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Biology For ss1 Second Term

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Biology for ss1 second term

Section A: objectives

Answer all questions

(1) of the following does not contribute to the biomass of the ecosystem? (A) producers (B) consumers
(C) micro- organisms (D) food chains

(2)Which of the following is not a characteristic features of rainforest habitat? (A) many trees and
climbers than savannah (B) fewer canopy strata than the savannah (C) more diverse communities than
the savannah (D) plenty of leaf litter on the ground

(3)Which of the following statements is not correct about food chains? (A) all food chains start with a
green plant (B) There’s no energy loss in a food chain (C) food chains involve feeding relationship among
organisms (D) all food chains have primary consumers

(4)Given the equation:6CO2 + 6H2O → C6H12O6 + 6O2 {Under sunlight &

Chlorophyll ,The process represented by the above equation is?(A). protein synthesis (B) respiration (C).
photosynthesis (D) transpiration

(5) cilia in paramecium are use for (A) respiration (B) locomotion (C)protection (D) Excretion

(6)Which of these is not true of the insect? The possession of (A) 3 pairs of legs (B) jointed appendages
(C) exoskeleton (D)segmented body

(7) The feature that distinguish the toad or frog from the fish is the absence of (A)scales (B)lungs
(C)paired appendages (D) skin glands

(8) A spirogyra cell placed was placed in solution X after 1 minute the cell has been plasmolysed,
solution X was (A) Distilled water (B) A very strong sugar solution (C) A weak sugar solution (D) A
very weak salt solution
(9) All living organism (A)Photosynthesize (B)Respire (C) Move (D) Feed
(10)Amoeba moves by means of (A) Cilia (B) Flagella (C)Pseudopodia (D) Swimmerets
(11) The movement of molecules from a region of higher concentration to one of lower
concentration is (A) Diffusion(B)Transpiration (C) Osmosis(D)Translocation
(12)One of the following statement is not true of viruses (A) They are micro-organisms (B) They are
smaller than bacteria (C) They can be seen with an ordinary light microscope (D) They cause
polio and smallpox
(13)The major function of contractile vacuole in amoeba is? (A) to secrete enzyme to digest food
particles (B) to store excess food materials (C) to excrete nitrogenous waste (D) to collect and
expel water in the cytoplasm
(14)Some of the features of an animal are scales, teeth, nares and backbone. The animal is likely to
be a (A) Toad (B) Bird (C) Lizard (D) Rat
(15)The part of the cell solely responsible for respiration is the (A) nucleus (B) mitochondria (C) Golgi
body (D) endoplasmic reticulum
(16)In animals, cilia, flagella and pseudopodia can be used for (A) reproduction (B) fighting (C)
attachment to plants (D) locomotion
(17) One common feature of the fungi, algae, mosses and ferns is that the (A) are photosynthetic (B)
show alternation of generation (C) reproduce by means of conjugation (D) have no seeds
(18)Plant and Animal cells both posses (A) cell wall (B) chloroplast (C) ribosomes (D) starch
(19)Chromosomes are made up of (A) DNA (B) ATP (C) ADP (D) Genes
(20)Amoeba is an example of………organism (A) unicellular (B) multicellular (C) bicellular (D) all of the
(21)The following are forms in which cell exist except (A) As a tissue (B) As a filament (C) As a colony
(D) As a single and free living organism
(22)The ability of a single organism to produce an offspring is called……………reproduction (A) sexual
(B) Bisexual (C) Asexual (D) homosexual
(23)Flatworms and roundworms are said to be invertebrates because (A) they are small animals (B)
some of them are unicellular (C) they have no backbones (D) they are parasitic
(24)The activities of an organism which affect the survival of another organism in a habitat can be
described as (A) Biotic factors (B) Climatic factors (C) Edaphic factors (D) Abiotic factors
(25)Which of the following groups of organisms feeds directly on green plants (A) decomposers (B)
primary consumers (C) secondary consumers (D) producers
(26)Which of the following world biomes is found in Nigeria? (A) sahel savannah (B) desert (C) afro-
alpine vegetation (D)Tundra
(27)A food web can be described as a (A) complex feeding relationship in a community (B) complex
pattern of food production in a community (C) transfer of food energy from one community to
another (D) group of organisms belonging to the same trophic level
(28)Which of the following soil types retain the least amount of water? (A) loam (B) sand (C) clay (D)
(29)The following are features of the tropical rainforest except (A) abundant water supply (B) short
trees growing beneath tall trees (C) scanty trees with small leaves (D) presence of many animals
(30)The following are features of Northern Guinea Savanna except (A) presence of tall trees with
thick barks (B)bare soil with very few trees (C) presence of fire-resistant trees (D) abundant
(31)Which of the following explains the term pyramid of numbers? (A) the number of organisms in a
trophic level (B) progressive decrease in the number of individuals from lower to higher trophic
level (C) the number of predators in a habitat (D) the relationship between plants in different
trophic levels
(32)Which of the following represents the correct order in a possible food chain? (A) diatom 
crustacean fish  man (B) fish crustacean  man diatom (C) man  fish  crustacean
 (D) crustacean  diatom  fish  man
(33)Which of the following is characteristics of a swamp? (A) many plants with fire resistant
structures (B) the ground is flooded most of the time (C) vegetation with stratified arrangement
(D) predominance of climbing plants
(34)Very low annual rainfall, sparse vegetation, high day temperature and cold nights are the
characteristics of the biome known as (A) swamp (B) desert (C) afro alpine (D) tropical rainforest
(35)In a food chain, the position occupied by an organism is called (A) the trophic level (B) energy
level (C) the feeling level (D) niche
(36) Which of the following is the correct chain for the organism found in an aquatic community? (A)
paramecium, phytoplankton, prawn, water flea, tilapia, shark (B) water flea, paramecium,
phytoplankton, prawn, tilapia, shark (C) phytoplankton, water flea, paramecium, prawn, shark ,
tilapia (D) phytoplankton, paramecium, water flea, prawn , tilapia, shark
(37)Which of these statements about food chain is not correct? (A) animals in the chain are
consumers (B) a food chain usually begins with a green plant (C)all organisms in a food chain are
animals (D) the food chain involves energy transfer in an ecosystem
(38)Which of the following processes removes water from the water cycle? (A) condensation (B)
photosynthesis (C) perspiration (D) Transpiration
(39)In any food chain, the first member must be a (A) carnivore (B) herbivore (C) autotroph (D)
none of the above
(40)Ecology simply means the study of (A) the properties of a habitat (B) interrelationship between
organisms and their environment (C) several species of plants and animals (D) interrelationship
between plants and animals

Section B: Theory

Answer 4 questions only from this section

(1a) Define ecology (2marks)

(1b) List the abiotic factors in an ecosystem (3marks)

(1c) With the aid of a map, describe the local biotic communities in Nigeria (5marks)

(2) Name 5 major biomes of the world and describe their location and characteristics (10marks)

(3a) Define soil(2marks)

(3b) list 5 instruments for measuring ecological factors (5marks)

(3c) state 3 differences between food chain and food web (3marks)

(4a) Draw a food chain involving 4 trophic levels which can be found in a terrestrial habitat (2marks)

(4b) state the first and second laws of thermodynamics (4marks)

(4c) write short notes on

I: commensalism

II: parasitism (4marks)

(5a) Define adaptation (2marks)

(5b) Explain 2 ways each by which the following organisms adapt to their habitat

I: Xerophyte

II: mammals (4marks)

(5c) Name 2 pollutants each of air and water (4marks)

(6a) state 2 effects of water pollution on organisms (2marks)

(6b) list 4 natural resources that needs to be conserved (2marks)

(6c) With the aid of a diagram, describe water cycle (4marks)

(6d) what are decomposers (2marks)

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