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7-8 Computer

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English VII-VIII

1 The motherboard have many components; the two main are RAM and CPU.

2 Device for wirelessly connec�ng peripherals to a computer.

a. Adaptor b. Bluetooth Adapter c. None of these

3 Hexadecimal consist of base______.

a. 5 b. 10 c. 16 d. 20

4 Blended fills between two or more colours that graduate from one colour to another :
a. Texture Fill b. Gradient Fill c. Picture Fill d. Background

5 Printer, monitor, mouse are connected to the motherboard through the use of various:
a. Internet b. Cables c. Rope d. None of these

6 The physical components of a computer system:

a. control unit b. arithme�c logic unit c. so�ware d. hardware

7 Widely used mul�media presenta�on so�ware is:

a. TV b. Excel c. Microso� Power point

8 The most common method of context switching is:

a. Pas�ng b. Windowing c. Linking d. Clipping

9 To send an email, we need:

a. Home address b. Email Address c. Home number d. Street Number

10 A column that stores names would need to be:

a. The same width as b. The same width c. Narrower d. Wider then
all other columns, as a column that than a column a column
since width cannot be stores exam scores that stores that stores
changed exam scores exam scores

11 So�ware provides the ___________ for telling a computer what to do and how to do it.
a. Power b. Instruc�ons c. Memory d. Space

12 The name that we pick for our self to use in email address is:
a. Name b. Username c. Password

English VII-VIII 2

13 Device for capturing hand movements in 3D space?

a. Moving device b. 3D Mo�on Controller c. None of these

A machine that is designed to automa�cally do a variety of tasks with precision and

speed is called:
a. Robot b. Machine c. Airplane d. Speedometer

15 Network Interface Card is _________ device.

a. Input b. Output c. Communica�on d. None of these

16 An internet company that offers an email account is considered to be an :

a. Email Service b. Courier Service Provider c. Home Service Provider

17 ____________ is the act of tracing someone's ac�vi�es online.

a. Cyber stalking b. Enjoying online c. Cha�ng with others d. None of these

18 Mouse is ___________ device.

a. Input b. Output c. Storage

19 These boxes are already filled when we press reply in the email editor:
a. To & Subject b. Compose & To c. From & To

20 _________ is referred to as the heart or backbone of the computer.

a. Motherboard b. Keyboard c. Mouse d. Mic

21 What is the term for a set of instruc�ons that a computer follows to perform a specific task?
a. Algorithm b. Word c. Number d. Alphabets

22 NIC stands for:

a. New Internet Card b. Neutral Inten�on Crew c. Network Interface Card

23 Footer shows informa�on at the __________ of the page.

a. Bo�om b. Middle c. Top

24 Picture fills are when ________________________ are used as the slide background.
a. Pictures or photos b. Pain�ngs c. Drawings d. All of them

English VII-VIII

25 The device for poin�ng and clicking on the screen?

a. Printer b. Monitor c. Keyboard d. Mouse

26 What is the so�ware that allows you to create and edit documents with text and images?
a. Word Processor b. Sound Editor c. Paint

27 Ctrl + X is used for:

a. Copy b. Cut c. Paste d. None of these

28 Inside system unit we have ___________.

a. CPU b. Motherboard c. Power supply d. All of them

29 ___________ are blank spaces between texts and edges of the page.
a. Clue b. Margins c. Cap�on

30 Who is the inventor of 3D printer?

a. Charles b. Dicken c. Charles Hull

31 The computa�on, memory management, direc�ng input from users and sending
outputs are done by ___________.
a. CPU b. CD c. DVD

32 _____________ card is used to produce sounds.

a. Video card b. Sound card c. Graphic card

33 Sending and receiving files electronically is:

a. Le�er b. Email c. None of these

34 Device for capturing sound input?

a. Projector b. Mouse c. Microphone

35 _____________ devices are used to show or display output.

a. Input b. Output c. Storage

______________ is used to make, edit and print different types of le�ers, reports,
documents etc.

a. Graphical So�ware b. Gaming So�ware c. Word Processing


English VII-VIII 4

37 An electronic card or board that adds extra func�onality to a computer is called:

a. Credit card b. ATM card c. Expansion card

38 __________ are diagrams that represent the flow of algorithms using shapes and arrows.
a. Ar�cle b. Flex c. Flow charts

39 Hardware is made up of:

a. System unit b. Input and output devices c. Storage and d. All of them
communica�on devices

40 Brain of computer is ___________.

a. USB b. Hard disk c. CPU

41 The programmes on the computer are:

a. Hardware b. So�ware

42 ______ devices permanently store or hold instruc�ons and data.

a. Input b. Output c. Storage d. None of these

43 A graphic or word that is displayed as the background of the document is called a ___________.
a. Watermark b. Cartoon c. Ta�oo

44 Video games:
a. Educa�onal b. Entertainment So�ware c. Encyclopedia d. None of these

45 ____________ extracts instruc�ons from memory and decodes and executes them.
a. AU b. CU c. LU d. ALU

46 The background is the area :

a. In front of the text b. Behind the text of a slide c. Both a and b
of a slide

47 System unit protects all the sensi�ve computer parts from:

a. Dust b. Water c. Light d. All of them

48 A ____ is the appearance of a variable or its complement in a Boolean Expression.

a. term b. literal c. value

English VII-VIII

A _________ is a so�ware that uses ar�ficial intelligence to facilitate online conversa�ons

with human.
a. Chat box b. Voice box c. ATM

50 ____________ is an illegal act or a�ack on computer, a network, a user or an organiza�on.

a. Cyber crime b. Offline fault c. The� d. None of these

IT developments are used for various techniques, achievements or technological devices,

it is called :
a. Cut of field b. Cu�ng Edge Technology c. None of these

_________ is a mathema�cal discipline that is used for designing digital circuits in a

digital computer.
a. Boolean Algebra b. Newman's Algebra c. Kerns Algebra

53 These are basically drawings, pain�ngs, charts, graphics etc.

a. Presenta�on b. Chart c. Input d. Graphics

A ______________ is an electronic device that scans physical documents and convert

them into digital format.

a. Barcode Reader b. Scanner c. None of these

55 A ______________ is a readymade outline or pa�ern we can use for our slides.

a. Template b. Media c. Paragraph

56 The command that takes exis�ng cell entries and replicates them in other cells is called:
a. Move b. Paste c. Cut d. Copy

57 So�ware is divided into ___________ types or classes.

a. Zero b. One c. Two d. Three

58 Menu bars:
a. Have clear b. Give a complete lis�ng of c. Require a d. All of these
explana�ons of all all available commands small part of
commands the screen

59 Cell D5 is in the:
a. Fourth row and b. Fourth row and c. Fi�h row and d. Fi�h row and
the fi�h column the fourth column the fi�h column the fourth column

60 CD / DVDs are _________ devices.

a. Input b. Output c. Storage d. None of these

English VII-VIII 6

61 We can find ROM chips on ___________.

a. Home appliances b. Automobiles c. Airplanes d. All of them

62 Socket on motherboard is called:

a. Card b. Expansion slot c. Circuit

63 Slide transi�on is:

a. The movement of b. Pain�ng the document
one slide to another

64 ALU is made up of :
a. AU b. LU c. Both a and b

65 __________ stores all the emails that we receive according to date and �me.
a. Outbox b. Composer c. Inbox

66 The commonly used storage device is:

a. Plate b. USB c. Notebook d. Recycle bin

67 This means to write an email:

a. Subject b. Dele�ng c. Composing

68 A presenta�on that uses slides, sounds, videos, anima�on, etc. is called a _________presenta�on.
a. Graphic b. Mul�media c. Excel

69 Binary nota�ons is a way of represen�ng posi�ve numeric values using only the digits :
a. 0 & 1 b. 1 & 2 c. 2 & 5

70 It takes ___________ to send and receive an email.

a. Seconds b. Hours c. Days

71 The internal memory of CPU for storing data, different programmes and their output is called _____.
a. RAM b. ROM c. ORM d. All of the above

72 Educa�onal so�ware is designed to help educate, instruct, teach, etc. the user about a
par�cular subject ma�er.
a. TRUE b. False

English VII-VIII

73 The _____ operator is defined in the Boolean Algebra by use of plus sign.
a. NOR b. NOT c. OR

74 Input device for entering text is ___________.

a. Media Player b. Mouse c. Keyboard

75 This means carbon copy:

a. AC b. BCC c. CC

____________ allows users to remove files that are no longer needed or that can
be safely deleted.
a. Disk Washer b. Disk Sweeper c. Disk Cleanup d. None
of these
77 Barcode reader is______________ device.
a. Input b. Output c. None of these

The storage space in the computer where the instruc�ons for data to be processed are
stored is called the

a. Virus b. Gmail c. Computer memory

79 UPS stands for:

a. Parcel Service b. Unary Opera�on c. Uninterrup�ble Power

80 The rectangular highlight that appears on the commands is called:

a. Menu pointer b. Indicator c. Menu d. Cell
81 _________ is content that uses more than one medium.
a. Graphics b. Mul�media c. Sounds d. Theme

82 UPC stand for

a. Universal Product Code b. Universal Parcel Cover c. None of these

83 What is the full form of AT in the IBM PC-AT?

a. Applied Technology b. Assemble Technology c. Advance Technology d. Addi�onal
84 A ___________ can be series of numbers or words or both.
a. Parrot b. Password c. None of these

English VII-VIII 8

85 The device used for prin�ng documents?

a. Printer b. Scanner c. Camera

86 Pseudo-instruc�on are:
a. assembler direc�ves b. instruc�ons for catching c. none of these

87 _____________ allows to add notes, ideas, advice, sugges�ons, etc. in the document.
a. Paragraph b. Comment c. None of these

88 What is the graphical representa�on of a file or folder on the desktop called?

a. Window b. Desktop Icon c. Tab

89 Device for providing a visual interface for a computer?

a. Keyboard b. Mouse c. Monitor

90 Floppy disk in a computer system is:

a. main memory b. compiler c. so�ware d. hardware

91 Scanner is an:
a. Input device b. Output device c. Storage device

92 Device for conver�ng spoken words into text on a computer?

a. Speech to Text b. ATM c. CPU d. ALU

93 Command used to make text bold:

a. Ctrl + B b. Ctrl + U c. Ctrl + I

94 A __________ is a device interface that allows devices to communicate with one another.
a. Modem b. Key s�ck c. Par�cle d. Port

95 In email address "Kashif@"; Kashif is user and ""

a. Password b. domain name c. User name

96 Floppy disk is _________ device.

a. Input b. Output c. Storage d. None of these


CPU instruc�on cycle follow these steps,

97 A: Ge�ng instruc�ons from memory,B: CU decode the instruc�ons into different commands
C: ALU execute the commands, D: Results are stored in the memory:

a. B A C D b. C B A D c. A B C D d. None
of these
98 A template does not contain:
a. Labels to be b. Formulas to be provided c. Numerical data to be d. All of
provided by the user by the user provided by the user these

99 Every human being has a unique set of fingerprints.


100 A _____________ computer is usually required to run graphics so�ware.

a. So� b. Weak c. Powerful

101 An email address has ___________ main parts.

a. One b. Two c. Four

102 The value of logical operator OR will be 1 if:

a. A = 0 & B = 1 b. A = 1 & B = 0 c. All of these

103 What is the process of making an exact copy of data onto another storage device?
a. Backup b. Power supply c. Both a and b

104 The presenta�on template contains:

a. Background styles b. Theme effects and fonts c. Theme colours and d. All of
layouts them

105 Texture fill is when ___________ are used as the slide backgrounds.
a. Picture b. Texture c. None of these

106 NIC allows the computers to connect to a network and communicate with other computers.

107 A collec�on of encoded pixels is called :

a. Bit map b. Byte map c. Bit and Byte

108 In Boolean algebra, the set of constant values consist of:

a. Two Elements b. Three Elements c. Four Elements d. Six

English VII-VIII 10

109 _______________ data can have any value within a defined range and it is con�nuous.
a. Graphic b. Hybrid c. Analog

A predefined set of fonts, colours and visual effects that we can apply to our slide in
the presenta�on is called:

a. Style b. Theme c. Colour d. None of these

111 Device for listening sound on a computer?

a. Mouse b. Headphones c. Keyboard d. USB

112 The custom or unique name that user picks for his/her email account.
a. Nickname b. Account c. Username

113 ___________ is a photographic recording of a light field.

a. Carbon copy b. Robo�cs c. Holographic Imaging

114 AGP is designed for:

a. Video / graphic b. Audio cards c. ATM cards

115 Free email service providers:

a. Gmail b. Hotmail c. Yahoo d. All of them

116 Which of following logical operator is denoted by prime sign ( ’ ) or bar sign ( - ) over the variable?
a. AND b. OR c. NOT d. NOR

117 IT stands for:

a. Informa�on b. Internet Transfer c. None of these

118 ___________ stores all the emails you have sent from an email address.
a. Inbox b. Sent Folder or Items c. Trash

119 Header shows informa�on at the __________ of the page.

a. Bo�om b. Middle c. Top

120 Physical parts of computer are called:

a. Parts b. So�ware c. Hardware


English VII-VIII

Opera�ons such as comparing, matching, selec�ng and merging data are func�ons
of the control unit.

122 Command used to make text italic:

a. Ctrl + B b. Ctrl + U c. Ctrl + I

123 The method of repeated division by _____ is preferable for the conversion of larger
hexadecimal to decimal numbers.
a. 2 b. 8 c. 10 d. 16

124 Who is father of computer?

a. Archimedes b. Newton c. Charles Babbage d. None of these

125 Monitor is ___________ device.

a. Input b. Output c. Storage

126 To enlarge the size of the text, we apply ______________ func�on.

a. Zoom In b. Zoom Out c. Delete

127 Tabs are a paragraph forma�ng feature used to ____________ text.

a. Align b. Dis-align c. None of these

128 Device for capturing fingerprints or handprints:

a. ATM Machine b. Card Reader c. Biometric Scanner d. None of these

129 Remove the last changes:

a. Undo b. Redo c. Tab d. Format

130 Entertainment so�ware is used for entertaining purposes.


131 The so�ware which includes the opera�ng system and applica�on so�ware is run by:
a. USB b. CPU c. DVD

132 Which printer cannot print more than one character at a �me?
a. Daisy wheel b. Line printer c. Laser printer d. Thermal printer


English VII-VIII 12

133 To protect our email account we need to have:

a. Strong Password b. Lock and keys c. None of these

134 Device for connec�ng to the internet wirelessly?

a. RAM b. Router c. ROM

135 The physical elements of a computer which can be seen and touched are called :
a. Parts b. Stones c. Hardware

136 _____ is the method to move the objects around.

a. Anima�on b. Pain�ng c. Drawing

137 There are ______________ subcategories of the main memory.

a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4

138 AGP stands for:

a. Accelerated Grand Portal b. Accelerated Graphics Port b. None of these

A/an _______________ is a type of system so�ware that manages the computer's hardware
and so�ware resources.

a. Opera�ng system b. Memory System c. Data d. Applica�on

140 The _________ is setup of a slide.

a. Cap�ons b. Margin c. layout

141 This means blind carbon copy:

a. CC b. AC c. BCC

142 To view document in two parts, the ____________ op�on is used.

a. Zoom In b. Zoon Out c. Split Screen

143 Examples of expansion cards are :

a. Video cards b. Sound cards c. Network cards d. All of them

144 Kashif@; Kashif is:

a. Password b. Case sensi�ve domain c. User name


English VII-VIII

145 A single page of a presenta�on in PowerPoint is called:

a. Paragraph b. Page c. Slide

146 ______________ components are inside the system unit.

a. External b. Internal c. Both external and d. None of
internal these

147 Which of the following is part of the system unit?

a. Memory b. Monitor c. Floppy disks d. Keyboard

148 Applying indents, line spacing and bullets is called:

a. Paragraph b. Pain�ng a document c. None of these

149 PCI slot is used to connect:

a. Sound cards b. Network cards c. Both a and b d. None of
150 Deleted emails are stored in ___________.
a. Inbox b. Sent emails c. Deleted or Trash folder

151 The rightmost digit of a binary number is called:

a. LSB b. PSB c. MSB

152 The main parts of a barcode :

a. Machine Readable b. Universal Product c. Both a and b
Barcode Code

153 Device for presen�ng informa�on to a large audience?

a. LU b. CPU c. Projector d. Both a and b

154 The most commonly used numbering system is the _____ system.
a. Hexadecimal b. Octal c. Decimal

155 ERP is an acronym for:

a. Enterprise b. Enterprise c. Enterprise d. Enterprise
Re�rement Planning Rela�onship Recorder Resource
Planning Planning Planning

English VII-VIII 14

156 We ____________ open locks with fingerprints.

a. Cannot b. Can

157 Features of an email are:

a. It is easy and b. Files can be c. We can maintain record d. All of them
convenient to email a�ached of our conversa�on

158 Spreadsheets can move informa�on by:

a. Cu�ng and pas�ng b. Exchanging the c. Exchanging the order of d. All of these
areas of the worksheet order of columns rows

159 ____________ is the blank space at the beginning or end of a line or paragraph.
a. Space b. Indenta�on

160 A ___________ is a text added below or above an illustra�on or image that explains it.
a. Cap�on b. Font c. Reader d. None of these

161 Command used to underline text:

a. Ctrl + B b. Ctrl + U c. Ctrl + I

162 The default image viewer in Microso� Windows.

a. Photo Viewer b. Image Viewer c. Graphical Viewer d. None of these

163 The __________ keyboard is the most common layout used in the keyboards.
a. QWERTY b. LIBERTY c. None of these

164 _______________ is when you respond to an email.

a. Reply b. Compose c. Send

165 Ctrl + C is used to:

a. Cut b. Paste c. Copy d. All of these

166 U�lity programmes are so�ware programmes that add _____________ to your computer.
a. Data b. Storage c. Func�onality

167 Random Access Memory:

a. RAM b. ROM c. CPU d. HTTP


English VII-VIII

168 The device for scanning images and documents?

a. CPU b. Scanner c. USB

169 Acts as a virtual address or mailbox for the storage of email messages.
a. Email account b. Transfer data c. RAM d. ROM

170 Device for providing backup power during outages?

a. UPS b. USP c. None of these

171 _____________ is the process of iden�fying similari�es among situa�ons.

a. Result Orienta�on b. Pa�ern Recogni�on

172 ____________ are machines with advanced systems that can carry out a job.
a. Cartoon b. Robots c. Toy

173 PCI is acronym of:

a. Posi�ve Component b. Personal Computer c. Peripheral Component
Interconnect Interconnect

174 Device for displaying visual output?

a. Monitor b. Printer c. Mouse d. Keyboard

175 CPU, op�cal drives, hard drives, sound card, etc. are directly connected to:
a. Mouse b. Keyboard c. Motherboard d. None of these

176 ALU is the component of:

a. CPU b. ALU c. CU

177 Fingerprint readers are used for:

a. Signature b. Authorizing financial c. Office a�endance d. All of them
Verifica�on data

178 Ctrl + Z is used to:

a. Undo a task b. Copy a file c. Paste a file

179 The _____ operator is defined in the Boolean Algebra by the user (.) dot operator.
a. NAND b. NOT c. OR d. AND


English VII-VIII 16

180 Through an email we can a�ach:

a. Anima�ons b. Pictures c. Video files d. All of these

181 ________ is where we type the concise descrip�on or main point of the email.
a. To b. CC c. Subject

182 Hard disk is ___________.

a. Input device b. Storage device c. Output device d. None of these

183 _____________ is called read/write memory.

a. OHM b. ROM c. RAM d. None of these

A _______ manager is a so�ware programme that helps a user to manage all files in
their computer.
a. Text b. File c. Memory d. Document

185 Mul�media so�ware is used to create :

a. Presenta�ons b. Anima�on c. Video Graphics d. All of them

186 Speaker is ___________ device.

a. Input b. Output c. Storage

187 Objects moving around in the presenta�on is called:

a. Flying b. Anima�on c. Text d. Spellings

188 ________ performs arithme�c and logic opera�ons.

a. Control unit b. Processing unit c. Arithme�c logic unit

189 Anything which can be heard by the human ear is:

a. Sound b. Picture c. Graphics

190 ___________ is a so�ware used for composing, edi�ng, forma�ng and prin�ng documents.
a. Word Processor b. Opera�ng System c. Spreadsheet

191 What is the main language used to create web pages?

a. ATTP b. ALU c. HTML d. PPT

192 What does 'C' represent in MICR?

a. Character b. Computer c. Column d. Code

English VII-VIII

193 Modem is _________ device.

a. Input b. Output c. Communica�on d. None of these

194 Indent is space between the ________ and text.

a. Text b. Margins c. None of these

195 The memory from which we can only read but cannot write is :
a. MRI b. RAM c. ROM

196 Device for controlling the movement of the cursor on the screen?
a. Cursor b. Mouse c. Touchpad

197 Highlight is used to mark ____________ text in the document.

a. Indent b. Least important c. Important

198 Instruc�ons that are needed to start a computer is stored on ___________.

a. ROM b. RAM c. ALU d. None of these

199 Graphics card handles the process of ___________.

a. Audio informa�on b. Numbers c. Visual Informa�on

200 The casing that contains all the internal components of a computer is called:
a. So�ware b. System Unit c. Hardware

201 The number of dis�nct Boolean expressions of 4 variables is ___________.

a. 65536 b. 65546 c. 65556

202 The person you want to send an email to:

a. Recipient b. Sender c. Composer d. None of these

203 We ____________ open locks with fingerprints.

a. Cannot b. Can

204 Which of the following is part of the system unit?

a. Memory b. Monitor c. Floppy disks d. Keyboard




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