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01 Calling in Life

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3 Units
Theology 1, Theology 2, Phl 5, Scl 3
The course Marriage and Family is an inter-disciplinary approach to
preparation for and understanding of love, marriage and family life
includes the Biblical, theological, sacramental, canonical, legal,
psychological and sociological dimensions. It is rooted in the Catholic
spirituality that promotes the culture and transmission of life, faithful to the
teachings of the Church, it includes education in human sexuality and
responsible parenthood based on the magisterial documents.
Assess the implications of accepting God as the Author and Center of
espousal and family relationship;
Develop a responsible attitude towards ones own future by the formulation
or realistic and practical plans for marriage and family life;
Formulate a program of self-care of ones spiritual life that is nourished by
prayer, strengthened by the Sacraments and fruitful in good works;
Analyze contemporary moral and social issues on marriage and family in
the light of existing Church and State laws;
Acquire the confidence and competence necessary to perform the role of
disseminator of correct information and model of Christian values to the
peer group; and
Resolve to adhere to Church teaching in matters of marriage and family
Love, Commitment, Fidelity and Service to Family and Society indicated
1. a maturing knowledge of oneself and healthy relationships with
2. a responsible attitude to ones future as co-creator and stewards,
3. self-care of ones spiritual life that is nourished by prayer,
strengthened by the sacraments and works of mercy.
Calling in Life:
Vocation of Man
How do I see myself
10 or 15 years from
Calling in Life:
Vocation of Man
Everybody has a vocation to some form
of life-work. However, behind that call
(and deeper than any call), everybody
has a vocation to be a person to be fully
and deeply human in Christ Jesus.

Brennan Manning,

The place God calls you to is the

place where your deepest
gladness and the worlds deep
hunger meet.
--- Frederick Buechner

What is am
it? I
b. What are those?
c. Marriage & Vowto
do in myOrdination
d. Priestly life?
Callings in Life
1. Consecrated Celibacy
a. Priesthood
b. Religious Life
2. Single Blessedness
3. Married Life
Latin vocare = to call

CCC 1694
Where do I get
..strive to be "imitators of
God as beloved children,
this calling
and walk in love" by
conforming their thoughts,
words and actions and by
following His (Jesus) example.
I. Calling in Life The Christian faithful,
Everyone who is baptized is inasmuch as they have
What does it mean
called to a life of holiness. been incorporated in Christ
through Baptism are
to be holy? called to exercise the
mission which God entrust
The anointing by the Holy Spirit marked to the Church to fulfill in

Jesus as:
the world, in accord with
ph e the condition proper to

p ki
each one.

Christian vocation
By Baptism, all of us share in
the great mission of Jesus to
bring about the reign of
God. This means that each
of us is called to live a holy
life of service in our church
and in our would.

(Read Luke 10:1-24)

Christian vocation
In the Church there is
Our anointing at Baptism makes us
share ofasministry
in Christs role priest, but
prophet, andof mission.
king. We share inAll the
Christs priestly mission. This is
vocations are directed
known as the priesthood of the
towards the building up of
the Body of Christ.

.. In accord with the condition

proper to each one.
How to live a life of holiness
in relation to ones vocation?
In the priesthood of the faithful, each and every one of us is called to:
Worship God
Spread the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Serve one another and the Church
This gathering is the Church...
To carry out the will of the Father Christ
inaugurated the kingdom of heaven on
earth." Now the Father's will is "to raise up
men to share in his own divine life". He does
this by gathering men around his Son Jesus
Christ. This gathering is the Church, "on
earth the seed and beginning of that
CCC #541
The Evangelical Counsels
Christ proposes the evangelical counsels, of
practicing chastity in celibacy for the sake of
the Kingdom, poverty and obedience. It is the
profession of these counsels, within a
permanent state of life recognized by the
Church, that characterizes the life consecrated
to God.
CCC #915
The Domestic Churches"
The doors of homes, the "domestic
churches," and of the great family which is
the Church must be open to all of them. "No
one is without a family in this world: the
Church is a home and family for everyone,
especially those who 'labor and are heavy
laden. (Familiaris Consortio)'"
CCC #1658

How is priesthood of the

faithful different from
ministerial priesthood?
Christian Vocation
In the sacrament of the Holy Orders,
priests and bishops become member
of the ordained priesthood. They
participate in Christs priestly mission
in a special way. They receive the
grace to act in the name of and in the
person of Christ.
Being part of the priesthood of the
faithful in not the same as being
ordained priest. However, members
of the priesthood of the faithful work
with ordained priests to lead and
care for Gods people.
Evangelization is not only the
work of the priests but it is the
mission of all Christians.
As baptized Catholics, Jesus calls us to work for the reign of God
in whatever vocation we choose. These are some of the
vocations to which Jesus calls His people:
married people,
single people and We should recognize that the
ordained ministers. vocation to love is a calling for all that
is realize in each of the states of life.

In response to Gods call, everyone

should exercise a sincere effort to
develop ones character after that of
the Lord Jesus Christ. We should set
aside a specific portion of the day for
How to live a life
of holiness in
relation to ones
A. Consecrated Celibacy
Religious Life
B. Single Blessedness
C. Married Life
What does God
want us to do?
How will I know that
this is my vocation?

Why do we need to
serve the Church?
Are you ready
for this?
1. Background
Why are you here?
2. Interests:
3. Your thoughts on
How do you see yourself 10 years from now?
What are your resolutions to attain the vision
of the FUTURE YOU?
4. What are you hoping to get out of this
Assignment for next lesson

Make a research on the Characteristics of

Todays Youth according to Saint John Paul II.
1. Which of them do you find strong in you?
2. How could you harness them for doing
good for others now and later as a
3. What concrete activities are you regularly
doing to take of your spiritual growth
aside from Sunday Mass?
4. How effective are they in easing the
burdens of your current student life?

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