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Characterization and Development of Eco - Friendly

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Article  in  Journal of Urban and Environmental Engineering · July 2014

DOI: 10.4090/juee.2014.v8n1.098108


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3 authors:

Rajesh Kumar Amiya K. Samanta

National University of Science and Technology, Oman National Institute of Technology, Arunachal Pradesh


Dilip Kumar Singha Roy



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Journal of Urban and Environmental
Engineering, v.8, n.1 p. 98-108, 2014
ISSN 1982-3932
Journal of Urban and
Environmental Engineering
doi: 10.4090/juee.2014.v8n1.098108



Rajesh Kumar 1, Amiya K. Samanta2 and D. K. Singha Roy2
Department of Built and Natural Environment, Caledonian College of Engineering, Oman
Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology Durgapur, India

Received 7 January 2014; received in revised form 06 May 2014; accepted 07 May 2014

Abstract: At present in India, about 960 million metric tons of solid waste is being generated
annually as byproducts during industrial, mining, municipal, agricultural and other
processes. Advances in solid waste management resulted in alternative construction
materials as a substitute to traditional materials like bricks, blocks, tiles, aggregates,
ceramics, cement, lime, soil, timber and paint. To safeguard the environment, efforts
are being made for recycling different wastes and to utilize them in value added
applications. The cement industries have been making significant progress in reducing
carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions through improvements in process technology and
enhancements in process efficiency, but further improvements are limited because CO2
production is inherent to the basic process of calcinations of limestone. In the past two
decades, various investigations have been conducted on industrial wastes like flyash,
blast furnace slag, Silica fume, rice husks and other industrial waste materials to act as
cement replacements .This paper consist of a review extensively conducted on
publications related to utilization of waste materials as cement replacement with an
intention to develop a process so as to produce an eco-friendly concrete having similar
or higher strength and thus simultaneously providing a remedy to environmental
hazards resulting from waste material disposal.

Keywords: Blast furnace Slag, Silica fume, eco-friendly concrete

Correspondence to: S. Rajesh, E-mail:
Kumar, Samanta and Roy 99

INTRODUCTION 86 lb/ft3). The rough and angular-shaped ground slag in

the presence of water and an activator, NaOH or CaOH,
Concrete is the most commonly and widely used
supplied by Portland cement, hydrates and sets in a
building material applied in all forms of construction,
manner similar to Portland cement. However, air-cooled
since the advancement of concrete technology – its
slag does not have the hydraulic properties of water
evolution of methodology and mixing, various waste
cooled slag. Granulated blast furnace slag was first
materials are being introduced partially as replacement
developed in Germany in 1853 (Malhotra, 1996).
to the cement. Of all construction materials, concrete is
Ground slag has been used as a cementitious material in
one of the most resistant materials to heat and fire.
concrete since the beginning of the 1900s (Abrams,
Experience has shown that concrete structures are more
1925). Ground granulated blast furnace slag, when used
likely to remain standing through a fire than the
in general purpose concrete in North America,
structures made of other materials. Unlike wood,
commonly constitutes between 30 and 45% of the
concrete does not burn and unlike steel, it does not lose
cementing material in the mix (PCA 2000). Some slag
a substantial degree of its rigidity at moderately high
concretes have a slag component of 70% or more of the
temperatures (Muszynski & Gulas, 2001).
cementitious material. ASTM C 989 (AASHTO M 302)
classifies slag by its increasing level of reactivity as
Ground granulated blast furnace slag
Grade 80, 100, or 120. ASTM C 1073 covers a rapid
When iron-ore, coke and limestone melt in the blast determination of hydraulic activity of GGBS.
furnace, two products are formed; one is molten iron,
and other molten slag. The molten slag is lighter and Silica fume
floats on the top of the molten iron. The molten slag
Silicon metal and alloys are produced in electric
comprises mostly silicates and alumina from the
furnaces. The raw materials are quartz, coal, and
original iron ore, combined with some oxides from the
woodchips. The smoke that results from furnace
operation is collected and sold as silica fume, rather
The process of granulating the slag involves cooling
than using as landfill. The most important use of this
of molten slag through high-pressure water jets. This
material is as a mineral admixture in concrete. Silica
rapidly quenches the slag and forms granular particles
fume consists primarily of amorphous (non-crystalline)
generally not bigger than 5 mm. The rapid cooling
silicon dioxide (SiO2). The individual particles are
prevents the formation of larger crystals, and the
extremely small, approximately 1/100th the size of an
resulting granular material comprises around 95% non-
average cement particle. Because of its fineness in fine
crystalline calcium-alumino silicates. The granulated
particle sizes, large surface area, and the high Silicon
slag is further processed by drying and then grinding in
dioxide (SiO2) content, silica fume is a very reactive
a rotating ball mill to a very fine powder, which is
pozzolan when used in concrete.
Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag
Silica Fume Properties and applications
According to ISA (Indian Slag Association Report)
“We have a slag production capacity of about 41 million Silica fume, also referred to as micro-silica or
tonnes per annum and this is projected to reach 90 condensed silica fume, is a byproduct material that is
million tonnes by 2020. It can be used in various ways used as a Pozzolan. This byproduct is a result of the
like making cement or sand”. L.H. Rao, former Director reduction of high-purity quartz with coal in an electric
of the National Council for Cement and Building arc furnace in the manufacture of silicon or ferrosilicon
Material said “About 30 per cent of the raw material alloy. Silica fume rises as an oxidized vapor from the
used in steel production turns to slag and this can be 2000°C (3632°F) furnaces. When it cools it condenses
used to meet the present sand shortage,” and is collected in huge cloth bags. The condensed silica
Ground Granulated Blast furnace Slag (GGBS) is a fume is then processed to remove impurities and to
byproduct from the blast-furnaces used to make iron. control particle size. Condensed silica fume is
Blast-furnaces are fed with controlled mixture of iron- essentially silicon dioxide (usually more than 85%) in
ore, coke and limestone, and operated at a temperature non-crystalline (amorphous) form. Since it is an
of about 1500°C. airborne material like fly ash, it has a spherical shape. It
is extremely fine with particles less than 1 μm in
GGBS Properties and applications diameter and with an average diameter of about 0.1 μm,
about 100 times smaller than average cement particles.
The granulated material, which is ground to less than 45
Condensed silica fume has a surface area of about
microns, has a surface area fineness of about 400 to
20 000 m2/kg (nitrogen adsorption method). For
600 m2/kg when measured with Blaine’s apparatus. The
comparison, tobacco smoke’s surface area is about
relative density (specific gravity) for ground granulated
10 000 m2/ kg; Type I and Type III cements were used-
blast furnace slag is in the range of 2.85 to 2.95. The
(Type I is ordinary Portland cement, and it is available
bulk density varies from 1050 to 1375 kg/m3 (66 to

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in white or gray and Type III is high early strength PREVIOUS RESEARCH WORK ON GGBS &
cement. It is ground finer and reacts faster than Type I, SILICA FUME STRENGTHENED CONCRETE
so the early strength gains are greater. However the
Several works on the effect of GGBS and silica fume on
ultimate strength is not higher than Type I) have surface
concrete by replacing cement have been carried out and
areas of about 300 to 400 m2/kg and 500 to 600 m2/kg
it was reported that when GGBS is used in concrete, it
(Blaine), respectively.
improves workability, increases strength and durability.
The specific gravity (relative density) of silica fume
Wang (2008) investigated the effects of elevated
is generally in the range of 2.20 to 2.5. Portland cement
temperature on cement pastes by conducting
has a specific gravity (relative density) of about 3.15.
experimental test on concrete by replacing cement with
The bulk density of silica fume varies from 130 to
GGBS in percentages of 5, 10, 20, 50, 80 and 100%.
430 kg/m3 (8 to 27 lb/ft3). Silica fume is sold in powder
The test specimens were heated to temperatures of 25,
form but is more commonly available in a liquid form
105, 200, 440, 580, 800 and 1050oC with a temperature
(Malhotra, 1982)
increase from 25 to 105oC in the first two hours, the
Silica fume is used in amounts between 5 and 10%
heating duration at 200oC level was 6 hours and the
by mass of the total cementitious material. It is used in
duration for 580, 800 and 1050oC was 4 hours. Once the
applications where a high degree of impermeability is
desired temperature was reached, temperature was
needed and in high strength concrete.
maintained until the specimen was removed. Weight
loss resulting from heat induced cracking and spalling
DRAWBACKS OR DISADVANTAGES OF USING was recorded. After exposure to a temperature of 580oC,
GGBS the compressive strength of a paste containing 20%
replacement was found to be three times than that of the
The use of ground granulated blast-furnace slag control specimen. An effort was made to find the
(GGBFS) will generally retard the setting time of optimal GGBFS content at different W/B
concrete. The degree of set retardation depends on (Water/Binder) ratios and at W/B ratio of 0.23, the
factors such as the amount of Portland cement, water optimum GGBFS content is between 50% and 80%.
requirement, the type and reactivity of the slag or However, there were no clear trends for W/B ratios of
pozzolan dosage, and the temperature of the concrete. 0.47 and 0.71. For years, engineers have recognized that
Set retardation is an advantage during hot weather, the performance of concrete can be optimized by adding
allowing more time to place and finish the concrete. GGBFS. Thus, most of the GGBFS has been recycled
However, during cold weather, pronounced retardation even though GGBFS is a byproduct from the iron and
can occur with some materials, significantly delaying steel industry. The Federal Highway Administration
finishing operations. Accelerating admixtures can be (FHWA) reported that 90% GGBFS has been recycled
used to decrease the setting time. Proper curing of all in the US (S.C. Maiti) and similarly, in European
concrete, especially concrete containing supplementary countries (e.g. Netherlands, Denmark) also. In
cementing materials should commence immediately producing cement, about 45% of the cost is consumed
after finishing. A seven-day moist cure or membrane for electricity requirements whereas the rest is the
cure should be adequate for concretes with normal material cost. It is estimated that the cement industry
dosages of most supplementary cementitious materials. consumes about 8% of the electricity of a city
As with Portland cement concrete, low curing (A.K.Mullick). With the addition of GGBFS, electricity
temperatures can reduce early-strength gain. (Gebler, consumption can be reduced. Based on the above
1986) mentioned point, there are clear benefits to partially
replacing cement with GGBFS, such as improvements
DRAWBACKS OR DISADVANTAGES OF USING in compressive strength and reduction of cracking at
SILICA FUME elevated temperature. At a W/B ratio of 0.23, the
optimum GGBFS content was found to be 80%. With
Silica fume can be used as a partial replacement for 80% addition of GGBFS, the material cost can be
cement. The percentage replacement may vary from 0 to reduced by 40%. In Germany 100% GGBFS has been
30 percent. Though this does not change the weight of recycled. In Taiwan, it was estimated that 100%
the cementitious materials, there is an increase in the GGBFS, 4 million tons annually, is recycled. Based on
water demand because of the extreme fineness of silica the current unit price in Taiwan, the costs for cement
fume. In order to maintain the same water- (cement plus and GGBFS are $71 and $34.8 per ton, respectively. It
silica fume) ratios, superplasticizers are used to is found that 10% of the concrete cost can be reduced
maintain the required slump. This approach also results through 20% replacement with GGBFS, based on
in an increase in compressive strength at the age of 3 300 kg of cement per cubic meter of concrete. Similarly,
days and thereafter. Because of its extreme fineness, 40% of costs can be saved with an 80% addition of
silica fume is very light (about 850 kg per cubic meter) GGBFS. This indicates that the 28-day compressive
and does present handling problems.

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strength was compatible to the control concrete that concluded that tensile, compressive and flexure strength
contained no GGBFS. increased in all levels of replacements adopted.
Lim et al. (2012) also studied the effect of Ground compression tests were carried out at 3, 7 and 28 days
Granulated Blast Furnace Slag on the mechanical curing, split tensile and flexure were carried out at the
behavior of engineering cement composites (ECC) in end of 28 days. The results obtained for M20 grade
which he used slag as replacements of 20 and 40%, concrete were all above 20 MPa. The compressive
Specimens were casted for testing compression, tensile strength increased up to 30% (optimum mixes)
and flexure strengths for 7 days, 28 days and 90 days. thereafter there was a decrement observed till 60%
The author’s study reported that the use of ground replacement level. Tensile and flexural strength
granulated blast furnace slag as a replacement not only increased with an in replacement of GGBS up-to 60%
increased the strength but also created a better bridging level.
property that resulted in better ductility. Vijaya et al. (2012) undertook a study on
Kamran et al. (2004) studied the effect of GGBS on supplementary cement materials like flyash, blast
four different mix ratio’s (1:2:4, 1:5:3, 1:1.25:2.50, furnace slag and silica fume on durability properties of
1:1:2). The water cement ratio for the first two mixes high strength concrete (M80 and M90 grade). The
was kept as 0.65 and the remaining two mixes as 0.45. durability was checked using Rapid Chloride
Cement was replaced by GGBS in percentages of 0%, permeability tests. Concrete mix design as per IS:10262
25% and 50%. It was concluded that the price of GGBS (2009) was made and test on standard cylindrical disc
was up-to 25% less than that of Ordinary Portland specimens of size 100 mm diameter and 50 mm thick
Cement. Tests on workability, compressive strength, after a curing period of 90 days in water was carried out.
tensile strength and modulus of rupture were carried The author concluded that the addition of SCM’s
out. Increase in the percentage of slag, increased (Supplementary cement materials) caused pozzolanic
workability, improved finishing. The compressive reaction thus resulting in improvement of pore structure
strength of GGBS based concrete was less in the early of concrete leading to lower permeability, causing
stages, 3 days and 7 days but the 28 days strength was higher resistance to chloride ion penetration at the
similar to that of plain cement (control) concrete. The higher percentage replacement compared to
split tensile strength was similar to that of plain cement conventional concrete..
concrete, even up-to replacement levels of 50 % GGBS. Konstantin (2005) investigated on the mechanic-
Latha et al. (2012) conducted an experimental chemical floatation of cement with high volumes of
program on GGBS and high volume flyash for M20, blast furnace slag and studied the effect of grinding on
M40 and M60 at different ages of 28, 90 and 120 days the strength of modified cement containing granulated
with GGBS replacements from 0 to 70% in increments blast furnace slag in high volumes. Three additional
of 10%. It was found that in case of GGBS concrete components were used in his experimentation: ground
with 40% being the optimum percentage of replacement granulated blast furnace slag (GGBFS), silica fume
and 50% in case of higher grade concrete (M60). They (SF), and a reactive silica-based complex admixture
concluded that the partial replacement of cement with (RSA). According to him test results showed an
GGBS and high volume flyash (HVFA) in concrete has increase of 62% increase in strength when compared to
shown enhanced strength and durability properties the reference mix. Silica fume of 10% by weight of
which offer good compatibility. cement was used and a constant 45% of GGBS was
Dubey et al. (2012) studied the effect of blast used in all cements mixes. The water cement ratio was
furnace slag on concrete by replacing cement from 5% adjusted to have a constant flow with a sand to cement
to 30%; from the experimental studies it was observed ratio of 2.75. The experimental tests included the effect
that the optimum replacement of ground granulated of mineral additives and duration on fineness of cement,
blast furnace slag was 15 % without much reduction in normal consistence, setting time and compressive
the compressive strength. Only a reduction of 5 % in strength. Specimens were tested after moist curing
strength was observed .Concrete cubes were cast of size period of 2, 7, and 28 days. The setting time of the
150 × 150 × 150 mm and cured for 7, 14 and 28 days. It results obtained using silica fume and high performance
was concluded that increasing the percentage of blast cements increased significantly because of the
furnace slag resulted in decrease in compressive incorporation of large volumes of mineral additives. It
strength. was recognized that the setting time was further
Tamilarasan & Perumal (2012) conducted an extended with the inter-grinding of SF and cement, due
experimental study for the effects of replacing cement to the RSA–cement interaction and mechano-chemical
with ground granulated blast furnace slag on the changes in the system.
compressive, split tensile and flexural strengths of Sarat et al. (2012) used Ground granulated blast
concrete. In this study GGBS was used to replace furnace slag in various cement replacements of 10 to
cement from 0 to 100% in 5% increments, for this study 80% and cement kiln dust for replacements ranges from
M20 and M25 grades of concrete were used and it was 0 to 40% with 10% increments and tests were conducted

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to determine the compressive strength of concrete at the obtained for mixes with 10 percent replacement of
ages of 1, 3 and 6 months. The results showed that the cement by silica fume and at age of 28 and 56 days
28 day compressive strength of concrete containing respectively. The compressive strengths at the age of 28
GGBS up to 30% replacement were all slightly above days for M75 grade of HPC trial mixes containing 0, 5,
than that of normal concretes and when compared with 7.5 and 10 percent cement replacement of ground
all other percentages of replacement levels. granulated blast furnace slag were 69.5, 73.2, 79.3 and
Maiti & Raj (2010) did an experimental study on 85 MPa respectively; and at the age of 56 days 72.1,
concrete mix design on Portland cement replacements 76.4, 82 and 88.5 MPa respectively That is, the silica
by GGBS from 50 to 65% for M20 grade concrete. fume content in concrete increased the strength when
Tests were conducted to determine the compressive compared to the ground granulated blast furnace slag
strength of concrete after moist curing of 28 and 90 content at the age of 28 and 56 days respectively. This
days. The test results led to the conclusion that with the was due to the fact that the increase in compressive
increase of percentage of GGBS in concrete, the strength was due to the pozzolanic reaction and filler
chloride ion permeability decreases. It was effects of ground granulated blast furnace slag. Hence,
recommended to increase more than 50% GGBS in the optimum percentage of cement replacement by silica
concrete to reduce harmful alkali-silica reaction. The fume and ground granulated blast furnace slag for
heat of hydration of concrete using flyash and GGBS achieving maximum compressive strength was found to
was less than that of concrete with only ordinary be 10 percent for M75 grades of HPC.
Portland cement. Ground granulated blast furnace slag Mohamed et al. (2012) conducted an investigation
is the safest option to mitigate alkali – silica reaction in on the locally available ground granulated blast furnace
concrete. slag to protect the environment against waste dumping
Mullick (2012) conducted experiments on binary and and to promote local products. The slag content such
ternary cement blends with Ordinary Portland Cement (20, 30, 40, 50, 60 and 80%) was used. Blast furnace
(OPC) being replaced by flyash, silica fume, ground slag had shown a positive effect on both the flexural and
granulated blast furnace slag and the specimens were compressive strength of concrete after 28 days. The real
cured for 1, 3, 7 and 28 days. The results showed gain in strength was noticed after the 28 day mark
improvements in compressive strength and durability especially when 120 grade GGBFS was used. The long
and he concluded that the use of ternary blends should term strength of slag cement depended on many factors
be encouraged for ensuring greater durability in such as the amount of slag and Portland cement, and
constructions. water to cement ratio. Clinkers have well reacted with
Susan et al. (2010) studied the effect of alkali slag slag, but a slight difference in the resulting resistance
concrete reinforced with steel fibers. The compressive, was observed mainly at medium and long term. The best
splitting tensile and flexural strengths, flexural notch resistance at 28 days was obtained with higher C3S and
sensitivity, pull-out and water absorption properties the C3A content. It was also noted that the minor
were evaluated on concrete specimens cured for 28 days elements played an important role in the slag reaction.
and the test results showed a reduction in compressive The results of the long-term mechanical tests have
strength with fiber addition but an increase in split shown that regardless the type of clinker used, the
tensile and flexural strengths with increasing fiber performance in compressive strength was very
volume from 3.75 to 4.64 MPa and from 6.40 to 8.86 significant. An average of 30% increase in resistance
MPa respectively at 28 days of curing. The final with regards to the findings recorded at 28 days was
conclusion was that the alkali-activated slag concretes also noted. The major reasons of such increase were
reinforced with fibers exhibit a mechanical performance higher C3S content and its quick reaction with water
better than control mixes of ordinary Portland cement which provided an important degree of resistance.
concrete. Deepa (2012) conducted a comparative study on
Ramesh et al. (2013) conducted an experimental mechanical properties of different ternary blended
investigation on durability characteristics of high concrete by incorporating ground granulated blast
performance concrete using mineral admixtures on M75 furnace slag, silica fume and flyash. The properties
grade concrete with replacement levels of 0, 5%, 7.5% investigated included workability, compressive strength
and 10% of silica fume and ground granulated blast and flexural strength. Mix design for M30 grade
furnace slag with a constant cement binder ration of concrete was carried out, the dosage of superplasticizer
0.26 and 0.3% fiber glass was added with used was 0.78% of cement weight.
superplasticizer CONPLAST- SP-430. Investigations The specimens were prepared by using both hand
were carried out on durability properties such as compaction and using vibrating table; curing of the
saturated water absorption, porosity and alkalinity specimens was done for 28 days and 90 days. The
measurements. For all the mixes specimens were cured ternary blends replacements were done from 0 to 30%
for 28 and 56 days, Thus, from the results, it was in 5% increments. Silica fume replacement gave the
observed that the maximum compressive strength were highest strength in flexure after 28 and 90 days. Silica

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Kumar, Samanta and Roy 103

fume also gave the highest compressive strength after materials needed for their replacement; to improve
90 days. The author also concluded that by using mechanical properties such as compressive strength,
industrial waste materials environment can be made tensile and flexural strength as it is evident from the
more sustainable. conclusion from all the research work conducted by
other authors as reviewed in literature and other
Comments on the present review properties of concrete, which can also reduce the
amount of materials needed.
Literature review on earlier research works in the field
The proposed Project aimed at to find an alternate
of replacing cement with industrial waste materials have
way of reducing the carbon dioxide emission from the
shown that the investigators have tried to use flyash,
production of cement manufacture which would help in
Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag, Silica fume,
reducing global warming. To find a way of recycling
metakaolin in different mix proportions and
industrial waste materials like Ground Granulated Blast
percentages. All the authors have concluded that the
Furnace Slag and& Silica fume. To compare the
addition of industrial waste materials have showed a
strength benefits of GGBS and Silica fume.
positive response in terms of compressive strength,
tensile strength and in terms of durability . Most of them
have expressed a concern that these studies should be
further carried out and applied to construction
The extensive literature survey has given an insight to
the authors and supported to gain in depth knowledge
The test results showed that an increase in GGBS
and understanding on cement replacements that may be
percentage led to a decrease in chloride ion
adopted in practice with different industrial waste
permeability, thus making concrete more impermeable.
materials. This work has given information about
The economic feasibility of recycling depends largely
previous studies and that information helped the authors
on the application. Concrete and cement industry can
to undertake systematic experimental investigation for
contribute to sustainable development by adopting
revisiting the issues in hand, such as the pollution in
supplementary cementitious materials, recycled
land and air that had been caused by the industrial
aggregate to save natural resources, energy, reducing
wastes as there were no method of disposing these
CO2 emissions, and protect the environment and can
wastes but dumping them as land fill which led to
improve its record with an increased reliance on
serious health hazards. It was only after research, it was
recycled materials and in particular by replacing larges
found that these industrial wastes had some good
percentages of Portland cement by byproducts of
properties such as binding of aggregates and enhanced
industrial processes. This will help our sustainable and
strength and durability of concrete, so these industrial
green environment.
waste materials could be used as a cement replacement
in construction industry thereby reducing the cost of
Proposed method to produce eco-friendly concrete cement which in turn reduced the construction cost and
using industrial waste materials at the same time an effective way was found to dispose
of industrial waste materials there by reducing
To overcome these problems discussed above, in this environmental health hazards and reducing pollution.
research work the potential tools and strategies to meet Keeping these facts in mind a study needs to be
the environmental challenges can be summarized as conducted which would help to select the
follows: characterization and development of eco-friendly
To replace as much Portland cement as possible by concrete using optimum quantity of industrial waste.
supplementary cementitious materials, especially those This paper reviewed on existing research works on
that are byproducts of industrial processes, such as cement replacements done by adding different industrial
ground granulated blast furnace slag, and silica fume. waste materials. This paper mainly focused on different
To use recycled materials in place of natural resources. percentages of replacement by waste material. The
To improve durability the literature review has also importance of this review paper is that it has opened up
shown that the usage of industrial waste materials have the field of recycled waste material concrete field to
helped in many durability properties such as reducing study the strength and durability of concrete in
shrinkage which is a long term effect, reducing chloride compression and tension and also to study the durability
permeability and service life of structures, thereby aspects of such concrete.
reducing or increasing the amount of

Journal of Urban and Environmental Engineering, v.8, n.1 p. 98-108, 2014

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Table 1 Summary of materials used, tests conducted, and results

S .No Title Author Name of Grade/ Experiments Conducted Curing Test Results Conclusion
Journal/ Materials used days
Year of
1 The effects of H. Y. Cement & GGBS Specimens were heated to 28 days At a W/B ratio of 28-day compressive strength
elevated Wang Concrete percentages of temperatures of 25, 105, 200, 0.23, the optimum was compatible to the control
temperature on Composites, 5%, 10%, 20%, 440, 580, 800 and 1050 oC GGBFS content was concrete that contained no
cement pastes Vol. 30, pp. 50%, 80% and with a temperature increase found to be 80%. GGBFS.
by conducting 992-999, 100%. from 25 to 105oC in the first
experimental (2007) two hours, the heating
test on concrete duration at 200oC level was 6
by replacing hours
cement with

2 Effect of Ing Lim, Journal of Short random Compressive strength, 28 days Mixtures containing This study concluded that the
ground Jenn- Marine fibers, GGBS flexural tests strength slag generally effect of ground granulate blast
granulated blast Chuan Science and increase furnace slag replacement not
furnace slag on Chern, Technology, compressive only increased the strength but
mechanical Tony Liu, Vol. 20, No. strength of the also created a better fiber
behavior of and Yin- 3, pp. 319- specimen, but slag bridging property that resulted in
PVA-ECC Wen Chan 324 (2012) grade 100 needs better ductility of the ECC.
time for strength
so that the strength
at early age might
be lower.
3 Effect of Kamran Singapore GGBS on mix Workability, compressive 3,7,28 Increase in the Split tensile strength was similar
blending of Muzaffar Concrete ratio’s (1:2:4, strength, tensile strength and days percentage of slag, to that of plain cement concrete,
portland cement Khan, Institute, 1:5:3, modulus of rupture. increased even up-to replacement levels of
with ground UsmanGha Singapore, 1:1.25:2.50, workability, 50 % GGBS
granulated blast ni pp.329-334. 1:1:2). The improved finishing
furnace slag on (2004) water cement
the properties ratio for the
of concrete first two mixes
was kept as
0.65 and the
remaining two
mixes as 0.45

Journal of Urban and Environmental Engineering, v.8, n.1 p. 98-108, 2014

Kumar, Samanta and Roy 105

S .No Title Author Name of Grade/ Experiments Conducted Curing Test Results Conclusion
Journal/ Materials used days
Year of
4 Estimation of K. Suvarna International Grade 53 Replacement levels for 28, 90 Usage of GGBS and GGBS hardens very slowly and
GGBS and Latha, M V Journal of Ordinary GGBS and HVFA vary and 180 HVFA significantly for use in concrete, it needs to be
HVFA Strength Seshagiri Engineering Portland from 10% to 70% in an days reduces the risk of activated by combining with
Efficiencies in Rao, and Advanced Cement, ground increment of 10% damages caused by OPC
Concrete with Srinivasa Technology granulated blast Alkali – Silica there is an increase in
Ag Reddy. V (IJEAT) Vol. 2, furnace slag reaction (ASR) and HVFA
No. 2, (GGBS) and provides higher
December 2012 high volume fly resistance to
ash HVFA chloride ingress
5 Effect of blast Atul International GGBSSF (Silica Compressive strength, 7 days, The optimum Partial replacement of Portland
furnace slag Dubey, Dr. Journal of fume) Sulphate resistance 14 days replacement of cement with GGBF slag is found
powder on R. Scientific & and 28 ground granulated to improve the sulfate resistance
compressive Chandak, Engineering days blast furnace slag of
strength of Prof. Research was 15 % without concrete.
concrete R.K.Yadav Volume 3, Issue much reduction in
8, August-2012 the compressive
6 Performance V.S. European In this study Tensile, compressive and 3, 7 and The results obtained The compressive strength
study of Tamilarasa Journal of GGBS was used flexure strength 28 days for M20 grade increased up to 30 %( optimum
concrete using n & P. Scientific to replace concrete were all mixes) thereafter there was a
GGBS as a Perumal. Research cement from 0% above 20 N/mm2 decrement observed till 60%
partial Vol. 88, No 1 to 100% in 5% replacement level.
replacement pp. 155-163. increments
material for (2012)
7 Durability of M Vijaya Journal. Flyash, Silica The rapid chloride 28,90 Rapid Chloride In high performance concrete
high Sekhar Structural. & fume, Blast permeability test for days Permeability test mix design as
performance Reddy, I V Civil Engg. furnace slag and different concrete results water/cement ratio adopted is
concrete Ramana Res. 2012) Vol. Metakaoline. mixtures was carried out reveals that the total low, super
containing Reddy, K 1, No. 1, as per ASTM C1202 charge passed in plasticizers are necessary to
supplementary Madan November 2012 (1997). Coulomb’s is very maintain
cementing Mohan low for M90 HPC required workability
materials using Reddy and mix with
rapid chloride Abibasheer replacement of
permeability Basheerude 33%% Flyash and
test en 15.13%
of Metakaoline.

Journal of Urban and Environmental Engineering, v.8, n.1 p. 98-108, 2014

Kumar, Samanta and Roy 106

S .No Title Author Name of Grade/ Experiments Conducted Curing Test Results Conclusion
Journal/ Materials used days
Year of
8 Mechano- Konstantin Cement & Silica fume of Compressive strength 2, 7, Test results showed The setting time of the results
chemical Sobolev Concrete 10% by weight test, Split Tensile strength and 28 an increase of 62% obtained using silica fume and
modification of Composites, of cement was test days increase in strength high performance cements
cement with Vol. 27, pp. used and a when compared to increased significantly
high volumes of 848–853. constant 45 % of the reference mix.
blast furnace (2005) GGBS was used
slag in all cements
9 Sustainable B Sarath International GGBS in Compressive strength was 1,3 and The 28-day Portland cement by byproducts
Development Chandra Journal of concrete at determined at the age of 6 compressive of industrial
Using Kumar, Modern various 1, 3, and 6 months. Based months strength of processes. This will help our
Supplementary Vamsi Engineering replacement on the test results, they concretes containing sustainable and green
Cementitious Krishna Research percentages (10– reported . GGBS up to 30% environment.
Materials and Varanasi, (IJMER) Vol.2, 80%).Cement replacement were
Recycled Dr. P Saha Issue.1, pp-165- Kiln dust(CKD) all slightly above
aggregate 171 .(2012) that of normal
concretes, and at all
other percentages.
10 Concrete and its S.C. Maiti Indian Concrete Portland slag Compressive strength 28 and The percentage of The heat of hydration of
quality and Raj K. Journal, (2006) cement 90 days. ggbs increases in concrete using fly ash and ggbs
Agarwal) containing 50- concrete, the is less
65% ggbs. M20 chloride ion than that of concrete with only
grade permeability opc.
decreases. To resist ground granulated blast furnace
harmful alkali-silica slag is the safest option to
reaction, use of mitigate alkali – silica reaction
more than 50% ggbs in concrete.
in concrete has been
11 Performance of A.K. Indian Concrete OPC by fly ash, Compressive strength and 1,3,7,28 Ternary blends with The use of ternary blends should
concrete with Mullick Journal, (2007) granulated slag durability tests OPC containing be encouraged for ensuring
binary and silica fume silica fume and greater durability in
and ternary GGBS provide constructions.
cement blends greater durability to

Journal of Urban and Environmental Engineering, v.8, n.1 p. 98-108, 2014

Kumar, Samanta and Roy 107

S .No Title Author Name of Grade/ Experiments Conducted Curing Test Results Conclusion
Journal/ Materials used days
Year of
12 Performance of Susan Bernal, Science Alkali-activated Compressive, splitting 28 days Results revealed a The alkali-activated slag
an alkali- Ruby De Direct slag tensile and flexural reduction of AASC concretes reinforced with
activated slag Gutierrez, Construction concrete strengths, compressive strengths fibers exhibit a mechanical
concrete Silvio and Building (AASC) flexural notch sensitivity, with fiber, performance better than
reinforced with Delvasto, Materials, reinforced with pull-out and water incorporations. control mixes of OPCC.
steel fibers Erich (2010) steel fibers. absorption properties However, splitting
Rodriguez were evaluated tensile and flex- ural
Escuela de strengths were largely
Ingeniería de improved with
Materiales, increasing fiber
Grupo de volume, varying from
Materiales 3.75 to 4.64 MPa and
Compuestos from 6.40 to 8.86 MPa
at 28 days of curing
13 Experimental G.Ramesh International M75 grade Compressive strength test 28 and Maximum Optimum percentage of
Investigation on kumar, P. Journal of concrete with 56 days compressive strength cement replacement by silica
Durability Muthupriya, Advanced replacement were obtained for fume and ground granulated
Characteristics & R. Scientific and levels of 0, 5%, mixes with 10 percent blast furnace slag for
of High Venkatasubra Technical 7.5% and 10% of replacement of cement achieving maximum
Performance manil Research, silica fume and by silica fume and at compressive strength was
Concrete Using Vol. 2, pp ground age of 28 and 56 days found to be 10 percent for
Mineral 239- granulated blast M75 grades of HPC
admixtures 251,(2013).
14 Investigating Mohamed Journal of OPC–slag Compressive and tensile 28 days The highest strength The major reason of increase
the Local Nacer Civil strength by bending at 2, obtained is attributed in resistance was higher C3S
Granulated Guetteche, Engineering- 28, and 90 days to the first group of content and its quick reaction
Blast Furnace Abdesselam Scientific OPC–slag mortars as with water which provided an
Slag Zergua, research, pp. 80.1 MPa at 28 days important degree of
Samia 10- 15./2012 for the optimum OPC– resistance.
Hannachi slag mortar
15 Comparative Deepa. A. Indian M30 grade Workability, compressive 28 days Silica fume Using industrial waste
mechanical Sinha Journal of strength and flexural and 90 replacement gave the materials, environment can be
properties of Research, strength. days highest strength in made more sustainable.
different Vol. 1,No 10, flexure and
ternary blended pp. 65 – compressive strength
concrete 69.(2012) after 28 and 90 days.

Journal of Urban and Environmental Engineering, v.8, n.1 p. 98-108, 2014

Kumar, Samanta and Roy 108

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