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Fire Fighting Robot

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Different kinds of Fire
Fighting Robot Project
Fire Fighting Robot Remotely
Operated by Android Applications
The main intention of this project is to design a fire fighting
robot using Android application for remote operation.
The firefighting robot is controlled through wireless
For the desired operation, 8051 microcontroller is used.
an android application is used to send commands from the
transmitter end to the receiver end for controlling the movement
of the robot in forward, backward, right or left directions
Fire Fighting Robot Remotely
Operated by Android Applications
 Remote operation is done by android OS based Smartphone
or tablet. The Android device transmitter acts as a remote
control while the receiver has a Bluetooth device fed to the
microcontroller to drive DC motors through the motor driver
IC for particular operation.

 This project is developed by interfacing it with a wireless

camera so that the person controlling it can view the operation
of the robot remotely on a display.
Fire Fighting Robot Remotely
Operated by Android Applications
RF Based Fire Fighting Robotic
 This robot is loaded with a water tanker and a pump
controlled through wireless communication to sprinkle water.
For the desired operation, an 8051 microcontroller is used.

At the transmitter end, push buttons are used to send

commands to the receiver end to control the robotic movement,
either in forward, backward, right or left direction.
RF Based Fire Fighting Robotic
 The RF transmitter acts as an RF remote control that has the
benefit of adequate range up to 200 meters with apposite
antenna, while the decoder decode before feeding it to another
microcontroller to drive DC motors via motor driver IC for
necessary work.
A water tank with pump is placed on the robot body and its
operation is carried out from the microcontroller through the
proper signal from the transmitting end. The entire operation is
controlled by a microcontroller.
RF Based Fire Fighting Robotic
 A motor driver IC is interfaced to the microcontroller through
which the controller drives the motors.

In future, this project can be developed by interfacing it with a

wireless camera so that the person can view the controlling
operation of the robot remotely on a display.
RF Based Fire Fighting Robotic
GSM Based Fire Fighting
 GSM modems have developed public utility products for
mass communication.
This GSM based firefighting robot is used to prevent fire in
houses, offices and shops. This robot moves in suffocated fire
area in houses, offices, shopping malls, etc.
This robot is capable of sensing fire using through IR sensors
and then putting it off even in the absence of anyone. It then
immediately sends the message to a concern person.
GSM Based Fire Fighting
 This project is made efficient by incorporating SIM’s so that
an SMS can be sent to a number of devices and boards in the
locality by using techniques of time division multiple access.

Using this GSM based firefighting robot, it is possible to

control everything automatically through embedded systems.

The use of embedded system in communication has given rise

to many interesting applications that ensure safety and
GSM Based Fire Fighting
In our day-to-day life, fire accidents have become common and
sometimes may lead to hazards that make it hard for the firemen to protect
human life.
In such cases, a fire fighting robot is used to guard human lives, wealth,
and surroundings from the fire accidents. This fire fighting robot project
is an advanced project for engineering students, who are interested in
This project incorporates RF technology for remote operation and also
uses 8051 microcontroller and PLC 2138, Arduino Uno / Arduino
Mega .
Microcontroller PLC 2138

Microcontroller 8051
Arduino UNO

Arduino MEGA
 A fire fighting robot is capable of detecting fire if a house catches fire while
someone in the house is either sleeping or not present in the house. By means of
this fire fighting robot, people and properties can be saved from fire

 Fire identification and rescue activities can be done with higher security without
placing fire fighters at high risk and dangerous conditions. In other words,
robots can reduce the need for fire fighters to get into dangerous situations.

 Additionally, having a compact size and automatic control also allows the robot
to be used when fire occurs in small and narrow spaces with hazardous
environments such as tunnels or nuclear power plants.
 The methodology is divided into three parts. The first part is on the mechanicals
schematics, followed by hardware description and the finally on the
programming design.

A. Mechanical Design Structure

 For the main structure of the robot, to get the preferred movement and speed, QRob
have two wheels at rear side and two wheels at front side.

 The wheels have the ability to stabilize the robot and make rotation until 360

 The body of the robot is made from acrylic plate to protect the electronic circuit.
A. Mechanical Design Structure
 The body of the robot is made from acrylic plate to protect the electronic

 The acrylic sheet is resistant to heat of up to 200 ⁰ C. This gives the ability
to use and work with (cut and drill).

 The ultrasonic sensor and flame sensor were installed at front of the robot to
avoid hitting any obstacles and to detect the fire respectively.

 In addition, mini camera was installed in front side of the robot to

monitor the way and condition of the location and is linked to the smart
3D Strucrure of QROb with Dimension
B. Hardware Implementation
 It includes the several types of sensors, microcontroller, DC motor
with wheel, Transmitter and Remote control and Water pump.
 Arduino Uno is used as a microcontroller that connected
with other components.

 Motor Driver (L298N) is used to activate the moving of

the gear motor while Transmitter Remote Control will give
output of the system.

 Flow of water and fire extinguisher were pump after being

controlled by the operator.
B. Hardware Implementation
1. Flame sensor
 In most firefighting robots, fire sensors perform an essential
part in investigations, which are always used as robot eyes
to discover sources of fire.

 Flame sensor has two signal pins that are Digital Output
(DO) and Analog Output (AO).

 DO pins will give two kind of information that it’s has

flame or non-flame while AO pins will detect exact
wavelength of different light.
B. Hardware Implementation
1. Flame Sensor Connection
 The QRob will not react when the sensor not activate and
the QRob will react when the sensor activates as well.

 This sensor is connecting with DC motor.

 This sensor is OFF when fire was not detected and DC

motor and Ultrasonic Sensor ON.

 This sensor ON when fire is detected, then DC motor and

Ultrasonic Sensor will automatically OFF
B. Hardware Implementation
2. Ultrasonic sensor
 One of the most crucial aspect in inventing an
autonomous target detection robot is a barrier and
obstacle avoidance.

 It should be able to sense things with enough limits to

let robots to react and travel appropriately

 This sensor transmits waves into the air and receive

reflected waves from the object.
B. Hardware Implementation
2. Ultrasonic Sensor Connection
 This sensor will detect the object of their surroundings.

 This sensor ON when DC motor ON but Flame Sensor

will OFF.

 This sensor OFF when Flame sensor ON.

B. Hardware Implementation
3. DC motor with wheel
 DC geared motor with rubber wheel are suitable
material for this project.

 DC motor is used to move the robot to the fire

B. Hardware Implementation
3. DC motor
 This Motor is connecting with driver motor and Arduino

 This Motor ON when Ultrasonic Sensor ON, Flame

Sensor OFF.

 This Motor OFF when Flame Sensor ON.

B. Hardware Implementation
4. Water pump
 The water pump is important part in this robot as it
will pump water or soap to extinguish the fire depending
on the class of fire that occurs.

 Moreover, it has low noise, high effectiveness and

minimal power consumption.
B. Hardware Implementation
5. Transmitter and remote control
 The wireless remote control transmitter and receiver with
4 control modes will be used.

 Model number of this receiver or remote is S4C-AC110.

This remote have four buttons.

 By utilizing the transmitter and remote control, QRob

can be controlled from distant places where the operator
who controls it will be in a safe place while the robot
will enter into a dangerous fire area
C. Control Programming
 The basic theme of this project is to sense the environmental fire and
extinguish it with the help of a water pump. The Arduino UNO
Microcontroller board based on the ATmega328P. The ATmega328P is
good platform for robotics application.

 The Arduino software runs on different platforms such as mac, windows

and Linux.

 The Arduino libraries play a major role in making the programming

easier by providing wider range of libraries.

 Adding of new boards to Arduino software is possible. Since, Arduino C

is derived from C and C++ programming and is much easier when
compared other controller programming.
 Firefighting robot (QRob) has been developed to find the location
of fire and extinguish it.

 QRob has an ability to find the location by using flame sensor and
ultrasonic sensor.

 The flame sensor is functioning to sense the location of fire while

ultrasonic sensor is functioning to detect the presence of object around
the QRob.

 Both sensors are connected to Arduino Uno, which controlled the

movement of DC motor.
 When flame sensor found the fire, the DC motor will stop at 40 cm
from the fire. The operator will be extinguishing the fire using remote
control from the distance. The operator also can monitor the QRob by
using camera that connects to a smartphone.

 QRob successfully find fire location automatically and extinguish it by

operator control. The operator can monitor the location of fire by
camera that is connected to the smartphone.

 QRob is equipped with ultrasonic sensor that allows it to avoid

obstacles surround it.
 A fire-fighting robot that can be controlled from some distance has
been successfully developed.

 It has advantageous features such as ability to detect location of fire

automatically besides having a compact body and lightweight

 QRob also has the ability to avoid hitting any obstacle or surrounding
objects due to its provision of an ultrasonic sensor.

 The QRob robot can be used at a place that has a small entrance or in
small spaces because it has a compact structure.
 The operator is able to extinguish fire using remote control from
longer distance.

 Operators can also monitor the environmental conditions during the

process of firefighting by using the camera that is connected to the

 The robot can sense smokes and fire accurately in a short time.
N called the Thermite RS1-T2.
In 2012 Howe and Howe Technologies of Waterboro, Maine, has
unveiled the firefighter of tomorrow

 Based on technology developed for the U.S. Army, this squat little
modular robot on tank treads is a small, powerful fire fighting
machine that provides crews with a means for remote
reconnaissance and fighting fires in hazardous areas safely.

 The Thermite is designed to be used in areas of extreme hazard,

such as aircraft fires, refineries, chemical plants or nuclear reactors
and also its compact size makes it feasible to take it into a building
or can be carried through a elevator.

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