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Bahasa Inggris Paket 5 - IZZA

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Latihan soal bahasa inggris 5

Monday, 24 June 2024 16:57

1. Man : That exam was just awful

Woman : Oh, it could have been worse. New vocab! Arti in indo Synonyms!
frightened Takut afraid
The woman means that…
a. The exam was really awful. awful sangat buruk unpleasant, very bad
b. It was the worst exam she had ever had. depart berangkat Leave
c. It couldn’t have been more difficult.
d. It wasn’t that hard.
e. It was worse.
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
bad worse worst
2. Man : I am tired of just sitting here!
Woman : Relax. I’m sure that the flight will depart within a few minutes.

The woman means…

a. A few minutes ago, the flight departed.
b. The flight will start in a while.
c. The plane is going to take off soon.
d. They are frightened about the departure.
e. They are afraid of missing the the plane.

3. Rania : Are you enjoying your coffee? Extremely: bener2

Mifta : It tastes extremely bitter this morning
Konotasi mifta negatif
Mifta means that…
a. The coffee is much better this morning
b. The coffee tastes extremely good
c. He definitely wants some coffee this morning
d. He enjoys his coffee
e. The coffee isn’t very good

4. Zahra : Did you enjoy the English lecture?

Zhafran : The professor droned on about reflective writing.
New vocab! Arti in indo Synonyms!
Zhafran means… droned ngoceh rumble
a. The professor drowned the reflective writing in the class. drowned tenggelam submerge
b. The lecture was long and boring.
c. The professor divided the lecture into parts. Neutral itu objektif/faktual/ga berpihak
d. The professors tried to tell about reflective writing.
e. The lecturer didn’t come in the reflective writing.

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5. Iban : Have you been able to find an apartment yet?
Aleysha : It’s difficult to find affordable housing in Perth.
Aleysha means… housing : tempat tinggal. gak cuma apartment
a. Housing within her budget is hard to locate.
b. It’s hard to find her house in Perth.
Afford: kemampuan bayar sesuatu (masuk dalam jangkauan ekonomi seseorang)
c. She can’t afford to move her house to Perth.
-able : mampu
d. Housing in Perth is unavailable.
e. She cannot hardly find house.
Affordable : terjangkau

I can afford living in NY.

6. Man : Professor Martina, what do you think of the composition that I turned in last
Woman : without question, you need to improve the quality of your writing. turned in : submit : mengumpulkan

Professor Martina says about the student…

a. He needs to do a better job writing questions.
b. He certainly must make his writing better.
c. Without the questions, he cannot write the answers.
d. He needs to understand the written questions better
e. He needs to make new writing.

7. Okan : Are you happy with the work that the contractor did on your house?
Anastasia : I’m rather dissatisfied with it.
Anastasia means…
New vocab! Arti in indo Synonyms!
a. She is not really happy with the work. dissatisfied gak puas, gak seneng discontented
b. The contractor’s work was satisfactory. (memuaskan) satisfied puas pleased
c. She would rather work with the contractor himself. Un=dis negasi/kontra dari kata selanjutnya
d. She was already contacted about the work.
e. She likes the result so much.

Un+Kata = tidak kata

Satisfied (puas)
8. Selma : I can’t get this television set connected to the cable. Unsatisfied = tidak puas
Mario : oh, it’s as easy as pie.
dis+Kata = tidak kata
The man means… IDIOM : kiasan/ungkapan Dissatisfied = tidak puas
a. He would like some pie.
b. It’s easy to buy it. Easy as pie = semudah pai =
c. The task the woman’s working on isn’t difficult. gampang bgt
d. It’s easier to prepare pie than do what the man is doing.
e. She can fix the cable.

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New vocab! Arti in indo Synonyms!
9. Woman : did you enjoy taking care of the children all afternoon?
wreck (n) rongsokan ruin
Man : If you had gotten here any later, I’d have been a wreck.
Late : terlambat wreck (v) menghancurkan demolish
The man means… Later: lebih lama lagi/lamaan dikit

a. The woman is more than a week late

b. The children would have wrecked the house later
c. The woman was so late that she was a wreck
d. He’s glad that she was not late.
e. He feels wreck taking care of the children

Read this passage to answer question 10-

As a man grows older it stands to reason that his vulnerability increases. Three years ago, for
New vocab! Arti in indo Synonyms!
instance, I could be hurt in only one way—through myself. If my best friend’s wife had her
hair torn off by an electric washing-machine, I was grieved, of course. I would make my vulnerability kondisi mudah diserang at risk
friend a long speech full of “old mans,” and finish up with a paragraph from Washington’s grieved berduka Mourn, wail
Farewell Address; but when I’d finished I could go to a good restaurant and enjoy my dinner despairing putus asa hopeless
as usual. In fact I was pretty much invulnerable. I put up a conventional wail whenever a ship derisive mengolok-olok ridiculing
was sunk or a train got wrecked; but I don’t suppose, if the whole city of Chicago had been
wiped out, I’d have lost a night’s sleep over it—unless something led me to believe that St.
Paul was the next city on the list. Even then I could have moved my luggage over to
Minneapolis and rested pretty comfortably all night.

But that was three years ago when I was still a young man. I was only twenty-two. Now, I’m
as easy as flip a hand
vulnerable. I’m vulnerable in every way. I used to have about ten square feet of skin
vulnerable to chills and fevers. Now I have about twenty. I have not personally enlarged, the
twenty feet includes the skin of my family, but I might as well have, because if a chill or as …. as ….. Setara levelnya
fever strikes any bit of that twenty feet of skin I begin to shiver. And so I ooze gently into Artinya: sebagaimana/se-
middle-age; for the true middle-age is not the acquirement of years, but the acquirement of a
family. The incomes of the childless have wonderful elasticity. Two people require a room
and a bath; a couple with child requires the millionaire’s suite on the sunny side of the hotel.
And yet I think that marriage is the most satisfactory institution we have. I’m simply stating
my belief that when Life has used us for its purposes it takes away all our attractive qualities
and gives us, instead, ponderous but shallow convictions of our own wisdom and
“experience.” The older I grow the more I get so I don’t know anything. If I had been asked
to do this article about five years ago it might have been worth reading.

Adapted from What I Think and Feel at Twenty-Five (1922) by F. Scott Fitzgerald on

10. What is the overall tone of this passage?

a. Despairing
b. Humorous
c. Derisive
d. Argumentative
e. Denial

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In society, says Mr. Mahaffy, every civilized man and woman ought to feel it their duty to
say something, even when there is hardly anything to be said, and, in order to encourage this
delightful art of brilliant chatter, he has published a social guide without which
no debutante or dandy should ever dream of going out to dine. Not that Mr. Mahaffy's book
can be said to be, in any sense of the word, popular. In discussing this important subject
of conversation, he has not merely followed the scientific method of Aristotle which is,
perhaps, excusable, but he has adopted the literary style of Aristotle for which no excuse is
possible. There is, also, hardly a single anecdote, hardly a single illustration, and the reader is New vocab! Arti in indo Synonyms!
left to put the professor's abstract rules into practice, without either the examples or the sardonic Sinis, sarkas, satir Satirical,
warnings of history to encourage or to dissuade him in his reckless career. Still, the book can sarcasm.
be warmly recommended to all who propose to substitute the vice of verbosity for the cynical
stupidity of silence. It fascinates in spite of its form and pleases in spite of its pedantry, and is Contemplativ merenungkan dg serius thougtful
the nearest approach, that we know of, in modern literature to meeting Aristotle at an
afternoon tea.
Chatter : tukang ngomong (chat)
Excusable: beralasan
Adapted from <> Excuse: alasan
Able: mampu
11. The overall tone of this passage is __________
a. Hysterical : histeris
b. sardonic
c. contemplative
d. respectful
e. confused

In 2011, Company X began harvesting lumber from the Shady Creek Forest. By 2012,
operations had expanded to the nearby Pleasant Grove Forest, and by January 2014,
Company X had merged with its competitor Company Y to become the largest lumber
company in the tri-state area.
Menghancurkan (-)
PASSAGE 2 New vocab! Arti in indo Synonyms!
Company X has already been destroying forests in Shady Creek for a year, leaving huge aggrieved merasa resentful
patches of barren land and wiping out local ecosystems wherever it goes. Now it's coming for dirugikan,
Pleasant Grove, too - the days when you can send your kids outside to play in the woods may
be numbered! laudatory penuh pujian complimentary

Adapted from <>

12. Compared to the tone of Passage 2, the tone of Passage 1 is more…

a. Skeptical
b. Objective
c. Aggrieved
d. Sarcastic
e. Laudatory

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Iguacu Falls, which sit on the border between Argentina and Brazil, are said to make Niagara
look like a leaky faucet. The great cataracts stretch for two and a half miles across lushly
foliaged rocky outcroppings before plunging a staggering two hundred and thirty feet into the
river below. New vocab! Arti in indo Synonyms!
overweening Bangga berlebihan cocky
The falls region is densely forested, and is home to a wide variety of plants and animals,
including a number of endangered ones. It is a paradise where parrots dive and swoop mild ringan, lembut gentle, light
through the spray, butterflies cavort among the tropical plants and coatis, and giant otters and
anteaters amble through the trees. The foliage itself varies between tropical and deciduous Endangered: hampir punah
with orchids blushing in the shade of pines and ferns nodding gracefully in the shadow of
fruit trees.

Adapted from

13. The author’s attitude toward Iguacu Falls can best be described as which of the following?
14. Overweening pride. (overproud)
a. Positive appreciation.
b. Mild acceptance.
c. Apathetic objectivity. (apathetic: acuh ga acuh)
d. Cautious optimism.

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Monday, 24 June 2024 19:03

Plastic bags are often thought of as free, no-brainer solutions to carry your groceries or to use as trashcan liners. However, research
has shown that as a consequence of carefree usage of plastic bags millions of tons of plastic particles __1__ in our seas each year.
Reversing this trend and finding ways to maintain both the health of our oceans and the human benefits associated with it are
complicated tasks. Most people appreciate and value the importance of the ocean and see marine litter as a global problem. __2__, the
challenge is connecting the dots. So many of human behaviors and decisions contribute to this problem, but rarely are there attempts
to link their impact to the environment. Behavioral science has been recognized as __3__ to understand drivers of human behavior litter : SAMPAH : trash
which support ongoing initiatives to clean up our environments. For instance, behavioral scientists have suggested that the public
could become more __4__ if powerful images were carried on everyday products, similar to that already being used on cigarette
Gunakan petunjuk A dalam menjawab soal nomor 1-4.
1. … 3. ….
a. accumulate a. a gap : celah
b. Accumulator PELAKU b. a cure : obat
c. Accumulation NOUN c. an advantage : keunggulan MAU PAKE VERB+ING?
d. accumulating d. an alternative : alternatif TIDAK BISA BERDIRI SAMPINGAN LANGSUNG SAMA SUBJECT
e. Accumulative ADJ e. an impediment : hambatan

a. Therefore : oleh karena itu a. aware
b. In contrast : sebaliknya b. elated
c. Also : juga c. excited
d. In other words : dg kata lain d. optimistic
e. After that : setelah itu e. interested

Unlike beloved children’s stories, nature is a cruel, hard world that is painted not in watercolors but in blood. A study found that chemicals
released by plants as they are eaten can help push caterpillars to cannibalism. Many plants release the chemical methyl jasmonate when
stressed or damaged. Getting gnawed on by a caterpillar is stressful, so when the caterpillars start biting, the chemical flare goes up. Other
nearby plants sense the flare and start producing their own methyl jasmonate, building a chemical camouflage around their leaves and stems.
Once all the food sources taste terrible, caterpillars turn to the next available meal: each other. Plants with the time to build up a strong
defense can make their leaves so unappetizing that caterpillars will start eating each other to get their fill, leaving the plant alone.
Researchers now plan to also look into how insect viruses are transferred during their more carnivorous period. If viruses that harm
caterpillars are transferred more easily by cannibalism, that could be a gain for the plants. Not only are their leaves protected from pests, but
now those predators are spreading disease amongst themselves, reducing the herbivore population further. Interestingly enough, cannibalism Gnaw: ngunyah
can serve some important functions among these herbivores. Eating each other literally takes the competition out of the food chain, and alter : mengubah
keeps the surviving population strong in a time when food might be scarce. Therefore, we should not be too quick to judge these fuzzy
little cannibals. It’s a bug eat bug world out there.
Gunakan petunjuk A dalam menjawab soal nomor 5-9.

5. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE according to the text?.. . 8. The purpose of this passage is to. . . .
a. Stress may save plants from being consumed. (V) a. convince readers that nature is harsh in reality

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Gunakan petunjuk A dalam menjawab soal nomor 5-9.

5. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE according to the text?.. . 8. The purpose of this passage is to. . . .
a. Stress may save plants from being consumed. (V) a. convince readers that nature is harsh in reality
b. Plants can manipulate their own perception of taste. b. educate readers not to judge herbivores hastily
c. Under constraints, plants can alter their predator’s appetite. (V) c. describe the effect of cannibalism among plant-eating animals
d. Cannibalism helps maintain food supply in times of need. (kind of V) d. explain how caterpillars can behave uncharacteristically
e. The chemical methyl jasmonate drives caterpillars away from their natural food. (V) e. inform the readers that cannibalism among herbivores is normal

6. The topic of this passage is. . . . 9. The tone of this passage is…
a. Caterpillars’ Consumption Behavior a. critical
b. Cannibalism and Its Effect on Caterpillars b. amused
c. The Effect of Methyl Jasmonate on Insects c. objective
d. Plant’s Defense Mechanism against Herbivores d. outraged
e. The Cause and Effect of Cannibalism Among Caterpillars e. humorous

7. It can be inferred from the text that. . . .

a. cannibalism may balance the supply and demand for food
b. viruses are easily transferred by means of cannibalism
c. the chemicals decrease the caterpillars’ hunger for food
d. cannibalism is a natural phenomenon among herbivores
e. other bugs can also turn cannibalistic towards each other Kurang evidence/bukti

There’s a certain sinking feeling one gets when thinking of the perfect thing to say just a moment too late. There is no English word to express this feeling, but
the French have the term l’esprit de l’escalier for this very phenomenon. The English language also lacks the word to describe the binge eating that follows an
emotional blow, but the Germans have kummerspeck to do just that. If we had the Swedish word lagom, the English explanation of Goldilocks’ perfectly
temperate soup __10__a lot more accurate.
__11__English speakers are limited in their choice of words surprises many non-native English speakers. There are many words that English speakers
don’t have. Sometimes Anglophones take from other languages, but often, we have to find a way around a specific feeling or emotion that doesn’t have its
own word. The reason why we borrow words like savoir faire from French is because that word did not culturally evolve as part of our language. Speaking
different languages means you get different frames and metaphors. You’re also learning the culture of the language so you get not only different words, but also
different types of words.
However, the benefits of speaking multiple languages extend past just having access to different words, concepts, metaphors, and frames. Multilingualism has
__13__. Multilinguals tend to score better on standardized tests, especially in math, reading, and vocabulary. They are better at remembering lists or sequences
due to intensive learning of grammatical rules and vocabulary. They are more perceptive to their surroundings and therefore better at focusing on
important information while __14__misleading information
Gunakan petunjuk A dalam menjawab pertanyaan 10-15.
10. … Side effect: efek samping (NOUN)
a. may be : mungkin saja 13. … incredible : luar biasa (ADJECTIVE)
b. will be : akan menjadi a. side effects of an incredible array Incredible side effect
c. should be : seharusnya b. incredible side effects of an array adj noun
d. will have been : akan terus menjadi c. incredible effects of an array side
e. could have been : seharusnya bisa terus menjadi d. an incredible side array of effects array : serangkaian
e. an array of incredible side effects
Pretty girl
11. … adj noun New vocabs
a. If X (pengandaian) Arti (indo)
14. …
b. Why => adanya dimana, kl ada di pertanyaan harus pakai tanda tanya a. putting off putting off menunda

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Pretty girl
11. … adj noun New vocabs
a. If X (pengandaian) Arti (indo)
14. …
b. Why => adanya dimana, kl ada di pertanyaan harus pakai tanda tanya a. putting off putting off menunda
c. That (gak umum ditaruh di depan paragraf) b. pulling over pulling over menarik
d. When c. putting out putting out mematikan
e. Whether d. weeding out weeding out mencegah
e. blocking out blocking out menghalangi
Menemukan jalanan di sekitar = cari solusi
12. The phrase “find a way around” in paragraph 2 means…
a. avoid the main topic 15. The sentence "Thus, a multilingual education is a worthwhile
b. look in the wrong place investment of time." should be....
c. ask what someone is thinking a. the last sentence of paragraph 1
d. be very familiar with an activity b. the first sentence of paragraph 2
e. discover how to deal with something c. the last sentence of paragraph 2
d. the first sentence of paragraph 3
e. the last sentence of paragraph 3

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