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Submit :
Robot is defined as a mechanical device capable of performing dangerous human
work. One of the human jobs that can be done by robots is fire fighting activities. In
this study, a prototype fire extinguisher robot with a wall following technique will be
Accept :
designed by taking a simulated fire sample in a labyrinth and giving a candle flame
as a fire to be extinguished. This fire fighting robot is designed with 4 (four) wheels,
the robot uses ultrasonic sensors to adjust the distance between the robot and the
Publish :
walls so that the robot does not hit walls or objects that block it, the robot is also
given a flame detector to detect the presence of fire and a DC motor to extinguish
the fire. In addition, the robot can also move to find and extinguish hotspots through
the control of the android application, by connecting the bluetooth on the
smartphone to bluetooth, the system is connected to the smartphone so that it can
move the robot according to orders through the application. From the test results
obtained that the sensitivity is very influential on the performance of the movement
of the fire fighting robot. The ideal limit for this fire fighting robot is below 80 cm.

Keywords: Fire Detector, Fire Fighting Robots, Wall Following Techniques,


INTRODUCTION firefighters[7]. These risks include

explosions, burning room conditions, and
Robotics is a testament to the progress
sharp objects. Extinguishing that is done
of human civilization from time to time.
manually without a fire extinguisher robot
The form of a robot is not just a shape that
for firefighters will experience accidents,
resembles a certain animal, but moves to
disability and even death[8].
resemble the shape it [1].
Based on the description above, this
Robots are developed to be able to
research will design a robot "Designing a
assist human work in carrying out various
Fire Extinguishing Robot Using the
complex[2], dangerous and demanding
Arduino Mega-based Wall Following
jobs that require accuracy and reduce the
Technique." The purpose of Wall
level of risk of work accidents, for
Following is an automatic robot whose
example in extinguishing fires[3]. Fire
movement follows the dividing walls on
fighting robots are tools that help humans
the track. In addition, the robot can also
to track, detect and extinguish fires or
move to find and extinguish hotspots
fires[4]. Fire fighting robots are tools that
through the control of the android
help humans to track, detect and
application manually[9][10].
extinguish fires or fires[5]. Fires often
occur due to several problems such as The purpose of the research is to
electrical short circuits, human negligence reduce the level of accident risk in fire
and so on which result in loss of life and fighting work, to design a prototype fire
property loss[6]. fighting robot that can search for and
extinguish fires, use a reliable navigation
The agency authorized to deal with
system so that it can support the robot's
fires that occur is the fire department.
performance so that it can complete fire
However, it is difficult to extinguish the
fire to the interior of the room, tunnel or
dangerous locations that cannot be entered
by firefighters because it is a high risk for
RESEARCH METHODS the stage of putting control of the fire
fighting robot control system using the
In this stage the researcher
uses the
Arduino 1Mega-based wall following
prototype method, while the essence of
technique. so that it is ready for operation
this method is the work of a model
and can be seen as an effort to realize the
development into a final system[12].
tool that has been designed[15].
The steps involved in making a fire
The picture below is a series of Arduino
fighting robot use the prototype method,
Mega machines with Bluetooth.
1. Gathering Needs
At this stage the researcher analyzes
the needs in the design of the fire fighting
robot to be built. Among them is the
selection of the required hardware and
software. In this case the researcher uses
Arduino Mega as the main hardware and
Arduino software.
2. Build Prototyping
In this case, the researcher describes the
input and output formats that will be
produced. Figure 1. Arduino mega, Motor Sield
2 and Bluetooth
3. Prototyping Evaluation
Next, after the prototyping development
stage, the researcher defines the format The picture below is an Arduino Mega
and overall requirements of the robot, machine circuit with a Flame sensor.
identifies all requirements, and outlines the
robot to be built.
4. Coding Robot
In this stage the agreed prototyping is
translated into the appropriate
programming language as a process for
inputting commands to be received on
5. Robot Testing
In this stage, the modules that have been
made using the wall following technique
1 Figure 2. Arduino Mega, Motor Sield
are combined and tested to find out and Flame Detector
whether the robot that has been built is in
accordance with the design and whether The picture below is a series of Arduino
there are still errors or not[14]. Mega machines with dc motors

Implementation is one of the stages in
system development, where this stage is
Figure 5. Arduino Mega, Relay with
Figure 3. Arduino Mega, Sield Motor Pump
and DC Motor
The picture below is a series of the entire
The picture below is a series of Arduino fire fighting robot control system using the
Mega machines with Ultrasonic Sensors Arduino Mega-based wall following

Figure 4. Arduino Mega, Sield and
Ultrasonic Motors Figure 6. Overall view

The picture below is a series of Arduino The picture below is an android

Mega machines, Relays with Pumps. application display design for a fire
fighting robot control system using the
Arduino Mega-based wall following
fire, the robot will continue to run and look
for hotspots. The flame sensor will send
data to the Arduino Mega microcontroller.
Table 1. Flame Detector Test
Condition Pump Buzzer
No Fire Not active Not active
Fire Active Active

Left Ultrasonic Test

Testing with candles. When the distance
read by the ultrasonic sensor in the
prototype is above 5 cm then Forward and
Figure 7. Display of the android when the distance read by the ultrasonic in
application the prototype is below 5 cm then Right.
Ultrasonic will send data to the Arduino
Mega microcontroller.
Testing the Arduino Mega system 1
on a
wall following fire fighting robot can be Table 2. Left Ultrasonic Testing
done with the following steps: Distance Condition
1. Connect the battery to the hardware <5 cm Right
circuit of the wall following fire >5 cm Forward
fighting robot
2. After that the wall following fire
fighting robot will light up like its Right Ultrasonic Test
supporting devices, namely Arduino Testing with candles. When the distance
Mega, Flame Sensor, Relay, and DC read by the ultrasonic sensor in the
Motor. prototype is above 5 cm then forward and
3. After the fire fighting robot turns on when the distance read by ultrasonic in the
the robot is ready to run the command. prototype is below 5 cm then left.
4. When the hotspots are in the Ultrasonic will send data to the Arduino
room/labyrinth, the robot will search Mega microcontroller.
for the hotspots by following the
existing side of the wall automatically. Table 3. Right Ultrasonic Testing
5. And if the robot is outside the room Distance Condition
where the fire occurred / outside the <5 cm Left
labyrinth, the fire fighting robot is run
manually controlled from the android >5 cm Forward
and directed to the point of fire to be
extinguished. Wall Following System Testing
The test is carried out by following the left
Flame Sensor Test wall and right side walls carried out in a
labyrinth. By following the left wall and
Testing with candles. When the flame the right wall, the wall following robot
sensor detects a fire around, the robot will managed to follow the wall with a duration
spit water and the buzzer will sound, and
when the flame sensor no longer detects a
of 20-30 seconds to the point where a fire THANK-YOU NOTE
was detected. 4
The author would like to thank the campus
Table 4. Wall Following System Testing Universitas Hang Tuah Pekanbaru for their
willingness to provide support in
Test Time
conducting this research.
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Similarity Report ID: oid:23942:33155625

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