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The Voice of The I AM - 1986 - 09 - Sep - LQ

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By the Ascended Masters and Their Accredited Messengers,

Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Ballard


the “ Beloved Mighty I AM Presence” was given to us by the
Beloved Ascended Master Saint Germain, through His Accred­
ited Messengers, our Beloved Mr. and Mrs. Guy W. Ballard,
and is now presented to mankind under the auspices o f SAINT
The “ VOICE OF THE I AM ” is not a publication for
articles from the “ I AM ” Students, but is the Outpouring of
the Love, Light, and Illumination from the Beloved Ascended
Masters for the enlightenment of all mankind, and to bring
forth this Ascended Master Instruction o f the Fiery Christ
Truth of the “ Beloved Mighty I AM Presence.”

The “ I AM ” Religious Activity presents the Original

Ascended Master Instruction from the Teachings given in the
Books of the Saint Germain Series; in the monthly magazine,
the Voice o f the “I A M ”; and in other material released by
Saint Germain Foundation, and distributed worldwide through
the Saint Germain Press, Inc. The “ I AM ” Activity is offered
through “ I AM ” Sanctuaries, “ I AM ” Temples, and “ I AM ”
Reading Rooms throughout the world.


Published in the United States o f Am erica

Save Our Nation!

Poem by Chanera ..................... ......................... 3

Lady Master N ada’s Discourse

Oakland, California—January 23, 1938 ........ 5

Beloved Goddess of Liberty’s Discourse

Chicago, Illinois—July 4, 1952
Record —SG 1986 A & B ............................... 13

Chart Talk
Chicago, Illinois —March 3, 1944................... 28

“I AM” Decrees by Our Beloved M am a.................33

New R eleases............................................................... 39

Notice of C lasses.........................................................39

* * *

“I AM” Religious Activity

of the

* * *
1 Salig (fur Nation!

Higher Mental Bodies of
all mankind, Great Host of
^ VAscended Masters, and the
osmic Light of a Thousand Suns!


(Alternate Line)

Liberty from the Great Central Sun!

Till our Ascension is won!
The Power of Cosmic Light!
By all of Thy Cosmic Might!

By Thy Great Love today!

Every inch of our pathway!
Every second now each day!
God Almighty, now hold sway!

By all of Victory’s Power!

Harmony’s Victory each hour!
Through our every “I AM” Call!
Hercules, protect us all!

Thy Power of God’s Unfed Flame!

Jesus, Daddy, and Saint Germain!
God’s Joy of Eternal Song!
Every moment all day long!

The M agic Presence

(Alternate Line)

Now here all God’s W ealth release!

And make all the hum an cease!
By God’s Wisdom everywhere!
Obedience beyond compare!

Here in every “I AM” Home!

Till the Ascended Masters come!
Now for all our children (young
people) too!
The Ascension holds them true!
Till America is Free!
Till mankind Thyself now see!


© 1986 Saint Germ ain Press, Inc.

Through Mr. G. W. Ballard
Oakland, California January 23, 1938


im is My Joy today to have this opportunity to pour forth
j f r l that Substance, that Radiation, which cannot be
/ interfered with by any sinister force or even your own
V^human accumulation.
You may wonder as We have flashed before the Messenger
the various activities, why various ones of Us have under cer­
tain conditions taken advantage of the opportunity to pour forth
a Substance. Now you will notice the difference between a prin­
ciple of activity and that which contains a Substance, which
is Self-luminous, Intelligent Substance. That which I am releas­
ing into the room today for your blessing, for your protection,
for your courage, strength, and illumination is a Self-luminous,
Intelligent Substance which I have gathered for this purpose.
T hat is why I had to take advantage of the opportunity, for
we never miss it in releasing to you this Self-luminous, Intelligent
Substance that will enfold each body, and the body will absorb
It, and that will give you tremendous Courage, Strength, and
Power if you can fully accept It in your consciousness and feel­
ing world.
Remember, Beloved Ones, your intellect is but a fragment
of the power of your being. Your feeling world is your power­
house. Everything acts in your feeling world before it ever
reaches the intellect. Therefore, your feeling world is the place
to be governed. When you govern your feeling, you have won
your Victory; then the intellect will readily respond and h ar­
monize with that which is within your feelings, and will give
expression to harmony instead of inharmony and limitation.
You see, mankind has not understood. Only since the
Beloved Saint Germain has brought forth this Understanding
has mankind come to know that their feeling world —which
never was mentioned or considered before as being their
powerhouse —is the place where all correction must take place.
You see, to not know that —how could mankind correct it? But
now today when you do know that, your feeling is the place
where correction must first take place, for the great reason to
allow the pure Energy of the “Presence” to produce health in
the body, and harmony, and then flow out into your world to
harmonize the conditions where you move and produce suc­
cess in your achievement. It is the natural law of your Life that
is acting; and as you understand it and cooperate with it prop­
erly, then will you have the full Perfection manifest in your outer
world of activity, which is the need today.
The Glory that is before you, Beloved Ones, is without
parallel, is without limit. It only means the determined, calm
steadfastness in attention to your “Presence,” and call It into
action to use the Violet Consuming Flame to dissolve and con­
sume all the accumulation of the past —which will quickly give
you your Freedom. And I say this so kindly, Precious Ones.
Those of you who have had this Understanding for three years,
think how yet you have difficulty in governing your feelings!
And how does that difficulty come about? Because you allow
the attention to be pulled to the things of the outer world.
Because you try to do things verbally, which creates, many times,
arguments and inharmony, when if done silently would avoid
argument and discussion which ofttimes prevent the results
which your Precious Heart desires.
Where there is an inclination toward disbelief or an­
tagonism, whether it be in your family or among friends, please
do not try to do the thing verbally—just with the outpouring
of love and kindness, call the “Presence” silently to do the thing
required; then there is no antagonism that ofttimes defeats your
purpose that is so good, your intention that is so good. There­
fore, if you will, see how perfectly the Law acts and do not forget
that the hum an cannot do these things. The hum an does have
to make the Call to allow the Powers, the Wisdom, the Radiance
of the “Presence” to do the thing which is All-powerful. Then
you will have your fondest H eart’s desire; but I say to you,
Beloved Ones, if your attention is held upon hum an beings in ­
stead of the “Presence,” you cannot have the Fullness of Its
T hat does not mean you love each other less, but it does
mean that the power of discriminative, selective Intelligence
of your Higher Mental Body must be allowed to act; and then
no mistakes will be made and no doubts and fears will creep
in to disturb you in your intensified Application.
As I look into your feeling world today and see how many
of you could rise into that Perfect Command and Freedom from
your hum an self, it is very wonderful. It is magnificent, and
I am sure that before the close of the coming Class you will
have that Freedom.
Dear Ones, after so many centuries of that Freedom, watch­
ing over mankind, every opportunity to give assistance, and
watching the rise and fall of civilization after civilization, it is
something wonderful; and to see, oh, the goodness that is within
the Heart of mankind! And when individuals are free from
disturbance or irritation, they are so fine, so wonderful, so
beautiful. And yet they let just a slight irritation start, and the
first thing they know, the feeling has almost become fiendish
in the rebellion toward everything and conditions, ofttimes
blaming everything but themselves; when to have Freedom and
Mastery of their world, it must come through their own feeling
It is Magnificent! It is within the reach of every one of you,
and quickly, if only you can realize it. So as you go forth trying
to feel that your “Presence” can no more fail to answer your
Call than the Universe stop in its action —because your Call to
the “Presence” is the signal for It to act in your physical world
of action. The Law of your being is that It must answer your
Calll It is not a m atter of will It do it, but the Law of your Life
compels the Answer from your “Presence”! If you understand
that clearly, then you will not doubt or question that your Call
to the “Presence” does bring the Answer, and quickly.
So please remind yourself, in all your Application, that
the “Presence” cannot fail to answer, nor can the result fail to
appear. There is only one thing that can prevent it, and that
is discord in your feeling world after you have made your A p­
plication. Because then you set your qualification into action
that clothes that energy again with that discordant quality, and
it produces that discord in your world again. There is no get­
ting away from it. There is not a hum an being in the Universe
that can escape it. T hat Law of Life is acting; you are the
creators of limitations and discord.
You must uncreate it or call the “Presence” to dissolve and
consume it; then cease to set the cause into action that pro­
duces limitations and discord in your world. Once you do that,
you are free and will soon reach Our Octave of Life.
But mankind must understand that it is they alone that
are the cause for whatever takes place in their world. Either
they have adm itted it, or they have created it; and it acts just
the same whether it is you, or you have admitted it into your
world from some outside source. But I want to encourage you —
please do not feel you are compelled to accept these things from
the outer world. If you will call the “Presence” to establish that
Tube of Light and hold yourself harmonious, soon there will
not be a discordant thing act in your world; but remember,
it is quite different today. In the final Victory of Light, when
the apex of hum an viciousness and discord is acting within the
feeling world of mankind, when there is projected ofttimes at
individuals that thing that tries to discourage them, it tries to
make them believe their Application is not working, or what­
ever, and tries to prevent their Freedom in the Light.
Unless the individual is aware of these things, they unknow­
ingly accept them into their world and allow them to act there,
but that is within the province of each individual. If they insist
on allowing that to act, then act it must. But you have the
promptings and understanding in this Light that enables you
to prevent anything discordant from acting within your world;
and if you will try, the “Presence” will give you the assistance.
You know in your childhood, if you did not succeed at first,
you were asked to try, try again. Well, how much more need­
ful it is today. If you make a mistake, do not be discouraged;
straighten up your spine and energize your determination, and
declare that it shall not occur again! Then in your obedience,
which is harmony to the “Presence,” allow Its Powers to act to
bless you. Precious Ones, there is not one thing you cannot gain
the Victory over, if you will do This.
May you today be able to accept this Self-luminous, In­
telligent Substance which floods the room, enfolding your bodies
to harmonize, produce Perfection, and give you the Victory that
your Hearts crave. I know there are many in this room that
will go forth a Free Being today, and I am very grateful. You
may not be fully aware of that for some time to come; but I
see It, and I know It is there, and I accept that and stand by
It, until you become fully conscious of It yourself.
Dear Ones, having passed through all the experiences of
hum an life which you are going through today, do you think
that We do not understand the fullness of every single thing
that is required for your Freedom and Happiness? We want you
to be happy, oh, so happy, and you can be. Nothing can pre­
vent it but yourself. So if you will accept T hat which I have
so kindly offered today, let It fill you with that Courage and
Strength, inconceivable even an hour ago to your consciousness,
and yet shall It act to produce and give you the assistance that
is required.
You could not possibly imagine Our Love for mankind.
We know what the struggle of hum an life is, even though it
is so long ago; still, when We come into your hum an octave
and feel and see and know the conditions about you that We
once experienced, then do you not think that the Fullness of
Our Power floods forth to give you that Strength, Courage, and
Energy that every hum an being must have to gain the Victory?
Remember, Beloved Ones, if you have read Unveiled
Mysteries, you know that I assisted, with Beloved Saint Germain,
in that wondrous civilization in South America, in bringing forth
its apex of Perfection. Then, like many others, when We
withdrew, it soon went back into the hum an creation again.
But this Understanding was not then known to the mass of
mankind. Today it looks as though, ere long, such a flood of
this Light will be released within the Heart of mankind that
thousands and thousands of people who have never heard of
It will be drawn to It with great speed. Then will that Great
Light take Its Dominion in America.
The pitiful condition in Europe and the Orient today—
even We do not care to look upon it, and yet We must pour
forth every possible assistance. But think of it! Where there are
none to listen, to know, to understand, or a single source to
call —except as mankind has known in the ages past —to an
Omnipresence of God, many are calling earnestly; but the vast
difference today, because of the gathering storm clouds of
destruction, those qualities seldom penetrate, and the need of
knowing that Individualized “Presence,” the Source from which
comes all Power, is the imperative need today.
While We have placed two or three individuals here and
there to hold the Focus, yet it is not sufficient, but it is the best
We could do, and We give the assistance to the best of Our
ability. But when you know that the Call must come from the
hum an octave that enables this Mighty Release to come forth,
then you will see how helpless We are to give that Great Assist­
ance. Only as the Great Cosmic Light may see fit to act in that
great tragic conflagration, may the Release come even there.
We are trusting, calling hourly that the Great Cosmic Light
may choose to release Itself into the Earth —every part of the
Earth, and silence and dissolve forever all hum an selfishness
and discord from the Planet. If you think you are earnest in
your Call, then remember Our Earnestness in joining you in
your Call for that Great Release.
Our Gratitude is boundless, Precious Ones of the Light,
for these Mighty Decrees which you are sending forth that are
doing so much for America. No words could ever describe what
has already been done, and what is hourly being done, by the
Release of that Great Energy—because remember, it is here
in the hum an octave that you need Divine Justice, Perfection,
and Correction of conditions; and unless that great Perfecting
Power of the “Presence” is called forth, how are you to have
it? Therefore in Our Assistance, will you not all make and con­
tinue to make your earnest, sincere Call, that We may amplify
that to do the utmost possible for the Protection and Freedom
of America?
I know you do not yet understand Our great pleading for
your assistance for the Protection of America, but if you saw
for one moment the condition existing in Europe and the Orient
which is preparing to sweep your America, oh Beloved Ones,
not one American that is a real American would fail to make
the utmost Call of their being for this Protection!
The Light will eventually gain Its Victory; but We want
all of you to continue in this Wondrous Understanding, gain
your Freedom and Ascension now, instead of being cut off and
waiting for some future time to accomplish It. Remember,
Precious Students, there is now and then one who thinks all
they have to do is sit down, make the call to the “Presence,”
and have their Ascension. Do not make that mistake! If you
had not accumulated centuries of imperfection about you, it
might be done, but it would be a Miracle if you were set Free
immediately. You must undo the things you have done, and
that is by calling the “Presence” to use the Violet Consuming
Flame to dissolve and consume every accumulation of the past
in your world. Then you can have a quick release of everything
that has limited, disturbed, or bound you. If you will do that,
you can have that Freedom quickly.
I pour forth My Love and Blessing and that of the As­
cended Masters, the Legions of Light, and the Gre^t Cosmic
Beings to flood your being and world with the Great Peace,
Happiness, Courage, Strength, and Perfection which enables
you, with such great calm Application, to quickly bring your
freedom from every discordant, limiting thing, and glorify you
with the mastery of self in your world quickly. It is for you;
it is within your ability now today.
Will you join Us in greater sincerity, greater determ ina­
tion to have that Freedom which the “Presence” holds for you,
and let It act now? Do not let Us wait. Let Us take such com­
m and now that We have the Fullness of It right now, and I
thank you.

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