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Leadership Fundamentals Handouts

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with Britt Andreatta

Exercise Guide
Exercise Guide Contents
Rate Your Leadership Skills (1-1)........................................................................................... page 2

Managing and Leading (1-2).................................................................................................. page 5

Leadership Level (1-4)........................................................................................................... page 6

Assessing Your Organization (1-6)......................................................................................... page 7

Mapping the Competencies (2-1)......................................................................................... page 10

Discovering Your Core Values (2-2)...................................................................................... page 13

Developing People (2-5)....................................................................................................... page 16

Team Playbook (2-6)............................................................................................................ page 18

Recommendations and References for Leadership Fundamentals.................................... page 20

Leadership Fundamentals with Britt Andreatta

Exercise Guide Contents
Rate Your Leadership Skills (1-1)

Assess your proficiency in each of the clusters affiliated with effective leadership. For each competency, rate yourself on a
scale of 1 to 5 with 1 being a low level of skill and 5 being a high level of skill.

Competency Definition 1 2 3 4 5
Integrity Maintaining standards of honesty; speaking and acting in alignment
Integrity with values; taking responsibility for personal performance;

Knowledge of self Knowing all aspects of self including emotions, values, personality,
and recognizing their impact; using “gut instincts” to guide actions

Accurate self-assessment Accurately perceiving strengths and weaknesses, and role in

interactions in ways that line up with others’ views

Self-confidence Strong self of one’s self worth and capabilities

Emotional self-control Managing impulsive or distressing feelings so that they don’t

impact others negatively
Self Awareness
Achievement drive Striving to meet a standard of excellence; ability to set and achieve
goals; persistence and sustainability

Adaptability Demonstrating flexibility in adapting to changing situations or

overcoming obstacles; resilience

Learning orientation Commitment to continual learning and improvement; actively

identifying new areas for growth and taking advantage of
opportunities to learn and practice

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Competency Definition 1 2 3 4 5
Empathy Accurately sensing and understanding others’ emotions; taking
active interest in their needs and concerns

Communication Hearing and listening to others; sending and receiving messages


Developing others Sensing others’ developmental needs; enhancing others’ abilities

through feedback and coaching

Facilitating team Creating group synergy in pursuing collective goals through

performance collaboration and cooperation
Relationships Managing conflict Negotiating and resolving disagreements; facilitating others to move
through conflict

Appreciating diversity Valuing the contributions of a wide range of people; understanding

the influences of various factors including race, gender, economic
background, nationality, etc.

Building influence Identifying and nurturing instrumental relationships; effectively

persuading others

Service orientation Anticipating and meeting the needs of others (followers, employees,
customers); contributing to the common good

Functional or technical Knowledge and effective use of specific skills, practices and tactics
skills specific to position and function

Adherence to culture Ability to adhere to culture and values (both stated and implied) of
organization; adherence to policies and procedures

Planning and organizing Ability to orchestrate multiple activities and establish courses of
action to ensure that work is completed efficiently

Decision making Ability to identify and analyze information, draw conclusions, identify
appropriate solutions, and choose a course of action

Business Acumen Initiative and innovation Ability and willingness to identify solutions and act on opportunities;
comfort with novel ideas and approaches

Managing work Effectively manages time and resources of self and others; clearly
assigns responsibility for tasks, sets clear objectives, monitors
progress, and provides feedback

Knowledge of industry Ability to scan various sources about current trends, drawing
accurate connections and conclusions

Organizational acumen Accuracy and keenness of judgment or insight around all aspects
of organization including current and future policies, trends,
technology, information, and people

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Competency Definition 1 2 3 4 5
Industry analysis Ability to analyze various sources about potential developments,
pressures and opportunities, drawing accurate connections and

Political acumen Accuracy and keenness of judgment or insight around formal and
informal influences that shape decision making in the organization

Global awareness Ability to analyze various sources about current and potential
developments in the economic, political, social, and natural aspects
of regions around the world, drawing accurate connections and

Vision and purpose Articulating an inspiring and compelling vision for the future of the
organization; motivates and mobilizes others through passion and
Strategy clear communication

Strategic direction Identifying and designing a long-range plan to maximize the

success of the organization after effective analysis of a wide range
of relevant factors

Dealing with complexity Comfort with ambiguity and paradox; able to understand and
effectively respond to multiple and conflicting pressures

Catalyzing change Initiating, designing and facilitating change and new directions

Inspiration leadership Guiding and motivating others through a compelling vision; aligning
the goals and strategies of the organization

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Managing and Leading (1-2)
Review the differences between management and leadership and make some notes about your specific job and role. When
are you doing each?

Management Leadership Notes

1. Approach Tactical Strategic + visionary

2. Time frame Short- to mid-term to ensure Mid- to long-term to ensure success

success of organization now; sets of organization in future; sets vision
timetables and agendas to achieve and strategy for organization change
identified goals

3. Focus Focus is narrow and internal to Focus is broad (both internal and
organization external influences) including other
functions, industry, market, and
national and global affairs

4. Resources Uses currently established resources Seeks and attains/creates new

such as budget, staff, policies and resources to ensure success of future
procedures goals

5. Task goals Directs daily work to achieve Envisions future goals and creates
currently identified goals new products and processes to
achieve them

6. People goals Supervises staff to maximize their Builds culture to maximize

productivity; coordinates efforts of engagement and commitment;
teams to maximize performance inspires stakeholders, fosters
collaboration, and cultivates next
generation of leaders

% of time you spend

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Leadership Level (1-4)
Think about your organization and the position you hold.

Level Focus Who %Tactical %Strategic

5. Leader of Envision and strategize Leaders of the organization 10 90


4. Leader of function Align and maximize Leaders of functions or divisions 25 75

3. Leader of leaders Model and train Leaders of managers and/or professional staff 50 50

2. Expert/Manager Transition and develop Leaders of individual contributors, experts 75 25

1. Individual contributor Focus and prepare Individual contributors, and emerging leaders 90 10

What is your current level of leadership?

What skills do you need to hone for your current level?

What do you need to develop to successfully lead at the next level?

Are you at the right balance or proportion of management and leadership skills? If not, what can you do to shift your workload?

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Assessing Your Organization (1-6)

In which stage of development is your organization?

What do you need to do to maximize performance at this stage?

What do you need to do get to the next stage?

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Effect of common factors
Use this chart to assess the impact that common external and internal factors may have on your organization. Feel free to
add factors you have identified. Note whether you perceive the impact to be positive (+), negative (–), or neutral (o).

Factor Low Impact Medium Impact High Impact

Local, state, and national
policies or regulations

Dependence on technology

Fluctuating cost of key

resources like fuel or food

Changing weather patterns

Generational differences in
workplace expectations

Predictability of market
Influence of shareholders

Dependence on inter-
national markets/products

Predicted shortages in
certain skilled workforces

National and global




Leadership philosophy of
the top executives

Power and influence of

Remote employees and
virtual teams

Access to key resources

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Factor Low Impact Medium Impact High Impact
Motivation and
engagement of employees


Growth and profit

Internal Customer satisfaction

Company culture



How can you learn more about, and stay current on developments with the factors with medium to high impact?

How can negative impacts be neutralized?

Could any of the neutral impacts be made into positive forces?

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Mapping the Competencies (2-1)
Mapping Leadership Skills to Professional Competencies

Leadership Skill DDI Competencies Britt’s Additions
Integrity Ethics and values Integrity
Integrity Integrity and trust Building trust

Knowledge of self Self knowledge

Accurate self-assessment Accurate self-assessment

Self-confidence Self-confidence

Emotional self-control Personal disclosure Judgment

Self Awareness Achievement drive Drive for results
Career ambition
Time management

Adaptability Humor Adaptability Resilience

Perseverance Sustainability
Work/life balance

Learning orientation Personal learning Continuous learning

Intellectual horsepower Continuous improvement
Learning on the fly
Self development

Empathy Interpersonal savvy

Sizing up people
Understanding others

Communication Listening Communication Transparency

Informing Information monitoring
Building Relationships Written communication

Developing others Caring about direct reports Aligning performance for

Fairness to direct reports success
Developing direct reports Coaching
and others Developing others
Confronting direct reports
Directing others

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Leadership Skill DDI Competencies Britt’s Additions
Facilitating team Building effective teams Contributing to team
performance success
Building a successful team
Meeting leadership

Managing conflict Conflict management Managing conflict

Appreciating diversity Managing diversity Valuing diversity Cultural competence

Building Relationships
Building influence Motivating others Influencing others
Negotiating Building partnerships
Boss relationships Building trust
Comfort around higher Negotiation
management Building strategic working
Peer relationships relationships

Service orientation Customer focus Customer focus Commitment to common

Building customer loyalty good

Functional or technical

Adherence to culture Adherence to culture and

values (spoken and not)
Adherence to policies and

Planning and organizing Organizing Planning and organizing

Planning Meeting participation
Total work system
Managing through systems

Decision making Priority settings Operational decision

Timely decision making making
Decision quality Decision making
Problem solving Problem/opportunity
Business Acumen analysis

Initiative and Innovation Innovation management Innovation

Creativity Initiating action
Action oriented

Managing work Command skills Managing work

Process management Work standards
Managing and measuring Quality orientation
work Delegating responsibly
Delegation Driving execution
Follow up

Knowledge of industry Industry and market


Organizational acumen Business acumen Business acumen Professional conduct

(appropriate to setting)

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Leadership Skill DDI Competencies Britt’s Additions
Industry analysis Analysis of Industry and
market developments,
pressures and
National and global

Political acumen Political savvy

Global awareness Global awareness

Vision and purpose Managing vision and Selling the vision Driving culture
purpose Gaining commitment
Organizational Acumen Strategic direction Managerial courage Establishing strategic Driving culture
Standing alone direction
Strategic decision making
Strategic job design
Risk taking

Dealing with complexity Dealing with paradox

Dealing with Ambiguity

Catalyzing change Strategic agility Change leadership

Organizational agility Facilitating change

Inspirational leadership Inspiring others

Leading through vision and

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Discovering Your Core Values (2-2)
Step 1: Using this list of common values, circle the ones that are most important to you, underline those that are some-
what important to you, and cross out any that are least important to you. There is no limit to the number you can have in
each category and you can add other values to the third column.

Accuracy Generosity Preparedness

Achievement/Success Gratitude Prosperity
Adventure Growth Quality
Autonomy Happiness Rationality
Balance Harmony Recognition
Beauty Health Recreation
Boldness Honesty Reliability
Camaraderie Honor Resourcefulness
Challenge Humor Respect
Collaboration Impartiality Risk-taking
Communication Independence Science
Competence Individuality Security
Competition Innovation Service
Consistency Integrity Simplicity
Control Intelligence Sincerity
Courage Intuition Spirituality/Faith
Creativity Joy Stability
Curiosity Kindness Strength
Decisiveness Knowledge Teamwork
Dependability Leadership Trust
Discipline Learning Truth
Discretion Liberty Uniqueness
Diversity Love/Affection Unity
Effectiveness Loyalty Variety
Efficiency Mastery Vision
Empathy Modesty Warmth
Enjoyment Nature Wealth
Equality Nonconformity Wisdom
Expediency Open-mindedness Zeal
Fairness Optimism Other:
Family Patience Other:
Flexibility Perseverance Other:
Friendship Power Other:
Freedom Practicality Other:

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Step 2: Now revisit this list. You have to get down to your top 10 values. You may want to start by crossing out those that
you underline earlier. But you can only have 10 circled by the end of this round.
• What did you notice about yourself in doing this exercise?

• How did you make choices about which values to include?

Step 3: Revisit the list one last time and get down to your top 5 values. They don’t have to be ranked in relation to each
other but they do need to be your most important, core values.
• What are your top 5 values?

• Does this list surprise you at all? Why or why not?

• When you think back on your childhood, what experiences shaped or contributed to the development of these values?

• How have experiences in your adulthood shaped these core values?

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Take each value and list the activities you do that express that value. Consider all aspects of your life including work, family
roles, interest, hobbies, shopping, etc. Estimate the percentage of your time each month that is spent on each value.

Value: Value: Value: Value: Value:

% time % time % time % time % time

• Are there values that are expressed through a lot of your time and activities?

• Are there any that are not getting sufficiently expressed? What can you do to change that?

• Based on how you spend your time and the activities you do, what would others think are your top values?

• Focus now specifically on work. Based on their interactions with you, do you think your colleagues at work would
know that these are your core values? Why or why not?

• How can you demonstrate more clearly, through words and actions, your values at work?

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Developing People (2-5)
During a one-on-one meeting with your employee, express that you’d like to support his or her growth. In order to do that,
you’d like to ask some questions that are designed to give you a more complete picture. It is important you come from a
sincere place of caring and encouragement. Ask follow up questions as need to insure your accurate understanding.
• Tell me more about why you chose this position and this organization?
• How do you like to structure your work?
• What kind of work environment makes you feel the most engaged?
• Think back on a time when you had a peak performance professionally. A time when you felt you really shined or
performed at your best. Tell me about it. What do you think set that situation apart from others?
• What do you think are your strengths?
• How can we further enhance or develop those?
• What would you identify as your weaknesses or areas for growth?
• Pick 1 or 2 to focus on for improvement. How can we develop you in that area?
• How would you describe your learning style? Consider it the best way you learn new things. What kinds of
experiences or programs maximize your growth?
• Are there any programs or courses you have identified that would support your professional development? Tell me
more about them.
• What motivates you professionally and personally?
• Tell me about your passion for this type of work?
• What are your short- and long-term career goals?
• In order to achieve them, what could you be doing now to set yourself up for success?
• Do you know what your triggers are? Triggers are things or situations that can upset us, almost like a pet peeve but
more intense. Are there certain situations, experiences or even people that trigger you?
• Do you feel that you have effective strategies or practices that help you manage your triggers? How can I support
you in this?
• I’d love to get your thoughts about our team/group/department. How can we increase the effectiveness of our
• How can we increase the effectiveness of our teamwork?
• In order to be the best leader for this team/group/department, what advice would you have for me for my own
growth and development?
• How can I best support you in your role here?
I also recommend that you complete the “Evaluating People” form that is in the Exercise files for my course Delegating
Tasks to Your Team. It will help you make a thorough and accurate assessment of each of your direct report.

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Using the information you have gathered, help each employee craft a professional development that includes quarterly and
annual goals, particularly around the following:
• Developing strengths and weaknesses
• Motivation and engagement
• Managing triggers
• Short- and long-term career goals

Then be sure you provide coaching, and professional development opportunities to help him or her achieve these goals.
Make it a regular part of your one-on-one meetings to revisit the development plan, adjusting as needed.

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Team Playbook (2-6)



Shared practices:
• Criteria for evaluating ideas

• Process for making decisions

• Communication flow and format

• Expectations for behavior/conduct

• Building and maintaining trust

• Gather information/data
• Analyze information/data
• Coordinate efforts
• Track progress
• Leadership
• Followership
• Quality/standard assurance

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• Group cohesiveness/camaraderie
• Other:

Resolving conflict:
• How and by when

• Mediator
• Final authority

• How measured

• When assessed

• Consequences


What By Whom By When

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Recommendations and References for Leadership Fundamentals
• The Happiness Advantage by Shawn Achor

• Leading at a Higher Level by Ken Blanchard

• Leading with Soul by Lee Bolman and Terrence Deal

• The Seven Hidden Reasons Employees Leave by Leigh Branham

• Managing Transitions by William Bridges

• The Gifts of Imperfection by Brené Brown

• Good to Great by Jim Collins

• The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg

• Working with Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman

• Privilege, Power and Difference by Allan Johnson

• The Leadership Challenge by Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner

• The Three Signs of a Miserable Job by Patrick Lencioni

• For Your Improvement by Michael Lombardo and Robert Eichinger

• Maslow on Management by Abraham Maslow

• Leadership Theory and Practice by Peter Northouse

• Drive by Daniel Pink

• Center for Creative Leadership

• Great Place to Work

• The Leadership Challenge

• MindTools

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