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Transferable Skills Checklist 2

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Transferable Skills

Check off those skills you already have...
Use these to help build your resume.
Interpersonal skills skills motivates and skills able to review
able to interact empowers others to act; different points of view or
successfully with a wide inspires trust and respect ideas and make
range of people; knows in others Persuading objective judgments;
how to interpret and use skills communicates investigates all possible
body language Oral effectively to justify a solutions to a problem,
communication skills position or influence a weighing the pros and
presents information and decision; able to sell cons
ideas clearly products or promote Creative thinking
and concisely, with ideas Negotiating skills able to
content and style skills able to negotiate generate new ideas,
appropriate for the skillfully; knows how and invent new things,
audience (whether when to make create new images
one-to-one or in a compromises or designs; find new
group); presents Mediation skills able to solutions to
opinions and ideas in resolve conflicts that problems; able to
an open, objective stems from different use wit and humor
way perspectives or interests; effectively
Public speaking skills able to deal with conflict Problem-solving skills
able to make formal in an open, honest and able to clarify the nature
presentations; presents positive way of a problem, evaluate
ideas, positions and Interviewing skills alternatives, propose
problems in an asks and responds to viable solutions and
interesting way questions effectively; determine the outcome
Counseling skills able to make others feel of the various options
responds to what others relaxed and to create a Decision-making skills
have said in a non- feeling of trust able to identify all
judgmental way ("active Customer service skills possible options, weigh
listening"); builds trust able to build a the pros and cons,
and openness with relationship of mutual assess feasibility and
others Coaching / trust with clients; able to choose the most viable
mentoring skills gives handle complaints and option
feedback in a concerns in a sensitive Planning skills able to
constructive way; way plan projects, events and
helps others to Care-giving skills able programs; able to
increase their to empathize with establish objectives and
knowledge or skills others; able to give needs, evaluates
Teaching / training sensitive care to options, chooses best
skills able to help people who are option Organizational
others gain knowledge sick or elderly or who skills able to organize
and skills; able to have severe information, people or
create an effective disabilities things in a systematic
learning environment Analytical / logical way; able to establish
Supervising skills thinking skills able to priorities and meet
delegates responsibilities draw specific deadlines
and establishes an conclusions from a set of Advanced writing
appropriate system of general observations or skills able to
accountability; able to from a set of specific select, interpret,
monitor progress and facts; able to organize and
assess the quality of synthesize synthesize key
job performance of information and ideas ideas; able to edit a
others Leadership Critical thinking written text to ensure
that the message is about desk-top and shapes; able to
as clear, concise and publishing or web design estimate physical space
accurate as possible Technological skills Mechanical skills able
Research skills knows understands technical to install, operate and
how to find and collect systems and operates monitor the performance
relevant background effectively within them; of equipment and
information; able to understands technical mechanical devices; able
analyze data, summarize specifications; reads to repair mechanical
findings and write a technical manuals with devices Adaptability
report Financial skills ease Performing skills skills capacity to adapt
able to keep accurate able to make to new situations and
financial records; able to presentations for video settings and to tolerate
manage a budget (that or television in an change well;
is, preparing sound interesting way; able to flexibility to adapt to
budgets and monitoring entertain, amuse and the needs of the
expenses) Language inspire an audience moment
skills functionally Artistic skills uses Administrative / clerical
bilingual; able to color and design skills able to
translate and/or interpret creatively; able to operate computers
in a given language design displays and and other basic office
Advanced computer publicity material (print, equipment; able to
skills able to use a video, Internet) design and maintain
variety of software Perceptual skills able filing and control
programs; knowledge to visualize new formats systems
Career Services The University of Toledo Student Union 1532 419-530-4341

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