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Rocks Minerals Notes Kean University

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Rocks & Minerals

Atoms & Elements
Igneous Rocks
Sedimentary Rocks
Metamorphic Rocks
The Rock Cycle
Geology of Mineral Resources

This curious world we inhabit is more wonderful than convenient; more

beautiful than it is useful; it is more to be admired and enjoyed than used.
Henry David Thoreau
My words are tied in one, with the great mountains, with the great rocks,
with the great trees, in one with my body, and my heart.
Yokuts Indian Prayer


Understanding the composition of rocks on other planets

provides clues to the geologic development of those
Rocks analyzed during NASA's Pathfinder expedition to
Mars were found to be similar to common rocks on Earth.

When NASAs Pathfinder spacecraft landed on Mars on July

4, 1997, it released a "rover," a small vehicle called Sojourner
(Fig. 1). Sojourner spent the next few days getting up close and
personal with several big rocks around the landing site. Why
travel 100,000,000 miles to look at rocks? Scientists knew that
the best way to learn about Mars was to understand its most
basic components, the rocks that made up the planet. The
rocks, and the minerals they contain, provided clues to the
evolution of Mars.
Scientists were surprised to learn that the first rock they
analyzed, nicknamed Barnacle Bill, contained many of the
same minerals that were common on Earth. The rock
composition was similar to andesite, a rock formed by
volcanic activity. Andesite on Mars was an unexpected find as
volcanoes are rare on the red planet. The composition of other
samples (Fig. 2) confirmed the resemblance with other
volcanic rocks on Earth and scientists began to rethink their
view of Mars' origins.

Figure 1. View of Mars from

Pathfinder lander and landing
site with "Twin Peaks" on
horizon. Rover vehicle is in
foreground of the picture.
Image from NASAs Planetary

The boulder-studded landing site was interpreted as the site of

catastrophic floods. Other features suggested later modification
by wind action. The compositions of soil and rocks at the
landing site are chemically distinct, suggesting the rocks were
transported into the area from another location.
Figure 2. Yogi, one of the
rocks analyzed during the
Mars exploration was
found to have a
composition closer to
basalt than andesite both are volcanic rocks.
Image from NASAs
Planetary Photojournal.

Rocks on the Earth may be composed of hundreds of possible

minerals but only 20 to 30 minerals are common in the
majority of rocks. Minerals are made up of combinations of
nearly a hundred different elements, yet only eight elements
make up over 98% of the Earth's crust. Atoms represent the
basic building blocks of the elements and the next section of
the chapter, Atoms and Elements, discusses how atoms of
different elements combine to form minerals. The same
mineral found in different parts of the world, will always look
the same and will have a consistent chemical composition.
Minerals can be identified in rocks by a variety of features
described in the Minerals section of the chapter, including
crystal form, cleavage, hardness, color, and luster.
Rocks are classified into three distinct groups - igneous,
sedimentary, and metamorphic - and each is discussed in a
separate section. Each rock group is further subdivided into
subgroups that are defined by the mode of origin of the rocks.
Igneous rocks form when magma, molten rock, rises upward
toward the surface and are classified into two types on the basis
of texture (grain size) and composition. Metamorphic rocks
form when changes in the composition and/or texture of a rock
occur as a result of increasing pressure or temperature but stop
short of melting minerals. Two groups of metamorphic rocks
can be identified based upon the presence or absence of a
specific texture (foliation) in the rocks. Sedimentary rocks,
the most common rocks on the Earth's surface, are readily
identified by the presence of layers (beds). Although layering is
sometimes present in igneous and metamorphic rocks, it is
much more common in sedimentary rocks.
Most sedimentary rocks are deposited under water so the
presence of layering in rocks is often taken as an indication of
ancient oceans or lakes. On Earth the boundary between ocean
and continent is represented by a global shoreline. Broad
expanses of the ocean floor are characterized by flat surfaces,
unmarked by the erosion that generates the irregular land
surfaces above sea level. Recent maps of the martian surface
from data generated by NASA's Mars Global Surveyor
(MGS) spacecraft show a large low region around the planet's
north pole that is much flatter and smoother than the
surrounding terrain. Early interpretations that this may be the
floor of an ancient ocean are bolstered by the presence of a
level surface that rings the region, perhaps the remnants of an
ancient coastline. More detailed analyses of images from the
MGS have cast doubt on the existence of the shoreline but have

revealed numerous sites characterized by layered rocks (Fig.

3). Elsewhere there are deep channels and networks of dry
valleys, tantalizing clues that there may have once been water
on Mars. Equivalent layers on Earth contain fossil evidence of
past life. The great age (3.5 billion years old) of the Martian
rocks probably rules out the prospect that fossils will be found,
but if there is any evidence of primitive life on the red planet it
is most likely in these layers. Missions to Mars by the
European Space Agency and NASA in the next few years will
provide further information on the presence of water and the
complex organic molecules necessary for life.
We tie the three major rock groups together in the Rock Cycle,
a simplified view of the formation of different rocks to
illustrate the potential interaction between rock types. The
chapter ends with a discussion of the geologic processes
associated with the concentration of mineral resources.
Geologists are not just interested in using rock types to
understand the geologic history of a region. It is also important
to understand the distribution of rocks and minerals for
practical applications. Mineral resources include nonfood,
nonfuel materials such as metals (e.g., aluminum, gold) and
industrial minerals (e.g., gypsum, phosphate). Mineral
resources become concentrated in Earth's crust as a result of
specific geologic processes associated with the formation of
rocks. Exploration for minerals requires that geologists
recognize the telltale evidence that signals the presence of
useful mineral deposits. The section on the Geology of
Mineral Resources describes the geologic associations that are
characteristic of some of the more common mineral deposits.

Figure 3. Left: Olympus

Mons, the largest volcano
in the solar system, is 27
km high and covers an
area approximately the
size of Arizona. It is part
of a volcanic field that
produced huge amounts
of lava, gases, and water
vapor. The release of
great volumes of gases
such as carbon dioxide
and water vapor would
have altered the martian
climate and may have
provided the source for
surface streams and
oceans. Right: Part of the
Valles Marinaris (the
"Grand Canyon" of Mars)
showing indications of
layering perhaps
indicating the presence of
sedimentary rocks or
volcanic flows. Images
courtesy of NASA's
Observatorium Gallery.

Think about it . . .
1. Where is the nearest outcrop of bedrock?
2. Where is the nearest example of a rock that is not part
of the local bedrock?
3. Give three examples of how minerals and/or rocks are
used in your daily life?

Atoms & Elements

Rocks are made up of minerals.

Minerals are composed of elements.
Elements can be separated into atoms.
Atoms are composed of protons, neutrons, and electrons.
Each element has a unique atomic number that represents
the number of protons in its nucleus.
Elements in the foods we eat originate in the rocks of
Earth's crust.

Rocks are generally composed of an assemblage of minerals.

For example, the andesite from Mars contains quartz, feldspar,
amphibole, and other minerals.
Minerals can be divided into their constituent elements. The
mineral quartz is composed of two elements, silicon and
oxygen. Other minerals may contain many elements. For
example, the mineral amphibole is made up of a laundry list of
elements including sodium, calcium, magnesium, iron,
aluminum, silicon, and oxygen.
Elements are the last stop; they cannot be further divided into
other materials but they can be separated into individual atoms.
An atom is the smallest particle of an element that retains the
characteristics of the element. All atoms are composed of
neutrons, protons, and electrons. The protons and neutrons
are present in the atoms nucleus that is surrounded by
The number of protons in an atom is unique for each element
and represents the element's atomic number. For example,
oxygen has 8 protons, silicon has 14 (Fig. 4). Protons have a
positive charge that is balanced by the negatively charged
electrons. Neutrons are neutral, they have no charge.

Figure 4. Oxygen (left),

atomic number = 8,
has 8 protons; silicon
(right), atomic number
= 14, has 14 protons.

Electrons are located in a series of "shells" around the nucleus.

Different shells hold different numbers of electrons. The two
innermost shells hold two and eight electrons respectively.
Outer shells can hold more electrons but are considered stable
when they contain eight electrons. The number of electrons
should ideally equal the number of protons. However, atoms
may lose or gain electrons to reach a configuration with a
stable outer shell. This results in the formation of a negatively
or positively charged atom known as an ion.
Ions may be either positive (cation) where an atom has lost
electrons, or negative (anion) where an atom has gained
electrons. Anions may form where an atom with a nearly full
outer shell gains electrons. Oxygen atoms will add two
electrons to complete its outer shell (Fig. 5); oxygen ions
therefore have two negative charges (O2-). The silicon atoms
14 protons are balanced with an equal number of electrons.
However, silicon forms a cation (Si4+) due to the loss of four
electrons in its outer shell (Fig. 5).
Ions of individual elements combine together to form mineral
compounds by chemical bonding. Bonds form when elements
balance each others electrical charge (ionic bonds) or share
electrons (covalent bonds). Ionic bonding occurs because of
electrical attraction between oppositely charge ions (proving
again that opposites attract).

Figure 5. Oxygen and

silicon ions with
negative and positive
charges, respectively.
The oxygen anion has
gained two electrons
whereas the silicon
cation has lost four

Water (H2O, Fig. 6) is formed by covalent bonding of

hydrogen (H) and oxygen (O) when two hydrogen ions (H1+)
Figure 6. Hydrogen
and oxygen atoms
share two electrons
by covalent bonding
to form water. (And
yes, we know it looks
like Mickey Mouse).

share electrons with an oxygen ion (O2-). Covalent bonds are

typically stronger than ionic bonds. For example, quartz,
formed by covalent bonding between silicon and oxygen, is
one of the most resistant common minerals and diamond, the
hardest mineral, is formed by covalent bonding between carbon

Rocks and Breakfast Cereal

Although at first they may appear to have nothing in common,
a bowl of breakfast cereal and a pile of rocks share common
elements. Rocks and breakfast cereal represent components of
a geochemical cycle that begins when elements are naturally
extracted from rocks as minerals break down at Earths surface
to form soil. The elements are absorbed by crops growing in
the soils and may find their way to us in the foods we eat. The
continental crust, the rock below our feet, contains 88 naturally
occurring elements but only 8 make up over 98% of the crust
by weight. Many of these are essential for human health.
Most Common Elements in Continental Crust
% by weight
Oxygen (O)
Silicon (Si)
Aluminum (Al)
Iron (Fe)
Calcium (Ca)
Sodium (Na)
Potassium (K)
Magnesium (Mg)

Fe2+, Fe3+


Specific elements may be added to the food we eat or the water

we drink to promote good health:
Fluorine is added to municipal drinking water and
toothpaste to prevent tooth decay.
Calcium supplements in foods such as milk and orange
juice prevent bone disease.
Iodized salt contains iodine needed to regulate thyroid
gland activity.
Not all elements are beneficial. Elements that promote good
health in low concentrations may cause harm if those
concentrations are increased. Even when measured in parts per

million, some elements can be harmful to humans or the

natural environment:
Legislation has removed lead from gasoline and paint
because it was shown to harm the human nervous system
and cause mental retardation in children
High concentrations of selenium at the Kesterson Wildlife
Refuge, California, produced deformities in birds
Mercury poisoning affects the human nervous system.
Elements may enter the environment as a result of human
actions (agriculture, waste disposal, mining, pollution) or from
natural processes (weathering of rocks and minerals). Their
passage through the environment makes up a geochemical
cycle that may ultimately take millions of years to complete.

Think about it . . .
1. The atomic number of carbon is six. How many
protons are present in the nucleus and how many
electrons are in the atoms outer shell?
2. Four elements and their atomic numbers are listed
below. Which has a stable atomic configuration?
a) Hydrogen (1)
c) Magnesium (12)
b) Neon (10)
d) Calcium (20)
3. Calciums atomic number is 20: Will it form an anion
or cation?
4. Rock salt is formed by ionic bonding between Sodium
(Na, atomic number 11) and chlorine (Cl, atomic
number 17). What is the chemical formula for rock


Silicon and oxygen are the most common constituents in

most common minerals known as silicates.
Positive and negative charges of cations and anions must
cancel out for elements to combine to form minerals.
A mineral is a naturally occurring, inorganic solid, with a
definite chemical composition and uniform atomic
structure, and is made up of elements.
Minerals can be identified on the basis of features such as
cleavage, color, hardness, and luster.

Figure 7. Quartz
crystals form
prisms; columns
with pyramids at
either end.

Elements combine to form thousands of minerals, mercifully

there are relatively few minerals (~20) that are present in most
rocks. Minerals share some key characteristics:
Naturally occurring - not formed in a lab
Inorganic - not formed by organisms
A solid - not a liquid or gas
Definite chemical composition consistent chemical
Uniform atomic structure a three dimensional
organization of atoms
Made up of one or more elements
The most common minerals are composed of the most common
elements. Silicon and oxygen make up over 70% of the
continental crust by weight so it stands to reason that these
elements would be present in many minerals. Minerals that
contain both silicon and oxygen are known as silicates.
Just as we can use similar bricks to build many different
structures, these basic building blocks, silicon and oxygen, can
be joined together in a variety of ways in combination with
other elements to form different silicate minerals such as quartz
(Fig. 7) and feldspar.

Mineral Characteristics
Although there are thousands of minerals in Earth, there are
only about 20 common minerals. The same mineral found in
different parts of the world will always look the same and will
have a characteristic crystal form and a consistent chemical
formula. Minerals can be identified in rocks by a process of
elimination. A variety of features can be used to identify
specific minerals. Some of the most common are listed below.
Crystal Form
Minerals form crystals with specific shapes (Fig. 8) when they
have been able to grow without obstruction. Common shapes
Figure 8. A range of
crystal shapes
including pyramid
(calcite, left) and
acicular (needlelike, tourmaline,

are prisms, pyramids, needles, cubes, and sheets.

Minerals break along specific planes of weakness related to
their atomic structure (Fig. 9). Amphiboles cleavage planes
intersect at 120 degrees; pyroxene has a distinctive 90 degree
cleavage intersection. Quartz has no cleavage planes but
fractures irregularly.
Mohs Hardness Scale
Minerals are ranked from 1 to 10 based upon their relative
hardness (Fig. 10). Harder minerals can scratch softer minerals.
Ten index minerals make up Moh's scale and other minerals
are ranked relative to these. For example, a mineral that could
scratch feldspar but not quartz would have a hardness of
approximately 6.5.



Mohs Hardness Scale


Minerals come in a variety of colors (Fig. 11). Examples of
common dark-colored minerals (black, dark brown, dark green)
are amphibole, olivine, pyroxene, biotite mica. Light-colored
minerals (white, pink, gray, translucent) are represented by
quartz, feldspar (orthoclase, plagioclase), muscovite mica,
gypsum, halite, calcite. However, we must be careful in using
color to identify minerals because some minerals can be found
in a wide range of colors.
Characteristics of light reflected from
mineral is luster (Fig. 12). Types of
luster include earthy, silky, glassy,
and metallic.


Figure 9. Cleavage
planes in amphibole
intersect at an angle of
120 degrees.

Figure 10.
Corundum ranks
9th on Moh's
hardness scale

Figure 11. Brightly

colored Azurite
(blue) and malachite

Figure 12. Metallic

luster of galena.

Figure 13. Brown

streak on white
porcelain streak
plate from metallic
iron mineral

Minerals will leave a mark when pulled across an unglazed
porcelain streak plate (Fig. 13). The streak represents the
mineral in powdered form and is often constant even when
mineral color changes. This property is most useful for
metallic minerals that leave a dark-colored streak.
Calcite reacts (bubbles) with weak acids (Fig. 14); halite (rock
salt) has a salty taste.
Figure 14. Left:
Calcite and
dropper prior to
addition of acid.
Right: Reaction of
calcite and weak
hydrochloric acid.

Think about it . . .
Finish the partially completed concept map for
minerals found at the end of the chapter. Fill in
the blanks with appropriate terms.

Igneous Rocks

Magma is molten rock below Earth's surface.

Volcanic (extrusive) igneous rocks form when magma
solidifies on Earth's surface.


Plutonic (intrusive) igneous rocks form when magma

solidifies below the surface.
Volcanic and plutonic rocks can be identified on the basis
of texture.
The composition of igneous rocks varies with silica content.
Silica-rich rocks contain the minerals quartz, feldspar,
mica, and amphibole.
Silica-poor rocks do not contain quartz but feldspar,
olivine, and pyroxene are relatively common.

Rocks can be subdivided into three principal types: igneous

rocks, sedimentary rocks, and metamorphic rocks. This section
will examine what happens when magma, molten rock,
solidifies on or below Earth's surface to form igneous rocks.
Igneous rocks are subdivided on the basis of whether they
formed on Earths surface or within Earths interior.

Volcanic (extrusive) igneous rocks form when molten

rock (magma) in Earths interior rises to the surface
through pipes or fractures in the crust. Volcanic landforms
are the most readily recognized representation of igneous
rocks (Fig. 15).

Plutonic (intrusive) igneous rocks form when magma

cools within Earth. Igneous rocks that cool below Earth's
surface are termed plutonic (or intrusive) igneous rocks.
The features they form are plutons (or intrusions). These
features remain hidden from sight until erosion removes the
overlying rocks (Fig. 15). The characteristics of the
intrusions are largely controlled by the volume of magma
involved and the character of the surrounding rocks.
Magma moving within Earth's crust will often follow the
path of least resistance such as fractures.
Figure 15. Left: Multiple
plutons (intrusions - light
rock) in the Black
Canyon of the Gunnison
river, Colorado. Right:
Sunset Crater, northern
Arizona, a small volcano.


Magma and the Classification of Igneous Rocks

Igneous activity occurs when magma rises toward the surface
through pipes and fissures (fractures) in Earths crust. The
three major types of magma (basalt magma, andesite magma,
and rhyolite magma) solidify to form volcanic rocks of the
same name on the surface. Igneous rocks can be classified on
the basis of texture (volcanic vs. plutonic) and composition
(basalt vs. andesite vs. rhyolite).
Plutonic rocks can be distinguished from volcanic rocks by
texture (Fig. 16). Texture is most readily apparent as grain
size. Hot magmas (700-1,200oC) cool rapidly on Earth's
surface and more slowly below the surface. Individual mineral
grains (crystals) do not have much time to grow when magma
cools rapidly. Consequently, grain sizes in all volcanic rocks
are small, too small to be seen with the naked eye.
In contrast, plutonic rocks cooled slowly under relatively warm
conditions and the mineral grains had sufficient time to grow
large. Individual grains can be readily seen in specimens of
plutonic rocks (see close up of granite or gabbro). Plutonic
rocks equivalent to basalt, andesite, and rhyolite, are gabbro,
diorite, and granite, respectively. Keep in mind that the same
minerals are present in both volcanic and plutonic igneous
rocks formed from the same magma.
Figure 16.
Principal forms of
igneous rocks.








Magma that rises to the surface in stages may contain two

discrete grain sizes and this texture is termed a porphyry.
Large grains form initially at depth but are surrounded by a
fine-grained matrix formed when the remainder of the magma
cools near the surface. Magma that cools very rapidly on the


surface (e.g., in the presence of water) forms a glassy textured

rock, obsidian.
Silica Content

Volcanic Rocks

Plutonic Rocks










The composition of the magma can be determined by the

assemblage of minerals present in the rock (Figs. 16, 17).
Light-colored igneous rocks are formed from silica-rich
magmas (rhyolite, granite) and contain abundant (~80%) white,
pink, or translucent minerals such as quartz and feldspar. In
contrast, silica-poor rocks (basalt, gabbro) are dominated by
olivine, pyroxene, and biotite mica, all dark-colored minerals
(black, brown, dark green). Rocks of intermediate composition
lie somewhere between the light and dark rocks depending
upon the minerals present.

Think about it . . .
1. Is there any significant difference in the way we
classify igneous rocks and the objects in the image

2. Finish the partially completed concept map for

igneous rocks found at the end of the chapter. Fill in
the blanks with appropriate terms.


Figure 17. Minerals in

light-colored silica-rich
igneous rocks such as
granite and rhyolite.
From left to right,
orthoclase feldspar,
plagioclase feldspar,
muscovite mica, milky

Sedimentary Rocks

Sedimentary rocks form as layers known as beds.

Clastic sedimentary rocks are formed from fragments of
rocks and minerals.
Chemical sedimentary rocks are precipitated from solutions.
Biochemical sedimentary rocks are formed by the actions
of organisms or from the remains of dead organisms.

Sedimentary rocks characteristically form as a series of layers

of different composition and thickness (Fig. 18). The layers,
called beds, can be readily identified in nature on the basis of
different colors or resistance to erosion, both properties that are
linked to the composition of the rocks.
Figure 18. A variety of
horizontal beds of
sedimentary rocks
exposed at Dead
Horse Point, Utah,
(top left); along U.S.
14, Bighorn
Mountains, Wyoming
(top right); in Rainbow
Canyon, Bighorn
Basin, near Lovell,
Wyoming (bottom
left); and near
Dubois, Wyoming
(bottom right).

Sedimentary rocks can be divided into three fundamental types:

Clastic sedimentary rocks composed of sediments, rock

and mineral fragments formed when rocks disintegrate at or
near Earth's surface.


Chemical sedimentary rocks precipitated from a solution

(e.g., seawater) as a result of changing physical conditions
(e.g., evaporation).

Biochemical sedimentary rocks formed by the actions of

living organisms or composed of the remains of dead

Clastic Sedimentary Rocks

The basic building blocks of clastic sedimentary rocks are
sediments, rock and mineral fragments formed when rocks
disintegrate on the earth's surface. Clastic sedimentary rocks
are formed in three steps that require the generation,
transportation, and deposition of sediments.
Weathering: Rocks physically disintegrate into smaller pieces
and the constituent minerals may undergo decomposition to
form alternate minerals. The process of disintegration and
decomposition is termed weathering and is influenced by the
original rock type and climatic conditions. Weathered material
forms sediments that are classified by increasing grain size as
mud, silt, sand, and gravel.
Erosion: Sediment is removed (transported) from its place of
origin by running water, winds, and/or glaciers. A muddy
river (Fig. 19) is an indication that the river is carrying a large
load of sediment. Clastic sediments are divided into coarse
grain-size particles (Fig. 19; gravel, includes pebbles, cobbles
and boulders), medium grain-size (sand), fine grain-size (silt),
or very fine sediment (clay). The process of erosion shapes the
landscape and contributes to the formation of many of the
distinctive landforms of a region (valleys, canyons, mountains).


Figure 19. Left: Slowflowing muddy stream

(left) near Graybull,
Wyoming, transports finegrained sediment. Sand
bars on inner banks was
formed when flow velocity
decreased and larger
sediment was deposited.
Center: Fast-flowing
stream in Wyoming. Right:
Pebbles and boulders
deposited in stream
channel. The largest
boulder is 0.4 meters (15
inches) across.

Deposition: Clastic sediments are deposited when the velocity

of the transporting medium drops. For example, rivers dump
much of their sediment where they enter the relatively quiet
waters of an ocean or lake; the landform that is created is a
delta (Fig. 20). This material may be redistributed along the
coastline to form beaches. Winds in deserts may shape sand
into dunes.
Deposition concentrates sediments of the same size together.
As the pile of sediment grows, sediment at the base of the pile
becomes compacted, squeezing out water and forcing the
grains closer together. Fluids circulating through the pile
precipitate minerals to cement the grains together, converting
the sediment into a cohesive aggregate, i.e., a rock. The
processes of compaction and cementation that convert
sediment into sedimentary rock are termed lithification.

Grain Size (diameter)



Less than 0.0039 mm

Shale, Mudstone


0.0039 to 0.0625 mm



0.0625 to 2 mm
More than 2 mm


Figure 20. Top: Delta of

the Ebro River, Spain,
which deposits sediment
into the western
Mediterranean Sea.
Growth of the delta
landform has slowed in
recent years because of
the construction of dams
upstream. Light-colored
sediment in water around
the delta indicates
ongoing deposition.
Bottom: Sand dunes
(center) deposited in
southeast Algeria were
derived from weathering
and erosion of the
surrounding sandstone
bedrock (dark brown).
Images courtesy of NASA's
Earth from Space.


Think about it . . .
What observations can you make about the image below that
would help make an interpretation of the origin of the pictured

Chemical Sedimentary Rocks

Chemical sedimentary rocks are precipitated from a solution
as a result of changing physical conditions. The most common
solution is seawater. These minerals are dissolved from rocks
on the continents and transported to the oceans in solution in
streams. Vast shallow tropical oceans were the source for the
bulk of the chemical sedimentary rocks that are present at the
surface across North America today.
Rock salt forms as a result of changing physical conditions
(increasing temperature). Minerals dissolved in seawater are
precipitated when the water evaporates to form rocks such as
gypsum and rock salt (halite). Evaporation typically occurred
in restricted basins in arid climates. Thick salt deposits are
interpreted to indicate that there must have been a constant
supply of additional seawater to ensure the steady deposition of
salts. These rock types are collectively termed evaporites.

Biochemical Sedimentary Rocks

Biochemical sedimentary rocks involve the actions of living
organisms that cause minerals to be precipitated from a
solution or are composed of the remains of dead organisms.


proportion of
rock types
Chemical and

Figure 21. Coral

reef in clear,
shallow water,

Figure 22. Closeup of coquina

limestone, note
shell fragments
(penny for scale).

Limestone forms when living marine organisms precipitate

minerals from seawater to build their skeletons. The actions of
organisms in seawater change the composition of the water
resulting in the precipitation of the mineral calcite (calcium
carbonate), the principal ingredient in limestone. Massive
limestone coral reefs around the world were built up because
of the actions of the coral organisms (Fig. 21). The skeletons of
some microorganisms collect on the sea floor to form deposits
of chalk, a type of limestone. The shells of larger organisms
may be broken down and sorted by wave action to form a
clastic form of limestone known as coquina (Fig. 22).
Additional disintegration may form sand- or mud-size particles
that become lithified into medium- to fine-grained limestones,
Some biochemical rocks are composed of the remains of dead
organisms. The most common example is coal (Fig. 23), the
compacted remains of dead plants that grew in a tropical
swamp environment. These rocks are sometimes termed
organic sedimentary rocks.

Figure 23. Massive

coal seam in
Tertiary rocks of
the Powder River
basin, northern
Wyoming. The
seam is up to 200
feet (60 meters)
thick in places
(note large coalhauling truck for


Think about it . . .
Make a concept map for sedimentary rocks using the
terms here. Generate your own linking phrases that
connect these terms together.
clastic rocks
biochemical rocks

chemical rocks
grain size
sedimentary rocks
living organisms

Metamorphic Rocks

Metamorphism occurs when a rock changes because of

changing physical conditions (temperature, pressure).
The temperature range for metamorphism is approximately
Contact metamorphism occurs in relatively narrow zones
around heat sources (e.g., magma).
Regional metamorphism occurs over large areas in
association with the formation of mountain belts.
Rocks subjected to regional metamorphism may develop a
texture termed foliation.

Metamorphism represents the changes in the composition

and/or texture of a rock that occurs in solid rocks as a result of
increasing pressure and/or temperature.
The chemical reactions associated with metamorphism are
practically inactive below approximately 200oC. Depending
upon their composition, most minerals will melt at
temperatures ranging from 600-1,000oC. When melting occurs
the rock is no longer in the solid state. Consequently the
temperature "window" for metamorphism is from 200 to
1,000oC. There are two types of metamorphism: contact
metamorphism and regional metamorphism.

Contact Metamorphism
Contact metamorphism occurs when rocks undergo
metamorphism because they come in contact with a heat source


(usually a magma body). Essentially the rocks are getting

cooked. A comparable change occurs in roasting meat or
baking bread - the initial composition does not change but the
texture of the material does.
Rocks do not conduct heat well (they are good insulators) so
the zone of contact metamorphism is usually relatively narrow
and occurs in the rock (country rock) immediately
surrounding the heat source.
Marble is an example of a rock that may be formed by contact
metamorphism. Marble (Fig. 24) forms when limestone is
heated to high temperatures. Both marble and limestone may
have the same composition but marble typically has larger

Figure 24. Two

examples of rocks that
may form as a result of
contact metamorphism
of limestone (top,
marble) or sandstone
(bottom, quartzite.)

Regional Metamorphism
Regional metamorphism occurs when rocks undergo increased
temperatures and pressures and is typically associated with the
formation of mountain belts. In these areas rocks may be
buried to great depths (10-20 km).
The additional pressure causes tabular minerals (e.g., mica) in
the rock to grow parallel to each other and perpendicular to the
direction of pressure (stress), generating a mineral alignment
termed foliation (Fig. 25)
Increased temperatures and/or pressures generate more intense
grades of metamorphism. Foliated metamorphic rocks in order
of increasing metamorphic grade (low to high temperature) are
slate, phyllite (Fig. 26), schist, and/or gneiss (Fig. 27).

Figure 25. Tabular or

sheetlike minerals grow
perpendicular to the
direction of pressure to
form a foliation.


Not all rocks that undergo regional metamorphism will form a

foliation. Rocks that lack tabular minerals such as mica will not
generate the parallel alignment of minerals necessary to create
a foliation. Sandstone, composed mainly of quartz grains, will
be converted to quartzite (Fig. 24) by regional metamorphism;
limestone may form marble. Neither metamorphic rock
contains a foliation.

Figure 26. Foliation in a

phyllite from New
Mexico; the foliation is
the series of surfaces
that are inclined from
the top right to the
bottom left.

Figure 27. Granite

(above) and gneiss
(below) are composed
of similar minerals.
Note the irregular
horizontal foliation in
the gneiss defined by
light and dark minerals.

Think about it . . .
Make a concept map that summarizes the characteristics
of metamorphic rocks.

The Rock Cycle

The rock cycle links the principal sedimentary,

metamorphic, and igneous rocks together in an idealized
view of the sequential evolution of rocks in Earth's crust.

The rock cycle (Fig. 28) represents a simplified view of the

formation of different rocks to illustrate the potential
interaction between rock types. Minerals and elements in
Earth's crust can be recycled through several different rocks
during their lifetime.

Figure 28.
A summary
diagram of
the rock

For example, a grain of quartz sand on a beach may be

incorporated into a clastic sedimentary rock such as sandstone.
Regional metamorphism may result in the sand grain and its
host rock being buried several kilometers below the surface,
where higher temperatures and pressures convert the sandstone
to quartzite. Magma rising from the mantle may melt the
adjacent quartzite, assimilating the quartz grain into the
magma. The elements of the quartz grain (silicon, oxygen)
may recombine with other elements to form new minerals as
the magma solidifies to form granite deep within the crust.
Erosion eventually exposes the rock, breaking it down to its

constituent minerals and rock fragments (sediment) that are

carried by streams to the coast where the grains are deposited
on a beach. And the cycle begins again.
Each cycle may last millions or even billions of years but keep
in mind that we are not adding new material to Earth so any
rocks forming today must be recycling elements from rocks
formed at some time in the planet's history.

Think about it . . .
1. Use the Venn diagram at the end of the chapter to
compare and contrast the similarities and differences
between igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic
2. Complete the diagram of the rock cycle at the end of
the chapter by filling in the blanks.
3. Describe how you might use beach sands to
understand the geology of a landmass surrounded on
several sides by ocean.

Geology of Mineral Resources

Ore is rock that contains economic concentrations of

metallic minerals.
Gangue are noneconomic minerals associated with ores
Concentration factor is the increase in concentration of a
mineral required to form an ore.
Minerals form in a range of geologic settings associated
with the formation of the most common rock types.

A rock containing economic concentrations (reserves) of
metallic minerals is known as ore. Noneconomic minerals
(e.g., quartz, feldspar, calcite) found in association with ore
minerals are known as gangue (pronounced "gang") and are
considered waste. The average concentration of minerals in the
crust is insufficient to form an ore. Various geologic processes
(see below) concentrate minerals within the crust.


Figure 29. Left:

Escondida mine,
Chile, at an
elevation of over 3
km in the Andes
Mountains produces
copper, silver, and
gold. Image courtesy
of NASA. Right:
Martin Marietta
limestone quarry,
Columbus, Ohio,
produces crushed
stone, the most
valuable mined
resource in the U.S.

The concentration factor (CF) is the increase in the

concentration of a mineral required to generate an ore. The
concentration factor necessary to generate an economic mineral
deposit can be determined by dividing the economic
concentration by the average concentration of the mineral in
the crust. For example copper makes up 55 parts per million
(ppm, 0.0055%) of Earth's crust. Copper ores from the
Bingham Canyon mine, Utah, are composed of 0.6% copper
(6,000 ppm), equivalent to a concentration factor of 109
(6,000/55). In contrast, copper ores from the Escondida mine,
Chile, range in concentration from 0.2-1% (2,000-10,000 ppm),
equivalent to concentration factors of 36-181. Relatively rare
minerals have large CF values (e.g., gold, CF = >2,000),
whereas more common elements have low CF values (e.g.,
silicon, CF = 2).
Minerals are deposited in a variety of geologic settings that fall
under two general headings:

Igneous mineral deposits form in association with magma

and water or when minerals concentrate during the
formation of igneous rocks.

Sedimentary mineral deposits are precipitated from a

solution, typically seawater, formed by weathering
reactions that break down rocks at Earths surface, or are
sorted and redistributed by the flow of water, wind, or ice.

Igneous Mineral Deposits

Hydrothermal mineral deposits: Magma and water are the
key ingredients in the generation of hydrothermal mineral
deposits. Water becomes scarce with depth so most of these

Figure 30. Geologic

setting for the
formation of
mineral deposits
along oceanic

minerals form as magma makes it way up through the crust

toward Earth's surface. One location where water is readily
available is the ocean floor. Magma rises along topographic
high areas of the ocean floor known as oceanic ridges (Fig. 30).
Cold bottom waters from the ocean floor can infiltrate the
oceanic crust through networks of narrow fractures. The
waters are heated to high temperatures (300-400oC) by the
rising magma and chemical reactions occur that leach out
metals from the surrounding rocks. These mixtures of
dissolved metals are transported to the ocean floor where they
meet much colder waters (2oC). The sudden decrease in
temperature causes the minerals to precipitate from solution
and they are incorporated into sediments deposited along the
ocean ridge system.
Exploration of the ocean floor by Woods Hole Oceanographic
Institute using submersible craft discovered plumes of hot
waters expelled along the oceanic ridge. The plumes contained
dissolved sulfide metals such as manganese, iron, copper,
and zinc, and the mineral deposits they produced were termed
massive sulfides. The hydrothermal vents have been
informally named "black smokers" because the precipitating
minerals make the water coming from tall vents resemble
smoke rising from a chimney when viewed in the lights of the
submersible craft (the floor of the ocean is normally in
complete darkness). Scientists discovered populations of
previously unknown organisms living near the vents.
Hydrothermal deposits also form on land when metal-rich
fluids are expelled from magma chambers. These fluids form
veins that fill fractures in the rock and may contain
concentrations of economic minerals. One of the last minerals
to form during the cooling of a magma chamber is quartz.
Quartz-rich fluids expelled from magma chambers often form
associations with gold deposits.

Figure 31. Metallic

minerals may form
as a result of crystal
settling of dense
minerals or through
the late-stage
expulsion of
hydrothermal fluids
from the magma

Magmatic mineral deposits: Igneous processes may result in

the concentration of minerals in specific locations within
plutonic igneous rocks. Metal-rich minerals (e.g., platinumgroup minerals, chromium) may form early in the
crystallization of a magma chamber and sink to the bottom of
the chamber (crystal settling), forming an enriched layer (Fig.
31). Late-stage fluids may form large-grained plutons,
pegmatites, that have concentrations of relatively rare minerals
such as lithium and beryllium. Slow cooling of residual magma
to form pegmatites may yield crystals of individual minerals
that are meters across.

Sedimentary Mineral Deposits

Sedimentary iron deposits: The largest U.S. iron deposits are
found in ancient (more than 2 billion years old) sedimentary
rocks that formed when the chemistry of Earths oceans was
considerably different than today. The greatest concentration
of these deposits in the U.S. is in the Upper Peninsula of
Michigan and northern Minnesota. Nearly two billion tons or
iron ore have been mined in northern Michigan alone. The iron
deposits were precipitated from seawater like modern evaporite
deposits such as salt. The iron is present in association with a
variety of silica-rich gangue minerals such as quartz and
feldspar. The iron must be concentrated by additional geologic
processes before these deposits can be considered an ore. Two
potential concentration methods are:

The leaching of silica from the rocks (leaving iron behind

in greater relative concentrations) by weathering processes
that occur on Earth's surface.

Metamorphism that causes an increase in grain size and the

formation of new iron minerals that are easier to separate
from the rock.

Figure 32. Placer

deposits collect on
the inside of stream
bends (meanders)
where flow velocity is

Placer deposits: Placers represent a natural recycling of older

mineral deposits. Minerals that are weathered out of veins may
be carried downslope by streams. Stream flow serves to sort
and concentrate the minerals (Fig. 32). Metal-rich minerals are
heavier than the rest of the material carried by the stream.
Consequently, when flow velocity decreases the heavy
minerals are among the first materials to be deposited. Suitable
sites for deposition are the insides of stream bends (meanders)
or at the stream mouth (delta).
Placer deposits can be extracted relatively easily and have
often held the imagination of would-be millionaires seeking to
strike it rich quick. The gold rushes of the West began in
California in 1848 and almost always began with thousands of
hopeful miners descending upon streams with gold pans in
search of placer deposits. The top three placer gold-producing
states were California (60% of all placer gold), Alaska (18%),
and Montana (8%).
Residual mineral deposits: Water flowing through rocks on or
near the land surface may remove soluble minerals to leave
behind sufficient concentrations of economic minerals to form
an ore. This process is most rapid in areas of high rainfall and
high temperatures such as the tropics. Iron- and aluminum-rich
laterite forms as a result of leaching of minerals from thick
soils in tropical regions. The worlds principal source of
aluminum ore is from a form of laterite known as bauxite.
Most of the worlds bauxite is mined in Australia, Guinea, and

Metals vs. Industrial Minerals

Metallic mineral deposits (Fig. 33) form when minerals are
concentrated as a result of igneous or sedimentary processes
described above. However, many sediments and rocks are


Figure 33. Annual value

(B, billions; M, millions)
and relative proportions
(%) of U.S. metal
resources (1998). Gold
and copper represent
nearly 60% of the value
of U.S. metal resources.

Figure 34. Annual value

(1999; B, billions; M,
millions) and relative
proportions (%) of U.S.
nonfuel mineral
production for industrial

mined for nonmetallic industrial minerals for a variety of uses

(Fig. 34). Although they are relatively inexpensive in
comparison to metals, industrial minerals are commonly
mined everywhere people live and the sheer volume of
materials produced makes them the most valuable mineral
resources in the U.S.
Aggregates represent a subgroup of industrial minerals that are
typically used for construction. Aggregates include sand,
gravel, crushed stone, dolomite, and sandstone. Some of the
uses of industrial minerals are:
Limestone used for crushed stone (construction) or lime
(steel production).
Sand and gravel (construction).
Sandstone for building stone (construction), as a source for
silicon (computer chips), for use in glass making.
Clay is used to make bricks and ceramics and in the
manufacture of glossy paper, paint, toothpaste and antacid
Gypsum used in making wallboard, plaster of Paris, and
Salt deposits are mined for table salt, used in water.
softeners, animal feed, and for ice control on roadways
Phosphate rock is used in manufacture of fertilizers.
Crushed stone represents the most valuable nonfuel mineral
produced in the U.S. (~$9 million annually) and 22% of total

nonfuel mineral production ($40 million). The total annual

value of industrial minerals ($28.8 million) mined in the U.S. is
more than twice the value of mined metals ($11.3 million).

1. How do rocks on Mars compare to those on Earth?
The rocks, and the minerals they contain, provided clues to the
evolution of the planet. Rocks on Mars were determined to
have a composition similar to andesite, a common igneous rock
on earth.
2. What is the relationship among atoms, elements, and
Rocks are made up of minerals. Minerals can be divided into
their constituent elements. Elements cannot be further divided
into other materials but they can be separated into individual
atoms, the smallest particles that retain the characteristics of
the element.
3. What are protons, neutrons, and electrons?
Atoms are composed of neutrons, protons, and electrons. The
protons and neutrons are present in the atoms nucleus which is
surrounded by electrons.
4. What is an ion?
Atoms may loose or gain electrons to reach a more stable
configuration. This results in the formation of a negatively or
positively charged atom known as an ion. Ions may be either
positive (cation) where an atom has lost electrons, or negative
(anion) where an atom has gained electrons.
5. What are the most common elements in the continental
Eight elements (oxygen, silicon, aluminum, iron, calcium,
magnesium, sodium, potassium) make up more than 98% of
the continental crust.
6. What are silicates?
The most common minerals are composed of the most common
elements. Silicon and oxygen make up over 70% of the
continental crust by weight; minerals that contain both silicon
and oxygen are known as silicates.

7. What is the definition for a mineral?

A mineral is a naturally occurring, inorganic solid with a
definite chemical composition and uniform atomic structure
made up of an element or compound of elements.
8. What characteristic properties can be used to identify
Minerals can be identified by crystal form, color, cleavage,
hardness, streak, and luster.
9. What are the three main groups of rocks?
Rocks can be divided into igneous, sedimentary, and
metamorphic rocks.
10. How are igneous rocks classified?
Igneous rocks are subdivided based upon whether magma
cooled on Earths surface (volcanic igneous rocks) or within
Earths interior (plutonic igneous rocks).
11. What are the most common igneous rocks?
Rhyolite (volcanic) and granite (plutonic) are igneous rocks
formed from silica-rich magmas. Basalt (volcanic) and gabbro
(plutonic) form from silica-poor magmas. Andesite (volcanic)
and diorite (plutonic) form from magmas of intermediate
12. What are the three basic types of sedimentary rocks?
Clastic sedimentary rocks are composed of rock and mineral
fragments. Chemical sedimentary rocks are precipitated from a
solution. Organic sedimentary rocks are composed of the
remains of dead organisms.
13. What controls the grain size of clastic sediments?
The velocity of transport may control the size of the sediment
that can be carried (the exception is glaciers that carry sediment
of all sizes trapped in the ice). Fast-flowing streams and strong
winds can transport the largest grains. Transport velocity
therefore results in sediments being sorted (arranged) by grain
14. What are the three size classes for clastic sediments?
Clastic sediments are divided into large grain-size particles
(gravel), medium grain-size (sand), or fine grain-size (mud,
silt, clay).


15. What is lithification?

Lithification represents the compaction and cementation that
converts sediment to sedimentary rock.
16. How do chemical sedimentary rocks form?
Chemical sedimentary rocks are precipitated from a solution as
a result of changing physical conditions or due to the actions of
living organisms. The most common solution is seawater.
17. How would coal be classified as a sedimentary rock?
Coal is an organic sedimentary rock composed of the remains
of dead organisms (plant remains).
18. What is metamorphism?
Metamorphism represents changes in the composition and/or
texture of a rock that occurs in the solid state as a result of
increasing temperature and/or pressure.
19. What is the temperature range for metamorphism?
The chemical reactions associated with metamorphism are
practically inactive below approximately 200oC. Depending
upon their composition, most minerals will melt at
temperatures ranging from 600 to 1,000oC.
20. How does contact metamorphism occur?
Contact metamorphism occurs when rocks undergo
metamorphism because they come in contact with a heat source
(usually a magma body).
21. Where does regional metamorphism occur?
Regional metamorphism occurs when rocks undergo increased
temperatures and pressures and is typically associated with the
formation of mountain belts. In these areas rocks may be
buried to great depths (10-20 km).
22. What factors influence the development of a foliation?
Foliations form when pressure causes tabular minerals in
metamorphic rocks to grow parallel to each other and
perpendicular to the direction of pressure (stress), generating
an alignment of minerals.
23. What is the rock cycle?
The rock cycle represents a simplified view of the formation of
different rocks to illustrate the potential interaction between
rock types. As sedimentary rocks are buried to increasing
depths they are subjected to increasing temperature and


pressure and are converted to metamorphic rocks. With

continued burial, increasing temperatures cause melting to
form magma. The magma cools on or below the earth's surface
to form igneous rocks. Igneous rocks on the surface are broken
down into sediments to form sedimentary rocks.
24. What is the concentration factor?
A rock containing economic concentrations (reserves) of
metallic minerals is known as an ore. Metals are uneconomical
to produce in their natural concentrations in the crust. The
concentration factor is the degree of concentration necessary to
for economic mining. The degree of concentration is dependent
upon the quality and quantity of the ore body, mining costs,
and the market price of the mineral. Metals such as copper are
concentrated between 50 to 200 times normal levels in
commercial mines. Rare, expensive minerals (e.g., gold) have
concentration factors measured in the thousands.
25. How do minerals become concentrated in the crust?
Minerals become concentrated through geologic processes
associated with the formation of sedimentary and igneous
26. What igneous processes result in the formation of mineral
Igneous processes that concentrate metals involve the
interaction of water with hot rocks (near magma sources) or the
formation of minerals from magmatic fluids. Hot waters
dissolve out metal-rich minerals around magma chambers and
then deposit the minerals (hydrothermal deposits) in cooler
environments. Specific minerals may be segregated as magma
solidifies. Igneous processes may cause metal-rich minerals to
settle to the bottom of a magma chamber (crystal settling) or to
become concentrated in veins around the magma chamber.
27. What sedimentary processes concentrate mineral
Processes such as chemical weathering, deposition in flowing
water, and evaporation can all result in the concentration of
minerals. Few precious metals are formed directly during the
formation of sedimentary rocks but common metals such as
iron and aluminum are typically the result of sedimentary
processes. The majority of nonmetallic industrial minerals
(e.g., sand and gravel, clays, gypsum) are formed by
sedimentary processes.


28. What are the most valuable mineral resources in the U.S.?
Annual production of crushed stone, cement, and sand and
gravel ($5.1 to 8.6 billion) are all worth more than the annual
value of precious metals such as gold ($4 billion). Copper and
gold are the most valuable metallic resources.


Finish the partially completed concept map for minerals shown

above. Print the page and fill in the blanks with appropriate
terms. Try to complete the map after reading the section on
minerals in the online text or following a lecture or lab exercise
on minerals. How could you add additional levels to the
concept map?


Finish the partially completed concept map for igneous rocks

shown above. Fill in the blanks with appropriate terms. Try to
complete the map after reading the section on igneous rocks
without looking at the text.


Venn Diagram: A Comparison of Rock Types

Use the Venn diagram below to compare and contrast the
similarities and differences between igneous, sedimentary,
and metamorphic rocks.

Igneous Rocks

Metamorphic Rocks

Sedimentary Rocks


Rock Cycle Diagram

The following diagram illustrates the rock cycle. Match the
letters below to the blank ovals on the diagram (note: some
letters are used more than once). Example: If you believe that
metamorphic rock is converted to magma by cementation and
compaction then enter "a" in the top left oval.
a. Cementation and compaction (lithification)
b. Heat and Pressure
c. Weathering, transportation, deposition
d. Cooling and solidification
e. Melting


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