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Mission Brief

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Mission Briefing
Your chance at the big time a friend has tipped you off about a job opportunity to do some bodyguard work for a group of exclusive clientele. You have been trying to break into the Seattle shadow scene, and these are just the kind of people that can help. All you have to do is make sure that their meeting doesnt get interrupted. Its a simple walk in the park, natch! Mission Briefing is intended as an introduction/demonstration game for the Shadowrun game system and the Shadowrun Missions campaign setting in particular. It may also be used for players and characters of all experience levels. For use with Shadowrun, Third Edition

DEATH OF A FIXER INTRODUCTION Preparing the Adventures Adventure Structure Gamemastering the Adventures General Adventure Rules Campaign Background Campaign Synopsis MISSION BRIEFING Plot Synopsis Running the Adventure The Hire Freeway Park Late for a Very Important Date Choice Selection An Explosive Situation CASE STUDIES The Drunken Shaman Cyber Snoop A Barbeque in the Park Heres The News The Capricious Spirit Fly-By The Nosey Fed Watch What You Eat PICKING UP THE PIECES LEGWORK THE FIXERS

3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 7 7 7 7 9 12 14 14 16 16 17 17 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 27

ART Art Direction Rob Boyle Maps (Player Aids) Mark Somers

Copyright 2004 by WizKids LLC. Shadowrun and WK Games are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of WizKids LLC in the United States and/or other countries. Shadowrun Missions and tournament details are part of the campaign setting sponsored by FanPro LLC. All Rights Reserved. This adventure is for sanctioned tournament use only and may not be reproduced, repackaged, or redistributed without prior approval of FanPro LLC. Published by: FanPro LLC 1608 N. Milwaukee Suite 1005 Chicago, IL 60647. Printed in the USA. Find us online: (Shadowrun questions) (official Shadowrun website) (FanPro website) (FanPro Commando website) (WizKids website)



Shadowrun Missions

Mission Briefing 2

When the dust settled, there was not much left bigger than a soccer ball. Everything had been reduced to rubble the entire three story building was now just a pile of concrete, rebar, and other clumps of twisted metal laying in the lot of Redmond where the fixers headquarters once stood. The destruction was the result of a war in the shadows; one where no one was the winner, and everyone was the loser, in one form or another. A few of the more dedicated shadowrunners had arrived too late to the scene, and now used both technology and majicks to search the morass of jagged concrete for any sign of life. It did not take long before the worst was confirmed the fixer who had once reigned over this section of the sprawl, and had also been one of the best fixers of the entire Seattle Metroplex, now lay dead and torn amidst the rubble. Digging out the body also uncovered some of the fixers prized possessions a cyberdeck and storage unit, their armored cases miraculously providing them protection against the crushing collapse of the building, were discovered. Also found was an armored and fireproof box which, upon further examination, contained a copy of the fixers last will and testament dated only weeks before. But it was the storage unit that was the most interesting It wasnt until almost two days later that the runners were able to crack the encryption on the files and get to the paydata contained within. What those datachips contained was nothing short of the key to the late fixers entire empire: contacts, runners for hire, markers, access codes, blueprints, reconnaissance photos, and miscellaneous tidbits of compromising information that could be used to blackmail or otherwise ensure cooperation of many of Seattles most influential and important political and corporate figures. Needless to say, the data was worth millions of nuyen, and possessing it alone would make someone the target of all the other predators and scavengers of the shadows that smelled the opportunity. The runners had not survived this long in the shadows though by playing things stupid. They knew that only more conflict and war could arise from releasing most of this data into the world conflict that could end up catching them all up in its folds and spitting them back out as corpses. The fixer had somehow foreseen this eventuality however, for the will contained instructions on what to do should the data be recovered. They all saw the wisdom of it divide and conquer. The will contained a list of almost a dozen of Seattles fixers; some more well known than others, some less powerful, but all had worked with the deceased at some point, and were known to be among the more honorable people that kept the shadow community on an even keel. So it was determined that invitations be sent out to these select few, and that they be gathered for a secret meeting to find an

equitable way to distribute the data so that the balance of power could be maintained and the powder keg of another war in the shadows could be defused A week later, and the select few agreed to the terms of the meet. Downtown, in Freeway Park, would be the location. In order to help ensure trickery and double-crosses, for even these fixers were worried about such, it was determined that a team be assembled to provide security for the event. These shadowrunners would be chosen by the fixers each one could recommend a team member, but it had to be an unknown, someone who had little or no stake in the outcome of the meeting, and may not have even met the fixer who hired him or her. Not all of the runners were available, but those that were able to do the mission received directions to meet at a local downtown bar

Shadowrun Missions

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Mission Briefing is a Shadowrun Missions campaign adventure that serves as an introduction to the campaign setting. This is only the adventure portion of Mission Briefing the maps, player handouts, sample characters, and other playing aids are included in SRM00-01P, Mission Briefing Playing Aids.


Mission Briefing is intended for use with Shadowrun, Third Edition, and all character and rules information refers to the third edition of the Shadowrun rules. The Shadowrun Gamemaster Screen is a recommended r e source, since it contains all of the necessary tables organized for easy reference and is accompanied by the Critters book, which provides more detailed i formation on the n abilities of various paranormal creatures and spirits. Other books that gamemasters may find useful in running the adventure including the following: Magic in the Shadows, which presents advanced magic rules for Shadowrun. A number of the encounters in this scenario involve powerful magic, so these rules may be useful. New Seattle provides an overview of the Seattle Metroplex during the 2060s, including the downtown area where this scenario takes place. G amemasters may find this a useful reference for background information on this area. The Sprawl Survival Guide contains valuable background information about daily life in the 2060s, as well as information about service drones, of which one is featured in this adventure. Gamemasters may also want access to the other advanced rulebooks of Shadowrun: Man & Machine (cyberware, bioware and other mplants), Matrix (decking i and computers), Rigger 3 (vehicles and drones) and Cannon Companion (weapons and gear). These books are useful, but not necessary, for running Mission Briefing once you are familiar with any gear or abilities which are used within this adventure.

also designed to allow certain archetypes to shine and have their moment of glory, so consideration should be given to the composition of the team when choosing them. Each scenario outlines the most likely sequence of events, as well as how to handle u nexpected twists and turns that inevitably crop up. Each one contains the following subsections, providing gamemasters with all the information necessary to run it. Whats Up, Chummer? provides a quick synopsis of the scenarios action, allowing the gamemaster to get a feel for the encounter at a glance. Tell It To Them Straight is generally written to be read out loud to the players, describing what their characters experience upon entering the scenario. The gamemaster should feel free to modify the narrative as much as desired to suit the group and the situation, since the characters may arrive at the scenario by different means or under different circumstances than the text assumes. Hooks describes the mood and helps set the stage for the encounter, pointing out different staging tips for the gamemaster to help make the scene come alive for the players. It also points out different plot twists or hidden things in the encounter the character might not notice right away. Behind the Scenes covers the bulk of the scenario, describing whats happening, what the non-player characters are doing, how they will react to the player characters actions and so forth. It also covers s the setting of the encounter, going over environmental conditions and other properties of the location as well as providing any necessary maps, descriptions of important items, and so on. Pushing the Envelope looks at ways to make the encounter more challenging for experienced or powerful characters and other ways the gamemaster can add some extra spice to the scenario to liven it up, if need be. Debugging offers solutions to potential problems that may crop up during the encounter. While its impossible to foresee everything that a group of player characters might do, this section tries to anticipate any major problems and offer suggestions for dealing with them.


Mission Briefing consists of several scenarios, or encounters. Some of these scenarios form the basis of the adventure, which should be completed in approximately two hours. The section Case Studies contains scenarios which are optional for play and should be used for groups of players that are more experienced in Shadowrun and/or are progressing ahead of schedule and need more content to fill the allotted time. Some of these extra scenarios are


Gamemastering is more of an art than a science, and every gamemaster does things a bit differently. Follow your own personal style when it comes to preparing and running the adventure and do whatever you feel is best to provide the best Shadowrun game you can for your players. Most Shadowrun Missions adventures are designed to run in a standard four to five hour convention time slot.

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Mission Briefing has been written to run in as little as two hours if need be, to allow the gamemaster to spend some time explaining the game rules and universe to new players. As you will see, optional scenarios have been added to allow for longer playing times for those that do not need this initial instruction. Please keep this in mind when running the adventure. You should leave at least 15-20 minutes at the end of the time slot to complete any necessary paperwork and pass out the players Debriefing Logs (see below). This section offers some guidelines you may find useful in preparing to run Mission Briefing (or any Shadowrun Missions adventure). STEP ONE: READ THE ADVENTURE Carefully read the adventure from beginning to end. In the case of a multi-part adventure, you may want to read all the parts from start to finish before you run the first part. This gives you a complete overview of the whole series and how events in the early adventures flow in to the later ones on up to the finale. Get a feel for the overall plot and what happens in each adventure. That way, if something different happens, you wont be caught off guard and you can adapt things smoothly. STEP TWO: TAKE NOTES Take notes for yourself while reading through the adventure that you can refer to later on. Possible things to note include: major plot points (so you can see them all at a glace), the names of various non-player characters, possible problems you notice, situations where you think a particular character can shine and other things youll want to keep in mind while running the adventure. STEP THREE: KNOW THE CHARACTERS Prior to the start of the adventure, examine the characters record sheets and Debriefing Logs for your reference and have basic information about their important abilities handy so you can refer to it during play. Als o go over the characters and keep their previous events listed on the Debriefing Logs in mind when determining nonplayer character actions in various scenarios if such a dynamic has been included. STEP FOUR: DONT PANIC! Gamemastering involves juggling a lot of different things. Sometimes you drop the ball and forget something or you just make a mistake. It happens, dont worry about it. Nobody is perfect all of the time and everybody makes mistakes. Just pick up from there and move on. Your

players will understand and forget about it once you get back into the action.


Shadowrun Missions adventures use the rules presented in Shadowrun, Third Edition (SR3) and various sourcebooks for the game. In addition, there are some house rules which the campaign uses to govern various aspects of the game, accounting for character advancement, and metagaming activities. Standard rules such as success tests, the Rules of One and Six, Perception Tests, Negotiation Tests and other common mechanics are described in SR3 and are not repeated in this adventure. Special rules regarding the Shadowrun Missions campaign can be found online and downloaded for your convenience. NON-PLAYER CHARACTERS Non-player characters (NPCs) are essential to any adventure. They are the allies, antagonists and background characters in the adventure that interact with the player characters. NPCs in this adventure have already been created and can be found in the Cast of Shadows section. The NPCs in this adventure should generally stand up to the average player character, but may need some adjustment to suit a particular group of characters, especially a more experienced and powerful group. The scenarios and NPC descriptions offer tips on adjusting the NPCs to suit the abilities of the characters in your group. Take the player characters abilities into consideration when assessing the NPCs in this adventure and modify them accordingly. All NPCs are given Karma Pool (p. 246, SR3) and Professional Rating (p. 248, SR3) to help level them out against player characters. Note that some NPCs may have a variable Karma Pool or other attributes or abilities based on the composition of the team.

Mission Briefing is intended to be the first adventure that is played by new players coming into the campaign. As such, there is not much of a background to the campaign other than what can be derived from the introduction story and the individual backgrounds for each of the characters detailing how they arrived at this point.

Shadowrun Missions allows players in remote areas as well as those that participate in convention events to be

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part of a world wide Shadowrun campaign setting. Each player can use their character in any approved Shadowrun Missions adventure and earn karma and nuyen, just as if they were participating in a home game. The campaign runs on a two year story arc, which will also include various sub-plots and other story lines on a limited basis . While it is not important that a character participate in every single adventure, an attempt should be made to play them in chronological order. At the conclusion of each adventure, the character receives a Debriefing Log which outlines the actions that were taken by the character some of these actions and their consequences are included in future adventures to create a more vibrant setting where a character can affect future results. Mission Briefing is the first of five adventures which will give new characters an introduction to the Shadowrun Missions campaign and the Shadowrun universe in general. These five scenarios are not included in the main timeline of the campaign setting, and therefore can be played at any time. At the conclusion of Mission Briefing, most players should have a general understanding of the Shadowrun universe and rules system, and their characters should have the basic tools and contacts necessary to enter the shadows.

Shadowrun Missions

Mission Briefing 6

PLOT SYNOPSIS Its a dangerous world and substantial shadow assets are being divvied up at a meeting. One hour of uninterrupted bargaining and auctioning is required to complete the deals. The meet is taking place in a public location, Freeway Park in Downtown Seattle, and that should minimize the risk of interruption but additional special security is required for guarding and to guarantee absolutely no interruption for the specified hour. A deal is reached for each participating member in the meet to supply a runner as a guard. These runners are required to be new to the Seattle shadow scene to avoid compromising loyalties. The runners are to cooperate in providing the meet security. Of course, theyll also be watching each other. In the hour that they must provide security, the runners will have to deal with the public, roving g angers i tent on n havoc, and the machinations of a rival fixer determined to nab the goodies and remove his opposition. This is intended as an introductory adventure, allowing the players to adapt to their new roles and to come to terms with the standard tricks of the trade. Theres several lessons to be learned if due attention is paid. Whats Really Happening A secret meeting of fixers is gathering to negotiate the division of the data and contacts of another recently deceased fixer. The middle man arranging the sale and chairing the meet is a Face who worked for the dead fixer. The Face has set a base requirement that anyone who wishes to bid for these assets must physically attend a meet in person at a set time and location. Only those fixers willing to attend, to bid and to negotiate are turning up. By meeting like this, the hope is that an equitable split of resources will forestall any violent attempts at gaining the lions share of the information. The meeting is taking place in an enclosed pavilion within Freeway Park, which lies adjacent to the Seattle Convention and Trade Center in Downtown. The convention center itself is hosting a meeting of the Confederation of Security Providers. Lone Star is only providing standard city policing over the area, nevertheless there are a great many law enforcement agents in the convention center. The runners must use their wits and be on their toes to guard the meet without attracting the attention of Lone Star or the convention participants. A few fixers have refused this meet. One in particular has decided to use the meet as an opportunity to remove some competitors, after which he expects to seize the data at little cost. By bribing one of the organizing shadowrunners, he has learnt the details of the meet and has planted a bomb at the location. The bomb is extremely well placed and the runners will

have to do some advance background research to discover a suspicion of its existence. A standard precautionary sweep of the area will not locate it. This is, of course, exactly the type of activity that this meeting was meant to prevent! With all the precautions, rumors of this meet have spread. Some law enforcement agents and media personnel may also try to investigate. There is always the matter of the curious public to deal with as well. RUNNING THE ADVENTURE The adventure is written with the intent of challenging, but not overwhelming, new Shadowrun players. The basic main fields of expertise combat, negotiation, magic, rigging and the Matrix are all covered to some degree. Because Shadowrun Missions covers a wide range of players, there is a good chance of having teams lacking in some of those areas of expertise. The gamemaster should take this into account when running Mission Briefing, and avoid situations where a group may be lacking. This game is aimed at shadowrunners just starting out in their careers and it would be overly cruel to destroy them at such an early stage. Even with brand new characters, a group of experienced players could romp through Mission Briefing with some ease. If such appears to be the case, there are further twists and challenges provided in the Pushing the Envelope section of each encounter so that the gamemaster might make things a little more interesting. It should be noted that the encounters detailed in this game are divided into mandatory and optional encounters. Of the mandatory encounters, only one has a set time for specific events. Otherwise the order of events is very much a matter of individual choice. Likewise the team make-up should be considered when using any of the optional encounters, which are keyed to specific character types or situations.

WHATS UP, CHUMMER? Each of the runners are called separately and asked to participate in providing security for a sensitive meeting between a variety of parties. They are given no more than two hours notice of the job just enough time to grab their gear, do the most basic of legwork, and get to the location. TELL IT TO THEM STRAIGHT The mid -morning hours are usually down time for a runner time to catch up on sleep, perform maintenance on equipment, or reflect on past deeds. Most of the action takes place at

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night, under the cover of darkness. Thats why its called shadowrunning, isnt it? Well, not today. This morning you took an urgent call from a trusted friend. It seems that a friend of that friend was in need for some professional assistance, the sort that doesnt come with too many legal strings attached. It appears a meeting is taking place at high noon in Freeway Park, smack bang in the middle of Downtown Seattle. The meeting starts on the dot at midday and ends an hour later. In that hours time, the attendants need to be assured that nobody is going to disturb them. Thats where you come in. For at least an hour, youll be performing peace keeping duties. HOOKS For many characters, this will be their first real bite at the cherry. Stress that. Make sure they know that if they want to live anywhere other than on the streets, then theyve got to get the nuyen. Heres a chance to do that and show their worth. The characters should know that the job offer comes in a narrow window of opportunity. BEHIND THE SCENES This scene is really quite simple. The characters get a job offer and they either accept it or they dont. Each character is contacted separately; as the assumption is that they start play as individuals who have never met. Select the most appropriate contact from each characters list or make up a casual friend or acquaintance. That NPC gets in touch with the character and says that an unnamed friend is looking for skilled help in keeping a meeting safe. The call comes in at mid-morning on a Monday, at a time that would give the character around an hour on top of how much time theyd need to travel and gather gear and get to the job. Each character is initially offered 2,500 to provide security for an important meeting taking place in the Maynard Pavilion in Freeway Park of Downtown Seattle. The meeting is to start at 1200 hours exactly. After that point nobody should be allowed into the pavilion for the next hour. The runners task is to ensure that the meeting is not disturbed by anyone or anything for that hours duration. The characters are asked to meet under the Everett Jets poster in the Combat Biker room of THE Sports Bar on the corner of University Street and Terry Avenue at 1130 hours to meet the other team members. Prep-work and Legwork Characters may choose to do some asking around about Freeway Park and what is happening there. The Legwork section at the back of this adventure contains various pieces of pertinent information for those smart enough to look for it. R e-

member that the characters should have no more than an hour to do legwork before they are due at THE Sports Bar. The First Meeting For many of the characters, this will be the first time that they have met their fellow runners. This could well be a tense and highly charged affair, runners being what they are. THE Sports Bar, commonly considered the best of its type in Seattle, is a family-style restaurant and bar split into two rooms, each catering for a different sport depending upon the season. It is common knowledge in the shadow community that rumors continue to link THE Sports Bar to the Mafia. That alone should be warning enough for characters to keep cool heads. Allow the characters a short amount of time to meet and introduce themselves before a bland looking human man calling himself Trotter will join the group with further details. He will pay each character 1,000 up front with a promise of the rest upon the end of the job. Trotter is a former shadowrunner, and he will freely admit that he knows little beyond what he needs to know to get the runners primed for the job. He will explain a few important details as to what is happening, if asked. More on the Run No doubt some of the characters will want to know specifics about what is expected of them. Trotter can answer the following anticipated questions: What exactly do we have to do? Starting from 1200 hours exactly, the characters are expected to act as security for the meeting taking place at the Maynard Pavilion in Freeway Park. Once the doors are closed at 1200, nobody is allowed into the pavilion unless someone within instructs otherwise. Prior to that time, the attendees of the meeting will be arriving in separate groups your responsibility is only for the external security of the building you do not need to enter the pavilion or engage any of the attendees prior to 1200. Internal security is being handled by a different group. Disturbances within the immediate area are to be dealt with quickly and quietly. Any attempted attacks upon the pavilion are to be intercepted and stopped. Attempts at surveillance are also to be stopped. In short, the integrity of the meeting is to be maintained. At 1300 hours exactly the contract is over and they may depart as they will. Whats going on inside the pavilion? All that needs to be known is that there is a meeting of some importance and sensitivity going on. The runners should not inquire further and it would be best if they dont allow anyone else to do so. Why a team of runners who dont know each other? Apparently each of the parties at the meeting has had a

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hand in choosing the runners, through various friends of friends. It was probably felt best to hire neutral parties with little baggage to complicate matters. What amount of force is allowed? Thats up to the runners, but they should bear in mind that Downtown is rated as AAA security and any overt activity will draw the attention of the legal authorities. Needless to say, that would particularly bad. The team should also keep in mind that the area around the pavilion is public access and this should have a bearing on their actions. What level of threat can be expected? Its unlikely that anyone is going to attempt an all-out assault on the meeting, but theres no predicting the stupidity or determination of some people. Most likely there will be attempts to spy on the meeting through whatever scurrilous means people can think of. Physical threat is most likely to come in the form of gang members, who care little for such trivialities as district security ratings. What resources are available to the runners? Whatever they brought themselves and whatever gear they can get their grubby mitts on at extremely short notice. PUSHING THE ENVELOPE Little challenge is presented in this encounter since it is only the initial hook into the main story. Experienced players may decide to haggle over the price. Should they do so, first remind them that the average pay for a body guarding job, which this essentially is, is around 200 per person. With less than 12 attendees, theyre getting a good deal to start off with. Should they still decide to negotiate, have each character who chooses to do so make a Negotiation Test according to the guidelines on p. 93, SR3. Assume the opponent has a Negotiation skill of 7 and an Intelligence of 6. Each net success raises or lowers the pay value by 250. DEBUGGING Not terribly much can go wrong here except for characters refusing the job or being particularly rude and o bnoxious. A degree of attitude is expected from runners so most of that will be ignored. However, a very nasty attitude should see the base pay drop to 2,000. Should a character refuse the job, initially inform him or her that the job market is a bit slim at the m oment and there are bills to pay. Also, this is their big chance to make a name for themselves those attending the meeting are very important and influentia l in the shadows, and turning this down would ruin their chances for getting noticed and picked up or recruited. If that doesnt work, well, thats just too bad. That character wont be taking part in the job.

WHATS UP, CHUMMER? The runners can make the short trip to Freeway Park and set themselves up to perform the task at hand. There is just enough time for them to have a quick look around the park and familiarize themselves with its layout. TELL IT TO THEM STRAIGHT As a location for a supposedly secure meeting, Freeway Park leaves a lot to be desired. Lying in the heart of the city center, it is surrounded by towering buildings that provide countless vantage spots overlooking the area. Densely populated and with constant traffic, there is plenty of opportunity for those with ill intent to blend in and bide their time. Adjacent to the park is the Seattle Trade and Convention Center. If the banners are to be believed, this week it is hosting a gathering of security providers. That could explain the variety of large folk in neatly tailored (and no doubt armored) suits roaming the park, mingling with the ordinary folk taking their lunch in the area. Well, whats life without a challenge? Underneath the park runs the I-5, the main North-South arterial route through the city and perhaps the busiest road in the metroplex. The traffic noise is strangely muted despite the proximity of the freeway that gives the park its name. The park is an oasis of relative calm in the hustle and bustle of Seattles heart. With a little luck, it may stay that way. HOOKS The runners are working in a very public space in Downtown, a fact they should not forget. Note how colorful the ordinary public can be, with different meta-variants appearing in a great range of styles, not to mention those folk who have undergone SURGE. Serious faced corporate suits rub shoulders with hip teens in lurid skin tight clothes. Outrageous fashions barely raise eyebrows, so its the way people act that will attract attention. Take care to note the environment as well. The park is rigged with microphones and speakers so that visitors can request immediate information sound bites on various features of the park plants, buildings and statues for exa mple. LAVs fly overhead, as do exe cutive choppers and a startling variety of drones. Blimps display constant trid footage of news and advertisements. Occasional shimmers in the air hint at magical activity as well. The Sixth World is a busy and different place indeed. If the characters are making it a point to observe the arrival of the attendees, you can use the section The Fixers for visual descriptions of the various people as they arrive, shortly before

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the noon deadline. Each fixer will be accompanied by one obvious bodyguard. BEHIND THE SCENES This section is intended to be quite freeform. Initially the characters will no doubt wish to investigate the surrounds and perform a quick threat evaluation. Unless the runners disappear en masse to explore the park, allow them this liberty. They should have around fifteen minutes to get familiar with the territory before they are due to be on the job. At first glance the area around the pavilion appears quite simple. It lies in an isolated enclosed area with a single e ntrance. The area, however, is enclosed by hedges and planters which wont pose a barrier to anyone determined to push their way through. Nor will they be much use in stopping bullets. The Parks Layout One of few green spots in the city heart of Downtown, the park spreads over several city blocks. Throughout its confines are spread large planters filled with plants, trees and interactive displays. This makes for limited field of vision and plenty of cover. Further details of important features are as follows: Planters: The planters are three quarters of a m eter high and are made from sturdy plascrete and filled with earth. They can be considered heavy structural material and have a barrier rating of 16. Plants: The variety of plants within the planters ranges from flower beds to tall shrubs. They range in height from a few centimeters up to a further 1 meters (resulting in visual cover up to 2 meters). The plants have a barrier rating of 2. Trees: Spread through the planters are small trees (4 to 5 meters in height) with trunks around half a meter in diameter. The foliage has a barrier rating of 2 and the trunks have a barrier rating of 6. Interactive Units: At various points in the park (there is one at the entry walkway to the pavilions area) are interactive units. These audio-visual displays provide information on various plants in the park, Downtown landmarks, and events occurring in the Convention Center. In addition to providing a means of startling unwary characters (the displays spring to life when people get within a meter) they can also be used as access points into the host system. Use the same rules provided in the Electronic S ecurity section below for accessing the host. The displays are half a meter in height (in addition to the planters base height) and have a barrier rating of 4. Other fittings: Benches, rubbish bins and various vending machines are spread throughout the park, affording other means of seeking cover or hiding spots for surveillance.

The Maynard Pavilion The pavilion functions as a shady spot open to the public most of the time, but can be hired for private functions, as has been done today. It is a small single storey building some 5 meters in height with a gabled roof. It measures some 10 m eters by 5 meters. Its walls appear to be made of wood but this is synthetic and is stronger than it looks. The French doors are fashioned from one-way armored glass that allows those i n doors to look outside, but not vice versa. On each wall there is a central double door and on the long walls there are two flanking single doors. The walls and the doors have a barrier rating of 8. A ward has been set up for the meeting and it is rating 6. In addition there are two force 3 watchers acting as guard dogs inside and a single force 6 Air Elemental. The summoning m agician is in a caf some 300 meters away and can respond astrally as needed. Use the same statistics as those of a Lone Star magician (see p. 114, New Seattle). The Parks Security Scattered around the park are a multitude of cameras and sensors. Most of these are in use for park maintenance, providing up to date information on the state of the park to those who run it. Of course, most of the cameras are for security purposes, since vandalism and gang activity are not unknown. That said, the camera feeds are not monitored constantly automated pattern recognition software generally triggers alerts. A certain degree of system failure is expected and if a few cameras are not operational then alarm bells arent going to start ringing straight away. Physical Security: A handful of guards patrol the park. These are probationary Lone Star officers who for one reason (inexperience, demotion, lack of ambition, etc) or a nother are not fully authorized police officers. Statistics for these guards are provided below. Unless special measures are taken, the guards will be aware of trouble in the park one turn after it starts to occur and will physically respond in 1D6 turns. A standard patrol consists of 2 guards (see below) and there are 3 such patrols in the park at any one time. If the trouble proves to be beyond their capabilities, they can call in proper Lone Star support (see p. 114-115, New Seattle) within a further 2D6 turns. Magical Security: There is only minimal magical security in the park. A Lone Star magician (see p. 114, New Seattle) on astral patrol moves quickly through the park once every 15 minutes or so. Should any character engage in suspicious magical activity the magician will be present and witness such on a result of 1 on a roll of 1D6. What, if any, action will be taken very much depends upon the nature of the magic in use. Spells involving defense, detection or healing are unlikely to raise a response. Combat, manipulation and dangerous illusions

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are likely to rate an instant alert and response, which will arrive in the form of a Lone Star magician with appropriate elemental spirits in 1D6 turns. Electronic Security: As stated, cameras and sensors are scattered throughout the park, but a percentage of them are not operating or monitored at any given time. It is possible, for instance, for the characters to shut down all the cameras near the pavilion for the hour without triggering an alert. The cameras and sensors all feed into the parks host (see below). In order to gain access to the host an Electronics B/ R (4) test must be made to gain access to the devices interior. The base time for this test is 30 seconds. Once accessed, an Electronics (4) test is needed to install a dataline tap on the line to allow access to the host. These same tests can be used to manually shut down each individual device in the network. If the characters make no attempt to shut down the camera network, then their actions are extremely likely to be recorded. Should they do anything suspicious it will be noticed and recorded on a roll of 1 or 2 on 1D6. Park Guards B Q S C I W E R 4 3 4 3 3 3 6 3 INIT: 3 + 1D6 Dice Pools: Combat 4 Karma Pool/Professional Rating: 1/2 Active Skills: Unarmed Combat 3, Car 2, Clubs 2 (Stun Baton 4), Etiquette 2 (Street 3), Pistols 2 (Ruger Thunderbolt 4) Knowledge Skills: City Law 3, Police Procedures 3 Armor [5/3]: Armor Jacket [5/3] Weapons: AZ-150 Stun Baton [8S Stun, Conceal 5, +1 Reach], Ruger Thunderbolt [HP, BF, 12S, Conceal 4, 12 (c) w/gel and regular ammunition] Range (TN): 05 (4), 6 20 (5), 21 40 (6), 41 60 (9) Gear: Commlink The Parks Host The parks matrix system is run from the convention center and is rated Green-5/10/8/8/9/8. Its security sheaf is as follows: Step 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Event Probe-6 Probe-8 Scout-7 Trace-7 Passive Alert, Security Deckers (inferior) Ripper (bind-rip)-7 Trace-7 with trap Blaster-4 Blaster-7 Active Alert

50 55 60 65

Construct-8 (Killer-10, Probe-6) Blaster-9 Sparky-11 Shutdown

Paydata: 3 points (100Mp, 70Mp and 40Mp) PUSHING THE ENVELOPE Experienced players may quickly establish a zone of control around the pavilion and prove to be canny guards. If things appear to be going too easy for the team, then a few additional extras can be added to the mix. Frustrated Technician: If too many cameras are taken out of order a technician may be sent to see what is going on. The characters will have to resort to cunning means (magic, bribery, threats) to ensure that their work is not ruined. Lone Star Patrol: A wanted fugitive has been spotted in the area and a pair of officers has been sent to investigate. Theyll be wary of anyone else acting suspiciously. To really challenge a team, have one of the team members match the description of the fugitive! Annoying Busybody: It isnt only the authorities who can cause trouble. If the area is sewn up too tight the characters could have to deal with a citizen with strong views on which part of the park she can visit. System Fault: Not only the characters can fiddle with the system. The park is a known target for young hackers out to make a name for themselves; they often break into the system to cause mischief. The team might have trouble if the sprinklers start spraying unexpectedly or the music in the parks speakers becomes very loud and not at all to their taste. DEBUGGING The major problem that could be presented in this section is that characters could be outrageous in their actions and resort to overt violence. If it appears that a group may be prone to such activity, a small hint may be required. Have a completely unrelated NPC in a distant part of the park but still in view cause a ruckus and draw some form of weapon. Guards will immediately swoop on this person and gun them down. Sure, theyll use gel rounds, but that wont be readily apparent and the point will be made. If the characters insist on being thuggish, then the same should happen to them. The initial response will be from the park guards, with an escalation through the ranks of Lone Star if the characters cant be contained. However, since this is likely a new experience to many, allow the runners a chance to escape. The district is busy and fading into the crowd should be easy. Should the characters actions seem totally outrageous then Scarper (see The Drunken Shaman) may make some pointed

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suggestions. He was, after all, a runner once upon a time and he is not without some knowledge of the business. Likewise he will step in should matters get out hand in order to maintain the peace in what he considers his home.


WHATS UP CHUMMER Rolando is a fixer late for the meet. He is determined not to miss out in the dealing even though the doors have close. He approaches Maynard Pavilion at a fast march and intends to force his way past any guards and into the pavilion, no matter what. TELL IT TO THEM STRAIGHT Some guy and a pair of big ork girls are approaching up the lane. The guy is striding very briskly, causing flashes and scintillations of light from his abundant jewelry. As he approaches , you can see he appears to be from some Mediterranean stock. The two orkish Amazons step in front and slightly to either side of him and they continue marching forward. This looks like trouble. HOOKS Rolando is convinced he has a right to be in the pavilion and will demand the runners stand aside. Hell then order Betsy and Becky to barge forward and proceed to try and enter. This encounter is meant to put the characters in a difficult situation and make them think on their feet. It is also a chance to allow some of the posturing that is so popular amongst many runners. BEHIND THE SCENES The runners face several possibilities in dealing with Rolando confrontation, persuasion or smarts. In confrontation, the runners may just try to block or threaten Rolando. However if the runners draw weapons, so will Betsy and Becky. If the runners attack, then its a fight between the runners and the bodyguards. If any sort of fight starts, Rolando will use a held action to instantly cast Armor upon himself but he will take no direct spell casting actions against the runners. Additionally, Rolando is sustaining a Detect Enemies spell. Lastly, Rolando is also astrally perceiving. If any projecting magician approaches his active foci, he will attempt to surprise the astral magician by suddenly extending his hand blade weapon focus on a free action and las hing out in astral melee combat. Rolando will also use this weapon against any spirits within range attacking him. During any fighting, Rolando will try to run forward, dodging the battle, and into the pavilion. If Rolando sustains

any physical wounding he will retreat, covered by Betsy and Becky. If Rolando sustains a Moderate physical wound or greater, two of his elementals will materialize a force 5 Fire Elemental and a force 5 Air Elemental. The Air Elemental will used its Psychokinetic and Movement powers to carry Rolando out of danger, while the Fire Elemental attacks anyone trying to interfere with this rescue. As the dust settles, Scarper will make some sarcastic comments about the noise. If the runners try to use persuasion with Rolando, they must first get his attention. This will require some clever thought and words from the runners, ideas that Rolando may be willing to discuss. A successful Negotiation (Fast Talking) (4) or Etiquette ( Street) (4) test will be enough to convince R olando to at least talk for a little while. The runners need to then convince Rolando that he must leave, using whatever leverage they can find or figure out. Play Rolandos obnoxiousness to the full here. Hell argue every point the runners make while insulting everyone at every opportunity. If the runners remain patient and reasonable, they may succeed. After enough time has passed and if the runners have made some good points , then they may make a Negotiation or Etiquette (Street) (6) test. A success on this roll will be enough to persuade Rolando to leave. The runners may also decide to use smarts in this scene. Rolando does not want to draw outside attention to the meet any more than the other participants, nor does he wish to seriously risk his neck. If the runners have set themselves up in such a way that they can simply show it is unlikely that Rolando will enter the meet without suffering significant risk or drawing far too much attention, then Rolando may chose to depart. Roll an opposed test between the Intelligence of the runners leader and R olando. Modify this roll by how well the runners have deployed themselves. If successful, Rolando will depart with a few well chosen insults but grudging admiration. The runners may use Intimidation as a variation on this a pproach. Rolando Rolando is a hermetic mage. He has clearly had extensive cosmetic surgery done and visibly has a few implants. He appears to be of Mediterranean extraction and acts so much like a poor trid stereotype that most people think that he's simply watched too many repeats of Godfather IX. He has all of the accent, all of the clothes, gaudy jewelry (including a gold m edallion on gold chain dangling about his neck), but none of the class. He is boorish, tactless, and generally only cares about himself. He is festooned with various magical fetishes and other paraphernalia, though one small pin is not magic related, but identifies him as a member of the Puget Sound Sports Fis hing Club.

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Rolando always Masks himself as an ordinary magician. Further, with his Initiation Grade he is able to Mask two of his foci his retractable hand blade weapon focus and his I n creased Reflexes armband sustaining focus. He always has 2 Sorcery and 2 Spell Pool dice allocated to Shielding himself (for a total of 4), plus Betsy and Becky. B Q S C I W E BI M R 3 4 3 5 5 6 5.6 0.5 8(9) 4 INIT: 4 + 4D6 Dice Pools: Combat 7, Spell 6 Karma Pool/Professional Rating: 6/2 Race: Human Active Skills: Conjuring 5, Cyber-Implant Combat 4, Et iquette 5 (Corp 7), Interrogation 5, Leadership 2, Motorboat 3, Negotiation 6, Pistols 3, Sorcery 5, Sport Fishing 3, Stealth 4 Knowledge Skills: Acquire Gear 2 (Magic Gear 5), Corporate Background 4, English 6, Greek 4, Italian 5, Italian Stallion Fashion 6, Mafia Background 3, Magic Background 5, Magic Whos Who 4, Ocean Fish 4, Seattles Best Talismongers 4, Shadows Whos Who 3, Street Background 4, Talismongering 4 Spells: Armor 5, Control Thoughts 4, Detect Enemies (Ext) 3, Fashion 2, Fireball 5, Heal 6, Healthy Glow 2, Ice Sheet 2, Improved Invisibility 4, Increase Reflexes (+3) 2, Influence 4, Levitate 2, Makeover 2, Manaball 4, Mindprobe 4, Stun Bolt 4 Metamagic [Initiation Grade 3]: Anchoring, Masking, Shield ing Cyberware: Datajack, Retractable Hand Blade (alpha grade) Bioware: Clean Metabolism, Skin Pigmentation, Trauma Damper Weapons: Ceska vz/120 [LP, SA, 6L, Conceal 7 (9), 18 (c) w/regular ammunition, Silencer, Concealed quick draw holster] Range (TN): 05 (4), 6 15 (5), 16 30 (6), 31 50 (9) Gear : Armband [Rating 1 Sustaining Focus (Masked) w/ Increased Reflexes +3], Ornate gold medallion [Rating 3 Spell Focus (Manipulation)], Rating 4 Expendable Spell Foci [1 for each spell category], Fetishes, Rating 2 Weapon Focus (Masked) [retractable hand blade] Armor [3/0]: Armor Clothing [3/0] Betsy and Becky Ross Betsy and Becky are sisters working together as Rolandos bodyguards. Theyre attractive for ork girls, having coffee colored skin, dark hair and dark eyes. Theyre dressed in tight, dark green faux-leather pants and secure jackets, which accentuates their athletic, muscular bodies. They have been working for Rolando long enough to have learned to keep their mouths shut, and to quickly follow orders efficiently and quietly. When they knock off work they like to head down to the nearest

nightclub or bar to party away the night, especially if it is hosting one of their favorite boy bands. If there are any attractive men in the runner team, especially ork men, and no violence has yet occurred then these girls will eye off the guys and send them a wink or two during the discussions. B Q S C I W E R 8(10) 3 6 3 4 5 0.29 7 INIT: 7 + 3D6 Dice Pools: Combat 7 Karma Pool/Professional Rating: 2/3 Race: Ork Active Skills: Athletics 4, Bike 3, Biotech 2 (First Aid 4), Car 3, Clubs 5, Etiquette 1 (Street 2), Interrogation 2, Intimidation 2, Pistols 4, Stealth 4, Submachine Guns 5, Throwing Weapons 2, Unarmed Combat 5 Knowledge Skills: Boy Bands 6, English 3 (Trog 4), Gang Identification 4, Gang Territory 4, Security Theory 2, Ork Underground Night Clubs 6, Magic Items 2. Cyberware: Wired Reflexes 2 (alpha grade) with Reflex Trigger, Titanium Bone Lacing (unarmed damage (STR+4)M), Cyber Eyes (with Low Light, Thermo, Electronic Mag 3 and Flare Comp), Sma rtlink 2. Armor [6/4]: Secure Jacket [5/3] (giving 6/4 cumulative with the bone lacing). Weapons: Stun Baton [8S Stun, Conceal 5, +1 Reach], HK227-S [SMG, SA/BF, 7M, Conceal 5, 28 (c) w/regular ammunition, Sound Suppressor] Range (TN): 010 (4), 1140 (5), 41 80 (6), 81 150 (9) Gear : Trauma Patches (2), Tranq Patches 10 (2), Antidote Patch 8 (1), Stim Patch 6 (1). PUSHING THE ENVELOPE Rolando may have his three remaining elementals join in any fight which arises. These elementals are all force 5 and are Water (1) and Earth (2). Once the fighting is fully engaged, Rolando may use his Levitate spell to quickly fly above the melee and enter the pavilion. DEBUGGING Any small firearms fire will attract the attention of the Freeway Park patrol guards. As long as all evidence has been removed, a successful Etiquette (Corporate) or Negotiation (Fast Talking) (4) will convince the officers that there is nothing happening worth their time. However, the visible use of illegal weapons or spells will draw an interview from the patrol once they turn up. If the park security host has been penetrated by a decker or the runners remained out of the view of the parks cameras, the only evidence will be the statements of a few park patrons who hap-

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pened to catch a glimpse of the confrontation. In this case, a successful Etiquette (Corporate) or Negotiation (Fast Talking) (6) test will convince the patrol officers that the issue is not worth their time as long as no visible evidence remains. If the park host has not been penetrated and the use of illegal gear has been caught on camera, then the Star will require additional persuasion to ignore the i discretions and so the above test n must be made against target number 8. In either case, let the runners talk a while before making the rolls. If Rolando succeeds in entering the meet, then the runners will hear a brief subdued conversation from within, followed by a period of silence, then a louder argument in mainly Rolandos voice, after which Rolando will come storming out and away with Betsy and Becky. After the door is closed, Scarper will wander over and say I wonder if youre going to get paid now? Those with advanced hearing or other similar augmentations will only discover that Rolando is not well thought of by the other fixers, and that his presence was not requested, nor allowed, during the meeting, and that his continued presence would only be met with pressure from the combined forces of the rest of the fixers.

to speak, is the only one to happen at a set time, for the results of it could be rather dramatic. TELL IT TO THEM STRAIGHT Things seem to be well in hand. A bit of attention to detail and a steady nerve serves well in this situation. It wont be long until the hour is gone and then you can pack up and count the nuyen. But thats the sort of thinking that makes amateurs slacken off and assume the worst is over. So far things seem to be under control, so you really cant afford a foolish slip up. Time to maintain that alertness, chummers. HOOKS This encounter is one of the most crucial of this mission, detailing a difficulty that justifies the characters raison dtre in this job. It relies on the characters being attentive or good at information gathering. As such, the danger should be hinted at throughout the mission, but never spoon fed to the runners. A failure in this section may well be fatal, so give them every chance to succeed. The price of failure is somewhat high. BEHIND THE SCENES One of Seattles fixers has decided that the meeting presents an ideal opportunity to thin the herd and remove some opposition. To that end, a bomb has been placed in one of the gardening drones, the one called Hugh by Scarper. The fluid reservoir has been filled with liquid chemical explosives, which is the equivalent of 5kg of Compound XII. This will result in a 26D blast, and because of the amount of debris from the drone and the surrounds, the blast reduces at -1 per meter rather than the standard -12 per meter of Compound 12. The detonator is on a timed charge, set to go at 1255 hours exactly. Locating the bomb: There are a number of clues to the identification of the bomb. First, the erratic behavior of the drone may be brought to their attention by Scarper. If that information is followed up in the parks host system, then there is no record of scheduled maintenance at that time. Secondly, once half an hour of guarding has passed, any character succeeding at a Perception (6) test can notice that at no time has Hugh done any watering, unlike the other drones. Next, anyone passing within 1 meter of the drone may make a Perception (10) test to notice a strange chemical odor coming from Hugh (characters with chemical analyzers might be able to identify the compound at this stage). Finally, at 1254 hours the drone will move directly to one of the walls of the pavilion. Disabl ing the bomb: The device can be disabled by shutting down the drone, requiring an Electronics B/R (6) test to gain entry with a base time of 1 minute (20 turns). This will also bypass the anti-tampering safeguards put in place by the bomb maker. Failure in this test results in immediate detona-

WHATS UP, CHUMMER? At this point in the adventure, you need to check your timing. You will need about 20 minutes for the final scenario (An Explosive Situation) and 20 minutes to wrap up the paperwork and pass out the results of the Debriefing Logs, 30-40 minutes in all. If at this time, you have at least that much time, plus about 20-30 minutes more, then you should select one of the following scenarios to run at this time: A Barbeque In The Park The Capricious Spirit Cyber Snoop If you do not have such time, then proceed to the next scenario and finish up with tips/pointers for the players and any questions they may have about the adventure, Shadowrun, or Shadowrun Missions.

WHATS UP, CHUMMER? This is arguably the most dangerous encounter the characters will face, yet with some smarts and alertness it could be the easiest to deal with as well. The termination of this section, so

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tion! Once access has been gained, a simple Electronics (4) test can shut down the drone and the timer. It is a simple matter to open the fluid canister and notice that what is inside is not water or some appropriate gardening fluid. A Demolitions (4) test can identify the contents as explosives, as can a chemical analyzer. The canister can also be drained, either by tipping the drone or drilling a hole. However, part of the anti-tampering is to set off the device when the canister reaches half volume, resulting in a reduced blast of 18D if the safeguard has not been disabled. Chrysler-Nissan Caretaker (Gardening Drone) Hand Speed Accel Body Armor 4/4 10 2 1 0 Sig Auto Pilot Sensor Cargo 8 0 1 1 0 Load Fuel Econ 0 E (40 PF) 0.75 km/PF Other Features: Remote Control Interface, Rigger Adaptation, Autosoft Interpreter, Autosoft (Gardening 3), Special Machinery (lawnmower, sprinkler, shears, sprayer), Special Storage Area (liquid tanks, 5 liters total). Note: Drones of this type debuted in the Sprawl Survival Guide. PUSHING THE ENVELOPE If the runners seem to identify and locate the bomb too easily, then it is possible to have conditions change to make life a little more difficult in disarming it. A sudden rainstorm the kind Seattle is famous for could result in acid rain that adds +1 to target numbers for a short while due to discomfort. Slippery, stinging hands make for hard work when fiddling with sensitive electronics. Likewise a large group of noisy school children may distract the runners enough to make things less easy and a lot more stressful. Or perhaps the drone could make a run for it or fight back. In general, though, if the runners locate the bomb through smarts then they deserve to disarm it easily enough. DEBUGGING There is a very real chance that if the characters fail to locate the bomb they are all going to end up messily dead. If such a miserable end is deemed unfair, then allow them some good luck in the form of solid cover and enough warning to dive for it. It can be assumed that Scarper m iraculously survives the blast, if needed, and can attend to the runners with first aid and magical healing. As ever, Scarper can provide clues when the runners seem to be getting nowhere, though do be careful not to overplay his

help. The characters should be allowed as much opportunity as possible to do all of the work on their own. Should the characters somehow manage to defuse the bomb and steal the drone, it is worth a base price of 3,500.

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The following scenarios can be added to the main adventure to bring it to life, as well as to provide clues or challenges for the runners. Many of these scenarios may also be continuously running throughout the adventure, so be careful as to how many of them you introduce dont try to be juggling too many separate scenarios unless you are sure that both you and the players can handle it! Please also be considerate of the time factor involved with this adventure and plan accordingly so that you have enough time left to wrap everything up.


WHATS UP CHUMMER This scenario can occur any time. Tucked in a corner near the pavilion is a bower (a small room created by the overhanging branches of trees) in the trees made by Scarper, a rather strange little denizen of the park. Scarper is a Mouse shaman and the park is his turf. He roams it at will because he doesnt cause much trouble and he keeps the place clean. The authorities let him stay. HOOKS Scarper is a curious little man who will be most interested in the goings on around the pavilion. He will nervously a pproach runners and ask them who they are, what they are doing, and so on. He should be presented as an annoyance rather than a threat. Should the runners start rearranging things to suit them, then Scarper will follow behind and tidy up after them, likely much to their annoyance. BEHIND THE SCENES If any runner takes the time to actually talk to Scarper, he is actually able to provide them with useful information, though it may not be recognized as such. Anyone who succeeds with a Etiquette (Street) (4) test will be told by Scarper that he is very concerned about Hugh. A subsequent Interrogation (4) test will reveal that Hugh is one of the gardening robots. He hasnt been the same since his service a couple of days ago. This is a hint to point the runners to the bomb in the tampered robot. Once a shadowrunner himself, the elderly Mouse shaman called Scarper now seems little more than a homeless drunk liv ing it rough in Freeway Park. There is some truth that Scarper is a drunk, but he still functions quite well nonetheless. He lives in Freeway Park through choice, because that is where he feels closest to Mouse. That does not mean he lives rough,

for his spells and affinity with the local spirits allow him to live comfortably enough. The local authorities allow Scarper free access to the park and dont bother him, for he keeps it safe and clean in his own way. In a sense, he is an unpaid park attendant. A chronic neatness freak, Scarper likes everything just so and he is very house proud. His clothes may be out of fashion and a little strange, but they are clean and well kept. Such is the same with the corner of the park that he squats in at nights a cluttered space that nevertheless has its own special order. As a former shadowrunner, Scarper knows a few tricks of the trade and hes often happy to help out any youngsters that he may take a shine to. His casual side comments usually contain a grain of wisdom and may present useful advice if heeded. Scarper can be a chatty little soul if he takes a shine to someone. Scarper is a short thin fellow with tufts of balding grey hair. His eyes dart nervously here and there and he almost always seems to be quivering, torn between curiosity and flight. A smile always seems to want to make its way to his lips, revealing his general good humor. Scarper, Mouse Shaman B Q S C I W E M R 3 3 2 6 5 6 6 8 4 INIT: 4 + 1D6 Dice Pools: Astral 2, Astral Combat 8, Combat 4, Spell 6 Karma Pool/Professional Rating: 5/3 Race: Human Active Skills: Aura Reading 6, Biotech 3, Conjuring 8, Et iquette 4 (Street 6), Interrogation 4, Negotiation 4, Sorcery 8, Stealth 8 Knowledge Skills: Downtown Seattle 5, Feng Shui 3, Free Spirits 4, Geometry 3, Hygiene 4, Magical Background 6, Small Unit Tactics 4, Street Background 6 Totem: Mouse (see p. 164, SR3), +2 dice for detection/health spells, +2 dice for hearth/field spirits, -2 dice for combat spells Spells: Antidote 6, Armor 5, Barrier 6, Blindness 5, Catalog 5, Clairaudience (Extended) 4, Clairvoyance (Extended) 5, Control Actions 6, Control Thoughts 6, Create Food 3, Detox 6, Diagnose 4, Fashion 3, Fix 5, Heal 4, Improved Invisibility 5, Increase Reflexes +3 2, Makeover 3, Mana Static 5, Mind Probe 6, Resist Pain 3, Silence 4, Stealth 5, Treat 6 Metamagic [Initiate Grade 2]: Masking, Shielding Armor [4/2]: Long Coat [4/2] DEBUGGING Should Scarper adopt someone then he will help them out with his magic as best he can. However, he rarely involves

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himself directly in conflict, but uses his abilities to support others in their struggles. The shamans main motivation is to see that the park is not damaged and that its serenity and spiritual rightness is maintained. To that end he may follow folk around, returning moved objects to their proper place, often without those who moved things noticing until later.

WHATS UP CHUMMER This scenario can occur any time. There is a small beagle trotting around the park, unattended. The dog is much more than he seems. Based on what the characters are doing at the time, having the beagle around could turn into a liability. HOOKS The beagle can be added by having it appear and begin chewing playfully on one of the characters ankles. It may also just be exploring when it comes across the runner(s) and stops suddenly to sit down and watch what is going on. The characters may ignore the dog if they fail their Perception Tests (see below). BEHIND THE SCENES Snoop is an exhibit from the security conference and he has been left to roam the park as a display of his surveillance abilities. Snoop is wired for sight and sound and whatever he sees and hears is being relayed back to a display screen at a booth in the convention center. Any time that a runner gets involved in some activity, roll 1D6. On a result of 1, that activity has been recorded in some fashion by Snoop. There is a chance that this may call down park security upon the character(s). Any character(s) that pays attention to Snoop should make a Perception (6) Test. With one success, the character can note that Snoop has a listening bud in his ear with a cable running to his collar. Two or more successes reveal the additional information that the dogs eyes do not appear to be natural. If a character looks at Snoop using astral perception, the dogs augmentations are readily apparent. Snoop has not been left without some psychological damage from the cyber-implants; he has become a chronic chewer, taking every opportunity to gnaw away at whatever is handy table legs, cushions, boots, gun stocks

Snoop, Cyber Beagle B Q S C I W E R 1 4 (x4) 1 2/4 3 4.64 4 INIT: 4 + 1D6 Dice Pools: Combat 4 Attacks: 3L, -1 Reach Cyberware (all Beta-Grade): Chemical Analyzer & Gas Spectrometer, Cybereyes (with Flare Compensation, LowLight, Opticam and Thermographics), Datajack, Hearing Amplification, Hearing Dampener, High Frequency Hearing, Low Frequency Hearing, Recorder, Select Sound Filter Rating 5 Gear: Collar (with Cell Phone, Ear-buds, Micro-Tranceiver Rating 2, Signal Encryption 4, Storage 400 Mp, Tracking Signal AOD Rating 4 DEBUGGING Characters who identify Snoops special features may decide to steal the little mutt, either to keep him as a pet or to sell him. This will take some effort as the dog is recording and transmitting trid footage. Even if a character should succeed, Snoop has special dietary supplements that keep him from rejecting the cyber-implants. Without them, he will turn vicious and eventually die.


WHATS UP CHUMMER This scene can occur any time. Two drug-crazed gangers high on Kamikaze (a designer combat drug, see Man & Machine), a controlled pharmaceutical, ride their bikes into the park. Theyve stolen a couple of flamethrowers which they spray around the park at targets of opportunity. They are headed straight for the pavilion, a structure with several fla mmable comp onents. TELL IT TO THEM STRAIGHT Some hoots and yells draw your attention as a couple of gangers ride their bikes off Seneca into the park. Dressed in black, they have jack o lanterns blazoned on their jackets and theyre wearing devil masks on their faces. A sudden great eruption of flame and you realize one of them, no wait, both of them, have fragging flamethrowersand theyre coming your way! HOOKS This encounter is an aggressive situation, allowing characters to deal with the rough reality of life in the sprawl. This need not mean extended combat, though no doubt some folk will relish the opportunity. The intent is to put the characters in

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a dangerous situation and let them find a way to deal with it that suits their personalities and the mission at hand. BEHIND THE SCENES These gangers are new recruits in the Halloweeners one of the most violent gangs in the metroplex (see p. 38, New Seattle). They are trying to build their gang rep by committing the usual outrageous, psychotic acts typical of the Halloweeners. They will tear through the park, across grass and along paths, terrifying the park patrons. If they see something that captures their drugged fancies, theyll hit it with a shot from their flamethrowers. They will try to spray a couple of visible runners, and the hedge surrounding the pavilion, or the pavilion itself, after which they will attempt to ride off through the park and into the city before the Star intervenes. If not stopped, they will return for additional sweeps, deliberately focusing on the pavilion the gangers seem to have chosen this structure for a burn. In each sweep, the gangers will expend three or four shots from the flamethrowers tanks. The gangers keep their distance and so it may become apparent that stopping the gangers will r equire a bike or drone (or some vehicle) chase across the park (if possible) or at least a chase through the streets of Seattle to finally capture and confront them. If theyre successfully attacked, the gangers will immediately concentrate flamethrower sprays on the attackers while yelping, taunting and laughing. Using these flamethrowers while on their bikes is not easy and so the gangers suffer a +2 penalty to their Spray Weapon success test, after which they must spend their next action making a Handling test for their bikes. Once the flamethrowers are emptied, they will fight with their pistols. If forced to a melee, they prefer to use their knives. At first, Toss and Crawler fight without seeming to feel any pain crazed, wide-eyed and frantic. They will not back down until seriously wounded or Lone Star officers a ppear. They prefer to remain on their bikes, allowing them to taunt at a distance but sweep in and out of range for attacks. Smart runners may try to draw the gangers away from the meet and lead them off across the park and into the city to be someone elses problem, as long as the runners can offer convincing bait (e.g. the gangers can be taunted with Etiquette skill). If the runners succeed in this, they may avoid any violence. However, the gangers will return if they have not been subdued. Other social skills can be used here. An appropriately ferocious runner may use Intimidation even though the gangers are intoxicated. Imaginative runners may be able to offer something in a Negotiation, if they can gain the gangers drugcrazed attention. A Lone Star patrol will appear 1 minute (20 turns) after the first attack (theyve been busy elsewhere). They will interview

any citizens who witnessed (or participated) in the rampage. The cops know the Halloweeners and are not particularly interested in citizens merely defending themselves or protecting others, unless some runners have been very careless (i.e. visibly used illegal weapons). Etiquette or Fast Talking are appropriate here to dodge difficult questions from the Star (see Debugging). Halloweeners (2) Toss and Crawler are wearing black boots, pants, shirts and jackets with a fiery jack o lantern image. They have orange bandannas tied around their arms, legs and necks, and are wearing Halloween devil masks on their faces. They are new r ecruits to the gang and they both need to build some rep with the other gangers. Their current stats are Kamikaze -boosted with their normal stats in brackets. Further, Kamikaze gives these gangers pain resistance for the first four boxes of damage, equivalent to the similar Adept Power (see p. 170, SR3). Crawler B Q S C I W E R 6(5) 5(4) 8(6) 3 4 6(5) 5.5 4 INIT: 4+3d6 (4+2d6) Dice Pools: Combat 7 (6) Karma Pool/Professional Rating: 2/3 Race: Human Active Skills: Athletics 3, Bike 4, Bike B/R 2, Club 3, Edged Weapons 2, Etiquette 1 (Street 3), Intimidation 2 (Physical 4), Negotiation 2, Pistols 3, Spray Weapons 4, Unarmed Combat 4, Whips 2 Knowledge Skills: Downtown Abandoned Buildings 3, English 3 (Cityspeak 4), Gang Identification 4, Gang Turf 4, Illegal Drugs 5 Cyberware: Boosted Reflexes 1 Weapons: Knife [(STR)L], Colt American L36 [LP, SA, 6L, Conceal 6, 11 (c) w/regular ammunition] Range (TN): 0 (4), 5 615 (5), 1630 (6), 3150 (9), Flamethrower [Flame, SS, 8M, Conceal , 10 (tank), may attack multiple targets using shotgun spread rules, damage reduced by Impact armor] Range (TN): 010 (4), 1120 (5), 21 50 (6), 51 100 (9) Armor [5/3]: Armor Jacket [5/3] Gear : Mitsuhama Blaze Racing Bike [H:2/4, Spd:210, Acc:11, B:2, A:0, Sig:2, Sens:0, Vehicle Points: +5]

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Toss B Q S C I W E R 4(3) 6(5) 5(3) 6 5 6(5) 6 5 INIT: 5+2d6 (5+1d6) Dice Pools: Combat 8(7) Karma Pool/Professional Rating: 2/3 Race: Elf Active Skills: Athletics 3, Bike 3, Club 3, Edged Weapons 2, Etiquette 2 (Street 4), Intimidation 2 (Physical 4), Negotiation: 2, Pistols 3, Spray Weapons 4, Unarmed Combat 4 Knowledge Skills: (Meta)human Anatomy 3, BTLs 3, English 4 (Cityspeak 5), Gang Identification 4, Gang Turf 5, Pornography 6 Weapons: Knife [(STR)L], Colt American L36 [LP, SA, 6L, Conceal 6, 11 (c) w/regular ammunition] Range (TN): 0 (4), 5 615 (5), 1630 (6), 3150 (9), Flamethrower [Flame, SS, 8M, Conceal , 10 (tank), may attack multiple targets using shotgun spread rules, damage reduced by Impact armor] Range (TN): 010 (4), 1120 (5), 21 50 (6), 51 100 (9) Armor [5/3]: Armor Jacket [5/3] Gear : Mitsuhama Blaze Racing Bike [H:2/4, Spd:210, Acc:11, B:2, A:0, Sig:2, Sens:0, Vehicle Points: +5] PUSHING THE ENVELOPE This scene should be ample challenge for starting characters. However, if some extra challenge is needed: The gangers may be equipped with a couple of offensive hand grenades [SS, 10S, Blast: -1/m] which they will throw at any pursuing vehicles. While the runners are battling the gangers, the Lone Star patrol officers arrive and attack the gangers. In the confusion, the officers also attack the runners. The scared park patrons run into the pavilion grotto to escape the crazy gangers. Some will try to enter the pavilion itself. DEBUGGING The main thing that can go wrong with this scene is some runners tendencies to pull out the big guns in a situation like this. Any action taken against the gangers can be considered self defense or protection of the citys citizens, and so the Star is willing to overlook some indiscretions. However, the visible use of illegal weapons or spells will draw an interview from the Star once they turn up. If the park security host has been penetrated by a decker or the runners remained out of the view of the parks cameras, the only evidence will be the statements of a few park patrons. In this case, a successful Etiquette (Corporate) (6) or Negotiation (Fast Talking) (6) test will convince the Lone Star officers that the issue is not worth their time. If the park host has not been

penetrated and the use of illegal gear has been caught on camera, then the Star will require additional persuasion to ignore the indiscretions and so the above tests must be made against target number 8. In either case, let the runners talk a while before making the rolls. If any park patrons are injured by the runners in the use of illegal weapons, the Star cannot be persuaded to look the other way. The alleged offender(s), if he or she hang around, will be taken by the Star. If the runner(s) resist, they will face an escalating confrontation with the Star. If not stopped, the gangers will spray the pavilion and it will catch aflame. This can be easily extinguished by blankets, a few buckets of water or appropriate magic. This will, however, result in the early conclusion of the meeting if not stopped immediately.


WHATS UP CHUMMER A reporter, Pete/Petra (the sex of this NPC is based on the composition of the party see Hooks section below), has discovered rumors of the meet and its purpose. S/he has heard that the meet is going down somewhere in Freeway Park at this time. S/he approaches the runners if s/he spots them to see what information they can provide. Pete/Petra is very attractive and charismatic, and has excellent people skills. S/he is very smart, suspicious and tenacious, and will zero in on the runner most likely to be swayed by his/her charms. TELL IT TO THEM STRAIGHT The park patrons are enjoying the sunshine and open air. Some balls are being thrown, people are strolling along the paths, and groups are forming and dispersing as friends or colleagues are recognized. One park patron in particular, quite a looker, has been talking to various people in the park and is now approaching the pavilion. HOOKS This encounter is designed so that the characters have to resist the charms of a suitable foil of the most appropriate opposite gender. The gender of the reporter should be chosen to be appropriate to suit the sexual persuasion of the majority of the team, or that of the obvious team negotiator. Pete/Petra will approach one or more of the runners (if visible) and attempt to question them. S/he will be affable, friendly and quite seriously charming. S/he will use his/her Etiquette skill to persuade the runners to speak with him/her or, if that fails, attempt to Bargain with them for information.

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BEHIND THE SCENES Pete/Petra has a budget of 5,000 to pay for an interview, though s/he will, of course, start much lower. If any runner, deliberately or by persuasion, agrees to an interview, Pete/Petra will then turn her formidable intervie wing skill upon them in an attempt to extract everything the runner knows about the meet. If given the brush off, Pete/Petra will hang round the park, keeping an eye on the runners. Whenever anything happens, s/he will approach the runners again. This will continue through the remaining scenes of this run. Pete/Petra Sprent (Investigative Reporter) Pete/Petra is in his/her mid-twenties and is extraordinarily good looking. S/he knows this and uses it to his/her advantage in following leads and chasing stories. S/he is dressed in the latest casual fashion which only helps to enhance his/her appearance. It has been a while since s/he has had a good scoop and s/he needs this story to maintain his/her rep in the cutthroat journalism industry. B Q S C I W E BI R 4 4 3 7 6 5 5.8 1.4 5 INIT: 5+1d6 Dice Pools: Combat 7 Karma Pool/Professional Rating: 3/2 Race: Human Active Skills: Biotech 2 (First Aid 4), Car 3, Chinese 4, Co mputer 3 (Search Operations 5), English 7, Etiquette 6, Interrogation 4 (Verbal 6), Japanese 5, Negotiation 5, Pistols 3, Russian 2, Salish 4, Stealth 3, Unarmed Combat 4, Winged Aircraft 5. Knowledge Skills: Bad Puns 6, Black Market Operations 3, Corporate Background 4, Information Searching 4, I terview n Techniques 4, Paranormal Creatures 2, Politics Gossip 2, VIP Whos Who 6, Shadows Whos Who 2, Street Background 4, Street Sources 3 Cyberware: Datajack Bioware: Clean Metabolism, Mnemonic Enhancer 3, Tailored Pheromones 2 [+2 dice for all Social Skill and Charisma success tests]. Weapons: SA Puzzler [LP, SA, 6L, Conceal 6, 12 (c) w/gel ammunition] Range (TN): 05 (4), 6 15 (5), 16 30 (6), 3150 (9) Gear : Pocket Secretary Armor [3/0]: Armor Clothing [3/0] PUSHING THE ENVELOPE Pete/Petra may provide additional inducements to the runners (i.e. offering introductions to new street contacts, offering to be a future source of information to the runners him/herself,

offering to take the runners to some great bars and exclusive nightclubs for a great night out on the town, etc). Lastly, Pete/Petra may offer to trade some information s/he has discovered a rumor about a bomb at this meet. If the runners have not yet found the bomb, they may be very interested in this information. Pete/Petra will bargain hard once the runners indicate an interest refusing to say anymore until the runners agree to an interview. Pete/Petra may also know information to fill in the gaps from the Legwork section. DEBUGGING The runners may be so very well hidden that the reporter does not spot them. In that case, Pete/Petra will approach the Maynard Pavilion and start checking the place over. S/he will continue investigating until Scarper or the runners approach him/her. Scarper will be happy to talk about what hes seen, which may cause the runners to rapidly intervene. Some runners may attempt to kill the reporter. If possible, Pete/Petra will attempt to defend him/herself and flee. If s/he is killed, check to see if any of the park patrons or unsecured cameras observed the murder. If anyone did, the park patrol will arrive within a few turns. If the guilty runners do not hide, surrender or flee, an escalation of Lone Stars forces (in cooperation with the conference attendees lunching in the park) will hit the runners until they are dead or captured. If the runners manage the reporter by capturing and secluding him/her, check to see if anyone observed this. If they did, the runners will be approached by the observer to explain what was seen. The runners will need to make a Negotiation (Fast Talking) roll to convince the park patron he was mistaken in what he thought he saw. Once released after the meet has concluded, Pete/Petra will smother his/her outrage and once again request an interview. At that point the runners can either supply the interview or depart. If any runners succumb and supply the reporter with an interview, during or after the meet, some very cutting observations should be delivered to the interviewed runners from their contacts. Talking to anyone, especially a reporter, is very unprofessional for runners. On the up side, though, such an interview may result in the runner(s) acquiring Pete/Petra as a contact.


WHATS UP CHUMMER? This encounter can start early in the piece and carry on for the rest of the mission. The runners must endure or control a free Field spirit. The runners seem to be having a bit of bad luck on this job. Right from the start, they find themselves in

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small mishaps, few at first but increasing in intensity as the hour passes until they cannot be ignored. The runners have attracted the attention of a free Field spirit of Freeway Park. This spirit, appearing as a small female human child, amuses itself by using its Accident power upon people in the park and, in particular, any of the runners that attract its attention. TELL IT TO THEM STRAIGHT It isnt easy maintaining your guard with the distractions provided by the wage slaves in the park. Joggers tripping over their own left feet, couples yelling in disgust after discovering what theyve rolled over in the grass, picnickers spilling their food and drink over each other. But its not your problem. You just need to stay arctic and alert. HOOKS The intent of this encounter is to bring a little bit of chaos into the runners lives without totally ruining their control of the situation. The spirits intent is to have fun rather than to hurt the runners. The spirit will use its Accident power upon any runner she can see. She will also tend to chose her targets and her timing so that an accident will be most inconvenient for that target. For this reason, this scene should commence early in the game and run as a background to the other scenes. The spirit only uses its accident power infrequently on one runner at a time, enough to be an annoyance but not enough to cause too much paranoia (in theory, that is). That is, at least, until a significant part of the hour has passed. Once enough time has passed, the spirit will target one runner and inflict that runner with accident after accident continuously. The spirit will choose a runner that has damaged, deliberately or accidentally, the park or if the runners have been especially careful, the spirit will choose the runner who appears slowest in mind and body (the runner with the least Intelligence and Quickness). BEHIND THE SCENES The field spirit materializes as a short (1 meters tall) but properly proportioned human girl child with sneakers, dark brown pants, a green halter top and a yellow cap. She usually has a skateboard with her. When materialized, she will be either cart-wheeling across the grass, sniffing flowers, climbing the parks trees and bushes, or skateboarding the paths and slopes. The spirit will be careful around any magicians, attempting to stay out of their line of sight. The spirit will especially stay completely away from Scarper. She will always appear to just be a child playing in the park, among the many other people enjoying their lunch time. However, a careful runner explicitly

studying the little girl and succeeding with four or more successes on a Perception (4) test will notice that the girls movements do not always seem to quite follow the exact contours of the solid ground. Anyone astrally perceiving will notice straight away that the little girl is a materialized spirit. Free Field Spirit B Q S C I W E SE R 6 7x3 3 4 4 4 (4)A 1 5 INIT: 15+1d6 (25 +1d6 astral) Attacks: 2M (4M Astral) Powers: Accident, Concealment, Human Form, Guard, Materialization, Search The accidents will tend to be inconveniencing and comical rather than dangerous. Possibilities are: Slip on wet grass (and keep slipping down any exis ting gradient) Get snagged in branches (repetitively) Visited by a seagull or other birds with a donation A passing person spills drink or food on the runner A ball sails over the hedge to hit the runner directly on the head A runner suddenly fumbles any weapon they hold and if dropped has trouble picking it up again A child runs into a runner, ramming a vulnerable body part head first (bad if not protected by appropriate armor) A loose door or window shutter swings and knocks a runner in the head A seated runner slips off a flat park bench/tree/any other platform A piece of trash is blow onto a runners face and temporarily blinds him or her Use your imagination, a park is a great place for both mundane and strange accidents. If the runners approach the spirit, she will back away. If they try to grab her, she will flee across the park apparently terrified and calling out whatever will most embarrass the runners. If they corner her she will flee into astral space and hide. Anyone who succeeds in hurting her will become her chief target while they remain in the park and her accidents will change to be hurtful and dangerous. PUSHING THE ENVELOPE The last thing the runners should want is to draw attention to themselves. So use every opportunity to make these a ccidents noisy (i.e. draw the attention of other park patrons and patrol officers). In addition, to add to the confusion, introduce several children into the park who all happen to be similar in age and appearance to the spirits material form.

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If the runners chase the spirit, some adults in the park will move to help a small child apparently being threatened or chased by strangers. The runners may have to endure lectures, accusations, cold stares, threats, demands and physical intervention attempts. If the runners are too cocky, some of these folk will be very skilled security professionals from the Security Providers Conference enjoying lunch in the park. The free spirit may become less passive and a little more direct with the runners. She may appear on the pavilion roof and pelt the runners with park trash (some of the less pleasant items) and then disappear before anyone can do anything. The spirit may attempt to steal any shiny or interesting items a runner has placed to one side or is held only loosely about their body. She will drop these items somewhere in the park once she grows bored with them. DEBUGGING The runners may not figure out why the accidents are happening. Eventually one of them will notice the small girl looking at the current victim of an accident and laughing. She will be faintly translucent with some trees or buildings faintly vis ible through her. If they dont get the hint, just have fun with them as the accidents continue through the remaining scenes. If the runners are having problems with the spirit, Scarper may appear and offer some advice with the appropriate sardonic comments. He will advise that an Astral Barrier, even a weak one, between the spirit and its victim will completely protect the victim from its powers if a team m agician has the spell. He will also advise that the Guard power from another spirit can help protect a target against Accident power. If either of these defenses are used a few times, the spirit will grow bored and wander away els ewhere in the park to play, only to appear later to cause more chaos at a most inconvenient time. If pushed, Scarper may mumble a few comments about banishing the spirit, as a last resort.

the drones are perfectly lined-up on one or more of runners as they make their attack run. TELL IT TO THEM STRAIGHT Here you are, playing guardian angels in a park with minimal cover, a little patch of greenery in the middle of the Sprawl. The endless crowded flow of activity and metahumanity hums around, over, and sometimes through the park. What dominates your senses, what never leaves your attention, is the monstrous Renraku Arcology looming overhead. After what happened in that place, what might be watching through those thousands of windows, well youve heard too many stories about that mega-building: the shutdown, the siege, the slow, vicious fight for recovery... some you cant believe, some you dont want to believe Now, theres a distant whine, several whines of something drawing near. You look and see three dots approaching very fast down the I-5 canyon. In another instant you can identify them as VTOL drones mounting large guns large guns pointing right at you. HOOKS This encounter is designed to give the runners a big scare and to teach them the lesson that sometimes its best to evaluate a seemingly dangerous situation without unleashing the heavy firepower straight away. Unless the characters react violently to the situation they are not really at risk. It is suggested that this encounter be used to shake up any teams who start to become just that bit too smug. BEHIND THE SCENES The drones are in robot mode and will ignore the runners unless fired upon. Their flight plan is registered with Lone Star and a minor bureaucrat has decided to give the park patrons a thrill. If not attacked by the runners, the drones swoop overhead with a high pitched whine and disappear into the Convention Center complex to commence their assault run. The runners will hear the sound of the three drones LMGs. The scene is then over. If any runner attempts to attack a drone (they are small targets and moving very fast), they will trigger the drones preprogrammed demonstration (though reasonably independent, robots are still just dog brains and tend to make mistakes). The drones will then switch back to their mission profile and commence their runs at the Convention Center. The park patrol will quickly arrive to investigate this incident. If the runners did not use any illegal weaponry, a successful Etiquette (Corporate) o r Negotiation (Fast Talking) (4) test will convince the officers to not pursue the matter. The three drones all have held actions and will immediately attempt to Sensor Lock the source of the attack u sing

WHATS UP CHUMMER This optional scene can occur any time, preferably when the runners are most tense and paranoid. Wuxings Seattle branch is providing a drone demonstration for the Confederation of Security Providers conference. A wing of three VTOL drones flies in low over the park on an attack run into the Convention Center. There they will perform an attack demonstration on some dummy targets. The drones are operating on just their robot brains without rigger intervention. By coincidence

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eight dice (Sensor, Clearsight plus Adaptation Pool) versus the shooters Signature (base 5 for trolls and 6 for the other races, modified by certain cyber/bioware ). If only one runner attacked, then all three drones will target that runner. If more than one runner attacked, split the drones actions between the attacking runners to a maximum of three runners. If Sensor Lock is achieved, the drones will fire two 3-round bursts at the target(s) as they sweep past. Each burst fire from a drones LMG does 8D Stun with the drones rolling base 7 dice (Pilot plus Sharpshooter plus Sensor) in the attack, plus additional dice from the IVIS pool as the GM chooses. Wuxing Azure Cloud UAV (3) Handling Speed Accel Body Armor 3 210 12 2 3 Sig Pilot Sensor Cargo Load 6 3 2 0 0 INIT: 6+3d6 Pools: IVIS 4, Adaptation 3 Other Features: Robot-pilot advanced programming, Autosoft interpretation system (Clearsight 3, Sharpshooter 3), Robotic reflexes 2, One external firmpoint with LMG [BF/FA, 5S Stun, armed with Gel ammo, half recoil due to turret], Battletac IVIS Receiver Module. LMG Ranges (TN): 0-75 (4), 76-200 (5), 201-400 (6), 401-800 (9) Each drone will interrupt its sequence and return to base at maximum acceleration if it takes Medium or Serious damage. PUSHING THE ENVELOPE This scene should offer plenty of challenge to any new runner but if more action is needed, several options can be chosen. The drones may continue to attack the runners, swinging around and over the park. Those drones which have not a cquired Sensor Lock will continue to attempt to do so, and those that have succeeded with Sensor Lock will continue firing every action until their targets stop moving or Sensor Lock is broken. The drones may coordinate their attacks via the IVIS Network to jointly attack one target only at a time. For the demonstration, one drone may have been equipped with APDS ammo (doing 10D damage and the runners armor is halved). The drones may accidentally Sensor Lock and commence attacking one or more innocent bystanders in the park. DEBUGGING If the runners succeed in destroying a drone (Scarper will consider this most unsubtle and say so), Wuxing will immedi-

ately send (within 1d6 minutes) a heavily armed and armored retrieval team to recover the drones wreckage (add weapons and numbers until they are too tough for the runners to attempt anything). Any components of any value are tracked too well for the runners to deactivate before the retrieval team arrives. Though Wuxing will take no action and suppress the incident to avoid the embarrassment, the runners will have earned a minor enemy in the humiliated Wuxing manager who organized the demonstration. The visible use of illegal weapons or spells will draw an interview from the park patrol once they turn up. If the park security host has been penetrated by a decker, or the runners remained out of the view of the parks cameras, the only evidence will be the statements of park patrons who viewed the encounter. In this case a successful Etiquette (Corporate) or Negotiation (Fast Talking) (6) test will assuage the patrol officers. If the park host has not been penetrated and the use of illegal gear has been caught on camera, then the Star will require additional persuasion to g nore the indiscretions and so the i above tests must be made against target number 8. In either case, let the runners talk a while before making the rolls. At any time, if too much damage is being inflicted upon the runners, the drones may suddenly reset and switch back to their mission profile. If needed and if theres time, Scarper may offer a sarcastic comment about the benefits of the spirits concealing those who have pulled the machines wrath down upon themselves.


WHATS UP, CHUMMER? This is an optional encounter that allows characters to flex their social interaction muscles, whether through negotiation, intimidation, or some other form of chatter. TELL IT TO THEM STRAIGHT They had to have this meeting at lunch time , didnt they? The busiest time of the day, when so many people come to the park to have a brief respite from the daily grind. All sorts have crawled out of the woodwork, some obviously out for a walk and others with less apparent m otives. In fact, that guy by the food vending machine has been looking your way just a few too many times. HOOKS This scene is intended for characters who like to talk their way through a situation, or perhaps use other less confrontational means to deal with things. It is not intended to end in a shoot out or anything so similarly crass. Nor should there be

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much risk beyond the characters being identified as having an association with the shadows. BEHIND THE SCENES Word of the meeting has passed around the traps and has come to the attention of an ambitious junior FBI agent. Special Agent Barnaby Mason is new to his position and wants to go places. Through various contacts he has heard of the meeting, though he doesnt know specifics. With little to go on he has decided to investigate matters himself in a somewhat unofficial capacity without notifying anyone else in the Bureau. Mason is playing the part of just another tourist looking around the park, taking note of who is in the vicinity and what they are doing. Characters making a successful Perception (6) test (with Stealth complimentary) may notice Mason hanging around and the degree of his interest. If Mason is spotted, then a successful Police Procedures (4) or equivalent skill can identify that he is using standard surveillance techniques, identifying him as having some sort of law enforcement background. Mason has no interest in getting into a fight and he will retreat if such looks likely. If it is obvious that his cover has been blown and the runners have something to do with the meeting, then he will retreat if he can. On the other hand, he is willing to negotiate with anyone who seems reasonable and keen to do so. His interest is in establishing a source of information and if the characters appear reasonable enough then he will let them be. Should any character(s) deal with Mason in a fair manner then he may be taken as a contact by said character(s) if the GM feels it is deserved. Special Agent Barnaby Mason B Q S C I W E R 3 4 3 5 5 4 5.4 4 INIT: 4 + 1D6 Dice Pools: Combat 6 Karma Pool/Professional Rating: 3/3 Active Skills: Biotech 2, Unarmed Combat 3, Car 2, Et iquette 4 (Street 5), Interrogation 3, Intimidation 2, Negotiation 4, Pistols 4, Stealth 3 Knowledge Skills: Corp Background 3, Criminal Organizations 3, Forensics 3, Law 3, Police Procedures 3, Spanish 3, Street Background 4 Cyberware: Datajack, Smartlink-2 Armor [5/3]: Armor Jacket [5/3] Weapons: Ares Predator III [HP, SA, 9M, Conceal 4, 15 (c) w/gel and regular ammunition] Range (TN): 05 (4), 6 20 (5), 21 40 (6), 41 60 (9) Gear: Wristphone, Plasteel Restraints [barrier rating 15]

PUSHING THE ENVELOPE If things seem to be too much weighted in the characters favor, Mason can always be played a little more pushy and aggressive. He is, after all, an FBI agent and could decide to ID the characters and ask a few pointed questions about their weaponry and other gear. Since he has the ability to call for backup as needed, the threat presented by Mason can be easily increased. DEBUGGING If the runners act violent or otherwise dangerous, Mason may call in the park guards or other authorities, as the GM deems appropriate. Additionally Scarper can step in as a peacemaker if things start to become heated.


WHATS UP, CHUMMER? This is an optional encounter, only to be used if there is some form of medic in the team. There is a possibility it might work for a character with social skills as well. TELL IT TO THEM STRAIGHT Youve set your perimeter, your no-go line where people dont pass. So far it seems to be holding, despite a few strange looks on occasion. Then again, youre accustomed to strange looks just walking down the street. Youre congratulating yourself on holding the line when things take a little turn for the worse. Some mad woman seems to have decided to attack a nervous looking man right next to where youre standing. Not good; not good at all HOOKS This scene is aimed at characters with skill in the medical sciences, be it through Biotech skill, possession of a medkit, or with magical healing abilities. BEHIND THE SCENES Wherever the characters have set their boundary line if they indeed have is the location for this encounter. A nervous Indian tourist (Ranjit Devi from Calcutta) is passing by when another visitor to the park (Deborah Figgis , a local Seattleite) rushes to him and starts pawing at him frantically. The Indian panics, thinking he is under attack, and starts batting ineffectually at the woman. In reality Deborah has been foolish enough to eat something that she is terribly allergic to and is having a nasty reaction. She too is in a panic and is trying to get help, despite being unable to speak and barely able to breathe. Deborah has a

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Severe allergy to mushrooms and when she reaches Ranjit, she is suffering a Moderate wound (5 boxes) and is taking a further Light wound each 10 turns (rather than each minute due to ingestion). Any character succeeding in a Perception (5) test (Biotech and Medicine are complimentary) can see that she is in some physical trouble. If not attended to quickly, Deborah will collapse and draw an increasing crowd of interested (but far from helpful) bystanders. This in turn will dra w the authorities, so it is in the interests of the characters to intervene before the scene becomes a circus. Anyone tending to Deborah must either make her throw up, requiring a Biotech (5) test, or use a medkit to create an antidote, which is a Biotech (4) test. Healing magic may also be useful. Deborah can then be tended to using the first aid rules (see p. 129, SR3). Once she is seen to, a Etiquette (Corporate) (4) test is needed to have the guards or other folk call a paramedic to take her away without any pointed questions. If she is left alone, a DocWagon standard response unit will arrive in 5 minutes. PUSHING THE ENVELOPE It is possible to use this encounter to unsettle a complacent team, even if they have no medics. It can be used as a means to force them to liaise with the ordinary folk in the park as they hunt for a doctor or call for help to save the woman. DEBUGGING If the characters seem to be getting nowhere, you can use the old chestnut of a passerby rushing over crying, Let me through, Im a doctor! This can let the characters off the hook a little, though make sure that the medic collars at least one of the runners as an assistant.

Assuming the characters perform in a relatively professional manner, then they will have brought themselves to the attention of a number of fixers. A short time after completion of the job (and the meeting), each character will be approached privately by one of the fixers expressing interest in using the runners services in the future. Choose the fixer most appropriate for each character based on how they were played and what they did. The character need not accept the NPC fixer as a contact. If they do so, give them the appropriate handout. In addition, Scarper and various NPCs (if they appear) are also available for characters to take as contacts. This will only happen for characters who dealt with them in a reasonable manner. In any case, each character can gain at most two contacts from this adventure one fixer, plus one other contact (including Rolando, the fixer). AWARDING KARMA Award individual Karma according to the guidelines on p. 244, SR3. Special additional individual Karma should be awarded based on the following requirements: The character is not identified to the public eye as a shadowrunner The character resorts to unnecessary and very public violence 1 -1

Award Karma to each team member based on the following requirements: Finding the bomb Disarming the bomb The meeting is uninterrupted 1 1 1


ITS A WRAP Once the hour is up, the characters are done. Unless they were grossly negligent, they will be paid the balance of the money agreed upon. If they were amazingly successful (didnt draw attention to themselves, disarmed the bomb, no one got near the pavilion), then they will each be paid a 500 bonus. The characters may also pick up gear taken from opponents or stolen from around the park. There is paydata in the host that can be taken and fenced as well. No individual character should receive more than about 5,000 for this mission. If this means reducing the value of items to meet that limit, well, its a tough life, chummer.

Therefore, each character can earn a MAXIMUM of 7 Good Karma for this adventure, 4 from the adventure, plus an additional 3 for exceptional roleplaying, tactics, et cetera as outlined in SR3.

Shadowrun Missions

Mission Briefing 25

Runners doing legwork on the various items of interest in the run can turn up the following information: Freeway Park Appropriate Contacts: Any Downtown contact, Law enforcement contact (4) Appropriate Knowledge Skills: City Planning, Seattle Area, Tourist Attractions (4) Successes 0 1 Result You can park on the freeway these days? Sounds a bit risky. Yeah, thats the park next to the Trade & Convention Center. Sits whack in the middle of Downtown over the I-5. Cameras all over the place, natch. I hear they hook into some rigged control system at the Convention Center. Place is usually full of upright, uptight citizens in the middle of the day. The Star r esponds to any drek in seconds. Luckily Security expects one or two cameras to be out at any given time. I hear the Halloweeners have been planning to use the place for a demo nstration, if you get my drift. Yknow, a hollerin run through the park just to show they aint scared of the cops and all.


Ive been told theyll be showing off some wiz stuff at the show. Probably using the park to stage some of the displays.

Law Enforcement Convention Appropriate Contacts: Arms dealer, Corporate contact, Law enforcement or security contact (4) Appropriate Knowledge Skills: Arms Dealers, Megacorporate Security, Police/Security Procedures (6) Successes 0 1 Result Yeah, happens every Friday night in the bars around the Renraku Arcology. I know the one bunch of security vendors put on a show for new gear and new techniques in the biz. Pretty much everybody whos anybody in the field is going to be there Lone Star, Knight Errant, the FBI you name it. Theyll be trying to outdo each other. A smart cookie could play them off each other to good advantage. A little bird said theyre going to be trying out some new covert surveillance kit around the local area as part of the show.



Seattle Trade & Convention Center Appropriate Contacts: Corporate contact, Law enforcement contact (4), Any Downtown contact (6) Appropriate Knowledge Skills: City Planning, Police/Security Procedures, Seattle Area (6) Successes 0 1 Result Um, its where you go for trade conventions? In Seattle, right? Its right in the middle of Downtown. Place is usually booked out for some big get together. The place is a rabbit warren inside. You got heat on you, duck in there and lose yourself in the crowd. Theres a big trade show on there at the moment for law enforcement. Probably the biggest single gathering of cops, feds, and private security in the continent.

The meeting in the park Appropriate Contacts: Data Broker, Face, Fence, Fixer, I nvestigator, Mr Johnson, Any shadows contact (4) Appropriate Knowledge Skills: Data Brokerage, Seattle Fixers, Shadows Affairs (4) Successes 0 1 2 Result Was that a pre-Awakening spy thriller? Bunch of data brokers getting together to pick over some goodies, is what Ive heard. Seems a local fixer got popped and now one of her buddies is selling off her little black book and things. Pretty tight invite list. Some handy folk to know will be at that meeting. Good chance to make some contacts, if you could get an in. Perfect opportunity for someone with cojones to take out a good chunk of the opposition and open up the market


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Mission Briefing 26

The following non-player characters are some of the fixers who attended the meeting and are available to the characters as potential contacts. FOX Of all the fixers at the meeting, Fox is the one that screams the archetype. Foxs background is unknown, almost as if he were a shadowrunner, but the way he treats his runners would contradict that idea. Fox is a very accomplished fixer, but knows the score his role is to facilitate the hiring of expendable assets, and that is just how he feels about most of them. They are tools to be used. Granted, one must take care of ones tools, lest they get broken, but beyond that, Fox only cares about his reputation. While Fox may treat his talent like scum, he is known to be fair in his dealings and can get most hard-to-obtain items. The corporate world respects him as well, for he always seems to find the right people for the right job. His success rate in the shadows over the years has been phenomenal. Fox normally wears a standard grey business suit, one befitting mid level sararimen. His confident swagger and penchant for cigars are the only things that identify him as something other than corporate. When Fox responds to a situation, he is always in control. Race: Human Specialties: None Fox is the archetype fixer, whether it is finding shadow assets, equipment, or solutions to problems. Preferred Runners: All as long as they have talent and can do the job! JOELI GIBSON Joeli Gibson is a dwarf born and raised in Fiji. She has been a successful Seattle fixer for a few years now. Joeli has an extensive trid and simsense collection and loves attending the Seattle trid festivals. Joeli is quiet and undemonstrative, sometimes mistakenly interpreted as cold. She has many contacts amongst smugglers and within Seattle nautical circles. She knows many fences, and many suppliers of serious technical hardware. Anyone wishing to move, buy or sell hardware should speak with Joeli. Race: Dwarf Specialties: Smuggler Networks, Mercenary Knowledge, Acquiring Vehicles/Drones and Electronics gear Preferred Runners: Riggers, Geek types LYLE GREEN A handsome, charming young man in his early twenties, Lyle Green was once a child simsense star. His was a meteoric

rise to nova-stardom followed quickly by burnout, breakdown and a return to anonymity. Lyles specialty is putting people in touch with the right folk for what is needed. Whilst he handles the basics of the fixers bread-and-butter work getting gear and information with competence, where this young guy excels is in making friends and linking them with other talent. Lyle is cool, witty and confident. He has a relaxed manner bordering on arrogance but carries it off with good humo r and sheer charm and chutzpah. Always on the lookout for new talent and associates, he is naturally drawn to the young and the beautiful. Lyle is extremely well-connected in the media and entertainment industries and always seems to have invitations to the right events and the hippest parties. A sharp dresser who usually does his business in private corners of the citys hottest nightspots, Lyle is the man to know for those looking for a way inside the glitzy world of celebrity and high society. Race: Human Specialties: Corporate knowledge, Entertainment industry, Gossip & Rumours Preferred Runners: Faces, Smooth types MANNY Over the years, Manny has used his charisma and social talents to cultivate many friendships and contacts throughout Seattle and has established his shadow rep as a reliable fixer and as an information miner and trader. He knows some good shadow talent, particularly in the field of magic. Manny has an easy smile, a sharp wit and is a good conversationalist. He is a person around whom people feel relaxed and enjoy sharing a joke and a drink but, after a while, some become uncomfortable as a sardonic, even sarcastic, edge appears in Manny's conversation. Manny enjoys jokes of all sorts although his humor can be a bit black at times. Manny is not up in the lofty heights of Seattle's top fixers but he's good at what he does. He knows some e xperienced, proven runners and has many contacts on the streets and in the magical circles of Seattle. He also has a few contacts in Seattle's tribal and corporate cultures and is known as an expert in the city's unwritten street history. Anyone seeking street or magical information or solid runner talent should seek Manny. Race: Human Specialties: Magical knowledge, Street knowledge, Acquiring magical gear Preferred Runners: Magicians, Street folk MICHELLE RAMPLING Michelle Rampling is an elf who was born and raised in a quiet middle class suburb of Marseilles. She has lived in Seattle since 2046 and has found a comfortable niche in the shadows.

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Her first love is music and to all outside appearances she seems to be an unassuming piano teacher. A bland looking softspoken woman with an extreme aversion to violence, she keeps her hand in information brokerage for her own reasons. It is largely due to the fact that she seems nothing like a successful (if low end) fixer that she remains as such. Michelles contacts are mostly ordinary folk from various walks of life, but she is familiar with some influential music personalities and maintains a constant Matrix presence. Though not a decker in the true sense, she know many folk who are, and she is quite the data broker. Michelle has many overseas friends, much of who were clients of her legal business. Race: Elf Specialties: Data brokerage, Music industry, Acquiring Matrix gear Preferred Runners: Deckers, Quiet types WILLIS DALTREE This white-haired, gravel-voiced old ork was born to British parents, immigrants hoping to start a new life in the then United States. Instead their children were born as orks and their new home was embroiled in a war against its indigenous people. Somehow they managed to get by. For over twenty years Willis has worked as a fixer in the Underground. He has been careful to keep his activities low key, and to not get involved in overly ambitious activities. Less perceptive folk might consider him a rather sad figure, as his line of work is usually seen as small time, but those who know him well know that he covers all the bases and has yet to screw up badly. He doesnt have a particularly high powered contact base, he doesnt set up big time jobs, and he doesnt have access to the really wiz cutting-edge gear. But he does the bread-andbutter work of a fixer extremely well his contact base, for all that its small fry, is very broad and also very loyal and there isnt much going down in the U nderground that he doesnt know about. In the last few years Willis has developed cataracts and has gone partially blind. His distrust of surgery has led to his refusal to have treatment or cyber replacements. Willis is a popular figure in the Underground and, through his extensive family, is related to a large number of its inhabitants. Many ork and troll shadowrunners got their first jobs through Willis and they dont forget that they owe him Race: Ork Specialties: Seattle Underground, Low-end contacts, Metahuman affairs, Acquiring inexpensive gear Preferred Runners: Meta-humans (Orks and trolls in particular), Straight shooters

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Mission Briefing 28

Shadowrun Missions

Mission Briefing 29

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