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Full Mouth Rehabilitation of A Patient With Ra PDF

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I J Pre Clin Dent Res 2015;2(4):71-73 International Journal of Preventive &

Oct-Dec Clinical Dental Research

All rights reserved

Full Mouth Rehabilitation of a Patient with

Radiation Caries: Case Report
Radiation therapy is a very important treatment modality in the Reema Srichand1, Mridula Joshi2,
management of the neck region. Nevertheless it is associated with Nilesh Joshi3
undesired reactions. Irradiated patients are at increased risk of 1
Senior Lecturer, Department of
developing rapid caries since it damages the salivary glands and causes Prosthodontics, Bharati Vidyapeeth Dental
xerostomia. Trismus is also a common side effect after radiotherapy. College, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Reader, Department of Prosthodontics, Bharati
Hence patients with radiotherapy induced xerostomia face challenges in
Vidyapeeth Dental College, Navi Mumbai,
prosthodontics management. This clinical report discusses the treatment Maharashtra, India
planning and restoration of a 28 year old male patient who had 3
Reader, Department of Periodontology,
undergone radiation therapy for carcinoma of the pharynx. He presented Bharati Vidyapeeth Dental College, Navi
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
with a chief complaint of difficulty in chewing and limited mouth
opening. Full mouth rehabilitation was done with PFM and metal
crowns after endodontic treatment.
Key Words
Radiation caries; xerostomia; full mouth rehabilitation

INTRODUCTION chewing and opening his mouth. His medical

Radiation therapy is a very important treatment history revealed of having undergone treatment for
modality in the management of neoplasm of neck carcinoma of pharynx. Patient had undergone a
region. In some tumors it’s the preferred treatment local tumour resection followed by radiotherapy. On
whereas in others it is employed in combination examination, 11 was missing. It was extracted prior
with surgery or sometimes with chemotherapy. Post to radiation therapy due to poor prognosis.21 had an
radiation sequelae are significant and well known Elle’s class 2 fracture. 33 and 43 were congenitally
and may result in needless morbidity. Radiation missing. 18 28 38 48 were unerupted. Most of the
therapy is a cancer treatment that uses high- remaining teeth had occlusal and cervical caries due
energy x-rays or other types of radiation to kill to irradiation (Fig. 1). The patient also had a bite
cancer cells. There are two types of radiation collapse (Fig. 2 & Fig. 3). Patient was diagnosed of
therapy. External radiation therapy uses a machine having radiation caries. The saliva was mucous and
outside the body to send radiation toward the thick. Mild gingivitis was seen. There was bleeding
cancer. Internal radiation therapy uses on probing. Diagnostic impressions were made and
a radioactive substance sealed in needles, seeds, were mounted on a semi adjustable articulator using
wires, or catheters that are placed directly into or a face bow. A 2mm collapse in the bite was seen.
near the cancer. The way the radiation therapy is The freeway space was increased to 5 mm which
given depends on the type and stage of the cancer indicated that there was space for restoration. Hence
being treated.[1] Irradiated patients are at increased it was decided to restore the lost vertical dimension.
risk of developing rapid caries since it damages the Diagnostic wax up was done and approved by the
salivary glands and causes xerostomia2.Trismus is patient. Maxillary and mandibular teeth were altered
also a common side effect after radiotherapy. This to optimum esthetics. The patient was presented
article discusses a detailed report of a patient with different treatment options. Due to economic
suffering from radiation caries, its management and constraints patient was suggested full metal crowns
post treatment maintenance. in the posteriors and ceramic facing crowns in the
CASE REPORT anteriors. Putty index was obtained from the
A 28 year old male patient reported to a dental diagnostic wax up and same was used to fabricate
college with a chief complaint of difficulty in provisional crowns. Endodontic treatment of all his
72 Mouth rehabilitation radiation caries Srichand R, Joshi M, Joshi N

Fig. 1: Preoperative occlusal view of maxillary Fig. 2: Preoperative buccal view of left side
arch showing the radiation affected teeth showing bite collapse

Fig. 3: Preoperative front view showing the Fig. 4: Anterior PFM restorations after
missing teeth and caries affected teeth cementation

Fig. 5: Postoperative maxillary occlusal view Fig. 6: Postoperative view after cementation of
after cementation of permanent crowns maxillary and mandibular crowns
satisfied with phonetics, esthetics and function.
Final impressions were made using polyvinyl
siloxane impression materials. The permanent
crowns and FPD were fabricated and anterior
Crowns and FPD were cemented first (Fig. 4).
Protrusive contacts and canine guidance were
established in the anterior restorations. Obtaining
this guidance, the posterior wax patterns were
fabricated and subsequently casted. The posterior
Fig. 7: Patient satisfied with aesthetics and crowns were then cemented with Glass ionomer
cement (Fig. 5). The patient was satisfied with the
teeth was carried out. Post was given on 21 esthetics and function of his teeth (Fig. 6 & Fig. 7).
followed by a composite core build up. Tooth Post Treatment maintenance: Following treatment,
preparation of anterior and posterior teeth was done the patient was encouraged to have regular dental
on successive days. The posterior bite was increased examinations once in six months. He was instructed
by 2mm. Acrylic crowns were cemented using zinc to floss each tooth regularly and brush his teeth
oxide eugenol cement. The patient was given 8 twice daily without fail. Scaling and polishing was
weeks time to adjust to his new bite. Provisional advised every 6 months to prevent plaque
restorations were modified till the patient was accumulation. Patient was prescribed chlorhexidine
73 Mouth rehabilitation radiation caries Srichand R, Joshi M, Joshi N

1.2% mouth rinse once daily.[3] He was asked to buffering, and sugar clearance. Further, adding
apply fluoride gel for five minutes on a daily basis. xylitol to chewing gum could enhance its caries-
Since the patient was suffering from xerostomia, He preventing effects.[9] Spak et al., compared the
was also advised to avoid alcohol intake. Artificial application of NaF gel 0.42% and 1.23% in
salivary substitutes were also prescribed. Lastly the individual trays and found the use of the former is
patient was asked to maintain a good diet and avoid sufficient to inhibit caries formation.[10]
high sugar content foods. CONCLUSION
Discussion Hence apart from the oncologist and the radiation
Carcinoma in the head and neck region followed by team the dentist also plays a very important role in
surgery and radiotherapy has a dramatic effect on the diagnosis and treatment planning of radiation
the quality of life of the patient. The dentist plays an patients.
important role in improving the quality of life of REFERENCES
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