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Magical Witchcraft

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Discover Spiritual Living on the Ancient Path
of Witchcraft - Simple Everyday Rituals &

Sharon Ramel 1st Edition

Merry Meet .......................................................... 3
Welcome home dear ones ..................................................... 3
The Creed .............................................................5
This Ancient Path ................................................ 6
The Magical Toolbox ........................................... 7
The Elements .....................................................15
The Phases of the Moon ....................................26
The Waxing Moon ...............................................................29
Seasonal Rites ....................................................32
Introduction ........................................................................ 32
Spell casting for Yule ...................................................................................................... 34

Yule Rituals ......................................................................... 34

Nordic Prayer.................................................................................................................. 36

Brigid to Ingrained to Delete! ............................................ 38

Imbolc Ritual ...................................................................... 38
Ostara .................................................................41
Ostara Ritual This is a great time to celebrate the rebirth of
the soil and the land............................................................43
Prayer for the Spring and our Earth Mother ....................45
General Guides and References .......................70
Merry Meet
Welcome home dear ones
It is often said that we have a deep knowing, waiting for us to come home to. We spend a
life time searching, not realising it resides within our hearts, our souls and it vibrates in
unison with the all living things.

Throughout the great flow of life and through all cultures, the stories have been told. The
rituals, the rites resonating though time as the caretakers of wisdom protected and
continued the sacred work even during the darkest of times.

Our Mother Earth needs you now no matter whether you walk in London town or the
Serengeti, paddle down the Amazon to sit by the sacred waters or Karijini. We are being
called to remember the great circle of life, to once again listen to the hum of the trees and
go the flow - the rhythm of life itself.

“When a civilization forgets that we live under a roof of stars, we have

forgotten who we truly are. From whence we came and where we will

In the beginning and at the end we truly everything and nothing - cells that organised and
incarnated then return after our brief encounter with this life is done.

Let us draw in together under the protective cloak of the sacred space we have here, give
thanks for our blessings, our courage, our strength, our love, our losses, give thanks for
everything as we walk into natures garden and ask if we may once again play.

Please know that I am Australian - I spell differently to those souls who reside in the
Americas. Plus the Full moon section is to be added….AND dear friends - this is my first
time using this format… I will tidy up the presentation over the coming two weeks.
Extra resources for this course are available on my Youtube Channel, website and there is
a Facebook page dedicated to this course offering.
The Creed
Bide within the law I must
In perfect love and perfect trust
Live you must and let live
Fairly take and fairly give
Light of eye and soft of touch
Speak you little listen much
Honour the old ones in deed and name
Let love and light be our guides again
Merry meet and merry part
Bright the cheeks and warm the heart
Mind the threefold laws you should
Three times bad and three times good
These eight words the rede fulfil
An it harm none, do what ye will
This Ancient Path
Gods & Goddesses
While some traditions of Wicca and Paganism honour an all-encompassing "The God" or
"The Goddess", others worship specific deities. There is a vast pantheon of deities out
there. It is beyond the scope of this introductory course to welcome them all here.
However your own curiosity will breathe the magic you need to see to reveal them to you.
Blessed be.

Why Cast A Circle

Simple - it is very helpful when casting a spell to create a sacred ritual space, and casting a
circle is a fabulous way to do this. It helps to protect and ward off your very own monkey
mind and external distracting energies, plus it helps you to gently move into a ritual state
of mind. Not everyone casts a circle in the same way and often it’s best to experiment a bit
and find what works for you. It becomes a sacred space like no other.

I always like to take a few moments to meditate or simply focus on my breathing to let go
and be ready. Take your time and when your magical circle is cast, proceed with your ritual
however always try to be aware of your circle. Do your best to not forgot about it and
stepped outside. If you do step backwards out of your circle and bow your head with
your hands in prayer position. Reverse this when you re-enter your circle.

A Personal Sacred Circle

Draw this delicious magical circle around you, this is deeply nurturing, protective veil from
above and below. This is a fabulous opportunity to heal and to ask for what you truly
need. Hope I do not sound like a cracked record already, however prepare with a little
meditation and a drink of water before you begin. Acknowledge that you are sacred as
one with the universe (do not worry if you do not feel you are at present - simply saying it
out loud or too yourself it a terrific way to start re-framing and re-naming your

In this ritual we open our sacred space and draw the circle around our being - either
physically or in our mids eye. We truly become one. We create a rich circle of light that
radiates wisdom and peace, you will literally feel the circles weaving around you as you
draw them. The more anchored you are when you enter the circle the better - you want to
feel connected and grounded with our Earth Mother whilst drawing in the divine energies
from above.

This is a great example to show you that magic is literally here, there and everywhere.

Know that everything is sacred and it is everywhere - around you, in you, throughout all of

The Magical Toolbox

Welcome to your Magic Toolbox.
May I say up front you do not have to go out and purchase tools. There is plenty within
your home that you can craft and use to help you on your sacred path.

Amazing Athame’s
I personally use my Athames / Ritual Sword - I have two that you will see) to determine
and focus my will and power to a very specific purpose. My larger masculine athame is very
powerful and does not like to be neglected. These tools have their own power and wielded
correctly bring love and magic to your side. Please do not use they as props - they are a
direct aid in helping you discover something sacred, something pure, something beautiful
that is manifesting just for you - in perfect love and perfect trust.
Cast circle about yourself and call the four directions of east, north, west and south. Sit in
front of your altar with the athame in the centre of your working space. When you are
ready, focus on your athame and say:

"I cleanse and purify this tool of my Craft from all past energies and negativity." Quietly
see that all the past associations of your knife and any potential negative energies are
leaving the knife and your circle.

"Spirits of Earth, bless this athame by the steel of it's blade, to lend strength and stability
to my magic and work."

Sprinkle some salt onto the blade and handle of your athame.

"Spirits of Air, bless this knife with the power to direct my magic on the journey I send it, as
it alone may penetrate through space and time."

Pass your athame over the incense if you are using it.

The say:

"Spirits of Fire, who forged this blade, bless my athame to be the instrument of my Will,
free of negative influences and pure in it's direction of my energies."

Wave your athame through the light of the candle flame.

"Spirits of Water, bless my magical athame as a tool used with love, with respect and
serving the great mysteries. May all spells it casts be within the natural rules of using the

Sprinkle water over the athame.

Now say:

"I bless this Athame in the names of my (name your Spirit guides) that it may be true to the
Will of my spirit, to be a powerful tool of the God tempered with the intuition of the

In perfect love and in trust, In peace and in wisdom,

I bless this tool of my faith, So mote it be.”

Wondrous Wands
You can find a small stick from the outside world and decorate it, just as a teaser of what
you can use. Look around and you will see there is magic in the air and wands are literally
everywhere you seek. 

Please turn to the East and hold your wand up high and introduce it to the East, speak
whatever words spontaneously come to you at this time, then pass the tool through the
incense and say,

"by the powers of East I charge you! by the element of Air I

consecrate you!"

Stay with the element for a moment and feel the energy being imbued upon your tool.
Thank the energy of East.

Please turn to the South and hold your wand up high and introduce the wand to the
South and speak whatever words naturally come to you, then pass the tool through the
candlelight and say,

" by the powers of South I charge you! By the element of Fire I

consecrate you!"

Stay with the element for a moment and feel the energy being gifted to your wand, Thank
the energy of the South.

Please turn to the West and hold your wand up to introduce it to the West, once again
speak any words that freely flow, then sprinkle a little of the water on the tool and say,

"by the powers of West I charge you! By the element of Water I

consecrate you!"

Stay with the element for a moment and feel the energy building in your wand. Thank the
energy of the West.

Please turn to the North and hold your wand up high and introduce it to the North, again
speak freely about your wand, then sprinkle some of the dirt over the tool and say,

"by the powers of North I charge you! By the element of Earth I

consecrate you!"
Stay with the element for a moment and feel the energy of Earth being imbued upon your
wand, Thank the energy of the North.

Now move to the centre of your circle and hold your wand up high, introduce it to Great
Spirit and any spirit guides that you may have that you invited, speak any words that move
you, then take up the oil and place a drop on the tool and say,

"By the powers of Great Spirit I charge you! By the element of Ether I
consecrate you! and by the will of myself and the energy of the God
and Goddess I do now bless thee!"

Stay with this energy for a moment and feel the energy of Great Spirit being imbued upon
your wand. Now Thank the Goddess and the God, perhaps leave an offering of some kind,
and bid them farewell. Uncast your circle...and your done, so mote it will be!

Creative Cauldrons
Cauldrons are a multi purpose pot indeed - from cooking the smudging to burning a ritual
fire they are be used anywhere. If you are in Australia please be aware of our fire
restrictions, although representing the west, the water and the womb we use them to light
fires - that are put out by the water! Please know that a cup or a chalice may also be used
on the magical path to represent the element of water. Magic indeed.

Please turn to the East and hold your wand up high and introduce your cauldron to the
East, speak whatever words spontaneously come to you at this time, then pass the tool
through the incense and say,

"by the powers of East I charge you! by the element of Air I

consecrate you!"

Stay with the element for a moment and feel the energy being imbued upon your tool.
Thank the energy of East.

Please turn to the South and hold your wand up high and introduce the cauldron to the
South and speak whatever words naturally come to you, then pass the tool through the
candlelight and say,
" by the powers of South I charge you! By the element of Fire I
consecrate you!"

Stay with the element for a moment and feel the energy being gifted to your cauldron,
Thank the energy of the South.

Please turn to the West and hold your cauldron up to introduce it to the West, once again
speak any words that freely flow, then sprinkle a little of the water on the tool and say,

"by the powers of West I charge you! By the element of Water I

consecrate you!"

Stay with the element for a moment and feel the energy building in your cauldron. Thank
the energy of the West.

Please turn to the North and hold your cauldron up high and introduce it to the North,
again speak freely about your wand, then sprinkle some of the dirt over the tool and say,

"by the powers of North I charge you! By the element of Earth I

consecrate you!"

Stay with the element for a moment and feel the energy of Earth being imbued upon your
cauldron, Thank the energy of the North.

Now move to the centre of your circle and hold the cauldron up high, introduce it to Great
Spirit and any spirit guides that you may have that you invited, speak any words that move
you, then take up the oil and place a drop on the tool and say,

"By the powers of Great Spirit I charge you! By the element of Ether I
consecrate you! and by the will of myself and the energy of the God
and Goddess I do now bless thee!"

Stay with this energy for a moment and feel the energy of Great Spirit being imbued upon
your cauldron. Now Thank the Goddess and the God, perhaps leave an offering of some
kind, and bid them farewell. Uncast your circle...and your done, so mote it will be!

Sturdy Staffs
Whittle away whittle away whittle away by the magical power of three. Go out into nature
and a staff will be granted to thee. Magic Earth, magical home, blessed are we.
This spell is for blessing a staff you may have just made. Many prefer to use oak branches,
since oak trees are considered the most divine of all trees however I have an amazing staff
whittled out of a strong branch that fell from a lemon scented gum. Feel free to use
whatever you have available locally.

However we are going to perform this blessing it with our imaginative realm staff - see and
feel your staff in your hand.

Gather three leaves from a nearby tree as it is such a fabulous magical number. You will
have one leaf for you, one for the staff and one to set free.

Now call to your spirit guides, then say words of your choice to bless your staff. Maybe
you would like to create a spell beforehand. With the leaves, you will want to once again
puncture the leaf, this time make the cuts close to the veins of the leaf. The first one, you
use on you, rub the moisture/energy onto your intake hand. The second leaf puncture it
along the veins, but rub it along your staff, until there is a green hue on the staff. This
helps the energy stay bound to the staff longer since the oil from the leaf will seep into the
wood. Then take the other leaf, and thank it for its energy and cast it into the air. And
there you have it - a simple blessing for you staff!

Other Magical Tools

This world is truly magic - look around and you will see there is magic is the air. What are
you focusing on right now, go to it and ask it if it is sacred to thee - it will be, as you have
been called - do not be blind and see through the layers to another time and world that is
calling you now.

Magical Homes
I don't know about you, but my home is a magical haven, a sanctuary that when you arrive
you are transported on the fairy wings of love and respect. Magic is everywhere and
nowhere more than your own home. 
As witches we are responsible for all of our actions and are beholden to care for our Earth
mother. Any small action you do is appreciated from rejecting plastic bags at the
supermarket and eating wisely! Engage and your heart will direct you.

Balance Ritual
This is a beautiful magic simple ritual to bring you into peace and harmony, balance is the
aim. As above so below. Call it what you may bringing balance into your life is the gateway
to another way of living a more authentic life. Please do this ritual with me.

Book of Shadows
You will often hear witches talk about something called a Book of Shadows. To be honest I
did not know whether to place this with the sacred tools or in our sacred home here. This
is a growing book that transforms over time into an informational book that you may wish
to use to store snippets of relevant information about your developing magic path. 

Purists believe that it should be written by hand and many have books passed down to
them by family members (I do not). However as a witch who embraces technology I find
these days that I use a book app on my iPad (backed up to the magic of iCloud no less.
Quite appropriate don't you think that the clouds who bring the wisdom that is
then whispered to us by the winds. This use of technology is spurned by some as the
book you create is a sacred tool. However again I demure as I blessed my iPad when she
cam to me and consider her as sacred as my favourite coffee mug and old teddy bear.  

If you are crafty you can have a lot of fun birthing this book. You can cut up the manual
and paste spells and ritual right into it. Know that the words that come to you freely are
the best that I know. Make it simple of make it fancy, it really is your choice. However do
not forget that this Book Of Shadows is a magical object and should be treated

You can also treat your course manual as a Book of Shadows as it contains the "nuts and
bolts" of this course. Maybe purchase a loose leaf binder then you can add and subtract
along the way. A Book of Shadows is an invaluable keepsake containing information
gathered along your sacred path. You can easily purchase one already made online these
days. However it is much more fun to craft and create your own. I have three and they are
a celebratory mix of a great years years of spells and recipes for healing foods and more.
The magic of the herbal garden and more is all within these pages of mine.

However I must confess that I have not kept accurate record of where and when
information came to me. Given this is a oral tradition such intricacies as copyright never
occurred to me as I was hunting and gathering. Many now claim great works of words,
however to me they are a gift to be shared by all who come with an open heart and
inquiring mind. 

About Altars
Why We Build Altars 
Different people build altars for different reasons. Some build them to honour their
ancestors or remember a friend. Some use these as a creative kind of therapy. They build
altars to support them in building a new life for themselves or to help them get through an
illness or other challenges. Some altars are built for support and others are for release. 

Some people use altars as centre points for meditation or ritual. Other people build altars,
which are artistic or activist in nature. Some altars are memorial, while others are
subversive. Some altars are built to honour deities, and some to honour self. Some altars
are built at demonstrations, events and marches and can take on a very political tone.
Some are built in natural areas to celebrate and connect with our divine Mother Earth, and
these contain nothing foreign to that space. 

Some altars are meant to last the length of a ritual or holiday season, while others are with
us for years. An altar is not merely a construct on a high, square, flat table. Some altars are
small and fit into our wardrobes. Some altars are large. Some are round and some have
several levels. Some altars are built indoors and others can only exist outdoors. Some are
in temples and some are in trees. Some altars are so large that we can stand within them.
They are not only a part of sacred space, they actually are sacred space itself. Some of
these installations become a kind of shrine. 
The Elements
When all the elements of Earth, Water, Air, Fire, and Spirit are aligned in your creations,
they come into form, almost, magically. This level of harmony and alignment between the
forces provides a powerful synergy that draws the creation into form.

Prayer to The ELEMENTS

Great Spirit that binds the Elements of Life

Lend me your wisdom in my times of great strife

Guide my feet upon my path this very day

Illuminate my Heart and show me the way

By the Earth, the Water, the Air and the Fire

Bring me round to my hearts desire

Your Strength and Fortitude I need

Your ancient words I honour and heed

Thy great protection I humbly ask

As I embark on my life and fulfil my tasks

As you bind and encircle and unite

Aid me throughout the day and the night

With great reverence I honor thee

Encircle me now!

Element of Earth Meditation

Prior to the Meditation, sit quietly facing North. Your body is earth. You are earth. Bend
your knees a little and feel your feet firm on the ground. Sense the weight of your body,
it's physicality. Give thanks for the way Earth sustains you and provides material
blessings. notice first of all those aspects of the body that they can directly experience:
the physical presence and weight of the body, the feeling of the sitting bones pressing
into the cushion or bench, the hands resting on the lap, the knees on the floor, the teeth.
We simply notice these experiences of solidness.

But as well as noticing those sensations we enter into an imaginative exploration of the rest
of the body. Even though we can’t experience them directly, look inside to your flesh,
sinews, bones, bone-marrow, kidneys, heart, liver, diaphragm, and every other
conceivable solid matter in the body. We don’t think about these things but simply call
them to mind, knowing they are there and experiencing them in the mind’s eye.

Having reflected on the Earth element within, we now call to mind the Earth element
externally — everything that is solid and resistant outside of ourselves — starting with the
floor upon which we sit, then expanding outward to recall buildings, vehicles, roads,
mountains, rocks, pebbles, soil, the bodies of other beings, trees, wild plants and crops
growing in fields. Again we don’t aim to start trains of thought, but simply aim to evoke
memories in the form of sensory impressions, letting images, sounds, and tactile
sensations come to mind.

Then we reflect that everything solid within the body and everything solid externally is the
same Earth element. There’s really no “me” Earth element or “other” Earth element — it’s
all the same stuff. We normally think of our form, our body, as being us, as being
ourselves, but here we recollect how everything of the Earth element that is within us
comes from outside and returns to the outside.

Imagine the pure wonder that you body started with the creation of one cell from the
fusion of a sperm and an egg from your parents, who are not you. The fertilised ovum
divided and grew into an embryo as it absorbed nutrients from the world outside — from
your mother’s bloodstream, but ultimately from the plants and animals she ate. And from
that point on in your life, every molecule that has contributed to the earth element in this
body similarly has come from outside. We can visualise the flow of the Earth element from
fields and soil into the body. There’s not a single molecule of solid matter within this body
that is self-originated. It’s all borrowed.
And we have to give it back. In fact we constantly are giving it back, every moment of our
lives. The Earth element within us is constantly returning to the outside world. We shed
hairs and skin cells. Solid matter is combusting within the body and being exhaled. Even
our bones, which we may think of as the most solid and enduring part of the body, are
involved in never-ending process of being dissolved and rebuilt. There are cells in your
body that have no other function than to dissolve the surrounding bone, while other cells
are involved in building it back up again. Even your bones are processes rather than

So the Earth element within is borrowed, and it’s always returning to the outside world,
flowing through us like a river. And as we recollect the Earth element flowing in this way, we
can reflect: “This is not me, not mine, I am not this.” There’s not really even any question of
“letting go.” The earth element never was “us.” It never was “ours.” We never were holding
on to it because how can we cling to something that’s flowing?

ELEMENT - Earth Invocation

O Great Spirit of Earth, from which all life springs

Upon whom we rejoice and dance and sing!

From the North ye hail with your pulse of Life

You bring Strength and Security in our times of Strife

You are our Foundation and our Home from which all life grows

You nurture and ground us as your deep life force flows

With your beautiful greens and rich, deep browns

Your vibrant tapestry of life around us abounds

I bow before you as I honour thee

Lend me your comforting Stability

May I stay grounded upon my path this day

May I walk in your footsteps as I go my way

May we care for you and only take what we need

Let us not be driven by want and greed

May we cherish and honour the place of our birth

Our Blessed, Beautiful Mother Earth!

The Element of AIR - Meditation

Prior to the Meditation, sit quietly facing the East. Becoming conscious of the air as it
flows in and out of your lungs. Drop deep inside and really feel the flow of the air, Allow
the Air within you to connect to the Air around you. Feel the air fill your lungs as you
breath in, sense the air become part of you. Think how the power of Air is expressed in
your life; communication, thought, ideas. Give thanks for all the wonders the Element of
Air symbolises for you. We’re taking in and giving out this element right now. Right now the
Air element is entering and leaving the body as we breathe in and out. Right now, air is
entering, oxygen is dissolving in the bloodstream, being taken to cells to provide energy,
and carbon dioxide is being exhaled.

There’s no boundary between inner Air and outer Air. There is only one Air element, and
what’s within us is simply borrowed for a few moments. We can’t hold onto the Air element
any more than we can hold onto any of the others. In fact we can only live by letting go,
never by holding on. To hold on is to die. And so we reflect that the Air element, like the
other physical elements, is not me, not mine, that I am not this.

By this point in the practice I’m usually beginning to sense in a very immediate way the
impermanent, transient nature of the body. I have a heightened appreciation that what I
normally assume to be a relatively fixed and solid physical form is actually a dynamic
process. I often find myself thinking that to watch the elements flow through this body is
rather akin to sitting by a river. I can watch the water pass “my” stretch of the riverbank,
and I say “that’s me, that’s me,” but in every moment of claiming, of grasping, what I’m
trying to cling to flows inexorably past. Clinging is futile, and painful. Letting go is to
recognise how things are.

There’s a sense of curiosity, wonder, and openness. The world is more alive. I’m less
attached to my physical form, and my sense of identification has expanded outwards;
everything that has ever passed through my body — the solid matter, air, water, and
energy — is now “out there” in the form of fields, clouds, forests, and soil. In a way those
things are me. And because this very body is made of these same things, I am them. Having
this direct sense of interconnectedness is enlivening and empowering. I’m no longer
separate and small, but an intimate part of the vast cycle of the elements.

Bring In A Travel Spell.

Want to get out there and see the world? This is an easy spell to help bring more travel
opportunities into your life. It's a great example of an air spell. You will need:

• A small hand fan

• Dish of fresh mint

• A feather The
fan should be the kind you wave and the feather should be small and light. I hope that's
all nice and clear now. Lean over the dish of mint, and breathe in the smell. Visualise
yourself in different places, seeing different landscapes. Toss the little feather in the air,
and use the fan to blow it around the room. Try to keep it airborne as you see the winds
of chance also moving you to new places in the near future. Let the feather land in the
mint, then take a few more breaths of the minty aroma. Each morning take a deep breath
of it again, and picture yourself seeing new sights

Get your creativity flowing with this easy spell.

First gather

• Dried lavender flowers

• Lavender oil

• Something to symbolise your art or craft. Set this item on your altar, and rub a little
lavender oil on it. Sprinkle a handful of lavender blossoms over it while you repeat the
following words aloud:
Muse of art
Muse of sound

Muse of thought

Gather 'round

I ask for power

For shining light


In this rite

Leave the item on your altar until you've found that new burst of creative energy.

The Element of - AIR Invocation

O Great Element of Air, Of the Winds and the Breeze

Ye that carries the Birds and rustles the Trees

Bringer of Life! From the East ye hail

Where the sailor waits and sets his sail

I bow before you as I honor thee

Lend me your Strength and Prosperity

Ye that fans the Blessed Fire

Work my will, by my Desire!

Upon my path this very day

Aid me as I walk our way

Blow away all negativity

All doubt, and worry away from me

Mind be open, bright and clear

Free from lifes stresses and fears

This I humbly ask of thee

As thy winds blow and caress me

The Element of Fire

Meditation for the Element of Fire

Allow the fire within your body to connect to the eternal elemental Fire. Sense the fire
within your cells as they burn up carbohydrates to keep you alive. Honour and give thanks
for the power of Fire in your life; courage, passion, energy. Experience the heat of the
body, feel the cooler air we breath in contrast with the warmth of the air as it leaves the
body, feel the heart pumping, and call to mind the myriad chemical combustions taking
place at the cellular level, sparks of electricity in the muscles, nerves, and brain. All of this
energy is borrowed from the Fire element outside of us.

The Fire element outside is the raw physical energy in the universe, from the nuclear fusion
in the heart of the sun to warmth of a cup of coffee, from the molten core of our planet to
the chemical energy stored in our food as fat, sugars, and proteins.

We feed the body by taking in the sun’s energy embodied in plants or (for those of us who
aren’t vegetarians) flesh. We warm ourselves in the rays of the sun, either directly or
through burning fossil fuels that grew in the sunlight of ages past.

And we have to keep replenishing the body’s fuel because the element Fire is forever
leaving: radiating from our skin, wafting away on our exhaled air, lost in the warmth of our
faeces and urine. And so the Fire element, like Earth and Water, simply flows through us,

And as we observe the energy within the body, we can be aware that it’s actually another
river — a river of energy — passing through this form, that it is really not ours at all. “This
is not me. This is not mine. I am not this.”

A Spell to Ignite Passion

Get involved in an important project but have trouble getting really excited about it? Draw
passion into your attitude with a little magic. To prepare please gather:

• 4 red candles or three white and a red pillar for the centre

• Fresh ginger

• Couple pinches of black pepper

You'll need a piece of fresh ginger root.

Set out the red candles in a triangle shape, with one candle in the middle. Place a thin slice
of ginger to the centre candle and sprinkle the black pepper on it. Light the outside three
candles (NOT the middle one). Let them burn for a few minutes then repeat the following
three times:

“Surrounded by heat

Surrounded by flame

Draw into me

Draw into me”

While you repeat the spell, concentrate on drawing energy from the burning candles into
the middle one (which represents you). After several minutes, light the centre candle, and
then let them all burn out on their own. Pick the bit of ginger out of the wax afterwards,
and carry it with you for some energy boosting.

Here is a Spell to Burn Away Habits

Use the power of fire to burn away bad habits, obsessions or addictions. Or use this spell
to break a connection with an ex you can't let go of. Please gather:
• A heat-proof dish

• Something to represent your habit/obsession

• Tea light

• Chunks of frankincense resin or oil (resin is difficult to find in some places like where ai

It works best if you choose an object to represent your bad habit that is small and
flammable. Written notes, receipts, photographs and things like that work best. If you can
do this spell on the dark moon, it will be more powerful.

Sit at your altar, and concentrate on the item representing the thing you want to get rid of.
Visualise all the negative things about this obsession and how you desire to be free. Light
the item on a tea light fire, and let it burn out in the dish. On top of the ashes, set your
frankincense adding several drops of oil. It may be a bit smoky, so open a nearby window
if necessary. Let it burn out on its own.

Joyful Candle Spell Use the power of fire to bring a little more joy into your life. Please

• 3 orange candles

• Marjoram and rosemary

• Cedar oil Anoint the candles with cedar oil, and light them. Sprinkle some of the herbs
around the bases of the candles and focus on the flames. Feel the heat of the fire fill up
your soul. Repeat the following:
“Happiness and joy come into my life

Away with anger, stress and strife

I am happy, I am free”
No more negativity Pass your hands through the warmth of the flames (preferably without
burning yourself). Leave the candles to burn down on their own.

Invocation to the Element of Fire

O Great Element of Fire! that Cleanses and Purifies

Ye that flickers and dances from Earth to Sky

Ye brings warmth and security with thy sacred Flame

From the South ye comes as I call thy name

Passion and Strength are born of thee

The flame of Life burns deep within me

By Candle, and Hearth and Blessed Bonfire

Work my will, By my Desire!

May you Light my path this very day

As I walk my life upon my way

I bow before you as I honour thee

Lend me your Strength, Passion and Vitality

That I may share with those I know

And your flame will burn and ever grow

The Element of Water

Meditation for the Element of Water

Your body is nearly 70% water. Sense the blood flowing through your veins, feel your
heart beating, pumping life round your body.Feel the power of Water in your life; love,
compassion, sensitivity. Send out waves of gratitude for the gifts the Element of Water
brings Starting with those manifestations that we can directly experience, we feel saliva in
the mouth, mucus, the pulse of the blood, sweat, the feeling of moisture in the out breath.

Then we move on to those things we can only experience more imaginatively: lymph, fat,
synovial fluid, cerebrospinal fluid, and all the liquid that permeates and surrounds every
cell in the body.

Now contemplate the element outside of ourselves: calling to mind the oceans and rivers
and streams, the water that permeates the soil, the rain and clouds, the water inside plants
and animals. We see, hear, and feel these things as we recall our experience of them.

Then we recognise that all of the Water within the body, which we think of as “us,” and
“ours,” as “ourselves,” is in reality simply borrowed for a while from the outside world, that
it’s quite literally flowing through us, and that we don’t own it. There is only one Water
element — there’s no “me” Water and there’s no “other” Water. And so we reflect: “This is
not me. This is not mine. I am not this.”

Though drinking is a common part of water magic, for me ritual baths are another great way to
bring in some water energy to your spells.

Peaceful Dreams Bath Spell This spell can help promote a more restful sleep and pleasant
dreams. An ideal magical option if you're under stress and can't sleep. This is what you

• 3 cups of epsom salts (yes be generous)

• some rosemary sprigs

• rose petals

Stir it around gently, and repeat the following:

Bring me quiet

Bring me peace

Ease my dreams

Nightmares cease
Let your bath go the and slip gently to bed, sleep well and may your dreams be sweet.

Element of Water Invocation

O Great Element of Water, of the tide and the seas

Of the babbling brook, the gentle rains that ride the breeze

Bringer of Life! From the West you cleanse and sustain me

In the Storms You bring me your Strength and Fluidity

Your flowing essence and vitality

This I humbly pray as I honour you in my life today

Through Waterfall, River and Sea

May you charge, and empower me!

Wash away all stress and woe

Let my thoughts like rivers flow

Let confusion fade away

So I may focus upon my day

The Phases of the Moon

Although we all talk about the Moon, think about the Moon, look up at the Moon, the
Moon still remains a mystery to us, it has been this way for aeons, and will be for aeons to
come. Because of the mystery, the Moon holds a fascination for everyone, and who can
help being riveted by the beauty of a full Moon and what the Moon can reveal. The light of
the Moon seems to contain a magic all its own, yet something that we all wish to share in,
the allure of the Moon has a place in our hearts, as it did in the hearts of our ancestors
New Moon Spell

Welcome, the new moon is the time of new possibilities and is the perfect timing to invoke
new things in your life: new job, new love, new car, new self. Whatever you desire, the New
Moon is the right lunar phase to ask for it to come in your life and manifest itself.  I am
going to give you a spell to summon a new job in your life either if you have one and want a
better or different job or if you are unemployed at the moment.

This spell needs some prep before you actually cast it. You have already have a dream job
you want to bring in your life then research both the positions that are available in the
market and what you really want from a job during this period of your life. Read
newspaper job offer columns, search the web and be aware of job positions that you
encounter in your everyday life. What you feel capable of doing, which job will make you
happy, for what kind of job have you trained/studied before. Meditate and ask yourself
what are your qualities, what have you learned from your previous working/studying
experience, what is the job of your dreams, what kind of job will make you smile.

When you are ready (that may take some time) write down all the qualities you have:
personal attributes, previous working experience/training/studies and any other
qualifications you have and you think are relevant for the job. Imagine this as a personal
CV, a CV to apply for a job in the universe of infinite possibilities. When you have finished
this task, try putting them together and see what matches fluidly - then make one list - or
you may keep the two.

Please use either a newspaper advertisement of the job that you wish to obtain or write an
advertisement for your dream job and print it. Please remember that this is going to be
used as a material in your spell so you are advised to photocopy it before you move on to
the actual spell.

Please gather:

Your personal CV

The sheet containing the job of your dreams

5 white candles (other colours you may want to use are green, orange or yellow)
Herbs: Cinnamon, sandalwood, basil and bay (may need a substitute for sandalwood I use
lemon scented gum)

An essential oil to your liking

Cauldron (or any other pot that is fire/heat resistant)

Tea light and your favourite incense burning

The Spell

Anoint the central candle with Essential Oil. The right way to do it for this spell is to start
at the top of the candle and anoint the candle all the way down to the bottom, to you.
Every time just start at the top and place the oil all the way down to the bottom of the
candle which must be held next to you. Now visualise that the job of your dreams is coming
your way and quick as a lightening strike to bring you the good news.

The say three times:

“Sandalwood and bay

Cinnamon and basil

Now I burn thee

Please bring the job that I wish to me”

Take up your cauldron and light the tealight.

Add the herbs to each burning candle. Now take your personal CV and placing it above
the cauldron where the fumes from the herbs are coming out and say three times:

“This is me

These are my skills

I now shine like a star

Job of my dreams I’ll find you wherever you are”

Place the sheet in the cauldron and let it burn. Chant three times:

“I am competent

I am bold

Job of my dreams to me now you are drawn

Job of my dreams come this way!

With every footstep

With every breath I take

Job of my dreams you are now here!

Moon be my witness

I hold you dear

Job of my dreams you are mine now!

For everyone to witness

For everyone to see

As I said so shall it be!”

Be confident that the job of your dreams is coming your way. Let the candles burn
completely. Divide the ashes in 3 parts. Scatter one part in the wind asking in your own
words for the job. Then scatter the second part in running water doing the same and the
rest of the ashes bury them in the ground asking from the Earth to seal your spell and give
you the job of your dreams.

The Waxing Moon

Waxing Moon is a growth moon. She is getting larger in the sky with each passing night,
moving from the New Moon towards the Full Moon. This is a wonderful time for spells that
attract, that bring positive change, spells for love, good luck, growth. This is a time for new
beginnings, to draw from deep within ideas or change and wonder, to invoke. At this time
the moon represents the Goddess in her Maiden aspect, give praise to Artemis or one of
the other Maiden Goddesses. 

This is a time of renewal and regeneration. Anything you do to strengthen your body, to

fortify yourself, is much more effective that when the moon is waxing. The body simply
seems to be more open and readily absorbs (please note both bad and good so careful
what you wish for!).The period of the waxing moon lasts about 14 days.

' the moon waxes and wanes,  and walks three nights in darkness,  so the Goddess
once spent three nights in the kingdom of Death.

Here is a simple spell that you may cast, be near an open wisdom and by the power of
three say

"Maiden racing cross the sky,

Work my Will by magic rite,

Make the (power you want) increase in me,

As the light increases thee.”

Full moon - drawing down the moon soon to be inserted… so mote

it will be.

The full moon rises at sunset.                                                              

The energy is intense and everything is responds the ocean tides, plant growth, human
behaviour (many new borns arrive at this time).

The Waning Moon

Waning Moon literally means the moon is decreasing in size, moving from the Full Moon and
heading towards the days of the dark moon. This is terrific period of time for spells that
release, banish - made a bad habit your no longer care to claim. This is a time to leave
relationships that no longer serve, really consider it the optimum time to break bad habits
or bad addictions. This is a time of deep intuition and a time for divination. 
This moon represents the Goddess in her Crone Aspect, time the honour the passage of
time both personally and for others we know and give praise to Hecate, Morrigan or one
of the other Crone Goddesses. 

The period of the waning moon lasts about 14 days.

Time for a banishing spell - light a candle - a focus on the flames - hole your intent and say
by the power of three

"I cleanse this, 

My home,

With spiralling energy,

Take out the bad, 

But leave in the good.

And now with the clap of my hands, 

Sound of thunderbolt be

Sealed this deed, 

So mote it be.”

The Dark Moon

I simply love the Dark Moon, I always treat is as the perfect time for me to withdraw, to
retreat. This is a time for great dreaming, for meditating deep down into the core of our
Earth Mother and letting go of trauma, of any grief you have stored in the cells of your
being. This is a time, these precious few days where you can "stay home" and heal. Call for
justice, call for healing. Request for the Crone mother healing, strength and compassion.

As we start to leave this phase turn your attention to the wings of the new.

Time to truly let go - here is a spell for you. 

You will need a piece of paper and pen, one candle and a finger bowl of water.

Light a candle. On a paper write down what it is you wish to let go frustrations, concerns
or grinding fears. Allow the words come from your heart. Some find it helpful to say the
words aloud they are written.  When you are finished fold the paper up slowly wave it over
the candle flames three times and then burn it in the candle flame. After you burn
your paper, dip your fingers in the water and sprinkle yourself with it whilst saying by the
power of three:

I release these words, I release this tension, I release this negativity

from my life.

Be at peace for you are done!

Seasonal Rites

The Sabbats are eight major events on the calendar year that we
celebrate either with gusto or quietly! From the depth of yule at
midwinter to mid summer fun. Reverse this is you are in our Southern
Hemisphere! However a little side note many Southern Hemisphere
witches celebrate in line with our Northern friends. It is great fun
trying to explain to the little ones who call at Halloween down under
that it is actually Beltaine! Some celebrate a few and others all.

The winter solstice is the turning point of time and the birthday of our beloved sun, a
divine moment of new beginnings. All of nature poised and ready to step over the border
of the year. The winter solstice was celebrated by people on every continent on our Earth
mother from the ancient Babylonians, the Greeks, Jews, the Celts the Norse and more.
Depending on which hemisphere you live in you will celebrate around December 21st in the
northern realms and around June 21st in our southern hemisphere. Our father sun hangs
low is the sky, the rays are weak and the daylight hours are brief. The shortest day and
the longest night. However from this point the sun strengthens, thus it is the death of the
old solar year and the birth of the new.

The solstice has been celebrated for more than 10000 years, maybe more.The word
Solstice is latin meaning ‘sol’ for ‘sun’ and ‘sistere’ to cause to stand still. During both
solstices the sun actually appears to rise in the same place on the horizon. Throughout
the year, then making its sacred way through the constellations of the zodiac. Yule or the
solstice is the actual beginning of winter. However we have artificially moved in to the 1st of
the month to baffle and confuse and help us forget the natural ways.

The ancients believe the sun spent part of each night in a cave. The sun god is born or
reborn at the Winter Solstice at midnight when the constellation Virgo the Virgin is rising
above the horizon. I shall tell you the story from ancient Egypt, the incarnated god Osiris
died and was entombed on the winter solstice, just after midnight the temple priests came
forth announcing , “The virgin has brought forth, the light is waxing” showing the image of
the infant Horus, Osiris reincarnated. The festival lasted for twelve days to reflect the
twelve months of the year and this is the origin of the Christian ‘twelve days of Christmas.

In Olde Britain the weather of each day reflected the corresponding month.

Scandinavia and Germany had the 12 nights of the Wild Hunt.

King Arthur is identified in the constellation of the ‘bear’ which hibernates in winter.

Conveniently for us the Christians found it easier to “incorporate or take” the ways of
ancient ones as their own. Thus the symbols of long ago endure and thrive today. A
December festival to celebrate the birth of Christ didn't exist until the fourth century
when Christians simply adopted the popular solstice celebrations honouring the birth of
the divine child, the sun.  Fire is the little brother of the sun, so fires were lit at the solstice
to encourage the sun to strengthen and begin the long climb back to midsummer. Around
the fire would dance shamans dressed in deer skins and antlers, goat hide and horse head
skulls and masks. Red was worn to give strength to the sun.
Gathering For Your Yule Altar:

Make a Yule log. Gather pine cones and berries, evergreen leaves

Place some colours of the winter, blue, silver and white

Place crystals or stones ruby, citrine, bloodstone, carnelian or garnet

Add some herbs like sage, thistle, bay or holly

Spell casting for Yule

If you keep an all night vigil or choose to get up before the first rays of the day, this is a
simple spell to cast before moving onto the ritual that you may enjoy.

Cast your circle

Hold you arms up to the sun and say:

“Fire red and burning well, Into your heart I cast this spell, Knowing
that where I now dwell, My future soon to me you’ll tell”

Yule Rituals

Powerful healing is available on the winter solstice. Many choose to keep a vigil all night
long to witness the re-birth of the sun. I fondly recall a vigil I kept in Austria, as it snowed
gently all night long. It was an intense and wonder filled evening of hope, love and healing.
Let us move now into some ritual you can implement to infuse the power of this glorious

Solitary or with Friends

This is a perfect time for removing blocks within that holds us back, but also a great
opportunity to sow the seeds for everything we want to achieve during the new year. So
here is a spell that will help you succeed in anything you want.
If you keep an all night vigil or choose to get up before the first rays of the day, this is a
simple ritual you may enjoy.

Gathering Beforehand:

* 8 square pieces of paper to write down your wishes (If you do not have eight that is

* A pen to write down your wishes.

* 8 yellow (representing the sun) candles (if you cannot find them then white is fine)

* An oil to anoint the candles with (Mix some Sunflower cooking oil and add some
cinnamon bark or ground powder).

* Gather some incense or essential oils like Myrrh, Frankincense or any that resonates with

* Gather a small symbol for each wish - this can be a pebble, a feather, a pressed flower, a
small drawn picture you have created

* A small preferably wooden box

* And eight ribbons

Before you begin on a piece of paper write down everything you want to achieve in the
starting year. Don’t judge your wishes. Be spontaneous about what you should ask for.

Cast your circle

Hold you arms up to the sun and draw in her healing rays

Write one wish to each piece of paper. However if you want to put emphasis on some
wishes more than the others, then use 8 pieces of paper and 8 candles and repeat the
same wish as many times as you want. However a caution about sounding desperate!
Begging is not recommended.

Now place a symbol on top each piece of paper. Inscribe each wish to each candle, anoint
it with the oil (from the middle to its top towards you and then from its middle to its bottom
towards you again), and put it behind the piece of paper. Place the paper parcels in a
circle noting where north is to begin your journey.
Now, light the incense or sprinkle a few drops of incense onto the paper and candle: Now

“I offer this incense/essential oil to (name your deity of choice God/

Angel/Spirit of or to the Universal Powers of Time) to please. 

So, please come to me now and receive my plea and bless me with
great success to what I want to achieve.”

Next start lighting the candles around you starting from the one facing North and continue
NE, E, SE, S, SW, W and NW. While lighting each candle say:

“I light this candle to bring to me (and state the wish you have written
that this candle represents)”.

After lighting all the candles sit down facing the Northern candle. Take you time and spend
about 5 minutes yourself seeing the fulfilled wish and then move along to the next wish until
you have completed the circle. If you have written the same wish to more than one pieces
of paper repeat the procedure for each candle.

After finishing the visualisations clear your mind of all thought. Wait to see if any answers
are granted to you at this time. When you feel that the energy has settled itself, then thank
the God/Angel/Spirit that you summoned and close the circle.

When all candles have burned out go back to your circle and using the pieces of the
ribbon wrap up each piece of paper with the symbol and finish the wrapping with a knot.
Then put the “charms” inside your chosen box and have the box under your bed until the
next Winter Solstice.

Nordic Prayer

Beneath the tree of light and life,

a blessing at this season of Yule!

To all that sit at my hearth,

today we are brothers, we are family,

and I drink to your health!
Today we do not fight,

We bear no one ill will.

Today is a day to offer hospitality

to all that cross my threshold

in the name of the season Yule.

Festival of the Maiden February 1/2 or August 1/2

The cross quarter celebrating the growing sun, at two minutes per day. Flowers emerge,
animals come out of hibernation, the lambing begins - a potent symbol of renewal and
regeneration. The festival celebrating change that prepares us as the farmers get out the
ploughs ready to turn the land with the first furrow. The Yule log is finally burned - this
custom prevailed until the early 20th Century, even today in Rome manger scenes remain
until Imbolc or Candlemas (the church inspired name to take over this fine tradition)

Depending on which hemisphere you live in you will celebrate around February 1/2 in the
northern realms and around August 1/2 in our southern hemisphere. Down under 0ur
father sun emerges growing stronger in the sky, the rays are warmer our hearts and soul
however in the Northern Hemisphere, Imbolc takes place during some of the coldest and
darkest times of the year, when people are longing for the warmth of spring and summer.

This is a Sabbat of purification after the shut-in life of Winter, through the renewing power
of the Sun. It is also a festival of light and of fertility, once marked in Europe with huge
blazes, torches and fire in every form. Fire here represents our own illumination and
inspiration as much as light and warmth. Imbolc is also known as Feast of Torches, Oimelc,
Lupercalia, Feast of Pan, Snowdrop Festival, Feast of the Waxing Light, Brighid's Day, and
probably by many other names. Some female Witches follow the old Scandinavian custom
of wearing crowns of lit candles, but many more carry tapers during their invocations.
Brigid to Ingrained to Delete!
She was closely associated with livestock, regeneration and light. Through the blessings of
Brigid people were granted the bounty of nature. Her very name means, “exalted one”.
Brigid was the Mother Goddess to many European tribes and it is believed she may have
an ancient Vedic history. Imbolc and Brigid also have connection to the Roman myths
surrounding the celebration of Lupercalia and the Egyptian Feast of Nut, both also held
on February 2.

Brigid worship was so ingrained that Christians couldn’t erase her, so they made her a
saint. The eternal fire of Brigid that once burned at St. Brigid’s Cathedral in Kildare,
Ireland has a long history. Originally, there was a Pagan temple, shrine and eternal flame
for the Goddess Brigid at the same location.

What dreams you placed seeded in your Yule ritual on those 8 pieces of paper are
beginning to manifest with the growing light - this is a time to tend the flames of your desire
and lay down the foundations of what is to come. We each light our own light clearing out
debris, shedding those dreams and desires not well conceived and adding to the collection
birth stories. Time to feed and nourish your heart and soul and Bridgit calls us to think or
ourselves clearing that which is not of our highest good.

Imbolc can bring change like the snake shedding her skin, we must allow the old to drop
away so the new can seed within our reality. You may feel tender and raw, somewhat
exposed. Please do not judge yourself harshly for these sentiments, understand that like
the eternal flame at Kildare your true heart and soul self may never be extinguished.

Lets move forward and celebrate Imbolc with love and ritual by the power of three.

Imbolc Ritual
It is traditional upon Imbolc, at sunset or just after ritual, to light every candle or lamp in
the house - if only for a few moments in honour of the Sun’s growing stronger everyday.
For this is the day we celebrate the passing of Winter and make way for Spring
Here is a simple spell to cast before moving onto the ritual that you may enjoy. Cast your

Hold you arms up towards the setting sun and say

"This is the time of the feast of torches, When every lamp blazes and
shines To welcome the rebirth of the God. I/we celebrate the
Goddess, I/we celebrate the God; All the Earth celebrates Beneath
its mantle of sleep.”

Many moons ago, when our ancestors relied upon the sun as their only source of light, the
end of winter was met with joy. Although it is still cold in February/August, often the sun
shines brightly, and the skies are crisp and clear. As a festival of light, Imbolc came to be
called Candlemas. On this evening, when the sun has set once more, call it back by lighting
the seven candles of this ritual.

This ceremony is written for one, adapt it for a small group.

First, set up your altar, bring to mind the themes of Imbolc.

Prior to beginning your ritual, if you wish draw a warm, epsom salts cleansing bath. Whilst
bath dreaming, meditate on purification and what it means to you. Once you're done you
begin the rite. Have on hand:

One central pillar candle

Seven candles, in red and white (tealights are perfect for this)

Something to light your candles with

A large plate, bowl or cauldron big enough to hold the candles

Sand or salt to fill the bottom of the bowl/cauldron if you are using one

Pour the sand or salt into the bowl or cauldron. Or set up you plate as you see me doing.
Place the pillar in the middle and seven candles into the plate.

Light the first candle. As you do so, say:

Although it is now dark, I come seeking light.

In the chill of winter, I come seeking life.
Light the second candle, saying:

I call upon fire, that melts the snow and warms the hearth.

I call upon fire, that brings the light and makes new life.

I call upon fire to purify me with your flames.

Light the third candle. Say:

This light is a boundary, between positive and negative.

That which is outside, shall stay without.

That which is inside, shall stay within.

Light the fourth candle. Say:

I call upon fire, that melts the snow and warms the hearth.

I call upon fire, that brings the light and makes new life.

I call upon fire to purify me with your flames.

Light the fifth candle, saying:

Like fire, light and love will always grow.

Like fire, wisdom and inspiration will always grow.

Light the sixth candle, and say:

I call upon fire, that melts the snow and warms the hearth.

I call upon fire, that brings the light and makes new life.

I call upon fire to purify me with your flames.

Light the seventh candle and say. As you do so, visualise the seven flames coming together
as one. As the light builds, see the energy growing in a purifying glow.

Fire of the hearth, blaze of the sun,

cover me in your shining light.

I am awash in your glow, and tonight I am

made pure.

Light the final candle and say. As you do so, visualise the seven flames coming together as
one. As the light builds, see the energy growing in a purifying glow.

Although it is now dark, I come seeking light.

In the chill of winter, I come seeking life.
Take a few moments and meditate on the light of your candles. Think about this Sabbat, a
time of healing and inspiration and purification. Do you have something damaged that
needs to be healed? Are you feeling stagnant, for lack of inspiration? Is there some part
of your life that feels toxic or tainted? Visualise the light as a warm, enveloping energy that
wraps itself around you, healing your ailments, igniting the spark of creativity, and
purifying that which is damaged

Prayer for Imbolc

This is a good time for initiations either into a coven or as a solitary -


On this Imbolc day, as I kindle the flame upon my hearth,

I pray that the flame of Brigid may burn in my soul, and the souls of all
I meet today.

I pray that no envy and malice, no hatred or fear, may smother the

I pray that indifference and apathy, contempt and pride, may not
pour like cold water on the flame.

Instead, may the spark of Brigid light the love in my soul, that it may
burn brightly through this season.

And may I warm those that are lonely, whose hearts are cold and
lifeless, so that all may know the comfort of Brigid's love.

The spring equinox is named after the goddess of spring, the dawn and fertility, Ostara -
a time of love and balance. Day and night are of length and all is in harmony. Celebrating
the end of the winter months with the old fires extinguished and new fires kindled. It was
said the old fires had to before the new could be lit.

Depending on which hemisphere you live in you will celebrate around March 20-23 in the
northern realms and around September 20-23 in our southern hemisphere. This is a joyful
time when life bursts forth, a time when all the elements within us must be brought into

Easter History : Christian and Pagan Traditions Interwoven The history of Easter reveals
rich associations between the Christian faith and the seemingly unrelated practices of the
early pagan religions. Easter history and traditions that we practice today evolved from
pagan symbols, from the ancient goddess Ishtar to Easter eggs and the Easter bunny.
Easter, perhaps the most important of the Christian holidays, celebrates the Christ's
resurrection following his death on Good Friday. . . a rebirth that is commemorated around
the vernal equinox, historically a time of pagan celebration that coincides with the arrival
of spring and symbolises the arrival of light and the awakening of life around us.

Ostara, Goddess of Spring and the Dawn (Oestre / Eastre)

Easter eggs and the Easter Bunny both featured in the spring festivals of Ostara, which
were initially held during the feasts of the goddess Ishtar. Eggs are a clear symbol of
fertility, and the chicks represent new growth. Coloured eggs, chicks, and bunnies were all
used at festival time to express appreciation for Ostara's gift of abundance. In ritual the
egg stands for our spiritual hopes in the yearly cycle.

This is a time when being dormant or stagnant simply feels wrong, out of step and it will
cause you pain if you do not listen. Time to actively engage, take risks and reach out. Time
for personal growth - the timing means that the chances you are taking are in harmony with
nature - so nurture this thought as your chances of success are magnified.

Now that the gods and goddesses of fertility have returned to the land, there is new
growth everywhere and it is beholden upon us to bring forth our own seed dreams at this
time, the seeds will grow if you have planted them.

Lets move forward and celebrate Ostara with love and ritual by the power of three.
Ostara Ritual This is a great time to
celebrate the rebirth of the soil and the land.
Ostara is a time of balance, as well as a season of renewal. Use symbols of the season to
decorate your Ostara altar - bright spring colours, rabbits and eggs, newly planted bulbs
and seedlings are all things you can incorporate into an altar to reflect the themes of
Ostara, the spring equinox.

Get up to welcome the first rays of the day, this is a simple spell to cast before moving onto
the ritual that you may enjoy. Cast your circle

A Spell for Ostara

Hold you arms up to the fire and say

“Spring goddess, gentle maiden

stepping from the icy earth

Letting go of winter’s fetters

as the wide world breathes again

Chill winds, rustle daffodils

and blossom scatters,

patterning the hill.

Enter flora, enter spring

We welcome you once again!”

Perform this ritual outside if at all possible, in the early morning as the sun rises. It's spring,
so it may be a bit chilly, but it's a good time to reconnect with the earth.

Begin by taking a moment to focus on the air around you. Inhale deeply, and see if you
can smell the change in the seasons. Depending on where you live, the air may have an
earthy aroma, or a rainy one, or even smell like green grass. Sense the shift in energy as
the Wheel of the Year has turned. Light the green candle, to symbolise the blossoming
earth. As you light it, say:

The Wheel of the Year turns once more,

and the vernal equinox arrives.

Light and dark are equal,

and the soil begins to change.

The earth awakes from its slumber,

and new life springs forth once more.

Next, light the yellow candle, representing the sun. As you do so, say:

The sun draws ever closer to us,

greeting the earth with its welcoming rays.

Light and dark are equal,

and the sky fills with light and warmth.

The sun warms the land beneath our feet,

and gives life to all in its path.

Finally, light the purple candle. This one represents the Divine in our
lives -- whether you call it a god or a goddess, whether you identify it
by name or simply as a universal life force, this is the candle which
stands for all the things we do not know, all those things we cannot
understand, but that are the sacred in our daily lives. As you light this
candle, focus on the Divine around and within you. Say:

Spring has come! For this, we are thankful!

The Divine is present all around,

in the cool fall of a rain storm,

in the tiny buds of a flower,

in the down of a newborn chick,

in the fertile fields waiting to be planted,

in the sky above us,

and in the earth below us.

We thank the universe for all it has to offer us,

and are so blessed to be alive on this day.

Welcome, life! Welcome, light! Welcome, spring!

Take a moment and meditate on the three flames before you and what they symbolise.
Consider your own place within these three things -- the earth, the sun, and the Divine.
How do you fit into the grand scheme of things? How do you find balance between light
and dark in your own life?

Finally, blend the milk and honey together, mixing gently. Pour it onto the ground around
your altar space as an offering to the earth. As you do, you may wish to say something

I make this offering to the earth,

As thanks for the many blessings I have received,

And those I shall some day receive.

Once you have made your offering, stand for a minute facing your altar. Feel the cool
earth beneath your feet, and the sun on your face. Take in every sensation of this
moment, and know that you are in a perfect place of balance between light and dark,
winter and summer, warmth and cold -- a time of polarity and harmony.

When you are ready, end the ritual.


Instead of "the Universe", feel free to insert the name of your patron deity or the gods of
your tradition here.

If you're doing this rite indoors, take your bowl of milk and honey and pour it in your
garden, or around your yard.

Prayer for the Spring and our Earth Mother

The death sleep of winter has slowly faded,

the rigour of the ground loosens,

and the earth is once more reborn.

Like Mithras and Osiris,

reborn from death,

life returns again to the land,

springing up as the snow melts away.

As the soil warms and the days grow longer,

dew forms along new sprouts of grass,

bringing life back.

Awaken! Awaken! Awaken!

And rise!

Let the earth come to life again,

and welcome the light of spring!

Lets move forward and celebrate Beltaine with love and ritual by the power of three

Beltaine typifies new life springing to life. This festival brings balance between the divine
masculine and feminine or our wonder filled planets. It celebrates passionate unions and
commitment of soulmates.

Depending on which hemisphere you live in you will celebrate Beltaine on May 1 in the
northern realms and November 1 in our southern hemisphere. An old Irish word meaning
“bright fire” and in the ancient times the Beltaine fires were thought to lend life to the
springtime sun. Spring fever is here.

The veils between the worlds are thin, this is the time to speak with the spirits, with your
ancestors. May Day has long been marked with feasts and rituals. May poles, supremely
phallic symbols, were the focal point of old English village rituals. Many people today still
rise at dawn to gather flowers and green branches from the fields and gardens, using them
to decorate the village Maypoles.

This is a holiday of Union--both between the Goddess and the God and between man and
woman. Handfastings (Pagan marriages) are traditional at this time. It is a time of fertility
and harvest, the time for reaping the wealth from the seeds that we have sown.
Celebrations include braiding of one's hair (to honour the union of man and woman and
Goddess and God), circling the Maypole for fertility and jumping the Beltane fire for luck.
Beltane is one of the Major Sabbats. We celebrate sexuality (something we see as holy
and intrinsic to us as holy beings), we celebrate life and the unity which fosters it. The
myths of Beltane state that the young God has blossomed into manhood, and the
Goddess takes him on as her lover. Together, they learn the secrets of the sexual and the
sensual, and through their union, all life begins.

Beltaine is the season of maturing life and deep found love. This is the time of vows,
handfastings and commitment. The Lord and his Lady, having reached maturity, come
together in Perfect Love and Perfect Trust to celebrate the joy of their union. This is a time
to celebrate the coming together of the masculine and feminine creative energies. Beltane
marks the emergence of the young God into manhood. Stirred by the energies at work in
nature, he desired the Goddess. They fall in love, lie among the grasses and blossoms and

The flowers and greenery symbolise the Goddess and the Maypole represents the God.
Beltane marks the return of vitality and passion of summer. Another common focal point
of the Beltane rituals is the cauldron, which represents the Goddess. The Welsh goddess
Creiddylad is connected with Beltane, often called the May Queen, she was a Goddess of
summer flowers and love.

Lets move forward and celebrate Beltaine with love and ritual by the power of three.

Beltaine Ritual
This is a great time to celebrate the rebirth of the soil and the land. Fires are a Beltane
tradition so make some sparks tonight! Take advantage of a fire pit if you have one, or
make a small fire in a cauldron or candle holder and burn some small twigs or pieces of

This is a time when the earth is lush and green as new grass and trees return to life after a
winter of dormancy. Use lots of greens, as well as bright spring colours -- the yellow of
the daffodils, and dandelions; the purples of the lilac; the blue of a spring sky.. Decorate
your altar with any or all of these colours in your altar cloths, candles, or coloured

Beltaine Spell
Tis the eve of Beltane and the fairies are out in force. Here is a fairy spell to work in your
own garden or backyard. Gather together violets, St. Johns wort, and clover. The violets
are a fairy favorite. The St. Johns wort will protect you from becoming fairy-led or tricked,
and the clover is for prosperity and good luck. Gather these plants together, forming a
little posy, and then tie it up with green ribbons. Blow the fairies a kiss and leave the posy
as a gift. Now go and sit in the garden and try to meditate or to communicate with the

Fairies from far and wide,

I offer you a gift,

Tied up in green for luck,

And sealed with a kiss.

I can sense you

If I'm pure of heart,

Bless me with good luck

To boost my Witch's art.

Beltaine Ritual

If possible, celebrate Beltane in a forest or near a living tree. If this is impossible, bring a
small tree within the circle, preferably potted; it can be of any type.

Create a small token or charm in honour of the wedding of the Goddess and God to hang
upon the tree. You can make several if you desire. These tokens can be bags filled with
fragrant flowers, strings of beads, carvings, flower garlands - whatever your talents an
imagination can conjure.
Arrange the altar, light the candles and incense, and cast the Circle of Stones. Recite the
Blessing Chant. Invoke the Goddess and God. Stand before the altar and say, with wand

Mother goddess, Queen of the night and of the Earth;

O Father God, King of the day and of the forest,

I celebrate Your union as nature rejoices in a riotous

blaze of colour and life. Accept my gift, Mother Goddess

and Father god, in honour of Your union.

Place the tokens on the tree.

From Your mating shall spring fourth life anew;

a profusion of living creatures shall cover the lands,

and the winds will blow pure and sweet.

Ancient Ones, I celebrate with You!

Works of magic, if necessary, may follow.

Celebrate the Simple Feast.

The circle is released.

A Prayer For Beltaine

Am Beannachadh Bealltain (The Beltane Blessing) adapted by Alexander Carmichael.

Bless, O threefold true and bountiful,

Myself, my spouse, my children.

Bless everything within my dwelling and in my possession,

Bless the kine and crops, the flocks and corn,

From Samhain Eve to Beltane Eve,

With goodly progress and gentle blessing,

From sea to sea, and every river mouth,

From wave to wave, and base of waterfall.

Be the Maiden, Mother, and Crone,

Taking possession of all to me belonging.

Be the Horned God, the Wild Spirit of the Forest,

Protecting me in truth and honour.

Satisfy my soul and shield my loved ones,

Blessing every thing and every one,

All my land and my surroundings.

Great gods who create and bring life to all,

I ask for your blessings on this day of fire

Lets move forward and celebrate Litha with love and ritual by the power of three.

Litha Rituals

You can do this ritual as a group or adapt it to perform as a solitary practitioner.

You’ll need the following items:

A larger candle to represent the sun

An individual candle for each participant to hold

Also, be sure to decorate your altar with symbols of the season – solar symbols, fresh
flowers, in-season summer produce and crops that you’ve harvested. You should do this
ritual outside if at all possible, so you can take advantage of the sun’s light and energy.

If your tradition requires you to cast a circle, go ahead and do that first.
Take a moment to ground and center, and get yourself focused. Bask in the rays of the
sun, feeling its warmth on your face, and welcoming its power into you.

The person who is leading the ritual should stand at the altar.

We are here today to celebrate the power and energy of the sun. The
sun is the source of warmth and light around the world. Today, at
Litha, the summer solstice, we mark the longest day of the year. From
Yule until this day, the sun has been moving ever closer to the earth.
Flowers are blooming, crops are growing, and life has returned once
more. Today we honour the gods and goddesses of the sun.

Light the sun candle on the altar.

The sun is the ultimate source of fire and light. Like all sources of
light, the sun shines brightly and spreads around the world. Even as it
gives its light and power to each of us, it is never diminished by the
sharing of that energy. The sun passes over us each day, in the
never-ending circle of light. Today, we share that light with each other,
passing it around the circle, forming a ring of light.

Using the sun candle, light all the other candles and each person present say:

May you be warmed and rejuvenated by the light of the sun.

Gods who bring us light, we honuor you!

Hail, Ra, whose mighty chariot brings us light each morning!

Hail, Ra!

Hail, Apollo, who brings us the healing energies of the sun!

Hail, Apollo!

Hail, Saule, whose fertility blooms as the sun gains in strength!

Hail, Saule!

Hail, Helios, whose great steeds race the flames across the sky!

Hail, Helios!

Hail, Hestia, whose sacred flame lights our way in the darkness!

Hail, Hestia!

Hail, Sunna, who is sister of the moon, and bringer of light!

Hail, Sunna!

We call upon you today, thanking you for your blessings, accepting
your gifts. We draw upon your strength, your energy, your healing
light, and your life giving power!

Hail to you, mighty gods and goddesses of the sun!

Each person should now place their candles on the altar, surrounding the sun candle.

The sun radiates out, never dying, never fading. The light and warmth
of today will stay with us, even as the days begin to grow shorter, and
the nights grow cold once more. Hail, gods of the sun!

Invite everyone to take in the warmth of the sun once more, and when you are done, end
the ritual as you normally would

In many traditions of Paganism, particularly those that are Wicca-based, there is a great
deal of focus on the Goddess. Sometimes, there's so much attention to the feminine that
the masculine aspects get overlooked. By welcoming the God of your tradition, you can
honour the men who have impacted your life -- whether they raised you, loved you, or are
being brought up by you. This simple rite also offers your boys a chance to get out there
and dance, and to celebrate the masculine within themselves.

This is a ritual best performed in a group, either as a family or coven. If you normally cast a
circle or call the Quarters in a ceremony, do so at this time. Light a candle in the centre of
your altar to represent the Sun.

Whomever is leading the ritual should face the sun, and say: drum slowly like a heart beat:

We are here as a family

On this longest of days.

The power of the Sun is above us,

and its heat and strength reminds us

of the power of the Gods

The God is strong and powerful,

he is virile and fertile.

He is the Lord of the Hunt,

the King of the Forest,

and with the Goddess, together they create Life.

I call upon the Horned God!

Cernunnos, Herne, Apollo!

We ask you to honour us with your presence!

Now the drumming should speed up even more. The man or boy chosen to be the Horned
God leads the male members of the group around the altar clockwise in a dance, keeping
up with the rhythm of the drums and rattles. As the males circle the altar, they should
move faster each time.

Allow the men and boys to dance around the altar as many times as they like. As the dance
gets faster, the music will get faster too, until there is a palpable hum of energy. This
sensation is often indicative of the presence of the Divine. Let the music run its course -- it
will end when it's ready to end, and at that time, the dance should stop too.

Once the dancing and drumming has ceased, call out:

Horned one, God of the Hunt,

Lord of the Forest!

We honour you tonight, on this longest day.

We celebrate the men in our lives,

those who raised us,

those who love us,

those that we are raising.

We honour them in Your name.
Each member of the group, both male and female, may make an offering at this time. If you
have a fire burning, through your offerings into the flames. If you don't have a fire, place
your offerings on the altar instead.

Take a few moments to reflect upon the balance of male and female in your life, and in the
world. Think about the men you have known, and those you will know in the future.
Recognise the qualities that make them honourable and worthy of your love.

When you are ready, dismiss the quarters or close the circle.

A Prayer for Litha

A Litha Prayer for the Earth - author unknown

"Great God, Father of the Earth,

Shine down on this, your strongest day.

Blessed Goddess who gave us Birth,

Bless us who honor your ancient way.

As Summer's light falls to the ground,

lending crops and trees it's power,

the Summer winds blow warm and round,

touching the corn silk and the flowers.

We give you thanks, our Mother Earth,

We praise you, fire of the Sun.

We dance this Solstice day with Mirth,

from dawns' first light 'till the day is done.”

Lammas/ Lughnasadh

Named after the god Lugh, commemorating the funeral games of the Celtic God of light
and wisdom as our sun retreats. The word Lammas derives from the Old English phrase
hlaf-maesse, which translates to loaf mass. In early Christian times, the first loaves of the
season were blessed by the Church. Time of the first harvest, when the seeds we have
sown provide the fruits of the season.

Depending on which hemisphere you live in you will celebrate Lughnasahd between
August 1/2 in the northern realms and February 1/2 in our southern hemisphere. Time to
celebrate what you have harvested in your own life over the past year

Walk through the woods to spend some time meditating in beautiful surroundings.  Time to
bake bread and give thanks for all we have reaped. This is a time of thankful reflections
where we are reminded to be in step with not only the cycle of our mother Earth, but to
honour the time of life we are in be in Maiden, Mother, Crone, Lad, Father, Sage.

Celebrating Grain in Ancient Cultures: Grain has held a place of importance in civilization
back nearly to the beginning of time. Grain became associated with the cycle of death and
rebirth. The Sumerian god Tammuz was slain and his lover Ishtar grieved so heartily that
nature stopped producing. Ishtar mourned Tammuz, and followed him to the Underworld
to bring him back, similar to the story of Demeter and Persephone
In Greek legend, the grain god was Adonis. Two goddesses, Aphrodite and Persephone,
battled for his love. To end the fighting, Zeus ordered Adonis to spend six months with
Persephone in the Underworld, and the rest with Aphrodite.
A Feast of Bread:In early Ireland, it was a bad idea to harvest your grain any time before
Lammas -- it meant that the previous year's harvest had run out early, and that was a
serious failing in agricultural communities. However, on August 1, the first sheaves of grain
were cut by the farmer, and by nightfall his wife had made the first loaves of bread of the
season.Projects and personal goals we have set into motion in the spring now reap their
bounty, and it is so important for us to examine these changes and see how we are
Crafts, Song and Celebration. Because of its association with Lugh, the skilled god,
Lammas (Lughnasadh) is also a time to celebrate talents and craftsmanship. It's a
traditional time of year for craft festivals, and for skilled artisans to peddle their wares. In
medieval Europe, guilds would arrange for their members to set up booths around a village
green, festooned with bright ribbons and fall colours. Perhaps this is why so many modern
Renaissance Festivals begin around this time of year!

Some people, with the change of the calendar year, make personal goals, whether it is
spending less money, kicking a bad habit, or spending more time with people we care
about. Lammas is the day when we can look at what we have accomplished so far, and see
if we have been true to ourselves.

You can use the day to give thanks for what you have, or to look deeper into yourself and
how the season affects you. What ever you choose to celebrate this day, keep in mind that
sabbats are for honouring the God and Goddess.

Lets move forward and celebrate Lammas Rituals with love by the power of three

Lammas/ Lughnasadh Ritual

From sunrise to sunset there is much joy and celebrating to be done. For we are here in
gratitude for what we have harvested in our lives at this time. Let us reflect and be thank
fun for the gifts we have received

Use this time to de clutter and clear and be thankful. Help a neighbour and do good works
for our mother Earth. Build a small alter reflecting the values of the Sabbat, make it earthy
and rich with the gifts of the season.

A spell for release to take back your power just in case you need to release something or
and event that no longer serves you. This may be performed at any time,however the
waning moon is most suitable or a Saturday as is marks the end of the week, so we seek
renewal on the day to follow. To prepare for this I suggest you run a long epsom salts salt
bath, put up to three kilos of epsom salts into the bath, three cups as a minimum - trust me
it feels divine. Have candles around the bathroom and soak in their glow. Epsom salts is
fabulous for aching muscles and works to drain you of the toxins you are storing. Add
some dried lavender from your garden or rose petals for extra bliss. As you bathe with
every breath you receive exhale all you no longer need. Once you feel completely relaxed
focus on your in breath after each inhalation

“As the waves of the are infinite, As the tress of the forest grow tall,
Let my work now bring me to harvest, I’m ready to receive my all.
Repeat three time.

Spend some time focusing on your breath alone and see what thoughts arise. When you
are ready, let the bath water go (I actually bucket mine out to the garden as I live on the
driest continent - helps salve any guilt from using the water). Know that you have both
cleansed yourself of all you have chosen to live behind and created new space for healing
and move forward at this time

Grain is the heart of Lammas, and the beginning of the harvest season is a milestone in
many societies. Once the grain is threshed and milled it is baked into bread and consumed,
honouring the spirit of the grain god. This ritual celebrates both the harvest and the
sacrifices we make each year, as well as the sacrifice of the grain god. Decorate your altar
with symbols of the season -- sickles and scythes, garden goodies like ivy and grapes and
corn, poppies, dried grains, and early autumn foods like apples. If you like, light some
Lammas Rebirth incense.

For this rite, you'll need a loaf of Lammas bread and a cup of wine or water. If your
tradition requires you to cast a circle, do so now.

It is the time of the harvest once again.

Life, growth, death and rebirth,

all have come full circle.

The god of the harvest has died once more,

That we may eat and consume him,

Giving us strength in the months to come.

The god of grain is dying,

vegetation returns to the earth.

We call upon the gods of the harvest,

asking them for their blessings.

Tammuz and Lugh,

Adonis, Dumuzi,

Cernunnos and Attis,

Mercury, Osiris.

You are born each year,

and live in our fields

and are sacrificed as part of the cycle.

Raise energy by circling your fire or altar three times, moving in a counter-clockwise
(widddershins) direction, building speed each time (you're moving against the pattern of
the sun, because it's the end of the harvest season). Hold up a loaf of Lammas bread.

Months ago, we planted seeds,

and through the summer watched them grow.

We have tended the fields in our lives,

and now we are blessed with abundance.

The harvest has arrived!

Thank you, lord of the harvest,

For the gifts yet to come.

We eat this bread, grain transformed by fire, in your name,

and honour you for your sacrifice.

Eat a piece of bread and pass it around the circle to anyone who may be with you.

May you reap the blessings of the harvest.

Once everyone has eaten their bread and sipped fine if you wish from a cup, take a
moment to reflect on what you have harvested for yourself this season.

This simple prayer is one you can use during your Lammas rituals, or even while you're
harvesting the bounty of your own gardens, honouring the many deities of the early
harvest season. Feel free to add in the gods or goddesses of your own tradition as well.

Prayer to the Harvest Deities

The fields are full, the orchards blooming,

and the harvest has arrived.

Hail to the gods who watch over the land!

Hail to Ceres goddess of the wheat!

Hail Mercury, fleet of foot!

Hail to Pomona and fruitful apples!

Hail Attis, who dies and is reborn!

Hail Demeter bringing the dark of the year!

Hail Bacchus who fills the goblets with wine!

We honour you all, in this time of harvest,

and set our tables with your bounty.

Lets move forward and celebrate Mabon with love and ritual by the power of three


Mabon Ritual
The autumn equinox is here. Once again day and night are equal. The decent of
Persephone to the underworld is celebrated

This second harvest time is also a time for seed sowing. A time when we can dream deep
into the future of spring. Cast your spell to plant those early seeds within you. Dig deeply
and send your dreams, hopes and wishes deep into our bountiful rich Earth mother.

Since this is a spell for balance, make sure your altar is set up in a balanced way. Start by
visualising the imbalances in your life or a particular situation (too much work or stress,
not enough love) and picture them being balanced out by whatever you are lacking. If you
are too overwhelmed to even figure out what you need, just feel yourself opening up to
whatever the gods send in response to your prayer. Then light the dark and light candles.

Earth and Air, Water and Fire

Grant to me my heart’s desire

Balance now my troubled life

Wash away confusion’s strife

Even out the high and low

Gently soothe the ebb and flow

Dark and light in balance be

From extremes please set me free

Calm, serene and peaceful I

With ease and grace my days will fly

As above and so below

Balance to my life bestow

This is a spell for balance from Deborah Blake, EVERYDAY WITCH A TO Z

SPELLBOOK (Llewellyn, 2010).

Persephone and Demeter are strongly connected to the time of the Autumn Equinox.
When Hades abducted Persephone, it set in motion a chain of events that eventually led to
the earth falling into darkness each winter. This is the time of the Dark Mother, the Crone
aspect of the triple goddess. The goddess is bearing this time not a basket of flowers, but
a sickle and scythe. She is prepared to reap what has been sown.

The earth dies a little each day, and we must embrace this slow descent into dark before
we can truly appreciate the light that will return in a few months.
This ritual welcomes the archetype of the Dark Mother, and celebrates that aspect of the
Goddess which we may not always find comforting or appealing, but which we must always
be willing to acknowledge. Decorate your altar with symbols of Demeter and her daughter
-- flowers in red and yellow for Demeter, purple or black for Persephone, stalks of wheat,
Indian corn, sickles, baskets.

Have a candle on hand to represent each of them -- harvest colours for Demeter, black
for Persephone. You'll also need a chalice of wine, or grape juice if you prefer, and a

If you normally cast a circle, or call the quarters, do so now. Turn to the altar, and light the
Persephone candle. Say:

The land is beginning to die, and the soil grows cold.

The fertile womb of the earth has gone barren.

As Persephone descended into the Underworld,

So the earth continues its descent into night.

As Demeter mourns the loss of her daughter,

So we mourn the days drawing shorter.

The winter will soon be here.

Light the Demeter candle, and say:

In her anger and sorrow, Demeter roamed the earth,

And the crops died, and life withered and the soil went dormant.

In grief, she traveled looking for her lost child,

Leaving darkness behind in her wake.

We feel the mother's pain, and our hearts break for her,

As she searches for the child she gave birth to.

We welcome the darkness, in her honour.

Break open the pomegranate (it's a good idea to have a bowl to catch the drippings), and
take out six seeds. Place them on the altar. Say:

Six months of light, and six months of dark.

The earth goes to sleep, and later wakes again.

O dark mother, we honor you this night,

And dance in your shadows.

We embrace that which is the darkness,

And celebrate the life of the Crone. Blessings to the dark goddess on this night, and every

As the wine is replaced upon the altar, hold your arms out in the Goddess position, and
take a moment to reflect on the darker aspects of the human experience. Think of all the
goddesses who evoke the night, and call out:

Demeter, Inanna, Kali, Tiamet, Hecate, Nemesis, Morrighan.

Bringers of destruction and darkness,

I embrace you tonight.

Without rage, we cannot feel love,

Without pain, we cannot feel happiness,

Without the night, there is no day,

Without death, there is no life.

Great goddesses of the night, I thank you.

Take a few moments to meditate on the darker aspects of your own soul. Is there a pain
you've been longing to get rid of? Is there anger and frustration that you've been unable
to move past? Is there someone who's hurt you, but you haven't told them how you feel?
Now is the time to take this energy and turn it to your own purposes. Take any pain inside
you, and reverse it so that it becomes a positive experience. If you're not suffering from
anything hurtful, count your blessings, and reflect on a time in your life when you weren't
so fortunate.

When you are ready, end the ritual.

Setting the Mood

Now that fall is here, why not do an autumn version of Spring Cleaning? Get rid of any
emotional baggage you're dragging around with you. Accept that there are darker aspects
to life, and embrace them, but don't let them rule you. Understand that a healthy life finds
balance in all things.

You can perform this ritual anywhere, but the best place to do it is outside, in the evening
as the sun goes down. Decorate your altar (or if you're outside, use a flat stone or tree
stump) with colorful autumn leaves, acorns, small pumpkins, and other symbols of the
season. You'll need a black candle and a white one of any size, although tealights probably
work best. Make sure you have something safe to put them in, either a candle holder or a
bowl of sand.

Light both candles, and say the following:

A balance of night and day, a balance of light and dark

Tonight I seek balance in my life

as it is found in the Universe.

A black candle for darkness and pain

and things I can eliminate from my life.

A white candle for the light, and for joy

and all the abundance I wish to bring forth.

At Mabon, the time of the equinox,

there is harmony and balance in the Universe,

and so there shall be in my life.

Meditate on the things you wish to change. Focus on eliminating the bad, and
strengthening the good around you. Put toxic relationships into the past, where they
belong, and welcome new positive relationships into your life. Let your baggage go, and
take heart in knowing that for every dark night of the soul, there will be a sunrise the next

Lets move forward and celebrate Sahmain with love and ritual by the power of three

Samhain Ritual

Recite this spell before divination on Samhain eve...

"Mirror of shadow, reveal what I seek.

Powers of old, secrets so deep.

East then South, West and North.

Watch tower guards, I call you forth.

Traveling sphere, no harm to fear.

Circle protects, here and there.

Stars beyond, from Pluto's realm,

Scorpio rules God's golden sun.

By the power of three times three,

Lord and Lady, so mote it be."

I hope it inspires you to do a little sabbat magic of your own. As always, with a few
alterations, this ritual can be done by an individual instead of a group.

SAMHAIN: Grief and Rejoicing at the New Year

If there is any one holiday that epitomises the Witch, it is Samhain, the Sabbat from which
the modern Halloween originated. Also known as The Witches’ New Year, October 31st
marks the end of the old year and the beginning of a new one. The Wheel of the Year has
completed another cycle, and begins to turn again, as it always has and always will.
Samhain can be a bittersweet day, for we mourn all that we have lost over the last year at
the same time we look forward to the blessings we hope we’ll reap in the year to come. On
this night, once again the veil between the worlds is at its thinnest, and we say our final
goodbyes to people and animals who have moved on to the lands beyond the veil. Some
use this time for prophecy and prediction, looking ahead or communicating with the

This night is a special magical time. Thus our Samhain ritual has two parts; one which looks
back towards the year passing away and allows us to mourn all we’ve lost, and the second
which focuses on the future, welcoming in the new year with celebration and hope.

Tools needed:

▪ Fire-safe cauldron or plate

▪ Tea lights OR sand to fill cauldron and small tapers (which are then stuck in
the sand)

▪ Optional: small second altar table to put cauldron/plate with candles on (if
your main altar is large enough, you can put the cauldron/plate there)

▪ Your drum/rattles if your use them

▪ Black pillar/taper candle in fire-safe holder

▪ White, red, or silver pillar candle

▪ Table to use as an altar, and a cloth to cover it

▪ Copies of the spell for all participants

▪ Sage smudge stick

▪ Optional: a large feather for wafting the sage

▪ Cakes and wine cider or beer (corn muffins are good, or any apple bread or
cake, or apples sliced in half to show the pentacle in the middle, and wine or cider)

▪ Four quarter candles (1 each yellow, blue, red, and green, or 4 white)

▪ Goddess and god candles (cream and yellow, silver and gold, or both white
or yellow, or two black if desired)
▪ Matches

If you can be outside (and I recommend it for this night if it is at all possible), a bonfire is a
wonderful addition to a Samhain celebration. It is good to have torches or other lights so
you can see to read the spell. If you must be inside, dim the lights and add some extra
candles for atmosphere, if it is safe to do so. This ritual should start out solemn and quiet
for the first half, then become lighter and more cheerful during the second half. The
energy can be quite intense, so it is wise to only include children if you are sure they will
not be overwhelmed. Since this is the Witches’ New Year and the third and final harvest
festival, it is nice to have an especially bountiful feast afterwards, if you can. 

Welcome and blessed be, or Welcome to our Samhain celebration.

Everyone present can be given copies of the spell now, or it can be handed around the
circle later if desired.

Cast your circle. Walk around the circle clockwise and point an athame towards the
ground, and say:

I cast this circle round and round, from earth to sky, from sky to
ground. I conjure now this sacred space, outside of time, outside of
place. The circle is cast, we are between the worlds.

Call in the four quarters.

East: I call the Watchtower of the east, the power of Air, to protect
our circle, blowing out the old year and welcoming in the new. (light
yellow candle)

South: I call the Watchtower of the south, the power of Fire, to
protect our circle, bringing the warmth and light of an autumn bonfire.
(light red candle)

West: I call the Watchtower of the west, the power of Water, to protect
our circle and wash away sorrow and regret. (light the red candle)

North: I call the Watchtower of the north, the power of Earth, to

protect our circle and keep us grounded on this magical night. (light
the green candle)

Invokes the goddess by raising your arms to the sky and say:

Great goddess, Hecate, Lady of the Crossroads—we find ourselves

at the crossroads of another year and look to you for guidance and
comfort. Welcome, and blessed be. (light one candle)

Raise your arms to the sky invoking the horned god and say:

Great Horned God, who rules the forests and the fields—keep us
safe and strong on this dark night. Welcome and blessed be. (light
one candle)

We are here to honour sacred Samhain, the final harvest festival of the
year. It is the Witches’ New Year, and we have come through another
cycle of the Wheel of the Year, and can look forward to the blessings
of the days to come. Tonight, the veil between the worlds grows thin,
and before we move on we must look back, letting go of all that we
have lost in the last year. This may be a person or an animal who was
dear to you, it may be a task at which you did not succeed, a wish that
did not come to fruition, a job, a relationship, or anything else that
causes you sorrow with its loss. Even things we have given up or
walked away from voluntarily or those we lost in years before, whose
loss still haunts us. All those people and things we will now say
goodbye to, leaving us free to move on, at peace, without regrets.

(Light a taper candle and light the tea lights /smaller candles, light the candle and then
then smaller ones from it) 

Everyone now say goodbye—you can do this aloud or in silence. 

Say your farewells, then next person steps up and lights candle, moving clockwise around
the circle and you may with to vibrate with the universe by rattling or drumming gently)

When all have finished, have a moment of silence. (rattling/drumming should stop)

Now say:

Now we have put the past and our sorrows behind us, and we move on
to our celebration of the New Year. We start clean and fresh, with
eager hearts and lighter spirits. And so we will say a spell together to
turn our pain into joy, and our losses into limitless potential, for within
darkness there is always light, and the turning Wheel brings new
possibilities for those who are open to them. 

Light white/red/silver candle and drumming can start again, rattle, whistle or hum (The
spell may be given out before) Everyone present should join in and say:

“Hecate, Hecate, Hecate

Bless us with your light

Hecate, Hecate, Hecate

Let the year be bright

Horned God, Horned God, Horned God 

Keep us safe and strong

Horned God, Horned God, Horned God

Send joy the whole year long 

Hecate! Horned God! 

Bless us one and all

Hecate! Horned God! 

Bless us one and all!

So mote it will be!” 

Give thanks either within or out loud

Have cakes and wine. Pass them around your sacred circle, saying,

“May you never hunger” (cakes) and “May you never thirst” (wine).

Dismiss each quarters. Each person who called a quarter should dismiss it, starting with
north, then west, south, and east. Say:

“By the power of ________, I thank you for your breathing your
presence into our sacred circle. Stay if you will, go if you must, in
perfect love and perfect trust. So mote it be”. (extinguish one candle)

Thank the god and goddess and say:

Oh Great god, we thank you for your strength and energy, shared
with us this day, in this sacred space. (extinguish one candle) Oh
Great goddess, we thank you for your wisdom and love, shared with
us this day, in this sacred space. (extinguish one candle)

Open circle. If circle was cast hand to hand, always left hand up and right hand down,
close the say way. The everyone raise your hands open palms to the sky and say:

The circle is open but never broken. Merry meet, merry part, and
merry meet again!

 Party on if you’re partaking, if you’re having one!

General Guides and
Starhawk, “The Spiral Dance”

Lucy Cavendish, “The White Witch”

Anna Franklin - “Pagan Ritual”

Christopher Penczack - “The Inner Temple of Witchcraft Magic”

Monica Sjoo - “The Great Cosmic Mother”

Deborah Blake - “Everyday Witchcraft”

Internet Reference Points:

The information on the Elements was adapted and taken from,

“The Witches Grimoire” by Amythyst Raine

Llewellyn is a treasure trove of general information and has an enormous bookshop.

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