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McAlpin Tamil

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JEuSltPl m

(!P ru 6=0 a=-rrJbCffi rrQJ)6JJ





JD uS) y5} birr (bo 6\) 8=61 IF rrjJCffi fT6Q)QJ



Department of South Asia Regional Studies

University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia: Pennsylvania 19104
November, 1976

Revised~ April~ 1981

Copies available from:

South Asia Regional Studies
820 Williams Hall CU
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104

Research and production costs were supported by a contract with the

United States Office of Education (No. 300-75-0314). This support
is gratefully acknowledged. Materials in the Word Frequency List
for Modern Tamil used with the author's permission.
This volume is dedicated to R. Shanmugam whose innovative and
fundamental work of many years made this project possible.

Introduction viii
Use of Vocabulary List ix
Conventions for Writing Colloquial Tamil x
Sources Used xii
Abbreviations and Symbols xiii


APPENDIX I. Words Grouped by Topic, Use, and Semantics 69

Section One Function Words
A. Pronouns and Deictics 69
1. Personal and Resumptive Pronouns 69
2. Deictic and Interrogative Pronouns 69
3. Other Deictics 70
B. Postpositions 72
1. Postpositions with Simplex Nouns 72
a. With Nominative 72
b. With Accusative 72
c. ~vith Dative 72
d. With Oblique 73-
e. With Dative or Oblique 73
2. Postpositions with Verbal Forms 74
a. With Participles 74
b. With Participial 74
c. Postpositions and Clitics with
conditionals 75
C. Clitic$ 75
D. Sentence Markers 76
1. Conjunctions 76
2. Interjections, Address Forms, and Tag Markers 76
E. Verbs with Special Uses 77
1. Impersonal Verbs 77
2. Grammatical Verbs 78
F. Modifiers 79
1. Adjectives 79
2. Adverbs 80
3. Colors 81
4. Other Qualities 81
G. Quantifiers 82
1. Numerical 82
a. Natural Numbers 82
b. Other 83
2. Nonnumerical 83
3. Related Words 84
H. Time 85
1. Time Uni ts 85
2. Related Words 86
I. Location and Shape 87
1. General Location, Directions 87
2. Other Locatives 88
3. Place Names 88
4. Form and Shape 89

Section Two Society and the Social Sciences

J. Government, Administration, and Politics 90
1. Administration 90
2. Government 90
a. Politics, Rule 90
b. Land ( Administration) 91
c. War 92
d. Law 92
3. Related Words 93
K. Economics 93
1. Business and Finance 93
2. Money and Salaries 95
3. Related Words 95
L. Religion, Rites and Festivals 96
M. People and Society 97
1. People 97
2. Family and Kin 97
3. Roles and Occupations 98
4. Re la ted ~~ords 99

Section Three Biology and the World

N. Animals and Plants 101
1. Animals 101
2. Plants 102
3. Animal and Plant Parts 102
4. Related Words 103
O. Land 103
1. Agricul ture 103
2. Geography 104
3. Weather 104
P. Food 106
1. Foods 106
2. Utensils, etc. 107
3. Related Words 108
Q. Anatomy and Health 109
1. Body Parts 109
2. Health and Medicine 110
3. Related Words III

Section Four Things
R. Artifacts 112
1. Tools, Machines, and Miscellaneous Artifacts 112
2. Transportation and Travel 114
3. Dress, Clothing, and Ornament 114
S. Materials and Construction 116
1. Materials and Substances 116
2. Buildings 117
3. Parts of Buildings 117
4. Related Words 118

Section Five Humanities and Sciences

T. Learning and the Arts 119
1. Education 119
2. Literature and Writing 120
3. Philosophy 120
4. Arts and Sports 121
5. Related Words 121
U. Mind and Behavior 122
1. Emotions 122
2. Mind 123
3. Perceptions, Feelings, and Behavior 123
v. Physical Sciences 125
1. Physics 125
2. Measurement 125
3. Movement, Verbs of Motion 126
w. Basic Abstract Nouns 127
x. Basic Verbs 128

APPENDIX II High Frequency High Literary Words not Included

in the Core Vocabulary 131


A work of this nature obviously depends upon the previous work

of numerous scholars and language teachers. Of particular importance
is the work of R. Shanmugam of Madurai University and his A Word
Frequency List for Modern Tamil. Without his major work, this
project could not have been undertaken. I am grateful for his kind
permission for me to make a partial hand copy of his manuscript and
to make use of this material in this vocabulary list. In a real
sence this volume is directly derivative from his monumental work.

Among the people who worked on this project, special mention

must be made of William webster who was both the research assistant
and the Tamil scribe. His patient, methodical collecting of
disparate data is greatly appreciated as is his care in writing
the Tamil in the manuscript. Rajam Ramamurti spent countless
hours of her own time in providing stylistic equivalents in the
various levels of Tamil. She also performed an invaluable service
in proofing the manuscript as did Mary Kroul. While principally the
typist, Elliot Stern was of even greater service as the initial
proofer and controller of format. He is responsible for the removal
of countless inconsistencies. My thanks to all of these people and
the many others who provided specific pieces of information.

The work was made possible by a contract with the Office of

Education, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. Many
thanks go to the people in the Office of Education , particularly
Mrs. Julia A. Petrov, for their help at all stages of this project.

David W. McAlpin
University of Pennsylvania
November, 1976


Minor corrections have been made in the lists. Among the people
who have suggested corrections~ special thanks must go to Dr. S. Rajaram
who provided a detailed critique. Due to the increasing use of MLT
(and HLT) forms in CT, a star (-) has been added before some entries
to indicate that all literary variants are now used colloquially with
the appropriate changes.

David W. McAlnin
Anril. 1981


The primary goal of this vocabulary list is to bring some order to

the teaching of vocabulary in the first two years of Tamil. Three main
criteria were employed in selecting words for this list: (1) high
frequency, any word with a frequency of over 20 per 100,000 in Modern
Literary Tamil (MLT) was normally included as was any comparable word in
Colloquial Tamil (CT), (2) usage, any word cormnonly used by American
students either in their readings or in living in South India, (3)
adeguacy, a complete enough semantics to allow the student to express
himself however haltingly and to allow Tamil to Tamil glossing in more
advanced texts. The actual words were taken from R. Shanmugam's A Word
Freguency List for Modern Tamil and commonly used texts along with enough
additions to meet the adequacy criterion above. Selection in many cases
became somewhat arbitrary, and the author solicits additions and corrections
to this list. The ultimate goal is a standard vocabulary which the
student can have mastered completely within two years, which is in itself
adequate, and which can form a reasonable base for more advanced work.
This does not mean that vocabulary should be limited to this list, but
rather that these items be stressed and other words deemphasized.
A secondary goal is to help the student through the vocabulary maze
of Tamil diglossia. Having been on innumerable occasions at a loss as
to what the CT equivalent is of a word I knew in MLT or vice versa, I
considered it necessary to provide both the MLT and CT forms for every
entry. Due to differences in teaching approaches, the CT form has been
. given in both Tamil and Roman scripts. Due to the nature of the sources
and its primary use, this vocabulary list is primarily in MLT and is
glossed in both CT and English. As a result, the CT content is often
somewhat more derivative than would have been ideal. The semantic
grouping of items in Appendix I is an attempt to ~llow access to the list
through CT or English. As work advanced on this project, the number of
useful High Literary Tamil (HLT) words became sizable. These have been
handled as a third variant entered in brackets after or under the main
MLT entry. Thus, in varying degrees three styles of Tamil are indicated
along with their English glosses. These English glosses try to indicate
the basic meanings which should come to the student's mind first. Rare
and archaic meanings have generally been avoided, although difficult
to find meanings such as CT idioms are sometimes included.
There were criteria which had to be applied to selecting variant
forms even in MLT. In general, the form which is the most useful is
given. OccaSionally, two alternates are given with the first slightly
more common. Readily derivable forms have not been included except when
they have a noteworthy significance of their own. Thus, verbal nouns and
causatives are not normally given. Sanskrit loans are given in their more
Sanskritic form (yoNjE85 tD rather than L{$!f$f!5w) since the conversions of
the Grantha letters are well known and predictable, but not vice versa,
i. e.,. y ESt.D implies a variant y f;5 ~ 8i W, but not the other way around.
The CT forms are based on urban non-Brahman norms from the central dialects,
chiefly, Tiruchiruppalli, Thanjavur, and Madurai. Rarely, northern and
southern variants are given.
Due to its goals and format, this list is primarily oriented towards
the Tamil instructor and the advanced student. In particular, in its
current form this list is not intended for the direct use of the beginning
student or for self-instruction. A basic knowledge of Tamil grammar is
assumed. Many of the glosses are intended more as aids to memory recall
than as totally adequate definitions. The words require considerable
explanation of their use which can only be done in class by a teacher.

Use of Vocabulary List

The main vocabulary list is presented in three columns. The left
hand column which is preceded by the reference number has the Modern
Literary Tamil (MLT) form occasionally with its High Literary Tamil (HLT)
equivalent in brackets. Verbs are followed by their verb classification
number according to Graul's system. Verbs that exist in two classes
such as weak--strong pairs are followed by a double number such as 2. /6.
Irregular verbs have their infinitive and converbial [adverbial participlel
in parentheses following the imperative. The middle column gives the
Colloquial Tamil (CT) equivalent of the MLT form. This is given both in
Roman script according to the system used in H. Schiffman's Reader for
Advanced Spoken Tamil (see Part II, pp. 2-7) and in Tamil script with
diacritics (see next section). The Roman is given first with the Tamil
following or more commonly underneath. Due to the slightly varying
systems, the two versions do not always provide the same information
concerning pronunciation. If there is more than one CT equivalent to
the MLT form, these are numbered individually and are also glossed separately
in English when necessary. The, Roman version of CT verbs is followed by
a hyphen (-) if weak and by a double hyphen (~) if strong; weak--strong
pairs are followed by (-/=). Irregular or rare pattern verbs (Graul
system groups 1, 4, 5, 7) are followed by their infinitive and converbial
in parentheses in both scripts. Unusual obliques are given for nouns
ins'ide brackets in both scripts. The right hand column gives the English
meaning. Different glosses of the same Tamil meaning are separated by
commas; glosses of different Tamil meanings are separated by semicolons.
Occasionally, a meaning is explained rather than glossed. In this case,
it is double underlined. Explanations or complex meanings may be
followed by colons which in turn are followed by common one word glosses.
Optional words and grammatical explanations are normally given in
parentheses. When a meaning or gloss applies only to the CT form, it is
single underlined. When a given meaning or gloss applies only to the
Literary Tamil form, it is enclosed in brackets. Glosses using terms
common only in South Asian usage are enclosed in double quotation marks.
Appendix I groups the words by semantics and usage. The entries are
somewhat abbreviated with only the Roman version of CT and shorter glosses
given. The reference number preceding each entry refers to the main list.
Within anyone lettered subgrouping, a word is normally given only once
although it could go in more than one division. Only the meanings applicable
to the semantic group under consideration are commonly given although
basic meanings are sometimes included for reference. Appendix II gives
the few words which have a high frequency in Literary Tamil, but were
not included in the main list because of a more common synonym. These
words will only interest people concerned with HLT or formal ~~T.
Conventions for Writing Colloquial Tamil

Since the normal script used for Modern Literary Tamil is in many
ways ambiguous for colloquial pronunciation, it has been necessary to
add a system of diacritics to make the pronunciation clear. As far
as possible use the literary script and its conventions to indicate the
pronunciations of the colloquial dialects; for example, there is no need
to mark the predictably voiced consonants. The spelling conventions of
MLT should be maintained to make for easier reading and dictionary use
even if the contrasts are not maintained in most dialects, i.e., ~
distinct from 6lIT, 0- distinct from tjJ , I:R distinct from err.
Grantha letters should be used ~herever appropriate. Vowels should
be indicated as spoken. This requires that the vowel ~~ be written as
~6iJ since c5T6lT is a common sequence in CT. In general, try to use
the systems that modern writers use to indicate CT in their writings.

Superposed circle (~). The letter is not to be pronounced, but it
may have a predictable effect on the preceding vowel. The letter
will have its full pronunciation when followed by another vowel.
This diacritic is used only finally and contrasts with the normal
o 0
~,~ --nasalize the preceding vowel with:
c9i 66r = [E] or CA] and at tD = [5'J
o 0
6IT,~ -- no vowel change. Used mainly in citation forms .
.aiJr = [0:] for dialects with this shift.
Superposed check (€D). The consonant has an optional full release
which is heard as a weak vowel of indeterminate quality or not, but
the surrounding phonology is as if it were followed by a full
vowel, i.e., the consonant is not part of a true consonant cluster .
• ~ 0 •
~ @ E5 e; I3rp 6"lJT irukkree = MLT @@ as $I (3 rp 67JT
This check is commonly written in MLT as a short 9L or ® , and
in very slow speech can be pronounced in this way. In rapid
speech, the optional release is commonly dropped between geminate
consonants, g:. rr w W ~ L.- = a::. rr U L- saapta (MLT a::rr wc.51 ~ '- ).
Either variant can be written to reflect the speed of the
speaker. However, both variants must contrast with the form of
the geminate followed by a single consonant:

a=-rruwL saapda (HLT EFrrwL51L- )

~ U w/f ipdi (MLT @WL.1/.f )

Subposed line (~). In spite of .its position, the letter is a
fully voiced stop. The letter S indicates I gl not Ih/.
to 0 _ 0 ,-.,J

1.O~6lJLO deevo, 6\)t;~ lagqu, Ld6U LD balo

Subposed dot (Ep). In spite of its position, the letter is a

voiceless stop. The letter ~ indicates I'CI not lsi .

85 rr0 kaapi, ~6ir~ cinna

Subposed diaresis (~). The consonant is palatalized. This is

not normally used when predictable. When ~sed with the vowel~ ,
it indicates the quality [~J. The letter ~ indicates lsi.

621$ ~ vakkya (MLT 6in6"l.H:S85 ), ~'Tr~ $ baenk,

@ e3 a; Ir fJ E! IT sikkaagoo

Special letters. By convention:

go U ( 0 r L;-1) = f
~ = ~ ([kS] is spelled as ~
~ = full final [u]

~oOoL.Jrr~ foon, . @rfo~ indu



Anton, H. and D. Hellmann. Tamil Usage in Mass Media. Madras:

By the Author. 1975.

Arden, A. H. A Progressive Grammar of Common Tamil. Madras: The Christian

Literature Society. fifth edition. 1942.

Asher, R. E. and R. Radhakrishnan. A Tamil Prose Reader. Cambridge:

Cambridge University Press. 1971.

Beck, Brenda E. F. The Human Body Image: Its Popular Description in

Tamil Proverbs. (mimeograph) 1975.

Fabricius,J. P. Tamil and English Dictionary. Tranquebar: Evangelical

Lutheran Mission Publishing House. fourth edition, revised
and enlarged. 1972.

Hart, George L. and K. Hart. A Tamil Primer (Part II). Madison, Wisconsin: .
By the Author (Dept. of South Asian Studies). 1970.

Kumaraswami Raja, N. and K. Doraswamy. Conversational Tamil.

Annamalainagar: Annamalai University. 1966.

Schiffman, Harold F. Reader for Advanced Spoken Tamil; Part II: Grammar
and Glossary. Seattle: Department of Asian Languages and
Literature. 1971 .

----- . Intermediate Tamil: A Self-Instructional Method. Seattle:

By the Author.

Shanmugam Pillai, M. A Tamil Reader for Beginners, Parts I & II.

Annamalainagar: Annamalai University. 1966.

Shanmugam, R. A Word Frequency List for Modern Tamil. Unpublished

Ph.D. dissertation, Madurai University. 1973.

Tamil First Reader. Madras: The Christian Literature Society. 1964.

Tamil Lexicon, Vol. 1-6. Madras: University of Madras. 1924-36.

Visvanatha Pillai~ V. A Tamil-English Dictionary. Madras: The Madras

School Book and Literature Society. eighth edition. 1972.


adj. adjective instr. instrumental

adv. adverb into interjection
bot. botanical~ botany intr. intransitive
cf. compare ire irregular
cpd(s). compound(s), compounded m. masculine
CT colloquial Tamil MLT modern literary Tamil
cvb. converbial (adverbial pt.) n. noun
date dative neg. negative
def. defective num. numerical, number
esp. especially obI. oblique
etc. et cetera pl. plural
f. feminine post. postposition
fut. future pro present
HLT high literary Tamil (o .. ~,Idlt9) pt. participle, participial
hone honorific sing. singular
imp. impersonal tr. transitive
info infinitive v. verb


+ with
/ or
-xx attached form
xx- weak verb
xx= strong verb
(underlined) meaning found in CT only; foreign word
(double underlined) explanation, not gloss
[ ] meaning found only in HLT/MLT; HLT variant;
oblique stem
( ) optional or explanation
" " South Asian usage
* all MI.T forms now used in CT with the appropriate changes

Tamil Alphabetical Order

The Tamil entries are alphabetized using the pu~~i follows the
vowel convention as used in Fabricius' dictionary.

c:§l1, c::9;};, ~, r.r-, 2-, ~GtT, 6T, 0', ~, 6j, bJ, C3G'1T, 0°0,
( ffi , ffi rr, ffi), ffi, ®~ a=n.., 61 e;, r; 85 , 00) as '} 61 tf> rr, b 55 rT, 6/ 8) 6YT~ ffi)

ffi, rfu ~ ff:.) ( ~ ~ ffiJ , ~)~ @", L)~J~,J5,u,Lbj

LU, o-,.N) ru, ~,biT, jh, 6Z5r (fiw~~1~). J

A Core Vocabulary of Tamil -- Alphabetical Listing

1. ~ffi IJrr ~ DikSanari dictionary

L9- ~ ~ d7rr rfl
2. -'I ~ ffi IT akkaa elder sister
~ ffi Sfr

3. ~rfu~a; [~~J anke there

~ rii.J () fI5

4.~ClJJg:. 2./6. ace-I: move, move about, stir; move,

~(}e: shake (head); agitate, shake,
disturb (attached movement,
usually one end attached and
one free)

5. ~(58T3. bayappaTu (4) fear, be afraid

id WWU @
, 6. ~ ~f5~ 3. aTakku- put down, restrain, control,
d1Li5~ subordinate; contain

7.~LJi1~ 3. aTanku- submit, obey; be subdued; be

~LffiJ® contain"ed; calm down (intr.)

8. (~()Lrr (a)Taa address form to male children

(~)L..rr and informally to younger male
friend (non-polite)

(~f) Lf.. (a) Tii similar form for female

(~ )L.L

*9. ~LrrLrr ,~LLrr aTeeTee

interjection expressing mild
surprise: oh! [ cf. (~)LfT ]

10. ~ 19- 6. aTi- strike, beat; .blow (of wind),

~tp fall (of rain), beat down (of
sun); print (a book, etc.)

11. cf)( if aTi base, bottom; foot; step

~~u5lN aTiyle at the base of, at the foot of,
~ If WC)tN underneath (post. + dat./obl.)

12. ~@~ ~ aTutta next; (with time words) the one

~(B~r; after the coming one

13. ~~ULj aTuppu place for cooking fire,
~rBuL/ hearth, stove

14. .d! QO) L 2. 1. ke Te kkum () 1. obtain, get

GJ EbG) L ci5@LO
2. ceeru- 2. reach, approach
15. ~(J5)1- 6. aTe:: shut, close (door, window,
~CJL top, etc.); lock

:k 16. ~ 1.:. 6lJ rr m- oW) aDvaansu advance (payment)

@6irLJ~W ~ L. 61J rr vir ~

17. ~¢l 2. pooTu (pooTa, pooTTu) wear, put on (clothes,

. (~L1rr L ) 'urrr(B) jewels); [adorn]
18. .::::t ~ 0\) aNilu squirrel
18a. ~~ 6. aNe:: turn off, switch off (light)
dl61 oar
19. ~atirr (/JQi ar- aNNan elder brother
20. ~ aoirr- mrfl aNNi elder brother's wife
~oior ~
21. ~~ffiin atikamd jaasti ~ much, a lot (of); excess
~%Jffim) ~rTafv (I

~~es rompa • very

22. d1%'J eE rrrJw atikaaram authority, power; command,
~~ffirrTJW jurisprudence; chapter (of

23. ~.§J atu it, that, that thing

24. ~$e;5&r attane,. avaLavu that many; so many, so much
~~Ef>Q)~ ~()JvrrD1f
25. .dI ~ Ff5 rr orr attaan elder sister's husband
26. ~~mEP atte father's sister; mother-in-law
(husband's mother), older woman
edt Ef;> () B? on father's side

27. ~ 00/> anta that, those (adj.)

~ipFf> 2
28. ~ WrTUJ /.tJ apaayam danger

~ 29. ~ L.5)08)@ ~ ¢1 apivirutti development, progress

@6"lfl-'071T'~('~ ~6)ci'!@'$~
30 • .@1 UU if appaTi like that, in that manner) so
31. ~uurr appaa father, address to older male
~wurr inferiors or of endearment

32. ~U4rpiD appram 1. that side; farther, beyond

• V "
~ ~ Urpw 2. moreover; then, afterwards; later
3. [on the far side of, beyond
(pos t. + da t. ) ] .
4. after (post. + past pt.)

33. ,:~/lj~urr~~iJC)LJrr@~ ap~a then, at that time

34. ~ () Lf) rfI cis 85 rr amerikkaa America, the United States
~ Cl)LD rfJ tb €E rr

~ (j) UJ rA as '<5 amerikka American

d1 (j) LLJ rf) as 'J)
35. ~ClJILD 2./6. arne-I: 2. become settled; be suitable)
,g)1ti1LD fit
6. settle, adjust; construct,

36. ~(%) LD ft 1. ameyti 1. peace, tranquility (political)

~GJ LO t1.J ~
2. caantam
• 0
2. calmness (personal)
Ef rr rp rep UJ
37. ~mLQuy ameppu structure, mechanism, con-
~()LDULf struction, establishment;
organization, constitution,
.. .
38. ~ l1J JA if [ e;f1"W J ammaa mother; matron, lady, form of
~iDLDrr address to older woman or of

39. ~JJJWfTL!f &U-JrT ammaaTiyoo oh my gosh! (expression of mild

~LiJLLJrTL9-'U-1rr surprise)

40. ~ fJ e:-orr raajaa king

'lrr~ rr
41. ~ rr 8T carkkaaru government; royalty, kingdom
0=- rj Ef) ffi rr@
42. ~ m§2) arici uncooked (but husked) rice

43. ~@CiO) LCJ arume rareness; dearness, precious~

g).{ (fg 0) L.O ness

~@(UJ) rare, dear

44. ~mfJ are half, 1/2 (fraction); waist


45. ~ ('U u:J fT rf) alamaari ~almirah;a (wall) cabinet with

~(j\)L£)rrrfJ doors, cupboard; any shelf

46.~~ ale wave


47. ~N(f\j~ illaaTTaa or, if not

®tN<N rr L..L rr
48. dI ClJ g:. rJ Lo avacaram hurry, haste; emergency
&/61J tF rJ Lo
49 . .g)( ru tFi UJ UJ avaciyam necessity, urgency; certainty
~ (j)J fi) w Lh
50. ~ru rJ avaru he (hon.), that person
51. ~C2lrf~uTr avanka(L)
• 0
they, those people; she (hon.)

52. ~ 6U vrr ava (L) she

J)/611 (iTj

53. ~Gl1uar
. avan he

54. ~O£) 2. /6. avi-/: 2. be boiled, steamed

~dl 6. boil, steam, cook in water

.:dI 01!l ru atunka(L). they, those things

5 5. . ,r atu
~~ f@ ffi cm-; c'9i ~

56. ~ i.J OJ m- Cl/ avaLavu that much, so much

~ 61.l err GJ-f

57. ~ ~@ aRaku beauty
58. g)f@ 1. aRu (aRa, aRutu) weep, cry
~@ (.fH~,/JI@~ )
59. ~ij a;@ aRukku dirt, filth; dirty laundry
60. g){6lDlj 6. kuuppiTu (4.) invite; call
tFn. U 01Q)
61. ~mU1.l aLavu amount, measure, limit, extent
62. ~rfJ 2. 1. teriyum (imp. v.) 1. know
GJ ~ rfI U-/ Jl
2. puriyum (imp. v.) 2. understand
63. ~tp)cE1wN vififiaanam science, field of knowledge
64 ~@LJ~ .. ~I) arupatu, aruvatu sixty, 60
• (ob1.&1@.lLJ~cy ~t;1J1I..J~ ,~@lG1.1~
(obI. arupatti, etc.,
~u~~, etc.)

65. J)1 ffitp 2. are-. aTi= spank, slap

~0?) .,J;1 't
.... 66. ~m7J ruum (bl
0 ruum)
• @. ) room, chamber
@ Ul (obI. III

67. ~@LlnJLA anupavam experience; enjoyment

~.@)JU ru ~
68. ~@~~3. anuppu- send
cilI@l ~JL-t
69. ~m- LJ orA ULf anpaLippu • gift
~ <Rh- LJ crrF) U ~
70. ~m-4 ampu. paacam 0 love, affection, kindness
,J)I in Lf' w rr e=- /.0

71. ~ tir 6f7 tJ) ~ ~ oi;r6?J J aNNekki . ffi) that day


72. -diJ -aa interrogative clitic asking
-~ for a yes-no reply w~th
expectation neutral

73. -~ ..• -~ -aa ••• -aa or (only with questions) [clitic]

~ ... -~
74. -~ ffi -aaka 1. for (the sake of) [post. +
-~as dat.]
2. for (duration, with time
units) [post. + nom.]
3. in order to [post. +.dat.
of fut. pt. n.]
4. info of ~® 'be', including
its use in equational
sentences, often used for ~w

75. ~ e;rrt.LJ LiJ

. aakaaya~, aakaacam. sky
.q; fJ5 Ti W I.IJ) ~ fl5 rr ff.. UJ

76. ~@ 3. (ir.) aa (ku) [aaka, be (so and so), become; happen,

aay,(!)] take place;' pass (of time)
~(<g) [~e3, ~ uS) ]
77. ~ ti@ 3. aakku- make, effect, create
78.~ti}rAuJ~ aaciriyar, vaadyaar editor, author; teacher, lecturer
,:)j ~rFJ CJJtJ, ()jrr 121 w rr ~
79. q; m8=- iSTam, aace desire
80. ~ cru LJ ~ ~ rf/ aaspattri hospital
~a-ru U ~,rtl
~rQ ffiltNW English (n.)

82. ~(j 3. aaTu- move (in a rhythmical manner),

~cE' play, dance

83. :)j (£ aaTu goat, sheep

84.~L@ aacci rule, administration, govern-
=?bg:~ ment; sovereignty

85.~~ aaNi nail

86. ~ GQ7S"r aaNu (a) male, manliness

aataravu support, protection,
87 • ~ cP fJ Cl.{
~ tp!J0-f patronage, emotional support

88. ~ ~~if:n aattiram impatience; irritation

89. ~W~~ aapattu adversity
90. ~ is6iv [~l:)J.1 (l16iJas UJ] aapiisu, aafiis office
91. -~J1J -aam Q tag marker to sentence (or other
-dj i.£) phrase) indicating that the
speaker is not responsible for
the validity of the statement,
gossip particle

92. ~ LiJ rr L.O aamaa yes

~ wrr

93. ~ m LD aame turtle, tortoise

. q; () LfJ
94. ~·uS'l1 Z~r~~J aayiram " thousand, 1,000
[ob •...,.;; ~uS1 Lf) rr
[obI. aayiratti,
~1Al1)~ ~ ]
95. ~ U-f Ef; W aayutam o
tool, instrument
96. ~ rr dJ LJ W aaran;pam 0 beginning
~ J) L£J 1J uJ

97. ~ !Jrr~ 8=.1F/ aaraacci investigation, research

98. -~01J~ ••• -~ru~ -aavatu ••• -aavatu or (only in nonconcrete
-~611~ ••• ~ ru~ situations) [clitic, cf.
-~ ... -
~ ]

99. :Jj err aaLu person

100. ~e3. 1. taNi- 2-3. aaru- 1. be appeased 2. become cool
1. ~~ 2-3 . .{)j @ 3. heal
101. ~ ~ [ob1.~ ?&] 1. aaru [ob1. a~ttuJ 1. river; way, road (in general)
2. paTi 2. means, manner; 'as, going on'
u~ (post. + past pt.)

102. ~@[ ob1. ~eJ ] aaru six

103. ~~N aanaa but
~~@,JJLD aanaalum o however

104. §)r@~ffi[®r@®J inke here

105. g)L..~[@LU1J eTatu the left side (n.); left (adj.)


106. @LUJ eTam o

1. place, room [2. left side]

107. ~Q;)L-liJ -giTTa/e a case ending/postposition

- ffi1L.: L (+ obl.) with these usages:
1. 'to,' direction toward with
anima tes. contras t - (ft
2. location with animates.
contras t - i&)0lJ
3. transitory dative. contrast -~
4. proximity, 'near'

108. @ Lf 6. iTi- hit forcefully) smash, pound;

@q. thunder

®L1 iTi (n.) thunder; blow, stroke

109. ®CB UL-{ iTuppu hip, loin
110. ® 67f) L- naTu, matti mid-portion (as opposed to the
rp@ ,LLJ~~ ends), middle; waist, mid-trunk;

111. ® 1.:. oS! iDLicrfJ id1i, a steamed rice cake

112. ®&1 itu it, this (thing)

113. @~~rr itoo (look) here!

114. @~~ ~ ittane this many; all these; this much

~~ ~6)orr
115 . .@ f? ~ inta this, these (adj.)
116. @~~LL1rr intya~ India
®~~U-1 intya Indian (adj.)
117. ®~.@1 int'l} Hindu
118. @ULJLf ippaTi thus, in this way

119. ®LJt,lJrr~J
. @LJ. 6)LliT"@~ ippa
@w U now

120. ® w ffi Ef.> LQ eyakkam 0 movement; campaign


'~rrU:J[ a)@ G25l] en~r,m, .miSJ,:'a\ a'\ I machine, engine

~//JJ~ 7''/ ur,? ~ lJ /.CJ ) WI G~J e:r

122. @ uJ00 nature; literary Tamil (prose

and poetry, not drama); -ology:
the formative for all sciences
and f~elds of study

123. ~ UJ ~ on es eyarke nature, disposition

®rj-,~oV- For entries beginning wi th a prothe tic @ -, see also
a- -and U\J - in the glossary.

124. @ I) ci; as iD erakkam

• 0
mercy, pity, sympathy

125. @ fJ oWr 0' reNTu two

126. ® rr Gli raattri night
127. @@ 7. iru (irukka, iruntu) be; stay, wait, remain
~ (~ffiffi")®&I~$J)

128. ~@ f[; w La etayam o

heart (the organ)
GT ~ UJ 1-0

129. ®@L1~ . irupatu, iruvatu twenty, 20

[obl.@@ L.1 t;5 §J ] @@Llc§J ,.@@61J~
[ob1. ir~atti, etc.
~ L1 ~ '~/, etc. ]
130. @@LJJ iv iruma1 cough

131. @([5La t-i irumpu iron

132. ®ov8;@WtA e1akkyam
. v Q

133 . ~ 61J rE.J OO"'J G5 1ankaa, si100n Sri Lanka, Ceylon

6\J rF.u es. rr) c-rS) e([U rr em-
134. @ 2:N e1e leaf; banana leaf plate
135. ~ oU ?4v 1. i11e 1. no (int.)
@ a\J ()0lJ
2-3. i11e, - (1) 1e 2. not (neg. v.)
®du o)(}V, - (aJ)6Jav 3. isn't it? (wi th r~s ~ng
intonation); you know~ (with
falling intonation) tag
marker ===
136. ® 61J rJ ivaru he, this person (hon.)
137. ® ru ~ ffi" vrr ivanka(L) they, these people; she (hon.)
138. ® 61J un- iva(L) she (this)
139. ~ 61lvln- ivan he (this)

140. ~ GO) 6)J itu, itunka(L) they, these things
~ r31 ,@;\~ rQ ffi dr
141. @ OJ G1J 67T 611 ivaLavu this much; this many
142. ®@ 6. iRu- pull, drag; inhale; stretch
143. @61ToO) W eLame youth, tenderness, immaturity
GT67T 61 LiJ
@6TlW eLam pale, light (of color)
GT (JfT 1-D

144. @)'P 7. era (era~ka, erantu) die

crp (rrtpffi85,rr'P~ ~J)
() g: ~@J LI ~LJ rr

145. @'9r@@3. eranku- descend, get down; get out of

GTrpJiJ@ (a vehicle); participate (in a
competition), be a candidate
(in an e lec tion)

146. ® aitp;j:. €f:) ~~ flesh, meat

147. ~ 6rr U:J enam

<iT.nrr W sort, class, kind

148. @~ 6. ®
q-of7 be sweet

inime from now on, henceforth,

*149. ®Ml @amClLfl hereafter

cantooSam ""~ "

@ orr L1 LLl e: ~ ~,§i
If ""C' L.D
happiness, joy, delight

151. @~m'?t6@[i,)""~l @~~~ffi €;I today

. ~ innum still, yet; furthermore; more

® 61lr@l @l ai-r@1 UJ

153. @4ir(Je>@ ~'%~e)@ another (of the same type)


154. r:r: ii fly

155. -(u)nk~(L) 0 address form to show polite-
- (2..) rE.J ffi fir ness

156. ~8:-~ ucci top, uppermost point, crown

2..8=- s=i (of head); zenith, noon

157. e£LN [£LLD'-I ] o Tampu body

158. E-Le, m- o Tane 1. at once, immediately
0L~QDT 2. as soon as, right after
(post. + past pt.)

-!2Lffl- variant of case s ign ~(£


159. 2. LEb rr j- 2. ukkaaru- sit (verb of motion, not

2tt85rr~ situation)

160. 26lJ1fr 'J 2. ON~ puriyum (imp.) feel, realize, recognize

9~ ,LjrfJU-fW
*161. 2...~mLL) nejam truth, fact
G)~ ~ La
162. 2. ~(B otaTu lip
163. E. Ef> 0.6) otavi help, assistance
9 5D cD)
164. 2.L1&uJrrffi) 6. opayooki-~paya~pa~tu- ~se
e u~ wrr tb /) U"'-JGH.JG~jJ
165. E..L1L{ uppu salt
2. U4
166. - 2...LJJ -urn clitic indicating:
- ~UJ 1. inclusion in a closed set:
'also , too'
2. (to conditional) nonreal
concessive: 'even (if)'

(2-W) 3. (to coverbial) concessive of
fact: 'although'
4. ~interrogative) universals
, .•• ever'
[ 5 • ( top a s t pt. n.) i rnrne d i a -
tive: 'as soon as']

167. -2 LiJ ••• -2. La (- .•• 2.1£)) -umQ••• -um 0

and (conjoining nominals)
-t,W·.·-2,.LD [clitic]

168. 2.. UJ rJ rp rep ocanta . high

169. 2. Wl rj uyiru life; a vowel
17 0 • 2. rf) rmJ L.CJ urime (inherent) right, claim,
2-mc)LJJ privilege; peculiarity

171. 2.@ <DJ to ruupam shape, image; reflection

@LJLD (in mirror); idol
172. 2.G\JE£LD ulakam world, earth


173. 2..~<n.JrraUJ ulookam ()

Z ~cN rr as LiJ
174. 2. ciT ~urr, 2. un- uLLe 1. interior, inside (n.)
2orr 61 m- 2. inside (of), within
(space) [post. + dat.]
3. by, within (time) [post.
+ dat.]
4. among [post. + obI. or date
pI. ]

175. 2..@ ~ 1. valu 2. kaTTaaya~ 1. firmness, hardness, strength

1. G11~ 2.5LLrrUlL.D 2. assurance, definiteness,

176. 2.. tp L.1 $~ urpatti (indus~rial or agricultural)

2.tjJU~~ production; development,


177. Bar ~ uuci needle; innoculation (shot)

178. 2tr:r f) uuru native place, hometown
&rr@ (village, town, community,
place); any place not this

179. &:..rp@ 3. uut~- pour, flow down


180. GTr6J@ UJ enkum everywhere, anywhere; (+ neg.)
GTrl3J@Lo nowhere

181. cr JEJ ~0 [crffiJ@ J enke where


182. GrrEJ' E!>wrrnJ ~ enkeyaavatu anywhere

GT f"@ 0 ffi U-l rr Cl.Jc:§l
183. GTrE.l ~ ~~ w rr enkeyoo somewhere
VI r~.j6l ffi ~ w rr
184. w g:. LLJ rr m- ecamaan master, boss, lord
IT 5- LlHT orr

185. GTCb' 6. eTu- take, remove, pick up; take

GT(B (a class)

186. cr L(B 3. eTTu- reach, reach for (with hand,

GrLCB etc. )

187. GT t:Qi eTTu eight

188. GTanm-@J 3. 1. eNNu- 2. nene- 1. count, number 2. think,
Gr67W@l GJ '? G") ~ ponder

189. cram- ~ eNNe oil


190. urtrirrr U.~ • empatu [obl. empatti] eighty, 80

[ob1.GrdW'T"u ~8JJ GltaLJ~ [obI. 6rUJL.J~~1J

191. CTFPrrG1J~ etaavatu something

VT ~rrru~

192. GT~'lJ ,GT~ry- etire 1. before, in front of; opposite

GT ~C) 1J (post. + dat.)
2. that which is opposite, in
front; futurity

193. cr~Jj-L1fnj6. eturpaaru-- expect, wait for
GT8J 6-
L.l rr@

194. GT~ [GJ §lJ etu which one (n.)

195. GTc§lGll UJ [GJ§LaJ etuvum anything
GT~6l\ "

196. GT~ ~~ ettane how many

GT ~ ~C)(JW

197. CT~~~~LL1rr ettaneyoo so many

VT~ ~C)m-e I.LJ n-
198. cr f? ~ .
enta which (adj.)
199. GrLJLJL1J- eppaTi how, in what manner
IT ULJ t.!f
200. cr iJ tJ '4 UJ rrClJ@ eppaTiyaavatu somehow (or other); by any means
GTUU Lf uJrrnJ[§l
201. vrULJq~wrr eppaTiyoo somehow
GTUL1 ~ (1;wrr

202. GTU~LJrr~lT0lJ~ eppavaavatu sometimes, at any time

IT LJ u nHT ClJ ~

203. GTU ~LJrr~GTiJ()LJrr@.§lepp'a when


204. cr~, LJrr§LD,rrD6)L1IT@~iaeppavum () always; (+ neg.) never

cr U L.l 61.f LCJ
205. rru ~LJ,T~ ff)rr eppavoo sometimes, occasionally, once
GTu LJ &6JJ rr in a while

206. GT rf) 2. 1. eriC) 1. glow) burn

2. ericcalpaTu 2. scorn, be angry
UT rf} 8=- tF- iv u CB

207. crct51 eli rat, mouse

208. GTy.ruSl Efg: w elumiccam- lime (fruit), lemon [used mostly
CT~ £Itrff-W in cpds.J

209. GT§lJL.D,-/ elumpu bone

(ii~ l..&' L{

210. GT Q\) 6V IT ellaa all, all kinds of, all sorts
vrcNtrUrr of (adj.)

211. Gr N
rr L.1J ellaam 1. all things, everything (n.)
GT o-\J ClJ IT W 2. the whole, entire (post.)

212. erN ~(J)) rr@ La ellaarum all (people), everybody

GToVVU rr@ W
213. GT Gil (jlJ (7T' nJ evaLavu how much, however much; how
GTruurrG1./ many
214. CT 6)j ill orr e 6lJ rr evaLavoo so much, a lot
GT 6ll U1T ~ 6ll rr
215 •. Gr@ 2. eRuntiru (7.) get up; awake, emerge
216. Gr@§ 3. eRutu- write; take (an examination)
217. cr@LJ§ eRupatu, eRuvatu seventy, 70
[Gr@LJ ~ ~J 0@L.1~ ,Gr@ru~
[obl. eRupatti, etc.
GT@ Lj(~ ~ ,etc. J

218. cr~& colapam, callicu an easy matter

G) e=-rr G'U t.J ia ) B=-criJ ~ ffi-
219. Gip! 2. eri- throw, throw at (something),
crrp/ hurl, toss

220. GT& LD L..{ erumplf ant

221. GT6aT4GlJ~'a5G'6l1J atunaale therefore
222. G\ v<rr 5. in (nu) [ire def.] say, tell, quotative
. .
223. IT oor (J eN -NNaa, -nnaa 1. if, if said so
-<m"'~ 2. condi tional of Gr dTi
224. IT om- CJ D'J LfJ -~aalu~ -n~aalum 0 even the~, nevertheless
-~~~ -orrrre:!)fJ.lLD (attachea to preceding

225. GlaJi@ -NNu, -nnu 1. cvb. of cr ~ (quotative)
-um-@ , -~~ 2. quotative, quotation marker)
onomatopoetic marker: 'so
saying I , I that I (normally
Gfm-? a. -NNa, -nna a. said above (pt.)

b. -nkra b. called (pt.)


CTd7Jl [equivalent of rr mc:f91 in

high literary Tamil]

orm'"LJ&1 -nkratu that which is said (pt. n.)

. v
-ffij 85~@

226. CiT" 0Tr ocr .


227. - G) 1-2. -ee 3. -e clitic indicating:
1-2. -GJ 3. -IT 1. emphasis and exclusion:
this one as opposed to
many (cf. - ra;;rrm-)
2. (IIUally, with rising
intonation) iuestion marker
asking clari ication of
possible error (cf. -~,
- d21 )
3. ending for locative expressions
(mandatory in CT, optional in
MLT, not used in HLT)

etuvoo something, some unnamed; some-

228. G)'~rr what
229. eeRu seven
230. GJ(5) ~ eeRe poor person (in wealth)

231. GJI§J6nUJ eeRame poverty

GT :9GJ ill
232. G)@J 3. eeru- ascend, climb up; enter (vehicle,
etc.); increase
233. GJ tp 8) ~ ~6l1 eerkanavee, munnaaleeyee already, in good time,
GJ"? ffi m- '611, @tm-~ ~CJ C; uJ before

234. GJ ~ L.J CB 6. uNTaaku- begin to exist, be established;

2..~ I-IT@ develop, evolve

235. q r? L.J rr G 1. tayaar.

1. arrangement, preparation

2. eerpaaTu 2. arrangement done according

q r? u rr(5 to established custom

236. GJtp@l 3. eettu- raise, lift up (from below);

G)$gJ pump (water overhead)

237 •. q m- een why, for what (reason)

238. W'?~ ancu five
~G3 e=r
239. G2 LO LJ ~ • ampatu fifty, 50
[obl. mwu ~~J ~WLJ~
[o~l. fin:.gatti

240. ffi w rr ayyaa 1. interjection/address form

,guiJwrr to older male equal
(polite): sir
2. master, boss (n.)

,r 241. gj ~ W rr) 1£ Olf)w C;wrr ayyoo interjection expressing sorrow,

.:JIt.iJ&wrr distress or sympathy

242. o,}@ oru one; a, an (num. adj.)
243. G?1 oS} cattam sound, noise
244. 6:?1 ru Gl61J rr@ ovvoru each, one by one (some, every)
6) 6iJ 6) C)j rr@

245. Gj @UJ oRiya 1. unless (emphatic) [post.
G)Lj)w + condi tionaW
[2. info of ~ ~I 'cease']
246. Cj @ri:J ffi IT 85 oRunkaa orderly, efficiently, neatly,
G?J@ Ttl as rr regularly

247. G) orfl veLiccam light

Gl Cl1 orA 6:- e:- W
248. ~m-U ~ ompatu nine
C0 La LJ @J
249. 6?J m- @l oNNu one, one thing (n.)

G21m{!)Jt.D oNNum
• <)
(+ neg.) nothing
9@nso&r oruttan one man
9@~~ orutti one woman
250. - ~ -00 interrogative clitic indi-
-~ cating surprise and asklng for

251. - ~ • . • - D -00 ••• -00 or (only in concrete situations)

-~ ... -Qt [cli tic, cf. -~QJ§ .. - .!}f;ru§l ]

252. ~,<£ rr ookoo interjection expressing surprise

~,rasrr or joy

253. GJ,tB 3. ooTu- run

254. f1i LL N ooTTal(u) hotel, restaurant
Gd7 L. L &U

255. G) uJ 2. ooy' (ooya, oonc~) desist: cease; become tired

~UJ (~W, ~t5 f!1r)


256. as EO efrLuYV kakkuusu latrine

ffi ffi en. 01?F'
257. ffi ~ L tA kaSTam difficulty, trouble
258. as L 7. kaTa (kaTa~ka, kaTa~tu) pass, cross, go beyond
ffi L (ffi L85 $, as L rpg,D
25'9. E5 L OQ) LLJ kaTame duty, obligation
(2 LO'Jj.[J

260. as 1- ~ kaTale peanut, "ground nut"

261. ffiLcN kaTalu sea, ocean
ffi L 9Ll
262. as L drr kaTan
en L- <WT'
263. as if- 6. kaTi- bite; chew
264. ffi L9',!) W kaTitam'. leTTar.u (;;J. letter, missive
fj) ~ ff>
LJ) ,GI ctJL- LV!)

265. ffi(b~w kaTume harshness, sternness, severity

EO <5 GJ L1J
266. ffimL kaTe shop, store
267. '(£ m L @, kaTeyci end; last, final
ffi C) L W e=:]
268. CSL.-{A kacci party (political), faction
269. B5 L L 1- in kaTTaTam o (a) building; construction
270. res L L GZmT CD kaTTaNam
• 0
fare, fee, charges
tfLL onr ill

271. C£LLrrUJf.1) kaTTaayam
• 0
compulsion, certainty,
'(£ L LJr uJ L.D necessity

8)L LfTuJLD rrE5 kaTTaayamaa definitely, certainly

(£ i L rr u.J IJJ rr
272. ffi L. L1f kaTTi lump, clump, mass
273. mL LlJ. N kaTTilu bedstead, cot
ffiL liJ §U
274. as LCh' 3. kaTTu- bind, tie, fasten; build
275. EE ~ ffi@ kaNakku (numerical) computation;
a; atrrsr a:® (financial) accounts

276. & ~ 61J <1rr viiTTukkaararu husband; (householder) landlord

cEL(8 ffiffirr1)@
277. '<£ ~ kaNNu eye; any small aperture (as of
ffi~@.l a net or mesh)

e)@r a 19- kaNNaaTi glass (the material); mirror;


EEoicrr~ eyeglasses

279. ffi EP Gl/ katavu door, shutter

280. en OQ) ~ kate story

~ %1 knife
281. 55

~~ rf} scissors
~~i~ rfl
282. E£

. .
283. €5 ULJ 6(J kappalu ship
as Uue,Ll
284. as W SJ ~mp'i ~ wire, metallic thread; metal
~W UI rod
vayru (electric only)
285. ffi uS1&J kay(i)ru rope, cord, line, string
286. as [J6Wr LIJ- karaNTi spoon, ladle
C£ rr 6irr L!f
287. as@§ 3. nene- think, consider, have opinion
6/ '? GJUOT
288. 85@$ c§l 1. ap~raayam <1 1. opinion
~L.JrD rrrrwiJJ
2-3. nenef>pu 2. idea
G) ~ G)oorLJ Lf 3. thought

289. ffi@ GO) L.O karume darkness

EE@\)') LfJ
ffi@ Lo karum dark, dark (of colors)
290. cs@irJ LJ III 67n a; boorTu blackboard
291. E5 OlD I) kare bank, shore; border, boundary
292. E50lJ 7. kala (kalakka, kalantu) mix, mingle
$tJV (B5ou~ffi, <56V~ 8I)

293. ffiCU ry- [rtJtpiLl ] kalar color


294. as ?au kale art


ffi6U kallu stone, rock, gemstone
296 • fficlJ u.J rr 47J1ji' L.D kalyaaNam marriage
[ ~ LOO1roTtDJ . "
ffi OU L.Ll rr CQIrj J..Q

297. E£ iu @r'Jr rfJ kaaleej(u) college

ffirr~61J ~
298. as eN ~ paTippu learning, study, education
LJ L!f i.J Lj
299. ffiGl.l?ov kavale care, concern, worry

300. En ru on- L1J gavanam o

attention, care, heed,
as ru orr LQ consideration

301. E56lJ~ 6. notice, take care, take into

ffiv~~ account; observe, watch, pay

302. EE~ 60) ~ kavite poetry, poem

ffiGlJ) G) ~
303., as ~ ffi L..C kaRakam association) corporation)
ffiL9ffiLD corporate body) party,
(fan) club

304. 6) ~ r?@l 3. kaRattu- take off) remove

ffi ~ ~~
305. 85 @ 6.
reject; subtract, deduct;
[spend (time)]

306. ffi@ GQ) tp kaRute donkey

307. ffi@ ~~ kaRuttu neck
308. Eb@ <fl1 3. kaRuvu- wash (except laundry); rinse
ffi@ 01
309. as r;5l kari any dish served with rice) a
esr;51 curry; any meat dish, meat

310. as@u y karuppu black) blackness

ffi@l UY
311. ffitp LJ 2mr karpane imagination) inventiveness
ffi r? w 6) 07JT

312. ffi (fIT 61./ kanavu dream

'a) d1lT 0l
313. E5<rrr @.1 kannu) (kaNTu) calf; sapling
314. 85 rr ffi Gm Ef) kaak~aa (y) 0 crow

315. en rrCB kaaTu land not regularly inhabited

Efi rr(8 bv people: forest, jungle)

as rr L 8?]
316. sight) vision; appearance;

317. ffi fT L~ 3. kaaTTu- show) point out

'as rr CCP
318. as rrrorr ir. v. 1. paaru- 1. see (unexpectedly); [see]
(5 fT~) a:;arr@ ) U rTrg _
2. kaNTupiTi- 2. find out
o;~CB W L!f
(a; rr dtrr) 3. puriyum (imp. v.) 3. realize
4. teriygm (imp. v.) 4. seem, appear
6) Ep if) IL/ UJ
319. ESrr~GV love

320. as IT &J kaatu ear; eye of a needle;

ffi rrc§J ear (of a jug, etc.), handle

321. ffirrULJ IT ~8-l 3. kaappaattu- save; protect

€Orr wu IT ~&J
322.-1(E rr US) kaa(p)pi coffee
323. ffirruJ 2. kaayi- grow dry, dry out, wither,
as rr uSl be hungry (of stomach); be
hot, heated (of liquids)
324. as rr UJ kaayi unripe fruit (botanical);
ffi rr uS! vegetables

325. B5 rr W05 rfJl kaaykari vegetable (used for cooking)

ED rr was r;5l
326. as rTu.; 8:- &oiJ joram, kaaccaru . fever
G)~ rr I) UJ, 6i ".g:6'~
3 27. ffi rr r;- 6Ql5T LJ) kaaraNam
cause, reason
ffi rr 7" d1n7T J...lJ
328. [£ 1Trf) UJ tp rf)§) kaaryatarici secretary
ffi rr fJ u.J ep if) ~
329.(£ rrrfJ w La kaariyam thing, matter, affair; effect
c£rrrfl W

330. fE TT 'J kaaru car) automobile; bus

331. E5 rr C1J LD kaalam ()
time, season, a period of time
ffi rrou LD normally longer than a dav

332. 6) rr 9ru kaale morning, A. M.


333. E£ rr uV ka? (1)0 leg, foot; quarter (fraction),
ffirrOU 1/4
334. ffi rr 6).l Qt) 1. kaavalu 2. pooliisu 1. protection, watch
1. Cbrr6l1§L1 2. ~LJrr~~ 2. the guard, police

335. q) rr rp 8l kaattu breeze, wind; air, atmosphere

ff)rT $~
336. §) L 7. keTa (keTakka, keTantu) lie, remain, exist (disorderly,
G) E5 L (G) C5LffieJ, (J)f£ L ~~) in a mess)

337. ffilmL es@ La keTekkum will get, obtain

imp. v. + date G) e=s6) L 8:@ LQ
ffi) am L as ffi rr.&1 keTekkaatu will not get
6) ffiG) L ~ ED rr B-1
338. ®mL.. u..J IT ~ keTeyaatu does not have, is not available;
imp. v. + date G) ED G") 1- u...HT 8J does not happen (neg. only)
ID@as@)Lo irukku ~ositive of the above)
[t!.disr@ ] @@ffi®
339. €;) LL.. ~ ~L L kiTTattaTTa approximately, nearly, about
&'lLL ~~i..L
340 · $I (!()Or f!)J. keNaru well (for water, etc.)
Gl e:, OOOT eJ
341. ® f)rr LD Ln o/"aamam 0 village
ffi 1) rr L.O w::J

342. ffi) L9 ffi® keRakku east

g~ east, eastern

® ':9 ffieE5 keRakke to/in the east

GJ a; t§l as 0 ffi
343. §;) I9 ri:u@ keRanku tuber, potato, edible root
6) ffi I9
r6J C8
344. ffi) t9 G2Sl L...D keRame day of the week
C) ffi L§l G) L.O
345 . ffi) 1:9 Gll (j(JI keRavan o
old man
G) ffi ~ CiJJ OOT

346. ffil orr Lo y 3. keLampu-, porappaTu: start, begin (of a machine, etc.);
QasorrLDY, ~L1rrn; LlL1@
rise, emerge

347. ®Cuv rr kiloo kilogram

5;)tou rr
348. ffi C; ~ , & t9 kiiRe 1. a place below) down~ .
egG) ~ bottom; the east (cf. § t:9~)
2. below, under (touching*)
[ pos t. + ob 1. ]
3. below, under (not touching*)
[pos t. + date ]
* contrast not kept in all
. (:;\ kucci
349. @) g:. tJl @) cf.1il peg, short stake, splinter,
twig, stick (small, short)

~a,®cf-&J ~~®c;ie::J a match

350. ® L IJ). koTam •

G) EO rr L- lD
pot, any rounded vessel

351. @) Lq- 6. Cffi if

kuTi- drink

.• kuTumpam () family
352. @SeE W LJ ill @CE tb LJ LO
koTe umbrella
353. @) 61fJ L- ()) Eb IT GJ L-

354. @ L u;. 4
@)L young of most animals; small

3"5 • ~ ()U1lT ill. goNam
G! eli rr Q6lJT" L1l
Q quality, character; health-

356. ~~ 6. @t~ hop, leap, jump, gallop, skip

357. <E ~6O)rr ~~0!J

kutire horse

• .C'\ (il kump i Tu worship, reverence
358. @LCl UI\!J 4.

• !r:? koranku • fc: monkey, ape

359. @) IJ ffil \3 GJffi rrrJ f@ ®

360. @) r) ru koralu voice
GJ es IT Sf &'J
361. @ Lg ~~ r:p koRante . baby, child, infant
G)8)rr~~G") ~
362. ~<0T UJ koLam tank, pond, pool
o ffi IT m- L[J
363. @um 6. kuLi- bathe (wash oneself including
~crf) head)

36 4 • @crf) tJ 2. kuLiru- be cool, be cold

365. @r;51 6. kuri- - mark, indicate, denote, point to
@1sl sign, mark

366. @ rfI DtS)~ 4. kurippiTu (-PJDTa, -piTTu) specify, point to;

C5n;5)ut5J(B (- L, -dL@) mention, refer to; remark

367. ~6OJ? 2. /6. kore-/: 2. be lacking, short, cut off

wesrr6ltp 6. reduce, shorten, cut off
~GO)rp kore flaw, lack
o ffirr 0?
®?? ill kuttam () sin of commission: fault;
~ $ Ef5 L.L) guilt, crime

369. ffi'l- L 1-3. kuuTa 1. even; also, too (clitic)

tfn..L 2. 'along wi th I (pos t. + obl. )
1-2. kuuTe 3. info of ®3tB 'jain'
Efn.. 0L
370. an.... L LD kuuTam t:I
hall, large room or building
on... L ill

371. Cfn-(b' 3. 1. ceeru- 2. kuuTu- 1. Jo~n, unite (intr.)

1. g s=-@ 2. ffu-(B 2. gather, assemble; be possible

372. Efn... 6?J) L kuuTe basket

Ern- 6l L-

373. ffn-LLW kuuTTam

• 0
crowd, group; meeting; tribe
374. 8n... L(H 3. kuuTTu- add, bring together; sweep
Efn- L tB
37 5~ Cfn.. uUJeB 4. kuuppiTu (-piTa, -piTTu) call, shout
ffi1..UDI(8 (-WL, -d1£.:@)
376. EfrL6O) rp kuure roof, ceiling
377. an- uS) kuuli (day work) wages; coolie
378. ffiL.. @1 3. collu (ir.) say, tell (officially);
G)fJ-rTuV ~ proclaim

379. CJffiLL keTTa bad; spoiled


380. ~ d5 CS keeTu misfortune, ruin, harm

381. CED otSJ geeli joke
382. t as m- 5. keeLu (keekka, keeTTu) hear, listen, obey; ask,
Ce!S@ (~$a;6), c!EDL@) inquire

383.GOJ eo kayyi hand, arm, handful; trunk

a5wu5) (of elephant); sleeve

384. C) ED rr or kocu mosquito

385.G) as rri!5 FJ= W[g:.1@lJ koncam a little, some (n.)
G) ffi fT G 0=- UJ

386. C) f.b rr Lf koTi flag, banner; creeper, vine


387. C)ff) rr 1-9 UJ . pollaata harmful, cruel

o LJ rrru OlJrr ~
388. G)t6rr(b' 6. kuTu- give, give away
389. C'; E£1T~(5' koNTu 1. with, by means of (post. +
GJE5rroirrCB ace.)
2. cvb. of 6)fJ)rrorr wi th numerous
usages (see G) a5ITrTr)

390. G)asrr~~UIT koNTupoo (-pooka, -pooyi) take away, take along
C)ffirr~'L1rr< - turr CD, -'LJfT uS1)
391. QffirrwC5'Gllrr ir. koNTaa (-Taara, -Taantu) bring
0ffirrm-Lr( - LIT?", - Lrr~~)
392. G) E5 IT LD Lt kompu horn; branch (of plant)
393. Qe5ITO"\J 1. kollu (kolla, konnu) kill
(QE5rrdtJaJ, () e;rrirr~

394. GJ t5 rr0T 1. -(k)koo -(as)'f$fT [1. have (for one's own use),
(-kka, -(k)kiTTu) possess]
es )
(-cSffi, - ( ffi) [@ ) 2. frozen formative in cpd.
[with major dialect verbs
variations] 3. marker of the reflexive/
middle in verbs
4. marker of the simultaneous
aspec t
5. (+ @@) marker of the

395. ~ffirr Ij kooTi [obI. kooTiyee] (tcrore,\\ ten million,

[ob l.~ffi rr 1- bLLl ] tl£ rr 0/
[obI. ~ $rr L9-&w] 1,00,00,000

396. eas rr (}7f) L kooTe(kaalam) o summer, hot season

'(J5rr6JL (as fTvv W )

397. g 85fT LJ IiJ koopam

tasrr u UJ
398. '85 rr uS'Jdu kooylu

399. e(!j rr t.§I kOORi, hi chicken, fowl

(.$ rr t!:jl

400. EF- as as !T L£J cakkram
• V
401. a: as ~ cakti power, energy; ability; force,
e:E5 ~ forces (in pI.)

402. a:- ffiJ En '- UJ cankaTam embarrassment

tFr@ffi L UJ
403. &- fl;j EZ) U1 cankam
• .:>
association, academy, union,
B=-n:J 9:) U) society

404. fFr@g~w [@6a)6J cankiitam music

o-:rE.J g ~ iiJ

. .
405. s=- L L LO caTTam
• 0
frame(work); rule; law, act

406. €FL"fflL caTTe shirt, blouse

407. Ef aror GQ) L caNTe quarrel
0:. rrior (i) L
408. a=- ip ~ 6. canti- meet
409. e=~ ~ canti crossing, junction, meeting
a:~~ point

410. g::.~ f$) r; err cantiran, nelaa moon

g: ~ ~ fJ tJ?ff-, C) rp CD rr
411. 5= ~ C tp ffi W canteekam doubt; suspicion
FFrpeB) fJ5 W
412. g: ~ 6Q) e; cante market
a:: l.JJ LO camam level, evenness; equality

6=-LC LiJ

414. EF L1J u.J LiJ camayam 0 opportuni ty, (appropria te)

fF iJJ uJ LJ) time, occasion; religion

415. <Ef@ 2£ W camuukam community, society (in general)

416. O={)O) LiJ 6. came= cook, prepare (a meal)
fFC) LfJ

417. ff l1J U d7T L1J campaLam

" ~
salary, pay, wages
Ef LJJ U 6li LiJ

418. 2J- rfJ cari 1. correc t (nes s) [n. J

tr-rf/ 2. O.K., alright, fine, yes
419. a::l)C53)6lD'T cakkare sugar
420. s: TJ & ffi IT ?- carkkaaru (the) C:,overnment
a=lj ffios rr@

421. e= ~ ffi @ l:9 6(fJ LA canikkeRame Saturday
a=~ffi~ ffi ~ G)iiJ
422. e: rr ir. .- caa (caaka, cettu) die (nonpolite)
(ff"rr E5 ,Gl Cf 'P §J ) o=-rr
(5Trffi ,G)tf-~~)

423. c9= rr U u rr@ caappaaTu food; meal, dinner

[~~Cl.J ] e::IT UL.J rr Cb'
424. a=rr USK'b 4. caappiTu (-piTa, -piTTu) eat, have a meal
[2.0i0-r 5.J 8=rrLiwCH (- WL, - wL[8)
425. Ef.rr UJ rrorr caamaan &,) baggage, one's things
e: IT U) rr (()J
426. e: rr La LJ rr 'J caampaar
. . sambar, a lentil sauce
427. rEf rruJ I1i1 G) fT ov ill caayankaalam
• 0
evening, 4 o'clock until dark
a= IT W f1i.l ffi rr tN LD
428. s: rr <201J rooTu, caale road, highway
(IJrr(£l EFrr 6}0L)
429. e==- rr 6251 caavi key
430. f3:'J r@ ffi La cinkam lion
g:, r1i1 ffi W
431. ~ rfI 6. ciri- laugh, smile
432. ~ Ul) koncam • (n.)0 some, a few, not many (adj.
()) E5 rr [5 Er LQ and n.)
cela, konca (adj.)
GJ EfoI.) ~ 67 ffi IT § Ef-
433. &1 cV 6V <JO)tp cillare change, coins; retail (of
~ivruC)rp trade); various, sundry, odd
(jobs) adj.

434. &:l 02J U Y cevappu red, redness

o s= (ll iJ '-i
435. ~rp 7. cerappaayiru excel, be distinguished
GJ Ef-~ L..1 LJ rr ~ @
436. ~~UJ [~@J cinna small, little (in size)

437. §21m mrr cinna little, small
€FI oir <7til
,., 438. q., ~ f3:. @. cii interjection expressing
g. contempt

439. ~$£) fJW rra) ciikkramaa quickly, soon

440. grj ~@ ipe; CD ciirtiruttam improvement, reform
441. e;-(B 4. cuTu (cuTa, cuTTu) be hot, feel hot, be burnt;
s;-(8 (8TL ,6TLCB ) heat, fry, bake, roast; burn
(as of food); fire (a gun)

*"442. a=r tp ?w tuppravu cleanness, purity

. §JULJfJot
443. EJTwrr r; cumaar approximately, about
444. aT 11J L1J IT cunnnaa lazily, idly, leisurely;
e:rLnwrr just for fun, without any reason,
just because

445. a;-@ffi1@ 3, curunku- shrink, wrinkle; frown

446. aT 0J U ill colapam easiness, facility
GJ e=- rr O"\J L.1 LJ)

447. e=r G)J f) covaru wall

(j) e=- rT ru @
448. ffr GO) nJ cove, ruci taste, flavor
449. 8T r? ~ cutti 1. around (post. + ace.)
Efr~~ 2. cvb. of ~~~Igo round'

@ If! (jj orr sun


* 451. C§ ~ ~12oV cantarppam

,. ... 0
circumstance, environment,
l3-rp ~ IJ LJ U LD situation

452. Cl s=- W./ ceTi plant (botanical)


453. C) e:-W Lf cempu copper; a particular water pot
C) cr- W L/
454. G) ff-UJ 1. paNNu- [North] do, make
ceyyi (ceyya, cencu)
G) Ef WuS) (G) a:WW fiJ e;- ) a=5
455. GJ f3-W ~ viSa yam news, message, matter; deed
c;5) ~ uJ LD
456. Q s=-@ LI Lf ceruppu lCchappals / sandals
457. () e::-GLJ Cl{ celavu out-go, expenditure
G) 0- (j1) Glj
458. GJ 0=-0,) 1. 1- 2. poo 2. naTa 1. [arrive at (a destination)];
1-2. 'urr 2. rpL be current (of money)
2. have an effect
. .
459. C) e:- 6I.J ru LD oottu wealth, riches; prosperity
CJl7 rr cp @
460. Cle:-ciJ GllfrUJ ffi@~0)'1L) cevvaakkeRame Tuesday

461. G) E3- 6IT '? poona last, previous

t iJ rr if7ST"'
462. C) 5-~ ~<%T cenne, meDraasu Madras
() errir0@1i, Cl LLJ L. T) rr vn.r:'
463. ~a::~ 2./6. ceeru-/: 2. approach, draw near; be near;
t~@' reach (a destination)
6. collect, combine, join, unite

464. e, Ef-r) rp ~ ceentu 1. together (+ intr. v.) [ pos t.

ee:~~ + nom. ]
2. cvb. of "g.rj 2. ' approach,
draw near'

cs:;j-~~ ceetu together (+ tr. v.) [post. +

tff~~ acc.]

465. ~ e=- ffi €;\orr caykkiL, caykiL bicycle

ij) §lorr, a: UJ ~ orr

466. mEf-GlJLO cayvam vegetarianism, Saivism;
• 0 ~

a: UJ C1J L1J a vegetarian, Saivite

467. GJEfrr $&1 cottu property, goods, possession,

G"") Go rr ~ JtJ asset

468. Q e:rr ~ FI; conta own, belonging to, personal

469. G)a:-rr0J 3. ire collu (colla, colli; say) tell, inform, request
past -- conneen)
G) EF rr o1J gd1 (G) ff ITuV (j\) ) G) e= rrN ~ ;
pas t -- (J)e=rrm~crrrr~)

470. te:rr@ cooru cooked rice

Cf!;rr f9J
471. 0 trurr ffi €'UJ..JL1} cavkkyam
• • V" (;)
(good) health, well-being
fT 6lJ ffi fb W LO

47 2. ~ ar om- <1V jannalu window
473. ~ rr~ caati caste, jati
474. GYU rr IJ saar • sir; gentleman (n. and int.)
GY'J rr !J

475. S rr uSJ t,P@ ~ ffi) ':9 on Lf.J fiaa yi t tukkeRame Sunda y
<Z5 rr uS'J ~ @ i£ G'l ff> ~ C) L1J

476. LW orr rr looTTaa cup) tumbler
~6U IT LL- rr

477. L.e. Tii tea


478. tp ED rJ L.n takaramc tin

479. ~@ 4 ire and 2. eettataayiru be fit, proper, suitable,

G)~ ~ ~rr u51@ appropriate
. eetta proper, suitable, appropriate
480. cp rT5J f:b LD [6) LJ rr air ] tar:kamb ponnu. gold
Efi J1il 8S ill , 6l Urrm- ~
481. tp~® 3. tanku- stay, remain
482. cpf@6O)ffi tankacci, tanke younger sister; form of address
~ ffil e; 6: &:1 ,E5 rT;.; OJ tD or endearment to a younger girl

:;483. ff? L mill, @<5?f)~ taTave turn, occasion; (number of)

~ L6)6lJ times

484. taTi stick, staff

485. tpCE 6. taTu- hinder, be an obstacle
486. tpL(£' 3. taTTu- tap, knock, clap, pat
487. tpL.Cb' taTTu plate, tray, any shallow open
tpL.CB vessel; knock, pat

488. o;~L~ taNTane punishment

489. a; om- (£ taNTu stalk (of plant)
490. tf~~~ [ fr;- taNNi water; [cold water]
491. tp I~ ~ tanti telegram, cable; string (of

musical instrument)

492. ~ U IT itJ tapaalu mail, post
493. £pLJy tappu sin of omission: mistake, error,
~LJLJ misdeed, oversight

494. ~u5l t& tamiR, tamiLu Tamil

o;LEI @, tp LEI@;
495. ep Lbo) tampi younger brother; boy, address

tpWSJ form to male servants

496. tpLLlrrr;- tayaar(u) ready, readiness

497. Fp uSJ lj tayru yoghurt, "curd"
498. Efi fJ ill taram
kind, sort, quality, standard;
suitability (for one's position,
rank, etc.), likeness, counter-
part, match; (number of) times

499. Ef; un r;- tare floor

500. 1S arv tale head; priority; top

SOL 9> 6l1@J 3. 1. tavaru- 1. slip, stumble

fP ClJ @l
2. tappu paNNu- 2. err, fail, blunder
~ L.JL-/ LJ om-@
502. tprolry- tavira except, besides, apart from
Epw5)1) [ pos t. + ace.]

503. rpm-@ 3. taLLu- push, shove; press; reject,

~oTr-8 remove, move aside

504. tp ~ (adj. and adv.) tani solitary, alone, sole; unique

505. ~orr qQ) uJ goNam quality, condition, nature
G)ffirr~w "
506. tprr ire taa (tara, tantu) give, grant, bestow
cprr (9 TJ ,~~§J )

507. ~fT as UJ taakam

( - \/ E$frffiLiJ
. .
508. fP rr TEJ ffi. GTr • avank.a taan
tp rr d7J/
c they themse1ves;[you (extremely
[ ob 1. ~ n:i.l ij) 67TJ ~ G1.J ffi..I fb hone )]

509. 9 rrffi1@ 3. taanku bear, endure; sustain, support

510. ~rrS?~rr taattaa grandfather, any old man
511. ~rrL£) ~ avankataan they themselves; he himself
[ob1. ~ LC

~G1J l1il5'::l ~ rr m- (hon. )

512. ~lToir . avantaan himself, herself, itself

[ob1. tp6lr ~

ru GZJT tp rrtJrJT
(resumptive pronoun)

513. -95 rrozrr [also -t5 rriq - taan a c1itic indicating:

etc. ] - CJ5 rrar 1.emphasis and isolation:
this one by itself, 'only,
just, exactly' (cf. -G,J)
2. [to conditional] only (if)

514. ~r@'a5Lffi)19mL.1J tinkakkeRame LiJ Monday

515. ~ Lf. (J!J o<1r@ ti Tiir.NN,; suddenly
516. ~(b ffi®Cb 4. tiTukkiTu (-kiTa, be surprised, startled, alarmed,
~1l~<b (-®L,
-@L.(8 )

517. ~LLiD 1. tiTTam 1. plan, scheme; arrangement,

~LUJ estimate
2. tul1iyam 2. accuracy
~ uU uS) LLJ ill
518. ~ 1) rr L. m a=- draace
v . grape(s)
- cpl)TrEf-0a=--

519. ~@ tiru 1. divine, sacred, holy (adj.)

~@ 2. mister, Mr., Sri

~@ f?rr orr tirunaa(Lu) festival day

520. ~@G 3. tiruTu- steal

521. ~@U Y 3. tiruppu- turn, cause to turn; repeat
~@L.1y (+ verb)

522. ~@ Let Y3. tirumpu- turn; return, go back (intr.)

523. ~6O)fJLrULLi.1 cinimaa movie
EAom wrr
524. ~dtJo15)} LJNo-Sl Dilli, Delli Delhi
Lq. vi> 061 ,<0 ~ oiJoS!
525. €>J rp 7. tera (terakka, terantu) open (verb of motion, not
G) t:prp (fJ ~'? ci; fI) , C) ep~n;.§J) situation)

526. ~ orr UJ denam

day (seen as a recurring unit),
G) Ef; 60r uJ daily

527. tj)oi-r 5. tin(nu) (tinna, tinnu) eat (not a meal), snack;

~m~) (~arrraor, ~crrr@l) eat (of animals)

528. B?~UJfToor~ tiirmaanam decision; resolution, motion

~ iJ LCl fT d7JT ill (as in Parliament)

529. ~~f)Lb tiiviram intensity; aggravation;

e;oSJ TJ UJ radicalism; (political)

530. ~ W-{ tiivu island

531. @ ffi 8) Lo tukkam sorrow, grief; agony
§J cis ffiW
532. ~ozn L 6. toTe- mop, wipe, dry (as of dishes),
G) rpfrC; L dust

533. ~JJ tuNi cloth, piece of cloth; clothes,

8ltmf) fabric goods in general

534. c:§J ~ toNe help, assistance; one who helps,

G) tp rr 06mJT deputy, Vice-, Assistant-

535. @ criorCB tuNTu piece, fragment, bit, slice;

@luim-(B towel, piece of cloth

536 . .§i ()6) rJ dore person in authority

G'J 6) rT 6) ry
537. §lV6J6lJ 6. tove-- wash (clothes) [implies
G) EP iT0C2J immersion in water]

538. ~ urf) tuLi (a) drop; a very little
539. §JOOJtp tore department, sector, sphere,
GJ8j;rrGJrp branch; harbor

540. §r ~@> 3. 1. tuukku- 1. lift up, raise (from above)

&rr en @
2. eTepaaru 2. weigh
GTGlL LJ rr@

541. ~~® 3. tuunku- sleep

542. §fT r; W tuuram distance
:*543. G)~ W6lJ. t.1J teyvam god, godhead, deity
. L<fll(7T 1
G) 9L1..l ru LD
544. (;) E!> L4 tlJ imp. v. + teriyum know, know how to, see how to
date [~rfJ 2.J GI ~ rfJ u.jW
545. (J) 6)@ teru(vu) street

546. G) ep <JTfI01 rr en teLivaa evidently, clearly

Gl ep orf) ru rr
547. 6) ep r?® tekku south
0~v6r south, southern

C)O)r?~as tekke
to/in the south

548. e~ riw ti) rr W teenkaa coconut (frozen cpd.)

Ccp riJ ffi rr
549. ~8?8 3. teeTu- seek, search, look for; long
550. ~ '0) ~ teeti date, day of the month
551. '5; if 3. 1. paatteTu- 1. select
2. tee(r)nteTu- 2. choose, elect
~ ep (Cr) rpGl6)CB
(~!5 0-) 3. paas paNNu- 3. pass (an exam)
LJ rro-1u wom-@
552. t, B? 60) 6JJ avaciyam need, want, necessity
~ 6lJ €f) UJ Lb

553. ~ ep<JiT teenu

C ~@J honey

554. ~ cp 6. tey-
- sew, stitch, make (a dress,
6)q5W etc. )

555. G) ep rr 60) as toke amount; collection, anthology

C) tp5 fTGl ct>

556. G)~rrL.ffiJ@ 3. aarampi- begin, start (a situation,

~fJ wL5) process); originate
557. wepTTLry 2. toTaru- continue, follow, take up,
0eprrL@ pursue

558. ()} 6? rr(B 4. toTu (toTa, toTTu) touch

G)~rr(B (Q~rrt...,GlFPrrC.@ )

559. C)8)rr~ uQ) L. toNTe throat

(8) rr.n7rr6J L
560. G)esrr~@IT~. ninety, 90
[ob1.C)~rr~@lT'7~ G)~rrcrm-~@l
[obI. toNNuutti
GJ~rr-@1\Bi ~J
561. GJtf>rr~ 2./6. tole-I: 2. perish, be ruined, die;
G)tprrGlOtJ be lost
6. destroy, make perish, wreck,
ruin, kill, finish (off);

562. Q e;rr @tiv 1. veele 1. action; work, occupation,

~ruC)N profession
2. toRilu 2. industry
GJcprr ~ yJ
563. ~ ~ rr601 f5- dooce dosa, a thin pancake
~8? rr6ltf-

564. ta; iT L L UJ tooTTam garden, grove

tcprrLL Lb
565. ~ 6? rr iu toolu skin, hide, leather; bark, rind,
peel, peanut shell; any outside
e~1T §2J

565a. 'C? rr urr tooLu shoulder
g8? rr@5
566. C? IT ':9 6n LD to oRame friendship, companionship
C<prr ~G)L1l
567. -t<prrguill -toorum (7
every, each and every (c1itic)
568. t~rr arr@l3. tooNu- seem, appear; appear (for first

569. ~aw nakam, nekam
(finger) nail, claw
rp m L.CI J C) J? eo LO

570. ,?8SJjLD [~ffi~ ] nakaram

city, town, municipality
571. rpffif) 2. /6. nakaru-/: 2. move aside
6. "shift, If move (tr.)
572. r"? ()O) E:P nake piece of jewelry, jewelry
573. f?~L.Lo naSTam loss
574. r;;L 7. naTa (naTakka, naTantu) walk, behave, conduct
~L (I?L8sffi'f?L~~) oneself; (continue to
function) flourish;
happen, take place
575. rp L~~ 3. naTattu- cause to walk; cause to perform:
direct, manage, conduct, hold,
f?L~& arrange, run

576. T? L G)J L9 t5!%) en naTavaTikke . procedure, (administrative)

T? LOll tf as G) as measure, step; activity, action;
conduct, behavior
577. T? If 6. naTi- dance, act

578. ~ G naTu middle, center
579. y? OO)L naTe walk, pace
580. ~GO)LOU@ 4. naTa (7.) occur, take place
581. f? L tf- if> ~!J io ' naccattram
• • \/ 0
star; film star
. .
582. '? owr L.J aT sneeytan friend
[t:f)C!p ®~ffl-J
• • <:I

0lJt ~uJ B? fOr

583. f? WL.5)~.m ED nampikke confidence, trust; belief,
oLD Sl r£61 as faith, hope

584. T? LiJ Y 3. nampu- believe, trust, rely on

rr; UJ 4
585. f? dl nari fox, jackal

. rpifl
586 .. 06lJ LD 1. cavkkyam
• • v" 0
1. welfare
2. nallatu 2. benefit; merit
f? eN 0)&1
587 • f? o-\J uV nalla good, proper, as it should be
rpiv uV
588. f?m@ nallaa well (LT n. used as adv.)
,?oV UlJ rr
589. ~ tf7JT dO) LfJ laapam, nallatu benefit, goodness, advantage
6\J rrLl Lb , F?tivoJ ~
590. '? orr t!3 e) nallaa well (adv.)
591. f? m-- t;5J nanni, nanri gratitude, thanks
F? am-<mB, r1? om- 51
592. '? rr 8; @ naakku tongue
05 rrffi@
593. ,?rr~ 8?
61T . ., naanka(L)
• 0
we (exclusive), they and I
Lob 1. GT 11S.l ~crrr J rp fi ra1 €f) orr
[obi. enka(L)
GT liJ E£ ;tr ]

594. '? rr L as L1l naaTakam drama, play

595. f? rr(E naaTu, deecam o land inhabited by people:
country, state
T?rr(b '~po-LD
596. '? frL'@ 3. naaTTu- establish, install, erect
rT? rr L(£
597. f?rrJ...Q naama(~ we (inclusive), you and I
[ob1. f? LCl ] T? rfJ..Ll UTT (and they)
[ob1., namma
r1? L1J LD OTT ]

598. -
rF? rr {)...1 naayi dog
f?rr u5l
599. T? rr~ naa1ekki tomorrow
rF? rrC)61T a, &)
600. r? rrarr naa(1u) day (24 hour period); time
rp rr(@
601. n=; rrr? eo rr v5I naakkaali chair
602. rp rr';2 tJ &J . naappatu forty, 40
[oble ~rr,?w~~J rprrLJtJ§
[obl.. na.a~atti
'? rr U (j tp ~l ]
603. l? rr~ naan [obI. en] I
[obI.. Grttrr ] f? o
rranT "
[ob1. urqrr ]
604. l?rrm-(§ naalu four
[fJrrN ] '? fTg¥l
605. 118){g 5- ~ campavam occurrence; function, performance,
e= • fI
J..1.) LJ 61J tl) event

606 • rfJ 8:- rJ- ().J LiJ niccayam 0 certainty, assurance; truth
~ 9:- e:- LLl L1J

607. ~~ paNam
finance, fund; treasure
608. ~ u5l ~ Lo nimiSam moment, minute
r9u5)ci ill
609. 01 u5) rj 2. nimiru- stand ~traight, erect; look up
610. ~&rurr6)UJ nirvaakam
• 0
administration, management
611. ~ ru U:l nelam ()
soil, (agricultural) land,
GlI?6lJ W ground, real estate

612. nfl ~d» nele situation, state, condition;

position; permanence
613. 01 ~ mLll neleme 'situation, condition, state

614. ~~u.J ill neleyam

institution; site, place
G) '? 0')0)) uJ t..CJ
615. ~oU 5. ire nillu (nikka, ninnu) stand; stay; cease
~diJ@J (~ffiffi,tf)a5r@1)
616. ~@~§13. niruttu- stop; erect (statue, etc.),
rff)~e;@ make stand; support (an action)

617. ~~'? 2. nere- become full, overflow; abound

618. rf/675I?uJ nereya, rompa, jaasti
G) ,?GVpa1,cuTrr!.o w, ~ rriv ~
much, too much, a lot

619. ~ 2m- 6. nene- think, remember, consider

G') r,? Q) rrr

620. r? [ob1. 2..m- nii [ob1. un] o you (sing.)

r? [ob1. 2..m-

621. rf: IiI ff)irr , niinka(L) you (pl. and hon.)·

[ ob 1. 2. [l;J ~a1TJ ~r@~orr
[ob1. unka (L)
2.r6J a;m J
622. rf G11 II) (T aT niiLamaana long
r? orr LD rr orr
623. r? ~ niiti justice

624. ifrj 1. taNNi 1. fluid, liquid
2. niir- 2. water (in cpds.), hydro-
625. rfvv L.LJ niilam blue, blueing
rf<nJ ill
626. @02n ~ 2. /6. noRe-/: 2. enter, creep in
L '-I@ 4. J CJ ~ ITO> L:9 6. poke, be nosey, make enter

627. f9JT 6lJ nuulu thread, yarn; [book, treatise;

@f&J-l science]

n:::ri @ ~ nuuru [~b1. nuut~i~ hundred, 100

f9fT~ Lob1.@f~~

629. G)T?LLJ neyyi ghee, clarified butter
C)l?W u5)
630. 0 ~@ rliJ@ 3. nerunku- approach
C) ~@rF.J@
631. wF?@UY [~ ] neruppu, ti~ fire
G)~Dy ,vI
632. C) T? iv nellu paddy, unhusked rice, rice in
the field
633. C) T? rp rpJ netti forehead, brow
GJ,? ~~
634. t; 7 fJ U:J neeram time, a period of time less
than 24 hours
~f? fJUJ
635. ~ T? 'J neeru straightness, straight; upright,
~T?@ honest
636. ~ rp fJ'ffi UJ nyaayam
'1/ 0
honesty; straightness
637. 'rY?'P@ neettikki yesterday
638. G't? rr ~c,I?rr es noo (noova, nontu) feel pain, ache
0f?rr~§1) G' ~ rr (~ T?rr~ ,6) rp rrrft§Y
639. g ~ rT ffi ffi) paattu 1. towards, to (post. + acc.)
[2. cvb. of ~ ~ff ffi@ 'look at' ]

640. LJ asGU pakalu daytime, day (as opposed to
641. U@ ~ 1. baa kam L-l rr ED ill
- a
1. part, portion
2. eTam GT L- Lf) 2. region, area

642. Ll 25Eb ~ ~ru pakkattule in the vicinity of, near

[~@ @rriJ ] U as ffi B) 8-1
G/ uV (post. + date ;~Q389pV) also
+ obl.)
643. U in en LJ5 pakkam
• 0
1. side, vicinity; page
LJffimLD 2. near, by (post. + obl.)

644. LJ ri:J ® panku portion, share

645 • u €R 60 imp. v. paci- be (extremely) hungry
+ date uE?)
646. LJ §:) paci hunger, appetite
647. U 8i- pacu cow
648. U EF-607 e=- .
LJ g:..G) Ef-
fresh, raw, cool (of water);
green, yellow-green; frank, blunt

649. U all) bassu, kaaru bus

LJ~@lJ' a) rr@
650. U G e=r- pancu, panci cotton
LJG e=r, LJv3~
6510 U L@; paTaku boat
LJ L-@
652. L1 L L1J paTam picture: film, movie, photo, map
653. ULf 6. paTi- read; study
654. UL!f paTi step, staircase; a measure of
uLq.. volume (about 1/2 gallon)

- U~, - U if £n@ , -aaka [post. + date in order to, so that

-Ui!fWrrCE [post. + of pt. n.]
fut. pt.]
-~ ffi

655. -UJ4- , -UiJ}-tw -paTi as, in accordance with

(post. + past/pro pt.)
- LJ Lf-
656. U lif uJ rTN atunaale on account of, as, by reason of,
because (post. + past pt.)

657. U(t 4. paTu (paTa, paTTu) suffer; experience, feel, endure;

LJeB (LlL ,uLCB ) formative of verbs of feeling
from nouns

658. uCB 6. paTu- lie down (for sleep), lie flat;

repose (implies lying horizontal
ueB in an orderly manner) [the action,
not the situation]

659. LJ CB a ~ tn paTukke bed, couch

weE' (p () ffi
660. U QO)L paTTaaLam
• 0
army; (m. pl.) forces, troops
LJ L L rr urr J..1J
661. LJLLUJ paTTam
• 0
(an) honor, title, degree;
ULLLO nickname

6b2. LJ L rB paTTu silk

663. LJ 07RJT LiJ paNaro money, wealth
LJ oorr LJJ
664. U tp oS! patavi position, post, rank, station
U tp oEJ
665. U ~N batilu 1. answer, reply (n.)
2. instead of (post. + dat.)
666. u ~ 6l./ pativu registration (sealing), recording
667. U~~@tJ patanaalu. patinaalu fourteen, 14
LJ ~a&U,L1~~~
668. U ~eJ& patanaaru. patinaaru sixteen, 16
U ~eJ~)L.J~®~
669. LJ €f) 6)<501 iCb pataneTTu.patineTTu eighteen, 18
U ~GJ~L~ U~6)m~(5'
670. uf$1tcJl5T"@ pataneeRu. patineeRu seventeen, 17
U~ ~<17JT@)LJ~~~e
671. Li~am-~~ patanancu. patinancu fifteen, 15
u~6ZlTs3 BT) L..t~~~sr
672. U~()~ro-& patanoNNu. patinoNNu eleven, 11
ucpCJe)a6rrr@l) Wf1~8~9l:2J
673. U ~~@Jm-@J patimuuNu. thirteen, 13
674. U $ ~ if) om en pattrikke newspaper, magazine, periodical
LJ $~ fJ &Offi
675. UE3?§ pattu ten, 10

. . LJ ~ c§1
6760 U Ef;0a;jT~LJ~ pattompatu nineteen, 19
U ~6) 8) rr L.o LJ 81
677. UwLfJ bayam fear
678. LJ UJorr laaparq
reward, result, profit;
NrrUlJ) usefulness

679. U u5I rj- payiru crop, grain (while growing);

any useful plant (annuals only)
680. U u.5l ~ ~ payircci training, exercise, practice
681. U fJ liJ u OQ) IJ parampare tradition, generation
U fJ U:J LJ () IJ
68 2 • L1 'J GlJ rr ufl 0\) ?a-u paravaale never mind; it doesn't matter;
L1 f)6'lur( uS)) oV 6l uJ it's not bad

683. U rfJ 8T paricu prize, reward

U if) 8T
684. u@uy paruppu
tt 11
pulse, dal, any lentil/pea;
u@uy coconut meat

685. U6lJ pala, palaana many (adj. if preceding, n.

UN ,LJuVrra-r otherwise)

686. LJ 6lJ m e) palake board, plank

687. U 6lJ orr pelan/palan result, produce, effect; gain

688. U ([U pallu tooth, tooth (of wheel), garlic

. . u00B2J
689. uruffi'2ovffi ffiLjffiLD yuuniversiTTi university
%#1 6)62J rj orSl L If
690. UN 06) palli lizard, esp. gecko
U a-\J o-SJ
691. U ~ La paRam
ripe fruit, fruit
692. LJ L§1 paRi blame, censure, fault; revenge
693. LJ 60l L9 UJ paReya old, mature
U())~ uJ

694 • LJ air orf) ffi Ern. L u) paLLikkuuTam school
U orfJ ffi en. L W
695. urp 7. para (parakka, parantu) fly; move swiftly
L!rp (urpffiffi, U~ I~~)
696. U ~ 60161.l par ave bird
697. U1i' patti 1. about, concerning, regarding
U~ ~ ( po st. + ac c • )
[2. cvb. of L..I~@l 'hold,
adhere to']

w? n?J LLJ pattina which concerns

LJ ~ ~om-
698. LJ m:; 1. pani any form of precipitation except
uODfJ rain:
2. mancu 10 dew, snow, frost
3. aysu
i5 8T 2. fog, mist
3. ice

699., U ~r{J paHHi pig, hog

700. U~ af) r; airrrG panneNTu twelve, 12
LJ mG)(flJr wcP
701. UrrLLlJ paaTam lesson
u rr L ill 0 EfGLl paaTam paNNu memorize; can (vegetables, etc.)
U rr LLD LJ airrr @

702. U rrL UlJ paaTTu poem, verse, song

L.J rr i..CB
703. UfTG 3. paaTu- sing
704. LJ rr L. 14 paaTTi grandmother, any very old woman
JJ rr J:. L9-
705. urrt..:@ paaTTu song, singing
706. urr8?~rria paattram
, V" 0
(metal) pot, vessel
707 • U rr ill L1 paampu snake
708. urruJ 20 paay(i)- leap, spring, jump
U rru51
709. U rr U-J paayi mat
U rr u5l
urrr;- 6. paaru- see, watch; try
u rr~ ~§1 (fiG) ffi rrm paattukkoo take care of, watch over
LJ IT ~§l ffi '$ rr
7110 uffOU paa1u milk
U rTefl
712. U rr tiv enam
sex: gender
GT<Jrr L..D
713. U rr GlJ L.CJ paavam 1. sin, misfortune
U IT 6)J L.O 2. alas, it's a pity (int.)

714. U rrru rr m L- paavaaTe skirt, petticoat

U rr 6l.l rr ()) L-
715. U rr 2<rrr pa~ne (clay) pot (with wide mouth and
LJ rr6J 67'T round bottom)

716. L5J if 6. piTi- catch, take hold of, seize, grab;

J1L9- take (a picture)

717 • Lf1 1.9- ffi ~ LD piTikkum like (v.)

imp. v. + date L5)LtJ fn r0 W
718. L5/$ ~ 2frr pittaLe brass
719. WlJuJrrom-LD prayaaNam travel, journey
v "
LJ r;- uJ fT om- J.1J
720. WrfJ 2./6. piri-/: 2. depart; be separated; unravel
6. separate, divide, rip out
illrf! (seam), open (a letter)

721. L5irp 7. 1. pera G) U rp

1. be born
(perakka, perantu
GJUrf) f1iffi)G)U1~SJ) ,
pOfa ~LJlT'p ,etc.
2. poo u 2. be issued
7220 U1fJ)~ appram, pinne 1. afterwards, (and) then
~iJ Ut;0W ,dt~G)orr [2. after (post. + past pt.,
cf. Wcrrr)]

723. SI~,61irL/ ' appram

• v. ()
after (post. + past pt.)
back, after; future (in cpds.)
724. U; airc!!) t 0lJ pinnaale 10 behind (in space); after
[ 6)dirr ,1SJ~eJ iv J5) in-~ () ru ( in time) (po st. + da t • lob 1 • ,
cf. L5lcin-)
[2. after (post. + past pt. no
in dat.)]
3. afterwards

725. L/ om 85 poke smoke, fume, steam; (cigarette)

(j) L.l rr r:;J as smoking

726. L/uY>J ~ ff> ill [@reN ] pustakam

• D
Y6Yt) ~ as La
727. ~ L.mOlJ poTave, ceele sari
G) LJ JT L () 01J ,~ff- 6) (J))

728. yLLt buTTi, baaTTlu bottle

LjLL£} ,~rri.L~
729. yoorr pw'iTNu
. wound
L/ 00lfr @J
730. Lf e:> irr ffiJ ~ QO) Jl) botankeRame ,
G) 1J fT cp JE.1 G) as ~ b) uJ
7310 LJ&1[4~UJ ] putu new
732. YTJorTl. poraLu (poraLa, poraNTu) rollover, revolve
CJ L1 IT ?@(G)Ll rDJd1f, G)t1rrrJ~ ) (horizontally); be

733. Yrfl LLi LD imp. v. + puriyum understand

da t • [..;,r r;5l
2. ] L-/rf)UjW
734. ~ NGlJ ~ pulavar, polavar poet, learned man
yNG11 CJ ,G)LlrrQL)G1l~
735. Y~ puli tiger, panther
736. you pullu grass
Lliv~ 51
737. l} @ puRu worm, maggot
738. LJorf} puLi tamarind, sourness
739. Yorr urFJ puLLi spot, point, tittle; index
Lim orf} (data)

740. Yrr;Li u(p 4. porappaTu set out, start (a journey);

QUrrtp iJ U(j' rise (of sun, star, etc.)

741. Ld; puu(vu) flower; shredded coconut

~(GlJ) (+ '8) rE..L (£ rnl.l )

742. ~ Er- ~ puucci insect, bug, worm, germ

743. ~L@ puuTTu lock
744 • L:b arrr puune cat
745. 0LJ L q. peTTi box; iron (for clothes)
0LJ L.. L4-
746. WL1 6?St!T poNNu daughter; girl; bride
G) LJ fT oirsr@
747. G)Ll~ 1. poNNu G)urr~J!!)-l 1. female
2 • pompLe 0) LJ rr ill U ()xJTT 2. woman

748. QLJLLI r; , ~ JJ ~ peeru 1. name; noun; reputation

20 person (used with numbers
:U@ as a classifier in the
colloquial style)

749. 0L1UJ 1. peyyi (peyya, pencu) rain

C) LJ IiI uS) (QL1UJuJ ,GJLJ5 ar)
750. 0LJ rfJ uJ periya big, large, great, important
[~L1~ ,0W@ GJLl rf'J uJ
751. GJU@a:@) 3. perukku- multiply, increase; [sweep]

wLJ@ (fJ§ (tr. )

752.0Ll@onW perume pride; greatness, nobleness;

fame, glory; prestige, reputation
(j) W@GJ LD

753. G)LJ@ 4. 1. peru (pera, pettu) 1. give birth to
. QlJ4)J (G)L.l ~ ,6)IJ~aJ)
2. kefekkum imp. v. 2. get, obtain, receive;
6)eb6)'-~W achieve
OLJ1J~C3 !J appaanunaa parents
~ LlLJ IT Lb L£) IT

754. tu 8T 3. peecu- speak, talk

~U 8T"
755. eL1 f3- eT peeccu speech, talk
aLJ iT f5-r

756. ~U r;rirr peeran grandson

. .
~ L1 r;OIT "

757. bLlfJrr &:l rfl uJ tj prafasaru professor

. ..
758. ~LJ if ep ~ peetti granddaughter
~LJ fp~
759. eLl~ pen(nu), peenaa pen (the writing instrument)
(}Ljizrr(@1) ,'L.1®
760. (Jf)Ll payyi bag, pocket
L-J til uS';
761. GG) LJ e:-rr paycaa, kaacu paise, 1/100 rupee; money

762. (jO)LJ lip ~ LL1 ill pay~t~am,payit~iyam madness, insanity, folly;

UlL1~~WW, LJtE/~fJlLJill mania; mad person

7 63. (irr) LJ LLJ orr payyan boy, son

uUJ uJ m-
764. (j) LJ rr i1f poTi 1. powder, dust; snuff (n~)

G1LJITq 2. very small (adj.)

765. G) L.J rr &1 caataaraNa' public, common, general, usual

6- rT ep rr !J 00i5r
766. QUfTUJ poy lie, falsehood, untruth
767. GJUJT@61T' 1. arttam J){7"9tpLB) 1. meaning; substance, matter
2. caamaan e=-rrWrrifZlT 2. object, thing; (pl.) goods,

7680 G)LJrretJ 6. poruttukkoo wait; endure, bear with,

G)Jj IT@ ~@ ffi eQ5 if tolerate; have patience
(j) LJ rr @J6OI LD porume patience
769. t!LJ rr 3. ir. poo (pooka, pooyil go
, JJ rr (~UIT ffi ,~LI rr uJ 1 )

770. eLl IT as@) pookku going; practice, manner, habit;

CLJ IT ffi~ behavior, attitude; tendency,
trend, style, usage

771. eLl rr &~ o1J iJ ~ §1 poo kkuvar a t tu traffic, transport

eLJrr~ rJ ~§J
772. ~/.J rr(B 4. pooTu (pooTa, pooTTu) put, place (unintentionally
[@@ 40] tL1 rr(b (~L1rr L.. ,tLl rrL.'.@ ) or carelessly), throw (away),
drop; give birth to (of
animals); helping verb with
numerous nouns with general
idea of put: draw (a picture),
put in (a road), serve (coffee),

773.}- pooTTi contest, competition, tournament,

'urrC tf match

774. - 6/J rr~, -GlLJrr@§J -pootu, -PPG!- when, while (post. + pt.)
-G'Llrf§l , -DU
775. ~urr~w imp. v. + pootum be enough, be sufficient
date eLJrr§LQ
776. ~LJ IT rJ yuddam
• 0
war, battle
777. gu [TN , ~ LJ IT oV poola 1. like, similar (post. + acc.)
eLJ fT(f\J
2. as (if) (post. + conditional;
po st. + pt. n.) .
[3. in f ., stem 0 f G'LJ rr o1.J

778. eLJ rr orr foon phone, telephone

[ G) ~ rrav~ u B=i ~LJrr~

779. LD as urr maka(L)
LD f£ vrr
780. ill as <SOl rnakan o
ill ffi@5T

781. LO&J~if-€H cantooSam joy, gLadness; pleasure
ff-~e ~rr~t1J
. .
782. L.O aJ ffi 6fT jananka people; [childrenj
. 0
. .
783. LD (5 ff-GiT manca(Lu) turmeric; yellow
784. LD Lf maTi lap; pocket flap of a C56lJ i1/;}q.
785. W L(5 iD maT Tum
• 0
1. only, alone
[20 until, as far as, as long as
UJ L(£ W (post. + nom. and pts.l

786. LD azrA maNi gem, jewel, bead; bell, gong;

LiJ~ hour of the day

787. LiJ ooof) in@) mal\'fikki o'clock

W ~ en ffi)
788. to azmB t F? fJ LD maNineeram hour (of 60 minutes)
7890 LD 00'rr maNNu earth, soil, dirt
790 0
LD~UL/ matippu value, estimation; reverence,
1.0 ~ULi

ill ~ fI UJ
• v
central; Union-, of the Centre

792. LD ~ ~w rr oorw ma~tYJ1anam 0 midday, early afternoon

l.1J ~ e; UJ rr orr L.D
793. lJ) ~fJrfh .Bf61flLO if. g:& 1 ma~tiri minister (of state)
LQ f? ~if)
. .
794. LDUJfficnLD mayakkam
• 0
mental confusion, deluSion,
Wl.LJt:bffiLCl perplexity; sleepiness,
intoxication, fainting

795. LD1)LQ maram tree; wood

796 0 L£j rfI UJ rrm ~ mariyaate respect; propriety; civility
LD If] LL1 rr 0 EJ>

797. LO@~~ maruntu medicine, remedy
798. LD @ LD ffi orr marumaka(L)
daughter-in-law; female
cross-cousin, niece
LLl@ LD aurr
799. ill@ was om- marumakan son-in-law, male cross-cousin,
w@w eoorr nephew

800. LCJ2n> male mountain, hill

801. LDiuo£imeo mall ike jasmine
U) dD 06) G) eo
802. W 601 l§l maRe rain
803. ill rp 7. mara (marakka, marantu) forget
(J) ~ (wrpffi en, LLl!?~ 8J)
804. LDf9J 1. innoru @\cir0~@ 1. another, other
2. aTutta~<B e;> ~ 2 .. next

805. LD
LJ L9- u.j 11l tirumpavum 0
~@ LD LJ Gl.llD

marupaTi (yumJ
LDetJU +(U-l ill )

806. LO mrp 2./6. 2. kaaNaama(l) poo 2. disappear, be hidden

85 rr~ u::i<fw)
6. oLincukkoo .
'L.l rr 6. hide, make disappear
C) arAfj Bra;, f£ rr
807. LD 00);p veetam
Veda; Bible
(ClJ tp LD

808. UJ ";)@ mattapaTi other, otherwise (adv~ and n.)

LOn; rp matta the other (adj.)

. LO~~
809" UJ <JOT. LJ} , f-D ~ c§.1 manam; manacu mind, heart, will
[ 2.Q1iQTrUJ J LfJ ~ ill ,UJ 011T 8T
810. WooFJa;m- manitan, rnanuSan man; human being
LD ~ tp ~ 1Dg!)] q!1 m
811. LD 20?Jr oSl manevi, poNTaaTTi wife
WG/om-cW,OLJrrcicrUT L!f
812. U}6IT#J 6. manni- excuse (+ nom., + ace.);
LDaiT~ forgive, pardon (+ nom., + dat.)

813. LD IT Lf maaTi upper story /f1oor, upstairs;

LQrrLf roof terrace

814. LD rrCB maaTu ox, bovine

815. LO rr ~ (i)J vrr maaNavan 0
student (m.)
LQ rr ()DZ1r 6l.l ~

wrrm-rGJ51 maaNavi student (f.)

Wrr 606T GJ5l
816. LQ rr ~ W maacam month
ill rT Ef-LD
817. LD rr ~rfJ maatiri 1. manner, way, fashion (n.)
LD rr ~ rfJ 2. as, like (post. + pt.)

818 • LQ rr Ll15) ui-r br maapLe

bridegroom; husband; younger
L.JJ rr u U 00rr brother-in-law
819. LD TT LD- maam- Q
mango (usually compounded)
820. LD rr LD rr maamaa uncle, mother's brother,
father's sister's husband,
I1J rrw rr father-in-law; any older man

821. LO rT u5I maami mother's brother's wife,

LD rr u5l mother-in-law; any older woman
(of somewhat indefinite
822. l1J rr r; y maaru chest, bosom, breast
823. LD rr ~ maa1e 1. garland, necklace
LD fT6JOt) 2. evening, P.M.

824. LD rr61J L L LO maavaTTam 0 district

825. Ln rrt] ffi rnaaraa against, as opposed to (posto
LDFTt:] + dat.)
826 .. lJ) IT@ 3. maaru- change, alter (intr.); move
WrT@ aSide, give way
827. LO rr orr maanu deer
W rT@i
828. uS} ffi C1.J Lo rompa very, much, a lot
829. u5/@ ~Lo mirukam animal, beast
830. WI em as rr UJ moLakaa (( chillies ,1\ red pepper
GJ L.O rr orr (D rr
831. u5) m@ LEJ Ls balbu light bulb
- -
832. u51 oirr 6-fT ry W karaNTu electricity
ffi ry om L. (£
833. u5I air arriu minnalu lightning
834. tE ~ miccam excess, surplus, remainder
L.6) FJ- ffW
835.W~ miinu fish
836.@ 6) CD mokam face, countenance; mouth of a
G1WrTEDuJ river, entrance to a harbor;
honor, pride, 'face'

837.@ as ru rfl vilaacam address (where one lives)

6l5I eN rr Ef- W
838. @ ffi ffi) UJ Li1 mu kki yam importance, that which is chief/
@ffiffil UJLD primary

839o@ ~ 2./6. muTi-/: 2. finish, come to an end

6. finish, complete
840.@ Lf muTi hair (of head)
84l·@Lf&5r muTicci knot
@ LIf ~8T
842.@ if ~v. CD+ instr. muTiyum ~
can, be able, be possible
imp 0
843. @Lt 04 muTivu end, finality; deCiSion,
844. @ L. L rr orr muTTaaLu stupid person, fool
_845. @ C. 60J L muTTe egg, ~

846.@ 6?o\J mota(l)
10 first, initial
G'l LD If 9 cu 2. beginning, principal (money),
Chief- (political)
3. from (with time expressions)
[post. + nom.]

@~NfTL1) motalaam 0 first(ly)

G) tJJ fT B? VlJ rr LD

847.@~@ mutuku (the) back

848. @ ~§ nruttu pearl; kiss
849.@ ULJ ~LJ~~ J muppatu thirty, 30
[oblo ~L1U~ .
obI. ~~attl
(boWlJ~ ]
850. @ L1J eN moyalu rabbi t, hare
G) L.Cl rr u.J &J
85l.@uJ~ ~ attempt, effort; perseverance
852.@vV~ mulle (Arabian) jasmine
853. @ (fB nruRu whole, entire, complete
854. @ ~arr moLe sprout, shoot (of plants);
G) ill rr (j) orr (attached) peg, post, stake;

855.@crfrr§,@un- muLLu thorn, prickle; hands of clock

856.@m,? 1. maatiri
if) 1. manner

2 varice 2. order, regularity

• ClJ if) Gl a=-
3 taTave 3 9 repetition, turn (one's turn),
• e:> L (jill times (4 times)

857 .@ffi-,@m-~ , munnaale before (post. + £Ut. pt.)
@drr ~ u ,{[fiisr~cV @drr~CJG\J

-GJoirr front; past (in cpds.)

858.@ffle!> t~ . munnaale 10 in front of, in the presence

[@m- ,(jjJm-~~J wurrr~ GJ ~ of (po st. + da t • lob 1 ., c f. 857. )
[2. before (post. + date of fut.
pt. n.) ]
3. formerly, before

859.@ ~@ muukku nose; bill, beak (of bird);

@ffi@ pouring spout

860 .. @ 8:- 87- muuccu breath; life

861. @CB 3. muuTu- cover, close
862. @<NLn muulam 1. with, by means of, through
@6'Ul.rJ (the agency of), under the
auspices of (post. + nom.)
2. root, origin; original text;

863. @r.wv muule corner, angle

864. @oIT@ muuNu three
865. G) ill &1 G1..l rr tf> metuvaa slowly, softly
GJ L.Ll& G).1fT
Gl L1J au au mella, rnoLLa. slowly, softly, gently
G)liJ iu (f}) ,G) lJJ 61T orr

867. <J) L.O du 0£1 UJ mellicu soft, thin, delicate

G) L1J iv Q5) e;-

868. ~ LD EO W meekam o
869. Cwmf!6 meeje, meece table, desk
, UJ (;J ~ ) t% LiJ OJ f:f-
870.CLDW 2./6. meey-/: 2. graze, eat (grass or grain)
G' wu5l 6. graze, feed (cattle, etc.)

871. ~LD@fJLD atooTe moreover: besides, further
872. (; WCOlJ : ~ 1..000 meele 1. upper surface, hig~
[ u:f~ ] eL1J 6) (j1) the west (cf. ~L1J7\2) ) n.
2. on (top of), upon (touch-
ing*); concerning [post. +
obI. ]
3. above (not touching*); after
(in time) [post. + dat.]

* contrast not maintained in

all dialects

873. g LL) r?@ meekku west

el1J &@
tw iu west, western

eLQ~~ffi meekke to/in the west

~!JJ $6) e5
874. <JO) L!J mayyi ink
LD wu5/
. .
875. 0 LlJ fTtp ep ill mottam• 0
total, aggregate; the whole,
G)U)rr~cpLlJ universal

876. 0LD rT @ baaSe language; word, saying,

urrGJ~ expression

877. ~ l1J rr ~ fJ La mootiram (hand) ring (jewelry)

~LDrr~ r;w
878. eW rr rJ mooru buttennilk

879. UJ rr 'l rr ru~ yaaraavatu anyone, any~ody

UJ rr r; rr OW c§J
880. UJ TT@ Ln yaarum anyone, everyone; (+ neg.) no one
881. lLJ rr g 1) rr yaaroo someone
882. UJ fT I) yaaru who
8830 WrT~ yaane elephant
W rr61 oor

884. rJ Ef- W racam
rasam, a thin soup
. fJ Ef ill
885. f)uS1aiJ,@ryuSl av rayilu railway, train
[ Lf em e; 61.1~ rJ u5I &J
886. f} G5I ffian ~, ®fJc-S)~ r avikke sari blouse, (choli: bodice
r; ci) ffiG) ffi
887. @ U IT UJ ruupaa(y) rupee
888. GJ T) IT L I!f roTTi
bread, roti, chapatti

G'J ry rr L '4
889. tfJrr ~ rr roojaa rose
~ lJrT ffi rr

890. G'J L Ef- Lh
laccam lakh, hundred thousand,
[obI. VUt:. e:~c§lJ G\J8=-~L6 1,00,000
[obI. laccatti
0J5-5-~~ ]

891. Cl.1@ 6. 1-2. piri- 1. classify
2. divide
3. divide (in math)
892. CU~U Y vakuppu, kLaasu class, division
GlJ ULJ® ,a6iT rr cn.JO

893. GJJ GOJ EO vetam kind, sort, type; manner, way,

0<l1J e; w method; division, portion

894. G\l r@ @, l:;} IT f@~ baanku, bank bank (financial)

urrrQ~, UfT~
_ _Cl_ Eb.

895. G1J Ef ~ vasati convenience, facility; well-off,

GlJ8=-~ comfortable

896. GlJ L ffi@ vaTakku north
ruL- north, northern

GlJLtE~C5 vaTakke to/in the north

G2J L as G) ffi
897 • G)J L. !- tJ) vaTTam
• 0
circle; region, "taluk"
Gl.1t- L t.D
898. V)J carr 1(£ Et, LD vaNakkam salutation; hello, how are you?
• 0

GlJ ~ ffi ffi Lil (said while joining hands


899. G1J 0011T L1f vaNTi cart; conveyance, vehicle

" . \~ lJ
900. G1.l ~ e:!) oaT doobi, vaNNan washerman, dhobi
G'lfJrrt5l, G1J~~~
901. 6lJ '7~ vantu hesitation form: uh, well
902. Gll UJ§ [GlJ Ul e;- ] vayacu years old, years (of age); age

903. 6)J w iu vayalu field (with boundaries), esp.

paddy field

904. GlJ uS) f91 vayru stomach, belly, abdomen

905. GlJ fJ GV rr E9-l carittram history
e: rfI B) ~ f} LiJ
906. G)j if) 1. vari GU rfI 1. tax
2. laynu C\) UJ @-1 2. line

907. ru@ ~ LD varSam yea~

Gl.l rJ ~ Lb
908. G.J@ L.O rr 60f to , campaLam. varumaanam income
ru(r56lJrTti.l EJ- CD LJ orr UJ} OJ\!? La IT m J,
9090 GlJ <%) r; vare 1. measure, limit
G1J0f) [2. up to, until (post. + nom.)]

910. G1J on 1) ~@) Lb varekkum 1. up to, until (post. + nom.)

Cll6J I) a~L1 2. until, as far as (post. + pt.)

911. ru 00) r; u5I o\J varey1e 1. up to, until ~post. + nom.)
G"Ll0I)UJGJ61) 2. until (post. + pt.)

912. GlJ N dl [GllUlJ L1) ] va1atu the right side

())l 0lJ &1
Cl.16lJ va1a right
913. ill ot5'I 6. imp. v. va1i- smart, pain, ache
+ date ruoS/
914. C'.J o-Dl va1i (a) pain, ache
915. CJJ 05) tJO) L1J ba1am
strength, power
U ru LiJ
. .
916. Gll WC£ e; LO vaRakkam
• 0
custom, convention, habit
917. ru Wffi@ vaRakku litigation, lawsuit, case;
CD L5 ffi:ffi
918. G)J §I vaRi way, path; method
GJ@wrrm vaRiyaa by, through, by way of
G)J@UJrr (po st. + 0 b 1 • )

919. G2Jm r; 2./6. vaLaru-/: 2. grow (intr.)

6 raise (tr.)
920. GlJ rr (G1..1 rJ, Gl1 r, &l ) vaa (vara, van t.u) 1. come
G)lrf (6)J I) 'G11~§l) 2. (imp. v. + dat.) be getting,

921.GlJIT~~ 3. vaanku- buy, get, receive; pant, be short

of breath
922. G)J IT EftrD vaaca1 entrance, doorway, gateway
Gklrr e=-u\J

923. CD rr e=-?~ vaacane smell (n.)

GlJ IT &0) 6<fr
9 24. G1J iT UJ vaayi mouth, mouthful, opening of
CllrruSl bag, etc.

925. QJ rr f) L.D. vaaram

926. Gl.l IT d'J vaalu tail
927. rurrffl '& vaaRe- banana tree, banana (in cpds. )

928. QJ
rr L9 2• 1. nallaa iru 1. live
,?o-Vcurr ~
2. nallaa naTa 2. thrive, prosper
l?uV01J rr f? L
GlJ rr tg ffi 6?f) En vaaRkke living, life

C1J rr ffi (j(5) ~

929. G.ll IT r.g OS welcome, greetings (formal)

930. GlJ IT am vaaLi bucket

G)J rrorfJ
931. GlJ rrGJ~crS1 reeTiyoo radio
('Jut ewrr
932. n5) g: rr fJ 2rrrr vecaaraNe investigation, inquiry, trial;
(j) C'2J g:. rr fJ GJ 6WT interrogation

933. G15l ~ r?J viciri fan; (movie) fan

934. wSI L viTa 1. compared to, than (post. +
GillL acc.)
2. inf. of ~C8 'leave'

935. uS) if 2. viTi-, veTi- dawn (as day), rise (of sun);
break through (difficulties)
cD) t.q. , (() ())J LtJ.
936. c£) (B 4. viTu (viTa, viTTu) leave; release, let go, abandon,
cUl(8 (Q.)) '- )cUlC.rB ) give up; permit, allow, let;
[often -Tu - & or comgletive aspect marker in
-ru - g;J in cpds. ] ver compounds

937. a5)CB ~ 21u viTutale freedom, liberty, independence;

GJSXB ~GlUV release (of prisoner, etc.)

938. c£J(B@mrp liivu leave, holiday, vacation

939. G'5) ~ viti fate, destiny; principle, rule,
Glli~ law

940. w5l on? vete seed (of plants)

941. GJ5I B) ~ uJ iT e: LD vittyaacam difference, contrariety;
-- G25I ~ ~ (.LJ IT a:- W distinction

942. c51 r$1 tWIT ffiW viniyookam distribution

GL5) rfI ~ UJ rr co LD
943. w5) U) rr our LD vimaanarn airplane
Gill L.O IT orr JJ
944. Cl5) uJ rr ~ viyaati sickness, disease
Gl5l UJ rr ~
945. oS! LL1 rr LJ IT iJ LD vyaapaaram
v 0
commerce, trade, business
GJJ uJ rr u rr r; L,[j
cDI L,Ll {T LJ rr rf) vyaapaari merchant
ru uJ rr LJ rr rJI
946. cDi u.J IT ~ as @ ~6U) uJ vyaaRakkeRame Thursday
G5J UJ rr ~ 85 6) & tg (j) iJ)
947. w51!)0J veralu finger, toe
0611 TJgJJ
948. C'5I@ ~§J viruntu feast; food for guest
949. Gl5) G'IT rr S? ill virootam enmity
cD! g TJrr E5 Lb
950. ~o\J 5. vittiTu- sell
951. nSl6(ou vele price
952. GlS/ClJ 5- rr w ill vevacaayam o
G) C'.J ru g::. TT uJ ill

953. uSI <Jl.J r; UJ vevararn

details, detailed narration,
G) 6lJ n . 1rT LD
954. cS'llf rr viseeSam celebration, festival, festivity,
~g6I7J~ Lb ceremony

95506Ul@ 2. viRu- fall; win (a lottery, etc.)

956. cSI6YT a,@ veLakku lamp; light, illumination
GJ CD VTT in@)

957. cSl orr~® 3. veLanku- be clear; become renowned,
G') G1J GYr ffiJ @ flourish

958.GE}~UJrrCB 3. veLeyaaTu- play; sport

G) G)J (jj OTT UJ rr~

959. ~CS viiTu house; household

960. ~ r; cr6-r viiran hero
. .
961. GJ ill rF5J ffi rr uJ L.f) venkaayam onion
• 0
G) 611 f15j G5 rr U-J Ii)

9620 Gl61J L. en W vekkam shame; modes ty

• 0
6) ill (fS ED LCl

963. G)6lJ LCB 3. veTTu- cut, chop, cut with scissors

G) ru L.eE
964. ()) U2J ~ 6) 6Q(rr UJ ve:NNe butter
G) ru o-drrr GJ tf07JT
965. G) 6lJ uS'J oU veylu heat of the sun, sunshine
()) GlJ W(u5)) @iJ
(I. II
966. G) G)J v\J O\J JJ vellam jaggery, brown sugar
967. GJru om £LLJ, GJOlJo-rA0LLJ veLiye out, outside, exterior
G) UlJ ~ GJ u.J

G)GlJ c-rf) ( - ) veLi(-) foreign, external; empty space;

GJGl10m ( - ) outer space

CJru~ f?rr LL rr~ veLikkaarar foreigner

GJ ClJ ~ if, a):T 1) !)
968. G)ClJ 0-r oJl veLLi silver; Venus (the planet),

969. GltDJmor8ffi@L5OQ)LfJ veLLikkeRame Friday

GlOlJmcA else) (5 ~ ClUJ
970 G)ClJ cit ~
0 veLLe ~.;hite, whiteness; innocence
(j') olJ ui-r tJ: vrr
9710 G) C".,J@J LcJ verum o empty, mere, blank
~6lJ @J uJ

972. GJ 6)J r??1 vegi, jeyam 0 victory, success
G)(J1J 1J~' G) ~ uJ IJ)

973. ~Gll (~6'J ffi )G)<J1J~§> vee (veeka, vent'q) be cooked (in narrowest sense)
~621 (~G1J a) )()6lj rp~) in water and wi thout seasoning),
parcook; be hot

974. ~61lesL1)rrCb veekamaa quickly, in a hurry; intensely,

~ 611 ff> J.D rr strong (of taste)

975. ~G1J~Lf
(( I)
veeS1i, veeTTi dhoti, a man's lower garment
~0J ~ if ,tC)J L. Lf
976. <% ru W Lf UJ veeNTiya necessary, needful (adj.)
~ Cl1 crWr Uf. u.J
977. t 6lJ rdurG W veeNum want; should, need
imp. v. + date e6lJ~Lo
aru-L rr UJ veeNTaam do not want; should not
, G1J oior L rr Lo
978. eG1.l ?- veeru root (of plants)
979.6ruu61 vee1i fence
g ClJ 051
980. a61J ?ou vee1e work, job, employment
981. ~ <i1J 0ZJrr veeLe occasion (number of times);
~62J (j) orr (duration of) time

0@~61J~atT oruveeLe perhaps; (just) once

Gj@ G'ru ?arT
982. eru@J veere other, different, foreign
t61J UJ?
983.roClJ 6. vayyi (vakkya, vaccu) put) lay, place, set aside
0~ UJ u5) (()j ¢? ~ ,Cl1 8:- BT ) (intentionally); keep, make
and keep; serve (food, etc.)

For entries 984-996, see Appendix II~ p. 131.

APPENDIX I. Words Grouped by Topic, Use and Semantics

SECTION ONE. Function Words

A. Pronouns and Deictics

1. Personal and Resumptive Pronouns

603. rprrar naan I

593. rp rrrGJffiorr naanka(L) we (exclusive), they and I
597. ,?rT LD naama(L) we (inclusive), you and I (and

620. rft nii you (s ing. )

621. r1 nil.aim- niinka(L) you (pl. and han.)

512. ~rrorr taan himself, herself, itself


511. ~rr ill taam they themselves; he himself (han.)

508. ~ IT rEJ Efj air taanka(L) they themselves; you (formal han.)

2. Deictic and Interrogative Pronouns

53. ~6lJ irr" avan he

139. ~ ClJ d-r ivan he (this man)

52. ~62J orr ava(L) she

138. @ClJ un- iva (L) she (this woman)

50. ~ C2ll) avaru he (han.), that person

136. @ClJ rj ivaru he (han.), this person

. .
51. dim fJ 1(£ orr avanka(L) they, those people; she (han. )

137. @ill Ij 85 en- ivanka(L) they, these people; she (han. )

23 • ..dI.&1 atu it, that, that thing

112. ®§ itu it, this, this thing

55. ~ 6O)Cll atu" atunka(L) they, those things

140. @mC2J itu, itunka(L) they, these things
882. LL1 rr lJ yaaru who

880. uJ rr@ w yaarum anyone, everyone; (+ neg.)

no one

881. UJrr~!Jrr yaaroo someone

879. UJrrrrr6l1~ yaaraavatu anyone, anybody

194. GT§l etu which one

195. GT§~JJ etuvum anything

228. GJ~~rr etuvoo something, some unnamed;


191. GT ~ rrClJc§l etaavatu something

. enna
226. GT6Oioor what

237. C; <Jrr een why, for what (reason)

3. Other Deictics

27. ~f9 fJ> anta that, those (adj.)

115. ®.~ ~ inta this, these (adj.)

198. GTr~;s enta which (adj.)

3. ~ril.J~ CD anke there

104. @ rtl~ f£ inke here

181. GTrr5J~ EE enke where

180. GT ril@ tb enkum everywhere, anywhere; (+ neg.)


183. GT r5J ~ as & UJ rr enkeyoo somewhere

182. crr"8 gas uJ tT0.Jc§l enkeyaavatu anywhere

24. ~tp fj5~ attane, avaLavu that many, so many, so much

114. ®~9d%r ittane, ivaLavu this many; all these; this much

196. ere; ~~ ettane, evaLavu how many

197. a ~ ~ 21<JrC uJ rr ettaneyoo so many

30. ~ i.J u Lf} appaTi like that, in that manner, so

118. ~ UU !lJ- ippaTi thus, in this way

199. cruuLf eppaTi how, in what manner

201. cr U L1 L9- e w rr eppaTiyoo somehow

200. cr LJ LJ ¥ uJ rr 6lJ ~ eppaTiyaavatu somehow (or other); by any means

33. ~ L.J Cb LJ IT &J appa then, at that time

119. @ LJ r:, LHT.@ ippa now

203. cru~L1!T&1 eppa when

204. Gr U ~ LJ fr §J UJ eppavum always; (+ neg.) never

205. GT D &u rr ~ tp rr eppavoo sometimes, occasionally, once

in a while

202. GT U fo LJ rT <;5 rr U)J ~ eppavaavatu sometimes, at any time

56 . .;)(ru 6L1 CIT rlf avaLavu that much, so much

141. ~ cil GlJ 6TT 61.J ivaLavu this much; this many

213. IT Gil C1J err ~ evaLavu how much, however much; how many

214. IT vil ClJ CIT c;, 6JJ Il' evaLavoo so much, a lot

71.~~Vif)rp6@ aNNekki that day

151. @orr CO);-p ffi@ iNNekki today

113. ® e ~ rr itoo (look) here!

B. Postpositions

1. Postpositions with Simplex Nouns

a. With Nominative

74. -~Q) -aaka for (duration, with time units)

464. - ee=- Jj- ~ c§l -ceentu together (+ intr. v.)

785. - ill L(£ W -mat tum until, as far as, as long as

846. - @Jl5 N -mota(l) from (with time expressions)

862. - @UV W -muulam with, by means of, through

(the agency of), under the
auspices of

909. - GlJ (0) r;- -vare up to, until

910. - ru m lJ a:@w -varekkum up to, until

911. - G)j qQ) TJ uS} N -vareyle up to, until

b. With Accusative

389. - 0 EErr~8 -koNTu with, by means of

449. - cn-.rp fl -cutti around

464. - ea=- rJ ~~ -cee"ttu together (+ tr. v.)

502. - t? cil ~ -tavira except, besides, apart from

639. - (T?JfBs @ -paattu toward (s), to

697. - LJ ip pl -patti about, concerning, regarding

777. - e, L.1 rr N J - ~urrd\.l -poola like, similar to

934. - c;SJ L -viTa compa~ed to, than

c. With Dative

32. - ~ uy 1W -appram on the far side of, beyond

74. - ~ffi -aaka for (the sake of)

174. - 2.. rfrr t err, 2. err -uLLe inside (of), within [space];
by, within [time]

192. - GT fJ CrJi - GT ~ ~ -etire before, in front of; opposite

642. - u Eo ~~;u -pakkattule in the vicinity of, near
[-~@ ~ ]

665. - LJ ~ aU -batilu instead of

825. - LD fr (!] en -maaraa agains t, (as) opposed to

d. ~{ith Ob liaue

642. - U ffi En ~ ~c0 -pakkattule in the vicinity of, near

107. - ~ L UJ -kiTTa/-kiTTe a case ending/DostDosition with

these usages:
1. I to) I direc tion towards 'tvi th
animates. contras t - ~
2. location with animates. contrast
- ~a0
3. transitory dative. contrast-(§j

4. proximi ty, I near I

156. -2..8:-~ -ucciyle at the top of

369. - ffn-L -kuuTa/-kuuTe along with

643. - u ffi ~ L.b -pakkam near) by

918. - G1J §I UJ{T as -vaRiyaa (ka) by, through, by way of

e. With Dative or Oblicue

Note: Some dialects (both literary and colloquial) contrast use of dative
and use of oblique. In these dialects, the dative is used to denote
noncontact and the oblique to denote contact. The contrast is clearly
illustrated in the entry 872.~W'~) etc., below.

11. - .;)I LQ. -aTiyle at the base of, at the foot or,
/ underneath
• ,0 •
174. - 2m- ~ m, - 2..(f1T -uLle among (+ p 1. )

348. -gt~) -gr& -kiiRe below, "under

724. - SJ~e)N . -pinnaale behind (in space); after (in

[ - SJc:rr) - :...~dOT 1 ] time)

858 . -(0

. ten
\::;; '--'
0J . -munnaale in front of, in the presence or
[-@arr, -©aory ]
f' ! (\ ;:J C"..J
872. - '0 L.J,..J '() J - ~ 1.iJ0IJ -rr:eele on (top of), upon + obI. "*; abcve
[-LO~~J [+ dat. *; concern ng :~ obI.:;
after ( n time) + oat.
* Contrast not ~aintained in all dialects.
2. Postpositions with Verbal Forms

a. With Participles

32. -~ULfrpLtJ -appram after (+ past pt.)

158. - 2. Ltoor -oTane as soon as; right after

(+ past pt.)

654. - U ~, - L.J ~ ffi@, -aaka (+ date of in order to, so that

- LJ LSi. w rr ffi (+ fu t . pt.) pt. n.)

655. - U Lf' U '4 ' uJ -paTi as (+ past/pres. pt.)

656. - LJ if W TfcU -atunaale on account of, as, by reason of,

because (+ past pt.)

722. -L5);p@ -appram after (+ past pt.)

723. - SJ dr, tJ)u6T Lf) -appram after (+ past pt.)

- 61 diT~~
774. -tLlrrc§j, -OUIr@SJ-pootu, -ppa when, while (+ pt. )

785. - UJ LG La -maTTum until, as far as, as long as (+ pt. )

817. - !1)rr~if) -maatiri as, like (+ pt.)

857. -@om-j@Jorry -rnunnaale ' before (+ fut. pt.)


910. - OJ om lJ i£© UJ -varekkum until, as far as (+ pt. )

911. - GlJ ¢) ~ u5) o\.J -vareyle until (+ pt. )

b. With Participial Nouns

74. - ~ ~ -aaka in order to (+ date of fut. pt. n.)

166. -2...Ln -urn irrnnediative: 'as soon as' (+

past pt. n.)

724. - J5J~ ~tCfV . -pinnaale after (+ date of past pt. n.)

[ -01 {[OT, - L.J46rr~ oV J

777. -~LJrrrJ, - t UrrN -poola as (+ pt. n.)

858. -@ ~eJtVl} ._ -rnunnaale

[(~ ~ , -@J <roT t!) N J before (+ date of fut pt. n.)

c. Postpositions and Clitics with Conditionals

245. - 0 @UJ -oRiya unless (emphatic)

777. - tUTTN , - tLJrriu -poola as (if)

166. - 2.1.0 -urn even (if) [nonreal concessive]

513. _~lT~ [also -taan only (if)

rr L-O , etc. J
C. Clitics

211. - GTouNfTuJ
. -ellaam the whole, entire, all

227. - G) -ee emphatic and exclusive: , this

one as opposed to many' (cf.
- 95 rroir )
513. - cprri:r [also -taan emphatic and isolative: 'this
- epTrLD, etc. ] one by itself'; only, just,
exactly (cf. -Sf)

567. - tr:p fT@ LD -toorum every, each and every

166. - 2-LD -urn also, too (inclusion in a
closed set); although (real
concessive) [+ coverbialJ;
-ever universals [+ interrogative]

369. - f5YL L -kuuTa/-kuuTe even, also, too

167. -c..W ... -2.W( ... e.W) -um... -um and

98. -~62J§ ... -~ClIc§.l -aavatu ... -aavatu or (only in nonconcrete situations,
cf. -'J ... -6) )

251. -~ ... -f) -00 ••• -00 or (only in concrete situations,

cf. -~WJ§ ... -~G1J.§J)

73. -~ ... -~ -aa ... -aa or (only with questions)

72. -dj -aa interrogative clitic asking for a

yes-no reply, with expectation

250. - CJ -00 interrogative clitic indicating
surprise and asking for

785. -LDLCb'W -rnaTTum only, alone

D. ~entence Markers

1. Conjunctions

103. ~®CV aanaa but

~<{!)Gbt1l aanaalum however

47. ~;UN§ illaaTTaa or, if not

224. crm-C3~ uJ -nnaalum, -NNaalum even then, nevertheless

(attached to preceding sentence)

223. GTOIT(5N -nnaa, -NNaa if, if said so

221. GToTI t:ru atunaale therefore

871. t LD~UJ atooTe moreover, besides, further

2. Interjections z Address forms z and Tag Markers

92. ~ LlJ rr LD aarnaa yes

418. a=rA cari O.K., alright, fine, yes

713. W rr c:u L,Q paavam alas, it's a pity

682. U FJ C2J rr uJ) cU ~ paravaalle never mind, it doesn't matter;

it t s not bad

591. rp air fJ nanni, nanri thanks, thank you

929. cJ JT ':§ 6S welcome, greetings (formal)

901. Cl.l1~& vantu hesitation form: uh, well

898. OJ onT ffi ffi ili vaNakkam salutation: hello, how are you?

39. ~inLfJ rr if t uJ !T ammaaTiyoo oh my gosh!

9. ~LrrLrr aTeeTee oh: (mild surprise)

252. q)G~ rr ookoo (surprise or joy)

241. rBtuJrr ayyoo oh dear.' (sorrow or sympathy)

438. ~ cii (contempt)

155. -(u)nka(L) address form for Eoliteness

8. (~) LIT (a) Taa imEolite address form to male

children and younger males

(~)~ (a) Tii similar form for females

31. (~)LJ LJ rr (a)ppaa address form to older male

inferiors; father

38. (dOW LD IT (a)rrnnaa address form to older women;


240. wwrr (a)yyaa interjection/address form to

older male equal; sir

.495. 'PillS) tampi address form to male servants

474. ifL) rT r; saar sir; gentleman

91. ~ ill -aam

that the speaker is not
sible for the truth of th
statement, gossip Earticle

135. ®o\J~ -(l)le tag marker: with rising

intonation, 'isn't it ?'; with
falling intonation, 'you know'

E. Verbs with SEecial Uses

1. Impersonal Verbs

337. ffi) (0) L- as @ Co keTekkum (+ dat.) will get, obtain

ffi)mL ~ CE IT ~ keTekkaatu (+ dat~ will not get

338. &l QO)L LLJ rr ~\ keTeyaatu (+ dat., neg. only) do not have,
does not happen
717. OlLf&(§W piTikkum (+ da t.) (to) 1 ike

645. u~ paci-=- be (extremely) hungry (+ dat~

544. Cl rt rfl LLf LD teriyum (+ da t.) know

977. CGl.laoin-G' W veeNum (+ datJ want; should

t Glloirr L rr W veeNTaam (+ dat~ do not want; should not

920. Gl.1rf vaa be getting, receive (+ dat.)

913. ClJuSl vali-=- pain (+ da t.)

842. @ UJ-UiW muTiyum (+ instr~ can, be able

775. eUrrSlLo pootum (T datJ be enough

733. y rfl iLi W puriyum (+ datJ understand

2. Grammatical Verbs

127. ~ 7. iru be

76. ~® 3./Irr aa(ku) be, become

222. GT~ 5. in(nu) say, tell, quotative

454. C)€FUJ 1. paNNu-, ceyyi- do,make

394. C) EO iT crT 1. -(k)ko reflexive, middle marker

371. em...CB 3. kuuTu- join, gather; be possible

710. U rr1) 6. paaru:: see; try

657. U CB 4. paTu suffer, feel

561. GJ~rr~ 2./6. tole-I-=- perish; destroy

983. GQ)nJ 6. vayyi put, keep

936. cWCR 4. viTu leave -' le t

772. eLl rr(B 4. pooTu put, throw

F. Modifiers

1. Adjectives

l2.~CB~? aTutta next (not this one, the next one)

21. .dI ~ ffi CD atikam, jaasti much, a lot of; excess

143. @GlT UJ eLam young; light (of colors)

168. 2-uJ):? cp ocanta high

218. rr%)5rr~ colapamaana easy

267. ffi<%">L-€1 kaTeyci end; last, final

289. 8)@W karum dark, dark (of colors)

379. CJE£L.:.L keTTa bad; spoiled

387. (j) E15 iT '4 UJ pollaata harmful, cruel

436. &10l uJ ciriya small, little (in size)

437. ~mOOT cinna lLttle, small

461. GJ tF-orr ' ( poona last, previous

468. GJa=-JT~~ conta own, belonging to, personal

519. ~@ tiru divine, sacred, holy

587. rpcUGU nalla good, proper, as it should be

693. L.Jm~uJ paReya old, mature

731. Y&1 putu new

750. G)LJ rf/w periya big, great, important

765. 0 U rr .§J caataaraNa public, cornmon, general, usual

791. W$f51 UJ mattya central

804. LfJ @ a Tutta, innoru another, next

808. LO r?@ mattE. other

853. @@ muRu whole, entire, complete

6 2 2• J? err (.0 ~T n-r niiLamaana long
867. G) W aD u5I uJ mellicu soft, thin, delicate

971. G) G1J@J in verum empty, mere, blank

976. ~ ClJ oaTI LiI uJ veeNTiya necessary, needful

982. ~GUd-i veere other, different, foreign

2. Adverbs

21. ~~as rompa very

149. @ooFJ inime from now on, henceforth, here-


152. @orr@lLD innum still, yet; furthermore, more

233. GJ 1=> E£ am- g~..J eerkanavee, already, in good time, before


981. G3@ ~()j am- oruveeLe perhaps; (just) once

246. e:, @ri1 ffi If [£ oRunkaa orderly, efficiently, neatly,


267. ffiqO)L-~ kaTeyciyle in the end, finally, at last

kaTTaayamaa definitely, certainly

339. ®LL~tp(L ki TTatta TTa approximately, nearly, about

439. # its ffi) fJ tJJ rr ED ciikkramaa quickly, soon

443. OT LD IT fJ cumaar approximately, about

444. 6T ill LiJ rr cummaa lazily, idly, leisurely; just

.for fun, without any reason,
just because
483. f!)LCO)ru ta Tave, taram (number of) times

5 15. €f;1 U! CJ 9'" ffl-&-l tiTiirNNu suddenly

546 • G) 6) (jrf/ ru rr G) teLivaa 3vidently, clearly

590. ~ vir 0 ffi nallaa well

618. rf/m rp u.J nereya, rompa, much, too much, a lot


588. ~ ~@) nallaa well (LT n. used as adv.)

737. 4&)Li ~UJ putucaa recently

805. LD,gl1 ~ !Sf LLJ La tirumpavum, again


808. LD t?@ mattapaTi otherwise

828. uS) ffi ~ UJ rompa very, much, a lot

865. GJ LO §J QJ 11 ffi metuvaa s lowly, softly

866. GJ LlJ ~ C\) mella, moLLa slowly, softly, gently
974. gGlJ ffi LL1 rr 85 veekamaa quickly, in a hurry;
intensely; strong (of taste)

30 Colors

143. ~orr- W eLam pale, light

289. as@w karum dark

293. ffi6LJ rJ [rf1 ;pill] kalar color

310. m@uy karuppu black, blackness

434. ~Cl1UY cevappu red, redness

625. fGVW niilam blue

648. ue:ma=- pacce green, yellow-green

783. LD 0 EFurr manca(Lu) yellow

970. (;)ClJcn-~ veLLe white, whiteness

4. Other Qualities

43. ~(LD) rare, dear

57. ~::9@ aRaku beauty

175. C?.e~ #
1. valu 1. firmness, hardness, strength
2. kaTTaayam 2. assurance, definiteness,
g; LL IT uJ LCJ certainty

218 Q GT erA ~ colapam, callicu an easy matter

265.. ~ C5'm LiJ kaTume harshness, sternness, severity

413. g:. LD UJ camam level, evenness; equality

446. eTO'JLJW colapam easiness, facility
496. ~UJrrJ) tayaar(u) ready, readiness

838. @ffi@wW mukkiyam importance

G. Quantifiers

1. Numerical
a. Natural Numbers

242. 6j@ oru one; a) an (num. adj.)

249. GjOITd-l oNNu one) one thing (n. )

Gj oci-r E9-l ill oNNum nothing (+ neg.)

0;@GLlair oruttan one man

Gd@~~ orutti one woman

125. @ sr oirr @ reNTu two

864. @oirrf9-1 muuNu three

604. f? rrm@) naalu four

ancu five
102. aaru six

229. V;@ eeRu seven

187. GTL.(£ eTTu eight

248. eom-U&J ompatu nine

675. pattu ten


672. U~0®m@ patanoNNu eleven

700. LJ moofJ ryomG panneNTu twelve

673. u~ffi@ir~ patamuuNu thirteen

LJ~JQ~ patanaalu fourteen

671. U~200T/~~ patanancu fifteen

668. U ~ eJ@J patanaaru sixteen

670. LJ ~t.oor@ pataneeRu seventeen

669. U ~ U)OOT L. CB pataneTTu eighteen

676. U ~ 6) ~ rr orr U 8J pa t tompa tu nineteen

129. ~@LJ§ irupatu, iruvatu twenty

849. @ULl§.l muppatu thirty

602. ~rr1u&1 naappatu forty

239. ffiiou§l ampatu fifty

64. ~@JU gJ arupatu, aruvatu sixty

217. GT@LJ~ eRupatu, eRuvatu seventy

190. CIT aim- u §J empatu eighty

560. Gl ~JTom-@IT@ toNNuuru ninety

628. f§Jf@l nuuru hundred, 100

94. ~ u51 r; UJ aayiram thousand, 1, 000

890. CUL... t3-LlJ lac cam ~lakh; hundred thousand,


395. ~ ffi rr if kooTi ~crore; ten million,


b. Other

44. ~(jQ) TJ are half, 1/2

333. fulTaD kaa(lu) quarter, 1/4

846. @ Ff:; aD mota(l) first; initial

244. e 611616l.f rr@ ovvoru each, one by one

2. Nonnumerical

210. GTcNOlJ rT ellaa all, all kinds of (adj.)

211. OT iu dlJ rT i.tJ ellaam all things, everything (n.)

212. VTN~6U rr@ 1.0 ellaarum all (people), everybody

685. U 00 pala, palaana many

432. &l~ koncam (n.) some, a few, not many

cela, konca (adj.) (adj. if preceding, otherwise n.)

385. W ffi rr«5 & UJ koncam a little, some (n.)

504. cp ouf) tani solitary, alone, sole

(adj. and adv.)

153. @mGJG6 innoru another (of the same type)(adj.)

3. Related Words

275. fr, ~ ffi® kaNakku computation

188. GT~@ 3. eNNu- count, number

374. on.. C@ 3. kuuTTu- add

305. ffi @ 6. kaRi-:: subtract, deduct

751. GJU@ ffi@ 3. perukku- multiply

891. G)J@ 6. vaku-: divide

941. wSI~ ~UJrr!fW vittyaacam difference

875. Q LO rr if; Ff5 La mottam total; the whole

483. t3?L6hill taTave (number of) times

748. G) L1 LL1 J peeru name; person (used with

numbers as a classifier)

H. Time

1. Time Uni ts

634. '? !) W
(g neeram time, period less than a day

608. I~ u5l ~ UJ nimiSam moment, minute

786. UJ ~ maNi hour of the day

788. W ~~rT?fJliJ maNineeram hour (60 minutes)

787. ill oooF) as@ maNikki o'clock

640. U ffiC7lJ pakalu daytime

332. ffi rr 2N kaale morning, a. m.

156. 2.. 8=- &:1 ucci zenith, noon

792. UJ~~U1rr~ill mattyaanam midday, early afternoon

. .
e= (fW J1i1 as rr uU LD caayankaalam late afternoon, evening

823. LD rr21v maale evening, p. m.

126 .. @ F) Cl.I raattri night

600. I~ rrurr naa (Lu) day (24 hours)

637. & ry; rp @J neettikki yesterday

599. ~ rr 2o-tT naaLekki tomorrmv

344. ffil ~ VOl uJ keRame day of the week

475. G31Tu51?g1ffi~~GV)LLJ fiaayittukkeRame Sunday

514. €fJ rt:J ffiL.:.. $I 8 (0) LJJ. t inkakkeRame Monday

460. C) EFru ruJTUJ~fi)~($)1iJ cevvaakkeRame Tuesday

730. .Y a; orr €J ~ tJS) 1..D botankeRame Wednesday

946. Gill UJ iT ~ in €fJ!J (0) ill vyaaRakkeRame Thursday

• ,,",,' C\
969. Gi 0'J 6T!()'JI! OS a::> I L{)
CO> Lf) veLLikkeRame Friday

421. fF oil c£ g; Lj 6V) uJ canikkeRame Saturday

550. ~ B? ~ teeti date, day of the month

526. ~%TW denam daily

331. 8SrTNW kaalam time, season, period longer

than a day

925. OJ rr f) ill
. vaaram week

816. WrTB?W maacam month

907. G'.J@ ~ UJ varSam year

396. effilTmL kooTe(kaalam) summer, hot season

902. GlJ w §.l vayacu years old, (years of) age

2. Related Words (See also Section B2)

12. ~(5 ~~ aTutta next

32. ~ u L/ rp UJ appram moreover; then. afterwards

76. ~@ aa(ku) be, become; happen; pass (of time)

110 .. @60) L matti mid-portion; interval

149. ~ oofI inime henceforth, hereafter

158. 2- L torr oTane at once, immediately

414. Ef lJJ W uJ camayam occasion, opportunity

461. 0 e:-cm- rp poona last, previous

722. S}f/@ appram, pinne afterwards, (and) then

935. cDJ lil.

2. viTi- dawn, rise (of sun)

981. &ru 2m- veeLe occasion~ time

I. Location and Shape (See also: Postpositions (B), Land (Administrative)
(J2a), and Adjectives (Fl»

1. General Location. Directions

896. GllLes@ vaTakku north

GllL northern

GlJLffi~fu vaTakke to/in the north

547. C) rp ¢@ tekku south

{) Cf:> oor southern

(j) ~?C 85 tekke to/in the south

342. §I t& c£© keRakku east

g~ eastern

c%) ~ a "ED keRakke to/in the east

973. tw PrE meekku west

CUJ ol; western

r; LfJ rp e, E5 meekke to/in the west

912. G)Jru~ valatu the right side

Qj('J vala right (adj.)

105. ~L§J eTatu the left side; left (adj.)

872. 0Lfj~6D meele upper surface, high

156. E.. 8=- ~ ucci top, uppermost pOint, zenith

578. ,~CB naTu middle, center (point)

791. U)~~uJ mattya central; Union-

110. @U?D L- naTu, matti mid-portion, middle (sec tion)

11. ,g}f Llf aTi base, bottom

348. g~~ kiiRe a place below, down, bottom

. .
643. U 85 £5 LCl pakkam side, vicinity

291. ffi6O)!J kare border, boundary; shore

267. tf5 60) 1- fFl kaTeyci end; last, final

174. 2..uiT f:orr uLLe interior, inside, in

967. (0 cD orA t uJ veLiye exterior, outside, out

32. ~ U Lj rp La appram that side; farther, beyond

635. e, ~ rJ neeru straight, straightness

2. Other Locatives

12. diCE ~ EP aTutta next

14. ~ 60) L-. 2. ceeru- reach, approach

106. ® Lin eTam place, room; [left side]

458. G) Ef.. N 1. poo arrive (at)

542. ~rrW tuuram distance

@ Lf Cl1 muTivu end; decision

918. GlJ t§1 vaRi way, path

837. @ E£ 6)J rfl vilaacam address

3. Place Names

34. ~ rS) LiJ rf) 6:; a:, rr amerikkaa America, the United States

116. ®i?~UJrr intyaa India

133. @ eN nil 60) es .

lankaa. siloon
Sri Lanka, Ceylon

462. ()EF-6iT~ senne, meDraasu Madras

524. ?IoU oS! Dilli, Delli Delhi

4. Form and Sha£e

171. P-@c.wUJ ruupam shape, image, form

409. a-f? ~ canti junction, meeting point

405. Ef-CLLD caTTarn framework, frame; law

739. 1-1 orr orf( puLLi spot, point, tittle

856. @wmrp varice order, regularity

863. @'2o-u rnuule corner, angle

897. GWLLW vaTTam circle

906. curf/ vari line; tax

SECTION TWO.; Society and the Social Sciences

J. Government, Administration and Politics

1. Administration

22. ~ fi ct) FT r;- LD atikaaram authority

37. ~ 62f) 1-0 LJ Lj ameppu structure; organization,


90. ~U0u aapiisu, aafiis office

234. GJ I;U(£ 6. uNTaaku be established; develop

328. a;rrif1UJ~ if! &) kaaryatarici secretary

378. 8n..cf7J co1lu say, tell (officially); proclaim

517. ~LL LiJ tiTTam plan, scheme

534. c:§J ~ toNe deputy, Vice-, Assistant-

536. &1 om 'J dore person in authority

539. §len 'rp tore department

562. C)~rr@iu veele action; occupation

576. f?LGlJq&QO)ffi na Tava Tikke procedure, (administrative)

measure, step

596. 0 rr l.:(5' 3. naaTTu- establish

610. ~~61Jrra,UJ nirvaakam administration

614. 1~?ouWW neleyam institution

664. u ~ tJ'5) patavi position, post, rank

666. u ~ G"'4 pativu registration

721. ull7. pooTu be issued

936. 05JCb 4. viTu (viTa, viT~u) release, let go; permit, allow,

938. ~CB@mrp liivu leave, holiday, vacation

2. Government

a. Politics. Rule

6. ~L~ 3. aTakku put down, restrain, control,

7. d1Lr@@ aTanku submit, obey

29. dlDloSl@~~ apivirutti development, progress

40. ~ r;r Cf-01rr raajaa king

41. d1 if 6T carkkaaru government; royalty, kingdom

84. ~ L. ~ aacci rule, administration,

government; sovereignty

145. ~~ ri5J@ 3. eranku descend; be a candidate

(in an election)

268. ffiLe=J kacci party, faction

420. a:- &ffi a) rr ,?- carkkaaru (the) Government

440. ~Jj ~® ~ Ep W ciirtiruttam improvement, reform

5 29. ~ (15) TJ ill tiiviram intensity; radicalism;

(political) activity
586. T? N LO cavkkyam welfare

607. ~~ niti finance, fund, treasure

616. r§J81~&3. niruttu stop; support (an action)

755. ~ LJ ff-l3r peeccu speech

793. LQ~~rfJ mantiri minister (of state)

b. Land (Administration)

172. 2..61) 8) i.e ulakam world, earth

178. au rj uuru native place, hometown

(village, town, community, place)

315. mrrG kaaTu land not regularly inhabited by

people: forest, Jungle, desert

341. ffi) fJ II LD La graamam village

570. l? co ry UJ nakaram city, town, municipality

595. ~ rrG naaTu, deecam land inhabited by people:

country, state

897. (j}JLL.LD vaTTam circle; "taluk"" region

641. U@ ~ eTam region, area

824. l..Cl IT 6)J L. L- UJ maavaTTam district

c. War

36. ~ 61f) tJ::J ~ ameyti peace, tranquility

401. g:.. it> ~ cakti power; force, forces (in pl.)

660. U 61f) L paTTaaLam army; (in pl.) forces, troops

776. ~UrrlJ yuddam war, battle

972. Gl GlJ ~ r?J vetri [sicl victory

d. Law

22. ~~8)rrTJi.D atikaaram jurisprudence

170. 2.. rf) on L.1l urime (inherent) right or quality;

claim, privilege

321. ffirTrJLJrr1Jdl kaappaattu protect

3 34. .::n rr U1J oil 1. kaava1u 1. protection, watch;

2. pooliisu 2. the quard, police

405. (f-LLLo caTTam rule; law, act

488. ~. crdm- L irJOT taNTane punishment

520. ~3. tiruTu steal

623. rf~ niiti justice

636. ~r?rjmL.O nyaayam honesty

917. Cl.l 1:9 ffi@ vaRakku litigation, law-suit, case;


932. rEJ e-rr fJ CJ.~ vecaaraNe investigation, inquiry, trial;


937. cS'l(H? 2N viTutale freedom, liberty, independence,

release (of prisoner, etc.)

3. Related Words

48. ~ Cl11(f- TJ ill avacaram hurry; emergency

87. ~ ~ fJ C11 aataravu support, protection, patronage

303. ~ L§ ED W kaRakam association

373. Efr"1-L..L-LD kuuTTam crowd, group; meeting

386. G) cp rr Lt koTi flag, banner

40'3. a: ffiJ a, ill cankam association, academy

455. C) Ef- W ~ viSayam news, message, matter, deed

491. ~~~ tanti telegram, cable

492. a; U IT N tapaalu mail, post

500. tp ~ tale head; priority

528. ~r; wrr60TLD tiirmaanam decision; resolution, motion

(as in Parliament)

613. ~~mL1J neleme situation, condition, state

674. U8?~rfJ6O)Ei) pattrikke newspaper, magazine, periodical

765. G)u rr ~ caataaraNam publiC, cornmon, general

791. Lll ~ ~ UJ mattya central; Union-, of the Centre

843. @ ~ eli muTivu decision, conclusion

953. cSl G1J cr Lo vevaram details, detailed narration,


954. rill L9 rr viseeSam celebration, ceremony

K. Economics

1Q Business and Finance

945. c£i LL! rr LJ rr /J in vyaapaaram commerce, trade, business

cSI u.J rr u rr rfJ vyaapaari merchant

614. 01 Cou U-1 LiJ neleyam institution

90. ~Sdv aapiisu, aafiis office

266. ffi m L- kaTe shop, store

412. 'cfrpm ~ cante market

37. ~ GO) J..t; iJ 7 ameppu structure, establishment;

organization, institution

5170 ~ LL-Lo tiTTam plan, scheme; arrangement,


440. ~~~@~~w ciirtiruttam improvement, reform

29. ~6icDJ@~~ apivirutti development, progress

2~U~~ urpatti (industrial) production;

942. cSJ rfJ ew rr ffiW viniyookam distribution

644. uri.I@ panku portion, share

459. C) g: N ill ill cottu wealth, riches; prosperity

467. C)&rr~~ cottu property, goods, posseSSion,

767. 0L1 rr@oTr caamaan (plo) goods, product

. eeRame poverty
230. eeRe poor person (in wealth)
9""m ~
562. Gl~rr @tfu toRilu industry

980" Cru 2ru veele work, job, employment

328. ffi rr rfJ UJ ~ rtl ff:) kaariyatarici secretary

607. l)}~ pru\Jarn finance, fund

275. ffioirr~ kru\Jakku (financial) accounts

790. UJ~u~ matippu value, estimation

678. uwoTr laapam profit

573. T?~LW naSTam loss

908. C1l@LD IT 6VT L[J c amp aLam income

457. () Ef-CV elf celavu out-go, expenditure
. .
mottam total
875. 0i.D IT B) ~ LiJ
951. M2N vele price

950. cWuV 5. vittiTu- sell

921. ClJffiil@' vaanku- buy

2. Money and Salaries

663. LJ~W paNam money, wealth

887. @urrw ruupaa(y) rupee

761. GO) LJ g:. rr paycaa, kaacu paise, 1/100 rupee; money

433. ~ruVV(Q)? cillare change, coins; retail (of trade)

458. GJa:N 1. poo ir.v. be current (of money)

. . kaTTaNam fare, fee, charges
270. ffi L L 0'Wr UJ
906. Cllrf) vari tax

417. trw Urn- io campaLam salary, pay, wages

377. 8n.c£J kuuli (day work) wages; coolie

16. ~ Lill iT ciT iN aTvaansu advance (payment)

EE 1- tfTr
262. kaTan loan

894. G1Jffi1&i baanku, bank bank (financial)

3. Related Words

14. ~t$)'-2. keTekkum imp. v. ob tain, ge t

69. ~m-LfarA iJ Lf anpaLippu gift

185. crCB 6. eTu- take, remove, pick up

388. C)8);rG' 6. kuTu- give, give aw'ay

506. ~rrir. v. taa (tara, tantu) give, grant, bestow

683. lJ rrl'BT
paricu pr i ze, re~va rd

687. uuu vrr pelan, palan gain

739. ym-nfJ puLLi index (data)

834. W~ miccam excess, surplus, remainder

895. CL.1EF-~ vasati well-off, comfortable

L. Religion. Rites and Festivals

414. e:wwUJ camayam religion

117. @~~ intu Hindu

171. Z-@ ClJ liJ ruupam image; idol

234. GJ tjJ L-l (£ ". uNTaaku- begin to exist, be established;

develop, evolve

235. crt? LJ rr@ eerpaaTu arrangement or preparation done

according to established custom
. .
ffi 0lJ LL1 IT 0075i /.1J
296. kalyaaNam marriage

321. 85rru u rr?~ 3. kaappaattu- save; protect

358. @wL51c£ Lt. kumpiTu worship, reverence

398. t85rrWloV kooylu temple

466. CO) frill LlJ cayvam Saivism; a Saivite

519. ~@ tiru diVine, sacred, holy (adj.)

~@ ~ rrorT tirunaa(Lu) festival day

543. CJ95WruLO teyvam god, godhead, deity

583. f5LiJD}ffiO?J)~ nampikke trust; faith; hope

584. '? WLl3. nampu- believe] trust

807. LiJOOJp veetam Veda; Bible

916. C1J':9 asasw vaRakkan custom, convention

~~ viti fate, destiny; principle

942. 0'5'1 rfJ t LLJ IT ff5 Lo viniyookam dis tribution

954. 051 ~ rr'-"

viseeSam celebration, festival, festivity)
M. People and Society

1. Peonle

94. ~ G1T aaLu person

810. ill ouP; 9 ~ manitan man; human being

86. ~ oom- aaNu (a) male

7'~ 7. G) LJ·ozror
• 1. poNNu 1. female
2. pompLe 2. woman

782. LD ffi E5 ciT jananka people; [children]

748. C'JUWf;") ~Ll ~ peeru 1. name

2. person (used \vi th numbers
as a classifier in the
colloquial style)

2. Famill and Kin

352. @(B UJ U UJ kuTumpam family

753. G)L.J rp ~t3 rj appaarmnaa parents

361. @ ~ rpo~ ~ koRante child

763. CJ") L-J u..J oi-r- payyan boy) son

746. 0 LJ odor poNNu daughter; girl; bride

818. LOJTuS/ui-rCZan- maappLe bridegroom; husband; younger


276. 'as ~ nJorr viiTTukkaararu husband

811. LD 20vr 0~ manevi) poNTaaTTi wife

510. ~rr~~rr taattaa grandfat~er

704. LJ rr L L1J. paaTTi grand1.:1.other

31. ~UUfT appaa father

38. ~LQ LD rr armnaa mother

26. ~ FfJ (JS) tp atte father's sister) mother-in-law
(husband's mother)) older 1;.;oman
on father's side
820. UJ rr L.L) iT maamaa uncle, mother's brother,
father's sister's husband,

82l. LO rr uSl maami mother's brother's wife,


19 . ~ oW cro-rr rir aNNan, aNNaa elder brother

20. :Jt~~ aNNi elder brother's wife

2. ~:as 6) rr akkaa elder sister

25 . ~ fJ) ~ rT cJtrT attaan elder sister's husband

495. ~LD6) tampi younger brother

482. f15 ffil D7J)es tankacci, tanke younger sister

780. Lfj es oi-r- makan son

779. L1J
as OfT maka(L) daughter

799. LD. @ UJ as orir marumakan son-in-law; male cross-cousin,


798. LD @ La ffim- marumaka (L) daugh ter- in-la~v; female eros s-

cousin, niece

756. e, LJ !J orr peeran grandson

758. ~L.Jj-~~ peetti granddaughter

3. Roles and Occupations

664. LJ ~ cS] patavi position, post, rank, station

562. C) ~ rr @ru veele work, occupation, profession

980. &b.J~ veele work, job, err,? loyment

4 a. ..:;)( FJ g:. CJin- raajaa king

78. -%)&:1 rf) uJ Cr aaciriyar, vaadyaar editor, author; teacher~ lecturer

184. GT a:-L£J rr ~ ecanaan rna s t e r ) b0 Ss, lor d

3 28.2£ rr rPt u.J ~ If) i) kaaryatarici secreta::y

334. E£rrr~N pooliisu the guard, police

536.~mf) dare person in authority_

581. ~ L e=- ¢ ~ o-iLJ naccattram film star

582. ~~ U 60r sneeytan friend

7 34. Y cu ru Sf pulavar, polavar poet, learned man

757. e LJ FJ rr {f:) rJI uJ r;- prafacaru professor

793. LD 0 ~ rfI mantiri minister (of state)

815 • LiJ rr omn- 6)J oir maaNavan student (m.)

LD IToocrr ~ maaNavi student (f.)

. .
900. OJ oorr~ 6W doopi, vaNNaan washerman, dhobi

945. o5J UJ rr u rr if' vyaapaari merchant

960. uS fJ o-rr viiran hero

967. CJCl.J~ rp IT t..: L fT ~ veLikkaarar foreigner

4. Related Words

415. EF-@ ffiUJ camuukam community, society (in general)

60. ,:){ I%) ~ 6. kuuppiTu invite

230. GY Q6) ~ eeRe poor person (in wealth)

303. es ~ ffi L{J kaRakam association, corporation,

corporate body, party, (fan)

345. ffi) ~ C1J oTT- keRavan old man

354. @ L '-9- kuTTi small girl

373. fftJ-L LL W kuuTTam crowd, group; meeting; tribe

408. f5=- ~~ 6. canti- meet

473. ~rr~ caati caste, jati

566. ~ tprT ~ (0) UJ tooRame friendship, companionship

66l. U LL ill paTTam (an) honor, title, degree;

681. U fJ UJ U mr;r parampare generation

812. LiJ m-~ 6. manni- excuse (+ nom., + ace.);

forgive, pardon (+ nom., + dat.)

844. @ CL lTun- muTTaaLu stupid person, fool

902. CJJ uJSJ vayacu years old, years (of age); age

959. GS(£ viiTu household

SECTION THREE. Biology and the World

N. Animals and Plants

1. Animals

829. u5l@ffiLo mirukam animal, beast

18. ~oorsAiJ aNilu squirrel

93. .db GO) J.£J aame turtle, tortoise

83. ~(g aaTu goat, sheep

207. eroS) eli rat, mouse

306. ffi@()O)tp kaRute donkey

~~m!J kutire horse

359. (5U-niJ~ koranku monkey, ape

430. ~r@EbL.6 sinkam lion

585. rpcf) nari fox. jackal

598. ~rrw naayi dog

647. UEiT pacu cow

699. U ui-r rpt panni pig, hog

735. L-joSJ puli tiger, panther

~6Jrr puune cat

827. UJ rr in- maanu deer

814. LO rrCb maaTu ox, bovine

850. (bD uJ oiJ moyalu rabbit, hare

883. UJ rT 3m- yaane elephant

696. u tp 0f) <Ji.J parave bird

314. as rTas VOl Ef:J kaakkaa(y) crow

399. e1X, rr L:§I kooRi chicken, fowl

835. LD orr miinu fish

742. ~cf~ puucci insect, bug

707. urrLDL( paampu snake

690. LJ oV v61 palli lizard, esp. gecko

154. r:r: ii fly

220. aT @J CD' L-{ erumpu ant

384. G1 85 rr m kocu mosquito

737. Y@ puRu worm. maggot

313. ffi<roT@J kannu, kaNTu calf

354. kuTTi young of most animals

2. Plants (see also Food (Pl»

452. G) '4g:. ceTi plant

313. as ~ e kannu, kaNTu sapling

736. '-IoU pullu grass

795. Wry-UJ maram tree

801. LO N of) <fQJ ffi mallike jasmine

852. @ o1J ~ mulle (Arabian) jasmine

889. (;. lJ rr ~ rr roojaa rose

3. Animal and Plant Parts ( see also Bodv Parts (Ql»

134. @~ ele leaf

3 24. Cf) IT' UJ kaayi unripe fruit; vegetables

383. QQ1 co kayyi hand, arm; trunk (of elephant)

392. (j) ffirT L1J Lj kompu horn; branch

489. <f>oirr(8 taNTu stalk

565. (} 9 rr ifv toolu skin. hide, leather;

bark, rind.
691. u L5 LfJ paRam ripe fruit) fruit

741. puu(vu) flower

854. @~orr moLe sprout, shoot

855. @m@ muLLu thorn, prickle

859. @ffi@ muukku nose; bill, beak (of bird)

926. G)Jrrou vaalu tail

940. cD)mt:p vete seed (of plants)

978. ~6111) veeru root

4. Related Words

711. L1 rr 01) paalu milk

553. ~~m­ teenu honey

843. rJpt:..GnL- muTTe egg

123. ~ uJ r? O61ffi eyarke nature, disposition

695. LJ? 8. para fly

708. LJ rrLLJ2. paayi leap. spring, jump

870. ~i1JW 2. /6. meeyi 2. graze, eat (grass or grain)

6. graze, feed (of cattle. etc.)

o. Land

1. Agricul ture

331. asrrov t1J kaalam season

564. r: t:p rr L.. L.. LiJ tooTTam aarden , grove


611. ~C1JW nelam soil, (agricultural) land, ground

632. C) f5 cU nellu paddy, unhusked rice, rice in

the field

679. uuSltr payiru crop, grain (while growing);

any useful plant (annuals only)

903. OJ uJ QIJ vayalu field (with boundaries), esp.

paddy field
919. C2J 0T!J 2. /6. vaLaru-/: 2. grow ( in t r.) 6 • r a i s e ( t r. )

2. Geography

800. LD'2olJ male mountain, hill

789. LO~ maNNu earth, soil, dirt

295. ffi cU kal1u stone, rock

918. GlJ @ vaRi way, path

545. G) Ff@ teru (vu) street

428. e:rr2ffLJ rooTu, caa1e road, highway

26L En LoU kaTalu sea, ocean

46. ~2ou ale \,oJave

530. EfC1I tiivu island

29L tE m fJ kare bank, shore; border, boundary

539. &cn? tore harbor

836. @ a; Co mokam mouth of river, entrance to


101. ~ I!)J [obL~rp @ ] aaru [obL aattuJ river; way, road (in general)

362. @ orr UJ koLam tank, pond, pool

340. @ 0D0r@J keNaru well (for water, etc.)

3. Weather

10. ~ Lf 6. aTi- blow (of wind), fall (of rain),

beat down (of sun)

75. ~ E£ rr u.J Lf] aakaayam, aakaacam sky

108. @~ 6. iTi- thunder

~Lf iTi thunder (n.)

335. es rr;P:;}J kaattu breeze, wind; air, atmosphere

698. U ~ any form of precipitation except


L pani r:-cI"eT.,oJ, snow, fros t

2. mancu 2. fog, mist
3. aysu 3. ice
C)ULLJ l. peyyi (peyya, pencu) rain

802. LO~~ maRe rain

833. L£)m-OOTN minnalu lightning

868. ~WE5t-CJ meekam cloud

965. C) C2J u5) m veylu heat of the sun, sunshine

P. Food

1. Foods

423. g:rruLJrrcB[ 2~o..t ] caappaaTu food

711. U rriu paalu milk

497. cpWJ ~ tayiru yoghurt, "curd"

629. G) '? W neyyi ghee, clarified butter

878. 'UJrrr; mooru buttermilk

. .
964.. G) G1J 000i G) arJT U-J veNNe butter

42. d1 rf182l arici uncooked (but husked) rice

165. 2- LJ Y uppu salt

189. GT ~ 2o-o-rr eNNe oil

208. GTfJ-l;£j ff.~W elumiccam lime, lemon [used mostly in cpds. ]

260. C5 L~ kaTale peanut, "ground nut"

324. 8":> rr U-1 kaayi unripe fruit, vegetable

325. (b rr UJ as r9J kaaykari vegetable (used for cooking)

343. ffi) L5 ri:il @ keRanku tuber, potato, edible root

EffJffiff,m cakkare sugar

419. J
490. S? om ~6" taNNi water

518. §l fJ IT t.: ~ <fOI draacce grape(s)

548. e ~ ~ a; rr u,,; teenkaa coconut [frozen cpd.J

553. g Ef; m- teenu honey

632. GJ i""5 (f\) nellu paddy, unhusked rice, rice in

the field

684. U@ULi paruppu pulse,4dal; any lentil/pea

691. paRam ripe fruit, fruit

738. yorfi puLi tamarind
783. La 5 rtr-oTr manca(Lu) turmeric
819. LOITLo maam - mango [usually cpd. ]
830. ufJ orr as rr UJ moLakaa ~chillies: red pepper
845. @CmL- muTTe egg
927. Gl.Hl oOJ ~ vaaRe - banana (tree) [usually cpd. ]
961. Gl 02J f15J as rr w UJ venkaayam onion
966. (j) 0lJ N <11J iD vellam IoIjaggery/ brown sugar

146. ~m~8=-~ kari meat

83. ~cE aaTu goat) sheep mutton
349. e, as rr t§l kooRi chicken) fowl
835. LiSior miinu fish

Ill. @L~ iDLi idli) a steamed rice cake

309. ffi~ kari any dish served with rice, curry;
any meat dish, meat
322. Ef;rfUS) kaap(p)i coffee
426. s:- rr UJ LJ rr 9" caampaar sambar) a lentil sauce

470. ea:rr@ cooru (cooked) rice

477. ~ Tii tea

563. etp rr on e:- dooce dosa, a thin pancake

884. f) f:f- LiJ racam rasam) a thin soup

888. G) ry rr L '4 roTTi bread) roti, chapatti

2. Utensils, etc.

13. ~(EUL/ aTuppu place for cooking fire,

286. ffi rr crWr 4 karaNTi spoon

350. ® LW koTam pot, any rounded vessel

L UJ orr
. .
r; looTTaa cup, tumbler

706. Urr ~ ~fJ in paattram (metal) pot, vessel

715. U rr ttrr paane (clay) pot (with wide mouth

and rounded bottom)

3. Related Words

416. ~UJ 6. came-= cook, prepare

54. ~G25} 2. /6. avi-/= 2. be boiled, steamed; 6. boil,

steam, cook in water

441. EFr@ 4. cuTu be hot, feel hot, be burnt;

heat, bake, roast; burn (as of

323. (f;rrUJ 2. kaayi- be hot, heated; dry out, wither

364. ~ om ~ 2. kuLiru - be cool, be cold

424. a=-rruwQ;' 4. caappiTu eat, have a meal

[2.~ 5. ]

263. C£ Lf 6. kaTi= bite, chew

527. ~ai-r 5. tin (nu) eat (not a meal), snack

6456 U &) 6. paci= be hungry [imp.v. + dat.]

134. @UZcN ele leaf; banana leaf plate

347. ffil g au rr kiloo kilogram

448. 81- 001 ol.J cove, ruci taste, flavor

466. (j7S) e: 01 iJJ cayvam vegetarianism; a vegetarian

487. ~ L.(9 taTTu plate, tray, any shallow open

648. U cr--ffl Ef- pacce fresh, raw, cool (of water)

738. Lj vr+l puLi sourness

254. G) L L N ooTTal (u) restaurant

423. CffTU L.J fT$ [2.~nt J caappaaTu meal, dinner

948. Gill@ f? &1 viruntu feast; food for guest

764. GJ J.J rr Ltf poTi powder, dust

624. rfIJ taNNi fluid, liquid

351. @) L9- 6. kuTi-= drink

973. ~611 Irr. vee be cooked (parcook); be hot

Q. Anatomy and Health

1. Body Parts

l57.2..LN o Tampu body

500. Ep ~(Jl) tale head

156. '- ff- ~ ucci top; crown of head

840. (1p t.q. muTi hair (of head)

836. @~ LD mokam face

633. G) '? i? r?1 netti forehead, brow

277. ffi~ kaNNu eye

320. 8) if @J kaatu ear

859. @ i5@ muukku nose

924. 611 rrLi..l vaayi mouth

162. ~ E1/E otaTu lip

597. ~rrffi@, naakku tongue

688. U uU pallu tooth

307. &@ fp8J kaRuttu neck

559. G) ro; rr o-nsT em L toNTe throat

44. ~m1J are half; waist

109. §J&uy iTuppu hip

110. ®1OJ1- mid-trunk

565a. e ~ IT m- tooLu shoulder

. .
pakkam side

784. L.OIif maTi lap

822. lJ)rrryL-J maaru chest, bosom, breast

827. @§J~ mutuku (the) back

904. ruuS/@J vayru stomach, belly, abdomen

333. Ebrr~ kaa(Lu) leg, foot

383. (jQ1~ kayyi hand, arm

11. ~4 aTi foot

947. oJ) r:J ru veralu finger, toe

569. f?a,W nakam, nekam (finger)nail

360. @rJcN koralu voice

128. ~@f!>Wl1J etayam heart (the organ)

209. er 82J LD L-/ elumpu bone

565. ~a;lTu0 toolu skin

809. UJ<JrrLlJ
. manam, manacu mind, heart, will

2. Health and Medicine

169. 2. u5l Ij- uyiru life

860. @6:-aT- muuccu breath, life

753. ())U@ 4. peru give bi:-th to

72l. l.-J(,"j "? 7. per a be born

928. G2Jrr~ 2. nallaa iru live; [thrive, prosper]

144. ~ ~ 7. era die

422. 5- rr Irr. caa (caaka, cettu) die (nonpolite)

47 1. (jl e:- err ffi ® LLJ tb cavkkyam (good) health, well-being

355. ®6CWT UJ goNam quality; healthfulness

944. GlSl w rr ~ viyaati sickness, disease

914. ClJ ~ vali pain, ache

130. ~@ WoU irumal cough

326. as rr UJ g:.. g:.. ro joram fever

729. Yoa-rrr puNNu wound

913. GlJ 06/ 6. Imp. vali::' smart, pain, ache (+ dat~

638. @ 7 rr Irr. noo (noova, nontu) feel pain, ache

797. ill @ ~ §J maruntu medicine, remedy

177. &a:&:/ uuci needle; innoculation

80. ~oYu W ~ ~ if) aaspattri hospital

. .
256. ffi ~ fJn... onJ kakkuusu latrine

3. Related Words

316 • ffi rr L... &::'J kaacci sight, vision

143. §;lorr on J..iJ eLame youth, immaturity

442. aT t5 ~ La tuppravu cleanness, purity

59. ~@ ffi@) aRukku dirt, filth

363. ®orfJ 6. kuLi-= bathe

308. 85 @CJ-/ 3. kaRuvu- wash

537. 8J OlD G1J 6. tove::' wash (clothes)) do laundry

579. ~601L- naTe walk, pace


R. Artifacts

1. Tools % Machines z and Misce1aneous Artifacts

95. ~ LLJ ~ UJ aayutam tool

121. ®UJ~~fJW entram machine

329. as IT rfl w La kaariyam thing, matter

425. g: rr uJ rr ffr caamaan baggage, one's things

45. ~ cu ill rr rfJ a1amaari fa1mirah," wall cabinet

85. ~~ aaNi nail

177. &:r.&l uuci needle

273. as L.. '-9 N kaTTi1u cot, bedstead

281. ffi~~ katti knife

282. ffi~~rf) kattiri scissors

285. ffi u5l@ kay(i)ru rope, cord

286. ~ ~uorr I4 karaNTi spoon, ladle

290. 65~WUUIJmE!) boorTu blackboard

320. en rr §J kaatu ear; handle

349. ~&-&:! kucci peg, splinter, twig

~ffi®tF~ tiikkucci a match

350. @ LLD koTam pot, any rounded vessel

372. 8Y1-ffiL- kuuTe basket

386. C>ffirrLf- koTi flag, banner

. .
400. e:-ffiGSf)LJJ cakkram wheel

429. EF rr vSJ caavi key

476. L- J..D mlJ looTTa cup, tumbler

~Lf- taTi stick, staff

487. tp L.(b taTTu plate, tray

49l. Ej5~~ tanti telegram, cable

353. (§6OJ L koTe umbrella

601. F? IT rp t!) rr ~ naakkaali chair

659. u(Effi<0)~ paTukke bed, couch

686. UNdO) GS palake board, plank

706. urrEp~rJLD paattram metal pot, vessel

715. U rr 2oo-r paane (clay) pot

728. ~ L. L9- buTTi, baaTTlu bottle

743. ~ ((;' puuTTu lock

745. G)LJL..~ peTTi box

760. 6O)LJ payyi bag

778. CLJrrrrr
. foon phone, telephone

786. LO~ maNi bell, gong; gem; hour

83l. L.51aiT®uS/~ balbu lightbulb

841. @ L9- 8=- a;- muTiccu knot

889. ~ ill 00l ~ meeje, meece table, desk

930. (1j rr orf) vaaLi bucket

931. OJ rr OJ ~ v0f reeTiyoo radio

933. ~~t;5I viciri fan

956. o1lOlTffi@ veLakku lamp, light

346. ffil (f'fT ill Li 3. keLampu- start, begin (of a machine)

2. Transportation and Travel

719. D1 rJ uJ IT oorr Lo prayaaNam travel, journey

145. @ r;:> r@ ®' 3. eranku- descend, get out (of a vehicle)

232. G) @ 3. eeru- ascend, enter (a vehicle, etc.)

253. ~ CS 3. ooTu- run

283. Ei5 UU cO kappalu ship

330. ED IT IJ kaaru car, bus

465. ~ 5- ffi ®6ir caykkiL bicycle

649. U oN
. bassu bus

651. UL@ paTaku boat

740. Yrp u L1 CB 4. porappaTu set out, start (a journey)

769. ~LJ rr 3. /I'rr. poo go

771. ~L.1 IT ffi@621 fJ¢~ pookkuvarattu traffic, transport

885. fJ ~a-\J rayilu railway

899. 0J ~ I1J- vaNTi vehicle, cart

943. cill UJ rr orr UJ vimaanam airplane

3. Dress z Clothin~z and Ornament

17. ~~ 2. pooTu wear, put on

59. ~@ffi~ aRukku dirt; dirty laundry

291. (f;6OJry kare border; bank, shore

304. ffiL9r?@ 3. kaRattu- take off, remove

383. 6085 kayyi hand. arm; sleeve

406. CfLmL caTTe shirt, blouse

445. e=r@riJ@ 9. curunku- shrink, wrinkle

456. GJ5-@LJ Y ceruppu "chappals/ sandals

533. §~ tuNi cloth, clothes

535. 8J~(6' tuNTu towel, piece of cloth

554. 62f)ep 6. tey:: sew

572. f?mas nake jewelry

627. ~cN nuulu thread, yarn


650. U(5 8T pancu, panci cotton

662. U LeE paTTu silk

727. 1-1 L GO) ClJ po Tave sari

714. urrGllrrmL paavaaTe skirt, petticoat

784. LDLt maTi lap; pocket flap of a veSTi

823. LD rr 2ru maale garland, necklace

848. @ O?~ muttu pearl

886. t)6l5lcis fflffi ravikke sari blouse, choli, bodice

975. i;Cll 4 if veeSTi, veeTTi dhoti, a man's lower garment

877. ~wrr€pfJW mootiram (hand) ring

S. Materials and Construction

1. Materials and Substances

173. ~ ~<JlJ rr ED L..O ulookam metal

131. ~@wy irumpu iron

453. r;s:.wLj cempu copper

478. tpF.ETfL.a takaram tin

480. Cf;> rsJ aUJ tankam, ponnu gold

718. L.5) $ Fp 2crrr pittaLe brass

968. 0nJm-<JTF/ veLLi silver

189. GT~~ eNNe oil

278. ffi~~ l1f kaNNaaTi glass

295. ffiuD kallu stone, rock

565. r; tp rr oiJ toolu skin, bark; leather

764. 0LJrrL9- poTi powder, dust

789. LD~ maNNu earth, soil, dirt

. mar am tree; wood
879. GnL1) mayyi ink

2. Buildings

259. as i. L L W ka TTa Tam (a) building; construction

370. ~ L.Lo kuuTam hall, large building

80. ~ ~ W ~ ~ rf) aaspattri hospital

398. Casrr uS} N kooylu temple

694. LJ m- ~ffi fh. L in paLLikkuuTam school

297. dS<N~rfJ kaaleej(u) college

689. L.J v1J ~ '2ov 8; Ef> ~ ffi W yuuniver s i TTi university


959. CJJ (}i viiTu house

90. ~ L5cru aapiisu, aafiis office

254. Qt LL-AJ ooTTal (u) hotel, restaurant

266. $(l6)L kaTe shop
894. OJ n;j ® banku, bank bank

3. Parts of Buildings

13. ~@U4 aTuppu place for cooking fire,

stove, hearth

6 6. ,;){ on 1J ruum room, chamber

256 • ffi EO an. en; kakkuusu latrine

370. en.. L t.!l kuuTam hall, large room

279. a; 6?Cl./ katavu door, shutter

376. fftn.... aJ 'J kuure roof, ceiling

447. 8TGlJf} covaru wall

478. ~m-1r!T'N jannalu window

499. S? ffl rJ tare floor

813. ill rr L!J maaTi upper story, upstairs f1oo~

roof terrace

863. @ 6ru muule corner, angle

922. GlJ rr e:u0 vaaca1 entrance, doorway, gateway

979. CC2J uSi vee1i fence

4. Related Words

274. B5 L.eE' 3. kaTTu build

85. ~ ooaF1 aaNi nail

278. fJ)-eLtf kaNNaaTi glass (the material)

284. as LiJ 6J kampi, vayru electrical wire

832. ~ orr Er rr cr W karaNTu electricity

795. l1J T"fW mar am wood

429. a=-rruEl caavi key

743. ~ C@ puuTTu lock

45. ~ (i\] LL1 rr rfJ alamaari .!- almirah/ (wall) cabinet wi th

doors, cupboard; any shelf

933. ci) ~~ viciri fan

854. (JjJ 2tm- moLe peg, post; wedge

725. ~ poke smoke, fume, steam

15. ;)(onl- aTe': shut, close; lock

18a. ~2c:m- aNe= turn off, switch off

616. ~@ ~~ niruttu- erect

77 2. ~ U rrCE pooTu set, place; turn on (light, etc.)

SECTION FIVE. Humanities and Sciences

T. Learning and the Arts

1. Educa tion

298. as eN 6l5) paTippu education

680. U uS) r? €H payircci training, exercise

701. U rr L tJ) paaTam lesson

905. OJ f)N rr ~ carittram history

382. t as <rYr 5. keeLu:: hear; ask

653. U Lf 6. paTi:: read; study

216. GT ~ §J 3. eRutu- write; take (an exam)

185. crf'R "-.J

6. eTu-= take; take (a class)

551. e 8) l) 3. paaspaNNu- pass (an exam)

78. ~ &JrfJ w fr aaciriyar teacher, author

757. ~ L1 ?" IT ~ rfJ U-l & prafacaru professor

815. W rr oorr <DJ ~ maaNavan student (male)

ill rr ooor o-Sl maaNavi studeqt (female)

694. U m m; as ffn- L La paLLikkuu Tam school (building)

297. a) iv ~ if) kaaleej (u) college

689. uoiJ ~ ~ affi L9 aLa yuuniversiTTi university

7 26. L/ ~ a;, ED LQ pus takam book

1. ~ 8:> ') rT ~ DikSanari dictionary

22. .g)1 ~ ro rr 'J W a tikaaram authority; chapter (of book)

643. U<£ ffi LD pakkam side; page

652. WL La paTam picture, map

739. L/ m- o-rA puLLi point, dot, tittle

892. C2J® UY vak uPpu, klaasu class

686. U 0\.) QO) 8) palake board

745. 0 L..l t:.. L!f- peTTi box, briefcase

759. e,LJ~ pen(nu), peenaa pen

889.- g LD GOl~ meeje) meece table, desk

874. 60) J.1J mayyi ink

2. Literature and Writing

132. ® dV a ffi) LLl t1J elakkyam literature

264. a; Lif ~ LD kaTitam, leTTaru letter

280. as <pOQ) kate story

302. as ~ro? kavite poetry

555. G) ~ rra7J) as toke collection, anthology

594. ~ rr L ffi UJ naaTakam drama

674. U 8) ~ cAmas pattrikke newspaper, periodical

702. u rr '- ~ paaTTu poem

705. U rr C. CB paaTTu song

734. Y 0lJ ru 9'" pulavar poet, learned man

3. Philosophy

62. ~ r0 teriyum know

161. 2..~mL£) nejam truth

188. GT omrr @ 3. nene:: think, [coun t J

287. as ~ @J 3. nene:: think, consider, have opinion

327. ffirrr;~ LD kaaraNam cause, reason

365. ~ n5' 6. kuri:: mark, indicate, denote

366. @ n)l L1 t5)(£ 4. kurippiTu specify, mention

505. @awr LD goNam quality

766. G) U rr uJ poy lie, falsehood

767. Cl) LJ rr @ orr- arttam meaning; substance, matter

891. G1J ® 6. piri".: classify, divide

939. cS) ~ viti fate; principle

941. ffi) ~ ~ LL1 IT e:- ill vittyaacam difference

953. clli ru fJ LcJ vevaram details

4. Arts and Sports

294. ffi~ kale art

404. g:. riJ ffi ~ Lb sankiitam music

594. ~ rT L ffi Lb naaTakam drama

577. f7 L9- 6. naTi".: dance, act

523. ~~'J0LJL..LD cinimaa movie

652. U L tb paTam picture: film, movie, photo

705. U rr L. @ paaTTu song

581. ~ L e:- e;, ~ 1) LiJ naccattram star; film star

958. c;5) ?t;rr u..J rrG 3. veLeyaaTu- play, sport

773. CUI7 L '4 pooTTi contest, tournament

5. Related Words

63. df n,5)615J u.J N vifinaanam science, field of knowledge

81. ~ riJ €;) ru L.D inkliiS English

97. ~ fJ rr c)J 6- €-J aaraacci research

122. ~uJN nature; -ology

169. 2. u5J fJ uyiru life; vowel

494. E? uS) ~ tamiR, tarniLu Tamil

876. Gl LfJ rr t§l baaSe language, word

938. ci'l& @ on 'P liivu leave, vacation

u. Mind and Behavior

1. Emotions

5. ~5ffr 3. bayappaTu (4) fear

36 • t::dl om lJ) ~ caantam calmness

70. ~orr y ampu affection

79. ~@ e=- iSTam desire

88. ~ 8?~ rJ LD aattiram impatience

100. ~ G)J 3. taNi- be appeased

1-24. @ rr ffi as W erakkam mercy, pity, sympathy

150. ~ iT u Lo cantooSam delight, joy

206. GT rjl 2. ericcalpaTu scorn, be angry

259. ffi L 6ID ~ kaTame duty, obligation

29 9 • as G1.l '2oU kavale worry

305. ffi. :§I 6. kaRi-:' reject; subtract

319. ffi rr <pN love

358. ~ ill weB 4. kumpiTu worship

397. ~ a;rr LJ UJ koopam anger

402. e=- riJ ~ L UJ cankaTam embarrassment

407. Ef a<rrr ~ L caNTe quarrel

. .
411. S:-~~~$LD canteekam doubt

516. ~~ 85 §;)(B 4. tiTukkiTu be surprised, startled

531. §.1EhffiLQ tukkam sorrow

584. ~ La Y 3. nampu- believe, trust, rely on

606. ~ 5- e:- UJ L.D niccayam certainty

677. UUJLD bayam fear

692. U t§l paRi blame

717. L5i Lq. ffi@ w piTikkum (to) like

752. QLJ@mLLJ perume pride; greatness; fame

768. C)UITE9l6. poruttukkoo endure, bear with, have

patience, tolerate

775. ~U[T §1LD pootum be enough

781. UJ @ ~ 6:- §:1 cantooSam joy

794. LfJ uJ en a:, La mayakkam confusion

796. 11l rfJuJ rr m cp mariyaate respect

962. GJ ru L 85 La vekkam shame; modesty

977. ~6lJarrr&W veeNum want (to)

2. Mind

287. ffl@ Bl 3e nene:: think, consider, have opinion

288. ffi@ ~ ~ apipraayam opinion, thought

311. ffi rp LJ ~ karpane imagination

312. Ef> QOT GJ1 kanavu dream

6 1 9• r?J ~cror 6. nene:: think

762. mlJJ ~ ~ UJ U:J payttyam madness, insanity

790. €?l ULj

L.CJ matippu value; regard, respect
. .
794. UJ L.LJ a es t..Cl mayakkam confusion, delusion; intoxication

803. LDrp 7. mara forget

809. UJ m- LJJ manam mind

3. Perceptions, Feelings, and Behavior

6. ~L.ffiC§ 3. aTakku- restrain, control

7. ~LrisJ® 3. aTanku- submit, calm down

87. ~ tp 'J Cl.J aataravu support, patronage

160. tam- '1 2. oNaru- feel, realize, recognise

193. GT~ ~ LJ rr Ij 6. eturpaaru:: expect, wait for

255. ~ £.Ll 2. ooy desist; become tired

300. ffi ~ aor l.1l gavanam attention, care

30 1. ED (j)j coFJ 6• gavani:: notice; observe

318. ffi IT amrT Irr. kaNTupiTi:: see; find out

355. ®~ ~ gonam quality

® W6'I(b 4. kumpiTu worship

381. eC5 <n5) geeli joke

407. g:.~ 6Q) L- caNTe quarrel

448. ffi-~61J cove, ruci taste, flavor

507. cp rT ffi ill taakam thirs t

509. 8? fT ffiJ@ 3. taanku- bear, endure; sustain

544. G'J ~ r:fI U-4 Lo teriyum know (how to)

568. ~~rr~@3. tooNu- seem, appear

576. ~ L GlJ L!f ffi<ffi Ei:> naTavaTikke conduct, behavior

635. aT? Ij neeru straight; upright, honest

646. U ~ paci hunger

657. u(B 4. paTu suffer; feel

710. UfTr; 6.
. paaru:: see, try

733. Y rfl LL{ Lb puriyum understand

770. ~ U rr ffi® pookku practice; behavior; trend

923. ru IT l3- ~ vaacane smell, odor

v. Physical Sciences

1. Physics (see also: Weather (03))

63. ~ ~ o.Sl uJN viffffaanam science, field of knowledge

122. @ UJoU nature; -ology

75. ~ EErT UJ UJ aakaayam sky

450. @ rf) uJ m- suuriyan sun

410. tF~~rJm- cant iran moon

581. C? t:. a=- ~ ~ TJ UJ naccattram star

935. a5l Lft 2. viTi- dawn (as day), rise (of sun)

401. 5- ffi ~ cakti power, energy

832. !E) a-rr 5-rr 1) La karaNTTu electricity

247. CJ orA veLiccam light

171. 2.@C2.J UJ ruupam image; reflection

243. ~ <J5l cattam sound, noise

631. C) T?@ UY neruppu, tii fire

7 25 • LJ 61l en poke smoke

2. Measurement

61. ~01T 011 aLavu measure, limit

272. C5 L llJ- kaTTi lump, clump, mass

347. &;) ~ <JL) rr kiloo kilogram

367. @mrp 2./6. kore-/-= 2) be lacking; 6) reduce, cut off

535. c§J ao1rr CP tuNTu Piece , bit , slice; towel

538. §Jo-tfI tuLi (a) drop; a very little

617. r§1 em? 2. nere- become full, overflow

3. Movement, Verbs of Motion

120. @ LLl in fISW eyakkam movement

4. ,g)1 <14> 5- 2./6. ace-/-= move, shake

82. ~CB 3. aaTu- move (rhythmically), dance

145. @~ ffiJ@' 3. eranku- descend, get down/out of

179. &r r? f:9-1 3. uuttu- pour

232. 0/ @l 3. eeru- ascend, climb up, enter

236. GJ rp @l 3. eettu- raise

258. 8) L.. 7. kaTa pass, cross, go beyond

274. ffit..:@ 3. kaTTu- bind; build

292. 6)cft) 7. kala mix

304. as ~ ~@J 3. kaRattu- take off, remove

408. g.~ ~ 6. canti-= meet

454. G) e:- UJ 1. paNNu-, ceyyi- do, make

485. cp CB 6. taTu-= hinder

486. cp t:..@ 3. taTTu- tap, clap, pat

521. ~ @ uy 3. tiruppu- turn (tr.)

522. ~@ La Y 3. tirump- turn, return (intr.)

525. ~ rp 7. tera open

540. §.IT ~ ® 3. tuukku- lift up; weigh

557. C) ~ rT L r; 2. toTaru- continue, follow, pursue

571. rt)ffir; 2. /6. nakaru-/-= 2) move aSide; 6) move, "shift"

616. ~@~~ 3.
niruttu- stop; erect

626. @QO>L§ 2. /6. noRe-/-= 2) enter; 6) poke, make enter

769. (;u rr Irr. (3.) poo go

861. @JCH 3. muuTu- cover, close

920. G)j rr Irr. vaa corne

936. Gl5lCB 4. viTu leave; release; let

955. nSI@ 2. viRu- fall

963. G)G1J LeIi' 3. veTTu- cut, chop

w. Basic Abstract Nouns (see also: Adverbs (F2) and Abstract Qualities (F4))
For other abstract nouns see the relevant section.

28. ~ LJ IT LLJ LD apaayam danger

37. ~ (0) ill LJ Y ameppu structure; organization

49. ~ 6lJ ~ UJ in avaciyam necess~ty, urgency

67. di@-lU61JLn anupavam experience; enjoyment

aapattu adversity
96. ~ryLoULD aarampam beginning

2- G? oDI otavi help

GJ r? LJ rr~ tayaar arrangement, preparation

257. tD~LLD kaSTam difficulty, trouble

327. ffi rr r; arrr ill kaaraNam cause, reason

368. @rp?LD kuttam faul t; guil t

tappu mistake, error

493. f[>ULf
505. ~ an- 00> J.{J
goNam quality, condition

529. ~ Gl5l fJ La tiiviram intensity

589. ~ orr ()Q) L.LJ laapam benefit

612. 11?ffiJ. nele situation

681. Uf)I1JL100J~ parampare tradition, generation

85l. @Wri;J&:) muyarcci attempt, effort

949. cilt: ryrr ~W virootam enmity

x. Basic Verbs (see also section E, Verbs with SEecial Uses)

977. &61J aim- (B W imp. veeNum want; should, need (+ dat.)

544. Q ff; rf) tA-/ LD imp. teriyum know, know how to (+ dat.)

842. (JjJ if u.j LiJ imp. muTiyum can, be able (+ instr. )

717. L5J L4- in@ CD imp. piTikkum like (+ dat.)

775. ~LJ fT ~ L1J imp. pootum be enough (+ date )

733. LJflLLiLo imp. puriyum understand (+ date )

10. ~1f 6. aTi:: strike, beat

58. ~@ 1. aRu weep, cry

68. ~@ LJLi 3. anuppu- send

76. ~(§ Irr. (3) aa(ku) be (so and so), become; happen

82. ~Cb 3. aaTu- move, dance

127. ~@ 7. iru be; stay, wai t, remain

145. ~ ,?ril@ 3. eranku- descend, get down/out of

159. E..La)rr~ 2. ukkaaru- sit

160. 2-~ rj 2. oNaru- feel, realize, recognise

185. OT(B 6. eTu:: take, remove

186. crCG' 3. eTTu- reach, reach for

188. GT~@J 3. eNNu- count, number; [think, ponder]

215. GT@ 2. eRuntiru get up; awake, emerge

216. 0i@&1 3. eRutu- write -

219. vrtf/ 2. eri- throw, throw at

222. GToQr 5. in(nu) say, tell, auotative

eeru- ascend, climb, get into

232. VJE9-1 3.

253. ~C5 3. ooTu- run

292. ffiOlJ 7. kala mix, mingle

308. ffi@ G1./ 3. kaRuvu- wash

317. fhrrt.:.@ ~
3. kaaTTu- show, point out

363. @crrA 6. kuLi:: bathe

37l. ffi1-(b 3. kuuTu- gather, assemble;[unite, join]

374. On.. L..@ 3. kuuTTu- add, bring together; sweep

375. ~ iJJ)(b 4. kuuppiTu call, shout

383. e, ffi an- 5. keeLu hear, listen; ask

390. G) E5 rr~ ~ L1 fTlrr. koNTupoo take away, take along

391. Q!1Jrr~ 611fT Irr. koNTaa bring

394. (j) ffi rr in- 1. -(k)koo gram. marker; [have, possess]

408. crl~~ 6. canti:: meet

416. 5-mLIJ 6. came- cook

424. 5 rriJ 5JCB 4. caappiTu eat, have a meal

454. G)f:f.UJ 1. paNNu-, ceyyi- do, make

469. ~Efrriv Irr. (3) collu- say, tell, inform, request

522. ~@in4 3. tirumpu- turn; return, go back

525. ~rp 7. tera open

540. ya;@ 3. tuukku- lift up, raise; weigh

54l. ~J1i1~ 3. tuunku- sleep

549. e~CB 3. teeTu:' seek, search

556. 0tprrL~@ 3. aarampi:: begin, start

558. 6l e:> rr(E 4. toTu touch

568. ~ 8?rr~@l 3. tooNu- seem, appear

574. T?L 7. naTa walk; behave; happen

575. 3. naTattu- direc t, manage, conduct, arrange

~L Epc§l
584. ,?L.oL-J 3. nampu- believe, trus t, rely on

615. ~4iJ 5. nillu stand; stay; cease

616. ~@~~ 3. niruttu- stop; erect; support

619. ~~ 6. nene-= think, remember, consider


626. ~oQ>~ 2. /6. noRe-/-= enter; poke, make enter

653. Uti- 6. paTi-= read; study

657. UCb 4. paTu suffer; feel, experience

703. urrCB 3. paaTu- sing

710. urri) 6. paaru= see, watch; try (to)

716. SlIt 6. piTi-= catch, take, grab

720. L5}rf/ 2. /6. piri-/= depart; separate, divide

721. LJ1rp 7. pera be born

753. G) LJ @J 4. peru give birth to

754. aLJ er 3. peecu- speak, talk


'eiJU rrrnB Irr. (3)



put, place; throw (away)

803. Wrp 7. mara forget

839. @14 2. /6. muTi-/= finish

861. @CB 3. muuTu- cover, close

919. Gl.l 6iJ 'l 2. /6. vaLaru-/-= grow; raise

920. ruff Irr. vaa come

921. G1Jrrffi1~ 3. vaanku- buy, get, receive

936. GlSICB 4. viTu leave; release; permit

950. ruloiJ 5. vittiTu sell

955. GillijJ 2. viRu- fall

958. c£1?m-wrrG 3. veLeyaaTu- play (game)

983. mru 6. vayyi= put, place, set aside; keep;

serve (food)

APPENDIX II. High Frequency High Literary Words Not Included in the Core

984. ~ivN it is not

985. ~E5) e.UJ rr ~ et cetera

986. ~~CVrrN therefore

987. ~ $ ~ ()O) ffi LLJ this sort of

988. 2..~CE there is, there are

989. E.. oTr Vir existing, being, present in

990. e:@ ~ rr eLl L£1 crowd; society

991. e:rr9"-t5iuV on behalf of (post. + obI.)

992. L5)rp other, different, foreign

993. ()LJrr@~ time, occasion; sun

994. 1.D m-0lJT~ king

995. jJJ rr 6) Lf@ CD very large

996. GlClJ@ very great, much


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