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Copia de Competency Framework Template - Core, Functional & Technical Competencies

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How to create a competency framework from scratch

1. Start by selecting your core competencies from this database. These will be shared across the entire organization. Yo

2. For each department, select relevant functional and technical competencies from this database. There are 100 functio

3. If you want a simpler model, you could group technical and functional competencies. The key is to collaborate wi
key stakeholders from each department to ensure you select the most relevant competencies for your company.

4. Try to keep the model to a maximum of 12 core + functional + technical competencies.

5. For senior levels and leadership roles, include leadership competencies. But keep the total number of competencies t
maximum of 15.

Access our leadership competencies framework template where you will find 25 leadership competencies.

Note: You can adjust the competency distribution based on the specific needs and structure of your organization. For
instance, if your organization is highly technical, you might allocate more technical competencies. Similarly, if you are
building a leadership pipeline or have many managerial roles, you might want to emphasize leadership competencies m

6. If relevant for your performance management system, customize the performance metrics for each level (column H)
according to your organizational objectives.

Looking for an easier way? Create detailed competency models and career frameworks for all roles in your organizatio
he entire organization. You have 50 competencies to choose from.

ase. There are 100 functional and technical competencies to choose from.

he key is to collaborate with

or your company.

number of competencies to a


f your organization. For

ncies. Similarly, if you are
eadership competencies more.

for each level (column H),

l roles in your organization.All with Deel Engage's AI-powered people suite. Learn how Deel Engage works.
Looking for a better way to create role clarity and run more meaningful career frameworks?Try our all-in-one people manag

Competency name Competency description

and drive tasks or projects forward in a timely guidance and support as needed.
Action orientation and efficient manner by setting goals, Proactively seeks feedback and
prioritizing actions and acting with a sense of opportunities for learning to improve

The ability to adjust one's approach, emotions,

and behavior to changing circumstances and to Reacts positively to change and manages
effectively handle the uncertainty, complexity, personal stress in a changing environment.
and ambiguity that come with change.

The ability to meticulously ensure every aspect

of a task is free from errors and completed to Consistently completes tasks with
Attention to detail the highest standard. It involves careful accuracy, follows instructions carefully,
observation, the ability to spot errors, and a and checks work for mistakes.
commitment to precision.

Recognizes the importance of

The ability to develop and maintain effective
relationships in work settings, engages
Building work relationships relationships with coworkers, stakeholders, and
respectfully with colleagues, participates
clients, fostering trust and collaboration.
in team activities.
The ability to effectively use digital tools and
technology to find, evaluate, create, and
communicate information. It involves Demonstrates basic knowledge of
Digital literacy understanding how to navigate digital common digital tools and platforms, such
platforms, use software applications, and as email and word processing software.
leverage technology for productivity and
communication purposes.

The ability to recognize, understand, and

Demonstrates awareness of basic emotions
manage one's own emotions, as well as to
and their impact on personal behavior,
Emotional intelligence perceive and influence the emotions of others.
responds appropriately to emotional cues
It involves empathy, self-awareness, self-
from others.
regulation, social skills, and motivation.

The ability to understand, respect, and

effectively interact with individuals and groups
from different cultural backgrounds. It involves Shows awareness of cultural differences
awareness of cultural differences in and respects diverse perspectives,
Cross-cultural awareness
communication styles, values, norms, and demonstrates openness to learning about
behaviors, and the ability to adapt one's own other cultures.
behavior and communication to foster positive
cross-cultural relationships.

The ability to convey ideas, information, and

messages effectively through written language.
It includes clarity, coherence, conciseness, and Writes simple and clear messages with
Written communication
correctness in written documents, emails, basic grammar and spelling accuracy.
reports, and other forms of written
The ability to convey ideas, information, and
Communicates basic information clearly
messages effectively through spoken language.
and politely in one-on-one conversations,
Oral communication It includes clarity, coherence, engagement, and
listens attentively, and responds
persuasiveness in conversations, presentations,
meetings, and public speaking engagements.

The ongoing effort to improve products,

services, or processes over time. Involves Identifies areas for small, incremental
Continuous improvement regularly evaluating performance, seeking ways improvements in daily tasks and seeks
to enhance efficiency, and implementing guidance on implementation.
improvement initiatives.

The ability to think outside the box and

generate original ideas and solutions. It Engages in creative thinking during team
Creativity involves a willingness to experiment and take brainstorming sessions, willing to suggest
risks to develop novel and effective responses and explore new ideas.
to challenges and opportunities.

The ability to analyze information and Can identify simple problems.

Critical thinking arguments in order to evaluate their quality and Demonstrates a willingness to learn and
make well-reasoned decisions. apply analytical thinking skills

Recognizes cultural differences, shows

cultural backgrounds. Involves understanding
Cultural competence respect for diverse viewpoints, and learns
cultural differences, respecting various
from cultural interactions.
Demonstrates a willingness to learn about
customer needs and expectations by
The commitment to understanding and meeting
actively seeking guidance from team
the needs of both internal and external
Customer centricity members and supervisors.
customers, ensuring a positive experience with
Shows empathy and active listening skills
the organization's services or products.
when interacting with customers or
addressing their concerns.

The ability to make well-informed, effective,

and timely decisions, even in the face of Makes simple decisions based on clear
Decision making uncertainty. It includes gathering information, criteria, seeks guidance when necessary,
considering the consequences, and taking and learns from outcomes.
responsibility for the outcomes.
The ability to make sound and timely
guidance and support from team members
Decisiveness decisions, even in the face of uncertainty or
and supervisors when faced with more
high-pressure situations.

The ability to effectively assign tasks and

responsibilities to others while maintaining Assigns tasks to others under supervision,
Delegation overall accountability. Involves understanding communicates clear instructions, and
team members' strengths and ensuring they follows up on completion.
have the resources needed to succeed.
The capacity to adapt to new ideas, processes,
or conditions with a positive attitude. Involves Open to learning about changes and
Embracing change the willingness to let go of old methods and the contributes to the implementation of new
agility to learn and implement new ones ideas in a supportive role.

Can empathize with basic emotions.

The ability to understand and share the feelings
Demonstrates a willingness to learn and
of another, appreciating their perspectives and
Empathy apply empathy skills, seeking guidance
emotions, and reacting appropriately to their
and support from team members and

The process of giving team members the

authority, resources, and confidence to take
Encourages peers to contribute ideas and
initiative and make decisions. It involves
Empowering others participate in team activities, recognizes
fostering a supportive environment where
individuals can develop their skills and
contribute to their fullest potential.

The capacity to consistently behave in an

honest, fair, and ethical manner, making Recognizes ethical dilemmas, adheres to
Ethical judgment and integrity decisions that consider the welfare of all organizational codes of conduct, and
stakeholders and uphold the principles of the reports misconduct.
The ability to provide effective feedback by
Is receptive to receiving feedback, and
Giving and receiving feedback being supportive, encouraging and specific for
using it to improve skills and peformance.
learning, change, and improvement

The capacity to exert a compelling, persuasive

Begins to use communication skills to
force on the opinions and actions of others,
Impact and influence influence team decisions, understands the
gaining their support and commitment to
basics of persuasive tactics.
achieve specific outcomes.

Understands the importance of innovation

within the organization. Begins to learn
The capacity to generate new ideas, creative about creative thinking techniques and the
solutions, and novel approaches to problems role of innovation in improving
that contribute to the improvement of performance. Participates in team
processes, products, or services. brainstorming sessions by listening and
observing, gaining insights from more
experienced colleagues.

The ability to inspire, influence, and guide

others in achieving goals and fulfilling the
Demonstrates basic leadership skills in
vision of the organization. It involves strategic
Leadership direct interactions, follows ethical
thinking, effective communication, and a
guidelines, supports team initiatives.
commitment to fostering the growth and
development of others.
The ability to effectively discuss and reach
mutually beneficial agreements between
Participates in negotiations with guidance,
different parties. It involves understanding
Negotiation understands the basics of negotiation
needs, interests, and goals, and finding a
satisfactory compromise that maximizes value
for all involved.

The process of creating and maintaining a web

of professional contacts that can provide Attends networking events, understands
information, support, and business the importance of professional
opportunities. Involves reaching out to others, connections, and starts building a personal
maintaining ongoing relationships, and network.
providing mutual benefits.

The ability to continuously improve

performance and maintain high standards in all Understands basic operational procedures,
aspects of operations. This involves optimizing follows guidelines to maintain operational
Operational excellence
processes, enhancing quality, reducing waste, standards, and identifies obvious
and ensuring that every aspect of the business inefficiencies.
operates at peak efficiency.

The ability to structure one's own and others'

work efficiently. It involves planning, Keeps personal work area organized and
Organizational skills
prioritizing, and managing resources and time manages own time effectively.
effectively to achieve specific goals.
Takes responsibility for assigned tasks,
The ability to take responsibility for one's seeking guidance and support as needed to
actions, decisions, and their consequences, ensure successful completion.
demonstrating accountability, commitment, and Demonstrates a strong work ethic by
a strong work ethic showing commitment to learning and
improving performance.

The ability to convince others to understand,

Understands the basics of persuasive
accept, and act upon different views or
communication, practices simple
Persuasiveness behaviors. It involves effective communication,
persuasive techniques in familiar
the art of negotiation, and the ability to appeal
to the interests of others.

objectives, involving setting goals, identifying Understands basic planning principles,

Planning resources, and outlining steps. It includes the assists in preparing simple project plans,
capacity to anticipate obstacles and adjust plans and follows established procedures.

Recognizes and responds to clear,

The skill of evaluating tasks and
immediate priorities, and manages tasks as
responsibilities in terms of their immediate and
Prioritizing long-term impacts, organizing them to
Seeks input to clarify the importance of
maximize efficiency and achieve both short-
assignments and uses basic tools to
term objectives and long-term goals.
organize day-to-day work.

The ability to systematically identify and

define problems, understand their root causes,
Recognizes basic problems and
and develop potential solutions. It involves
communicates them to supervisors,
Problem analysis breaking down complex issues into manageable
follows guidelines to address
parts, using critical thinking to evaluate
straightforward issues.
different aspects, and distinguishing between
cause and effect.
The ability to identify, analyze, and resolve
problems using logical reasoning and effective Identifies simple problems and proposes
Problem-solving solutions. It involves creativity, critical basic solutions, seeks guidance to
thinking, and the capacity to assess various understand problem-solving processes.
solutions for their potential outcomes.

Participates actively in project planning

The capacity to concentrate efforts on
and execution, understands project
managing projects or tasks from conception
Project and goal focus objectives, completes assigned tasks by
through to successful conclusion, ensuring
deadlines, seeks feedback to improve
alignment with business goals.
focus on goals.

The process of establishing objectives that are

achievable and measurable, considering Sets personal or team goals that are
available resources, constraints, and strategic specific and achievable, understands
Realistic goal setting
directions. Emphasizes setting goals that resource limitations, seeks guidance to
challenge and stretch capabilities while still ensure goals are realistic.
being attainable.

The quality of being dependable and consistent

in quality and performance. It involves meeting Meets basic responsibilities and deadlines,
Reliability commitments, accomplishing tasks as is punctual and prepared for tasks, follows
promised, and maintaining consistent standards directions carefully.
and values under varying circumstances.
The ability to accurately gather, interpret, and
present data and information that inform Compiles basic reports under supervision,
decision-making. It involves clarity, learns to organize data clearly, and
conciseness, and relevance in reporting, as well understands the importance of accuracy
as timely and effective communication of and timeliness.

The systematic investigation into and study of

materials and sources to establish facts and Conducts basic research tasks, learns to
Research reach new conclusions. It involves critical use research tools, and understands the
thinking, data gathering, and evaluation to principles of data collection and analysis.
support business initiatives and innovation.

recover quickly from setbacks, and adapt

new challenges or setbacks.
Resilience effectively to challenges or adversity, being
Seeks guidance and support from team
able to achieve success even in the face of
The ability to focus on the outcome of one’s
Completes assigned tasks efficiently,
work, emphasizing the achievement of goals
meets basic performance standards, and
Results orientation and results. It involves setting high
demonstrates a commitment to achieving
performance standards, and being accountable
job requirements.
for achieving business objectives.

The systematic process of identifying,

analyzing, and responding to risks that could Assists in risk identification for specific
Risk management potentially affect objectives. It involves risk tasks, understands basic risk mitigation
assessment, mitigation strategies, and strategies.
contingency planning.

The ability to understand one's own emotions,

strengths and weaknesses, seeking
Self-awareness thoughts, and behaviors, and how they affect
guidance and support as needed to
The ability to independently regulate one's own
emotions, thoughts, and behaviors in different Recognizes own responsibilities,
Self-management situations. Involves setting personal goals, maintains punctuality, and meets
managing stress, and demonstrating self- deadlines for assigned tasks.
discipline and initiative.

The ability to analyze the organization's

competitive position by considering market and
Understands and contributes to team
industry trends, existing and potential
Strategic thinking strategies, grasps basic business concepts
customers (external environment), and the
and terminologies.
strengths and weaknesses (internal
environment) of the organization.

The ability to work effectively with others,

collaborating and cooperating to achieve Actively participates in team activities,
Teamwork common goals or objectives, fostering a contributing ideas and seeking guidance
positive work environment and enhancing from team members and supervisors.

The ability to effectively plan and organize Effectively manages daily tasks, ensuring
Time management one's own time to meet deadlines, prioritize timely completion and meeting personal
tasks, and make the most efficient use of time. deadlines
The ability to effectively work with others in a Familiarizes with basic online
remote or virtual environment. It includes communication tools and participates in
Virtual collaboration utilizing digital tools to communicate, share virtual meetings. Adheres to virtual
documents, and manage projects across etiquette and responds to communications
different locations and time zones. in a timely manner.

enhance one's knowledge and skills, staying Is open to learning new things. Actively
Willingness to learn / Continuous
current with industry trends and seeking seeks guidance and support from team
opportunities for personal and professional members and supervisors.
ful career frameworks?Try our all-in-one people management suite, Deel Engage.

Level of competency mastery

Intermediate Competent Advanced

demonstrating commitment to deadlines. are completed in a timely and efficient
responsibility for outcomes.
Sets personal goals and prioritizes tasks manner.
Collaborates effectively with team members
effectively to balance workload and achieve Acts as a mentor for others, sharing

Models flexibility, supports others in

Adjusts to new methods, works effectively Anticipates change, champions adaptability,
navigating change, and drives adaptive
under new structures or with new teams. and prepares teams for transformation.

Oversees detailed-oriented projects, ensures

Reviews outputs for quality and precision, Audits work processes to identify and
all team outputs meet quality thresholds,
identifies errors before submission, and correct inefficiencies, promotes a culture of
and instills attention to detail in team
maintains high standards in complex tasks. accuracy and thoroughness.

Builds and maintains professional Develops strategic partnerships that benefit

Cultivates strong relationships across the
relationships, collaborates effectively, organizational goals, resolves conflicts at
organization, navigates complex
manages interpersonal conflicts high levels, promotes a collaborative
interpersonal dynamics, integrates teams.
constructively. culture.
Utilizes a variety of digital tools and Masters advanced features of digital tools, Leads digital transformation initiatives
applications for personal and professional adapts quickly to new software and within the organization, identifies and
tasks, including collaboration platforms and technologies, and troubleshoots technical implements innovative technologies to
cloud-based software. issues independently. improve workflows and efficiency.

Recognizes and manages own emotions Navigates complex emotional situations

Leads by example in emotional
effectively, demonstrates empathy and with resilience, builds strong relationships
intelligence, fosters a positive and inclusive
understanding in interpersonal interactions, based on trust and mutual respect, and helps
work environment, and resolves conflicts
and adapts communication style to different others manage their emotions
with empathy and diplomacy.
emotional states. constructively.

Adapts communication style and behavior to Navigates complex cultural dynamics with
Leads cross-cultural initiatives within the
accommodate cultural differences, seeks to confidence, builds strong relationships
organization, fosters an inclusive culture
understand cultural norms and values, and across cultural boundaries, and resolves
that values diversity, and promotes cross-
demonstrates sensitivity in cross-cultural conflicts arising from cultural differences
cultural understanding and collaboration.
interactions. effectively.

Develops and presents compelling

Communicates ideas and information Crafts complex documents with precision
arguments or narratives in written form,
effectively in various formats, demonstrates and clarity, tailors writing style to different
synthesizes information from multiple
proficiency in grammar, punctuation, and audiences and purposes, and edits for
sources, and adapts writing style to fit
style. accuracy and coherence.
organizational standards and goals.
Influences and inspires others through
Presents ideas and information effectively in Delivers compelling presentations to
persuasive speaking, adapts communication
small group settings, engages audiences, and diverse audiences, demonstrates effective
style to different contexts and audiences,
responds confidently to questions and public speaking skills, and handles
and facilitates productive discussions in
feedback. challenging questions with confidence.
group settings.

Analyzes processes to find efficiency gains, Champions significant improvement Drives a culture of improvement, mentors
implements improvements, and monitors projects, measures the impact of changes, others in improvement methodologies, and
results. and adjusts strategies accordingly. leads organizational change initiatives.

Applies creative solutions to work-related Leads creative initiatives, develops new Champions a creative approach in strategic
problems, enhances existing processes by methods or products, and encourages a projects, integrates creativity into
introducing innovative approaches. culture of creativity among peers. organizational practices and policies.

Can identify, analyze, evaluate, and solve

Can identify and analyze basic problems. Can identify, analyze, and evaluate complex
complex problems. Effectively assesses and
Participates in problem-solving tasks, problems. Demonstrates attention to detail
interprets information, identifying patterns
focusing on understanding and interpreting and the ability to synthesize complex data,
and trends to inform decision-making and
available information contributing to team goals and objectives

Engages effectively with individuals from

understand their unique perspectives and others in culturally sensitive practices,
different cultures, adapts communication
needs. Implements targeted initiatives that ensuring that diversity considerations are
styles, and advocates for inclusivity.
Effectively communicates with customers,
demonstrating an understanding of their Identifies and addresses customer needs, Analyzes customer feedback to improve
needs and working to address concerns or using problem-solving skills to find overall service, leads customer engagement
issues. effective solutions and deliver value. initiatives, and sets customer service
Proactively seeks feedback from customers Collaborates with team members to ensure standards. Drives continuous improvement
to improve products, services, or processes a consistent and positive customer and innovation in products, services, or
and enhance their experience. Personalizes experience across all touchpoints. processes.
service to enhance customer satisfaction.

Facilitates decision-making processes,

Evaluates options against a set of established Analyzes complex information to make
provides clear rationale for decisions, and
criteria, makes decisions in area of expertise, strategic decisions, considers long-term
supports others in making informed
and uses experience to guide choices. implications, and consults stakeholders.

Can make complex decisions. Consistently

available information, potential applying critical thinking and problem-
demonstrates the ability to make timely,
consequences, and organizational goals solving skills. Drives positive outcomes and
informed, and effective choices

Empowers team members through effective

Delegates responsibilities based on Delegates complex tasks effectively, trusts
delegation, encourages ownership of tasks,
individual team members' strengths, team members' autonomy, and provides
and provides resources for skill
provides support, and monitors progress. guidance for growth.
Actively supports change initiatives, helps Leads change management projects,
Coaches others through change, integrates
colleagues understand the benefits of develops strategies to overcome resistance,
change management into leadership
changes, and adapts to new roles or and ensures effective communication
practices, and builds resilient teams.
processes. throughout the transition.

Anticipates emotional needs of others, Can empathize, understand and

manages sensitive situations with communicate effectively with diverse
Understands and respects diverse emotional
discretion, and encourages open groups. Mentors others in developing
reactions. Effectively communicates with
communication. Adapts communication empathy skills, fostering a culture of
others, demonstrating active listening in all
style to better understand and respond to the understanding, collaboration, and
feelings, thoughts, and experiences of inclusivity. Resolves conflicts through
others, ensuring that their needs are met understanding different perspectives.

Coaches individuals to enhance their

Supports team members in taking on new Fosters a culture of trust and empowerment,
leadership skills, advocates for team
challenges, provides constructive feedback, delegates authority appropriately, and
members' autonomy, and supports their
and celebrates successes. promotes individual accountability.
professional growth.

Champions ethical practices, handles

Analyzes ethical implications of decisions, Instills a culture of integrity, mentors
complex ethical issues, and ensures
promotes transparency, and maintains others in ethical decision making, and
organizational adherence to ethical
confidentiality. oversees compliance programs.
Proactively asks for constructive feedback
Proactively asks for constructive feedback
and uses it to improve performance, helps
Proactively asks for constructive feedback. and uses it to improve performance, gives
others to succeed by giving constant
contructive feedback

Understands the dynamics of influence

Strategically influences outcomes within
within the team and starts to apply influence Effectively persuades peers and managers
the organization, navigates complex
tactics appropriately. Builds credibility and in specific situations, uses emotional
negotiations, leverages relationships for
trust with peers and supervisors, intelligence to enhance influence.
contributing positively to team objectives.

Actively contributes to the ideation process

by suggesting innovative ideas and solutions Drives innovation programs, fosters a
Leads team brainstorming sessions,
during team meetings or brainstorming culture of continuous innovation, and
encourages creative thinking, and
sessions. Engages with new technologies integrates creative solutions into business
implements innovative solutions in projects.
and methodologies to improve project strategies.

Inspires and guides departments or cross-

Manages small projects, motivates project Leads teams or significant projects, sets
functional groups, fosters leadership in
contributors, addresses conflicts, and strategic goals, assesses team performance,
others, integrates core values into the
communicates goals clearly. and adjusts strategies as necessary.
Manages intermediate-level negotiations, Leads complex negotiations, strategizes Develops negotiation strategies for the
uses preparation and strategy to achieve across multiple stakeholders, and secures organization, trains teams in negotiation
beneficial outcomes. advantageous terms. skills, and evaluates negotiation outcomes.

Actively builds and maintains professional Leverages extensive networks to advance Coaches others on effective networking
relationships, uses networks to gather and personal and organizational goals, techniques, strategically expands
share information. facilitates connections between others. organizational networking.

Contributes to projects for enhancing

Analyzes and optimizes workflows within Champions a culture of continuous
operational processes, evaluates
their responsibility, implements improvement, oversees large-scale
effectiveness, and integrates new
improvements, and maintains quality operational initiatives, and ensures
technologies or methods to improve
standards. alignment with strategic objectives.

Plans and organizes work tasks for a team,

Manages personal tasks and small team
ensuring deadlines are met and resources Develops and implements organizational
projects efficiently, maintaining schedules
are used efficiently. Improves team systems that enhance productivity at the
and meeting deadlines. Prioritizes tasks
productivity by implementing basic departmental level.
organizational systems and techniques.
Exhibits a strong sense of ownership by
Holds oneself accountable for actions and
proactively identifying and addressing Consistently demonstrates accountability,
decisions, accepting feedback and learning
issues, taking initiative to drive commitment, and a strong work ethic.
from mistakes.
improvements. Mentors others in taking responsibility for
Demonstrates a sense of responsibility for
Supports colleagues in taking ownership of their actions, decisions, and the
the success of the team by actively
their work, fostering a culture of consequences of their work.
contributing to projects and tasks.
accountability and commitment.

Utilizes tailored communication strategies to Designs and implements complex Coaches others in the art of persuasion,
influence others, adapts message according persuasive strategies for varied audiences, effectively handles objections, and builds
to audience response. achieves buy-in for challenging ideas. widespread support for initiatives.

Independently creates detailed plans for Designs and executes comprehensive plans Coaches others in advanced planning
projects, anticipates potential issues, and for complex projects, aligning multiple techniques, integrates planning efforts
proposes solutions. stakeholder needs and strategic objectives. across the organization.

Analyzes tasks to distinguish between urgent Forecasts potential shifts in priorities based Develops strategies for prioritization that
and important. on trend analysis and strategic direction. enhance departmental efficiency.
Balances short-term tasks against long-term Guides others in adapting their work plans Trains others in techniques for effective
objectives, and adapts to changing priorities and ensures that team efforts are aligned task management and models adaptability
without compromising overall productivity. with organizational objectives. in response to strategic shifts.

Analyzes and diagnoses intermediate-level Leads in-depth problem analysis, Trains others in analytical techniques,
problems, contributes to developing synthesizes information from various oversees major problem-solving initiatives,
solutions, uses standard tools like SWOT sources, develops innovative solutions to ensures integration of solutions into
analysis or root cause analysis. complex issues. business processes.
Develops strategies for systematic problem
Analyzes more complex problems,
Leads problem resolution initiatives, solving, enhances organizational
collaborates with others to develop
integrates cross-functional perspectives, capabilities in creative solution
solutions, evaluates the impact of proposed
ensures sustainable outcomes. development, mentors others in advanced
problem-solving techniques.

Contributes to project strategy and goal Leads project planning sessions, sets Oversees multiple projects with a strategic
setting, monitors progress against objectives, realistic and challenging goals for teams, view, ensuring all initiatives support
adjusts actions when necessary, balances evaluates project progress, manages project broader business objectives, mentors others
project demands with routine changes effectively, maintaining focus on in project management methodologies and
responsibilities. goals. goal-focused work habits.

Balances ambition with practicality, sets Aligns team goals with organizational Develops department or organization-wide
departmental goals considering team input strategy, ensures that goals are measurable, strategies for goal setting that are in line
and current benchmarks, adjusts goals as challenging, and achievable, anticipates with long-term vision, mentors others in
needed. resource needs and constraints. setting and achieving realistic goals.

Coaches others on the importance of

Manages personal workload effectively, Demonstrates high levels of dependability
reliability, ensures team commitments are
supports team dependability. Can be counted in complex and challenging situations, sets
met, leads by example in high-pressure
on to meet commitments under pressure. an example for consistent performance.
Independently generates standard reports, Coordinates reporting processes, ensures
Designs reporting frameworks that enhance
interprets data with increasing complexity, reports meet strategic objectives, and
decision-making, interprets trends, and
and begins to tailor reports to different mentors others in advanced reporting
provides insightful analysis.
audiences. techniques.

Manages research projects with greater Designs and leads research initiatives that Guides strategic decision-making through
complexity, synthesizes information from drive innovation and strategic insights, expert research insights, develops research
multiple sources, and contributes to evaluates the validity and applicability of methodologies, mentors others in research
knowledge creation. findings. skills.

areas for improvement. performance and overcome obstacles. pressure or during times of high stress.
Demonstrates emotional intelligence by Supports junior colleagues in navigating Acts as a mentor for others, sharing

Actively pursues more challenging goals, Leads teams or departments in achieving

Drives projects to successful completion,
takes steps to improve performance, and ambitious goals, establishes performance
meets and exceeds established targets, and
shows a strong commitment to metrics, and aligns team efforts with
identifies opportunities for improvement.
organizational success. organizational objectives.

Conducts risk assessments for projects, Leads organizational risk management Develops risk management frameworks,
develops and implements risk mitigation initiatives, designs advanced risk mitigation trains others in risk identification and
plans. and contingency plans. mitigation techniques.

Recognizes and understands personal emotions and their impact. Continuously optimize emotions and their impact.
emotions, strengths, and weaknesses, and engages in self-reflection and seeks Consistently demonstrates emotional
their impact on interactions with others feedback to enhance self-awareness and intelligence, self-reflection, and
Manages own workloads effectively, Self-regulates effectively in high-pressure Models excellent self-management to
handles moderate stress, and demonstrates situations, sets challenging personal goals, others, creates personal development plans,
consistent performance. and displays high levels of self-motivation. and shows resilience in adversity.

Crafts strategies considering multiple Integrates strategic thinking into planning,

Evaluates market trends and how they affect
business drivers and potential impacts, drives strategic initiatives, and leads
current strategies, suggests improvements.
communicates strategic visions effectively. organizational alignment with strategy.

Collaborates effectively with team members, Proactively addresses issues within the
Mentoring others in effective collaboration
sharing information, ideas, and resources to team, facilitating open communication.
and communication skills.
achieve common goals. Takes on additional responsibilities or roles
Leads by example, consistently
Displays empathy and understanding, within the team, demonstrating
demonstrating trust, empathy, and a shared
valuing diverse perspectives and fostering a accountability and a commitment to shared
sense of responsibility within the team.
supportive and inclusive work environment. objectives.

Demonstrates exceptional adaptability,

Demonstrates adaptability by adjusting Collaborates with team members to ensure
effectively navigating changes or
schedules or plans as needed in response to timely completion of shared responsibilities
unexpected events while maintaining focus
changing priorities or unforeseen events or projects
on goals and deadlines
Manages regular tasks and collaborates on
Leads virtual teams effectively, overcoming Develops best practices for virtual
small projects using virtual platforms.
communication barriers and leveraging collaboration, trains others in effective use
Improves personal productivity and
digital tools to enhance team performance of digital tools, and ensures the integration
contributes to team goals through proficient
and project management. of virtual processes within team activities.
use of collaborative technologies.

Pursues additional training and

new information, ideas, and resources to development. Regularly updates personal
development to improve job performance,
enhance personal and professional growth. and professional skills through advanced
seeks feedback to enhance skills.
Performance metrics Developmental activities

Customize and add these across all levels of mastery Add these to your people's competency-based growth
Expert as "Expected outcomes" plans
accountability, and providing support for goal Percentage of goals met within a certain timeframe Mentoring from a senior manager, achieving,
achievement. Number of successful projects completed exceeding and optimizing goals, learning about goal
Delegates tasks and responsibilities effectively, Percentage of ownership and accountability for setting and performance management

Leads organizational resilience, instills an Staff flexibility and versatility Resilience training programs, agility workshops,
adaptable culture, and shapes responses to Successful implementation of changes exposure to different departments or projects to
emerging industry trends. Employee engagement levels in changing scenarios. encourage adaptability

Error rates in work outputs Detail-oriented training sessions, quality assurance

Leads quality assurance at the organizational
Quality control metrics certification courses, workshops on error prevention
level, sets benchmarks for accuracy, and ensures
Frequency of rework or corrections techniques, advanced training in precision-based
compliance with the highest standards.
Client or customer feedback on product quality practices.

Feedback from team members on the effectiveness of

Oversees relationship management strategies at Communication training, networking events,
Percentage of team goals achieved
the organizational level, ensures a network of mentoring from a senior colleague, attending
Number of successful team projects completed
strong, strategic relationships externally and professional development events, learning about
Percentage of team members who feel supported
internally. conflict resolution
Feedback from stakeholders on the effectiveness of
relationships built
Sets strategic direction for digital initiatives at
Efficiency in using digital tools Digital skills training programs, workshops on specific
the organizational level, evaluates emerging
Adoption rates of new technologies software applications, online courses in digital literacy,
technologies for potential impact, and advocates
User satisfaction with digital platforms participation in technology forums and conferences
for digital literacy training across departments.

Conflict resolution effectiveness

Embeds emotional intelligence into
Customer satisfaction scores
organizational culture and leadership practices, Emotional intelligence workshops, self-awareness
Employee retention rates
coaches and mentors others in emotional exercises, empathy training sessions, coaching on
Assessments from peer and manager evaluations
intelligence skills, and promotes emotional conflict resolution and interpersonal skills
Leadership impact
resilience across the organization.
Team collaboration ratings

Sets the strategic direction for cross-cultural

Cultural sensitivity training, immersion experiences in
competence across the organization, develops Cross-cultural effectiveness in diverse settings
diverse cultural contexts, mentorship by individuals
and implements cross-cultural training programs, Success in building relationships across cultures
from different cultural backgrounds, participation in
and ensures cultural diversity is integrated into Inclusivity and diversity metrics
diversity and inclusion forums
all aspects of organizational practices.

Sets standards for written communication across Clarity and readability of written documents
the organization, ensures consistency and quality Grammar and spelling accuracy Writing workshops, grammar and style guides, editing
in all written materials, and develops guidelines Feedback from readers on the effectiveness of written and proofreading exercises, advanced writing courses
for effective written communication practices. communication
Number of successful meetings and presentations
Sets the standard for effective oral Audience engagement and feedback
communication within the organization, mentors Clarity and coherence of spoken messages Public speaking training, presentation skills
others in public speaking and presentation skills, Effectiveness in influencing others through oral workshops, participation in Toastmasters or similar
and represents the organization effectively in communication programs, mentoring by experienced speakers.
public forums. Number of conflicts resolved through effective

Number of areas for improvement identified

Percentage of changes implemented and monitored Working on a process improvement project,
Sets the vision for continuous improvement
Feedback from team members and manager on the implementing changes, measuring results, learning
across the organization, pioneers innovative
effectiveness of continuous improvement about process improvement methodologies, learning
improvement strategies, evaluates long-term
Number of team members trained or mentored about quality management, leadership programs on
Percentage of industry developments and trends fostering innovation

Sets the strategic direction for innovation and

Number of new ideas implemented Creativity workshops, innovation labs, training in
creativity at the organizational level, evaluates
Effectiveness of creative solutions design thinking, participation in cross-industry
and enhances creative capabilities across the
Feedback on innovation within the team creativity conferences.

Number of problems solved

Can identify, analyze, evaluate, solve, and Percentage of problems solved within a certain
anticipate complex problems. Applies advanced timeframe Working on high-stakes projects, analyzing
analytical thinking skills to solve complex Number of key insights identified information, evaluating the quality of arguments,
problems, drive improvements, and make Feedback from team members and manager on critical making well-reasoned decisions, learning about
informed decisions that align with organizational thinking problem-solving and about logic and reasoning
goals Percentage of industry developments and trends
measures impact of diversity initiatives.
environments Cross-cultural training programs, diversity workshops,
Champions global diversity strategies, ensures
Success of diversity and inclusion programs language courses, international collaboration projects
cultural competence at all levels of the
Customer service training workshops, role-playing
Customer Satisfaction Scores
customer interaction scenarios, participation in
Net Promoter Score (NPS)
customer feedback analysis, cross-departmental
Embeds a customer-first philosophy across the Customer retention rates
collaboration sessions, attending customer experience
organization, leads customer-centric strategy, and Resolution time for customer issues
conferences or seminars, regular team meetings
monitors customer satisfaction metrics. Frequency of repeat customer transactions
focused on customer feedback, empathy and active
Customer feedback and survey results
listening skills, coaching sessions on customer
Number of customer complaints or issues resolved
relationship management
Service excellence awards

Decision effectiveness
Drives high-stakes decision-making, ensures Critical thinking workshops, decision-making
Timeliness of decision-making
organizational alignment with decisions, and simulations, leadership development programs in
Outcomes of decisions
leads critical thinking development. decision analysis
Level of decision-making autonomy

decision making
decisions align with organizational goals and that solving, critical thinking, and decision-making
Number of high-priority tasks completed
team members are empowered to make informed techniques, practicing decision-making in different
Feedback from team members and manager on

Number of tasks assigned and completed

Percentage of tasks completed within a certain
Assigning tasks and responsibilities, providing support
Inspires a culture of delegation and Feedback from team members on delegation
and resources, learning about leadership, learning
accountability, ensures alignment with Number of team members trained or mentored
about time management, learning about
organizational goals, and develops leaders. Percentage of delegation that was effective
communication, team-building exercises
Team productivity and effectiveness rates
Successful completion of delegated tasks
Employee growth and development
Number of successful changes implemented
Feedback from team members on the effectiveness of
change management
Drives innovation and change at a strategic level,
Number of team members trained or mentored Change management training, working on a change
fosters a culture that anticipates and responds
Percentage of change that was effective initiative, workshops on adaptive leadership, resilience
proactively to change, evaluates the impact of
Percentage of industry developments and trends training, innovation think-tanks
change initiatives.
Employee adaptability metrics
Successful integration of new processes or systems

Number of conflicts resolved Working with diverse groups, mentoring from a

Champions a workplace culture that prioritizes
Feedback from team members and manager on diversity and inclusion professional, understanding and
empathy and understanding, implements policies
empathy sharing the feelings of others, communicating
that enhance organizational empathy, evaluates
Number of successful partnerships or collaborations effectively, creating inclusive environments, learning
the impact of empathy on team performance and
established about emotional intelligence, learning about cultural
Percentage of mutually beneficial agreements created competency and active listening

Number of team members who have taken on new

Feedback from team members on their level of
Leadership training, working on a mentoring or
Cultivates an organizational ethos of empowerment
coaching project, providing support, guidance, and
empowerment, leads by example in promoting Number of team members who have received
development opportunities, learning about leadership,
autonomy and initiative, and measures the impact coaching or mentoring
empowerment workshops, training in coaching and
of empowerment strategies. Levels of employee engagement and satisfaction
mentoring, team empowerment retreats
Rate of innovation and initiative among team
Growth in leadership capabilities within the team

Compliance rates
Sets the ethical tone at the top, leads by example Ethics training programs, workshops on corporate
Instances of ethical breaches
in all professional dealings, and holds the governance, leadership development in ethical
Stakeholder trust levels
organization to high ethical standards. practices, scenario-based ethics simulations.
Audit findings
The frequency and quality of feedback given
Responsiveness to feedback
Proactively asks for constructive feedback and Impact on team performance and morale
Feedback training workshops, role-playing scenarios,
uses it to improve performance helps others to The employee's growth and development, particularly
mentoring and coaching programs, regular feedback
succeed by giving constant feedback, fosters in areas where they have received constructive
sessions, self-reflection exercises
feedback culture in own team feedback
Contribution to fostering a feedback culture within
their team or department

Number of successful projects completed

Increase in revenue or market share
Drives initiatives with significant organizational Impact and influence training, working on high-impact
Feedback from stakeholders on the effectiveness of
impact, mentors others in influence tactics, crafts projects, mentoring from a senior leader, learning
communication and presentations
compelling narratives to sway stakeholders. about negotiation, communication, and leadership
Number of new partnerships or collaborations

Sets the vision for innovation within the industry,

positions the organization as a leader in adopting
Number of new ideas implemented
new ideas, measures the return on innovation
Impact of innovations on efficiency and market Innovation labs, creativity training, R&D project
investments. Cultivates an organizational
position involvement, innovation challenge competitions
environment that rewards innovation, mentors
Patents or trademarks filed
others to think innovatively, and scales
innovations for broader application.

Feedback from team members on the effectiveness of

leadership Leadership training, learning about leadership styles,
Sets organizational direction, develops leadership
Number of successful projects completed working on a leadership development project,
talent across the enterprise, represents and
Team performance and morale, leadership mentoring from a senior leader, inspiring a team,
upholds organizational culture at all levels.
effectiveness ratings creating a vision, learning about emotional intelligence
Achievement of organizational goals
Number of successful negotiations
Feedback from stakeholders on the effectiveness of
Negotiation training, mentoring from a senior
Sets negotiation policies, represents the negotiation
negotiator, creating mutually beneficial agreements,
organization in critical negotiations, and mentors Satisfaction of parties involved
establishing long-term partnerships, role-play
leaders in negotiation skills. Number of new partnerships or collaborations
exercises, training in conflict resolution and diplomacy
Number of conflicts resolved

Leads the development of business networks, Number of active connections Networking skills workshops, mentorship programs,
establishes high-level contacts across industries, Frequency of interactions with network professional group memberships, strategic networking
and utilizes networks for strategic advantage. Opportunities derived from networking events

Sets the vision for operational excellence within Improvement in process efficiency
Workshops on process improvement, courses in
the organization, establishes benchmarks for Reduction in operational costs
quality management, cross-functional team leadership
performance, and leads transformative Quality metrics
operational strategies. Customer satisfaction rates

Task completion rates Time management workshops, training in project

Designs and champions organizational strategies
Efficiency of resource use management tools, courses on effective resource
that improve efficiency and effectiveness across
Adherence to deadlines allocation, leadership development programs focusing
the entire organization.
Overall team productivity on organizational skills.
Completion rate of assigned tasks
Feedback receptiveness and application
Participation in workshops on accountability and
Ensures that team members understand their roles Frequency and quality of contributions to team
responsibility, engagement in mentorship programs,
and responsibilities, empowering them to take projects
either as a mentor or mentee, involvement in cross-
ownership of their work. Consistency in meeting or exceeding job expectations
functional projects to enhance team collaboration,
Sets clear expectations, promotes accountability, Level of independence in task completion
attendance at leadership and personal development
and provides support for individual growth and Frequency and effectiveness of support provided to
seminars, regular self-assessment and reflection
development. colleagues
exercises, participation in team-building activities
Effectiveness in mentoring others on responsibility
focused on accountability
and accountability

Number of successful negotiations

Number of conflicts resolved
Leads strategic persuasion efforts at the Number of new partnerships or collaborations Workshops on communication styles, training in
organizational level, crafts policies that promote established negotiation and sales techniques, advanced courses in
persuasive communication across the enterprise. Success rate of proposals or initiatives rhetoric and persuasion
Feedback on communication effectiveness
Influence in organizational decisions
Leads strategic planning at the highest levels, sets Percentage of goals achieved
on strategic planning, certification in planning
planning standards, and ensures alignment with Feedback from team members on the effectiveness of
methodologies, working on a strategic project,
long-term visions. planning
Number of tasks and projects completed on time
Shapes organizational policy and culture Feedback from team members on the effectiveness of
Time management training, working on a high-priority
regarding prioritization. prioritization
project, mentoring from a senior manager, prioritizing
Leads cross-functional initiatives to align Number of high-priority projects completed
tasks, aligning them with goals, optimizing them with
projects with enterprise-wide strategic goals, Number of goals achieved
strategy, learning about time management, learning
optimizing resource allocation across Achievement of key milestones on time
about goal setting
departments. Efficiency in task completion
Successful management of multiple priorities

Percentage of high-priority problems solved

Number of creative solutions generated
Sets standards for problem analysis across the
Percentage of successful solutions implemented Workshops on analytical thinking, training in
organization, leads strategic problem-solving
Number of problems prevented through effective advanced problem-solving tools, mentorship programs
efforts, evaluates the effectiveness of problem
analysis with senior analysts
resolution strategies.
Reduction in recurrence of issues
Satisfaction with solutions implemented
Percentage of problems solved within a certain
Shapes the organizational approach to problem
Number of creative solutions generated Problem-solving training, working on a team project,
solving, leads in high-stakes or complex
Percentage of successful solutions implemented mentoring from a manager, critical thinking
problem-resolution scenarios, fosters a problem-
Reduction in recurring issues workshops, creative problem-solving workshops
solving culture.
Improvement in solution effectiveness
Efficiency in problem resolution processes

Number of projects completed on time and within

Drives organization’s project management Feedback from stakeholders on the effectiveness of
Project management training, working on a high-stakes
practices, establishes frameworks ensuring goal project management
project, mentoring from a senior project manager,
alignment and focus across all levels, evaluates Number of goals achieved
learning about goal setting, advanced project strategy
project outcomes against strategic business goals, Number of high-stakes projects successfully
leads continuous improvement. completed
Adherence to project timelines
Satisfaction with project outcomes

Number of goals achieved

Feedback from team members on the realism and Goal setting training, working on a goal-oriented
Champions a culture of ambitious yet achievable attainability of goals project, mentoring from a senior leader, setting goals,
goal setting across the organization, evaluates Percentage of goals met within a certain timeframe learning about goal setting, learning about strategic
goal outcomes, and leads strategic planning Number of goals turned into actionable plans planning, learning about time management, strategy
initiatives. Average time to achieve goals sessions with leadership on aligning goals with
Correlation between goal achievement and business business vision

Acts as a role model for reliability, consistently Number of deadlines met

demonstrating personal responsibility, Percentage of commitments followed through Reliability training, working on a high-pressure
accountability, and a strong work ethic. Attendance rate project, mentoring from a manager, workshops on
Supports colleagues in achieving their goals, Dependability ratings from peers and supervisors professional ethics, leadership programs focusing on
fostering a culture of trust, accountability, and Consistency in performance under different consistency and dependability
dependability. conditions
Number of reports prepared and delivered
Feedback from stakeholders on the effectiveness of
Sets organizational standards for reporting, Number of key insights identified Reporting and communication training, data analysis
innovates reporting processes, leads the strategic Percentage of data analysis that informed decision- training, courses in advanced reporting software,
use of data in decision-making. making workshops on communication and presentation skills
Accuracy of reports
Timeliness of submission
Impact of reporting on decision-making

Number of research projects completed

Quality of research output
Directs the organization's research agenda, Feedback from stakeholders on the effectiveness of
Seminars on research methodologies, advanced
fosters a culture of evidence-based decision- research
courses in data analysis, participation in industry
making, and leads industry-changing research Number of key insights identified
research forums, mentoring from a senior researcher
projects. Percentage of research applied to inform decision-
Innovations resulting from research initiatives
failures, and supporting healthy stress
Number of stressors successfully managed Resilience training, working on a high-pressure
Percentage of mistakes turned into learning project, mentoring from a manager
Guides and supports team members through

Sets strategic performance goals for the

Achievement of key performance indicators Performance management training, goal-setting
organization, ensures all departments are aligned
Success in meeting or exceeding performance targets workshops, leadership development programs focused
with these goals, and evaluates performance
Impact of outcomes on business success on achieving results, advanced analytics courses
across the organization.

Number of potential risks identified

Percentage of high-priority risks mitigated
Risk management certification programs, leadership
Number of successful risk management strategies
Establishes and maintains the enterprise-wide development in risk strategies, crisis management
risk management strategy, embeds risk simulations, working on high-risk projects, taking on
Feedback from team members and manager on risk-
considerations into corporate decision-making. new responsibilities, learning about decision-making
and problem-solving, learning about critical thinking
Number of potential hazards prevented
Successful execution of contingency plans
Feedback from team members and manager on the
team members to recognize and understand their managing, understanding and optimizing emotions,
effectiveness of self-awareness
emotions, strengths, and weaknesses, and to leveraging emotions impact, learning about emotional
Number of identified strengths and weaknesses
Number of tasks and projects completed on time
Percentage of deadlines met
Inspires self-management throughout the Mindfulness practice, mentoring from a coach or
Number of high-priority tasks completed
organization, sets the standard for personal therapist, time management training, stress
Percentage of time spent on productive tasks
accountability, and fosters a culture of high management workshops, learning about emotional
Quality of work under pressure
performance. intelligence
Attainment of personal goals
Demonstrated initiative and independence.

Sets the strategic direction of the organization,

Achievement of strategic goals Workshops on strategic analysis, cross-functional
promotes a strategic mindset across all levels,
Alignment of business units with strategy strategy development exercises, mentorship with
and monitors the long-term strategic plan's
Successful navigation of competitive environments strategic leaders

Fosters a culture of teamwork and collaboration

within the team by setting clear expectations, Feedback from team members on the effectiveness of
promoting open communication, and providing teamwork
Teamwork training, working on a team project,
support for individual and collective growth. Percentage of team goals achieved
mentoring from a manager
Effectively manages team dynamics, addressing Number of successful team projects completed
conflicts or issues promptly and ensuring a Percentage of team members who feel supported
positive and productive work environment.

Sets clear expectations, promotes planning and

Number of tasks and projects completed on time
prioritization, and provides support for work-life
Percentage of deadlines met Time management training, shadowing a colleague,
balance; delegates tasks and responsibilities
Number of high-priority tasks completed mentoring from a manager
effectively, ensuring optimal allocation of time
Percentage of time spent on productive tasks
and resources across the team
Sets strategic direction for optimizing virtual
Team productivity in virtual settings Training on advanced virtual collaboration tools,
work environments across the organization,
Quality and timeliness of remote project deliveries workshops on remote leadership, courses in digital
champions the adoption of cutting-edge
Employee engagement and satisfaction with virtual communication strategies, participation in virtual
collaboration technologies, and measures the
tools team-building activities.
effectiveness of virtual teams.

supporting colleagues in their pursuit of personal Performance improvements post-training E-learning courses, industry conferences, in-house
and professional development. Acts as a thought Employee engagement in learning activities training programs, mentorship programs, advanced
leader, encouraging team learning and coaching Number of mistakes turned into learning certifications
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Department Competency name Competency description


Pipeline management and The ability to create and optimize the entire Can support the creation of basic
account planning sales plan from lead generation to conversion. account plans under supervision.

The ability to identify and attract potential Can identify potential leads
Lead generation customers for a business through various through basic research and data
marketing strategies. analysis.

The ability to identify potential clients, initiate Can make initial contact with
contact, and build relationships through potential clients, introducing the
Prospecting and cold calling
effective communication and persuasion company and its products or
techniques. services.

Can handle common objections

The ability to persuade potential customers to
Sales Sales closing techniques purchase using sales closing techniques.
and questions from potential
customers effectively.

The ability to effectively understand the

Can provide a general overview
Product knowledge product features and use cases and
of the product.
communicate them to potential customers.
The ability to understand the market, trends,
Has basic knowledge of major
competitor landscape, customer demographics,
Market knowledge competitors and their offerings.
and other factors influencing sales.

The ability to discuss strategically with Can handle simple negotiations

Negotiation potential customers to reach mutually with customers or potential
beneficial agreements or deals. customers.

The ability to generate original ideas and

Shows openness to new ideas and
Creativity and innovation impactful campaigns that differentiate brands
in a competitive market.

The ability to develop and execute

comprehensive brand strategies that align with Can conduct consumer and
Brand strategy and positioning business objectives, resonate with target market research to identify the
audiences, and establish a robust and right brand messaging.
differentiated market presence.

The ability to develop a strategy for creating

and distributing valuable content to attract, Can develop and execute a
Content strategy
engage, and convert target audiences into content plan.
Can craft clear and concise copy
Marketing Copywriting
content to attract audiences, convey brand
in brand voice for marketing
The abilityand
messages, to create
drive and implement
desired actions,strategies
ultimately designers
materials. to create informative
to leverage social media platforms for brand
Social media marketing and appealing content on major
promotion, engagement, and audience growth
Can conduct basic keyword
The ability to effectively plan, execute, and
research to create simple ad
Paid search manage paid search advertising campaigns.
The ability to strategically craft and deploy
targeted email campaigns to communicate with Can execute basic email
Email marketing
and engage audiences, drive conversions, and campaigns.
achieve marketing goals.

Can create foundational sales

The ability to build a strategy for equipping
support materials and collaborate
Sales enablement the sales team with the right resources to
with the sales team on an ad-hoc
engage with customers effectively.

The ability to create original and impactful Can suggest creative ideas for
Creativity and innovation
design solutions. simple problems.

The ability to build innovative solutions with a design thinking principles and
Design thinking
creative and empathetic mindset. their application in problem-
The ability to create intuitive and visually
Design User interface (UI) and user
appealing user interfaces enhancing overall
Can use basic design tools for
experience (UX) principles creating simple user interfaces.

The ability to create and maintain a consistent Can articulate the brand's
Brand understanding
visual identity for a brand. essential elements and identity.
Can assist in conducting simple
The ability to research to understand the needs
User research user research activities under
and preferences of the target audience.
Can communicate the company's
The ability to create and maintain a positive
Employer branding value proposition as an employer
image of the organization as an employer.

The ability to identify or onboard the right

Can identify basic talent gaps
Workforce and talent planning talent and strategically develop the skills
within a team or department.
necessary to meet business needs.
The ability to identify, attract, and hire top Can assist in recruitment
Talent acquisition
talent through effective recruitment strategies. activities under supervision.

Can identify and escalate

The ability to maintain positive relationships
Employee relations employee relations issues to the
between employer and employees.
appropriate person.

Can identify potential talent and

The ability to identify, attract, develop, and
recommend for further
Talent management retain high-performing individuals.

Can coordinate employee training

The ability to design, deliver, and evaluate
Learning and development sessions and assist with
learning programs.

The ability to uphold ethical standards and

Understands basic principles of
Ethics and privacy ensure the privacy and confidentiality of
ethics and privacy in HR.
employee information in all HR practices.

The ability to support transitions and Can support change initiatives

Change management implement changes effectively. under supervision.

The ability to ensure that products, services,

Can identify common quality
Quality assurance and processes meet or exceed established
issues and report them.

The ability to develop unique solutions to Can generate simple, practical
Creativity and innovation
complex problems. solutions to problems.
The ability to develop and implement plans for Can identify project tasks and
Project planning
achieving project goals. resources needed with guidance.

Can follow design principles and

The ability to analyze problems, design
Design and analysis analysis techniques for simple
solutions, and evaluate their impact.

The ability to communicate technical Can create simple technical

Technical writing The ability toclearly.
gather and analyze user data to
information documents
Can collect under supervision.
and document user
User research plan the design and development of products Can assist in the creation of
The ability to define strategic vision and requirements for small projects.
Roadmapping and services. simple roadmaps under
direction for a product.
The ability to effectively engage and
Can identify internal and external
collaborate with various internal and external
Stakeholder management stakeholders.

The ability to ensure products meet quality Has a basic understanding of

Product Quality assurance
standards and are defects-free. different types of testing.

Agile and product management The ability to apply agile methodologies and Can apply basic agile principles
frameworks product management frameworks. in day-to-day tasks.

The ability to make trade-offs and reach Can handle common negotiation
agreements to ensure product success. scenarios across teams.

The ability to plan, allocate, and manage Can assist in the preparation of
financial resources. simple budgets.

Finance and
The ability to interpret and evaluate financial Can create simple financial
Financial analysis
data. reports.
Finance and
The ability to analyze financial data and Can prepare simple financial
Financial planning
develop strategies. reports and budgets.

The ability to manage various aspects of

Taxation Can ensure basic tax compliance.

The ability to effectively understand, Can explain the features, benefits,

Product and service knowledge communicate, and support the company's and use cases of the company's
products and services. main products.

The ability to analyze market trends and Can identify key competitors and
Competitive insight
competitors' strengths and weaknesses. their primary offerings.

Customer success The ability to offer additional products or Can identify opportunities for
Upselling and cross-selling services to customers. upselling and cross-selling.

The ability to engage proactively with Can identify potential customers

Customer outreach
customers to understand their needs. and initiate contact.

The ability to understand and anticipate Can communicate effectively

Customer focus customers' needs and provide excellent with customers to understand
service. their requirements.
The ability to create clear documentation for Can develop basic documentation
Technical writing
any process or issue. for common issues.

IT support The ability to identify bottlenecks and improve

Can identify simple process
Process optimization inefficiencies and suggest
business processes.

The ability to adhere to safety standards and Can identify and adhere to basic
Safety and compliance
regulations. safety and compliance practices.

Analyzing market trends and formulating

Market analysis and strategy Conducts basic market research
strategies for business growth and market
formulation and analysis.
Developing innovative solutions to meet
Innovative solution Participates in brainstorming and
market needs and create new business
development idea generation sessions.
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Level of competency mastery

Intermediate Competent Advanced Expert

Can analyze and improve the

Can create basic account plans with Can create and implement Can strategically manage the sales
company's sales process and customer
minimal supervision. comprehensive account plans. pipeline to drive business growth.

Can generate leads through multiple Can generate high-quality leads Can drive significant business growth
Can forecast trends in lead generation
channels and effectively analyze the consistently and measure the through the generation and
and mentor others in the process.
results. success of lead-generation efforts. management of high-quality leads.

Can engage potential clients in Can build and maintain strategic

Can effectively communicate the Can build strong relationships with
meaningful conversations about relationships with key clients,
value proposition of the company's potential clients, positioning the
their needs and how the company's positioning the company as a preferred
products or services during calls. company as a trusted partner.
products or services can meet them. partner.

Can handle difficult customer Can customize sales closing Can innovate and develop new sales
Can address common questions from
objections and questions and techniques to unique customer needs closing techniques that significantly
potential customers.
convert leads to customers. and convert leads to customers. improve company performance.

Can understand customer use cases

Can articulate how the product Can explain complex features Can identify potential use cases based
and suggest product features or
addresses customer needs. clearly to non-technical customers. on customer needs.
customization options accordingly.
Has a detailed understanding of key Can develop standout sales and
Can identify industry trends and Can provide strategic insights on
competitors, their strengths, and marketing strategies based on market
emerging market forces. market positioning and differentiation.
market positioning. knowledge.

Can handle moderately complex Can negotiate deals that help to meet
Can handle deals with higher stakes Can build long-term relationships
negotiations involving multiple long-term strategic objectives and
and complexity. through negotiations.
factors. business goals.

Can lead the development and Can drive initiatives involving

Can suggest innovative ideas for Can consistently develop fresh and
execution of innovative marketing transformative and out-of-the-box
campaigns and content. original concepts.
strategies. marketing campaigns.

Can collaborate with cross-functional

Can define brand messaging and
Can gather feedback from sales and teams, including marketing, design,
collaborate with design/creative teams Can create guidelines that define the
analyze consumer behavior to assess sales, and leadership, to ensure a
to develop/refresh the brand's visual brand's voice online and offline.
brand messaging and positioning. unified and consistent brand

Can conduct advanced research and Can analyze data and understand Can collaborate with multiple teams to
Can establish and manage a content
optimize content strategy as per trends to optimize content strategy to integrate content strategy with overall
plan and distribution strategy.
audience needs meet business objectives. marketing and business strategies.
Can write copy for different Can develop strategic messaging in Can conduct A/B testing and analyze
audience, their needs, preferences, and
Can optimize
behaviors socialthe
to tailor media
copycontent for marketing
to resonate Can developchannels and target
and execute strategic marketing campaigns to drive the performance of different copies to
audiences. community, influencer data/metrics to measure
refine and improve futurethecampaigns.
success of
engagement using platform-specific social media campaigns aligned
collaboration, and exploring the latest social media campaigns and
best practices. with business goals.
Can manage mid to large-scale paid Can manage complex campaigns,
Can create and manage simple ad Can optimize campaigns for better
search campaigns and budget bidding strategies, and A/B test paid
campaigns. performance.
allocations. search strategies.
Can optimize email campaigns for Can develop and execute Can create and implement advanced
Can analyze data to refine email
improved engagement and comprehensive lifecycle marketing strategies for audience segmentation,
strategies and improve performance.
deliverability. campaigns. dynamic content, and personalization.

Can develop comprehensive sales Can work closely with the sales team
Can create and maintain advanced Can collaborate with various
training programs and materials and to align resources with sales goals and
sales resources, such as product departments to create integrated sales
implement sales enablement formulate the sales enablement
guides, presentations, and FAQs. enablement programs.
strategies. strategy.

Can apply creative thinking and offer Can regularly generate and Can drive the development and Can set the strategic direction for
innovative solutions to complex implement innovative ideas and implementation of creative strategies organizational creativity and
problems. solutions. and initiatives. innovation initiatives.
Can empathize with users and Can drive strategic design decisions Can create, test, refine, implement,
complex, organization-wide problems
translate their needs into design based on a deep understanding of and evaluate the success of prototypes
using innovative design thinking
solutions. user needs and business goals. based on feedback.
Has a strong understanding of Has deep expertise in UI/UX
Has a strong understanding of UI/UX
Can design tools and ability to create UI/UX principles and can develop principles and can set the strategic
principles and can lead the design of
complex user interfaces. highly intuitive and engaging user direction for UI/UX design in the
user-friendly applications.
interfaces. organization.

Can guide others in using the brand Can evaluate user feedback and lead
Can apply brand guidelines in daily Can support the application and
guidelines and maintaining brand the application and development of
work and ensure brand consistency. evolution of brand guidelines.
consistency. brand guidelines.
Can independently conduct user Can interpret strategic user research
Can independently conduct user Can lead user research activities and
research activities and suggest data that drives organizational design
research activities. make design decisions.
design solutions. guidelines.
Can create and manage content that Can collaborate with multiple teams Can develop and implement
Can audit the brand and evaluate
effectively promotes the company's and update content policies per the innovative employer branding
employer branding strategy.
brand and values. employer branding strategy. strategies based on research.

Can lead the development of Can design and lead complex talent
Can lead the development of
Can identify and address talent gaps workforce and talent planning management strategies, including
workforce and talent planning
across multiple teams or departments. strategies across multiple teams or succession planning and diversity and
strategies for the entire organization.
departments. inclusion initiatives.
Can design and implement talent Can design and oversee talent
Can manage recruitment processes Can manage recruitment processes
acquisition strategies for multiple acquisition strategies and processes
with minimal supervision. for various roles.
roles and departments. across the organization.

Can lead the development and

Can manage complex employee
Can interpret company policies and Can interpret company policies and implementation of company policies
relations issues and involve senior
address minor employee grievances. identify potential conflicts. and procedures related to employee
management when necessary.

Can lead and develop talent

Can assist in talent identification and Can manage talent management Can set the strategic direction for
management strategy across the
development processes. initiatives within the team. talent management in the organization.

Can create and deliver basic training Can create and deliver advanced Can lead training initiatives at the Can lead training initiatives at the
programs for specific tasks. training programs for specific tasks. department level. organization level.

Can develop and implement policies Can strategize and enforce

Can apply ethical guidelines and Can lead initiatives to promote ethics
to ensure ethical and private comprehensive ethics and privacy
privacy standards in daily HR tasks. and privacy within the organization.
handling of HR data. programs organization-wide.

Can plan and implement small-scale Can lead medium-scale change Can lead large-scale change Can lead and manage change at an
change initiatives. initiatives. initiatives. organizational level.

Can independently develop and

Can identify and suggest solutions to Can identify and offer solutions to Can lead and manage companywide
implement quality assurance
common quality issues. complex quality issues. quality assurance efforts.
Can experiment with new ideas and Can implement creative solutions Can lead innovative projects at a Can lead innovative projects at the
technology to solve a problem. using new approaches/technologies. department level. organizational level.

Can create complex project plans for

Can independently create a detailed Can create complex project plans Can create complex project plans
large-scale organizational-level
project plan. involving multiple teams. involving multiple departments.

Can develop solutions for moderate Can develop solutions for complex Can lead design and analysis tasks for Can lead design and analysis tasks for
complexity problems. problems. complex projects. large-scale projects.

Can independently create

Can create detailed technical Can build technical writing best
Can use standard user research comprehensive technical
Can plan and conduct user Can lead a team of technical writers. Can provide complex user research
documents with minimal supervision. Can use various user research methods practices for the organization.
methods and interpret user documents.
interviews and surveys insights andtheconduct usability
and Can guide organization in testing
Can create basic roadmaps
requirements. Can create a comprehensive and
independently. Can provide
multiple insights.
product at a high level.
integrating roadmaps into the overall
independently. well-structured product roadmap. roadmaps for different products.
business strategy.
Can communicate with key Can prioritize and balance the needs Can lead cross-functional teams in
Can communicate with stakeholders
stakeholders for a product or and expectations of multiple building strong stakeholder
for a product or project.
project. stakeholders. relationships.

Can manage basic quality assurance Can manage quality assurance Can align multiple teams to ensure Can lead initiatives to improve overall
activities. activities end to end. quality aligns with product goals. product quality.

Can understand and apply different Can lead an agile team as a product Can lead an agile team as a product Can develop agile best practices for
agile methodologies. owner for small-scale products. owner for larger teams. the organization.

Can handle complex negotiation Can negotiate effectively with key Can negotiate effectively with both Can negotiate high-stakes negotiations
scenarios. internal stakeholders. internal and external stakeholders. for product success.

Can lead or provide strategic direction

Can independently prepare and Can prepare and manage complex Can provide strategic analysis of
on the companywide budgeting
manage simple budgets. budgets. budget variances.
Can perform advanced financial Can contribute to financial strategies Can conduct financial planning and
Can conduct basic financial analysis.
analysis. and forecasts. analysis for an organization.

Can develop comprehensive financial Can create long-term financial Can manage all aspects of financial Can lead financial planning
budgets and forecasts. strategies. planning. discussions at the organizational level.

Can handle complex tax compliance Can manage various aspects of tax Can manage comprehensive tax Can lead tax strategy for the
issues. planning. strategies. organization.

Can answer basic customer inquiries Can answer complex customer Can troubleshoot issues using the Can provide strategic advice using the
about the products and services. inquiries and provide solutions. company's products and services. company's products and services.

Can position the product or service

Can identify key competitors' Can analyze competitors' strengths Can predict competitors' strategies and
correctly based on competitive
strengths and weaknesses. and weaknesses. suggest proactive measures.

Can give strategic direction to

Can apply upselling and cross-selling Can negotiate with customers to Can lead upselling and cross-selling
maximize upselling and cross-selling
techniques. upsell or cross-sell. initiatives within the team.

Can build and maintain relationships Can strategize and implement Can manage and evaluate effective Can use customer feedback to improve
with customers. effective outreach campaigns. outreach campaigns. outreach efforts and products.

Can lead initiatives based on customer

Can resolve simple customer issues Can resolve complex customer Can manage and resolve complex
feedback to improve products or
and complaints. issues and complaints. issues at a large scale.
Can create more comprehensive and Can create well-structured and Can lead documentation projects, Can develop documentation best
organized support documentation. detailed technical documents. design documentation standards. practices for the organization.

Can independently identify and

Can use complex data analysis to Can lead small-scale process Can lead large-scale process
suggest complex process
identify inefficiencies. optimization projects. optimization projects.

Can ensure IT operations comply with Can develop and enforce IT Can develop and manage Can lead compliance initiatives at the
standard regulations. compliance policies. comprehensive compliance programs. department level.

Oversees the integration of market

Applies market insights to develop Leads in-depth market analysis and Sets the direction for market strategy
analysis into business development
business development strategies. strategic planning. and business growth.

Manages the implementation of

Contributes to the development of Leads the design and development Drives the strategic direction for
innovative solutions across the
innovative solutions. of innovative business solutions. innovation in business development.
Performance metrics Developmental activities

Customize and add these across all levels of Add these to your people's competency-
mastery as "Expected outcomes" based growth plans

Increase in pipeline conversion rates Training in CRM tools, workshops on

Accuracy in sales forecasting account management strategies, role-
Growth in account revenues playing sales scenarios

Increase in number of qualified leads Digital marketing courses, lead nurturing

Improvement in lead-to-sale conversion rate strategy workshops, analytics tools
Growth in new customer acquisition training

Growth in number of initial meetings set

Training in communication skills, courses
Increase in conversion rate from calls to
on persuasive selling, cold calling role-
qualified leads
play sessions
Customer satisfaction scores

Improvement in closing rates

Customized sales training programs,
Increase in average deal size
workshops on advanced negotiation and
Higher customer satisfaction with the sales
closing techniques

Increase in customer satisfaction scores

Product training seminars, participation in
Growth in upsell and cross-sell rates
product development meetings, sales-
Enhanced product understanding among sales
enablement tools training
Improvement in market share Market analysis training, strategic
Increase in competitive win rates planning workshops, competitive
Enhanced ability to anticipate market changes intelligence briefings

Increase in successful deal closures Advanced negotiation skills training, role-

Growth in long-term client contracts playing exercises in complex deal-making
Improvement in negotiation outcomes scenarios, conflict resolution workshops

Increase in campaign engagement rates Creative thinking workshops, participation

Growth in brand recognition in marketing brainstorming sessions,
Number of innovative ideas implemented exposure to industry trends

Improvement in brand loyalty Brand management training, market

Increase in brand equity research analysis courses, cross-functional
Successful brand repositioning metrics branding workshops

Increase in content engagement Content marketing courses, SEO and

Growth in content-driven conversions analytics training, editorial planning
Improvement in SEO rankings workshops
Copywriting workshops, participation in
Improvement in conversion rates from copy-
creative writing
Social media courses,
analytics A/B testing
training, and
in engagement rates analytics training
on emerging social media trends,
Successful implementation of social media
influencer marketing strategies
Improvement in ad campaign ROI Paid search training, keyword research
Increase in conversion rates workshops, courses on campaign
Efficiency in budget allocation optimization
Increase in email open rates Advanced email marketing courses,
Improvement in click-through rates workshops on personalization and
Growth in email-driven conversions segmentation, analytics tools training

Increase in sales team efficiency

Sales strategy workshops, cross-functional
Growth in sales conversion rates
collaboration training, development of
Improved alignment between sales resources
sales enablement tools and resources.
and customer needs

Number of innovative solutions implemented Creative workshops, design thinking

Positive feedback on creative projects seminars, participation in industry
Recognition in design forums conferences.
Effectiveness of design solutions
Design thinking workshops, user empathy
User satisfaction ratings
training, prototyping and testing courses.
Impact of design on problem-solving
User engagement metrics UI/UX design courses, workshops on latest
Usability test results design tools and trends, user testing
Improvement in user experience scores methodologies

Consistency in brand representation across

Brand identity workshops, visual
communication training, brand strategy
Positive brand recognition
Alignment with brand strategy
design User research methodologies training, data
Improvements in product design based on user analysis courses, workshops on integrating
feedback user insights into design
Improvement in employer brand perception Employer branding workshops, content
Increase in quality of applicants creation courses, strategy development
Reduction in time-to-hire training

Alignment of talent with business needs Workforce planning seminars, talent

Effectiveness of succession planning management courses, diversity and
Diversity in talent acquisition inclusion training
Reduction in time-to-fill positions Recruitment and selection training,
Improvement in new hire retention rates employer branding for recruiters, advanced
Satisfaction ratings from hiring managers interviewing techniques workshops.

Reduction in employee grievances Conflict resolution training, legal aspects

Effective resolution of conflicts of HR management, communication skills
Employee satisfaction with workplace relations development.

Leadership development programs,

Employee retention rates
succession planning workshops,
Success rate of internal promotions
performance management systems
Employee engagement scores

Improvement in employee skills and knowledge Training design and delivery courses, e-
Effectiveness of training programs learning development workshops,
Alignment with organizational goals instructional design techniques.

Compliance with privacy regulations

Training on ethics and privacy, workshops
Number of privacy breaches
on data protection, courses on ethical
Employee trust and satisfaction with HR

Change management certification

Successful implementation of change initiatives
programs, leadership in change initiatives,
Employee adaptation to change
communication strategies for change
Minimization of resistance and disruption

Reduction in defect rates Quality assurance training, Six Sigma

Improvement in product quality certification, workshops on continuous
Customer satisfaction with product quality improvement
Number of innovative solutions implemented
Innovation workshops, technology trend
Positive feedback on creative projects
seminars, project management in R&D
Patents or recognitions received
On-time project completion Project management certification,
Adherence to budget advanced project planning tools training,
Stakeholder satisfaction with project outcomes risk management workshops
Effectiveness of design solutions Design principles courses, data analysis
User satisfaction and modeling workshops, advanced
Impact of design on business outcomes problem-solving techniques
documentation Technical writing courses, workshops on
User comprehension clear communication,
User research trainingtraining,
methodologies in data
product development,
Reduction improvements
in support queries due to in product documentation tools
analysis courses, workshops on
Roadmapping workshops, strategic integrating
design based
objectives on user feedback, user
user insights
planning training, stakeholder management
Clarity and communication of product vision
Effectiveness of stakeholder communication
Communication skills training, negotiation
Stakeholder satisfaction
and conflict resolution workshops,
Impact of stakeholder management on project
leadership development programs

Reduction in defect rates, improvement in Quality assurance training, Six Sigma

product quality, customer satisfaction with certification, workshops on continuous
product quality. improvement

Effectiveness of agile implementation

Agile methodology training, scrum master
Team productivity
certification, workshops on product
Alignment of product development with agile
management frameworks

Success rate in negotiations Negotiation skills training, advanced

Beneficial outcomes achieved communication workshops, strategic
Stakeholder satisfaction with negotiation results decision-making courses

Adherence to budget
Budgeting workshops, financial planning
Efficiency in resource allocation
training, strategic finance courses
Strategic impact of budgeting decisions
Accuracy of financial reports Financial analysis courses, workshops on
Effectiveness of financial decision-making financial modeling, training in advanced
Impact on business strategy analytics tools

Alignment of financial planning with business

Financial planning and analysis training,
risk management workshops, strategic
Effectiveness of financial forecasts
financial management courses
Strategic impact of financial planning

Compliance with tax regulations Taxation courses, workshops on tax law

Efficiency in tax planning and compliance, training in strategic tax
Strategic impact of tax decisions planning

Increase in customer satisfaction scores

Reduction in support tickets Product training sessions, knowledge base
Improvement in product knowledge among development, technical support training
team members

Improvement in competitive positioning Market analysis training, workshops on

Increase in market share competitive intelligence, strategic planning
Effectiveness of competitive strategies sessions

Increase in revenue from upselling and cross-

Sales training, courses on customer
relationship management, workshops on
Customer satisfaction with recommendations
consultative selling techniques
Growth in average transaction size

Effectiveness of outreach campaigns Training in communication skills, courses

Growth in customer engagement on customer engagement strategies,
Positive feedback from customers workshops on feedback analysis

Improvement in customer satisfaction and

Customer service training, problem-
solving workshops, courses on customer
Reduction in complaints
relationship management
Positive customer feedback
Clarity and accuracy of documentation
Technical writing courses, workshops on
User comprehension
clear communication, training in
Reduction in support queries due to
documentation tools

Reduction in process cycle times Training in Lean and Six Sigma,

Improvement in efficiency workshops on process mapping, courses in
Decrease in error rates data analysis

Compliance with relevant standards Compliance training programs, workshops

Reduction in safety incidents on industry-specific regulations, safety
Employee adherence to protocols protocol education

Effectiveness of market analysis Market analysis training, strategic

Impact of strategies on business growth planning workshops, advanced business
Success in market penetration strategy courses

Number of innovative solutions developed

Innovation workshops, design thinking
Impact of solutions on business
training, leadership in innovation programs
ROI of innovative projects
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Department Competency name Competency description


The ability to effectively use CRM software to Can perform simple tasks such as
Customer relationship
manage customer interactions, track sales, and data entry and updating customer
management (CRM)
analyze data to improve business performance. information.

The ability to effectively use technology to

Can follow instructions to perform
streamline and optimize the sales process, resulting
Sales process automation simple tasks related to sales process
in increased efficiency, accuracy, and customer
The ability to effectively use presentation tools to
create engaging and winning pitches that Can create simple presentations with
Presentation software
effectively communicate information to potential guidance.

The ability to utilize AI to optimize sales

Uses AI tools for sales data analysis
Artificial intelligence and processes, forecast sales trends, and personalize
and basic forecasting.
Machine learning customer interactions.

The ability to effectively track, analyze, and

Can assist in the creation of basic
Marketing analytics interpret data related to marketing activities and
marketing reports and dashboards.
tweak strategy.
The ability to optimize website content and
Can perform simple keyword
Search engine optimization structure to improve search engine rankings,
research and use SEO guidelines to
(SEO) increase website traffic, and enhance online
optimize content.

The ability to optimize a website's technical Understands basic SEO principles

Technical SEO elements to improve search engine rankings and and can implement simple on-page
user experience. optimizations.

The ability to effectively use software and tools to
Can perform simple tasks such as
Content management systems organize, store, and retrieve digital content for
uploading content and minor editing.
efficient and effective use.

The ability to effectively use CRM software to Can use CRM software to analyze
Customer relationship
analyze data and create targeted campaigns backed customer data, run basic reports, and
management (CRM) tools
by customer insights. execute simple email campaigns.

The ability to use generative AI for marketing Uses AI tools for basic marketing
Generative AI
insights and innovative marketing solutions. tasks like content creation.

Ensuring ethical use of customer data in marketing Understands basic data privacy
Digital ethics and privacy
Artificial intelligence and campaigns
The ability and adherence
to leverage AI to
ML tolaws.
personalize principles
Utilizes AIintools
for basic marketing
Machine learning marketing efforts and predict market trends. analytics and automation.
The ability to use software and tools to create
Prototyping and wireframing interactive prototypes and wireframes that Can create simple wireframes under
tools effectively communicate design concepts and user supervision.

Design The ability to use various software and tools to Can perform simple tasks like
Design tools create and edit visual and graphic content for creating basic graphics or editing
effective communication and presentation. images.

The ability to assess and improve the user-

Usability testing Can plan basic usability tests.
friendliness and effectiveness of designs.

The ability to use and manage human resources

Human resources information Can perform basic data entry and
information systems for efficient data management
systems (HRIS) navigation within HRIS software.
and HR operations.

The ability to manage and utilize learning

Learning management system Can navigate LMS and enroll users in
management systems to deliver and track employee
(LMS) courses.
training and development programs.

The ability to design, distribute, and analyze

Can create and distribute basic
Survey and feedback tools surveys and feedback tools to gather employee
insights and improve HR practices.

The ability to collect, process, and analyze HR data Can perform basic data entry and
Data analysis
to inform decisions and improve HR processes. generate simple reports.

The ability to utilize artificial intelligence in
Understands basic AI concepts and
AI-based talent management managing talent acquisition, development, and
applications in HR.
systems retention processes.

The ability to design and implement automated

Understands basic automation
HR workflow automation workflows to streamline HR processes and
concepts and tools.
improve efficiency.

The ability to effectively use applicant tracking

Applicant tracking systems Can perform basic tasks in ATS such
systems to streamline recruitment processes and
(ATS) as data entry and candidate tracking.
manage candidate information.
The ability to understand and apply AI and
Understands basic AI and machine
Artificial intelligence and machine learning concepts to improve HR
learning concepts.
Machine learning functions and decision-making processes.

The ability to write code in various languages for Can debug simple code with
Programming language
software development and automation assistance

The ability to design, implement, and optimize Can perform basic tasks like data
Database management
databases entry and querying

The ability to use cloud technologies for data and Can assist in simple cloud tasks with
Cloud computing
application management guidance

The ability to use tools for application and system
Deployment tools Can deploy a basic application

The ability to create responsive and visually

Web development Can create simple static web pages
appealing web applications
The ability to explore and implement quantum
Basic understanding of quantum
Quantum computing computing solutions to enhance engineering
computing principles.

The ability to develop and integrate IoT solutions Can implement basic IoT solutions in
Internet of things (IoT)
in engineering projects. engineering projects.

Can use project management

Project management and The ability to effectively utilize software tools for
software for tracking and
collaboration tools product development and management.

The ability to use wireframing and prototyping Can create basic wireframes and
Wireframing tools
tools for product interfaces and user experiences. prototypes
The ability to use customer support tools for Can view customer support tickets
Customer support tools
product improvements. and assist teams

The ability to analyze data related to product usage Can assist in creating basic product
Product analytics
and customer behavior. metric reports

Financial planning and analysis The ability to use financial tools for data analysis Can assist in preparing financial
systems and decision-making reports
Finance and
The ability to utilize accounting systems for Can perform basic data entry and
Accounting systems
financial management report generation

The ability to ensure customer satisfaction and Can handle routine customer
Customer success systems
loyalty through effective systems inquiries using the system

Customer feedback and survey The ability to gather customer insights through
Can create surveys using templates
tools feedback and surveys

Customer success The ability to analyze and interpret data related to

Can perform basic data analysis on
Customer success analytics customer interactions, satisfaction, and lifecycle to
customer success metrics.
improve service and retention.

The ability to create detailed maps of the customer

Can assist in outlining basic customer
Customer journey mapping journey to identify key touchpoints and
journey stages.
opportunities for engagement.
The ability to use automation tools to streamline
Customer success automation Can use basic automation tools for
customer success processes and enhance customer
tools customer success tasks.
The ability to understand and maintain hardware Can handle basic hardware
Hardware knowledge
systems maintenance

Database management The ability to design and maintain databases Can perform simple data entry tasks

The ability to design and implement computer Can perform basic tasks like software
Operating systems
IT support operating systems installation

The ability to design and maintain computer Can assist in network system
Network systems
networks maintenance

The ability to identify and resolve software or Can identify common software bugs
system errors efficiently. and apply basic fixes.

The ability of building and maintaining strong

Understands the fundamentals of
Client relationship management relationships with clients to drive business growth
client relationship management.
and retention.

The ability to use data, statistical algorithms, and
development machine learning techniques to identify the
Can interpret basic data sets and
Predictive analysis likelihood of future outcomes based on historical
understand predictive modeling
The ability to leverage advanced systems and tools
Can use basic market intelligence
Market intelligence systems to gather, analyze, and interpret market data for tools to gather market data.
strategic business development.
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Level of competency mastery

Intermediate Competent Advanced Expert

Can develop and implement CRM

Can effectively use CRM tools for Can customize and configure CRM Can integrate CRM with other sales and
strategies for account management,
contact, lead, and account systems to align with sales marketing tools for a seamless
customer retention, upselling, and other
management. processes and goals. customer experience.
business processes.

Can independently use sales Can independently use sales Can design and implement sales Can evaluate and enhance the
automation tools to perform routine automation tools to perform process automation strategies to organization's overall sales process
tasks. complex tasks. improve sales efficiency. automation strategy.

Can use advanced features such as Can design complex presentations Can leverage advanced features and
Can train other team members on how to
animations, transitions, and with multiple sections, hyperlinks, plugins to enhance presentations and
create winning pitches.
templates. and interactive elements. make them more effective.

Implements AI-driven techniques Integrates AI comprehensively into

Manages advanced AI applications Pioneers AI-driven sales transformation
for sales optimization and customer sales processes and customer
in sales strategy and forecasting. and strategy.
relationship management. engagement.

Can create and manage Can create, manage, and optimize Can create, manage, optimize, and
Can create detailed marketing
comprehensive marketing reports comprehensive marketing reports and innovate comprehensive marketing
reports and dashboards.
and dashboards. dashboards. reports and dashboards.
Can manage all aspects of SEO, Can leverage advanced SEO tools,
Can implement effective SEO Can innovate SEO strategies that drive
including keyword research, SEO- conduct SEO audits, and implement
strategies to improve website growth in alignment with business
friendly content creation, link corrective measures to improve website
ranking and visibility. objectives.
building, and SEO analytics. performance.

Can conduct technical SEO audits Can optimize website architecture

Can strategize and lead complex Leads the development of advanced SEO
and implement fixes for common and improve technical SEO aspects
technical SEO initiatives. strategies and innovations.
issues. like site speed.

Can understand advanced features,

Can perform routine tasks such as Can use custom solutions or plugins,
create content templates, and Can troubleshoot technical issues and
creating, editing, and publishing perform SEO audits, and take measures
manage user permissions implement SEO best practices.
content. to improve search rankings.

Can analyze basic customer data Can execute advanced targeted Can design complex marketing
Can use CRM data to drive strategic
and segment customer lists for marketing campaigns by analyzing automation workflows integrating
marketing decisions.
marketing campaigns. customer data. CRM with other marketing tools.

Applies AI for tasks like customer

Identifies AI applications in Evaluates and selects AI tools for
segmentation and personalized Leads AI-driven marketing innovation.
marketing strategies. marketing enhancement.
Implements marketing campaigns Develops marketing strategies Oversees marketing initiatives ensuring Sets organizational standards for digital
Implements data ethicsstrategies
AI-driven and privacy
for aligning with advanced data privacy full compliance with digital ethics and ethics in marketing and leads privacy
laws. Manages
standards.comprehensive AI- Oversees
privacy. integration of AI and ML in Leads the development of innovative AI-
targeted marketing and customer
powered marketing campaigns. strategic marketing initiatives. driven marketing strategies.
Can create, manage, and evolve a Can evaluate, select, and implement
Can independently create simple Can create complex wireframes and
strategic library of reusable wireframes prototyping tools at the organizational
wireframes and prototypes. prototypes independently.
and prototypes. level.

Can perform complex tasks such as Can perform advanced tasks such as Can perform advanced tasks such as Can perform master-level tasks such as
layering, masking, and advanced 3D modeling, animation, and advanced 3D modeling, complex creating complex 3D models, advanced
editing. complex editing. animation, and high-end editing. animations, and high-end editing.
Can design complex usability tests, Can conduct large-scale testing and
Can plan and execute basic Can plan and execute
recruit diverse user groups, and provide valuable insights into user
usability tests. comprehensive test plans.
interpret test results effectively. behavior and UX design.

Can generate standard reports and Can customize HRIS reports and Can analyze HRIS data to inform Can lead the implementation and
manage employee records. integrate with other systems. strategic decisions. optimization of HRIS solutions.

Can analyze training data to Can design and implement Can lead LMS strategy, integration with
Can create and manage course
measure effectiveness and identify comprehensive training programs using other systems, and continuous
content and track learner progress.
gaps. LMS. improvement.

Can design comprehensive surveys Can lead survey initiatives and Can innovate and optimize the use of
Can analyze survey results and
and interpret data to provide integrate feedback into strategic HR feedback tools for continuous
generate reports.
actionable insights. decisions. improvement.

Can analyze data sets and identify Can interpret complex data and Can lead data-driven HR projects and Can develop and implement advanced
trends. provide actionable insights. initiatives. data analytics strategies.

Can lead AI-based talent management

Can use AI tools for basic talent Can analyze AI-driven insights to Can innovate and drive AI strategies for
initiatives and integrate AI tools into
management tasks. enhance talent strategies. comprehensive talent management.
HR processes.

Can lead the development and

Can create and manage simple Can optimize and troubleshoot Can strategize and drive comprehensive
implementation of complex automated
automated workflows. automated HR processes. HR automation initiatives.

Can manage recruitment workflows Can optimize ATS processes and Can lead ATS implementation and Can develop and drive ATS strategy for
and generate ATS reports. integrate with other HR systems. customization projects. the organization.
Can apply machine learning Can develop and implement AI- Can lead AI and machine learning Can strategize and drive organizational
algorithms to analyze HR data. driven HR solutions. projects within HR. AI initiatives in HR.

Can write simple code with basic Can implement complex programs Can design solutions for complex
Can optimize code for efficiency
principles independently programs

Can implement complex database

Can write complex SQL queries Can work on complex data migrations Can optimize database performance

Can contribute to cloud migration Can manage large-scale cloud Can architect enterprise-level cloud
Can design simple cloud solutions
projects deployments strategies

Can implement CI/CD pipelines Can design advanced CI/CD Can innovate in building CI/CD
Can optimize complex CI/CD pipelines
and troubleshoot issues pipelines pipelines

Can develop interactive web pages Can design complex web Can architect scalable web applications Can lead web development strategy for
with dynamic content applications with security the organization
Applies quantum computing Leads engineering projects
Integrates quantum computing into Pioneers innovative quantum computing
concepts in specific engineering involving quantum computing
broader engineering strategies. applications in engineering.
tasks. solutions.
Manages and optimizes IoT
Designs complex IoT systems for Strategically integrates IoT solutions Leads innovation in IoT for cutting-edge
applications for specific
engineering applications. into engineering processes. engineering solutions.
engineering needs.

Can create product plans and Can manage multiple product Can pull in reports for KPIs and Can strategize and oversee multiple
manage projects using these tools development projects concurrently optimize process complex projects using these tools
Can use tools effectively for Can create complex and interactive Can optimize user experiences through Can innovate in wireframing and
detailed wireframes and prototypes wireframes wireframes prototyping for complex challenges

Can analyze customer support data Can prioritize issues based on Can leverage feedback for product Can integrate customer support tools
for common issues customer support data enhancements with product management processes

Can create detailed product metric Can manage dashboards and Can lead strategic reporting on product Can conduct complex experiments and
reports identify user behavior trends performance collaborate with data analysts

Can prepare financial reports with Can design complex financial Can use advanced data visualization Can manage complex financial analysis
minimal direction dashboards and presentations techniques tasks and explain reports to stakeholders

Can record transactions and Can customize reports and set up Can analyze data and optimize the Can handle sophisticated financial
generate standard reports advanced features system for organizational needs analysis and system customization

Can handle complex customer Can analyze customer data for Can create and track customer success Can analyze data for insights into
inquiries using the system trends and opportunities plans customer behavior and trends

Can create basic surveys Can create advanced surveys Can extract insights using advanced
Can manage entire survey distribution
independently independently analytics and sentiment analysis

Can interpret data to identify trends Leads the development of advanced

Can analyze complex datasets to Can synthesize data from multiple
in customer satisfaction and analytics strategies to drive customer
inform customer success strategies. sources to provide actionable insights.
retention. success.

Can analyze and optimize the Can integrate customer journey

Can map out the customer journey Leads innovative approaches to customer
customer journey for enhanced mapping into overall customer success
and identify key touchpoints. journey mapping and optimization.
engagement. strategy.
Can implement automation tools to Can manage and optimize a suite of Can strategically integrate automation Leads the adoption of cutting-edge
improve efficiency in customer automation tools for customer tools into the customer success automation technologies in customer
interactions. success. workflow. success.
Can diagnose common hardware Can handle hardware installation Can design hardware configurations for Can manage large-scale hardware
issues and integration business needs projects and teams

Can implement basic database Can design and implement complex

Can manage complex database systems Can optimize complex database systems
design principles database systems

Can troubleshoot common system Can optimize an operating system Can design complex system Can lead design and implementation of
issues for performance architectures complex system solutions

Can perform regular network Can manage and optimize network Can innovate in network system
Can secure network systems
maintenance and monitoring systems management and security

Can handle complex debugging Can lead debugging strategies and Expert in debugging, capable of
Can systematically debug software
tasks and optimize system manage major bug resolution innovating new solutions for system
issues and implement solutions.
performance. initiatives. reliability.

Oversees and optimizes client

Manages and nurtures client Develops and implements client Leads innovative approaches to client
relationship management across the
relationships effectively. relationship strategies. relationship management and retention.

Can design and implement Can lead complex predictive analysis Expert in predictive analysis, driving
Can utilize predictive analysis tools
predictive models to inform projects and integrate insights into strategic decisions and innovations based
to forecast business trends.
business strategies. business planning. on data insights.
Can integrate market intelligence Can manage and optimize the use of Leads the strategic application of market
Can analyze market data to identify
insights into business development market intelligence systems for intelligence, driving business growth and
trends and opportunities.
strategies. strategic advantage. competitive positioning.
Performance metrics Developmental activities
Customize and add these across all levels of Add these to your people's competency-based growth
mastery as "Expected outcomes" plans

Increase in customer retention rates

CRM software training, data analysis workshops,
Accuracy in sales forecasting
advanced CRM strategy courses
Growth in customer lifetime value

Improvement in sales efficiency

Sales automation tool training, workshops on process
Reduction in manual errors
optimization, advanced sales strategy courses
Increase in customer satisfaction

Increase in successful sales pitches

Presentation skills workshops, advanced software
Positive feedback on presentation quality
training, peer-to-peer coaching sessions
Improvement in audience engagement

Increase in sales efficiency

Accuracy of sales forecasting Training in AI tools for sales, predictive sales
Improvement in AI-driven customer relationship analytics workshops, courses in AI-enhanced CRM

Improvement in marketing ROI

Marketing analytics training, data visualization
Accuracy of marketing insights
courses, workshops on advanced analytics tools
Effectiveness of marketing strategies
Increase in website traffic
SEO training courses, workshops on advanced SEO
Improvement in search engine rankings
tools, content strategy seminars
Growth in organic search visibility

Improvement in search engine rankings

SEO training courses, workshops on advanced SEO
Increase in organic traffic
tools, technical SEO strategy seminars
Enhancement in website loading speed

Efficiency in content management

CMS training, SEO for CMS workshops, technical
Improvement in website SEO
troubleshooting courses
User satisfaction with content accessibility

Effectiveness of marketing campaigns CRM software training, data analysis and

Growth in customer engagement segmentation workshops, marketing automation
ROI on CRM-led initiatives courses

Improvement in marketing ROI AI in marketing courses, workshops on personalized

Personalization in marketing marketing using AI, advanced AI marketing strategy
Increase in customer engagement programs
Customer trust scores Workshops on data privacy in marketing, GDPR and
Improvement in campaign
Effectiveness of ROI marketing
privacy-aware other
AI forprivacy lawscourses,
marketing training,machine
ethical learning
marketing courses
Accuracy of customer insights
workshops, training in AI-driven analytics tools
Increase in personalized marketing effectiveness
Quality and usability of prototypes Training in wireframing tools, workshops on user-
Efficiency in the design process centered design, courses in advanced prototyping
User feedback on wireframes techniques

Effectiveness of visual content

Graphic design courses, advanced software training,
Improvement in design quality
workshops on 3D modeling and animation
Innovation in graphic creation
Effectiveness of usability tests
Usability testing training, user research workshops,
User satisfaction with designs
courses on UX design and evaluation
Improvements based on test feedback

Improvement in employer brand perception

HRIS training sessions, workshops on data
Increase in quality of applicants
management, advanced HRIS functionalities courses
Reduction in time-to-hire

Completion rates of training programs

Learner engagement and feedback LMS platform training, instructional design
Improvement in employee performance post- workshops, courses on e-learning technologies

Response rates
Training on survey design, workshops on data
Quality of actionable insights derived from
analysis and interpretation, courses on feedback
Implementation of changes based on feedback

Accuracy of data analysis Data analysis training, workshops on HR analytics

Relevance and actionability of insights tools, courses on statistical methods and data
Impact on HR strategy and outcomes visualization

Effectiveness of AI tools in talent management

Improvement in talent metrics (e.g., time-to-fill, Training on AI basics, workshops on AI tools in HR,
retention rates) courses on advanced AI applications
User satisfaction with AI applications

Efficiency improvements in HR processes

Training on automation tools, workshops on process
Reduction in manual tasks
improvement, courses on advanced automation
Time saved with workflow automation
Manager satisfaction with automated workflows

Time-to-fill positions
ATS training sessions, workshops on recruitment
Candidate satisfaction with the recruitment process
process optimization, courses on ATS customization
Efficiency of recruitment workflows
Successful implementation of AI projects
AI and machine learning training, workshops on HR
Accuracy and relevance of machine learning
applications of AI, courses on developing AI
Impact on HR decision-making

Code quality
Improvement in quality Coding bootcamps, coding challenges, advanced
Efficiency in solutions rate programming mentorship
Number of innovations per year

Database efficiency
Increase in efficiency SQL courses, database optimization projects,
Data integrity advanced management workshop
Performance improvement rate

Cloud resource optimization

Cloud certifications, cloud migration involvement,
cloud security seminars
Number of security breaches (ideally, 0)

Efficiency of deployment
Process efficiency rate CI/CD tool workshops, deployment projects,
Downtime reduction advanced deployment training
Number of innovations per year

Improvement in experience
Web development courses, UI/UX workshops,
Performance increase
advanced web technology mentorship
Number of innovations per year
Quantum computing technical training, industry-
quantum computing
specific workshops, collaboration with research
Successful implementation of quantum algorithms
Successful deployment of IoT solutions IoT development and security training, workshops on
Improvement in operational efficiency IoT applications in engineering, certifications in IoT
Customer satisfaction with IoT-enabled products technologies

Increase in project efficiency Project management training, participation in cross-

Reduction in project delays functional projects
Improvement in design accuracy Workshops on wireframing, collaboration with
Faster prototyping process design teams

Increase in customer satisfaction Customer support training, analysis of customer

Faster resolution of support tickets feedback trends

Increase in actionable insights from product data Data analytics workshops, collaboration with data
Improvement in user engagement science teams

Increase in forecast accuracy Financial analysis training, participation in budgeting

Faster financial reporting and forecasting projects

Improvement in report accuracy Accounting software training, workshops on

Reduction in financial discrepancies advanced financial reporting

Increase in customer retention Customer success strategy workshops, mentorship in

Improvement in customer loyalty scores customer relationship management

Increase in survey response rates Training in survey design, analysis of customer

Improvement in customer feedback quality feedback for strategic insights

Improvement in customer retention rates

Training in data analysis tools, workshops on
Accuracy of predictive analytics
advanced analytics, courses in predictive modeling
Increase in customer lifetime value

Effectiveness of customer journey maps

Workshops on customer journey mapping, training in
Improvement in customer engagement at key
user experience design, courses on customer
Increase in overall customer satisfaction
Efficiency in customer success operations Training in customer success automation tools,
Reduction in response times workshops on process automation, courses in digital
Improvement in customer satisfaction scores customer experience
Reduction in hardware failures Hardware maintenance training, participation in
Improvement in maintenance efficiency hardware upgrade projects

Increase in database performance Database design and management courses,

Reduction in data retrieval times involvement in database optimization projects

Improvement in system stability Training in operating system management,

Reduction in system downtime participation in system architecture projects

Increase in network efficiency Network management training, involvement in

Reduction in network downtime network security projects

Reduction in software downtime Training in debugging techniques, workshops on

Improvement in system performance advanced diagnostic tools, courses in software
Decrease in bug recurrence development and maintenance

Client retention rates Training in CRM tools, workshops on client

Client satisfaction scores engagement, courses in advanced relationship
Growth in client-driven revenue management

Accuracy of predictive insights Training in data analysis and predictive modeling,

Impact on business strategy workshops on advanced analytics tools, courses in
Improvements in decision-making processes data-driven strategy development
Effectiveness of market intelligence insights
Training in market intelligence tools, workshops on
Impact on business development strategy
market analysis, courses in strategic market planning
Success in market positioning

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