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The Voice of The I AM - 1986 - 02 - February - LQ

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By the Ascended Masters and Their Accredited Messengers,

Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Ballard


the “ Beloved Mighty I AM Presence” was given to us by the
Beloved Ascended Master Saint Germain, through His Accred­
ited Messengers, our Beloved Mr. and Mrs. Guy W. Ballard,
and is now presented to mankind under the auspices o f SAINT
The “ VOICE OF THE I AM ” is not a publication for
articles from the “ I AM ” Students, but is the Outpouring of
the Love, Light, and Illumination from the Beloved Ascended
Masters for the enlightenment of all mankind, and to bring
forth this Ascended Master Instruction o f the Fiery Christ
Truth of the “ Beloved Mighty I AM Presence.”

The “ I AM ” Religious Activity presents the Original

Ascended Master Instruction from the Teachings given in the
Books of the Saint Germain Series; in the monthly magazine,
the Voice o f the “I A M ” -, and in other material released by
Saint Germain Foundation, and distributed worldwide through
the Saint Germain Press, Inc. The “ I AM ” Activity is offered
through “ I AM ” Sanctuaries, “ I AM ” Temples, and “ I AM ”
Reading Rooms throughout the world.


Published in the U nited States o f Am erica

Beloved Goddess of Liberty!

Poem by C h an e ra ................................................... 3

Beloved Goddess of Liberty’s Discourse

Washington, D. C.—April 4, 1938 ...................... 4

Beloved Fun Wey’s Discourse

Shasta Springs, California—October 4, 1951
Record—SG 2071 A & B ........................................ 18

Excerpts by the Beloved Goddess of L ib erty ............ 34

“ I AM” Decrees by Our Beloved M a m a ..................35

New Releases ................................................................... 38

Notice of Classes............................................................. 38

* * *

“ I AM ” Religious Activity
of the

* * *

N G ELS o f the Fire! A nd

G reat G uardian o f the Flame!
All G o d ’s Fiery Legions o f
Blessed Saint G erm ain!

Com e to E arth and guard us!

Blaze Thy Pow ers through!
Come! Possess and rule us!
M ake all bow to You!

C harge us with Thy Power!

C lothe us in T hy Flame!
M ake all feel Thy M astery!
Speak G o d ’s Cosm ic Name!

All here m ust obey Thee!

This we all dem and!
W rong shall be consum ed now!
By Thy Fiery H and!

T hy Torch o f Fire before Thee!

M akes all men do right!
The E a rth does now com m and it!
By Thy G reat Fire and Might!

C hanera
Through Mr. G. W. Ballard
Washington, D.C. April 4, 1938


stant call of mankind for evidence, We have given you
tonight some evidence of what Happiness means in your
lives, individually and collectively. There is no one
particular activity that is so helpful as Happiness in the release of
Energy from your “ Presence” ; and the beauty of this is, as We
know so well, mankind can generate this Happiness at will. It is
not a thing requiring any certain condition.
Therefore remember that you are the Authority and that from
your “ Presence” comes all Happiness. You think that outer con­
ditions produce It. That is not quite correct. Sometimes it does
draw your attention to certain things that release this Energy of
Happiness, but do you know, Beloved Ones, that Happiness is
energy qualified? You are qualifying energy every moment; there­
fore why not qualify it with Happiness? Your “ Presence” then
will give you all the Happiness you require or need for any specific
activity. Then in addition to the Happiness from your “ Pres­
ence,” that Light, that Energy which is carrying Happiness to you
always contains the other Qualities which you require—for in­
stance, strength and power of achievement for that which your at­
tention is fixed upon.
Let us feel tonight, and oh, Dear Ones, when We bring your
attention to these certain points of activity in this tremendously
charged atmosphere, please charge yourself or the Power of your
“ Presence” or the Higher Mental Body to sustain that, hold Its
Activity within you forever. You would be surprised how days or
weeks later you will suddenly find the activity of this Charge re­
leased and anchored within your feeling world tonight. But oh,
how easily we forget, not the things we should forget, but the
things we want to remember. That is because of the discord that is
charged in the world of activity of mankind; but still you can sur­
mount any of these things and conditions which you find in the
outer world. Now please believe that; then you will be able to prove
it to yourselves.
You must first believe a thing and that it is possible for you,
because your “ Presence” is not limited in any way. Now then, let
us right now charge these Mighty Healing Currents to be sus­
tained, not only the building but in and through your bodies; and
let us go a step further, that you are able to project those Currents
of Healing to anyone else whom you choose. Now establish, qual­
ify, and charge That to be sustained in your world of action
tonight. Oh, let us begin and build that mighty Victory of the
Light through your human forms. If you are as determined as We
are to set you Free, you will have that Freedom quickly!
Beloved Ones, oh, if you only knew how determined We are,
and when We see your joy and happiness and your attention to the
“ Presence” of all Life, why, do you think there is anything in the
world that We would not do for you that the Law of your being
Remember, as long as you will keep your feelings harmonized
and give your Call to the “ Presence,” there is not one thing that
you cannot have. It only means a sustained feeling and Call to a
gaining of greater and greater momentum and release of Energy
from your “ Presence,” until every limiting thing will be swept
from your feeling world and you will stand forth a Being of Light
—which you are.
Why do I say that, when We see the appearance of so much
imperfection in the human form? Because I am not talking to that
imperfection. I am talking to the Power of Light that is the Light
in your human form; that is what I am talking about, and that is
what I insist on bringing into action in Its Full Power through the
flesh! Will you not join Me in that firm, powerful determination
to have that Perfection of Light which is Health in your body?
As your Blessed Lotus has said to you so many times, all man­
kind needs in the human form is more Light—and it is true, oh, so
true; because you are, the real you is composed of Light, Light-
Substance, and then this is very wonderful tonight. Take the
fullest advantage of it, and let us continue now just for a moment
before we change the attention. Remember that here in your
physical Heart is this mightiest Presence of Light anchored—Its
Currents and Rays of Light going to every cell of the body; there­
fore, as quick as you will realize this and gain the momentum of Its
Action, you will find at any moment you can direct a greater inten­
sified Current of that Light and Energy to any part of the body
and restore it to Harmony; and not only that, but dissolve cause,
effect, and record of whatever in your feeling world caused the
Now tonight let us, in this particular activity, so far as the
health condition of your body is concerned, let us take this Tube
of Light into consideration, because there is where you hold your
Dominion. Suppose I swept out of your bodies tonight every parti­
cle of discord that was there, and then you moved in the outer
world tomorrow and you met all kinds of conditions and accepted
into your world these conditions; again you would begin to experi­
ence those things over, would you not? Therefore, the need is for
the Tube of Light about you, which Invincibly prevents any more
discord striking your world, your physical body; and therefore,
then you hold the Strength, Power, the Momentum that you have
gained, and It would be sustained.
That is why, Beloved Ones, within the last few weeks an indi­
vidual called to the Messenger for assistance, and the Healing was
instantaneous. They were not anchored in the Work very much,
just a new Student, so their curiosity got the best of them, so they
thought, “ Well, I am feeling all right since the healing, but I think
I will go to the doctor and see what he says about it.” So off to the
doctor they go. Fortunately the doctor was sincere, and to her
utter amazement he examined her with the X ray and all the other
examinations, and he said, “ There is not a single thing the matter
with you.” Well, it was a fortunate thing. If he had told her that
the condition was still there she would have caused its return. That
is why, Dear People, many times people are healed completely and
instantaneously, but because there is still some effect left from the
old appearances, they begin again to accept the same thing and—
being the decreer of their world—bring on the condition again.
Dear Ones, I tell you, you can scarcely conceive, until you
have gone a little further in the comprehending of the activities of
your life and your body, how really responsible you are for the
conditions that you continually impose upon it just by the lack of
Now then, will you please study this Work? Oh, it does not
matter if you have read it fifty times, Dear Hearts; to read a thing
does not mean you comprehend it. But with a great determination,
read so you comprehend, grasp, and apply these simple, majestic
Laws which Beloved Saint Germain has given you—the most
wonderful in the World, and yet so simple that a child can under­
stand Them.
Now while We continue the talk of the evening, will you now
charge your mind, body, feeling world, and activity to hold for­
ever sustained this Charge which has been given into your being
tonight, for your perfect Health sustained, and let It do Its Perfect
Work for you and hold Its Dominion there?
In bringing to your attention the conditions of the World,
your America and Her people, when We ask you to work through
your Decrees with great firm determination, know that it is not
necessarily something that anyone should fear, but to accomplish
the Victory of the Light is good, and is but the Sustaining Power
of that Light. Now suppose tonight the Victory of the Light for
America and Its Protection was here. Well, there is still more to be
done beside that, for it means the restoration of conditions; the re­
establishing of new conditions, which is the transforming; or shall
We say for an easy understanding, turning upside down of human
conceived ideas of what has been up to this time, or until you
began to understand your “ Presence,” because the Understanding
of your “ Presence” reverses almost everything in your life.
You all know, and We must keep reminding you of these
things, as We bring out point after point for your consideration
and contemplation, that the condition of the World exists because
of mankind’s having requalified and charged this energy as it goes
forth in the world and action of mankind with discord and de­
structive qualities. Now then what is the remedy? Knowing that
you are the cause of what is in your world, then do you not have to
reverse all your concepts in order to prevent its further action?
Now just let us take these simple things that every day you
look upon—the appearance world, and there you see these limita­
tions and conditions that exist among mankind; and humanly you
would say, “ Oh dear, how in the world is that to be remedied?”
And you see individuals who you think have power either politically
or commercially and you say: “ Well, you cannot govern those in­
dividuals; you cannot govern your politics; you cannot govern
these people who are bringing” —well, to make it plain let us say,
“ deception into the world of action of mankind.” Well, if you ac­
cept that, as Students of this “ Mighty Presence,” do you not see
how you too are adding to the limitations of the World again?
You are quite a different being, Beloved Ones, from what you
were before you came to understand your own “ Presence.” Your
responsibility is greater. Therefore, if you are not strong enough to
take your stand and refuse acceptance of these various appear­
ances in the appearance world of mankind, and you continue to
accept that with your greater power which you are releasing, do
you not see then you are making yourself a part of it to the greater
destructive quality of mankind? Not that you want to do it, but if
you are involuntarily accepting these qualities after you know bet­
ter, then you have made yourself a part of adding to the W orld’s
condition, which you are calling the Powers of the “ Presence” to
set free.
Now I am speaking of this tonight because in the feeling
world of many, many individuals this is going on unknown to the
intellect; and that is why many times the Students do not have im­
mediate action to their Call for whatever it may be, because the
feeling world is still accepting these limitations.
I talked to a lady yesterday, a Student in Europe whom I have
watched over for some years, and I could only reach her through
Inspiration; but it became clear enough so I began to question her,
and I said, “ Why do you not govern your feeling world?” At first
she said to Me, “ Why surely I am ,” and I said, “ That is because
you do not see what is acting there.” Within two weeks I had
brought into her hands The Magic Presence, and with the Chart
before her, through the impelling power of her feeling, I caused
her to look at that Chart, and by the attention upon that, I was
able to cause her to comprehend that two distinct actions were
going on in her being—her intellect and her feeling world, and they
were not in harmony with each other; and I was able to have her
comprehend that. As soon as she began to take notice of it through
the attention, then she began to analyze to see how far her feeling
was from following the power of her attention, and her gratitude
was tremendous.
That is one of the few that We are able to touch in that pecu­
liar manner, clear enough to have them comprehend; but that lady
I will watch, and give her the assistance to clear the comprehension
completely. As she understands, reads the Books and gains in Ap­
plication, she will be able to determine whether her feeling is fol­
lowing the attention in the full power of that which she wishes to
have it do. And that is the need of all Students in the World today.
Not that you should become analytical, that is not the idea, but to
watch and stand guard that your feeling, to use one of your pecu­
liar expressions, that your feeling is backing up the power of your
attention—then your results will be with tremendous power and
Now this concerns not only your individual life, but your po­
litical world, your governmental activity. Why, My Dear Ones,
you want to have America protected; well physically it would be a
most difficult thing, because when you attempt—now notice this
in your individual lives as well as your governmental life—when
you physically try to do a thing, sometimes in the lack of discrimi­
nation, you say something, you do something that sets up some
form of antagonism, and you have lost your victory physically.
When you issue these Mighty Decrees to act in the mental and
feeling world of mankind, there is no human resistance. Then do
you not see when the feeling world of your governmental officials,
your industrial officials, becomes quiet, then the Powers of their
“ Presence,” through each one’s Higher Mental Body, will take
advantage of that and operate in their feeling world the Activity of
these Mighty Decrees, Dear People.
Oh, do you not see how magnificent is your privilege in issu­
ing these Mighty Decrees? When you issue Them in the vibratory
action and power which you have today, now in the great release
of that power and energy, oh, you have no idea! You Students of
Washington, you have been doing wonderful, blessed work, and
of course now all of the Students of the World are issuing these
Mighty Decrees for the Perfection of the government, the indus­
trial activities. W on’t you feel now and forever the immeasurable
Limitless Power of these Mighty Decrees acting in the mental and
feeling world, to produce these results in the government, the in­
dustrial world, that you need—that mankind must have to allow
this great Perfection to come into action in the world of mankind?
Tonight as this great Energy was released in this room, in the
number of people that are here, the Mighty Victory, the Great Di­
vine Director, the Mighty Astrea, the Queen of Light, and Others
are utilizing this Energy while I am speaking to you, with tremen­
dous Power in your city. We are charging This into the mental and
feeling world of all the Students of the World, to know This, feel
what I am saying to you, that more assurance, more confidence
may be given into the feeling world of the Students, in the tremen­
dous work they are actually accomplishing.
If you will allow Me, through your feeling world, I will en­
deavor to convey into your feeling world the comprehension of
This, because words do not, could not describe what is being done.
But I call your attention to it for the great encouragement it should
be as you go on and on in the adding to your Groups and the issu­
ing of these Decrees.
But Beloved Ones, in your Group Work, may I suggest that
all of it become so dignified, so admirable, that everyone will want
to come again; that all the joy that you experience will enter into
and flood their being and world with its full power.
Again tonight the Great Divine Director has enfolded you in
that Great Light from the Cave of Light in India, to glorify your
activity of the future with the Power which is contained in that
Light. He wishes Me—the Great Divine Director wishes Me—to
give you just a little more explanation tonight of what that means.
The Messenger himself has not known this, but the Light drawn in
the Cave of Light at Chananda’s Home in India is a consciously
drawn and focused Power of the Cosmic Light. It is not just as you
would term a natural activity that is there, but is a concentrated
Power of Light for century upon century; and especially in Its
present intensity for more than five hundred centuries. Therefore,
that is how and why He is able to draw This in Its less intensified
activity and enfold you, since you cannot be there.
Do you think, Beloved Ones, that these Great Beings of Light
would take their time from Cosmic Activities to give this Assist­
ance to the Earth if it were not possible for you to give the re­
sponse and obedience that would enable Them to accomplish for
you and through you what is necessary for the Protection of
America? Do you not see, Beloved Ones, that it is only by the re­
lease of your energy from the human structure, the physical body,
through your Call, that gives the connection to the Great Cosmic
Light by which They may amplify and do this Service for the
Earth; otherwise, your Call would not be necessary!
But it is not only your Call, and that is why the Messengers
and various Ones have urged you to step up the vibratory action of
your Decrees and Songs; because then you do release from your
own body a certain quality of energy that is carried with the
Energy from your “ Presence,” that makes it possible to release
this great Power from the Octaves of Light to render this Service
to the Earth that cannot be rendered otherwise.
I think today that is one of the important things for the
Students to understand. The Messengers have not expressed that
specifically until within the last two, three, or four Classes; but I
feel tonight, in observing the conditions, that it is a splendid point.
I shall endeavor to bring this point out in every Class so that the
people will begin to realize that the Service they are rendering, not
only in issuing the Decrees, but with a Vibratory Action that re­
leases energy from the atomic structures of your bodies—enough
of that will give the connection that They need to qualify and
release the greater Power which is Theirs, into the atmosphere of
Earth for the requirements that are there. This We will also charge
into the consciousness and feeling world of the other Students
throughout America.
It is quite a wonderful thing to see how individuals at certain
points in Europe who, seeing and knowing the conditions that
have existed and do exist, have been calling—they do not know
why, but they have been calling to the Powers of Light; and that
very Call to the Powers of Light brought them in contact with this
Work of Beloved Saint Germain. And through that It is spreading
like lightning from individual to individual, among certain groups
of people—and some of them in official places—that We hope will
do a tremendous work.
If We can get enough of this Idea of the “ Presence” circulat­
ing in Europe, it will be a thousand times easier to stem the tide
and hold the Protection for America, and that is what We are en­
deavoring to do. That is why Saint Germain has scarcely left
Europe, except to come for a few hours for something; but He is
finishing His Work, so He is ready to be here for the opening of
the Class, which He never fails to do. I mention these things for
your encouragement, for your strength, and for the quality of feel­
ing that must be anchored in your feeling world that you will not
just parrot words—you are not just having a good time. On the
other hand, you are not overworking yourselves, but as many of
you have discovered when you get your Decrees and singing above
a certain tempo, there is no such thing as being tired or exhausted.
It generates an Enthusiasm, Joy and Power, and such an intense
release of the Energy that you receive ten times what you release.
That means that your feeling world is being charged with a
supply of Energy for any emergency. I have seen, many times,
when our Beloved Lotus asked the people to charge themselves
with ten times more than they needed, and to many people that
sounded ridiculous; but let Me tell you, it is not. If you do not
have reserve energy in an emergency, where are you going to be?
That is very important.
Suppose you are calling for ten times the money that you
need. Does that too sound ridiculous? Well one day you will find it
is not; just the same condition prevails. There are hundreds of in­
stances in the lives of individuals when a certain emergency comes,
through no cause of theirs, in which added energy, additional
money is required; and if they sincerely called for ten times what
they need, they would always have enough for an emergency.
Suppose they wanted to go to the Shrine Class; the money
would be there to go. I am determined tonight to anchor for con­
stant use in your feeling world—your “ Presence” is the All-power
to release into your hands and use, money or whatever else is re­
quired for any constructive purpose. It is true, and there is not one
of you who cannot call it forth. Suppose you want to go to the
Shrine Class—why shouldn’t you? If you take your firm, deter­
mined stand now, the money would be there, abundance to care
for you. But also complete your Application, not only for your ex­
penses there and back, but while you are there and ten times more
than you need while you are there.
I am determined, Blessed Ones, that you lose tonight your hu­
man concepts and financial limitations. Blessed Ones, call your
“ Presence” silently to take out of your feeling world the last parti­
cle of the human sense of financial limitation. Your “ Presence” is
the Treasure House of the Universe, and if you will just call the
“ Presence” to dismiss from your world, dissolve and consume
cause, effect, and record of that which has caused you to feel fi­
nancial or money limitation, then when you call for the money re­
leased, it will come.
Let us repeat tonight again concerning this point. When you
call to your “ Presence,” the Treasure House of your world, well,
it does not mean necessarily that It is going to release coin, gold, or
greenbacks into your hand precipitated; but it means that in that
Call to the Treasure House of your “ Presence,” the Love, Wis­
dom, and Power of your “ Presence” will act to produce condi­
tions in the world of mankind, including yourself, in perfect Di­
vine Order and Divine Justice, to have released into your hands the
money you require. It cannot fail—it is impossible. Therefore, to­
night please accept It and let that Charge be sustained in your feel­
ing world to act there forever.
Oh, Dear Ones, once you see and feel and realize that all that
has held the use of things from you, has been your own limiting
concepts concerning that! It is true. There is no other cause in the
world. It is not persons, places, or conditions, not at all; but just
your own self. It is all very wonderful, Beloved Ones, so very won­
derful and so easy—all struggle ceases. Oh, you know how you
have worked, how you have struggled to keep a roof over your
head, clothes to wear, and something to eat? Well, if you can only
accept the loving Radiation that I am pouring into your world
tonight, you will be able to dismiss forever the feeling of money
limitations in your world. I want you to do it. I want you to feel
free, at ease; then as the Power, the Currents of Energy from your
“ Presence” are released, It will do Its work, perform Its Service
quickly for you. Then as you see one Answer after another to your
Calls, there arises from within, that great courage, strength, and
confidence that holds you so firmly within its grasp, that no longer
do the human concepts intrude to frighten you or cause you to be­
come distrustful of the Powers of your own Life.
I want you to please understand this magnificent Point of
Truth concerning the conditions that are prevalent today. You
take officials that are not honest, politicians who are not honest,
all that kind of thing that is going on and always has in the world.
Do you not think their Higher Mental Body, their “ Presence”
wants them to be honest and just, just the same as you do? Now
look! Please grasp this point with the fullness of your being! You
are one of the individualized Presence of Life in the human octave;
or in other words, you are this many people individualized by the
Powers of Light in the human octave. You who are here, oh, any
one of you have the full Authority and Power to call to all the
Powers of Light for the release of all mankind from human selfish­
ness, discord, and all those qualities that are not the Perfection of
the “ Presence.”
Now then, do you not see what your Decrees are doing in that
authority? As the Messenger, for instance, is conveying My Words
to you through sound, he has the authority, and often exercises it
in the Class, to issue a Decree for the freedom of mankind; be­
cause that authority going forth for one who feels and wants the
freedom of mankind honestly and sincerely, is the authority for
that release of Power for all mankind, for the very reason I men­
tion—that the “ Presence,” the Higher Mental Body of everyone
rejoices so exceedingly at everyone’s Call for the freedom of man­
kind that goes forth in the mental and feeling world of mankind,
and everyone feels that. The Higher Mental Body of every one of
those individuals takes up that Call, takes up that Energy and
charges It into the feeling world, just the same as if that individual
made the Call themselves, except perhaps a little less powerful.
Because if you as an individual will make an intense Call for
the release of the Power and Perfection of your “ Presence,” it is
the direct Call which perhaps would release a little more intensified
activity than someone calling for you; but I mean so far as the au­
thority from the human octave and the Call of Light is concerned,
that Power is there within every individual for the rest of mankind,
because you are one Presence, you are one Substance, Intelligence,
one Light individualized in and through every human form.
That is why these Mighty Decrees are doing such tremendous
work for mankind, and that is why these Manifestations in the sky
take place, and there are many that have taken place that mankind
have not noticed because they are busy in other things. You cannot
sit up all night to watch the sky all the time. But if mankind would
charge themselves to be alert to all these Manifestations, then
many times hundreds would be prompted at the moment and con­
tact and observe that Manifestation. But ere long you won’t have
to be worrying about that; you will see plenty without having to
watch for it, and you will have plenty of Them acting right in your
own world if you are sincere in your Call to your “ Presence.”
Oh, I want to say to you tonight, Beloved Ones, this is a most
joyful occasion. Wonderful! As the Good Messenger said when
the healing manifested to him, you don’t know what you have
done tonight! Oh, Beloved Ones, it is so gratifying to see how you
are really feeling Our Reality and closeness. Our visits to these
Groups have been the most wonderful thing. My Dear People, I
don’t know why you do, but you feel closer to Us in these Groups than
you do in the Classes; you do, and it is wonderful, because it prepares
you for the Mighty Radiation that is there, that gives you perhaps ten
times the blessing and benefit you would have otherwise; and that is
why We have taken advantage of these opportunities to do this extra
work, Service, for the blessed ones.
Will you retrace your steps, just a few, not many, with Me for
a few moments and go back just ten years ago, and see the condi­
tions that existed then and the difference in you and your world to­
day; or even in three and a half years for that matter. I tell you,
Beloved Ones, if you saw the change in your feeling world, there is
not anything that could contain your joy and happiness; and won’t
you feel that confidence, please, going on and on until the fullness
of it outpictures?
All of this is a cleansing, purifying activity from within out,
and there is only just this thin shell outside yet that remains just a
little unresponsive; but it has to give way, just has to do it! As you
stand firm and unyielding, all of a sudden even the shell will dis­
solve and disappear; then the Light will take Its Dominion in your
world. What a wonderful thing!
Shall I draw to your attention, since We have touched upon
this condition of health tonight, that in the outer surface of your
flesh structure—perhaps I should make it clearer by saying within
the skin of your body in most of the Students is the only part that
is really not responding. Now that is not a thing to be defined and
by that do not give it any importance; but I am trying to convey to
you that just in the periphery of your flesh body is the only ob­
struction that remains yet of any consequence. So as you continue
your Call to the “ Presence” and call forth the Intensification of
Light and Energy, and use the Violet Consuming Flame, you will
find all that disappears, and then the very Radiance, the Power of
Light going forth into your world will cause such a complete and
perfect action in your Call to the “ Presence” that you will see the
evidence constantly before you! Therefore, have complete confi­
dence in your Call to the “ Presence” for the result you require.
That is a magnificent thing, and I am sure tonight you are compre­
hending these points, and will hold them in your comprehension
for constant use forever in your onward journey and the Perfec­
tion of Life, your Life, the most Wondrous, Glorious Being of
Light, your own God Presence, the “ Mighty I A M ,” the Presence
of all Light, the Presence of all Life, the Governor of the Universe,
as well as your individual Life.
You have anchored within your own Heart the Power, the Do­
minion of Light that knows no opposite, therefore, making you the
Victory of Light. And as the Great Being Victory has offered to
charge into your world His Victory of the Light, just accept It with
your own conscious effort, and remember that never in the history
of the Earth has mankind been so privileged or received so great an
assistance as at this time, because of the great need of the World.
So tonight, We enfold you in that Mantle of Light from your
own “ Presence” with Its Invincible Protection, Its Mighty Direct­
ing Intelligence, Its Outpouring of Divine Love and Blessing
through your mind, body, and feeling world, and no longer can a
single quality come that is not the Perfection of the “ Presence”
pouring forth Its Blessing everywhere. Just know that you are the
“ Presence,” the Power, the Freedom, the Victory of the Light
now and forever holding Its Dominion within your mind, body,
feeling world, and activity, that produces forever sustained the
Perfection of your “ Presence” in your world throughout the
Earth. We thank Thee, O Great Presence of all Life, that It is so
established forever, All-powerfully active within each one forever.


Beloved Godfre:
The Demand o f the Cosmic Law, the Great Divine Plan o f
Life, is that the activities o f the outer self become a Sun, a Radiat­
ing Center through which the “Mighty I A M Presence” o f your­
self, the Physical Sun, and the Great Central Sun can forever send
forth Greater Honor to your Source, the “Beloved Mighty I A M
Presence. ”
The purpose o f Individualization is that the outer self may be­
come a Sun Presence o f the Sacred Fire’s Expanding Love, which
glorifies all Life, all substance, and all energy in the use o f the
outer self with the Perfection o f the Great Central Sun from
whence you came; and i f you fulfill the Great Divine Plan o f all
Action, you automatically attain the Ascension harmoniously and
without passing through the change called “death. ”


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