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THE SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY What is the noble mission of the married

What is married life? couple?

• Married life is a state of life that a man • The noble mission of the married
and a woman choose to live in love, couple, like other states of life, is to
united and sanctified by God in the foster the Kingdom of God.
sacrament of Matrimony
• When the Catholic Church teaches How can a married couple keep their
marriage, the couple's relationship is relationship?
more than the choice of being together • A married couple's relationship is not
and loving each other. Marriage is a just about them loving each other. It is
Christian vocation. It is a call of God for a fact that God is their bond. It is logical
a purpose: It involves a response to to think that the deeper their
build, with the help of divine grace, a relationship with God is the stronger
lifelong, intimate, and sacramental their relationship goes.
partnership of love and life
What are some of the misconceptions about What is the Sacrament of Holy Orders?
married life? • The Sacrament of Holy Orders is one of
1. Marriage as solution to personal problems those sacraments instituted by Christ to
(ex. aloneness, financial security, etc.) continue His mission.
2. Marriage as utopia • Holy Orders is also called the sacrament
3. Marriage as a romantic love story of apostolic ministry.
4. Marriage makes converts
• Order in Church usage simply means
Marriage as solution. "Mag-asawa ka na para the "group or body of those who carry
guminhawa buhay mo." Marriage is used as a on certam functions," such as teaching,
means to escape poverty by marrying a rich sanctifying, and governing. Ordination
person is the sacramental act by which one is
integrated into the orders of bishops, of
Marriage as utopia. When life turns to be priests, and of deacons.
lonely, marriage turns to be the answer for
other people. This is what many movies and What do the priests do?
novels portray in the story • The priests continue the mission of
Jesus Christ by administering the
Marriage as a romantic love story. Romance different sacraments, proclaiming the
excites the heart. It drives one crazy. It turns Word of God, and bringing the people
one's world up and down. It is such a good to God.
feeling that people do not want to lose it.
What are the degrees of the Sacrament of Holy
Marriage makes converts. "Kung pakakasalan Orders?
mo ako, magbabago ako. How sweet it is indeed • Bishop
to hear a person saying that he/she will do • Priest
everything for us. • deacon.
How do we share in the priesthood of Christ? SACRAMENTALS
• We share in the priesthood of Christ by What are sacramentals?
virtue of our baptism. • Sacramentals are objects, actions,
practices, places, and the like that make
Bishops us conscious of the presence of God
• are conferred the fullness of the • Sacramentals should not be confused
Sacrament of Orders.... [and] together with sacraments. Sacramentals are
with the office of sanctifying, the duty sacred signs instituted by the Church,
also of teaching and ruling not by Christ.
• have the pastoral responsibility for a • they are sacred signs/symbols which
particular diocese entrusted to them signify some spiritual effect which is
• provide care for all the Churches realized through the action of the
• a legitimate successor of the apostles Church. But they differ from the seven
Priests sacraments in that they are not
• to preach the Gospel "instituted by Christ" as described
• shepherd the faithful above, but by the Church
• celebrate divine worship as true priests
of the New Testament Sacramentals include:
Deacons • blessings (homes, cars, buildings)
• serve the People of God in the service • actions (kneeling, bowing, making the
of the liturgy, of the Gospel, and of Sign of the Cross)
works of charity • words (grace before and after meals,
• administer baptism solemnly indulgenced novena prayers, pious
• are custodians and distributors of the invocations, litanies)
Eucharist • objects (ashes, palms, candles,
• assist and bless marriages in the name crucifixes, rosaries, scapulars, statues)
of the Church • places (churches, shrines)
• bring the Viaticum to the dying • time liturgical seasons (Advent, Lent,
• read the Sacred Scriptures to the Holy Week)
• instruct and exhort the people What is living a sacramental life?
• preside over the worship and prayer of • To live a sacramental life also means to
the faithful be immersed in the life and prayer of
• administer sacramentals the church.
• officiate at funerals and burial services • The church's liturgy is where this is
most profoundly done. Full and active
How do we share in the priesthood of Christ? participation in the Mass as often as
We share in the priesthood of Christ by virtue of possible . This means being there both
our baptism. in body and in spirit.
What do the sacramental do? THE CHURCHS POPULAR DEVOTION
The sacramentals: DEVOTION.
• help us become aware of Christ's grace- • Religious devotion is ardent affection,
filled presence around us or liberate zealous attachment, piety, dedication,
from the presence of the Evil One reverence, faithfulness, respect, awe,
(exorcism). attentiveness, loyalty, fidelity, or love
• help us receive the sacraments with for, or to, some object, person, spirit, or
greater fruit, and "render holy various deemed sacred, holy, or venerable.
occasions in life (SC 60). • Devotion may also be thought of as
• sanctify everyday life. action, such as worshiping, praying, and
• arouse us to acts of virtue and piety making religious vows.
which strengthen God's grace-filled
presence within and among us (CFC When we pray to the saints:
1532). • We are honoring or venerating them.
• We are not worshipping them.
What should be our attitude towards the • Worship is giving the honor and praise
sacramental? that belongs to God alone, recognizing
• Sacramentals should be treated with Him as God, the Origin, Source and Goal
respect and sincerity. of everything
Why is it important to live a sacramental life? • We honor the saints as special friends
• These acts remind us of God's love for and servants of God who can help by
us. praying to God for us.
Why are sacramentals important in our life of
faith? Saints are persons in heaven (officially
• Sacramentals sanctify us to get the canonized or not), who lived heroically virtuous
most benefit from the Sacraments lives, offered their life for others, or were
• Sacramentals are given to us to make martyred for the faith, and who are worthy of
holy certain actions in life and life's imitation.
What is at the center of our sacramental life? Who is a Saint?
• The Holy Eucharist is the center of all • Saints are the heroes of the Catholic
sacramental life because it unites and faith.
strengthens the Church. • They lived lives in holiness, dedicated to
How can I be sacramental to others? serving God and spreading His message
• Encourage and build up, instead of of salvation.
criticizing, complaining and hurting.
• Give hope and be proclaimers of good
news, of God's love and kindness. How do saints inspire us?
• Bind up and bring healing with our They inspire us by their heroic lives, and help us
words and actions, not hurt. by their constant prayers to be the living sign of
Can you say that you are living a sacramental your saving power.”
• To live a sacramental life is to share • The honor we give to God alone is
God's love in all aspects of our lives. properly called adoration, the highest
• We share in visible ways the love that honor we can give.
shapes our innermost being • The honor we give to Mary and the
saints is called veneration.
What do we do when we pray to the saints?
• When we pray to the saints, we are
honoring or venerating them.
Why do we honor the saints in heaven?
• We honor saints because of their
holiness and practice of virtue when
they were on Earth.
Why does the Church call us?
• The Church calls us to ensure that these
devotions deepen our relationship with
God and others manifested in loving
We can honor the saints:
• By imitation of their holy lives
• By praying to them
• By showing respect to their relics and
Servant of God
• the title given to a candidate for
sainthood whose cause is still under
investigation, prior to being declared
• the title given to a candidate for
sainthood whose cause has not yet
reached the beatification stage but
whose heroic virtue has been declared
by the pope.
• title bestowed on a person who has
been beatified and accorded limited
liturgical veneration.
• the title given to someone who has
been formally canonized by the Church
as sharing eternal life with God, and
therefore offered for public veneration
and imitation.

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