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2024 Grade 5 Science and Technology Scheme of Work Term 2 02 24 May 10 14 31

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W Lesso Strand Sub-strand Specific-Learning outcomes Learning Experience Key Inquiry Learning Assessment Reflection
eek n Question(S) Resources Methods
1 1 Living The Human By the end of the lesson, the In pairs or individually, What is the Curriculum Oral
things and Breathing learner should be able to: learners are guided to identify importance of Design; Science questions
their system the human breathing system. breathing? and Technology, Oral Report
a) Identify the human Grade 5 Observation
Environm breathing system.
ent b) Use print and non- In pairs or individually, Realia
print material to learners are guided to use print Pictures
identify the human and non- print material to Digital devices
breathing system. identify the human breathing Computing
c) Appreciate the system.
importance of devices
2 Living The Human By the end of the lesson, the In groups, learners are guided Which are the Curriculum Oral
things and Breathing learner should be able to: to draw the human breathing main parts of Design; Science questions
their system system. the human and Technology, Oral Report
a) Draw the human Grade 5 Observation
Environm breathing system. breathing
ent In groups, learners are guided system?
b) Label the main parts to label the main parts of the Realia
of the human human breathing system. Pictures
breathing system.
Digital devices
c) Appreciate the
human breathing
system. devices

3 Living The Human By the end of the lesson, the In groups, learners are guided What are the Curriculum Oral
things and Breathing learner should be able to: to state the functions of major functions of Design; Science questions
their system parts of the human breathing the main parts and Technology, Oral Report
a) State the functions of system Grade 5 Observation
Environm major parts of the of the human
ent human breathing breathing
system? Realia
system. In groups, learners are guided Pictures
b) Investigate the to search for information on Digital devices
functions of the main the functions of main parts of Computing
parts of the human the human breathing system
breathing system and devices
and share with peers
share with peers.
c) Appreciate the
functions of the main
parts of the human
breathing system.

4 Living The Human By the end of the lesson, the In groups, learners are guided What makes up Curriculum Oral
things and Breathing learner should be able to: to identify the causes that the human Design; Science questions
their system affect the human breathing breathing and Technology, Oral Report
a) Identify the causes system. Grade 5 Observation
Environm that affect the human system?
ent breathing system. In groups, learners are guided Realia
b) Investigate the to investigate the symptoms of Pictures
symptoms of common conditions and Digital devices
common conditions diseases that affect the human Computing
and diseases that breathing system.
affect the human devices
breathing system.
c) Appreciate the
importance of the
human breathing

2 1 Living The Human By the end of the lesson, the In groups, learners are guided How can we Curriculum Oral
things and Breathing learner should be able to: to discuss the signs of prevent most Design; Science questions
their system illnesses that affect the of and Technology, Oral Report
a) Discuss the signs of breathing system. the illnesses of Grade 5 Observation
Environm illnesses that affect
ent the breathing
the breathing system. In groups, learners are guided system? Realia
b) Investigate the to investigate the prevention Pictures
prevention of of common conditions and Digital devices
common conditions diseases that affect the human Computing
and diseases that breathing system.
affect the human devices
breathing system.
c) Develop interest in
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protecting the
breathing system.

2 Living The Human By the end of the lesson, the Learners to name major parts What measures Curriculum Oral
things and Breathing learner should be able to: of the human breathing enhance a Design; Science questions
their system system. healthy and Technology, Oral Report
a) Name the major Grade 5 Observation
Environm parts of the human breathing
ent As a class, learners are guided system?
breathing system. to use simulation software, Realia
b) Use simulation online interactive platforms or Pictures
software, online digital images to illustrate Digital devices
interactive platforms major parts of the human Computing
or digital images to breathing system devices
illustrate major parts
of the human
breathing system.
c) Appreciate the major
parts of the human
breathing system.

3 Living The Human By the end of the lesson, the In groups, learners are guided What have you Curriculum Oral
things and Breathing learner should be able to: to identify the materials learnt about the Design; Science questions
their system needed to model the human human and Technology, Oral Report
a) Identify the materials breathing system. Grade 5 Observation
Environm needed to model the breathing
ent human breathing system?
Learners are guided to Realia
system. collaboratively make models Pictures
b) Make models of the of the human breathing system Digital devices
human breathing using locally available Computing
system using locally materials
available materials. devices
c) Appreciate the need
for maintaining a
healthy breathing

4 Living Self-check By the end of the lesson the Learners are guided to read What do you Curriculum Oral
things and learner should be able to: and understand the questions. feel when you Design; Science questions
their place your and Technology, Oral Report
Answer the questions Learners to discuss the choices palm in front Grade 5 Observation
Environm and questions to identify the
ent correctly to enhance of your nose?
understanding of parts of, correct answer, in the Realia
illnesses that affect and classroom. Pictures
protection of the breathing Learners individually answer Digital devices
system. the questions in their books. Computing

3 1 Matter Mixtures By the end of the lesson, the What is a Curriculum Oral
learner should be able to: mixture? Design; Science questions
and Technology, Oral Report
a) Brainstorm the In groups or in pairs, learners Grade 5 Observation
meaning of a are guided to brainstorm the
mixture. meaning of a mixture, give Realia
b) Give examples of examples at home and school Pictures
Digital devices
c) Have a desire to
learn more about
mixtures. devices

2 Matter Mixtures By the end of the lesson, the Learners to explain the What is Curriculum Oral
learner should be able to: meaning of homogenous. homogenous Design; Science questions
solution? and Technology, Oral Report
a) Explain the meaning In groups, learners are guided Grade 5 Observation
of homogenous. to list the materials used to
b) Classify different classify mixtures as Realia
types of mixtures as homogenous. Pictures
homogenous or Digital devices
heterogeneous. In groups, learners are guided Computing
c) Enjoy conducting the to classify different types of devices
experiment. mixtures as homogenous or

3 Matter Mixtures By the end of the lesson, the In groups, learners are guided How do you Curriculum Oral
learner should be able to: to list the materials used to classify Design; Science questions
classify different types of different types and Technology, Oral Report
a) List the materials mixtures. of mixtures? Grade 5 Observation
used to classify
different types of In groups, learners are guided Realia
mixtures. to outline the procedure of Pictures
b) Classify different classifying different types of Digital devices
types of mixtures. mixtures. Computing
c) Enjoy conducting the devices
experiment. In groups, learners are guided
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to classify different types of

4 Matter Mixtures By the end of the lesson, the Learners to explain the What is Curriculum Oral
learner should be able to: meaning of heterogeneous. heterogeneous Design; Science questions
solution? and Technology, Oral Report
a) Explain the meaning In groups, learners are guided Grade 5 Observation
of heterogeneous. to list the materials used to
b) Classify different classify mixtures as Realia
types of mixtures as homogenous or Pictures
homogenous or heterogeneous. Digital devices
heterogeneous. Computing
c) Enjoy conducting the In groups, learners are guided devices
experiment. to classify different types of
mixtures as homogenous or

4 1 Matter Mixtures By the end of the lesson, the In groups, learners are guided What is Curriculum Oral
learner should be able to: to explain the meaning of winnowing? Design; Science questions
winnowing. and Technology, Oral Report
a) Explain the meaning What type of Grade 5 Observation
of winnowing. In groups, learners are guided mixture is
b) Carry out activities to carry out activities to separated by Realia
to separate separate heterogeneous use of Pictures
heterogeneous mixtures using winnowing winnowing? Digital devices
mixtures using method. Computing
winnowing method.
c) Appreciate the use of devices
winnowing method.

2 Matter Mixtures By the end of the lesson, the In groups, learners are guided What type of Curriculum Oral
learner should be able to: to explain the meaning of mixture is Design; Science questions
picking. separated by and Technology, Oral Report
a) Explain the meaning use of picking? Grade 5 Observation
of picking. In groups, learners are guided
b) Carry out activities to carry out activities to Realia
to separate separate heterogeneous Pictures
mixtures using picking Digital devices
mixtures using method. Computing
picking method.
c) Appreciate the use of devices
picking method.

3 Matter Mixtures By the end of the lesson, the In groups, learners are guided What type of Curriculum Oral
learner should be able to: to explain the meaning of mixture is Design; Science questions
sieving. separated by and Technology, Oral Report
a) Explain the meaning use of sieving? Grade 5 Observation
of sieving. In groups, learners are guided
b) Carry out activities to carry out activities to Realia
to separate separate heterogeneous Pictures
heterogeneous mixtures using sieving Digital devices
mixtures using method. Computing
sieving method.
c) Appreciate the use of devices
sieving method.

4 Matter Mixtures By the end of the lesson, the In groups, learners are guided What type of Curriculum Oral
learner should be able to: to outline the process of using mixture is Design; Science questions
a magnet. separated by and Technology, Oral Report
a) Outline the process use of magnet? Grade 5 Observation
of using a magnet. In groups, learners are guided
b) Carry out activities to carry out activities to Realia
to separate separate heterogeneous Pictures
heterogeneous mixtures using a magnet. Digital devices
mixtures using a
c) Appreciate the use of devices

5 1 Matter Mixtures By the end of the lesson, the In groups, learners are guided What type of Curriculum Oral
learner should be able to: to explain the meaning of mixture is Design; Science questions
filtering. separated by and Technology, Oral Report
a) Explain the meaning filtering Grade 5 Observation
of filtering. In groups, learners are guided method?
b) Carry out activities to carry out activities to Realia
to separate separate heterogeneous Pictures
heterogeneous mixtures using filtering Digital devices
mixtures using method. Computing
filtering method.
c) Appreciate the use of devices
filtering method.

2 Matter Mixtures By the end of the lesson, the In groups, learners are guided What type of Curriculum Oral
learner should be able to: to explain the meaning of mixture is Design; Science questions
decanting. separated by and Technology, Oral Report
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a) Explain the meaning decantation? Grade 5 Observation
of decanting. In groups, learners are guided
b) Carry out activities to carry out activities to Realia
to separate separate heterogeneous Pictures
heterogeneous mixtures using decanting Digital devices
mixtures using method. Computing
decanting method. devices
c) Appreciate the use of
decanting method.

3 Matter Mixtures By the end of the lesson, the In groups, learners are guided What type of Curriculum Oral
learner should be able to: to outline the process of using mixture is Design; Science questions
a separating funnel. separated by and Technology, Oral Report
a) Outline the process Grade 5 Observation
using a
of using a separating In groups, learners are guided separating
funnel. to carry out activities to Realia
b) Carry out activities funnel?
separate heterogeneous Pictures
to separate mixtures using a separating Digital devices
heterogeneous funnel. Computing
mixtures using a
separating funnel. devices
c) Appreciate the use of
a separating funnel.

4 Matter Mixtures By the end of the lesson, the In groups, learners are guided What should Curriculum Oral
learner should be able to: to outline the applications of be considered Design; Science questions
separating mixtures in day to when and Technology, Oral Report
a) Outline the day life. Grade 5 Observation
applications of separating
separating mixtures various
In groups, learners are guided mixtures? Realia
in day to day life. to discuss the applications of Pictures
b) Discuss the separating mixtures in day to Digital devices
applications of day life. (Winnowing, picking, Computing
separating mixtures sieving, using magnet,
in day today life. devices
Filtering, decanting,
c) Appreciate different separating funnel)
methods of
separating mixtures
in day to day life.

6 1 Matter Self-check By the end of the lesson the Learners are guided to read What have you Curriculum
learner should be able to: and understand the questions. learnt about Design; Science
mixtures? and Technology,
Answer the questions Learners to discuss the choices Grade 5
correctly to enhance and questions to identify the
understanding of mixtures in correct answer, in the Realia
day today life. classroom. Pictures
Learners individually answer Digital devices
the questions in their books. Computing

2 Matter Water By the end of the lesson, the In groups, learners are guided What is water Curriculum Oral
Pollution learner should be able to: to discuss the meaning of pollution? Design; Science questions
water pollution. and Technology, Oral Report
a) Discuss the meaning Grade 5 Observation
of water pollution. In groups, learners are guided
b) Brainstorm on water to brainstorm on water Realia
pollutants in water pollutants in water sources Pictures
Digital devices
c) Appreciate the
importance of water
in our bodies. devices

3 Matter Water By the end of the lesson, the In groups, learners are guided What causes Curriculum Oral
Pollution learner should be able to: to distinguish between clean water Design; Science questions
and polluted water in his or pollution? and Technology, Oral Report
a) Distinguish between her environment. Grade 5 Observation
clean and polluted
water in his or her In groups, learners are guided Realia
environment. to discuss the use of clean and Pictures
b) Discuss the use of polluted water. Digital devices
clean and polluted
c) Appreciate the devices
importance of water

4 Matter Water By the end of the lesson, the In groups, learners to identify What are the Curriculum Oral
Pollution learner should be able to: effects of water pollution on effects of water Design; Science questions
living things. pollution? and Technology, Oral Report
a) Identify effects of Grade 5 Observation
water pollution on In groups, learners to use
living things visual aids and digital devices Realia
b) Use visual aids and to differentiate between clean Pictures
digital devices to and polluted water Digital devices
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differentiate between Computing
clean and polluted devices
c) Appreciate the
importance of clean
water in his or her

7 1 Matter Water By the end of the lesson, the In groups, learners walk How is water Curriculum Oral
Pollution learner should be able to: around the school and polluted in Design; Science questions
neighbourhood to observe, your and Technology, Oral Report
a) Walk around their Grade 5 Observation
school compound identify and record the effects environment?
and neighbourhood. of water pollution on living
things (waterborne diseases, Realia
b) Identify and record Pictures
the effects of water death of plants and animals
that live in water). Digital devices
pollution on living
c) Enjoy the excursion. devices

2 Matter Water By the end of the lesson, the Learners are guided to identify What are some Curriculum Oral
Pollution learner should be able to: and discuss ways of reducing of the ways of Design; Science questions
water pollution (proper reducing water and Technology, Oral Report
a) Identify ways of disposal of waste; proper Grade 5 Observation
reducing water pollution?
disposal of dirty water).
pollution. Realia
b) Investigate the ways Learners are guided to Pictures
of reducing water investigate the ways of Digital devices
pollution. reducing water pollution. Computing
c) Appreciate the ways
of reducing water devices

3 Matter Water By the end of the lesson, the Learners are guided to identify What are the Curriculum Oral
Pollution learner should be able to: the safety measures when safety Design; Science questions
working in a water polluted measures to be and Technology, Oral Report
a) Identify the safety Grade 5 Observation
measures when environment. observed when
working in a water working in a
Learners are guided to observe water polluted Realia
polluted safety measures when working Pictures
environment. environment?
in a water polluted Digital devices
b) Observe safety
environment (Example: Computing
measures when
practice use of gumboots and devices
working in a water
polluted gloves)
c) Appreciate the
importance of
observing safety
measures when
working in a water

4 Matter Water By the end of the lesson, the In pairs or individually, What are the Curriculum Oral
Pollution learner should be able to: learners are guided to state the importance’s Design; Science questions
importance of gumboots. of gumboots? and Technology, Oral Report
a) State the importance Grade 5 Observation
of gumboots. In pairs or individually,
b) Draw a pair of learners are guided to draw a Realia
gumboots. pair of gumboots. Pictures
c) Practice use of
Digital devices
In pairs or individually, Computing
d) Appreciate the use of
learners are guided to practice devices
use of gumboots.


9 1 Matter Water By the end of the lesson, the In pairs or individually, What are the Curriculum Oral
Pollution learner should be able to: learners are guided to state the importance’s Design; Science questions
importance of gloves. of gloves? and Technology, Oral Report
a) State the importance Grade 5 Observation
of gloves. In pairs or individually,
b) Draw a pair of learners are guided to draw a Realia
gloves. pair of gloves. Pictures
c) Practice the use of
Digital devices
In pairs or individually, Computing
d) Appreciate the use of
learners are guided to practice devices
the use of gloves.

2 Matter Water By the end of the lesson, the Learners are guided to identify What is Curriculum Oral
Pollution learner should be able to: the basic methods of water filtering? Design; Science questions
treatment. and Technology, Oral Report
a) Identify the basic Grade 5 Observation
methods of water As a class, learners are guided
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treatment. to carry out activities to Realia
b) Carry out activities demonstrate basic methods of Pictures
to demonstrate basic water treatment (filtering) Digital devices
methods of water Computing
treatment (Filtering) devices
c) Appreciate the
importance of
filtering as method
of water treatment.

3 Matter Water By the end of the lesson, the Learners are guided to state What is the Curriculum Oral
Pollution learner should be able to: the importance of boiling. importance of Design; Science questions
boiling water? and Technology, Oral Report
a) State the importance As a class, learners are guided Grade 5 Observation
of boiling. to carry out activities to
b) Carry out activities demonstrate basic methods of Realia
to demonstrate basic water treatment (boiling) Pictures
methods of water
Digital devices
treatment (boiling)
c) Appreciate the
importance of devices
boiling as method of
water treatment.

4 Matter Water By the end of the lesson, the In groups, learners are guided How do you Curriculum Oral
Pollution learner should be able to: to outline the process in which treat water Design; Science questions
water is treated using chemical using chemical and Technology, Oral Report
a) Outline the process treatment. Grade 5 Observation
in which water is treatment?
treated using In groups, learners are guided Realia
chemical treatment. to carry out activities to Pictures
b) Carry out activities demonstrate basic methods of Digital devices
to demonstrate basic water treatment (Chemical Computing
methods of water treatment)
treatment (Chemical devices
c) Appreciate the ways
of treating water.

10 1 Matter Water By the end of the lesson, the In groups, learners are guided How do you Curriculum Oral
Pollution learner should be able to: to outline the process in which treat water Design; Science questions
water is treated using solar using solar and Technology, Oral Report
a) Outline the process treatment. Grade 5 Observation
in which water is treatment?
treated using solar In groups, learners are guided Realia
treatment. to carry out activities to Pictures
b) Carry out activities demonstrate basic methods of Digital devices
to demonstrate basic water treatment (Solar Computing
methods of water treatment)
treatment (Solar devices
c) Appreciate the ways
of treating water.

2 Matter Water By the end of the lesson, the As a class, learners are guided What are the Curriculum Oral
Pollution learner should be able to: to use visual aids or digital dangers of Design; Science questions
devices to identify water water and Technology, Oral Report
a) Use visual aids or pollutants and their effects in Grade 5 Observation
digital devices to pollution?
day to day life.
identify water Realia
pollutants and their As a class, learners are guided Pictures
effects in day to day to apply appropriate methods Digital devices
life. of water treatment. Computing
b) Apply appropriate
methods of water devices
c) Advocate for safe
water sources.

3 Matter Water By the end of the lesson, the In groups, learners are guided What is are the Curriculum Oral
Pollution learner should be able to: to state the materials used to uses of a water Design; Science questions
make a functional water filter. filter? and Technology, Oral Report
a) State the materials Grade 5 Observation
used to make a As a class, learners are guided
functional water to walk around the school Realia
filter. compound and collect the Pictures
b) Walk around the materials used to make a Digital devices
school compound functional water filter Computing
and collect the
materials used to devices
make a functional
water filter.
c) Appreciate the
importance of a
water filter.

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4 Matter Water By the end of the lesson, the In groups, learners are guided What are the Curriculum Oral
Pollution learner should be able to: to outline the process of importance’s Design; Science questions
making a functional water of a water and Technology, Oral Report
a) Outline the process filter. Grade 5 Observation
of making a filter?
functional water In groups, learners are guided Realia
filter. to make functional water Pictures
b) Make functional filters using locally available Digital devices
water filters using materials. Computing
locally available
materials. devices
c) Appreciate the uses
of a water filter.

11 1 Force and Floating By the end of the lesson, the Learners to explain the Which objects Curriculum Oral
Energy and Sinking learner should be able to: meaning of floating and they float? Design; Science questions
sinking. and Technology, Oral Report
a) Explain the meaning Grade 5 Observation
of floating and In groups, learners are guided
sinking. to use different objects to Realia
b) Use different objects demonstrate floating and Pictures
to demonstrate sinking in water (use dry Digital devices
floating and sinking wood, stone, metals, plastic, Computing
in water. cork, buoy & feathers)
c) Have a desire to devices
learn more about
floating and sinking.

2 Force and Floating By the end of the lesson, the Learners are guided to identify Which objects Curriculum Oral
Energy and Sinking learner should be able to: objects that can float and those can sink? Design; Science questions
that can sink. and Technology, Oral Report
a) Identify objects that Grade 5 Observation
can float and those In groups, learners to carry out
that can sink. activities to classify objects in Realia
b) Carry out activities the environment into those Pictures
to classify objects in that float and those that sink in Digital devices
the environment into water. Computing
those that float and
those that sink in devices
c) Appreciate different
objects that can float
and those that can

3 Force and Floating By the end of the lesson, the In groups, learners are guided Which factors Curriculum Oral
Energy and Sinking learner should be able to: to carry out activities to verify affect floating Design; Science questions
how shape, weight and size and sinking of and Technology, Oral Report
a) Identify factors that Grade 5 Observation
affect floating and affect floating and sinking of objects in
sinking of objects in objects in water (normal bottle water?
tops, crushed bottle tops, same Realia
water. Pictures
b) Carry out activities quantity of plasticine in
different shapes, containers of Digital devices
to verify how shape,
same size and weight; one Computing
weight and size
affect floating and filled with sand and the other devices
sinking of objects in one feathers or cotton wool)
c) Appreciate the
factors that affect
floating and sinking
of objects in water.

4 Force and Floating By the end of the lesson, the In groups, learners are guided Why do some Curriculum Oral
Energy and Sinking learner should be able to: to explain applications of materials float Design; Science questions
floating and sinking in day to and others and Technology, Oral Report
a) Explain applications day life sink? Grade 5 Observation
of floating and
sinking in day to day In groups, learners are guided Realia
life. to discuss the applications of Pictures
b) Discuss the floating and sinking in day to Digital devices
applications of day life (swimming, diving, Computing
floating and sinking use of lifesavers water
in day to day life. devices
transport, floods, drowning,
c) Appreciate the surfing),
applications of
floating and sinking
in day to day life.

12 1 Force and Floating By the end of the lesson, the In groups, learners are guided What are the Curriculum Oral
Energy and Sinking learner should be able to: to state the effects of flooding uses of Design; Science questions
and mitigation measures. floaters? and Technology, Oral Report
a) State the effects of Grade 5 Observation
flooding and In groups, learners are guided
mitigation measures.
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b) Investigate the uses to investigate the use of Realia
of floaters as life floaters as life savers Pictures
savers. Digital devices
c) Appreciate the uses Computing
of floaters. devices

2 Force and Floating By the end of the lesson, the In groups, learners are guided What is are the Curriculum Oral
Energy and Sinking learner should be able to: to state the materials used to uses of Design; Science questions
make lifesavers from floaters. floaters? and Technology, Oral Report
a) State the materials Grade 5 Observation
used to make As a class, learners are guided
lifesavers from to walk around the school Realia
floaters. compound and collect the Pictures
b) Walk around the materials used to make Digital devices
school compound lifesavers from floaters. Computing
and collect the
materials used to devices
make a make
lifesaver from
c) Appreciate the
importance of
making lifesavers
from floaters.

3 Force and Floating By the end of the lesson, the In groups, learners are guided What are the Curriculum Oral
Energy and Sinking learner should be able to: to outline the process of importance’s Design; Science questions
making lifesavers from of lifesavers and Technology, Oral Report
a) Outline the process floaters. Grade 5 Observation
of making lifesavers from floaters?
from floaters. In groups, learners are guided Realia
b) Make functional to make functional lifesavers Pictures
lifesavers from from floaters using locally Digital devices
floaters using locally available materials. Computing
available materials.
c) Appreciate the uses devices
of a floaters.




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