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Case Reports in Dentistry

Volume 2017, Article ID 6348570, 6 pages

Case Report
Multidisciplinary Approach in the Management of a Complex
Case: Implant-Prosthetic Rehabilitation of
a Periodontal Smoking Patient with Partial Edentulism,
Malocclusion, and Aesthetic Diseases

Alessandro Lanza,1,2 Fabrizio Di Francesco,1 Gennaro De Marco,1

Fabio Scognamiglio,1 Valeria Aruta,3 and Angelo Itro1
Multidisciplinary Department of Medical, Surgical and Dental Sciences, Campania University Luigi Vanvitelli,
Via Luigi De Crecchio 7, 80138 Naples, Italy
Dental Prosthesis and Implantology, Multidisciplinary Department of Medical, Surgical and Dental Sciences,
Campania University Luigi Vanvitelli, Via Luigi De Crecchio 7, 80138 Naples, Italy
Department of Humanities, University of Naples Federico II, Via Porta di Massa 1, 80133 Naples, Italy

Correspondence should be addressed to Alessandro Lanza;

Received 13 February 2017; Accepted 13 March 2017; Published 21 March 2017

Academic Editor: Jamil A. Shibli

Copyright © 2017 Alessandro Lanza et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly

Complex periprosthetic cases are considered as challenges by clinicians. Clinical and radiographic parameters should be considered
separately to make the right choice between an endodontically or periodontally compromised treated tooth and implant. Therefore,
in order to decide whether the tooth is safe or not, data that have to be collected are specific parameters of both the patient
and the clinician. In addition, the presence of periodontal, prosthetic, and orthodontic diseases requires patients to be set in
multidisciplinary approach. The aim of this case report is to describe how the multidisciplinary approach could be the best way to
manage difficult cases of implant-prosthetic rehabilitation. How to rehabilitate with fixed prosthesis on natural teeth and dental
implants a smoker patient who presents with active periodontitis, multiple edentulous areas, dental malocclusion, and severe
aesthetic problems was also described.

1. Introduction of this case report is to describe how the multidisciplinary

approach could be the best way to manage difficult cases
Nowadays, both fully [1, 2] and partially edentulous patients of implant-prosthetic rehabilitation. In addition, implant-
[3] can benefit from implant-prosthetic rehabilitation. This prosthetic rehabilitation on natural teeth and dental implants
discipline has been demonstrating an increase of predictabil- of a smoker patient who presents with active periodontitis,
ity and success throughout the years, being a valid alternative multiple edentulous areas, dental malocclusion, and severe
to prosthetic rehabilitation on natural teeth. However, it has aesthetic problems was described.
to still be decided whether the right choice is an endodonti-
cally or periodontally compromised treated tooth or implant. 2. Case Presentation
It can be stated that periodontally compromised patients can
take advantage of prostheses on implants, provided that peri- A 46-year-old male patient, smoker (more than 20 cigarettes
odontitis has been treated and supervised [4]. Nevertheless, per day), presented with numerous problems related to the
this group of patients can experience disadvantages because bad condition of his oral cavity, in particular, pain and
the risk of peri-implantitis seems to be higher [5]. The aim masticatory limitation, difficulty to pronounce certain words
2 Case Reports in Dentistry

Figure 1: Starting case, clinical frontal view of the patient.

Figure 4: Initial case, TC Dentascan, axial view.

Figure 2: Starting case, full-mouth intraoral radiographic exam.

Figure 5: Initial case, TC Dentascan, cross-sectional images perpen-

dicular to alveolar process of the maxilla.

Figure 3: Starting case, teleradiographic exam.

or letters, and inadequacy of the aesthetic appearance. The

patient was in good health general state. Considering the clin-
ical exam (Figure 1), radiographic exams (Figures 2, 3, 4, and
5), and examination of models (Figure 6), specialists in peri- Figure 6: Analysis of edentulous space.
odontics, implantology, prosthetics, and orthodontics made a
diagnosis suggesting that the multidisciplinary approach was
the best therapeutic choice to adopt for this complex case.
A simulation of the final rehabilitation through a diagnostic
wax was realized (Figures 7, 8, and 9) and analysed with
the patient, aiming at highlighting what the advantages
and disadvantages of the prostheses would be. Treatment
objectives included the reestablishment of periodontal health
through the elimination of etiological factors and the creation
of a stable occlusal scheme for function; the programme
included the development of fixed aesthetics rehabilitation
on natural teeth and dental implants aimed at improving the
aesthetic and functional aspect of the patient. Throughout Figure 7: Diagnostic wax-up, frontal view.
Case Reports in Dentistry 3

Figure 8: Diagnostic wax-up, lateral right view.

Figure 9: Diagnostic wax-up, lateral left view.

the periodontal therapy, the patient was maintained peri-

odontally stable and at each control he was motivated to oral
hygiene, according to the guidelines set out recently in the Figure 10: One month after nonsurgical periodontal therapy.
seventh European Workshop on Periodontology [6].
One month after nonsurgical periodontal therapy had
been completed (Figure 10), implant surgery was carried
out. Implants insertion was completed in one surgical time
under local anesthesia. Paracrestal full-thickness flaps were
elevated; consequently the osteotomy was realized following
the surgical stent (Figure 11). Three implants (Astra Tech
OsseoSpeed TX Dentsply) were inserted in a prosthetic
guided position [7] in site 1.4 with implant 3.5 mm in
diameter and 13 mm in length, in site 1.5 with implant 3.5 mm
in diameter and 11 mm in length, and in site 1.6 with implant
4.0 mm in diameter and 9 mm in length, respecting the
interimplant distance of 2-3 millimeters (Figure 12) according
to Tarnow et al. and Elian et al. [8, 9], throughout the implant Figure 11: Inserted pins.
length to influence in a positive way osseointegration (Fig-
ure 13). All implants achieved good primary stability with
an insertion torque at least of 35 Ncm. During the healing
phase, natural teeth were prepared and abutments were then
covered with a provisional prosthesis to condition soft tissues,
whereas 2.7 and 3.7 were extracted, regarded as hopeless.
After four months necessary to osteointegration and condi-
tioning soft tissue (Figure 14) the impression was taken for
the definitive rehabilitation. Periodontal probing was within
normal limits, and no inflammation was recorded neither
around the teeth nor around implants (Figures 15, 16, and
17). Thus, a final impression was taken using a single-phase
technique with double components polyether and individual
tray. Lithium disilicate crowns were realized with the cross-
mounting technique (Figures 18, 19, and 20): the occlusal Figure 12: Implants placement.
4 Case Reports in Dentistry

Figure 16: Superior final impression.

Figure 13: Rx control post-op.

Figure 17: Details of superior final impression.

Figure 14: Conditioned soft tissue.

Figure 18: Final restorations, lateral right view.

Figure 15: Lower final impression.

scheme was designed with anterior guidance allowing com-

plete disclusion in both the lateral and protrusive excursions. Figure 19: Final restorations, frontal view.
The final restoration included a tooth-borne fixed partial
denture from teeth 1.3 to 2.5 and from teeth 4.4 to 3.4 and
one implant-supported fixed partial denture from implant 1.6 At the end of the treatment, a maxillary retained night
to 1.4. The photographs were taken using Nikon D90 and a guard was provided to prevent any possible negative effect
105 mm lens (AF Micro Nikkor 105 mm 1 : 2.8 D, Nikon) with of parafunctional habits. According to Brägger et al. [10]
a ring flash (EM-140 DG, SIGMA-Nikon). the risk of incidence of complications increases in prosthetic
Case Reports in Dentistry 5

Figure 23: Lateral left view.

Figure 20: Final restorations, lateral left view.

Figure 24: Final case, full-mouth intraoral radiographic exam.

Figure 21: Lateral right view. develop an efficient treatment plan. Thus, the predictability
of the therapy and its advantages and disadvantages support
the clinician to assess the prognosis. It is extremely important
to make the right choice between an endodontically or peri-
odontally compromised treated tooth and implant. Therefore,
in order to decide whether the tooth is safe or not, data
that have to be collected are probing depth, attachment level,
mobility, inflammatory and hygiene indices, root anatomy,
furcation involvement, and crown-to-root ratio [13, 14], but
not enough. Avila et al. [15] consider six levels of evaluation
to decide whether a tooth can be saved or not; for each level
a number of variables are assigned with the green, yellow,
and red colours to indicate long-term maintenance favorable,
Figure 22: Frontal view.
caution recommended, and long-term survival unfavorable,
respectively; among these variables as well as parameters
related to the specific site, variables relating to systemic con-
rehabilitation due to parafunctions. From a functional and dition, compliance, and expectations of the patient together
esthetic perspective, the objectives were achieved restoring with clinician’s skill can be noted. According to their scores,
good occlusal stability and a pleasant and harmonious smile then a point total was assigned, expression of a clinical indi-
line (Figures 21, 22, and 23). Periodic nonsurgical periodon- cation which may be recommended/considered extraction or
tal therapy and accuracy of prosthetic structures helped maintenance of the treated tooth [15]. Evaluation of these
maintain the amount of bone fairly stable over time. The parameters enables the clinician to determine the role that
radiographic check at one year (Figure 24) demonstrated every single element can play in the prosthetic rehabilitation
no bone loss around implants and teeth compared to the of the case [13–15]. According to above-mentioned studies,
starting condition (Figure 2). The multidisciplinary approach the decision to save a tooth or not is determined by specific
[11] together with the control of local risk factors such as parameters of both the patient and the clinicians. In the
plaque and smoke [12] has allowed obtaining an aesthetic and current case, molars in the second and third quadrant have
functional integration of the final rehabilitation on natural a negative prognosis due to severe periodontal destruction,
teeth and implants. so the extraction of them was preferred reducing a chewing
up to 2.5 to 3.6. On the other hand, it can be stated
3. Discussion that periodontally compromised patients can benefit from
prostheses on implants, provided that periodontitis has been
Complex periprosthetic cases are considered as challenges by treated and supervised, although the risk of peri-implantitis
clinicians. A proper diagnostic setup is the starting point to seems to be higher [4, 5]. Only through a starting periodontal
6 Case Reports in Dentistry

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