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AIAA LATEX Package Users Manual

Bil Kleb and Bill Wood

Erich Knausenberger

NASA, Hampton, Viriginia

AIAA, Reston, Virginia

This document describes the aiaa LATEX package that provides a LATEX
class (aiaa-tc.cls) and BibTEX bibliography style file (aiaa.bst). The
files in this package are used to create AIAA technical conference papers.
The package also contains a users manual (you are looking at it) and two
templates, a bare-bones sample and an advanced sample.

1 Introduction
1.1 Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.2 Users Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.3 Installation and Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


2 Usage
2.1 General Commands . . . .
2.1.1 New Behavior from
2.1.2 New Command . .
2.2 Hand Carry Information .
2.3 Journal Submission . . . .
2.4 Making Modifications . .
2.5 Getting Help . . . . . . .
2.6 Known Problems . . . . .
2.7 Sending a Bug Report . .


. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Standard Commands
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . .











3 Acknowledgments

4 Code Documentation


The AIAA class works by loading the standard LATEX article class and several LaTeX packages, and then making modifications and extensions to suit the AIAA layout requirements.1 The AIAA BibTEX style file was created with Dalys makebst

Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.

document describes aiaa version 3.6 that came of age on 2004/05/23.
Research Scientist
Business Developer
1 The older, unofficial AIAA distribution that yields two-column layout is available in the
distributions pre2004 subdirectory.

program and then tweaked according to AIAA conventions. In addition, abbreviations for the AIAA journals and more common aerospace journals were added.



To make use of the AIAA technical conferenece paper class and process the AIAA
bare-bones template, you will need the following files:
graphicx.sty array.sty
overcite.sty lastpage.sty fancyhdr.sty
These should be included as part of your TEX distribution. Note: setspace is only
necessary if using the submit class option described below.
To explore some of LATEXs more advanced features such as imbedded figures,
tables with footnotes, hyperlinks, subfigures, dropped capitals at the beginning
of paragraphs, automatic nomenclature collection and sorting, and bibliography
generation that are demonstrated in the advanced template, you will need the
following LATEX packages,
ifthen plain text conditionals
dcolumn decimal-aligned tabular math columns
fancyvrb extended verbatim environments
subfigure subcaptions for subfigures
nomencl nomenclature generation via Makeindex
hyperref hyperlinks such as email or URLs
threeparttable tables with footnotes
wrapfig integrate figures and tables in text (i.e., DiVinci style)
lettrine dropped capital letter at beginning of paragraph
subfigmat matrices of similar subfigures, aka small multiples
dropping an alternative dropped capital letter package
The above packages are ordered according to the likelihood that they are included
with any given TEX distribution. The last three you will most likely have to
download from CTAN ( and add to your TEX distribution according
to its instructions for adding new packages, or just place them in your local working
directory. Please see the Known Problems section before exploring the advanced


Users Manual

A PDF version of this Users Manual is provided as part of the distribution. It was
created by processing aiaa.dtx with pdflatex. Of course a PostScript version
can be made by using latex.
If you are new to LaTeX, you should first read A (not so) Short Introduction to
LATEX, or LATEX in 131 minutes, which is available in a variety of languages from
the Comprehensive TEX Archive Network (CTAN) website,


Installation and Setup

If you have not already run aiaa.ins through LATEX, do so. The docscript utility
(part of LATEX) will rip the code segments out of aiaa.dtx and save them in
several files. If you encounter an error on installation like:

! Undefined control sequence

\batchLine -> generate
{\file {aiaa-tc.cls}{\from{aiaa.dtx}{class}}}
1.728 \processbatchFile
it means that your docstrip is very old and that you will need to update your TEX
distribution to take advantage of the AIAA package.
Move aiaa-tc.cls to a directory searched by TEX2 and the file aiaa.bst
to a directory searched by BibTEX.3 Once things are installed, try to LATEX the
bare-bones template. It should produce something similar to the existing PDF


The AIAA class is envoked by including

at the beginning of your document. The AIAA class recognizes a handcarry option that places paper number, conference information, and copyright information
in the paper when hand carrying papers to a loose papers conference, and a
submit option that increases font size and line spacing. Other cptions are passed
on to LATEXs article class that is subsequently loaded by the AIAA class.4 The
document is written just like one were using the standard LATEX article document
class; and thus, usage is well documented by others in various LATEX books [1, 2, 3].
However, some of the stock commands have slightly different behaviors and there
are a few new commands designed to make life a little brighter; these are discussed
in the following sections.


General Commands

Several standard LATEX commands have been modified to behave slightly differently in the aiaa-tc class. In addition, several new commands have been introduced
to ease document preparation. Both types are discussed in the following subsections.

New Behavior from Standard Commands

The aiaa-tc class does not typeset the \date command as part of \maketitle.
Standard LATEX behavior of \maketitle is to typeset the current date as part of
2 For a Unix teT X installation, a privileged user could put these files in a directory named
something like /usr/local/share/texmf/tex/latex/aiaa for the entire site to use, remembering
to run texhash to reconfigure teTEX to search the new directory; or, a lowly user could make
their own directory, e.g., /tex/inputs, put the files in there, and set the environment variable
TEXINPUTS via setenv TEXINPUTS /tex/inputs:. The colon represents the system search path
so, in this case, the user files take precedence. On a Mac or PC installation put these files in a
folder named something like TeX-inputs.
3 Similar to preceding footnote, only on Unix, use the environment variable BSTINPUTS for
the bibliographic style file and BIBINPUTS for the bibliographic database; for Macs, use the
BibTeX-inputs folder, failing that try using the TeX-inputs folder.
4 For example, the draft option replaces figures with a labeled box of the appropriate size
and graphically depicts lines that overrun the right margin (overfull boxes).



the title section. one would have to issue a command like, \date{\vspace{-5ex}},
to eliminate the date and removed the space created for it.
The abstract environment has been redefined within the aiaa-tc class to produce slightly different typesetting. It now produces an indented block of text set
in a smaller, bold font. This environment should be placed after your \maketitle.
The counters, fonts, sizes, and positions normally produced by these commands
have been modified to produce AIAA layout guidelines.

The command \thanksibid is very similar to the standard \thanks command

which is used when footnoting the author affliations within the \author field.
The distinction is that the \thanksibid command allows one to repeat a given
footnote symbol without repeating the associated footnote text. For example,
Peter Gnoffo,%
\thanks{Title, department, address, and member grade.}
Bil Kleb,%
\thanks{Title, department B, address, and member grade.}
Bill Wood,%
\thanksibid{2}% use the same footnote as the second author.
\ and
Marge Myth%
\thanks{Title, department C, address, and member grade.}
Thus, \thanksibid{2} would only produce a footnote symbol at the end of Bill
Woods name and it would not generate any footnote text. Note that using the
\thanksibid command does not increment the footnote counter, so for the case
given above, an argument of 4 would not be a valid choice.



New Command

Hand Carry Information

The following commands are used to load information that is used by the
handcarry class option. For example,
The following commands are used produce appropriate headers and footers All of
these commands are normally set in the preamble of your document (similar to
\author and \title).5
The commands \AIAApapernumber, \AIAAconference, and \AIAAcopyright
are used to put appropriate items in the header and footer of each page. The
contents of \AIAApapernumber is placed in the footer while the contents of
\AIAAconference is placed in the header. For example,
\AIAAConference{16th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference,
June 6--8, Portland, Oregon}
A footnote describing the copyright conditions and other information about the
5 The preamble is defined as anywhere between the \documentclass{} and \begin{document}


document are incorporated via the \AIAAcopyright. This command should

be loaded with one of the the copyright series of commands: \CopyrightA,
\CopyrightB, \CopyrightC, or \CopyrightD, described below. To use, simply
include something like the following in the your documents preamble:
where the specific copyright commands will expand to one of the standard AIAA
forms: A, B, C, D, or D-APL. Note: they each have different arguments, or no
arguments, depending on their requirements,
\CopyrightA{year }
\CopyrightB{year }{full name or company}
\CopyrightD{year }
\CopyrightDAPL{year }
See AIAA copyright instructions for which form to use.



Journal Submission

The submit option class option that is invoked as follows,

will increase the font size and line spacing as well as place a running footer according to the contents of \AIAAsubmitinfo. For example,
\AIAAsubmitinfo{Abbreviated Title, AuthorsLastName et al}
will place an abbreviated title and the authors last name at the bottom of each


Making Modifications

If you feel the need to modify the behavior of items in aiaa-tc.cls, simply cut the
section you want to change and save it to a file named myaiaamods.sty. Then
modify the code in myaiaamods.sty to suit your needs and include it in your
document via \usepackage{myaiaamods} in the preamble.


Getting Help

For general questions related to AIAA papers, procedures, and guidelines, send
email to Paper Tech Support@AIAA.Org. For help /specific/ to this AIAA LATEX
distribution, send email to LaTeX Support@AIAA.Org.
For general LATEX help, see the The (not so) Short Introduction to LATEX mentioned above, LATEX: A Document Preparation System (2nd ed.) by Lamport,
and The LaTeX Companion (2nd ed.) by Mittelbach et al. [1] For more specific
LATEX help, do a Google groups search on the comp.text.tex USENET newsgroup
and explore the TEX User Groups frequently asked questions site last seen at If these avenues fail to answer your question,
read and post a question
to the comp.text.tex USENET newsgroup. (Posting is available through Google.)
For an extensive guide to using Encapsulated PostScript in LATEX, see
Keith Reckdahls epslatex document available from CTANs info directory, or various LATEX reference books.

Especially helpful in locating various LATEX packages is the Catalogue.html

web page found in the help/Catalogue directory of CTAN.


Known Problems

The bibliographic style sheet aiaa.bst isnt fully tested; and thus, you may need
to fiddle with your .bbl file for your final copy, i.e., edit file.bbl after running a
LATEX, BibTEX, LATEX sequence, but before running LATEX the final time. Note: If
you run BibTEX after modifying file.bbl, you will lose your modifications when
LATEX is run again.
To typeset the advanced example, you will need a fairly complete LATEX distribution, and even then you will probably need to download packages like dropping
or lettine as described in the Requirements section. Also, some packages will need
to be newer than 2002 or so. For example, older versions of the nomenclature
package will given an error like
! Undefined control sequence. <argument> \nomitemsep while older versions of the geometry package will give
ERROR: Package keyval Error: No value specified for paper.


Sending a Bug Report

Reports of bugs in the AIAA package are most welcome. Before filing a bug report,
please take the following actions:
1. Verify your problem is not due to your own input file(s) styles sheet(s), or
2. Check to see if your problem is documented in the preceeding section;
3. Try to isolate the problem by writing a minimal LATEX input file which
reproduces the unexpected behavior and then:
(a) Include the command
in the preamble of your document to provide extra context when things
go awry;
(b) Run your file through LATEX;
(c) Send a description of your problem, the input file and the log file via
e-mail to: LaTeX Support@AIAA.Org.


Foremost, the authors would like to thank all of those that took the time to
ask questions, give comments, or provide suggestions: Karen Bibb, Steve Alter,
Meelan Choudhari, Donald Arseneau, Ed Kerschen, Paolo Lisandrin, Mark Woodmansee, Dominique Pelletier, Manual Cruz, Martin Sanchez, Chris Rumsey, Ray
Chase, and Tadashi Minowa. Without their feedback, this package would wither.6
6 Hint: If you want to be listed in future versions of this document, send kudos, comments,
and so on to LaTeX Support@AIAA.Org.

Bundling and documenting this aiaa package in docstrip format was done by
using other packages as a model, particularly, Mats Dahlgrens dropping [4] and
Jeff Goldberg et al.s endfloat [6].
Finally, the first author would like to thank the people of the comp.text.tex
newsgroup, the TEX Users Group Frequently Asked Questions maintainers, and
various package authors for patiently answering my inane questions, in particular,
but in no particular order: Donald Arsenau, Robin Fairbairns, Piet van Oostrum,
Jeroen Nijhof, Steven Douglas Cochran, Herbert Voss, Jeffrey Goldberg, Mark
Wooding, Paul Foley, David Kastrup, Jerry Leichter, Patrick Daly, David Carlisle,
Edward Sznyter, and Jim Hefferon.

[1] Frank Mittelbach, Michel Goossens, Johannes Bramms, David Carlisle, and
Chris Rowley. The LATEX Companion. 2nd ed. Addison-Wesley, Reading,
Massachusetts, 2004.
[2] Helmut Kopka and Patrick W. Daly. A Guide to LATEX 2 : Tools and Techniques for Computer Typesetting. 4th ed. Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts, 2003.
[3] Leslie Lamport. LATEX: A Document Preparation System. 2nd ed. AddisonWesley, Reading, Massachusetts, 1994.
[4] Mats Dahlgren. droppingA LATEX Macro for Dropping the First Character(s)
of a Paragraph. June 1996. (version 0.1) Electronic Documentation.
[5] David Carlisle. Packages in the graphics bundle. December 1995. Electronic
[6] James Darrell McCauley and Jeff Goldberg. The endfloat Package. October
1995. (version 2.4i) Electronic Documentation.

Code Documentation

For the interested reader, the following sections can be made to contain a documented verion of the class code and bibliographic style file. These detailed coding
bits are not included in the Users Manual by default. If you want to see these
in typeset form, you need to comment out the \OnlyDescription line in the
<driver> section of aiaa.dtx and process aiaa.dtx with (PDF)LATEX.
3 \usepackage[colorlinks]{hyperref}
4 \OnlyDescription % comment out to typeset class and bibstyle code
5 \begin{document}
6 \DocInput{aiaa.dtx}
7 \end{document}
8 h/driveri

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