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Sustaining Health For The Long-Term Warfighter

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The Warfighter Nutrition Guide

Sustaining Health for the
Long-Term Warfighter
Patricia A. Deuster, PhD, MPH, CNS

Teresa Kemmer, PhD, RD

Lori Tubbs, MS, RD

Stacey Zeno, MS

Christiane Minnick, M.Ac

18 Sustaining Health for
In This Chapter
Principles of Good Eating
the Long-Term Warfighter
Mediterranean Diet

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Bone Health
Key Points
• Eating a variety of foods is one key to healthy living.
Dietary Fiber
• A Mediterranean Diet has been shown to confer a long, healthy life.
• Healthy bones require adequate calcium intake and regular physical
Alkaline Diet activity.
• Eating many different colorful real foods, which contain important
protective compounds—phytonutrients, promote life-long health.
• At least 3–5 servings of colorful vegetables, 2 or more servings of
fruit, and 6 or more servings of whole grain products, should be con-
sumed per day, whenever possible.
• Products containing probiotics (yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut) may be help-
ful for maintaining a healthy digestive tract.
• Alkaline-forming, rather than acid-forming, foods are important during
periods of high stress.

t is possible to be a Long-Term Warfighter if good habits are developed
at a young age and sustained throughout life. These “good” habits in-
clude a nutritious diet and a balanced exercise program. If good hab-
its are developed, the risks of developing musculoskeletal injuries and
many other chronic diseases associated with aging will be minimized. This
chapter discusses the proper dietary plan to maintain a healthy life.

Principles of Good Eating

• Variety.
• Balance.
• Moderation.
A variety of foods must be consumed to obtain all the requisite nutrients
for a strong, healthy body. Eating the same foods is not only boring, but
decreases the opportunity to include diverse nutrients in your diet; it can
also mean taking in the many environmental pesticides and chemicals on

those particular foods. For example, some fish are tainted with mercury,
so eating the same kind of fish daily could result in accumulation of mer-
A healthy diet is achieved cury. Likewise, if strawberries were the only fruit eaten, the body would
by balancing a variety accumulate the pesticides from the strawberries. In addition, the nutrients
of foods from the potentially derived from eating a variety of foods would be limited. Fresh
major foods groups. and dried fruits, fresh vegetables, whole grains, nuts, eggs, dairy products,
meats, poultry, and fish are all nutritious: they provide a ready supply of
energy and nutrients to keep the body healthy.

Moderation is perhaps the most difficult goal to achieve without plan-

ning meals and snacks in advance. If one meal contains high-fat foods,
another meal needs to be low in fat. Advance planning allows all foods to
be eaten without incurring an energy deficit or surplus.

90% of your foods should be healthy.

Limit junk food to only 10% of your diet.

Mediterranean Diet
One diet singled out as healthy for all ages is the Mediterranean Diet.
Research has shown that this type of diet, which is higher in monounsatu-
rated fats than other diets, results in lower blood sugar and cholesterol
levels and lower blood pressure than a typical American diet. This is at-
tributed to using olive oil (a monounsaturated fat), consuming lots of fruits
and vegetables, and also drinking some red wine. Grapes used to make the
wine contain powerful antioxidants.

==Click for the There is not an official “Mediterranean” diet because at least 16 coun-
Traditional Healthy tries border the Mediterranean Sea and not all of the same foods are eaten.
Mediterranean Diet Pyramid. However, there are similarities to the dietary patterns. They include:

• High intake of fresh fruits, vegetables, bread, wheat and cereals, pota-
toes, beans, nuts and seeds.

• Weekly intake of up to 4 eggs.

• Minimal intake of red meat.

• Low to moderate intake of dairy products, fish, and poultry.

• Frequent and regular use of olive oil.

• Low to moderate intake of red wine.


Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids were discussed in Chapter 3, but more informa-
tion on these “polyunsaturated” fatty acids (PUFA) is important because
of their health benefits. The important omega-3 fatty acids are alpha li-
nolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexaenoic
acid (DHA). The body cannot make these “fats,” but interconversions with
omega-6 fatty acids can occur. For example, vegetarians rely on the con-
version of ALA into EPA and DHA.
Fish and seafood, particularly oily fish (sardines, salmon, trout, mackerel,
herring, and anchovies) are excellent sources of omega-3s. Green vegeta-
bles and some nuts and seeds (tofu and other forms of soybeans, canola
and soybean oils, walnuts, brazil nuts, and flaxseed) are sources of ALA.
Flaxseed (linseed) oil is the best concentrated source of ALA.
A low dietary intake of omega-3 fatty acids has been associated with
heart disease, stroke, cancer, inflammatory conditions and auto-immune
diseases, and possibly negative mood, depression and other mental health
conditions. Thus, a diet that provides adequate amounts of omega-3 fatty
acids is important.

How Much is Needed?

Although the exact amount of omega-3s needed for optimal health is
unknown, intakes ≥ 650 mg/day, or 0.3% of total calories, for EPA and
DHA have been recommended. The recommended intake of ALA is 1.6
grams/day for men. An omega-3 deficiency is nonexistent in healthy indi-
viduals. Table 18–1 below provides the EPA and DHA content of various
foods sources. Clearly, eating 3 ounces of tuna (or the like) each day pro-
vides the recommended amounts of omega-3s. Table 18–2 provides the
ALA content of various plant products. Eating less than 1 oz of walnuts
provides more than the amount recommended.
Diets of today are often high in saturated and trans fatty acids (discussed in
Chapter 3), and low in omega-3 fatty acids. The ratio of omega-6 to omega-3
fatty acids in the diet today ranges from 14:1 to about 20:1. A healthier ratio
would be 5:1. It should be noted that food sources of omega-6 fatty acids in
the diet are ample: omega-6 are found in margarines and vegetable oils.

Table 18–1. Content of EPA and DHA in Various Fish Products

Fish (3 oz) EPA DHA Total Total

(mg) (mg) EPA+ Fat (g)
DHA (g)

Bass, Striped 184 637 0.8 2.5


Table 18–1. Content of EPA and DHA in Various Fish Products

Fish (3 oz) EPA DHA Total Total

(mg) (mg) EPA+ Fat (g)
DHA (g)

Catfish, farmed 42 109 0.2 6.8

Clams (9 small) 117 124 0.2 1.1

Fish sticks (~3 sticks) 126 212 0.3 11.1

Flounder & sole 207 219 0.4 1.3

Haddock 65 138 0.2 0.8

Halibut 77 318 0.4 2.5

Herring, Kippered 825 1,003 1.8 10.5

Mackerel, Pacific 555 1,016 1.6 8.6

Mackerel, Atlantic 428 594 1.0 15.1

Oysters, Eastern, 228 248 0.5 2.1

wild, raw (~6)

Perch, Atlantic 88 230 0.3 1.8

Rockfish 154 223 0.4 1.1

Salmon, Atlantic, 587 1,238 1.8 10.5


Salmon, Atlantic, wild 349 1,215 1.5 6.9

Salmon, Coho, farmed 347 740 1.1 7.0

Salmon, Sockeye, 418 564 1.0 6.2

canned, drained

Salmon, Coho, wild 341 559 0.9 3.1

Sardines, Pacific, 520 845 1.4 1.2

packed in tomato sauce

Sardines, Atlantic, 402 432 0.8 9.1


Swordfish 111 579 0.1 4.4

Trout, Rainbow, farmed 284 697 1.0 6.1


Table 18–1. Content of EPA and DHA in Various Fish Products

Fish (3 oz) EPA DHA Total Total

(mg) (mg) EPA+ Fat (g)
DHA (g)

Trout, Rainbow, wild 398 442 0.8 4.9

Tuna, Bluefin 309 910 1.3 5.3

Tuna, White, water- 198 535 0.1 2.5

packed, drained

Tuna, Light, water- 40 190 0.2 0.7

packed, drained

Tuna, Light, oil-packed, 23 86 0.1 7.0 Eat a variety of fish at least

twice a week and include
other foods rich in ALA.
Table 18–2. ALA Content of Various Vegetable Products

Vegetable/Nuts/ ALA (mg) Total Fat (g)

Seeds (3 oz)

Brazil Nuts 30 56.5

Flaxseeds 19,400 35.8

Soybeans, 301 5.4

green, boiled

Spinach, raw 56 0.13

Sunflower seeds, 59 42.3

dry roasted

Tofu 495 7.4

Walnuts, English 7,700 55.5

Winter Squash 31 0.12

Increasing omega-3
Source: United States Department of Agriculture: National Nutrient
Database for Standard Reference, Release 19 (http://www.nal.
intake through foods EPA and DHA values not is preferable to
available for all foods. supplements.

Despite being a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids, fish and seafood are
potentially major sources of environmental contaminants. Thus, fish con-

sumption is an example where the potential benefits and risks may be in

competition. However, it is still acknowledged that the health benefits of
eating fish outweigh the risks.

Fish Oil Supplements

Because many people do not like or do not have access to foods high
in omega-3s, fish oil supplements are commonly taken. However, fish oil
supplements should only be taken under the care of a physician. The most
common side effect of fish oil supplements, which was discussed in Chap-
ter 11, is gastrointestinal complaints. It is also possible high intakes of ome-
ga-3 fatty acids (> 3 grams/day) may result in prolonged bleeding time.
See for USP-approved fish oils.

Bone Health
The health status of bones is determined by various lifestyle behaviors
between birth and age 30. Bone health is of great concern in military train-
ing because stress fractures can eliminate potential “wannabe’s” from the
playing field. The major determinants of achieving “peak bone mass” dur-
ing adolescence and early adult life are diet and physical activity.
The primary nutrients for achieving healthy bones are calcium, vita-
min D, protein, and other essential minerals. Calcium is one of the most
abundant minerals in the body, yet one frequently lacking in the diet of all
individuals. On average, daily intake of calcium ranges from 500–700 mg,
which is much lower than the suggested level of 1000 mg.
Milk, milk products, and calcium-fortified products are important to
bone health. An inadequate intake of calcium can lead to borrowing calci-
um “reserves” from the bones to meet the body’s needs; with a prolonged
deficit, osteopenia or low bone mass may develop. A list of foods with
high calcium and vitamin D content is presented below. Note that non-
fat milk products have a higher calcium content than their low- or full-fat

Table 18–3. Foods with High Calcium and Vitamin D Content

Food Amount Calcium Content


Yogurt, plain, 8 oz 450


Yogurt, plain, 8 oz 350–415


Table 18–3. Foods with High Calcium and Vitamin D Content

Food Amount Calcium Content


Yogurt, low-fat, 8 oz 250–350

with fruit

Milk, skim 1 cup 302–316

Milk, 2% 1 cup 313

Cheddar cheese 1 oz 204

Provolone cheese 1 oz 214

Mozzarella cheese, 1 oz 207

part skim

Ricotta cheese, 1 cup 337

part skim

Swiss cheese 1 oz 272

Almonds ½ cup 173

Figs, dried 10 figs 269

Orange juice, 1 cup 250

calcium fortified

Orange 1 medium 56

Rhubarb, cooked ½ cup 174

with sugar

Collards, turnip 1 cup 200–270

greens, spinach,

Broccoli, cooked 1 cup 178

Oatmeal, with milk 1 cup 313

Salmon, canned, 3 ½ oz 230

with bones

Sardines, canned, 3 ½ oz 350

with bones

Halibut Half fillet 95


One of the primary reasons for a low dietary intake of calcium is that sodas
and colas have replaced milk as the beverage of choice: on average, 23 gal-
lons of milk are consumed per person per year as compared to 49 gallons of
soft drinks. Not only have soft drinks replaced milk as the beverage of choice
with meals, but they also contain phosphoric acid, which may disturb the
natural balance of bone growth. Cola soft drinks are especially harmful due to
the caffeine content. Caffeine may interfere with the absorption of calcium
from foods and/or supplements, and compromise bone mineral density.
Other reasons why bone health is not what it should be relates to physi-
cal activity patterns. Many young men of today are sedentary—playing
video games may maintain healthy bones in the fingers and hands, but
regular, weight-bearing aerobic exercise and an active lifestyle are essen-
tial for promoting good bone health. Other dietary and lifestyle patterns
that may compromise bone health include:
• > 3 alcoholic beverages/day.
• An acidic diet.
• Smoking/smokeless tobacco.
• Excessive intakes of Vitamin A (i.e., retinol).
• Excessive intakes of protein.

Stress Fractures
It is not uncommon for Warfighters to develop stress fractures, which
is a consequence of poor bone health and physical fitness. Risk factors for
stress fractures include:
• Short height.
• Low bone density or poor bone structure.
• Smoking.
• Alcohol consumption.
• Low calcium intake.
• Low fitness and/or activity levels before enlistment.
• Previous injury.
• Poor muscle strength.
However, in addition to the risk factors noted above, several aspects of
military training may contribute as well. These include:
• Training schedules with too much, too soon.
• High running mileage.
• Excessive loss of calcium in sweat.
• Boot/shoe fitting and design.

One reason the Mediterranean diet is so healthy is because most of the
foods provide phytonutrients (phytochemicals). Phytonutrients are sub-
stances found in plants that protect against bacteria, viruses, and fungi.
Eating a variety of many colorful foods that contain phytochemicals (fruits
and vegetables, whole grains, cereals, and beans) appears to decrease the
risk of developing certain cancers, diabetes, hypertension, and heart dis-
ease. The actions of phytonutrients vary by color and type of food: they
may act as antioxidants, anti-inflammatory agents, and/or other nutrient
protectors. Table 18–4 below provides a partial list of phytonutrients and
food sources of these important nutrients. Phytonutrients may also be
considered functional foods, as discussed in Chapter 17.

Table 18–4. Types of Phytonutrients and Good Food Sources

Phytonutrients Sources

Allicin Onion, garlic.

Anthocyanins Red and blue fruits (raspberries,

cranberries, cherries, and blue-
berries) and vegetables.

Bioflavonoids Citrus fruits.

Carotenoids Dark yellow, orange, and deep

green fruits and vegetables (to-
matoes, parsley, oranges, pink
grapefruit, and spinach).

Flavonoids Fruits, vegetables, wine, green

tea, onions, apples, kale, and

Indoles Bok choy, cabbage, kale, brussels

sprouts, and turnips (cruciferous

Isoflavones Soybeans and soybean


Lignins Flaxseed and whole grain


Lutein Leafy green vegetables.

Lycopene Tomato products.


Table 18–4. Types of Phytonutrients and Good Food Sources

Phytonutrients Sources
Phytonutrients should be
derived from real foods, Phenolics Citrus fruits, fruit juices,
not dietary supplements. cereals, legumes, and oilseeds.

At present, a recommended daily allowance for phytonutrients does not

exist. However, eating a variety of foods, including plenty of fruits and
vegetables, will ensure an adequate intake. Phytonutrients are now being
added to supplements, but it is most likely that their healthful effects are
due to their natural packaging. Other foods high in phytonutrients include
the following:

== Click here for

more information
Broccoli Berries Soynuts Pears Turnips
on dietary fiber.
Celery Carrots Spinach Olives Tomatoes

Dietary Fiber: Lentils Cantaloupe Garlic Apricots Onions

A form of carbohydrate that Seeds Soybeans Green Tea Apples Cabbage

is not classified as a nutrient
Brussels Bok Choy Kale Red Wine Grapes
and it cannot be digested.

Insoluble Fiber:
Dietary Fiber
Absorbs water in the gastro-
intestinal tract and promote Dietary fiber is a critical component of the diet for health. However,
regular elimination of stools. during missions and operational scenarios when performance is critical to
the end result, dietary fiber may need to assume a back-seat role.

What is Dietary Fiber?

Dietary fibers, non-starch forms of carbohydrate obtained from plants,
are structural components that cannot be digested by the body. Some types
of dietary fiber are cellulose, dextrins, inulin, lignin, chitins, and pectins.
Because dietary fiber is neither digested nor absorbed, it is not a nutrient
like vitamins, minerals, protein, fats, and carbohydrates, but it is still an es-
sential part of a healthy diet.

Insoluble Fiber verses Soluble Fiber

Dietary fibers are classified as soluble or insoluble, and most fiber-rich
foods contain some of both types. These two types function differently in
the body. Insoluble fibers, the predominant fiber in most foods, absorb wa-
ter in the gastrointestinal tract and promote regular elimination of stools.
Five Most Fiber-Rich Foods
An increase in stool weight and a faster time for meals to be digested and
eliminated are common for diets high in insoluble fiber are ingested. In
contrast, soluble fibers undergo processing to yield compounds that con-
fer health benefits. For example, soluble fibers such as oat bran appear to
lower serum cholesterol and help regulate blood sugar levels.
These special effects of dietary fiber have prompted many health agen-
cies to make specific recommendations regarding how much dietary fiber Legumes: 15–19 g/cup
a diet should provide.

Eat More Fiber

The National Cancer Institute, the American Heart Association, the Na-
tional Academy of Sciences, and the United States Department of Agri-
culture all have dietary recommendations for fiber because of its role in Wheat bran: 17 g/cup
reducing the risk factor for various chronic diseases:
• Gastrointestinal diseases.
• Hypertension.
• Diabetes.
• Heart disease.
Prunes: 12 g/each
• Several types of cancer, including colon cancer.
In contrast, a high-fiber intake is associated with a decreased risk. For
these reasons, increasing your intake of dietary fiber may be very impor-
tant with respect to your future health. Recommendations for intake of
dietary fiber include:
• Consuming at least 3–5 servings of various vegetables, 2 or more
Asian pears: 10 g/pear
servings of fruit, and 6 or more servings of grain products
• Taking in between 20–35 grams of dietary fiber per day.
The first recommendation is easy to follow because their typical serving
is likely a quarter of a Warfighter serving. As a rule of thumb: one serving
of fruit would be one apple, one banana, one orange, or one pear. One
serving of grain products would be one slice of whole wheat bread or one
bagel. In addition, one serving of vegetables would be ½ cup of peas, one Quinoa: 9 g/cup
small potato, or ½ cup of carrots. It is likely that Warfighters are eating
more than one serving at each meal.
The second recommendation is more difficult, since it is difficult to Eating more fruits and
know how much fiber is in each food, unless the amount is on a label, vegetables, whole wheat
which does list the total amount of fiber. breads, whole grain
cereals, beans, rice, nuts,
When to Minimize Fiber Intake and seeds is the best way
Dietary fiber increases transit time, stool bulk and weight, and promotes to add fiber to your diet.
regularity. During extended operations, “regular eliminations” may want to be
avoided for as long as possible. A low-fiber diet may be preferred for these oc-

casions. Also, many high-fiber foods can cause bloating and gas if they are not
regularly consumed, or if not enough water is consumed as well. High-fiber
foods should be tested during training to find out how your system reacts. No
dietary modifications should be tried before a mission or operational scenario.

Probiotics and Prebiotics

Probiotics and prebiotics are both of interest because they can help main-
tain a healthy gastrointestinal tract. Probiotics are live microorganisms (in
most cases, bacteria) that help maintain the natural balance in the intestines
and promote a healthy digestive system. Over 400 types of “good bacteria,”
“friendly bacteria,” or intestinal flora reside in the human tract (lactic acid
bacteria), where they reduce the effects of harmful bacteria.


Sources of Probiotics
Probiotics are found in real food, such as yogurt, kefir, and other cultured
milk products, as well as added to capsules, tablets, beverages, and powders.

Yogurt: dairy product produced Fermented milk, such as

by bacterial fermentation of milk. buttermilk.

Unfermented milk. Tempeh: fermented food made

by the controlled fermenta-
tion of cooked soybeans with a
Rhizopus mold.

Soy beverages. Kefir: fermented milk drink.

Sauerkraut: finely sliced cab- Kimchi: fermented dish made

bage fermented by various of seasoned vegetables, often
lactic acid bacteria. cabbage.

Kombucha: sweetened tea or Miso: Japanese food produced

tisane that has been fermented by fermenting rice, barley and/
by a macroscopic solid mass of or soybeans, with salt and the
microorganisms. mold.

Uses of Probiotics
Because “good bacteria” can be destroyed by antibiotics, illnesses, and
other insults to the body, probiotics are sometimes used. For example,
people use probiotics to prevent diarrhea caused by antibiotics. Although
antibiotics eliminate harmful bacteria that may cause an illness, they also
destroy the “good bacteria.” A decrease in the number of beneficial bacte-

ria may lead to other complications, such as intestinal illnesses and flare-
ups of inflammatory bowel disease. Taking probiotics may help replace
the “good bacteria” that have been destroyed and restore the balance of
“good” to “bad” bacteria. Some of the health claims of ingesting probiot-
ics have been substantiated by research.

Purported health benefits of probiotics, when the probiotics are derived

from food sources, include:

• Prevent colon cancer.

• Lower LDL “bad” cholesterol.

• Lower blood pressure.

• Improve immune function and prevent infections.

• Improve mineral absorption.

• Prevent harmful bacterial growth under stress.

In contrast to probiotics, prebiotics are the fuels used by the bacteria
present in the gastrointestinal tract. Prebiotics are non-digestible carbo-
hydrates that selectively stimulate the growth and/or activity of beneficial
bacteria (probiotics) in the colon. Unlike probiotics, prebiotics naturally
occur in plants, such as garlic, asparagus, and onion. Other foods contain-
ing prebiotics include oatmeal, barley, beans, whole grains, leafy green
vegetables, berries, yogurt, and milk. Two prebiotics added to many foods
are inulin and fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS). Because prebiotics may
boost the effects of probiotics, food manufactures have created synthetic
prebiotics and added them to foods.

An Alkaline Diet
The energy-providing nutrients of all foods are carbohydrates, proteins,
fats (and alcohol). They combine the four basic elements: carbon, nitrogen,
hydrogen, and oxygen. When these nutrients are used for energy, they result
in “acids,” which need to be disposed of through urine, sweat, and the like. If
too many acid-products are formed due to lifestyle behaviors and exposures
(ingesting too much alcohol, overwork, over-indulgence, insufficient rest,
inadequate water intake, tobacco use, pollution, etc.), the body has a dif-
ficult time removing all of them. Eating foods that are alkaline (such as fruits
and vegetables that contain calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, etc.)
can help remove excess acid. Overall, it is healthier to strive for a balanced
middle ground—acid and alkaline foods. However, when under significant
physical and mental stress, a diet high in alkaline foods is recommended.
The acidity of the body is usually determined by testing the first urine
of the morning, before any food has been eaten. Urine tends to have wide
variations (pH of 4.5–8) based on the acid or alkaline potential of foods
eaten the day before. Blood is basically neutral or slightly alkaline (pH =
7.41). Urine strips can be purchased to test urine, but overall, it is best to
select foods that are both acid and alkaline.
Click here for an acid-alkaline food chart.

“The Warfighter is the primary weapons platform. There is an

imperative to extend the operational life and maximize the
battlefield performance of Warfighters. Nutrition is a critical
component in human performance strategies.”
CAPT “Pete” Van Hooser, Former Commodore,

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