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Geography Paper 4 Flashcards-2

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Protection from the weather (waterproof jacket, umbrella, hat, suncream)

Always carry out coursework in groups

Always tell an adult or teacher where you area carrying out coursework

Always carry a mobile phone with you

Never do coursework near a river or the sea without an adult or teacher and without them
checking that it is safe

Carry out coursework in day light and wear reflective clothes

Check that your study area is safe.

Don't display valuables making you more vulnerable to crime e.g. if you have a camera or a
phone keep it out of sight

Page 3

Objective: when data collection is not influenced by people's personal opinion.

Subjective: when personal opinion has an influence on the outcome of the data collection.

Primary data: Any data that is personally collected by you. Primary data may include traffic
counts, pedestrian counts, environmental indexes, questionnaires or land use surveys.

Secondary data: Any data that has been collected by someone else. Secondary data collection
maybe found in books, on the internet, in academic journals, etc.

Census: a survey carried out by nearly all countries every 10 years. Is a very detailed survey
that is compulsory for everyone to fill in.

Page 4



Primary Data

Secondary Data

It is up to date (current)
You know how the data has been
collected i.e. what technique
Includes data relevant to coursework
Only covers your study area
Collected in the format that you want

Data may include some personal bias

Data collection can be time consuming
Can be expensive to collect data
It is hard to study temporal changes
Some data might be unavailable or too
dangerous to collect
Only possible to cover a small area

Can study temporal changes e.g. over a

number of year
It can be quicker, especially if the data is
on the internet
You can study a larger area
May include data that you can not
obtain personally e.g. salaries
It is out of date
More information than you need
Information may include a larger area
than your study area
May not know how data was collected
and who collected it
Data might be in the wrong format e.g.
in a graph and not raw figures

Page 5

Quantitative data: Any data that involves figures. Is very easy to present and analyse however
it can be very general and excludes some data.

Qualitative data: This is written data or photographs. Tends to be individual/personal, and can
be hard to present and analyse. Often comes as results of interviews with open questions.

Pilot Survey: a test you carry out before data collection. Important to test forms to ensure you
ask right questions and forms contain all right categories. It is too expensive/time consuming
to go and collect data a second time, if you missed it the first time.

Sampling: a section or part of entire study area/population, representing the whol. Necessary
to only investigate sample due to time and money limitations.

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Systematic Sampling: When you collect data in a regular pattern. E.g. asking every 10th person
or collecting physical data after every 5 meters.
Random Sampling: When every area or person in your study area has an equal chance of
being selected or asked. Can be done by pulling names out of a hat, by using a random

number table or a random number generator on a calculator.





Better coverage of area/sample group.

No bias in who is selected
Very simple to understand and carry

Bias because youre selecting technique

& deciding e.g. 10th person to ask
May end up with an unrepresentative
sample e.g. every 10th person is female

Every person/location has a completely

equal chance of being selected
It is quick and simple
Results may be random and not
representative e.g. selecting names out
of hat and only pick females

Page 7

Open ended questions: questions that have infinite numbers of answers. The respondent has
no restriction on how they might answer
Closed questions: when there is a limited number of responses. These questions are often
multiple choice in style





You are getting respondents personal

opinion. They are not limited in their

All answers relevant to your research

Results are easy to analyse using graphs
and tables

Some responses irrelevant

Results very hard to analyse using
graphs or tables

Results lack personal opinion; very

If "other" box ticked, you don't know
what the respondent thinks
Your personal opinion has been placed
on the questions (subjective).

Page 8

Advantage of Photographs

They are more accurate than field sketches

Can be good for showing data collection
techniques e.g. measuring a river's load
Can support data collection findings e.g.
show an example of a poor environment
They can show temporal changes,
especially if you can find historical photos.
You can annotate and label them.

Disadvantage of Photographs

People often include irrelevant photos

People forget to label, annotate or refer to
photos, which then makes them irrelevant
People often only photograph the nice
things (pretty view) and forget more ugly
areas that are important (area of pollution)
They can often contains too much
information e.g. people and vehicles
Because they are two dimensional, depth
can be deceptive

Page 9

Quadrat: Used for measuring vegetation cover. Normally 50cm2

and divided into 100 small squares. By placing quadrat over an
area of vegetation, can calculate area covered in vegetation or %
of different vegetation types. Also sometimes used for randomly

selecting river load or beach material. Can put quadrat over area you want to sample and then
using a random number table or calculator, select a square to collect the sample from.

Callipers: used to measure width, depth or length of small objects like load.
Place object to be measured inside calliper and then close calliper and read
off measurement (cm/mm). Callipers are great for recording changes in a river's
load or changes in beach material.

Page 10

Clinometer: used for measuring slope angle (gradient). Used together with
ranging poles; place one ranging pole at top of a slope and one at bottom. Look
through clinometer, measuring angle from one ranging pole to another ranging
pole. To get an accurate angle, you take an up reading and a down reading.

Flowmeter: used for measuring velocity of rivers. Have a small propeller

which you place just under surface of the water. Depending on the
speed of propeller, a small digital read out then gives speed of river.

Pebbleometer: A very basic device for measuring

the size and shape of material found on a
beach or in a river.

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Transect: a line along which you take measurements. You may have a transect that runs from
rural-urban fringe to the CBD or a transect that runs from the sea in land through sand dunes.

Tally system: Fast, efficient to record, easy to read, easy to add up and total

When sketching, write: Date, time, name, weather conditions

Description of methodology could include:

Date, time and location of data collection
Group size
Description and copy of data collection forms used e.g. questionnaires or counts
Explanation of how forms were used e.g. sample size, count period, count technique, etc.
Description of equipment and an explanation of its use.

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Shows spatial distribution e.g. dot map

Shows variations between regions and
countries e.g. choropleth map
Visually interesting (interesting colors,
Very bold and clear
Easy to understand
Clearly shows trends and anomalies


Can disguise intra-region or intra-country

variations e.g. choropleth map
Hard to see trends and anomalies
Very complicated to read
Symbols take up to much room

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Refer back to original hypothesis

What went well (keep this brief)

Use some data to support your findings

Any problems with data collection e.g. bad

Refer to theory (if mentioned in

weather, missing data, sampling technique,

introduction) - do your findings agree or

questions, data collection form

disagree with theory

Data that could be useful in the future e.g.

State what you have learnt from your

secondary data from government, more


questionnaires (bigger sample)

Additional hypothesis you could have used

Time/money problems changed

Page 14

Measuring Velocity

The speed of the river is influenced by friction

Equipment: tape, stopwatch, poles, float

Friction increased if there are larger rocks

Measure 10m along river: place poles

Speed decreases if friction increase

Use floats

Flow is turbulent with rocks; rocks divert flow

Stopwatch to time

Different points along channel

Repeat 3 times and calculate mean

River features

Upper course: waterfalls, rapids, V-shaped


Lower course: meanders, ox-bow lake,

deltas, levees, floodplains

Page 15

Systematic random sampling technique

Measuring beach profile

Measure with tape at 1m intervals across

Use tape to set out transect lines

Pick up stones that poles touch

Start at waters edge and place pole

Take a number of samples at each point

Vertical pole 5 m away

across river

Angle of slope using clinometer to mark

Record & repeat

Measuring depth

0.5 m intervals held across stream

Rope and measuring tape, knot

Hold stick vertical to bank

Measure depth to river bed

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Collecting Land Use Data

How to carry out traffic counts

Organize into groups

Pairs of students on each side of the road

Observe/ survey buildings

Synchronize timing

Systematic survey

Count their side and tally recording


Add up total

Classify function of buildings

Improvement on Traffic Counts

Survey at more times during day

Survey on different days: work/non-work

Have another student check

More survey points

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