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A Demonstration of The Latex Class File For Wiley NJD Journals PDF

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Received <day> <Month>, <year>; Revised <day> <Month>, <year>; Accepted <day> <Month>, <year>

DOI: xxx/xxxx


A demonstration of the LATEX class file for Wiley NJD Journals†

Author One*1 | Author Two2,3 | Author Three3

1 Org Division, Org name, State name,

Country name Abstract
2 Org Division, Org name, State name,

Country name
This paper describes the use of the LATEX 2𝜀 WileyNJD-v2.cls class file for setting
3 Org Division, Org name, State name, papers for Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences.
Country name
Correspondence Class file; LATEX 2𝜀 ; Wiley NJD
*Corresponding author name, Corresponding
address. Email:

Present Address
Present address


Many authors submitting sin cos tan inf 𝑥 to NJD journals use LATEX 2𝜀 to prepare their papers. This paper describes the
WileyNJD-v2.cls class file which can be used to convert articles produced with other LATEX 2𝜀 class files into the correct form
for publication in Wiley NJD Journals.
The WileyNJD-v2.cls class file preserves much of the standard LATEX 2𝜀 interface so that any document which was produced
using the standard LATEX 2𝜀 article style can easily be converted to work with the WileyNJD-v2 style. However, the width of text
and typesize will vary from that of article.cls; therefore, line breaks will change and it is likely that displayed mathematics and
tabular material will need re-setting.
In the following sections we describe how to lay out your code to use WileyNJD-v2.cls to reproduce the typographical look
of Wiley NJD Journals.

1.1 Procedure to install fonts (not required on Overleaf)

1. All font files are available under the Stix-fonts folder in the zip download at

2. Font installer is available under the same folder Windows-Stix-fontinstaller.exe

3. Execute (double click the EXE file) the EXE file that will install all fonts/map files to your local drive.

1.2 The Three Golden Rules

Before we proceed, we would like to stress three golden rules that need to be followed to enable the most efficient use of your
code at the typesetting stage:

(i) keep your own macros to an absolute minimum;

† This is an example for title footnote.

0 Abbreviations: ANA, anti-nuclear antibodies; APC, antigen-presenting cells; IRF, interferon regulatory factor

(ii) as TEX is designed to make sensible spacing decisions by itself, do not use explicit horizontal or vertical spacing com-
mands, except in a few accepted (mostly mathematical) situations, such as \, before a differential d, or \quad to separate
an equation from its qualifier;
(iii) follow the NJD reference style.
a. Chemistry — Use the “AMA” option as \documentclass[AMA]{WileyNJD-v2.cls}


The WileyNJD-v2.cls class file should run on any standard LATEX 2𝜀 installation. If any of the fonts, class files or packages it
requires are missing from your installation, they can be found on the TEX Live CD-ROMs or from CTAN.
LaTeX document class options

a. STIX1COL— For STIX font large one column layout use the “STIX1COL” option as

b. STIX2COL— For STIX font large two column layout use the “STIX2COL” option as

c. STIXSMALL— For STIX font small layout use the “STIXSMALL” option as


The heading for any file using WileyNJD-v2.cls is shown in Figure 1 .

3.1 Remarks
(I). Use \title{<title> \protect\thanks{<title footnotes}} for article title and title footnote.
(II). Use \authormark{} for running heads.
(III). Note the use of \author[<link>]{<name>} and \address[<link>]{<name>} to link names and addresses. The
author for correspondence is marked by “*” and \corres{} is used to give that author’s address, which will be printed
besides abstract, prefaced by ‘Correspondence to:’.
(IV). For submitting a double-spaced manuscript, add doublespace as an option to the documentclass line.

(V). Use \presentaddress{} for present address.

(VI). In abstract \abstract[<title>]{abstract paragraph} use optional parameter for title followed by abstract
(VII). For Key words use \keywords{}.
(VIII). For how to site use \jnlcitation{\cname{\author{<author name>},
\ctitle{<title>}, \cjournal{<Journal name>}, \cvol{<vol>}.}}.

(IX). For title page abbreviations use \footnotetext{<\textbf{Abbreviation title:} Abreviations>}

(X). Use \articletype{<article category} for article header information
(XI). Use \received{<received date>} \revised{<revised date>} \accepted{<accepted date>} for history


\articletype{Article Type}%

\received{26 April 2016}

\revised{6 June 2016}
\accepted{6 June 2016}


\title{<Initial cap, lower case>\protect\thanks{<title footnote.>}}

\author[<address link>]{<Author name><corresponding author*>}

\author[<address link>,<address link>]{Author Name}

\authormark{AUTHOR ONE \textsc{et al}}

\address[<address link>]{\orgdiv{<Org Division>}, \orgname{<Org name>},

\orgaddress{\state{<State name>}, \country{<Country name>}}}
\address[<address link>]{\orgdiv{<Org Division>}, \orgname{<Org name>},
\orgaddress{\state{<State name>}, \country{<Country name>}}}

\corres{<corresponding author link*> <author name, address.


\presentaddress{<Present address>}

\abstract[<Abstract heading>]{<Abstract paragraph>}

\keywords{<keyword1>, <keyword2>,...}

\author{<aurhor name>},
\author{<aurhor name>},
\author{<aurhor name>},
\author{<aurhor name>}, and
\author{<aurhor name>}} (\cyear{<year>}),
\ctitle{<journal title>}, \cjournal{<journal name>} <year> <vol> Page <xxx>-<xxx>}

\footnotetext{\textbf{<abbreviation head:>} <abbreviations> ..}



FIGURE 1 Example for title page.



4.1 Section headings

(H1) Section — use \section{}

(H2) SubSection— use \subsection{}

(H3) SubSubSectioin— use \subsubsection{}

(H4) Paragraph— use \paragraph{}

(H5) Subparagraph— use \subparagraph{}

4.2 Mathematics
WileyNJD-v2.cls makes the full functionality of AMS TEX available. We encourage the use of the align, gather and multline
environments for displayed mathematics.

4.3 Figures and Tables

WileyNJD-v2.cls uses the graphicx package for handling figures.
Figures are called in as follows:

\includegraphics{<figure name>}
\caption{<Figure caption>}

The standard coding for a table is shown in Figure 2 .

4.4 Cross-referencing
The use of the LATEX cross-reference system for figures, tables, equations, etc., is encouraged (using \ref{<name>} and

4.5 Box text


4.6 List items

4.6.1 Enumerate list styles


\caption{<Table caption>}
\begin{tabular}{<table alignment>}
<column headings>\\
<table entries
(separated by & as usual)>\\
<table entries>\\
\item Source: xxx.
\item[1] xxx.
\item[2] xxx.

FIGURE 2 Example for table layout.





4.6.2 Bullet list styles


4.6.3 Description list


\item[<entry>] description text.


4.7 Enunciations
\begin{theorem}[<Theorem subhead>]\label{thm1}
<theorem text>.

\begin{proposition}[<proposition subhead>]\label{pro1}
<proposition text>.

\begin{definition}[<definition subhead>]\label{dfn1}
<definition text>.

<proof text>.

\begin{proof}[Proof of Theorem~\ref{thm1}]
<proof text>.

4.8 Program codes

Use \begin{verbatim}...\end{verbatim} for program codes without math. Use \begin{alltt}...\end{alltt}
for program codes with math. Based on the text provided inside the optional argument of
Specification|Procedure|Sourcecode|Program]... \end{code} tag corresponding boxed like floats are generated.
Also note that \begin{code}[Code|Listing]... \end{code} tag with either Code or Listing text as optional argument text
are set with computer modern typewriter font. All other code environments are set with normal text font. Refer below example:

\begin{lstlisting}[caption={Descriptive Caption Text},label=DescriptiveLabel]

for i:=maxint to 0 do
{ do nothing }
Write(’Case insensitive ’);
WritE(’Pascal keywords.’);

4.9 Acknowledgements
An Acknowledgements section is started with \ack or \acks for Acknowledgement or Acknowledgements, respectively. It must
be placed just before the References.

4.10 Bibliography

1. Hirt C, Amsden A, Cook J. An arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian computing method for all flow speeds. J Comput Phys 1974;
14(3): 227–253.

2. Benson D. Computational methods in Lagrangian and Eulerian hydrocodes. Comput Method Appl M 1992; 99(2–3): 235–

3. Dukowicz J. Conservative rezoning (remapping) for general quadrilateral meshes. J Comput Phys 1984; 54(3): 411–424.

4. Margolin L, Shashkov M. Second-order sign-preserving conservative interpolation (remapping) on general grids. J Comput
Phys 2003; 184(1): 266–298.

5. Kenamond M, Burton D. Exact intersection remapping of multi-material domain-decomposed polygonal meshes. In: Talk
at Multimat 2013, International Conference on Numerical Methods for Multi-Material Fluid Flows. ; September 2–6, 2013;
San Francisco. LA-UR-13-26794.

6. Burton D, Kenamond M, Morgan N, Carney T, Shashkov M. An intersection based ALE scheme (xALE) for cell centered
hydrodynamics (CCH). In: Talk at Multimat 2013, International Conference on Numerical Methods for Multi-Material
Fluid Flows. ; September 2–6, 2013; San Francisco. LA-UR-13-26756.2.

7. Berndt M, Breil J, Galera S, Kucharik M, Maire P, Shashkov M. Two-step hybrid conservative remapping for multimaterial
arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian methods. J Comput Phys 2011; 230(17): 6664–6687.

8. Kucharik M, Shashkov M. One-step hybrid remapping algorithm for multi-material arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian methods.
J Comput Phys 2012; 231(7): 2851–2864.

9. Breil J, Alcin H, Maire P. A swept intersection-based remapping method for axisymmetric ReALE computation. Int J Numer
Meth Fl 2015; 77(11): 694–706. Fld.3996.

10. Barth T. Numerical methods for gasdynamic systems on unstructured meshes. In: Kroner D, Rohde C, Ohlberger M., eds.
An Introduction to Recent Developments in Theory and Numerics for Conservation Laws, Proceedings of the International
School on Theory and Numerics for Conservation LawsLecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering. Berlin:
Springer. 1997. ISBN 3-540-65081-4.

11. Liska R, Shashkov M, Vachal P, Wendroff B. Optimization-based synchronized flux-corrected conservative interpolation
(remapping) of mass and momentum for arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian methods. J Comput Phys 2010; 229(5): 1467–1497.

12. Kucharik M, Shashkov M, Wendroff B. An efficient linearity-and-bound-preserving remapping method. J Comput Phys
2003; 188(2): 462–471.

13. Blanchard G, Loubere R. High-Order Conservative Remapping with a posteriori MOOD stabilization on polygonal meshes.
2015., the HAL Open Archive, hal-01207156. Accessed January 13, 2016.

14. Lauritzen P, Erath C, Mittal R. On simplifying ‘incremental remap’-based transport schemes. J Comput Phys 2011; 230(22):

15. Klima M, Kucharik M, Shashkov M. Local error analysis and comparison of the swept- and intersection-based remapping
methods. Commun Comput Phys 2017; 21(2): 526–558.

16. Dukowicz J, Baumgardner J. Incremental remapping as a transport/advection algorithm. J Comput Phys 2000; 160(1):

17. Kucharik M, Shashkov M. Flux-based approach for conservative remap of multi-material quantities in 2D arbitrary
Lagrangian-Eulerian simulations. In: Fořt J, Fürst J, Halama J, Herbin R, Hubert F. , eds. Finite Volumes for Complex
Applications VI Problems & Perspectives. 1 of Springer Proceedings in Mathematics. Springer. 2011 (pp. 623–631).

18. Kucharik M, Shashkov M. Conservative multi-material remap for staggered multi-material arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian
methods. J Comput Phys 2014; 258: 268–304.

19. Loubere R, Shashkov M. A subcell remapping method on staggered polygonal grids for arbitrary-Lagrangian-Eulerian
methods. J Comput Phys 2005; 209(1): 105–138.

20. Margolin L, Shashkov M. Second-order sign-preserving remapping on general grids. Tech. Rep. Technical Report LA-UR-
02-525, Los Alamos National Laboratory; 2002.

21. Mavriplis D. Revisiting the least-squares procedure for gradient reconstruction on unstructured meshes. In: AIAA 2003-
3986. 16th AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference. ; June 23–26, 2003; Orlando, Florida.

22. Scovazzi G, Love E, Shashkov M. Multi-scale Lagrangian shock hydrodynamics on Q1/P0 finite elements: Theoretical
framework and two-dimensional computations. Comput Method Appl M 2008; 197(9–12): 1056–1079.

23. Caramana E, Shashkov M. Elimination of artificial grid distortion and hourglass-type motions by means of Lagrangian
subzonal masses and pressures. J Comput Phys 1998; 142(2): 521–561.

24. Hoch P. An arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian strategy to solve compressible fluid flows. Tech. Rep. Technical Report, CEA;
2009. HAL: hal-00366858. Accessed January 13, 2016.

25. Shashkov M. Conservative Finite-Difference Methods on General Grids. Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press . 1996. ISBN

26. Knupp P. Winslow smoothing on two-dimensional unstructured meshes. Eng Comput 1999; 15: 263–268.

27. Kamm J. Evaluation of the Sedov-von Neumann-Taylor blast wave solution. Tech. Rep. Technical Report LA-UR-00-6055,
Los Alamos National Laboratory; 2000.

28. Taylor G, Green A. Mechanism of the production of small eddies from large ones. P Roy Soc Lond A Mat 1937; 158(895):

1 Use \bibliography{wileyNJD-AMA} BST file for AMA reference style

2 Use \bibliography{wileyNJD-APA} BST file for APA reference style

3 Use \bibliography{wileyNJD-AMS} BST file for AMS reference style

4 Use \bibliography{wileyNJD-VANCOUVER} BST file for Vancouver reference style

5 Use \bibliography{wileyNJD-ACS} BST file for Chemistry reference style

The normal commands for producing the reference list are:

\bibitem{<x-ref label>}
<Reference details>

4.11 Appendix Section


\section{Section title of first appendix\label{app1}}


How to cite this article: Williams K., B. Hoskins, R. Lee, G. Masato, and T. Woollings (2016), A regime analysis of Atlantic
winter jet variability applied to evaluate HadGEM3-GC2, Q.J.R. Meteorol. Soc., 2017;00:1–6.

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