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A Study On Mechanical Properties of Geopolymer Concrete Reinforced With Basalt Fiber

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IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308



Anil Ronad1, V.B.Karikatti2, S.S.Dyavanal3

M. Tech Student, Department of Civil Engineering, BVBCET, Hubli, Karnataka, India
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, KLEIT, Hubli, Karnataka, India
Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, BVBCET, Hubli, Karnataka, India

Concrete is most used construction material. Construction industry uses most of the natural resources as it includes production of
cement. It is the major contributing factor to the CO2 emission, causing global warming. An alternate to the OPC has been found
out known as Geopolymer concrete. It uses industrial waste material such as fly ash and ggbs instead of cement thereby
decreasing impacts due to cement production. In this study both fly ash and GGBS are utilized in making Geopolymer concrete.
Alkaline solution used is comprises of sodium silicate (103 kg/m3) and Sodium hydroxide in the ratio of 2.5.sodium hydroxide of
10 molarity is used. Plain concrete is weaker in tension. Fibers are added to enhance the strength to the concrete to meet given
serviceability requirements. Basalt fiber is considered a promising new material .it has good strength characteristics, resistance
to chemical attack, sound insulation properties. It has wide range of applications like soil strengthening, construction of bridges,
highways, industrial floors. In present study various proportions of basalt fibers added to the geopolymer concrete and
compressive and split tensile strength of the different mixes were compared with the geopolymer concrete without basalt fibers.
Fibers are added to the geopolymer concrete in the range of 0.5% to 2.5% at 0.5% increments. Compressive and tensile strength
of different mixes compared with reference mix (0% fiber). From the results it is concluded that addition of basalt fibers at an
optimum content to the geopolymer concrete can increase both compressive and tensile strength.

Keywords: Basalt Fiber, Geopolymer concrete


1. INTRODUCTION Geopolymerization process includes the reaction between

alumina silicate oxides and alkali poly silicates by formation
Concrete is the most utilized construction material around the of Si-O-Al bonds. In Geopolymer concrete poly
world. It uses cement, fine aggregate and coarse aggregate as condensation of silica and alumina precursors and high
its constituents. Because of its extensive use the consumption alkali contents to attain structural strength.
of cement is increasing now days. Portland cement
production is major contributing factor to the Carbon- die- 1.2 Basalt Fibers
oxide emissions, this causes global warming. So an alternate
Basalt is a volcanic rock shaped by decompression softening
to the ordinary Portland cement has been developed and of the world's mantle; Quarried basalt rock is pulverized,
known as Geopolymer concrete. It uses waste material such then washed and stacked into a receptacle, joined to feeders
as fly ash, blast furnace slag to produce concrete. that move the material into dissolving showers in gas-
warmed heaters. Liquid basalt streams from heater through a
Plain Geopolymer concrete is weak in tension, because of platinum-rhodium bushing with 200, 400, 800 or more gaps
concrete hold aggregates can crack, and cause concrete to and the filaments can be drawn from the melt under
break. Different type of fibers is added to the concrete to hydrostatic weight. At that point an estimating is connected
enhance the strength to the concrete. Fibers act as crack to the surface of the strands by a measuring tool. At long
arrestors in concrete. The different types of fibers used in last, a winder permits understanding some extensive spools
of consistent basalt fiber. New innovations in mechanical
concrete are steel fibers, basalt fibers, glass fibers
creation helps underway of basalt strands with costs
polypropylene fibers. equivalent or even not exactly the expense of glass fiber.

1.1 Geopolymer Concrete 2. MATERIALS USED

Geopolymer concrete uses waste such as Fly ash, blast Materials used in this study and their properties are given
furnace slag instead of cement in a concrete. it is also known below.
as “inorganic polymer”, it is emerged as greener concrete. In
geopolymer concrete the binding action is produced by 2.1 Fly Ash
reaction of alkaline solution with the material that is rich in
Silica (Si) and Alumina (Al).the alkaline solution is usually Fly ash is one of the waste products from the power plants.
comprises of sodium silicate and sodium hydroxide solution. It is obtained in the process of burning of bituminous. It is
Volume: 05 Issue: 07 | Jul-2016, Available @ 474
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

rich in silica and alumina, this property of fly ash tends to Table -2: Chemical composition of GGBS
use it in the preparation of geopolymer concrete. It is also a Sl. No. Parameter Percentage
crucial ingredient in the creation of geopolymer concrete 1 Cao 37.34
due to its role in the geopolymerization process. Fly ash is a
powdery pozzolana. A pozzolana is a material that exhibits 2 Al2O3 14.42
cemantacious properties when combined with calcium 3 Fe2O3 1.11
hydroxide. Fly ash separated from the combustion gases by 4 SiO2 37.73
dust collection system with the help of electrostatic
5 MgO 8.71 ash particles are finer, spherical diameter of
the fly ash particles varies from 1µm to 150µm. Fly ash 6 MnO 0.02
improves the quality of concrete. Fly ash improves 7 Sulphide 0.39
workability, reduces water demand, and reduces 8 LoI 1.41
segregation, bleeding and lowers heat of hydration. Over all
it affects plastic properties of the concrete. Fly ash increases 9 Insoluble residue 1.59
strength by reducing permeability (due to finer particles). 10 Glass content 0.92
The fly ash used in this study is Class F which is provided
from Raichur Thermal Power Station (RTPS), Karnataka. 2.3 Basalt Fibers
The chemical composition is given in table 1.
Basalt is a volcanic rock and can be chopped into small
Table -1: Chemical composition of fly ash particles then formed into continues or chopped fibers.
Basalt fiber has a higher working temperature and has a
Sl. No. Element Code Percentage
good resistance to chemical attack, impact load, and fire
1 SiO2 61.2 with less poisonous fumes. These fibers are used in wide
2 Al2O3 28.22 range of applications such as strengthening of
3 CaO 2.94 soils,construction of highways,bridges and industrial
floors,retrofitting activities etc.
4 MgO 0.93
5 MnO2 0.01 Table -3: Properties of basalt fibers
6 TiO2 0.69 Properties Value
7 K2O 0.01 Density 2630 kg/m3
8 Na2O 1.34 Tensile Strength 3200 -3850 M Pa
9 Fe2O3 3.91 Elastic Modulus 75-90 G Pa
Elongation at break 3.1 %
2.2 GGBS Softening point 1050 0C
Working temperature -260 – 650 0C
Ground-granulated blast furnace slag is gotten during the
Thermal conductivity 0.0030 – 0.0036 W/m-K
time spent extinguishing liquid iron slag (a by-result of iron
and steel-production) from an blast furnace in water or
2.4 Alkaline Solution
steam to create a smooth, granular item that is then dried
and ground into a fine powder. Ground granulated impact Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) is available in the local market
blast furnace slag (GGBS) is a waste product from the iron in pellet form 10 Molar solution to be used. Since the
commercial industries. blast furnaces are encouraged with molecular weight of Sodium Hydroxide is 40, and in order
to prepare 10 molar solution 10 x 40= 400 grams of Sodium
controlled blend of coke, iron mineral and limestone, and
Hydroxide is to be dissolved in 1000 ml of water. Sodium
worked at a high temperature of around 1,500°C. At the Silicate (Na2SiO3) and sodium hydroxide solution with a
point when iron-mineral, coke and limestone melt in the ratio of SiO2 to Na2O is 2(approximately) is used. That is
impact heater, liquid iron and liquid slag were delivered. 34.80% SiO2, 16.51 % Na2O and 48.69 % of water.
The liquid slag is lighter henceforth coasts on the top while
liquid iron is kept at base. The liquid slag contains generally 2.5 Super Plasticizer
silicates and alumina from the first iron metal, consolidated
MYK Remicrete PC 5 is the super plasticizer used which is
with a few oxides from the limestone. The path toward
high performance water reducing and super plasticizing
pulverizing the slag incorporates cooling of fluid slag admixture based on PCE base polymers and is supplied as a
through high-weight water planes. This rapidly smothers the clear to light brownish liquid instantly dispersible in water.
slag and structures granular particles all around not more
noteworthy than 5 mm. The quick cooling keeps the course 2.6 Fine Aggregates
of action of greater jewels, and the consequent granular
River sand is used as fine aggregates in this mix. Fine
material includes around 95% non-crystalline calcium-
aggregates are tested for specific gravity, sieve analysis &
alumino silicates. In this study the GGBS is taken from JSW moisture content. The properties of fine aggregates are given
steel commercial enterprises. in below table.
Volume: 05 Issue: 07 | Jul-2016, Available @ 475
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

Table -4: Properties of Fine Aggregates The compressive strength test is conducted on the cube
Specific Gravity 2.63 specimens (as per IS-516 1959).The specimens are of 150
Moisture content 0.65 mm were prepared. Compressive strength of cubes were
calculated Specimen is placed centrally in the compression
Fineness Modulus 2.2 testing machine and uniform load of 140 kg/cm2 applied
Grading(IS 383-1970) Zone 4 continuously. The load for which specimen fails is
recorded.the compressive strength of the each specimen was
2.7 Coarse Aggregates calculated and mean compressive strength was
calculated.the procedure is shown in below fig.1.
Coarse aggregates of 20 mm down size are used in this
experimental work. Properties of coarse aggregates are
given below.MYK Remicrete PC 5 is the super plasticizer

Table -5: Properties of Coarse Aggregates

Specific Gravity 2.70
Moisture content 0.5
Fineness Modulus 6.7
Grading(IS 383-1970) Zone 2

Concrete specimens for compressive and split tensile
strength are prepared as per IS standards. Cube compressive
strength of 150 mm cube is calculated. Split tensile strength
of cylinders of is calculated
Fig-1: Compressive Test of GPC
3.1 Design of Geopolymer Concrete
3.3 Split Tensile Strength Test
Based on previous studies geopolymer concrete the
geopolymer concrete was designed. Sodium hydroxide of 10
molarity is used. Alkaline solution used in the ratio of 2.5
was used. Common methods of manufacturing of
Geopolymer concrete used.

Table -6: Mix Design

Constituents weight(kg/m3 ) 0% Fiber Mix
Fly ash 245
GGBS 163
Basalt fibers 0
FA 554
CA 1294
Sodium silicate 103
Sodium hydroxide 41
Super plasticizer 6
Fig-2: Split Tensile Strength of Cylinders
Basalt Fibers are added at 0.5%,1%,1.5%,2%,2.5% by the
weight of cemantacious material (fly ash + GGBS) for the The tensile strength on cylinders is conducted according to
different Mixes. Results were noted and compared with the following procedure. lines are drawn on diametrical end
reference mix. of the cylindrical specimen so that load applied at
diametrical ends. Average diameter may be calculated by
3.2 Compressive Strength Test measuring diameter at different diametrical ends.then
specimen is placed in compressive testing machine and load
It gives an idea about characteristics of a concrete. It is the is applied along diametrical ends.load is increased
resistance against failure under compressive load. continuously until the specimen fails.note down the reading
Compressive strength of the GPC depends on many factors for which specimen fails and split tensile strength of the
like water/geopolymer solids ratio, concentration of NaOH specimens were calculated.Record the maximum load
(in terms of molarity), curing. applied to specimen as shown in Fig. 3
Volume: 05 Issue: 07 | Jul-2016, Available @ 476
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308



Compressive Strength (N/mm )

Compressive Strength of 150mmX150mmX150 mm is
calculated at 7 and 28 days for different mixes. Split tensile
strength of cylinders is also calculated according to IS516- 38
4.1 Compressive Strength
Compressive strength of the cubes at 7 and 28 days
(according to IS516-1959).cubes were tested to find the
compressive strength of GPC with various percentage of 32
geopolymer concrete. Compressive strength of the GPC is
given in table 6. 30
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
Table -6: Compressive strength results Basalt Fiber (%)
Basalt Fiber Compressive Strength (N/mm2) Chart-2: Variation of Compressive Strength at 28 days.
% At 7 days At 28 days
Compressive strength of the reference mix is found to be 43
0 30.82 43.35 M pa, there is a sudden increase in compressive strength of
0.5 33.89 47.87 about 10% for an addition of 0.5%.for 1%,1.5%,2% there is
a increase in compressive strength of 17%,25%,34%
1 35.8 50.84 respectively. After that addition of basalt fiber will not
affect the compressive strength of GPC. So 2% is the
1.5 38.9 54.31
optimum value for the geopolymer concrete.
2 40.11 58.41
2.5 39.35 55.45 4.2 Split Tensile Strength
Split tensile strength of the cylinders at 7 and 28 days
(according to IS516-1959). Cylinders were tested to find the
split tensile strength of GPC with various percentage of
Compressive Strength (N/mm )

geopolymer concrete. Split tensile strength of the GPC is


given in Table 7.
Table-7: Split tensile strength results
36 Basalt Fiber Tensile Strength (N/mm2)
% 7 days 28 days
0 2.18 2.42
0.5 2.4 2.68
1 2.7 2.95
32 1.5 2.91 3.23
2 3.2 3.57
30 2.5 2.96 3.29
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
Basalt Fiber (%) 3.2
Split Tensile Strength (N/mm )

Chart-1: Variation of Compressive Strength at 7 days.


The above figure shows the variation of compressive
strength for different percentages of the basalt fibers. The 2.8
compressive strength of the reference mix at 7 days is 31 M
Pa. there is sudden increase in the compressive strength of 2.6
about 10% for 0.5% addition of fiber, after that addition of
fiber increases the compressive strength in gradually small
values, it reaches maximum value of 40 M pa for fiber 2.2
content of 2%.after that value addition of fibers un alters the
compressive strength. so 2% is fiber to be added for increase 2.0
the compressive strength of GPC. 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
Basalt Fiber (%)
Chart 2 shows the compressive strength of geopolymer Chart-3: Variation of Tensile Strength at 7 days.
concrete reinforced by basalt fibers at 28 days.
Volume: 05 Issue: 07 | Jul-2016, Available @ 477
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

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0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
Basalt Fiber (%)
Chart -4: Variation of Tensile Strength at 28 days

From the above test results the following conclusions may
be drawn.

Addition of basalt fibers to Geopolymer concrete Increase in

the basalt fiber improves the mechanical properties. The
compressive strength of the GPC is observed to be enhanced
by 34.74 % on the addition of the fibers. The percentage
increase in tensile strength of the GPC is found to be 47.5%
with the incorporation of basalt fibers. hence it can be
concluded that basalt fiber act as a crack arrestors &prevent
sudden failure of the structure.

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Volume: 05 Issue: 07 | Jul-2016, Available @ 478

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