K to 10 Curriculum Name of Teacher PETER VINCE B. PACA Learning Area TLE-ICT
Weekly Lesson Log Teaching Dates and Time SEPTEMBER 30, OCTOBER1,2,3,2024 [7:15-8:00AM] [1:45-2:30PM] Quarter 1
3. Steps in Saving a
Click the Save
Click the File Tab
and choose Save.
Type in the filename
of your presentation.
The teacher will explain to The teacher will explain to The teacher will explain to The teacher will tell the
learners that the lesson learners that the lesson will learners that the lesson learners that the focus of
will focus on the focus on the discussion and will focus on the today’s lesson is the
discussion and application application of Mail Merge discussion of the rules in discussion of the Master
of Auto Table of Contents, commands. creating presentations. Slide commands and
citations or references for features.
responsible writing.
commands and features.
An activity entitled, Present the following words From the Word Pool Unlocking of Words:
Lesson Language WIKARAMBULAN will be and have a short meaning of below, collect all the Show the following words
Practice given for learner language the given words. Afterward, words that you are and describe each briefly.
practice. ask the learners to use the unfamiliar with. Write Later ask the learners to
Have you seen a table of Mail merge is a helpful tool Today's market offers a Your presentation's
contents in books? Do you that allows the user to wide range of presenting colors, text, backdrops,
know that you can create produce, multiple letters, possibilities beyond the effects, and pretty much
a table of contents name tags, labels, envelopes, Microsoft environment. everything else may be
automatically in MS and more using a stored list However, due to its controlled via Master
Word? Well basically, you or database. large library of Slide.
Reading the Key can manually type for a Printing or sending out form templates and simplicity
Idea/Stem table of contents but it letters to several recipients of use, PowerPoint For instance, you can add
would take a lot of effort is the most common usage continues to be one of a form or a logo to a slide
and time because if ever of mail merge. You may the top choices for master, and it will
you have changes or quickly alter form letters for professionals. immediately appear on all
updates, especially on the specific recipients using Mail PowerPoint is a popular of your slides.
placement of each section Merge. choice for everyone due to
its ease of use while
making presentations and
you will have to update all Here's how to mail merge. familiarity with its In PowerPoint, the master
over again. 1. Create a new and blank ecosystem. slide is the first slide that
document. establishes the layout,
To do that make sure you 2. Click on the Mailings tab, But no matter what colors, fonts,
apply a Heading Style to choose the Start Mail platform you choose, the backgrounds, effects, and
the Primary Section Title Merge command, and entire point of doing a nearly every other aspect
and sub-section title in select Step-by-Step Mail presentation is lost if you of the slides that come
your document. For Merge Wizard from the don't know how to use after it. Any font
example, you have an drop-down menu. PowerPoint to grab adjustments you make or
Introduction Section, people's attention. logo uploads you make on
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, and the master slide will be
Chapter 3. Apply the Here are some general instantly applied to all
Heading Style of your rules in creating your subsequent slides.
choice. Heading Styles are presentations.
available in the Home Tab To create a master slide:
1. One Idea, one slide –
include only one 1. Click the View tab,
idea per slide. Each then click the Slide
slide should have a Master command.
single primary
message to convey. 2. You will notice that
the presentation will
3. Select your document 2. Use Headings. switch to Slide Master
type. For this instance, view, and the Slide
Next step, place the select letters, then click 3. Go for Essentials and Master tab will be
insertion point on the page next: starting the relevant points. selected on the
where you want to place document. Ribbon.
the table of contents. Go 4. Tick the Use the current 4. Be responsible and
to the Reference tab and document and then click give credit. 3. In the left
click on Auto Table of Next: Select recipients. navigation pane,
Contents Ribbon Tab. 5. Do not add scroll up and select
Note that selecting Start unnecessary graphics, the first slide. This is
from the existing use graphics wisely. the slide master.
document (which we are
not doing in this demo)
changes the view and
gives you the option to 6. Be sensitive with the 4. Scroll to the top of the
choose your document. use of colors, left navigation window
After you choose it, the background, font, and and choose the first
Mail Merge Wizard size. slide. This is the slide
reverts to Use the current master.
document. 7. Create the slide in
such a way that the 5. Make the desired
5. In this example we will primary point can still changes to the slide
create a new list, click on be understood. master.
Type a new list, and then
click Create. 8. Apply animation but 6. Move, resize, or
An automatic table of do not overdo it. delete slide objects as
contents will appear in 6. Create a list by adding needed.
your document. data in the New
Address List dialog box 7. When you’re finished,
and clicking OK. click the Close Master
Both citations and Note that now that a list the Slide Master tab.
references are crucial has been created, the
components of writing. Mail Merge Wizard 8. The change will
reverts to Use an existing appear on all slides of
Citations are ways to list and you have the the presentation.
acknowledge the sources option to edit the
of information that you recipient list. It's a good idea to revisit
used in your work. It also your presentation after
provides a crucial road If you want to edit the making changes to the
map for your research list, you can click on the slide master to see how
approach, giving your edit recipient list, and they affect each slide
readers the knowledge, tick the checkbox to individually. It's possible
they need to locate that select or unselect that some of your slides
source again. On the other records, then click OK. don't appear quite
hand, referencing is the properly. We'll
portion of the source that 7. Click Next-Write your demonstrate how to
includes the details. letter. correct this by
Readers can determine the personalizing each slide's
type of source being used layout.
for the material with the 8. You can custom fields or
aid of references. simply click the address
block to add the
You may be wondering recipients' addresses at
why we actually need to the top of the document.
put in all of this effort.
Why are we unable to just In the Insert Address
use data from any source? Block dialog box, check
Because we wanted to or uncheck boxes and
avoid plagiarism. select options on the left
Plagiarism is considered until the address appears
when you present the way you want it to.
someone else's work as
your own, which can 9. Press Enter.
result in a copyright claim.
10. Click the greeting line.
Here are the steps in
inserting citations and In the Insert Greeting
references in your work. Line dialog box, choose
the greeting line format
1. Click the Reference by clicking the drop-
Tab Ribbon. down arrows selecting
2. Select the Insert the options of your
Citation button. choice, and then clicking
3. Select the Add New OK.
Source from the
drop- down list box. Note that the address
4. Select the source type block and greeting line
from the Type of should be within the
Source menu in the chevron symbols (« »).
Create Source dialog Write a short letter and
box. click Next: Preview your
5. Enter the source letters.
information into the
bibliography fields.
6. There are other options 11.Preview your letter and
that you can specify or click Next: Complete the
opted, if done click OK. merge.
Guide learners in
completing the tasks.
Let the learners try the Let the learners have a Ask the Learners the Let the learners have a
Auto Table of Contents hands-on activity on mail following Questions: guided practice
Command. merge. through hands-on
1. Have you created a activity.
1. Open a new document. Guide learners in completing presentation using
2. In page 1, type in the tasks. PowerPoint or any (Note to the facilitator:
Chapter I, then slide presentation apply explicit instruction.
command page break. software? Have an existing file to be
3. On page 2, type in 2. For those who are used in the activity)
Chapter 2, command already using MS
Developing page break twice. PowerPoint. Among Ask learners about how
Understanding of the 4. On page 4, Type in the given rules of they feel about the lesson
Key Idea/Stem Chapter 3, then page guidelines, what and the simple hands-on
break twice similar guide do activity they have.
5. On page 5, type in you apply?
Chapter 4 3. What other Encourage learners to ask
6. Apply Heading Styles guideline do you questions.
7. Apply Auto Table of apply when making
Contents. your presentation
that is not
indicated in the
Ask the learners: The teacher will process
the answers of the
1. How do you find students.
the activity? Easy?
After/Post-Lesson Proper
Ask the learners to Ask learners about the Ask the learners to Ask the learners to
summarize the learning important features of mail summarize the summarize the
they had in today’s lesson. merge and how important it learning they had in learning they had in
Reiterate as well how is in business and today’s lesson. today’s lesson.
updating is important in marketing.
Auto Table of Content.
Generalizations and
Emphasize as well the
importance of giving credit
to the owner of the
information you had in
your document.
Additional Activities
for Application or
Remediation (if
Please put a checkmark on the corresponding blanks.