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Smena Manual

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Time For The Young Generation

Presented by Lomographic Society International

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SMENA 8M Parts
1. Shutter Release 8. Shutter Speed Ring
2. Flash Mount 9. PC Socket
3. Rewind Wheel 10. Rear Switch
4. Shutter Cock 11. Camera Back
5. Focus Ring 12. Exposure Counter
6. Aperture Ring 13. Advance Wheel
7. Lens 14. Viewfinder
A. Basics C. Shooting
Film Loading Correct Exposure
Turn your camera to the back. Push down Rear Switch (10), unlocking The Smena requires four elements to come together for a proper
Camera Back (11). The Smena, considerate beast that it is, asks that you set image - outside light, shutter speed, focus, and aperture. To get these
the Exposure Counter yourself before loading the film. With your finger, turn elements into balance, you can do it either the Easy Way, or the Hard Way...
the Exposure Counter (12) to "0." Insert your film into the left side of the
camera. Bring the film leader across the lens and fix the leader on right side Easy Way
take-up spool by threading it into the slot. Ensure that the crank teeth (on The Smena's clever little symbols are more than cute, they're indispensable.
top of the rear lens) are correctly matched with the film perforations. Close To calculate your exposure, first set your aperture according to your film's
the Camera Back (11). ASA speed.
Next, set your film speed according to the outdoor light conditions. Use the
Shutter Cock & Fire! little weather symbols to guide you. For interior shots that are reasonably
Like a nagging chore that suddenly becomes incredibly enjoyable, cocking well-lit, use the rain cloud speed of 1/15s. Finally, set your focus according
the shutter is something that you'll occasionally forget and loathe, but to the little symbols on the top of the Focus Ring (5). Cock the shutter,
ultimately grow to love. compose your image through the Viewfinder (14), and depress the Shutter
Before each shot, pull down the Shutter Cock (4) until it snaps into place. Release (1). Be sure to keep your fingers out of the way of the Shutter Cock
When you're ready to shoot, simply depress the Shutter Release button (1). (4) as it moves through its little arc back to the start position. Keep the
Roll the Advance Wheel (13) to get to the next frame. camera very still for exposures of longer than 1/60 to minimize blurring.
How about a multiple exposure? No problem - just re-set the Shutter Cock
(4) without advancing to the next frame. You can do this as many times as Hard Way
you please. Are you already a photography aficionado? Even if you're not, using Smena
will gently break you into the basic rules of proper exposures, by giving you
full manual control of its basic functions. Play around with the aperture for
B. Settings creative effects - use a large aperture (f/4) for an up close portrait against a
Distance Setting blurry background. Just remember that for each step that you enlarge the
The Focus Ring (5) shows the available distance focus values in meters aperture (ex. f/5.6 to f/4), you should also increase the shutter speed (1/30 to
(complete with charming graphics) 1/60) to compensate for the increased light coming through the larger iris.
And vice versa - small apertures (f/16) yield excellent depth of field and
1 meter (3.25 feet) sharpness. Want your pictures over-exposed or under-exposed - just move
1.2 meter (4 feet) your shutter speed up or down a notch from where it should be.
1.5 meter (5 feet) The Smena is your playground.
2 meter (6.5 feet)
2.5 meter (8 feet) Long Exposures
3 meter (10 feet) Gorgeous, natural Long Exposures one of Smena's natural strengths. Set the
4 meter (14 feet) shutter speed on "B" and aim your lens at something nice. Keeping Smena
8 meter (25 feet) very still, hold down the Shutter button and let the light stream right in. You
Infinity have to estimate the correct exposure time, but don't get too hung up about
it. When using 100 ASA film, you need about 5 seconds for a brightly lit
Estimate the distance to your subject and set the ring accordingly. This is street scene, or 30 seconds for a far-away building. When in doubt, take two
important to remember every time, or you will get blurry shots. Don't worry shots of the same subject, using two different exposure times. For blur-free
too much though, the Triplet lens has strong focal depth, so a subject that's shots, use a tripod and screw a standard mechanical cable release into the
1.5 meters away will still be in focus when shot with a 1.2 or 2 meter setting. Shutter Release (1). Or, hit the other extreme, and slowly wave the Smena
Sick of the meter/feet guesswork? Just use the charming little icons (single back and forth in front a strong light source for beautiful, streaked abstracts.
person, couple, group, building) to guide you.
Flash! - Ahhh!
Aperture Setting Smena does NOT have a standard hot shoe. For synch-flash photography,
Around the Lens (7), you'll find Smena's Aperture Ring (6). The available you need an old-school manual flash with a PC wire. Plug your flash into
f-stops are f/4 (max), f/5.6, f/8, f/11, and f/16. Rotate the ring to select your Smena' PC Socket (9), put it into the Flash Mount (2), and shoot away -
chosen Aperture. Smena will synch at every shutter speed. If you don't have a PC flash, than
Coordinating with each aperture setting is a corresponding Film Speed set your Smena on "B" and hold your flash in your hand. With the distance
number, although expressed in the classic GOST system. For easy setting correctly set, open the shutter for a second or so, fire your flash with
translation, here are the values its test button, and close the shutter. Bam! - dazzling and easy Smena Flash
F/4 - GOST 16 - ASA 25
F/5.6 - GOST 32 - ASA 50
F/8 - GOST 64 - ASA 100 D. Film Rewind and Unloading
F/11 - GOST 125 - ASA 200 Rewind
F/16 - GOST 250 - ASA 400 When you have reached the end of your film, the Advance Wheel (13) will no
longer move. Pull out the Rewind Wheel (3) with your fingers. Depressing
Shutter Speed the Shutter Release (1), turn the rewind wheel clockwise (see the little
Smena's Shutter Speed Ring (8) is located around the lens barrel. Each arrow) until you feel the resistance stop. Rewinding is complete.
shutter speed setting corresponds with a little weather icon on the top of
the ring, and a numerical value on the right side of the ring. They match up Unload
as follows Pop open the Camera Back (11) and remove your film. It can be developed at
any 35mm processor - labs, supermarkets, drug stores, etc. For best results,
Full Sun - 1/250 second stay away from dodgy 1-hour photo joints. The Smena produces exceptional
Partial (striped) Sun - 1/125 second colors - and those places just kill it.
Partial (striped) Cloud - 1/60 second
Full Cloud - 1/30 second E. Care
Rain Cloud - 1/15 second Proctection
(note, this is just a guide to the light condition - don't use Smena in the rain!) Store your Smena in a dry place when not in use. Keep in inside the
No icon - "B" setting included faux-leather case as much as possible. When you are done
(this keeps the shutter open for as long as you keep the Shutter Release pressed) shooting, make sure that the shutter is no longer cocked, as this can damage
the mechanism if left in place for a long time. Never leave your Smena in
direct sunlight or intense heat for an extended period. Clean the lens surface
with a soft cloth only. Use only proper optical lens cleaner to rid the lens of
grease or dirt.

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