Revious Year For Class
Revious Year For Class
Revious Year For Class
Class 4 (Set - A)
Time Allowed: 1 hour Maximum Marks: 45
• Additional 10 minutes will be allotted to fill up information on the OMR Sheet, before
the start of the exam.
• Fill in all the mandatory fields clearly on the OMR Sheet.
• There are a total of 35 questions in this booklet comprising 2 sections namely
the Computer & IT and Achievers' Section consisting of 25 questions (1 mark
each) & 10 questions (2 marks each) respectively.
• There is no negative marking. The use of a calculator is not permitted.
• There is only ONE correct option to a given question.
• Use HB Pencil / Ball point pen (Blue / Black) only for marking the correct choice of
answers on the OMR Sheet.
• Rough work is to be done in the space provided in the test booklet. Extra plain sheet
may be provided by the school for the rough work.
• The OMR Sheet is to be handed over to the invigilator at the end of the exam.
• No candidate is allowed to carry any textual material, printed or written, bits of paper,
any electronic device, digital watches, etc. inside the examination hall.
• The use of unfair means may result in the cancellation of the exam. Any such
instances must be reported at +91-98182-94134 or
1. Which of the following shortcut key is 6. Which of the following are utility
used to restore the window in the software?
Windows operating system? i. McAfee
ii. Norton
a. Window key + Up Arrow iii. Windows 8
b. Window key + Down Arrow iv. Google Chrome
c. Window key + Left Arrow
d. Window key + Right Arrow a. i and ii b. ii and iii
c. iii and iv d. i and iv
2. Choose the odd one out from the
following: 7. Which of the following is the process of
gaining access to a computer by giving
correct user identification?
14. Which of the following type of software 18. When you scroll the mouse over the
is used to perform one special kind of taskbar icons, a thumbnail preview of
task? the open windows will appear. What is
this view called?
a. Application Software
b. System Software a. Snap b. Peek
c. Management Software c. Flip d. Shake
d. Utility Software
19. Which of the following steps is correct if
15. Identify the device with the help of the you want to insert the stars and banners
description given below: in your in MS Word document?
An input device that utilizes a light
sensitive detector to select objects on a a. Home tab → Star group → Shapes
display screen. b. Home tab → Illustrations group →
a. Cable b. Router
c. Server d. Node
26. Which of the following statements are a. All the statements are true.
true? b. Statement 3 is true and statements
Statement 1: Subscript creates small 1 and 2 are false.
letter above text c. All the statements are false.
Statement 2: Superscript creates small d. Statement 2 is true and statements
letter below text 1 and 3 are false.
Statement 3: Both have the same effect
27. Which option in MS Word can end a
current line and lets you to continue the
text on another line?
Answer Key
1. b 2. c 3. a 4. c 5. b 6. a 7. c 8. b 9. b 10. a
11. d 12. b 13. b 14. a 15. b 16. c 17. d 18. b 19. d 20. b
21. d 22. a 23. b 24. d 25. c 26. c 27. b 28. c 29. a 30. b
31. d 32. c 33. b 34. b 35. c