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Flight Management System

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JEE Cloud Training Program 
Capgemini Technology Services 

Devang Singh 
Navya Likhita 
The Flight Management System is a Java-based booking solution for flight tickets. It 
consolidates data provided by different airline carriers and hence provides the user details 
and rates in real-time. Travellers may want to make changes in their bookings. The 
application allows them to book, cancel, view and update their bookings with ease. Other 
than this, it eases the management of bookings too. All the bookings, flights, schedules and 
routes can be viewed, added and modified on a single application by the administrator. 

Following is the functionality provided by the system: 
There are two categories of people who would access the system: customer and 
administrator. Each of these would have some exclusive privileges. 
1. The customer can: 
a. Create his user account. 
b. Login into the application. 
c. Check for available flights. 
d. Make a booking. 
e. View the bookings made. 
f. Cancel or modify a booking. 
2. The administrator can: 
a. Login into the application. 
b. Add flight, schedule and route details. 
c. View the flight, schedule and route details. 
d. Cancel or modify the flight, schedule and route details.  
The following functionalities have not been covered under the application: 
1. The application does not cover boarding pass generation and seating plans. 
2. Third party applications like email & sms integrations. 
3. Payments are not yet accepted by the application.   
Class Diagram: 
DTO Layer- 

Sequence Diagram for User:
Sequence Diagram for Admin:
Activity Diagram for Admin:
Activity Diagram for User:
Flow Chart:
Use Case Diagram:
Entity Relation Diagram:
Class and Method Description:

DTO Layer: 

1. User​:​ This class stores the user type (admin or the customer) and all user 
userType: String. 
userId: BigInteger 
userName: String 
userPassword: Password 
userEmail: String  
Methods​: - 
2. Passenger​: This class stores all the details of the travelling passenger. 
pnrNumber: BigInteger  
passengerName: String 
passengerAge: Integer 
passengerUIN: BigInteger 
Luggage: Double 
Methods​: -  
3. Booking​: This class stores the details of a booking made by a particular userId. Every 
booking stores a list of passengers travelling in it as well as the flight details. 
bookingId: BigInteger 
userId: User 
bookingDate: Date 
passengerList: List<Passenger> 
ticketCost: BigDouble 
flight: Flight 
noOfPassengers: Integer 
Methods​: - 
4. ScheduledFlight​: This class stores a flight that is scheduled along with its schedule 
and the vacancy. 
flight: Flight 
availableSeats: Integer 
schedule: Schedule 
Methods​: - 
5. Flight​: This class stores all the details of a flight. 
flightNumber: BigInteger 
flightModel: String 
carrierName: String 
seatCapacity: Integer 
Methods​: - 
6. Schedule​: This class stores a flight schedule. 
sourceAirport: Airport 
destinationAirport: Airport 
arrivalTime: DateTime 
departureTime: DateTime 
Methods​: - 
7. Airport​: This class stores the details of an airport. 
airportName: String 
airportCode: String 
airportLocation: String 
Methods​: - 

Service Layer: 

8. UserServiceImpl​: 
Attributes​: - 
addUser(User):User :- 
Adds a new user. 
viewUser(BigInteger):User :- 
Shows the details of a user identifiable by the user id. 
viewUser(): List<User> :- 
Shows the details of all users. 
updateUser(User):User :- 
Updates the details of a user. 
Removes a user as per the user id. 
validateUser(User): void :- 
Validates the attributes of a user. 
9. BookingServiceImpl: 
Attributes​: - 
addBooking(Booking):Booking :​ - Creates a new booking. 
modifyBooking(Booking): Booking ​:- Modifies a previous booking. All 
information related to the booking except the booking id can be 
viewBooking(BigInteger): List<Booking> ​:- Retrieves a booking made 
by the user based on the booking id. 
viewBooking(): List<Booking> :- Retrieves a list of all the bookings 
deleteBooking(BigInteger): void ​:- 
Deletes a previous booking identifiable by the ‘bookingId’. 
validateBooking(Booking): void :- 
Validates the attributes of a booking. 
validatePassenger(Passenger): void :- 
Validates the attributes of a passenger. 
10. FlightServiceImpl: 
Attributes​: - 
addFlight(Flight): Flight :- 
Adds a new flight which can be scheduled. 
modifyFlight(Flight): Flight :- 
Modify the details of a flight. 
viewFlight(BigInteger): Flight :- 
Shows the details of a flight specified by the flight number. 
viewFlight(): List<Flight> :- 
View the details of all flights. 
deleteFlight(BigInteger): void :- 
Removes a flight. 
validateFlight(Flight): void :- 
Validates the attributes of a flight. 
11. ScheduleFlightServicesImpl: 
Attributes​: - 
scheduleFlight(ScheduledFlight): ScheduledFlight ​:-  
Schedules a flight alongwith its timings, locations and capacity 
viewScheduledFlights(Airport, Airport, LocalDate): List<Scheduled 
Flight> :-  
Returns a list of flights between two airports on a specified date. 
viewScheduledFlights(BigInteger):Flight :- 
Returns a list of a scheduled flight identifiable by flight number. 
viewScheduledFlight(): List<ScheduledFlight> :​ -  
Shows all the details and status of all flights.  
modifyScheduledFlight(Flight,Schedule, Integer): ScheduledFlight :​ - 
Modifies the details of a scheduled flight. 
deleteScheduledFlight(BigInteger): void :​ -  
Removes a flight from the available flights. 
validateScheduledFlight(ScheduledFlight): void :- 
Validates the attributes of a scheduled Flight. 
12. AirportServiceImpl: 
Attributes​: - 
Methods ​: 
viewAirport(): List<Airport> :- 
Returns the list of all airports. 
viewAirport(String): Airport :- 
Returns the details of an airport identifiable by the airport code. 
DAO Layer:

13. UserDaoImpl: 
userList: List<User> 
addUser(User):User :- 
Adds a new user. 
viewUser(BigInteger):User :- 
Shows the details of a user identifiable by the user id. 
viewUser(): List<User> :- 
Shows the details of all users. 
updateUser(User):User :- 
Updates the details of a user. 
Removes a user as per the user id. 
14. BookingDaoImpl: 
bookingList: List<Booking> 
addBooking(Booking):Booking :​ - Creates a new booking. 
modifyBooking(Booking): Booking ​:- Modifies a previous booking. All 
information related to the booking except the booking id can be 
viewBooking(BigInteger): List<Booking> ​:- Retrieves a booking made 
by the user based on the booking id. 
viewBooking(): List<Booking> :- Retrieves a list of all the bookings 
deleteBooking(BigInteger): void ​:- 
Deletes a previous booking identifiable by the ‘bookingId’. 
15. FlightDaoImpl: 
flightList: List<Flight> 
addFlight(Flight): Flight :- 
Adds a new flight which can be scheduled. 
modifyFlight(Flight): Flight :- 
Modify the details of a flight. 
viewFlight(BigInteger): Flight :- 
Shows the details of a flight specified by the flight number. 
viewFlight(): List<Flight> :- 
View the details of all flights. 
deleteFlight(BigInteger): void :- 
Removes a flight. 
16. ScheduledFlightDaoImpl: 
scheduledFlightList: List<ScheduledFlight> 
scheduleFlight(ScheduledFlight): ScheduledFlight ​:-  
Schedules a flight alongwith its timings, locations and capacity 
viewScheduledFlights(Airport, Airport, LocalDate): List<Scheduled 
Flight> :-  
Returns a list of flights between two airports on a specified date. 
viewScheduledFlights(BigInteger):Flight :- 
Returns a list of a scheduled flight identifiable by flight number. 
viewScheduledFlight(): List<ScheduledFlight> :​ -  
Shows all the details and status of all flights.  
modifyScheduledFlight(Flight,Schedule,int): ScheduledFlight ​:- 
Modifies the details of a scheduled flight. 
deleteScheduledFlight(BigInteger): void :​ -  
Removes a flight from the available flights. 
17. AirportDaoImpl: 
airportList: List<Airport> 
viewAirport(): List<Airport> :- 
Returns the list of all airports. 
viewAirport(String): Airport :- 
Returns the details of an airport identifiable by the airport code.   
1. The ‘userPhone’ should have an exact 10 digit number and the number should not 
start with zero. 
2. Date and Time should be valid i.e date and time that has already elapsed shouldn’t be 
3. ‘noOfPassenger’ should always be less than equal to that of available seats. 
4. The local part of the email should contain alphanumeric characters only. No special 
characters are to be present as the first character of the id. 
5. The chosen airport’s name should be present inside the Airport database. 
6. The Unique Identification Number should be of 12 digits. 

However, we have made a few assumptions with respect to the application, which are: 
1. Administrator and customer are both Users. They are differentiated by a variable 
‘userType’ in the User class. 
2. Every passenger needs to enter a Unique Identification Number while booking is 
being made. For simplicity, we assume it to be a 12-digit Aadhaar Number. 
3. All flights are direct flights. 
4. No flight gets cancelled. 
5. Number of airports is fixed and stored in database. 
6. All the flights are considered to be domestic. 

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