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Mod1 The Sacraments

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THEO2: SACRAMENTS Fr. Niño Perido, crs

The Sacraments: A Personal Encounter

Getting Personal!

The “Liturgy” in its broadest definition refers to every form of liturgical rite
offered within the Church.  This includes each of the Seven Sacraments, the Liturgy of
the Hours, Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament, blessings, and various other forms of
liturgical rites and celebrations.
Among all liturgical worship, the Sacraments take pride of place.  Baptism is the
gateway to the Sacraments, and the Eucharist is the summit of the Sacraments.  Each
one offers the grace for a particular need.
Too often the Sacraments are seen primarily as an external ritual we participate
in.  They may be inspiring and uplifting, but some people never go beyond the
externals.  This is sad because the Sacraments are not meant to be only external signs
and celebrations, they are also meant to be transforming internal realities in which we
personally encounter the Living God!  It is this deeply personal aspect that we will
highlight here.
A Sacrament is an action of Christ and the Church that brings about what it
signifies.  For example, the water poured at Baptism is both an external sign and a
spiritual reality.  In this sacrament, the external and visible sign of washing with water
actually accomplishes the interior and spiritual reality of cleansing the soul from all sin,
making the person a new creation.  When this is understood and believed, the
Sacraments are able to take full effect in our lives.  We must comprehend what is taking
place and allow the spiritual reality to touch and change our lives.

The proper attitude to have toward the celebration of the Sacraments is an

attitude of personal union with God.  We must realize that this is a heart-to-heart
encounter in which we can be deeply transformed.  If we fail to realize this, the
Sacrament is still valid; however, we will not allow God to change us.  It would be as if
God showed up, spoke to us, invited us to let Him change our life, and we simply
ignored Him.  Our lack of personal participation does not change the fact that God
showed up, but it does eliminate the possibility of receiving Him into our soul.
When celebrating any one of the Sacraments, we must make it our goal to meet
God in the depths of our being.  It must be a real and transforming encounter with each
person of the Trinity.  We must look at the Sacraments with the spiritual eyes of faith:
knowing, loving and receiving God Himself.  This takes an authentic attitude of prayer.
There is a story of a child who came to realize this reality by watching his mother and
father at Mass.  This little child would follow them up to Holy Communion, return to the
pew, and then watch as they closed their eyes and prayed.  They tuned out everything
else around them and entered into a deep communion with God.  This child had been
taught his catechism and understood that Holy Communion was the Body and Blood,
Soul and Divinity of Christ.  But it was this personal witness of his parents that truly
taught the lesson of the Eucharist.  Watching them encounter God in a real and personal
way provided the insight necessary for him to want this sacred gift and to believe in the
reality of the Eucharist.  He understood, from the witness of his parents, that the
Eucharist was real and deeply personal.

If the Sacraments were purely external, then fulfilling the external actions would
suffice.  But they are not just external; they are external and spiritual and require an
interior spiritual participation.  They require that one go through the external aspects,
allow God to be made manifest, and then receive His presence and grace within one’s
soul.  This is the way to celebrate the Sacraments!

It would be a very good idea if you spent time reflecting upon the way you
celebrate the Sacraments.  Do you meet God in a personal way?  Do you truly pray the
Sacraments?  Are you letting God transform you as you participate?  If you were to read
this book in detail, knew all about the Sacraments and believed in what you study, this
would not be enough.  You must then live the Sacraments.  They must become alive in
your life.  They must be true encounters with God and deeply personal encounters.  Be
honest with yourself.  Think about your participation.  And where your participation is
lacking, resolve to make a change.  You won’t regret it!  You’ll discover that these

precious gifts actually can transform your life, giving you all you need to live a fulfilled,
holy and happy life!

An Overview

The Seven Sacraments are categorized as follows: 

1)  Sacraments of Initiation—Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist

2)  Sacraments of Healing—Confession, Anointing of the Sick
3)  Sacraments at the Service of Communion—Marriage, Holy Orders

Our following discussions will look at each of the Sacraments. We will reflect
upon them not only from the theological and catechetical point of view (meaning the
Church’s teaching about them) but also from this very personal point of view. We have
to discover how these sacraments can completely change our lives. We must understand
that we meet God in each of them and that this encounter is deeply personal. So be open
to looking at the Seven Sacraments in a whole new way!

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