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12.english 1-Meeting 12-Listening Negatives

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After studying this material, students are able to:
12. 1 Recognize and understand various types of negatives
12.2 Recognize and understand the expressions for every negative


Negative expressions frequently appear in listening section. The answers for this
kind of question may appear either in positive statement or in negative statement. But,
it can be said that they are mostly positive statements which contains negative meaning

To gain better understanding on this topic, we firstly need to divide types of

negatives appearing in TOEFL Listening. They are as following:


There are some negative markers or expression you will find in listening section.
To be clear, look at this following table:

Expression Example Correct answer / meaning

Regular negative: not or n’t My brother cannot pass the Cannot pass = fail
Nobody, none, nothing, Nobody hates you. Everybody loves you.
never Sam never works hard. Never works hard = lazy
Negative prefixes: un-, in-, The staff was really Irresponsible = ignorant
dis- irresponsible.

Now listen to these following examples. Underline the negatives and pick the
best answer for every question below!


1 (Woman) Was Harry successful at his a. He sold no magazines.

new venture? b. he sold only one magazine.
(Man) He spent five hours knocking on c. he has never sold as many as
doors, but he didn’t sell a single magazines as he sold today.
magazine? d. he sold five magazines at one house.
(Narrator) What does the man say about
2 Woman) Do you think Gloria will come a. She goes to a movie every year.
(Man) with us? b. She hasn’t gone to a movie yet this
(Narrator) I understand she hasn’t gone to year, but last year she did.
a move in years? c. She doesn’t go to a movie unless she
What does the woman say about has the time.
Gloria? d. She doesn’t go to a movie for a long

3 Woman) Where are your keys? a. His keys are lost forever.
(Man) I can’t find them, but I’m sure b. He expects to find his key soon.
they’ll show up soon. c. His keys were lost, but now he has
(Narrator) What does the man say about found them.
his keys? d. Someone showed up with his key soon
after he had lost them.

Exercises on negatives: In this exercise, listen carefully to the short conversation and
question in the recording program, and then choose the best
answer to the question. You should be careful of negative

1 a. She is very busy. 6 a. The service satisfied her.

b. She has lots of free time. b. The food was worse than the
c. It is not necessary to take out the service.
trash. c. She thought the service was bad.
d. She will do it if she has time. d. Neither the food nor the food was
2 a. The interview is very important. 7 a. He told his kids to leave.
b. He is worried about the interview. b. He seriously wanted the woman
c. What he’s wearing to the interview to go.
is important. c. He was joking when he told the
d. He is not concerned about the woman to leave.
interview d. He left with the woman.

3 a. He has almost all the notes. 8 a. The project will take all their
b. His attendance was perfect. effort.
c. He went to all the lectures but one. b. They have no other work to do.


d. He missed more than one c. It is impossible to finish.

psychology class. d. They aren’t even close to
finishing the project.

4 a. They passed the library at 6:00. 9 a. She doesn’t mind an hour more.
b. The library opens at 6:00 in the b. She’d rather stay more than an
summer. hour.
c. The library closes at 6:00. c. It’s better to stay than go.
d. You can’t check out more than six d. She prefers to leave.
books in the summer.

5 a. Water the plants once a day. 10 a. The service at the hotel wasn’t
b. Give the plants no more water. too good.
c. Water the plants often while the man b. This hotel gave excellent service.
is gone. c. The service at the hotel could
d. Give the plants a limited amount of have been improved.
water. d. This hotel’s service was the same
as the service at other hotels.


Just like in Mathematics, when a negative meets a negative, it will result a

positive. In English, the existence of two negative expression will create a positive
meaning. For example:

It is not impossible = It is possible.

I don’t like uncomfortable sofa = I like comfortable sofa.
I don’t hate chicken = I love chicken.

Look at this following table. This will provide you where the double negatives can
Double Negatives
Situation Example Meaning
Negative words, ex: I can’t left it unfinished it tonight. I can left it finished.
not, no, none Nobody isn’t at home. Everybody is at home.
Negative prefixes: I did not disrespect you. I respected you.
In-, un-, dis-
Two negative verbs She doesn’t bring the ATM, so she Implies that she can
cannot withdraw. withdraw money if she
brings the ATM.
Neither or not…either The shop won’t open tomorrow, Both won’t open
and neither the restaurant. tomorrow.


Now listen to these following examples. Underline the negatives and pick the
best answer for every question below!

1 (Man) How is your boss feeling about a. He is eager to leave his job.
this retirement? b. He is unhappy at the thought
Woman) Oo, he isn’t too unhappy to be of retiring.
retiring. c. He couldn’t be unhappier
(Narrator) What does the woman imply about about retiring.
her boss? d. He is retiring too soon.

2 Woman) We seem to have a difficult a. A solution is not apparent.

problem to solve. b. The problem can be fixed.
(Man) The problem is not unrepairable. c. There is really a pair of
(Narrator) What does the man mean? problems.
d. The problem is difficult to

3 Woman) I think it’s impossible for me to a. It’s not possible to pass the
(Man) pass this class class.
You should never say b. She’ll definitely fail.
(Narrator) “impossible” c. It’s always possible.
What does the man mean? d. She shouldn’t say anything
about the class.

Exercises on double negatives: In this exercise, listen carefully to the short

conversation and question in the recording program, and then
choose the best answer to the question. You should be careful of
double negatives.

1 a. He’ll definitely be elected. 6 a. Steve wanted to finish his paper, and

b. The election is now complete. so did Paul.
c. She has high hopes for his b. Both Steve’s and Paul’s papers were
chances. incomplete.
d. It may happen. c. Steve and Paul were busy doing
their papers term.
d. When Steve wasn’t able to finish his
paper, Paul couldn’t help.

2 a. Both parts of his game were 7 a. It wasn’t George’s responsibility to

bad. pay the bill.
b. He served better than he b. Bill was irresponsible about paying


volleyed. George’s rent.

c. Some parts of his games were c. George acted carelessly by not
better than others. taking care of the bill.
d. He played rather well. d. George took responsibility for the
unpaid bill.
3 a. It is a surprise that he was 8 a. It’s fortunate that he was accepted.
prepared. b. It’s good that he wasn’t admitted.
b. He was not ready as usual. c. Fortunately, the university didn’t
c. He prepared a really big admit him.
surprise. d. It’s too bad he was rejected.
d. His strong preparation came as
no surprise.

4 a. She felt good enough to go 9 a. The first essay was better than the
out. second.
b. She went out to get some b. The first and second drafts couldn’t
medicine. be better.
c. She felt like dancing, so she c. The second draft of the essays was
went out with everyone. much better than the first.
d. She stayed home because she d. Both versions were poorly written.
was sick.

5 a. She has problems that others 10 a. Roger has been bothered.

aren’t aware of. b. Roger wasn’t the least bit disturbed.
b. Others aren’t aware of her c. The problem s have had little effect
problems. on Roger.
c. She knows she’s been a d. Roger hasn’t been disturbed.
d. She doesn’t have a care in the


Almost negative means that something is not fully or not 100% negative. In
English we can recognize this by expressions such as hardly, seldom, etc. For better
understanding, look at this sentence:

She rarely goes home by bus.

Î The word “rarely” means that she almost never (not never) goes by bus.

Common Almost Negative Expressions

Meaning expression Example
Almost none Hardly, barely, scarcely, There is hardly any food in the
only refrigerator.


Almost never Rarely, seldom He seldom books flight by Traveloka.

Now listen to these following examples. Underline the almost negatives and pick
the best answer for every question below!

1 (Woman) How was your meat at the a. His meat wasn’t tender
banquet? b. The speaker did not have a
(Man) My meat was so tough I could good character
hardly cut it. c. It was difficult to meet new
(Narrator) What does the man say about his people in the crowd
experience at the banquet? d. The meeting was cut short
2 Woman) I hope we don’t have a quiz today. a. The professor gives quizzes
I’m not really very prepared on regularly.
the material for today. b. The woman is really quite
(Man) I don’t think we will. This prepared.
professor rarely, if ever, gives c. It is unusual for this
quizzes. professor to give quizzes
(Narrator) What does the man mean? d. He doesn't think there's a
class today
3 Woman) Did you get to the airport in a. The plane took off just after
plenty of time? he arrived
(Man) There was scarcely enough time b. He arrived just after the plane
to get there? took off.
(Narrator) What does the man imply? c. He wasn’t in time to catch
the plane.
d. He arrived too late to catch
the plane.

Exercises on almost-negatives: In this exercise, listen carefully to the short

conversation and question in the recording program, and then
choose the best answer to the question. You should be careful of
almost-negative expressions.

1 a. There’s little rain in July. 6 a. He rarely spends time on his

b. In July it never rains. courses.
c. It rains hard in July. b. He’s an excellent student.
d. When it rains in July, it rains c. He never studies.
hard. d. His books are always open.

2 a. The university accepted three 7 a. He finished the exam in plenty

students. of time.
b. None of the students is going to b. He was scared he wouldn’t


the university. finish.

c. John was not accepted. c. He used every possible minute
d. Two were admitted to finish.
d. He was unable to complete the

3 a. Although he did pass, Mark’s 8 a. This was a very long staff

exam grade wasn’t too good. meeting.
b. Mark failed his history exam. b. This was the only staff
c. The highest grade on the meeting in a long time.
history exam went to Mark. c. The meeting lasted only until
d. Professor Frank didn’t pass one o’clock.
Mark on the history exam. d. The one staff meeting should
lasted longer.

4 a. He often has long waits in Dr. 9 a. Meat tasted delicious to him

Robert’s office. when it’s cooked rare.
b. He must wait patiently for b. He isn’t sure if the meal is
Robert. delicious.
c. Dr. Robert is generally c. This meat is the best he’s
punctual. tasted in a long time.
d. He doesn’t mind waiting for d. He’d like to eat some meat
Dr. Roberts. from delicatessen.

5 a. Betty often takes vacation in 10 a. He broke his arm trying to

winter. move it.
b. Betty prefers to take vacation in b. He only hurt the broken arm.
winter. c. He only tries to move the
c. Occasionally Betty works one broken arm.
week during vacation. d. There’s no pain if he rests
d. A winter vacation is unusual quietly.
for Betty

d. Comparatives with Negatives

In short dialogue, negatives can be used with comparatives. A sentence with a

negative and a comparative has a superlative meaning. This signifies strong stress on
the sentence, which means “superlative” may replace with other words such as
extremely, very, etc. Look at this example below:

I do not find naughtier kid than Tom in this class.


Î The negative “do not” is followed by comparative “naughtier” means that the
Tom is the naughtiest kid in this class. “the naughtiest” can also be replaced by
“extremely naughty” or “highly naughty”, etc.
Comparatives with negatives
more No one is more diligent than Sukma. Sukma is the most diligent.
-er He couldn’t be more thankful. He is the most thankful.

Now listen to these following examples. Underline the negatives with

comparative and pick the best answer for every question below!

1 (Man) A change has sure come over you. a. She is disappointed with the
(Woman) I finally had my annual review result.
with my boss. It couldn’t have b. She likes her job very much.
gone better. c. She is hoping for some
(Narrator) What does the woman mean? improvements in her
d. She is very pleased with the
outcome of her meeting

2 (Woman) Would you like Swiss cheese or a. It is no longer delicious.

American? b. It makes delicious butter.
(Man) There is no better cheese than c. It is the best cheese.
Swiss cheese. d. There are many better cheese.
(Narrator) What does the man say about
Swiss cheese?

3 (Woman) Woman: Did your nieces and a. They were disappointed

nephews like the gifts you got for b. They didn’t get any gifts.
them? c. They were unexcited.
(Man) They couldn’t have been more d. They were really pleased.
excited when they saw what I got
(Narrator) What does the man say about his
nephews and nieces?

Exercises on comparatives with negatives: In this exercise, listen carefully to the

short conversation and question in the recording program, and


then choose the best answer to the question. You should be careful
of comparatives with negatives.

1 a. She’s not very happy. 6 a. They were not very lucky.

b. She didn’t do very well on the b. No one was hurt.
exam. c. The accident was unfortunate.
c. She could be somewhat happier. d. She wanted to have better luck.
d. She’s delighted with the results.
2 a. Paula is always lazy. 7 a. Nothing was very difficult.
b. Paula didn’t work very hard this b. The exam wasn’t at all easy.
semester. c. The exam couldn’t have been
c. Paula made a strong effort. easier.
d. Paula could have worked d. The exam had nothing difficult
harder. on it.

3 a. The prices were great. 8 a. She wants that job very much.
b. The prices were too high. b. No one is going to get the job.
c. She didn’t buy much because of c. Everybody else wants that job
the prices. as much as she does.
d. The prices could have been d. She is not sure about taking the
lower. job.

4 a. She is not very smart. 9 a. She was second in the race.

b. She always tells him everything. b. She was almost the slowest
c. He doesn’t know her very well. person in the race.
d. She’s extremely intelligent. c. She won the race.
d. She was not faster than

5 a. The patient absolutely didn’t 10 a. This math project was

need the surgery. extremely complex.
b. The necessity for the surgery b. This math project was less
was unquestionable. complicated than the last.
c. The surgeon felt that the c. They seldom complete their
operation was necessary. math projects.
d. It was essential that the surgery d. Complicated math projects are
be performed immediately. often assigned.


C. EXERCISES: Complete exercises on Negatives

Review Exercise on negatives: In this exercise, listen carefully to the short
conversation and question in the recording program, then choose
the best answer to the question.

1 a. She can try a little harder. 6 a. Neither Tim nor Sylvia is taking care
b. There is a lot more that she can do. of Art.
c. She’s doing the best that she can. b. Sylvia likes modern art even less than
d. It is impossible for her to do Tim does.
anything? c. Sylvia doesn’t care for anything Tim
d. Sylvia and Tim agree in their opinion
of modern art.

2 a. She’s always been late for the bus. 7 a. They always work hard in the
b. The bus has always been late. afternoon.
c. The bus left on time. b. They don’t do much after lunch.
d. Only on his trip has the bus been on c. After noon they never work.
time. d. It’s never hard for them to work in the
3 a. There wasn’t enough soup to go 8 a. It’s hard for him to work when it gets
around. warm.
b. We had so much soup that we b. Whenever it gets warm, he turns on
couldn’t finish it. the air-conditioner.
c. Everyone got one serving of soup, c. The air conditioner only works when
but there wasn’t enough for seconds. it isn’t needed.
d. Everyone around the table need a lot d. He likes to use the air conditioner
of soup. when it is warm.

4 a. She does want to see the movie. 9 a. He did really poorly.

b. It’s extremely important to her to go. b. He’s felt worse before.
c. She doesn’t want to go there c. The results couldn’t have been better.
anymore. d. He’s not too unhappy with the results.
d. She really couldn’t move there

5 a. She handed the paper in on time. 10 a. With so many members present, the
b. She was able to complete then committee couldn’t reach a decision.
paper, but she didn’t turn it in. b. The committee should’ve waited until
c. The paper was unfinished. more members were present.
c. The issue shouldn’t have been
decided by all the committed
d. The issue wasn’t decided because so
many members were absent


D. References:
Phillips, Deborah. 2001. Longman Complete Course for the TOEFL Test (Preparation for
the Computer and Paper Test). New York: Longman.

_____________. 2003. Longman Complete Course for the TOEFL Test (the Paper Test).
New York: Longman.

Pyle, Michael A., Page Mary Ellen Munos. 1995. TOEFL Preparation Guide (5th Ed).
Foster City: IDG Books Worldwide.

Pyle, Michael A.2001. Cliff Test Prep – TOEFL CBT. Foster City: IDG Books Worldwide.


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