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Learn: Half Yearly Examination (2013 - 2014) Class Ix Foundation of Information Technology Time: 3 Hrs. M.M.: 90

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Time : 3 hrs. M.M. : 90

Part – A : Multiple choice questions (18)

There is only one correct answer for each question. Each question carries 1 mark.

1. Anuradha wants to print a document in such a way that the height of the page is less
than its width. Help her to select the correct page orientation :
a) Landscape b) Portrait
c) Indent d) Tab setting
2. Anjali has typed her project in a word processor. Which of the following will she use
to make the heading stand out in her project?
a) Bold b) Underline
c) Subscript d) Superscript
3. Which program takes control of a computer system when you start the computer?
a) Compiler b) Interpreter
c) Assembler d) Operating System
4. A device that is used to create high quality graphics, visuals, charts and graphs etc.
a) High speed printer b) Braille printer
c) Plotter d) None of the above
5. EGA stands for :
a) Enhanced graphics adaptor b) graphics array
c) array d) none
6. We can explore the contents of hard disk by using an application known as :
a) Internet Explorer b) Windows Explorer
c) Control Panel d) Search Engine
7. Which type of software is used to design a program to perform specific business or
personal processing tasks?
a) Application b) Utility
c) System d) GUI

8. You can select multiple files by holding down _______ and clicking them.
a) Ctrl+Del b) Shift
c) Ctrl d) Shift + Space
9. It is a computer program designed to help the user to perform a certain type of work.
a) Application Software b) System Software
c) Utility d) None of these
10. Which one is used for checking a multiple choice question paper?
a) OMR b) OCR
c) MICR d) All of the above
11. Which of the following is not an example of operating system?
a) Windows b) Excel
c) Unix d) Linux
12. Arrange the following memory units in ascending order of their storage capacities :
a) KB, TB, Byte, MB b) Byte, MB, KB, TB
c) Byte, KB, MB, TB d) None of these
13. Small pictures that represent commands and pictures in windows :
a) Icons b) Folders
c) Desktop d) Files
14. It is a scaled down version of Wordpad and offers very few of the formatting
capabilities that wordpad offers :
a) Paint b) MS Word
c) Notepad d) None of these
15. Bank cheques are processed using :
a) OMR b) MICR
c) OCR d) All of the above
16. To start a program directly use _________ command :
a) Run b) Search
c) Start d) Exit
17. What is the shortcut to set double line spacing?
a) Ctrl+1 b) Ctrl+2
c) Ctrl+5 d) Ctrl+Q
18. These buttons are used to change the way Word operator to make creating and
editing easier.
a) Insertion Point b) Mode buttons
c) View buttons d) Menu Bar
1. Define : ( 18)
a) System Software b) Blu Ray Disk c) Control Unit
d) Operating System e) Recycle Bin f) Virus Scanner
g) Scientific Calculator h) Source Program i) GNU
2. Differentiate between : (10)
a) Encryption and Decryption
b) OMR and OCR
c) Machine language and high level languages
d) Primary and secondary memory
e) Input Unit and Output Unit
3. Answer the following questions briefly : (20)
a) What are the rules of naming a file?
b) What are the characteristics features of fifth generation computer?
c) What are the functional components of an operating system?
d) What is the use of an antivirus program?
e) What are word processors? List any three features of word processor?
f) Differentiate between general purpose and specific purpose software.
g) Explain CD ROM with its types.
h) What are the advantages of Linux Operating system?
i) Write a short note on the spelling and grammar feature of a word processor.
j) Name the basic components of windows.
4. Give the shortcut keys of the following : (4)
a) To the start of the document
b) To the last character on the current screen
c) To the beginning of the line
d) Select entire document
5. Answer these questions : (20)
a) Which type of printer would you buy to do the following?
i) To print more than 500 letters in a day
ii) To print coloured posters
Which devices are required for recording and playing audio in computer?
The CPU consists of the Control unit and Arithmetic Logic unit. Which part of
the CPU will do the following?
i) To add numbers 3 and 4 and also check whether 3 is greater than 4 or not
ii) To control the activities of work done in part
d) Bhavya has typed a paragraph on “My ambitions”. She wants to change the font
of the entire paragraph. What will be the shortcut key for selecting entire
e) Mr Raj is the owner of fast food chain restaurant which is completely
i) Which input device is used to select an item and enter a customer’s
ii) A loyalty card is issued to all employees. Which input device is most likely
f) Name the primary memory with the following features :
i) It is volatile in nature
ii) Before a program can be run, the program is loaded into this memory.
g) Which word processing tool we used if we want to type something at the
bottom of the page?
h) What will happen if Alen is dragging and dropping a file by using the right
mouse button?
i) The office department wants to make a backup copy of the entire data of the
school after each year for future reference.
i) Which storage device should be used?
ii) What category of software should be used?
j) Write one point of difference between a text editor and a word processor and
give the name of any text editor or word processor.



Time : 3 hrs. M.M. : 90

General Instructions :
1. The question paper has 30 questions in all. All questions are compulsory.
2. Questions from serial 1 to 9 are Multiple Choice Questions. Each question carries one mark.
3. Questions from serial number 10 to 20 are 3 marks questions. Answer of these questions should not
exceed 80 words each.
4. Questions from 21 to 29 are 5 marks each. Answer of these questions should not exceed 120 words
5. Question number 30 is a map question of 3 marks from Geography only. After completion, attach
the map inside your answer book.

1. What did the red cap worn by Sans Culottes in France symbolize?
a) brotherhood b) danger
c) anger d) liberty
2. The German Parliament is known as :
a) National Parliament b) German Legislation
c) Diet d) Reichstag
3. The land mass of India has an area of :
a) 2.48 m sq km b) 3.28 m sq km
c) 4.48 m sq km d) none of these
4. Which of these are not the ranges of Himachals?
a) Pir Panjal b) Kailash range
c) Mahabharat d) Dhaula Dhar
5. Which one of the following is a tributary of River Indus :
a) Bhagirathi b) Nubra
c) Dihang d) Manjra
6. Which was the first country to grant universal suffrage to all its citizens?
a) Russia b) Germany
c) New Zealand d) USA
7. Which of the following countries is not a democratic country?
a) Great Britain b) Canada
c) Myanmar d) India
8. The Indian Constitution was passed by the Constituent Assembly on 26 November
a) 1950 b) 1949
c) 1929 d) 1930
9. Which of the following is an example of working capital?
a) farmer’s plough b) computers
c) money d) generator
10. What reforms did Napoleon Bonaparte introduce? (3)
11. Explain the impact of the Great Economic Depression on Germany? (3)
12. Give reasons why 82½° E has been selected as the standard meridian of India. (3)
13. Write about the Shiwalik ranges of Himalayas. (3)
14. Mention the source, length and four main tributaries of River Kaveri. (3)
15. Differentiate between Western and Eastern Ghats. (3)
16. Who was elected as President of Chile in 1970? What steps did he take to help the
poor? (3)
17. Discuss how PRI controlled the electoral system in Mexico? (3)
18. What was the status of the blacks in South Africa before the 1950s (3)
19. What type of unemployment do urban areas usually suffer? Distinguish between
seasonal and disguised unemployment. (1+2=3)
20. Write a short note on the farm labourers of Palampur. (3)
21. Who was the leader of the Jacobin Club? Discuss the reign of terror under him. (5)
22. Describe the effects of the Treaty of Versailles on Germany. (5)
23. What three duties did the Nazi state impose on its women? In what two ways did
they reward women who performed their duties? (5)
24. Explain five major differences between the Himalayan and Peninsular rivers. (5)
25. Write five arguments against democracy? (5)
26. What is a constitution? What are its main functions? (5)
27. What is human capital formation? Explain with examples how investment in human
resource (via education and good health) can give rich return in the future. (1+4=5)
28. Give one example each of primary, secondary and tertiary activities. Explain market
and non-market activities. (3+2=5)
29. What does Tejpal Singh do with his earnings from his agricultural farm? How is
Savita’s condition much different from that of Tejpal Singh? (3+2=5)
30. i) On a political map of India identify the following :
a) Coastal Plain b) River c) Plateau
ii) On a political map of India locate and label the following :
a) Eastern most meridian of India
b) Mount K2
c) River Mahanadi



Time : 3 hrs. M.M. : 70
General Instructions :
1. The question paper is divided into three sections.
2. Section A: Reading Comprehension – 20 marks
3. Section B: Writing & Grammar – 25 marks
4. Section C: Literature – 25 marks

SECTION – A : READING [20 Marks]

1. Read the poem given below. (5)

Swiftly walk o’er the western wave, Spirit of Night!
Out of the misty eastern cave,
Where, all the long and lone daylight,
Thou wovest dreams of joy and fear,
Which make thee terrible and dear, -
Swift be thy flight!
Wrap thy form in a mantle gray, Star inwrought!
Blind with thine hair the eyes of Day;
Kiss her until she be wearied out,
Then wander o’er city, and sea and land,
Touching all with thine opiate wand
come, long-sought!
1.1 Given below is the summary of the poem. Fill in the blanks with suitable words
to complete the summary. Use only one word for each blank. (1×5=5)
This poem expresses the writer’s intense fascination for the Night. The poet
extends an invitation to her to come soon. The night has, of course, been
personified. The poem is a sort of address of welcome to the Night. The poet asks the
Night to spread herself rapidly over the (a) ________. All day, the Night has been
weaving (b) ________ of joy and fear in her cave. These dreams are to be
seen by human beings in their (c) ________. Those who see joyous dreams
love the Night, while those who see fearful dreams regard the Night as (d) ________.
The poet wants the Night to come without delay. Let the Night establish her
supremacy over the (e) ________. Let her wrap herself in a gray cloak decorated
with stars, and let her wipe out the light of the day and let her sleepy influence be felt
over the city, the sea and the land.
2. Read the passage given below :
An Inspirational Hospital Story
It was a busy morning, about 8:30, when an elderly gentleman in his 80s arrived
to have stitches removed from his thumb. He said he was in a hurry as he had an
appointment at 9 a.m.
I took his vital signs and had him take a seat, knowing it would be over an
hour before someone would to able to see him. I saw him looking at his
watch and decided, since I was not busy with another patient, I would
evaluate his wound. On examining, it was well healed, so I talked to one of
the doctors, got the needed supplies to remove his sutures and redressed his
While taking care of his wound, I asked him if he had another doctor’s
appointment this morning, as he was in such a hurry. The gentleman told me that he
needed to go to the nursing home to eat breakfast with his wife. I inquired about
her health.
He told me that she had been there for a while and that she was a victim of
Alzheimer’s disease. As we talked, I asked if she would be upset if he was a
bit late.
He replied that she no longer knew who he was and that she had not
recognised him for five years. I was surprised, and asked him, “And you still go every
morning, even though she doesn’t know who you are?”
He smiled as he patted my hand and said, “She doesn’t know me, but I still know who
she is.” I had to hold back tears as he left, I had goose bumps on my arm, and
thought, “That is the kind of love I want in my life.” True love is an acceptance of all
that is, has been, will be, and will not be. Life isn’t about how to survive the storm, but
how to dance in the rain.
2.1 Based on your reading of the story above complete the following
statements :
a) The elderly gentleman came to the hospital to: ___________
i) meet a patient ii) remove the stitches from his toe
iii) dressing his thumb iv) remove stitches from his thumb
b) The doctor decided to evaluate his wound as: __________
i) he wasn’t busy
ii) there were no patients for him
iii) the man was in a hurry to go
iv) he wanted to study the healed wound
c) The elderly gentleman was in a hurry as: __________
i) he had an appointment with another doctor
ii) he had to go to the nursing home to eat breakfast with his wife
iii) he wanted to meet a patient
iv) he wanted to get back to work
i) tuberculosis ii) Pneumonia
The elderly gentleman’s wife was afflicted with: __________

iii) Parkinson’s disease iv) Alzheimer’s disease

e) The elderly gentleman truly believed that life isn’t : __________
i) about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain
ii) a bed of roses
iii) a bed of thorns
iv) a mixture of happiness and sorrows
3. Read the passage given below and complete the sentences that follow : (5)
Save Tigers
It is said that saving the tiger means saving mankind. Not only is the tiger a beautiful
animal but it is also the indicator of the forest’s health. If we make sure tigers live,
we have to make sure that deers, antelopes and all other animals that the tiger eats
(its prey base) live.
By destroying the tiger’s home, we not only harm tigers, but also ourselves. The tiger
thus becomes the symbol for the protection of all species on our earth since it is at
the top of the food chain.
Key conservation efforts can save the tiger species from extinction and protect
some of the planet’s last wild habitats and help sustain the local communities
surrounding them. By protecting this iconic species, we can save so much more.
Poaching continues today despite efforts to save the tiger. The only way to counter
poaching is to create awareness of the plight of the tiger among people, help in
ending poaching, punish poachers, protect tiger habitat, ban the goods made of
tiger skin and support Tiger conservation organisations by donating money to them.
“Save the tigers before they are silenced forever and our own graves are dug”.
a) Why is the existence of the tiger very important?
b) On what factors does the survival of the tiger depend upon?
c) Why is the tiger seen a symbol for the protection of all species?
d) How can tiger species be protected and saved from extinction?
e) Mention two measures that can be taken to prevent tiger poaching.
4. Read the passage given below and complete the statements that follow by choosing
the answers from the given options . (5)
Danny, the Champion of the World
Inside the caravan, I stood on a chair and lit the oil lamp in the ceiling. I had some
weekend homework to do and this was as good a time as any to do it. I laid my books
on the table and sat down. But I found it impossible to keep my mind on my work.
The clock showed half past seven. This was the twilight time. He would be there
now. I pictured him in his old navy blue sweater and peaked cap, walking soft-
footed up the track towards the wood. He told me he wore the
sweater because navy-blue hardly showed up in the dark, black was even better, he
said. The peaked cap was important too, he explained, because the peak casts a
shadow over one’s face. Just about now he would be wriggling through the hedge
and entering the wood.
Inside the wood, I could see him treading carefully over the leafy ground, stopping,
listening, going on again and again and all the time searching and searching for the
keeper who would be standing somewhere, as still as a post, behind a big tree with a
gun under his arm.
Keepers hardly move at all when they are in a wood watching for poachers, he had
told me. They stand dead still right up against the trunk of a tree and it’s not easy to
spot a motionless man in that position at twilight. I closed my books. It was no good
trying to work. I decided to go to bed instead. I left the lamp burning. Soon I fell
asleep. When I opened my eyes again, the oil-lamp was still glowing and the clock
on the wall showed ten minutes past two. I was out of my bunk and looked into
the bunk above mine. It was empty. He promised he would be home by ten thirty at
the latest and he never broke promises. At that moment, a frightful sense of doom
came over me. Something really had happened to him this time. I felt quite certain of
—Roald Dahl
a) The narrator was lighting the oil lamp in the ceiling by :
i) sitting on a ladder ii) standing on a ladder
iii) sitting on a chair iv) sitting on a stool
b) The peaked cap was important because :
i) it hardly showed up in the dark
ii) the peak casts a shadow over ones’ face
iii) it fitted better
iv) it got merged with the twilight
c) A frightful sense of doom came over him as his friend had :
i) not returned as promised ii) never broke promises
iii) come home by ten thirty iv) he felt lonely
d) The narrator felt quite certain that something had :
i) troubled him ii) forced him to break the promise
iii) come over him iv) happened to him this time
e) The word `treading’ in the second paragraph means :
i) lining up carefully ii) marching carefully
iii) walking carefully iv) watching carefully


5. You went to Jammu for a week to attend a wedding however due to unexpected
rains leading to landslide, all routes from Jammu have been closed indefinitely. Send
an e-mail to your class teacher explaining the situation; apologize for missing the test
and ask for extension of leave. (6)
Date :
From :
Subject :
To :
Respected Madam / Sir

Yours affectionately

6. Shweta is concerned about the hazards of water pollution. She is asked to present a
speech on the occasion of `World Environment Day’. Referring to the ideas from the
Unit ‘Environment’ in the Main Course Book, write a script of her speech in not
more than 120 words. (5)
You may use following points for your speech.
With the rise of the living standards the amount of waste produced daily also
Some waste collected is thrown into lakes, sea etc
Oil spillage-water pollution - Marine lives lost
Consequence - the extinction of marine species
7. Anupama decided to write a story but, after sometime she lost interest in it and thus
could not complete it. Complete her story on the basis of the beginning given below :
(word limit : 120 – 150) (4)
A rich merchant, who lived in the city, had a big mango garden in the countryside. He
had employed watchmen to guard his mangoes, but …….
8. Complete the passage given below choosing the correct alternatives. (½×6=3)
Human Civilization (a) ______ a consequence of man’s ability to organise (b) ____
range of sounds he can (c) ________ into a highly efficient system of
communication, (d) ________ animals are content with the production (e)
________ sounds as a reflex of certain stimuli to signal certain basic emotions.
Man is superior (f) ________ animals not only in his ability to invent
and use symbols but also in this very capacity of his body for the purpose of
a) (i) is (ii) are (iii) were (iv) am
b) (i) a (ii) the (iii) an (iv) this
c) (i) producing (ii) has produced (iii) are producing (iv) produce
d) (i) wherein (ii) who (iii) whereas (iv) when
e) (i) in (ii) to (iii) of (iv) for
f) (i) than (ii) to (iii) from (iv) as
9. The following passage has not been edited. There is ONE error in each of the
lines. Write the incorrect word and the correction as given in the example against the
correct blank number in your answer sheets. (½×8=4)
Error Correction
Millions of children around a country E.g. a the
sang `Happy Birthday’ with the former president (a) …………. …………..
Nelson Mandela in his 93 birthday. (b) …………. …………..
12 million school kids sang one special version (c) …………. …………..
of the song wrote for the anti-apartheid leader. (d) …………. …………..
Mandela Day was conceived (e) …………. …………..
as a international day devoted to public service. (f) ………….. …………..
Since July 2009, it is been observed as anti- apartheid (g) …………. …………..
day. People has been asked to mark the occasion by (h) …………. …………..
working for their local community.
10. Rearrange the following words and phrases to make meaningful sentences. The
first one has been done as an example : (3)
Eg. trans-boundary river/ the Ganga/ between India/ is a / and Bangladesh
Ans : The Ganga is a trans-boundary river between India and Bangladesh
i) is the most/ river basin/ heavily populated/ in the world / the Ganges basin
ii) is among/ most polluted rivers/ the Ganga/ the top five/ in the world
iii) but also/ human beings/ not only/ threatens/ the pollution/ the Amphibians


11. Read the given extract and answer the questions that follow : (3)
Alone she cuts, and binds the grain,
And sings a melancholy strain;
O listen! For the vale profound
Is overflowing with the sound
i) What does ‘melancholy strain’ in the second line refers?
ii) Identify the figure of speech in the above lines.
iii) Explain the last two lines in the passage given above.
12. Answer any four of the following questions 30 - 40 words each : (2×4=8)
i) In the poem, ‘The Solitary Reaper’, what was the theme of the maiden’s song?
ii) Why did the lovers elope in the poem ‘Lord Ullin’s Daughter?
iii) Which road did Robert Frost choose? Why?
iv) In the lesson, ‘How I Taught My Grandmother to Read’ why was grandmother
the interested in knowing about the latest episode of Kashi Yatre?
What was considered as a befitting tribute to Duke by Chuck? Why?
13. You are Marcy, Chuck Hooper’s wife. You have seen your husband working as an
active sales manager who has now just been confined to bed after his accident. You
are really depressed and worried to see his broad grin fading away. Write your
experiences and feelings in the form of a diary entry. (4)
Imagine you are Gaston. After duping Juliette, you become repentant of your action;
your conscience pricks you and realisation dawns upon you that whatever you did
was ethically not right. Expressing your unhappiness and regret, write a diary entry.
14. How did the rainwater play a spoilsport in the camping trip? (5)
15. What impression do you gather about the friends’ attitude towards work? (5)




Time : 3 hrs. M.M. : 90

General Instructions :
1. All questions are compulsory.
2. The question paper consists of 31 questions divided into 4 sections, A, B, C and D. Section – A
comprises of 4 questions of 1 mark each. Section - B comprises of 6 questions of 2 marks each.
Section – C comprises of 10 questions of 3 marks each. Section – D comprises of 11 questions of 4
marks each.
3. Question number 1 to 4 in Section – A are very short answer questions.
4. There is no overall choice. However, internal choice has been provided in 1 question of two marks, 3
questions of three marks each and 2 questions of four marks each. You have to attempt only one of
the alternatives in all such questions.
5. Use of calculator is not permitted.


1. Between two rational numbers, there is/are :

a) one and only one rational numbers
b) no rational number
c) no irrational number
d) infinite number of rational numbers
2. The value of the polynomial 5x – 4x2 + 3, when x = 1 is :
a) 6 b) 2 c) 6 d) 2
3. Two supplementary angles differ by 34°, what is the greater angle?
4. What is the area of an equilateral triangle with each side 'a' units?


243 5
5. Simplify:

6. Check whether f(x) is a multiple of g(x) or not, where f(x)=x3 x 1, g(x)= 2 3x.
7. Factorise : 12x + 17x 5
8. If a point C lies between two points A and B such that AC = BC, then prove that
AC = ½ AB, explain by drawing the figure.
9. In the adjoining figure, find the values of x and y.

38° y
In the adjoining figure, BO and CO are bisectors of ABC and ACB respectively,
then find x.

10. Plot the points A(0,14) and B(-3,0) in the cartesian plane.


11. Find the value of a in the following :

3 2 a 3
3 2 2 3

12. If x 5 2, then find x
3 1 3 1
Find the values of a and b, if a 3b
3 1 3 1

13. Find a if x + a is a factor of x3 + ax2 2x + a + 4

14. Use Factor theorem to factorise the expression x3 + 6x2 + 11x + 6
Expand (4x – 2y – 3z) using suitable identity.
15. State an axiom used in each of the following statements :
a) If 2a = 7, then 6a = 21
b) If 12x = 18, then 4x = 6
c) If 1 = 2 and 1 = 4, then 2 = 4
16. The complement of an angle is one fifth of itself. Determine the angle and its

If two parallel lines are intersected by a transversal, prove that the bisectors of two
pairs of interior angles enclose a rectangle.
17. Prove that the medians bisecting the equal sides of an isosceles triangle are also
18. In the adjoining figure, if AB CD, APQ=50° and PRD=127°, find x and y.

50° y

x 127°

19. BE and CF are two equal altitudes of a triangle ABC. Prove that the triangle ABC is
20. The length of the sides of a triangle are 5cm, 12cm and 13cm. Find the length of
perpendicular from the opposite vertex to the side who's length is 13cm.


21. Represent 9 .3 on the number line.

Represent 3 on the number line.
22. Use factor theorem to factorize the expression: x3 + 13x2 + 32x + 20
If both x – ½ and x – 2 are factor of px2 + 5x + r, show that p = r.
23. Find the reminder when t3 + 3kt2 – k2t + 2k3 is divided by t – 2k.
24. Verify that 2x3 + 2y3 + 2z3 – 6xyz = (x + y + z)[(x – y)2 + (y – z)2 + (z – x)2]
3 4
25. Find five rational numbers between and .
5 5

26. In the adjoining figure, DA = DB = DC, show that ACB=90°.



27. In an isosceles triangle ABC with AB=AC, D and E are points on BC such that BE = CD.
Show that AD = AE.
28. State and prove angle sum property.
29. Define the following terms :
a) Point b) Plane c)
Collinear Points
d) Concurrent Lines e) Intersecting Lines f) Line Segment
g) Line Bisector h) Parallel Lines
30. Plot the following set of points on a graph paper.
a) (1, 1), (0, 2), ( 2, 4) b) (3, 4), (7, 5), ( 1, 3) c) (2, 0), (4, 3), (8, 6)
Are these set of points -collinear points? If yes, join them and find the co-ordinates of
triangle so formed.
31. An umbrella is made of stitching 10 triangular pieces of waste cloth of two different
colours, each piece measuring 20cm, 50cm and 50cm.
a) How much cloth of each colour is required for an umbrella?
b) What values have been depicted here?




Time : 2½ hrs. M.M. : 90


1. Name the physical quantity measured by the slope of speed-time graph. (1)
2. Give an example where object covers a distance but has zero displacement. (1)
3. What is momentum? Mention the SI unit of momentum. (1)
4. Observe the velocity-time graph and answer :

a) State the type of motion during OA.

b) What is the acceleration of the object during AB?
c) Calculate the total displacement covered by the object. (2)
5. A mechanic strikes a nail with a hammer of mass 0.5 kg moving with a velocity of
20m/s. The hammer comes to rest in 0.02 second after striking the nail. Calculate the
force exerted by the hammer on the nail. (2)
6. Write two differences between acceleration due to gravity (g) and gravitational
constant (G). (2)
7. i) Prove that the sum of momenta of two objects before their collision is equal to
the sum of their momenta after the collision when no external force is acting on
ii) Two identical bullets are fired, one by a light rifle and another by a heavy rifle
with the same force. Which rifle will hurt the shoulder more and why? (3)
8. Explain the following through the laws of motion : (3)
a) Cars are provided with the seat belts
The vehicles are fitted with shockers (shock absorbing springs)
Walking on the sand is difficult than walking on the marble floor
9. i) raw velocity-time graph for a uniformly accelerated object. Using velocity-time
graph, derive the equation s = ut + ½ at2
ii) A bus starts from rest and moves with a uniform acceleration of 1 m/s2 for 1
minutes. Calculate the distance travelled by the bus in 1minutes. (3+2)
i) Draw velocity-time graph for a uniformly accelerated object. Using velocity-
time graph, derive the equation v2 u2 = 2as
ii) A train is travelling at a speed of 72 km/hr. The driver applies brakes so that a
uniform acceleration of 0.2 m/s2 is produced. Find the distance travelled by
the train before it comes to rest. (3+2)
10. a) State universal law of gravitation.
b) Write an expression for gravitational force between two objects of masses m1
and m2 respectively and have a distance ‘r’ between them.
c) What would happen to the gravitational force between two objects if masses of
both objects get doubled and also the distance between them gets doubled?
d) Why is value of ‘g’ less at equator and more at poles? (1+1+2+1)
a) Write two differences between mass and weight.
b) An apple attracts the earth and the earth also attracts the apple towards its
centre. Then why only apple falls towards earth but earth is not moved towards
the apple?
c) A ball thrown up is caught back by the thrower after 6 seconds. Taking that
acceleration due to gravity is 9.8 m/s2 then calculate:
i) the velocity with which the ball was thrown up.
ii) the maximum height attained by the ball (2+1+2)


11. Why do gases diffuse rapidly? (1)

12. What is dry ice? (1)
13. Name the dispersed phase and dispersion medium in each of the following :
a) Gel b) Emulsion (1)
14. Define Boiling Point. Why is boiling considered a bulk phenomenon? (2)
15. A solution is prepared by dissolving 10g of common salt in 90g of water. Calculate
the mass percentage of each component of the solution. (2)
16. Why does the temperature of a substance remain constant during melting and
boiling even when heat is being supplied to it continuously? (2)
17. You are provided with soda water, milk and muddy water. How can you differentiate
between them in terms of :
a) Homogeneity b) Filtration c) Tyndall effect (3)
18. Give reason :
a) While putting clothes for drying, we spread them out.
b) Sponge though compressible is a solid.
c) We see water droplets on the outer surface of the glass containing ice cold
water. (3)
19. a) State the type of change (physical/chemical) in the following processes :
i) Burning of a candle
ii) Digestion of food
iii) Rusting of iron
iv) Making salad from raw fruits
b) Define distillation. Differentiate between simple distillation and fractional
distillation. Mention the principle on which these techniques work. (5)
20. a) Define latent heat of vaporisation.
b) Convert 30°C to Kelvin scale.
c) Tabulate the difference between three states of matter with respect to :
i) Intermolecular space ii) Fluidity iii) Shape (5)


21. Which organelle releases energy in the form of ATP? (1)

22. Name the connective tissue that forms a packing material between the organs of the
body. (1)
23. Define hybridization. (1)
24. A plant cell is placed in a hypotonic solution. What will happen? Explain. (2)
25. What is the advantage of intercropping? Give one example. (2)
26. Differentiate between tendon and ligament. (2)
27. Write three differences between a prokaryotic cell and eukaryotic cell. (3)
28. Deepak on his fifth birthday planted a sapling of mango tree in his courtyard. When
he was ten years of age he observed that the sapling planted by him has become tall,
thick and bushy.
a) How will you explain him the reasons for it?
b) How does growth of your body differ from that of mango plant?
c) What is the effect of climatic condition on growth of plants? (3)
29. a) What is mixed cropping? What are its advantages?
b) What are the different ways by which insect pest attack the plants?
c) What is green manure?
a) What is vermicompost?
b) What are advantages of compost fish culture?
c) What is pasturage? (5)
30. Explain five factors for which variety improvement of crops is done.
a) What are check dams? What is the purpose of check dams?
b) How are roughages and concentrates different from each other?
c) Which variety of bee is commonly used for commercial honey production, write
one important property of this variety. (5)


31. A spring balance of range 250 gram has 50 divisions. The least count of spring
balance is :
a) 0.2 g b) 50 g c) 5g d) 2.5 g
32. The range and the least count of a spring balance are 250 g and 2.5g respectively.
Which one of the following observation is correct that can be obtained using the
spring balance?
a) 265g b) 12 g c) 5.00g d) 5.0g
33. By using a spring balance we apply a force of 200 N to move a wooden block across a
floor at a constant velocity. What will be the force of friction that will be exerted on
the wooden block?
a) No force of friction b) Frictional force of 200 N
c) Frictional force < 200N d) Frictional force > 200N
34. X is a mixture of iron filings and sulphur and Y is a product obtained by heating the
mixture X and crushing it to a fine powder. On bringing a magnet over both X and Y it
is observed that :
a) X and Y both are attracted b) X is attracted while Y is not
c) Y is attracted while X is not d) Both X and Y are not attracted
35. An iron nail was dipped in blue copper sulphate solution. After about half an hour it
was observed that :
a) A reddish brown layer deposits on the iron nail
b) A blue layer deposits on the iron nail
c) The solution turns red
d) A grey deposit is seen on the iron nail
36. A student sets up an apparatus for determining the boiling point of water. He records
the temperature after regular intervals and finds that when water begins to boil its
temperature :
a) Becomes constant
b) Rises continuously
First rises and then becomes constant
First remains constant and then rises
37. Human cheek cells are :
a) rectangular b) round
c) irregular d) spindle shaped
38. Seema was asked to identify tissue on a given slide. The cells were long, branched
and multinucleated. The cells are :
a) striated b) smooth muscle
c) cardiac muscle d) none
39. Animal cells are commonly stained with :
a) Methylene blue b) Safranin
c) phenolphthalein d) Iodine solution
40. Surbhi took starch powder, common salt, egg albumin and fine chalk powder in four
test tubes A, B, C and D respectively. After mixing water to all the four test tubes,
identify the contents of test tubes as fine solution, suspension and colloid. (2)
41. Mr. Sunder brought grocery from a nearby shop. He found something wrong with
one dals he had brought. He went to the ‘Quality Control Organisation’ with the
samples. How would the officer at that office check for the purity of the dals? (2)
42. To perform the experiment ‘to establish the relation between weight of a wooden
block lying on a horizontal table and minimum force required to just move it using a
spring balance’; state reason for the following precautions : -
a) The pan and the spring balance should not touch the wall or any other surface
b) Weight in the pan should be increased in small steps (2)


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