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Assessing High Potential Employees

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Assessing High Potential Employees


Competencies from Retreat Related UWA Identified Competencies

Comfortable with change • Flexibility

• Continuous Learning & Self Mastery
Inclusive and values diversity • Inclusiveness
Thirst for learning • Continuous Learning & Self Mastery
Relationship builder • Relationship Management
• Inclusiveness
• Coalition Building
Integrity • Integrity
Achievement oriented • Achievement Orientation
Communications skills • Communications
Accountability • Strategic & Operational Planning
• Achievement Orientation
Leadership • Change Leadership
Initiative/proactive • Problem Solving & Decision Making
Good judgment • Problem Solving & Decision Making
Collaboration and/or cross- • Team Leadership & Coordination
functional • Coalition Building
Interpersonal skills • Influence and Impact
Self-awareness / Self-mgmt • Continuous Learning & Self Mastery

Change Champions change, demonstrating a willingness and ability to initiate,
Leadership sponsor, and lead a change initiative through to completion
Communications Presents ideas in a style that is clear, fluent, and to the point; keeps the
attention of others; clearly articulates the key points of an issues; takes
recipients’ perspectives into consideration
Strategic & Determines long term objectives and strategies for meeting goals,
Operational allocating resources according to priorities; maintains accountability;
Planning determines how to use personnel and resources efficiently to accomplish
a project; anticipates and plans to address obstacles
Problem Solving Identifying, analyzing, organizing, and solving problems and issues in a
& Decision timely, effective manner; uses data and input from others to make
Making sound, timely decisions even in the face of uncertainty
Achievement The capacity to be energized and excited by challenging objectives and a
Orientation concern for exceeding goals set by self or others; achieves high level,
sustainable performance
Relationship & Influence Management:
Influence & Impact Using influence techniques that appeal to reason, values, or emotion to
generate enthusiasm for the work, commitment to task objectives, or
compliance with orders and requests
Coalition Building The ability to advocate and articulate facts and ideas in a persuasive manner
to enlist the support of others, and to negotiate support with individuals and
Relationship The ability to build, leverage, and maintain mutually positive relationships
Management that provide support for and add value to UW and its programs
Talent/Team Development & Management:
Team Leadership & Builds own skills in team leadership; delegates effectively, fosters teamwork,
Coordination and coordinates completion of team tasks
Integrity Consistently honoring commitments and taking responsibility for actions and
Flexibility Demonstrates adaptability and openness to alternative solutions and
flexibility when interacting with others, understanding their attitudes, needs,
interests, and perspectives
Continuous Learning Develops and applies skills and capabilities by continual on-the-job learning;
& Self Mastery learns quickly when facing new challenges; continually focuses on personal
development and growth
Inclusiveness The ability to network and partner with all stakeholders including broad and
diverse representation of private/public and traditional/non-traditional
community organizations

Competency Related Behaviors
Change 1. Assesses and manages CEO’s own reactions to change; is able to deal with
Leadership constant change and complexity
2. Understands and effectively addresses resistance to change by encouraging
people to express thoughts about the change, listening, and bringing people
together to deal with perceived problems
3. Plans change effectively by developing a clear vision of the future state,
defining the steps involved in implementing change, gaining commitment of
key individuals, determining readiness, and setting up systems and
structures to support the change process
4. Manages the conditions and activities that move the organization and the
community from its present state to the desired state by setting specific
goals and dates, and developing and executing the plan for change

Communications 1. Listens actively and willingly to others’ concerns, using listening skills (e.g.,
summarizing, clarifying, paraphrasing) and interpretation of nonverbal
communications to assess the situation and move discussions to closure
2. Delivers effective, clear presentations with the ability to respond to questions
with appropriate information and data
3. Prepares clear, concise written communications that meet the needs and
purposes of the audience
4. Initiates regular communication with organizations to report on their ‘return
on investment’ and to respond to questions with appropriate information and
5. “Tells a story” with personal-level impact to engage and energize the donor
Strategic & 1. Establishes and communicates operational plans that support and are
Operational aligned with long range plans and strategy
2. Initiates changes in structure, functions, and/or management to align
systems and resources with the donor-centric model so that marketing,
operations, and IT (i.e., database quality, etc.) work together to support the
strategy and the customer
3. Develops processes to support ethical development of financial resources,
communicates these processes broadly, and assesses performance against
these expectations
4. Appropriately allocates organizational resources (funds, staff, etc.) to
support attainment of plans and priorities
5. Measures, monitors, and communicates progress toward goals and adjusts
plans when necessary
Problem 1. Provides early identification of problems and clearly articulates the crux of
Solving & the issue, its potential impact on the customer, and the people and functions
Decision Making affected
2. Gathers relevant data to use in solving problems and making decisions,
while minimizing time spent collecting unnecessary data
3. Articulates his/her analysis of problems from different points of view
(including a customer-centric viewpoint), the viable alternatives,
consequences of alternatives, and resulting decision or recommendation
4. Creates and/or identifies new opportunities, partnerships, and synergies
through active listening and the use of creative techniques (brainstorming,
mind mapping, etc.) with staff and community stakeholders
5. Consults and collaborates with others when solving problems and making
Results 1. Sets and meets aggressive commitments to achieve results
2. Challenges goals one has set, or what anyone has done before (innovation)
3. Conveys a sense of urgency when appropriate, demonstrating that getting
results is a top priority
4. Demonstrates uncompromising responsibility, courage, and self-confidence,
even in the face of difficulties
5. Displays a high energy level in driving for results
Relationship & Influence Management
Influence and 1. Uses communication skills and poise to deliver an effective, convincing
Impact message
2. Inquires into audience interests; prepares a case for ideas based on
identified interests; presents supporting facts, data, and own perspective on
why presented ideas are valid
3. Routinely uses collaborative negotiation techniques to win support, reach
agreements, and avoid “win/lose” situations
4. Drives others to action by regularly providing his/her personalized story of
support for ideas and by communicating positive expectations of progress
5. Uses personal power (body language, eye contact) and prepared facts and
data to gain and hold attention
Coalition 1. Develops alliances through the two-way exchange of ideas, assistance,
Building referrals, and leads
2. Knows key influencers in the organization (“network hubs”); initiates one-on-
one communication with these influencers to uncover and resolve resistance,
and to strengthen internal support for projects and initiatives
3. Initiates communication and collaborative activities across organizational
4. Develops and expands alliances by identifying and articulating shared
interests and common ground in conversations and meetings
5. Builds consensus and support by exchanging information, identifying
interests of stakeholders, suggesting collaborative approaches and/or
offering compromises to achieve shared interests
Relationship 1. Initiates contact and builds relationships with people who want to invest their
Management time and money in UW’s mission and operations
2. Uses the Customer Relationship Management model/approach to continually
manage critical community relationships
3. Creates, communicates, and applies a model/process for pre-, mid-, and post–
event engagement and ensures that the team uses the model consistently by
observing them and providing feedback
4. Continually strengthen relationships by supporting and responding to the
needs of others; sharing your ideas, time, and resources; and building trust
through open communication and follow through on all commitments
5. Effectively uses relationships by requesting support and assistance as
appropriate to maximize organization and program effectiveness
Talent/Team Development & Management
Team 1. Continually communicates to ensure that the mission, roles/responsibilities,
Leadership & project goals, and performance expectations of each team member are clearly
Coordination understood
2. Appropriately delegates tasks based on the strengths of team members
3. Communicates expectations for proper team behavior, including collaboration
and inclusive processes, and takes action to correct team-defeating behaviors
4. Coordinates completion of team tasks, using project management techniques

and attention to detail to guide team success.
5. Looks for team success and achievements, provides public acknowledgement
of the achievements and of the teamwork that enabled the success

Integrity 1. Maintains unequivocal commitment to honesty/truth in every facet of
2. Follows through on commitments, assuming responsibility for own mistakes
3. Practices absolute conformance with United Way policies embodying
commitment to ethical conduct
6. Actions and behaviors are consistent with words, engendering trust from
Flexibility 1. Avoids “snap” reactions, looking for and being open to alternate ideas and
opportunities for solutions
2. Works effectively in ambiguous situations
3. Handles crisis situations coolly and effectively
4. Demonstrates patience with others to accept and understand their
experience, point of view, and needs/issues
Continuous 1. Analyzes own strengths and weaknesses and creates a plan for personal
Learning & growth
Self Mastery
2. Seizes on-the-job development opportunities
3. Involves others in development efforts by asking for honest feedback,
receiving feedback without defensiveness, and/or working with a coach
Inclusiveness 1. Identifies, develops and utilizes power-based alliances with values-based and
ethical perspectives
2. Develops implements and evaluates collaborative and partnering strategies,
such as coalition advocacy groups to involve all constituencies and
3. Models and facilitates integration of cultural sensitivity and competence
4. Brings diverse groups and points of view “to the table” and to a common

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