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Listening Will Hear A Long Recording and Answer 6 Multiple Choice Questions. Choose A, B or C. You Will Hear The Conversation Three Times

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1.You will hear a long recording and answer 6 multiple choice questions. 
Choose A, B or C. You will hear the conversation three times. 

1Mrs. Lee will leave on:  A. Friday 

B. Saturday

C. Sunday
2 Mrs. Lee’s plane goes at: A. 8 a.m.
B. 10 a.m.

C. 11 a.m.

3 She is going to: A. Amsterdam

B. Frankfurt

C. London

4 First she will go to: A. A factory

B. An office

C. A hotel
5 She will have dinner in: A. A restaurant 
B. Her hotel

C. Someone’s
6 The next morning she will travel A. Plane
. by:

C. Car


2. Read the text about Hanna. Choose the best word (A, B or C) for each
space for questions 1-10.
My name’s Hannah and I am twenty years old. I’ve got a daughter (1) ___
Nicole. She’s (2) ___ five now. I live in a small apartment (3) ____ the city
center. It isn’t a nice place to live. It’s very noisy and dirty and there is (4) ____
for Nicole to play. I want to move out of the city and live in the countryside. But
it’s very expensive to live there. I will need to earn (5) ___ money to buy a
house. There aren’t (6) ___ apartments for sale in the small villages near here. I
will need to buy a car (7) ____.
That’s why I study at college. I’m studying Business. While I am at college my
mom takes care (8) ___ Nicole. My mom really likes spending time with her. In
the evening, I work as a cleaner. I really don’t have time to help Nicole with (9)
____ homework, but I go out with her on weekends. I love to take her out and
spend (10) _____ time away from our small apartment. 

1. A. calls B. called C. names

2. A. nearly B. quite C. yet
3. A. in B. on C. from
4. A. somewhere B. anywhere C. nowhere
5. A. any B. this C. enough
6. A. much B. lot C. many
7. A. too B. also C. then
8. A. in B. of  C. at
9. A. her B. my C. she
10 A. many B. any C. some

3.Match these definitions with their words A-J. There are two words you
don’t need. 

1. It’s the top of a house. _J__ A. wall

2. You can put this on your bed when you’re B. door
3. It’s outside. Children can play here. _H_ C. hall
4. It’s a type of light. _I_ D. floor
5. It’s another word for apartment. _F_ E. blanket
6. It’s the first room at the front of a house. _C__ F. flat
7. People put their car in this place. _G__ G. garage
8. You can put pictures and posters on this. _A__ H. garden
I. lamp
J. roof

WILL + VERB. We use will:                                   

I think/I believe I will pass the course. 

I bet he will get angry. 

I’m not sure you will pass the exam. 

I’m afraid yo

u will not pass the exam. 

I suppose/I guess he will go to the party. 

I hope I will get a pay raise. 

I will probably/possibly be at home this


I will help you with your homework.

I promise I will come back.

Be careful! You will hurt yourself with that knife.

  PRESENT CONTINUOUS: TO BE + Verb ING            

I am reading a magazine now.

She is studying for the final exams.

What are you doing tonight? I am staying


He is playing in the concert tonight. 

We are eating dinner after the concert. 


We are going to have an exam next week.   

Look at those black clouds! It is going to


Will + Verb

AFIRMATIVO: I will graduate in two years.

NEGATIVO: I will not graduate soon

PREGUNTA: Will you graduate next year?



  Singular Plural

Affirmative There is a chair in the living There are chairs in the

sentences room. living room.

Negative There is not a picture in the There are not two

sentences living room pictures in the room.

There is no picture in the room There are no pictures in

the room.

Yes/no Is there a lamp in the room? Are there two lamps in

Questions the room?

Wh Questions How much noise is there in your How many floors are
neighborhood? there in your house?

HOW MUCH: no se puede contar

HOW MANY: Se puede contar




IS       + Past participle of the verb               + Past participle of the verb


·         Sue waters the flowers (active ·         Sue watered the flowers (active
voice) voice)
·         Flowers are watered by Susan  ·         Flowers were watered by Susan
(passive voice) (passive voice)     


Comparative adjectives Superlative adjectives

When you compare two items When you compare three or more items

Spelling Spelling
Short adjectives Short adjectives

We add – er to short (one syllable and We put the in front of short (one-syllable
some two-syllable) adjectives. and some two-syllable) adjectives and add
+ -er     long→longer
+-est                 long→ the longest
If the short adjective ends in –e, we add
-r. If the short adjective ends in –e, we add -st.

+ -r     wide→wider + -st                 wide → the widest


If the short adjective ends in a short vowel If the short adjective ends in a short vowel +
+ a single consonant, we double the a single consonant, we double the
consonant and add -er. consonant and add –est.

-t → -tter      hot → hotter -t → -ttest      hot → the hottest


If the adjective ends in –y, we take out the If the adjective ends in –y, we take out the –
–y and add –ier. y and add –iest.

-y → -ier     friendly – friendlier -y → -iest     friendly – the friendliest


Long adjectives Long adjectives

If the adjective is long (two syllables or If the adjective is long (two syllables or
more) we use the word more. more), we use the word most.

Beautiful → more beautiful beautiful→ the most beautiful

Subject Pronouns                                                     Object Pronouns

I             I like Ann.                                                      Ann likes me.


We        We like Ann.                                                 Ann likes us.


You       You like Ann.                                                Ann likes you.


He         He likes Ann.                                                Ann likes him.


She       She likes Ann.                                              Ann likes her.


they     They like Ann.                                              Ann likes them.

Where is Alan? I want to talk to him. 
This letter isn´t for you. It´s for me.
Who is that woman? Why are you looking at her?
We are going to the cinema. Do you want to come with us?
I want those books. Please give them to me.

Los pronombre objeto se usan después de : to-for-
at-with- generalmente van al final de la oración y en
ellos recae la acción del verbo.
Whose that money?
I----------------It´s My money…              It is mine.                    
You------------It´s Your money…           It is yours
She ----------- It´s Her money…            It is hers.
He ------------It´s His money…              It is his.
We ----------- It´s Our money…            It is ours.
They---------It´s Their money…           It is theirs.
1. They´re her shoes. They are hers
2. It´s their house. It is theirs
3. They´re your books. They are yours
4. They´re my glasses. They are mine

5. It´s his coat. It is his


REFLEXIVE PRONOUNS                               

S.P                O.P              Reflexive


I   …………….me…………… myself.

You…………. You……………yourself.

He ………….  him…………. himself.

She …………  her……………herself.

We …………. us……………. ourselves.

They ………. them ………. themselves.

You …………you …………. yourselves.


I cut myself with a knife.

-She fell off her bicycle but she didn´t hurt herself.
-Do you sometimes talk to yourself when you are alone?
-If you want some more food, help yourselves.
-Did you all have a nice time?

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