussed in Mathematics into Type by Swanson (1979). 5. Acknowledgments

Note the preprint and preprint2 styles are already ush right by default. 4. Additional Documentation

The preceding explanation of the markup commands in the AASTEX package has merit for dening syntax, but many authors will prefer to examine the sample papers that are included with the style les. The les of interest are described below. A comprehensive example employing nearly all of the capabilities of the package (in terms of markup as well as formatting) is in sample.tex. This le is annotated with comments that describe the purpose of most of the markup. sample.tex includes three tables: two marked up using the deluxetable environment and another table usA TEX table environment. ing the L 15

AASTEX was designed and written by Chris Biemesderfer in 1988. Substantial revisions were made by Lee Brotzman and Pierre Landau when the package was updated to v4.0. AASTEX was A TEX 2 class by Arthur Ogawa for rewritten as a L the v5.0 release. It was updated to v5.2 by SR Nova Private Ltd. The documentation has beneted from revisions by Jeannette Barnes, Sara Zimmerman, and Greg Schwartz. REFERENCES Abt, H. 1990, ApJ, 357, 1 (editorial) Adobe Systems, Inc. 1999, PostScript Language Reference Manual (Reading, MA: AddisonWesley) Daly, P. 1998, Natural Sciences Citations and References (natbib package documentation)

Goossens, M., Mittelbach, F., and Samarin, A. A TEX Companion (Reading, MA: 1994, The L Addison-Wesley)
A TEX for Everyone (Englewood Hahn, J. 1993, L Clis, NJ: Prentice-Hall)

Knuth, D. 1984, The TEXbook (Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley). Revised to cover TEX3, 1991.
A TEX, Kopka, H. and Daly, P. 1999, A Guide to L 3rd edition, (Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley) A TEX: A Document PrepaLamport, L. 1994, L ration System , 2nd edition, (Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley)

Swanson, E. 1979, Mathematics into Type (Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society)

A This 2-column preprint was prepared with the AAS L TEX macros v5.2.


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